"Thoughts for Liberty" condense and express the ideas of one of the most interesting figures in contemporary life. John Zube has done most than anybody else to make Panarchy (and related ideas) known to people who either had never heard of the word or were totally unaware of the existence of a certain Paul Émile de Puydt, the one who put forward the idea of Panarchy long time ago.
These "Thoughts for Liberty" should be read now and then, allowing time for reflection.
Only politicians, rulers and other criminals are 'aliens' in my eyes
Anarchy isn't the problem. Archies are.
"Anarchy for ALL!" - is also an authoritarian imposition.
Subsidised arts are no arts.
Authoritarianism has nothing to offer but its chains.
You can no longer bank on bankers. They can neither give you the highest interest, nor a safe investment, nor credit when you need it, nor protect you from inflation, nor from credit restriction, nor from direct tax raids by governments, nor from prying eyes of bureaucrats. They have let the capital market be over-regulated. They know nothing about note-issuing banking. They help the government to "invest" part of your savings in governmental "insecurities".
You can rely on them only in one respect: They will firmly resist, together with the government, all your attempts to go into competition with them, opening e.g. competitive note issuing banks which practise free ban-king under the principles of monetary and financial freedom.
Airwaves can no more be owned than ocean-waves can be.
Bureaucrats are not responsible to anybody although they are paid by everybody.
Trust a bureaucrat to mess things up.
Put a bureaucrat on the job - and it won't get done.
Bureaucrats sits like a junk-heap on top of the people - suffocating them.
States and governments can't act. Only politicians, bureaucrats and policemen do - and they do so at your expense.
Bureaucrats are parasites & parasites don't have to be intelligent. They have easier ways of making a living.
If you can't help yourself - the bureaucrats can't help you either. But they can get fat at your expense.
Bureaucrats are worse than robbers. Robbers just rob you once then leave you alone. Bureaucrats rob you - and then proceed to misrule you.
Bureaucracy means the persistent and forceful administration of injustice and failures.
Bureaucracy in organized inefficiency.
A good product or service conquers the market - peacefully. Moreover, it does not need tax subsidies.
Give any businessman government power or influence and he is as bad or worse than the worst bureaucrats or unionists are.
Businessmen are a prosecuted minority and they also form a prosecuting
minority - by means of their lobbying for special favours.
Capitalism will kill competition, said Karl Marx. He overlooked that capitalism IS competition.
Laissez faire capitalism hasn't failed. It hasn't yet been tried! (1972)
No more than fractionally and these fractions had only rightful and positive results, but could not make up for all the defects of the remaining statism. (2002)
Capitalism is superior to socialism by a very simple test: It has room for all kinds of socialist but voluntary experiments while socialism cannot stand the free competition by capitalistic minded groups and thus has to outlaw them. (1973)
There is not State in a truly capitalistic society. (1974)
Don't forget that it was a capitalist country which said: ''Give me your tired, your poor ... (1975)
And in the U.S. alone it accepted about 50 million of them, while it was relatively unrestricted. Now it has become largely government mismanaged and turns them back. (2002)
Too many "capitalists" subscribe to too many state-socialist ideas. (1978)
Censorship on goods and service exchanges (in its various forms) is no less wrong and harmful than censorship ever opinion and ideas exchanges.
Census? Count me out! (1972)
Wherever central banks exist, supposedly as protectors of their currencies, these currencies have been systematically deteriorated. (1973)
If you want either inflated or deflated currencies, let them be administered by the governments and their central banks, i.e., not subjected to free market forces.
Why should 13 million people have only one head, one aim, one policy, one system, one organization, one legislation? (1975)
Don't try to change people. Enjoy them or avoid them as they are - unless you have to act in self-defence. (1976)
Charity is one of the worst types of financing.
Charity isn't really charitable to anyone - in the long run. (1972)
Let everyone be charitable with his own money and no one with anybody else's. (1975)
Children have the right to work. You do not have the right to deny it to them. (1975)
Choose for yourself, not for others. (1973)
A society which maximises choice is a choice society. (1978)
The "common good" is the general misnomer and camouflage for all too common evils. (1973)
Communists have got nothing to lose but their chains. (David Zube, 1978)
Free competition against every large corporation - Including governments. (1974)
Compulsion often kills something that may be very worthwhile in itself - as easily as rape kills love. (1971)
Nothing that is compulsory is social. (1974) - The nationalists and other collectivists seem to think that nothing but what is coercive or compulsory deserves the name of "social". (1975)
Nothing that the government gets to know is "strictly confidential". (1976)
Conscience above obedience. (1973)
All political rights are to be based upon contract only. (1975) - And all political obligations as well. (2002)
How can controlled people learn to control themselves? (1975)
People should control governments not governments people. (1974)
Individuals should be free to choose a government or society for themselves and to control it themselves or let themselves be controlled by it, as they please. (2002)
You can't abolish corruption up high - unless you abolish up high.
The moment you let people decide with their own money instead of with other people's money, they are no longer corrupt. (1975)
Your country needs you - but do you need your country? (1972)
Credit control by governments? The sheer impertinence of it! A robber organization setting itself up as controller over something as voluntaristic and productive as credit. (1974)
The power to declare war or peace should rest with those who have to pay the costs of war - with their lives, health, freedom and property. (1973)
Let every ruler be tree to declare war - for himself, & every subject free to declare peace for himself. (1973)
Individualisation and not centralisation of all war and peace decisions would solve the war and peace problem. (1974)
Decisions are now usually made at the highest level, i.e., the level most removed from reality. (1974)
All decisions affecting your life should be your own affair - unless you personally delegate them to another person or to a particular agency. - (1974)
Defend yourself against the Defence Department. (1974)
My government stands before the world drunk with military power" - said Senator Wayne Morse. I would add: and as incapable to use it rightfully and sensibly.
Is democracy really a majority rule? On any particular question only a minority seems to decide.
Obedience to the moral law often means disobedience to government laws. (1973)
Diversity is the greatest unity. (1977)
I, for one, want to be flooded with cheap goods from everywhere. (1973)
Only laissez faire economics is economics. (1973)
It says something about the present value of economics, as taught at most of our universities, that most of the powerful economic disaster makers have degrees in economics. (2002)
Education is just part of freedom of expression and information - and that excludes compulsory attendance, compulsory and censored curriculum, monopolisation, compulsory listening, compulsory speaking, writing, reading, memorising and financing. (1971)
Compulsory schooling is like compulsory sexual intercourse with subjects not chosen by oneself. (1972)
If government education were such a good thing, you wouldn't have to compel parents and children to obtain it. (1973)
Schools are gaols for children. (1973)
With the exception of self-education most of what runs under the name of education is nothing but compulsory miseducation. (1973)
Teachers should be on performance contracts and paid by results. Their contractors and paymasters should be the parents of their voluntary pupils. (1978) Presently, the money in taxed away from the real educators to give it to teachers. (1977)
What difference does it make whether con man A or con man B wins the elections? (1974).
Why should someone elected by some get to lord it over all? (2002)
Why do most unionists accept the employer-employee relationship (almost as if it were something divinely ordained or naturally inevitable) when hundreds of other forms of productive organization are possible, have been proposed or are already operating in some instances and to some extent?
Not all employers are entrepreneurs any longer. All too many are just- bureaucrats. (1976)
The fact of involuntary unemployment of capable workers proves either that there are no longer genuine employers around or that they are not free to employ or that there are too many hindrances for self-employment. Probably all three are somewhat true. (1978)
There are no national enemies or enemy nations. There are only enemies of individuals and individual enemies. (1974)
The enemy whom you leave alone may soon become your friend. (1975)
Shop around for better employers. You have a large choice - and you should also make sure that there is the most severe competition between them. That, more than anything else, will raise your wages to the limits of your productivity. (1975)
You cannot force others to be free. You can only act in such a way that you do not prevent their freedom and that they cannot prevent yours.
Freedom is power over self. (1975)
Let me succeed, let me fail, at my own risk and expense, and that of my voluntary associates. More I do not ask for. (1975)
Make a free enterprise out of your life - and put yourself in charge. (1978)
Let free enterprise and consumer sovereignty replace all political powers and privileges. (1976)
Goods, services and people should be able to cross frontiers as freely as the wind, the clouds and the rivers. (1972)
International frontiers are not defensible, neither on military, nor moral, nor economic, nor political grounds. (1978)
We tend to laugh about native rainmakers and witchdoctors etc. - but most of us go on believing that governments can provide wealth, security, justice, freedom and peace - although they never delivered! (1973)
Inflation is fraud, taxation theft, conscription & compulsory schooling amount to slavery, indiscriminate warfare is murder. Governments are guilty of all such crimes, over and over again. Moreover, not satisfied with this, they now prepare for mass murder and genocide by means of nuclear and other modern, scientific and powerful devices. (1978)
Handouts hand out problems. (1975)
Historically, we are all immigrants. How dare old immigrants keep out new immigrants? (1975)
Everybody is unique. There Is no other person like him. (David Zube, 1974)
All government intervention in the economy is wrong - because it upsets the economy's ecology, i.e., the multiple interrelationships between individuals, groups and enterprises. (1972)
Workers are for laissez-faire, parasites for welfare. (1975)
The exclusive, collectivistic and territorial political "ownership" of land, of a whole country or territory, is the worst crime of all. (1973)
I am more concerned with realities and moralities than with legalities. (1975)
Licences are artificial obstacles erected by bureaucrats between willing buyers and sellers, under the pretence of "public interest". (1972)
There is nothing more hateful to me than seeing people trying to forcefully run other people's lives. (1978)
Love your enemy - at least enough to leave him alone and asking him for no more than that he leave you alone. (1977)
Love is developed by keeping apart as well as together. (1978)
I claim the right to migrate wherever I want to on this planet and I respect the right of everyone else to do the same.
People have the right to make their own mistakes. (1973) - At the own risk and expense! No politician or bureaucrat, unless he has been as an expert by an individual, has the right to make mistakes at the expense and risk of others. (2002)
Monetary freedom requires the repeal of all laws restricting money issues, clearing, credit and value standards used. (1974)
To provide a sound and honest currency is not impossible - it's just illegal. (1975)
Every producer is to be free to issue money based on his products or services, alone or in association with others. (1975)
The true alternative to a private monopoly is not a nationalised one but: no monopoly. (1974)
Whosoever expects good service from a monopoly - deserves all the bad service he will get. (1975)
To monopolise any goods or services can never be in the interests of the consumers. (1976)
The motive for government monopolies is that other people could provide the service and also that they could do it better and cheaper. Otherwise, there would be no point in maintaining the monopoly. They should thus be re-named: public disservices. (1978)
All is not lost yet - as long as people can still get excited about moral questions. (1976)
Multinationals - I love you! (1974)
Let the multinationals take us ahead. (1975)
Nationalism is tribalism - transferred to larger areas and groups.
The stronger the nation the weaker the individual. (1973)
Non-violence is the normal and natural relation between people who appreciate liberty for themselves and respect it in others. (1973)
I favour panarchy for all, not anarchy. (1975)
Panarchy means: as many competing governments everywhere and at the same time, but without territorial sovereignty, as are desired by voluntary members, with as many or as few powers as are claimed by them for themselves and over themselves, representing thus a peaceful coexistence of all forms of governments and protective associations which can find some voluntary support.
Parliaments are often worse than school boy debating clubs - and they are much worse in their consequences - as they can enact their ignorance, prejudices, confusion and malicious intentions into laws imposed on everyone. (1973)
Parliamentarians have a vested interest in injustice: in favouring one group at the expense of others. This is the only favour they have got to sell. (1973)
Vote for anybody among these parliamentarians? You must be kidding. You might as well vote for one of a number of drunken brawlers in front of a pub - who are fighting about who of them is going to rob you! (1975)
Parliamentarians who vote for themselves pay increases of $ 5.000 p.a. are, naturally, very much concerned about YOUR poverty. (1975)
Parliaments are a conspiracy against the people - manacling them - with laws. (1977)
A party is only a part. It should never rule the whole - only itself. (1974)
Most parties cannot even rule themselves properly, honestly, without in-fighting. (1974)
Why should I be ruled by the party of your choice? (1974)
The government is the institution for making war. Despite all pious wishes it is thus the least suitable institution for making peace. Its very existence prevents peace - by establishing a state of war between various groups, territorially organized by it. (2002)
Peace lies in diversity and liberty. (1974)
Pensioners may soon find out that all their lives they have "invested" in a company: Govco, which is going to be bankrupt soon. (1975)
They should become concerned about the proper liquidation of the government and all its remaining assets. (2002)
The market's planning is the best. (1974)
The police costs us almost as much as the criminals do.
The surprising thing is not that some politicians face criminal charges - but that not all of them do. (1973)
But then they have more cover-up options and good connections than most other people have. (2002).
Politicians in parliament are possibly the only ones who call politicians "honourable". (1976)
It always sounds funny to me when POLITICIANS say that they want to fight crime. (1976)
Most criminals are pikers compared with them. (2002)
Caution: Politics is dangerous to your health, property, freedom & life! (1973)
Politics today is just the continuation of war with other means. (1977)
Its coercion is mainly applied by majority voting instead of by the bigger battalions. (2002)
Let us hate poverty, not riches. (1974)
Let the poor help themselves. (1975)
For this purpose repeal all the laws which prevent them from helping themselves and employers employing them, e.g. by paying them with sound and competitive private means of exchange for whatever productive work, at market prices, they are able and willing to offer. (2002)
What about the poor? Yes, indeed, what about the otherwise well-off workers, who are made poor by State interferences and confiscations of their earnings, their property and their chances? (1975)
Everything that is subsidised increases and becomes permanent - even poverty. (Somebody said once: You can get as much poverty as you are willing to pay for.)
I don't want power but independence. (1973)
Strike political power down, desert it, withdraw from it or ignore it. (1975)
You can never have too much power over yourself - but easily too much power over others. (1975)
Organized legal power is not a greater threat than arbitrary power, or, rather, it is the worst arbitrary power.
Leave parliament without power. Turn it just into an advisory body, one among many other think tanks. (1976)
Get hold of your prejudices and beat them to death. Don't let them get hold of You! (1976)
Price control by the Federal Government means that the Federal Government wants to ban some of the effects of the inflation it caused. (1973)
Governments cannot make all goods cheaper but they can sure make everything more expensive. (1974)
Price control ignores the cause and vainly tries to fight the effects. (1977)
Most prices are now so loaded with taxes that they are no longer mainly prices but mainly taxes. It is thus a misnomer to call them prices - as if they were still free market indicators. The same applies, naturally, to inflated prices. (1976)
If protectionism were good then every single person should be like an island, surrounded by "protective" barriers, to maximise the "benefits". (1972)
The national producers don't own the national consumers and have thus no right to command or force them by legislation to buy their goods or services. (1973)
Protect the consumers from the protectionists! (1974)
I do not want to be "protected" against cheaper goods. (1974)
Protectionism amounts to armed robbery. (1976)
The greatest evils hide under actions asserted to be for the public good. (1974)
The public interest is a myth used by everybody who has dictatorial aspirations or larceny on his mind. (1973)
Why are public servants the only professionals who force you to pay them, regardless of whether, how little and how much you used their services? (1976)
That research and development should not be entrusted to or financed by the government is indicated by the fact that in some countries half of the research funds go for finding still more destructive weapons. (1976)
You get responsible people only by allowing them responsibilities. (1973)
Individualise or at least decentralize to maximise responsibility.
Most revolutionaries know better whom than what they are fighting - and that is just not good enough.
Most revolutionaries have nothing but anger and revenge (often only for imagined wrongs) in their minds. (1975)
Most revolutions are just fights about who is going to be the next tax collector. (1978)
Rulers, rule yourselves! (1975)
Why not allow everyone to opt out of the State's dictatorial or paternalistic protection?
Most of the secessionists of the past were infected with the disease of exclusive territorial nationalism. They have to become tolerant themselves towards secessionists who would want to secede from them. (1972)
National sovereignty should not be replaced by world sovereignty but by individual sovereignty. (1974)
Politicians like being praised for how cleverly they bribe us with our own money. (1975)
The worst addiction is that to governments. (1977)
Let your strength be in your gentleness - with those who deserve it. (1975)
Get to know freedom better. Your life depends on it. (1976)
Free institutions, run by free men under freedom principles - form the only general system that works. (1975)
Taxation, what theft is called when the thieves are States. (1972)
Taxes: the fees charged by governments for disservices rendered. (1972)
There is no need to force people to pay for real services. (1974)
What percentage of your taxes pays for disservices done to you?
All taxpayers acting in concert could easily starve out all looters, parasites and dictocrats. (1975)
The extent to which you are taxed reveals the extent to which you are still a slave.
Proper billing for competitively supplied services instead of punitive taxation to subsidise unwanted or monopolised services. (2002)
Criminals are private tax collectors - collecting in cash or in kind. (1975)
Thou shalt EARN thy bread through the sweat of your brow - not STEAL it through taxation of your neighbour. (1975)
Fees, prices, charges, premiums and subscriptions to replace all taxes! (1975)
The government gets more of my money earnings to spend than I do. I cannot be expected to be satisfied with this arrangement. (1978)
Progressive taxation amounts to whipping the good workers and rewarding the bad ones. (1975)
You are getting what you paid for: bureaucracy, politicians, control, regulation, monopolies, exploitation, coercion, disservices, lies and frauds. (1975)
The only practical difference between taxes levied by a king and taxes levied in the name of "the people", is that kings demanded much less. (1976)
The taxation department constitutes the best organized crime syndicate in the land. (1978)
Tax collectors are official and legalized criminals. (2002)
If the taxpayers were left in possession of their money - would they spend it as wrongfully, wastefully and foolishly as the government does? Even if they did, wouldn't they have at least the right to do so? (2002)
Territorialism leads to the worst terrorism. (1975)
Territorial government and liberty are irreconcilable. (1976)
Present terrorists should have been allowed to secede - before they became terrorists. Allow dissenters now to secede and few if any of them will become terrorists in the future. (2002)
The false notion of "collective responsibility" put terrorist bombs into the hands of terrorists and induces them to use them, and ABC mass murder devices or anti-people "weapons" into the hands of territorial governments. (2002)
Don't tolerate intolerance - but tolerate every tolerant action even of your worst enemies. (1975)
Tolerance does not mean that you should stop criticising others - but just that you should not interfere when they do their own thing. (1975)
Tolerate even ignorance, foolishness and stupidity - as a matter of individual choice, when they are expressed in any actions not infringing the rights of others. (1975)
Tolerance demands that you not only tolerate what you love or could not care less about - but also what you hate - as long as it is tolerantly practised. (1975)
Don't experiment with any other people than - yourself and volunteers. (1975)
Freedom embraces the choice not to be free, to voluntarily accept a condition of slavery - as long as one likes it. (1975)
No matter what anybody else thinks and acts like - think and act for yourself. - (David Zube 1975) - And let them do the same. (John Zube, 1975)
Tolerance is inherently individualistic. Intolerance is inherently collectivistic. (1975)
Are unionists aware that higher than market wages for some means no wages at all for some others? (1975)
A union is a group of people employing itself to get other people and themselves unemployed. (David Zube, 1975)
Unity is not worth fighting for - unless it is voluntary. By diversity is worth fighting for, because it implies voluntarism and individualism. - (1973)
Utopia is the only place to be. To each his own, naturally. (1976)
Victimless crimes is a misnomer especially when there are in reality at least two beneficiaries involved: e.g., the prostitute and her customer. (1976)
My only vote is for myself - to manage my own affairs, undisturbed by other fools. (1972)
The most essential voting right is the right to opt out. (1973)
Vote all politicians OUT of office. (1974)
The vote: a means for mutual enslavement. (1976)
Insurance, credit mutual aid and charity could look after the poor who deserve assistance much better than any Welfare State could. I am sick of every bastard telling me what to do with my money. (1975)
The Welfare State offers the most expensive, least valuable and most immoral kind of welfare. (1976)
The welfare state has taught people to believe that there are two kinds of people, those who get their bills paid by others and those who pay their own and those of others. (1977)
The Welfare State cannot fulfil all its promises because its victims, the net tax-payers, cannot or will not pay for them. The longer it lasts, the more it impoverishes its tax base and the further it gets away from welfare for anyone - except, perhaps, its administrators. (1978)
Nothing in the world should be put by anyone between a peaceful man and his honest work. (1973)
No kidding! Honest work in a free economy could turn ordinary men willing to save and invest for their old age into millionaires! (1978)
Naught was only lately invented and so was Zero Government. (David Zube, 1974)