John Zube


Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans
for Individual Liberty & Rights
against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices

Index - S2

(2013 - 2014)



SELF-ORGANIZATION: The more freedom in self-organization, the more order!" - Erich Jantsch - ORDER, FREEDOM & PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, SELF-MANAGEMENT

SELF-ORGANIZATION: Why should not all kinds of groups of volunteers be quite free to self-organize their affairs in all spheres, at their own risk and expense, independent of all existing governments and their law, under their self-chosen personal law system, as long as they leave all others alone to do their own things? - JZ, 18.4.14. – SELF-MANAGEMENT, DOING THE OWN THINGS SELF-GOVERNANCE, SELF-MANAGEMENT, META-UTOPIA, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, ASSOCIATIONISM, CONTRACTARIANISM, DOING THE OWN THINGS, SECESSIONISM, Q., SELF-DETERMINATION

SELF-ORGANIZING STRUCTURES: David Hume saw that the market made it possible ‘to do a service to another without bearing him a real kindness.’ (1739/1886: II, 289), or even knowing him; or to act to the ‘advantage of the public, though it be not intended for that purpose by another’ (1739/1886:II, 296), by an order in which it was in the interest, even of bad men to act for the public good’. With such insights, the conception of a self-organizing structure began to dawn upon mankind, and has since become the basis of our understanding of all those complex orders which had, until then, appeared as miracles that could be brought about only by some super-human version of what man knew as his own mind. Now it gradually became understood how the market enabled each, within set limits, to use his own individual knowledge for his own individual purposes while being ignorant of most of the order into which he had to fit his actions. (*) – Notwithstanding, and indeed wholly neglecting, the existence of this great advance, a view that is still permeated by Aristotelian thought, a naïve and childlike animistic view of the world (Piaget, 1929, 359), has come to dominate social theory and is the foundation of socialist thought.” – F. A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, p.47. – (*) Self-organizing structures, like competing and yet tolerant churches and corporations were long known, also that nothing more complicated than voluntarism and exterritorial autonomy for their ideals and business is required to allow them to succeed without any monopoly or government aid. The typical structures which are not self-organizing (spontaneously and voluntarily, without monopolies and coercion) are territorial States. – JZ, 2.6.08, 23.2.14. – Recognition of and respect for individual rights and liberties is the only common interest or public interest that is genuine and not a false pretence or any form of territorialism. – JZ, 27.6.13. - INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, COMMON INTEREST, PUBLIC INTEREST, TERRITORISM, GOVERNMENTALISM, STATISM, VOLUNTARISM, LAISSEZ FAIRE, FREE EXCHANGE, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, MARKET, POLYARCHISM, CHOICE, SPONTANEOUS ORDER, NATURAL HARMONY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: a man belongs to HIMSELF, first and foremost, and then to whatever class he can successfully aspire to.” - L. Neil Smith, Bretta Martyn, p.286. - If he aspires to and reaches the stage of a class, does he then belong to that class, in more than a minor classification sense, or still primarily to himself? - JZ, 6.10.01. - MAN, INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, CLASSES, SECESSIONISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: A man’s life is his own if he causes no harm to others. – William Hjortsberg: Gray Matters, p.150. – No “wrong” would be more correct. – Every successful competitor does somewhat harm the business of less successful competitors – but he does not wrong them. – JZ, 12.6.08. – “A man’s life is his own.” – Isaac Asimov, Breeds there a Man? – ASTOUNDING, 12/51. – MAN, LIFE, PROPERTY, OWNERSHIP HARM, WRONG

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Along with Taylor-Radford I wonder whether owning myself means that I can sell myself. If yes, then someone else must be able to own me, else, who could I sell myself to? If not, then I don’t own myself as fully or in the same sense as I own other things which I can sell. - Actually, owning oneself is really a metaphor, like being in love with oneself, or having a discussion with oneself. If I have a discussion with myself, it’s not a real discussion in the same sense as I would have with another person because there is no possibility of “I” and “myself” disagreeing (unless I’m a candidate for the funny farm). For this reason it’s a poor choice to take self-ownership as the paradigm, as the model case on which to construct your theory of ownership. The better model, which corresponds to the vast majority of cases of ownership, is one person owning an inanimate thing. Both self-ownership and ownership of persons are special cases to be derived or distinguished from the general case. - When someone asserts that he owns himself, part of what he is saying is that no one else owns him. He is elbowing out, displacing, any other possible owner. This is functionally equivalent to saying that he is not a thing to be owned. Thus he is negating the possibility of ownership in respect to himself. Thus self-ownership is, in a sense, a case of non-ownership. - - Another way to analyse it is to say that self-ownership is a special case in which one pretends he could separate “I” and “myself” into two entities, so that “I own myself” would express an ownership relation between these two entities which exist entirely within one person. This is analogous to real ownership relations that exist between entities that really are separate. Self-ownership is only an analogy or a metaphor and should not be taken too literally, and certainly should not be considered the paradigmatic case.” – Jim Stumm, THE CONNECTION 101 of 24.1.82. – INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SELF-OWNERSHIP: As Locke notes, every person has from birth “A Right of Freedom to his Person, which no other Man has a Power over, but the free Disposal of it lies in himself.” – John Locke, Two Treatises of Government, II, sec. 190, pp.393-94. - Locke should have distinguished between rights of babies, infants, children, juveniles and adults. Only rational adults can comprehend and use all rights and liberties. – JZ, 28.9.07. - SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, RIGHTS & DUTIES, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, HUMAN RIGHTS

SELF-OWNERSHIP: As the state grows, one’s sense of self-ownership is destroyed, liberty is traded for "security," the human spirit diminishes, and the citizenry increasingly thinks and behaves like dependent children. – Eric Englund in Income Taxes, Obesity, and Other Maladies of Nanny Statism 2/28/05. – STATISM, BIG GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, DEPENDENCY, NANNY STATE, NATIONWIDE NURSERIES, LIBERTY, SECURITY, CHILDISHNESS OF ADULTS

SELF-OWNERSHIP: But if a world of zero self-ownership and one hundred percent other ownership spells death for the human race, then any steps in that direction also contravene the natural law of what is best for man and his life on earth.” - Murray N. Rothbard, For a New Liberty, p.27. – How could there be a 100 % ownership of mankind by “others”, when the very figure of 100 % excludes other humans? The only case in which this extreme case of Rothbard could be realized would be the occupation of Earth by extraterrestrials, who, hypothetically, might wish to treat us as we treat sheep and cattle. - Who would be our owner and controller in Rothbard’s assumed extreme case? He might assume the extreme case of everything being decided by the votes of all. But ownership implies control and that kind of system would clearly exclude control in the form of self-control. Imagine the world population would have to decide when you get out of bed in the morning, what underwear to wear, what shirt, shorts, socks and shoes. And - to cast your own vote, you might first want to get dressed, especially if its cold outside. But the dress code for the day hasn’t been decided yet and it requires your vote! If would be rather frustrating, wouldn’t it? And also deadly, if kept up. – Can there be a rightful and rational replacement for self-responsibility and self-control for human beings? I do not know of one. Do you? – But to me it seems obvious that we should, as a matter or great urgency, finally decide how far our individual rights and liberties go – by drafting, criticizing and finally adopting an ideal declaration of this kind. The governmental declarations and even most of the private ones, that I have come across, are still all too incomplete or flawed and thus contributed to the present mess. - JZ, 12.6.08, 1.3.11. - INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION VS. TERRITORIALISM,

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Deny that self-ownership, that self-guidance of the individual, and however fine our professed motives may be, we must sooner or later, in a world without rights, become like animals, that prey on each other. Deny human rights, and however little you may wish to do so, you will find yourself abjectly kneeling at the feet of that Old World god Force – that grimmest and ugliest of gods that men have ever carved for themselves…” - Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.328. – RIGHTS, FORCE, SUBORDINATION, OBEDIENCE, TERRITORIALISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Do your own thing, so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone; or Do your own thing and allow everyone else the same latitude.” – Edmund A. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 5/73.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: each and every individual is and ought to be free to own himself and enjoy the fruits of his labour.” – Emma Goldman, MOTHER EARTH, vol. IV, 1909/10.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Each individual, according to our understanding of the natural order of things, is the owner of himself, the ruler of his own person. Preservation of this self-ownership is essential for the proper development and wellbeing of man. The human rights of the person are, in effect, a recognition of each man’s inalienable property right over his own being; and from this property right stems his right to the material goods that he has produced, A man’s right to personal freedom, then, is his property right in himself.” – Murray N. Rothbard, quoted in Fredrick Macaskill, In Search of Liberty, as motto for chapter I, The Fundamentals. – Also quoted in THE FREE MAN’S ALMANAC, for Dec. 30. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, PROPERTY, FREEDOM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Each man owns himself and no other.” – Libertarian Handbook 1973, p.9, where it is described as an Objectivist tenet: “… the Objectivist tenet that each man owns himself and no other, …” – I wish this kind of handbook would be continued, if not in print then electronically, online or on floppies and collected on a CD. – To my knowledge only two issues appeared, in print, in 1972 and in 1973. - JZ, 12.6.08.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Each of us is the possessor and protagonist of his own nontransferable life.” – José Ortega y Gasset, quoted by Leonard E. Read in Let Freedom Reign, p.36, footnote 2. – Read continued, ibid: I may never do very much with my own possessions but I will do more with what I have if left to my own resources and on my own responsibility than if others interfere with the free employment of my faculties.”

SELF-OWNERSHIP: each person is rightfully a self-owner.” – Carl Watner, Towards a Proprietary Theory of Justice, p.25.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: end mankind’s enslavement and allow us to become self-owners instead of property.” – Wilson/Shea, Illuminatus II, p.219.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: every man and woman is the true owner of his or her own faculties, and that every forcible annexation of these faculties by others has prevented the world from discovering the ways of true happiness.” - Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.239.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has any right to but himself. The labor of his body and the work of his hands are properly his. – John Locke, 1690, quoted by Afrikanus Kofi Akosah – Facebook, 8.11.12. - & PROPERTY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-DETERMINATION, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Every person is the owner of his own life and no one is the owner of any one else’s life … Consequently, every human being has the right to act in accordance with his own choices, unless those activities infringe on the equal liberty of other human beings to act in accordance with their choices!” – John Hospers, in essay: “What Libertarianism Is”, quoted by D. M. Kulkarni, in INDIAN LIBERTARIAN, 5/75. – CHOICE, PANARCHISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Every second of YOUR life and every penny YOU earn belongs to YOU and to no one else! Not to the parasites, or minorities, or majorities but to YOU.” – John Goodson, New Jersey Libertarian Party - PROPERTY, OWNERSHIP, TAXATION

SELF-OWNERSHIP: For what is a man, what has he got? - If not himself, then he has naught / To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels. -  The record shows I took the blows and did it my way!" – Quoted by Sørengaard Srugis - - Facebook, 28.12.12. - INDIVDIUAL SOVEREIGNTY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Further, no man who lives under the legalized conditions of a Commonwealth, can fall out of this equality otherwise than by his own crime, and never either by compact or through any military occupancy. For he cannot by any legal act, whether of himself or of another, cease to be the owner of himself, or enter into the class of domestic cattle, which are used for all sorts of services at will and are maintained in this condition without their consent as long as there is a will to do it, although under the limitation – which is sometimes sanctioned even by religion, as among the Hindus – that they are not to be mutilated or slain. Under any conditions, he is to be regarded as happy who is conscious that it depends on himself – that is on his faculty or earnest will – or on circumstances which he cannot impute to any other, and not on the irresistible will of others, that he does not rise to a stage of Equality with others who as his fellow-subjects have no advantage over him as far as Right is concerned.” – Immanuel Kant, The Principles of Politics and Right, 1795, quoted in Arblaster/Lukes, The Good Society, p.36/37. - RIGHT OVER ONESELF, EQUAL RIGHTS, PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, SERFDOM, SLAVERY, VOTING CATTLE, SUBJECTS, TERRITORIALISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: I am a man who belongs to no one and who belongs to the whole world.” – (“Je sui n home qui n’appartient à personne et qui appartient à tout le monde.”) - Charles de Gaulle, NEW STATESMAN, May 24, 1958. – People who really and fully own themselves are something to be proud of. But did he, his predecessors and his followers, allow all Frenchmen to really own themselves and make their own decisions for themselves? If so, then even this leader would have been a panarchist. Alas, to my knowledge, he always was and remained a territorial nationalist and, to that extent, an interventionist with the lives of others, without their consent. – As a famous public figure, he certainly belonged to the world. But no one could sell or renounce his share in him or his subjection to him. He was probably the main force behind the French government’s acquisition of mass extermination devices, as if France had not already suffered enough in numerous wars and would not itself suffer under such devices in the hands of other territorial regimes. What kind of liberty, equality and brotherhood do these mass murder devices represent? Did he turn himself into a tyrant, merely by the possession of such devices? - JZ, 12.6.08, 1.3.11.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: I am not your natural resource. – JZ, 22.2.89. – Even though, so far, you got away with taxing me as such. – JZ, 3.6.08. - WELFARE STATES, TOTALITARIANISM, DEMOCRACY, TAXATION.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: I am too high-born to be propertied, // To be a secondary at control, // Or useful serving-man and instrument // To any sovereign state throughout the world.” – Thoreau, Civil Disobedience, quoted in anthology: “Against the Grain”, p.112, an anthology edited by Frederic C. Giffin and Ronald D. Smith.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: I’m a loner. I lead my own life. I don’t bother anybody and I don’t want anybody bothering me. – Charles Bronson, born as Charles Buchinsky, 3.11.1920, quoted on p. 65 in W. A. Harbinson, Bronson, A biographical portrait, A Star Book published by W. H. Allen, 1976. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUALISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: I have a right not to belong to anything, including a government.” – Rosalie Nichols, Confessions of a Randian Cultist, p.8.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: I. THE SELF-OWNERSHIP AXIOM – Each human being forms with his or her own body and mind a separate entity; that is, each human being has a separate existence from all other persons. It is absurd to postulate that a person may not own his or her own self, yet may own or own in conjunction with others some one else. All men and women are self-owners, otherwise there would be a class of human beings excluded from the rights of human beings, which in itself would be contradictory. The only logical conclusion is that human beings belong to themselves and not to others. To deny self-ownership of each person in his or her own mind and body would be to deprive such persons of the control over the direction of their life-sustaining activities, which would be in effect a denial of their right to live at all based on their own efforts.” - Carl Watner, Towards a Proprietary Theory of Justice, p.7. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SELF-OWNERSHIP: I'm my own person. … Nobody owns me.” - James P. Hogan, The Mirror Maze, p.104. – The tax department does, all too much! And quite wrongfullyl. – JZ, 3.4.09, 23.2.14. – INDIVDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, PROPERTY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: If people own their own lives, then they must be free to choose their own advisors on all matters …” - Ken Schoolland, The Adventure of Jonathan Gullible, Leap Publishing, Cape Town, with Commentaries by Ken Schoolland and Janette Eldridge, 1981 ff, 2004 ed., p. 199. – “You own your life. - Since you own your life, you are responsible for your life.” – Extract from Jonathan’s Principles in the above. - SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: If there is one thing on which we can safely build, it is the great natural fact that each human being forms with his or her body and mind a separate entity – from which we must conclude that the entities belong to themselves and not to each other. As I have said, no other deduction is possible. If the entities do not belong to themselves, then we are reduced to the most absurd conclusion: A or B cannot own himself; but he can own, or partly own, C or D.” – Auberon Herbert, quoted in Murray N. Rothbard, Man, Economy and State, Los Angeles, Nash Publishing, 1970, p.159. – INDIVIDUALISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: If you are an adult, you are responsible for your life and well-being. No one owes you the fulfillment of your needs or wants; no one is here on earth to serve you. If you respect the principle of self-ownership, you understand that no one else owns you and that you do not own anyone else. Only on this understanding can there be peace on earth and good will among human beings. - Quote for the day: Nathaniel Branden – Facebook 16.4.14. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: If you ask us why force should be used to defend the rights of Self-ownership, and not for any other purpose, we reply by reminding you that the rights of Self-ownership are - as we have explained - supreme moral rights, of higher rank than all other human interests or institutions; and therefore force may be employed on behalf of these rights, but not in opposition to them.” - Auberon Herbert, A Voluntaryist Appeal. - RIGHTS AND FORCE, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Involuntary communism, exemplified by taxation and territorial bureaucracy, greatly restricts your self-ownership and self-liberation options. They cut too large slices out of your lives, your rights and your liberties. Any combination of victims and victimizers renders both less productive and useful. The supposed “needs” of others, politically and bureaucratically determined, have no prior claim upon you, your property and your earnings. Your time, energy, labor, property and earnings should be fully at your own disposal and not at that of politicians, bureaucrats and their voting cattle. You should not be involuntarily associated with territorial politicians and bureaucrats or any of their legalized monopolies. You do not exist to be used, abused and exploited by them. You should be free to opt out from under any or even all of them. – They should have no more power over you than does e.g. a golf, tennis, chess or soccer club. – You ought to be the chooser and care-taker of your own public interests, enjoying full consumer sovereignty in that sphere as well. - JZ, 23.11.97, 27.5.08.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: is the view that each man is the absolute owner of his life, to use and dispose of as he sees fit; that all a man’s social actions should be voluntary; and that respect for every other man’s similar and equal ownership of life, and, by extension, the property and fruits of that life, is the ethical basis of a humane and open society. In this view, the only – repeat only – function of law or government is to provide the sort of self-defense against violence that an individual, if he were powerful enough, would provide for himself.” – Statement in a self-advertisement of LIBERTARIAN REVIEW, author remained unnamed. – How can one expect such a defence from any territorial government, as long as no territorial government has so far managed to declare a quite correct and complete bill of individual rights and liberties and everyone of them has passed numerous laws restricting even some of the classical individual rights and liberties? Wishful thinking towards territorial governments is just not good enough. – It is in this sphere that we need competitively supplied services urgently and full consumer sovereignty towards them. - JZ, 28.5.08, 1.3.11. – MILITIA, POLICE, SELF-DEFENCE, GUN CONTROL LAWS, VICTIM DISARMAMENT, SECESSIONISM, POLYARCHISM, LIBERTARIANISM, LIMITED GOVERNMENTS, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, CONSISTENT VOLUNTARISM VS. ALL TERRITORIAL MONOPOLIES

SELF-OWNERSHIP: It is impossible at one and the same time for men to be self-owners and owners of others. Self-ownership leaves no place for some men to own others or to be owned by them. If we are self-owners (and it is absurd, it is doing violence to reason (*), to suppose that we are not), neither an individual, nor a majority, nor a government can have rights of ownership in other men.” - Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.372. – (*) “Pure critical reason obliges us to believe in self-ownership. Men either own themselves or they do not. If they do, nothing remains to be said. If they do not, then they cannot possibly own and control each other, so long as they do not first of all own their own selves. It would be like using a lever, where no point of support existed.” - GOVERNMENT, MAJORITIES, SUBJECTS, TERRITORIALISM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM & SOVEREIGNTY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: it is surely absurd to hold that no man is entitled to own himself, and yet to hold that each of these very men is entitled to own a part of all other men! But more than that, would our Utopia be desirable? Can we picture a world in which no man is free to take any action whatsoever without prior approval by everyone else in society? Clearly no man would be able to do anything, and the human race would quickly perish. But if a world of zero or near-zero self-ownership spells death for the human race, then any steps in that direction also contravene the law of what is best for man and his life on earth.” - Murray N. Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty, p.46. – VOTING, MAJORITY DESPOTISM, TERRITORIALISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: It should be noted here that the market recognizes and accommodates numerous forms of property. Perhaps the most crucial and significant form it the individual’s property right in his own person – his freedom to use as he pleases for any peaceful purpose his own ideas and energies and other faculties and possessions. As a self-owning, self-responsible human being, he is free to choose work or leisure, thrift or prodigality, specialization and trade or self-subsistence, formal education or on-his-own, splendor or plain living – anything peaceful, at his own expense …” - Paul L. Poirot, THE FREEMAN, 5/75, p.313. – PROPERTY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: It's odd that people cringe at the idea of self-ownership, as though it were an anathema. Maybe they are just unaware that term originates in the abolitionist movement and was the bedrock of the anti slavery argument. Slavery is an abomination because every human owns them self by unalienable right. It is the logical end that any free human has the same right to any other property they acquire through the effort they use using their first property, themselves. No wonder people who hate "property" hate the idea that a person owns themselves. How else can you turn a free person into a slave except by convincing them that they do not and cannot own themselves? - Eris Pandora on Facebook, 6.3.12. - PROPERTY & SLAVERY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: It’s time you owned your own life!” – OUTLOOK, Oct. 72.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Jon looked down from his height into the girl’s eyes. ‘No one owns me’.” – Con Sellers, Mr. Tomorrow, p.99.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself. – Paracelsus – quoted by T Lex Kelly –That may be one of the earliest statements on self-ownership or individual sovereignty. - John Zube - Facebook, 8.9.13. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Let us set aside for a moment the corollary but more complex case of tangible property, and concentrate on the question of a man’s ownership rights to his own body. Here there are two alternatives: either we may lay down a rule that each man should be permitted (i.e. have a right to) the full ownership of his own body, or we may rule that he may not have such complete ownership. If he does, then we have the libertarian natural law for a free society as treated above. But if he does not, if each man is not entitled to full and 100% self-ownership, then what does this imply? It implies either one of two conditions: (1) the “communist” one of Universal and Equal Other-ownership, or (2) Partial Ownership of One Group by Another – a system of rule by one class over another. These are the only logical alternatives to a state of 100% self-ownership for all.” – Murray N. Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty, p.45.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: My life belongs to me.” – Song heard on TV, 15.7.93.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: My philosophy is based on the principle of self-ownership. You own your life. To deny this is to imply that another person has a higher claim on your life than you do. No other person or group of persons, owns your life nor do you own the lives of others.” - Ken Schoolland, The Adventure of Jonathan Gullible, Leap Publishing, Cape Town, with Commentaries by Ken Schoolland and Janette Eldridge, 1981 ff, 2004 ed., p.251.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Nature is on the side of self-ownership, self-guidance. We see that each man and each woman is individually endowed by nature with a separate, complete, and perfect machinery for self-guidance – the mind to guide, the body to act under its guidance; and we hold, as a great natural fact as well as a great moral truth – probably from a human point of view the greatest of all facts and the greatest of all truths – that each man owns his own body and mind, and thus cannot rightfully own the body and mind of another man.” – Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.371. – INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: No man hath (*) power over my rights and liberties and I over no man’s; …” – Richard Overton, An Arrow Against all Tyrants, 1646. – The rest of the quote is in such an old English that it is incomprehensible to me and thus left out by me. – (*) any rightful … - JZ, 106.08. - POWER

SELF-OWNERSHIP: no one ever truly belongs to anybody else.” - L. Neil Smith, Pallas, p.199.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: No one is free who is not master of himself. – Pythagoras in  - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, FREEDOM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: No one should belong to anyone else.” – Quoted in a TV series.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Nobody has anybody, … Nobody owns anybody. - David Drake, Northworld Trilogy, Baen books, ebooks, free online, story Vengeance, ch. 59. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: One cannot truly be himself unless he is the absolute owner of himself.” – Walter Grinder, An Introduction to Libertarian Thought, p.18.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: One kind of humans cannot own another kind of human. This universe will not permit it.” - Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune, p.327. - Unfortunately, this "universe" has "permitted" lots of crimes. But, obviously, every leash has two ends. The masters have reasons to fear their subjects. - JZ 6.10.01. “The Universe permitted” slavery for all too long and tax slavery is wide-spread still and some sex-slavery does also exist as well. – JZ, 3.4.09. - VS. SLAVERY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Our life is our own possession.” – Ascribed to Yany Chu. – Compare: “It’s my life, isn’t it?

,SELF-OWNERSHIP: people own their minds and bodies totally and may use them in any way they see fit short of aggression. …” - Robert Brakeman, SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 12/78.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: People rightly own themselves. They do not belong to the government. – JZ, 28.7.95. – Even though territorial governments are inclined to treat them as their property, e.g. by taxing them or conscripting them. – JZ, 28.5.08.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Renan was right in asserting that the problem is whether a man belongs to any particular group or to himself.” – Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, p.238/39. – A man does not belong to any particular group but to himself. – JZ, 1974. – Formally, as a member, he should only “belong” to any group that he has chosen for himself and as long as he does. This is a third option, which Mises, to my knowledge, has not discussed. Precisely because of the voluntary nature of associationism, implying not only the right to join an association but also the right to leave it or to secede from it again, he could not be considered as its property but, rather, as its co-owner or share-holder or cooperative or partnership member. – Was any territorial government, even any totalitarian one, ever really “omnipotent”? If that had ever been the case then they would all have lasted indefinitely. Sure, some tried. But did they succeed? So they were not omnipotent. Our task is to find their Achilles Heel. I think it consists in their territorialism. If criticized sufficiently and attacked on that point, it might lead to their dissolution as territorial governments and transformation into a rump of the former territorial State into a community of volunteers remaining loyal to its “ideal”, at least for the time being. If it could and would really serve its voluntary members well, then it might become a world-wide community, with voluntary members all over the world. – I wish we would get more of this kind of genuine and voluntaristic government and even imperialism or world statism, with all such organizations having no territorial monopoly at all, and all peacefully and competing, like their Olympic athletes do. – They would do this not only every 4 years but every day, every hour, just like ordinary enterprises and all churches and sects do and many other peaceful associations of volunteers. - JZ, 12.6.08, 1.3.11.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Self-ownership as birthright. - Source: Everything Voluntary, by Skyler J. Collins. - Libertarians and voluntaryists all agree that adults posses self-ownership, or a property right in one's mind and body. How they get to this 'axiom' of self-ownership varies, but all agree that each adult has the exclusive right of control over their bodies. From here we can argue for things like religious freedom, or freedom of conscience and the mind, consumption freedom, or the right to consume whatever we choose to consume (food, drink, drug), freedom of association, or the right to associate and interact with others of mutual choosing, freedom of speech, or the right to express ourselves, and many other such freedoms and rights. They all come back to a property right in one's own mind and body, or self-ownership. That adults are self-owners is one thing, but what about human beings that have yet to reach adulthood?" (05/06/13) - - Thomas L. Knapp FREEDOM NEWS DAILY, email rec. 8.5.13, point 25.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Self-ownership vs. all kinds of serfdom, feudalism, subordination and obedience – unless they are practised among volunteers only. – JZ, 6.7.89, 1.6.08.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Should I be my own man? Of course! Should I be your man? Of course not! For confirmation of the point merely ask yourself, should you be my man? The very idea of such voluntary enslavement should be repulsive to any man. And so should the pretense of being everybody’s man or even the majority’s man.” – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 1/75.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Slavery – the opposite of freedom – is a condition in which the slave has little or no right to self-ownership; his person and his produce are systematically expropriated by his master by the use of violence.” – Murray N. Rothbard, For a New Liberty, p.43.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Studious of ease, and fond of humble things, // Below the smiles, below the frown of kings; // Thanks to my stars, I prize the sweets of life, // No sleepless night I count, no days of strife. // I rest, I wake, I drink, I sometimes love, // I read, I write, I settle, or I rove; // Content to live, content to die unknown, // Lord of myself, accountable to none.” – Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1742.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: That each person owns himself or herself, and is a slave to no one.” – From: The Libertarian Statement, Society for Libertarian Life. – Everybody his own man! – JZ, 2/75.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: That human beings are born with the inalienable quality of freedom underlies all of Spooner’s arguments. For him it is a self-evident truth that … all men are naturally and rightfully free.” (p.266) Nathaniel Rogers outlined the principle in THE HERALD OF FREEDOM (September 8, 1838). “A man cannot be subject of human ownership”; Rogers argued, “neither can he be the owner of humanity. There is a clear and eternal incompetence on both sides … A man cannot alienate his right to liberty and to himself, - still less can it be taken from him.” (p.15) Of course, men can be bound and imprisoned, but this does not make them non-human (that imprisonment may dehumanize a person is another question).” – Charles Chively, in his introduction to Lysander Spooner’s essay on slavery, Works, I/34.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: That suggests nothing if not the monopoly of each individual over himself, and hence the ability to monopoly-price his freedom.” – James Dale Davidson, JLS., Fall 77. – Alas, he is only one of ca. 6 billion of such monopolists and unless the territorial money issue monopolies and exclusive territorial value standards imposed by governments are abolished, the demand for his labor, in form of sound monies, paying him for jobs, will be absent. – Then he can be paid only, if at all, with either inflated, deflated or stagflated monopoly money or forced currency. - JZ, 12.6.08, 24.2.14. – EMPLOYMENT, JOBS

SELF-OWNERSHIP: That the nature of man requires that each individual have the right to his own life; that this right is the source of all other rights.” – TANSTAAFL, 4/76. – RIGHTS, LIFE, HUMAN RIGHTS

SELF-OWNERSHIP: The American wanted to be “his own man” to carve out a business, or …” - John Chamberlain, THE FREEMAN, 10/72. – “Be your own man!” and similar wordings have long been common sayings, proverbial wisdom. Alas, mostly they have not been expanded in their meaning to cover the whole economic sphere, and far less to cover that of political and social systems as well. – The term “laissez faire, laissez passer” was by some at least applied to the whole economic sphere. But P. E. de Puydt, with his 1860 essay on Panarchy, may have been the first to have applied it quite clearly to the other two spheres as well. This in spite of the large precedent of religious tolerance and the much older one of personal law and personal law associations, going back to the times before laws were written down and histories were recorded. – Also in spite of numerous private activities and associations, not based upon territorialism, in which we are daily involved in. - In some respects mankind learns all to slowly. And its enlightenment has not yet been sufficiently speeded up by computers and the Internet and all kinds of electronic recording and recall options. – Just ponder: Which kinds of self-enlightenment tools are still missing on the Internet! - JZ, 12.6.08. – PANARCHISM, NEW DRAFT

SELF-OWNERSHIP: The care of every man’s soul belongs to himself, and is to be left unto himself. Men cannot be forced to be saved whether they will or not.” – John Locke, Letters Concerning Toleration. – Not only his “soul” or mind but also his body are his property. Thus his labor and all his voluntary and contractual relationships ought not be interfered with. - JZ, 4.4.89.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: The essence of natural law (those “unalienable rights”) is that each person owns himself. Accepting that principle, what’s moral and immoral is simplified? Murder, rape, theft, done privately or collectively, is immoral – it violates self-ownership rights.” - Walter E. Williams, More Liberty Means Less Government. Our Founders Knew This Well, Hoover Institution Press, 1999, – p.84. & NATURAL LAW

SELF-OWNERSHIP: The first property that every person has, of course, is his property in himself, which is why Garrison’s appeal on behalf of the American Anti-Slavery Convention refers to the slaveholder as a ‘man-stealer’.” - David Boaz, ed., The Libertarian Reader, The Free Press, 1997, p.51. - & SLAVERY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: The fundamental human right, from which all other human rights derive. If one does not own oneself – thus being free to determine one’s own actions, maintain self-control, and be responsible for one’s actions, then one is not free, morally responsible, or fully human. If one does not own oneself, then one must be owned by another, and the usual claimant is the State. If one does not own oneself, then one has no right preventing one from being exploited as an involuntary servant to another person or group – whether that person or group wishes to make you give them part of your earnings (taxes), or your labor (community service), or your body (the Federation Peace Corps) or your life (the military draft).” – Neil L. Schulman, The Rainbow Cadenza, p.356.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche, quoted by Afrikanus Kofi Akosah shared The Idealist's photo. - John Zube: Under any territorial regime we are denied full self-ownership, self-determination, self-responsibility, self-government, individual sovereignty and individual secessionism, all under many kinds of false pretences, assumptions and conclusions. One should not consider this to be a privilege. It is rather a basic right and one has a basic duty to strive towards its realization. We are fully human only once we realize our human potential as far as we can. Otherwise we are merely more or less stagnating animals, living only to satisfy our sensual drives and emotions, with more options for this than the other animals have. – Facebook, 25.12.12.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: The radical abolitionists were on the cutting edge of the libertarian movement because they viewed slavery as the worst form of stealing. Slavery was called ‘man-stealing’, because it reflected the theft of a person’s self-ownership rights.” – Carl Watner, Voluntaryism, p.5.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: The right of every human being to himself is the foundation of the right of property. - Henry George - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. - & PROPERTY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: The right to self-ownership asserts the absolute right of each man, by virtue of his (or her) being a human being, to ‘own’ his or her own body; that is, to control that body free of coercive interference. Since each individual must think, learn, value, and choose his or her ends and means in order to survive and flourish, the right to self-ownership gives man the right to perform these vital activities without being hampered and restricted by coercive molestations.” - Murray N. Rothbard, For a New Liberty, p.27.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: There are two and only two kinds of entity in the universe: people and property. The former cannot be owned, except, in a manner of speaking, by themselves.” - L. Neil Smith, The Nagasaki Vector, p.134. - SLAVERY, PROPERTY, PEOPLE, INDIVIDUALS, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: there is no evidence whatever that modern conservatives subscribe to the “your life is your own” philosophy upon which libertarianism is founded.” – Karl Hess, Death of Politics, p.8. - CONSERVATISM, LIBERTARIANISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: There is one and only one principle, on which you can build a true, rightful, enduring and progressive civilization, which can give peace and friendliness and contentment to all different groups and sects into which we are divided – and that principle is that every man and woman should be held by us all sacredly and religiously to be the one true owner of his or her faculties, of his or her body and mind, and of all property, inherited or – honestly acquired. There is no other possible foundation – see it wherever you will – on which you can build, if you honestly mean to make this world a place of peace and friendship, where progress of every kind, like a full river fed by its many streams, may flow on its happy fertilizing course, with ever broadening and deepening volume. Deny that principle, and we become at once like travelers who leave the one sure and beaten path and wander hopelessly in a trackless desert.” – Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.328. - PEACE, FRIENDSHIP, HARMONY, TOLERANCE, COEXISTENCE, RIGHTS, FREEDOM, PROGRESS, VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUALISM, SECESSIONISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: There will never be a fair and just society unless we adhere to – Self-Ownership, Voluntaryism, The Non-Aggression Principle. – Freedom is a State of Mind. - Gian Piero de Bellis shared Down the Rabbit Hole's photo. - ‎Down the Rabbit Hole via Freedom Is A State Of Mind – Facebook, 17.3.13. – Quoted also by Afrikanus Kofi Akosah sharing The Art of Not Being Governed's photo. – It is also a state of our personal law, institutions, methods etc. that we did, individually, establish or choose for ourselves and our own affairs. If it were merely requiring a state of mind then we could simply dream it up and already thereby realize it for our lives. – JZ, 23.2.13. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, VOLUNTARISM, THE NON-AGGRESSION PLRINCIPLE, FAIR & JUST SOCIETIES

SELF-OWNERSHIP: This is how they understand freedom and democracy in the United States. There each citizen is vigilant with a jealous care to remain his own master. It is by virtue of such freedom that the poor hope to emerge from poverty, and that the rich hope to preserve their wealth. And, in fact, as we see, in a very short time this system has brought the Americans to a degree of enterprise, security, wealth, and equality of which the annals of the human race offer no other example.” – Bastiat, in G. C. Roche III, Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.206. - That was, alas, a long time ago. – JZ, 31.5.08. – It was never quite true for its past, either. – JZ, 24.2.14.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: This is your life, - Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars, Harper Collins Publishers, 1996, p.109. -  Not that of politicians or bureaucrats. – PEOPLE AS PROPERTY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Under the law of nature, all men are born free, everyone comes into the world with a right to his own person, which includes the liberty of moving and using it at his own will. This is what is called personal liberty... - Argument in Howell v. Netherland April, 1770 – Mentioned by James Cox in Facebook, 28.1.12. - James Cox

SELF-OWNERSHIP: we should lend ourselves to others and give ourselves only to ourselves.” – Michael de Montaigne – SUBORDINATION, WORK, JOBS, EMPLOYEES, WAGE EARNERS, CONTRACTORS

SELF-OWNERSHIP: What defines and makes possible the discharge of obligations and the enjoyment of rights is self-proprietorship, or a “property in one’s person.” – Tom G. Palmer, Savings Rights Theory from its Friends, p.83 (referring in a footnote to Steiner, An Essay on Rights, …), in: Tibor R. Machan, editor, Individual Rights Reconsidered. Are the Truths of the U.S. Declaration of Independence lasting? Hoover Institution Press, 2001, - SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, PROPERY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, RIGHTS & DUTIES,

SELF-OWNERSHIP: What is Libertarianism? – You own yourself.” – Title of a leaflet by Lawrence Samuels, SLL. - LIBERTARIANISM

SELF-OWNERSHIP: What men and women do with their bodies is their own affair.” – Dagobert D. Runes, Handbook of Reason, p.28.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: When other people get mixed up about the notion that you are your personal property, when they start thinking they own you, the consequences are horrendous: slave trade, the draft, my first marriage. - P. J. O’Rourke - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, JOKES

SELF-OWNERSHIP: Who are you? “A man who belongs to himself!” – Marc Olden, The Golden Kill, p.93. (“Black Samurai” – series.) - PROPERTY IN PEOPLE, PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, SLAVERY

SELF-OWNERSHIP: You belong to yourself. You do not belong to the church or the state. You belong to you. You are what you are. Being what you are is justice. (*) It is your truth in action. It creates beauty and moves you to become what you could be.” – Zarlenga, The Orator, p.106. - (*) For a kleptomaniac, serial murderer, serial rapist or child molester as well? – His remark applies only for your actions as a sufficiently rational being, i.e. those within your genuine individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 31.5.08, 24.2.14.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: You don’t own me. I don’t own you! – JZ, 11.9.96.

SELF-OWNERSHIP: You, and nobody else owns your life. … “Only when you own your life can you be free.” … “Only when every man owns his life, can every man be free.” … “If they own even a part of your life, how can you be free?” - Mark Tier, 12.10.76, in advertisement in THE AUSTRALIAN.

SELF-PERFECTION: What can I do about the thinking of others? I can turn my concentration away from their observed ignorance or depravity and try, rather, to overcome my own shortcomings. I cannot concentrate on others and on self at one and the same time. Keeping my eyes on them is to accomplish nothing; keeping my eye on self (*) is to do all that’s possible.” – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.104/5. – As if communication were quite impossible. Luckily for us, Read did not stick with his own above quoted rule and provided us with many excellent lectures, essays and books. – JZ, 12.6.08. – (*) on myself? on one’s self? - JZ

SELF-PITY: Self-pity is the moral enemy of self-respect without which we can achieve nothing worthwhile.” - From a 1977 Collins Desk Calendar. - SELF-RESPECT

SELF-POSSESSION: this same principle of attraction and repulsion applies even to plant life. Likewise, human beings are drawn to persons of excellence and are repelled by domineering show-offs. And this is the way it should be. … There remains, however, the most compelling reason why no one of us should parade his “wisdom”, but rather await discovery. It is only when a person has discovered a bit of enlightenment for himself that he really possesses it. Self-discovery and self-possession are inseparably linked. “Seek and ye shall find” has a logical extension: What ye find shall be thine.” – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.43. - Should any wisdom or idea or talent not be put on record, accessible to all who would be interested in it, in a free market for them? Should the law of supply and demand not be utilized here, like it is e.g. in a telephone book or in classified advertisements? Should such hints not be accessible to search engines and kept our of encyclopedias and directories and out of freedom libraries? – Luckily, Read did not keep all his ideas, wisdom, opinions and references to himself but set up one of the first libertarian think tanks and large teaching and publishing foundations. - JZ, 12.6.08. - SELF-DISCOVERY, ADVERTISING, MARKETING, SUPPLY & DEMAND PUBLISHING, READ, FEE

SELF-PRESERVATION: If, for instance, the so-called instinct of self-preservation were as fundamental as it is supposed to be, wars would have been eliminated long ago, as would all dangerous and hazardous occupations.” – Emma Goldman, Was My Life Worth Living? In Alix Kates Shulman, Red Emma Speaks, p.438. – It only responds, not always sensibly, to direct, immediate and clearly perceived threats, not to those requiring much thinking and even collaboration with others to overcome them. Mere danger exhilarates many and appeals to their sense of adventure. – JZ, 8.6.08.

SELF-PRESERVATION: Self-preservation is the first law of nature.” - Samuel Butler, Remains. - We do not possess it in a form that is of enough strength and help against e.g. a general holocaust with ABC mass murder devices. - JZ, 27.11.02, 2.3.11. – It does not even induce enough people to seriously ponder the nuclear war threat and what should be done against it. – JZ, 3.4.09. - SURVIVAL INSTINCT, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT

SELF-PRESERVATION: Self-preservation is the first principle of our nature.” – Alexander Hamilton, A Full Vindication …, Dec. 15, 1774. – Then why don’t more people follow that principle e.g. against the nuclear war threat? Because it is unimaginable to them? Or against conventional war threats and against taxation? Surely, they can see them. – How many people are really concerned about all of their individual rights and liberties? - JZ, 21.11.85, 3.6.08. – (*) Hyman Quotations, p.277, brings as a 17th century quote: “Self-preservation is the first law of nature.” – George Seldes, in “The Great Quotations”, ascribes the latter version to Samuel Butler, 1612-1618, Remains. – (*) They are not even sufficiently collected and declared as yet and still almost no one seems to care about that. – JZ, 24.2.14.

SELF-PRESERVATION: Since reason demands nothing which is opposed to Nature, it demands, therefore, that every person should love himself, should seek his own profit – what is truly profitable to him – should desire everything that really leads man to greater perfection, and absolutely that everybody should endeavour, as far as in him lies, to preserve his own being.” – Spinoza, Ethics, part 4, On Virtue, p.427.

SELF-PRESERVATION: The law of self-preservation is surer policy than any legislation can be.” – Emerson, quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.143. – LAWS, LEGISLATION, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SELF-PROGRAMMING: I prefer to program myself.” – Poul Anderson, The People of the Wind, ANALOG, Feb. 73. – PROGRAMMING PEOPLE, EDUCATION, TRAINING

SELF-PROGRAMMING: Moral: Today is the first day of the rest of history. Are we becoming more efficient self-programmers or are we drifting along in our old programs or passively allowing the many skilled Head Mechanics around to program us into their trips?” – Robert Anton Wilson, in DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIPS 10. – LEADERSHIP, STATISM

SELF-PROTECTION: For a still further reason, it is absurd to say that a man must give up some of his rights to a government, in order that government may protect him in the rest. That reason is, that every right he gives up diminishes his own power of self-protection, and makes it so much more difficult for the government to protect him. And yet our government says a man must give up all his rights, in order that it may protect him. It might just as well be said that a man must consent to be bound hand and foot, in order to enable a government, or his friends, to protect him against an enemy. Leave him in full possession of his limbs, and of all his powers, and he will do more for his own protection than he otherwise could, and will have less need of protection from a government, or any other source.” – Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, Works I, p.13/14. - SELF-DEFENCE VS. PROTECTION BY A TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT, PANARCHISM

SELF-PROTECTION: The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection … The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.” – John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, Chapter I, 1859. – Wrongs, instead of “harm”! – I may harm him only as much as any free competitor does, who, at least temporarily, may put him into second place. - JZ, 13.6.08, 2.3.11.

SELF-REALIZATION: enlightened self-interest urges us to unlock our latent powers. What higher aim than self-realization?” – Leonard E. Read, ABC of Freedom.

SELF-REALIZATION: Every obstruction of the self-realization of anyone – for which there cannot be another limit than that of the equal liberty for all, is a crime – in essence the only crime there is. – Solneman (K. H. Zube) in LERNZIEL ANARCHIE, Nr.2, S.57. – CRIME, EQUAL LIBERTY

SELF-REALIZATION: I appeal from your customs. I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you …” - Emerson: Self-Reliance. – SELF-SACRIFICE, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, SELF-DETERMINATION, SELF-RELIANCE, CUSTOMS, TRADITIONS

SELF-REALIZATION: Individual self-realization is poorly realized in isolation, … it fully blossoms only in cooperation with other self-actualizing individuals.” – Spencer Heath McCallum, REASON, 4/72. – VOLUNTARY COOPERATION, SOCIAL & SOCIETAL RELATIONS, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM

SELF-REALIZATION: it is better to live self-realized and self-responsible than to live dominated, to live with a sense of self only as defined by others, and to live on the end of strings which, called destiny, history, or national politics, are actually pulled or cut by other human beings wearing the masks of power.” – Karl Hess, Dear America, p.257. - POWER, POLITICS, TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM

SELF-REALIZATION: Life, to be worth living, must be a continuous process of self-realization, a fulfillment of the law of one’s being, an unfolding of our aptitudes. …” - G. P. Gooch, Dictatorship in Theory and Practice, p.38. – SELF-DEVELOPMENT, GROWING-UP, MATURING

SELF-REALIZATION: Looking out for my own best long-range interests turns out to be a bigger project than I can handle. No person has ever come close to realizing his potentialities. In view of the obstacles to the relatively simple task of self-realization, reflect on the utter absurdity of my undertaking to manage your life or, as the collectivists would do, undertaking to manage the lives of millions.” – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.85. – For instance: who does or can really know, what his long-term self-interest would require on a free capital market? Who really knows which other kind of job, among several hundred thousand, would be more profitable for him than his present trade or profession or specialty? Who really knows which book of several hundred millions could be the most important one for his life? Who knows which woman or man of all of those in the world, would be the best life-long partner for him or her? Our self-knowledge is limited and even more so is our knowledge of others. “Looking out for Nr. 1”, really and optimally living one’s own life, is already a difficult enough job an almost impossible one – unless one calmly accepts many mistakes and errors as unavoidable. – JZ, 13.6.08. - SELF-MANAGEMENT, SELF-GOVERNMENT, AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM, RULERS, GOVERNMENT

SELF-REALIZATION: To thine own self be true, // And it must follow, as the night the day, // Though canst not then be false to any man.” – Shakespeare, Hamlet, I, c. 1601. - INTEGRITY, HONESTY, TRUTH

SELF-REGULATION: no legislation should be beyond challenge; no regulation should override the fundamental purpose: the dispensation of justice in a community of free, self-regulating citizens.” – Morris West, THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 23.11.74. – LAWS, REGULATIONS, JUSTICE

SELF-REGULATION: Poverty breeds lack of self-reliance.” – Daniel DeLeon, Two Pages from Roman History, 1903. - Only subsidized poverty does this. Otherwise people survive poverty largely by self-reliance, family and mutual aid. – JZ, 13.6.08. – SUBSIDIES, HANDOUTS, WELFARE STATE, WAR AGAINST POVERTY

SELF-REGULATION: Remove authority, and there will be self-regulation, not chaos.” – Paul Goodman, NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE, 14.7.68. – CHAOS, AUTHORITY, REGULATIONS

SELF-RELIANCE: All other requisites are unimportant compared with this primary requisite, that each shall to live as neither to burden his fellows nor injure his fellows.” – Herbert Spencer, The Study of Sociology, ch.14. – It has long been my wish to see a complete collection of all supposedly primary principles, with all their pro and con added to them. – Who will get around to provide it or start off such a collection by effectively suggesting it on the Internet? – JZ, 13.6.08. - FIRST PRINCIPLES

SELF-RELIANCE: As long as we rely on territorial governments we cannot rely on our selves and will not get what we want and could achieve ourselves. Under territorialism only the government gets what its wants, mainly power and tributes. – JZ, 21.10.93, 4.6.08. - STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, SELF-HELP

SELF-RELIANCE: As we reflect on the decline of self-reliance, it seems obvious that whenever an individual passes the responsibility for self over to another, or permits the government to assume the responsibility for his livelihood, that person loses the very essence of his being; self-reliance can not flower in the absence of self-responsibility.” – Leonard E. Read, The Love of Liberty, p.78.

SELF-RELIANCE: Associate with the noblest people you can find, read the best books; live with the mighty. But learn to be happy alone. Rely upon your own energies, and do not wait for or depend on other people.” – Professor Thomas Davidson, quoted in Louis L’Amour, Education of a Wandering Man, 194. – I think there is a typo in the printed text. Thus I replaced so not wait for by do not wait for. – I also disagree with the segment: “live with the mighty”. Rather keep as far apart from them as you can! Living with them would corrupt you, too. - JZ, 13.9.07. - INDIVIDUALISM

SELF-RELIANCE: better to rely upon oneself and one’s own intelligence than to delegate one’s thinking to authority.” - Frank Dupuis, PROGRESS, 11/75. – Especially to the supposed and largely enforced territorial authority of politicians and bureaucrats. Otherwise, free choice among doctors and other specialists or experts one may really need. - JZ, 2.3.11. - THINK, DELEGATION, AUTHORITY

SELF-RELIANCE: But always he wondered how it was possible that a human society could be happy and half-way orderly, where the power of the government was so limited and there was so little respect for the established authorities. With a hearty laugh, which seemed to indicate his agreement, he accepted my remark that the American people would hardly have developed to a self-reliant, energetic and progressive people if, in America, and before every puddle a government counselor or policeman would have stood to warn them against stepping into it.” – Carl Schurz, Lebenserinnerungen, Zucker, S.206, on conversations with Bismarck. (JZ tr. only.) – Under full political, economic and social freedom every individual would have the choice between successful, stagnating and flawed panarchies. – JZ, 1.6.08. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF ACTION

SELF-RELIANCE: changes in attitudes resulting from the abandonment of the present government system of institutionalized irresponsibility would already have precluded any … desire arising to evade payment for services rendered. In any case, within a short time, free interaction would tend to establish a high level of personal responsibility. Importantly, as long as government exists, self-reliance and responsibility are constantly eroded, making more laws “necessary” to force compliance; of course, this has the effect of eroding self-reliance even further.” – Fred Woodworth, Anarchism, p.8. - SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, GOVERNMENT, ANARCHISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, VOLUNTARY TAXATION

SELF-RELIANCE: Every man is the architect of his own fortune.” – English proverb, borrowed from the Greek and familiar since the 17th century. Sometimes artificer appears in the place of architect. – Compare: “Everybody is the smith of his own fate.” – Source? Old German proverb: Jeder ist der Schmied seines eigenen Schicksals. - Anyhow, he should be free, to the fullest extent possible, in every sphere now coercively monopolized by territorial governments. - JZ, 2.3.11.

SELF-RELIANCE: For this is also a result of governmental centralization. The more completely personal initiative and the impulse to self-reliance is smothered in man, the stronger in him becomes the belief in the “strong man”, who is to end all his troubles. Moreover, this belief is just a bit of political religion which is deeply implanted in the nature of man by the feeling of dependence on a higher power.” – Rudolf Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, p.427. - LEADERSHIP, RULERS, SAVIORS, GOVERNMENTALISM, GOD, RELIGION, STRENGTH, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, CENTRALISM, INITIATIVE, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY

SELF-RELIANCE: Frankly, I have a great faith in the few who insist on being their own true selves and have no trust at all in those who want to be everyone’s man.” – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 1/75. - POLITICIANS, DO-GOODERS, MEDDLERS, LEADERSHIP, RULERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERSM, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

SELF-RELIANCE: Humility is the better part of wisdom, and is most becoming in man. But let no one disparage self-reliance; it is, of all the rest, the greatest quality in true manliness.” – Ferencz Kossuth

SELF-RELIANCE: I appeal from your customs. I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you. …” - Emerson, Self-Reliance. – CUSTOMS

SELF-RELIANCE: I do not choose to be a common man.  It is my right to be uncommon - if I can. I seek opportunity - not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk, to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia. I will not (neither? – JZ) trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act for myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say: This I have done.” - Dean Alfange. - One should not overlook, either, how much more one can achieve together with self-chosen and like-minded others. The right to associate and the right to disassociate oneself are also very important rights for every individual. - JZ, 2.3.11. - SELF-HELP, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, FREEDOM TO ASSOCIATE.

SELF-RELIANCE: If maturity is self-reliance, then most laws foster immaturity.” – Magic Mick, LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION, 24.1.72. – LAWS, MATURITY, ADULTHOOD

SELF-RELIANCE: If we cannot rely on men in power, one whom can we rely? Ultimately we must rely on ourselves.” – Thomas Frederick O’Connell, THE FREEMAN, 11/73. - POWER, STATISM, WELFARE STATE

SELF-RELIANCE: It is belief in yourself that brings results.” – 1977 Collins Desk Calendar – saying. - Is it really superfluous to DO something towards one’s success? That quote reminds me of those Christians who think that faith is enough. (“Let God be a good man!”) – Belief or faith or conviction can only be the starting point. - JZ, 13.6.08. – SUCCESS, SELF-LIBERATION

SELF-RELIANCE: Let every vat stand upon its own bottom.” – William Bullein, Dialogue Against the Fever Pestilence, 1564. (Tub usually appears in place of vat.) – Let people stand on their own feet – in every sphere that they choose to do this in. – JZ, 27.6.13. – Sometimes an old proverb, in all its implication, is wiser than those people, who spout it unthinkingly, in an all too restricted sense. – JZ, 27.6.13. - SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT & ASSOCIATION IN EVERY SPHERE, PANARCHISM. PERSONAL LAW

SELF-RELIANCE: Liberty means self-reliance, it means resolution, it means enterprise, it means the capacity for doing without. …” - Mencken, quoted in THE FREEMAN, 12/73.

SELF-RELIANCE: Mine is that masculine species of charity which would lead me to inculcate in the minds of the laboring classes the love of independence, the privilege of self-respect (*), the disdain of being patronized or petted, the desire to accumulate, and the ambition to rise. I know it has been found easier to please the people by holding out flattering and delusive prospects of cheap benefits to be derived from Parliament, rather than by urging them to a course of self-reliance, but while I will not be a sycophant of the great, I cannot become the parasite of the poor.” (**) – Richard Cobden – Quoted in The Free Man’s Almanac by FEE, compiled by L. E. Read, for August 21. - (*) How is that a privilege? – (**) This point also requires elucidation. The politicians and bureaucrats are only indirectly parasites upon the poor, since, on their behalf they extract much in taxes also from others than the poor, while charging a high “brokerage fee” for this transaction. - JZ, 13.6.08.

SELF-RELIANCE: No man’s security is any greater than his own self-reliance. (*) If every man and woman worth living did not stand up to the job of living, did not take risk and danger and exhaustion beyond exhaustion and go on fighting for one thin hope of victory in the certainty of death, there would not be a human being alive today. (**) - But fighting does not mean fighting one’s own kind. If all men were not brothers, and if most men did not recognize the brotherhood of human kind, there would not be a human being alive. (***) – Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.60. - (*) Even if one has many body guards instead of only his own gun and unarmed combat experience? - (**) Families, friends and mutual aid kept many other types alive, not only the survivor types. – The extent of statism indicates that numerous people with a slave and serf mentality did survive. – (***) That, too, seems to me to be an exaggeration. People largely segregated themselves within territorial nation States or were territorially segregated in them and also against other territorial nation States or Warfare States and, nevertheless, in spite of thousands of bloody wars and revolutions, have not yet managed to wipe themselves out, in spite of numerous dislikes and antagonisms. - JZ, 13.6.08. - However, with current modern and scientific mass extermination devices our territorial governments, supposed to be our great protectors, do get more and more able to wipe out most or even all of mankind. - We have to become free to secede from them and to compete them out of existence as territorial power mongers, through self-chosen societies and communities of volunteers, which would only provide them with those services which they really want for themselves. - JZ, 2.3.11. – WARS, CIVIL WARS, REVOLUTIONS, BROTHERHOOD OF MAN, MAN, MANKIND, SECURITY, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, TERRITORIALISM

SELF-RELIANCE: Sakharov considers that help from the West is of decisive importance for our liberation, while I believe that we can obtain freedom only by relying upon ourselves.” – Solzhenitsyn, quoted in NEWS DIGEST INTERNATIONAL, June 1976. - One should distinguish between e.g. financial, military and enlightenment help. Even under formally full freedom of expression and information in the West, full enlightenment did not take place. There were many less opportunities for free opinion exchanges in the Soviet Empire. Thus the greatest aid that the Western people, to the extent that they were and are enlightened, could possibly provide to the remaining captive peoples in the world, would be to share their ideas, knowledge and experience with them, including their knowledge of successful liberation, resistance, revolutions and liberating military insurrections. From the Western territorial governments, too, only more blunders are to be expected. – For the day after the revolution the sufficiently enlightened people should also offer unilateral free trade options, and financial investments – under fair conditions for them, i.e., not subject to government regulations. In the meantime, the people in the West should accept deserters and refugees with open arms and allow them exterritorial autonomy, if they prefer it, for their various governments and societies in exile, all of them confined to present and future voluntary members. - JZ, 13.6.08.

SELF-RELIANCE: State ownership limits choice of employment in basic industries and heavy taxation severely limits a man’s chance to become self-reliant. Little wonder that tens of thousands of our most enterprising and vigorous people now emigrate every year to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Rhodesia where they have more chance of fulfilling themselves and shaping their lives to their own choice.” – Dr. Rhodes Boyson, ed., Right Turn, 1970, p.6. – South Africa and Rhodesia have already ceased to be attractive alternatives and the others are not much better than England, either, by now. Internal “emigration” or “secession”, on the basis of individual secessionism and exterritorial autonomy is still missing everywhere for the pioneers or “founding fathers” of more free, better or other and preferred as well as quite voluntaristic societies and communities. To join or establish them, one should not have to leave one’s residence or one’s job, in most cases, just as one hasn’t if one changes one’s religion or ceases to subscribe to one. – JZ, 13.6.08.

SELF-RELIANCE: The immoral state: Our modern state, as fashioned largely by intellectuals of the Labour party, now takes more unto itself by taxation and regulations, decides how a man’s children shall be educated, what rent he shall pay for his house or flat, how much he shall save for his old age, and what standards of health provision he shall receive. It has become destructive of the self-reliance and responsibility, which were the pride of the 19th century nonconformists. State ownership limits choice of employment in basic industries and heavy taxation severely limits a man’s chance to become self-reliant.” – Dr. Rhodes Boyson, ed., Right Turn, 1970, p.6. – WELFARE STATE

SELF-RELIANCE: The ones who do want to help you may put you in a mess and the ones who pull you out of it don’t necessarily want to help you.” – Summary of the parable in “Nobody is my Name”, a Western film comedy. The Parable: Young freezing bird kept warm by a cow dropping its dung on it and then pulled out to be washed – and eaten by a fox. – WELFARE STATE, TAXATION, JOKES

SELF-RELIANCE: The poet so stressed such individualism that he was against everything and everybody that made people rely more than necessary upon somebody or something other than their own integrity, courage and resources.” – Peter J. Stanlis, Robert Frost, THE INTERCOLLEGIATE REVIEW, Summer 73.

SELF-RELIANCE: There are not substitutes for self-faith, self-reliance, self-development, individual effort, and personal responsibility. Life is not bed of roses. The end of man is not self-indulgence, but achievement. There are not short cuts, no substitutes for work.” - Henry Grady Weaver, The Mainspring of Human Progress, revised edition, FEE, 1953, p.260. – Even high self-esteem does not make people necessarily highly productive. – JZ, 34.2.14. - SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, WORK, SELF-DEVELOPMENT, SELF-FAITH, SELF-ESTEEM, PRIDE

SELF-RELIANCE: There is a wonderful sense of freedom in standing on one’s two legs.” – George Santayana, My Host the World. – Literally, even many beggars, robbers and thieves still manage to do the same. – But, obviously, they rely on the earnings and property of others. - JZ, 9.6.08. -

SELF-RELIANCE: Trust thy self, and another shall not betray thee.” – “Poor Richard”, 1739. – However, that should certainly not be interpreted as: Don’t trust anybody else! – JZ, 24.2.14. - SELF-HELP

SELF-RENUNCIATION: A mass movement attracts and holds a following not because it can satisfy the desire for self-advancement, but because it can satisfy the passion for self-renunciation.” – Eric Hoffer, The True Believer, 1951, 1.2.7. - MASS MOVEMENTS, STATISM, SUBMISSIVENESS, FOLLOWERSHIP, TRUE BELIEVERS, LEADERSHIP OR MISLEADERSHIP, EMOTIONAL COLLECTIVISM, MASS PSYCHOLOGY

SELF-RESPECT: A man should never condemn himself. There are always others to do it for him.” – From Film: The Adventures by Harold Robbins. – A man should be man enough to admit his flaws, errors and mistakes and to try to do better, next time. – At least whatever qualities he has he should appreciate and try to develop them and others. - JZ, 13.6.08. - SELF-ESTEEM, SELF-DEVELOPMENT

SELF-RESPECT: A man stood for something, if only for himself.” – Robert Sheckley, Dimensions of Miracles, p.102.

SELF-RESPECT: All you ever needed was self-respect, the self-worship which contains all of humankind and all the things that matter for your mutual immortality.” - Frank Herbert & Bill Ransom, The Jesus Incident, p.402.

SELF-RESPECT: Do what they manhood bids thee do. From none but self expect applause.” – Richard Burton. – SELF-CONFIDENCE, SELF-RELIANCE

SELF-RESPECT: He is also much concerned with the importance of self-respect: ‘On several occasions I have mentioned that, perhaps the most important primary good is self-respect” (Rawls, 1971, p. 440.). Again, I am myself not merely content but eager to concur. – Anthony Flew, The Politics of Procrustes, p.103.

SELF-RESPECT: I am more afraid of my own heart than of the pope and all his cardinals. I have within me the great pope. Self.” – Martin Luther, 1483-1546. – CONSCIENCE, MORAL SENSE, RATIONAL SELFISHNESS, INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY

SELF-RESPECT: If most people knew and fully understood all individual rights and liberties and their implications, in every human activity sphere, their self-respect or self-esteem would be much higher than it is now, in most case. An as comprehensive declaration of all individual rights and liberties, so far discovered, could do much good in this sphere. As raw material for it I offer an anthology of over 130 private human rights drafts, online at - but I am still short of volunteers prepared to work on this project. – via email exchanges, a common archive, disc, blog or website. – JZ, 27.6.13.

SELF-RESPECT: It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.” – Dolores Ibarruri, La Pasionaria, 1936. – A. Andrews quotations, p.26. – The one who dies on his feet is dead for eternity. The one who does, outwardly, submit, may merely be waiting for his next good chance, even it if takes a while. His self-respect does not come from his physical position or situation. – JZ, 24.2.14.

SELF-RESPECT: Just like man respects himself he will highly respect his human nature in every other human being. (*) Self-respect is, therefore, the true means to unite the human species.“(**) - Pestalozzi, Der natuerliche Schulmeister, S.3. – JZ tr. of: “So wie der Mensch sich selber hochachtet, achtet er seine Natur in jedem andern Menschen hoch. Selbstachtung is also das wahre Mittel, das Menschengeschlecht zu vereinigen.“ – (*) Is that true for all criminals and terrorists? – (**) Is unity the aim or, rather, freedom in diversity and, thereby, rapid progress? Respect for or at least tolerance for all those rights and liberties, which different communities claim for the affairs and internal relationships of their voluntary members, regardless of how many or how few of all genuine rights and liberties they claim and want to practise among themselves, would be all the unity required. That would also unite them against any movement that intends to deprive them of that freedom in diversity. - JZ, 2.6.08. -

SELF-RESPECT: Proudhon begins by considering the application of Justice to man’s personal relations. Here it proceeds from ‘the principle of personal dignity”, whose law, ‘Respect yourself’, is the foundation of the science of morals. Once this principle is established, its reasonable corollary is that we should respect the dignity of others as much as our own, and this is the essence of Justice.” – George Woodcock, Proudhon, p.207. - Their dignity or their natural rights and liberties, even while they behave in a very undignified fashion? - JZ, 2.3.11. – DIGNITY OR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES?

SELF-RESPECT: Respect yourself! Shortest way to be happy!” – from an emailed advertisement by Roanne Purcell, - - 11.8.06. - If you do have some good reasons to respect yourself. - JZ, 2.3.11.

SELF-RESPECT: Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting.” – Shakespeare, King Henry V, II, iv.

SELF-RESPECT: Self-respect cannot be hunted. It cannot be purchased. It is never for sale. It cannot be fabricated out of public relations. It comes to us when we are alone, in quiet moments, in quiet places, when we suddenly realize that, knowing the good, we have done it, knowing the beautiful, we have served it, knowing the truth, we have spoken it.” – A Whitney Griswold, quoted in READER’S DIGEST, Nov. 75, under The Quiet Truth.

SELF-RESPECT: Self-respect – that corner stone of all virtue.” – John Herrschel: Address in London, Jan. 29, 1833.

SELF-RESPECT: Self-respect is even more important that respect for others.” – JZ, 3.6.91. – How could one respect others if one does not even have self-respect? – JZ, 6.6.08.

SELF-RESPECT: Self-respect must come from the inside, not from the outside.” – JZ, 21.11.92. – And it must be based upon facts, upon knowledge, not mere imagination. – JZ, 24.2.14.

SELF-RESPECT: Self-respect rather than respect for any territorial government!” – JZ, 25.11.76, 10.6.08. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY

SELF-RESPECT: The capacity for getting along with our neighbor depends to a large extent on the capacity for getting along with ourselves. The self-respecting individual will try to be as tolerant of his neighbor's shortcomings as he is of his own.” - Eric Hoffer. - & TOLERANCE, RESPECT FOR OTHERS

SELF-RESPECT: The corruption of freedom is in proportion to the moral deterioration of the people. For a people who have lost their sense of self-respect have no need for freedom. And the income tax, by transferring the property of earners to the State, has disintegrated the moral fiber of Americans to such a degree that they do not even recognize the fact.” – Frank Chodorov, The Income Tax, p.75. – They are not even aware that they are tax slaves or tribute payers, that taxation amounts to robbery against them. – They think this situation is “normal”, even if half their income is thus taken from them. - JZ, 13.6.08. - TAXATION, TRIBUTES, TAX SLAVERY

SELF-RESPECT: We must develop a new ethic of personal self-respect or sink into another Dark Age of self-rejection. - Thomas Szasz, Heresies, p.34. - SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-APPRECIATION

SELF-RESPECT: What progress I made? I am beginning to be my own friend. That is progress indeed. Such a person will never be alone, and you may be sure he is a friend of all.” - Seneca, Letters VI, p.40. – Can one be or should one be a friend of those not worthy of friendship? – JZ, 3.4.09. - SELF-APPRECIATION

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: A majority of our citizens deplore – even despise – the freedom way of life. These are people who haven’t the slightest idea of the miracles that flow from the self-responsibility that limited government (*) assures. Indeed, they are quite content to live off others and barely tolerate the idea that each should attend to his own life and livelihood.” – NOTES FROM FEE, 12/78. – (*) that freely competing, coexisting, voluntary and tolerant panarchies, of the most diverse kind can provide us with. – JZ, 10.6.08. - WELFARE STATE, EGALITARIANISM, LEVELERS, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM,

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: A man makes better choices if he bears the ultimate responsibility for his actions. He will tend to think through the problem, apply his best judgmental, experiential and analytical tools, and reach the most reasoned result in harmony with his personal dynamic scale of preferences.” – Ridgeway K. Foley Jr., THE FREEMAN, I/76, p.47. - Even in chess games, that he wants to win, man isn’t always at his best. But his choices of moves, as in chess games, should at most only harm himself and his voluntary game partner. – JZ, 10.6.08. – PANARCHISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Absolve men from the penalty of their errors, or remove the rewards for their excellence, and the world will be peopled with fools.” – Leonard E. Read, Outlook for Freedom, p.28. – Compare Herbert Spencer’s similar remark. – JZ. - WELFARE STATE, PATERNALISM, FOOLS

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Allow everyone maximum opportunity to become self-responsible. It is as unjust for the police to forcibly take from some and give to others as it would be for me to rob you to aid a person who is the object of my pity.” – Leonard E. Read, THE FREEMAN, 2/75. – People should also be allowed to become self-responsible for the kind of community they want to live in and personal law they would prefer to live under, and this quite independent from the territory that they live and work in. A forced association with others, with whom one disagrees is an irresponsible association, unless one is a criminal with victims or an aggressor against any community of volunteers. Then one would fall, at least for a period, under the laws and institutions of the members of the community one has offended against. – However, a community of thieves, robbers, rapists and con-men and communists would be tolerated - but only as long as they did their own things only to their own voluntary members. Otherwise it might be held collectively responsible for all the wrongs and damages of any of its members against outsiders. – That would be one of the very few instances where this principle could be rightfully applied. - JZ, 11.6.08. – PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS, COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY, POLYARCHISM,  PERSONAL LAW

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Anarchism … means not only the denial of authority, not only a new economy, but a revision of the principles of morality. It means self-responsibility and not leader worship.” – Voltairine de Cleyre, quoted in Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.344. – ANARCHISM, MORALITY, LEADERSHIP

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Any doctrine that weakens personal responsibility for judgment and for action helps create the attitudes that welcome and support the totalitarian state. – John Dewey, in - SELF-HELP, SELF-RELIANCE VS. TOTALITARIAN STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, MAJORITARIANISM, LEGISLATION, FREEDOM OF ACTION & EXPERIMENTATION, NATIONAL VS. INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY


SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Ask yourself what you would do if all the world were looking at you – and then act accordingly.” – Thomas Jefferson, as quoted on 2GB radio, 7/75. - PUBLICITY, CONSCIENCE

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Bastiat felt that public opinion should be sovereign, but that it should also be enlightened. (*) He fully appreciated that the only lasting enlightenment of public pinion was a direct cause-and-effect relationship with experience. Make people responsible for their own actions and all the consequences thereof, and public enlightenment will soon be achieved.” – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone. - (*) Apparently, he was still too much of a territorialist, too, not to recognize the right to secede from public opinion, its laws and institutions and to establish alternative ones for oneself. – At least Bastiat should have advocated Free Trade for Free Traders and Protectionism for Protectionists only. - JZ, 31.5.08. - The mere teaching of Free Trade was never enough to spread it fully, widely and permanently. Individual choices are required for most people to finally make the right choice also for themselves. - JZ, 2.3.11. - PANARCHISM, FREEDOM OF ACTION, FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT, FREEDOM TO DO THE OWN THINGS FOR & TO ONESELF, ENLIGHTENMENT, EXPERIENCE, ALTERNATIVE INSTITUTIONS, VOLUNTARISM, FREE TRADE VS. PROTETIONISM.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Become responsible for your own lives and property rather than letting territorial politicians become or remain irresponsible with them. – JZ, 9.11.97, 2.3.11. – POLITICIANS, STATISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Becoming is man’s highest goal – achievement consonant with each individual’s uniqueness, whatever it is – and it is an observed fact that the art of becoming is composed of acts of overcoming. Obstacles, problems of varying sorts, are stepping stones to achievement. When I turn the responsibility for me over to you and others, or let government take it away from me, the essence of my being is removed; I have nothing remaining against which to brace myself for any forward thrust – no footing from which to step or jump or climb; I am a nonhuman in a vacuum.” – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.94/95. - BECOMING, SELF-IMPROVEMENT, SELF-DEVELOPMENT

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Being a moral person requires taking on the personal responsibility of judging right from wrong and following one’s own conscience, which is the opposite of respecting and obeying “authority”. -  Larken Rose, “The Most Dangerous Superstition”, - - quoted by Tyler Jordan – Facebook, 24.2.14.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Being one’s own man is better than existing as a mere fraction of a collective. Self-responsibility is the joyous key to being human.” - Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.74/75. - Working together with like-minded people, if one can find them, is also not bad. – Some kinds of free and small enough associations tend to even increase rather than diminish self-responsibility and make their participants behave as well as they can. - JZ, 10.6.08, 2.3.11. – AUTONOMOUS GROUP WORK, SELF-MANAGEMENT SCHEMES, COOPERATIVES, TEAM WORK

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Blaming “society” makes it awfully easy for a person of weak character to shrug off his own responsibility for his actions.” - Stanley Schmidt - BLAMING OTHERS, ESPECIALLY SOCIETY

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: But freedom is another concept which had to be redefined by Nietzsche, and the more he considered it, the more clearly he realized that freedom is not something which one has by natural endowment, or by social contract: it is something which one wins by conquest, by a discipline of the spirit. Freedom is the will to be responsible for one’s self.”– Herbert Read, Anarchy and Order, p.172. – FREEDOM, LIBERTY

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: But if you choose to recognize your own sovereignty, you’ll probably think it ridiculous to grant others the responsibility for your success or failure.” – Harry Browne, How I Found Freedom …, p.166. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, DELEGATION, REPRESENTATIVES, DECISION-MAKING

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: by his maxim that every man may be presumed to understand the things in which his own interest and responsibility are involved; by his zeal for democracy, equality, and simplicity, and his dislike of intermediate authorities, he belongs to a generation later than his own. … the best of all he wrote only became known in our time.” – Lord Acton, Lectures on the French Revolution, ed. by Figgis & Laurence, MacMillan, 1932, p.9. - SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-CONTROL, SELF-MANAGEMENT & SELF-INTEREST, INDIVIDUALISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: By now we are told that the community, “someone else’, ought to accept responsibility for the consequences of personal acts. – This is why some people think, that ‘drop-outs’ are entitled to be kept by society, that large families must be subsidized and that spendthrifts have priority rights to community help over responsible people who have saved for their old age.” – George Hardy, The Doom of the Welfare Society, p.13. - SUBSIDIES, AID, COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE, WELFARE STATE, HAND-OUTS, SOCIAL SECURITY

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Can human dignity, individual freedom and personal integrity survive an indefinite extension of the area of our lives for which Big Brother assumes responsibility?” – Milton Friedman in NEWSWEEK, Sept. 4th, 72, quoted in GOOD GOVERNMENT, Oct. 72. – STATISM, WELFARE STATE, FREEDOM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Democratic societies are necessarily placed at risk when people conceive of their relationships as being grounded on principles of command and control rather than on principles of self responsibility in self governing communities of relationships. - Vincent Ostrom - Liberty Quotations - John Zube That can also be interpreted panarchistically or polyarchically. However, personal law relationships and institutions must be more clearly stated to be understood. – Facebook, 8.10.13. - SELF-GOVERNANCE, DEMOCRATY, PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, POLYARCHISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Do it yourself. Don't delegate your responsibility to the church or the state. - Roy Halliday - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Each person is the custodian of his own energy and talents, charged with the lifetime task of bringing himself to completion.” – Edmund A. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 11/72. – SELF-DEVELOPMENT, SELF-EDUCATION, SELF-PERFECTION, SELF-IMPROVEMENT

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Either each of us takes personal responsibility for our own actions or we must surrender our rights to the state.” – John Beverly Robinson, quoted in Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.186. – RIGHT, LIBERTIES, STATE

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Either you must treat men as self-responsible, as bearing their own burdens, and making their own life, as free in thought, word and action, or you must treat them as so much political matter, which any government that can get into power may protect, restrain and fashion as it likes. … It is easy to perceive how long the reign of force has lasted in the world, how withering to conscience and to intellect has been its influence, when we find the great mass of men practically supporting such a creed. Our belief in force, our readiness to use it, and our obedience yielded to it, are but forms of fetish worship still left among us.” – Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.50. – FORCE, STATISM, OBEDIENCE, PREJUDICES, CONSCIENCE, INTELLECT, TERRITORIALISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Even more serious, are we postulating what human beings can accomplish, when self-responsible and free, on the observed actions of men neither responsible nor free?” - Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.18. – Q.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Every attempt to divert responsibility from its natural course is an attack upon justice, freedom, order, civilization, or progress.” - Bastiat, quoted in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p. 249. – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY VS. COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: every man deserves the precious opportunity to assume responsibility for his own course, whether he is swimming courageously upstream or paddling lazily, with plenty of company, in the other direction.” – W. E. Paton – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Every man must be responsible for himself.” – Charles Brooks, 10/72.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Every man, Smith the individualist maintains, is by nature principally recommended to his own care. He is fitter to take care of himself than is any other person. “Every man, therefore, is much more deeply interested in whatever immediately concerns himself than in what concerns any other man.”- Ellen Frankel Paul, on Adam Smith, in JLS, Fall 77, p.290. – Which is the best version? Should libertarians vote on that? – JZ, 7.4.09. - SELF-INTEREST

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Everyone has the right to make his own decisions, but no one has the right to force his decisions on others. – Ayn Rand, 11 days left to be part of Atlas Shrugged history: — with Ayn Rand. – Facebook, 12.10.13.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Everyone thinks about changing the world, but no one thinks about changing himself.” – Leo Tolstoy - Various self-improvement methods have become new hobbies in our times. Furthermore, one should distinguish activities in the private spheres, which are not yet outlawed and those rights and liberties which are, under threat of severe punishment, via avalanches of laws and regulations. Often acting against such laws and their bureaucracy is like running with one's head against a wall. - Try to ignore taxes, building restrictions, borders, custom duties, conscription and central bank privileges and you might end up dead or in prison. - Even educational institutions are not yet quite subject to free enterprise competition and individual choice. So many rights, liberties, opportunities and institutions are preempted by governments. More or less, under territorial governments, we are all prisoners, in minimum to maximum security prisons. - JZ 22. 11. 06. - SELF-IMPROVEMENT

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Everything that we think God has in his mind necessarily proceeds from our own mind; it is what we imagine to be in God's mind, and it is really difficult for human intelligence to guess at a divine intelligence. What we usually end up with by this sort of reasoning is to make God the color-sergeant of our army and to make Him as chauvinistic as ourselves.” - Lin Yutang - GOD AS AN EXCUSE, NATIONALISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Freedom and self-responsibility are interchangeable terms. Self-responsibility is impossible unless one be free and one cannot be free if not self-responsible.” – Leonard E. Read, Meditations on Freedom, p.12. – “… no one can be self-responsible unless free and … no one can be free unless self-responsible.” – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, Sept. 74.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Freedom is the will to be responsible for ourselves.” – Friedrich Nietzsche, Skirmishes in a War with the Age, in Twilight of the Idols, 1888, p.36, tr. Anthony M. Ludovici. - The mere wish or even will was not enough e.g. for most inmates of forced labor camps, extermination camps and conscripts. – JZ, 3.6.08. - Freedom for Nietzsche is ‘the will to self-responsibility.” - Peter Marshall, Demanding the Impossible. – The will is not enough when there is no opportunity to apply it because one or the other statist system is territorially imposed upon the whole population, except for some private activities that are of no interest to the power-mad rulers. – JZ, 4.6.08. – FREEDOM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Freedom means self-responsibility. That is the reason why most people are afraid of it.” – G. B. Shaw. – Just my rough tr. of the German version: “Freiheit bedeutet Verantwortlichkeit; das ist der Grund, weshalb die meisten Menschen sich vor ihr fuerchten.“ – Shaw, as a State Socialist, was also afraid, e.g of economic freedom. – JZ, 31.5.08. - It was for him, objectively, not subjectively, the great unknown. - JZ, 2.3.11.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Freedom of self – and utter personal responsibility for self.” - Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land, p.359.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Freedom to order our own conduct in the sphere where material circumstances force a choice upon us; and responsibility for the arrangement of our own life according to our own conscience, is the air in which alone moral sense grows, and in which moral values are daily re-created in the free decision of the individual. Responsibility, not to a superior, but to one’s conscience, the awareness of a duty not exacted by compulsion, the necessity to decide which of the things one values are to be sacrificed to others, and to hear the consequences of one’s own decisions, are the very essence of any morals which deserve the name.” – F. A. Hayek, quoted in The Free Man’s Almanac, for May 21.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Give each individual the right and the responsibility for making his own free choices and decisions.” – A. Allen Wallis, THE FREEMAN, Aug. 74. - Also in all spheres not territorially monopolized by States, alone or in free associations, societies or communities with other and like-minded people, all under full exterritorial autonomy and personal law. - But I would replace "give" with "Tolerate for" - For it is not up to us to "give" that freedom to others. By rights it is already theirs and presently merely territorially suppressed. - JZ, 2.3.11.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. – Plato (427-347 B.C.) – Or, as politicians and law-makers, they do find a way to legalize their wrongs. – JZ, 23.4.13. - GOOD PEOPLE, BAD PEOPLE, POLITICIANS, LEGISLATION, LAWS

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Government cannot manage these fields of human welfare with the justice, economy and effectiveness that is possible when these same fields are the direct responsibility of morally sensitive human beings. This loss of justice, economy and effectiveness is increased in the proportion that such governmental management is centralized. The second reason is basic: Any shrinkage in the area of personal responsibility tends to frustrate the purpose for which man was created. Man is here to be tested for his free compliance with the moral law of God. A great part of this law concerns man’s relationship with man.” – Sounds like a text by Leonard E. Read, but I failed to note down the source. – Naturally, I would replace the term “God” by “Nature”. – JZ, 13.6.08. - SELF-MANAGEMENT, SELF-HELP, PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: He believed that progress was the destiny of the human race and saw the road to that progress through self-responsibility, which would offer the necessary experience for the individual to learn from his mistakes.” - G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.207. – Alas, he did not consistently apply this even to free choice among political, economic and social systems, i.e., to experimental freedom or laissez faire for volunteers even in that sphere. – But then he died rather young. If he would have had another 20 or even 30 years … - JZ, 31.5.08. – PROGRESS

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: He could not help knowing that nothing whatever but human energy, attacking this earth, can keep any man alive. He could not afford the illusion that anyone or anything outside himself controlled him. He had to know that he was responsible for his own life; if he did not save it, nothing would.” - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.160. – This does certainly not apply to the Statists and Welfarists. – They manage to continue their system, wronging and harming their better selves and others, without this insight. - JZ, 10.6.08, 2.3.11. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM WELFARE STATE

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: How could men dream of blaming themselves for their woes when they have been persuaded that by nature they are inert, that the source of all actions, and consequently of all responsibility, lies outside themselves, in the will of the sovereign and of the lawgiver? – Bastiat, quoted in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.237. – LAWS, INITIATIVE, GOVERNMENT, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, IRRESPONSIBILITY ON ALL SIDES.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: I am a creator of this world as it is; I am responsible for what it is.” - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.160. - I decline to accept the responsibility for the current mess. None of it was due to my decisions or to my ideas and opinions publicly uttered. It was territorially imposed upon me by all too many others, powerful men or merely their voting cattle and preferred statist institutions. – JZ, 10.6.08. - TERRITORIALISM,

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: I cannot see that any person can expect to have the right to act freely, unless he accepts the responsibility for his actions.” – George Hardy, The Doom of the Welfare Society, p.90. - FREEDOM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: I just believe that you pay what you owe, you collect what you’re due, you protect what you have, and you help if you can. Otherwise mind your own business – and leave people alone.” – James P. Hogan, Endgame Enigma, p.139. – Should we help others to any extent, seeing that there are always some people, who are poorer or more sick than we are? We can always only help to some others but not provide help to all the others, even if we spent almost all our earnings, property and labor on this. – JZ, 24.2.14.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: I never hurt nobody but myself and that's nobody's business but my own. – Billie Holiday - RIGHT TO ERR & MAKE MISTAKES, FREE CHOICE

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: I should like each man to have, on his own responsibility, the free disposition, administration, and control of his own person, his acts, his family, his transactions, his associations, his intelligence, his faculties, his labor, his capital, and his property.” - Bastiat, quoted in Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p. 23. – If only Bastiat had lived longer! Then he might have got around to e.g. draft a complete code of all individual human rights and liberties. – JZ, 11.6.08. – Alas, this job is still undone. For this I do not blame governments. They can’t do better or will not do better in this respect, either, than they did. Instead, I do blame the anarchist and libertarian movements for this omission. – JZ, 24.2.14. - HUMAN RIGHTS, SELF-CONTROL

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: I will act as if what I do makes a difference.” – William James, quoted in M. Ferguson, The Acquarian Conspiracy, p.205. – Even a criminal or aggressor could say that concerning their wrongful actions. They do make a difference, namely a very negative one. – JZ, 24.6.13. - INDIVIDUALISM, POWER, INFLUENCE, DUTY

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: If you ruin your life, you will pay the price of rehabilitating yourself … We are not punished for our sins, but by them. Liberty means responsibility. – Michael Cloud  - & LIBERTY, SINS, VICES, DRUGS, SMOKING, ALCOHOLISM, REHABILITATION

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: if you’re responsible for yourself [as a people], then you can’t blame other people if things go wrong. Basically, if you’re responsible for your own development and ordering your own society, then you move forward.” – Rene Levesque, NEW YORK TIMES, May 20, 79. – Why should one only be responsible for oneself “as a people” and not as an individual? – JZ, 13.1.93, 2.3.11. – PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, , PEOPLE, INDIVIDUALISM, COLLECTIVISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: If your character (personality) is a significant cause of what you do, which it is when you consciously decide to take an action, then you are responsible. It doesn't change things that your character or personality was shaped by forces beyond yourself. - Rabbi Harlan J. Wechsler - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Increasing community responsibilities lead to individual irresponsibility.” - George Hardy, The Doom of the Welfare Society, p.29.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Individuals not only have the faculty to think and act for themselves, they have the responsibility to do so. When they abandon that responsibility or when they are deprived of it by paternalism, they eventually learn that ‘the good of society’ is personal enslavement.” – Robert G. Bierce, THE FREEMAN, Nov. 73. – Or that the good of the rest of society seems to require their personal enslavement, until they have learnt their lesson and have indemnified their victims, possibly also the victims of others who acted in similar irresponsible ways but were not caught and convicted. – JZ, 11.6.08. - DUTY, CRIMES WITH VICTIMS

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: It is a heavenly order wherein each is allowed the free exercise of his rights and talents, and each is responsible and accountable for his own conduct. Clearly, there is a system where all can develop their character and talents to the fullest. There is the key to noble human progress.” – Jack Pemberton, THE FREEMAN, 6/76, p.338.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: It is a mistake to assume that the Negro, who has been a slave for two hundred and fifty years, gained his freedom by the signing, on a certain date, of a certain paper by the President of the United States. It is a mistake to assume that one man can, in any true sense, give freedom to another. Freedom, in the larger and higher sense, every man must gain for himself.” - Booker T. Washington (1856-1915). – In other words, he, too, was one of those, who denied inborn human rights, corresponding to human nature and that of humane societies. – JZ, 24.2.14. - SELF-GOVERNMENT, FREEDOM, SLAVERY, NEGROES, EMANCIPATION

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: It is indeed a singular thing that people wish to pass laws to nullify the disagreeable consequences that the law of responsibility entails. Will they never realize that they do not eliminate these consequences but merely pass them along to other people? The result is one injustice the more and one moral lesson the less. –Frederic Bastiat, quoted in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.241. – LAWS, WELFARE STATE, TAXATIONSTATISM, WELFARE STATE, SOCIAL SECURITY, REPRESENTATIVES, TERRITORIALISM, CENTRALIZATION, JUSTICE, INJUSTICE, MORALITY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, VOLUNTARISM, STATISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: It is not the responsibility of the government or the legal system to protect a citizen from himself. – Justice Casey Percell in -  STATISM, GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUALISM, PROTECTION

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another: for every man shall bear his own burden.” – St. Paul, Galatians, The Bible. – Unless he finds donors, creditors, inherits or has made insurance, mutual aid or credit arrangements or guaranty deals. – JZ, 4.4.89.


SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Make people responsible for their own actions and all the consequences thereof, and public enlightenment will soon be achieved.” – Bastiat, in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.193. – Alas, Bastiat was no panarchist. But some of his remarks come close to it. – JZ, 13.6.08. - PANARCHISM, ENLIGHTENMENT

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Man being a creature capable of rationality, of making decisions as a single entity, not a member of an instinct bound species, can only act as one even when he is in a group, he alone is responsible for his actions.” – Arthur Ketchen, in: “Moving into the Front Ranks of Social Change, p.70/71, edited by Miltred Loomis

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Man must accept responsibility for himself – There is no meaning to life except the meaning man gives his life by the unfolding of his powers.” - Erich Fromm. – MEANING, PURPOSE, AIMS, LIFE, SELF-DEVELOPMENT

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Man needs freedom in order to be self-responsible. No one can be self-reliant when the government coercively assumes responsibility for his welfare, security, prosperity. It is only when the individual responsibly chooses between alternatives – becomes a decision-maker – that there can be growth of the faculties essential for self-realization. It is only in the absence of coercive restraints – freedom – that man becomes his own man. – (For a further explanation of this idea, see the chapter “Expanding Selfhood” in my “The Coming Aristocracy”, p.15-22.)” – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.118/119. – FREEDOM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Men have never fully used the powers they possess to advance the good in life, because they have waited upon some power external to themselves and to nature to do the work they are responsible for doing.” – John Dewey, quoted in Seldes, The Great Quotations.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Men have sought for ages to discover the science of government; and lo! Here it is, that men cease totally to attempt to govern each other at all! that they learn to know the consequences of their own acts, and that they arrange their relations with each other upon such a basis of science that the disagreeable consequences shall be assumed by the agent himself.” – Stephen Pearl Andrews. – GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: My basic philosophical principle is that I’m responsible for my own choices and actions, and for no one else’s. Your actions, your choices, don’t determine mine. There is nothing you could possibly do that would “justify” my ambushing you and carving letters in your forehead; I would have to justify that decision to myself.” – Taylor Radford, THE CONNECTION, THE CONNECTION 109/90, 22.1.83. – As for the “carving”: Even if someone could justify such an action before himself or herself, this would still not justify that action objectively, which would require recognizing the right of self-ownership, and that would require consent. Lovers, or friends might agree, though, to inflict certain tattoos on the other. If both agree on this, no injustice is done. – JZ, 8.6.08.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Nothing will be done for us that we will not do ourselves. The best representative of our interests are we ourselves.” – Stefan Blankertz, NEUE VIEHZUCHT, Sondernummer. – SELF-INTEREST, SELF-MANAGEMENT, SELF-REPRESENTATION

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The most basic principle to being a free American is the notion that we as individuals are responsible for our own lives and decisions. We do not have the right to rob our neighbors to make up for our mistakes, neither does our neighbor have any right to tell us how to live, so long as we aren’t infringing on their rights. Freedom to make bad decisions is inherent in the freedom to make good ones. If we are only free to make good decisions, we are not really free. – Ron Paul,Kathryn Tammy Kalin shared American Dissent's photo. – Facebook, 8.9.13. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-OWNERSHIP, RIGHT TO MAKE MISTAKES

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: One does not encourage "responsibility" by forcibly restricting the range of people's authority over their own lives." - Butler Shaffer – quoted by Sabine Maria Paulina – Facebook, 29.8.13.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Only your own fingers can find your own itch.” – Arab proverb – Compare: “Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.” A man on a job cannot be effectively and knowingly directed from far away, in most cases. – He has to make many decisions independently and immediately himself. - JZ, 7.4.09.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: People are responsible e.g. for their own health care and their own education and much else besides, which presently they tend to care all too little about – largely because they were government “educated” and because politicians and bureaucrats assured them that they would take care of them. – JZ, 5.8.92. – Too much of the former slave- or serf-mentality still prevails in too many people. – JZ, 5.6.08. – STATISM, SERFDOM, SLAVE MENTALITY, TERRITORIALISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: people have to use their own two feet and a little judgment to get where they want.” - Philip K. Howard, The Death of Common Sense, How the Law Is Suffocating America, Warner books, 1994, p.186.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Personal responsibility sets us free.” - Michael Cloud, Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion, The Advocates for Self-Government, 2004, - p.103. – Alas, it is still outlawed in all too many spheres by territorial governments. We are not free to decide on war and peace or on international treaties. We are not free to secede and set up panarchies or polyarchies in spheres that territorial governments have monopolized. We are not free to arm, train and organize and ourselves for the protection of our rights and liberties. We cannot even claim all those few rights and liberties supposedly guaranteed to us in our constitutions. We are not free to refuse to pay taxes, to establish note-issuing banks, etc.– JZ, 30.9.07.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Responsibility for self is a privilege to be embraced, not a terror to be shunned or a burden from which to be freed.” - Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.94. - Right rather than privilege! - JZ, 2.3.11.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Responsibility for self is an aspiration among enlightened men. They know that its removal, whether voluntarily relinquished or coercively expropriated by others, is the loss of the very essence of being. To the extent that others are responsible for me, to that extent are my faculties not called upon, left idle and unused; and unused faculties cease to grow and develop – indeed, they atrophy. There I stand in human form but without substance – a non-man! Confidence in non-men? Regardless of rank or title or degree, I should say not. None, whatsoever!” – Leonard E. Read, Talking to Myself, p.110.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: So long as I live, I am self-controlling and responsible for what I do.” – Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.149/150. - Under territorialism this is still only a delusion. By it one is more often held "responsible" for rightful but illegal actions than for wrongful actions and also to a large extent terrorized into obedience towards its wrongful powers. - JZ, 2.3.11.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Take life into your own hands and what happens? A terrible thing. No one to blame." - Erica Jong – Only yourself to blame! – JZ, 6.4.12.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: take responsibility for our lives.” - Wayne W. Dyer, Your Erroneous Zones. – We would do this by being able to effectively secede from territorial States and establishing our own kind of panarchy for ourselves – and like-minded other volunteers. Do the present territorial States permit us to do this? – JZ, 3.4.09. - OUR LIVES, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAWS SOCIETIES, VOLUNTARISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: That he who would be well taken care of must take care of himself.” – William Graham Sumner, What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, chapter VI, heading.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The behavior of government is determined by the rest of us through our ignorance, our greed, our envy, our jealousy, and our childish belief that someone else can run our lives better than we and thereby relieve us of the responsibility for our actions.” – Dick Sabroff, THE FREEMAN, May 74. - TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, SUBMISSIVENESS

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The essential psychological requirement of a free society is the willingness on the part of the individual to accept responsibility for his life. – Edith Packer - Sufficient interest for genuine individual rights and liberties might be even more important. – JZ, 2.4.12. - SELF-GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-OWNERSHIP, FREE SOCIETIES, VOLUNTARISM, PAYING ONE’S OWN WAY

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The insight and prophetic observations of Alexis de Tocqueville stand between us and the American War for Independence. (*) Looking to the past, he wrote about our heritage of freedom. Looking  to the future, he now warns us to protect that freedom – the freedom to enjoy the fruits of our labors … the freedom to release our creative energies … the freedom to accept full responsibility for our own lives.” – Robert G. Bearce, THE FREEMAN, 1/76, p.32. - (*) It was a war for the independence of territorial States, not for individuals and minority groups. – JZ, 10.6.08.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The knowledge by which we live and evolve as human beings – the enormous luminosity that does not remotely exist in any discrete individual – has its source in self-responsibility. Every flicker of light, each invention or discovery or insight – all creativities – are the flashes from self-responsibility in discharge. It is this quality that sparks our human progress.” – Leonard E. Read, Talking to Myself, p.112. - KNOWLEDGE, IGNORANCE, INDIVIDUALISM, IDEAS ARCHIVE, SUPER COMPUTER PROJECT, PROGRESS

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The more that people can be made responsible for their own actions, the more prosperous and peaceful the society. The weakness of socialism is that only that shapeless body, the state, is ultimately responsible; and the state will generally defend its servants.” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 4/75. - PUBLIC SERVANTS, STATE SOCIALISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: the most important reason for living: the freedom to be responsible for self.” – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 1/80. - Next to life itself, self-responsibility is the most precious possession one can lose, and it matters not how he loses it.” – Leonard E. Read, The Coming Aristocracy, p.17. – LIFE, LIVING

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The one with the primary responsibility to the individual's future is that individual.” – Dorcas Hardy, Director, Social Security System. – Actually, he is not even free to contract a better social security system for himself than the one he is forced to pay for. – Not to speak of tens of thousands of other legalized restrictions of his individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 3.4.09. – INDIVIDUALISM, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SELF-OWNERSHIP

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The only “constructive” idea that I can in all conscience advance then, is that the individual put his trust in himself, not in power, that he seek to better his understanding and lift his values to a higher and still higher level, that he assume responsibility for his behavior and not shift his responsibility to committees, organizations and, above all, a super-personal State. Such reforms are as necessary will come of themselves when, or if, men act as intelligent and responsible human beings. There cannot be a “good” society until there are “good” men.” – Frank Chodorov, THE FREEMAN, I/76, p.36. – But good institutions tend also to produce good men, while bad institutions tend to produce bad men. And even good men, with the best of will, if they do not have good ideas in their mind, cannot do much good. – JZ, 10.6.08.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The only way to avoid responsibility for another’s mistakes is to allow him the full glory and reward of being right, as well as the full dishonor and penalty of being wrong.” – The Free Man’s Almanac. – To achieve that, in an organized way, let him have his panarchy, while you act in your own. – JZ, 13.6.08. – PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, POLYARCHISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The party who is responsible is ready, willing and able to cover all costs arising from his action.” – Robert LeFevre, Lift Her Up, Tenderly, p.154. – By that definition, all people who, constitutionally or by usurpation, acquired the monopoly for decision-making power on war and peace, armament and disarmament and international treaties, are, by the very nature of this job, irresponsible. For with their own lives and all their property they cannot be held responsible for the lives and properties of millions of human beings that are lost through their decisions. – Nevertheless, top rulers or government officials, presidents, prime ministers etc., are still granted that exclusive authority, which might now mean the general holocaust for all of mankind. Nevertheless, this wrongful power is only rarely questioned but taken for granted. – JZ, 10.6.08. – DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The proverb warns that "You should not bite the hand that feeds you." But maybe you should if it prevents you from feeding yourself. – Thomas Szasz

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The wearer knows where the shoe pinches.” – Old English proverb. – Only the wearer or The wearer only? – JZ

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: The whole force of public opinion in America is directed to teaching its people how to push. Our public opinion, on the contrary, seems to be concerned with teaching our people how to lean.” – Sir Ernest Benn, in The Confessions of a Capitalist, quoted by Deryck Abel, Ernest Benn, p.31. – STATISM, PUBLIC OPINION, INITIATIVE, ENERPRISE, PARASITISM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Then what is freedom? It is the will to be responsible to ourselves. – Friedrich Nietzsche in  – This good will on its own is not enough, especially when its practice is coercively suppressed. – Had he really expressed himself as clumsily in German? - JZ, 31.3.12. – & FREEDOM

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: they insisted on thinking of God as something outside themselves. Something that yearns to take every indolent moron to His breast and comfort him. The notion that the effort has to be their own … and that the trouble they are in is all their own doing … is one that they can’t or won’t entertain.” – Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land, p.387. - GOD

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Think carefully, and you will feel that all these rash attempts of the handful of men, that we call a government, to nurse a nation are a mere delusion. You can’t throw the cares and the wants and the hopes of a whole people on some sixteen or eighteen overburdened workers. You might as well try to put the sea into a quart pot. A handful of men can’t either think or act for you. Their task is impossible. If they try to do so, they can only be as blind guides who lead blind followers into the ditch. It all ends in scramble and confusion, in something being done in order to have something to show, in great expectations and woeful disappointments, in rash action and grievous mistakes, resulting from hurry and overpressure and insufficient knowledge, which lead the nation in wrong directions, and bring their long train of evil consequences.” - Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.338/39. - GOVERNMENTS, POWERS, STATE, TERRITORIALISM, RULERS, LEADERSHIP, NATION-BUILDING, STATESMEN, PEOPLE, NATIONS, POPULATIONS, POWER, ORDER, ERRORS, PREJUDICES, KNOWLEDGE, IGNORANCE, STATISM, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: To be a human being means to bear responsibility.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. (“Mensch sein heisst Verantwortung tragen.”) – According to this remark politicians, parliamentarians, bureaucrats and rulers are not human beings. – For, as a rule, they cannot be held responsible for their actions. – At most they lose their jobs. Only rarely their pensions. Even when it comes to known war criminals. Only rarely are they brought to justice and then usually years to decades belatedly. - JZ, 31.5.08. - And even if he is made to pay with all his property and his life for his wrongful actions, can that possibly make up for the lives of many to millions he has ruined or killed? - JZ, 3.3.11.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: To each only the self-selected cures, doctors, politicians, judges, medicines and plagues. – JZ, comment to Facebook Wall Photos, revised 4.10.12. - POLITICIANS, DOCTORS, CURES

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: To the extent that the responsibility for self is removed, whether voluntarily surrendered or coercively taken over by government action, to that extent is denied the very essence of one’s being, and the individual perishes by unseen degrees.” – Leonard E. Read, Who’s Listening? p.48. - Here he did not clearly enough distinguish between actions of like-minded volunteers, - who remain free to secede from their associations and the voluntary to involuntary submission of whole populations to territorial power-holders. - 3.3.11.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Trade is possible only among those who are honest – who fulfill their promises – which means that they are self-responsible and free.” – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way. – TRADE, HONESTY

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: trouble will be reduced to a minimum if forty million sane and clever citizens are each of them struggling to avoid it. Whence it follows that if forty million citizens are regarded as possessing neither sanity nor skill, and are told that trouble is no fault of theirs, and that the Government accepts all responsibility for it, the maximum amount is very likely to arise.” – Sir Ernest Benn, Modern Government, p.69/70. – WELFARE STATE

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Under such an administration everyone would understand that he possesses all the privileges, as well as all the responsibilities of his existence. No one would have any argument with government, provided that his person is respected, his labor is not controlled, and the fruits of his labor are protected against any unjust attack. When successful, we would not have to thank the state for our success. And conversely, when unsuccessful, we would no more think of blaming the state for our misfortune than would the farmers blame the state because of hail or frost. The state would be felt only by the invaluable blessings of safety provided by this concept of government.” – Dean Russell, Bastiat, p. 3. – A “safety” now exemplified by its “nuclear umbrella” and its uniformly imposed monetary despotism. Even if it were only an enforced “classical” redemptionist gold standard, it could do much wrong and harm, although its advocates are not aware of this. If they were, they would not demand anything more than to be allowed to apply it among themselves. – JZ, 10.6.08. - Fully enlightened on the alternatives of monetary freedom they would retain gold weight units only as value standards, not at exchange media and as redemption goods. - JZ, 3.3.11. - LIMITED GOVERNMENT

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Unless there is very strong evidence to the contrary, each person should be regarded as the best judge of his own welfare.” – John McCarthy, Defending and Extending the Freedom to Innovate, in Pournelle/Carr: The Survival of Freedom, p.306. – WELFARE

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Virtues – respect for life, honesty, integrity, charity, intelligence, justice, love, humility – tend to take the place of vices to the extent that men are responsible and, thus, free. The reason is clear: self-interest. We are not exclusively Robinson Crusoes but are partially social beings – Leonard E. Read, Talking to Myself, p. 109.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: We are all responsible for ourselves. … All individuals can ever do is share happiness wherever they can find it.” – Peter F. Hamilton, The Reality Dysfunction, Pan Books, 1997, p.884. – We should be responsible for ourselves. And there are other values than personal happiness. – JZ, 9.4.07. –

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: We are constantly preached at by our public teachers, as if respectable people were to blame because some people are not respectable – as if the man who had done his duty in his own sphere was responsible in some way for another man who has not done his duty in his sphere. … The exhortations ought to be expended on the negligent – that they take care of themselves.” – William Graham Sumner, What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, p.118/19. - BLAMING SOCIETY INSTEAD OF THE REAL CULPRITS OR GUILTY PERSONS

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: We are self-responsible beings, not directed or controlled by a god or devil, not quite helpless victims of our environment, either. We can make nature and its laws work for us, to a large extent, rather than merely remain its victims. – The very clothing we wear, for instance, is one proof for that. - JZ, 9.8.11, 23.2.12.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: We have now officials for almost everything and are thus, like French kings of old, in danger of dying from thirst when the official responsible for pouring our drinks is absent. – JZ, 20.8.86.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: We may dodge responsibility, but we cannot dodge the consequences.” – Mildren N. Hayer, ALERT, Nov.-Dec. 74. - Of irresponsible actions or omissions. - JZ, 3.3.11.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: We see, then, that in almost all of the important actions of life we must respect men’s free will, defer to their own good judgment, to that inner light …, and beyond this to let the law of responsibility take its course.” - Bastiat, quoted in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.216.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: What are you going to live on? … He refused to think seriously about it. - George Orwell, Keep the Apidistra Flying, p.606 in the Octopus/Heineman edition of 1980.  

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: When government accepts responsibility for people, then people no longer take responsibility for themselves.” - George Pataki. – One can see the behavior demonstrated even in small voluntary associations. The more active their top men are, the less is done by the ordinary members. They are all too content to leave almost everything to their representatives. If only at least libertarian associations were to systematically attempt to fully mobilize the creative potential, special knowledge, abilities and resources of their members in the common cause, to the full extent that they would readily offer them, given an easy chance and opportunity to do so. That would require an open list of all the relevant facts, activities, contract addresses, special interests and projects with a large membership – and sufficient liaisons with other large organizations that are so organized. – JZ, 7.1.08. - SELF-RELIANCE & SLAVE OR SERF-MENTALITY, WELFARISM, GOVERNMENTS, OFFICIALS PRODUCE IRRESPONSIBLE CITIZENS

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: When important issues affecting the life of an individual are decided by somebody else, it makes no difference to the individual whether that somebody else is a king, a dictator, or society at large.” – James Taggart (1992) - VS. DEPENDENCY & SUBJECT STATUS, FREE CHOICE, EVEN FREE CHOICE OF GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: when you want something done, the only way to be sure is to do it yourself." - Stanley Schmidt, A Thrust of Greatness, p.59 in ANALOG, 6/76. - Well, one person can only do so much. But he can make a start, even with the largest project, or can try to publicize it sufficiently. - Compare the Microfiche, the CD-ROM and the Slogans for Liberty Projects. – Also the IDEAS ARCHIVE & The Encyclopedia of the Best Refutations of Popular Prejudices, Myths & Errors. - JZ, 17.8.02. - ACTION, SELF-HELP

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Without equal responsibilities we become bludgers, who demand that the community (someone-else) should work to satisfy our needs.” – George Hardy, The Doom of the Welfare Society”, p.8.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: You are not in charge of the universe; you are in charge of yourself.” – A. Bennett, quoted in: Dr. Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Prescription, p.71. – If only we were fully in charge of our own fates, instead of seeing too many of the decisions, which negatively affect our lives, being made by politicians and bureaucrats. – JZ, 11.9.07. - INDIVIDUALISM, REFORM EFFORTS, TERRITORIALISM, RULERS, POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRACY, LEADERSHIP, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, CENTRALIZATION

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: You can do a lot for people – up to and including helping them change their underpants. But at one stage or the other they have to show some initiative themselves.” – John Pearce, 31.7.72. – INITIATIVE, JOKES

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go. - Dr. Seuss - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online.

SELF-REVERENCE: Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control. These three alone lead to sovereign power.” – Alfred, Lord (1st Baron) Tennyson, 1809-1892, Oenone, 1842. English poet. – Self-reverence may be going a bit too far but self-respect and rational individual selfishness and self-control are essential for almost everything. It implies self-acceptance even of flaws not yet overcome and self-respect in spite of them, because of one’s positive points and one’s uniqueness and further development potential. – JZ, 14.8.89 - As merely an individual voter among millions man is not yet sovereign. As an individual secessionist and voluntary associationist he would be. And as voluntary member he could combine his individual sovereignty with that of like-minded other volunteers. – JZ, 2.6.08, 3.3.11. – PANARCHISM, SELF-CONTROL, SELF-KNOWLEDGE, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SECESSIONISM, ASSOCIATIONISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONA LAW SOCIETIES

SELF-REVERENCE: The noble soul has reverence for itself.” – Friedrich Nietzsche, The Genealogy of Morals. Also called, The Natural History of Morals.

SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS: Avoid self-righteousness like the devil - nothing is so self-blinding.” - B. H. Liddell Hart. - Act rightfully in your own affairs but do not impose your notions of right and wrong upon the affairs of others. Be an exterritorialist rather than a territorialist, a tolerant person rather than an intolerant one - towards all who mind their own business in their own ways. - PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE, POLYARCHISM

SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS: The most despicable of all human traits,” I said, “the most cruel and mean, is self-righteousness, the belief that there is some special virtue in ourselves which enables us to decide what is best for others. It provides excuse for anything we may want to do in the destruction of others. We know it well. We should. We’ve had plenty of experience with it. We know it in all its stages of progression. We know it is a contagion and an addiction. We know it to be worse than any narcotic habit, for it can only feed upon forbidding and condemning others in ever-increasing doses, to increase its own self-approval.” – Mark Clifton, When They Come From Space, p.114. – Even if the righteous should be objectively right, he has only the right to act rightly in his own affairs and not the right to force others to act rightly in their own affairs. That is the essence of panarchist tolerance. However, if the righteous should try to stop someone from abusing an animal or from cruelly treating a child, or conducting a pogrom or other mass murderous action, then interference is justified and the offender cannot rightly claim that such actions are his “internal affairs”. The case of abortion is and will remain controversial at least for a few years still. We can only work towards the reduction of such cases, e.g. by better conception prevention, better adoption systems, working towards fetus transplants to willing mothers and further enlightenment on the nature of still unborn humans and their basic right to life and physical inviolability. Once all other individual rights are fully recognized then this one will also soon be recognized much more widely than it is today. But it is no good to fight a civil war about this issue. So let us have three kinds of panarchies: One in which the choice is left to individuals, one in which it is outlawed and prevented as far as possible and one in which it is accepted as normal and even encouraged and subsidized. – In the long run the pro-abortion people would tend to abort themselves, by having many less children than the others. - JZ, 13.6.08, 3.3.11. – ABORTION, INTERNAL AFFAIRS, TOLERANCE, INTOLERANCE, LAWS, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, INTERVENTIONISM, SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES

SELF-RULE: An increased self-rule is the only kind of rule that is suitable to change humans into higher beings.” – G. B. Shaw, only in a JZ tr. of the German version: “Eine vermehrte Herrschaft ueber sich selbst – die einzige Art der Herrschaft, die geeignet waere, den Menschen in ein hoeheres Wesen umzuwandeln.” – Not only increased self-government but full self-government is required, within the framework of genuine individual rights and liberties and independent from any existing territorial system. – Under full freedom it could be reached by individuals step by step and through free choices, by them choosing ever better personal law systems for themselves, in accordance with their degrees of enlightenment, independent of what other foolish or wise people choose for their own lives. - JZ, 12.6.93, 4.6.08, 25.2.14. – SELF-OWNERSHIP, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, PROGRESS THROUGH INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM &PERSONAL LAW CHOICES, SELF-DETERMINATION, VOLUNTARISM, NATURAL SOCIETIES, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, VS. STATISM, DOMINATION, TERRITORIALISM

SELF-RULE: Each individual should choose for himself, for no other person can live or die for you. Rationally no other individual will chooses your survival over his own. Thus one should logically not give up decision-making to the majority or anyone else. Self-rule, not majority rule.” - Fritz Knese, THE CONNECTION 110, 6 March 83, p.60. – INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM VS. MAJORITY DESPOTISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

SELF-RULE: Let the nuts rule themselves.” – JZ, 8.6.80. –Likewise the fanatics, the fundamentalists, the true believers the egalitarians and other intolerant people. Let them wrong and harm themselves as much as they like, but no one else. – JZ, 14.6.08. – Tolerance for all tolerant people (tolerant to outsiders), intolerance only for intolerant people (intolerant towards outsiders). – JZ, 11.4.09. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, TOLERANCE,  EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR ALL – NO MORE BUT ALSO NO LESS, VS. FUNDAMENTALISM, COERCIVE UTOPISM, STATISM, FANATICS, TRUE BELIEVERS, EGALITARIANS, TERRORISTS, TERRITORIALISM,STATISM

SELF-RULE: My faith in the proposition that each man should do precisely as he pleases with all which is exclusively his own lies at the foundation of the sense of justice there is in me. I extend the principle to communities of men as well as to individuals. I so extend it because it is politically wise, as well as naturally just: politically wise in saving us from broils about matters which do not concern us.” – Abraham Lincoln - Did he practise this faith or, rather, impose his preferences upon all the U.S. States and people, at a huge price in blood and money? – “Thou shalt recognize them by their fruit!” - JZ, 14.6.08. – TOLERANCE, PROPERTY, INDEPENDENCE, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, JUSTICE, PEACE, MEDDLING, INTERFERENCE, RULING OTHERS AGAINST THEIR WILL, LINCOLN

SELF-RULE: No majority, nor minority should rule – everyone has to understand for themselves. A maturity of thought has to grow.” – Marcus Logan, LEFEVRE’S JOURNAL, Winter 76. – Everyone has to understand and rule – himself. – JZ, n.d. - And everyone has to rule himself, alone or in association with like-minded people, as much or as little as they like. – JZ, 14.6.08. – MINORITIES, MAJORITIES, INDIVIDUALISM, VOLUNTARISM, AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-MANANGEMENT

SELF-RULE: No man can settle another’s life for him. It is the test of the nature and courage of each that he shall decide it for himself.” – Robert Louis Stevenson – Once he is freedom from territorial authoritarianism to do so. - JZ, 3.3.11. - LIFE, LIVING, INDIVIDUALISM, MAN

SELF-RULE: One can never be truly King of anything except oneself.” - From film: Hollow Point, 1995. – As if individual sovereignty were already generally recognized and respected! – JZ, 3.4.09. - SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-RELIANCE, SELF-HELP, SELF-GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM

SELF-RULE: Self-governments, democracies, independent nations etc. are always contradictions in terms unless they are truly based on individual sovereignty, i.e. voluntary membership or voluntary subordination in all communities, societies, competing governments or competing states or panarchies. This voluntarism requires also the right to secede for individuals and groups and the confinement of the autonomy of all these voluntary associations to exterritorial autonomy under personal law. That means that none of them is authorized to claim any territorial monopoly, regardless of how extensive the private or cooperative real estate of their members is. – JZ, 5.6.82, 13.6.08. – Assume that a million members of a panarchy somehow came to rightfully own 1 million blocks of land all around a single block of land by someone, who is not a member of that panarchy and does not want to sell that block to it, or become a member of that panarchy, then these million people, with their panarchy, do not have the right to subject that single person and his land to their personal law and their kind of panarchistic institutions. If, however, that single person were able and willing to build a nuclear reactor or nuclear weapon on his property, then a self-defence case against him would exist for his neighbors. – JZ, 13.6.08. - SELF-GOVERNMENT, INDEPENDENCE, PANARCHISM, REPRESENTATION, DIRECT DEMOCRACY

SELF-RULE: Self-rule does not mean territorial rule over whole populations or rule by those chosen by others. – JZ, 30.7.98, 27.5.08. – SELF-GOVERNMENT, DEMOCRACY, TERRITORIALISM, VOTING, MINORITY RIGHTS VS. MAJORITY DESPOTISM


SELF-RULE: The loathsome mask has fallen, the man remains // Sceptreless, free, uncircumscribed, but man // Equal, unclassed, tribeless and nationless, // Exempt from awe, worship, decree, the king // Over himself; just, gentle, wise: but man // Passionless? – no, yet free from guilt and pain, // Which were, for his will made or suffered them, // Nor yet exempt, though ruling them like slaves, // From chance, and death, and mutability, …” - Shelley, Prometheus Unbound, 1820, Act III, Scene IV, lines 126-76, 190-204.

SELF-RULE: want to tell you … why I don’t consider myself an anarchist. Most anarchists, particularly those from Europe during the last century, were opposed to both government and private property, But I’m only opposed to the government because it destroys and makes impossible the existence of private property. I’m in favor of self-rule and self-government and I think it’s wrong to confuse my position with that of your classical anarchist, who usually opposed private property and was thus a socialist at heart.” – Robert LeFevre’s explanation towards Leonard E. Read in Carl Watner, Robert LeFevre, p.182. - SELF-GOVERNMENT, PROPERTY, ANARCHISM, COMMUNIST ANARCHISM, STATE SOCIALISM

SELF-RULE: What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” If you lose all respect for the rights of others, and with it your own self-respect; if you lose your own sense of right and fairness, if you lose your belief in liberty, and with it the sense of your own worth and true rank; if you lose your own will and self-guidance and control over your own lives and actions, what can all the buying and trafficking, what can all the gifts of politicians give you in return? Why let the true diamond be taken from you in exchange for the worthless bit of glass? Is not the ruling of your own selves worth a hundred times this mad attempt to rule over others? If your house were filled with silver and gold, would you be happy if your own self no more belonged to you? Have you ever carefully thought out what life would be like under the schemes of the socialist party, who offers us the final, the logical completion of all systems of force? …” - Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.341. - GOVERNMENT, RULERS, STATES, AUTONOMY, SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-DETERMINATION, POSSESSIONS, RICHES, WEALTH, FREEDOM, LIBERTY, RIGHTS, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, RULING ONESELF INSTEAD OF OTHERS

SELF-RULE: Why should the desire of one people to rule itself, to be free, be thwarted by another making exactly the same demands?” – Norman Angell, Human Nature and the Peace Problem, 1925, p.40. - Because by now the diverse peoples are no longer territorially separated from each other but live territorially intermixed with each other. Sometimes one and sometimes another group is locally in the majority and, under territorialism, the others are thus and there condemned to minority status and that under majority rule. No wonder then, that many frictions result when all have only as single territory and common uniform government for all of the population in mind or separate territories for each of them, instead of merely full exterritorial autonomy, on a voluntary basis, for all of them. On that latter basis, in most countries, the diverse religions have already learnt to peacefully coexist. Now the different nationalities, ideologies, races, traditions, customs, political, economic and social systems do have to become similarly tolerant and voluntaristic, allowing unity in diversity, without a common federal, State or local government territorial power but with full exterritorial autonomy for all their diverse communities of volunteers, with their membership extending, sometimes, across former national or State frontiers and in some cases extending even world-wide. – As long as each group claims a territorial monopoly they will inevitably clash. – With all confined to their volunteers and being, with them, exterritorially autonomous, they can peacefully coexist and should, as rational and moral beings. – Do you try to lay down the law and make the rules for your neighbors or do you largely leave them alone to make and follow their own and expect to be likewise treated by them? – So why should we, as voters and indirectly, via our “representatives”, the territorial legislators, and executives, try to lay down the rules and laws for all other people in the country, mostly even without knowing them at all and, to the extent that we know them, largely disagreeing with most of them? – Our political representatives are largely merely territorialist politicians and bureaucrats, who hardly know us and thus cannot really represent our interests. At most they represent an ever-changing majority and almost every majority has its internal minority factions. More likely they represent some or the other vested interest that pays them well. Moreover, they do have their own and very different governmental interests to pursue, often quite contrary ones to your own and they do so while ignoring many of your individual rights and liberties in the process. - JZ, 8.10.08, 3.3.11. – POLYARCHISM, INDEPENDENCE, NATIONALISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, PEOPLE, PANARCHISM, PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE, FROM RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE TO TOLERANCE & AUTONOMY IN ALL OTHER SPHERES, EXTERRITORIALLY & VOLUNTARILY, Q., AUTHORITARIANISM, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, POWER ADDICTION

SELF-SACRIFICE: Don’t sacrifice yourself to win freedom for somebody else.” – Jefferson Mack, “Secret Freedom Fighter”, quoted in: Claire Wolfe, Don’t Shoot the Bastards (YET), II, p.96.

SELF-SACRIFICE: If you begin to sacrifice yourself to those whom you love then you will end with hating those, to whom you have sacrificed yourself.” – G. B. Shaw, alas, only in a JZ Re-tr. of the German version: “Wenn du damit beginnst, dich denen aufzuopfern, die du liebst, wirst du damit enden, die zu hasen, denen du dich aufgeopfert hast.”

SELF-SACRIFICE: Self-sacrifice enables us to sacrifice other people without blushing.” – George Bernard Shaw, quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.416. – Instances: The suicide bombers. The indiscriminate bombing attacks on cities in the face of fighter planes and anti-aircraft fire, the “free vote” over the fate of others, while others are “free” to vote over one’s own fate. – JZ, 14.6.08, 3.3.11. – SACRIFICES, ALTRUISM, COLLECTIVISM, VOTING, AIR RAIDS, SUICIDE BOMBERS, COURAGE OF MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES, MILITARISM

SELF-SACRIFICE: Self-sacrifice is a thing that should be put down by law. It is so demoralizing to the people for whom one sacrifices oneself.” – Oscar Wilde, An Ideal Husband. – It is also demoralizing for the person who sacrifices himself or herself. – JZ, 4.6.08. – ALTRUISM, COLLECTIVISM VS. INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, RATIONAL SELF-INTEREST, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-HELP OPTIONS, FREEDOM

SELF-SACRIFICE: Submit as much as you like, throw your own life, your own self, away, even kill yourself, if that pleases you more than living on, but don’t subject others or demand similar self-sacrifices from them – unless they are also irrational enough to deserve such a “fate” and do prefer it to living freely, justly, tolerantly and peacefully or at least to striving towards such an existence. – JZ, 25.11.80, 25.2.14.

SELF-SACRIFICE: The essence of altruism is the concept of self-sacrifice. It is the self that altruism regards as evil: selflessness is its moral ideal. Thus, it is an anti-self ethics … and this means: anti-man, anti-personal happiness, anti-individual rights.” – Nathaniel Branden, Benevolence vs. Altruism, in manuscript on Ayn Rand, by a Mrs. Young, Sydney, appendix.

SELF-SACRIFICE: The social system based on the altruist morality – with the code of self-sacrifice – is socialism in all its variants: fascism, Nazism and communism.” – Ayn Rand, THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 23.3.76. – ALTRUISM, SOCIALISM, FASCISM, NAZISM, COMMUNISM, COMPULSORY COLLECTIVISM, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

SELF-SACRIFICE: We are here on earth to do good for others. What the others are here for, I don’t know.” – W. H. Auden. - A basically communistic and still all too popular viewpoint. You are to serve all others and all others are to serve you, but by no means via free enterprise, free exchange, private property and free contracts and associations and free competition, free markets and monetary, clearing and currency freedom, instead, all by compulsion or by voluntarily accepting such a stupid, wrongful and self-defeating system. Everybody, supposedly owns everything and everyone but no one owns anything, not even himself. - For volunteers such prison systems are all right (they deserve no better ones) but for the others? - JZ, 24.11.06, 3.3.11. - SELF-DENIAL, DO-GOODING, ALTRUISM, JOKES, COLLECTIVISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERMENTALISM

SELF-SATISFACTION: Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.” - Will Rogers - RED.,

SELF-SATISFACTION: Only madmen and fools are pleased with themselves; no wise man is good enough for his own satisfaction.” – Benjamin Whichcote: Moral and Religious Aphorisms, 1753.

SELF-SEEKING: The ruthlessness born of self-seeking is ineffectual compared with the ruthlessness sustained by the dedication to a holy cause. "God wishes," said Calvin, "that one should put aside all humanity when it is a question of striving for His glory."- Eric Hoffer. - SELFISHNESS, EGOISM, ALTRUISM, HOLY CAUSES, TRUE BELIEVERS, FANATICS, IDEOLOGIES

SELF-SERVICE: One is well served only when one serves oneself.” – “On n’est jamai si bien servi que par soi-même.” – “Gut ist man nur bedient, wenn man sich selbst bedient”. – Etienne, Brucys et Palaprat, 1807, scene 2.

SELF-SOVEREIGNTY: holding his sovereignty as sacred, I offer no obstacle other than acceptable counsel. If I have anything in his way, I will hasten to take it out of the way. My public duty towards the Catholic and every other persuasion is the same. I have no issue with either till an attempt is made to enforce assent or conformity from me or others. And my duty towards all political creeds and theories is precisely the same. They are all entitled to forbearance till some attempt is made to enforce them on the unwilling. This attempt is an encroachment upon the great sacred right of self-sovereignty – an attack upon the Divine law of Individuality, and will always beget resistance and war.” - Josiah Warren, True Civilization, p.144. – WAR, PEACE, RESISTANCE, TOLERANCE, PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, VOLUNTARISM, CONFORMISM, FORCE, NON-CONFORMISM, INDIVIDUALISM, SECESSIONISM, POLYARCHISM

SELF-SOVEREIGNTY: Self-Sovereignty is the mandate of peace.” – Josiah Warren, True Civilization, p.182, point 560. – PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, PEACE

SELF-STARTERS: They had Abraham, Moses and Christ to justify themselves as self-starters and that was enough … The right of private judgment is the grand leitmotif that binds all of Verna Hall’s documentary choices together, linking them to the Puritan interpretation of the Bible as the Charter for the self-starting view of man.” – John Chamberlain, The Puritan Revolution, in THE FREEMAN, May 77, p.315. - If one can ignore the self-sacrificing and altruistic aspects of it and those which extract collective responsibility sacrifices from innocents. – JZ, 8.6.08. – RIGHT OF PRIVATE JUDGMENT, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, PURITAN WORK ETHIC

SELF-SUBSISTENCE: No man, I affirm, will serve his fellow-beings so effectively, so fervently, as he who is not their slave; as he who, casting off every other yoke, subjects himself to the law of duty in his own mind … Individuality or moral self-subsistence is the surest foundation of an all-comprehending love. No man so multiplies his bonds with the community as he who watches most jealously over his own perfection.” – William Ellery Channing, quoted in “The Free Man’s Almanac”, compiled by Leonard E. Read, under October 7. – INDIVIDUALITY, SELF-IMPROVEMENT, SERVING OTHERS BY SERVING ONESELF, SELF-INTEREST, COMMON INTEREST, MORALITY, ETHICS, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-HELP, NAP, MUTUAL TOLERANCE, VOLUNTARISM, FREE EXCHANGE, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY

SELF-SUFFICIENCY: Freedom is the greatest fruit of self-sufficiency.” – Epicurus, 3rd. c. B.C., 77. Quoted in Letters, Principal Doctrines, and Vatican Sayings, tr. Russel M. Geer. – The self-sufficient cave-man could still only enjoy the life of a cave-man. Much of our freedom is due to division of labor and free exchange. To achieve sufficiency or even wealth, not only must I be free to produce and exchange but enough other people, all over the world, must be as free as well. That is in our common interest. – JZ, 30.11.85, 3.3.11, 25.2.14. - FREEDOM, FREE EXCHANGE, FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE MARKET, FREE MIGRATION, FREE TRADE, FREE COMPETITION, LAISSEZ FAIRE, FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION & CONTRACT IN EVERY SPHERE

SELF-SUFFICIENCY: He who is plenteously provided for from within, needs but little from without.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. – in George Seldes, The Great Quotations. – One can't eat one's ideas and thoughts or shelter behind them. - JZ, 3.3.11. – Nor does it make sense to build up surplus product, produce and service capacity and then not to freely exchange them country- and world-wide – for what others do have to offer and want to exchange for them, via monetary or clearing freedom, using sound and self-chosen exchange media, clearing avenues and value standards as well as credit options. – Not everyone is suitable to live a hermit’s, a nun’s or a monks existence. If all did, mankind would soon die out. - JZ, 25.2.14. - INNER LIFE & OUTER LIFE, THINGS, PROPERTY

SELF-SUFFICIENCY: Nothing, to my way of thinking, is a better proof of a well ordered mind than a man's ability to stop just where he is and pass some time in his own company.” - Seneca, Letters, II. - INDIVIDUALS, ALONE, MIND, SOCIETY

SELF-SUFFICIENCY: Retire into yourself as much as you can. Associate with people who are likely to improve you. Welcome those whom you are capable of improving. The process is a mutual one: men learn as they teach.” - Seneca, Letters, VII, p.43. - ASSOCIATIONS, LEARNING & TEACHING, SOCIETY, FREE EXCHANGE OF IDEAS, OPINIONS, FACTS, PRODUCTS, PRODUCE & SERVICES, FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION, VOLUNTARISM, COMPETITION & CONTRACT IN EVERY SPHERE, SECESSIONISM

SELF-SUFFICIENCY: The greatest thing in the world is to know how to be self-sufficient.” – Michel de Montaigne, Essays. – Actually, no life-form is quite self-sufficient. It needs a) others of its kind and b) other life-forms plus all kinds of chemicals and energy to survive. – Only a degree of personal self-sufficiency makes sense. Otherwise man would die out. The idea of complete individual and economic self-sufficiency or autarchy is nonsense. The greatest value out of one’s own labor and thought can only be achieved via extensive division of labor and free exchange. Self-support, in this way is our basic prerequisite for survival and further progress. – Unless we expect to be kept alive by a benevolent God or by some aliens in their zoos. - JZ, 6.4.89, 9.6.08. - As Leonard E. Read brilliantly pointed out in two articles, no one can produce a pencil or a can of beans quite on his own. - JZ, 3.3.11. -

SELF-SUPPORT: Direct theft is practiced by comparatively few of the total population. Most people find it unnecessary to do time-lapse thinking to put thievery in its proper place. However, millions of these same people not only condone but participate in legal plunder, that is, they urge government to do the looting for them. They see nothing wrong with this; indeed, they regard the loot as a gain. (*) Perhaps the only way for them to set their thinking straight is a resort to time-lapse thinking. - In a nutshell, let these millions project their practices into the future – everyone doing what the few are now doing, that is, everyone being paid for not working. Clearly, were there no work there would be no loot to take, nothing to plunder. As with thievery, all would perish. By the simple device of collapsing time, the future effect of their present actions would become obvious. Thus, living off others is not even a short-run gain. A few paltry dollars at the price of surrendering responsibility for self – the very essence of being – amounts to an enormous net loss. (**) – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.95. - (*) Or as a restitution or indemnification for prior and present acts of robbery against themselves. Is stealing from a robber, a mighty and rich one, real theft? Or taking, what he is willing to hand out from his loot? At least as long as one does not approve of the whole taxation and hand-out system but works towards its total abolition. – I have no sympathy for those, who do approve of taxation. They do deserve it. – Nor do I sympathize with those, who do not permit me to opt out from under their system, Or those, who do not wish to practise many important other rights and liberties, they do not care about. I thus have moral indemnification claims against them but no opportunities before their courts and under their laws, to enforce them. – (**) Some of the pensions that politicians have allocated themselves are certainly not paltry. Moreover, as territorial politicians or even leaders they could do all too much as they please, so long as they did sufficiently cover up their actions with some secrecy acts, national security institutions and deceptive phrases that most people still fall for. – And so the sheeple still follow and obey them, even applaud them. - JZ, 14.6.08, 25.2.14. – WELFARE STATE, TAXATION, PLUNDER, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, PARASITISM, HANDOUTS, SHORT TERM & LONG-TERM THINKING, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, ANARCHISTS, LIBERTARIANS & PANARCHISTS & POLYARCHISTS UNDER STATISM, SECRECY, NATIONAL SECURITY INSTITUTIONS, POPULAR & PLAUSIBLE SOUNDING PHRASES, POPULAR ERRORS, PREJUDICES, FALSE ASSUMPTIONS & CONCLUSIONS IN THE ABSENCE OF A COMPREHENSIVE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THEIR BEST REFUTATIONS

SELF-SUPPORT: It is moral to live by your own efforts but immoral to live by the efforts of others. – Reversal of the altruistic view quoted by Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged, p.957. On the other hand, in a society or a free market situation, based upon division of labor and free exchange, we do, in practice, largely live off the efforts of others, to the extent that they live of our own efforts, our own input into the whole system, as long as it is one of free exchange, i.e. in a fully free market, under free pricing, freedom of contract and association, including full monetary, clearing- and credit freedom, combined with free choice among value-standards. - JZ, 14.6.08, 25.2.14. – THROUGH FREE EXCHANGE, FREE ENTERPRISE, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY IN EVERY SPHERE, A FREE MARKET, FREE TRADE, VOLUNTARY TAXATION, FREE PRICING, MONETARY FREEDOM & FREE CHOICE IN VALUE STANDARDS, CLEARING & CREDIT OPTIONS, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT, ASSOCIATION, EXPERIMENTATION

SELF-SUPPORT: Robert Frost “believed that something of value could be learned by men in civil society by observing that many animals have the ability to take care of themselves practically from birth. The habit of self-reliance applied to a nation as well as to individuals. …” – Peter J. Stanlis, Robert Frost, THE INTERCOLLEGIATE REVIEW, Summer 73, p. 232. – It applies also to families and individuals from a young age, through free and not exploitative child labor. – JZ, 25.2.14. - SELF-RELIANCE, CHILD LABOR, THE CUSTOM TO UNNECESSARILY, WRONGLY & COMPULSORILY PROLONG DEPENDENT CHILDHOOD, E.G. BY COMPULSORY SCHOOLING & CHILD LABOR LAWS

SELF-SUPPORT: There are people content to live off others.” – Leonard E. Read, The Path of Duty, p.102. – Even that is tolerable, for outsiders, as long as they do find voluntary victims, admirers, followers and worshippers, prepared to offer them sacrifices of labor, goods and money. – JZ, 25.2.14. - LIVING OFF OTHERS, PARASITISM, COMPLACENCY, CONTENTMENT, DUTY, WELFARE STATE, CRIMINALS, POVERTY

SELF-TEACHING: In the school, the ideal must be ‘self-teaching’ and the ‘self-managed child’, not the student as a passive consumer, note-taker and spectator, and the teacher as cop.” – David De Leon, For Democracy Where We Work, in the anthology: “Reinventing Anarchy”, p.304. – Is there to be still compulsion and a monopoly for this kind of learning and teaching? – JZ, 14.6.08. - SELF-LEARNING, SELF-MANAGEMENT, SELF-EDUCATION, COMPULSORY SCHOOLING?

SELF-THINKERS: The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost invariably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And if he is not romantic personally, he is apt to spread discontent among those who are.” - H. L. Mencken (1880-1956). Alas, most “intellectuals” are not self-thinkers or original thinkers but second-handers, playing around somewhat with the thoughts of others and knowing and representing more popular prejudices, errors and myths than the average man does. – Most of them, too, are still statists. - JZ, 4.1.08. What can be done to promote libertarian enlightenment? I listed a few options in my 2010 book NEW DRAFT, including a libertarian ideas archive and a refutations encyclopedia against popular errors, prejudices, myths etc., So far, it is available only from me, free of charge, as a zipped email attachment. It is not copyrighted. Put it online somewhere, preferably with your comments. – JZ, 25.2.14. – -VS. GOVERNMENTALISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM.

SELF-THINKING: Truth that has merely been learned is like an artificial limb, a false tooth, a waxen nose; it adheres to us only because it is put on. But truth acquired by thought of our own is like a natural limb; it alone really belongs to us. - Arthur Schopenhauer - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. – Truths learnt through full freedom of experiment, among volunteers only, under personal law or full exterritorial autonomy, after secessionism, does also greatly help. Alas, this kind of self-learning was largely outlawed in all spheres monopolized by territorial governments. – JZ, 25.2.14. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISLISM, PERSONAL LAW EXPERIMENTS, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, SECESSINISM, TRUTHS, ENLIGHTENMENT, KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING

SELF-TRUST: Self-trust is the first secret of success. – Ralph Waldo Emerson. – One might also say, the readiness to try, to experiment and to make mistakes and the willingness to learn from them. – “No master fell ready-made from the sky!” – says an old German proverb. – As far as political, economic and social systems are concerned, the voluntaristic and exterritorially autonomous experiments of panarchies or polyarchies or personal law societies of volunteers are the most rightful and rational approach towards solutions, with the least costs, risks and wrongs and this in all spheres, which governments so far territorially mismanaged and are unable to solve as territorial governments, i.e., coercively, monopolistically and collectively. As territorial States and their governments do cause rather than solve problems for whole populations. - JZ, 14.6.08, 3.3.11, 25.2.14. - EXPERIMENTATION, POLYARCHISM, PANARCHISM, SUCCESS, FAILURES, PERSISTENCE, SELF-CONFIDENCE, SELF-RELIANCE, PROGRESS, ENLIGHTENMENT, FREEDOM OF ACTION, VOLUNTARISM

SELF-TRUST: Trust Thyself …” - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance.

SELF-WILL: But a man who has once felt the courage to be himself, who has heard the voice of his own destiny, cares nothing for politics, whether it be monarchist or democratic, revolutionary or conservative! He is concerned with something else. His self-will, like the profound, magnificent, God-given self-will that inhabits every blade of grass, has no other aim than his own growth. ‘Egoism’, if you will. But very different from the sordid egoism of those who lust for money or power! – … I preach self-will, not revolution.” - Hermann Hesse, Self-Will, 1919. – If he had thought some more about it, he would have favored the one-man revolutions of individual secessionism and voluntary associationism of panarchism. – Mere new words are not enough. – To each the government or non-governmental society of his or her choice! – is a much better and more concrete direction. – Likewise: Full consumer sovereignty towards political, social and economic systems as well! - JZ, 14.6.08. - EGOISM, POLITICS, POWER, WEALTH, RICHES, PROFIT, PANARCHISM, REVOLUTION, ONE-MAN REVOLUTIONS, PROGRESS THROUGH EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM UNDER PERSONAL LAW OR EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, AFTER INDIVDUAL & GROUP SECESSIONISM HAS BEEN ACHIEVED

SELF-WILL: The obedient well-behaved citizen who does his duty is not a “hero”. Only an individual who has fashioned his “self-will”, his … natural inner law, into his destiny can be a hero.” – Also: There is one virtue that I love, and only one. I call it self-will.” - Herman Hesse, “Self-will, 1919, If the War Goes On. – MAN, HEROISM, VIRTUES

SELF: For those, who do possess a self, there is also a self in their fellow man.” – Wilhelm von Humboldt, Das Inwendige Leben, quoted in the introduction by Hartfrid Voss. – JZ tr. of: “In wem ein Selbst ist, fuer den gibt es auch ein Selbst im Nebenmenschen.“ – SELF-INTEREST, EGOISM, SELFISHNESS, SELF-APPRECIATION OR SELF-RESPECT LEADS TO APPRECIATION, RESPECT OR AT LEAST TOLERANCE FOR OTHERS, WHO ARE ALSO TOLERANT

SELF: Looking out for self, developing one’s talents, is a social duty, contrary to public opinion.” - Leonard E. Read, The Love of Liberty, p.80. – SELF-EDUCATION, SELF-DEVELOPMENT, SELF-LIBERATION, SELF-INTEREST

SELF: making the most of one’s self … is not a separate thing from filling one’s place in society, but the two are one, and the latter is accomplished when the former is done.” – William Graham Sumner, quoted by Leonard E. Read, The Love of Liberty, p.80. – Also in: How Do We Know? p.73.

SELF: pursue and perfect one’s own creative talents, whatever they are. This is the iron-string of self-interest to which each heart is naturally attuned, however poorly one understands the tune or acts out of harmony with it.”– Leonard E. Read, The Love of Liberty, p.75. - TALENTS, INTERESTS, SELF-DEVELOPMENT

SELF: Self the spring of all.” – Southey, The Poet’s Pilgrimage to Waterloo, Pt. ii, canto I, st. 22. – All the words beginning with “self” should be sorted out according to their positive (individualistic), neutral or antagonistic (altruistic, collectivistic) meaning in common language use and then counted, to demonstrate whether the language is still predominantly individualistic or collectivistic in its interpretation, or whether they belong into any other category. I find that there are so many words beginning with “self” is in itself significant. – JZ, 4/82, 23.5.08. – The language itself, summing up a long experience and wisdom of a part of mankind, is itself sometimes to often wiser than many of its users, who are still unfamiliar with its fine details and differentiations. – JZ, 25.2.14. – INDIVIDUALISM, LANGUAGE AS ACCUMULATED WISDOM & EXPERIENCE

SELF: Self-review as Novalis calls it in his Fragments of mixed content”: Excitement of the existing self through the ideal self. Philosophy is the foundation of all other revelations, the resolution to philosophize is an appeal to the existing self to think, to awake and to become a mind.” – Hartfrid Voss, in his introduction to W. v. Humboldt, Das Inwendige Leben, p.12. –JZ tr. of: “… ‘Selbstbesprechung’, wie Novalis es (in seinen “Fragmenten vermischten Inhalts”) definiert, ‚Erregung des wirklichen Ich durch das idealistische Ich. Philosophieren ist der Grund aller anderen Offenbarungen; der Entschluss, zu philosophieren, ist eine Aufforderung an das wirkliche Ich, dass es sich besinnen, erwachen und Geist sein solle.“ – SELF-DISCOVERY, SELF-DEVELOPMENT, SELF-ESTEEM, SELF-APPRECIATION

SELF: Since every individual is accountable ultimately to the self, formation of that self demands the utmost care and attention.” - Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse Dune, p.314. & SELF-RESPONSIBILITY

SELF: The life of each human being is a way to himself, the attempt of a road, the hint to a path to himself. No man was ever completely himself, nevertheless each strives to become it.” – Herman Hesse, quoted by Hartfrid Voss in his introduction to W. v. Humboldt, Das Inwendige Leben, p.2. – JZ tr. of: “Das Leben jedes Menschen ist ein Weg zu sich selber hin, der Versuch eines Weges, die Andeutung eines Pfades. Kein Mensch ist jemals ganz und gar er selbst gewesen; jeder strebt dennoch, es zu werden. ...“ – SELF-DEVELOPMENT, SELF-EDUCATION, INDIVIDUALISM, SELF-WARENESS, SELF-DEVELOPMENT, SELF-ENLIGHTENMENT, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY ETC.

SELF: Thinking for self is the only kind of thinking there is. – Leonard E. Read, The Love of Liberty, p.69. – INDEPENDENT THINKING, THINK, SELF-THINKING,

SELFISHNESS: According to Branden, it is contradictory to talk about selfishness “that includes or permits the possibility of knowingly acting against one’s long-range happiness.” - “Egoism”, he continues, “holds that, morally, the beneficiary of an action should be the person who acts; altruism holds that, morally, the beneficiary of an action should be someone other than the person who acts.” – “It is the self that altruism regards as evil: selflessness is its moral ideal. Thus, it is an anti-self ethics – this means: anti-man, anti-personal happiness, anti-individual rights.” – A viler evil than to murder a man, is to sell him suicide as an act of virtue.” – O’Neill, Ayn Rand, p.63, with references to his footnotes left out. – And yet one can admire a man who e.g. commits suicide to provide some cash for his family. He serves his highest values in the only way left open to him, in his opinion. The suicides among highly insured people are much more frequent than among the uninsured. At the same time one should condemn a monetary and financial system that drives people to such desperate actions. – JZ, 12.6.08, 1.3.11. - a definition of ‘selfishness’ that includes or permits the possibility of knowingly acting against one’s long-range happiness, is a contradiction in terms.” – Nathaniel Branden, in Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness, p.60. – Also “unknowingly”! –SMOKING, ALCOHOL, DRINKING, DRUGS, SELF-SACRIFICE, SUICIDE BOMBERS

SELFISHNESS: All men are selfish, but how their selves differ!” - Dagobert D. Runes, A Book of Contemplation, p.119. – And also the kinds of their selfishness. – Quite moral and rational selfishness is still all too rare. – JZ, 4.6.08. – ETHICS, MORALITY, CONSCIENCE, MORAL SENSE & EDUCATION, ABSENCE OF A COMPLETE & CLEAR DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SELFISHNESS: All our acts, reasoned and unreasoned, are selfish.” - Mark Twain. - EGOISM, MAN,

SELFISHNESS: All sensible people are selfish.” – Emerson, Conduct of Life: Considerations by the Way.

SELFISHNESS: Altruism through selfishness! Altruism works only through selfishness. – JZ, 14.1.79. – Obviously, there are other incentives than monetary and financial ones. – JZ, 12.6.08.

SELFISHNESS: And when people praised to him the high-mindedness of charitable institutions he said, “Men give nothing away without expecting something in return. Hence the gathering of rewards in Heaven, self-flagellation and so on.” - Carl Brinitzer, A Reasonable Rebel, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1960, p.189. - EGOISM, ALTRUISM, CHARITY, HEAVEN & HELL, SELF-SACRIFICE, RELIGIONS


SELFISHNESS: Backing yourself means backing Australia. – D.Z. & JZ, 8/77. – AUSTRALIA, NATIONALISM

SELFISHNESS: be sure you get what you like or you will have to like what you get.” – G. B. Shaw

SELFISHNESS: Concern for the welfare of those one loves is a rational part of one’s selfish interests.” – Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness, p.44/45. - CARING, RESPONSIBILITY, FAMILY INTERESTS, CHILDREN, PARENTS

SELFISHNESS: Every individual is continually exerting himself to find out the most advantageous employment for whatever capital he can command. It is his own advantage, indeed, and not that of society, which he has in view. But the study of his own advantage naturally, or rather necessarily, leads him to prefer that employment which is most advantageous to the society.” – THE FREEMAN, 4/76, p.214. – HARMONY, LAISSEZ FAIRE

SELFISHNESS: Every man for himself! The Devil takes the hindmost. – Usually, it is not a matter of sheer survival but merely of getting a higher or a lower income by higher or lower productivity, as measured in a free market. The poor, in somewhat developed country, many of whom would not have survived for long under “natural” conditions, tend to get even obese on their diets and, thereby and also by smoking, drinking and lack of exercise, they tend to speed up their own death, not because they are over-worked or too poorly paid. – With their lack of interest in monetary and financial freedom and their reliance on territorial States they are even their own worst enemies. – The more competitive and free these poor are, the better off they will be, at least in their old age. - Perhaps there are already statistics on e.g. immigrants to relatively free countries, who arrived with almost nothing and became well off after a few decades of hard working saving and investing. - JZ, 12.6.08, 24.6.13. – POVERTY, COMPETITION, SELF-HELP, SELF-IMPROVEMENT, SELF-EDUCATION.

SELFISHNESS: Forcing people to be more "unselfish" creates animosity instead of good will. Trying to control selfish others is a cure worse than the disease.” - Dr. Mary J. Ruwart, Healing Our World, introduction. - UNSELFISHNESS, CONTROL

SELFISHNESS: how foolish it is to place the absolute, the general interest, above the personal one, the own interests” - and how fruitless the obedience to “higher” commands, instead of leaving it to the individuals to do that which appears to them to be the most useful.” – J. H. M., quoting Stirner, in: John Henry Mackay, Max Stirner, S.111. - EGOISM, PERSONAL- OR SELF-INTEREST VS. GENERAL INTEREST, COMMON GOOD, PUBLIC GOOD, HIGHER COMMANDS OR ORDERS ABOVE INDIVIDUAL DECISION-MAKING ON UTILITIES, MARKET VS. COMMAND ECONOMY, CONTRACTS VS. LAWS

SELFISHNESS: I have yet to find a man worth his salt in any direction who did not think of himself first and foremost. … The man who thinks of others before he thinks of himself may become a Grand Master of the Elks, a Socialist of parts, or the star guest of honor at public banquets, but he will never become a great or successful artist, statesman or even clergyman.” – G. J. Nathan, Testament of a Critic, p.6. – But in the current wars, too, there have been, repeatedly, some soldiers willing to risk their lives under fire, to save a wounded comrade or even to throw themselves upon a grenade, so save their mates. One cannot explain such actions merely with selfishness. Perhaps with self-respect. – JZ, 12.6.08.

SELFISHNESS: I swear by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine – once we conceded it was evil to live for yourself but moral to live for your children; then selfish to live for your children, but moral to live for your community; then country; finally the globe. A man who has not right to his own life, has no right to values and will not keep them.” – Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, character John Galt. - SELF-OWNERSHIP, INDIVIDUALISM

SELFISHNESS: If only people were selfish – and rationally so! – JZ, 14.12.76. – Would they ignore many of their individual rights and liberties as much as they do – if they were sufficiently and rationally selfish? – JZ, 12.6.08. - When they are accused of being "greedy" then one of the better replies might be: They are not greedy enough for their genuine individual rights and liberties and what they could achieve with them. - JZ, 1.3.11. – I liked two statements by Joe Hildebrand in TELEGRAPH.COM.AU – Feb. 1, 2014, p.35: a) The heading: Mad as hell … but about the wrong thingsb) The tinier the complaint the greater the tsunami of indignation. – Often it seems as if big and truthful ideas do not fit into small minds, largely confined to their relatively small private affairs. – Alternatively, they are much more concerned with small issues and preferences in their own lives than with the major political, economic and social problems created by territorial statism. That happens all too much on my Facebook page, e.g. with their pet, landscape and flower pictures, those of themselves, their friends, their babies and infants etc. To that extent they are still dancing, as the old proverb has it, at the edge of a volcano – and wasting the time and patience of readers like me. – To small minds, and limited imaginations, of otherwise friendly and decent people, small matters do matter much more than large and important matters for all of mankind. - JZ, 25.2.14. - GREED, SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS, LONG-TERM THINKING, FORESIGHT

SELFISHNESS: If thou art not for thyself, who will be for thee?” – Ancient Jewish sage Hillel, as quoted by Irving Wallace, in PURSUIT, Dec. 69. – I. W. added: “But if thou art for thyself alone, wherefore art thou?” – For whom art thou? – For what do you stand? - JZ, n.d. & 25.2.14.

SELFISHNESS: If you are selfless and virtuous when you give it, are they not selfish and vicious when they take it? Does virtue consist of serving vice? Is the moral purpose of those who are good, self-immolation for the sake of those who are evil?” – Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, p.957. – SACRIFICES, VIRTUES, ALTRUISM, SELF-APPRECIATION, Q.

SELFISHNESS: If you wish to please everybody make sure you please yourself first.” – W. G. P.

SELFISHNESS: in politics, as in love, it does not do to give one’s self wholly; one should at all times give, but at no time all. Gratitude is nourished with expectations.” – Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy, p.109. – Compare Bastiat: Society Is Exchange. – Often it is more important to pass on good ideas, advice, information, than money, goods and services. – JZ, 25.4.14.

SELFISHNESS: it being assumed that when people move into the governmental arena, their selfishness becomes magically transmuted into an altruistic passion for the common good.” – Murray N. Rothbard, REASON, Sept. 79, p.42. - STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENTALISM, WELFARES STATE, REPRESENTATIVEWS, RULERS, POLITICIANS, PUBLIC INTEREST & NATIONAL INTEREST PRETENCES BY OFFICIALS, WHO ARE UNAWARE OR NOT CARING ABOUT HOW MUCH STATISM & TERRITORIALISM ARE AGAINST THE REAL PUBLIC INTEREST

SELFISHNESS: It is more selfish for 100 people to expect that one person should care about them all than for one person to care only about himself.” – D.Z., 16.3.77, at 13. – INDIVIDUALISM, MAJORITY, ALTRUISM, LEADERSHIP

SELFISHNESS: It is more selfish for people to expect others to help them than for an individual to help himself. – JZ, 8.6.77, 24.6.13.

SELFISHNESS: It is not from the benevolence of butcher, brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.” – Adam Smith. – Quoted in L. J. Peter, The Peter Plan, p.128. - EGOISM, SELF-INTEREST, INCENTIVES, BENEVOLENCE

SELFISHNESS: It is precisely the ‘selfishness’ or private enterprise that constitutes its moral virtue … since “capitalism holds that the individual possesses the right to life, liberty and property” … Socialism, on the other hand “holds the view that individuals are duty bound to sacrifice their life, liberty and property for the good of some collective”, hence its morality is ‘the morality of slavery’.” – Chris Tame, quoted in THE FREE NATION, 20.7.79, from “The Case for Private Enterprise”, edited by Cecil Tuner, Bachman & Turner Ltd. - PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, CAPITALISM, SOCIALISM, SLAVERY, MORALITY

SELFISHNESS: It may seem selfish but I think it is natural for a worker to resent seeing a large chunk of his well-earned wages taken by the government to give to someone else who may even refuse to work.” – Pres. Nixon, quoted by Henry Meulen, in THE INDIVIDUALIST, Dec. 72, p.69. - DOLE BLUDGERS, PARASITES

SELFISHNESS: Libertarians are so selfish! They won’t let me decide how their money is spent! - Inscription next to the face of a complaining baby. - Pierre Lemieux shared Gabriele Lafranchi's photo. - Facebook, 6.7.12. - TAXATION, PROPERTY RIGHTS, GOVERNMENT BUDGETS & SPENDING

SELFISHNESS: Look after yourself!” Or: “Take care!” - That is all too often said thoughtlessly, or politely or only as a result of a friendship or love relationship. But, in essence, it expresses much of the essence of libertarianism. – JZ, n.d., & 1.3.11. – SELF-HELP, SELF-INTEREST, LIBERTARIANISM

SELFISHNESS: making the most of one’s self … is not a separate thing from filling one’s place in society, but the two are one, and the latter is accomplished when the former is done.” – Leonard E. Read, How Do We Know? p.73. – SOCIETY

SELFISHNESS: No man so multiplies his bonds with the community as he who watches most jealously over his own perfection.” – Quoted in “The Free Man’s Almanac”, compiled by Leonard E. Read, FEE. – SELF-IMPROVEMENT, SELF-EDUCATION, SELF-PERFECTION, SELF-DEVELOPMENT

SELFISHNESS: Out of the community of men arise the laws of society. Communism is uniformity in equality. “But I would prefer to be dependent upon self-interest rather than upon their benevolence …” – John Henry Mackay, Max Stirner, p.146, quoting Stirner. (“Aus der Gemeinschaft der Menschen entstehen die Gesetze der Gesellschaft. Der Kommunismus ist die Gemeinschaftlichkeit in der Gleichheit. ’Ich aber will lieber auf den Eigennutz der Menschen angewiesen sein, als auf ihre Barmherzigkeit’.”) – BENEVOLENCE, CHARITY, EQUALITY? PERSONAL LAW, SOCIETY, BENEVOLENCE, ALTRUISM, EGOISM, COMMUNISM

SELFISHNESS: People, even doctors and lawyers, do not always act only in accordance with their own selfish interests. Some actually try to heal people or attempt to defend at least some of their civil liberties. They, too, are motivated by ideas, good ones as well as bad (in their effect upon others) ones. They, too, are neither complete egoists nor complete altruists but a mixture of many traits, motives and ideas. - JZ, 12.4.01, 1.3.11. - VS. ALTRUISM? MAN

SELFISHNESS: Practically everybody aims at improving the material conditions of his existence. Public opinion takes no offense at the endeavors of farmers, workers, clerks, teachers, doctors, ministers, and people from many other callings to earn as much as they can. But it censures the capitalists and entrepreneurs for their greed. While enjoying without any scruples all the goods business delivers, the consumer sharply condemns the selfishness of the purveyors of this merchandise. He does not realize that he himself creates their profits by scrambling for the things they have to sell.” – Ludwig von Mises, Planning for Freedom, p.144. – Some even resent the higher earnings of doctors and manage to forget about their prolonged study years, the costs of their business premises and the number of people they employ and the extra insurance costs they have. – JZ, 12.6.08. - GREED, BUSINESSMEN, PROFIT, ANTI-CAPITALIST MENTALITY, CLASS WARFARE & EXPLOITATION NOTIONS, COMBINED WITH IGNORANCE OF ECONOMICS, MONOPOLISM & ALTERNATIVES TO TERRITORIAL STATISM

SELFISHNESS: Render unto all men their due, but remember thou art also a man.” – Martin F. Tupper, Proverbial Philosophy: Of Humility. – DUTY, JUSTICE, RESPONSIBILITY

SELFISHNESS: Self-love (selfishness) is the invariable basis for sanity. “If a man does not value himself, nothing can have value for him.” – O’Neill, Ayn Rand, p.62, quoting Rand.

SELFISHNESS: Self-serving behavior of the productive, benevolent variety is simply more marketable than the aggressive or self-sacrificial kind.” - L. Neil Smith, Tom Paine Maru, p.122. - VS. SACRIFICES

SELFISHNESS: Selfish: Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others.” – Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary. – ALTRUISM, JOKES

SELFISHNESS: Selfishness is a virtue, not a crime. – JZ, 2/75. - I read Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness, before. See my review of her chapter on “competing governments” in PEACE PLANS No.7, June 1966. – JZ, 12.6.08.

SELFISHNESS: Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. And unselfishness is letting other people’s lives alone, not interfering with them. Selfishness always aims at creating around it an absolute uniformity of type. Unselfishness recognizes infinite variety of type as a delightful thing, accepts it, acquiesces in it, enjoys it. It is not selfish to think for oneself. A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.” – Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900, The Soul of Man under Socialism. – At least it is only asking! – Trying to force others to comply with one’s own wishes would be wasting one’s life’s limited energies. – Inviting them to do so, by inviting them to live in the own kind of panarchy, would be quite another matter. It might equally benefit both sides. - JZ, 28.5.78. – Another version: Selfishness is not living your life as you wish to live it. Selfishness is wanting others to live their lives as you wish them to. – Oscar Wilde, Capitalism – Facebook, 13.10.13. - Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” - Ruth Rendell. - EGOISM, INTOLERANCE, DOMINEERING, PLAYING GOD DIVERSITY, VARIETY, NON-INTERVENTION, TOLERANCE, PANARCHISM, SELF-GOVERNMENT, THINK

SELFISHNESS: Selfishness is the only real atheism.” - Israel Zangwill, 1864-1926, Lore and Maurice Cowan, compilers, The Wit of the Jews, Leslie Frewin, London, 1970, p.76. – ATHEISM, GOD, RELIGION

SELFISHNESS: Selfishness, as a ruler of action and a guide of conduct, is necessary to the existence of man, and of all animals.” – George Fitzhugh, Cannibals All, 1857, p..80.

SELFISHNESS: That detestable vice which no one will forgive in others and no one is without in himself.” – Henry Ward Beecher

SELFISHNESS: The absurd opposite of selfishness is other-selfishness. – JZ, 13.8.75. – Or selflessness. – JZ, 25.2.14. - Why should anyone value other selves when he cannot even value his own self? – JZ, 10.6.08. – ALTRUISM, SELF-RESPECT, SELF-APPRECIATION, Q. , SELF-ESTEEM

SELFISHNESS: The alternative offered by those who deplore selfishness is always government. It is selfish to do something for money, so the slums should be cleaned up by a “youth corps” staffed via “universal service”. Translated, that means, the job should be done by people who will be put in jail of they do not do it.” – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.20.

SELFISHNESS: The attack on private property as selfish … implies that the alternative to “selfish” trade is “unselfish” love. But, under private property, love already functions where it can. Nobody is prevented from doing something for free if he wants to. Many people – parents helping their children, volunteer workers in hospitals, scoutmasters – do just that.” – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.20. – PROPERTY, LOVE

SELFISHNESS: The Book says we must love our neighbors as ourselves, which implies that we must love ourselves first.” - Michael F. Flynn, The Washer at the Ford, ANALOG, 6/89, p.52. - EGOISM, SELF-LOVE VS. ALTRUISM, LOVE OF NEIGHBOURS, CHRISTIANITY, CHARITY, ALTRUISM,

SELFISHNESS: The educated man … serves himself by serving liberty, which is his fundamental principle.” – Philip Wylie, READER’S DIGEST, 10/47. – One does not “serve” liberty but, rather, uses it, to one’s own advantage and that of others. – JZ, 12.6.08. - LIBERTY,

SELFISHNESS: The greatest productive force is human selfishness.” – Robert Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long. – Also in: Time Enough for Love, p.349. - PRODUCTIVITY, PROFIT, INCENTIVES, CREATIVITY, CAPITALISM

SELFISHNESS: The immoral folly of living unduly for oneself.” - J. C. Lester – If most people were not free to live largely for themselves and their families, most of them would soon have died out. – JZ, EGOISM,

SELFISHNESS: The individual does have the right to put his own needs first.” – Nicolas Darvas, The Anatomy of Success, p.72. - NEEDS

SELFISHNESS: The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone. - Ayn Rand - The Virtue of Selfishness – SELF-ESTEEM, RATIONAL EGOISM, SELF-INTEREST

SELFISHNESS: The most important person in the world is yourself.” – Les Mottley, 16.10.85. – INDIVIDUALISM, SELF-RESPECT, SELF-APPRECIATION, EGOISM

SELFISHNESS: The purpose of society is to arrange things so that everyone acting selfishly will still benefit everyone else as a whole.” – Edward De Bongo, Future Positive, quoted in THE AUSTRALIAN, 27.2.79. – Does “society” plan and arrange that intentionally or do merely free market relationships bring this about quite automatically? – JZ, 12.6.08. – DIVISION OF LABOR, SPECIALIZATION, PRODUCTIVITY INCREASE & FREE EXCHANGE

SELFISHNESS: The subsidy seeker is selfish, and so is every citizen who uses the law to enrich himself at the expense of other citizens.” – Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.209/10. – SUBSIDIES, WELFARE STATE, SOCIAL SECURITY, REDISTRIBUTIONISM,  POVERTY

SELFISHNESS: The uniform, constant, and uninterrupted effort of every man to better his condition … is frequently powerful enough to maintain the natural progress of things toward improvement, in spite of the extravagance of government, and of the greatest errors in administration.” – Adam Smith, TWoN, II, ch. 3, quoted in Henry Hazlitt, The Conquest of Poverty, p.41.

SELFISHNESS: The vast majority of people in this and other countries, including many noted scholars, confuse self-interest with selfishness. – The definition of selfishness? – “… having such regard for one’s own interest and advantage that the happiness and welfare of others becomes of less concern than is considered right and just.” Selfish individuals range all the way from thieves to political and private power monger. All who gain at the expanse of others fall in this despicable category!” – Leonard E. Read, How Do We Know? p.73. - SELF-INTEREST VS. SELFISHNESS

SELFISHNESS: The worst features of egoism – privileges at the expense of others, hide themselves in the name of altruism and there is no exploitation which is not justified in its name.” - Uwe Timm, Gesammelte Schriften, S.48. - EGOISM, & ALTRUISM

SELFISHNESS: There ain’t but one thing wrong (*) with every one of us in the world and that’s selfishness. – Will Rogers. – Even he didn’t always get it right! In the selfish provision of goods and services that we can profitably sell to others we do the most good. In the all too unselfish pursuit of the supposedly “common good” we become meddling, wronging, harming and sometimes even terrorizing little Robespierres, Stalins, Hitlers and Maos. – JZ, 2.8.92. - If we were sufficiently selfish, would we tolerate war, ABC mass murder devices, territorial governments, laws and institutions? – (*) right! – JZ, 7.6.08. – ALTRUISM, Q., SELF-INTEREST

SELFISHNESS: There is something despicable about a person who is not selfish. – JZ, 6.72. – He is at most a person, a mere number among millions, not a personality, a real self. – JZ, 10.6.08.

SELFISHNESS: We know there isn’t enough of anything and that what there is, is unequally divided. And we see many people doing their best to provide more by productive effort. And we see certain things about people. Some people are good-selfish and some people are bad-selfish. But they’re all selfish. And we see that those who are good-selfish are helping themselves by helping others. And we see those who are bad-selfish helping themselves by interfering with others. …” - Robert LeFevre, Lift Her Up, Tenderly, p.187.

SELFISHNESS: What’s in it for me?” – Common saying. – This question and similar ones should be asked with as much rationality and morality as possible. – JZ, n.d. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, POLITICS AS USUAL

SELFISHNESS: Why attempt to replace the selfishness of free individuals by the selfishness of territorial politicians and bureaucrats? – JZ, 5.12.83, 1.3.11. – TERRITORIALISM, Q., STATISM,

SELFLESSBESS: Selfless all right – they never had a real self! – JZ, 29.9.76, 10.6.08.

SELFLESSNESS: He gives himself away all the time.” – Terry Pratchett, The Dark Side of the Sun, p.121. – ALTRUISM, SELF-SACRIFICE, FOLLOWERSHIP

SELFLESSNESS: Selfless persons – are exactly that! – JZ, 26.12.80. – They remain as mere persons but are certainly no longer personalities. (Ulrich von Beckerath often made that kind of distinction.) – JZ, 26.12.80. - PERSONS & PERSONALITIES.

SELFLESSNESS: Selflessness: The immoral folly of living unduly for others.” – J. C. Lester – ALTRUISM, UNSELFISHNESS

SELLING IDEAS: Being right is seldom enough. Even the best ideas must be packaged and sold.” - Source unknown. - & BEING RIGHT, IDEAS ARCHIVE, TALENT CENTRE

SELLING: Before you can sell your product, you have to sell yourself.” – Xaviera Hollander (apocryphal) – Quoted by Albert the Unknown, in THE CONNECTION, 28.12.75, p.23. – And this starts with self-improvement, self-learning, self-study, self-training. – JZ, 31.10.76, 14.6.08.

SELLING: Nothing sells itself.” – Viscount Bearsted, 1853-1927, founder of Shell Oil Co. - Lore and Maurice Cowan, compilers, The Wit of the Jews, Leslie Frewin, London, 1970, p.107. – As if e.g. oil does not almost sell itself, at least today. And do producers of e.g. toothbrushes and soaps ever go bankrupt? Moreover, if you have managed to issue your own currency, redeemable in your goods and services, then and thereby they almost sell themselves. (However, that requires the issue freedom of monetary freedom or quite free and developed clearing, combined with free choice among value standards. - JZ, 3.3.11. – He also says, ibid: “Success is not on the beaten path.” – But, precisely there it is most easily attained by those pleasing the multitude with things and services they are already accustomed to. Significant innovators, so far, have a much harder path to success – under pre-existing and present conditions. - JZ, 13.9.08. – The successes of panarchies would also almost sell themselves, without any further advertising or propaganda, one by one, to those, who join them or copy their successful methods. - JZ, 3.3.11. - SELLING, SALESMANSHIP, SUCCESS, IDEAS ARCHIVE

SENATORS: Although the Senate is much given to admiring in its members a superiority less obvious or quite invisible to outsiders, one Senator seldom proclaims his own inferiority to another, and still more seldom likes to be told of it. Even the greatest Senators seemed to inspire little personal affection in each other, and betrayed none at all.” - Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams. – As power addicts, most of them may see in the others merely competitors for e.g. the still higher positions. – JZ, 26.2.14. - POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATIVES, SENATORS, POWER-ADDICTS

SENIORITY SYSTEM: in our adult world of real work, we’re rapidly installing the principle our schools have established: each individual must be promoted with his class (*), incompetence to the contrary notwithstanding.” – John W. Campbell Jr., ANALOG, 8/58, p.10. – (*) Otherwise not only the incompetence of some pupils but also of some teachers would be revealed. – JZ, 14.6.08. - WORK, SCHOOLS, TEACHERS, PROMOTIONS

SENIORITY SYSTEM: Seniority rules or automatic, collective promotions have almost eliminated the ablest workers' chance to rise, holding them down to the productive level of the less competent.” - Ayn Rand, Progress or Sacrifice, LA TIMES, July 1, 1962. – See: PETER PRINCIPLE. - PROMOTIONS, HIERARCHIES

SENIORITY SYSTEM: The Age of Jealousy reveals itself in an emphasis upon seniority.” – C. Northcote Parkinson, p. 112. of ? - & PRACTICE

SENSE: Why would anybody do that? It does not make any sense!” – Because it really does not make any sense! They do not know how to make any sense. They can, largely, only act upon popular errors, false assumptions and premises, prejudices, myths and whims. They do not know any better and all of their wrong notions have not yet been optimally replied to in a special encyclopedia of refutations. – JZ, 28.11.82, 26.2.14. –  PREJUDICES, POPULAR ERRORS, FALLACIES, ASSUMPTIONS ETC., PUBLIC OPINION, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF REFUTATIONS

SENSUAL PLEASURES: We live by choice in sensual pleasure cages and, consequently, are also used, somewhat as experimental animals or mere companions by others, for their kicks. It makes some sense e.g. for parents in their relationships with kids. But between adults? Should they be forever merely playful like kids? Merely amusing themselves and thus wasting their lives away? We don’t leave ourselves enough time in-between these self-imposed, self-chosen or other-imposed kicks to ponder the opportunities for free, thoughtful, rightful, peaceful, tolerant and purposive living, independent from the own whims and those of others. – JZ, 6.7.82, 26.2.14. – We ought to retreat much more into e.g. our studies, reading and writing something worthwhile and collaborate much more with other self-thinkers - rather than pleasantly killing time and using up our energies. – JZ, 14.6.08, 3.3.11. – CAPTIVES OF PLEASURES & THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, CHILDISHNESS CONTINUED IN ADULT LIVES

SENSUALITY: We are now exposed to so many sensual kicks or stimulants that we leave ourselves not enough time and energy for learning and contemplation. – Think of the flood of news from radio, TV, newspapers and magazines, movies, videos, advertisements, novels, coffee table books, stories, jokes, music, artworks, smoking, drinking, other drugs, entertainment, traveling, eating out, fashions, sports, mere socializing, plays, games. Even PCs are still largely used merely for games! Or to send greeting cards! - JZ, 6.7.82, 14.6.08. – THINK, CREATE, SELF-IMPROVEMENT, LEARNING, STUDYING, SELF-ENLIGHTENMENT

SENTIENCE: Sentience was everything; appearance meant nothing. – Alan Dean Forster, Running from the Deity, A Pip & Flinx adventure, DEL REY, 2006 edition, Ballantine Books, New York, p.2006. - REASON, RATIONALITY, NATIONALITY, RACE, ETHNICITY

SEPARATE INTERESTS: The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. – Milton Friedman, quoted by Laissez Faire Capitalism - h/t Bastiat Institute – Facebook, 26.10.13. - INDIVIDUALISM VS. BUREAUCRACY, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAWS, COMPETION, FREE CHOICE, FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE EXCHANGE, FREE CONTRACTS, FREE EXPERIMENTATION, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-OWNERSHIP IN EVERY SPHERE

SEPARATE PEACE TREATIES: Captain: “Men! In five minutes we will attack. It will be a fight at close quarters, man against man! – Private: “Would you please point out my man to me? I believe I could come to an agreement with him.” - PEACE NEGOTIATIONS, ENEMIES, PEACE TREATIES, SOLDIER’S RIGHTS, JOKES

SEPARATE PEACE TREATIES: The right policy is … to offer to the people, but never to their oppressors, the prospect of a sincere peace, alliance for peaceful purposes, financial help, keen interchange of trade and freedom of intercourse. – Salvador de Madariaga. The Blowing Up of the Parthenon, p.67. - RIGHTFUL WAR & PEACE AIMS, GOVERNMENTS IN EXILE, LIBERTARIAN REVOLUTION, INSURRECTION & LIBERATION PROGRAM, CAPTIVE NATIONS, CAPTIVE PEOPLES, RECOGNITION OF THE VICTIMS RATHER THAN THE VICTIMIZERS.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE: The separation of church and state helps both institutions.” – Silvert, Man’s Power, p.25. - The separation of the economy and of man from the territorial State is even more important. Let all men and women engage in their own free experiments rather than submit them to the usually counter-productive ones of territorially ruling politicians and bureaucrats. – JZ, 14.6.08. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, FREE CHOICE OF GOVERNANCE & SOCIETIES, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY TOWARDS & FULL EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM EVEN FOR WHOLE POLITICAL, SOCIAL & ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, INSTEAD OF STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

SEPARATION OF POWERS: All territorial and supposedly separate State powers are allied – against their victims in their territories. – JZ, 20.5.92, 7.4.09. – Also internationally - all territorial powers are as such connected. All their victims of all territorial regimes are, at least secretly and potentially, allies against all territorial regimes. Panarchism would make a separate peace, and an alliance between all these victimized minorities possible, sometimes even majorities. All territorial regimes are their common enemies. – With a panarchist platform they can win their struggle against them - easier than they could in any other way. - JZ, 7.4.09. – PANARCHISM OR POLYARCHISM AGAINST TERRITORIAL POWERS

SEPARATION OF POWERS: The usual functional separation of the powers of governments is not enough to keep them in check. All governance, societies and communities must become separated from all territorial powers, i.e., from all powers not based upon individual sovereignty, free choice of membership or consent. Moreover, they must remain subject to individual and group secessions and to free competition from all dissenters, who desire full exterritorial autonomy for themselves and who organize themselves correspondingly, into personal communities and societies of all those, who wish to do their own things for or to themselves, quite undisturbed by outsiders. – JZ, 2.10.93, 26.2.14. – Well, by now we would at least no longer tolerate child sacrifices and we should not tolerate the stock-piling of mass murder devices, preparatory to abusing them against others. – JZ, 4.6.08, 3.3.11. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, NON-TERRITORIAL DECENTRALIZATION

SEPARATION OF POWERS: There aren't any three branches of government. It's all government. And it sucks. - John Matonis, speaking at the 1977 Libertarian national convention. – They are all merely features of territorial, compulsory, centralistic and collectivistic rule over a whole population – i.e. without individual consent granted to them by their peaceful victims. – JZ, 4.1.08, 3.3.11. - THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT, THE LEGISLATIVE, THE EXECUTIVE & THE JUDICIAL

SEPARATION OF SCHOOL & STATE: An additional benefit is that the phrase has grown enormously in popularity. In 1994, when Advocates Founder Marshall Fritz first created an organization called the Alliance for the Separation of School and State, the phrase was obscure. Now, however, it is beginning to be widely used. It represents a growing national movement. A Google search finds nearly 27,000 entries for the term. "Separation of school and state" is one of those magic phrases that win attention, open minds, and provide listeners an instant "aha!" insight. It isn't appropriate for all times and audiences. No phrase is. But it packs a powerful punch in the right circumstances. (To learn more arguments for the separation of school and state, visit: ) - THE LIBERATOR ONLINE, issue rec. 8.2.08. - Voluntary and exterritorial separatism in this limited sphere is as insufficient as it is in the religious sphere. All kinds of political, economic and social systems and experiments must become independent from the territorial State, free to do their own things. In other words, the territorialism of all States has to be done away with. - JZ, 3.3.11. - TERRITORIALISM, COMPULSION, MONOPOLISM, SYSTEMS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM


SEPARATISM: And if any portion of the people, - no matter how large their number, if it be less than the whole, desire a government for any purposes other than those that are common to all, and desired by all (*), they must form a separate association for those purposes. (**) They have no right, - by perverting the government of the whole (***), to the accomplishment of purposes desired only by a part, - to compel any one to contribute to purposes that are either useless or injurious to himself.” – Lysander Spooner, Works, vol. I, p.217, Limitations Upon the Majority. - (*) Are there any or many such? – (**) He should have clearly stated that this can only be done under full exterritorial autonomy and personal laws. – (***) Of the remainder. Their whole is no longer to include those dissidents of the population, who preferred to opt out to do their own things for or to themselves! – That would leave the old government only voluntary members and confinement to exterritorial autonomy. In other words, they, too, would be transformed into a panarchy. - JZ, 14.6.08. - Mere majorities can never fully represent the whole. - JZ, 3.3.11. – MAJORITY DESPOTISM, STATISM, ENFORCED “UNITY” OR COLLECTIVISM, TERRITORIALISM

SEPARATISM: Separate but better.” – Howard Smith, quoted in Richard Louv, America II, p.90. – Separate AND THEREFORE better! – JZ, 5.1.87. – All, separatism, integration, segregation and unification, centralization and decentralization, should only be undertaken by and for volunteers. This requires the rejection of the territorial model in favor of that of exterritorial autonomy. Let individuals sort themselves out into the societies and communities that they do individually prefer for themselves. Consumer sovereignty in this respect. – JZ, 3.6.08. - Let each cook for himself or choose a cook for himself - in all spheres. - JZ, 3.3.11. – That would be just, peace-promoting and increase satisfaction, while removing wrongs, reducing squabbles and inferior services. – JZ, 26.2.14.

SEPARATISM: Separate governments and States, societies and communities from territories and end compulsory membership or territorial subjugation and thus end all domination over involuntary victims, i.e. over all dissenting minorities. (*) Let all people have their own ways – exterritorially, under personal law, i.e., quite self-responsibly. – JZ, 25.11.92, 2.6.08, 7.4.09. – (*) Excepting, naturally, criminals with involuntary victims and other aggressors. They are not rational enough, judging by their actions, to be able to claim all rights and thus have to become dominated, until they have reformed themselves or confine themselves to their voluntary victims. - JZ, 3.3.11. - SEPARATISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW COMMUNITIES

SEPARATISM: separating those who want liberty from those who want authoritarianism.” – Robert LeFevre, The Libertarian, p.9. – This would let the authoritarians dominate only each other. - To that extent they may have to become dominated, like criminals and aggressors. - JZ, 3.3.11. - SCHISMS, DIVERSITY, PANARCHISM

SERFDOM: the indentured serfs in the Middle Ages had to work three months a year for their masters; the rest of the time they worked for themselves. The average American taxpayer now works four months a year to pay his federal, state, and local taxes.” – Philip B. Demattais, What Is Libertarianism? p.9. – TAXATION, TERRITORIALISM

SERFDOM: They rush towards servitude.” – Tacitus, Annalen, I.7. (“Ruere in servitium”, “Sie stuerzten sich in die Knechtschaft.”) – Monetary despotism and the almost permanent warfare of territorial States were two of the motives for this. They did not have enough free labor, free enterprise and free trade options or sufficient defensive strength – until they organized walled towns for their protection. – The local feudal lord gave them food, shelter, jobs and protection. – Many of the first free towns were, probably, established by run-away slaves or serfs. - JZ, 14.6.08, 26.2.14. - STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, FEUDALISM, WELFARE STATE, UNEMPLOYMENT, MONETARY DESPOTISM, WARFARE STATES, SECURITY

SERFDOM: We are no longer free people but serfs of the all powerful State.” - Anderson/Miles, A Constitution for a Moral Government, 1971, p.34. - It is not all-powerful but all too powerful, murderous, destructive, counter-productive, exploitative and oppressive. - Has is, as yet, solved any social problems with its great power and expenditure of tax money? - JZ, 16.11.02. – Well, it takes care of politicians and bureaucrats – but not of their involuntary victims. – JZ, 26.2.14. – MODERN FEUDALISM, STATE, POWER, SUBJECT CITIZENS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, NATIONAL LANDLORDISM, TAX TRIBUTE LEVIES

SERFDOM: We are still the serfs of our territorial governments. – JZ, 24.7.04. – They have merely granted us some limited liberties, so that most of us go on voting for them. But the majorities are becoming smaller and may have to be built and maintained artificially, by coalitions. – JZ, 2.4.05. - & GOVERNMENTS, MAJORITY DESPOTISM, COALITIONS

SERIOUSNESS: Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out of it alive.” – E. Hubbard. - quoted in: Dr. Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Prescription, p.123. - JOKES

SERIOUSNESS: It is not so important to be serious as it is to be serious about important things.” – R. M. Hutchings, in “The Peter Plan”, by L. J. Peter, p.33. – For instance, seeing how flawed and incomplete most governmental declarations of human rights and even such private drafts were so far, is it not high time to take our genuine individual rights and liberties serious enough to attempt to express them completely and optimally in an ideal declaration. And yet I have not encountered any project of this kind among collaborating diverse anarchists and libertarians and this over all too many years! – My attempt to promote such efforts through an anthology of PRIVATE human rights drafts, in PEACE PLANS 589/90, later supplemented and put online as part of the contents of a disc, on - did also fail. I know of no valid excuse for not engaging in this job but one or only a few individuals cannot do this well enough for all of mankind. – By now I encountered only 2 collaborators, Ulrich von Beckerath, who died in 1969 and my former wife, until we separated, too, back in 1964. My decades of producing my libertarian PEACE PLANS series, in 1779 issues, to 2002, and my digital efforts since then, have not drawn a single collaborator out of the woodwork. – Is there any valid excuse for this lack of interest among anarchists and libertarians? - JZ, 14.6.08, 26.2.14. – DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SERIOUSNESS: We know how serious humanity’s problems are – and we also know some approaches to solutions that can work, if only they are taken seriously and pursued seriously. But nobody’s going to take us seriously unless we take ourselves seriously.” – John J. Pierce, in GALAXY, 39/3. – And we do not take ourselves and our ideas seriously enough until we do e.g. collect, publish and review all freedom ideas and projects and market them properly, with the aid of, for instance, a comprehensive ideas archive and libertarian projects list online and a complete electronic libertarian reference library, one with numerous new and helpful reference works. – JZ, 14.6.08. – LIBERTARIANISM, ANARCHISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PROBLEMS, SOLUTIONS, IDEAS ARCHIVE, PROJECTS LIST, EARNESTNESS, NEW DRAFT

SERVANTS: Men in great places are thrice servants: servants of the sovereign or state; servants of fame; and servants of business.” – Francis Bacon, 1561-1626, in Robin Hyman, A Dictionary of Famous Quotations, p.25, revised edition. – Do they really serve their real sovereign: all the people, and also all the businesses – well enough, or just themselves and some favorites? – JZ, 14.6.08. – PUBLIC SERVANTS, OFFICIALS, RULERS, PRIME MINISTERS, PRESIDENTS, AUTHORITIES, STATISM, POWER ADDICTS, POWER MONGERS, LEADERSHIP, POLITICIANS,

SERVANTS: the trouble with servants is that you serve them quite as much as they serve you.” – Robert Heinlein: Time Enough for Love, p.214. – Quite as much? Then why hire them? Rather, get out of the employer-employee relationship and set up some kinds of partnerships with enough incentives for all? Was Heinlein, in spite of his many good qualities, not a good manager? He, too, seems to have been too dependent upon publishers and their editors. At least after his death some of his works appeared in unedited editions, which he could not achieve during his lifetime. – I have still to get copies of all the unedited editions. - JZ, 14.6.08. - PUBLIC SERVANTS, BUREAUCRACY

SERVE: The unselfish will to “serve” the “less fortunate” is the impractical ideological demand of the communists, who just express it otherwise: “From the able to the needy!” – JZ, 26.12.80. (As totalitarian communists they try to enforce this rule. – JZ, 24.6.13.) – As if most of the better-off people had not earned their property or acquired it quite rightfully, as heirs, from their parents, who worked hard to give their children a better start. – How many of the poor are really enterprising with their labor skills and small savings? How many are credit-worthy? How many are willing to set up cooperatives? How many of them are prepared to get rid of their popular errors, myths and prejudices and resort to all their self-help-options? – JZ, 14.6.08. - How many oppose all legalized monopolies that still make unjustified enrichment possible for some at the expense of others? - JZ, 3.3.11, 24.6.13. - POVERTY, WEALTH, CAPITALISM, SHARING, COMMUNISM, PROPERTY, ENLIGHTENMENT, EGOISM, SELFISHNESS,

SERVICE: In free services, free enterprises, free businesses, free labor exchanges and labor cooperatives or autonomous work groups etc., free exchanges, free trading, freedom to produce and service, in short, in a free market, we all do serve each other as well as we can and can do so, in the long run and for many, only if we are free to do so profitably – for ourselves and for them. – JZ, 27.6.13. – PROFIT THROUGH PROVIDING GOODS & SERVICES FOR OTHERS TO BUY AT FREE MARKET PRICES.

SERVICE: It stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there's someone being served. The man, who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master.” – Ayn Rand. – The sacrifices are usually made either to a personality cult (Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Mao) or to a popular prejudices like statism and territorialism or a combination of them. Even democracies and republics do still recognize, constitutionally, central decision-making on war and peace, armament and disarmament and international relations and treaties and are thus and to that extent still despotism, as already Kant clearly stated, just like they were under kings, emperors and czars. – JZ, 4.1.08. - SERVICES RATHER THAN SACRIFICES, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP, TERRITORIALISM, DESPOTISM, DEMOCRACY, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY, CENTRALIZATION OF POWERS.

SERVICE: Real services require free market conditions and clear ideas on morality, based upon free individual choice and voluntarism. – JZ, 15.9.73. – Everything else, no matter under what well-intentioned or deceptive name it runs, amounts to at least to some degree to disservices to man as a rational being. – JZ, 11/73, 14.6.08.

SERVICE: salaried service … of course, leads to less service.” – Graeme McKinnon, FREE ENTERPRISE, 7/8, 1976. – EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP, WORKERS, CLERKS

SERVICE: Service for service.” – Michael Fluerscheim, Money Island, p.56. – Bastiat said the same, in “Property and Plunder”. - SHARING, POVERTY, CHARITY, WELFARE STATE, COMMUNISM

SERVILITY: In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, "Make us your slaves, but feed us." – Dosteovsky's [Dostojewsky in a German Lexikon. – JZ.] Grand Inquisitor – STATISM & SERF MENTALITY IN THE SEARCH FOR SECURITY, IGNORING THE SELF-HELP OPPORTUNITIES UNDER FULL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SERVILITY: Servitude that hugs her chain.” – Thomas Gray, Ode for Music, I.6. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, NATIONALISM, PATRIOTISM

SERVILITY: Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God, because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blind faith.” - Thomas Jefferson - REASON, DOUBT, QUESTIONS, GOD, ATHEISM, FAITH, STATISM, GOD, RELITION, GOVERNMENTS, OBEDIENCE, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

SERVILITY: Those who bow to the man above will always step on the man below.” – Dagobert D. Runes, A Book of Contemplation, p.120. – OBEDIENCE & OPPRESSION, MASTER & SLAVE RELATIONSHIPS

SERVING OTHERS: If we should primarily serve others, indeed if, as many today claim, others have rights to our service, then we have no right to our lives, liberties, and property. Then we are essentially slaves.” – Tibor Machan, “NEW GUARD”, 7/78. - Serving others capitalistically, mutually, or in voluntary benevolence should be distinguished from tax-enforced “charity” and “benevolence” by politicians and bureaucrats. – JZ, n.d. & 26.2.14. – ALTRUISM, SELFISHNESS, EGOISM, CHARITY, SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY VS. SERFDOM, WELFARE STATE

SERVING THE COUNTRY: There’s no greater service to this country than the defense of its freedom.” – Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964 (1909-1998). - How often and how extensively have terms like defence and liberty already been abused? One should no longer use them without expressed or implicit reservations. - JZ, 23. 11. 06. – SERVING THE COUNTRY BY GENUINELY DEFENDING QUITE RIGHTFUL LIBERTIES, NOT ALL KINDS OF PRETENDED RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, WHICH AMOUNT ONLY TO WRONGFUL CLAIMS AGAINST OTHERS, STATISM, NATIONALISM, TERRITORIALISM

SERVING: Non serviam.” – Robert Anton Wilson, quote in “Masks of the Illuminati”, p.77. – “I will not serve!” – Except my guests, to some extent. – JZ, 4.5.82.

SERVITUDE: How happy is he born and taught that serveth not another’s will.” – Sir Henry Wotton, 17th century.

SERVITUDE: If cities cannot exist on the basis of the skills, energy and creativity of the people who live, work and invest in them, then they should not be sustained by people who do not live in them. In short, every community should be one of voluntarism, to the extent that it lives for and through its own people and does not force others to pay its bills. Communities should not be exempted from the civil liberty prescribed for people – the exclusive employment of all their own powers for their own welfare. This means that no one should serve you involuntarily and that you should not involuntarily serve anyone else. This means, for communities, existing without involuntary aid from other communities or to other communities.” – Karl Hess, Death of Politics, p.16. - TAXATION, SUBSIDIES, CITIES, VOLUNTARISM, SELF-SUPPORTING COMMUNITIES, INDUSTRIES, PROFESSIONS, SERVICES, PUBLIC SERVICES, VOLUNTARISM, CAPITAL CITIES DO SUPPLY DISSERVICES RATHER THAN SERVICES, TO A VERY LARGE EXTENT

SERVITUDE: No involuntary servitude!” – THE LIBERATOR, III/2, issue 7, 1970? – Neither taxes nor conscription nor any legalized monopolies and least of all any territorial monopoly and compulsory State membership or subordination under a constitutional, legislative, juridical, policing and penal monopoly. – JZ, 2.5.98.

SERVITUDE: Said Aldous Huxley, in his foreword to “ Brave New World”: “A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers.” – Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.291. - Even voluntary slaves are still slaves and as such not very efficient workers. To the extent that any population is still under totalitarianism or even mere authoritarianism its standard of living is greatly reduced. - JZ, 3.3.11. -  STATISM, SUBORDINATION, TOTALITARIANISM, PROPAGANDA

SERVITUDE: Servitude debases men to the point where they end up liking it.” – Vauvenargues, Reflections and Maxims, 1746. – Some, yes, temporarily or even lastingly. But most get frustrated and antagonistic towards it sooner or later. Then their obedience has to be enforced and that enforcement creates more and more dissatisfaction among the survivors, until such a regime has only a minority of supporters left. If the dissenters were then familiarized with a genuinely liberating program, one going far beyond a mere territorial democracy, then any despotic regime could become fast and easily overthrown. - Look at the number of refugees, defectors, deserters, asylum seekers and at the number of revolutions, military insurrections and movements of "freedom fighters". Alas, we have not an open arms or free migration policy for them, combined with the full employment program of a complete free market economy. Nor do we offer them rightful and sensible liberation programs and rightful and sensible war and peace aims, including separate peace treaties over the heads of their mis-rulers. Or, at least, a comprehensive declaration of all genuine individual rights and liberties and recognition for all their diverse governments and societies in exile, all only for their present and future volunteers, as our best allies against any despotic foreign regime. In all too many ways barbarism, ignorance, prejudices, intolerance and the Dark Ages are still with us. - JZ, 3.3.11. - STATISM, REVOLUTION, PROGRAM, LIBERATION, TERRITORIALISM, NATIONALISM, “PATRIOTISM”

SERVITUDE: Show me a man who is not a slave. One is a slave to lust, another to greed, another to ambition; and all men are slaves to fear. I will name you an ex-consul who is slave to an old hag, a millionaire who is slave to a serving-maid; I will show you youths of the noblest birth in serfdom to pantomime players! No servitude is more disgraceful than that which is self-imposed. (Nulla servitus turpior est quam volunaria.)” – Seneca, Epistulae ad Lucilium, Epis. 47, sec.17. – I have never come across a German or English translation. Probably I would find many more pearls in it than those I see quoted, occasionally. – Today I tried but did not find it online or in the local large second-hand bookshop. There was once a Penguin pocket-book edition with selections from it. - JZ, 14.6.08, 3.3.11. - VOLUNTARY SERVITUDE, SERVILITY, SLAVERY, SERFDOM

SERVITUDE: This is servitude. / To serve the unwise.” – Milton, Paradise Lost, 1667, 5.178. – Aren’t we all, at least through our involuntary tax tribute payments? – JZ, 2.6.08. – Not even individual secessionism is generally recognized as a basic right, far less the right to live together with other volunteers under full exterritorial autonomy or personal law. - JZ, 3.3.11. - SUBORDINATION, OBEDIENCE

SERVITUDE: unless the most watchful attention be exerted, a new servitude may be slipped upon us, under the sanction of usual and respectable terms.” – John Dickinson, one of America’s Founding Fathers, quoted by David Boaz in a YAF leaflet.

SERVITUDE: Why enforce involuntary servitude through taxation?” - Anderson/Miles, Constitution, p.46. - Because it pleases those in power and, curiously enough, all too many of their victims. - The dissenters should be free to opt out to do their own things for and to themselves. - JZ, 16.11.02. SERVITUDE OR SLAVERY THROUGH TAXATION? TAX SLAVERY

SETTLEMENTS: Havas says we can get to Palestine overland with any luck". - I had always known that I should have to choose one day. Once I'd spent several days with a man who had been working in the new village settlements and had been sent back to Europe for funds. I knew this much, they were free there, and living like sane people, whose enemies are drought or fever or the Arabs, not paper and ideas and individuals puffed-up to a huge vacuous size by the mind of a million of voters. I had thought about it often enough. This was the place where at any rate they were trying to be human beings. I could have gone.” - Alex Comfort, On This Side Nothing, a novel, p,195. - But they did not remain free from territorial statism and all contesting parties there still wish it upon themselves and are then surprised that peace, freedom and prosperity does not come to them. - JZ, 25.1.02. - PALESTINE, ISRAEL, RETREAT IN THE COUNTRY, KIBBUTZIM, COLONIES, GOVERNMENTS, BUREAUCRACY, TERRITORIALISM, LAWS, STATISM, DEMOCRACY

SEX: A tumble with a willing lady is nothing unless there is some kind of emotion involved.” – From film: “Darker Than Amber”, with Rod Taylor and Suzy Kendall. – LOVE, RESPECT

SEX: One of the favorite notions of the Puritan mullahs … is that the sex instinct, if suitably repressed, may be “sublimated” into the higher sorts of idealism, and especially into aesthetic idealism. That notion is to be found in all their books; upon it they ground the theory that the enforcement of chastity by a huge force of spies, stool pigeons and police would convert the republic into a nation of incomparable uplifters, forward-lookers and artists. All this, of course, is simply pious fudge. If the notion were actually sound, then all the great artists of the world would come from the ranks of the hermetically repressed, i.e., from the ranks of Puritan old maids, male and female. But the truth is, as every one knows, that the great artists of the world are never Puritans, and seldom even ordinarily respectable. No virtuous man – that is, virtuous in the Y. M. C. A. sense – has ever painted a picture worth looking at, or written a symphony worth hearing, or a book worth reading, and it is highly improbable that the thing has ever been done by a virtuous woman….” - H. L. Mencken, Prejudices, Second Series, p.197/98. - PURITY, CHASTITY, VIRTUE, VIRGINITY, CHRISTIANITY & CREATIVITY,

SEX: Science then has had to ask itself: what was the utility of sex evolution? The answer to this conundrum it has been found lies in the fact that “the sexual method of reproduction multiplies variation as no other method of reproduction can.” – G. Barrett, THE MATCH, July/Aug. 75. - DIVERSITY, EVOLUTION

SEXISM: Sexism, if you are male you need not worry about this; if you are female, you should leave such matters to men.” – Graham Storr, THE BULLETIN, 29.3.83. – At least by now such assertions can be taken as a joke. – JZ, 28.4.09. – JOKES

SEXUAL FREEDOM: Do not keep your sexual desires and options locked up – as long as they do not wrong or harm anyone against their will or go against your freely concluded contracts. – JZ, 3/98. - Naturally, the consent of minors, especially children, is usually insufficient because it is insufficiently informed. I have no tolerance for child molesters. If the police and the courts were not protecting them, many of them would end up dead. - JZ, 3.3.11.

SEXUAL FREEDOM: The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.” - Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Canadian minister of justice, remark to newsmen, Ottawa, Canada, December 21, 1967, as reported by The Globe and Mail, Toronto, December 22 1967, p.1. - He was commenting on the government's proposal to overhaul Canadian criminal law, giving new recognition to individual rights in several areas, including sexual behavior. - SEXUAL LIBERATION

SEXUAL LIBERATION: Fuck who you want! I don’t care!” – Bob Howard, 1972. – At least at this stage B. H. did not have any children yet, far less grandchildren. – He was rarely so careless in his expressions. - JZ, 14.6.08. – I am also guilty of such remarks. E.g; “Fuck the government – if it gets into our beds. – JZ, 9/73. – I doubt that this could be a pleasant orgy. – JZ 14.6.08.

SEXUAL LIBERATION: Get government out of the bedroom.” – REASON, 4/74.

SEXUAL LIBERATION: I disagree with Freud about sado-masochism. I think Dr. Wilhelm Reich was right, in “Mass Psychology of Fascism”, saying sado-masochism is a secondary drive that arises only when the primary sex drive is repressed or warped. The anthropologist Malinowski, for instance, found no sado-masochism (and no rape) among the sexually free Trobriand Islanders before the Christian missionaries got in.” – Robert Anton Wilson, Illuminati Papers, p.44. - RAPE

SEXUAL LIBERATION: Love is in some measure … so involuntary a passion it cannot, it ought not to be controuled.” – John Glover, in a letter to Washington, 1781.

SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS: T. S. Elliot recognized that rebelliousness was implicit in [D.H.] Lawrence’s work. … Lawrence emphasized the need to return to the “quick of self” to find rebirth as a total human being, often through sexual experience, which is now the only important aspect of life that has not been institutionalized. …” James Dale Davidson, INDIVIDUALIST, 6/72. – Maybe not yet completely institutionalized but there are laws on prostitution, marriages, and divorce, recognizing mostly only one form of marriage, monogamy, lately also some homosexual marriages, but rarely or in few countries e.g. bigamy or polygamy. Laws in China confine even on the number of children, just one! – JZ, 3.6.08. – If nothing else does this, this law alone will sooner or later lead to the overthrow of this regime. – JZ, 26.2.14. - SEXUAL FREEDOM, FOR ADULTS.

SEXUAL REVOLUTION: All too many anarchists and libertarians were and are all too much concerned only with the diverse and frequent use of their sexual organs and did and do not care enough about the other individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 18.12.04, 30.10.07, 24.6.13, 26.2.14. - ANARCHISM, LIBERTARIANISM & LIBERTINES, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SEXUAL SERVITUDE: Some people live too much in the service of their penis or their vagina. - JZ, 8.5.01. - They are "pussy-whipped" or "penis-whipped". - JZ, 30.1.02.

SHACKLES: In short, government must remove its numerous shackles on the creative energies of man.” – Hans F. Sennholz, THE FREEMAN, 5/76, p.299. - CREATIVE ENERGIES

SHAME: A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.” – Jonathan Swift. – ADMITTING MISTAKES, ERRORS & WRONGS, WISDOM, ENLIGHTENMENT

SHAME: Tab said: ‘Whoever commits a transgression, and is filled with shame thereby, all his sins are forgiven him.” – Berakot, 12b. - The Wisdom of Israel, ed. by Lewis Browne. – Shame in that one case should at most lead to a reduction in his punishment. It should not reduce the indemnification that is due from him. – JZ, 25.6.97. Moreover, his shame for one wrongful action should not lead us to forget and forgive all his others. – JZ, 6.6.08. - SINS, FORGIVENESS

SHAME: Why are you ashamed of or disgusted with nudity but not of being disinterested and apathetic towards e.g. the causes of the nuclear war threat, of despotism, of mass unemployment and persistent inflation? Have you got your priorities right? – JZ, 30.7.96, 28.5.08. – DISINTEREST, NUDITY, NAKEDNESS, BARE BREASTS, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, INFLATION, UNEMPLOYMENT, WAR,

SHARE COMPANIES: He pointed to associations of workers, based on mutualism, as ‘a new principle, a new model, which must replace the present joint stock companies in which one does not know who is the more exploited, the worker or the shareholder.’ – And he finally declared: ‘We believe in radical transformation of society, in the direction of freedom, personal equality and the confederation of peoples, but we do not want it to be either violent or plundering’.” – George Woodcock, Proudhon, p.191/92. - JOINT STOCK COMPANIES, CORPORATIONS, PRODUCTIVE COOPS, PROUDHON

SHARE COMPANIES: The joint stock company has for more than 100 years proved a highly successful instrument of economic advance and innovation in Britain. It is a man-made device for marrying brains with bank balances.” – Guy Naylor, Company Law for Shareholders, 1960, quoted by Ralph Harris and Arthur Seldon, Not From Benevolence, p.148. – COMPANIES, CORPORATIONS, COOPERATIVES

SHARE COMPANIES: Twentieth-century dispersion of stock and its voting rights among many thousands or hundreds of thousands of stock-holders in practice commonly reduced its voting power almost to ceremonial status. But there always was (*) possibility that a stockholder or group of stockholders or some insurgent committee could mobilize enough stockholders, aggregate enough of these vestigial rights, and emerge with power to upset management. This amounts to little more than the right to execute a very rare revolution. The widely publicized proxy fights and battles for control of management, which enliven the financial pages, are actually the rarest exceptions in corporate life. Even those, as a rule, commonly concern the small corporations. No once in a decade is the control of a minor giant thus threatened. Management of the major giants are, for practical purposes, impregnable.” – Adolf A. Berle, Jr., Power Without Property, p.63. – (*) the? – JZ -MANAGEMENT POWER, CORPORATIONS

SHARE PRICES: Share prices, industrial bonds etc. depend primarily upon the ease with which the products and services of the firms, which issue the capital securities, can be sold. And that does primarily depend upon the availability of turnover credit in form of sound local currencies and other clearing facilities. Unless the firms in which one has invested can easily sell whatever they produce, the shares etc. will soon be more and more worthless. Central banks with their monetary policies do make the selling quite unnecessarily difficult. They should, therefore, be abolished, even if it were only to achieve a more profitable and secure capital market. – JZ, 9.1.98, 29.9.08, 3.3.11. - CAPITAL MARKETS, INTEREST RATE, DIVIDENDS, PROFITS, CAPITAL, CAPITALISM, ECONOMIC CRISES, MONETARY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM, CENTRAL BANKING, LEGAL TENDER, INFLATION, UNEMPLOYMENT, SALES DIFFICULTIES & DEFLATION

SHARING: Anyone who says “I want my share, I demand my share”, and isn’t earning his share is a thief. No amount of nice words will disguise that blunt truth.” – Viv Forbes, “Let’s Free Enterprise”. – It depends upon what share of what is meant. For instance, every taxpayer should get his share in the remaining government assets, with the government becoming totally expropriated. And when it comes to certain government hand-outs to certain people, one should also take into consideration, how much these same people previously and even now still pay in direct and indirect taxes. No government is providing us with a proper balance sheet of all that it takes from us, compared with all that it pays us or finances for us. And we get no choice in the matter, e.g. by setting a total limit, like for an insurance premium, or determining for which budget items our tax contributions are to be used. And we are not allowed to opt out of this territorial government mess, to come to more rightful and honest relationships with the kinds of communities or societies that we would then choose for ourselves. Presently the distribution of tax founds is, probably, just as unjust as is the tax collection. – JZ, 14.6.08.

SHARING: Collectivism doesn’t work because it’s based on a faulty economic premise. There is no such thing as a person’s "fair share" of wealth. The gross national product is not a pizza that must be carefully divided because if I get too many slices, you have to eat the box. The economy is expandable and, in any practical sense, limitless.” – P. J. O’Rourke, "How to Explain Conservatism." - THE WEALTH, DISTRIBUTIONISM, COMPULSORY COLLECTIVISM, TAXATION, HANDOUTS, WELFARE STATE, FAIRNESS, WEALTH, POVERTY, ECONOMIC GROWTH

SHARING: Criminals, too, as the supposedly needy, do their kind of coercive or fraudulent sharing of the wealth of the rich or the better off, e.g. the ones who are able and willing to work hard and to acquire some wealth or who acquired some wealth from hard-working parents. The poor, incompetent, disabled, lazy or wastrels try to do so legally in “Welfare States”, not being satisfied with voluntary insurance or credit arrangements or their own earnings ability. They are willing to share their pennies with the pounds of the others and consider themselves to be altruistic rather than egoistic and consider the better off people to be egoistic when they try to hold on what is theirs. The avaricious critics of the better-off or rich also ignore 1.) the enormous amounts of charity contributions made by these people and 2.) the numerous jobs the small, medium and large capitalists provide for the poor, to the extent that their capital is not destroyed and largely wasted via taxation. 3.) The further jobs which the better-off people would provide, at least indirectly, if they were not heavily taxed. – The immorality of the “right to share” mentality was clearly demonstrated to me by two instances: a) the numerous push-bikes that I saw vandalized in the USA by thieves who were frustrated by the chains or other security precautions their owners had undertaken. b) By an overheard talk of a group of youths in Kreuzberg, Berlin, a poor suburb, who resolved to steal some push pikes form the kids in Zehlendorf, a relatively wealthy suburb of Berlin. Well, their legislators and parents as voters, did not act fundamentally different - in their kind of legalized and coercive distributionism. – I favor different panarchies for the advocates and for the opponents of property rights instead of territorial despotism over both. No territorial and legalized monopolies for either group. As a result maximum incentives for self-help and self-responsibility for both groups. - JZ, 29.5.08. - TERRITORIALISM, ALTRUISM, EGOISM, SELF-OWNERSHIP, PRIVATE & COOPERATIVE PROPERTY RIGHTS, ROBIN HOODLISM, CRIME, TRANSFER SOCIETY, WELFARE STATE, NEEDS, PERSONAL LAW SYSTEMS, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM,  VOLUNTARISM

SHARING: Do not yield to the temptation to participate in collectivist programs ‘to get your share’, because that is the trap that has been laid down for you by those who want to control you.” – JAG, Feb. 28, 73.

SHARING: for a man who accepts any share which he has not earned in another man’s capital cannot be an independent citizen.” – W. G. Sumner: What Social Classes Owe to each Other – At least since then quite a few enterprises have been handed over by its owner to their employees and at least some of them have run successfully ever since. – Gifts, donations and foundations do not always and necessarily create dependencies. – If that were the case, we should, perhaps, abolish all inheritance? – JZ, 14.6.08.

SHARING: In any State, man can never possess freedom, only temporary freedom, because he is merely “renting” his liberties from his government, a rent which may be raised at any time depending upon the disposition of Presidents, politicians and majorities. Man cannot be free by sharing his freedoms with the State; man cannot co-exist with a Frankenstein monster.” - Lawrence Samuels: What Is Libertarianism? – You Own Yourself. - Alas, we are forced to so co-exist! – JZ, 14.6.08. – Territorially we cannot peacefully coexist with the State. But exterritorially, as seceded people and volunteers in our own communities, we could. – Without us and the other dissenters having seceded from it, it would itself be reduced to a panarchy of its remaining voluntary statists. With them one can peacefully coexist. – JZ, 7.4.09. – SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIALISM & VOLUNTARISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, STATISM & COMPULSORY SUBORDINATION & “UNIFICATION”

SHARING: Liberals love to say things like, "We’re just asking everyone to pay their fair share." But government is not about asking. It is about telling. The difference is fundamental. It is the difference between making love and being raped, between working for a living and being a slave. The Internal Revenue service is not asking anybody to do anything. It confiscates your assets and puts you behind bars if you don’t pay.” – Thomas Sowell, FORBES, July 1994 - BY MODERN LIBERALS. THEY WOULD RATHER USE COERCION THAN CHARITY & BENEVOLENCE, GOVERNMENT, TAXATION, MODERN LIBERALISM, WELFARE STATE,

SHARING: Nothing prevents volunteers from sharing all their property, work and savings right now, voluntarily, if they really want to. What more could they rightly ask for? – JZ, 20.11.13. – Alas, they rather want to share the property, work and savings of others, offering nothing in exchange except leaving them and equal share! As an old English proverb has it, they are willing to share their penny for your pound. A worse “economic system” is hard to imagine – but they have remained immune to criticism over many centuries and haven’t learnt anything from all the attempts to put their nonsensical “ideas” in to practice. – COMMUNISM, COLLECTIVISM, WELFARISM, CHARITY, COERCION, TERRITORIALISM, COMPULSION, ANTI-CAPITALIST MENTALITY, ENVY, STATE SOCIALISM, PROPERTY, VOLUNTARISM, EGALITARIANISM, TOTALITARIANISM, TAXATION

SHARING: on what basis will the distribution be made? Communism answers: On the basis of equality. What equality without reference to any difference in pains taken? We shall all have an equal share, whether we have worked six hours or twelve, mechanically or intellectually! But of all possible types of inequality this is the most shocking; and furthermore, it means the destruction of initiative, liberty, dignity, and prudence. You propose to kill competition, but take care; you are only redirecting it. Under present conditions we compete to see who works most and best. Under your regime we shall compete to see who works worst and least.” – Bastiat, in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.158. - COMMUNISM, EQUALITY, INEQUALITY, EGALITARIANISM, PROPERTY, WAGES, EARNINGS, DISTRIBUTIONISM, COMPETITION

SHARING: Once politics become a tug-of-war for shares in the income pie, decent government is impossible." - Friedrich A. Hayek. - A decent territorial government is a contradiction in terms. It would still force its costs and services upon peaceful dissenters, although the number of these might be smaller than under other governments. - JZ, 23.8.02. – WELFARE STATE, HANDOUTS, SUBSIDIES, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, LIMITED GOVERNMENT

SHARING: One who has nothing, and is eager to share it with others.” – Author unidentified.

SHARING: Share ideas and knowledge rather than incomes. That would actually, in the long run, relatively equalize incomes, for comparable work, market rated and this at a higher level, than any direct income distribution attempts could. – JZ, 22.6.91, 26.2.14. – From a certain income level onwards higher incomes do not really matter any more for their earners. How many good meals can one eat, how many suits can one wear, how many cars can one drive? One could only gain more free time for worthwhile pursuits or could afford to pay others to engage in researches that one favors. – JZ, 6.6.08. - However, when a large share of higher and highest incomes can and are safely and productively invested, then these investments serve most people much more than any politicians and bureaucrats could with funds stolen from their earners. - JZ, 3.3.11.

SHARING: Sharing wealth means shared poverty.” – JZ, 4.5.86. – Do you need more, larger and more prolonged examples for this than e.g. the various communist regimes provided? – JZ, 3.6.08. - POVERTY, WELFARE STATE, WEALTH, COMMUNISM, STATE SOCIALISM

SHARING: Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” – Winston Churchill. – Quoted in: Charles Heath: The Golden Egg, p.63, also by Lawrence W. Read, THE FREEMAN, 2/79. – True for State Socialism. Apparently, W. C. never came across e.g. voluntary or cooperative socialism, of which at least some forms rely on property rights, free exchange, individual initiative and incentives, individual responsibility and self-management. – JZ, 9.1.81, 20.6.08, 3.3.11, 26.2.14. – VOLUNTARY & COOPERATIVE SOCIALISM & OTHER SELF-MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS VS. STATE SOCIALISM & THE EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP WITH ITS ASSOCIATED TRADE UNIONISM

SHARING: Some things can't be shared till your can trust everyone.” - Christopher Anvil, Cargo for Colony 6, p.94 in ASTOUNDING SF, 11/58. – With some excess powers and “weapons” one cannot really trust anyone. No one should have them. No one should have the fate of millions in his hands, all merely dependent upon his whim. – JZ, 4.4.09, 3.3.11. - TRUST, SECRECY, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, CENTRALIZATION, STATISM, BUREAUCRACY

SHARING: The “cooperation” of socialism refers to the sharing of whatever is available to consume, regardless of how it came to be produced or saved, or who might claim ownership. Man, as consumer, is to help himself to anything he needs – but at the other fellow’s expense. The double trouble with this concept of “cooperation” is its inherent immorality and the fact that it doesn’t work. The theory doesn’t work out in practice because most human beings won’t work – or save – if they’re systematically robbed by loafers, or taught to be loafers themselves. And, whereas voluntary charity may be considered one of the highest forms of moral human action (*), it seems clear that reversing the process to let the receiver of alms grasp what he wants, from whom he pleases, is quite as immoral as any other form of theft.” – Paul L. Poirot, THE FREEMAN, 4/79. – He could and should have done better on this point! – He wrote here as if other forms of socialism and of cooperation did not exist! – Some have listed 500 to 600 different types or definitions of socialism. Voluntary and cooperative socialism can be quite individualistic, capitalistic, propertarian and entrepreneurial. – (*) Superior to e.g. voluntary insurance, credit- and mutual aid arrangements? - JZ, 14.6.80, 14.6.08, 3.3.11. - CHARITY, VOLUNTARY OR COOPERATIVE SOCIALISM VS. STATE SOCIALISM & TOTALITARIAN COMMUNISM, PROPERTY, VOLUNTARISM

SHARING: The ass that is common property is always the worst saddled.” – English proverb – PROPERTY, PRIVATE VS. PUBLIC OR COMMON PROPERTY, NATIONALIZATION

SHARING: The fact is that a free society must encourage excellence, achievement and disparity, or else it will cease to be either free or productive. Churchill’s dictum captures the essence of the problem: “The inherent vice (virtue! – JZ) of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings while the inherent virtue (vice! - JZ) of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” (*) - Joseph F. Johnston, Jr., The Limits of Government, Regnery Gateway, Chicago, 1984, p.188. – (*) Except for the “socialist” rulers, who hardly ever share, equally, the miseries they cause for their subjects. – JZ, 2.10.07, 3.3.11. - DISTRIBUTIONISM, STATE SOCIALISM, FREE SOCIETIES, INEQUALITY VS. EQUALITY OF OUTCOMES

SHARING: The government can’t give out more than it takes in, and since the process of taking and redistribution costs something, the government actually gives out less than it takes in. (*) This is why all “share the wealth” programs are actually “share the poverty” scams. – “It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law in to an instrument of plunder.”  This warning from Bastiat was ignored in his native France and it is being ignored in the United States today. And the result is social chaos. – A nation that was founded on a unified concept of human rights degenerates into special-interest groups fighting each other for a share of the plundered pie. – Jim Lewis, Liberty Reclaimed, p.61. - (*) And it reduces incentives for the wealthy as well as the poor. – JZ, 7.6.08. – WEALTH, WELFARE STATE, POVERTY, ROBBING HOODLISM

SHARING: The less wealth is “shared’ the more of it will be produced and the more of it will be available for all, under full economic freedom, in a market-like way, as productive capital, helping to increase everybody’s productivity and earnings. – JZ, 9.9.75, 5.6.08, 3.3.11. – CAPITAL, SAVINGS, PRODUCTIVE & PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS

SHARING: The sharing of riches is the intention. The sharing of poverty is the result. – JZ, 24.5.91. – STATE SOCIALISM, COMPULSORY SHARING, WELFARE STATES REDUCE WEALTH & INCREASE THE NUMBER OF THE POOR.

SHARING: Trade, for instance - they see that as mutual-sharing.” - George R. R. Martin, A Song For Lya, p.133 in ANALOG 6/74. – As if anything were wrong with free exchange. – JZ, 3.4.09 - & TRADE, FREE EXCHANGE

SHARING: Where does this guilt at following our talents and tastes into a life of our own choosing come from? A lot of it comes from the articulate advocates of seize-from-those-that-succeed and force-on-those-who-don’t (*) through taxation. There is no real reason for anyone who has chosen a legitimate goal and worked to realize it, to feel that he should be handing everything (**) to the government for redistribution and regulation. Voluntary sharing is one thing; confiscation, another. – Ruth E. Hampton, THE FREEMAN, 11/75, p.644. – (*) force on? - JZ - (**) anything! – JZ - GUILT FEELINGS, ALTRUISM, CHARITY, TAXATION, CONFISCATION, COMMUNISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, COMMUNISM, STATE SOCIALISM

SHEEP: Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you. – Benjamin Franklin – Territorialism tends to turn its subjects into sheep and governments into wolves. – JZ, 5.4.12, 26.2.14. – & WOLVES, “SHEEPLE”, OBEDIENCE, SUBORDINATION, SUBMISSION VS. STANDING UP FOR ONE’S RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

SHIELDING: The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.” – Herbert Spencer. - PROTECTION, FOOLISHNESS, WARDS, GUARDIANS, PATERNALISM, WELFARE STATE

SHOP CURRENCIES: A verbal description of the circulation process involved. Circulation charts do make this process clearer, as a rule. I will not offer them here. - The employers would have received the services of their employees and produced, using their capital and this labor, goods which they would sell to wholesalers. The employers would be paid in sound commercial bills or other short-term payment promises of the wholesalers, which they would then get discounted in private goods warrants from the issuing center of the local shop association. With these goods warrants they would pay the wages of their employees and bills of their suppliers. They would take out their own profit in this way, too and, after a corresponding tax reform, pay their taxes with them also. (Otherwise the territorial State, as long as it is still allowed to raise taxes, could raise only as much in taxes as it made sound tax foundation money available for current and near future tax payments.) - The wholesalers would have received the goods and given their commercial bills in return, obliging themselves to repay their bills in goods warrants and service vouchers when they are due. They would sell the goods on commission to retailers, or upon the short term promises of payment of the retailers, to pay them for the goods in goods warrants within 2-3 months. - The retailers, between them, would receive the goods from the wholesalers, and would be obliged to repay them in goods warrants within the near future. The goods they could thus offer, would constitute the ready for sale cover of the goods warrants issued by the issuing center of the retailers, their local shop association bank. - This center had discounted the commercial bills of the wholesalers, presented by the employers, with its own goods warrants and service vouchers, keeping the bills as a short term security. All members of the association would have to oblige themselves to accept these certificates in payment. - The employer would then pay the wages he owes to his employees - with the goods warrants or shop currency received in this discount. The workers, if they want to be employed, would have to oblige themselves to accept the goods warrants in payment of wages. Seeing that the local retailers would accept them at par, they would be inclined to do so. If they insisted instead upon being paid in some or the other exclusive currency, which the employer could not or not as easily obtain, they might lose their jobs or their pay would have to be reduced. - The workers would spend the local shop currency in the local retail shops, acquiring the goods and services they want. - The retailers would thus have additional turnover and repay their debts to the wholesalers, ordering more goods at the same time. - The wholesalers would use the goods warrants received to redeem their commercial bills at the issuing center. One circulation would be thus be closed. This process would be repeated over and over again. - For the service cover that is locally offered, in form of service vouchers by their providers, the circulation system would be slightly different. The independent tradesmen and professionals involved could get their own bills discounted by the retailers' issuing center - up to the amount of their service potential and average trading during the next short term period. By paying their suppliers, profits and wage bill in their service warrants, they would put them into circulation. By accepting them in payment for their services, they would be enabled to withdraw them and repay their IOUs with them. - The issues of the goods and service warrants would merely provide the necessary turnover credit. They would not and should not be used to provide medium- or long-term capital loans - because that would not assure their rapid return to the issuing center. If issued for longer periods, they could depreciate. - This use of monetary freedom would mean that due to private local note issues (alone, or, preferably, in association with others), we would no longer have to scramble for a chance to sell our labor, products, produce and serviceds for a monopolistic and more or less scarce exchange medium issued by a central banking system for a whole country. Instead, one would be enabled to pay with the own notes or clearing certificates or account credits or the notes of one’s association and thereby one would assure that the own notes or those of one’s association would come back to oneself and or to one’s local payment association - to pay the goods and services one has to offer, including labor and special knowledge or skills. - To the extent that one has valuable or wanted goods and services to offer and that others have valuable goods and services to give in exchange, one would then be enabled to exchange them, independently of the monetary policies and mistakes of any government or its central banking system. All your issues would automatically flow back to you to be redeemed e.g. in the gold weight values expressed in your goods and services. Under full freedom of choice for value standards, other value standards might be agreed upon. A barber, to the extent that he would be able to circulate standardized hair cutting tickets, would not have to be afraid of being out of work. They would, inevitably, stream back to him to be redeemed by him. If he were to spend the same amount of government cash, it would not necessarily stream back to him or not fully. - Without this freedom, employment opportunities are, indeed, tied down to the supply of legal tender money. (Monopoly money with compulsory acceptance and a forced value.) Under monetary freedom, we would be only limited by our readiness and willingness to give our productive labor, goods and services in exchange for those of others. In fact, under monetary freedom you could anticipate your earnings, with your own money issue or issue of IOUs or clearing certificates and then get and do work, paid in them and thereby finally pay off what you bought with your standardized IOUs or those borrowed from your local shop association. Naturally, you would always have to accept your own notes in payment for your own work. Likewise, the notes of your creditor, since you could use them immediately to pay your debt to him. - Compare this self-liquidating issue, acceptance and reflux system with the issue of e.g. gold or silver coins or the circulation of legal tender paper money notes. These coins and notes are not as effective in providing work for you - because when you pay with them, they do not necessarily return to you but may flow to anyone else in the country or even, temporarily, into foreign countries. - Private notes, promising redemption in the goods and services of the issuer - and his associates - have the essential capacity and tendency for a rapid and regular reflux, i.e. they must stream back to the issuer, if they are to have any value for the holder, and will thus provide corresponding sales and employment for the issuer. – (One might compare them to tickets, valuable only if freely issued and accepted for wanted performances.) If they happened to suffer a small discount in general circulation and all the rules of a sound issue technique would have been obeyed, then these notes and their discount would disappear rapidly from circulation. Debtors of the issuing center would not only accept them at par for their goods and services but would attempt to buy them up on the market for exchange media, using other means of payment. If a debtor would thus be enabled to buy such notes at 1% discount and could with them repay, on the same day, his debt to the issuing centre, he would have made a 1 % profit on this day, amounting to an annual profit rate of 365%. That would be so attractive that the discounted notes and with them their discount would soon disappear from circulation. Potential customers of the stores of the issuing center would also love to acquire such notes at a discount - in order to carry them fast to these stores to be redeemed in goods and services at par. In other words, a local discount for a sound goods and service warrants and vouchers issue, in monetary denominations, could not last long and would not be large. But, if a discount were considerable and persistent then something else would happen. People would mostly refuse to accept the notes altogether. Only a few would continue to accept them, at a considerable discount - to the extent that they could still use them against the issuer. In other words, the issuer could no longer issue more notes or only at a loss. The loss would occur because he could issue them only to a few and at a discount whilst he would have to accept them again at par and immediately. – In foreign countries or even other districts, such means of payment could, as “foreign exchange”, suffer a considerable discount. But the larger this discount would be, the greater would be the incentive to use them for purchases in the locality of the issuer. Apart, naturally, from small change, which holders or collectors might wish to keep. - JZ file: Unemployment incomplete comb of old files, revised: 26.2.14. – In essence this is the scheme of the old principle and practice of the old Real Bills Doctrine, all too widely misunderstood by many economists for the last 2 centuries and even today still. – To my knowledge it has been most clarified in the writings of Ulrich von Beckerath and freed of all notions of the supposed need to also cover and redeem such banknotes with gold- or silver coins, although it is still likely that such rare metal weight units would serve as value standards for such bank notes or shop currencies and for the prices of local goods and services offered in shops and for determining the wages and salaries and other debts. Unless, of course, the contractors choose other value standards. – If you can express all this more clearly in 3 words or 3 sentences, please, do so. - JZ, 4.4.09. - SHOP FOUNDATION, MONETARY FREEDOM, FREE BANKING, UNEMPLOYMENT, WAGE PAYMENT MEANS, CIRCULATION CHARTS FOR FREE MARKET MONIES

SHOP CURRENCIES: According to a radio news report on 6.3.97, Australia’s debt of then ca. A $ 200 billion came then to ca. 40 % of the G.N.P. (Alas, there are many different methods to calculate that and they arrive at different figures. Just like the calculations of the different public and private debts do differ.) Assuming, however this figure to be correct, then a quarter of this debt of A$200 billion came then to A$50 billion. Such debts are not very high if reckoned per head of the population or per head of the productively employed people. Firms like Woolworth and Coles alone had then an annual turnovers of ca. $ 25 billion each. How high was the turnover, annually, of all of Australia's shops and businesses? Up to a quarter of their turnovers they could issue in their own private shop currencies. - In these they should also be free to use a much sounder and self-chosen value standard than the governmentally imposed (through legal tender laws & the issue monopoly of the central bank, here called the Reserve Bank with its forced and fictitious paper dollar standard). - The public debts should also be distinguished from the private debts, since private debts are usually productively invested whilst public debts represent money largely wasted by governments in unproductive or even counter-productive activities. Morally they represent investment in tax slaves, either voluntary or involuntary ones. - As such the public debts should be repudiated. - How many billions could all the Australian governments issue in sound tax foundations monies for the payment of all their taxes, rates and fees and for all their charges for the public services they are still allowed to run monopolistically? According to old experiences with them, the anticipated tax revenues for up to the next 3 months could thus be issued in tax foundation money with a sound value standard, which, under free market rating would remain at par with its nominal value. Within that short-term period they could safely issue more of their tax-foundation money, while it is still readily accepted at par with its nominal value. At the first discount further issues should be stopped. Only taxpayers whose taxes are due would then still gladly accept them – and pay taxes with them at their par value. How high is the annual or quarterly total tax revenue of all Australian Governments? Compared with it the public debt in past and current years may still be moderate and could be repaid relatively fast via cutting government expenditures to the bone. I would not favor paying them through the sale of public enterprises. Because morally these belong to the people of Australia and they should get their sales proceeds, rather than our official wastrels and debtors. - Probably all present governments do not make use of this tax foundation money issue option, either because they are still unaware of it or because they prefer the inflation option, which their issue monopoly and legal tender power for their notes gives them. - The effective limiting factor for competitively provided optional and market rated note issues (and coins) would always be their voluntary acceptance or their refusals and their market rating. As long as it stands at par the issues are sound. (A lower exchange rate for them in foreign countries would merely tend to speed up their reflux in payment for our exports.) Once the first local discounts occur and a considerable number of acceptance refusals as well, then the present limit for their issue is reached, their supply has reached or exceeded the saturation point and the current cash holding requirements and further issues must be and would be stopped, under monetary freedom, until the discounts and the refusals disappear again, through a sufficient reflux of the discounted notes (at par to their issuers) or their refusals will become so rare that they can be safely ignored. – There will always be a few who will not accept a particular variety of means of exchange. –JZ, 6.3.97, 28.9.08, 26.2.14. - There are even records of some people being unfamiliar with gold coins or religiously or otherwise suspicious of them and thus refusing them. To each his own preferred value-standard, means of exchange or clearing certificate or other payment method! – JZ, 4.4.09, 3.3.11. - PUBLIC DEBTS, PRIVATE DEBTS, TAX FOUNDATION MONEY, PRIVATE MONEY ISSUES, PRIVATIZATION

SHOP CURRENCIES: An extension of the shop currency system, with shop associations becoming local issuing centers for shop currencies or goods- and service-warrants in convenient monetary denominations. – Many other clearing centers issuing their own clearing certificates and using other modern clearing methods, would also come to exist under full monetary and clearing freedom combined with freedom in the choice of value standards. - Between them, they are to mobilize or liquidify the ready for sale goods and services, including labor readiness, and skills, in any community, mainly for short term credits to employers to pay wages and salaries with. Producers and manufacturers could thus get their payment claims discounted, by competing note issuing banks, that is their claims arising out of the sale of goods already produced and sold to wholesalers, for which the final payment has not yet been received. - Thus, under free pricing and wage agreements, and when all other restrictions on production and exchange are repealed, the monetary demand for labor could be freed, up to the quantity of ready for sale consumer goods and services, including labor services. Wanted and ready for sale consumer services, including public service goods and servoces (transport, telephone, postal, electricity, water, gas, insurance, tradesmen and professional services ) could also become monetized and anticipated, as long as such ticket- money is voluntarily accepted at par, which can happen for the expected and normal turnover revenues for up to the next 3 months. However, the real and effective limits at any time would be indicated by the refusals to accept such monies at all or at par in general local circulation. Because of the liberties and rights involved, nobody can rightly predict how large or small such circulations would become. But they are likely to turn over much more in ready for sale consumer goods as well as wanted consumer services, including labor, while using sound value standards in their pricing and other contracts, e.g. labor contracts, with their competing note issues and token coins, than any current territorial governments provides with its forced and exclusive currency. They would achieve this without inflating prices, wages and other charges, all likewise priced out in sound and self-chosen value standards, just like these notes and coins, tokens or clearing certificates or clearing accounts. The goods and services side could thus be brought into balance with the money supply side, including all clearing options. Under monetary freedom instead of monetary despotism, the incentive to inflate, existing under legal tender and the issue monopoly, becomes turned into an incentive not to inflate.  Market rating of notes in general circulation, the free choice for sound value standards and voluntary acceptance for competitively issued and optional notes would see to that. Only the issuers and by contract their debtors, would have to accept them always at par with their nominal value. - In short, good money would to be given its chance to drive bad and inferior monies out of circulation. Force, fraud, monopoly and coercion are to be banned in this sphere, as well. Full experimental freedom is to be introduced for all dissenting monetary freedom advocates, always at their own risk and expense in their own payment communities of volunteers. The best monetary and value standard system would win - to the extent that it would be voluntarily most widely applied. - JZ file: Unemployment incomplete comb of old files. Somewhat revised: JZ, 3.3.11, 26.2.14..

SHOP CURRENCIES: Apart from legal prohibitions, shop currencies issued by an association of shops in a city like Wollongong (N.S.W., Australia), and accepted by them in payment for their goods and services, would also be acceptable to most Wollongong employers and employees as means of wage and salary payments. Alas, like many other good freedom options they are not impossible or impracticable but simply outlawed. Shop currencies were so far, and many years ago, only allowed in the granting of consumer-credits granted by shops, to be repaid in weekly or monthly installment. (An Australian invention that saved administrative costs and made the providers independent of the note issues of the Reserve Bank. Seeing the avalanches of ever more restrictive laws, descending upon us every month, it is quite possible that they, too, have been outlawed for Australia during the last few years. – JZ, 3.6.08, 26.2.14. – Shop currencies acceptable e.g. in most shops of Wollongong, N.S.W. would also be acceptable to most of its employers and employees as means for wage payments - if laws and jurisdiction provided no obstacles. - JZ file: Unemployment incomplete comb of old files, revised. - WITH SHOP FOUNDATION, FREE BANKING, MONETARY FREEDOM

SHOP FOUNDATION: Half-yearly sales of the Australian Woolworth chain stores amounted in 1999 to 9.95 billion A $ and in 2000 to 10.86 billion. – THE AUSTRALIAN, 15.2.00. Perhaps up to half of its half-yearly sales could be issued in its own shop currency at par with its nominal value. If less, then the free market rating for it, preferably in value standard units much sounder than the A $, would indicate its issue limit. – JZ, 6.10.08. – Sooner or later chain stores like Woolworth and Coles or whole chopping center chains, like Westfield, which in Australia has ca. 140 such centres, should consider their own note issue potential, alone or in associations with other local shops. Between them they could constitute a powerful lobby to legalize such issues and thus improve their own business, while also promoting the whole economy in a safe and sound way, helping to end and prevent economic crises. – JZ, 4.4.09. - THE MONEY ISSUE POTENTIAL OF E.G. THE WOOLWORTH CHAIN STORES

SHOP FOUNDATION: The total turnover of the Coles/Meyer Corporation, which runs a chain of stores in Australia, came in 1996 to almost A$ 10 billion. This would come to ca.2.5 billion quarterly. If even merely 10 % or their regular turnover amounts could be issued in form of their own shop currency, then this would already come to $ 250 million per quarter. If, through these issues, they could increase their turnovers and employment, then their issues might become larger still. The Woolworth chain in Australia has a similar turnover and was often estimated to come to at least 1/10th of the total retail store turnover in Australia. Compared with these turnover, the total take of all gambling establishments is supposed to come to 15 billion a year. Thus gambling money could also have a considerable circulation. Similarly, probably, the general entertainment industry. I do not have current figures on hand but Internet searches might reveal them. – JZ, 28.9.08. - SHOP CURRENCIES

SHOPKEEPERS: Keep your shop, and your shop will keep you.” – Oliver Goldsmith, Bee, p.417. – Compare: MYOB: Mind Your Own Business. – If libertarians really did that, quite seriously and systematically, instead of most working more or less isolated on their own, insufficiently aware of others and thus not mutually supportative enough, even when working on the same kind of projects, we might advance fast and far. Instance: How many of them, who do collect pro-freedom quotations and even publish them somewhat, on the Internet, do put them at the same time into a common collection and publish it? – How many of them combine their texts and bibliographies digitally? – JZ, 11.11.07. - So far they have not even got a common projects list, a common links list and an ever growing English language libertarian encyclopedia or a comprehensive digital libertarian directory, a comprehensive digital libertarian library, and abstracts and review compilation, to my knowledge. – JZ, n.d. - NATION OF SHOPKEEPERS, LIBERTARIAN MOVEMENT - OR, RATHER STAGNATION

SHOPKEEPERS: We are a nation of shop-keepers, in which everyone tries to run all the other shops while neglecting his own. – JZ, 6.7.82. – VOTING, DEMOCRACY, MYOB, MEDDLING, INTERVENTIONISM

SHOPPING HOURS: If a trader wishes to offer goods for sale and a customer wishes to buy them, what gives the government the right to dictate the time at which the transaction takes place? … Shop owners who wish to open 24 hours a day should be free to do so.” - Viv Forbes, Progress Party, quoted in COURIER MAIL, Brisbane.

SHOPPING HOURS: If trading “out of hours” is a crime, where is the victim? – Mr. Runge, in THE GYMPIE TIMES. – Any relation to Dr. Fritz Runge, a long-term correspondent of Ulrich von Beckerath? I microfiched and digitized the letters of B. to Dr. Fritz Runge and most others, to the extent that they were not destroyed with his library in Nov. 1943 and were accessible to me. – I my view they are a treasure chest of libertarian ideas and insights. - JZ, 11.4.09, 3.3.11, 27.6.13.

SHOPS, SUPERMARKETS ETC. & INTERNET OFFERS & BUYING UNDER MONETARY FREEDOM: Goods tax on internet sales won't save shops - - Since their turnovers are presently the worst for 50 years, what they need much more is freedom to issue their own shop foundation local currencies, also freedom to use a much better value standard, chosen by themselves, than the Australian government has imposed upon them. Then, with their local currencies, they should grant short-term loans especially to employers to employ more people productively, paid in these alternative, sound and competing free market currencies. Thus they could greatly boost their sales and orders to manufacturers and food producers. In this way, from one day to the other, they could come to fully employ, indirectly, all the presently unemployed and under-employed, all those refugees and asylum seekers now wrongfully put into Australian concentration camps and could even cope with the influx of millions of more willing workers that would result from free migration. Only a bit of freedom is never enough. – JZ, 8.8.11, 26.2.14, on Facebook. – SUPERMARKETS ETC. & INTERNET OFFERS & BUYING UNDER MONETARY FREEDOM, SALES DIFFICULTIES FOR CONVENTIONAL SHOPS, FULL EMPLOYMENT, FREE BANKING, TURNOVER-CREDITS IN PRIVATE EXCHANGE MEDIA & CLEARING CERTIFICATES, TO PROMOTE SALES & EMPLOYMENT AS WELL AS FULL USE OF THE EXISTING PRODUCTIVE CAPITAL ASSETS & THEREBY PROFITS & DIVIDENDS, SHOP-FOUNDATION, MONETARY FREEDOM, SHOP CURRENCIES

SHORT-TERM THINKING: It may sound like a bit of corn, but the truth is that it’s all of us against the forces of nature. It’s all of us against one of man’s greatest weaknesses – expedient, short-term thinking. – Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.26. – Is such “thinking” really “expedient” or merely all too easy, irrational, prejudiced and wrong? – JZ, 14.6.08. - EXPEDIENCY, PUBLIC INTEREST, COMMON INTEREST, REALPOLITIK

SHORT-TERM THINKING: most people, regardless of how much they may presently be contributing to the problem, have good intentions. It assumes that virtually everyone – union members, welfare recipients, businessmen, civil-service workers, environmental activists – is a victim of one of man’s greatest weaknesses: expedient, short-term thinking. This human failing motivates people to group themselves together (*) to expedite the realization of their desires, i.e. to bring about quick, short-term solutions to their problems through government intervention.” - Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.26. - If it is short-term thinking then it is not really expedient but merely easy, convenient and time and energy-saving in the short run, while it can make things hard, inconvenient and time and energy wasting in the long run. – (*) In the most primitive and wrongful model, the territorial one, as if a whole population were all a single and quite united or unanimous people or nation. - JZ, 15.6.08, 8.4.09, 3.3.11. - PEOPLE, GOOD INTENTIONS, PREJUDICES, THINK, STATISM, GOVERNMENTS, NATIONS, TERRITORIALISM, NATIONALISM

SHORT-TERM THINKING: Short-term decisions tend to fail in the long-term.” – Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune, p.70.

SHORT-TERM THINKING: The success of this book will depend on how many people, after reading it, will understand that their own special interests will be devastated, in the long run, if they think only in terms of quick gain and ignore the big picture, and on how many of them will take rational action accordingly.” - Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.27. – It is also a kind of short-term thinking to imagine that another single book, no matter how enlightened its author is, will suffice to turn the existing trend around. Instead, and in a market-like and voluntaristic way, we ought to mobilize all knowledge, ideas, resources, media, talents, facts and arguments for liberty. So far, we neglected or left under-utilized all too many of them. There are still huge gaps in our easily and cheaply accessible offers, just like there are still huge gaps in any existing freedom library. And this at an age where thousands of books could be offered on a CD or DVD and millions on a single cheap HD! – JZ, 8.4.09. - Dick Smith in NSW offered in its latest catalogue a Seagate 2TB Desktop HD for only A$119. - JZ, 3.3.11. - - More recent prices, elsewhere: 3 TBs: A$138, 4 TBs: A$178. – JZ, 24.6.13. – Seagate Expansion 2 TB External HDD in Jan. 14: A$ 89. Such a drive could come to contain all libertarian texts – and it would only be book-sized. But how many libertarians work now towards this aim, collaboratively? – JZ, 26.2.14. - NEW DRAFT, IDEAS ARCHIVE, LIBERTARIAN PROJECTS LIST, REFUTATIONS ENCYCLOPEDIA, ALL LIBERTARIAN TEXTS ON ONE DISC!

SHORTAGES: A shortage exists when people are willing and able to buy more than producers are willing to supply at that price. A persistent shortage can only occur when the price is kept so low that production is discouraged and consumers are encouraged to waste. – This can never occur in a free market – it can only result from political interference in the market.” – Viv Forbes, The Road to Progress, column, in GOLD COAST BULLETIN, 27.5.1977.

SHORTAGES: An iron law of economics is that where valuable goods or services are provided free or cheaply, demand rises and a chronic shortage prevails.” - Richard Lynn, in “Down with the Poor”, ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson, p.104.

SHORTAGES: As Professor Milton Friedman has said recently, “Economists may not know much but there is one thing they do know how to do and that is how to produce a shortage or a surplus. Set a price below the market price and a shortage is created; set a price above the market price and a surplus is created.” – Dr. Benjamin A. Rogge, in THE FREEMAN, 11/77, p. 656. - There is no shortage of unsound economists but, rather, a surplus of them. Why employ any of these “economists”. Can anything be more uneconomic? – Actually, price controls existed already long before economists were invented. What good are “scholars” who merely repeat or excuse ancient popular mistakes? - JZ, 8.6.08, 3.3.11. - SURPLUS, JOKES, ECONOMISTS, PRICE CONTROLS

SHORTAGES: At the free market price, there are not shortages and no surpluses.” – Brian Summers, THE FREEMAN, 7/75. – There are no shortages except in a government-rigged “market”. – JZ, 27.12.76.

SHORTAGES: Capitalism respects the market as the only effective and fair means of allocating scarce goods. A free market responds to shortages and spurs production by rising prices. Arbitrary controls merely accept and keep the shortages. When rising prices inspire human ingenuity to invent and produce, the goods return and prices fall.” – Perry E. Gresham, THE FREEMAN, 3/77.

SHORTAGES: Clarence Carson says it forthrightly: “Government is not capable by nature of being productive or constructive … it acts to restrain and restrict …” – Murray Rothbard and David A. Stignani put it more whimsically. Rothbard notes that no private firm would dream of trying to solve a “shortage” by telling people to buy less. It is “only government that ‘solves’ its traffic problems … by forcing trucks … off the road …(*) the ‘ideal’ solution to traffic congestion is to outlaw all vehicles!” – John Chamberlain, on “The Freeman’s Almanac”, in THE FREEMAN, 12/74. – (*) By the standard of that “solution” – JZ - & RATIONING

SHORTAGES: Help fight the liberty shortage!” – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 10/77.

SHORTAGES: In essence we are short of doctors, teachers, schools, hospitals, but not of cars, television sets, hairdressers and holiday facilities because market pricing is suspended for the first batch but not for the second.” – Ralph Harris, in “Down with the Poor”, ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson, p.16/17.

SHORTAGES: limits, shortages and “sacrifices” are unnecessary, unreal and unnatural. The universe is not built that way. Limits and shortages are artificial, created by human beings (*) for their own purposes.” – G. Harry Stine, Global 2000 “Dead Wrong”, in ANALOG, Jan. 84, p.124. - (*) Rather, by wrongfully interfering human beings, most of them government officials. - JZ, 3.3.11.

SHORTAGES: One economic principle they don’t teach in school is the law of double disappearance. When the price of anything goes out of sight, the shortage disappears.” – Anon. in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 12/77. – I would have added “also” after “shortage”. – JZ, n.d. – The price does not have to go “out of sight” but should merely reach its free market level. That would be enough. – JZ, 26.2.14.

SHORTAGES: Prevent Shortages, RATION POLITICIANS!” – One of the stickers of: “STICKERS, 1115 De La Vine St., Santa Barbara, CA 931101. – When? Many years ago. If it still exists, it will probably offer its selection online. PLEASE NOTE: I would welcome it if any sticker or button business uses any of the slogans in this collection! – JZ, 14.6.08. – POLITICIANS, RATIONING

SHORTAGES: Shortages Are Human Blunders.” – Leonard E. Read, Castles in the Air, chapter 8, heading, p.48. … “This thesis has nothing to do with such natural shortages are rain on the Sahara, arable soil in the Arctic,” … “There are no shortages or surpluses in the free market, only under government intervention.” - ibid, beginning of the chapter. – MARKET, INTERVENTION

SHORTAGES: Since government is noncreative and nonproductive, it can only ‘solve’ one shortage by causing one or more others; it can only give to one person or group what it first takes from others. …” - Paul Poirot, THE FREEMAN, 2/74.

SHORTAGES: The fact is that we are suffering shortages of practically everything except government.” – Workers Party discussion paper, 1975: “The Bureaucracy”. – Under territorialism, its "positive" legislation and all too extensive and costly bureaucracy are over-supplied, instead of being reduced to competitively supplied free market services, all only for volunteers and under personal law or exterritorial autonomy, achieved peacefully – through individual and group secessionism and voluntary as well as very diverse re-associationism. – JZ, 8.4.09, 3.3.11. - Let people sort themselves out in all spheres, instead of subjecting them to territorial power addicts. – JZ, 26.2.14. – GOVERNMENT, LAWS, BUREAUCRACY, STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM, SECESSIONISM, TERRITORIALISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES, VOLUNTARISM

SHORTAGES: The only raw material of any shortage of goods or services is coercive intervention.” – Paul L. Poirot, THE FREEMAN, 5/74.

SHORTAGES: Wherever free pricing is more or less the rule – as in the case of women’s hats, corn flakes, pencils, and even mink coats – supply and demand equate; it is only political interference with the market that makes us think in terms of “shortage” and “surplus”. To illustrate: The lady who today has no mink coat does not blame her plight on a shortage for she sees them plentifully displayed; she only thinks that the price is more than she can afford. Now, let the government put a ceiling price of $50 on mink coats. Immediately, there will be a “shortage” of say 10 million mink coats, for there are that many women who have $50 and would like a mink coat. “Shortage”, prior to a coercive control of the market, is a non-concept; it grows out of political price fixing. The same applies to “surplus”. – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.46.

SHORTNESS: I have made this [letter] longer than usual, only because I have not had the time to make it shorter.” – Blaise Pascal, 1623062: Lettres Provinciales, 1657. – My slogans collection aims at brevity but, obviously, does not always achieve it. But then each such failure is a standing invitation to others to try to do better. – JZ, 4.4.09. – CONCISENESS, WRITING, BREVITY WITH CLARITY, SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY, DIS NOTES, NOW GRADUALLY APPEARUNG on

SHORTSIGHTEDNESS: and nobody wants to look any further.” (*) – Harry Turtledove, The Report on Bilbeis IV, ANALOG, July 87, p.137. – (*) Are those, that do, anywhere registered together and sufficiently in contact with each other? An Ideas Archive and Talent Registry might arrange for that as well. – JZ, 6.6.08. – All dissenters should be free to secede and live under their own kind of personal law. The examples they would set would help to enlighten the rest. – Impracticable? Personal law systems have a very long tradition, one going back before the time of the first written down laws. - JZ, 8.4.09, 26.2.14. – PANARCHISM, ENLIGHTENMENT, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PERSONAL LAWS, SECESSIONISM, TAKING THE LONG VIEW, POLYARCHISM

SHORTSIGHTEDNESS: The fact was that no-one really wanted to be bothered with problems that were not immediate, about which nothing could be done. - Fey von Hassel, A Mother’s War, Corgi Books, 1991, p.234. – While almost no one was free and influential enough to do something about them almost immediately, as man-made problems they are all solvable. Pondering and fully developing a sound idea, program, platform or plan on what could and should be done, as soon as possible, by, perhaps, many people acting in concert, that is the most important immediate action that is possible even to individuals and may also be considered as a duty, regardless of how often it is habitually ignored by most people. – JZ, 16. & 19.2.13. – Some people have a horizon with the radius zero. This they call their point of view. German proverb. - LIMITED HORIZON & INTEREST IN AFFAIRS GOING BEYOND PRIVATE & PERSONAL ONES, PUBLIC AFFAIRS, GOVERNMENTAL ABUSES & WRONGS, ATTITUDE TOWARDS MAYOR PROBLEMS LIKE WAR, PEACE, UNEMPLOYMENT INFLATION, ECONOMIC CRISES, DESPOTISM, JOKES

SHOULD: Ishmael was talking about What Should Be, not What Is – and, as St. Lenny said, What Should Be is a dirty lie.” – THE DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIP, No.2, p.17. – As if there were no ethical and contractual obligations, no duty to respect the individual rights and liberties of others and to avoid all too limited and misleading verbal games. – We should stick to truths, not ignoring facts and differences and should express them as clearly as we can, with some real effort, rather than glossing them over, satisfied with some plausible sounding half-truths. - JZ, 8.4.09. – SHOULD, OUGHT, DUTY, OBLIGATION, TRUTHFULNESS, ETHICS, MORALITY

SHOULD: Should is a concept that can have no intelligible meaning, if divorced from the concept and value of life.” – Nathaniel Branden, Who Is Ayn Rand? Quoted by Mrs. Young, Sydney, in her manuscript on A. R., p.15. - OUGHT, DUTY, MORALITY, ETHICS,

SHOUTING: He who knows does not shout.” - My slight variation of: “He who knows does not speak.” – Lao Tzu, Tao The Ching, No.56, p. 81 in the tr. of John C. H. Wu. – JZ – But what he knows should become easily accessible to anyone. – And unless we learn to transfer thoughts and knowledge directly, mind to mind, upon request, we would better write down or orally express clearly whatever wanted information we have to offer, in a convenient and cheap digital form, making it available whenever and wherever it is needed, when we are either somewhat rewarded for our services, at least our costs are covered or when we can afford to offer it free of charge. - JZ, 4.4.09, 3.3.11. - RED., SHOUTING, EXPLAINING, KNOWLEDGE, PUBLISHING

SICKNESS: Let the sick help themselves, as far as possible – as they do even in some advanced hospitals. It heals them faster and cheaper. If they are really poor and they have not insured themselves when they were working and before they became sick, then they are not only sick in the body but sick in the head as well. – JZ, 2/75. – One thing they should collaborate on is to combine all medical advice, orthodox and unorthodox, with all pro and con, into a single ddigital encyclopedia, starting with the diseases they themselves are suffering under. Then the best advice would gradually come to the foreground and all the bad methods would become more and more exposed as such. No single mind, even of the best and most specialized doctor, can embrace all that information, especially when it is old, in other languages and long out of print or was never even published. But millions of people, electronically collaborating, all in their own health interest, could achieve that. With all that knowledge, some going back hundreds if not thousands of years, available to them, they would tend to become less often sick and then only for a much shorter time. – It is really a common interest project. But how many people see their common interests clearly enough? - JZ, 15.6.08. – HEALTH, ELECTRONIC HEALTH ENCYCLOPEDIA, SELF-HELP, Q.

SIDES: Don’t take sides in any senseless fight or argument. Use your freedom, your rights, to make your own choices and help others to make theirs, if you can, at least by good advice. – Only rarely is there only one answer for everybody. Let people choose their own doctors and medicines – in every sphere. - JZ, 10.6.76, 15.6.08. – FREEDOM, LAISSEZ FAIRE, TOLERANCE, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PERSONAL LAW, POLYARCHISM, SECESSIONISM, TOLERANCE FOR ALL TOLERANT ACTIONS, CONTRACTARIANISM, ASSOCIATIONISM, OPTING OUT, DOING THE OWN THINGS,

SIDES: I’m on my side.” – Dan Henderson, Carruther’s Last Stand, ANALOG, 6/78. - TAKING SIDES, PARTIES, INDIVIDUALISM


SIGN DEBATES: As developed by Paul Monk et al at the Australian National University in Canberra. Something on my own early versions of written discussions, on large sheets of paper only, is offered in my first peace book. Details on modern digital versions, called “argument mapping” are offered online. There are also hints on these web pages that I had some predecessors as well. – Few of us are chess masters, i.e. have sufficient imagination to see several moves ahead, quite clearly and all possible options. With book reading of texts in merely sequential order, even if many foot-notes are provided and an alphabetical index, one can easily lose track of the thread of involved arguments spread over many pages. In sign debates, flow chart discussions and electronic argument maps the interconnections are graphical and all possibilities can be much easier and clearer indicated and permanently recorded and can easily be corrected and supplemented. Each argument and side-line of arguments can also later and by all participants be quite easily traced backwards and forward, without searching through the pages of a book. On paper there are size limits for sign debates or flowchart discussions, which hardly exist for electronic argument maps. The images can be miniaturized and enlarged as needed and links can be established to related argument maps. People are visually inclined and can follow a graphically indicated argument trail much easier than merely following the line of arguments in sequentially presented-page- by-page texts, especially when many and diverse thoughts, ideas and observations are involved, not easily and lastingly kept in mind. How much can one keep in mind at the same time? At least my memory is rather limited in this respect. The usual book and essay texts on involved subjects need close and intense study. Graphically presented arguments can be checked and re-checked much easier. Thus I can only hope that libertarians will take up argument mapping of special, involved and important topics, of interest to them, on a large scale. Many people could collaborate on this, more than could be squeezed in a large assembly hall. Moreover, all of them could participate, in writing, at the same time. They would not have to wait until the present speaker is finished and it is their turn. Thus such argument maps could be completed rather fast, up to the latest and highest level of the debate or might even come to one or several final conclusions rather soon. Then they could also be widely, cheaply and easily spread, e.g. via email attachments or links to the relevant website. – A new, free and efficient great opportunity for us. Will it be neglected as well? – JZ, 31.10.07, 3.3.11. – So far, I have not yet seen a well developed libertarian digital argument map. Are there any as yet? Please, do point them out to me. – JZ, 26.2.14. -  FLOW CHART DISCUSSIONS, DIGITAL “ARGUMENT MAPPING”, ENLIGHTENMENT

SIGN DEBATES: He learned the construction of truth tables, and how to use them to track down tautologies in a premise.” – Frederick Pohl and Jack Williamson, Starchild, p.95. - ARGUMENT MAPPING, FLOW-CHART DISCUSSIONS – Compare also the digital  “argument mapping” as developed and explained by Paul Monk et al online. – So far I know nothing about the techniques of constructing truth tables. - JZ, 8.4.09. - Samuel Marks pointed out to me recently:, reminds me of the VisualThesaurus... - I found Tony Buzan's book, "The Mind Map Book", BCA, by arrangement with BBC Books, 1993, less impressive and promising than "argument mapping". - So far I know nothing about "truth tables". - But I would love to see libertarians engaging in a competition between these different systems, in diversely tackling the same topics that are still controversial among them. - JZ, 3.3.11, 26.2.14.

SIGN DEBATES: The way most controversies are still carried on orally or in writing, they merely get longer but not clearer over the years, sometimes centuries, and this on some very important questions. Finally they get so voluminous and unordered, with many of the records being also inaccessible, that no one can follow them completely on any particular aspect of facts, arguments and counterarguments. Thus ca. 50 years ago I developed a method of putting related arguments together on large sheets of paper and ordering and interconnecting them graphically, so that one could easily follow the lines and branches of arguments, forwards and backwards. But this was a very laborious method and thus I produced only a few such written debates. Duplicating them, to involve others, was also costly, until a microfiche option arose whereby one could reproduce 6 such large sheets on one microfiche for only $ 3. But microfiche publishing and reading never became popular. Then, some years ago, Paul Monk at al developed several programs for digital “argument mapping” and described their advantages online. They also pointed out that long before me others had experimented and proposed graphical arrangement of arguments, perhaps best called “flow-chart discussions”. But only their modern electronic arrangement, linkage, duplication and communication option do really open up opportunities for such discussions to finally settle long-standing controversies. – When hundreds to thousands of arguments and facts are involved, then controversial issues, which are merely sequentially presented, page by page, volume by volume, tend to become more confused rather than clarified, at least in all too many minds and are, still, even among anarchists and libertarians. Compare commission reports, sometimes coming to thousands or even hundreds of thousands of pages. Who can read them all and judge them all properly – and all relevant literature? - To use an analogy: Very few people are top chess masters. The others could, theoretically, read all of the ca. 15,000 books on chess, but who would? But digitally the game of chess has been mastered. The same could and should be done for all of the remaining major controversies, e.g. on abortion, monetary freedom, overpopulation, anarchy vs. limited government, tyrannicide, pro and con, etc. Alas, to my knowledge, no libertarians or anarchists have so far taken up this discussion option and published their results online or on disk. If any have, I would like to hear about them. – 16.7.87, JZ, 29.5.08.

SIGNIFICANT HARM OR WRONG: The tests will be unlikely to lead to significant radiation hazards to the Australian population.” – Sir Robert Menzies, when he was still Australian Prime Minister, on nuclear tests. If that was the case, even for the local Aborigines, in the nuclear test areas, then why were these nuclear tests not conducted in England, Ireland, Scotland or France? – Politicians always pretend that their actions are rightful, harmless or even beneficial. What is “significant”? Professor Linus Pauling asserted: “There are now two million people throughout the world who will die of cancer as a result of all nuclear tests held so far, probably 1000 in Australia. If France goes ahead with its nuclear testing in the Pacific, another 70 000 can be added – a good percentage of them Australians.” - The likely and potential victims get no say in such matters, while territorial “big brothers” pretend to look out after the general interest instead of their own. – JZ, 3.6.08, 8.4.09. – NUCLEAR TESTS, RADIATION HAZARD, POLITICIANS, DENIALS, TERRITORIALISM, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Only 20 % of all airline passengers are still smokers. In the sixties they were 75 %. A planned German airline intends to cater to the remaining smokers.” – Frank Walker, “Bid to light up the sky”, in THE SUN HERALD, 23.7.06. – A long list of such positive signs of the times would offer reasons for optimism. – Mostly the mass media provide only materials to back up pessimism and inactivity. - JZ, 4.4.09. - REDUCTION OF SMOKERS FROM 75 % TO 20 %, POSITIVE SIGNS OF THE TIMES, OPTIMISM, TOLERANCE FOR THE REMAINING SMOKERS, POVERTY – I AM COLLECTING SUCH HINTS FOR A FILE ON ALL OF THEM, TO COUNTER THE PREVAILING PESSIMISM. –-

SILENCE: Answer fools with silence.” – Iranian Proverb. - So only the fools can be heard? At least refer the listeners to an already well-developed encyclopedia of the best refutations and let them find their answers there. - JZ, 24.11.06. – But in many cases it is really best to simply ignore them, thus not wasting time and energy. – JZ, 4.4.09. - SILENCE AGAINST FOOLS?

SILENCE: Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact.” - George Eliot (AKA Mary Ann Edwards), English Novelist. – RED.

SILENCE: Devotees of freedom would simply have nothing to say (*) except as they would quietly share with those who seek to achieve a similar level of understanding. Golden silence!” – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.99. – Compare: “Communication takes place only with equals.” - (*) To some people, on some subjects, in some situations. – Try to teach or to pass on a worthwhile message only those able and willing to listen, read and learn. - JZ, 15.6.08, 26.2.14.

SILENCE: Evil flourishes when good men are silenced.” – W. G. P. – Or when they are not free to act, to opt out or insufficiently informed, armed and organized for rightful and efficient resistance. – JZ, 26.2.14. - FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION & INFORMATION, FREEDOM OF ACTION, ESPERIMENTATION, CONTRACT, ASSOCIATION, SECESSION, PERSONAL LAW CHOICES, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM

SILENCE: From freedom’s side, a total silencing of all pushy, fighting intrusive, scolding noise! Done with now and forever! What then? Disaster? To the contrary, we have positioned ourselves for a new and promising beginning. For “Silence is the mother of Truth”. (Benjamin Disreaeli.) Meaning what? – The Spirit of Inquiry. With offensive, noisy, diverting tactics abandoned, our only alternative is to turn from the coercive to the educational method.” – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.98. - Alas, he did not here, either, indicate the panarchistic and quite tolerant attitude: If that is what you believe, then you and people thinking like you, should be quite free to try to realize that ideal among yourself, at your own risk and expense! – Not only freedom to educate, to express and to listen to ideas but also freedom to experiment with them – but, quite tolerantly only. - JZ, 15.6.08. - QUIETNESS, TEACHING, NOISE, AGGRESSIVENESS, PUSHINESS, TOLERANCE, PANARCHISM, FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, COMPETITION, CONTRACTARIANISM

SILENCE: It does not matter whether we are right or wrong – as long as the question is aired. Silence will damn us forever.” – Morris West, 12.5.84. – Aired and discussed with sufficient thoroughness. This might require written discussions, perhaps even in form of “argument mapping”, flow chart discussions or sign debates. – J.Z, 15.6.08. – QUESTIONS, DOUBTS, PROTESTS, SPEAKING UP, RED., IDEAS ARCHIVE, LIBERTARIAN PROJECTS LIST ONLINE, COMPREHENSIVE DIGITAL LIBERTARIAN PUBLISHING

SILENCE: It is profoundly sickening to be compelled to remain silent when there is need for expression.” – Milovan Djilas, The New Class. - In these cases not only freedom of expression but also freedom action and freedom to effectively resist, sececde, revolt or engage in a military insurrection – are also suppressed and the freedom to organize otherwise than territorially, so that no tyranny gets any longer a firm and territorial monopoly over a whole population. – Is there any good substitute for an ideal militia of volunteers for the protection of all individual rights and liberties? And any for various panarchies, and polyarchies, all for volunteers only? Are, perhaps, most of the deplorable conditions in the world today largely due to the absence of such rights and institutions and of an ideal declaration of individual rights and liberties? - JZ, 10.6.08, 3.3.11. - FREEDOM OF ACTION, EXPRESSION, RESISTANCE, MILITIA, HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION, PANARCHISM, STATES TERRITORIALISM, POLYARCHISM

SILENCE: Remember that silence is taken to mean assent.” – Michael G. Steuart, 1975. – It may also mean politeness, tolerance or lack of interest. – JZ, 15.6.08.

SILENCE: Silence Is Not Golden – It’s Yellow!” – Tom Anderson, STRAIGHT TALK, 29.12.82.

SILENCE: Silence is the unbearable repartee.” – G. K. Chesterton, 1874-1936. – Andrews Quotations, p.391. – With silence one ignores silly or stupid remarks and may prevent further ones. – JZ, 15.6.08.

SILENCE: The man I meet with is not often so instructive as the silence he breaks.” - Henry David Thoreau. – Lichtenberg, similarly, said: “As a landscape of nature each face is worth looking at – but not always worth talking to.” – JZ - SILENCE BETWEEN SOME PEOPLE CAN BE MORE THOUGHT-PROVOKING THAN LISTENING TO THEM OR DEBATING WITH THEM, RED.

SILENCE: To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. –Abraham LincolnSpeaking up and mere protests, demonstrations and marches, however popular, are not enough for liberation. – JZ, 20.4.13. – PROTESTS, LIBERATION

SILENCE: Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.” – Henri Frederic Amiel – Speak up – whenever this is truly needed! – Truths need defenders more than lies or errors do. - JZ, 4.4.09. - However, under all too many regimes the practice of freedom of expression has led to slave labor camps, imprisonment or even the death penalty. - JZ, 3.3.11. Or lack of resistance. – If speaking up or writing for liberty could provide it, soon enough, then anarchists and libertarians would have achieved it already long ago. - JZ, 20.4.13. - UNWARRANTED SILENCE

SILENCE: When the lion is silent, the jackals howl.” – African proverb quoted by Charles Heath, The Golden Egg, The Goose, and Us, p. 102. – Silence, also, can be deadly. – JZ, 5.6.82.

SILENCE: You have not converted a man because you have silenced him.” – John Morley (1838-1923), Critical Miscellanies - SILENCING MEN RATHER THAN CONVERTING OR TOLERATING THEM

SILVER: The Bar Zotzil was the old well-house of La Valenciana mine, when the mine had produced silver enough to build and decorate a hundred churches a year.” - Diane de Avalle-Arce, Bats, in Future Earths Under South American Skies, ed. by Mike Resnick and Gardner Dozois, p.231. - That was the pious but not the economically right thing to do. - How much of the mined silver in South America, was coined to be used as exchange media there? How much of it was used just to decorate these churches and how much of it was just turned into jewelry? Neither the silver decorations of churches nor the private silver jewelry would have boosted free exchange and employment in South America, to the extent that they could have, as silver coins, and the churches themselves were hardly as useful as e.g. better roads would have been, or schools and additional workshops. In this way religion and customs have prevented possible development in many countries, at least as strong contributing factors. – JZ, 11.9.08. – RELIGION, SILVER MINING, MONETARY FREEDOM, COINAGE & DEVELOPMENT, JEWELRY, SILVER PRODUCTION & USAGE

SIMPLE: If only it were that simple!” – Sean Williams and Shane Dix, They Dying Light, Evergence 2, p.13. Voyager, an imprint of Harper-Collins Publishers, Australia, 2000. – To simpletons or people ignorant of alternative ideas and theories, it is. Their ignorance and popular errors and prejudices give them over-confidence, which is unwarranted. – JZ, 17.1.13. - & FALSE “EXPLANATIONS”, HYPOTHESES & THEORIES, RED., SINGLE HYPOTHESES, GENERALIZATIONS, PRIMITIVE NOTIONS, OVER-SIMPLIFICATIONS, THEORIES, MULTIPLE HYPOTHESES & THEORIES, PREJUDICES, MYTHS, POPULAR ERRORS, AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS

SIMPLE? Amalfi says the biggest lie it’s possible to tell in the English language is, “It was as simple as that.” – James Blish, Cities in Flight. A Life for the Stars, p.116. – We arrive at simple and elegant solutions usually after many failures with complicated and flawed attempts. – JZ, 16.5.08. – RED., SIMPLICITY

SIMPLETONS: There are rightwing simpletons as well as leftwing simpletons. – Who said: “Les terrible simplificateurs”? – JZ, 10.78. - Jacob Burckhardt: Beware the terrible simplifier.” – Quoted in: C. Bingham, Men & Affairs, p.424. – FOOLS, OVER-SIMPLIFICATIONS, UNJUSTIFIED GENERALIZATIONS

SIMPLICITY: Everything is more simple than one can think of and at the same time more limited than one can understand.” - Goethe, “Sprueche in Prosa”, JZ tr. of: “Alles ist einfacher, als man denken kann, zugleich beschraenkter, as zu begreifen ist.” – Did he anticipate today's electro-magnetic nuclear hypotheses? – JZ, 15.9.08. - & LIMITATIONS

SIMPLICITY: Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein. – Quoted in The Peter Plan by L. J. Peter, p.58. – Another version: “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” - Albert Einstein

SIMPLICITY: Remember, this is complicated stuff. We don't want to make it so easy, it's meaningless. Einstein said it right: things should be a simple as possible - but not simpler.” - Charles Sheffield, Proteus Unbound, ANALOG, 9/88, p.146. - COMPLEXITY, OCCAM'S RAZOR

SIMPLICITY: Simplicity is not always a virtue, … There is much to be said for complexity … for subtlety. And for diversity.” – Michael Jan Friedman, Star Trek, Legacy, p.173. - COMPLEXITY & DIVERSITY

SIMPLICITY: Simplicity is the result of maturity.” – Schiller – J.Z tr. only of: “Einfachheit ist das Result der Reife.” - While this applies e.g. to a good verse, aphorism, proverb or slogan, does it also apply to e.g. a computer chip, to our brain, to ecological relationships, to all aspects of health and medicine? – Also look at a modern plane and car. – JZ, 1.6.08. – Already the mere cabling on a PC can become complicated.

SIMPLICITY: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” - Leonardo da Vinci – For everything that really can be simplified. – JZ, 8.8.08. – But a modern car needs more than 4 wheels and a modern aircraft more than a propeller or a jet engine. See how involved and diversified even modern bicycles can get and how many different kinds of tennis-rackets and even toothbrushes do exist by now. – JZ, 8.8.08. - DIVERSITY, VARIETY

SIMPLICITY: There are no simple answers to complex questions.” - Michael F. Flynn, In the Country of the Blind, conclusion, ANALOG, 11/87, p.158. - A simple, break, slip or relay break or burnt-out fuse can lead to the breakdown or non-functionality of complex systems. Computer and program bugs supply numerous examples. So does complex machinery. A bit of water or sugar in your petrol … My Word 97 spell checker went off, for example, came shortly on again and is presently off again. Before that happened, I could call it back into existence by a windows command. That does not work, presently, either. - Simple flaws can mess up complex entities. E.g. tooth ache. Proverbial "wisdom" consists all too extensively out of proverbial prejudices. That is one of the many reasons why libertarians should check out all of it and assemble those of their findings, which are of special importance to libertarians. Sometimes the addition or elimination of a word can correct a saying. – Compare this SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY compilation attempt, which I, on my own, cannot bring to completion. - JZ, 30.10.02. - COMPLEXITY, PROBLEMS, SOLUTIONS, PREJUDICES., ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS.

SIMPLIFICATIONS: We must not simplify complex phenomena at the expense of truth.” – W. Henderson Pringle, An Introduction to Economics, p.55. - GENERALIZATIONS, OVER-SIMPLIFICATIONS, PRIMITIVE HYPOTHESES, TRUTHS, RED.

SIN-TAX: Syntax? Why not, they tax everything else. – Anonymous - JOKES

SIN: Here, as elsewhere, the technique of a mass movement aims to infect people with a malady and then offer the movement as a cure. “What a task confronts the American clergy” – laments an American divine – “preaching the good news of a Savior to people who for the most part have no real sense of sin.” An effective mass movement cultivates the idea of sin.” – Eric Hoffer, The True Believer, p.55. – MASS MOVEMENTS, CHRISTIANITY, COMMUNISM, GUILT FEELINGS, BLAME, SCAPE GOATS

SIN: I am a sinner.” - Well, I hope so. You have to have some fun in life. – JZ, 12.4.84. - JOKES

SIN: Like Rousseau, he rejected the doctrine of original sin, and believed that man was born innocent, and had been ruined by his own bad institutions, especially by what passed for education among civilized men.” – Isaiah Berlin, Russian Thinkers, on Tolstoy, p.240. - EDUCATION, MAN, HUMAN BEINGS, PREJUDICES, INSTITUTIONS, TERRITORIALISM, CHRISTIANITY

SIN: Sin is … [that] ignorance … which seeks its own gain at the expense of others….” – From “The Bhagavadgita”, tr. by S. Radhakrishnan, N.Y., Harper & Bros., 1948, p.224. – Quoted by Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, S.84. – A free exchange is mutually beneficial and thus fair and rightful. – JZ, 26.2.14. - CRIME, AGGRESSION, PARASITES, WELFARE STATE, TAXATION, THEFT, ROBBERY, FRAUD, EMBEZZLEMENT

SIN: Sin is an imaginary disease invented to sell you an imaginary cure.Atheist Republic, via  Justin Voluntaryist added a new photo. — in Asheville, NC. – Facebook, 2.6.13. – RELIGION, GOD, CHRISTIANITY

SIN: Sin is cruelty and injustice all else is peccadillo. Oh, a sense of sin comes from violating the customs of your tribe. But breaking custom is not sin even when it feels so; sin is wronging another person.” – Robert Heinlein, Glory Road, p.123. – RIGHT, WRONG, MORALITY, ETHICS, CUSTOMS, CRUELTY, INJUSTICE

SIN: Sin lies only in hurting others unnecessarily. All other "sins" are invented nonsense.” – Robert Heinlein. - Harming other people should be distinguished from wronging other people. I may harm your business by being a good competitor against it. But thereby I would not act wrongly against you or harm your customers. - JZ, 25. 11. 06. - HURTING & WRONGING OR HARMING PEOPLE, INFLICTING PAIN

SIN: That which we call sin in others is experiment for us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson - EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM – Too often we rather call free experimentation by others, at their risk or expense, a sin or a crime and try to punish them instead of tolerating them and learning from their practice either what to do better or what not to do. – JZ, 4.4.09. – FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT, FREEDOM TO DO THE OWN THING, PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE, DRUG LAWS, PROHIBITIONS

SIN: The only sin is not to love.” – Stendhal, The Charteuse of Parma, film version. – An infant might love an adult and an adult may love a child but that is no excuse for sexual relations between them. – JZ, 4.6.08. – Should we have loved Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Idi Amin, Castro, etc.? - JZ, 4.3.11. - LOVE, SEX BY ADULTS WITH QUITE IMMATURE MINORS, PEDOPHILES

SIN: There are only three sins--greed, anger and stupidity.” - Nichiren Daishonin, 14th century Japan. - At least add willful ignorance, expressed in avoiding enlightening reading and insufficient interest in the own affairs that do go beyond trying to satisfy one's sensual urges. Naturally, these could also be classed as stupidity. - JZ, 4.3.11.

SIN: There is a grave danger in putting men in a position to decide what is right and wrong. Yet that is the power we hand to politicians via The Vote. Through the workings of The System, the defining of sin becomes, as Bertrand Russell put it, “what is disliked by those who control education.” – Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.214. - We do this all too much while still refusing to accept the correct definition of right that was offered by Immanuel Kant or trying to refute it, if that is possible. - JZ, 4.3.11. - Neither Russell nor Ringer, to my knowledge, strove to finally arrive at as well defined individual rights and liberties as could be achieved by now. - Let each choose the system under which he wishes to live. - JZ, 4.3.11. - HUMAN RIGHT, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, TERRITORIALLY IMPOSED JUDGES INSTEAD OF SELF-CHOSEN OR AGREED-UPON ARBITRATORS OR ARBITRATION SYSTEMS, EDUCATION, POWER, DECISION-MAKING, POLITICIANS, VOTING, REPRESENTATION, RIGHT & WRONG, LAWS, JUSTICE

SIN: To my embarrassment I was born in bed with a lady. - Wilson Mizner - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. – ORIGINAL SIN, JOKES

SIN: unmistakable traces of Adam’s sin: the desire for something for nothing.” – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.152.

SIN: You see, I have lost all my sense of sin. About the nicest thing one could lose.” – Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor in “The Sandpiper”, 1965.

SINCERITY: Ignorant men are mischievous in proportion to their sincerity.” – Henry Thomas Buckle, History of Civilization of England, I/VII. - IGNORANCE, PREJUDICES, TRUE BELIEVERS, FAITH

SINCERITY: Never has there been one possessed of complete sincerity who did not move others. Never has there been one who had not sincerity who was able to move others.” – Mencius, Works, 4th-3rd. c. B.C., 4, tr. Charles A. Wong. – For innovators and reformers sincerity is usually not enough. They must not only have optimal freedom of expression and information opportunities but also freedom of actions for their tolerant experiments. – JZ, 3.6.08. – Also a libertarian ideas archive and refutations encyclopedia and one of the variety of definitions of the same important terms would be helpful and a complete digital freedom library and numerous digitized argument-maps. – JZ, 26.2.14. – ENTHUSIASM, NEW DRAFT, ENLIGHTENMENT, EDUCATION, TEACHING, PERSUASION

SINCERITY: Yet, unless power over others be their primary end in life, we must allow to them the same sincerity as we pridefully ascribe to ourselves. – Sincerity I’ll grant, but little more. Any conscientious collectivist, if he could see beyond his utopian goals and thus properly evaluate the authoritarian means his system of thought demands, would likely defect.” - Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.83. – COLLECTIVISM, COMMUNISM, STATE SOCIALISM

SINGLE TAX: Each new settler himself has also contributed to the extra value of his land and the land of others due to a more dense settlement. To assume that only the other settlers would have brought about any extra value is simply wrong. All of them add the value of their presence and no one has the right to tax that extra value away. - JZ, 1.7.95. Greater division of labor, due to higher population density, among people who are not land-owners, does also produces extra value for all of the population. Should we tax that added value, expressed in higher salaries and wages, away and consider it to be unjustified? Science and technology, better transport and more free exchange also add extra values. Should these likewise be taxed away as “unearned income”? Whoever resorts to any compulsory taxation is wrong already through that compulsion. – Compulsory taxation is not the solution to any problem. - JZ, 27.5.08. - HENRY GEORGE, LAND REFORM, TAXATION

SINGLE TAX: Georgists are right on many points – apart from their “single tax” proposal, which is closest to their hearts. – JZ, 1.9.97. But at least some Georgists have realized that their main “reform”, in which they are different from other libertarians, should not be territorially imposed and can be realized tolerantly, among Georgists only. – JZ, 2.5.08. – PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE, LAND REFORM, VOLUNTARISM

SINGLE TAX: I dislike even the “single tax”. – JZ, 2.6.95. – However, if the members of a voluntary community imposed it upon themselves then this would be their business. – JZ, 27.5.08. – As a personal law system for volunteers it is tolerable for outsiders. – JZ, 26.2.14.

SINGLE TAX: If George-ists consistently applied their principle and collected in full the “unearned increment”, the full local value of land, in their “single tax”, they would defeat their objective in cities, namely centralization and economic use of space. The otherwise most useful and profitable spaces would no longer be such places and used as such. A far-out location might then be just as economical to them, for their returns after all taxes. And the advantage of centralized access would disappear for the consumers. All locations, after taxes, would be equally good or bad for business. If they did not consistently and fully apply their “solution”, via their form of taxation, then and only then might they approach their objective. – But I have still to meet a Georgist who understood that or refuted me. – JZ, 18.11.90, 5.6.08. - If ALL of the value of location were taxed away then the advantages of a good location would disappear and e.g. services, that should be available at centers will then be offered rather at the periphery! That would mean, in balance, not only an inconvenience to potential customers and clients but also extra transaction costs in time, energy and money, i.e., it would be uneconomic. But to leave even merely some of that location value to ensure the continuance of the economic value of good locations, to producers and consumers, would, by George’s standards, still constitute an unjust privilege. - JZ, 8.5.01. – I raised that objection to followers of Henry George many years ago but did not get a rational answer. All objections to the remaining errors and flaws of the ideas of Henry George should become assembled and published much better than they were so far. – JZ, 4.4.09. GEORGISM, LAND REFORM, UNIMPROVED LAND VALUE, GEORGE-ISM

SINGLE TAX: Single-Taxer, n. One who advocates one tax too many.” - L. A. Rollins, Lucifer’s Lexicon, p.113. – The single tax is still one tax too many. – JZ, 3/95. - JOKES, HENRY GEORGE

SINGLE TAX: Territorial governments would spend the revenues from a single tax much more wastefully and counter-productively than would the landlords, if they remained untaxed by it. – If communities of like-minded volunteers raised such a tax from their members it would be quite another matter. – JZ, 27.5.08. – GEORGE-ISM, LANDLORDS, GOVERNMENT, LAND REFORM, VOLUNTARISM, TOLERANCE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM

SINGLE TAX: The “single tax” in the hands of any territorial government becomes just one more among a multitude of taxes and would also tend to become increased so much that it would put more and more land out of economic use. – JZ, 30.8.94.

SINGLE TAX: The “single tax” is still a tax and no tax is justified. – JZ, 2.6.95. – Except those which volunteers impose upon themselves, in their own exterritorially autonomous communities. – JZ, 27.5.08.

SINGLE TAX: The George-ist single tax is at best only a stepping stone towards no taxation at all or to voluntary taxation. – As an imposition on involuntary subjects it is quite wrong, like all imposed taxes. - JZ,8.1.98, 27.5.08.

SINGLE TAX: The single tax is still a tax tribute, even if you call it something else or think that it is something else. However, there is nothing wrong if communities of George-ists, i.e. all volunteers, do impose it upon themselves, as George-ists have already done, in some cases. – JZ, 22.6.13

SINGLE TAX: The single tax is the last attempt to morally and rational defend taxation and it is as untenable as is all other taxation – except among volunteers, as a subscription charge that they have agreed to. - JZ, 4.6.86.

SINGLE TAX: The Single Tax: Economic and Moral Implications - - As a compulsory tax for its involuntary victims the single tax is also to be rejected. It can be rightful only in a community of George-ists, all of them volunteers, and this community, like others, chosen by other voluntary members for themselves, should be exterritorially autonomous. I know of no justification for ANY compulsory tax levies. Do you? – JZ, 7.12.11, Facebook. - HENRY GEORGE’S TEACHINGS

SINGLE TAX: The victory of the single taxers would have one advantage: Only one tax would then remain and would then still have to be abolished. – JZ, 25.6.95. – Naturally, tolerant George-ists should be free to continue to apply it among themselves. – JZ

SINGLE TAX: When governments force landholders to hold more land than they need or want to possess, by coercive political subdivision, zoning, building restrictions and minimum size requirements, then they do, partly, expropriate these owners and they do also tax them for the land they do not want and are nor free to sell. They also create an artificial shortage of building blocks and drive up the price of such land and then penalize the new buyers of such land by more highly taxing them by means of these artificially increased land-prices. Even if only the “unimproved” value of land were taxed away, it would also merely be another unjustified and coercive tax. Freedom to buy and sell land titles, untaxed, would establish more justice in this sphere than any imposed taxation or land title system. – JZ, 14.3.97, 4.3.11. – HENRY GEORGE, MINIMUM ACREAGE, LAND MONOPOLY, SUBDIVISIONS

SISYPHISTS: People who perpetuate obstacles in order to maintain conditions of scarcity in their on line of production, thus keeping their efforts profitable at the expense of others, and who make the task of achieving abundance an endless one, are, in Bastiat’s estimation, sisyphists.” – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.113. – Ibid, p. 112: Sisyphus in Greek mythology was condemned, as a punishment for his wickedness in this life, to roll a stone from the bottom to the top of a hill. Whenever the stone reached the top it rolled down again. Thus, his task was never ending. - The wickedness of Sisyphus was not a case of politico-economic intrigue. But Frederic Bastiat, the eminent French economist, philosopher and statesman of well over a century ago, dubbed all people sisyphists who, by restrictive measures, tend to make the tasks of life unending. … - Let’s make sisyphism a part of our mythology instead of our national policy.” - OBSTACLES, RESTRICTIONS, PLANNING, DICTOCRATS, LICENSING, UNIONS, POWER, BUREAUCRACY, LAWS

SITUATION ETHICS: Brand seeks refuge in “situation ethics.” This battered term is, I suggest, dysfunctional. The use of it tends to muddy discussion. It suggests an unreal conflict between those who defend the moral meaning of circumstances and those who stress the normative nature of principles. There can be no ethics that is not situational in the sense that no ethics can ignore the moral import of the relations and circumstances (situations) of human life. Likewise, no system of ethics can operate without valuations that are expressed or expressible in the form of principles.” – Daniel C. Maguire in William J. Barnds, The right to know … , p.48. – ETHICS, MORALITY, RIGHTS LIBERTIES,

SIZE: Help stamp out sizeism: Take a midget to lunch.” – Wilson/Shea, Illuminatus III, p.40. – At least he is unlikely to eat as much as a big guy. – JZ, 16.6.08. - TOLERANCE, DISCRIMINATION

SIZE: No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear.” – Ronald Reagan - Almost never or only all too belatedly. – JZ, 4.4.09. - & POWER OF GOVERNMENTS

SIZE: On the whole it seems that the problem of survival is most pressing in the smallest societies. Conversely, it is among the larger groups, where the specialization appears which is essential in providing more goods than are sufficient to support all people, that the enjoyment of social leisure is made possible.” – M. J. Herskovits, quoted in Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, p.156. - As if small societies could not also specialize and freely trade with others. Gypsies for instance did so for a long time and Jewish communities in the Diaspora. However, their defensive position in intolerant societies was usually rather weak. – In our times small groups are less likely to be targeted with ABC mass murder devices, while large States are. – And, as far as I know, many South Sea Islanders did not have to work very hard to survive and enjoyed much leisure. - JZ, 6.6.08. – SMALLNESS, DECENTRALIZATION, SURVIVAL, DIVISION OF LABOR, TRADE, OPTIMAL SIZE.

SIZE: The greatest is within the smallest.” – Laotse, quoted in Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger, p.206. – Likewise, the smallest is within the largest. – JZ, 16.6.08.

SIZE: The smaller the number of the parties to a contract, the more points of agreement there may be expected between them; the larger the number, the less points of coincidence will be found.” – Josiah Warren, True Civilization, p.158, point 467. – Alas, that rule does not prevent many disagreements in monogamy marriages. – JZ, 26.2.14. - NATIONAL UNITY, TERRITORIALISM, STRENGTH, OVER-SIZE, ORGANIZATION, CENTRALIZATION, DECENTRALIZATION, PANARCHISM, OPTIMAL SIZE

SIZE: There is also agreement that as the group grows in size, both the inhibition of intellect and the intensification of emotions grow roughly in proportion. Demagogues instinctively know that they can effectively harangue only masses. They are notoriously ineffective in a conference room. Hitler knew what he was doing, giving his speeches in huge, packed stadiums at night, with light from torches played in military and symbolic formations. It is hard to imagine a better arrangement if your purpose is to drive out all reason and replace it with pure frenzy. - Henry M. Boettinger, Moving Mountains, p.142. – GROUPS, EMOTIONS, BIGNESS, MASSES, DEMAGOGUES, HITLER, PARTY POLITICS, TERRITORIALISM, NATIONALISM, PATRIOTISM

SIZE: There is one more fallacy based on these ideas, and that is that size in itself is an advantage and the larger the field of direction the better. It is impossible to give any definite limits to any organization, but it is certainly true that size in itself is not necessarily an advantage and it can be a very big disadvantage, creating inefficiency and many other of the evils of planning. – Antony Fisher, The Case for Freedom, p.20/21. – OPTIMAL SIZE, OVER-SIZE, CENTRAL & COMPULSORY PLANNING, CONTROLS & DIRECTION

SIZE: Why should there be a limit to size? Because we are neither supermen nor slaves. Beyond a certain point, the group becomes a meeting and before you know it you have to raise your hand to speak. The collective is a recognition of the practical limits of conversation. This simple fact is the basis for a new social experience.” – From: “Reinventing Anarchy”, p.343. – COLLECTIVISM, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, FREEDOM OF ACTION & EXPERIMENTATION, BIGNESS, OVERSIZE, OPTIMUM SIZE, ETHICS, MORALITY, RELATIVISM, CASUISTICS

SKEPTICISM: an authoritarian skeptic, the kind that's always wrong." - L. Neil Smith, The Gallatin Divergence, p.72. & AUTHORITARIANISM

SKEPTICISM: Be quick to doubt and you hasten reason.” - Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought. - DOUBT, REASON

SKEPTICISM: Dr. Johnson had the best solution: go kick a stone, and let the stone prove to your foot that they're both real.” - Thomas M. Disch, The Prisoner, p.175. - REALITY, IMAGINATION, RED.

SKEPTICISM: Faith is good, but skepticism is better.” – Guiseppi Verdi. – If it is not over-extended and used against genuine truths, rights and liberties and real facts. – JZ, 18.9.07. - VS. FAITH, RED.,

SKEPTICISM: it would be wise to be skeptical even of skepticism.” - Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future, Book Club Associates, London, 1983, p.191. -

SKEPTICISM: President Seymour has written that skepticism has utility only when it leads to a conviction.” – William F. Buckley, God and Man at Yale, p.176/77. - DOUBT, CRITICISM, CONVICTION

SKEPTICISM: Skepticism is only an approach to sagacity, not wisdom itself.” – Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought, p.99. – WISDOM, RED.

SKEPTICISM: The condition of freedom in any state is always a widespread and consistent skepticism of the canons upon which power insists.” – Harold Laski, quoted in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 3/78. – POWER, DOUBT

SKEPTICISM: There are two ways to slide easily through life; to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking.” – Alfred Korzybski – DOUBT, FAITH, BELIEF, CRITICISM, RED.

SKEPTICISM: What has not been examined impartially has not been well examined. Skepticism is therefore the first step toward truth.” – Denis Diderot, Pensées philosophiques (1746), p.31. - DOUBT, CRITICISM, EXAMINATION, TESTS, TRUTH, IMPARTIALITY, OBJECTIVITY

SKEPTICISM: What is much needed is also skepticism against skepticism, relativism and “value-free thinking”. – JZ, 23.12.94, 28.5.08.

SLANDER: Those who make a career out of spreading unproven accusations against other humans can only be forgiven if they really are so ignorant and stupid that they don’t know the difference between an assertion and an evidential demonstration.” – Robert Anton Wilson, Illuminati Papers, p.43. - RED., CONSPIRACY HYPOTHESES

SLAVE MENTALITY: A slave is one who waits for someone else to free him.” - Rosellen Brown - A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him." - Ezra Pound - & LIBERATION AS A SELF-HELP JOB, OBEDIENCE, STATISM, VS. SELF-LIBERATION

SLAVE MENTALITY: As many a primate Utopian had discovered in chagrin, under primitive planetary conditions, “somebody has to do the shit-work”. The most appealing solution to electing that somebody was to invade a weaker neighboring tribe and bring back a group of biots who could be domesticated. -  This had been done so often that there was no hominid pack on Terra that did not show the effects of domestication and slave-mentality, a fact first noted by a dour German primate named Nietzsche.” – Robert Anton Wilson, Schroedinger’s Cat II, p.73. – Boetie saw it long before N. – JZ

SLAVE MENTALITY: Docility is one of the major social crimes cultivated in the average man and woman.” – Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought, p.31. – HUMILITY, SERVILITY, OBEDIENCE, SUBORDINATION, STATISM CONDITIONING, VOTING CATTLE, SUBJECTS, DOCILITY

SLAVE MENTALITY: Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master. –Sallust – SERVILITY, LIBERTY, STATISM

SLAVE MENTALITY: For every tyrant a thousand ready slaves." - Source? - STATISM, TYRANNY

SLAVE MENTALITY: How many slaves have there been, in Earth’s long history, that their masters could trust? Quite some! … And how many people today is (*) domestic animals at heart? Wanting somebody else should tell them what to do, take care of their needfuls, protect them not just against their fellow men but against themselves?” – Poul Anderson, “The Book of Poul Anderson”, p.91. – The question is: What should be done about this? According to panarchism, the best solution would be to let freely thinking people set better examples to all others, under full exterritorial autonomy and personal laws. – Even foolish people do have, as a rule, the power to somewhat imitate successful behavior of others. Among themselves they do, however, also have the right to do their own things, i.e. repeat their errors and mistakes as long as they are willing to put up with the results. - JZ, 16.6.08 & 4.3.11. – (*) are? - JZ – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM TO SET BETTER EXAMPLES

SLAVE MENTALITY: I have found that to make a contented slave, it is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason.” – Frederick Douglas, in his autobiography.

SLAVE MENTALITY: In a thousand slaves 999 slave-masters are hidden.” – Emil Goett. (“In tausend Sklaven stecken 999 Sklavenhalter!”) – Even today, under territorial statism, the wish to dominate dissenters is much more strongly represented than the wish to be as free or unfree as one wants to be, combined with the wish to let all others make the same choice for themselves. – JZ, 8.4.09. – VOTING, DEMOCRACY, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, TOLERANCE

SLAVE MENTALITY: In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, "Make us your slaves, but feed us." – Dosteovsky’s Grand Inquisitor. - That is still the urge of people whom their governments consider to be merely tax slaves and cannon-fodder and who are targets of ABC mass murder devices in the hands of at least other territorial governments. So they do not even buy safety and security for themselves in this way. - JZ 24.11.06. – Feudalism and its serfdom were often the result of territorialism with persistent deflations, due to exclusive currencies, alternating with inflations or artificial and forced depreciations of currencies, huge unemployment rates combined with huge tax burdens and general insecurity of private property, civil wars, conquests and extreme economic crises. They offered at least a chance at survival and a degree of security, even though, for most, at a very low standard of living and subject to feudalist despotism. The feudalist principalities were, so to speak, the usually much smaller Welfare States of the past, a refuge to those rendered all too helpless and ignorant or who were prejudiced against self-help options. – How many do know or show interest for sound liberation programs now? – JZ, 4.4.09, 4.3.11. - STATISM, STRIVING FOR SAFETY & SECURITY, FEUDALISM, SERFDOM, Q.

SLAVE MENTALITY: Most people would rather be slaves.” – Bill Stoddard, LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION 65. – Or obedient territorial subjects - if they never get to experience freedom in any to many significant ways. – JZ, 20.11.82, 16.6.08, 8.4.09.

SLAVE MENTALITY: Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt – Compare e.g. the imposition of conscription, taxation and central banking. – JZ, - TYRANNY, NECESSITY, UTILITARIANISM & FREEDOM

SLAVE MENTALITY: Rude notes that in his letter of November 18, 1825, Stendhal singles out a noteworthy aspect of Dunoyer’s book. – “M. Dunoyer is the sole liberal writer who does not flatter the nation and is bold to tell them: ‘You make yourselves slaves, that is why you have tyrants. Each people has never more liberty than it forces its sovereign to accord to them.” – Leonard P. LIGGIO, on Dunoyer, in JLS, Sum, 77, p. 166. – If you doubt that then merely consider how e.g. women and children have been treated by most men, in recent history. – And how little individual rights and liberties are generally known, asked for and respected even now. - JZ, 16.6.08, 8.4.09. - TYRANNY, PEOPLE, INTEREST IN INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SLAVE MENTALITY: The happy slaves are the most bitter enemies of liberty. – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach. – JZ tr. of: “Die gluecklichsten Sklaven sind die erbittersten Feinde der Freiheit.“ - STATISM, HAPPINESS, FREEDOM

SLAVE MENTALITY: The most certain means to teach these slavish people better notions and customs will be to mix them with some Germans, and even if initially this could be done only with two or three in each village.” – Frederick the Great, an den Kammerpraesidenten von Domhardt, 1.4.1772. – JZ tr. of: “Das sicherste Mittel, diesen slavischen Leuten bessere Begriffe und Sitten beizubringen, wird immer sein, sie mit Teutsche zu melieren, und wenn es auch anfaenglich nur mit zwei oder drei in jedem Dorf geschehen kann.” – His Prussia, too, was a small empire over different ethnic groups. Some more backwards than others. – Panarchism would mix people according to their own individual preferences, from the bottom up, instead of top-down. - JZ, 3.6.08. – SLAVISH PEOPLE IN PRUSSIA, WITH ALL TOO MUCH OF A SLAVE- OR SERF-MENTALITY REMAINING.

SLAVE MENTALITY: The slave begins by demanding justice and ends by wanting to wear a crown. He must be dominated in his turn.” – ibid. (Prior quotes are cut off in my photocopy! – JZ) – Do not let him – or anyone else - get territorial power over any people. But let him exterritorially rule over volunteers or let him be enslaved by self-chosen masters. The slave should always be free or freed to secede immediately. Under full exterritorial autonomy there would only be some voluntary slavery, by people with the slave mentality. – JZ, 22.6.92, 1.6.08.

SLAVE MENTALITY: The slave’s chains are still there; yesterday, about his neck; today, about his mind.” - Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought.

SLAVE MENTALITY: Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.” – Milton Friedman - FEAR OF FREEDOM, IGNORANCE OF & LACK OF BELIEF IN FREEDOM, PREJUDICES REGARDING LIBERTIES & RIGHTS

SLAVERY: 1. All races kept slaves all throughout history. - 2. Most of the American slaveships and American slave-markets were run by Jews. But no one blames modern Jews. Because if anyone today says anything was “run by Jews”, they’re immediately dismissed as a crazy anti-Semite, regardless of whether or not it’s true. – [I doubt that this assertion under 2) is based upon provable facts. – JZ, 15.5.13.] - 3. When the Trans-Atlantic slave-ships docked at African slave-markets to buy slaves, they bought slaves who were already slaves. It was Arab Muslims and Black Africans themselves who captured members of rival tribes and took them to the coastal slave-markets to sell to the Whites and Jews. White people didn’t go into Africa and kidnap free black people. They barely needed to get off their ships to buy slaves, it was like buying McDonalds at a drive-through. The slaves were already at the slave-market in chains, ready to go. - 4. In the 16th – 18th century, Africans enslaved 1.5 million White Europeans in the Barbary Slave Trade. African Muslims raided up the coastlines of Europe, particularly the British Isles but even as far as Iceland, kidnapping and enslaving White European Christians. The men were galley slaves, and the women were sex slaves. This was more brutal than working on a plantation or as a domestic servant. - 5. Native Americans and Jews owned Black slaves too, but no one seems to assign a collective guilt to modern Native Americans and Jews for their slavery. In fact, Jews were the biggest slave-owners in America per capita. - 6. Whites were the first people to stop slavery in modern times, whereas slavery still continues in Africa to this day. In Mauritania slavery was only made a punishable offense in 2007! - 7. Less than 2% of Whites in America ever owned slaves - 8. Only 5% of the black slaves transported across the Atlantic actually went to the modern U.S. Most in fact went to Latin America to serve Hispanic slave-owners. But we don’t look at modern Hispanics as evil slave-owners. - John Racky – Facebook, 15.5.13.

SLAVERY: A critical necessary lesson any true officer must learn is the crushing burden it is to be Master of a slave.” – Eric Frank Russell, ASTOUNDING SF, August 56. – Compare: “Any leash has two ends.” MASTER-SLAVE RELATIONSHIP

SLAVERY: A man who is not allowed to choose his own goals, is prevented from setting his own course in achieving those goals, and is not free to dispose of the values he has earned, is no less than a slave to those who usurp those rights.” – Robert M. Dade, M.D., “The Political Fallacy that Medical Care is a Right.”

SLAVERY: A slave is one who waits for someone else to free him.” – Anonymous – STATISM, SUBJECTS, CITIZENS, TAXPAYERS

SLAVERY: A slave who realized he was a slave was already half free.” – Ascribed to Lenin by Prof A. Curle.

SLAVERY: A soil whose air is deemed too pure for slaves to breathe in.” - Francis Hargrave. Argument to Somersett Habeas Corpus Case, 14 May 1772. (James Somersett was a negro slave from Jamaica who accompanied his master to England and claimed his freedom. The decision upheld the argument of Hargrave. Somersett’s counsel, that slaves could not exist in England.) – As if they had never existed there in the past. And what is it, that made them finally, at least somewhat, free? The soil or the air blown in from all over the world, or something else? If English air and soil are so freedom-promoting, then why aren’t even now all individual rights and liberties recognized and realized there? – JZ, 18.6.08.

SLAVERY: Abolish slavery – your own. Repeal the Income tax.” – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER. – Alas, with few exceptions, e.g. in Switzerland, it is not up to the mere citizen-voters to repeal such institutions, unless they are prepared to engage in a sensible tax strike or revolution, or realize their right to secede. – JZ, 16.6.08.

SLAVERY: abolished in Massachusetts. The state supreme court ruled in 1783 that by declaring all men equal the preamble of the state constitution had made slavery illegal.” – Charles Chiveley, in his introduction to Lysander Spooner, Works, I, p.33. – Why did it, even under freedom of expression and information, take so long for the populations of the other States and for the other supreme courts to take the same stand? – Alas, we have all too many instances of old or even ancient truths not yet being fully recognized. - JZ, 8.4.09. - Q.

SLAVERY: And this freedom will be the freedom of all. It will loosen both master and slave from the chain. For, by a divine paradox, wherever there is one slave there are two.” – Ewin Markham, quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.42.

SLAVERY: any man who enslaves others is inevitably second-rate.” – Boris Pasternak, Dr. Shivago, p.18.

SLAVERY: As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy.” - Abraham Lincoln. – And yet he retained for himself - by a bloody civil war - the position of a master over all of the population of the USA, not permitting secession from his territorial regime. – Had he demanded as many human sacrifices as did occur in this war on behalf of some Moloch Cult, he would still be despised rather than honored today. – His “golden calf”, the centralized or federated territorial State, is still the ideal of all too many people today, even when, as a result, they are threatened by nuclear war. – JZ, 4.4.09. - MASTERS, DEMOCRACY, SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-DETERMINATION, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, NATIONALISM, DEMOCRACY, CENTRALIZATION VS. SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, CIVIL WAR, POWER ADDICTS, LINCOLNM, NWT, POLYARCHISM

SLAVERY: As John Campbell put it, only the slave makes slavery possible.” – Kevin O’Donnell, in ANALOG 2/76. – It would be more factual to say that only the slave master mentality makes slavery possible. Without willing slave masters there would not even be any voluntary slavery, far less any enforced slavery. – JZ, 18.6.08.

SLAVERY: As the slave departs, the man returns.” – Campbell, The Pleasures of Hope, Pt. I, I. 348.

SLAVERY: At any rate, villeinage has ceased in England, and it cannot be revived. The air of England has long been too pure for a slave, and every man is free who breathes it. Every man who comes into England is entitled to the protection of English law, whatever oppression he may heretofore have suffered, and whatever may be the colour of his skin: “Quamvis ille niger, quamvis tu candidus esses.” (“Though he be black though you be white.”) Let the negro be discharged.” – William Murray, Earl of Mansfield, 1777.

SLAVERY: Bear in mind that a slave is not a prisoner. A slave is viewed by its master as a unit of production. Prisoners go to jail; slaves go to work. And the characteristic of any slave is that some of what he produces is taken by his master, not as the slave but as the master wishes. And no master takes it all, for in that case the slave would die. We are slaves precisely to the degree that what we earn is taken from us by those who own us. And those who own us invariably act as proprietors, being concerned with our good health, our useful skills, our longevity, and our ability to reproduce so that more slaves can be provided. In the current situation, government owns us all but marginally. We are granted by this governmental owner the option of disposing of a fraction of our incomes; the government takes the rest. But lest you get the notion that in the exercise of this option you are indeed free, may I remind you that your master passes endless legislation telling you what you are allowed to buy or sell; how much you can or cannot do.” – LEFEVRE’S JOURNAL, Fall 75. - TAXATION, PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, WELFARE STATE, LAWS, TERRITORIALISM, LEGISLATION, FORCE LABOR

SLAVERY: being a slave means having someone as your master, with no hope of changing it. You slaves who call yourselves the ‘People’ can’t even hope for manumission.” – Robert Heinlein, Citizen of the Galaxy, p.126. – Manumission by the slave masters should become replaced by individual secessionism, unilaterally practised and backed by the greatest military force the world has ever seen, namely autonomous local volunteer militias, internationally federated and with one purpose only, namely the protection of all genuine individual rights and liberties, to the extent that they are claimed. Such militias would be organized, armed and trained quite in accordance with this limited but most important aim. – JZ, 21.5.80, 17.5.08. - INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, SECESSIONISM, MILITIA, VOLUNTARISM

SLAVERY: Blacks were not enslaved because they were black but because they were available. Slavery has existed in the world for thousands of years. Whites enslaved other whites in Europe for centuries before the first black was brought to the Western hemisphere. Asians enslaved Europeans. Asians enslaved other Asians. Africans enslaved other Africans, and indeed even today in North Africa, blacks continue to enslave blacks. –Thomas Sowell, a black sociologist, author and columnistBeing treated as slaves was never a monopoly for blacks nor was the role of slave owners ever confined to “whites” or “palefaces”. – For school children, conscripts and tax tribute payers and the victims of monetary despotism it is now legally established almost everywhere and all the time. – JZ, 27.2.14. - RACISM, BLACKS, NEGROES, SLAVERY IN AFRICA MADE SLAVES EASILY & CHEAPLY AVAILABLE TO PLANTERS IN “FREE” NORTH AMERICA, WHITES ARE NOT THE ONLY CULPRITS

SLAVERY: Chattel slavery was the issue in Thoreau’s time, just as state-slavery now is.” – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.201.

SLAVERY: Do not enslave your fellow man.” – Rulers of Judea, one of their ten commandments, according to Dagobert D. Runes, Treasury of Thought, p.31.

SLAVERY: Every Indian is a man and thus capable of achieving salvation or damnation. Every man is a person and is the master of his body and possession. Inasmuch as he is a person, every Indian has free will and, consequently, is the master of his actions. … Every man has the right to his own life and to physical and mental integrity.” – 16th century scholar Francisco de Vitoria, University of Salamanca. – SLAVERY OF RED INDIANS

SLAVERY: Every slave-hunter who meets a bloody death in his infernal business is an argument in favor of the manhood of our race.” – Frederick Douglas, June 2, 1854, quoted by Howard Zinn, Disobedience and Democracy, p.41. – Not only an argument in favor of but real evidence demonstrating the manhood of at least some of the men hunted to become slaves. – Compare how many or, rather, how few tax collectors are today executed by their victims. - JZ, 8.4.09. - RESISTANCE

SLAVERY: Everyone who imagines himself a master over others is himself a slave. Even if he is not in reality, he has at least a slave mentality. Before the first stronger one, who subjugates him, he will crawl. Only the one is free who wants to make all around him free.” – Johann Gottlieb Fichte, as quoted by K. H. Z., in his “Open Letter to Augstein.” - If that were really true then there would be little chance for freedom for all or most of us, for only few experience some liberties and envision more and want more to all of it. None of us has ever been quite free as yet when he lived under a territorial State regime. - JZ, 4.3.11. – TERRITORIIALISM, FREEDOM, STATISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES – STILL NOWHERE FULLY & CLEARLY DECLARED & REALIZED

SLAVERY: Foreign slaves as soon as they come within the limits of France are free.” (“Servi peregrine, ut primumn Galliae fines penetraverunt, eodem momento liberi sunt.”) – Bodinus, a French jurist of the 17th century. Works, Bk I. - Territorialism has a different message: Almost everyone, who comes into a national territory become more or less a slave of its territorial legislation, government and jurisdiction. – Individual sovereignty, secessionism and personal law alternatives are nowhere fully recognized and realized. - JZ, 4.3.11, 26.2.14. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENTALISM

SLAVERY: Formal slavery has been largely abandoned, to be sure, but subtle forms of partial slavery for everyone have taken its place. These new forms have come as claims against property and liberty under the guise of ‘welfare’ and communal ‘rights’.” – The Institute for Humane Studies, The Institute’s Story. - TERRITORIALISM VS. INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, TAXATION, CONSCRIPTION, COMPULSORY SCHOOLING, MONETARY DESPOTISM

SLAVERY: Foster catalogued the sins on which slavery was based: theft – a man owns his own industry, and slavery steals that industry and puts it to work for another; adultery – slave owners violate the marriage-contract of the slaves; man-stealing – “God has given to every man an inalienable right to himself … and he who interferes with the free and unrestricted exercise of that right, who, not content with the proprietorship of his own body, claims the body of his neighbor, is a man-stealer;” piracy – the slave trade, piracy legally and morally.” – William Chadwick, in THE FREEMAN, 2/76, quoting Stephan Symonds Foster.

SLAVERY: Frederick Douglass, a self-educated slave of the pre-Civil War era, noted the importance of both no-think and double-think in the maintenance of the plantation system of slavery when he observed that “to make a contented slave, it is necessary to make a thoughtless one (and) to annihilate the power of reason. He must be able to detect no inconsistencies in slavery, he must be able to feel that slavery is right.” – Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.296. – STATISM, ENSLAVEMENT

SLAVERY: Freedom and slavery! the one is the name of virtue, and the other of vice, and both are acts of the will.” – Epictetus, Fragments, No.8. – As if no violence and threats of violence or of law were involved but merely free will on all sides. – JZ, 18.6.08. – Voluntary slavery should be distinguished from enforced slavery, just like voluntary taxation from compulsory taxation, voluntary membership from enforced membership or subjugation. – JZ, 8.4.09. - FREE WILL, VOLUNTARISM VS. COMPULSION

SLAVERY: From Lincoln come also those significant words: “I have always thought that all men should be free, but if any should be slaves, it should be first those who desire it for themselves, and secondly those who desire it for others”. – Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, p.149. – Voluntary slave societies can at least be conceived but such relationships should never be permanently obligatory for either side. Our territorial statism comes already all too close to them. – JZ, 1.6.08. – PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM

SLAVERY: Horror at human slavery is not a century old as a common sentiment in a civilized state.” – W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.29, first published 1883.

SLAVERY: I am no man’s slave.” – Harry Harrison, Deathworld 2, p.103. - Was he free of all territorial laws, taxes, politicians and bureaucrats? - JZ, 4.3.11.

SLAVERY: I believe that no people ever groaned under the yoke of slavery but what they deserved it … the truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom and defended it as they ought.” – Do all other victims of violent crimes also deserve these crimes against them? – JZ, 11.4.09. - Samuel Adams. - PEOPLE, SELF-DEFENCE,

SLAVERY: I contend that, historically speaking, liberty is a brand new truth and slavery is an old error.” – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, July 76.

SLAVERY: I never mean, unless some peculiar circumstance should compel me to do it, to possess another slave by purchase, it being among my first wishes to see some plan adopted by which slavery in this country may be abolished by law.” - George Washington. - Did he release the slaves he already had? – JZ, 23.11.02. - Certainly, at least that was already in his power. – Should one have to wait until a law sanctions the abolition of a great wrong? – Did he at least propose a law and thus raise, to some extent, “a standard to which the wise and honest could repair”? - JZ, 4.4.09. - Merely the maintenance of slavery by corresponding legislation needs abolition. - JZ, 4.3.11. - WASHINGTON

SLAVERY: I refer to government. All wars are made by governments; there are no exceptions. As for slaves, none have ever existed in any country at any time unless the political forces extant supported the practice.” - LEFEVRE’S JOURNAL, Fall 75. – Red Indians had also slaves. Did they have what we call “political forces”? – JZ, 11.4.09. – Slavery existed even before there were territorial governments and any “political forces”. – JZ, 27.2.14. -WAR, PEACE, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM

SLAVERY: I speak in the spirit of the British law, which makes liberty commensurate with and inseparable from British soil; which proclaims even to the stranger and sojourner, the moment he sets his foot on British earth, that the ground on which he treads is holy and consecrated by the genius of universal emancipation.” – John Philpot Curran, British Law. – Alas, it has not freed the taxpayer, the conscript, the compulsory school pupil, the victims of the Bank of England’s money monopoly, the victims of its decision-making monopoly on war and peace, of immigration barriers – and of many other legalized wrongs and abuses. – JZ, 18.6.08. - As a rule, almost any territorialism has led to degrees of slavery rather than liberation. Insofar this legislation was exceptional. - JZ, 4.3.11.

SLAVERY: If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. – Abraham Lincoln, Letter to A.G. Hodges, 4.4.1864. – Nevertheless, he acted on this belief only belatedly. Territorial unity and protectionism seemed to be more important to him. – To uphold it he used the degrees of slavery involved in statism, governmentalism, territorialism, conscription, taxation and monetary despotism! - JZ, 16.6.08, 8.4.09. - LINCOLN, CIVIL WAR

SLAVERY: If you put a chain around the neck of a slave, the other end fastens itself around your own.” – R. W. Emerson, “Compensation”, 1841, also in “Self-Reliance”. – Quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.143. - "Every leash has two ends." - Take a big and strong dog for a walk and you will soon feel it. - JZ, 4.3.11.

SLAVERY: In Russia we can gain nothing without bloodshed, and as slavery is worse than bloodshed when a Russian state of affairs exist, we propose to introduce all the horrors of dynamite, guerilla warfare, murder; for to the slave life is not worth the living, and the tyrant must expect no respect from the one whose life he has made unbearable.” – D. W. Brookhouse, in Bob James, Australian Anarchism, p.10. – If slaves were really prepared to die for their liberty, then most of them could come to live in liberty after killing their tyrants and their helpers. – JZ, 14.6.80. – But in Russia open slavery was long abolished and serfdom was also abolished already by the Czars and at least economic conditions were already greatly improving before WW I. The counterrevolution by the Soviets introduced much worse conditions than had remained still under the Czars. All too belatedly this newer and much more totalitarian regime was abolished, without a bloody revolution. - bar for its central banking despotism, territorialism and taxation, “nuclear strength” and xyz legal, bureaucratic and wrongful restrictions. At least degrees of liberty can be achieved without violence and bloodshed but these alternatives ought to be explored and used much more than they were so far and also the genuinely liberating revolutionary and military insurrection and liberation options as well. Otherwise the same and all too costly mistakes will be repeated again and again. - JZ, 18.6.08, 8.4.09, 4.3.11. – TYRANNY, LIBERATION, REVOLUTION, VIOLENCE, BLOODSHED, LIBERATION, NON-VIOLENT RESISTANCE, NEW DRAFT, ENLIGHTENMENT

SLAVERY: In the 5th century, Alcidamas the orator is credited with saying: “God made all men free; nature has made no man a slave.” - Edgar Berry, in GOOD GOVERNMENT, 1/75. – NATURAL LAW, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SLAVERY: It is far better to be a mortal freeman than an immortal slave.” – R. G. Ingersoll, Voltaire. – What about those, who would rather live forever, even if only as slaves? – JZ, 18.6.08. – If they already had this choice, would they have they right to make it? Would anyone, who could offer immortality, have the right to charge this price? - JZ, 4.3.11. – Do enough people wish to become immortal and free enough to pay the prices involved in achieving these aims and, finally, in making them even easily and cheaply available? – JZ, 27.2.14. – INTEREST IN IMMORTALITY & IN INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SLAVERY: It is impossible to free slaves, they have to free themselves.” – Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love, p.114. – Impossible? – JZ – As if e.g. Germans and Japanese – and the people in many of their puppet regimes had not been (at least somewhat) liberated in W.W. II. – At most one should say that self-liberation attempts, whenever and wherever possible, are also a duty. - JZ, 8.4.09. –  SELF-LIBERATION

SLAVERY: It is shocking that the two philosophers who dominated the Western mind for two thousand years, Plato and Aristotle, upheld slavery as a God-given institution.” - Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought, p.102. – Philosophers and other thinkers, who reject statism and territorialism in favor of all individual rights and liberties are still very rare. – JZ, 27.2.14.

SLAVERY: it is worth bearing in mind that slavery is no more than a system of directed labour and fringe benefits.” – H.R.H. Prince Philip, QUADRANT, 1/78. Also in THE FREEMAN, 2/78, p. 122. – WELFARE STATE, LABOR LAWS, EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP VS. SELF-MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, STATISM

SLAVERY: It took according to one report ca. 20 000 different anti-slavery leaflet issues, uncounted articles, books, speeches and discussions and a civil war, costing ca. half a million lives, to rid the USA of slavery. Think of how wasteful other revolutions and wars have usually been and still are. We should constantly ponder what has to be changed in our institutions to make rightful and positive changes easily and cheaply possible, but only for those, who do already desire them for themselves. Historically, many serfs bought their freedom. Workers could purchase the enterprises they work in, and this on terms that are acceptable and fair to both sides. Radical experiments can be practised by volunteers under full exterritorial autonomy, e.g. abolishing unemployment and inflation among them. They do not have to be imposed territorially, upon whole populations and among it many dissenters. – Not even the State should be totally abolished but only its territorial power. It should be confined to its volunteers, under their own personal law. – Have all the successful as well as the unsuccessful revolutionary attempt been sufficiently studied as yet? - JZ, 5.8.92, 5.6.08, 4.3.11. – PANARCHISM, ALTERNATIVE INSTITUTIONS, PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES, MONETARY FREEDOM EXPERIMENTS, STATISM, ABOLITIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, REVOLUTIONS, TERRITORIALISM

SLAVERY: Let the reader think this an inordinately extreme statement of Nozick’s views, I add Nozick’s blunt assertion that “a free system will allow [an individual] to sell himself into slavery”; indeed, “any individual may contract into any particular constraints over himself.” – Nozick – But, as already Rousseau argued, precisely because it is slavery, with all advantages on one side and all disadvantages on the other side, the slave could, at any time, and quite unilaterally, and at least morally validly, declare himself free again. – JZ, 17.6.08. – PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-OWNERSHIP, RIGHTS, DUTIES, LIBERATION

SLAVERY: Liberty for the few is not liberty. Liberty for me and slavery for you means slavery for both.” – Samuel M. Jones. – Voluntary slavery chosen by some for themselves means no real slavery for anyone else. – JZ, 17.3.76, 17.6.08, 4.3.11. - VOLUNTARISM

SLAVERY: Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” – Unfreedom, he said, becomes a habit: Slaves lose everything in their chains, even including the desire to be rid of them; they love their servitude. …” - Rousseau, The Social Contract, quoted by David Jenkins, Job Power, p.59.

SLAVERY: Man’s mind and not his master makes him slave. – R. U. Johnson, To the Spirit of Byron. – As if the weapons and the manpower of the slave masters had nothing to do with it. – JZ, 18.6.08. – As if they became slaves, voluntarily, merely through the power of their minds! – JZ, 8.4.09. 

SLAVERY: Men! whose boast is that ye // Come of fathers brave and free, // If there breathe on earth a slave, //Are ye truly free and brave?” – J. R. Lowell, Stanzas on Freedom. – The few who managed to escape e.g. extermination camps, forced labor camps and totalitarian regimes, should at least seriously ponder how such regimes could and should be abolished and prevented forever. If they did, they would no longer be satisfied with the limited liberties they can already enjoy in their host countries, which are also under all too many statist and territorial restrictions. - JZ, 4.3.11, 27.2.14. - DESPOTISM, TOTALITARIANISM, FREEDOM IS INDIVISIBLE, ESCAPISTS, REFUGEES, DESERTERS, DEFECTORS FROM TOTALITARIANISM, DEMOCRACIES, TERRITORIALISM

SLAVERY: National Self-DeterminationA Force for Slavery.” – Dr. Duncan Yuille

SLAVERY: Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” – William Pitt, 1783. – TYRANNY, LIBERTY, STATISM

SLAVERY: None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Maximen und Reflexionen, V.21. (*) - No one is more enslaved than he who imagines to be already free while he is not.” – JZ tr. of :”Niemand ist mehr Sklave als der, welcher sich frei (**) haelt, ohne es zu sein.” –– (*) Goethe, quoted in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, May 75. – (**) fuer frei? – The belief still persists that merely a formal democracy or republic, although it is still a territorial regime, does already make a free country and a free population. – JZ, 10.1.08. - & FREEDOM, STATISM, FREE COUNTRY, FREE PEOPLE, FREEDOM, BELIEFS, PREJUDICES, DEMOCRACY, WELFARE STATE, TAX SLAVERY, “LIMITED” BUT STILL TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS

SLAVERY: Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth, ever afterward resumes its liberty.” – Walt Whitman. – Neither before nor afterwards were we ever fully free or cared enough about all our individual rights and liberties. – At least the long-term trend is towards liberty. - JZ. 17.6.08. – Even a few totalitarian regimes were overthrown. Some uprisings in extermination camps did succeed for their few survivors. Uprisings of conscripts or military slaves are even relatively common. – The numbers of will almost always be on the side of those enslaved than on those of the slaveholders. – Any aggressor, criminal, despot and tyrant can be killed. - JZ, 8.4.09. - TYRANNY, DICTATORSHIPS, TOTALITARIANISM, DESPOTISM, RESISTANCE, LIBERATION, ESCAPE, REBELLION, REVOLUTION

SLAVERY: Once you establish in the minds of people that any man or group has legitimacy to legislate edicts and use violence to enforce them you have instituted slavery. - Earl Chandler shared Chris Snyder's photo. – Facebook, 13.3.14.  

SLAVERY: Other people can suggest, encourage, or advise, but whenever they tell you that you must do something under penalty of fine, imprisonment or moodily injury, they are no better than slave masters.” – Source? – TAXATION, LAWS, FINES, PENALTIES, COMPULSION, COERCION, LEGISLATORS, RULERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, LEADERS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, NON-RECOGNITION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SLAVERY: Presently we are all slaves, in one way or another. – JZ, 23.7.74. – STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM, TERRITORIALISM, TAXATION

SLAVERY: Retain a free man’s mind though slave, and slave thou shalt not be.” – Menander (?) Fragments, Frag. 857. – SLAVE MENTALITY, LIBERATION, ENLIGHTENMENT

SLAVERY: Rousseau considers invalid a contract by which one sells oneself into slavery. Since selling oneself into slavery deprives one of the opportunity to exercise one’s free will, it deprives all one’s actions of their moral character.” – JLS, Sum. 77, p.189, IV, Rousseau. – Not those actions that renounce this kind of “contract” or which resist and abolish slavery. – JZ, 16.6.08. – Consequently, there is not valid contract with any present government and no obligation towards it – except to leave it alone, together with it remaining followers. – JZ, 23.11.82, 16.6.08. - PANARCHISM

SLAVERY: Slave morality is submitting to someone else for no better reason than that Someone Else is an authority figure. Real morality: following your own code.” - David Palter, quoted in THE DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIP No.12, p.10. – MORALITY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SLAVISHNESS, AUTHORITIES, PERSONAL LAW, ETHICS, SELF-LEGISLATION, SELF-DETERMINATION

SLAVERY: Slavery enchains a few; more enchain themselves (to slavery).” - (“Paucos servitus, plures servitutem tenent.”) – Seneca, Epistulae ad Lucilium, Epis. 22.11. - STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, SUBMISSIVENESS, OBEDIENCE

SLAVERY: Slavery holds few men fast; the greater number hold fast to their slavery.” – Senecca, Letters to Lucilius, 1st. c., 22.11, tr. E. Philips Barker. – STATISM

SLAVERY: Slavery is alive as long as the power of the State can be wielded against any people.” – Charles Brooks, 9/72. – He should have added: except criminals with involuntary victims and other aggressors. – JZ, 8.4.09, 27.2.14. – PEOPLE, STATE, TERRITORIALISM

SLAVERY: Slavery is commonly thought of as the ownership of one man by another. But the slaveholder does not really care about owning another man; what he wants is the ownership of the products of another man’s labor. A slave is a man to whom the right of economic freedom is denied. From this premise the denial of all other rights follows. Therefore, in any realistic denial of freedom, what happens in the economic sphere is basic.” – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.148. – ECONOMIC FREEDOM


SLAVERY: Slavery is the ultimate and greatest evil. For it is based on a denial of the dignity of the human soul." - Arthur Bryant 1948. - To hell with my “soul”! What about my pockets emptied by the government? – JZ, 26.12.07. – It was not the soul but the bodies that were exploited by slavery, as if humans were merely property like horses or cattle. 4.4.09. - What about my genuine individual rights and liberties? - JZ, 4.3.11. - Genuine rights, as Kant defined them, do harmonize all arbitrary actions of people in accordance with a general freedom for all. - E.g., freedom of speech, press, assembly and association for all. - All genuine individual rights must pass this basic test. - Freedom (independence of the constraint of another will), insofar as it is compatible with the freedom of everyone else in accordance with a universal law, is the sole and original right that belongs to every human being, by virtue of his humanity.” – Immanuel Kant, The Metaphysical Elements of Justice, Indianapolis, 1965, p.43/44, transl. by John Ladd. - If you should find a better definition of "right" than the Kantian ones, please, do let me know! - JZ, 24.2.11, 4.3.11. - RIGHT, FREEDOM, DEFINITIONS, INDEPENDENCE, HUMAN RIGHTS, INDIVIDIUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SLAVERY: Slavery it is that makes slavery; freedom, freedom. The slavery of women happened when the men were slaves of kings.” – Emerson, Miscellanies: Women. – FREEDOM, WOMEN. Somewhat emancipated men did take a very long time before they similarly emancipated women and they have still not sufficiently emancipated those, whom they consider to be mere minors or even children. – JZ, 16.6.08. – Under territorialism most of the population are still slaves or serfs by degrees. – JZ, 8.4.09. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, TAXATION

SLAVERY: Slavery or serfdom are being continued in form of compulsory schooling, compulsory taxes, compulsory licensing, military servitude and in other territorially imposed and legalized intervention with peaceful and creative activities of individuals, groups and minorities. – JZ, 25.2.86, 3.6.08, 4.3.11. – TERRITORIALISM, FEUDALISM, SERFDOM, EXPLOITATION, WELFARE STATE

SLAVERY: Slavery, for instance, diminished and in parts of Europe disappeared entirely. Thus the harshest, most exploitive and most long-standing control of producers by consumers was attenuated and never revived in Europe.” – H. S. Ferns, The Disease of Government, p.30. – How could he here have overlooked e.g. compulsory taxation, conscription, compulsory schooling – not to speak of forced labor camps in Germany, Poland, Russia and the treatment of POW’s, often worse even than slaves? – JZ, 18.6.08. – The Nazis and the Soviets did have large numbers of slaves. Only they did not call them that. – JZ, 8.4.09. – Even democracies do still territorially enforce degrees of slavery. - Our nuclear lords have even the survival of mankind in their hands. - JZ, 4.3.11. – NWT, TOTALITARIANISM, TYRANNIES

SLAVERY: Slaves cannot breathe in England; if their lungs // Receive our air, that moment they are free; // They touch our country, and their shackles fall.” – William Cowper, The Task, 1785, Bk. ii, I.40. – (Cf. Mansfield, ante, 1772.) - Does the air become British as soon as it flows over England and loses this liberating national power when it flows, afterwards, e.g. over a ship in the Atlantic, carrying slaves? And if a chained slave steps on British soil, do his shackles really fall off? What if he wears shoes instead of being barefooted? How do they breathe, until a British court makes such a decision in their favor? What about the temporary slavery of convicts? – Is it the air or the soil that liberates? Do fundamental human rights and liberties really thus depend upon mere location? - Poetic licence is often taking thoughts too far away from reality. – JZ, 18.6.08. – The air ocean over England – and all other countries – keeps moving. Thus everyone breathes, repeatedly, the air of England. But that does not make all people free. It does not even make the present population of the U.K. quite free. – And shackles still have to be physically removed. Poetic licence can be very misleading. – JZ, 9.4.09.

SLAVERY: Slaves lose everything in their chains, even the desire of escaping from them. – Rousseau, The Social Contract, 1762, 1.2., tr. G. D. H. Cole. – If that were quite true, then there would never have been any slave rebellion and no slave would ever have tried to escape. History says otherwise. However, all too many people, slaves or “free” citizens, do all too much merely adapt themselves to conditions in which many of their important and genuine individual rights and liberties are severely restricted and do not even want to know all about them. – JZ, 3.6.08. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, DISINTEREST IN MANY OF THE INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SLAVERY: Slaves produce only what the threat of punishment forces them to produce since little or no additional rewards accrue for producing more.” – Carl A. Keyser, THE FREEMAN, 974.

SLAVERY: Slaves, not only animals, at least in some countries and for some times, were also considered media of exchange and capital assets as well as value standards. But they did not have a sufficient shop foundation, tax foundation, debt- or a clearing-foundation reflux to keep up their value, their “units” differed in value, were never a rightful, and rightfully exploitable and transferable property. At least they had no legal tender power, i.e. a compulsory acceptance and value. Their market value was also limited to determination by relatively few slave traders. And they could, as a rule, only be sold for an exclusive currency, always in short supply. Since most of us are, probably, descendants of former slaves, the abhorrence a slave may have felt, standing on a slave block, about being traded for money, to a new owner, might have led, according to Ulrich von Beckerath, to some inborn and negative notions about money, profit, capital, property and wealth, just like animals developed, over very long periods, some instinctive reactions against phenomena that threatened them. They had no money, property and wealth, they did not even own themselves and those, who had possession, were usually disliked or even hated by them, often with very good reasons. – JZ, 21.3.03, 21.10.07. - MONETARY FREEDOM & MONETARY DESPOTISM, LEGAL TENDER, EXCLUSIVE CURRENCY, ANTI-CAPITALIST & ANTI-MARKET MENTALITY

SLAVERY: Socialism is “universal slavery – without even the dignity of a master.” – Ayn Rand, “The Fountainhead”. – Apparently, she had studied her subject so little, that she new only of State Socialism! – JZ, 17.6.08.

SLAVERY: That everyone is exclusively sovereign, and is a slave to no one.” - From The Libertas Statement, in an SLL leaflet. – Presently “citizens” are largely slaves – but they should be free men – or at least live under conditions of their own individual choice. – JZ, 21.11.82, 16.6.08. – INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM VS. STATE SOCIALISM, TERRITORIALISM

SLAVERY: That on the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three years, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and for ever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.” – J. G. Nicolay, The Emancipation of American Slaves. – How could it speak of “United States” in the middle of a rebellion? And how could such a freedom be delayed even for a single day or be confined only to the State in rebellion? – JZ, 17.6.08. – And how free have Americans become since then, under e.g. more than 10,000 to 20,000 gun control laws, by different counts? – JZ, 8.4.09.

SLAVERY: The air of England has long been too pure for a slave, and every man is free who breathes it. – Lord Mansfield, Judgment in the case of James Somersett, a Negro, June 22, 1772. – Prussia had a similar law. – JZ, 3.6.08.

SLAVERY: The answer to slavery is not absence of slavery, but militant struggle for independence. Men must be prepared to fight for freedom without compromises and without capitulation. – T. H. Gaster, Passover, p.93/94. – And they must not fight to become slave-owners themselves. – JZ 17.6.08. – Most fighting that so far occurred was not for all genuine individual rights and liberties! – JZ, 8.4.09. All too many basic individual rights and liberties are still forcefully suppressed - and all too many "intellectuals" still argue against the desirability of as clearly stating all of them as would be possible by now! - JZ, 4.3.11. – MILITANCY, FIGHTING, RESISTANCE, LIBERATION, DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, NOT AIMED AT BY MOST “INTELLECTUALS”.

SLAVERY: The blow that liberates the slave //But sets the master free.” – James Jeffrey Roche, Gettysburg. – As if it would not have been much cheaper in money and would have cost no lives, limbs, blood, maltreatments or prisoners, waste of labor power and time to purchase the freedom of every slave in the U.S.A. – As quite free laborers and under full monetary and financial freedom, free trade and free enterprise, the thus liberated slaves could even have paid back their purchase price themselves, after their liberation, in easy installments over a few years. – The question is only whether the slave owners would have been entitled to this purchase price and should not have been subjected to indemnification claims from the slaves and by those who put up the money to purchase the freedom of slaves. – Half a million dead and many more wounded and cripples and years of fighting and destruction was too high a price to pay, certainly no bargain. - JZ, 18.6.08. – MASTERS, AMERICAN CIVIL WAR

SLAVERY: The conclusion of the Civil War only confirmed Spooner’s fears concerning the bad intentions of the Republicans and of the nation generally. The fight had not been for injustice or for right, but to prove “That men may rightfully be compelled to submit to, and support, a government that they do not want; and that resistance, on their part, makes them traitors and criminals.” (p.3) The war that should have been fought to obtain the freedom of Black people ended with the enslavement of all – “for a man thus subjected to a government that he does not want, is a slave. And there is no difference, in principle – but only in degree – between political and chattel slavery.” (p.3) - Charles Chiveley, in his introduction to Lysander Spooner, “No Treason”, Works, I. - CIVIL WAR OF THE USA, TERRITORIALISM

SLAVERY: The distinguishing sign of slavery is to have a price, and to be bought for it.” – John Ruskin, 1819-1900. – A. Andrews Quotations, p.475. – Before a slave market developed there was a “price-less” slave “economy”. Slaves were captured POWs or captured civilian victims. No price was paid for them to anyone, except the blood and sweat that was expended to capture them. – If only we were not, all too often, so careless in “describing” social problems, while really describing more our errors, prejudices, false assumptions and conclusions than the facts. - JZ, 18.6.08, 27.2.14. – In modern times a more distinguishing sign for slavery was really the kind of constitution, law and jurisdiction that made slavery legal and thus possible. The legal purchase and sale of slave was merely a consequence of this situation and any kind of wrongful privilege or monopoly is always likely to become abused. In this respect – and some others - most of the Founding Fathers of the USA have very little to be proud of. – JZ, 8.4.09. - LAWS, CONSTITUTIONALISM, JURISDICTION, FOUNDING FATHERS

SLAVERY: The emotionally painful situation of being forced to learn a way of life you do not choose.” – Source? – By that standard almost all of us are still largely slaves. – JZ, 16.6.08.

SLAVERY: the essence of slavery is the command over another’s will gained by controlling his access to the good and shelter he needs to survive.” – Edmund A. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 10/75, p.606. – That does not sufficiently express the coercion and violence that are also involved. The slave cannot simply run away and find asylum, protection and a job somewhere else. – JZ, 8.4.09.

SLAVERY: The experience of all times and among all peoples proves, I believe, that the work of each slave is lastly the most expensive one, although it costs, seemingly, only his support. Someone who can acquire no property can have no other interest than to eat as much as possible and to work as little as possible Whatever he produces beyond his own support can only be extorted from him by force, never by his own interest.” – A free re-translation by JZ into English of the German translation of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations, S.319. (I won’t take the time now to search for the English version in several editions of mine. Someone can insert it later. I am merely curious how close or how far removed my retranslation is from Adam Smith’s magnum opus.) The employer-employee relationship, likewise, has not fully released the creative energies of employees in most instances. – JZ, 17.6.08. - PASSIVE RESISTANCE, SELF-MANAGEMENT, INCENTIVES

SLAVERY: The foulest death is preferable to the fairest slavery.” – Seneca, Epistulae ad Lucilium, Epis. 70, 21. (“Praeferendam esse spurcissimuam mortem servitude mundissemae.”) – That was, probably, his own preference. But did he ask any slaves about this and did they agree with him on this? – JZ, 8.4.09. – A live slave has still some chances to escape. – JZ, 27.2.14.

SLAVERY: The man who cannot claim ownership over the things he produces has no control over the things on which his life depends; he is a slave, by definition. A man who is not allowed to own becomes the property of whoever controls his means of survival, for “a power over a man’s support is a power over his will”, wrote Hamilton in The Federalist. – Edmund A. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, May 79, p.292. . – OWNERSHIP, PROPERTY

SLAVERY: The man who forgets that he is free soon finds himself a slave.” – Thomas Frederick O’Connell, THE FREEMAN, 11/73. – Will be or ought to be or may be? – JZ, 17.6.08, 4.9.09.

SLAVERY: The man who produces while others dispose of his product is a slave.” – Ayn Rand, 1963. – Under division of labor few of us do actually sell what we produce to the final customers. We leave distribution to traders and that trading relationship does not enslave us. But we and our distributors are at least partly enslaved e.g. by the monetary despotism of central banks, by multiple and all too high taxes and by uncounted laws and regulations. – JZ, 8.4.09. - POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS, REPRESENTATIVES, VOTERS, TAXATION, GOVERNMENT SPENDING

SLAVERY: The most onerous slavery is to be a slave to oneself.” – Seneca, Naturales Questiones: Bk. iii, Praefatio. Sec. 17. – I guess he meant being a slave to one’s lowest passions, not to one’s highest aspirations. – JZ, 8.4.09.

SLAVERY: The only man who makes slavery possible is the slave.” – John Campbell, quoted in ANALOG, 8/74. – It is easy enough to hypothesize about such a situation when one has never fully experience experienced it, e.g. as captured slaves or forced laborers did. Or if one hasn’t realized it that most of us are involuntary tax-slaves and many of us were involuntary forced labor slaves during war times or slaves of a government-imposed school system for far too many weekday hours for all too many years. – JZ, 17.6.08. – We should also take into consideration that neither anarchists nor libertarians have so far bothered to develop and publish a quite rightful, comprehensive and effective resistance, revolution and liberation program and one quite rightful and liberating for a military insurrection by the soldiers and officers of a despotic regime. It is easy enough to blame slaves of the past for their omissions, while not acting much better now, than they did then. – JZ, 8.4.09, 4.3.11. – Moreover, how small is the percentage of people who do know and appreciate all individual rights and liberties and who are interested in working towards the declaration and realization of all of them? – JZ, 27.2.14.

SLAVERY: The perfect slave thinks he's free.” - Slogan from the SPIRITUAL ANARCHY WEBSITE. – A “perfect slave” is a contradiction in terms. It does not even makes sense to speak of a perfectly enslaved person, since the productivity of an enslaved person is certainly not optimal. Ultimately slavery was, largely, abolished because personally free laborers were simply much more productive than slaves. They did not have to be bought, housed and whipped but just paid a market price for their value as production “units” or commodities. And "free laborers" drive themselves to their jobs, instead of having to be driven to their forced labor location. Alas, the supply of means of payment was not under free market conditions and thus all kinds of secular religions arose against free enterprise capitalism that still lacked, especially, full monetary and financial freedom and thus isn’t laissez faire capitalism. – Even Free Trade was so far never fully realized. These and many other statist and territorialist wrong or flawed beliefs are still all too much alive today, even in supposedly “free” countries and in supposedly “educated” and “enlightened” populations. – As Ulrich von Beckerath pointed out, the authorities in favor of central banking are something like the high priests of the popular religion on money. – In this sphere, too, a new Reformation is needed, introducing not religious freedom but full monetary and financial freedom. - JZ, 4.4.09. - STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, NATIONALISM

SLAVERY: The power to command and the weakness to obey are the essence of government and the quintessence of slavery.” – Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.22. – COMMAND, GOVERNMENT, OBEDIENCE

SLAVERY: The radical abolitionists … viewed slavery as the worst form of stealing. Slavery was called ‘man-stealing’ because it reflected the theft of a person’s self-ownership rights.” – Carl Watner, Voluntaryism in the Libertarian Tradition, p.5.

SLAVERY: the slave-owner “maintains his ascendancy over his victims … only by the threat of extermination.” – Stephen Symonds Foster, The Brotherhood of Thieves, in Bormann, (title?), 110-12. – Not even by such threats, if all slaves loved liberty enough. Slave rebellions are possible and have occurred. Some single slaves managed to escape as well. – JZ, 8.4.09, 4.3.11.

SLAVERY: The slave’s first duty of goodwill to the slaveholder is utterly to refuse any longer to be a slave.” – Charles K. Whipple, 1859. – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 7/76, p. 4. – An advice that is certainly easier to give than to follow. – What percentage of slaves survived their open refusal to obey their masters? – JZ, 17.6.08. - Easier said than done – in many situations. – What happens to military or compulsory education slaves and to tax slaves, when they refuse to obey? - JZ, 17.6.08, 27.2.14. – It is much easier to give a command or advice for an action that would, in numerous cases, be suicidal, than to successfully execute such advice or command oneself.” – As Kant put it, first the transition from the distributed will of all to the united will of all would have to occur. While individual acts of rebellion are often suicidal, a common action of all those victimized, at the same time and place, can often be successful. But how does one not only avoid the former suicidal action but assure that the latter action will occur and will be successful? How does one prepare and organize it and then carry it out? The military people have so far been much better in preparing their campaigns. Rightful and effective liberating actions require much thought, discussion and preparation as well as sufficient interest in problems than critics like C. K. W. are likely to consider and engage in. They simply image that a single and simple verbal statement would already constitute the full solution to a serious problem for victims. It’s like people of Western democracies blaming the German people, as a whole, for not rising up against the Hitler Regime, without considering how ill these critics themselves are mentally and physically prepared to resist any totalitarian regime if it were suddenly imposed upon them. – Not even the case for tyrannicide has been quite clarified in most people’s heads. - JZ, 8.4.09, 4.3.11. - REFUSALS, DUTY, DISOBEDIENCE, RESISTANCE, REVOLUTION, SELF-LIBERATION, SELF-ENLIGHTENMENT

SLAVERY: The slavery of a single man on earth, being an offense against even the principle of humanity, is a negation of the liberty of all.” – Michael Bakunin, Revolutionary Catechism, 1865. – A single major crime against a single victim is indeed a major crime but who denies, in that case, the individual rights and liberties of the victim and of all other men? Only each such offender does. Should we take his negation more serious our right to all liberties? And if we never even heard or read about his crime, would all our rights and liberties thereby suddenly disappear? He might murder more victims, but he is certainly not a threat to all of mankind, unless he has ABC mass murder devices at his disposal, like some “democratic” rulers have. – What proposals did Bakunin make for better protection of all property rights, including self-ownership? He even denied any property rights going beyond self-ownership. That was a major denial of the principles and practices of a free humanity. To that extent his philosophy, if taken serious, was a greater threat to mankind than a single slaver could be. - JZ, 18.6.08, 27.2.14. – The victim’s rights and liberties were infringed. He might even have been murdered. Only the relationships his family members and friends had with the victim were interfered with. However, thereby no a single other person on Earth lost a single genuine individual right and liberty. At most the victimizer will constitute a threat to some more people and we can neither rely on governmental police forces and juridical and penal institutions to end that threat. The other potential victims are still insufficiently enlightened, organized, armed and trained against private and official criminals in their own countries and against aggressors from foreign countries. – JZ, 27.2.14.

SLAVERY: The trouble is that the slaves have not been freed; they have only been turned loose to find new masters.” – David Cort, Social Astonishments, 1960, p.101. – Even those only paid wages and salaries in the money of monetary despotism were and are mostly better off than they were as unpaid slaves. – At least in somewhat developed countries they could, mostly, buy out their employer, if they really wanted to, on terms. – JZ, 11.4.09. – COOPERATIVES, SELF-MANAGEMENT, PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES VS. THE EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP

SLAVERY: The World, they say, paraphrasing Lincoln’s more localized prediction, “cannot endure half-slave and half-free.” – David Cort, Social Astonishments, 1960, p.96. – But that is all the freedom conditions we ever had, for all too long a time. Open slavery lasted for most of history and some forms of slavery, usually not called that, do still persist today. – JZ, 18.6.08. – Admittedly, ultimately, under territorialism, mankind will become "liquidated" by its territorial "protectors", "armed" with anti-people mass murder devices, by leaders still voted into territorial power by voters compulsorily "mis-educated" or propagandized into voting for their misleaders, granting them thus the sanction of their victims. - Do you know of any quite free people on Earth? - JZ, 4.3.11. – Are you in favor of all individual rights and liberties or still in doubt or even opposed to some of them? Are you even interested in a declaration of all individual rights and liberties and opposed to all forms of compulsory statism and territorialism? What are your proposals against the nuclear war threat and against any of the remaining tyrannies and authoritarian regimes? – JZ, 27.2.14

SLAVERY: The world’s drift “has been not towards anarchy but towards the re-imposition of slavery.” – George Orwell, quoted from Harvard Crimson Supplement, 1972.

SLAVERY: Then, slowly and gropingly, I found what makes you a slave: YOU ARE YOUR OWN SLAVE-DRIVER. Nobody else – nobody except you yourself, carries the responsibility for your slavery. Nobody else.” – Wilhelm Reich, Listen, Little Man! p.16. – Tell that to the inmates of a forced labor or an extermination camp! – Why do so many people satisfy themselves with mere word-play “solutions” or “answers”? - JZ, 17.6.08. – As if no involuntary victims of crimes and aggressions ever existed! – JZ, 27.2.14.

SLAVERY: Theodore Parker proclaimed that “all the great charters of Humanity have been writ in blood.” The free man, he said, has a natural right to help the slaves recover their liberty … and as a means to that end, to aid them in killing all such as oppose.” – Quoted in THE FREEMAN, 4/79. – RESISTANCE, LIBERATION, INTERVENTIONISM, LIBERTY

SLAVERY: There is a type of spontaneous generation by which it seems, rulers emerge from the muck of the subjects. But no state can long exist without the acquiescence of the people. Change the beliefs of the slaves, and the master race will atrophy.” – David B. Suits, OPTION, 2/71. – Even the notion that there is something like a master race and that one should only have to change one’s beliefs are already foolish notions. – JZ, 16.6.08. - STATE,  PEOPLE, ACQUIESCENCE, SUBMISSIVENESS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, RULERS, GOVERNMENTS

SLAVERY: there is no difference, in principle – but only in degree – between political and chattel slavery. The former, no less than the latter, denies a man’s ownership of himself and the products of his labor; and asserts that other men may own him, and dispose of him and his property, for their uses, and at their pleasure.” – Jerome Tuccille, Radical Libertarianism, p.26. – Taxation with its compulsory tribute payments shows the close connection. A 100% tax on incomes and property would amount to complete slavery. – JZ, 8.4.09.

SLAVERY: They are slaves who fear to speak // For the fallen and the weak; // They are slaves who will not choose /// Hatred, scoffing and abuse // Rather than in silence shrink // From the truth they needs must think; // They are slaves who dare not be // In the right with two or three.” – J. R. Lowell, Stanzas on Freedom, – quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, under “Laconics of Liberty”, p.43. – FEAR, RIGHT, SPEAKING UP

SLAVERY: To be sure, he will do some work to avoid the lash of the slave master, but the amount is negligible compared with the incentive of private possession of the fruits of his labor. Slaves are notoriously poor producers.” – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.68.

SLAVERY: unchosen obligations constitute slavery. Those who pay taxes for the support of others are to that extent slaves to the recipients of welfare.” – Paul Lepanto, Return to Reason, p.141. – And for the support of the politicians and bureaucrats, who are claiming much more for themselves, per head, than the welfare recipients get. If they, too, would get as little, then they would look around for productive and better paying jobs and taxes could no longer be forcefully imposed and collected. – These “public servants” won’t abdicate or restrain themselves. Thus we have to become free to secede from them and to run our own shows, all among volunteers only and without a territorial monopoly. - JZ, 8.4.09. - TAXATION, WELFARE STATE, BUREAUCRATS, POLITICIANS, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM VS. STATISM & TERRITORIALISM

SLAVERY: Very well, what is a slave? According to my dictionary, a slave is ‘a human being who is (1) absolutely subject to another human being’ and (2) ‘a person who is completely dominated by some influence, a habit.’ – Leonard E. Read, The Love of Liberty, p.5.

SLAVERY: We cannot be free men if this is, by our national choice, to be a land of slavery. Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.” – Abraham Lincoln. – In that “national” choice the slaves were, apparently, still considered to be property, not part of “the nation”. – JZ, 17.5.08. – All territorial notions, laws and institutions do at least to some extent enslave diverse dissenting minorities. For all too long they did this even to half of the human race, namely the female part. Moreover, to millions of the most helpless human beings, every year, in most countries, even the right to life is denied and this by their parents, with “medical” “aid” – by abortions, which still find many defenders even among anarchists and libertarians. This happens at a time when there are more and better means to prevent conception than ever before! – JZ, 27.2.14. – FREEDOM, SLAVERY, RIGHT TO LIFE, ABORTIONS, NATIONAL CHOICES OR INDIVIDUAL ONES?

SLAVERY: well, I am now in a state of mind that forces me to a deep distrust of man, of everything he may enforce as master or consent either to do or to endure as slave.” – Jules Romains, Verdun, p.146. – Alas, wars and despotism, even tyranny, are not good enough and efficient enough enlightening institutions for their victims, not to speak of the victimizers. – JZ, 8.4.09.

SLAVERY: What is essential to the idea of a slave? We primarily think of him as one who is owned by another. … That which fundamentally distinguishes the slave is that he labours under coercion to satisfy another’s desires. … What … leads us to qualify our conception of the slavery as more or less severe? Evidently the greater or smaller extent to which effort is compulsorily expended for the benefit of another instead of for self-benefit.” – Herbert Spencer, quoted in The Free Man’s Almanac, for Nov. 29.

SLAVERY: Whatever day // Makes man a slave, takes half his worth away.” – Homer, Odyssey, Bk. xvii, I, 392. (tr. by Pope.)

SLAVERY: Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.” - Abraham Lincoln. - But he did not advocate voluntary slavery nor individual secession for slaves and other dissenters, especially not from his power and position. Nor did he favor secession for those who did not hold slaves or who wanted free trade for themselves. Instead, he wanted to achieve territorial submission of all people in the U.S.A. to his own rule, i.e., a form of enslavement where he would be the main “slave” master. - JZ, 23.8.02. – I.e. master over involuntary subjects, most of them peaceful. He did not advocate individual secessionism and exterritorial autonomy for slaves and all other kinds of dissenters. Neither any form of unity or freedom nor any form of rule, oppression and exploitation should be forced on anyone. Let all forms of governments and societies become a matter of individual free choices among freely competing alternatives, none with a territorial monopoly. Lincoln, would not even tolerate a territorial secession and federal territorial power for himself, unity and protectionism was always more important to him than the abolition of any involuntary slavery or serfdom. - JZ, 29.10.02, 27.2.14. – Lincoln strengthened the kind of slavery that is involved in centralized territorial statism. – To that extent he was not a liberator but a usurper, conqueror and dictator. - JZ, 4.4.09. - STATISM, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM

SLAVERY: Why this emphasis on the evil of slavery? I am unaware of any error more at odds with human destiny – emergence, evolution, growth in consciousness. In the practice of slavery, we have finite minds parading as Infinite Wisdom. To me, slavery – man’s denial of freedom – tops the list of all human errors and leads to many of the others.” – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 7/76.

SLAVERY: You are enslaved. - When you were born, the state authorized it by forcing your parents to pay a fee to make your birth legal with a certificate. - In order to participate in voluntary exchange with others for compensation, the state requires you pay a fee to obtain a number, which it uses to force you to pay lifelong tribute for the right to continue participating in voluntary exchange with others. If you attempt to participate in voluntary exchange of your labor for compensation without paying tribute, the state will seize your private property as payment of the tribute it claims you owe and rent it to others. If you resist this seizure, they will put you in a cage or kill you, seize your private property, and rent it to others willing to pay tribute. - If you obtain any landed property, the state requires you pay tribute and rent it from the state, if you refuse to pay tribute, the state will seize your land as payment of the tribute it claims you owe and rent it to others. If you resist this seizure, the state will put you in a cage or kill you, seize your land, and rent it to others willing to pay tribute. - When you die, the state takes a second helping of tribute for that year from all the rented property you leave behind and it takes a fee in exchange for making your death legal with a certificate. - "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Earl ChandlerJohn Zube : Slavery is still a wrong term. Like convicts in prisons we still get some "pocket money" after taxation and have some private rights and liberties left. But the most essential decision, that of individual secessionism, based upon individual sovereignty or self-ownership, is denied to us. At least to that extent the territorial States claim us as their property. - Facebook, 6.12.13, 20.3.14.

SLAVERY: You can’t enslave a free man. Only person can do that to a man is himself. No, sir – you can’t enslave a free man. The most you can do is kill him.” - Robert Heinlein, Free Men, in “The Worlds Of Robert Heinlein”, p.46. - Who is really free from all taxes and governmental laws? – The Hopi fled from enslaving Red Indian tribes into the hot desert, the Eskimos into the icy desert. What percentage managed to so escape and not to become enslaved? Or not to be killed when they resisted? – Freedom requires much more than merely the wish to be free. - JZ, 17.6.08. – As if innocents had never been wrongly imprisoned. An innocent person, wrongly prosecuted, will not resist to his death - if he has e.g. a wife and children. – Even Heinlein made, sometimes, insufficient and unjust snap judgments. - JZ, 8.4.09.

SLAVERY: You recognize, of course, the ‘Proclaim Liberty’ quotation that is on our famous Liberty Bell, taken from the 25th chapter of Leviticus, 10th verse, but have you read that whole 25th chapter? It is part of God’s message to Moses on Mount Sinai, and in the 6th verse we find a reference to male and females slaves, which demonstrates that God and Moses considered slavery to be a perfectly natural condition for some people. Remember, this was just after God had delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, and God was giving Moses the rules of conduct to be followed by the people when they got to the Promised Land. Obviously slavery was part of their tradition, part of their life, part of their normal action.” – JAG, Jan. 15, 197? (Last figure cut off!) - GOD, MOSES, BIBLE, CHRISTIANITY, JUDAISM, OLD TESTAMENT

SLAVISHNESS: If one acts like a slave, one will be treated like a slave.” – Lee Correy, Manna, ANALOG, May 83, p.32. – Also: ANALOG, 7/83, p. 155. – Blaming the victims is still an all too common practice today. – What percentage of the world population has so far totally rejected e.g. conscription, taxation, compulsory schooling, monetary despotism, statism and territorialism and subscribed to individual and group secessionism and to exterritorial autonomy or panarchy for all kinds of communities and societies of volunteers? – How many are clearly aware of and in favor of all individual rights and liberties when they recommend to others, to defend their “freedom”? – How many are free to make such decisions for themselves? - JZ, 8.4.09, 4.3.11. – I don’t even know a dozen people in the world who are interested in attempting to clearly declare all individual rights and liberties, which were so far left out of most of the official and private declarations of human rights. – JZ, 27.2.14. – TERRITORIALISM, INTEREST IN ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SLEEP: Most animals acquired the habit of sleeping until the sun returned. In much the same way, other animals acquired the habit of sleeping through the winter; but this does not mean to say that everyone has to go to bed from October to February. Nor need we always go to bed from 10 pm to 7 am. - Some marine animals never sleep, although they may rest. Most sharks, for example, have to keep moving all their lives, or the flow of water through their gills will cease and lack of oxygen will kill them. The dolphins are confronted with an even worse dilemma; they must return to the surface every two or three minutes to breathe, and so can never allow themselves a moment’s unconsciousness. It would be very interesting to know if sleep occurs among the creatures of the ocean abyss, where there is never any change of light, and utter darkness has reigned for 100,00,000 years. – Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future, Pan Books 1964, p.221. – How efficient have the various forms of waterbeds for humans become in reducing their average daily sleeping time requirements? That would be another kind of life-extension. – JZ, 27.2.14.

SLEEP: some prodigies, like Edison, have been able to lead active lives on two or three hours of sleep a day, while medical science has reported cases of individuals who have not slept for years at a time and have apparently been none the worse for it. Even if we cannot abolish sleep altogether, it would be an immense gain if we could concentrate it into a very few hours of really deep sleep unconsciousness, chosen when convenient. … Many years ago, the Russians put on the market a neat little “electric sleep apparatus” about the size of a shoe-box and weighing only five pounds. Through electrodes resting on the eyelids and the nape, low-frequency pulses are applied to the cerebral cortex, and the subject promptly lapses into profound slumber. Through this device was apparently designed for medical use, it has been reported that many Soviet citizens are using it to cut down their sleeping time to a few hours a day. – Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future, Pan Books 1964, p.222.

SLUMS: Borough bulldozer: If we reflect on the improvable low-cost housing lost each year to the borough bulldozer, or withdrawn from the rental market as landlords get the chance of avoiding penal rent controls, we can understand the truth of Professor J. B. Cullingworth’s dictum: ‘the more slum-clearance, the more slums.’ In place of every council home now built, several existing dwellings in which families will be living for five, ten, even 20 years, could be modernized for letting out at economic rents. A different approach to ‘slum clearance’ would also avoid suffering caused by dispossession of owner-occupiers and the movement of elderly residents from the areas where they prefer to live.” – Alfred Sherman in Dr. Rhodes Boyson, ed. of: Down with the Poor, p.44.

SLUMS: Jesus didn’t take the people out of the slums, he took the slums out of the people.” – Tom Anderson, STRAIGHT TALK, Dec. 29, 1977. – Now, did he really? Or is this still a task for our future? – Can the responsibility for such a job be delegated to an ancient prophet? And to the few words of his that have been recorded and preserved into our times? Aren’t e.g. littering, alcoholism, smoking, drugs, “bread and games”, popular errors, myths and prejudices still part of our problems? Are we surrounded by enlightened people or people seriously striving towards enlightenment and the self-help options of freedom? Are they really interested in their individual rights and liberties? – JZ, 19.6.08. - Former slum districts, like Paddington, Sydney, have been transformed into fashionable suburbs by people who liked their locations and improved their houses. Governmental slum clearing and public housing merely tends to replace old slums by new ones. – JZ, 5.6.08, 5.3.11.

SLUMS: Legal bulldozing to permit the erection of the slums of twenty years from now”. – L. L. Levinson, Webster’s Unafraid Dictionary. – SLUM CLEARING

SLUMS: The slums are in people’s hearts.” – Gary North. – How many children do keep their rooms tidy without frequent reminders or orders by their parents? And how many adults act just like infants, children and teenagers in this respect, in their environment. – JZ, 19.6.08. - At 77 I am still one of these offenders. - JZ, 5.3.11.

SLUMS: Urban renewal uses the power of government to prevent slums from spreading, a process sometimes referred to as “preventing urban blight”. For middle-class people on the border of low-income areas, this is valuable protection. But “urban blight” is precisely the process by which more housing becomes available to low-income people. The supporters of urban renewal claim that they are improving the housing of the poor. In the Hyde Park area of Chicago, where I have lived most of my life, they tore down old, low-rental apartment houses and replaced them with $ 30,000 and $ 40,000 town houses. A great improvement, for those poor with $ 30,000. And this is the rule, not the exception, as was shown years ago by Martin Anderson inThe Federal Bulldozer”. – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.30/31. – PUBLIC HOUSING, HOUSING POLICY, URBAN RENEWAL, URBAN BLIGHT (Underlining by me. – JZ)

SMALL ACTIONS: As Dante said, “A great flame follows a little spark." – We haven’t even fully listed and published all our libertarian projects as yet, all our writings, all our ideas. – JZ, 5.1.08. - Small actions, like a common projects list, can have great consequences. Chain reaction options for the spread of rights and liberties need to be still thoroughly explored. Which are our thin edges of the wedges, our candles, from which a million others can be lit? Which are efficient strategies, tactics, beginnings, first gradualist steps? - JZ, n.d., Q., MEANS & ENDS, LIST OF LIBERTARIAN PROJECTS ONLINE, IDEAS ARCHIVE, ARGUMENT MAPPING, NEW DRAFT, ENLIGHTENMENT, REFUTATIONS ENCYCLOPEDIA, LIBERTARIAN DIGITAL ENCYCLOPEDIA IN ENGLISH, DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR VOLUNTEERS IN ALL SPHERES, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES, FREELY COMPETING EVERYWHERE

SMALL BEGINNINGS: The origin of all things is small.” – “Omnis rerum principia parva sunt.” – Cicero, De finibus, 5.21. “Der Ursprung aller Dinge ist klein.” – POWER, STRENGTH, INFLUENCE, INDIVIDUALS, MINORITIES, INNOVATIONS, MOVEMENTS, IDEAS ARCHIVE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM IN ALL SPHERES, VOLUNTARISM

SMALL BUSINESS: Give small business its head: it needs no government help. Freed from the throttling grasp of government on its monetary supply, small business will spread first into banking, and will thereby do more to promote the entry of small business into industry than all the government agencies put together. It will at one stroke provide cheap loans for small industry, and also avoid the stop-go crisis system which today dogs small business and brings it down. – Governments today want to help small business. Let them examine the effect of the stop-go policy on small industry. It is in the stop-go system that the root of the evil lies.” - Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 6/78, p.27. – But it needs freedom from government laws, taxes, regulations and paper work. – Government should be much more concerned with running its own business efficiently – assuming it does have any – or confine its activities to its voluntary victims. - JZ, 19.6.08, 5.3.11. – The most important self-help action for small to large business enterprises would be to associate into a local bank of note issue and to issue their own local shop currency, to make them independent of the monopolistic and coercive (legalized) "currency policy" of the central bank and to assure their sales and to enable them to pay their suppliers, various costs, wage and salary bills and also their taxes, as long as the latter are still tolerated. - Once freedom and rights are realized in this sphere, it would also be easy for them to adopt a sound value standard to the usually unsound one, which is legally imposed by the government. Freedom of note issue and clearing, combined with free choice of value standard could solve many of their current business problems. Sound value standards, combined with the more assured sales for them, would also make them more credit-worthy for free savers and investors. - JZ, 5.3.11. – Medium- and long-term credits cannot be granted directly by free banks with their note issues, but only indirectly through their savers. But turnover credits for up to 3 months could be, discounting e.g. sound commercial bills or their equivalents with local banknotes - suitable for wage- and salary payments and shopping. The shopping centers themselves could issue local shop currencies, covered by and redeemed in their wanted consumer goods and services, ready for sale. So could the suppliers of other wanted or needed services, tradesmen, lawyers, accountants, medical doctors, suppliers of electricity, petrol, gas, transport, water and sewage services etc. – JZ, 27.2.14. - MONETARY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM, FREE BANKING, SUBSIDIES, TAXATION, GOVERNMENT AID, REGULATIONS

SMALL GOVERNMENT: He baffled them all, simply because he voted small government, start to finish. No one in Washington – no one – does that on a consistent basis. – Gary North on Dr. Ron Paul, in REASON, 8/78. – RON PAUL – Whether governments are large or small – they should always operate only for or against their volunteers and leave all other peaceful people alone to do their own things through whichever personal law system they prefer for themselves. – JZ, 27.2.14. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM

SMALL GOVERNMENT: Small government is beautiful.” – Carla Howell. - The practice of almost every local government does refute that notion! - JZ, 25. 11. 06. – Territorial monopolies can be very wrong and harmful even on a small scale. – Just think of the example of a family dominated by a tyrannical member of it. – Tyranny is not a matter of size but has other characteristics. – Voluntary self-government - or any government or management only for volunteers, of almost any size - can be beautiful – for its kind and in its kind. But not all of them will set attractive enough examples for many other people. From many of them we can at least learn what not to do or not to attempt. - JZ, 4.4.09, 27.2.14. 

SMALL GOVERNMENT: The less government interferes with private pursuits, the better for general prosperity. – Martin Van Buren – - Scott Molon Labe Twist shared We Like Small Government's photo. – Facebook, 29.8.13. - LIMITED GOVERNMENTS OR NO TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT AT ALL?

SMALL MINDS WITH RELATIVELY SMALL CONCERNS: … The tinier the complaint the greater the tsunami of indignation. … I’m far more concerned with getting people to stop shooting human beings. As soon as I solve that problem I promise the sharks will have my full attention. … The human capacity for breathless outrage about the smallest of perceived offences brings to mind a brutally offensive joke, which will no doubt outrage the same people when I try to make a point with it here. It goes something like this: Hitler say to one of his henchmen: I’m going to kill six million Jews and two clowns.” An the guy next to him says: “What have you got against clowns?” – The joke’s meaning is clear: People are easily outraged by meaningless (*) distractions that they don’t notice the real problems right in front of them. - Joe Hildebrand, Mad as hell … but about the wrong things. -- TELEGRAPH.COM.AU 1.2.14, p.35. -(*) or relatively minor cases. Or they are in love with pets, meals, cars, holidays, flowers, poems, social events, playing games, births, death, birthdays, marriages, anniversaries, landscapes, bits of history photos, or individual rapes or murders by civilians or policemen etc. – while ignoring the major wrongs and threats to our lives, individual rights and liberties. Amusing oneself - while a war threatens or is already in progress. Capturing and interning illegal immigrants in an expensive way – while ignoring the monetary and financial despotism, which causes major unemployment, many bankruptcies and inflation as well as stagflation, untouched. That is one of my major annoyances, several times in the evening, when I go through my Facebook page. An old proverb sums it up with “Dancing at the edge of a volcano.” – JZ, 23.3.14. - Small minds are mainly influenced by small ideas or flawed or false generalizations. E.g. most letters to editors and Facebook entries. But then even great minds are all too often misled, too, by some flawed or false generalizations. – Are there many exceptions to this rule? - JZ, 4.3.14. – POPULAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES, SMALL & LARGE CONCERNS, SMALL IDEAS, GREAT MINDS, GREAT IDEAS, DIS., IDEAS ARCHIVE, REFUTATIONS ENCYCLOPEDIAANIMAL RIGHTS VS. HUMAN RIGHTS, WAR, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, UNEMPLOYMENT, INFLATION, POVERTY, TRIVIA, MINOR WRONGS, GREAT WRONGS, JOKES

SMALL NATIONS: FREE THE SMALL NATIONS: Irish, Catalans, Sardinians, Manx, Bretons, Cornish, Corsicans, Basques, Scots, Welsh, Galicians. “The Internationalism of the future will be based upon the free federation of free peoples.” – James Connelly. - And while we’re at it, let’s add the Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Croatians, Montenegrins, Armenians, Georgians, Tibetans, and the other formerly independent peoples of the Socialist empires, who used to be free and independent, including at least one large nation: the Ukraine.” – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 10/79. – Alas, with different peoples living intermixed with each other, as they do now, this kind of minority autonomy and the autonomy for other kinds of minorities or local majorities, cannot be sufficiently realized through the territorial model. It requires full exterritorial autonomy for communities of volunteers: panarchism. – JZ, 19.6.08. - The differences between various kinds of freedom lovers and various kinds of statists have become much more significant than those of national, ethnic, racial and religious origins. - Full freedom to associate and to disassociate under exterritorial autonomy and full individual consent or choice, free competition, in accordance with individual preferences, is much more rightful and important than the former territorial distinctions. In short, we need full individual sovereignty, fully free enterprise, free associationism, a free market, in all spheres, including exterritorial decentralization by individual choice, so that all remaining or new rulers, administrators and self-management schemes become fully based on individual consent, have a genuine mandate, from all their volunteers and are truly representative. - They should have no other involuntary victims than rightly convicted and punished criminals, forced to work off their indemnification debts. - JZ, 5.3.11. – MINORITY & LOCAL MAJORITY RIGHTS & AUTONOMY, PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY VS. TERRITORIALISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, COMPETITION, ASSOCIATIONISM, CONTRACTARIANISM IN EVERY SPHERE

SMALL THINGS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE: The law of small causes and small numbers: Small numbers and causes, leading to great effects, nevertheless. – JZ, 25.9.90. – Ideas, discoveries, inventions have often great consequences. E.g. the invention of writing, reading, printing, paper, pencils pens, keys and locks, gun powder, cannons, revolvers and repeating rifles, zippers, computer chips, bound books, paperbacks, disks, bearings, oil in motors, splinters in the eye, microbes, viruses and other pests, the inventions of coins and banknotes. The use of small things, like needles and threads, do hold your shirts and suits together. If all not yet or not yet widely enough realized ideas, discoveries, inventions of some significance were all easily, fast and cheaply made accessible, i.e. via an Ideas Archive, positive changes could be multiplied fast. Most people know only one or a few of the hundreds of e.g. different types of socialism, exchange media, value standards, self-management schemes, and even only a fraction of all the words in their own language. They do not even know their own religion fully, far less thousands of others and all other ideologies and philosophies. Of all the diverse definitions of significant terms they know, mostly, more of the worst ones than the correct ones. Of the multitude of popular prejudices they are captivated by some of the worst ones while they remain unfamiliar with many sound ideas, principles, facts, methods, relationships and institutions. The full mobilization of all the small things, including the invisible ones, like ideas, could bring about giant changes, positive and also negative ones. We have to learn to mobilize the former and stop the latter in their tracks. – JZ, 5.6.08, 5.3.11, 27.2.14. - IDEAS ARCHIVE, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DEFINITIONS, NEW DRAFT, ENLIGHTENMENT, EDUCATION, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, KNOWLEDGE, A BOOK-SIZED COMPREHENSIVE LIBERTARIAN LIBRARY ON A SINGLE DISC, 1 TO 4 TBs, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS

SMALL THINGS: The little things that actually happens is worth so much more than the big thing that never happens.” – An old lawyer, 1990. – (happen, are - JZ) But the little successes will only happen if the large aims are clearly kept in mind. Otherwise compromises with wrongs will overwhelm us. – JZ, 5.8.92. – The power of gradual improvements should not be under-estimated. Compare the development of cars, planes and computers from their simplest beginnings. All of them tended to advance to modern forms via numerous small steps. - Compare: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – JZ, 1.6.08, 8.4.09. – Under individual secessionism and full exterritorial autonomy for volunteers, the large and positive steps can also happen very soon, for the first pioneers and spread from them rather fast by voluntary adoption of what they have to offer, in other panarchies of volunteers. - JZ, 5.3.11. - GRADUALISM, POLYARCHISM OR PANARCHIST CHOICES FOR VOLUNTEERS VS. PROGRESS PREVENTED, SLOWED DOWN OR EVEN STOPPED BY TERRITORIALISM


SMALLNESS: I believe in the virtue of small nations. I believe in the virtue of small numbers. The world will be saved by the few.” - André Gide – An exterritorially autonomous community could be small in numbers and yet have some members all over the world. An international federation of all minorities, striving for full exterritorial autonomy for all their volunteers, could, possibly, become the largest federation of movement ever – and yet would favor extreme exterritorial decentralization, even individual sovereignty and individual secessionism. – JZ, 26.12.07. – Avoidance of unjustified powers may matter much more than avoidance of bigness. Under full freedom the limits of oversized organizations are reached and will only be rarely exceeded for long. Schisms will occur and become fruitful. – JZ, 4.4.09. -VIRTUE, DECENTRALIZATION, CENTRALIZATION, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM.

SMART BOMBS: Even "smart" bombs and rockets do not discriminate enough. - JZ, 5.11.01. - If they did, then a few small ones could be used from a distance to eliminate every tyrant, despot and dictator on earth, - without harming or endangering any, many or most of his victims. - Sniper rifles, handguns and knives can be much more discriminating than ABC mass murder devices or IBMs with conventional explosives could ever be. Already Machiavelli pointed out that a dozen courageous resistance fighters, each prepared to lay his life on the line, could eliminate any particular tyrant. There is no need for whole professional or revolutionary or conscript armies to get rid of them, by fighting his mercenaries or conscripts or bombing or shelling "his" cities. Prize incentives for his head could be offered and they would cost much less than e.g., the warlike regime change currently planned against Saddam Hussein's despotism and mass murder weapons preparations, expected to cost US 220 billion dollars. Give a new meaning to the old saying: "Every man has his price"! - Eliminate the victimizers rather than the victims. But, by all means, give even tyrants a public trial, in which they can be condemned, even in absentia, if they refuse to appear, and double the reward if they can be captured alive, to be publicly tried. (Grant him amnesty, anonymity and protection only if he destroys or surrenders are least one mass extermination device.) - More importantly, dissolve their strength by exclusively just war aims, sufficiently publicized in advance, and by separate peace treaties with all dissenting groups, including his armed forces, offering them full exterritorial autonomy for all their voluntary communities - and by practically demonstrating this liberty in our own countries, for our own dissenters, and accepting any number of refugees and deserters from his regime, offering them also this kind of personal law autonomy - under full employment conditions achieved by full economic freedom - for all those volunteering for it. - Then his supposed popularity, with 100% “voting” results, would rapidly dissipate. But as long as we threaten his victims more than him, many of them will stand by him and give us an expensive fight, reckoned in blood and money! - He has recently released all criminals from prison, to find at least some grateful allies among them. - JZ, 31.10.02. – At least in his case a high prize was put on his head. Was it paid? – JZ, 4.4.09. - BOMBING, AIR RAIDS, AIR POWER, WEAPONS, TYRANNICIDE, INDISCRIMINATE WARFARE, SMART POLICING ACTIONS VS. INDISCRIMINATE WARFARE

SMI²LE: SMI²LE was Leary’s new acronym for the Futurist Scenario he had derived from the Starseed Transmmissions. It means: Space Migration + Intelligence² + Life Extension. – Robert Anton Wilson on Timothy Leary, in Cosmic Trigger, p. 167.

SMIILE, SM I I LE: (Space Migration, Intelligence Increase, Life Extension) - Dangerous Buttons, No. 218.

SMILE: A smile is still the best make-up for a face. … The flag of truce in a world of strife. … The manner of wisdom. … Smile! If only for the lift it gives your company.” –Dagobert D. Runes, A Book of Contemplations, p.122. - It is the cheapest and easiest service you can offer to others to improve their mood. As long as it is a smile of friendliness and sympathy rather than a sign of looking down upon them or the forced smile of a sales person. – JZ, 4.6.08.

SMILE: Smile when you say the truth.” – Horaz, Satires, I.1.21. (Ridentem dicere verum.” – “Laechelnd die Wahrheit sagen.”) - TRUTH, HATRED, SERIOUSNESS, GOOD HUMOR

SMOKING: A smoking doctor is a contradiction in terms.” – JZ, 25.10.85. – So is a drinking one. – JZ, 2.6.08.

SMOKING: Annual global deaths: Alcohol: 1.8 million, Cigarettes: 4.9 million, Pharmaceuticals: 3.5 million, Cannabis: 0 =Zero! - Bretigne Shaffer shared THC Finder's photo. - Wall Photos - Global Deaths - by: THC Finder – Facebook, 14.3.12. – DRUG LAWS, POT, MARIHUANA, CANNBIS, TOBACCO, MEDICINES

SMOKING: Are you aware that your smoking may kill your wife? According to today’s news the wives of smokers (smoking 20 or more cigarettes a day) are twice as likely to die from lung cancer than those of non-smokers are! – JZ, 20.9.83. – People often talk about their love for their family – and yet they uphold so many things that make for war, even nuclear war and show very little serious interest in anything that would help to prevent such man-made disasters. Short-range thinking, or, rather, non-thinking, is involved here, too. – JZ, 19.6.08.

SMOKING: Baby chokes if mother smokes." - Headline in SUN HERALD, 24.11.74.

SMOKING: cigarette smoking, a form of voluntary self-pollution ..." - Jerome Tuccille, "Here Comes Immortality".

SMOKING: Don’t burn garbage too close to your mouth and lungs – and to other people’s noses, mouths and lungs. – JZ, 8/83, 19.6.08.

SMOKING: Don’t even think of smoking here.” – Sign seen in household of Fred Foldvary.

SMOKING: Everyone eventually stops smoking. Mother Nature - the most permissive of parents - sees to that. Those who smoke heaviest stop earliest." - Pat McGrady, The Savage Cell. - JOKES

SMOKING: Give Yourself a sporting chance. Don't Smoke!" - NSW Cancer Council, 14.1,79.

SMOKING: has a violent action in the nerve centers, producing degeneration of the cells of the brain, which is quite rapid among boys. Unlike most narcotics, this degeneration is permanent and uncontrollable. I employ no person who smokes cigarettes." - Thomas Edison, 1914.

SMOKING: Herein is not only a great vanity, but a great contempt of God's good gifts, that the sweetness of man's breath, being a good gift of God, should be willfully corrupted by this stinking smoke. A custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs, and in the black, stinking fume thereof nearest resembling the horrible Stygian smoke of the pit that is bottomless." - James I. of England, 1604, "A Counterblast to Tobacco."

SMOKING: I don't mind if the smokers smoke themselves to death. I dislike it only if they smoke me to death." - Noel Dennett, 30.6.75.

SMOKING: I have every sympathy with the American who was so horrified by what he had read on the effects of smoking that he gave up reading." - Lord Conesford, born 1892. - JOKES

SMOKING: I have never smoked in my life and look forward to a time when the world will look back with amazement and disgust to a practice so unnatural and offensive. To employ idle hours men could knit as women do." - G. B. Shaw, NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, 14.4. 1946.

SMOKING: If God had intended the human nose to be used for a chimney, he would have turned our nostrils up." - George Washington Carver.

SMOKING: If You Smoke, Don't Exhale!" - Office sign quoted in READER'S DIGEST, 5/75. - JOKES

SMOKING: Kiss a Non-Smoker, Taste the Difference." - Health Commission sticker, SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 17.8.78. - JOKES

SMOKING: Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.” – Anonymous - JOKES

SMOKING: Most people don't want much life in front of them, anyhow: They smoke. – JZ, 30.6.77. – Actually, by now smokers have become a minority. Only among women has smoking increased somewhat. – JZ, 27.2.14.

SMOKING: Netzwerk, Berlin, 4.12.86: Once again an assembly of people who smoke their own meat, lungs, hearts, livers, kidneys and brains. – If they were cannibals, they would at least bring the price of such delicacies down. They haven’t even had the sense of splitting into two meetings, one for smokers and one for non-smokers. – JZ

SMOKING: Nicotine: An important pesticide.” - L. L. Levinson, Webster’s Unafraid Dictionary.

SMOKING: Please don't smoke here. People try to breathe." – D.Z. adaptation of sticker seen at Petersilka’s Restaurant, in Canberra, 19.7.78. - JOKES

SMOKING: Really, I do not care if you smoke yourself to death – but, please, not in my company. – Heard on radio, 25.10.93. – JZ

SMOKING: Smokers are foolish enough to prefer artificially polluted air to clean air. – JZ, 24.1.93, 5.3.11.

SMOKING: Smokers are suckers. – JZ, 24.11.93.

SMOKING: smokers need not quit to avoid lung cancer. All they have to do is smoke in bed and they'll never have it." - John P. Conlon, worn-out firefighter, ANALOG, Feb. 2, 1981, p.177. - JOKES

SMOKING: Smoking among consenting adults is one thing. Smoking among dissenting adults and infants and babies, unable to protest, is another. – JZ, 4.9.92.

SMOKING: Smoking is a shocking thing – blowing smoke out of our mouths into other people’s mouths, eyes and noses, and having the same thing done to us.” – Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784, Boswell’s Tour to the Hebrides, Aug. 19, 1773. – TOBACCO

SMOKING: Smoking is not a 'calculated risk’, it is compulsive semi-suicide." - Albert, LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION, 8.11.75.

SMOKING: Smoking is pulmonary rape.” – Bumpersticker

SMOKING: Smoking Is Unconnected with Lung Cancer.” – “According to a report from the Medical Research Council, the mortality from lung cancer is twenty times greater among heavy smokers than among non-smokers. An independent medical study made in 1954 showed that for a person smoking forty cigarettes a day his chance was seventy times greater than for a non-smoker. About 80% of all lung cancer cases occurring in males today would not have occurred were it not for tobacco smoking. About 10% of males over the age of 25 who smoke in excess of 20 cigarettes daily will develop lung cancer by the age of seventy-five. – The death-rate from lung cancer is twice to four times as great in the large towns of Britain as it is in rural areas.” - Philip Ward, A Dictionary of Common Fallacies, p 235. - LUNG CANCER,

SMOKING: Smoking kills more Americans each year than alcohol, cocaine, crack, heroin, homicide, suicide, car accidents, fires and AIDS combined.” – N.Y. Metro advertisement, seen I Nov. 90. – JZ

SMOKING: Smoking never gives the sucker an even break. - JZ, 25.9.02. - TOBACCO

SMOKING: Smoking should be confined to consenting adults in private." - Quoted by Max Wiener in READER'S DIGEST, 1973.

SMOKING: Stop smoking! … It's wanted for murder." - Hospital sign, READER’S DIGEST quotation.

SMOKING: The best filter tip is: Don't smoke!" - From film: A Majority of One.

SMOKING: The current prices of cigarettes certainly make smoking a wealth hazard." - W. G. P.

SMOKING: The issue isn't should people smoke, the issue is should government regulate.  It is an issue that calls for personal and corporate responsibility, not government regulation." - Jeremy Harris, Mayor, City and County of Honolulu, - Who profits most from the tobacco addiction? The government, through taxation. - On the other hand, it may lose even more through health subsidies paid to the health care costs for smokers. But then the governments almost never examine costs and benefits of their actions in the long run and thus subscribe to many contradictory programs. - JZ, 29.10.02, 5.3.11. - TOBACCO

SMOKING: The man on the street has freedom to smoke, as long as he is on the street. But he may not enter a private house puffing nicotine without the owner's consent.” - Charles Goodman, THE FREEMAN, 1/78. - The streets are also public places and many smokers there can also be a nuisance and a threat to non-smokers. - JZ, 5.3.11.

SMOKING: the tobacco trade (one of the few professions where I consider the mandatory death penalty) … in introduction to The Sentinel, p.9. – Arthur C. Clarke? - (I not only make many spelling, typo and scanning mistakes, but do also and often omit necessary or desirable entries and my kind of editing does not find and correct all my mistakes. – I corrected a few, when I could do so without too much searching in my disorderly library. By all means, curse me, but do correct me! – JZ, 8.4.09.)

SMOKING: This is not your smoking den!” – JZ, 22.2.00.

SMOKING: To the average cigarette smoker the world is his ashtray.” – Alexander Chase, Perspectives, 1966. – To all too many other consumers the world is also their waste paper basket. – JZ, 3.6.08. – LITTERING

SMOKING: TO THE VISITOR: Cigarette smoke is the residue of your pleasure. It permeates the air and putrefies my hair and clothes not to mention my lungs. This takes place without my consent. I have a pleasure also. I like a can or two of the Fosters Beer now and then. The residue from my pleasure is urine. Would you be annoyed if I stood on a chair and pissed on your clothes without your consent?” - Source unknown to me but prominently displayed in my place. Not that cigar smoke or pipe smoke is any more welcome in my place. – Beer drinking is not one of my pleasures, either. - JZ, 29.5.08. Nor would I get any pleasure out of pissing on others, even if they “piss me off!” as the Australian slang has it. – JZ, 8.4.09.

SMOKING: Tobacco contains over 4000 chemicals, 39 of them cancer causing.” – Radio news, 7.3.95. – Between them, tobacco and alcohol, cause more health problems than all other narcotic drugs combined. – The money and manpower wasted on fighting the latter should rather be used for enlightenment on the former addictions. - JZ, 28.5.08. - TOBACCO, CANCER, ALCOHOL, DRUGS & DRUG WAR

SMOKING: Tobacco drieth the brain, dimmeth the sight, vitiateth the smell, hurteth the stomach, destroyeth the concoction, disturbeth the humors and spirits, corrupteth the breath, induceth a trembling of the limbs, exsiccateth the windpipe, lungs, and liver, annoyeth the milt, scorcheth the heart, and causeth the blood to be adusted.” – Tobias Venner, Via recta, 1620.

SMOKING: Tobacco Road – that runs into a dead end.” – Nathan Nielsen.

SMOKING: Tobacco surely was designed // To poison and destroy mankind.” - Philip M. Freneau (1752-1832), Tobacco, (1786, 1790). - TOBACCO

SMOKING: Tobacco: The Indian’s revenge.” – L. L. Levinson, Webster’s Unafraid Dictionary. – TOBACCO, JOKES

SMOKING: Tobacco? That's all right for people who want to cut down their life expectancy." - Ernest Taves, Luna One, GALAXY, July/Aug 73, p.156.

SMOKING: We're fighting for your life, don't smoke." - American Heart Association, GALAXY, 39/1, p.49.

SMOKING: what divers use to kill sharks in about 8 seconds is darts of nicotine." – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 3/77, p. 8.

SMOKING: Why should a puny piece of paper with some tobacco inside it be allowed to push you around?" - Courtney Ryley Cooper, in READER’S DIGEST, 4/64.

SMOKING: Would you be prepared to swallow 4800 different pills at the same time “for fun”? If not, then why inhale as many different chemicals with every cigarette? – 19.1.87. – Alas, source of this information was not noted by me. – If true, it should certainly be made more widely known. - JZ, 3.6.08. – POLLUTION, TOBACCO

SMOKING: You have the right to kill yourself - but not others! - JZ, 11.7.82.

SMUGGLING: English weavers made such poor cloth that they could not compete with the continental weavers. To aid them by destroying the continental weavers, Parliament prohibited the export of British wool to the Continent. Of course this measure would have ruined the English wool producers, thus raising the cost of wool to English weavers and making their cloth worse. But, as always in all past history, grafters and smugglers rescued commerce.” – Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.34.

SMUGGLING: For six thousand years under “planned” economies, a peaceful exchange of useful goods has survived by two means: smuggling and graft.” - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.167.

SMUGGLING: Most people are not free traders or panarchists - and yet many to most smuggle, given the chance and otherwise do their own things - to the extent that they expect to be able to get away with it. - JZ 10.8.87. - BLACK MARKETS, UNDERGROUND ECONOMY, FREE TRADE VS. LEGALIZED PROTECTIONISM, EXAMPLES OF THE PRACTICE OF EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY

SMUGGLING: Smuggler: A businessman who has no respect for a country’s customs.” – Anon. - Rather: He has more respect for the people’s customs than for their government’s laws. – JZ, 18.6.08. - JOKES

SMUGGLING: smugglers have always been popular with the people, but not with governments. But you don’t smuggle tonnage quantities of fertilizer. – You smuggle tobacco, whisky, medicinals, machine parts – things of high value/pound and things with high taxes or extreme shortages due to political causes. – Do that, and the populace loves you; the local cops won’t be very active, because they think it’s a good idea too. Don’t smuggle dope, though, or jewels-for-the-idle rich.” - John W. Campbell in: The John W. Campbell Letters, vol. 1, 1985 Eds.: Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr., et al., AC Projects Inc., ISBN 0-931150-16-7, p.416. & FREE TRADE

SMUGGLING: Smugglers make free trade a reality in a restricted area.” - Diane Nobel, FREEDOM TODAY, 12/75.

SMUGGLING: Support Free Trade – Smuggle! – Button of the Society for Libertarian Life.

SMUGGLING: The Greeks first appeared on the Egyptian coast as pirates clad in bronze, next as smugglers, welcomed by the people, but in opposition to the laws, and lastly as allies and honoured friends. …” Winwood Reade: The Martyrdom of Man, p.34.

SMUGGLING: There is nothing immoral about smuggling.” – Larry Niven, Tales of Known Space, p. 82. – Also in: “Inconstant Moon”, story: “At the Bottom of a Hole.” - It depends upon what is smuggled and to whom. E.g., nuclear weapons, chemical or biological mass murder devices to Nazis, Soviets or other terrorists or totalitarians. – JZ, 11.3.84, 19.6.08. – PROTECTIONISM, FREE TRADE

SMUGGLING: Torture and death could not stop smuggling, because human beings must live. The use of force in an attempt to control the natural uses of human energy always hinders, restricts and hampers those natural uses, but it can no entirely stop them. Smuggling, graft, and piracy have always been part of history until this last century, because they are necessary protection of human life against the monopoly protected by force, which is a “planned economy”. - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.38. – Piracy? – JZ – BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, PLANNING, CENTRAL PLANNING OF THE ECONOMY, STATE SOCIALISM

SMUGGLING: Whenever economic restrictions are imposed, smugglers make free trade possible again. They deliver Bibles to Russians, and Levis to Czechoslovakians, Laetrile to Americans, food for Jewish refugees and hard currency to inflation-weary Brazilians. With the exception of hard drug traffickers, smugglers provide a valuable and often essential service.” – Diane Nobel, FREEDOM TODAY, 12/75. – I would also exempt the smuggling of weapons to terrorists and despotic regimes or supplying them with nuclear weapons or facilities for manufacturing them. – JZ, 19.6.08.

SNUFF MOVIES: What is the difference between “snuff movies” and “war documentary movies”? In both the participants are paid to kill or be killed and the movie-makers are out to make a buck by shooting the shooting match in both cases. – JZ, 23.11.97. – Only when the killing is not real but faked is there a difference. – JZ, 2.6.08. – However, most soldiers are wrongfully indoctrinated into believing that they are patriots, heroes and doing good towards some rightful war and peace aims, although theses are never clearly described in details but merely in propaganda phrases, which appeal to popular errors, wrongful assumptions, conclusions, fallacies and prejudices. – JZ, 24.6.13. - WAR MOVIES (DOCUMENTARIES), QUITE RIGHTFUL WAR- & PEACE-AIMS, DECLARED IN TIME: THIS IS NEVER DONE BY TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS.

SOAK THE RICH: Since under our monopoly system only a few can accumulate any considerable amount of wealth, this method of appropriation appeals to popular envy; it makes its way with a soak-the-rich label. But the label turns out to be a false one, since the principle involved permits the application of direct taxes (*) to the most modest incomes. There are more poor than rich, and therefore their income in the aggregate is the largest mine to be tapped. To that every soak-the-rich tax must become in time a soak-the-poor tax.” – Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.272. – (*) Also of indirect taxes! – JZ, 19.6.08. – TAXATION, DIRECT & INDIRECT, POOR PEOPLE & MEDIUM INCOMES

SOAK THE RICH: Soak the rich is not an option. The bulk of takes will inevitably be paid by the bulk of the people.” – Viv Forbes, in 1977 talk: Mine Your Business. – And since progressive taxation destroys incentive and capital and thereby productivity, even among the poor and, naturally, among the rich, this policy, in the long run, tends to increase the tax burden on the poor. – JZ, 2.6.82. – PROGRESSIVE TAXATION, GRADUATED INCOME TAX

SOAK THE RICH: This is all in line with the ability-to-pay doctrine. The poor, simply because there are more of them, have more ability to pay than the rich. The national pay envelope contains more money than the combined treasuries of all the corporations of the country. The government could not for long overlook this rich mine. Political considerations, however, made the tapping of the pay envelope difficult. The wage earners have votes, many votes, and in order not to alienate these votes, it was necessary to devise some means for making the taxation of their incomes palatable. They had to be lulled into acceptance of “soak the poor”. – The drug that was concocted for this purpose was “social security”. (*) – Frank Chodorov, The Income Tax … p.52. - (*) Under the pretence that mainly or only the rich would be “soaked”. - SOCIAL SECURITY, TAXATION, TRIBUTES, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY IMPOSED UPON ALL, VOTING, POLITICS AS USUAL, WELFARE STATE FOR POOR & RICH ALIKE

SOCIAL ADJUSTMENT: It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” – Krishnamurti – Panarchism would also mean: Sick societies only for people sick in their heads and healthy societies, as far as their politics, economics and social relations are concerned only for correspondingly healthy people. Neither the sick nor the healthy societies should be territorially imposed upon whole populations. That could mean e.g. civil war between the abortionists and the anti-abortionists. – JZ, 8.8.08. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, ABORTIONS

SOCIAL BENEFIT: A social benefit is a benefit only if it is in the rational interest of every individual making up society. … this is a virtually impossible achievement for any man or group of men whoever well intentioned, …” - John Curvers, FREE ENTERPRISE, 4/76. - Except for some of the better and the best panarchistic societies of volunteers, which were chosen, by individual sovereign consumers for themselves, for the wanted rational social benefits it offers them, just like they make a choice now between the different insurance companies and their various services. - JZ, 5.3.11. - VOLUNTARISM, CHOICE, RATIONALITY, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, FREE ENTERPRISE SOVEREIGNTY & COMPETION IN THE PROVISION OF WANTED PUBLIC SERVICES

SOCIAL CONSCIENCE: A “social conscience” without economic knowledge and, instead, full of economic prejudices and errors, can only do wrong and harm to the whole population – unless it wastes and harms only the resources of a community of volunteers. – JZ, 28.12.92, 5.3.11, 27.2.14. - PANARCHISM OR POLYARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM

SOCIAL CONSCIENCE: Let everyone with a ‘social conscience” freely associate with others, who happen to have the same kind of social conscience notions – and let them do what they please – at their own risk and expense. – JZ, 9.9.76. – How many and what kinds of “social conscience” projects are we now forced to finance with our taxes? Are many or any of them quite justified? – Which ones? - JZ, 19.6.08. – POLYARCHISM / PANARCHISM: EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR VOLUNTEERS

SOCIAL CONSCIENCE: Why should your social feelings, opinions or ideas be decisive for me? Why should I be forced to help finance them? Of what interest are your priorities to me? You do not care about mine, either. Neither does the territorial State, not could it do so. – JZ, 1984? – SOCIAL OBLIGATIONS OR DUTIES, PUBLIC INTEREST, COMMON INTEREST, Q., TAXATION, WELFARE STATE, COMMON GOOD, TERRITORIALISM

SOCIAL CONTRACT: as Lysander Spooner points out inNo Treason”, a contract surrendering the rights and liberties of one of the parties is absurd and invalid in terms of common law.” – Kerry Wendell Thornley, FACTSHEET 5, 1985. – Rousseau said the same in his “Social Contract”, in terms of logic and reasoning. – Will we finally apply such thought to territorial governments and their subjects and no longer equate the insignificant individual political, territorial vote with individual consent? - JZ, 3.6.08. – Volunteers, under full exterritorial autonomy, can agree among themselves upon any kind of social contract, at their own risk and expense, without infringing the individual rights and liberties of non-members. - JZ, 5.3.11. - TERRITORIALISM, DEMOCRACY, MAJORITIES, VOTING, CONSENT, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, POLYARCHISM, PANARCHISM

SOCIAL CONTRACT: Civil society with Locke is constituted by a compact of the original members; a compact renewed from generation to generation in the person of every citizen when he comes to an age of discretion to choose his allegiance.” – Bliss, Encyclopedia of Social Reform, article on “natural rights”. – How many different definitions of “social contract” are there? How many make sense, agree with individual rights and liberties and natural law or natural rights principles and which do not? – Is this not an almost classical case for important contracts to be clearly put in writing and to by signed by all the individuals involved, possibly also to be witnessed? – Obviously, a “contract” agreed upon by people uncounted generations before us cannot be completely binding on all of us when we become adults, without it being clearly expressed in writing, and signed by each of us, once we are mature enough for this, especially when there are so many disagreements on what the supposed contract really means and when its existence is so often denied as it is. - JZ, 19.6.08, 5.3.11. - CONTRACTS, CONSENT, INDIVIDUALISM, SECESSIONISM, SOCIAL CONTRACT, VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, POLYARCHISM, PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, SELF-OWNERSHIP

SOCIAL CONTRACT: Every honest citizen of a free state owes it too himself, to the community, and especially to those who are at once weak and wronged, to go to their assistance and to help redress the wrongs.” - William Graham Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.140. - To what extent is every existing “State” not a “free State”? – JZ, 19.6.08. – According to the news records of governmental monopolistic emergency services, they often got largely only in the way of self-help measures, while practicing their monopolistic, territorial and hierarchical power games. - Some even stopped voluntary help offered from other countries. - JZ, 5.3.11. – Should one spend one’s whole life, time, energy and funds to help millions to billions of others who are worse off than one is oneself? I hold that most people could help themselves or be helped better by friends or family members if all individual rights and liberties were declared and realized, if all further wars were prevented, also all economic crises caused by governments and if all despotic and authoritarian territorial regimes were abolished. Charity, benevolence and good will are not the best way. – JZ, 27.2.14. Q. - MUTUAL ASSISTANCE IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS, VOLUNTARISM VS. TERRITORIALISM.

SOCIAL CONTRACT: In regard to the so-called social contract, I have often had occasion to protest that I haven’t ever seen the contract, much less been asked to consent to it. A valid contract requires voluntary offer, acceptance, and consideration. I’ve never received an offer from my rulers, so I certainly have not accepted one; and rather than consideration, I have received nothing but contempt from the rulers, who, notwithstanding the absence of any agreement, have indubitably threatened me with grave harm in the even that I fail to comply with their edicts. – Robert Higgs, quoted on Facebook, 6.10.13 by Bastiat Institute - Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) · 80,282 likes - UNDER TERRITORIALISM INSTEAD OF VOLUNTARISM

SOCIAL CONTRACT: In short, the true social contract is the market economy which alone can guarantee to the majority the fruits of their own efforts with the assurance that ‘public money’ is confined to helping the minority who cannot provide for themselves. Such a policy would not require governments to spend 60 pence in every pound of the national income as at present, but at most half that amount, …” - Ralph Harris, in “1985: An Escape From Orwell’s 1984”, ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson, p.18. - Once again, competitive private insurance, mutual aid societies and credit alternatives are ignored. - However, since all tax payers are forced to support the governments armed forces, while these are allowed to exist, they are entitled to get some help from them e.g. during natural catastrophes. - JZ, 5.3.11. – A true free market would also include the competitive supply of “public services” and full consumer sovereignty towards them, i.e. personal law societies, communities governance systems, all only for volunteers and without a territorial monopoly. – JZ, 28.2.14. – PERSONAL LAW SYSTEMS, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, A COMPLETE FREE MARKET

SOCIAL CONTRACT: Make social contracts explicit by voluntary membership, which involves individual secessionism and exterritorial autonomy for volunteer communities and peaceful coexistence as well as free competition between them. - JZ, 20.12.00, 2.2.02, 28.2.14. - & PANARCHISM

SOCIAL CONTRACT: No one has an obligation to keep someone else alive, unless, of course, there is some contract between the parties.” – David Taylor, 5.6.85. – According to some teachings, a social contract does exist, tacitly, between all rational beings or beings capable of becoming rational, to try to help each other against serious threats to life, limb, liberty and major property items. This right does not go so far as to demand self-sacrifice but it insists that one is prepared to risk something in the defence of basic rights of others. – Quite apart from private interrelationships, people in the West have so far risked all too little, even in thinking efforts, to restore the rights of people under totalitarianism. – JZ, 12.6.85. – Or even to clarify and secure their own rights, liberties and survival against the threat of nuclear war and the ever-growing powers of territorial governments. – JZ, 19.6.08, 5.3.11. – It is not the  job or duty of any single individual to look after all those in trouble among over 7 billion other human beings. Primarily, he must look after his own problems. By being a producer and exchanger he helps others most, under full freedom. By fully enlightening and liberating himself and his own conditions, he would help himself and others more. Beyond that he can only engage in some mutual aid, credits and help to some others, occasionally. He cannot help all others but should promote freedom and rights for self-help actions for all, e.g. by no longer resisting a basic right like free migration. – JZ, 28.2.14. - HUMAN RIGHTS, DUTIES OF HUMAN BEINGS, DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, A MILITIA FOR THEIR PROTECTION, CHARITY, BENEVOLENCE, FOREIGN AID, POVERTY, HELPING OTHERS, SELF-INTEREST, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY

SOCIAL CONTRACT: Rousseau never talked about an implicit or even signed social contract! He actually said: 1. No one is bound to a contract he hasn’t signed.  2.) No one can respresentatively sign a contract! 3. A Social Contract must not be enforced without consent. These terms however cannot be fulfilled by a State, not even a monarchy, rather exclusively by anarchocapitalism. Statists who want to legitimize a social contract should be prepared to cite Rousseau properly, assuming they are able to even read at all. – Stefan Kunze - Stefan Blankertz was tagged in Stefan Kunze's photo. – Facebook, 23.3.14. – I had commented: John Zube The anarcho-capitalists are not the only ones who are consistently voluntarists. Panarchists and polyarchists, meta-utopians and advocates of competing governance systems advocate voluntarism and tolerance not only for anarcho-capitalists but also for all kinds of statists willing to confine their statism to their volunteers, under personal law and to tolerate any non-statist society or community for its volunteers, however rare such statists still are at present. Consistent voluntarists are rare, too. Anarcho capitalists have no monopoly on tolerance, freedom of association, freedom of contract and freedom of experimentation. - Stefan Kunze liked that. - VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, TOLERANCE, STATISM  & ANARCHO-CAPITALISM, ROUSSEAU

SOCIAL CONTRACT: Social Contract and Constitutions « Chaos Manor – Jerry Pournelle - - One should distinguish between social contracts signed by individual volunteers and those signed by politicians, supposedly in the interest of all the people living in a territory. - JZ, 26.9.11, on Facebook. – VOTING, TERRITORIALISM, CHOICE, CONSENT, VOLUNTARISM, COMPULSION, STATE, STATISM & TERRITORIAL CONSTITUTIONS, JURISDICTION, GOVERNANCE, LAWS

SOCIAL CONTRACT: Tacit agreement between all rational beings to help each other in emergencies. – JZ, n.d.

SOCIAL CONTRACT: The “social contract” is a vague term, much misunderstood and misinterpreted in many ways, and since it is not documented and witnessed, also altogether denied by many. What a contract means is relatively clear. It can be a merely implied, an express verbal and a written one. What “social” means is open to hundreds of different interpretations, from rational, just and individualistic to statist ones in xyz varieties. If one does not jump to the false conclusion that there can or should be only one social contract – for all societies, all populations, all States, i.e. a social contract as part of a territorial State, then in that State only one interpretation of it can be realized, at least somewhat, in that State. If, however, one stresses the variety of the interpretation of “social” and “society” and also stresses the “contract” part of the term, seeing that genuine contracts are voluntarily entered and can be terminated, and that they can deal with an unlimited number of subjects, then one should have considered the possibility of xyz different “social contracts” for xyz groups, communities or societies of volunteers, e.g. for all dissenting minorities. Then, if one would consider other forms of decentralization than territorial ones (with e.g. a separate territory for every sect or ideological, racial or national group), but would takes into consideration the past experience with and future possibilities of exterritorial autonomy and personal law options (Yesterday I got 237 million search results for “personal law” from Google! – JZ, 28.2.14.) for volunteers, then one would arrive at panarchism, under which xyz different “social contracts”, constitutions, conventions, first principles, bills of rights and duties, would be at the same time and in the same country experimented with – always only among their volunteers. Perhaps, after centuries of such peaceful and coexistent voluntary experimentation we might arrive at a stage where all people but infants, mental cases and psychopaths would agree upon a single “social contract” for all human beings. – But we are still far from such an enlightened stage. (It is also possible, if not even likely, that individual preferences for social contracts will become more and more diverse. Compare the multiplication of consumer goods and services and of different jobs. - JZ, 5.3.11.) What we could practice, peacefully, rightfully, rationally, is: Each of the different social contracts applies only to those who subscribe to it, for all their internal affairs. Non-aggression, non-meddling and non-interventionism should be the practice for all their external affairs. That would not exclude freedom of expression and information, freedom of movement, free migration, free trade and all kinds of monetary and financial, clearing, credit and insurance arrangements. Until an ideal international law, largely based upon an ideal declaration of all genuine individual rights and liberties is developed, (it is, alas, still to be compiled or published) one could, in the meantime, adopt e.g. Jerome Internoscia’s “New Code of International Law”, published 1910 in 3 languages, side by side on a page, as a provisional code for all international relations of the diverse panarchies of volunteers, with the provision that any deviation from it should be sufficiently and publicly justified. Then and thus, and very gradually, an ideal international law might be developed. – A suggestion by Ulrich von Beckerath, 1882-1969, in my words. - JZ, 7.10.85, 1.6.08. - Even the best human rights declaration and social contract that can be formulated should not be made territorially compulsory for all people in their own affairs. Only respect for these rights and contract clauses, in the affairs of others, i.e., to the extent that they expressly claimed them for themselves, should be demanded and enforced. – I.e.: ZAP: Zero Aggression Principle or non-intervention in the affairs of others. - JZ, 5.3.11, 28.2.14. – FIRST PRINCIPLES, ZAP, INTERNATIONAL LAW, JEROME INTERNOSCIA, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, NON-INTERVENTION EXCEPT TO PROTECT BASIC RIGHTS & FREE CONTRACTS AGAINST INTERVENTIONISTS

SOCIAL CONTRACT: The social contract is an invisible, not documented, not signed but tacitly implied one – among all somewhat enlightened and civilized people upon mutual non-aggression and a degree of mutual aid at least in emergency cases. – JZ, 8.4.98. - Since it is so important, it should be detailed in writing and signed and supported by all those, who wish to benefit from it. Otherwise, we will get all sorts of misinterpretations of them by rulers and bureaucrats. Different communities and societies of volunteers should also be free to have their own social contracts, just like their own management, institutions, personal law, enforcement and juridical institutions. One social contract, that is not even clearly expressed in writing and not signed by all of the adult population, can, obviously not be suitable and binding for all of these very diverse adults and their preferences, no more so than any territorial constitutions, laws and institutions are. - JZ, 5.3.11.

SOCIAL CONTRACT: this contract is a mere idea of reason, which has undoubted practical reality; namely, to oblige every legislator to give us laws in such a manner that the laws could have originated from the united will of the entire people and to regard every subject in so far as he is a citizen (*) as though he had consented to such [an expression of the general] will. This is the testing stone of the rightness of every publicly-known law, for if a law were such that it was impossible for an entire people to give consent to it (as for example a law that a certain class of subjects, by inheritance, should have the privilege of the status of lords), then such a law is unjust. On the other hand, if there is a mere possibility that a people might consent to a (certain) law, then it is a duty to consider that (or whether? - JZ) the law is just, even though at the moment the people might be in such a position or have a point of view that would result in their refusing to give their consent to it if asked. (Theory and Practice, 297; Friedrich, 421-2).” – Kant, in Murphy’s The Philosophy of Kant, p. 111. - (*) Here he seems to have envisioned panarchies of volunteers. – JZ, 7.6.08 - However, towards the end of this passage he did not clearly enough insist upon voluntarism and consent but, rather, upon the enforcement of laws supposed to be just. - And he still seemed to have believed in the possibility of the united will of a whole territorial population. - JZ, 5.3.11.)

SOCIAL CONTRACT: We don’t just need one social contract but many and diverse ones. As many as are wanted. All only for the members communities of volunteers, who are only exterritorially autonomous and thus can rightfully and peacefully coexist and compete with each other. – JZ, 27.7.98, 5.3.11. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW

SOCIAL CONTRACT: We each owe to the other to guarantee mutually the chance to earn, to possess, to learn, to marry, etc., etc., against any interference which would prevent the exercise of those rights by a person who wishes to …” - William Graham Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.141.

SOCIAL CONTRACT: We each owe to the other to guarantee rights. Rights do not pertain to RESULTS, but only to CHANCES. They pertain to the CONDITIONS of the struggle for existence, not to any of the results of it; to the PURSUIT of happiness, not to the possession of happiness. - William Graham Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.141. ( Underlining by me: JZ ) - RIGHTS

SOCIAL CONTRACT: What is the Social Contract? Is it an agreement between citizen and government? No, for this would still be to remain trapped within the same idea. The social contract is an agreement between man and man, from which what we call society must emerge. Here the notion of commutative justice, established by the primitive fact of exchange and defined by Roman law, is replaced by that of distributive justice, which has been dismissed without appeal by the Republican critics. Translate the legal terms contract and commutative justice into the language of affairs, and you have COMMERCE. That is, in the most elevated sense, the action by which men, declaring themselves to be essentially producers, renounce all claims to governing each other. - Commutative justice, rule by contract, or in other words, rule by economics and industry, these are all different synonyms expressing the idea whose advent must abolish the old system of distributive justice, rule by laws, or to be more concrete, the feudal, governmental or military regime. The future of mankind lies in this change. …” - Proudhon, in S. Edwards, Proudhon, p.96.

SOCIAL CONTRACT: Why can we not agree to let each live his own life, neither of us transgressing the limit that separates our individualities? It is by this reasoning that mankind is approaching the real social contract, which is not, as Rousseau thought, the origin of society, but rather the outcome of a long social experience, the fruit of its follies and disasters. If is obvious that this contract, this social law, developed to its perfection, excludes all aggression, all violation of equality of liberty, all invasion of every kind.” – Benjamin R. Tucker

SOCIAL CREDIT: It ignores freedom of note issue, free choice of value standards and supports a kind of paper money by the government, without realizing that the government can and sometimes has issued sound paper money without rare metal cover and redemption but accounting in rare metal value units, without compulsory acceptance and a forced value (legal tender) in general circulation and this merely on the basis of tax foundation, by which only the tax authorities have to accept it at any time in payment of taxes at its face value. That suffices to keep up a tax foundation note issue at par with its nominal value for up to 3 months of tax revenue expected, if historical evidence is any guide. While Adam Smith mostly only discussed gold cover and gold redemption currency, in a short and neglected passage he made a remark that indicated that he was aware of the tax foundation option, i.e. giving a paper money value through a strong demand for it. The compulsory taxation aspect makes it wrong. But it works also for voluntary taxation and contribution schemes. In his 3rd, monetary freedom book Ulrich von Beckerath described this for public insurance companies. See - Payment methods have changed since then, so the period indicating the safe issue volume might be shorter or longer. At the first sign of refusals to accept such notes and of a small discount for them among others, further issues should be stopped, until the par-value is restored, by the discounted notes being withdrawn in tax-payments with them at par. Then more could be issued again, while the par value is restored and maintained. Thus the issue limit, for the time being, is determined and can serve as a guide. But many Social Credit advocates neither agree on this nor on many other points. One of them even told me, many years ago, that not even two of them would fully agree with each other. Seeing the variety of views among the other monetary reformers as well, I was not greatly surprised - although that guy probably exaggerated a bit. Social Credit people are often fanatic about realizing their system country-wide by a territorial government. They have this in common with the followers of Silvio Gesell, but among these there were at least some tolerant people, like e.g. Paul Nagel, Karl Walker and Heinz Peter Neumann. Others have come away from their former intolerance as Gesellians, e.g. Christian Butterbach and Uwe Timm and adopted tolerant libertarian positions in this sphere as well. Moreover, quite a few Gesellians adopted the experimental method for their system, i.e. did not wish to wait until they had persuaded a government to territorially impose the system. I do not know what percentage of them is now tolerant enough to be satisfied with trying out their scheme among volunteers only. An intense discussion on some details of their system does still seem to go on among them, according to some emails that I have received. In essence they wish to accelerate the circulation of their money, by a kind of tax or stamp duty on it, so that thereby any money shortage would be overcome, in their opinion. Instead of adopting freely the value standard of their choice, they wish to achieve a stable currency through keeping the price index stable. They also advocate their kind of land reform. That a currency shortage could be more naturally overcome by freedom of note issue for optional and market rated money - or by an expansion of the clearing system - was not seen by Silvio Gesell and many of his original followers, possibly not by many of his present followers either. That advances in science and technology etc. should lead to lower prices for goods - but not for personal services, is ignored by their insistence on stabilizing the price index. However, to the extent that they and the Social Credit followers of Major Douglas are satisfied with tolerant experiments among volunteers, their systems are unobjectionable for all others. There is also a right to make mistakes at the own expense and risk. Their volunteers deserve their self-chosen systems. - JZ, 25.2.11. - SILVIO GESELL, MAJOR DOUGLAS.

SOCIAL DARWINISM: In addition to the idea of the “Forgotten Man”, Mencken accepted the prime tenet of Social Darwinism: that the fittest should survive, and that those unfit would be eliminated if the government did not intervene. Social Darwinists opposed reform on the grounds that it would interfere with natural selection. Again, Mencken widened the scope beyond business competition, but the idea was still there: those who could not make the grade should not.” – R. Dale Grinder, LIBERTARIAN ANALYSIS, Vol. I, No.3. – Obviously, it is mostly not a matter of survival but of higher or lower positions and incomes. And since there are many different ideas about what, if anything, should be done with or for those with lower or no income, why should there not be set up xyz different panarchies, each trying to solve this problem in their own and different ways? Or simply leaving it to other panarchies to solve it for their members. A single solution for a problem does not necessarily have to be applied to all people in a territory, especially not to the dissenters. But there are problems, which should be a concern for everyone, e.g. the destruction of all ABC mass murder devices in the hands of anyone or any institution, the absence of a clear declaration of all individual rights and liberties and of a declaration of quite rightful war- and peace aims, in agreement with all individual rights and liberties and the different individual and group choices, which can be made under them. – JZ, 19.6.08, 28.2.14. - PANARCHISM, EVOLUTION, DEVELOPMENT, PROGRESS, SURVIVAL, REFORMS, DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES & OF RIGHTFUL WAR- & PEACE AIMS, POVERTY, LOW INCOME EARNERS

SOCIAL DARWINISM: You may not be aware that evolutionary theory is not about “survival of the fittest”, it’s about “survival of the fit” – and that makes all the difference. The misquote is elitist, even fascist. The proper quote implies that anything that works is okay.” - L. Neil Smith, Lever Action, A Mountain Media Book, 2001,, p.67. – If the wrong version of this slogan were true then the population of this earth would be as scarce as Olympic winners are. – JZ, 27.9.07. - EVOLUTION, SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST OR THE FIT OR THOSE, WHO ARE FIT ENOUGH? EVOLUTION, DARWINISM

SOCIAL DEMOCRATS: In effect, he was calling for the piecemeal approach to socialism as espoused by European social democrats, a kind of Chinese water torture approach to socialism; drop by drop its breaks down your will to resist over the long run.” – Jerome Tuccille: “Who’s Afraid of 1984?”- p.27. - Both, the State Socialists and their opponents seem to have forgotten about e.g. voluntary and cooperative socialism. They could be radically and fast realized under full freedom - but only for their supporters, under the experimental freedom of panarchism, that utilizes the exterritorial autonomy or personal law alternatives for volunteers. - Social Democratic panarchies - only for their supporters. All other archies and anarchies only for their supporters! - JZ, 5.3.11. - STATE SOCIALISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW

SOCIAL DUTIES: The preaching in England used all to be done to the poor – that they ought to be contented with their lot and respectful to their betters. Now, the greatest part of the preaching in America consists in injunctions to those who have taken care of themselves to perform their assumed duty to take care of others. Whatever may be one’s private sentiments, the fear of appearing cold and hard-hearted causes these conventional theories of social duty and these assumptions of social fact to pass unchallenged.” - William Graham Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.16. – Under full awareness of all individual rights and liberties hardly any involuntary poverty would remain and that could be largely covered by rightful, voluntary and freely competing insurance and credit systems. – JZ, 28.2.14. - WELFARE STATE, NATIONALIZED CHARITY, SHARING, COMPULSORY REDISTRIBUTIONISM, ANTI-CAPITALISM MENTALITY, POVERTY

SOCIAL ENGINEERING: If civil engineering were as perilous as social engineering, you’d be wise to never cross a bridge.” - John Laws, Book of Uncommon Sense, PAN, 1995, p.100. - COMPARED WITH CIVIL ENGINEERING, JOKES

SOCIAL ENGINEERING: social engineers, who never failed to omit the human factor from their careful, foolproof plans, …” - L. Neil Smith, The Wardove, p.31. - & THE HUMAN FACTOR

SOCIAL ENGINEERING: The ultimate, unforgivable sin that would-be social engineers like Seybelman could never tolerate was a world that didn’t need them. And a free world would be such a world.” - James P. Hogan, The Mirror Maze, p.234. – However, social engineers not intending to impose their utopia territorially, on unwilling subjects, could almost always find some volunteers and with them should be free to engage in their kind of political, social and economic experiments. We might even learn something from them. At least they would provide deterrent educational examples. Successes arise often out of many preceding failures closely enough examined. – JZ, 6.6.08. – EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, UTOPISM, PANARCHISM, RULERS, POLITICIANS, PLANNERS, REFORMERS, GOVERNMENTS, A FREE WORLD, FAILURES & SUCCESSES

SOCIAL ENGINEERING: We scientific engineers have the unchanging laws of chemistry, physics, and the other natural sciences to guide our efforts. By means of those laws, when we come to understand them, we can predict the behavior of the materials and forces of nature. But the social engineers either know nothing of nature’s immutable laws, or choose to ignore them. Instead, they have their man-made and variable laws of compulsions, prohibitions, and other restrictions on the free actions of individuals. By means of these, they claim, they can compel the behavior of men in a manner that will redound to the good of mankind!” – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.67. - ALTRUISM, COERCION, COMPULSION, LAWS, WELFARE STATE, PROHIBITIONS, RESTRICTIONS 

SOCIAL EVILS: It has been well said that, while we used to suffer from social evils, we now suffer from the remedies for them.” – Friedrich A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty, quoted in THE FREEMAN, 12/73. – WELFARE STATE, STATE SOCIALISM, PROBLEMS, SOLUTIONS, LAWS, REFORMS BY GOVERNMENTS, MONETARY & FINANCIAL DESPOTISM, PROTECTIONISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, NATIONALISM, WAR AGAINST DRUGS & POVERTY

SOCIAL FREEDOM: The question of whether a rich man should give up some of his desires in order to let a poor man achieve some of his is primarily a moral issue not an economic one. And there is no distinction, either, between ‘economic freedom’ and ‘social freedom’. All freedom is social. Free speech is social. But after freely speaking with someone you might both agree to swap your apples for his tomatoes That’s social too. Free trade is social.” – Terry Arthur, 95% Is Crap, p.186. - ALTRUISM, MORALITY, CHARITY, FOUNDATIONS, FREE TRADE, FREE EXCHANGE, BARTER, CLEARING, FREEDOM,

SOCIAL GAINS: Social gains’, as the term is used today, does not mean the economic progress earned by a particular group in free trade on a free market, but the unearned advantages or handouts granted to it by the government, which means: extorted by legalized force from the productive efforts of other groups. … It divorces achievement from rewards, or production from distribution, and redistributes a country's wealth, penalizing the more productive in favor of the less productive.” - Ayn Rand, Progress or Sacrifice, LA TIMES, July 1, 1962. - PROGRESS, UNEARNED INCOME, PRIVILEGES, SUBSIDIES, HAND-OUTS, OFFICIAL CHARITY, WELFARE STATE, WAR AGAINST POVERTY

SOCIAL GAINS: The significant thing about our mad rush toward government controls over our lives is that so few of us realize that freedom in America is dying as a result of it. On the contrary, every restraint on freedom is now called, of all things, a “social again”. Yet every so-called social gain seems to be, without exception, an abolition of freedom. I cannot think of a single such “social gain” where a person is free to participate on the basis of his own best judgment. I cannot find a single social gain that has not forced some persons to conform to the ideas and wills of other persons, whether or not they wished to do so.” – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.67. , PREJUDICES, STATISM, SOCIALISM, TOLERANCE, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, DISSENTERS, FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT, FREE CHOICE, FREE EXCHANGE, FREE ENTERPRISE & CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY IN EVERY SPHERE, INTOLERANCE, CONTROLS, COERCION, COMPULSION, TERRITORIALISM

SOCIAL GOOD: No social good is worth the price of liberty.” – D. W. Brogan, Proudhon, p. 6. - The "social goods" offered by territorial governments are never worth their costs in tax funds and in individual rights and liberties. Competitive insurance and credit schemes could do much better. - JZ, 5.3.11, 28.2.14 – TAXATION, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SOCIAL IMPROVEMENTS: most schemes for social improvements are very laughable things. – Dr. Samuel Johnson to Boswell, quoted in GALAXY, 3/77, p.123. – UTOPIAS, REFORMS, LAWS, WELFARE STATE, LEGISLATION

SOCIAL INSURANCE, VOLUNTARY & COMPETITIVELY SUPPLIED: Rational people would insure themselves sufficiently, if the government had left sound insurance options open, competitively supplied and not government regulated and not subjected to monetary and financial despotism. If they don't then they will be dependent on charity of family members, friends, or strangers. Private and unregulated old age insurance can offer very much - but is not allowed to do so. I put some hints on this in my free banking a to z which is online at - Re health: Normally, a working person should earn enough to pay doctors, medicine costs and short hospital stays. For catastrophic events there is catastrophe insurance - and it is relatively cheap, since catastrophes are rarities. – JZ, on Facebook, comment to Tough Luck, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty -

SOCIAL INSURANCE: All those employers, who through the employer’s share in social insurance contributions, made possible only through conducting a successful business, have contributed to or made possible relatively high pensions for their former employees, should also, in case they were expropriated, had to flee, or otherwise were impoverished, get at least the same kind of old age pension as their former employees do. I am thinking especially of the case of Mr. Kislat, with whom Ulrich von Beckerath had a long and interesting correspondence, in German, offered digitized by me. He had to flee from the Sudetengau, during the last weeks of WW II, where he had owned a factory, to East Germany, where he “lived” in abysmal poverty, on a social service hand-out that could only assure slow starvation. (In West Germany he would have got much more in social service payments.) Obviously, not all employers end up rich in their old age retirement. They, too, were exploited for decades by the compulsory social insurance of their employees but get nothing in their old age out of their contributions. Why not? At least in cases of extreme poverty that was not self-caused! Since only a fraction of all employers are involved and the employers come to only a fraction of the employees, the social insurance companies, without a bias and for better public relations, should and could take care of these few cases as well. For all too long these people were also the unpaid slaves of the social insurance companies, by keeping records for them and deducting and paying their shares and the employee’s shares of these insurance contributions. I am thinking mainly of old age insurance, not of health and unemployment insurance. To the extent that they had taken out a private old age insurance, this was usually also destroyed via government-caused inflation or the use of such funds for armament and other war expenses. – Under competitive and cooperative or private social insurance, they would be paid for their services to such companies and could have taken out sound and safe enough private insurance contracts and would not be formally forced to pay an employer’s “share”, which is actually still a part of the total wage, of which the employees get paid out correspondingly less. But let’s accept the official fiction of them contributing “their share” out of their own means. At least they are compulsory “partners” and unpaid agents of the compulsory social insurance institutions and their insured and are getting nothing for such prolonged slave labors. – “Social justice” legislation is often very unjust. – “A small instance of injustice can reveal a great injustice.” (Free version, after a remark by Kant.) - JZ, 28.9.03, 31.10.07. – Perhaps, for each of them an estimate could be made on how much they had paid in taxes and in social security contributions. Compared with that their social service pension costs, in case they would need it, would be really only “small fish”. – JZ, 28.2.14. - OLD AGE SECURITY, SOCIAL SECURITY FOR FORMER EMPLOYERS, WHO ENDED UP IN POVERTY

SOCIAL INSURANCE: Social insurance was a misnomer which sought to cash in on the reputation of private insurance (*) whilst sinking deeper into losses that had to be made good by subsidies from general taxation.” – Ralph Harris and Arthur Seldon, Not from Benevolence, p.14. - Moreover, the “social insurance” of governments was based upon monetary despotism, with its great tendency towards inflations, deflations and stagflations. Furthermore, there are the abuses of these “insurance” funds for general government expenditures, due to Trustee Acts, enforcing the purchase of government “securities” with these insurance funds, “securities”, governmental securities that were and are really “insecurities”: If redeemed at all, they are repaid in inflated paper money and by the insured people themselves, in form of additional tax amounts. Insofar a double payment is involved, first in the form of social insurance contributions, then in form of taxes, to repay the forced loans, which governments had taken out of the social insurance funds. Almost everybody pays twice for his insurance. First as compulsory contributor, then as taxpayer. The Nazis, for instance, financed much of their armament with these funds, the present authoritarian and territorial Welfare States much of their welfarism. And that kind of abuse goes on and on, quite legally and neither the “insurers” nor the “insured” seem to care sufficiently about this abuse. – Least of all our Big Brothers, our “protectors”, the politicians and legislators. The system has also led to the levy principle being applied, rather than the investment principle, so that the contributions are large and the returns small. - (*) Which, in the now distant past, was largely based on stable currencies rather than on inflated paper monies. - JZ, 19.6.08. – “SOCIAL SECURITY”

SOCIAL INSURANCE: The only old age insurance that the politicians and bureaucrats look after very well - is their own. – JZ, 1.4.00. - OLD AGE PENSIONS, POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS

SOCIAL JUSTICE: a Nobel Laureate recently recorded that, after ten years of trying to discover the meaning of what is called “social justice”, he had concluded that, ‘with reference to a society of free men, the phrase has no meaning whatsoever’ (Hayek 1978, p. 57).” - Anthony Flew, The Politics of Procrustes, p.93.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: a semantic fraud from the same stable as “People’s Democracy”. – Charles Curran, THE SPECTATOR, July 6, 1958, p.8. – Or “consent” by territorial voters, amounting at best to majority despotism and “representation” by territorial  politicians, who at most represent only the majority and at worst only special lobbies. – JZ, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: all men considered merely as men and apart from their conduct or choice have a claim to an equal share in all those things … which are generally desired and are in fact conducive to their well being.” – O.K.: To everyone e.g. a new car and a nice house of his own! Perhaps even a helicopter, a jet and a yacht? - However, at whose expense? – JZ, 11.11.04, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Any deviation from justice is injustice. – JZ, 4.10.95. 

SOCIAL JUSTICE: As for social justice, that has become a code word for taking money from workers and giving it to the parasites on the government payroll. (And I am not referring to all government workers as parasites here; just the ones who plunder in the name of the Poor.)” – Either Paul Kurtz or Dr. Peter Breggin in: SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, Jan. 80.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: As Hayek once pointed out, social is a “weasel word (which) has acquired the power to empty the nouns it qualifies of their meaning.” - Margaret Thatcher, Statecraft, 2002, p.432, HarperCollins, – quoting Hayek, “Our Poisoned Language”, in “The Fatal Conceit”, p.14.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: I am certain that nothing has done so much to destroy the juridical safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice. - Friedrich von Hayek, quoted in 

SOCIAL JUSTICE: if ever there was an empty phrase, this is it. The word ‘justice’ on its own covers behaviour between people in a society – in other words it includes ‘social’ justice. So social justice must either conflict with justice or be meaningless. Take your pick. Yet the phrase is on nearly every politician’s lips as the big issue of the moment.” – Terry Arthur, 95 % Is Crap, p.8.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: In the practice of so-called social justice, the individual is ignored, absolutely! Instead, the population and the economy are dealt with in enormous lumps: individuals are vaguely classified into the haves and the have-nots, treated as voting blocs of farmers, wage earners, old folks, oppressed minorities, disaster victims, slum dwellers, and countless other legions in “the war on poverty”. – Social justice is the game of “robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul.” – Leonard E. Read, Who’s Listening? p.96. – Underlining by me. – JZ – WAR ON POVERTY, REALLY A WAR AGAINST THE POOR

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you - and why?" - Walter E. Williams, quoted by Douglas B. Rasmussen sharing Bastiat Institute's photo. – Facebook, 7.2.13. – PROPERTY RIGHTS, Q.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Lofty talk about 'social justice' or 'fairness' boils down to greatly expanded powers for politicians, since those pretty words have no concrete definition. They are a blank check for creating disparities in power that dwarf disparities in income - and are far more dangerous." - Thomas Sowell – “Positive legislation” in whole avalanches, more and more removed from “the law”, benefitting, wrongly, mainly only the power addicts and the handout recipients. The opposite to sound, private and competitive insurance and credit arrangements. – JZ, 28.2.14. - FAIRNESS, POWER, POLITICIANS, INJUSTICE, GOVERNMENTALLY ORGANIZED OVER WHOLE POPULATIONS, BUREAUCRAY, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

SOCIAL JUSTICE: nothing has done so much to destroy the juridical safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice. … this ideal which almost everybody seems to believe to have a definite meaning but which proves more completely devoid of such meaning the more one thinks about it.” – F. A. Hayek, Economic Freedom and Representative Government, p.13. – A MIRAGE & NOT A NICE ONE, EITHER

SOCIAL JUSTICE: One advocates “social justice” only as long as it reduces the incomes of the others and not the own.” - Uwe Timm, Gesammelte Schriften, S.140. -

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Rather than performing the traditional role of upholding private property, the law has become a respectable instrument of larceny in the hands of the people and has taken the lead in abrogating the property rights it once so nobly upheld. Larcenous crimes for ill-gotten gain, once practiced darkly in secret, have assumed the honorable guise of social justice and boldly moved to the halls of government ... The formerly venerated halls of government ... have become a disgraceful affront to every concept of human decency. - Robert K. Newell, quoted by Anja Hartleb on Facebook, 14.2.12. - TAXATION, WELFARE STATE

SOCIAL JUSTICE: So-called social justice is man’s greatest injustice to man, antisocial in every respect; not the cement of society, but the lust for power and privilege and the seed of man’s corruption and downfall. – Finally, social justice in no way fits the claim of its advocates: an expression of mercy and pity. These virtues are strictly personal attributes and are expressed only in the voluntary giving of one’s own, never in the seizure and redistribution of someone else’s possessions. – Morally and ethically motivated citizens can condone a philosophy of so-called social justice only if they fail to see its terrible injustice.” – Leonard E. Read, Who’s Listening? p. 97. – COERCIVE & WRONGFUL RE-DISTRIBUTIONISM, TAXATION, TRIBUTE LEVIES & GOVERNMENTAL HAND-OUTS, WELFARE STATE

SOCIAL JUSTICE: social justice fails to comport with true justice, respect for free choice; indeed, the phrase provides an apt example of a contradiction in terms – justice focuses upon individual action, social justice upon concerted coercive conduct.” – Ridgway K. Foley, Jr., THE FREEMAN, Aug. 77, p.498.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Social justice is neither social nor just nor a sensible combination of the two terms. – Instances: Minimum wage laws, rent control, price control. - JZ, 20.8.95, 28.5.08.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Social justice is no more justice than People’s Democracy is democracy.” – Anthony Flew, The Politics of Procrustes, p.61. -

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Social Justice isn’t justice. As a deviation from justice it amounts rather to organized and enforced injustice. – JZ, 25.8.93.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: SOCIAL JUSTICE OR JUSTICE? - Spencer Heath, Citadel, Market and Altar, heading of chapter III. – Social justice in its various interpretations amounts mainly to major injustices. – JZ, 6.6.08.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Social justice should not contradict individual justice either in theory or in practice … It’s pretty callous to forcibly deprive me of the fruit of my labour for the benefit of some other individual who didn’t sweat my sweat. I don’t consider that social justice.” – Prof. Walter E. Williams, 1982.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Social justice, as it has been called, cannot be achieved by government because the more it attempts to do the more it spreads injustices, inherent in the exercise of force.” – Clarence B. Carson, THE FREEMAN, 6/76, p.353. – GOVERNMENT, JUSTICE

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Social Justice” can take a free society into still deeper and more treacherous waters if it is applied not only to equality of opportunity but also to equality of outcomes. Inequalities are the inevitable price of freedom. If people are left free to make their own decisions, some will respond more prudently and imaginatively than others. And, on top of that, some will have good luck and others won’t. There is, in any case, no agreed set of criteria by which wealth and other advantages could be apportioned to the deserving. Even if there were, there is no possibility of government or any body acquiring all the necessary information to make the judgment. And finally, since governments are only human after all, and politicians are particularly human on this score, there is every likelihood that horse-trading, influence peddling and old-fashioned corruption will very soon be at work.” - Margaret Thatcher, Statecraft, 2002, HarperCollins, – p.432. - EQUALITY, INEQUALITY, FREEDOM & POLITICS,

SOCIAL JUSTICE: the gravest threat to most other values of a true civilization.” – Why? Because to demand ‘social justice’ is to make out that ‘society’ is responsible for relative differences in wealth and living standards that stem from differences in native ability and initiative, and that ‘society’ should iron them out. Since ‘society’ is not some great disembodied being, what this boils down to in practice is the demand that the government should play the part of the leveler. In Britain, higher incomes are virtually confiscated by the government and high earners driven into exile, on the grounds that it is ‘unjust’ that some people should earn noticeable more than others. – There is a campaign to abolish grammar schools and hospital pay beds, on the grounds that it is ‘unjust’ that some families should have opportunities that are not open to others – no matter what sacrifices they have to make to achieve them. - As Hayek observes, the demand for social justice is part of ‘an ideology born out of the desire to achieve complete control over the social order, and the belief that it is in our power to determine every aspect of the social order.’ - Prof. Friedrich A. Hayek,  underlined segments, quoted in “In Defence of Freedom”, ed. by K. W. Watkins, p.142. - EGALITARIANISM, TERRITORIALISM, ORDER, CONTROL, DOMINATION VS. FREEDOM, CHOICE, RIGHTS, LIBERTY, VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUALISM, INTOLERANCE

SOCIAL JUSTICE: the legalization of theft, sold under the name of 'social justice'.” - Christian Michel. - JUSTICE

SOCIAL JUSTICE: There isn’t a government of any importance on Earth these days that isn’t based on some version of ‘social justice”. So of course independent thinking, conscientiousness, ordinary competence have gone by the board.” – Poul Anderson, Tales of the Flying Mountains, p.191.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: We ought to have justice in all social relationships, but one can no more have “social” justice than one can have “green”, “wet” or “electric” justice. – JZ, 10.11.83.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: You can either have majority despotism or bureaucracy pretending to act socially or you can have justice. But “social justice” is neither social nor justice. It is a pretentious and misleading attack on the basic rights of individuals, on the lips of those who would like to lead or to continue this attack. – JZ, 10.11.83. - INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: You can’t help knocking down the odd casualty on the road to social justice.” - Terry Arthur, 95 % Is Crap, p.43.

SOCIAL LIBERTARIANISM: Under a territorial monopoly, instead of mere exterritorial autonomy for its voluntary members, it is not a business or enterprise but rather the contrary. Have you taken that into your perspective? – JZ, 8.12.11, on: The Aquarian Agrarian: What is Social Libertarianism? - – VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM & INDIVDIUAL SOVEREIGNTY & CHOICE VS. TERRITORIALISM

SOCIAL MARKET ECONOMY: Can There Be A “Mixed” Social System? There can be no social system, which is a mixture of Individualism and Collectivism. Either individual rights are recognized in a society or they are not recognized. They cannot be half-recognized.” - Ayn Rand, Textbook of Americanism, in: “The Ayn Rand Column”, revised edition, 1998, p 87, point 9. Second Renaissance Books, New Milford, Connecticut, - Actually, we have only such unprincipled and contradictory mixtures, neither a completely totalitarian State nor a completely individualistic society, so far. One of the reasons for this is that in neither are all individual rights and liberties fully recognized and realized but only some of them and these only to some extent. – Alas, even Ayn Rand failed to supply a comprehensive draft of individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 16.9.07. – However, from her various writings one might compile a list of those individual rights that she did recognize and those that she did not uphold. – Perhaps someone has done this already. - JZ 17.9.07. – Every territorial system imposed upon whole populations, consisting of many diverse groups, tends to become, inevitably, a very mixed-up systems, with some to many features of State Socialism and some remaining free market and individual rights and lieberty choices for individuals. Only once the diverse groups in a country and in the world can sort themselves out - into their kinds of voluntary associations - will there be principled organizations, whether their principles ore moral or immoral, rational or irrational. They could always wrong or harm only their voluntary members and are thus, rightful for them, as learning experiences at their stage of enlightenment. The better and best ones will then tend to get more and more new members from the secessionists of the inferior ones. They can become as pure and principled as well as consistent in their personal law associations as they want to be and would themselves reap the benefits of all their real improvements and liberation steps. All being volunteers, all their systems would then be freely marketed, according to their value in a market for diverse personal law systems, all of them exterritorially autonomous and realizing voluntarism, freedom of contract, freedom of association, individual secessionism, freedom to experiment and, generally, voluntarism and the realization of as many individual rights and liberties among their members as corresponds to their stage of enlightenment. MONOPOLY CAPITALISM, MIXED SOCIAL SYSTEM, INDIVIDUALISM MIXED WITH COLLECTIVISM OR STATE SOCIALISM?

SOCIAL POWER: There is, for example, the Chodorovian distinction between social power and political power. Social power develops from the creation of wealth by individuals working alone or in voluntary concert. Political power, on the other hand, grows by the forcible appropriation of the individual’s social power. Mr. Chodorov sees history as an eternal struggle between social-power and political-power philosophies. When social power is in the ascendant, men are inclined to be inventive, creative, resourceful, curious, tolerant, loving and good-humored. The standard of well-being rises in such times – vide the histories of republican Rome, of the Hanseatic cities, of the Italian renaissance, of nineteenth century Britain and of modern America. But when political power is waxing (*), men begin to burn books, to suppress thought, and to imprison and kill their dissident brothers. Taxation, which is the important barometer of the political power, robs the individual of the fruits of his energy, and the standard of life declines as men secretly rebel against extending themselves in labor that brings them diminishing returns.” – John Chamberlain, introduction to Frank Chodorov, One Is A Crowd, p.IX. (**) – (*) Old term for “increasing” etc. – (**) When individuals own themselves or are individually sovereign, then they are or can become, like a crowd, a real power and influence, regarding their own affairs and in combination with like-minded other individuals. – JZ, 28.2.14. - POLITICAL OR ECONOMIC POWER OR INFLUENCE, AUTONOMY VS. CENTRALIZED SOVEREIGNTY, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS VS. TERRITORIALISM, TAXATION, GENUINE INDEPENDENCE OR SELF-GOVERNANCE, SELF-DETERMINATION

SOCIAL POWER: we must take a long step backwards (*) from  relying on state power, and rely instead on that “social power” as A. J. Nock called it, which flows from individualism, voluntary associations, and the rights of private property.” – (*) forward! - JZ - 5.3.11. - LIBERTARIAN REVIEW, 3/78, p.4. – INDIVIDUALISM VS. TERRITORIALISM

SOCIAL POWER: what Albert Jay Nock called ‘Social Power’ – the free actions of individuals in society and their spontaneous generation of institutions to deal with social problems.” – Roy Childs, Liberty Against Power. – VOLUNTARISM, SELF-MANAGEMENT, FREE COMPETITION, LAISSEZ FAIRE, FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION, CONTRACT, SECESSION & EXPERIMENTATION IN EVERY SPHERE NOW TERRITORIALLY MONOPOLIZED BY STATES

SOCIAL PROBLEMS: It is no good complaining about social problems without exploring their causes and cures. In countries that have been economically SOMEWHAT free, the conditions you describe are much older than 50 years ago. Look up some worthwhile history books. The industrial revolution and other developments, like free trade, are not disaster producing. However, they ought to have been accompanied by full monetary and financial freedom. Wherever and whenever these would be introduced NOW, we would really see something like economic "wonders", which the sufficiently informed could have predicted - and caused. E.g. the Weimar Republic in Germany, with its numerous economic wrongs and flaws, was one of the main reasons for the rise of the Nazi regime, which had started only a few months before my birth. It falsely pretended to have solutions for the problems which territorial democracy had created and maintained. Adolf Hitler knew even less than the ones he replaced and had many more popular errors and prejudices. That is why he gained power. Genuine free enterprise capitalism, including full monetary and financial freedom, is still largely an "unknown ideal". Parts of it were even unknown to Ayn Rand. – JZ, 2.8.11.  – & COMPLAINTS IN IGNORANCE & WITH PREJUDICES, INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, ECONOMIC WONDERS, FREE MARKET ECONOMY INCLUDING FULL MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM & FREE COMPETITION FOR ALL WANTED “PUBLIC SERVICES”, SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM VS. STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIAL PROBLEMS: One of the most fashionable notions of our times is that social problems like poverty and oppression breed wars. Most wars, however, are started by well-fed people with time on their hands to dream up half-baked ideologies or grandiose ambitions, and to nurse real or imagined grievances.” - Thomas Sowell, ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. – There exist at least some connections. The big German inflation and the Great Depression made the Hitler Regime possible and the territorial tyranny of the Hitler Regime made World War II possible. Totalitarian Communism and Nazism could also only flourish under conditions of poverty. Among well-off people they gain few adherents. Once in power, totalitarian and authoritarian regimes (that includes, alas, presently, also the democratic and republican ones, with their large number of wrongful monopoly powers, do also engage in wars, civil wars and violent revolutions. See Red China, Vietnam, Korea. – JZ, 8.1.08, 28.2.14. - & WARS, POVERTY, OPPRESSION, DICTATORSHIPS, TYRANNIES, TOTALITARIANISM, CRISES

SOCIAL PROBLEMS: Society has no problems, only individuals do.” – Sy Leon, None of the Above, p.59. – Can individuals overcome problems like war, nuclear war threat, mass unemployment, inflation, deflation, or can only the enlightened and free actions of many individuals, acting largely in concert, overcome such “social problems”? – JZ, 22.3.08. – While an overall society is an imagined society, mankind as a species does exist, in xyz different organizations. I consider only societies of volunteers to be genuine societies, from sports clubs, hobby groups to package deal alternative societies or communities of volunteers only, societies that are exterritorially quite autonomous, under personal law, and are ideal, as far as humanly possible, by the standards of their voluntary members. Like all man-made institutions, even such voluntary communities will have or develop some flaws. These are flaws of these societies, not flaws of their members, and these flaws or problems of these societies form also some problems for all or most of their members, not just for one or a few individual members. Dissatisfied individuals could “solve” this problem for themselves – by seceding from such a society. Otherwise, they could and should tackle it, together with other somewhat dissatisfied members of such a society to solve their common problem, e.g. a flaw in their constitution or in one of their rules. If it turns out that an unsuitable member got into a leadership position then they could solve the problem of that society simply by removing that individual from that position so that this society would then no longer have a problem with him or her. Can one really and rightly deny the existence of problems with less than perfect societies of volunteers? Not to speak of all the problems we have with imposed territorial “societies” like the present States! – Do they have no problems? Are they flawless? - JZ, 8.4.09. - INDIVIDUALISM, REFORMS, LIBERATION, REVOLUTION, PEACE, WAR

SOCIAL PROBLEMS: The French have one standard approach towards solving crimes, summed up with the “bon mot”: “cherchez la femme!” (Search for the woman behind it all!). Or look for her at least as a contributing factor. - By now, and regarding the “crimes” indicated by the victims of the so-called “social problem”, we ought to try to coin a similar slogan but a more objective one. It should not indicate a search for persons, as culprits or co-culprits, or conspirators but, rather for the main factor or causes. Something like: Look for the liberty or right that has been infringed and that has caused the particular problem. Look for all restrictions upon natural rights or natural laws or individual human rights that might be involved and which, if experience is any guide, are likely to have caused the remaining problems, too, by being ignored or not yet fully realized or not at all. - Alas, for that purpose, we cannot as yet point to an ideal declaration of individual rights because no one has as yet bothered to compile one, with the help of many other people interested in this subject. – JZ, 9.7.87, 3.6.08. - SEARCH FOR LIBERTY, CHERCHEZ LA FEMME, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, CAUSE & EFFECTS, CAUSAL VS. PERSONAL THINKING, DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SOCIAL PROBLEMS: The social question cannot be solved through the State, which has created it and upholds it, i.e., not through coercive power from above. – It can only be solved under freedom, in the free play of the economic forces, that means, from the bottom up.” – John Henry Mackay, Abrechnung. – JZ, tr. of: “Die soziale Frage kann nicht durch den Staat, der sie geschaffen hat und schafft, also vermittels Gewalt von oben her, geloest werden. – Sie kann sich allein in der Freiheit, in dem freien Spiel und Gegenspiel der wirtschaftlichen Kraefte, also von unten herauf, geloest werden.” - STATE, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES, COMMUNITIES & GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS IN FREE COMPETITION WITH EACH OTHER, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES VS. DECISION-MAKING TERRITORIAL MONOPOLIES

SOCIAL PROBLEMS: The solution of the social problem lies in liberty. – Bastiat, in George Charles Roche III, Frederic Bastiat – A Man Alone, p.251. – LIBERTY

SOCIAL PROBLEMS: Third, there are no such things as “social problems”; only individuals have problems, and since each individual’s circumstances are unique, so too are his problems.” – Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.116. – When millions suffer under the same general problem then it could very well be classed as a social problem. Instances: War, civil war, tyranny, despotism, authoritarianism, bureaucracy, taxation, inflation, mass unemployment, conscription, a flood of laws, – JZ, 16.11.82, 19.6.08.

SOCIAL REFORM: Most people, I believe, waste much of their lives by not working for important social reforms (mainly consisting of the liberation of individuals), while most people believe that, as they see it, people like me waste their lives by working for liberating, justice and peace promoting “social reforms”. – JZ, 26.5.83. – I hold it, with Immanuel Kant and Ulrich von Beckerath, to be a duty to work towards a free, just and therefore peaceful, progressive and prosperous society. – JZ, 19.6.08. – It will be constituted out of a great variety of diverse societies, all only of volunteers, trying to realize their supposed ideals among themselves, under personal law or full exterritorial autonomy. – JZ, 28.2.14. - DUTY, FREE SOCIETY, PEACE, JUSTICE, FREEDOM, VIA SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, CONTRACTARIANISM, ASSOCIATIONISM, FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT: PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM

SOCIAL REFORMERS: Social reformers are all too often like the intolerant, ignorant and prejudiced zealot of religions, churches and sects: a dangerous pest. They become tolerable only when membership and programs become based on voluntarism, which could and should go to full exterritorial autonomy for them, including voluntary taxation and the individual and group-secession option. – JZ, 6.12.92. – INTOLERANCE, VOLUNTARISM, REFORMERS, UTOPISTS, TRUE BELIEVERS, IDEALISTS, RADICALS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM & SECESSIONISM, ASSOCIATIONISM, CONTRACTARIANISM: PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: businessmen should stick to their private knitting, worry about their stockholders and concentrate on making profits. The unintended upshot: Society is thereby furnished with goods, services and jobs – Smith’s valid but much derided Invisible Hand.” – Opinion ascribed to Milton Friedman by William H. Peterson in THE FREEMAN, 2/74.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction. Therefore, everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interests of everyone hangs on the results. Whether he chooses or not, every man is drawn into the greatest historical struggle, the decisive battle into which our epoch has plunged us. –Ludwig von Mises  - & CIVILIZED SOCIETIES, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, DUTY, LIBERATION, WAR, NWT, TYRANNIES, INFLATION, UNEMPLOYMENT, CRISES

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Indeed, the more I make of myself the more are others served by my existence. Who can give what he does not have? The way to assume ‘social responsibility’ is for the individual to rise above zero as far as possible. Anyone affronted by the idea of focusing attention on self need only imagine the opposite: a society of selfless persons – a world of nothingness.” – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.85. – ALTRUISM, CHARITY, SELFISHNESS, PRODUCTIVENESS, PRODUCING RATHER THAN SHARING WEALTH, WEALTH IS SHARED BY PRODUCTIVE INVESTMENTS BEST OF ALL, PROVIDED THIS IS DONE UNDER FULL MONETARY AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: organizations are socially responsible “when they satisfy society’s needs through concentration on their own specific job.” – Peter F. Drucker, The Age of Discontinuity, New York, Harper & Row, 1968, p.206. – CORPORATIONS, CHARITY, MYOB

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: When an executive decides to take action for reasons of social responsibility, he is taking money from someone else – from the stockholders, in the form of lower dividends; from the employees, in the form of lower wages; or from the consumer, in the form of higher prices.” – Milton Friedman, THE FREEMAN, 12/75.

SOCIAL SCIENCES: A true science must be based upon accurate observation of objective reality. Unfortunately, much that is disguised as social science is based upon subjective opinion, wishful thinking, and unsubstantiated theories.” - Dr. Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Prescription, p.175. – “SOCIAL SCIENCES”, POPULAR ERRORS, PREJUDICES, MYTHS, FALLACIES, FALSE ASSUMPTION, CONCLUSIONS & DEFINITIONS

SOCIAL SCIENCES: It is unreasonable to expect any genuine social science to thrive where there is no under-girding of civil liberty.” – Masa Maruyama, Thought and Behaviour in Modern Japanese Politics.” – Territorial States cannot provide sufficient civil liberties to all dissenters. They do inevitably mix victimizers with victims. – JZ, 10.6.08. – Under secessionism and personal law options they would tend to sort each other out, voluntarily, peacefully and then come to peacefully coexist and compete with their systems, like sportsmen do in sports they have chosen for themselves and businessmen and professionals in their business or profession, artists in their art. Why should they go on fighting and conspiring in that situation instead of freely doing their things for or to themselves. At most some arguments will and should go on. Sticks and stones … - JZ, 28.2.14. - PANARCHISM, SOCIAL SCIENCE “OLYMPICS” COMPETITIONS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PERSONAL LAW COMMUNITIES, VOLUNTARISM, NO MORE STATIST VICTIMIZATION AS IS USUAL UNDER TERRITORIALISM, POLYARCHISM

SOCIAL SCIENCES: Much of what passes as “social science” is neither social nor science. – JZ, 23.6.91.

SOCIAL SCIENCES: Observation is a passive science, experimentation an active science.” - Claude Bernard. - By now we need an active science of this kind especially in the political, economic and social spheres. The monopolies of territorial governments to undertake their kind of experiments and to outlaw all others that volunteers would like to undertake among themselves, must be broken, if peace, security, justice, progress, prosperity and freedom are to be attained. - JZ, 13.10.02. - The possibility to observe the experiments of others, next door, is as important as freedom for the own experiments. We never learn enough from the territorial experiments of others, in another country, which we might never get to visit or not long enough. This happens in spite of numerous and free communication channels. - JZ, 27.11.02. - Moreover, while territorialism predominates in the other countries as well, not all rightful and rational experiments can be tried there, either, among the dissenting volunteers. Copying different errors of systems of other territorial regimes cannot help us sufficiently. - JZ, 5.3.11. - FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT, AS IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES, VS. TERRITORIALISM, ITS MONOPOLISM & COMPULSORY COLLECTIVISM, WHICH OBSTRUCT ENLIGHTENMENT & PROGRESS & PROLONG INVOLUNTARY POVERTY & CRISES

SOCIAL SCIENCES: Without some basic and correct ideas on individual human rights and liberties – so much in garbage, nonsense, popular errors and prejudices, myths, fallacies, false observations, flawed and false assumptions and conclusions can be spouted and perpetuated in the “social sciences”! – JZ, 29.1.88, 31.5.08. – A comprehensive and constantly updated encyclopedia of their best refutations, once compiled with sufficient collaboration and used extensively, could put an end to this. By now it could be portable or accessible with a hand-held device, even if it comes to millions of pages, alphabetized, indexed, cross-referenced, in data bank form or in specialized collections. How many errors etc. are there for every truth in this sphere? Certainly so many that the truth defenders are still either widely ignored or even laughed about. Every somewhat enlightened person has had several experiences of this kind and yet, how few of them pondered and conceived a suitable enlightenment tool for this purpose? The thought collection offered here is merely what an individual can compile towards this purpose. The skyscraper of such knowledge, digitally miniaturized, requires input and corrections from at least thousands if not millions. When will as many realize this and systematically work towards it, using the Internet and one or several connection and online or on disc collection, editing and publishing points? – JZ, 28.2.14. – ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS

SOCIAL SCIENTISTS: Like the generals who are trained to fight the last war, social scientists are fully equipped to recognize and deal with those problems that are already being solved and have given place to different and often opposite problems. …” - Charles Issawi, The Laws of Social Motion, ALM, 4/77. - SOCIAL SCIENTISTS WHO PASS TODAY AS SUCH

SOCIAL SECURITY: $ 770 million in 1937, $ 360 billion in 1990. Remember … the population has grown less than three times since 1915!” - Bill Brannon, Let Us Prey, Harper Collins Publishers, 1995, p.212. – And that is not the worst of it. If all contributions were productively invested, under stable value reckoning and high interest rates, everybody could be very rich at his old age. As it is, it is not so treated but combined with general revenue and spent or wasted with other taxes, while current social security expenses are taken out of current taxes, further increased correspondingly. Neither governments nor trade unions should be entrusted with such huge funds. – JZ, 17.9.07. – They are almost bound to abuse or to mismanage them. – JZ, 28.2.14. – Has the inflation between 1937 and 1990 been taken into consideration in this? – JZ, 11.10.07. –  CONTRIBUTIONS TAKEN & SPENT AS TAX REVENUES & THEN MORE TAXES TO COVER SOCIAL SECURITY PROMISES?

SOCIAL SECURITY: A former aid to Franklin Roosevelt once told me how a Congressman had presented the President the “social security” idea. After listening to the proposal, the President responded: “That is the silliest notion I have ever heard.” – Ignoring the rebuff, the Congressman continued his plea. According to my friend, the busy President finally closed the interview: “Oh well, let’s try it and see what happens.” – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.115. – Have you seen real social security as yet? – Can politicians, bureaucrats and trade unionists provide it? – I got today information on the exchange rate between the Euros, and the Australian dollars, during the last 12 months. I do get a small old age pension from Germany paid in Euros and credited here in Australian dollars. On 1.3.13 the Euro was here worth A$ 0.8112, on 3 Feb. 14 it was worth only A$ 0.6741. By so much had the A$ depreciated within a year. Moreover, I am sure that the Euro was also depreciated in that time. But the A$ was depreciated even faster. – Both Germany and Australia do somewhat index their pensions and superannuations. However, they do this with the official figures for their inflations, which, as a rule, try to hide rather than express their real inflation rates, because the ruling parties do not wish to lose votes. Social security should never be put into the hands of any government or any governmentally sanctioned institution subject to “positive” government legislation. - JZ, - 28.2.14. - DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES PUT INTO THE HANDS OF SUCH PEOPLE DO PRODUCE SUCH BITTER JOKES AND DISAPPOINTMENTS.

SOCIAL SECURITY: a Ponzi scheme - named after Charles Ponzi, who set up a similar plan in Boston in 1920. He promised to pay investors 50% profit on their money in just 45 days. Gullible people poured money into his plan. But he couldn't possibly earn enough on the money to equal the rate of return he promised. So when someone wanted to withdraw his principal and interest, Ponzi simply paid him from money received from new investors. Eventually he couldn't meet the demands for repayment, and his scheme collapsed. He ended up in jail. But another such scheme was started in 1935, and this one is still going. It's called Social Security. Social Security differs from a Ponzi scheme in only two ways: 1. The politicians won't arrest themselves. 2. The politicians can change the rules whenever necessary to keep the scheme going.” - Harry Browne, Libertarian Party

SOCIAL SECURITY: After 41 years of increasing Social Security taxation we discover that THEIR solution is MORE TAXATION.” – LOOMPANICS UNLIMITED, Summer 78.

SOCIAL SECURITY: All social services should be granted only in form of loans. To increase the security of these loans all direct line relatives ought to serve as guarantors for their repayment. To speed up their repayment they should bear a high rate of interest. Would this be cruel to the loan receivers? They are free to live as beggars if they prefer that or ought to be quite free to insure themselves properly (without any kind of State intervention). What I am mainly interested in is stopping cruelty to the taxpayer. Most taxes are paid not by the rich (and even this would be wrong) but by the average working man or woman. – This reform could immediately cut social service expenditures to a fraction. - I am all in favor of hand-outs – in the meaning of getting the government’s hands out of our pockets. – JZ, n.d. & 23.6.08.

SOCIAL SECURITY: American citizens must be taught to wrest their life savings from the politicians if they are to know the comfort of genuine security.” - Simon, A Time for Truth, p.220. – They must also come to enjoy full monetary and financial freedom, including free choice in value standards and clearing options and voluntary taxation and subscription schemes for wanted services only. – JZ, 28.2.14. - PEOPLE, POLITICIANS, LIFE SAVINGS, OLD AGE PENSIONS, PRODUCTIVE INVESTMENTS UNDER FULL MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM

SOCIAL SECURITY: But do I have a moral right to force my neighbor to “save” a certain percentage of his earnings for his old age? I do not. Nor does the government have such a right.” – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.20.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Consider Social Security. The young have always contributed to the support of the old. Earlier, the young helped their own parents out of a sense of love and duty. They now contribute to the support of someone else's parents out of compulsion and fear. The voluntary transfers strengthened the bonds of the family; the compulsory transfers weaken those bonds. – Milton FriedmanFAMILY TIES, SOUND, CHEAP & VERY PROFITABLE PRIVATE SOCIAL INSURANCE ALTERNATIVES, SAFE FROM INFLATION, DEFLATION, STAGFLATION, TAXATION, CONFISCATION & OTHER WRONGFUL STATIST INTERVENTIONS, LIKE E.G. TRUSTEE ACTS ENFORCING INVESTMENTS IN GOVERNMENTAL INSECURITIES, I.E. “INVESTMENTS” IN TAX SLAVES.- YOUNG & OLD, FAMILY SUPPORT, VOLUNTARY INSURANCE VS. COMPULSORY INSURANCE, GENUINE INSURANCE VS. THE GOVERNMENTAL PRETENCE OF INSURANCE, OLD AGE SECURITY OR, RATHER SOCIAL INSECURITY ENFORCED BY THE STATE,

SOCIAL SECURITY: death to “the Social slavery system”. – Ron Chusid, LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION No. 56 ½, Feb. 74.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Don’t be satisfied with just being half-safe, go all the way and become completely unsafe. Put yourself completely in the case of the idiots who have been appointed by (people saying? - JZ) you’re your government, to engage (in?- JZ) insane experiments with your future at your expense!” – Justin Musing, AMERICAN SUNBEAM, quoted in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 10/77. – SECURITY, SAFETY, PROTECTION

SOCIAL SECURITY: If I am elected, I promise to phase out the criminal swindle called Social Security … Social Security is an evil rip-off which takes your money, gives you a very small return, and confiscates the rest.” – Jim Davidson, National Taxpayers’ Union, quoted in PENTHOUSE and in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER 1/77. - Wrongs and irrationalities should not be "phased out) but ended a.s.a.p. - JZ, 5.3.11.

SOCIAL SECURITY: If I could, I would do away with all so-called social services at the expense of the taxpayers. – In the period of transition I would grant them only as loans to be guaranteed by next of kin, or friends, if there are any, or any volunteers. – JZ, n.d., & 5.3.11.

SOCIAL SECURITY: If we truly cared about our children and future generations, instead of demagogue-ing about them, we'd worry more about saving liberty than saving Social Security.” - Walter Williams. - If we really cared about achieving genuine social security then we would care about the freedom roads to achieve it. - JZ, 22.8.02. - LIBERTY, FUTURE

SOCIAL SECURITY: If you talk about misleading labeling, Social Security is about as misleading as you can get. It has nothing to do with social and it has nothing to do with security of society. … The employer and the employee each apparently pay 5.85 percent, but since the employer’s half is part of his total wage cost, it’s the employee who’s really paying the whole bill.” – Milton Friedman, THE FREEMAN, 12/75.

SOCIAL SECURITY: In a grand peroration Mr. Schiff accuses our Federal government of compelling citizens to participate in a chain letter (social security); of illegally shifting wealth through inflation; of hiding the true extent of the National Debt.” – John Chamberlain, in THE FREEMAN, May 76, p.314, on Irving A. Schiff: “The Biggest Con”.

SOCIAL SECURITY: It is a swindle, because the young worker in 1973 can buy (with the same amount of money that you force him to pay in Social Security Taxes) a better pension program than the one you offer, by going to a private enterprise tax-paying, profit-making, dividend-paying insurance company which will not only give him a better policy but also will back up its promises with guarantees and cash reserves to meet them.” – JAG, (17.?)27.3.73. – Alas, presently also only on a basis of a paper dollar, which is more or less rapidly inflated, most of the time. – JZ, 23.6.08, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL SECURITY: It never occurred to those who, like Dickens, struck a blow for bigger and better “poor laws” that they were preparing the ground for social security, which reduces the individual to wardship under the State.” – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.257.

SOCIAL SECURITY: It’s not “Social Security”. It’s insecurity. Perhaps even socialist insecurity. The Ponzi retirement scheme.” – Claire Wolfe, Don’t Shoot the Bastards (YET), 101 More Ways To Salvage Freedom, p.7.

SOCIAL SECURITY: J. Howard Pew saw that government security is a fraud: “it has nothing excepting only that which it takes from the people. The key to security is production.” The greatest economic charity to Mr. Pew was every productive effort that enables other individuals to become independent of alms. He thought the greatest danger to charity was the rise of compulsory benevolence by an omnipotent provider state. Above all, while voluntary activity strengthens social cooperation, the coercive redistribution by the state generates conflict and breeds corruption.” – From a review by Mark B. Spengler in THE FREEMAN, 3/76, of a book by Mary Sennholz. - Sound insurance, on a stable value basis and highly productive investment basis and quite free from imposed tribute payments is not impossible but simply not allowed by the existing legislation. Private charity is not a good enough substitute for it. – JZ, 23.6.08.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Nobody planned that social welfare would reinforce and increase the problems it was established to eliminate.” – L. J. Peter, The Peter Plan, p.12.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Peter J. Ferrara, whose book Social Security: the Inherent Contradiction, presents a comprehensive analysis of the subject, offers several sample calculations. Because the system redistributes benefits somewhat, awarding disproportionately higher benefits to lower-income workers, the advantages of escaping it vary. A person who entered the workforce in 1980 at age twenty-four and earned the maximum taxable income until retirement would, assuming his premiums earned 6% on the average, accumulate a retirement fund of a million dollars, enough to buy a life annuity paying $ 100,000 a year – more than five times his social security benefits. - At the other end of the scale, a worker who is entering the system now at age eighteen and earning only the minimum wage all his or her life would have a retirement fund of about $ 300,000, enough to buy a lifetime annuity paying about $29,000 a year – almost four times the social security benefit. - The break comes at about age forty. People under forty could buy better protection outside the system with the same money. Those over forty could not. (*) – In practice, the system works like a Ponzi scheme or chain letter. The early generations of participants benefit greatly, at the expense of the later ones, until at some point the machinery breaks down. In twenty-five years, assuming social security survives, the tax on younger workers to support the retired will approach 50% of their wages. …” (**) - Richard Cornuelle, Healing America, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1983, p. 186/87. - (*) Alas, in all cases governments come in with tax claims, inflation, investment regulations and other meddling. - (**) It did not come to as high contribution figures as yet. But then: How much of the general taxes raised is by now spent on the Social Security program? - JZ, 12.9.08.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Picture of two policemen interviewing a fraudster: One asks him: “All Right, Madoff! Where did you get the idea of paying early investors with money from late investors?” – Reply: “ From the Social Security System.” – Holger Krahmer’s photos, reproduced in Facebook 14 2 12 by Jeffrey Jones.  - Holger Krahmer - JOKES, FRAUD, GOVERNMENTAL PENSION SCHEMES

SOCIAL SECURITY: Political freedom means only one thing: freedom from the state. FDR, however, invented a new kind of “freedom”; a government guaranty of economic security and prosperity. He thus equated “freedom” with cash. However desirable economic security may be – and it is profoundly desirable – it is not the same thing as political freedom. By equating the two, FDR corrupted the philosophical concept of freedom. IN fact, by calling cash a “freedom” in society where the state was pledged to protect freedom, he converted “freedom” into a monetary claim on the State. But this single ideological switch, FDR caused a flat reversal of the relationship between the individual and the state in America. The state ceased to be viewed as man’s most dangerous enemy, to be shackled forever by constitutional chains. It was henceforth proclaimed to be the precise opposite; it became man’s tenderhearted protector and provider. Statism and collectivism were brought into this country by the back door – and, ironically, were heralded thereafter as the saving of free enterprise.” – William E. Simon, A Time for Truth, p.113.

SOCIAL SECURITY: since 1937, a citizen is compelled to contribute to Social Security and will receive today paper money which holds the same nominal value but can buy less and thus, he does not receive a just compensation for his forced deposit.” – Joseph DeJan, The Devil Theory, p.14. – Far less will he received justified interest returns out of productive investments of these funds, for these funds are not productively invested. – JZ, 23.6.08.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Social Security has no integrity, no principles, just power politics, coercion, compulsion and control. It is a fraud and I repudiate it.” – R. S. Jaggard, JAG, Aug. 19, 1973.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Social security is a disaster from every point of view. Participants could buy equal, more secure protection from private companies for much less money.” - Richard Cornuelle, Healing America, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1983, p.85. – However, they would still be under the inflation, deflation and stagflation risk that is involved with the government’s replacement of monetary and financial freedom with monetary and financial despotism, the latter in many forms, of which the most important and obvious one is taxation of all kinds or official tribute levies. Under these risks no private insurance arrangements and investments are safe which can be nominally paid in the government’s depreciated monopoly money or put under any form of taxation or regulation by the government. – JZ, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Social Security is Anti Security.” – Leonard E. Read, Thoughts Rule the World, p.21.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Social Security is inherently unsound for the simple reason that it's a political program run by politicians for political purposes ... Social Security operates on a very simple principle: the politicians take your money from you and squander it.” - Harry Browne, Libertarian Party. – Then they tax you again and from this taxation pay you your “insurance” money. – JZ, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Social Security is not a system under which ‘nine out of ten working people in the United States are now building protection for themselves and their families’ (as HEW misleadingly describes it). Social Security is a system under which nine out of ten working people pay taxes to finance payments to persons not working.” – Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.46/57. – WELFARE STATE, OLD AGE SECURITY, SOCIAL INSURANCE, UNEMPLOYMENT “INSURANCE”

SOCIAL SECURITY: Social Security. The Government’s Pyramid Scheme.” – Dangerous Buttons, No. 62.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Social Security” is an outstanding example of fiscal evil. Never in all history has there been a greater fraud, measured in money terms, than this. Private perpetrators of such chicanery would be imprisoned and rightly. … Yet, try now to wipe if from the statute books!” – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, July 73.

SOCIAL SECURITY: The ‘pay-as-you-go system, consistent with the Keynesian spirit of the times, diverted money from saving to spending. Over the years, the effect has been to reduce massively the rate of capital formation. - - Harvard’s Martin S. Feldstein, president of the National Bureau of Economic Research and chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, who ha studied this phenomenon most carefully, has calculated that social security has reduced savings by about 35%. Without this drain America’s capital stock would currently be 80’% higher. This meant that in 1981, the GNP was $ 550 billion less than it would have been - $6660 per family. - The figures for individual participants are even more dramatic. If Americans bought private life insurance, health insurance, and annuities with amounts equal to their social security deductions, the earnings of these invested reserves would multiply the value of their retirement benefits.” - Richard Cornuelle, Healing America, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1983, p.186. – But these investments fall still under the government’s inflation, deflation, stagflation and devaluation risk and its heavy taxation and regulation. We need complete monetary and financial freedom and a proper investment, especially of old again insurance funds, rather than a levy system, which is always much more expensive, because it has no earnings from productive investments for many years. – JZ, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL SECURITY: The basic idea of the Social Security System is to forcibly seize money (by taxation) from workers for the declared purpose of bestowing benefits upon people who have not worked for the same. The Social Security System is being operated like a chain letter, with each guy now in the system hoping that some day his name will come up to the top of the list, while others are still below him and supporting the program. It is a fraud.” – JAG, 27.3.73.

SOCIAL SECURITY: The one with the primary responsibility to the individual's future is that individual. –Dorcas Hardy, Director, Social Security System The ignorant and dishonest ruling over the ignorant, faithful, hopeful and deceived, with mere phrases like “social security”, which is neither social nor secure or any kind of sound insurance and investment scheme but just another tax racket of a system which does not encourage individual responsibility but denies it. – JZ, 28.2.14. 

SOCIAL SECURITY: The reason for the failure of social security in Germany, and wherever else it has been tried, is psychological, not political. When the individual is relieved of the obligation of self-respect, he acquires the habits of helplessness: he is inclined to retreat to the security of the prenatal state. The more he is taken care of the more he wants care.” – Frank Chodorov, The Income Tax … p.59. - There are also economic failures for this problem. When e.g. old age pensions are not paid out of productive investments but, rather, out of current social security taxes, then the pensions can only be rather small and the levies must be relatively high. – If all contributions were productively invested at the highest possible interest rate, under a stable currency and safe from confiscations and taxes, also inflations, deflations and stagflations, i.e. governmentally caused crises, then the pensions could be high, while the contributions could remain relatively small. - JZ, 22.6.08, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL SECURITY: The Social Security system did not begin as an attempt to sabotage people's ability to plan for retirement, but it has worked out that way. The politicians who originally planned the system probably had no idea how it would turn out. But today's politicians know the system is rotted, and yet they refuse to make the changes necessary to free the American people from it. Instead, they make it worse. –Ed Clark, 1980 LP presidential candidate, A New Beginning - SOCIAL “INSURANCE” BY GOVERNMENTS, THEIR BIG TAXES & SPENDING & THEIR MONETARY & FINANCIAL DESPOTISM?

SOCIAL SECURITY: The Social Security System is a fraud.” – JAG, 27.3.73. - The Social Security System is a swindle and a fraud, and I want no part of it. – R. S. Jaggard, M.D., JAG, Aug. 19, 1973. - But, apparently, under the USA “justice” system the US government can carry it on and on over decades, with no one being held responsible for this legalized massive fraud. – JZ, 23.10.08.

SOCIAL SECURITY: The Social Security System is a massive program of thievery on a grand scale, far surpassing in the magnitude of its larceny anything ever dreamed of by all the organized crime syndicates put together.” – JAG, 27.3.73. – CRIME

SOCIAL SECURITY: The Social Security System is a monstrous conspiracy involving millions of people, each of whom is trying to beat the system and gain some advantages for himself, trying to use the power of government to force somebody else to pay some of his bills.” – JAG, 27.3.73.

SOCIAL SECURITY: The Social Security System is an illegal, illegitimate, immoral and unconstitutional program, designed by politicians primarily for the benefit of politicians, and administered by bureaucrats primarily for the benefit of bureaucrats.” – JAG, 27.3.73. - I believe that at least formally it is all too legal. – JZ, 23.6.08.

SOCIAL SECURITY: The Social Security System is NOT an insurance program, and the benefits are NOT guaranteed, and there is NO cash reserve. If you don’t want to believe that, please read the decisions of the US Supreme Court on the subject.” – JAG, 27.3.73.

SOCIAL SECURITY: The sugarcoated fiction of a gratuity to the taxed wage earner is maintained by requiring the employer to make an equal contribution to the security fund, but since this contribution is added to his cost of doing business and therefore to his prices, it will be seen that the wage earner pays this part too when he buys the product. (*) A further dishonesty of the social-security tax is that the revenues thus obtained are used to meet the general expenses of the state, while the old-age pensions and unemployment benefits, for which the tax is ostensibly levied, are met by new taxes on current production.” – Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.273/73. - (*) Also by a correspondingly lower wage level. – JZ, 22.6.08. – A genuine insurance against unemployment is impossible while the government, in its ignorance and prejudices, can at any time cause almost any degree of unemployment and is, obviously, too ignorant to prevent it or to end it. Under full monetary and financial freedom we would have full employment and would not need an insurance against unemployment. – JZ, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL SECURITY: These changes have been made under the name of ‘insurance’, but the plain fact is that the government made them in order to increase its spendable funds. It wanted more taxes, and it dipped further into the pay envelop; that is the real purpose of the social-security laws.” – Frank Chodorov, The Income Tax … , p.56. – ANOTHER TAX RACKET

SOCIAL SECURITY: this book is a roadmap charting a route away from tax-and-tax, spend-and spend, cradle to the grave insecurity.” - William E. Simon, A Time for Truth, in a review in THE FREEMAN, 8/78. – WELFARE STATE

SOCIAL SECURITY: Under the administration of territorial governments social security amounts to social insecurity under the pretence of social security. –JZ, 19.11.95.

SOCIAL SECURITY: What is wrong with a state system of compulsory social security? It denies to the individual his freedom, his right to choose what he will do with his own resources.” – Susan Love Brown et al, The Incredible Bread Machine, p.153. – It is only one of all too many wrongful governmental interferences, especially all its taxes, regulations and  and its monetary despotism, instead of full monetary and financial freedom. – JZ, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL SECURITY: When the Social Security Act was passed in 1935, it provided for old age pensions for those people who were too stupid to save during their working years to provide for their own retirement. (If you don’t believe that, read the congressional debate on the subject.)” – JAG, 27.3.73. – To save and invest under monetary and financial despotism does also indicate a large degree of stupidity. – JZ, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL SECURITY: While the feds … leave Social Security off their books, the government's obligation to make benefit payments to current and near-term Social Security recipients is certainly no less real than its obligation to pay interest on its Treasury bonds. –Laurence K. Kotlikoff,HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, "From Deficit Delusion to Generational Accounting", May-June, 1993. - & GOVERNMENT BUDGETS

SOCIAL SECURITY: Why Social Security is a gigantic fraud from which taxpayers can now legally “drop out”. - Irving A. Schiff: “The Biggest Con”. – Remark from the cover of the book. – Can they, or is that only Schiff’s opinion? – JZ, 23.6.08. – INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, DROPPING OUT, PANARCHISM

SOCIAL SECURITY: Worker discussing a colleague: “He’s retiring on his savings – he worked for years when they didn’t take Social Security, health benefits, pension funds, union dues and unemployment insurance out of his pay checks.” – Lichty, Chicago Sun-Times Syndicate, quoted in THE READER’S DIGEST, Nov. 1961. – However, his invested savings and earnings from it are still subjected to taxation and to the inflation tax. - JZ, 5.3.11. – Also to the other risks of governmentally caused and prolonged economic crises, which al governments are too ignorant to stop, merely by allowing full monetary and financial freedom, ending their monetary and financial despotism. – JZ, 28.2.14. - WELFARE STATE, SOCIAL SECURITY, SOCIAL INSURANCE

SOCIAL SERVICES: In 1915, two foundations, Rockefeller and Carnegie, spent twice as much for education and social service as did the federal government.” - Richard Cornuelle, Healing America, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1983, p.11.

SOCIAL SERVICES: No public assistance except in form of high-interest-bearing loans – to be guaranteed by first degree family members. – JZ, n.d. – The best assistance in personal emergencies, sickness, accidents, old age, could come from voluntary social insurance, provided that the government does not interfere with such insurance at all, e.g. via inflation, deflation, devaluation, regulations and taxation. – JZ, 5.6.08. Or by “Trustee Acts”, forcing social insurance companies to invest in government debt certificates – which the insured themselves or their children and grandchildren have to repay later, as taxpayers! – JZ, 8.4.09. – PUBLIC DEBTS ARE INVESTMENTS IN TAX SLAVES

SOCIAL SERVICES: Social services for some implies today social slavery or servitude for others – through tax slavery. I would rather have no social services than those based on slavery or servitude and on monetary and financial despotism. – Sound social insurance is only possible under full monetary and financial freedom – which are, everywhere, outlawed! - JZ, 28.2.75, 28.2.14. – TAXATION

SOCIAL SERVICES: To borrow a phrase from Nozick, benevolence enforced by the guns of the state is coercion, not charity. We are entitled to be cynical about the motives of those who advocate compassion with other people’s money. The concept of charity or benevolence loses all meaning when it is compelled by the state through tax power, under penalty of fines and jail sentences.” – Joseph F. Johnston, Jr., The Limits of Government, Regnery Gateway, Chicago, 1984, p.291. - WELFARE STATE, BENEVOLENCE, CHARITY

SOCIAL URGE: The instinctive need to be the member of a closely knit group fighting for common ideals may grow so strong that it becomes inessential what these ideals are.” – Konrad Lorenz. – That aspect becomes never unimportant. But it is important that it is an ideal, which people can practise at their own expense and risk. And for rational and moral being it also matters greatly whether these “ideals” are objectively ideals or mere delusions, fantasies, unfounded utopias, castles in the sky etc. – But it is true that most people were so far more addicted to false ideas, e.g. territorialism and statism than to rightful and rational ones. – The interest in all genuine individual rights and liberties is still all too minimal and usually absent, even among anarchists and libertarians. - JZ, 29.5.08, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL: All social relations, all dealings with our fellows, are only social so far as they are free. Introduce the element of force, and they become anti-social to the extent of the compulsion applied.” – O’Brien, M.D., The Natural Right to Freedom, p.40. – FORCE, COMPULSION, COERCION, FREEDOM

SOCIAL: Economics and “social” are not opposites.” – Terry Arthur, 95% Is Crap, p.216.

SOCIAL: F. A. Hayek, in The Fatal Conceit, chapter “Our Poisoned Language”, pages 115/16 brings a list of over 160 nouns qualified by the adjective “social”. He suggests that, not from this list alone, one might conclude that the word “social” has acquired so many different meanings as to become useless as a tool of communication, that it insinuates human creation rather than spontaneous processes of the extended order. “And third, it also has acquired the power to empty the nouns it qualifies of their meaning.” – Source? – On the other hand, many to most of the terms starting with “self-“ have still retained much or their original meaning.  – They should be sorted out in a list and compared with those, which have lost it partly or completely, like “self-government” and “self-determination” under territorial statism. – JZ, 28.2.14.

SOCIAL: Social should really be called ‘anti-social’.” – F. A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, p.118.

SOCIAL: This, the third issue of LIBERTARIAN ANALYSIS opens with the republication of the long out of print classic “Slaves to Duty” by John Badcock. Badcock’s essay is a consistent and sharp attack on the concept of “duty” in social practice. Based on Stirnerite principles, Badcock urges the elimination of duty from every institution – from labor contracts to marriage – and proposed instead free association as a social principle.” – LIBERTARIAN ANALYSIS, I/3, Sept. 71. – Should contracts, voluntarily entered to and not dissolved in accordance with a previously agreed-upon clause, not be kept, if possible at all, as a rightful obligation or duty? – JZ, 19.6.08, 28.2.14. - DUTY, VOLUNTARISM, STIRNER, FREE ASSOCIATIONS, SOCIAL CONTRACTS, MARRIAGE, PANARCHISM, COMPULSORY UNIONISM, ASSOCIATIONISM, LABOR CONTRACTS, CONTRACTARIANISM

SOCIALISM: 1.) It is no longer worthwhile to work harder. 2.) It is no longer worthwhile to work. 3.) It pays not to work any longer at all.” – Quoted in “Blick durch die Wirtschaft”. (JZ tr. of: „1. Es lohne sich nicht, mehr zu arbeiten. 2.) Es lohnt sich nicht mehr zu arbeiten. 3.) Es lohnt sich, nicht mehr zu arbeiten.“) - INCENTIVES, RIGHTFUL & WRONGFUL ONES.

SOCIALISM: a Socialist Government can satisfy neither the capitalist nor the proletariat.” – J. P. Kedys, NEWS DIGEST INTERNATIONAL, 3/82. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: A socialist is a bum. A socialist is a guy who wants to be compensated for his laziness and his failures.” – John Singleton, 32 year-old millionaire and director of an advertising agency, quoted by Julie Prosser, in FREE ENTERPRISE, July 74.

SOCIALISM: A socialist is someone who has saved nothing and wants to spread it around. – PROGRESS PARTY NEWSLETTER, Queensland, April 81. – NEWS DIGEST INTERNATIONAL, June 81, p.4, ascribes the remark to Viv Forbes, which is rather likely, since he was the founder and most active promoter, speaker and writer of the Progress Party. - One might also say: … who has learnt nothing on economics and wants to spread his errors, myths, prejudices, false premises and conclusions around. – Moreover, what he really wants to share is not his own poverty but the wealth of others, which he pretends to be all “unearned” wealth. – If and to the extent that it would be wealth earned through a legal monopoly then the primary task should not be to share such monopoly profits but, rather, to make them impossible for the future, by ending that and all other monopolies. Instead, the State Socialists want to establish a super-monopoly and expects only good from it, contrary to all experience with monopolies. - JZ, n.d. & 21.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, MONOPOLIES

SOCIALISM: Actually, I quite agree that under capitalism, man exploits man. Under socialism, it is the exact reverse.” - Paul Anderson, NEW LIBERTARIAN, May 78. – A free exchange is no exploitation. – When no one can get a legal monopoly and everyone can become a capital owner, the term exploitation will soon become meaningless. We all “exploit” each other’s special abilities, services and products in our free exchanges, to mutual advantage. – JZ, 19.6.08. – CAPITALISM, EXPLOITATION, MONOPOLISM, FREE EXCHANGE, PROFIT, FREE TRADE

SOCIALISM: All socialism involves slavery. – Herbert Spencer – I believe that at least in some of his later writings he considered not only imposed State socialism but also cooperative or voluntary socialist alternatives. - But presently I will not take the time to dig up such passages. Since over 500 different definitions of socialism were already listed in a Paris newspaper in 1875, one should not speak indiscriminately of "socialism" as if only one form of it had been proposed or partly realized. - JZ, 23. 11. 06. – All intolerant, coercive, statist and territorial socialism involves slavery. – JZ, 20.6.08. – What is true for State Socialism and many other forms of ca. 600 different types of socialism, is not necessarily true for all forms of socialism, e.g. not for voluntary socialism or cooperative socialism or the socialism of various other self-management types, including extensive employee-shareholdings. – JZ, 4.4.12. – What is true of all forms of State socialism and all forms of territorialism, is not true e.g. of all forms of voluntary or cooperative socialism and of some other forms of the ca. 600 different types of socialism. – This kind of wrongful generalization is still predominant today. At Spencer’s time it was, perhaps, still excusable. - JZ, 23.4.13. - & SLAVERY, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: All Socialists, among them and at their head, Marx, have set themselves the destruction of State power as their aim.” – Lenin: Der Sowjetstaat. – In theory, but in praxis they have increased it - for generations. – JZ, 1985.

SOCIALISM: all the various forms of statism have now been tried, and have failed. At the turn of the 20th century, businessmen, politicians and intellectuals, throughout the Western world, began to turn to a “new” system of mixed economy, of State rule, to replace the relative laissez-faire of the previous century. Such new and seemingly exciting panaceas as socialism, the corporate state, the Welfare-Warfare State, etc., have all been tried and have manifestly failed. The call for socialism or state planning is now a call for an old, tired, and failed system. What is there left to try but freedom?” – Murray N. Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty, p.266. – But since there are still some socialists around, even State socialists, there is still room and need for voluntary socialism – even in the form of State socialism, but only among them and exclusively at their own risk and expense. Naturally, no territorial monopoly should be granted to either of them – or to any other group of dissenters or true believers wanting to do their own things for or to themselves. – JZ, 18.6.92, 20.8.08. – PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW OPTIONS OR POLYARCHISM OR VOLUNTRISM OR EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY OR EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM OR LAISSEZ FAIRE FOR ALL KINDS OF SYSTEMS FOR ALL, EVEN THE STATISTS, BUT NEVER A TERRITORIAL MONOPOLY FOR ANYONE.

SOCIALISM: Allow all socialist acts among consenting adults. But also all capitalist acts among consenting adults. Just make sure that the consent is individually and freely given – and continued. – JZ, 7.11.92. – PANARCHISM, CAPITALISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM

SOCIALISM: An important discovery … that barren socialism cannot yield the bountiful fruits of freedom.” – NOTES FROM FEE, July 77. – True for State Socialism only and similar forms of socialism. – Untrue for the forms of socialism that are oriented towards individual rights and liberties, including property rights. - JZ, 21.6.08. – COOPERATIVES, PARTNERSHIPS, SELF-MANAGEMENT

SOCIALISM: And the socialists not only adopted the classical liberal adherence to democracy, but topped it by calling for an “expanded democracy”, in which “the people” would run the economy – and each other.” – Murray N. Rothbard, For a New Liberty, revised edition, p.13, Collier Books, 1978, ISBN 0-02-074690-3. – Yes, they really managed to run each other - down! - JZ, 5.3.11. - STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, MAJORITARIANISM, PEOPLE, PLANNING, CENTRALIZATION, FEDERALISM, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: As with the Christian religion, the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents.” – George Orwell. – I presume that he meant State socialism or the monopoly capitalism of territorial States. – JZ, 28.5.08. – True for all too many of them. But I have nothing against e.g. the Sallies or against Statists doing their things only among and to themselves. With their Salvation Army stores the  Sallies do loacally a roaring recycling business, of which I have often profited as a buyer of cheap books, clothing and household items. – JZ, 28.2.14.

SOCIALISM: At bottom, Socialism rests on one simple fallacy, namely that free competition inevitably leads to the exploitation of man by man.” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, Dec. 72. – As if free exchange could be exploitative! – JZ, 22.6.08. – What made exchanges largely unfree so far was, mainly, monetary despotism. In spite of this only few do so far advocate full monetary freedom. – JZ, 8.4.09. – Moreover, we can only purchase with that part of our income which has been left us after direct taxation and even then, in everything we buy, many indirect taxes are included. Thus under monetary and financial despotism we are always exploited by them. – JZ, 28.2.14. - PREJUDICES, EXPLOITATION BY MONETARY & FINANCIAL DESPOTISM, COMPETITION WOULD INCLUDE FULL MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM

SOCIALISM: At the outset, let me clarify one point: cooperative activities unrelated to government do not fall within my definition of socialism; it is the collectivization by government force that qualifies as socialism. Socialism is always a statist or interventionist way of life; it has a double-barreled definition: government ownership and control of the means of production and/or the results of production. Put another way, it is the planned economy and/or the welfare state. The two, as a rule, go hand in hand; indeed, it is next to impossible to practise either without the other.” – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.123. – I can only wish that he had always made that quite clear. – JZ, 21.6.08. - STATE SOCIALISM, EXEMPTING VOLUNTARY & COOPERATIVE SOCIALISM FROM ITS DEFINITION

SOCIALISM: Bakunin: … But when I say that there cannot be freedom without socialism, I also say that socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality. - Marx: I have never advocated socialism without freedom. - Bakunin: You have, my dear Marx. You ask for the dictatorship of the proletariat. - Marx: The dictatorship of the proletariat is a part of freedom too because it is part of the process of liberation. – Maurice Cranston, Political Dialogues, p.125. (Artificially arranged by M. C.!) By now it is well known that the Communist “liberation” amounted to and remained a dictatorship over the proletariat. – JZ, 20.6.08. – And this mainly by people who were not proletarians! – JZ, 8.4.09.

SOCIALISM: Barbarism with a Human Face.” – Title of a bestselling book by Bernard-Henri Levy. – In it he gives this description: “Marxism is the opium of the people.” – The Post Office, as a State monopoly, is State-socialistic, charges too much and is inefficient. But is it really “barbaric”? – I consider only the over-all territorial monopoly of existing governments to be barbaric, especially when they are armed with ABC mass murder devices or have already murdered many millions of innocent people with less “scientific” devices and technologies. - JZ, 21.6.08. – As for the “human face” of State Socialism: Prof. Rudolf Rummel, in his statistics online, brings the evidence that it had in the last century more than 200 million mass murdered victims, even more people murdered than were killed in the wars of this century. - STATE

SOCIALISM: But what do the socialists do? They cleverly disguise this legal plunder from others – and even from themselves – under the seductive names of fraternity, unity, organization and association. Because we ask so little from the law – only justice – the socialists thereby assume that we reject fraternity, unity, organization and association.” – Bastiat, quoted in Dean Russell: Frederic Bastiat: Ideas and Influence, p.12.

SOCIALISM: By 1951 it was obvious to everyone that socialism, which was still the creed of most middle-aged intellectuals, was a gospel of dreariness, servility and intellectual squalor.” – Eugene Kamenka. – Why did it take most people as long and even longer to come to that conclusion? – JZ, 3.8.92, 8.5.11.

SOCIALISM: Can socialism have a “human face” or only a human façade? – It depends upon whether it is coercive or voluntary, wanted or imposed. All other distinctions are comparatively trivial. - JZ, 1.6.82.

SOCIALISM: Charles Peguy: “Tyranny is always better organized than freedom.” – Leon Trotzky: “It was the supreme expression of the mediocrity of the apparatus that Stalin himself rose to his position.” – Also of its ruthlessness and of the divisions caused among all his opponents by their territorial monopoly claims and by the many wrongs that they, too committed. – If his opponents would have subscribed to a panarchist platform and would have known enough about the proper financing of a revolution, then they would have won. - JZ, 20.6.08. – We have still not realized the full organizational potential and strength of individual liberties and rights. We have not even recognized, far less realized all individual rights in the best kind of declaration that could and should by now be compiled and published. The military organization of most democracies is also largely authoritarian to tyrannical. The full defensive and liberating potential of quite free and just societies has as yet never been fully realized. - JZ, 5.3.11. – LEADERSHIP, RULERS, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM

SOCIALISM: Churchill defined Socialism as ‘equal misery for all’, but not for the first time we learn (*) then, when it comes to sharing hardships, most socialists prefer to act on the words of Sam Goldwyn: “Include me out’. – Philip Vander Elst, The Unsocial Socialist, in “1985”, p.141, an anthology ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson. – (*) that?

SOCIALISM: Compulsory labor, with death as the final penalty, is the keystone of Socialism.” – George Bernard Shaw, quoted in THE FREEMAN, 10/75. – Originally in LABOR MONTHLY, October 1921. – FORCED LABOR, SLAVE LABOR, COMPULSORY LABOR, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seek equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.” – Alexis de Tocqueville, Complete Works, Vol. IX. – Quoted in IPA FACTS, Aug. 1976. But does democracy extend individual rights and liberties far enough? Does it realize all of them? – JZ, 20.6.08. – Even he did not always get it right. – He ignored the voluntary, exterritorial and panarchistic alternatives. - JZ, 11.4.09. - Territorial democracies do not liberate people sufficiently and by their very nature cannot do this. - JZ, 5.3.11. - STATE-SOCIALISM, VS. DEMOCRACY & FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM, PERSONAL LAW, POLYARCHISM, SECESSIONISM

SOCIALISM: Democratic socialism and participatory democracy - two wrongful mixture of freedom and interventionism. - JZ, 5.3.11, 27.6.13. – TERRITORIALISM, DEMOCRACY, INTERVENTIONISM

SOCIALISM: Democratic socialism is like a vegetarian slaughter house.” - ("Demokratischer Sozialismus - das ist ein vegetarischer Schlachthof") - FDP-Chef Guido Westerwelle auf dem Parteitag, Juni 2007. – Send by C. B., email, 7.1.08. - DEMOCRACY

SOCIALISM: Democratic socialism? I’ll give you a matching phrase – pregnant virginity.” – Mr. Russell Prowse, Bank of NSW. – THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 27.12.75. – Would R. P. know and understand cooperative or voluntary socialism? – JZ - In politically still totalitarian East Germany progressive taxation, a basic communist demand, was discontinued already for years while it West Germany, under supposedly anti-communist Democracy, it was continued. On both sides totalitarian monetary despotism was practised. - JZ, 5.3.11. – Also the degrees of totalitarianism that are involved in territorialism, including especially monetary and financial despotism. – JZ, 28.2.14. - STATE SOCIALISM, DEMOCRACY, MONETARY DESPOTISM, PROGRESSIVE INCOME TAX

SOCIALISM: Do not this division of labor and these arrangements, decided upon in full liberty, serve the common good? Do we, then, need a socialist, under the pretext of planning, to come and despotically destroy our voluntary arrangements, put an end to the division of labor, substitute isolated efforts for co-operative efforts, and reverse the progress of civilization?” – Bastiat, quoted by G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.46. - The voluntarism of all territorial regimes is all too limited. - JZ, 5.3.11.

SOCIALISM: Does the world face overpopulation?” … it indeed does face over-population, hunger and famine progressively as it becomes more and more socialistic. Socialism has a poor record when it comes to eliminating problems: its answer adds up to eliminating people. In fact, one of socialism’s major and chronic problems is simply people. Socialism on the one hand destroys production, and, on the other, breeds up the least desirable elements. Its answer is to find the people at fault. Socialism always faces over-population (*); a free economy does not.” – Rushdoony, The Myth of Over-Population, p.10. – The problems of State Socialism are, rather, greatly reduced production combined with a lack of free exchanges. – JZ, 28.2.14. - PEOPLE, MASS MURDERS, OVERPOPULATION, MALTHUSIANISM, FREE ECONOMY, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Dr. Emerson Schmidt, eminent economist, discovered in his research that in no instance has any one of the socialist schemes been the result of popular demand. See “The Public Demands ….?” – THE FREEMAN, August 1964. – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.115.

SOCIALISM: each step of socialistic tampering leads inevitably to consequences that are undesirable.” – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 5/80. - STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: End Socialism! Over Here – Over There, All Over the World!” – Quote in some libertarian paper, possibly from: CENTURY APEX, Youngstown, Ohio. – The fastest and most thorough way to achieve this might be to allow its free application – but only among volunteers and only at their expense and risk, under their own personal law system and full exterritorial autonomy. – Then all the wrongful and irrational forms of socialism will soon fail and disappear. Only some businesslike forms will be competitive and they could even be more competitive, more liberating at the workplace than are most present capitalistic enterprises, all too hierarchically organized with the inherently antagonistic employer-employee relationship, which does not fully mobilize all rightful incentives. – JZ, 19.6.08, 5.3.11. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM, FREE EXPERIMENTATION, COMPETITION, CONTRACTS, ASSOCIATIONISM IN EVERY SPHERE

SOCIALISM: Equality of economic conditions for each and all is always a necessary precondition for the freedom of man, but never a substitute for it. Whoever transgresses against freedom transgresses against the spirit of socialism. Socialism means the mutual activity of men toward a common goal with equal rights for all.” – Rudolf Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, p.237. - Alas, he did not add, that all men so involved should be volunteers only. Nor is “equality of economic conditions” a general prerequisite for the freedom of man, but merely the right to try to improve one’s economic condition quite unhindered is part of the freedom of man. – JZ, 20.6.08. 

SOCIALISM: Even in my college days I had fought it out with the socialists, before I knew the economic answers, on the ground that man’s management of man is presumptuous and fraught with danger. I would rely on something less frail, something free of foibles, something impersonal. That something would be nothing else than nature. True she is a rather elusive one, difficult to describe, let alone to handle, and philosophy could argue her non-existence. (If they did, then they might as well deny their own existence – and prove, thereby, that they do not exist, at least not as philosophers.– JZ, 28.2.14.) Nevertheless, she had proven herself a helpful fiction, if that is her real character, in the progress of mankind. I would trust her more than any man I ever knew or read about.” - Frank Chodorov, One Is A Crowd, p.28. - Trust among all kinds of socialists and statists only those, who do their various socialist and statist things only to and for themselves and also trust all kinds of kinds of anarchists and libertarians, who do their various anarchists and libertarian things also only to and for themselves. – Only the intolerant, the authoritarian, the territorial ones, on all sides, are to be resisted. – And what about the nature of man, to the extent that he is, by nature, also a rational and moral being and his corresponding genuine individual rights and liberties? Did Chodorov ever attempt to compile, discuss and publish all of them? - JZ, 5.6.08, 28.2.14.

SOCIALISM: Even the Russians have to go to a capitalist country – America – to buy enough wheat to feed their people, and that after more than fifty years of a State-controlled economy … what we face today is not a crisis of capitalism but of socialism.” – Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, 1975. - Even she did not clearly distinguish between just one of the over 120 captive ethnic peoples (not to speak of all the other captive minorities in the Soviet Empire), namely the Russians (of which there are also many different kinds), and the Soviet leaders with their communist system. – Upon that kind of lack of knowledge or misjudgment rested the decision to “arm” the U.K. with nuclear mass murder devices, which are, obviously, directed rather against the victims of a despotic regime than against its misleaders. – She should have consulted the “Utopia” book of the former chancellor of England, Thomas Moore, its chapter on warfare. – Then at least the Falkland War might not have happened. - JZ, 20.6.08. – CAPITALISM, SOVIET REGIME, RUSSIA, TOTALITARIANISM, NUCLEAR STRENGTH POLICY

SOCIALISM: Every other nation has had and does have more obstacles to freedom than the USA. – Red Russia and Red China leading in red lights! What is produced and exchanged – goods, services, speech, press – is dictated and coercively enforced by dictocrats, know-it-alls, who know no more than did Stalin.” – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, Jan. 79. – But at least Stalin knew how to gain and keep himself in power, for a long time, and how to appeal successfully to nationalism against the Nazi war machine and how to pool wool over the eyes of many to most of the Socialists in the West, for all too many years. – But then he was never confronted by a sufficiently enlightened and free country and people or sufficiently freedom-oriented governments in exile, all intended only for their own kinds of volunteers. – The same could be said about Hitler’s regime. - JZ, 20.6.08. – PANARCHISM, STALIN, HITLER

SOCIALISM: Finally, I realized that socialism is not a political proposal, not an economic plan. Socialism is the residue of Judeo-Christian faith, without religion. It is a belief in community, the goodness of the human race and paradise on earth.” – Source? – As usual, numerous different forms of it are simply ignored. – JZ, 12.4.09. – COOPERATIVE OR VOLUNTARY SOCIALISM, AUTONOMOUS WORK GROUPS, PENSION-FUND SOCIALISM, CHRISTIANITY, JUDAISM, PARADISE, MILLENARIANISM

SOCIALISM: For socialism without liberty, as both Proudhon and Bakunin observed, is the worst form of tyranny.” – Paul Avrich, The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution, p.28. – STATE SOCIALISM, COMPETITIVE & VOLUNTARY FORMS OF SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Freedom embraces any kind of VOLUNTARY socialism. – JZ, 4/76.

SOCIALISM: Friedrich Hayek warned that socialism was reducing formerly free men to serfs.” – Mark C. Frazier, REASON, 2/74. – STATE SOCIALISM, FREEDOM, SERFDOM

SOCIALISM: General name for all reform attempts to do away with unearned and monopoly income and name for the social state which will prevail afterwards. – Griffith has collected no less than 261 definitions of the word in the English language alone.” – Henry Meulen in THE INDIVIDUALIST? – According to Ulrich von Beckerath, a Paris paper, THE FIGARO? in its first edition, ca. 1875, reproduced about 500 different definitions. – A Google search for Socialism + "number of definitions" today brought me the hint to 879 URLs containing these words, but I bothered to download only the first 10 of them, which did not point out any large collection of definitions of socialism. – JZ, 20.6.08.

SOCIALISM: Government ownership and control over basic means of production and distribution of goods and services. All controls are “people” controls, thus it means control over everything, including you. – The idea that socialism is a share-the-wealth program is strictly a confidence game to get people to surrender their freedom to the all-powerful collectivist government. It is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of an economic elite; a method to consolidate and control the wealth.” – Source?

SOCIALISM: Government ownership and government control of the means of production means government control of you.” – Mark Tier, THE AUSTRALIAN, 12.10.74. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: He felt assured that the fundamental values involved in family, property, justice, and freedom were so deeply engraved in the minds and hearts of men that they would one day emerge in reaction against the chaotic failures of socialism.” - George Charles Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.232/33. – MAN, HUMAN NATURE, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: He maintains that all socialism involves slavery, since a slave is one who labors under coercion to satisfy another’s desires (*), whether it be a Five-Year Plan, arbitrary regulations, or income taxation.” – Leslie Snyder, Justice or Revolution, p.20. – (*) Herbert Spencer, The Man Versus the State, introduced by Albert Jay Nock, Caxton, 1969, p.41. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: He perceived that socialism was inevitably its own worst enemy, and would eventually destroy itself.” – George Charles Roche III, Frederic Bastiat - A Man Alone, p.232. – Not if it can be territorially imposed, at the price of millions of lives and financed by taxing dissenters. It would tend to rapidly perish only if it were confined to volunteers. Otherwise, it has lasted for all too many decades. – JZ, 21.6.08. - Its eventual disappearance is not much of a consolation for its over 200 million victims during the last century and their surviving relatives. - Only a panarchistic liberation, revolution and insurrection program, embracing also all monetary and financial freedom options, has the chance to achieve the overthrow of the remaining totalitarian and dictatorial regimes fast and the sufficient transformation of the democratic territorial States into genuinely free societies, all as free as their voluntary members wish them to be. - JZ, 5.3.11. - STATE SOCIALISM, LIBERATION THROUGH PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES IN EXILE, ALL ONLY FOR THEIR PRESENT & FUTURE VOLUNTEERS

SOCIALISM: He was critical of doctrinaire State socialism, which he described in 1926 as “little better than a dusty survival of a plan to meet the problems of 50 years ago, based on a misunderstanding of what someone said 100 years ago.” – On the other hand, he thought capitalism, wisely managed, could probably be made more efficient for attaining economic ends than any alternative system in sight, although in itself it was “in many ways extremely objectionable.” – Jim Cameron, THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 5/12/78, on Maynard Keynes. – Jim Cameron, as a prominent Australian Labor Party official, also a George-ist, who recently died, took, just like Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman, the monetary despotism of central banking for granted and assumed, quite wrongly, that it was part and parcel of free enterprise capitalism and that it should merely be better managed, according to their ideas. – JZ, 20.6.08.

SOCIALISM: He who at twenty is not a Socialist has no heart, and he who at forty is still a Socialist has no brains.” – R. C. W. Ettinger, Man Into Superman, p.156, quotes this as a European proverb.

SOCIALISM: I for one fear State socialism. – JZ, 8.74. – I also hate it. But, I think, that State socialism is the most appropriate punishment – for all State socialists! – Let all state socialists suffer under State socialism, at least for a few years, if not a few decades, as long as they are individually prepared to put up with it. – Others waste their lives in other ways. – Let them! - JZ, 22.6.08, 12.4.09. – PUNISHMENT, TOLERANCE, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: I have a terrible vision: When the Socialists will have come to power, then the blood will really begin to flow.” - Christian Morgenstern, Stufen, 1918, page 104, written 1906. – He was correct in his prophecy: According to the statistics assembled by Prof. Rudolf Rummel and published online, during the last century State socialism has murdered over 200 million people, more than were murdered in its wars. – JZ, 12.4.09, 5.3.11. - STATE SOCIALISM & BLOODSHED

SOCIALISM: I have never met a socialist who wanted the kind of society that I think socialism would produce.” – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.223.

SOCIALISM: I have no desire to live in a Socialist slave pen. And that, my friend, is the shape of the future if I take no action to prevent it.” – THE RENÉ BAXTER LETTER, with the first issue of THE FREEDOM FIGHTER.

SOCIALISM: I refer to socialism as “nothingism” for two reasons. First, theoretical socialism, by dictionary definition, is virtually the same as communism. Therefore, if one were to be concerned only with the theoretical aspects of socialism, there would be little reason to use the term at all; communism fills the bill quite well. The only significant difference between the definition of socialism and communism is that socialism is referred to as “a transitional state of society between capitalism and communism.” – Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.109. - Since both types do also operate largely only under territorialism, most people have not yet realized the varieties that exist for both, and that could and would be practised by their volunteers, at least for a while, once they are quite free to do so. Some of the varieties would be superior to most of the present employer-employee relationships. The others would soon tend to disappear, while the successful forms would spread and, probably, competitively replace most enterprises with absentee owners and mere employees and their managers. – JZ, 19.6.08. – SELF-MANAGEMENT VS. THE EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP, VOLUNTARY & COOPERATIVE FORMS OF SOCIALISM VS. THOSE OF STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: I was guilty of judging capitalism by its operations and socialism by its hopes and aspirations; capitalism by its works and socialism by its literature.” – Sidney Hook. - Did he really judge capitalism by its operations and its works or, rather, by the errors, myths, prejudices, false premises and delusions he had on them? – JZ, 22. 11. 06. - A completely free enterprise or laissez faire or anarcho-capitalism or fully free market capitalism was never realized. It would have had to include full monetary and financial freedom. So how could he have judged it by its operations or its works? As Ayn Rand wrote in the title of one of her books: Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal. Even to her some aspects of a fully free capitalism, were still unknonwn or unappreciated by her. - JZ, 5.3.11. - VS. CAPITALISM

SOCIALISM: if capitalists continue to make common cause with the State. In doing so, they unwittingly are digging the grave of capitalism. … A society of all thieves is an impossibility; somebody has to produce something for others to steal. But, the State does not know that and continues to take as much as it can lay its hands on, through increased taxation or inflation, to assuage its insatiable appetite for power. At long last it levies directly on capital – not satisfied with its take from inflation – and at that point both labor and capital lie down on the job. Why work when there is nothing in it? It is then that socialism comes into its own; the State takes over the capital structure of the country, or parts of it, in an effort to keep production going so that it will have something to tax. The State must life in its accustomed style. When the State takes over capital it abolishes all privileges, for both capitalists and workers, and its minions then constitute the only privileged class; everybody works for them. Socialism is the end-product of an economy sucked dry by privilege.” – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.215. – Privileges and monopolies have nothing to do with rights and liberties. They are, rather, the opposite to them. – JZ, 22.6.08.

SOCIALISM: if governments cannot efficiently conduct the comparatively small activities it now attempts, it must still further fail in the almost infinitely more difficult function that would be given to it under a complete socialistic regime.” – Mr. L. J. Jennings, M.P., FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW, Aug. 1888, p.185.

SOCIALISM: If socialism is, in the phrase of the young Marx, “man’s positive self-consciousness’ then all endeavours to deepen our understanding of how people think, and why they think and feel certain things, seem both worthwhile and necessary.” – Maurice Brinton, The Irrational in Politics, p.4. - I would rather say that State Socialism means ‘man’s negative self-consciousness’. – JZ, 26.7.92. – He thinks so little of himself and his potential, that he rather trusts politicians and bureaucrats to take care of him! – JZ, 20.6.08. – Well, are our politicians and bureaucrats supermen? – JZ, 8.4.09. - STATE SOCIALISM, STATISM,

SOCIALISM: If you mean STATE socialism, among 600 different types of socialism, then you should SAY so. SOME "socialist" forms of self-management, and productive cooperatives are even more laissez-faire-, market-, free enterprise, freedom-of-contract and freedom-of-association oriented, decentralistic, voluntary and propertarian, and are realizing freedom of contract and freedom at work much more so than the supposedly fully capitalistic employer-employee relationship, which is, essentially, still hierarchical, even monarchic or at best aristocratic. The BOSS only very rarely corresponds to the libertarian ideals. Intrepreneurship and autonomous group work are just two of dozens of forms that are basically sound and sounder than your "capitalistic" ideal. Modern management is, all too slowly, discovering some of these alternatives and realizing them. David is quite uncritically condemning only the, admittedly, worst form of socialism - and ignores all the rest of its whole spectrum. Much of it is also, admittedly, all too flawed. BUT NOT ALL OF IT! – JZ, 116.7.11, in comment to Wall Photos - STATE SOCIALISM IS ONLY ONE AMONG CA. 600 DIFFERENT KINDS OF SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: If you remove a person’s wealth from him you remove the reason to try. Then what will socialists run their dream with? Slave camps?” - George, Humberts Revenge, 1973.

SOCIALISM: If you wish to think in terms of “scientific socialism”, you must first reduce men to calculable units, each one like any other. Disregard the human equation and the drawing of social blueprints becomes easy. The individual person is a richly various, many dimensioned, multifaceted, individual whole. But in the eyes of the social planner he is only a dehumanized unit, of no interest except as he can be used to confirm a general theory.” – Admiral Ben Moreell, The Admiral’s Log II, p.102. – STATE SOCIALISM, SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM, HUMAN NATURE, PLANNING

SOCIALISM: In a socialist economy prices don’t rise: The goods are simply unavailable. – JZ, 12.9.74. – Certainly: the wide range of goods and services available even under merely considerable degrees of free market relationships, cannot be provided by State Socialism. – JZ, 20.6.08. – However, even in state socialist countries black markets and black labor exist and there the price mechanism still works to some extent. – JZ, 12.4.09.

SOCIALISM: In his own, and latest book – generally well received – Mr. Levy likens the socialists to “barbarians with human faces”. He clearly deeply mistrusts them. … Listing socialism as an optimism, he says … “and like all optimisms, when it makes promises, it lies.” – Mr. B. H. Levy, THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 21.6.77. - OPTIMISM

SOCIALISM: In Socialism there is but one master, which is the State, but the State is not a living person capable of suffering and happiness. Socialism benefits none but demagogues, and is emphatically the organization of universal misery. Socialism gives us but one class, a class of slaves.” – William B. Greene, 1849. – Where there is a class of slaves there is also a class of slave owners. – Greene, with his “Mutual Banking” was one of the early advocates of monetary freedom - JZ. 21.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, STATE, CLASSES, SLAVERY

SOCIALISM: In the final model, socialism, the market has been eliminated and is under the complete control of the political authority.” – W. Marina: Egalitarianism and Empire, p.12. - And there is no free market for political authorities and anarchistic or libertarian communities of volunteers, either. – JZ, 21.6.08.

SOCIALISM: In the words of one historian, “The only thing we learn from history is that we never learn.” – Socialism is not a new idea: in fact, many ancient governments attempted to implement it. In Sumeria (c. 2100 B.C.) the State owned most of the land and kept records of all business transactions. The Hammurabi law code (c. 1750 B.C.) fixed the wages of herdsmen and artisans, and established the price a physician could charge for operations. Egypt, under the Ptolemies (323 B.C. – 30 B.C.), owned the land and the mines, controlled banking, and regulated commerce. Nor was socialism confined to Europe and the Near East. China had several periods of socialism in which the government owned the land and exerted government control over commerce: Szuma Ch’ien (145 B.C.), Wu Ti (140 B.C. – 87 B.C.), Wand Mand (9 A.D. – 23 A.D.). Socialism was also an integral part of the Inca empire in Peru. But one of the most famous and prophetic socialist eras began with the Roman Emperor Diocletian.” - Susan Love Brown et al, The Incredible Bread Machine, p.155. – During the Middle Ages the rule of the Mongols over China was also largely State socialistic. – Not to speak of particular State socialistic “enterprises” like the Post Office, the courts and the governmental armies. - JZ, 20.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, HISTORY

SOCIALISM: Indeed, socialism in the form of centrally-planned economies seems to me a gigantic fraud. It does not liberate the human spirit. It produces societies which are dull, tyrannical, uniform, and ultimately defenseless against the abuse of highly centralized power.” – Kenneth E. Boulding, TECHNOLOGY REVIEW, quoted in REASON, 7/76, p.49.

SOCIALISM: Indiscriminate condemnations of “Socialism”, as if there were only one kind, namely State Socialism, also in e.g.: Socialism by Ludwig von Mises - - That is true only when they are coercively, i.e. territorially practised. Family communism, that of nuns and monks, as well as that of utopian colonies, is practised voluntarily. These ideologies and all others can become harmless and rightful to outsiders, when practised only among their volunteers. Even the most moral and rational ideology should not be territorially imposed. Let people make their own mistakes and wrongs at their own expense and risk. If not, then they may arm themselves with e.g. ABC mass murder devices, like e.g. the Soviets and the Maoists did. The Soviets subjugated territorially over 120 ethnic minorities, Maoist communists did the same to about 56 such minorities, not to speak of all other minorities. The most rightful and efficient anti-communist program would have to demand full personal law autonomy for all dissenters. The proposed exterritorial decentralization would abolish nuclear targets. – JZ, 13.7.11, on Facebook. - Just confine it to its volunteers, under personal laws. And let all other ideologies be practised among their volunteers, also at their own expense and risk only. Then you might engage in some worthwhile betting on which of all political, economic and social experiments, all tolerantly practised, will be the most successful ones. – JZ, 12.7.11, on Facebook. - STATE SOCIALISM, FAMILY COMMUNISM & THAT OF MONASTERIES & NUNNERIES OR COMMUNITIES OF OTHER VOLUNTEERS

SOCIALISM: Is it actually superior to our way? Why then, I wonder, must we forever bail out the victims of socialism, as most recently in Russia and Red China, when our country “sold” them millions of bushels of grain? Socialistic countries find it difficult even to feed their own.” – Judy Hammersmark, THE FREEMAN, 12/73. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: It has thus been correctly stated that Socialism is Communism on a slow train. Socialism performs its totalitarian operations under the anaesthetic of “democratic” terminology while Communism draws the same blood visibly, violently and with an open profession of its complete and unrestrained dictatorship.” – Clarence Manion, The Key to Peace, p.63.

SOCIALISM: It is creeping socialism. Government should not be allowed to interfere with private enterprise.” – Quoted in PROGRESS, July 75, p.7. – FREE ENTERPRISE VS. PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE, MEDDLING, LAWS, LICENSING, REGULATIONS

SOCIALISM: It is different with modern socialism. It is totalitarian in the strict sense of the term. It holds the individual in tight rein from the womb to the tomb. At every instant of his life the ‘comrade’ is bound to obey implicitly the orders issued by the supreme authority. The State is both his guardian and his employer. The State determines his work, his diet, and his pleasures. The State tells him what to think and what to believe in.” – Ludwig von Mises – STATISM, TOTALITARIANISM, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: It is easy to despise what you cannot get.” – Aesop, ca. 550 B.C., The Fox and the Grapes. – Cannot get? - How many socialists have seriously considered the purchase, on terms, of enterprises by their employees, rather than trade union “measures” like the occupations of factories or official expropriations and nationalizations? – JZ, 20.6.08. - ENVY TOWARDS CAPITALISTS, ANTI-CAPITALIST MENTALITY, PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES

SOCIALISM: It is of utmost importance that we understand that socialism is based on coercion and on the control of some men by other men. It is equally important that we become expositors of the philosophy of freedom. When the alternatives – freedom versus socialism – are understood, then men are confronted with a clear-cut distinction on which to base their choice.” – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.155. – Without full monetary and financial freedom a sufficiently free market is not possible. – JZ, 20.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM.

SOCIALISM: It is said that Jefferson declared, “That government is best that governs least.” It appears that the socialists have appropriated the dictum to their own use in this corrupted form: “That government is best which spends most.” - Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.57. – The victims should be free to bail out from any territorial system that has nothing better to offer in a crisis than the continuance of its many wrongful monopolies and interventions combined with huge bail-out payments to enterprises that failed under its “protection” and “regulation”, “controls” and “guaranties”, with these bail-out funds provided by further taxation or even merely the government’s note-printing presses for its forced and exclusive currency, i.e., by inflation. Under full monetary and financial freedom, intelligently applied in a peaceful monetary and financial revolution, the present economic crisis, too, could be ended within hours to days. This solution has been published for decades and, typical, the present governments are still unaware of it. – So are most of its victims. – JZ, 12.4.09. – ECONOMIC CRISES, BAIL-OUTS BY GOVERNMENTS INSTEAD OF BAIL-OUTS FROM UNDER TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS

SOCIALISM: It never fails to amaze me that so many people fall victim to the politics of envy. Show them a plan that would give tax credits for anyone who provides food, clothing, or shelter to a poor or homeless person, and instead of sharing your vision of a society where poverty and homelessness have vanished completely, they'll complain that the plan will benefit the rich people who receive the tax credits. Show them a plan that would make a wide range of choices of high-quality education no longer the exclusive domain of the Beverly Hills set but instead within the easy reach of even the poorest family, and instead of sharing your vision of millions of poor children finally receiving a decent education (and, not incidentally, hundreds of thousands of teachers who are finally empowered to do what they love: teach), and they will complain that some of those Beverly Hills types might take a few of the dollars home with them. Why should a poor minority child should be refused the chance to learn how to read a good book, just to satisfy an ideology which says s/he can't be helped because it might also benefit the rich?” - Bob Bickford. - STATISM, WELFARE STATE, ENVY, CLASS WARFARE NOTIONS, RICH, POOR, TAXATION, SUBSIDIES, EGALITARIANISM, ENVY

SOCIALISM: It reminds me of the fate of a young goat we once had. It found itself chained to a stake and the attachment of the chain to the stake was so tight that it did not slip at all around the stake. (My mistake!) So, instead of grazing around the stake, grazing within the limited circle allowed by the chain, it went around the stake, always in the same and wrong direction, in an ever-tightening circle, not recognizing her dilemma, not realizing the consequence of the chain being gradually wound up, around the stake, till she finally throttled herself. What she did then to herself, within a few hours, we tend to do to ourselves within a few years to decades, when imposing more and more restrictions upon ourselves, or permitting others to impose them upon us, until we find ourselves hopelessly tied down. But all that would be needed would be to reverse our direction, in a rightful and sensible way, i.e. to try freedom instead, as much as possible under present circumstances. – JZ, 3.6.82, 20.6.08. – Let people opt out freely from any territorial system and establish or join any exterritorial autonomy system for themselves! – JZ, 12.4.09. - RESTRICTIONS, REGULATIONS, LAWS, STATISM, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM

SOCIALISM: It’s the old Socialist dream. Help the workers. But you and I know what happens. One bloke ends up working like the devil to support two “workers” who don’t work.” – Liberal Party election propaganda, April 22, 1976. – TAXATION, EQUAL PAY FOR UNEQUAL WORK, COLLECTIVE BARGAINING, UNIONISM

SOCIALISM: L. A. Rollins (REASON) defines ‘Fabian’ as ‘a creeping socialist’. – How about ‘a socialist creep’? – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 9/75. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Lacking a means of economic calculation, socialism is bound to fail.” – Brian Summers, THE FREEMAN, 10/74. – Summing up an insight that Ludwig von Mises had provided in many of his writings and talks. – JZ - STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Legal plunder can be committed in an infinite number of ways; hence, there are an infinite number of plans for organizing it: tariffs, protection, bonuses, subsidies, incentives, the progressive income tax, free education, the right to employment, the right to profit, the right to wages, the right to relief, the right to the tools of production, interest free credit, etc., etc. And it is the aggregate of all these plans, in respect to what they have in common, legal plunder, that goes under the name of socialism.” – Frederic Bastiat, Essays, p.61. – That description does not fit e.g. “voluntary socialism” or “cooperative socialism”. – At least this form of socialism tries to turn every employee into a co-proprietor of the enterprise that he works in. And this not by expropriating the owner or occupying the factory but, in a businesslike way, by making him a purchase offer, one so attractive that he will be greatly tempted. People so organized and willing to try responsible self-management can, probably, make the present owner or proprietors the best offer that they can get on a free market for enterprises, since they can anticipate that they will work harder and better and will make as many improvements as they can, as soon as possible, thereby increasing their returns for their labors. – Like in most take-over bids, no cash need be offered by them but merely industrial bonds, gradually redeemable out of their future profits. - JZ, 20.6.08. – PLUNDER, PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES

SOCIALISM: Let each mind his own business – even if it is a socialist one. – JZ, 12.11.75. – SECESSIONISM, TOLERANCE, MYOB, PANARCHISM

SOCIALISM: Let there be no enlargement of the area of socialism. That is the easiest step of all. We need merely refrain from passing additional coercive laws!” – Ben Moreell, THE FREEMAN, 4/75. – Rather, let each individual freely choose or establish his own community of volunteers, exterritorialy quite autonomous under personal law. Then, by outsiders, even more State socialist laws could be tolerated, since then these would only be applied to the remaining State Socialists, since then they would no longer have the power of a territorial monopoly. – JZ, 20.6.08, 28.2.14. – LAWS, COERCION, FORCE, COMPULSION, MONOPOLY, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, CHOICE, TOLERANCE, VOLUNTARISM, POLYARCHISM

SOCIALISM: Liberals and Conservatives are Socialists.” – Guy W. Riggs. - Already as territorialists, not only by their economic or anti-economic “policies” are they State Socialists. – JZ, 21.6.08. – TERRITORIALISM, INTOLERANCE, AUTHORITARIANISM, IMPOSED “SOLUTIONS”, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM

SOCIALISM: Marxism has been there greatest fantasy of our century. – It was a dream offering the prospect of a society of perfect unity, in which all human aspirations would be fulfilled and all values reconciled. … It owed much of its success to the combination of Messianic fantasies with a specific and genuine social cause, the struggle of the European working class against poverty and exploitation. (*) This combination was expressed in a coherent doctrine with the absurd name (derived from Proudhon) of “scientific socialism” – absurd because the means of attaining an end may be scientific, but not the choice of the end itself.” – Lexzek Kolakowski, The Fantasy of Marxism, Some Concluding Remarks, ENCOUNTER, 12/78, p.80. – (*) What they were really opposing, without becoming aware of this, were the consequences of monetary and financial despotism, the continuance of the employer-employee relationship and the lack of experimentation, secession and personal law options under territorialism. – JZ, 28.2.14. – “SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM”, MARXISM

SOCIALISM: May be the “men at work” warning on highways should be replaced by: “Caution!!! State Socialism at Work!” – JZ, 24.7.80.

SOCIALISM: May we be listened to before the last wall is erected and the gate of the socialist prison closes on us.” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 12/72, p. 68. – Just another “captive nation”. - Prisons in government hands are notorious for not being very productive. (*) And State socialists imprison or kill many more innocent than guilty people in their country-wide "prisons". At most their captive nations can only be as self-supporting and “prosperous” as slave labor and serfdom can be for most of their victims. – JZ, 22.6.08. 5.3.11. - (*) At least in some cases in the somewhat developed countries (none is as yet fully developed under full economic freedom) the costs of maintaining the average convicted prisoner may be larger than the total annual damage they would do, in the average, by their crimes against property rights, if they were not captured and imprisoned. – JZ, 12.4.09. - PRISONS FOR CRIMINALS AND COUNTRY-WIDE, FOR "POLITICAL PRISONERS".

SOCIALISM: Moreover, the unions are short-sighted. The Socialists among them repeat unceasingly that the system is to blame: if the employers cannot supply the country’s needs whilst paying the workers the current wage, it is because the employers expect … in profit too big a part of the product of the worker’s efforts – the employer’s labour could be supplied much more cheaply by a state servant. The remedy is of course socialism. But when the ordinary trade unionist look at Russia, where no trade unions of the western pattern are permitted, and where labour critics of the government are promptly sent to Siberia or, perhaps worse, confined in lunatic asylums, they are nervous. Yet they are steadily making it impossible for the west to maintain a free system. … Trade unions are today unnecessary, dangerous, and should be discontinued. …” - Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 2/76. – UNIONS, ANTI-CAPITALIST MENTALITY, EXPLOITATION HYPOTHESIS, WAGES, PROFITS, LABOR, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Most varieties of socialism implicitly assume unanimous agreement on goals. Everyone works for the glory of the nation, the common good, or whatever, and everyone agrees, at least in some general sense, on what that goal means.” – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.182. - And if, as usual, this kind of agreement does not really exist then it is pretended and compliance with the official common ideal is enforced, if necessary with terror measures, which cost the lives of over 200 million people during the last century, according to the online figures of Prof. R. Rummel. – JZ, 20.6.08. – WRONG ASSUMPTION OF UNANIMITY OR CONSENT, CLASS WARFARE NOTIONS ON THE OTHER HAND

SOCIALISM: Must freedom be unsocial? Why should a person who advocates government control of the economy and the “means of production” be regarded as a “socialist” rather than an anti-social menace?” – Diogenes of Panarchia, THE CONNECTION 111, 16.4.83, p.45. – SOCIALISTS, GOVERNMENTALISTS

SOCIALISM: Neither did the USSR represent socialism at its best nor did the US represent capitalism and the market economy at their best. Both rather represented various degrees of State socialism and the mixed economy rather than the ideals that they paid lip service to. In both, e.g. voluntary and cooperative socialism as well as genuine laissez faire capitalism were largely unknown and thus unappreciated as ideals and both did not permit their quite free and tolerant realization among volunteers. In the West the coops, too, remained under monetary and financial despotism and could thus not freely develop to their potential. - JZ, 19. & 22.11.02, 1.3.14. - & CAPITALISM WITHOUT LAISSEZ FAIRE ECONOMICS? STATE SOCIALISM AS IF IT WERE THE ONLY FORM OF SOCIALISM POSSIBLE

SOCIALISM: Nothing against socialism: It has made the career of many a good man.” – Felix Riemkasten. – (Only from memory and in my translation from the German original. – JZ) I do not agree with his notion of “goodness” for people, who do advocate expropriation, State monopolies and coercion, class warfare notions, price-, rent- , profit- and wage-controls. – JZ, 1.3.14. – PUBLIC SERVANTS, PARTY HACKS, “REPRESENTATIVES”, RULERS, POLITICANS

SOCIALISM: Now, that socialism, in combination with two world wars, has, at least in Europe, fulfilled its function, to impoverish the rich and to make the poor still poorer and the wealth of the people has literally been blown up, the “paternalist State” promises the “little man” to free him of his misery. It is amusing to ponder that, apart from a few newly rich and the totalitarian men in power, the people in Europe are all poor or even poorer, and that the “little man” can never be helped through a Welfare State but only through a general increase of economic productivity. …” - Herbert Stegeman, DER TAGESSPIEGEL, 25.11.51. – He should have mentioned, that for 3 years after the war inflation, rationing, price-, wage and rent controls  and central planning were continued and that only an end to central banking, with its issue monopoly and legal tender for its paper money, its forced and exclusive currency, could have achieved stable value reckoning, thus sound credit conditions and a sufficient supply of sound exchange media. Moreover, the Allies had taken apart and taken away whole factories and set up the usual trade barriers. After the currency reform of 1948 only some economic liberty was introduced. But millions of refugees from the East had also provided extra willing and able labor power, a great asset – if and while there is enough economic freedom also for them. Economic freedom, however, remained so limited that mass unemployment remained a major problem. – JZ, 20.6.08.

SOCIALISM: One critic said recently that Mr. Whitlam is the greatest socialist since Columbus. Asked why Columbus, he replied: “Because he started out not knowing where he was going, arriving not knowing where he was, came back not knowing where he had been – and all on borrowed money.” – Sir Robert Askin, Former NSW Liberal Party Premier, quoted in THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 3.11.73. – On former ALP (Australian Labor Party) Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. – Not that Askin was not a legalized robber, in his way, too. – Nor do I know whether he confined himself always to legalized crimes only. - COLUMBUS, JOKES

SOCIALISM: One must eschew all connection with Fabianism, Socialism, … It is a nasty form of rot on the human species. …” - David Herbert Lawrence. - In Kangaroo, he says, “no sort of politics will help.” – James Dale Davidson, in THE INDIVIDUALIST, 6/72. - Lawrence, David Herbert, 1885-1930, Kangeroo, 1923. – No form of territorial politics can help us sufficiently. – JZ, 1.3.14. – TERRITORIALISM, FABIANISM, POLITICS AS USUAL

SOCIALISM: People need to understand that socialism is the economic system of the few – the handful of controlling government officials – whereas capitalism is a system in which thousands of individual decisions are the controlling factor. In a true socialist economy, the state is the only farmer, landlord and manufacturer. In a capitalist society, the means of production and distribution are owned by millions of people.” – Anthony Harrigan, Who Is A Capitalist? – USIC leaflet. - To some extent this is true but capitalist incentives and property have not yet spread as widely as they could and should especially in large corporations, where almost every employee could and should become a capitalist or work under sufficient contractual incentives, rather than in an all too dependent and authoritarian employer-employee relationship. – Under the best forms of voluntary or cooperative socialism there is hardly a difference with the best forms of free enterprise and laissez faire capitalism. – Those who only think of State Socialism do, usually, overlook this. - JZ, 19.6.08. – Self-Management and widespread private ownership of means of production remain still all too under-developed and hierarchies in productive and distribution enterprises are unnecessarily continued even when there are counter-productive. – JZ, 1.3.14.

SOCIALISM: Pure socialism has never succeeded anywhere.” – E. F. Wells, THE FREEMAN, 1/73. – True, largely, for State Socialism. Untrue for many religiously motivated socialist utopian colonies and monasteries and nunneries. Untrue also for many families, until their kids become self-supporting. And untrue for business-like cooperatives and partnerships and companies whose shares are completely or largely held by their employees. – Most State socialist regimes lasted for all too long and some had dozens of millions of victims. And the State socialist Post Offices, after centuries, still do operate in a fashion, although not as efficiently and cheaply as competing postal services would. - JZ, 20.6.08.

SOCIALISM: Q.: What’s wrong with Socialism? A.: Everything, if you believe in individual liberty. Nothing if you believe that a few men – the politicians and the top bureaucrats – have the right and the ability to rule over everybody else.” – WORKERS PARTY NEWSLETTER No. 1, 3/1975.

SOCIALISM: Queue: The socialist approach to the retail business.” – From “HAMMER & TICKLE”. - JOKES

SOCIALISM: SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM, n. Socialistic scientism; materialistic millenarianism; mystical Marxism; clairvoyant communism. – L. A. Rollins, Lucifer’s Lexicon, p.111.

SOCIALISM: Scratch a socialist and you’ll find a medievalist every time.” - Quoted by Vincent H. Miller, who added: More often than not there’s more than a grain of truth in it. - MEDIEVALISM, GUILD SOCIALISM, MILLENARIANISM, UTOPISM OF THE FANTASY TYPE

SOCIALISM: Six Miracles of Socialism: 1.) There is no unemployment, but no one works. 2.) No one works, but everyone gets paid. 3.) Everyone gets paid, but there is nothing to buy with the money. 4.) No one can buy anything, but everyone owns everything. 5.) Everyone owns everything, but no one is satisfied. 6.) No one is satisfied, but 99 percent of the people vote for the system.” – Anonymous , STATE SOCIALISM, ITS SIX MIRACLES, OR CONTRADICTIONS, JOKES

SOCIALISM: Slavery comes to life again: the state an assemblage of slaves without personal liberty – that is Socialism.” – William K. von Ketteler, Can a Workingman Be a Socialist? 1877. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism – a generic term with which must be included economic planning, economic regulations and economic controls – begins by assuming that there are no immutable economic laws. To substantiate that assumption it must first deny that man is born with an indigenous nature, that he is endowed with instincts and impulses which control his behavior under any and all conditions.” – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.69.

SOCIALISM: Socialism – just a new version of “Let George do it”. – American way of describing socialism, mentioned in Sir Ernest Benn, “The Confessions of a Capitalist”, p.184. – That would be O.K. if one meant with this, really letting “George” and the other fellows each do their own things for or to themselves, in the laissez faire or free enterprise and free competition way, always self-responsibly, and bearing their own losses. But those, who see in “George” a competent “Big Brother” or a territorial politician or bureaucrat, or even a “great” leader - are in for disappointments. – JZ, n.d. & 20.6.08.

SOCIALISM: Socialism by Ludwig von Mises - - That is true only when it is coercively, i.e. territorially practised. Family communism, that of nuns and monks, as well as that of utopian colonies, is practised voluntarily. These ideologies and all others can become harmless and rightful to outsiders, when practised only among their volunteers. Even the most moral and rational ideology should not be territorially imposed. Let people make their own mistakes and wrongs at their own expense and risk. If not, then they may arm themselves with e.g. ABC mass murder devices, like e.g. the Soviets and the Maoists did. The Soviets subjugated territorially over 120 ethnic minorities, Maoist communists did the same to about 56 such minorities, not to speak of all other minorities. The most rightful and efficient anti-communist program would have to demand full personal law autonomy for all dissenters. The proposed exterritorial decentralization would abolish nuclear targets. – JZ, 13.7.11, on Facebook. - Just confine it to its volunteers, under personal laws. And let all other ideologies be practised among their volunteers, also at their own expense and risk only. Then you might engage in some worthwhile betting on which of all political, economic and social experiments, all tolerantly practised, will be the most successful ones. – JZ, 12.7.11, on Facebook. - STATE SOCIALISM, FAMILY COMMUNISM & THAT OF MONASTERIES & NUNNERIES OR COMMUNITIES OF OTHER VOLUNTEERS, ALL SHOULD BE UNDER EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY OR PERSONAL LAW OF THEIR INDIVIDUAL CHOICE AS LONG AS THEY WANT TO, STARTIING WITH INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism can continue its unprofitable enterprises only as long as there are profitable businesses whose earnings can be taxed to subsidize the State's "enterprises". – JZ, 11/73, 5.3.11.

SOCIALISM: Socialism can only work to the extent that it is based on freedom of contract and respect for genuine property rights. These contracts must be moral and voluntary, i.e. mutually beneficial ones, and based on self-interest. – JZ, 28.6.92. – Classical instances are well-organized productive cooperatives. Less well known and appreciated ones are “open” cooperatives as recommended by P. Buchez, Theodor Hertzka and Ulrich von Beckerath. – JZ, 2.6.08. – VOLUNTARY SOCIALISM, OPEN COOPERTIVES

SOCIALISM: Socialism can’t provide wheat in Russia, rice in Burma, or beef in Finland. All these countries used to export these products. Now they import them.” - George, Humberts Revenge, 1973.

SOCIALISM: Socialism can’t work, hasn’t worked, and will never work. It defies the nature of man.” – George, Humberts Revenge, 1983. - Even State Socialism does work, in a fashion, based largely on forced labor, but very badly, indeed, impoverishing its victims, instead of providing them with the promised paradise. And its territorial enforcement, during the last century, has cost about 200 million lives. - However, one should not ignore e.g. voluntary socialism and cooperative socialism as well as other self-management and property ownerships schemes to acquire and spread propertarian rights and incentives. – They do have the potential to out-compete the hierarchically organized capitalistic enterprises with their employer-employee relationships and to turn every working person into a capital owners, contractor and businessmen and be it only by internal group-, team- or gang-work contracting, within large enterprises, in form of autonomous work groups or work cooperatives. – The practices of territorial State socialism over all too many decades, should be considered as evidence for the right of individuals and minorities to secede from the State - in order to do their own things for or to themselves in whatever ways they prefer. - JZ, 21.6.08. – PANARCHISM, SELF-OWNERSHIP TOLERANCE, VOLUNTARISM, TO EACH HIS OWN, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM

SOCIALISM: socialism contains a fundamentally unresolvable (*) contradiction in that its egalitarianism is combined with an adherence to a State-controlled society that can be managed with the remotest hope of efficiency only by a managerial elite, which develops its own caste identity and privileges. In their attempt to overcome what they uncomprehendingly regard as ‘blind economic forces’, socialists invariably end up dominating their fellow men.” - Philip Vander Elst, The Unsocial Socialist, in 1985, p.141, an anthology ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson. (*) irresolvable, according to my spell-checker. – JZ

SOCIALISM: Socialism does not exist anywhere in the world.” – Eric Hoffer, THE TIMES, 1976. – There are actually thousands of voluntary industrial and agricultural self-management schemes. The less dogmatic and egalitarian they are and the more businesslike, the more successful and longer-lasting they are. There are also numerous examples of successful autonomous group contracting or gang work. - But Hoffer was right about State Socialism. Nowhere in the world was it complete. It had to make some concessions to private property interests and work incentives. A new class of bureaucrats and politicians arose, exploiting the rest of the population. – Many people did probably survive it only by engaging in black market operations. - JZ, 20.6.08.

SOCIALISM: Socialism does work: It avoids poverty: Because by making everybody poor, like it does, comparatively there is no poverty. – D.Z., 10.76. - POVERTY

SOCIALISM: Socialism fails because it is largely immoral in its denial of fundamental freedoms. - Nizam Ahmad via Against Crony CapitalismFacebook, 23.4.13. - - John Zube : Ask yourself: Which of the ca. 600 different kinds types of socialism are harmful and wrongful and which ones are more productive and quite rightful, tolerant and tolerable? I oppose all kinds of territorial State socialism as well, but do not consider them to be the only ones. Some forms of socialism are self-management schemes, e.g. autonomous work groups, productive coops, really free enterprise and propertarian forms, more capitalistic than the usual employer-employee-relationship enterprises, which mobilize only a fraction of the proprietary and enterprise incentives of their dependent employees. The truths on this, too, cannot be found in wrongful generalizations.

SOCIALISM: Socialism for the Socialists and capitalism for the capitalists, etc., all at the expense only of those who are thus voluntarily involved and autonomously and exterritorially organized under personal law. – JZ, 7.4.81, 20.6.08. - TOLERANCE, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, TO EACH HIS OWN SYSTEM

SOCIALISM: Socialism has failed our nation. Away with it, before it does the final damage.” – Margaret Thatcher, READER’S DIGEST, 6/77. – All forms of socialism, too, should be confined to their practice only among their volunteers. The same should apply to all forms of anarchism, libertarianism and statism, all in peaceful personal law competition with each other. – JZ, 1.3.14. – VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHSISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR ALL, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism in our time and starvation for our children.” – Sir Ernest Benn, Account Rendered, p.52. – STATE SOCIALSM

SOCIALISM: Socialism is “universal slavery – without even the dignity of a master.” – Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism is All government. It is simply government ownership and control of the means of production – the planned economy – and the government ownership and control of the results of production – the welfare state.” – Leonard E. Read, The Love of Liberty, p.11. – Here, he too, expressed himself as a “Know-It-All”, although his knowledge in this sphere – and a few others, e.g. monetary freedom and panarchism, was rather limited. – But then the recognition and realization of all rights and liberties is not a job for just a few great men like Read was. – It is a job for all of us. As Warren Bennis, in his book Organizing Genius puts it: “None of us is as smart as all of us.” – Quoted by Thomas Friedman, Lexus and the Olive Tree, p.86. – The total of wisdom does not exist in individuals but in the over-all market for ideas and talents – which has still to be properly assembled and made easily and fast accessible, much more so than it is by the present Internet. - JZ, 20.6.08. – IDEAS ARCHIVE, KNOWLEDGE, LEONARD E. READ, DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, WISDOM, TALENTS, FREE MARKETS

SOCIALISM: Socialism is but Catholicism addressing itself not to the soul but to the senses of men.” - Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.119. – The ca. 2,000 different notions of “souls” should be left out of consideration in economics. But individual work and ownership incentives are very much part of it and they are most ignored by State Socialism. – JZ, 1.3.14.

SOCIALISM: Socialism is certain to prove, in the beginning at least, the road NOT to freedom, but to dictatorship and counter-dictatorships, to civil war of the fiercest kind. Socialism achieved and maintained by democratic means seems definitely to belong to the world of utopias.” – W. H. Chamberlin, A False Utopia. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism is legalized plunder.” – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 6/77. - True but only for all territorial, coercive, monopolistic and egalitarian forms of socialism that are forced upon dissenters not for the other forms, that no one should remain as unaware of. – JZ, 21.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM VS. THE INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS & INCENTIVES OF VOLUNTARY & COOPERATIVE SOCIALISM & OTHER SELF-MANAGEMENT SCHEMES

SOCIALISM: socialism is like mercantilism in its belief that the world is a zero sum game. For the socialist, a gain for one simply has to mean a loss for someone else. Socialists completely reject the notion that trade benefits both parties. Socialists, in general, but communists especially, argue that trade between the rich and the poor inherently exploits the poor for the benefit of the rich.” – Joseph P. Martino, editor: “Defending a Free Society.”

SOCIALISM: Socialism is merely democratic absolute monarchy – that is, a system of absolutism, open to seizure of power by all comers, by any ruthless climber, opportunist, adventurer, demagogue or thug.” – Ayn Rand, NEWSLETTER, Dec. 62. – DEMOCRACY, STATE SOCIALISM, POLITICIANS, RULERS, POWER, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, ABSOLUTISM, MONARCHISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism is neither genuinely radical nor truly revolutionary. Socialism is a reactionary reversion.” – Murray N. Rothbard. – True, e.g. for State Socialism and Syndicalism. Untrue for a few other forms of socialism or self-management. – JZ, 20.6.08.

SOCIALISM: Socialism is no longer a utopia but a tragedy. That is the point about which we should be concerned.” – Wilhelm Roepke, Gesellschaftskrise der Gegenwart, II, 1, 248. - (JZ tr. of: “Der Sozialismus ist heute keine Utopie sondern eine Tragödie, das ist der Punkt, um den es sich heute handelt.“) – It is not a crisis of society but, rather, a crisis of territorial States. – JZ, 20.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, TERRITORIALISM, COERCIVE COLLECTIVISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism is nothing more nor less than a system under which the state makes the choices rather than the individual participants in the economic process, at both the producing and consuming levels.” – W. A. Paton, THE FREEMAN, 6/73. – STATE SOCIALISM, STATISM, CENTRALIZED PLANNING & CONTROLS AS A VERY POOR SUBSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS, INCENTIVES & ECONOMIC RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, ESPECIALLY TO MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM

SOCIALISM: Socialism is nothing more than a tired, less militant version of communism.” – Mark Tier, FREE ENTERPRISE, 8/74. – STATE SOCIALISM, TOTALITARIAN COMMUNISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism is Opium for the Proletariat.” – Graffiti

SOCIALISM: Socialism is plunder under the guise of philanthropy or humanitarianism.” – LIBERTARIAN OPTION, 1/75. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism is rule by force of arms applied to people’s economic activities, nothing else.” – Tibor Machan, Liberty and Culture, p.98. - On State socialism and most of the other forms of coercive and monopolistic socialism he is right. On voluntary or cooperative socialism [in its best forms, individualistic, recognizing and spreading property rights and propertarian incentives among more and more people] he is not. – JZ, 2.6.08. 5.3.11. - STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism is the grandiose rationalization of petty resentments.” – Ludwig von Mises. – While correct for State socialism, probably for most other forms of socialism as well, it is not correct for all other forms of socialism, hundreds of them, e.g., not for voluntary socialism or cooperative socialism and xyz forms of self-management. Mises should have been aware of that and should thus have qualified his statement. Admittedly, all too many of the hundreds of forms of socialism are based also upon statist or other primitive misconception of economics, politics and society. – JZ, 27.5.08, 5.3.11.

SOCIALISM: Socialism is the political coercive implementation of altruism.” – Joseph DeJan, Man, State and the Market, p.18. – From the able to the needy – until everybody becomes poor. – JZ, 1.3.14. - ALTRUISM, STATE SOCIALISM, COERCION

SOCIALISM: Socialism is the state ownership and control of the means of production (the planned economy) and/or the state ownership and control of the results of production (the welfare state).” – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, Nov. 74, also in: Meditations on Freedom, p.24. – Alas, he did not meditate on any of the other forms of socialism or of States, societies and communities than “limited” but still territorial monopoly States. – Even the ideals of many great libertarian thinkers are still all too limited. – None had or have e.g. access to a libertarian ideas archive and a complete libertarian library with complete abstracts, reviews, bibliographies and index compilations and a complete declaration of all individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 1.3.14. - STATE SOCIALISM, LEONARD E. READ, GREAT LIBERTARIANS, LIBERTARIAN LIBRARY, ABSTRACTS, REVIEWS, INDEXES BIBLIOGRAPHIES, PROJECTS LIST ON LINE, DIRECTORY, NEW DRAFT

SOCIALISM: Socialism makes as much sense as running a Melbourne Cup with the last horse getting the price.” – D. Coldicutt, 412 Hannan St., Kalgoorlie, 1975. – STATE SOCIALISM, JOKES

SOCIALISM: Socialism makes Socialists.” – Russell Lewis. – Quoted by Alfred Sherman in 1985, p. 63, an anthology ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson. - Capitalism makes capitalists, State socialism merely produces State socialists and poor people. – JZ, 1976. – Quite consistently applied, free enterprise and laissez faire capitalism - in some forms of business-like cooperative or voluntary socialism - would turn almost everyone into a co-owner of productive capital of partner and thus into a capitalist, and, thus make him much more productive than before and thus much better off. – JZ, 20.6.08. – CAPITALISM, VOLUNTARY OR COOPERATIVE SOCIALISM, SELF-MANAGEMENT, WIDE-SPREAD PROPERTY & POSITIVE & RIGHTFUL WORK INCENTIVES

SOCIALISM: Socialism means a nation with two kinds of men; the few who have the power to run things and the many whose lives are run by other men.” – Edmund A. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 3/74. - STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism means big government, and big government always implies little men. Individuals are diminished in order to exalt the society and the state. “The State”, as Hegel said, “is the substance, whereof individuals are but accidents.” - Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.140. – STATE SOCIALISM, GOVERNMENT, BIG GOVERNMENT, LITTLE MEN.

SOCIALISM: Socialism means the control of productive property by the men in the political agency, allegedly in the name of and for the good of ‘society as a whole’.” – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.140. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: socialism means the militarization of society, in the sense of the organization of the whole of society in much the same way as armies are organized.” – Alfred Sherman, in the anthology 1985, ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson. – But with the difference that this militarization of the economy and its totalitarian enforcement costs even more lives than wars do. – JZ, 20.6.08. – TOTALITARIANISM, MASS MURDERS, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: socialism means total monopoly, the state being the only entrepreneur.” – Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddhin, THE FREEMAN, 11/72. – How can one remain so ignorant, as a freedom lover, of other forms of socialism than State Socialism? That is like believing that so far only the State’s paper money monopoly and its forced value and acceptance had been explored, proposed and realized, simply ignoring all other instances that happened,. at least in some countries and for some periods. – JZ, 21.6.08, 5.3.11. – STATE SOCIALISM, MONOPOLISM, MONETARY & FINANCIAL DESPOTISM VS. MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM

SOCIALISM: Socialism really means government ownership and government control.” – Mark Tier, THE AUSTRALIAN, 12/10/74. - Yes, but only for those, who know no other forms of socialism, especially not those without any coercive, statist, monopolistic or centralistic features. – Why haven’t most freedom lovers explored these alternatives, so far? – This view is excusable in the man in the street but for front-rank libertarians! - JZ, 21.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism seeks to pull down wealth; Liberalism seeks to raise up poverty. (*) Socialism would kill enterprise (**); Liberalism would rescue enterprise from the trammels of privilege and preference … Socialism exalts the rule; Liberalism exalts the man. Socialism attacks capital; Liberalism attacks monopoly.” – Winston Churchill, in Henry Anatole Grunwald, Man of the Century in Churchill: The Life Triumphant, 1963. – Did Churchill ever attack monopolies like those of the Bank of England, the Post Office, the decision-making monopoly on war and peace? – How many lives were unnecessarily lost due to wrongful and flawed decisions of W. C.? - (*) raise man up from? - (**) Would confine it to a few politicians and bureaucrats. - JZ, 20.6.08. – LIBERALISM, AIR RAIDS, ANZAC, LEADERSHIP, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism ties economic power to class power, and both to the imposition of arbitrary political control as a means to maintain class privilege.” – Silvert, Man’s Power, p.123.

SOCIALISM: Socialism was described by Mises as that system of groping in the dark.” – Source? – In the absence of free pricing, free enterprise, free trade and full publicity for all market transactions, freedom of association, contract and experimentation to guide economic actions. – JZ, 22.6.08, 1.3.14. – PLANNING, STATE SOCIALISM, RECKONING, ACCOUNTING, PROFIT & LOSS SYSTEM, PRICING, PUBLICITY, KNOWLEDGE

SOCIALISM: Socialism will remain popular as long as the hope, that the others are also badly off, is more important for them than the hope that they will become well off.” – Hans Habe, Leben fuer den Journalismus, III, 1960, p.263. - (“Der Sozialismus wird populaer bleiben, solange den Menschen die Hoffnung, dass es auch den anderen schlecht gehe, wichtiger ist als die Hoffnung, dass es auch ihnen selbst gut gehe.“) – STATE SOCIALISM, EGALITARIANISM, EQUALITY IN MISERY – EXCEPT FOR THE RULERS

SOCIALISM: Socialism without freedom is a garrison.” – Bakunin – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism without liberty is slavery and bestiality. – Bakunin, Oeuvres, I, 59, quoted in Our Position, Chicago? 1934? – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism without liberty is the barracks.” - Graffito written during French student revolt, May 1968. – Alas, what percentage of all socialists is in favor of all economic rights and liberties? – JZ, 20.8.08. – Is that percentage much larger among the various anarchists and libertarians? – JZ, 8.4.09. – STATE SOCIALISM, ANARCHISTS, LIBERTARIANS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SOCIALISM: Socialism works, but nowhere as efficiently as in the bee-hive and the anthill.” – Dr. Laurence J. Peter – Apparently, even he never learnt about other forms of socialism than State Socialism. – JZ, 20.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism, communism, and fascism are quite obviously not capitalistic. There are slight variations in degree, but the economic principle is one of interference and control. …” - Susan Love Brown et al, The Incredible Bread Machine. – The principles of voluntary or cooperative socialism are, largely, property rights, self-management and self-responsibility and incomes according to one’s work or capital input. – I just did a short search with Firefox and Google, which revealed 3730 references to voluntary socialism, 4120 to cooperative socialism and 230 references to Open Cooperatives. So at least the Internet does no longer ignore these alternatives to State Socialism. – JZ, 21.6.08. – STATE SOCIALSM VS. VOLUNTARY & COOPERATIVE SOCIALISM, SELF-MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, OPEN COOPERATIVES

SOCIALISM: Socialism, disguise it as we may, is the negation of freedom.” – Mr. E. S. Robertson, The Impracticability of Socialism, chapt.1 in Thomas Mackay, A Plea for Liberty. – STATE SOCIALISM, FREEDOM, LIBERTY

SOCIALISM: Socialism, in all its varieties, is not the same as State Socialism. Instead, it can mean, for the holder of one of is many diverse beliefs, whatever particular utopian society he prefers for himself and like-minded people. Otherwise, we would, for instance, have to judge all Christians by the “standards” of the Inquisition and its actions or by those of the Crusaders. Instead, there are thousands of different Christian Churches and sects and, by now, most of them have become rather tolerant and benevolent. – JZ, 15.6.91, 20.6.08. – PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism, in the real world, is nothing more than a mixture of impure capitalism and impure communism.” – Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.109/10. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism, like the ancient and authoritarian ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. – We disapprove of state education. then the socialists say that we are opposed to education itself. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. The socialists then say that we are against equality in general. If is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the government to raise grain.” – Dean Russell, Frederic Bastiat: Ideas and Influence, p.12. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialism, of course, proposes to substitute public for private monopoly, claiming that, with the “profit motive” gone, the evils inherent in monopoly would be wiped out. The inference is that under socialistic management monopoly would be an instrument for good only; which is a variation of the “chosen people” doctrine, and that catered to the conceit of the neophyte socialists. - Then, the obvious incongruity of the “boom and bust” economy helped the socialistic idea along, particularly as it came up with a plausible explanation and a “cure” (*); the going capitalism offered neither. (**) Again, the recurrence of war under capitalism (***) was a condemnation that youth could understand, and since socialism insisted that it had a preventative it was accepted sight unseen. Youth loves, never analyzes, a panacea. (****) – Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.158. - Bureaucrats and politicians as “chosen people”! Just because they managed to get elected upon a few dumb slogans! - (*) There are at least ca. 150 different crises theories in existence. But where are they sufficiently put together, surveyed and criticized, corrected and supplemented? - Anywhere online as yet? - (**) Incorrect, e.g. the flawed but popular Keynesian notions, monetary freedom vs. monetary despotism theory and the Mises explanation. - (***) Rather, under territorialism. Most businesses profit more during peacetime and many less of them are destroyed during peace time than in wars. – Taxes and government intervention are also increased during wars. – We have also had a few clashes between “socialist” States since then. (****) Many die old and with their popular errors, prejudices etc. still intact. - JZ, 20.6.08, 1.3.14. – STATE SOCIALISM, NO COERCIVE & LEGALIZED MONOPOLY, BUT THOSE WILLING TO SUBSCRIBE TO ANY OR MANY OF THEM SHOULD BE FREE TO SUFFER UNDER THEM.

SOCIALISM: Socialism, on the other hand, is the imposition on the rest of us of the will of those who through the gift of the gab are able to wangle themselves into position of authority.” – Sir Ernest Benn, Benn vs. Maxton, p.215. – Not only the gift of the gab is involved but the numerous and all too popular errors, myths and prejudices, wrong assumptions and conclusions of territorial statism, which are as yet nowhere sufficiently compiled and refuted in a single digitized encyclopedia of their best refutations. – JZ, 20.6.08, 1.3.14. – POLITICIANS, LEADERSHIP, DEMAGOGUES, PREJUDICES, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS

SOCIALISM: Socialism, on the other hand, maintains that a man’s work and property belong to the group, that his interests are justifiably subordinated to the interests of society “and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.” – Nathaniel Branden, OBJECTIVIST NEWSLETTER, 6/63. – STATISM, COERCIVE COLLECTIVISM, TERRITORIALISM, STATE SOCIALISM,

SOCIALISM: Socialism, too, for a long time, was merely consisting out of hundreds of different visions of it. The worst of all of them, State Socialism, was realized all too widely, extensively and for all too long. In some countries, unfortunately, it is still and in all countries it is still realized to some degrees, via territorialism and its taxation and government speSnding. – JZ, 1.3.12. - STATE SOCIALISM & OTHER DEFINITIONS, QUALITIES, VISIONS, VARIETIES, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, ANY KIND BUT ONLY BY INDIVIDUAL CHOICE

SOCIALISM: Socialism: doctrine, the essential goal of which is to gain power, even if that means applying the principles of capitalism. – Antonym, capitalism: doctrine, the essential goal of which is to keep power, even if that means applying the principles of socialism.” – READER’S DIGEST, 1/84. – In both cases the terms are used by politicians to deceive the voters and refer mainly to State Socialism and State Capitalism, which have both very much in common with economic interventionism and monopolism and very little in common with e.g. voluntary or cooperative and business-like socialism or self-management schemes and with free enterprise and free exchange capitalism or laissez faire economics. – JZ, 4.1.84, 19.6.08. – CATCHWORDS, PROPAGANDA SLOGANS, POWER, RULERS, POLITICS, PARTIES, TERRITORIALISM, STATE SOCIALISM, LAISSEZ FAIRE ECONOMICS, CAPITALISM, PRODUCTION & EXCHANGE

SOCIALISM: Socialism: The attempted abolition of all privilege by restoring power entirely to the coercive agent behind privilege, the State, thereby converting capitalist oligarchy into statist monopoly. Whitewashing a wall by painting it black.” – Wilson/Shea, Illuminatus III, p.71/72. – STATE SOCIALISM


SOCIALISM: Socialist Economic Policy: the promise of more benefits than other parties.”(*) – I.E.A. – And the practice: Higher burdens and even more prohibitions, monopolies and restrictions of individual rights and liberties than we can expect from all other territorialist parties. – JZ, 22.6.08. – (*) offer? JZ - STATE SOCIALISM, WELFARE STATES

SOCIALISM: Socialist realism, n. Socialist romanticism; the attempt to draw pretty pictures of the Soviet system.” – L. A. Rollins, Lucifer’s Lexicon, quoted in REASON, 8/78. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialist: A person who is so disgusted by the way power is controlled by a few huge corporations that he proposes to place it in the hands of one giant corporation.” – READER’S DIGEST, 1/83, p. 128, quoting THE TIMES, London. – MONOPOLIES, BIG BUSINESS, STATE SOCIALISM, JOKES

SOCIALISM: Socialist: A vicarious philanthropist who wishes to be charitable with other people’s money.” – J. C. Lester – STATE SOCIALISM, WELFARE STATE

SOCIALISM: Socialist: He is in favor – of whatever it is – but he does not want to pay for it himself. Instead, he wants to force others, who disagree with him, to pay for what he wants and to act as if his beliefs were the ultimate truth. – JZ, 22.12.88, 20.6.08, 5.3.11. – STATE SOCIALISM, INTOLERANCE, EGALITARIANISM

SOCIALISM: Socialist: He’ll do anything for the worker but become one. He approaches every question with an open mouth. To him politics is a game with two sides and a fence. He always studies both sides of an issue so that he can get around it.” – Safian, Insults for all Occasions, I, p.168.

SOCIALISM: Socialists are either perverts or perverters of human nature.” – Bob Cowin, summing up Bastiat’s The Law, 16.5.75. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Socialists suffer from envy. They are people with inferiority complexes. In their case their inferiority complex is not just a complex. – JZ, 20.5.76. – STATE SOCIALISM, ENVY, JOKES

SOCIALISM: Socialize the individual’s surplus and you socialize his spirit and creativeness; you cannot paint the Mona Lisa by assigning one dab each to a thousand painters.” - William F. Buckley, Jr., Up from Liberalism, p.201.

SOCIALISM: Socialized man is still most immature.” – F. A. E. Crew, Must Man Wage War? Thrift Books, London, 1952, p.27. – Because he is coercively, monopolistically and territorially socialized. – JZ, 14.9.82. – How far man could and would mature once he is free to seceded and associate with others under full exterritorial autonomy, attempting to realize all his diverse ideals? This still remains to be seen. So far territorial States tended to bring him down to the lowest common denominator – under the rule of the worst, who had risen to the top under this “system”. – JZ, 2.6.08. 5.3.11. – TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, POLYARCHISM, STATE SOCIALISM, SECESSIONISM

SOCIALISM: SOCIETY AS A DERIVATIVE OF THE MARKET PLACE.” – Heading in Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.133. – Alas, we have not yet a free market for all kinds of societies, all of them exterritorially autonomous, but, at best, only one for all kinds of commodities and other consumer services. There exists as yet no individual consumer sovereignty towards governmental and non-governmental services and systems, all of them peacefully coexisting and competing with each other under personal law, exterritorially quite autonomous. – JZ, 21.6.08. – PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, POLYARCHISM

SOCIALISM: Stalinism, n. Rugged collectivism; dog-eat-dog socialism.” – Rollins, in REASON, August 78, p.42. – Compare: RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM, DOG-EAT-DOG COMPETITION, SOCIAL DARWINISM, PREJUDICES

SOCIALISM: State Socialism – as a punishment – for State Socialists only! – To some extent this is already applied – to private thieves, pick-pockets and robbers, in State Socialist prisons. - JZ, 12/76, 20.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, PRISONS, CRIMINALS

SOCIALISM: State socialism has been very productive when it comes to propaganda lies, bureaucracy, political prisoners, forced laborers, human sacrifices, military equipment, satellites, rockets with nuclear warheads (against the proletarians of the world?) und unworkable central plans, directives and regulations. But then these are not the things it was once advocated for. – JZ, 6.6.82, 20.6.08.

SOCIALISM: State socialism is monopoly capitalism at its worst. It is also coercive or revolutionary collectivism, a kind of privileged socialism or an exclusive and intolerant secular religion, however territorially decentralized and popular its administration may be. – It can be rightful only for volunteers under full exterritorial autonomy, which should also be realized for all other isms. Then the State Socialists - and no one else, would fully deserve all the troubles they would get from it. - JZ, 25.2.82, 21.6.08, 5.3.11. – STATE SOCIALISM, TOO, ONLY FOR ITS VOLUNTEERS

SOCIALISM: State Socialism: If you mean STATE socialism, among 600 different types of socialism, then you should SAY so. SOME "socialist" forms of self-management, and productive cooperatives are even more laissez-faire-, market-, free enterprise, freedom-of-contract and freedom-of-association oriented, decentralistic, voluntary and propertarian, realizing freedom of contract and freedom at work much more than the supposedly fully capitalistic employer-employee relationship, which is, essentially, still hierarchical, even monarchistic or at best aristocratic. The BOSS only very rarely corresponds to the libertarian ideals. Intrepreneurship and autonomous group work are just two of dozens of forms that are basically sound and sounder than your "capitalistic" ideal. Modern management is, all too slowly, discovering some of these alternatives and realizing them. David is quite uncritically condemning only the, admittedly, worst form of socialism - and ignores all the rest of its whole spectrum. Much of it is also, admittedly, all too flawed. BUT NOT ALL OF IT! – JZ, 116.7.11, in comment to Wall Photos - STATE SOCIALISM IS ONLY ONE AMONG CA. 600 DIFFERENT KINDS OF SOCIALISM:

SOCIALISM: State socialists assert that bureaucracy is the answer to everything – as if it had ever been the solution to anything. – JZ, 13.6.81, 21.6.08. – The wrongs, harms and irrationalities of it are best and most clearly demonstrated by monetary and financial despotism. But, seeing the remaining unpopularity of full monetary and financial freedom, sufficient enlightenment through its opposites has still not been established. It could spread through personal law communities of volunteers free to practise among themselves full monetary and financial freedom. Imagine the attraction of the absence of coercive taxation that would be involved, also that of the absence of unemployment and inflation in such communities. However, they remain outlawed. – JZ, 1.3.14. - COMMUNISM, STATE SOCIALISM, BUREAUCRACY, CENTRAL PLANNING, DIRECTION & CONTROLS VS. VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM & PERSONAL LAW COMMUNITIES

SOCIALISM: Stephen:… What are socialism and communism but systems for the enlargement of the power of the state by transferring material resources from individual to public control? … Mill: … no scheme of reform can be truly humane if it does not put freedom among the first of all values.” – Maurice Cranston, Political Dialogues, p.158. (Artificially arranged by M. C.!) - STATE SOCIALISM, TOTALITARIAN COMMUNISM

SOCIALISM: Taking up arms against one set of socialists is not the way to stop socialism — indeed it is bound to increase socialism as all modern wars have done.” – Murray N. Rothbard in a column appearing in the periodical FAITH AND FREEDOM. – Alas, he, too, seems to have known only State socialism. – JZ, 3.4.09. - STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: that system of mutual frustration that we call socialism … “ – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 6/78, p.36. – How could he, as an individualist and free banking advocate, have managed to overlook e.g. full monetary freedom, panarchism and the wrongfulness of collective responsibility actions? But he did, to his death. See his remaining correspondence with Ulrich von Beckerath, which I digitized. – JZ, 1.3.14. - STATE SOCIALISM, HENRY MEULEN, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: that the so-called socialists were anything but social; that they all aimed at using the State as a weapon to destroy civil society. They had no idea of the natural order seen by Adam Smith. On the contrary, the diseased society to them was something natural that called for violence as its cure.” – E. B. Donohue, GOOD GOVERNMENT, Oct. 66. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: That we know enough to know that the Communist experiment, the worse abuse of freedom in history; is a violent mutation on truth, a horrible caricature on justice; that the socialized state is to justice, order, and freedom what the Marquis de Sade is to love; and that it is our solemn responsibility not to become so jaded by the continuing barbarism as to become indifferent to its depravities, as French society during the late eighteenth century became indifferent to sexual depravity: not to come to believe, after the millionth political execution, that the millionth and one becomes meaningless. “– William F. Buckley Jr., Rumbles Left and Right, p.86/87. – TOTALITARIAN COMMUNISM, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: The advocate the substitution of public control of the means of production for private control. They aim at the establishment of what is called socialism, communism, planning, or state capitalism. All these terms signify the same thing. No longer should the consumers, by their buying and abstention from buying, determine what should be produced, in what quantity and of what quality. Henceforth a central authority alone should direct all production activities.” – Ludwig von Mises, Panning for Freedom, p.19. – And its centralized and monopolistic money issue and forced value standard system has been adopted by all the supposedly free countries, leading almost constantly to either inflations, deflations or stagflations to one degree or the other. – JZ, 22.6.08. - CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, STATE SOCIALISM, CENTRAL PLANNING & DIRECTION, GOVERNMENT BUDGETS & SPENDING INSTEAD OF PRIVATE BUDGETS & SPENDING, TAXING EARNINGS & CAPITAL TO MAINTAIN POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS, THEIR FAVORITES & VOTERS & MAKE MUCH BRIBERY & CORRUPTION POSSIBLE &  LIKELY & FORCING SOMEWHAT FREE TRANSACTIONS ONTO THE BLACK MARKET OR INTO THE UNDERGROUND ECONOMY, BETTER THAN THE OFFICIAL “ECONOMY” BUT NOT YET FREE & PUBLIC ENOUGH. SATISFACTORY ONLY TO POWER ADDICTS & TERRITORIAL STATISTS, EVEN LESS PRODUCTIVE THAN THE HALF-WAY “HOUSE” SYSTEM OF “WELFARE STATES”

SOCIALISM: the American people will never accept socialism as a system as long as it is called socialism. But they will buy it entirely if you disguise it and call it humanitarianism.” – View ascribed to Norman Thomas by A. R. Pruit in his pamphlet: A Rift Between Friends. – “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” – Norman Thomas – That still does not explain why they do not widely enough accept the various forms of self-management and of voluntary and cooperative socialism in its best proprietary, capitalistic and businesslike forms. – I blame flaws and omissions in governmental education as well as in anarchist and libertarian enlightenment efforts. See my digitized 2010 book, still only called NEW DRAFT, not yet online and still only offered by me free of charge upon request as a not copyrighted manuscript, zipped down to 306 KBs, as an email attachment. - JZ, 1.3.14. - WELFARE STATE, LIBERALISM, HUMANITARIANISM, STATE SOCIALISM, NEW DRAFT, EDUCATION, ENLIGHTENMENT

SOCIALISM: The arguments for the limitation and decentralization of power remain valid even when that power is concentrated in the hands of an oligarchy of socialists – a phrase which is actually a contradiction in terms; for, to quote Mr. Middleton Murray: ‘Socialism by autocracy or oligarchy is not socialism, or anything like it. It is just benevolent despotism; and there is nothing in the record of history to justify us in the belief that any benevolent despotism will for long retain its benevolence’.” – Aldous Huxley, Science, Liberty and Peace, p.41. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: The authoritarian definition of Socialism is – The application of political power to economic forces.” – Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.148. - One might as well demand the application of military, police or religious power to economic forces. The disastrous results would be about the same. Why not also let physicists lay down the laws for chemists and biologists and vice versa and make poets determine politics while politicians decide what is poetry and write it? – Territorial politics means always ignorance, prejudice, muddleheads and confusion at the highest level – and from there it is imposed upon a whole territory and all its population. - JZ, 4.6.08, 5.3.11. – These characteristics spread through “equal voting” and majority despotism also from the lowest levels to the highest levels. The “leaders” are elected by the majority of under-informed and misinformed voters. – JZ, 1.3.14. - ECONOMICS, MEDDLING, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, STATE SOCIALISM, POLITICS AS USUAL, INTERFERENCE, POWER, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, VOTING, MAJORITY DESPOTISM, MINORITY DESPOTISM, DEMOCRACY

SOCIALISM: the basic feature of socialism: a totalitarian and terroristic nightmare.” – Ray L. Colvard, THE FREEMAN, 1/73. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: The basic problem of socialism in ALL its ugly manifestations is that SOMEONE is always in charge. Further: SOMEONE is insulated from the consequences of his ineptitudes and inefficiencies of reason and of his influence in the party. Moreover, the authority of SOMEONE is substantially without limit or redress. Therefore, the masses of the people are wholly dependent on the good will and judgment of SOMEONE for the necessities of their lives. Thus, they are in no way different from SOMEONE’s slaves.” – E. B. Reith, THE CONNECTION 117, p.62. – Correct for State Socialism and most other but not all forms of Socialism, especially not for the propertarian and free enterprise forms of voluntary or cooperative socialism. – JZ, 19.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: The choice offered by the Liberal Party and the Labour Party: Socialism dishonestly or Socialism honestly.” – John Singleton, 20.10.76. - How can State socialism be called honest when it rests upon tributes coercively extorted from tax slaves? – Both parties pay lip service to wrongly and incompletely defined individual rights and liberties. – In some respects these Liberals are more State socialistics than these Labour people and in some respects these Labour people are more liberal than most members of the Liberal Party. – Parties in this sphere, too, do not make any sense at all, until they confine all their activities to their own members and voters only. - JZ, 20.6.08. – TAXES, AUSTRALIAN LABOUR PARTY & LIBERAL PARTY, HONESTY, EXPROPRIATION, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW OPTIONS VS. STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: The combination of religious sentimentality, industrial insanity, and moral obliquity.” – F. J. C. Hearnshaw: A Survey of Socialism, II, 1928. – STATE SOCIALISM, EGALITARIANISM LEADING TO THE GREATEST INEQUALITY & LARGEST POVERTY FOR MOST

SOCIALISM: The concept of some people clinging to the backs of and preying upon other people, in all its various forms.” – Ascribed to George Boardman in GAZETTE TELEGRAPH, 22.4.69. - STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: the criticism originated with Trotsky in the first days of the Russian revolution. Trotsky saw, which our early Socialists did not, that in putting control of all production and distribution in the hands of the state, we were creating a veritable Frankenstein monster. One may search in vain through the writings of Blatchford and the early British Socialists for any glimmering of the existence of this danger. For them it was enough that the government would be popularly elected – surely people would elect men who would do the best for the people.” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 2/77, p.5. – STATISM, POLITICIANS, VOTING, REPRESENTATION, STATE SOCIALISM, TERRITORIALISM

SOCIALISM: The decline of contemporary thought has been hastened by the misty phantom of socialism. Socialism has created the illusion of quenching people’s thirst for justice: socialism has lulled their conscience into thinking that the steamroller which is about to flatten them is a blessing in disguise, a salvation.” – A. Solzhenitsyn, NATIONAL TIMES, 3.5.76. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: The enemies of what they mis-named “capitalism” (a mixed economy with all too many governmentally and legally granted privileges, monopolies, controls and restrictions, instead of a free enterprise, free trade, free exchange or free market capitalism, anarcho-capitalism or laissez faire economics), usually want to replace it by State Capitalism, a single, all too large corporation, with a territorial monopoly and extremely exploitative and impoverishing. – JZ, 27.6.11, 9.3.12. - STATE SOCIALISM VS. LAISSEZ FAIRE  CAPITALISM, FREE MARKET RELATIONSHIPS IN EVERY SPHERE, CONSUMER & ENTERPRISE SOVEREIGNTY VOLUNTARISM, COMPETITION & PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE UNDER PERSONAL LAWS, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM VS. STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

SOCIALISM: the equal distribution of poverty.” – Winston Churchill. – As if the dictators over the proletariat were not living much better than their subjects. – JZ, 20.6.08. – Compare: Socialism’s definition by Margaret Thatcher: “The equal distribution of misery.” Also: Djilas: The New Class. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level.” – Norman Mailer. – True for the effect of State Socialism, which is, probably, the worst form of socialism. – JZ, 20.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: The fundamental socialist conviction of the authors are revealed in the statement: “there is no substitute for public ownership”, whatever they may have said in the previous paragraph about a total monopoly being in the interests of neither customers or staff. These poor lambs are running as hard as they can on the road to Moscow, bleating all the while that they don’t want to go there.” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 10/76, p.50.

SOCIALISM: the grim gates of the socialist prison close upon us …” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 12/74. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: The important thing to note is that when the tide veered away from classical Liberalism and toward Socialism, the “new look” in social theory was sold to people as a means of increasing their freedom. Only a few perceptive critics correctly pointed out that the trend toward Socialism meant the return of servility. If government makes all of the major economic decisions, it must perforce make most of the minor ones also. There is a tendency for a partially socialized economy to become wholly socialized; or else to generate opposition which proceeds to desocialize.” - Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.151. – STATE SOCIALISM, SERFDOM, SERVILITY, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

SOCIALISM: The inherent danger of socialism is that in establishing a social machinery for economic direction it creates a concentration of power – the coercive power of the State and the power of a focused economy – far beyond anything capitalism dreamed of and makes men far more dependent than free.” – Evazim V. Kohak in DISSENT, 1/71, p.31. – Quoted in: Susan Love Brown et al, The Incredible Bread Machine, p.167. - STATE SOCIALISM & CAPITALISM, POWER, MONOPOLISM, DEPENDENCY

SOCIALISM: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.” – Winston Churchill - & STATE SOCIALISM, CAPITALISM, EQUALITY, RIGHTFUL VS. WRONGFUL DISTRIBUTION

SOCIALISM: The intellectual case of socialism or communism or the welfare state is as dead as the case for absolute monarchy. The principal devices that collectivists now rely on are the bad examples of businessmen who accept government aid. …” - Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.132. – Alas, the popular errors, myths and prejudices on territorialism, States and Welfare States are still very much alive and all too many elections are still won through appeals to them. – To my knowledge they are nowhere comprehensively collected and systematically and optimally refuted. – It is not the intellectuals that decide election outcomes, but the ignorant, foolish and prejudiced people. - JZ, 21.6.08, 5.3.11. - STATE SOCIALISM, WELFARE STATE, VOTING, REFUTATIONS ENCYCLOPEDIA, ENLIGHTENMENT

SOCIALISM: The last fifty years have shown as much bestiality in the name of socialist paradise as did earlier centuries in the name of the religious one.” … And the earth and rivers of our century are full of blood spilled on the altar of various socialism, as the sky of earlier millennia was full of the smoke of burned martyrs of various faiths.” – Dagobert D. Runes, Handbook of Reason, p.64. – STATE SOCIALISM, TOTALITARIAN COMMUNISM

SOCIALISM: The main tenet of Socialism, namely, the community of goods, must be rejected without qualification, for it would injure those it pretends to benefit, it would be contrary to the natural rights of man, and it would introduce confusion and disorder into the commonwealth.” – Pope Leo XIII, Rerum novarum, May 15, 1891. – Would he have said the same on the communism practised in families, in monasteries, nunneries and within the armed forces? – JZ, 20.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM

SOCIALISM: The market place decision that this man shall earn twenty-five thousand, this one ten, and so on, is not, of course, marked by supernal wisdom; no one claims this. (*) But it is infinitely better than Socialism’s alternative, which is to recast consumers into voters, who will elect a body of politicians, who will appoint bureaucrats to divvy up the wealth by governmental legerdemain. This mad scheme backs way from the imperfect and crashes into the impossible!” – Edmund Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 7/75. - (*) A genuine market place decision on the share of each participant in an enterprise in the common earnings can only be sufficiently approximated in business-like partnerships or productive cooperatives, in which it is in the self-interest of all members to reward their members in accordance with their merits, in order not to lose their talents. – Under centralized and hierarchical decision-making the top managers do often allocate too high a share to themselves. Via computerization the value of the input of each member can now be measured or estimated more accurately than ever before, especially when each large enterprise is internally sufficiently decentralized. - JZ, 21.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, EGALITARIANISM, FREE MARKET DETERMINATION OF WAGES & SALERIES AS WELL AS PROFITS

SOCIALISM: The modern socialist does not love the poor, he only hates the rich.” – Bonar Thompson. – POVERTY, ENVY, HATE OF THE RICH, ANTI-CAPITALIST MENTALILTY, EGALITARIANISM

SOCIALISM: The only difference between communism and socialism is that communism is socialism in a hurry.” – John Pearce, on radio, 6.7.82. – STATE SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM

SOCIALISM: The Press: Socialize the economy and The Press becomes a branch of the government bureaucracy, free no longer.” – Edmund A. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 5/79, p.290. – PROPERTY, NATIONALIZATION, STATE SOCIALISM, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS

SOCIALISM: The principle of a socialist economy? Simple, says a worker: “They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work.” - From “HAMMER & TICKLE”. - STATE SOCIALISM, ECONOMICS, WORK, WAGES, JOKES

SOCIALISM: The principles of socialism, communism and fascism are anti-individualistic. They deny that the individual has the right to live his own life as he chooses. They insist that the individual’s primary obligation is to serve the collective, whether the collective be called “society” or “the State” or “the fatherland” or “the public interest.” - Susan Love Brown et al, The Incredible Bread Machine, p.127/28. – What is true for State Socialism is not true for all other forms of socialism. – JZ 21.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM VS. VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUALISM, CHOICE, ENTERPRISE INITIATIVE, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SOCIALISM: The reason for the increased supply of good was the growth of freedom. Now “Thanks to Socialism, famine again stalks the earth … like  horse and carriage, ‘socialism and hunger’ inevitably go together.” As a result, “Much of Eastern Europe, once a granary in its own right, lives off U.S. surpluses, while the fertile farmlands of Algeria, which produced so bountifully for the hard-working colons, have turned barren.” In the United States, as a result of the increasing socialistic controls of farming, food production is declining to the point that civil government officials can speak of future goods problems, and a conservative writer can describe the policy as planned famine.” - Rushdoony, The Myth of Over-Population, p.6. - HUNGER, FAMINE, FOOD PRODUCTION, CENTRAL PLANNING & DIRECTION, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: The Russian “experiment” has shown that the state can be built on the bones of the proletariat, as well as on the bones of capitalists, and his “withering away of the state” theory has gone the way of all his notions.” – Frank Chodorov, on Marx & Marxism, in Fugitive Essays, p. 132. – Genuine communities are only communities of volunteers and genuine experiments are likewise only experiments among volunteers. The Soviet State, like any other territorial State, would have withered away only if it had permitted individual and group secessions and competition from exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers. But the State socialists did not permit this kind of competition, either. – While the vast majority of his hypotheses and dogmas were flawed or false, even he made some correct observations. And towards his end he declared: “I am not a Marxist!” - JZ, 20.6.08. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW OPTIONS VS. STATE SOCIALISM, TERRITORIALISM, COMMUNISM, MASS MURDERS, STATISM, MARXISM, SECESSIONISM, WITHERING AWAY OF THE STATE THROUGH COMPETITION & INDIVIDUAL CHOICES IN EVERY SPHERE

SOCIALISM: the self-righteous arrogance associated with current bi-partisan socialism, …” - Alfred Sherman in 1985, p.62, an anthology ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson. – This arrogance should only be allowed to harm and wrong its own volunteers, in its own exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers, and not to impose itself territorially, upon any dissenters, all those people, who could or should be voluntary members of other “panarchies”. – JZ, 20.6.08. – TOLERANCE FOR TOLERANT SOCIALISTS & FOR ALL KINDS OF TOLERANT NON-SOCIALISTS AS WELL, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW VS. TERRITORIALISM & STATISM

SOCIALISM: The Socialism of to-day trusts that when private capital has been transferred to political control men will render as great services in the interest of others as those they render when there is the incentive of a more personal benefit to themselves.” – S. Hutchinson Harris, The Doctrine of Personal Right, p.518/519. – STATE SOCIALISM, PERSONAL INTEREST, PUBLIC INTEREST, INCENTIVES

SOCIALISM: The socialist assumes – he is obliged to assume for the sake of his system – that men have a right to use force for any purpose and to any extent that he desires, in order that he may be enabled to restrain men from using their faculties for their own individual advantage.” – Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p. 229. – STATE SOCIALISM, FORCE, COMPULSION, MONONPOLISM TERRITORIALISM

SOCIALISM: The socialist code of ‘You make it, we’ll take it.” – George, Humberts Revenge, 1973. – From the productive to the unproductive! – JZ, 1.3.14. - STATE SOCIALISM, SOCIALIST ETHICS, MORALITY, “FROM THE ABLE TO THE NEEDY!”

SOCIALISM: The socialist dream is based on the delusion that men’s other freedoms will be enhanced if their economic freedom is curtailed. By eliminating economic freedom and replacing it with a planned economy run by the government bureaucracy, the socialists hope to usher in a brave new word. But this theory is fallacious and the actual results are far different from those expected, …” - Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.140. – FREEDOM, ECONOMIC FREEDOM, STATE SOCIALISM, CENTRAL PLANNING & DIRECTION

SOCIALISM: The socialist is only the politician kept a little longer in the oven and hard-baked; the politician is only the immature socialist.” – Auberon Herbert, The Principles of Voluntaryism, Essay Ten in the Mack edition, p.382/383. – POLITICIANS, STATE SOCIALISTM


SOCIALISM: The socialist society would have to forbid capitalist acts between consenting adults.” – Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State and Utopia, p.163. – Only territorial States can forbid. Societies can merely frown or boycott. – Any kind of socialism, anarchism, libertarianism or capitalism to any kind of socialist, anarchist, libertarian or capitalists – but all for volunteers only, under personal laws! - JZ, 20.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM VS. LAISSEZ FAIRE CAPITALISM, TOLERANCE, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW OPTIONS, SECESSIONISM

SOCIALISM: The Socialists are simply mis-calling choice ‘struggle’, and compulsion ‘cooperation’ in the endeavor to make their barrack system of production and distribution a little attractive.” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, Dec. 72. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: the U.S.A. has been moving closer and closer to Marxian socialism – dictocratic control over people’s lives. This is a fact. And there is the accompanying fact that nearly everyone thinks of employment as nothing more than a guaranteed wage – which is to say that popular understanding of the free market is nearly nil.” – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way. – How many wage and salary recipients are e.g. fully aware that central banking, with its exclusive and forced currency, was a major demand of Marx and Engels in their Communist Manifesto of 1848, that it is the precondition for inflations, deflations and stagflations, i.e., most economic crises, and that it greatly determines the demand for their labors (the degree of unemployment) and the purchasing power of the dollars they earn? Moreover, that only a competitive supply of exchange media and value standards can supply sufficient and sound exchange media? School-, university-education – largely government controlled - and the mass media, largely based upon popular statist errors, myths and prejudices, do certainly not supply that kind of knowledge - in most instances. – JZ, 21.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, DICTATORSHIP OVER THE PROLETARIAT, ENLIGHTENMENT, SCHOOLS, MASS MEDIA

SOCIALISM: There are three words which socialism must erase from the façade of our public buildings, the three words of the republican motto: Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Liberty because socialism is a rule of tyranny; equality because it is a rule of class; fraternity because its policy is that of class war.” – Yves Guyot, quoted in THE FREEMAN, 7/72. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: There is a very great difference between “all of the population together owns and controls the means of production and distribution in a country through elected or chosen political representatives” and “all of the working people own and control their own means of production and distribution and do profit from them or suffer losses when they make mistakes”. In the first case we have only the “incentives” of politicians and bureaucrats, not suffering directly any losses for their wrongs and mistakes. In the second case we have direct economic incentives for every working person to make the best possible use of their capital and their labor capacity. The first kind is State Socialism, the second kinds is voluntary and cooperative socialism or self-management. – JZ, 1.3.14. – STATE SOCIALISM VS. VOLUNTARY & COOPERATIVE SOCIALISM & ALL KINDS OF SELF-MANAGEMENT SCHEMES, WORK- & CAPITAL OR PROPERTY INCENTIVES FOR ALL

SOCIALISM: There is apparently something selfish and fantastic about saying when capital has come to be too much in the hands of the few, the right thing is to restore it into the hands of the many. The socialist would put it in the hands of even fewer; but these people would be politicians.” – Chesterton, quoted in REASON, 1/79, p.44. – “moreover” instead of “but”? – JZ – STATE SOCIALISM WOULD ORGANIZE & GRANT WRONGFUL PRIVILEGES THE FEW AGAINST THE MANY EVEN MORE SO THAN DOES “CAPITALISM”  UNDER MORE OR LESS GOVERNMENTALLY PRIVILEGED CORPORATIONS

SOCIALISM: There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism - by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.” – Ayn Rand, LOS ANGELES TIMES, 9.2.62. – Both have territorialism in common. So have most libertarians and anarchist. Only the statism is lessened among libertarians and with most anarchists replaced by their kind of collectivism and authoritarianism, including especially the egalitarian kind. None allow free choice of governments or societies to all individuals and minorities. Ayn Rand was even opposed to that kind of choice between "competing government" and considered is, after very superficial consideration, false premises and wrong conclusions, to be absurd. - Both, totalitarian communism and State Socialism of the democratic type of the “Welfare State” do use and abuse territorialism for their realization and maintenance, i.e., involuntary membership and subordination. They are different only by degrees. Actually, some communist regimes, like that of East Germany, abolished the progressive income tax and the seniority system before any democratic governments got around to it and in most of them both abuses are still largely continued. - She, too, was aware only of State Socialism and should have distinguished e.g. between family communism, that of monks and nuns and the coercive and totalitarian forms of communism. – JZ, 24.11.06, 3.1.08, 26.4.13. 1.3.14. - COMMUNISM, STATE SOCIALISM, DEMOCRACY, WELFARE STATE, STATISM, VOTING & FORCE

SOCIALISM: There is no more only one kind of socialism, namely State Socialism, than there is only one kind of libertarianism and one kind of anarchism, one kind of art, philosophy, life style, fashion and religion. There are even different kinds of State Socialism. Among the various forms of voluntary socialism, including cooperative socialism there are forms that are superior to most capitalist free enterprises, in that they do away with the employer-employee relationship and replace it by a propertarian partnership. These forms are also superior to the “anarchist” syndicalism pushed by ignorant, monopolistic and coercive trade-unionists. Many truths can only be reached, approached and expressed by sufficient discrimination. – JZ, 12.4.09, 5.3.11.

SOCIALISM: There is not only one kind of liberty. Even anarchists and libertarians have many different ideals. (*) There are also ca. 600 different kinds of socialism. Each of them is subjectively right for its believers. Liberty for all kinds of socialists to do their things for and to themselves - is also a very important liberty. – JZ, 12.12.11, on: Ayn Rand - Liberty vs Socialism - - It should always be a matter of choice, not imposition. – JZ, 26.6.13. – (*) Not all of them are as yet sufficiently listed together, including their opposites and criticism of them. – JZ, 1.3.14. - 600 KINDS OF SOCIALISM, SOME GOOD, VOLUNTARY & LIBERATING, MOST FLAWED OR HARMFUL, STATE SOCIALISM THE WORST.

SOCIALISM: Therefore, for those of us who do not like inflation, only one recourse is open - divest government of its power to practice socialism.” (*) – Leonard E. Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p.167. – Why did he not clearly come out, here, for the repeal of the note issue monopoly of the central bank and that of legal tender (forced acceptance and forced value) for its notes? – JZ, 21.6.08.

SOCIALISM: They are for government control and regulation, for heavy taxation and for “welfarism”. In short, socialism has simmered down to the advocacy of strong government, with this proviso: that that government is best which is run by socialists. Though they speak of the ideal society and promise to bring it about, their main interest is in getting control of the reins of government.” – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.207. – POWER ADDICTS, STATE SOCIALISM, WELFARE STATES, TAX SLAVERY, GOVERNMENTALISM, STATISM

SOCIALISM: those violent schemes against the possessions and the personal rights of the rich which we call socialism.” – Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.78. - All too often they wrong and harm the poor even more than the rich. The latter have e.g. a better chance to bribe officials or to escape into other countries which are somewhat less despotic or authoritarian. - JZ, 5.3.11. – STATE SOCIALISM, ANTI-CAPITALIST MENTALITY, ENVY, EGALITARIANISM, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

SOCIALISM: Thus we have the “peaceful road” to socialism, which is peaceful only to the extent that it fills the jails without much bloodshed in the streets.” – John Chamberlain, The Collapse of Democracy, THE FREEMAN, Jan. 77, p.60. – STATE SOCIALISM, WELFARE STATES

SOCIALISM: Thus, “state capitalism” (or socialism) was born. This doctrine – that individuals are unqualified to make their own choices, and that only elected professionals (politicians) with squads of expensive experts and bureaucrats can make “unbiased choices for the good of all” – has been used to justify the cartelization of the world economy, and the destruction of the dynamic principles of human liberty which highlighted the original “American” revolution of 1776.” – Eric Chaitlin, on p.2 of his INFORMATION PAPER # 3, THINK Series, Central News Service, ECE, reproduced in THE CONNECTION 112, of 30.5.83, p.27. – STATE SOCIALISM, EGALITARIANISM, BUREAUCRACY, CENTRALIZED PLANNING, DIRECTION & CONTROLS VS. INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES. NOT EVEN ALL ANARCHISTS & LIBERTARIANS APPRECIATE ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, BUREAUCRACY, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

SOCIALISM: To be a socialist is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is sacrificing of the individual to the whole.” – Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Socialist and propaganda minister of the Hitler regime, quoted in THE FREEMAN, 9/75, p.517. – Also quoted in Susan Love Brown et al, The Incredible Bread Machine, p.135. Also by W. H. Peterson in THE FREEMAN, 2/75. - HUMAN SACRIFICES, COLLECTIVISM, NAZIS AS STATE SOCIALISTS

SOCIALISM: To slightly alter a famous saying – socialism is the negation of all personal rights, erected into a system; …” - Auberon Herbert, Mack edition, Essay Seven, Lost in the Region of Phrases, p.254/55. – STATE SOCIALISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SOCIALISM: To the socialist, the human is a bit of protoplasm, which can be shaped by his environment. Therefore, having decided on his ideal, he proceeds to manufacture the environmental mold into which he shall pour his protoplasm. (*) The principal feature of this mold is the elimination of the institution of private property; this institution, the socialist maintains, is the cause of man’s fall from grace. If he finds difficulty in inducing the human to relinquish his interest in private property, the socialist does not ascribe this reluctance to a human instinct, but rather blames it on his previous conditioning; he has been trained for so long to look upon the possession of the fruits of his labor as desirable that he cannot conceive of the blessings of relinquishing possession to society. To put this concept into his mind, it is necessary to forcibly take from him all he produces until at long last he will be re-conditioned to the new ideal. Force, therefore, is the necessary instrument of all forms of socialism.” – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step. – STATE SOCIALISM & FORCE - (*) People considered and treated as property of the State. – JZ, 22.6.08.

SOCIALISM: TOO MANY PEOPLE? Socialism decreases production and it also causes a decline in the middle classes numerically by means of oppressive taxation; it is thus a means of population control with respect to the productive middle classes. On the other hand, socialism increases population among the lower classes, by means of its welfare subsidies. Thus socialism has an immediate double impact on population. A third impact of socialism on population then becomes its effort to control and limit population. Very early in the modern socialist era, the sociologists began to realize that the worst element was the most prolific. Thus, by World War II, the figures of A. B. Hollingshead and W. L. Warner showed, as Marston Bates bluntly stated it, “The bums … were the most prolific”, i.e. the lower-lower classes.” - Rushdoony, The Myth of Over-Population, p.11. – STATE SOCIALISM, MALTHUSIANISM, OVERPOPULATION NOTIONS

SOCIALISM: Total Control: But when such a state of all-around control of business is achieved, the market economy has been replaced by a system of centralized planning, by socialism. It is no longer the consumers, but the government who (*) decides what should be produced and in what quantity and quality. The entrepreneurs are no longer entrepreneurs. They have been reduced to the status of shop manages and are bound to obey the orders issued by the government’s central board of production management. The workers are bound to work in plants (who whom?) (*) the authorities have assigned them; their wages are determined by authoritarian decrees. The government is supreme. It determines each citizen’s income and standard of living. It is totalitarian.” – Ludwig von Mises, Inflation and Price Control. – Someone once remarked that the “intellectuals” who advocate such schemes fancy themselves in ruling or powerful positions in such schemes, especially when the free market has not allocated to them the income and fame, which they imagine they have deserved. – (*) which? – JZ – STATE SOCIALISM, TOTALITARIANISM, INTERVENTIONISM, CONTROLS, PLANNING, BUREAUCRACY, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES VS. CONSUMER & ENTERPRISE SOVEREIGNTY OR VOLUNTARISM IN EVERY SPHERE

SOCIALISM: Under capitalism man exploits man; under socialism the reverse is true.” – Anonymous. - These three terms remain undefined or embody the usual misunderstandings. Laissez faire capitalism and voluntary or cooperative socialism aren't exploitative. Monopoly capitalism and State Socialism are. - JZ 25. 11. 06. – STATE SOCIALISM, CAPITALISM & EXPLOITATION, JOKES

SOCIALISM: Under capitalism the individual disposes over his private capital according to his own discretion. (*) Under State socialism the functionary is supposed to use the public wealth in accordance with the wishes of the people. But under the really existing State socialism the functionary disposes of the wealth of the people according to his own discretion. Thus the really existing State socialism is the synthesis of capitalism and socialism, as promised by Hegel and Marx.” – Helmar Nahr. (“Im Kapitalismus verfuegt der Einzelne ueber sein Privatvermoegen nach eigenem Gutduenken. Im Sozialismus verfuegt der Funktionaer ueber das Volksvermoegn nach einenem Gutduenken. – Also ist der real existierende Sozialismus die Synthese von Kapitalismus und Sozialismus, wie von Hegel und Marx verheissen.“) - (*) As if there were e.g. no taxes, no monetary despotism, no protectionism and regulations! – JZ, 20.6.08, 1.3.14. – STATE SOCIALISM VS. FREE MARKET CAPITALISM

SOCIALISM: Under Socialism one lives like in a plane in flight. One has a beautiful view, sits comfortably – and cannot get out.” – A joke from Poland. – STATE SOCIALISM, JOKES,

SOCIALISM: Under socialism production is entirely (*) directed by the orders of the central board of production management. The whole nation is an “industrial army” (a term used by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto) and each citizen is bound to obey his superior’s orders. Everybody has to contribute his share to the execution of the overall plan adopted by the Government.” – Ludwig von Mises, Inflation and Price Control. - (*) Even the Soviets permitted some small private gardening and keeping of chicken, rabbits etc. Much of their total food supply came from these remaining small private plots. – JZ 20.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, TERRITORIALISM & MARKETS, PLANNING

SOCIALISM: Under the compulsory arbitration which socialism would necessitate … the regulators, pursuing their personal interests, … would not be met by the combined resistance of all workers; and their power, unchecked as now by refusals to work save on prescribed terms, would grow and ramify and consolidate until it became irresistible. … When from regulation of the workers by the bureaucracy we turn to the bureaucracy itself, and ask how it is to be regulated, there is no satisfactory answer. … Under such conditions there must arise a new aristocracy, for the support of which the masses would toil; and which being consolidated, would wield a power far beyond that of any past aristocracy.” – Herbert Spencer, quoted by Durant, The Philosophy of Herbert Spencer, p.44. - Compare Djilas: The New Class. – STATE SOCIALISM, BUREAUCRACY, REGULATIONS, POLITICIAL, ECONOMIC & SOCIAL POWER VS. THE POWERLESS, THE NEW CLASS

SOCIALISM: We often hear it said that government operation of anything under the sun is socialistic. If that is so, our postal service is socialistic, so is the parcel post which has largely taken the place of the old express companies; so are the public highways which took the place of the toll roads.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt, Hyde Park, September 22, 1928. – George Seldes, The Great Quotations. - Indeed. Apparently, for him, that was still a new insight and he did not learn sufficiently from it, either. – JZ, 20.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, FDR, NEW DEAL  A REPEAR OF ANCIENT FAILURES

SOCIALISM: What is a socialist? One who has yearnings // To share equal profits from unequal earnings; // Be he idler or bungler or both. He is willing // To fork out his sixpence and pocket your shilling.” – Dean Inge, 1925. – Not all socialists are egalitarians, although most favor genuine equal rights and liberties. – JZ, 21.6.08. – In another version: “The socialist is always ready and willing // To exchange his socialist sixpence for the capitalist shilling.” – Dean Inge, Prelate of Canterbury. - ENVY, EGALITARIANISM, COMPULSORY SHARING, WELFARE STATE, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: What is usually referred to as “socialism” should rather be renamed: “anti-social statism”. It has e.g. nothing to do with pro-property socialistic efforts like voluntary and cooperative socialism and other extensions of property rights and opportunities and incentives for present employees, like employee-shareholding, partnerships and the businesslike purchase of enterprises by their employees, to increase their productivity and to redeem the bonds, they issued for the purchase, gradually, on terms, and, largely, if not altogether, out of the additional productivity thus achieved by them. – JZ, 6.12.92, 20.6.08. – PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES BY THEIR EMPLOYEES, SELF-MANAGEMENT, COOPERATIVES, PARTNERSHIP, EXTENSIVE EMPLOYEE SHAREHOLDING ETC. VS. STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: What, then, is the mirage to which I allude? Here it is: that which gives socialism the appearance of working is the freedom socialism has not yet destroyed. It is a kind of optical illusion which imputes workability to socialism; we are “seeing” something that isn’t there!” – Leonard E. Read, in NOTES FROM FEE, 7/77, on State Socialism.

SOCIALISM: Whatever else socialism is, or is claimed to be, its first tenet is the denial of private property. All brands of socialism, and there are many, are agreed that property rights must be vested in the political establishment.” – Frank Chodorov, The Income Tax …, p.12. – Alas, as F. C. should have known, this is true only for all forms of State Socialism. Cooperative socialism is very much in favor of property rights and incentives – for every worker within an enterprise and merely opposes the employer-employee relationship, which confines propertarian capitalistic interests all too much to the relatively few present owners of enterprises. It rather aims to turn every employed person in a proprietor and aims at decentralized responsibility of work teams at their work place. In the Bata system for instance, each such team had its own profit and loss accounting. It aims to maximize self-management and self-responsibility within every enterprise at every level in production and exchange and does not favor any political intervention with this liberty and right. – There exist still too many popular errors and prejudices – even among libertarians and anarchists. – Where are all of them listed together and systematically and optimally refuted? - JZ, 21.6.08. – PROPERTY RIGHTS, STATE SOCIALISM VS. COOPERATIVE SOCIALISM, SELF-MANAGEMENT, REFUTATIONS ENCYCLOPEDIA

SOCIALISM: When I was young I thought socialism was the mathematics of justice. Now I realize it is only the arithmetic of envy.” – Martin Collins in THE AUSTRALIAN, quoted by Malcolm Gibbs in “The Australian Character” and, later, in READER’S DIGEST, under “Quotable Quotes”. – The systematization and “justification” or legalization of wrongful attacks on property rights, based upon envy. – JZ, 12.4.09. – ENVY, EGALITARIANISM

SOCIALISM: Whenever he saw a dollar in another man’s hand he took it as a personal grudge, if he couldn’t take it any other way.” – O. Henry, The Octopus Marooned. – RICHES, ENVY, PROPERTY

SOCIALISM: Where lies the blame for our current condition – so foreign to the promises of the original American character and faith? – The fact is that all of us, you and I, must share the blame. Somewhere we got off the track. Over the past 50 years we have encouraged – nay, we have actively participated in – the propagation of a misplaced faith in the power of government to accomplish all sorts of social, economic, and even moral purposes. Implementing this faith we have thrust enormous powers upon government; or else, with great docility, we have acquiesced while the powers and functions of government have been extended, accelerated, and centralized. Such enhancement of political power at the expense of the natural rights of individuals is correctly labeled “socialism”. - Admiral Ben Moreell, The Admiral’s Log II, p.122. - GOVERNMENT, POWER, STATE SOCIALISM, WELFARE STATE, STATISM

SOCIALISM: Which road to Socialism is the best?” – They asked. “The one that takes longest.” – replied …” - Greg Benton and Graham Loomes, Big Red Joke Book, p.117. – JOKES – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: While Christianity merely justified the slave morality as it was, to the single master; Socialism attempted to substitute the collective for the slave master.” – Society for Individual Liberty: The Morality of Capitalism. – SLAVERY, COLLECTIVISM, STATE SOCIALISM, CAPITALISM, CHRISTIANITY

SOCIALISM: While the term “social ownership”, or “ownership in common”, with its connotation that each one of us is a proprietor, may flatter the ego, it is in fact a gross deception. For society, which is all of us, cannot act as a whole to own and control property. It must act through its enforcement agency, government. (*) The men who comprise that agency are a very small minority. (**) In actual practice, therefore, a socialist society is one in which the vast majority of men are controlled by the tiny minority which has the political power to direct their economic activities.” – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.140. - (*) Free societies would have other and competing enforcement agencies. – (**) If one includes not only all politicians but also all bureaucrats, this minority is, alas, no longer a very small one. In China it comes to 46 million people – and its rate of bureaucrats to population is still relatively good. Otherwise somewhat more free countries are even worse in this respect, Australia included. - JZ, 21.6.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, CHINA

SOCIALISM: Whoever attacks State Socialism (as if it were all of socialism) does not more destroy or demolish the case for all kinds of socialism than would those destroy all of capitalism who merely attack monopoly capitalism and the mixed economy. – JZ, 18.7.87. – STATE SOCIALISM OR STATE CAPITALISM, MONOPOLY CAPITALISM VS. LAISSEZ FAIRE OR FREE MARKET CAPITALISM

SOCIALISM: Whoever lost by socialism it wasn’t the advisors and planners.” – Dr. Rhodes Boyson, Goodbye to Nationalization, p.4. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: Why and how did the transition from predominantly voluntary and cooperative or utopian socialism to coercive State socialism occur? Why did the latter come to dominate? What kinds of ideas, beliefs or institutions upheld it? – JZ, 29.3.88. – I believe that territorialism, majority democracy and legislation are largely to blame for the spread of State Socialism. They largely prevented competition against it from better forms or kept the better and successful alternative socialist experiments largely unknown, in schools, universities, mass media and public libraries and numerous books on the subject, remaining unpublished or out of print for all too long. – And this even without formal censorship. Now, with alternative and affordable media, all this information can finally become permanently and very cheaply published. – JZ, 20.6.08. – Q., STATE SOCIALISM, LIBERTARIAN PUBLISHING OPTIONS STILL REMAINING LARGELY UNUSED, NEW DRAFT

SOCIALISM: Within a socialist community there is no room left for freedom. There can be no freedom of the press where the government owns every printing office. There can be no freedom of choice of profession or trade where the government is the only employer and assigns everyone the task he must fulfill. There can be no freedom to settle where one chooses when the government has the power to fix one’s place of work. There can be no real freedom of scientific research where the government owns all the libraries, archives, and laboratories and has the right to send anyone to a place where he cannot continue his investigations. There can be no freedom in art and literature where the government determines who shall create them. There can be neither freedom of conscience nor of speech were the government has the power to remove any opponent to a climate which is detrimental to his health, or to assign him duties which surpass his strength and ruin him both physically and intellectually. In a socialist community the individual citizen can have no more freedom than a soldier in the army or an inmate in an orphanage. - … the right to vote becomes a sham in a socialist state. The citizens have no sources of information but those provided by the government. The press, the radio, and the meeting halls are in the hands of the administration. No party of opposition can be organized or can propagate its ideas. We have only to look to Russia or Germany to discover the true meaning of elections and plebiscites under socialism.” – Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, p.51/52, written 1944. – STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISM: without freedom, no art … but without freedom, no socialism either, except the socialism of the gallows.” – Camus, in 1957, quoted by Stephen Heseler, in QUADRANT, 7/77. – Not gallows but shots in the back of the neck or forced labor in concentration camps were more in style with the State Socialists. Perhaps they were short of ropes? – JZ, 20.6.08. - STATE SOCIALISM.

SOCIALISM: You propose to establish a social order based on the following tenets: that you are incompetent to run your own life, but competent to run the lives of others – that you’re unfit to exist in freedom, but fit to become an omnipotent ruler – that you’re unable to earn your living by the use of your own intelligence, but able to judge politicians and to vote them into jobs of total power over arts you have never seen, over sciences you have never studied, over achievements of which you have no knowledge, over the gigantic industries …” - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, p.974. – STATE SOCIALISM, PLANNING, COLLECTIVISM, VOTING, POLITICIANS, POWER, KNOWLEDGE, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

SOCIALISTS: He’s always sounding off about capital and labor, but he’s never had any capital and never did any labor.” - Safian, More Insults, II, p.68. – They all have some kind of capital, namely their labor and thought potential – but, usually, make insufficient use of it and do not consider it is capital, although over a normal working life the wages and salaries they earn nowadays in somewhat developed countries does already amount to a considerable capital in total. Moreover, they usually labor only in the employer-employee relationship, and, as “good” unionists, believing only in strength and struggle, with little knowledge of and interest in their self-management alternatives. – It is so much easier to blame what they misconceive as “capitalism” and see as wrongful “bosses”. – As State socialists and in essence they still have the mentality tribal savages, trying to improve their lot by robbing others, excusing their actions, if they think that necessary, their conscience does not often plague them in this respect, by asserting that the victims of their plunder raids had also gained their wealth, whatever there is of it, only through plunder. To get themselves wealthy through free, hard, thoughtful and persistent labor, with good tools and through trade, building up and investing their own capital sensibly, is far off their minds. They also have the mentality of bank robbers. They want money – so they go to places where there is much of it and take it. The world owes them a living, they “think”. – The Welfare State believer has the same attitude but does not do his robbing directly and personally. -  JZ, 28.6.13. – JOKES, SELF-OWNERSHIP, UNIONS,  INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, LIFE-TIME EARNINGS, STATE SOCIALISM

SOCIALISTS: In the financial and economic sphere we sooner or later meet that amazing hybrid, the ‘socialist millionaire’. In case anybody imagines that the intrepid explorer must get into his khaki, pick up his butterfly net and tramp through miles of steaming jungle to track down this elusive creature, let him be reassured. ‘Socialismus Millionarus’ can be found right on our doorstep in the persons not only of Mr. Rupert Murdock, but also of Robert Maxwell, Harold Lever and Lord Sainsbury, and this is only to cite the best known and most exotic specimens. The avid student thirsting for further knowledge might start from a DAILY TELEGRAPH colour magazine of a few years ago, devoted to a sympathetic study of the problems and emotional stresses of Britain’s socialist millionaires. The documentary was embellished by numerous photographs of the subjects, one of whom, in this author’s recollection, was photographed standing in the middle of his private island explaining its usefulness for tax purposes and in the next breath expressing his support for a drastic redistribution of wealth. It had never occurred to him that he could best start by redistributing his own wealth.” – Philip Van der Elst, in 1985, p.40. – MILLIONAIRES, DISTRIBUTIONISM

SOCIALISTS: One who should be reminded that there’s always free cheese in a mousetrap.” – KVP Philosopher, (Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Co.) – STATE SOCIALISM, JOKES

SOCIALISTS: They live off the remaining liberties and efforts of working people and of remaining wealth, more and more and also coercively but legally confiscated and do this while attacking self-ownership and self-determination and private property and private earnings all the time. Conceited robbers, without a conscience, would be a moderate term for them. – A movement and system to systematically impoverish people – except those, who administer this “system”. - JZ, 10.6.89, 2.6.08. - STATE SOCIALISTS

SOCIALISTS: This belief in social management is so complete that it defines progress only in terms of management’s intentions, ignoring the question of whether they are achieved or not: education is what schools produce; health is what the “health delivery system“ produces; economic stability is what the federal money managers create; wisdom is what comes out of universities. Thus we have little valid social thought, but instead an elaborate social mythology.” – Richard Cornuelle, Demanaging America, p.69. – MANAGEMENT, DELUSIONS OF STATE SOCIALISM, GOOD INTENTIONS MISTAKE FOR GOOD RESULTS, REAL RESULTS LARGELY IGNORED

SOCIALISTS: Why Common Thieves Are Better Than Socialists: - Thieves have the guts to do the job themselves. - Thieves don't steal in the name of "justice". - Thieves don't masquerade as "liberals". - Thieves don't comprise a unified political mob of millions. - Thieves don't loath freedom and individuality. - Thieves don't undermine the Constitution. - Thieves don't promote mind control via "political correctness" and "hate" crimes. - Thieves don't own/control the "establishment" media. - Thieves don't indoctrinate our children to be unquestioning drones of the state. - Thieves can be arrested.” - Mark Gilmore – Elected “representatives” get the sanction of most of their victims. – JZ, 1.3.14. – “Wem Gott ein Amt gibt, dem gibt er auch Verstand.” – German proverb. (Whoever is given an office by God, he is also given rationality.) The false assumption that he, who is chosen by “THE PEOPLE” must also be rational, moral and wise, the false self-image of most voters, however ignorant, prejudiced, unwise and immoral they actually are. – JZ, 1.3.14. – VOTING, MAJORITY DESPOTISM, IGNORANCE, IMMORALITY, IRRATIONALITY & PREJUDICES FROM THE BOTTOM TO THE TOP, STOCKHOLM SYNDROME, STATE SOCIALISTS COMPARED TO ORDINARY CRIMINALS WITH VICTIMS, DEMOCRACY

SOCIALIZATION: Now if an economist is opposed to socialization of industries, he does not “hate” the State. He simply declares that the commonwealth is better served by private ownership of the means of production than by public ownership. Nobody could pretend that experience with nationalized enterprises contradicts this opinion.” – Ludwig von Mises, Planning for Freedom, p.167/68. – STATE SOCIALISM, NATIONALIZATION

SOCIALIZATION: Sardine: A whale that has gone through all phases of socialization.” – Anon., from Yugoslavia.

SOCIALIZATION: The ALP platform states: “The Socialization of industry, production, distribution and exchange.” – “What does that leave for individuals or free enterprise to achieve? – Workers Party advertisement in THE NATIONAL TIMES, 27.10.75. – Q., LABOR PARTY, NATIONALIZATION

SOCIALIZATION: The child should be socialized out of the desire to wipe out anything that gets in its way, …” - Arthur D. Hlavaty, quoted in GEGENSCHEIN 34, p.13. - EDUCATION

SOCIALIZATION: There is a socialization which turns curious children into adult automatons in a social environment of repressive uniformity, and there is a socialization which turns selfish, impulsive children into self-aware and deliberate participants in a larger community.” – B. R. Barber, Superman and Common Men, p.37. - EDUCATION, CHILDREN

SOCIALIZING: What’s the use of wearing yourself out in the evening talking to people who don’t know anything?” - Bernard M. Baruch, 1870-1965, - Lore and Maurice Cowan, compilers, The Wit of the Jews, Leslie Frewin, London, 1970, p.107. – Even worse: Most do not want to know anything that is really important in public affairs although it greatly affects also their private lives. – JZ, 1.3.14. - PARTIES, CELEBRATIONS, SOCIETY EVENTS, GOING OUT, SOCIAL PARTIES, WASTING TIME & ENERGY, LACK OF INTEREST IN LARGE & IMPORTANT PUBLIC AFFAIRS MATTERS

SOCIETIES: In short, no society has ever – in economic terms, at least – lived completely up to is potential. The degrees to which a given society falls short of that potential at any given time – that is, the degree to which the advance of technology outstrips a particular society’s ability of willingness to make use of the latest developments and breakthroughs – is the measure of its technology gap. Paul Zane Pilzer, Unlimited Wealth, updated edition, Crown Publishers, New York, 1994, p.81. - The acceptance of technologies and more freedom in societies to change and progress rapidly depends a.) upon sufficient enlightenment options, all competitively supplied, b) full free enterprise and free exchange options, including full monetary and financial freedom, c) full freedom for pioneering individuals and their groups of volunteers to do their own things, via secessions and fully free associationism under exterritorial autonomy or personal law, i.e. independent of territorial despotism, its laws or customs. – JZ, 14.3.12. - FREEDOM, DEVELOPMENT, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY VS. TERRITORIALISM, FREE CHOICE BETWEEN SOCIETIES, VOLUNTARISM & TECHNOLOGY, COMPETING COMUNITIES & GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW OPTIOINS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION, CONTRACT & SECESSION IN EVERY SPHERE

SOCIETYThe instant formal [territorial! JZ] government is abolished, society begins to act. A general association takes place, and common interest produces common security. – Thomas Paine, quoted by Capitalism's photos · Capitalism's Page - Capitalism is Spontaneous Order. – Facebook, 30.3.13. - VS. GOVERNMENT, SECURITY, FREE SOCIETY VS. STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE

SOCIETY:  there is no such thing as society; there are individual men and women, and there are families.’ – Margaret Thatcher

SOCIETY: A central part of our political catechism has been that, "the more complex society becomes, the greater the need for central government." But the study of chaos is revealing an opposite conclusion: the more complex society becomes, the more we must rely on spontaneous and autonomous systems to provide for order. Complex systems are influenced by far too many variables for us to predict outcomes.” - Butler Shaffer, ISIL conference speech August 11-15- 07.  STATE & GOVERNMENTS, LIMITATION OF POWER: The Failure of Governments to Limit State Power, How a Collapsing, Top-Down Civilization Can Be Transformed Into a Free Society. – As diverse critters as human beings are, they require much more than a single society. – JZ, 4.4.09. – Most disorders are caused by forceful, statist and territorialist interventions, however legally sanctioned they are. – JZ, 1.3.14. - COMPLEXITY, DECENTRALIZATION, AUTONOMY VS. CENTRALIZATION, HIERARCHIES, ORDER, CHAOS THEORY, DISORDER

SOCIETY: A free society is a place where it's safe to be unpopular.” - Adlai Stevenson – SAFETY, UNPOPULARITY, FREEDOM

SOCIETY: A free society or community would not claim any monopoly, not even a territorial one. – It would be satisfied with full exterritorial autonomy for its voluntary members. - JZ, 12.4.09. – TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, POLYARCHISM, SECESSIONISM & FULL EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM VS. ANY KIND OF TERRITORIALISM

SOCIETY: A free society runs itself without any central direction.” – Sheldon Richman, CHALCEDON REPORT, May 97. – CENTRALIZATION, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

SOCIETY: A genuine community and human solidarity exists only where men engage voluntarily in their relations and stand towards each other as individuals with equal rights.” - Uwe Timm, Gesammelte Schriften, S.94. - COMMUNITIES, GENUINE ONES, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EQUAL IINDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SOCIETY: A great part of that order which reigns among mankind is not the effect of government. It has its origin in the principles of society, and the natural constitution of man. It existed prior to government, and would exist if the formality of government was abolished. The mutual dependence and reciprocal interest which man has in man, and all the parts of a civilized community upon each other, create that great chain of connection which holds it together.” – Thomas Paine - GOVERNMENT, MAN, HUMAN NATURE, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, NATURAL ORDER, VOLUNTARISM, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT, EXPERIMENTATION, SECESSION & ASSOCIATON, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES

SOCIETY: A loose community of human beings and, potentially, other rational beings, held together only by the social contract, private contracts, especially trade ones, family-, friendship-, hobby and work relationships, customs, language. Its supreme value is or should be the free individual. – JZ, n.d., 24.6.08.

SOCIETY: A quiet scholar once left a great social event and went home. One asked him: How satisfied were you? “If they were books”, he said, “I would not read them.” – Goethe, Epigrammatisch. – JZ tr. of: “Aus einer grossen Gesellschaft heraus // Ging einst ein stiller Gelehrter zu Haus. // Man fragte: Wie seid ihr zufrieden gewesen? // „Waeren’s Buecher,“ sagt’ er, „ich wuerd die nicht lesen.“ – SOCIAL EVENTS, PARTIES, BOOKS

SOCIETY: A society based on the freedom to choose is better than a society based on the principles of socialism, communism and coercion.” – Milton Friedman. - Free choice of governments, communities and societies for individuals would also allow various collectivist communities etc. for those who still managed to like them. Why deny them this “pleasure” when these statists alone would have to bear the costs and risks under their personal laws and full exterritorial autonomy only? – Why keep them as a powerful 5th column within a territorially imposed free society? – JZ, 2.1.08. - SUBJECTIVE VALUE THEORY, FREE CHOICE, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, PERSONAL LAW OPTIONS, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF ACTION, CHOICE, CONTRACT, ASSOCIATION, SECESSION

SOCIETY: A society can best function, prosper and serve the material needs of that society on the basis of free choices by free individuals in a free marketplace.” – Robert C. Moore, THE FREEMAN, 9/75, p.531. – A free market, free enterprise, free exchange and property rights are the best way for the able to help themselves and also the needy, because they do produce a relative abundance of wanted goods and services for sale at market prices. However, they are easily sold only under full monetary and financial freedom. Under monetary and financial despotism there remain too many who are unable to sell what they have to offer and to buy what they want or need. – JZ, 1.3.14. - CHOICE, VOLUNTARISM, CONSUMER & PRODUCER SOVEREIGNTY UNDER FULL MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM INSTEAD OF MONETARY & FINANCIAL DESPOTISM, INDIVIDUALISM, FREE MARKET, NEEDS, WANTS, POVERTY, UNEMPLOYMENT, CREDIT, MONEY ISSUE MONOPOLY, CENTRAL BANKING, CRISES, INFLATION, DEFLATION, STAGFLATIONS, MASS UNEMPLOYMENT, SALES DIFFICULTIES FOR GOODS, SERVICES & LABOR

SOCIETY: A society cannot be founded only on the pursuit of pleasure and power; a society can only be founded on the respect for liberty and justice.” – Taine, History of English Literature, Bk. ii. ch.11. – As if in history most societies or most States had been founded and maintained upon respect for liberty and justice. But this standard we never had society as yet, because all of them were and still unfree and unjust in at least some respects. – JZ, 24.6.08. – All genuine individual rights and liberties are not even publicly declared as yet and sufficiently discussed and understood. – No wonder then that we suffer under thousands of troubles and few only see any sound way out of them. - JZ, 1.3.14. - LIBERTY, JUSTICE, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS  LIBERTIES NOTE EVEN SUFFICIENTLY DECLARED & UNDERSTOOD AS YET. THEY SHOULD BE TAUGHT TOGETHER WITH THE ABC & BASIC ARITHMETIC

SOCIETY: a society standing on the brink of madness.” – Wilson/Shea, Illuminatus III. – E.g., nuclear brinkmanship. – JZ – NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY EVEN ON SURVIVAL QUESTIONS

SOCIETY: A society that robs an individual of the product of his effort ... is not strictly speaking a society, but a mob held together by institutionalized gang rule." - Ayn Rand – Another version: “A society that robs an individual of the product of his effort … is not strictly speaking a society, but a mob held together by institutionalized gang violence.” - Ayn Rand - VS. ROBBER GANGS, STATES, TERRITORIALISM TAXATION, WELFARE STATE, DISTRIBUTIONISM, SOCIAL JUSTICE, TAXATION, TRIBUTE LEVIES

SOCIETY: According to Nock’s formulation, the 20th century has been one of history’s darkest eras because spontaneous social life has withered before the compulsions of the State.” – James Dale Davidson, INDIVIDUALIST, 6/72. – STATE, TERRITORIALISM, TOTALITARIANISM, OVER 200 MILLION INNOCENT VICTIMS, APART FROM THE WAR VICTIMS, STATISM, STATE SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, INTOLERANCE, MASS MURDERS, GENOCIDE ATTEMPTS

SOCIETY: Alexis de Tocqueville … argued that association with others is an important way that people pursue their individual goals. (*) In civil associations, he said, “there is no sacrifice of will or reason, rather will and reason are applied to bring success to a common enterprise.” The point for modern theorists of civil society is that individualism and community are coextensive, not in conflict.” - David Boaz, ed., The Libertarian Reader, The Free Press, 1997, p.51. – However, this applies only if they are communities of volunteers and this implies that they are only exterritorially autonomous and under personal laws. – (*) way in which people … or pursue their individual goals in? - JZ, 3.10.07, 1.3.14. - COMMUNITY, VOLUNTARISM, ASSOCIATIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM & INDIVIDUALISM, VOLUNTARY MEMBERSHIP, SECESSIONISM, CONTRACTARIANISM

SOCIETY: All members of society are individuals.” – R. J. Williams, You Are Extraordinary, p.184. – True, but these individual are also organized in tens of thousands of different voluntary societies and they should be free to organize even in exterritorially autonomous societies and communities under personal law – panarchies, which, between them, would form a panarchistic society, that of panarchism. – The book by Williams is an excellent refutation of many of the egalitarian myths on man. By nature men and women are much more unequal in their individual characteristics than most people have imagined so far. - JZ, 24.6.08. – NATURAL INEQUALITY & VARIETIES, INDIVIDUALISM, VOLUNTARISM, EGALITARIANISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW OPTIONS

SOCIETY: All men are equal and free: society, by nature and destination, is therefore autonomous and ungovernable. (*) If the sphere of activity of each citizen is determined by the natural division of work and by the choice he makes of a profession, if the social functions are combined in such a way as to produce a harmonious effect, order results from the free activity of all men; there is no government. Whoever puts his hand on me to govern me is an usurper and a tyrant. I declare him my enemy.” - Proudhon, quoted in Woodcock, Proudhon, p.156. – Equal in rights and liberties and otherwise free to be as unequal as they are or want to become. – (*) Exterritorially autonomous and self-governing or self-managing, in their voluntary associations or sub-societies. - JZ, 24.6.08. – No attempt should be made or continued to govern them territorially, because that would mean without the consent of at least some, if not many people in any territorial population. Emigration should not be the only option for them and it is, anyhow, at present, largely blocked by immigration barriers. - JZ, 1.3.14. - GOVERNMENT, ORDER, HARMONY, FREEDOM OF ACTION, ANARCHISM, FREEDOM, NON-INTERVENTION, FREE MIGRATION & IMMIGRATION, COMBINED WITH PERSONAL LAW OPTIONS, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM VS. STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLISM

SOCIETY: As a word used to describe a variety of systems of interconnections of human activities, ‘society’ falsely suggests that all such systems are of the same kind. It is also one of the oldest terms of this kind, as for example in the Latin societas, from socius, the personally known fellow or companion, and it has been used to describe both an actually existing state of affairs and a relation between individuals. As usually employed, it presupposed or implies a common pursuit of shared purposes that usually can be achieved only by conscious collaboration.” – F. A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, p.112. – “Panarchism”, on the other hand, envisions xyz different “societies”, all of them confined to their own personal law system or exterritorial autonomy for their voluntary members only, with the “social” or “societal feature of the overall country- or even world-wide population and human society, in all its variations and individual and group choices being characterized by full freedom for all such sub-societies or “panarchies” or polyarchies or competing governance systems, under personal law systems they prefer for themselves, i.e., tolerance for all of them, as long as they act only at their own expense and risk, within their most diverse sub-societies or panarchies, representing all kinds of statism and also all kinds of non-statist or anarchist or libertarian arrangements. For whole political, economic and social systems they would make possible the same variety and peaceful coexistence and harmony of free markets and free voluntary associations that is demonstrated in other spheres by thousands of churches and sects, sports- hobby- and crafts-groups, scientific associations, professional groups, kinds of productive or trading enterprises, etc., of almost endless variety - and also frequently changing or being peacefully replaced by others. Freedom of enterprise, freedom of contract, freedom of association and disassociation, laissez-faire, laissez passer would apply to all of them as well as individual consumer & producer sovereignty, in numerous combinations. To each his supposedly ideal community, association or State or government. No single ideal to be territorially imposed upon all except the insistence upon voluntary membership, assured by individual secessionism, exterritorial autonomy for all, meaning tolerance for all such tolerant groups and systems, regardless of how ridiculous, irrational or absurd one might believe them to be and to act. Liberty for fools as well as enlightened and wise people to do their own things. – JZ, 4.6.08. – PANARCHISM & PANARCHIES, POLYARCHISM, SOCIETY & SOCIETIES, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, ASSOCIATIONISM, CONTRACTARIANISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PERSONAL LAW

SOCIETY: Blaming “society” makes it awfully easy for a person of weak character to shrug off his own responsibility for his actions.” - Stanley Schmidt. - & SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, ”SOCIETY IS TO BLAME?”

SOCIETY: Decisive is whether “ by means of society my freedom or my property become restricted.” - Stirner, quoted in: John Henry Mackay, Max Stirner, p.146. - STATE & FREEDOM

SOCIETY: Dissolve the State in Society. – JZ, 1.9.81. – Dissolve the State into free societies. – Dissolve the territorial State into exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers. – JZ, 4.6.92. – Whenever an idea is important we should always try to find or express better formulas, definitions, slogans and abstracts for it. – JZ, 23.6.08, 28.6.13.

SOCIETY: Does the well-being of society as a whole stem from the freedom of enlightened individuals to pursue their own interests; or must government intervene in the lives of its citizens to assure the greatest collective good?” – George Charles Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.13. – Has any territorial government even been able and willing to compile a complete and flawless declaration of all individual rights and liberties? Admittedly, their subjects and victims haven’t managed that job, as yet, either, which is in my opinion the greatest scandal of the libertarian and anarchist movements. - Compare PEACE PLANS 589/90, updated and digitized edition, an anthology of over 130 private human rights declarations, offered only as raw material for such a declaration. – JZ, 24.6.08, 1.3.14. – FREEDOM, ENLIGHTENMENT, HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATIONS, GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE, INTERVENTIONISM, PLANNING, CONTROLS, PERMITS, LICENSING, PROHIBITIONS, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, COMMON GOOD, PUBLIC INTEREST, Q., DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SOCIETY: Early liberals before and after John Locke liked to use the metaphor of a social contract to express this view. Society can be thought of as emerging from an agreement among its members to protect themselves against the selfish desires of others. Man’s ‘unsociable sociability’ (Kant) makes rules necessary, which bind all, but requires also the maximum feasible space for competition and conflict. – Ralf Dahrendorf, Liberalism, in: The New Palgrave: The Invisible Hand, ed. By John Eatwell, Murray Milgate & Peter Newman, W. W. Norton, 1987/89, p.183. – Genuine individual liberties and rights are ABOVE the law, or at least above most legislation. This applies already to those rights and liberties supposedly “granted” by or expressed in a constitution or its bill of rights declaration. Alas, none of the governmental ones are complete and flawless. Only under free choice of governance, societal and community services for individuals and groups of volunteers and thus under personal law and full exterritorial autonomy, expressing individual sovereignty and practising individual secessionism to complete the voluntarism involved, can the “social contract” and “consent” hypotheses become quite valid and fully practised. Under territorialism they still lead to numerous wrongs and irrationalities. – JZ, 18.11.11, 24.2.12. – & SOCIAL CONTRACTS, CONSENT, CHOICE, PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, POLYARCHISM, CONSTITUTIONALISM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY.

SOCIETY: Every society that ever was has been founded upon an agreed-upon delusion.” – R. Faraday Nelson, A Song on the Rising Wind, FANTASTIC, 11/74.

SOCIETY: for to be bound to one’s self and to be bound to a whole of which one forms a part, are very different things.” – Rousseau, Contrat Social, I, VII. – Unless and while the whole consists only of volunteers, exterritorially autonomous and is also sufficiently reduced in power by free competition from other such communities, which any individual might initiate or increase, by individual secession from his former society and joining a competing other one. – JZ, 5.8.92, 1.1.93, 2.6.08. – SOCIAL CONTRACTS, COMPETITIVE ONES, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, POLYARCHISM

SOCIETY: Formal government makes but a small part of civilized life; and when even the best that human wisdom can devise is established, it is a thing more in name and idea than in fact. It is to the great and fundamental principles of society and civilization – to the common usage universally consented to, and mutually and reciprocally maintained – to the unceasing circulation of interest, which passing through its innumerable channels, invigorates the whole mass of civilized man – it is to these things, infinitely more than anything which even the best instituted government can perform, that the safety and prosperity of the individual and of the whole depends.” - Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.77, on Thomas Paine. – GOVERNMENT


SOCIETY: Frederic Bastiat once said: "Society Is Exchange." - If this statement is correct then the socialists and other dictocrats, who raised exchange difficulties in one way or the other, are thereby and to this extent revealed as anti-social elements, as enemies of society. - JZ file: Unemployment incomplete comb of old files, n.d. & 1.3.14. – GOVERNMENT, POLITICIANS, INTERVENTIONISM, FREE EXCHANGE, DICTOCRATS, ANTI-SOCIAL ELEMENTS, LEADERSHIP, RULERS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

SOCIETY: Freedom as Social Cement.” – Rudolf Rocker, sub-heading in chapter 15 of “Nationalism and Culture”, p.240. – All individual rights and liberties, for everybody, to the extent that he understands and appreciates them for himself or herself, in the own communities of volunteers and respects them in members of other such communities. – JZ, 23.6.08. – PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE, NATURAL ORDER & HARMONY VIA FREE INDIVIDUAL CHOICES, ASSOCIATONISM, SECESSIONISM, CONTRACTARIANISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, FULLY DECLARED & SUFFICIENTLY UNDERSTOOD TO BECOME GRADUALLY REALIZED BY & AMONG THOSE, WHO UNDERSTAND & APPRECIATE THEM & RESPECT THEM IN OTHERS.

SOCIETY: Freedom of the human personality cannot be given by society, and by its source and nature it cannot depend upon society – it belongs to man himself, as a spiritual being. And society, unless it makes totalitarian claims (*), can only recognize this freedom. This basic truth about freedom was reflected in the doctrines of natural law, of the rights of man, independent of the state, of freedom, not only as freedom within society, but freedom from society with its limitless claims on man.” – Nicholas Berdyaev, quoted in The Free Man’s Almanac, for Feb. 4. - (*) Territorial States and governments do that, genuine societies never do. – JZ, 24.6.98.

SOCIETY: Godwin, finally, sensing the necessity of choosing, perfected the ideas of Paine in disassociating government and society, in showing that, far from relaxing the social bond, the abolition of government binds it tighter. … Godwin in accord with the tradition of utilitarian naturalism of Smith, had sacrificed politics to economics. It was economics that the artificial utilitarianism of Bentham sacrificed to politics. – Teilhac: Say (Oeuvres économique de Jean Baptiste Say), p.231/33. – Quoted in JLS, Sum 77, p.155. - Please do not leave it to me to try to extract all worthwhile quotes in that journal! – JZ, 24.6.08.

SOCIETY: governments have always thwarted the growth of society and never been able to enhance it.” - Peter Marshall, Demanding the Impossible, p.166. – True for territorial governments, untrue for voluntary and competing ones without any territorial monopolies. In these cases governments can be as ideal as the ideals of their voluntary members are. Only in that case are they also genuine societies. – JZ, 4.6.08. – PANARCHISM, STATES, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM VS. MONOPOLISM, SECESSIONISM

SOCIETY: Have you ever notices that the Interests of Society never seem to do you any good?” - DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIP No.3. – PUBLIC INTEREST, COMMON GOOD

SOCIETY: He elected a government that promised a great society but could not even produce a balanced budget.” - Dr. Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Prescription, p.3. - GREAT SOCIETY, GOVERNMENT, BALANCE BUDGET, PROMISES, JOKES, VOTING, STATISM, NEW DEAL, TERRITORIALISM, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES

SOCIETY: He warned that the precedent had already been too well established by the upper classes of feathering their own nests at the expense of others. Such ideas were sure to spread to the lower classes, producing the ugly spectacle of a society in which every one was attempting to live at the expense of everyone else. Soon all classes demand special privileges. In the absurd rhetoric of the socialist demagogue, such a system is presumably fraternal and egalitarian, with total justice for all concerned.” - George Charles Roche III, Frederic Bastiat – A Man Alone, p.161. – FRATERNITY, EGALITY, EGALITARIANISM, PRIVILEGES, BROTHERHOOD, SOCIAL JUSTICE INSTEAD OF JUSTICE, WELFARE CLAIMS POSED AS RIGHTS

SOCIETY: How can something be ‘for the benefit of society’ when I don’t benefit? (I am part of society.) How can it be ‘a benefit for society’ when such a ‘benefit’ is beneficial to some people and makes slaves out of others? – Anderson/Miles, Constitution, p. 45. – Q.

SOCIETY: However, it was not man’s intelligence, which created society, but cultural evolution which created man’s intelligence. Our brain does not manufacture intelligence; our brain is merely an apparatus for absorbing and learning a traditional way of thinking, a tradition both of interpretations of the world, and of rules of conduct, which we have learned to follow. Thus the social order depends on a system of views and opinions, which we imbibe, inherit, and learn form a tradition that we cannot modify.” – F. A. Hayek, Knowledge, Evolution and Society, p.56. – But we can try to restore natural society and its development processes, just as we can contract market relationships, exchange media, value standards, purchase agreements etc. – JZ, 27.7.92.

SOCIETY: Human society is not just one society. It is tens of thousands of societies, many of them presently suppressed, especially when they could effectively compete with one of the activities now territorially monopolized by States. – JZ, 18.12.92, 23.6.08, 1.3.14. – TERRITORIALISM VS. VOLUNTARISM & FREE CHOICE, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW OPTIONS, FREDOM OF CONTRACT, ASSOCIATION & EXPERIMENTATION, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE

SOCIETY: Human society marches forward; the State is always the brake.” – The Workers Federation of the District of Courtelary, 1880. - The territorial State is not only a wrongful brake on most societies but also on most individuals. – JZ, 24.6.08. – There are also conservative and reactionary societies. Should they not also be free to do their things for or to their voluntary members? – JZ, 25.6.08. – SOCIETY, TERRITORIALISM, STATE, STATISM, FREEDOM OF ACTION, TOLERANCE FOR PANARCHIES, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, COMPETITION, LAISSEZ FAIRE, ASSOCIATIONISM, SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, POLYARCHISM,

SOCIETY: I can’t accept the collectivist view that ‘society’ is US. To me, ‘society’ is a shared fantasy; it has no operational definition. What is operationally real is the State, and that is very definitely THEM. – DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIP No. 4, p.7. – STATE, US, WE, PEOPLE, THEM, GOVERNMENTS VS. SUBJECTS UNDER TERRITORIALISM

SOCIETY: I would rather live in a society which treated children as adults than one which treated adults as children." - Lizard - CHILDREN & ADULTS, WELFARE STATE

SOCIETY: If the human intellect is allowed to impose a preconceived pattern on society, if our powers of reasoning are allowed to lay claim to a monopoly of creative effort … then we must not be surprised if society, as such, ceases to function as a creative force. - Friedrich Hayek, quoted on Facebook, 29.2.12, by ‪Jim Carigan‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ - Another 2000+ Libertarian Quotes – To that extent even Hayek was a panarchist. – But to my knowledge he did never clearly enough oppose territorialism and advocate the exterritorial, voluntary and personal law alternatives. - JZ, 29.2.12. – FREE SOCIETY, CREATIVITY, REASON, HAYEK, IMPOSED SYSTEMS, TERRITORIALISM, CENTRALIZATION, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, IDEOLOGIES, RELIGIONS, FANATICISM, FUNDAMENTALISM, INTOLERANCE, THE TREASON OF THE INTELLECTUALS, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, HAYEK

SOCIETY: if you find that society is bad, you are there to improve it. …” - Albert Meltzer, A New World In Our Heart, p.60. – Or - to opt out or secede and do your own things, better if you can, while leaving those, you disagree with, alone to do their things among themselves. – JZ, 1.3.14. – REFORMS, DUTY, CHANGES, IMPROVEMENTS

SOCIETY: In a free society the state does not administer the affairs of men. It administers justice among men who conduct their own affairs.” – Walter Lippmann (1889-1974), An Inquiry into the Principles of the Good Society, 1937 – Was there ever a quite just territorial State? Did even one of them ever recognize all individual rights and liberties? I know of none. Do you? – JZ, 4.4.09. – One judge or justice system imposed upon a whole territorial population can never be just enough. It will always be more or less biased, especially by territorial statism. – Limited but still territorial governments are never limited enough. – JZ, 1.3.14. - FREE SOCIETY & THE STATE, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, FREELY COMPETING JURISDICTION SYSTEMS, ALL ONLY CHOSEN BY VOLUNTEERS FOR THEMSELVES, WITH FREE CONTRACTS OVER THE SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, PERSONAL LAW CHOICES, VOLUNTARISM

SOCIETY: In any given society the authority of man over man runs in inverse proportion to the intellectual development of that society.” – Pierre Joseph Proudhon, What Is Property? – Rather: In every territorial State the authority or power of man over man runs in inverse proportion to the intellectual development of free societies that are suppressed by that State. – JZ, 4.6.08. – The greater the power of man over man, the less the intellectual development of the power-holders. Under territorialism the power is greatest and so is its ignorance, foolishness and immorality. Under voluntarism, personal law, exterritorial autonomy of competing governance systems, started by consistent voluntarism in all spheres, free secessionism and associationism as well as contractarianism, the chances for wisdom, intelligence, understanding, knowledge, morality and tolerance towards all tolerant actions, economic actions, prosperity and enlightenment are large and, possibly, ever growing, especially once life and intelligence expansion become possible and all desirable intellectual tools and references are sufficiently provided by free market services. – JZ, 1.3.14. - POWER, RULERS, STATES, STATISM, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, ENLIGHTENMENT, PROGRESS, PROSPERITY, COMPETITION, FREE MARKETS, LAISSEZ FAIRE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM IN EVERY SPHERE FOR ALL TOLERANT PEOPLE, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-OWNERSHIP, PERSONAL LAW OPTIONS, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS

SOCIETY: In contradiction to society, which results from free exchange, stands the State.” – Walter Grinder, BOOKS FOR LIBERTARIANS, April 73.

SOCIETY: In fine, society performs for itself almost everything which is ascribed to government.” – Thomas Paine, quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.75. – Provided, it is not all too much interfered with, e.g. by monetary despotism suppressing monetary freedom and thereby assuring inflations, deflations and stagflations. – Some tasks it fulfills to a large extent even in spite of severe suppression attempts, via black markets and revolutions. - JZ, 24.6.08. – Alas, all the implications cannot be sufficiently stated in one slogan, sentence or even several sentences. Only some hints to related topics can be offered in short statements. – JZ, 1.3.14. - GOVERNMENT, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, FREEDOM OF CHOICE, PERSONAL LAW, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, SECESSIONISM, ASSOCIATIONISM, TOLERANCE FOR ALL TOLERANT PEOPLE DOING THEIR OWN THINGS.

SOCIETY: In logic, the word ‘public’ or “Society’ is like a mathematical symbol, like a Greek sigma that signifies the sum total of every individual in a particular area.” – Eugene Guccioni, National Press Club, Canberra, Sept. 76. – Is territoriality a necessary part of society? In the Sof or Cof of the Berbers there were at least 2 competing society in every one of their districts. Was their voluntarism forming another “society” above these 2 coexisting protective communities of volunteers? – JZ, 2.11.82. - Is society really confined to a particular area or does it at least now stretch to some extent all over the world? – Should one include violent criminals as well – or have they excluded themselves by their actions? – The members of the Cof or Sof among the Berbers were free to change over to the other society, when they were disappointed by the one they belonged to. – These organizations tried to protect the rights and liberties of their members. - JZ, 24.6.08. – Even territorial government are split, as a rule, into federal State and local governments – and are exposed to international competition from hundreds of other territorial governments, although not as much as individual real estate owners and businessmen are exposed to the competition from vast numbers of other real estate owners, businessmen, manufacturers, farmers, miners and other competing service providers. All of these competitors are, unfortunately, still subjected to the rule and jurisdiction, taxation and policing as well as legislation by territorial governments, which amount, all too often, even to obvious misrule and in all cases to a largely wrongful and irrational as well as prejudiced territorial rule over at least over some better informed dissenters, who are not allowed to secede and do their own things at their own risk and expense under their preferred personal law system. – If you are still unable to envision the peaceful functioning of personal law societies, do at least somewhat browse with Google for “personal law”. In that search I get recently 227 million search results. No wonder, personal law practices go back in history even before there was a recorded history and written down laws. There were just orally transmitted customary laws, usually more adhered to than are written laws today, even with all statist territorial powers behind them. – At least then everybody was still able to learn all about the customary law. - JZ, 1.3.14. - PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COF, SOF, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, BIARCHY, MULTIARCHY, SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, FREEDOM FOR TOLERANT EXPERIMENTS IN EVERY SPHERE, LAW, LEGISLATION, CUSTOMS

SOCIETY: In order to understand how society could exist without a government, it is sufficient to turn our attention for a short space (time? – JZ) to what actually goes on in our present society. We shall see that in reality the most important social functions are fulfilled even nowadays outside the intervention of government … it is just those things in which there is no governmental interference that prosper best and give rise to the least contention, being unconsciously adapted to the wish of all in the way found more useful and agreeable. - Nor is government more necessary for large undertakings, or for those public services which require the constant cooperation of many people of different conditions and countries. Thousands of these undertakings are even now the work of voluntarily formed associations … Scientific societies and congresses, international life-boat and Red Cross associations, laborers’ unions, peace societies, volunteers who hasten to the rescue at times of great public calamities, are all examples among thousands, of that power of the spirit of association, which always shows itself when a need arises, or an enthusiasm takes hold, and the means do not fail. That voluntary associations do not cover the world, and do not embrace every branch of material and moral activity is the fault of the obstacles placed in their way by governments, of the antagonisms created by the possession of private property (? - JZ), … - Errico Malatesta, in Charles Bufe, The Heretic’s Handbook of Quotations, expanded edition, p.60. - STATE, GOVERNMENT, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM,  MARKET, ANARCHISM, SELF-HELP, ASSOCIATIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, CHARITY, BENEVOLENCE, FOUNDATIONS, CREDIT, INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS BY MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE NOT GRANTED ANY GOVERNMENTAL PRIVILEGES

SOCIETY: In short, no society has ever – in economic terms, at least – lived completely up to is potential. The degrees to which a given society falls short of that potential at any given time – that is, the degree to which the advance of technology outstrips a particular society’s ability or willingness to make use of the latest developments and breakthroughs – is the measure of its technology gap. - Paul Zane Pilzer, Unlimited Wealth, updated edition, Crown Publishers, New York, 1994, p.81. - The acceptance of technologies and more freedom in societies to change and progress rapidly depends a.) upon sufficient enlightenment options, all competitively supplied, b) full free enterprise and free exchange options, including full monetary and financial freedom, c) full freedom for pioneering individuals and their groups of volunteers to do their own things, via secessions and fully free associationism under exterritorial autonomy or personal law, i.e. independent of territorial despotism, its laws or customs. – JZ, 14.3.12. - SOCIETIES, FREEDOM, DEVELOPMENT, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY VS. TERRITORIALISM, FREE CHOICE BETWEEN PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES, VOLUNTARISM & TECHNOLOGY, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM

SOCIETY: In short, there is no service required by Society that is in any way improved by its politicization, and that could not be better done if it were subjected to competitive conditions. The only reason for the political operation of these services is to give the State (and there is a State in every city) the semblance of competence it does not have, so that its accumulations of power may appear to be socially beneficial.” – Frank Chodorov, The Rise and Fall of Society, p.104. - POLITICS, POLITICIZATION, TERRITORIALISM, STATES, GOVERNMENT, COMPETITION, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, LIMITED GOVERNMENT WITH A TERRITORIAL MONOPOLY OR UNLIMITED PERSONAL LAW COMPETITION EVEN WITH LIMITED GOVERNMENTS THAT HAVE NO TERRITORIAL MONOPOLY?

SOCIETY: In The Civil War in France, Marx … speaks, for instance, of the Paris Commune’s aiming at restoring “to the social body all the forces hitherto absorbed by the State parasite feeding upon, and clogging the free movement of society. … Every common interest was straightway severed from society, counterposed to it as a higher general interest, snatched from the activity of society’s members themselves and made an object of government activity, from a bridge, a schoolhouse and the communal property of a village community to the railways, the national wealth and the national university of France.” – Karl Marx quoted in Ralph Raico, JLS, Sum, 77, p. 179. – Restore the natural society by recognizing all individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 21.11.82. – Including the right of individuals and groups of volunteers to secede and to compete with the State through self-selected personal law societies, i.e. societies, governance systems and communities of volunteers, which do not claim a territorial monopoly and do not  recognize the territorial monopoly claims of others. – JZ, 1.3.14.

SOCIETY: It is one of the greatest triumphs for an educated society, one about which it can be quite rightly proud, that the social relations established through it make it possible for even deadly enemies to meet quite peacefully. In this lies a much more valuable achievement than in what intelligence, humor, art and luxury can contribute to decorate these social relations. Decent customs provide everyone involved with them a feeling of security.“ – Ihrering, Der Zweck im Recht, 2.9. – Only a rough JZ translation of: “Es ist der groesste Triumph, dessen sich die gebildete Gesellschaft in bezug auf die durch sie geschaffene Gestaltung des geselligen Verkehrs ruehmen kann, dass auf ihrem Boden selbst Todfeinde sich begegnen koennen, darin liegt eine ungleich wertvollere Leistung als in allem dem, was Geist, Witz, Kunst, Luxus beizusteuern vermoegen, um denselbst zu schmuecken. Die feine Sitte gewaehrt jedermann, der ihn betritt, das volle Gefuehl der Sicherheit.“ - And if society were panarchistically organized then many of today’s animosities would simply disappear together with the fear of being outvoted or over-powered by one’s opponents. One would be independent of them. Thus the opponents would become tolerable, although one might still criticize or ridicule them. Only one’s opponents would suffer under their wrongs and mistakes and most people would find that to be quite bearable and even consider it to be poetic justice. – JZ, 22.7.86. – MUTUAL TOLERATION OF TOLERANT PRACTICES AMONG VOLUNTEERS, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, PEACEFULLY COEXISTING PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES OF VOLUNTEERS

SOCIETY: It is our responsibility to give more back to society than we have received from it.” – Alec Simpson. – Why should free exchange, profitable to both sides, not be enough? – JZ, 23.6.08. – Compare Bastiat’s saying: “Society IS exchange!” –

SOCIETY: It is quite obvious, where there is a society, there is no room for the State.” – Erich Muehsam, quoted in LERNZIEL ANARCHIE. – And where there is a territorial State there is no space, or liberty or right left for quite free societies, communities and governance systems of volunteers. These should be quite free in competition with all States, once these, too, would be reduced to communities of volunteers, by the free secession of all their dissenters. – JZ, 1.3.14.

SOCIETY: It might have been contended (as the late Lord Haldane contended in arguing for the Free Church of Scotland in 1904) that a living society grows and extends its purposes (*), and should not be cramped in its growth (**) either by a rule of ultra vires or by any restrictive assertion of the final sovereignty of the state.” – Sir Ernest Barker, Traditions of Civility, p.288. – (*) It should also be able to naturally decline and die, from lack of further voluntary support. – (**) Nor should it be kept artificially alive by subsidies coercively taken from involuntary contributors. – JZ, 23.6.08.

SOCIETY: It must be remembered that ninety-five percent of the peace, order and welfare existing in human society is always produced by the conscientious practice of man to man justice and person to person charity. When any part of this important domain of personal virtue is transferred to government, that part is automatically released from the restraints of morality and put into the area of conscience-less coercion.” – Clarence Manion, The Key to Peace, p.24/25. – To some extent people are just repressed and unaware anarchists. – JZ, 21.11.82. – Unfortunately, they are largely conditioned to accept territorial Statism as natural. – JZ, 24.6.08, 5.3.11. - FREE SOCIETY.

SOCIETY: It must be stressed, however, that Bakunin did not think a society necessarily good because it was “natural” – it could be either good or bad, depending on the material, intellectual and ethical level of its members. When public opinion is poisoned by ignorance and prejudice, it can be even more tyrannical than the most despotic State.” - Sam Dolgoff, Bakunin on Anarchy, N.Y., 1972, p.5/7. – The territorial State is the main culprit for poisoning public opinion. – But it is supported by whole armies of territorialist and statist intellectuals, mostly themselves victims of statist mis-education. - JZ, 4.6.08.

SOCIETY: It’s as though we’re all out in a life boat in mid-ocean. If the boat goes down, being the richest man in the lifeboat won’t save your life. Owning great wealth won’t do any good if society is not saved.” – Percy Greaves. – SAVING SOCIETY, ALTRUISM, EGOISM, WEALTH, FREEDOM, RICHES, SUCCESS

SOCIETY: It’s easy to feel that you have no chance to live your own life, that society imposes too many restrictions upon you. (*) Employers, friends, lovers, family, and strangers seem to gang up on you to tell you how you must live. – Of course, “society” is a nonentity, It has no mind, no interests, no motivation. It is simply a collection of many different individuals who have different minds, interests and motivations. So “society’ can’t restrain you. (**) – The problems come from individuals – people who want you to act in certain ways and cause problems for you if you don’t. - I think that the first step in freeing yourself from social restrictions is the realization that there is no such thing as a “safe” code of conduct – one that would earn everyone’s approval. Your actions can always be condemned by someone – for being too bold or too apathetic, for being too conformist or too non-conformist, for being to liberal or too conservative. - So it’s necessary [decisive> - JZ] whose approval is important to you. If you just assume that you must have the approval of those nearest to you, social restrictions will be a very real problem. - But there are millions of people within your reach - …” - Harry Browne, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, p.190. (***) - (*) Society, or, mostly, the territorial State through numerous laws? The numerous prejudices in society can be powerful but are also less coercive. – (**) Some customs can be even more powerful than laws, especially in underdeveloped countries. – It was also the custom not to read microfilmed libertarian texts rather than legal prohibitions, that led me finally to discontinue my libertarian microfiche publishing experiments. – (***) How does one find millions of people interested in e.g.: 1.) A libertarian ideas archive, 2.) comprehensive libertarian publishing on CDs, DVDs and external HD’s, 3.) panarchism, 4.) compiling an ideal declaration of individual rights and liberties, 5.) full monetary freedom, 6.) all forms of voluntary taxation, 7.) ideal militias for the protection of individual rights and liberties, 8.) developing a libertarian defence, revolution and liberation program, 9.) exploring all self-management options, 10.) compiling a comprehensive libertarian bibliography, 11.) compiling libertarian abstracts, 12.) compiling libertarian reviews, 13.) listing together all those libertarian texts which are already electronically offered in one form or the other, 14.) completing my slogans for liberty encyclopedia, 14.) compiling the best libertarian refutations of popular errors, myths and prejudices that are obstacles to enlightenment, 15.) collecting the most suitable persuasive wordings or all occasions, 16.) creating a libertarian directory to people with special libertarian interests, talents and knowledge, 17.) establishing an-ever growing libertarian digitized encyclopedia or data bank, in English & in WIKIPEDIA fashion, 18.) Establishing at least for every city and its surroundings an electronic meeting calendar, announcing in advance all educational meetings, a digitized publication or email newsletter which would also promote anarchist and libertarian meetings, bringing demand and supply in this sphere together, 19.) Establishing a libertarian projects list online as a standing invitation to libertarian to work together on certain projects, 20.) An electronic collection of all libertarian peace ideas? – In short, how does one establish market-like facilities that would create a real free market for libertarian ideas, texts, activities and talents? – Or was Brown right and these problems and xyz others are already solved because millions of people were already working on all of them? – Did Harry Browne notice the absence of such facilities? Perhaps only in one case, with his book on libertarian sound bites. - JZ, 25.6.08, 5.3.11.

SOCIETY: man becomes civilized by getting into society, that is, by letting others with their unique talents come to one’s aid. Let them do their countless things, which permits me to do my ‘thing’.” – Leonard E. Read, Castles in the Air, p.36. – MAN, RECLUSES, SOLITARY LIVING, EXCHANGE, TEAMWORK, COLLABORATION, DIVISION OF LABOR IN TACKLING ALL LIBERTARIAN PROJECTS AT THE SAME TIME, ALL ONLY BY SPECIALLY INTERESTED VOLUNTEERS, SUFFICIENTLY GATHERED TOGETHER FOR THIS, NEW DRAFT

SOCIETY: Man did not enter into society to become worse than he was before, nor to have fewer rights than he had before, but to have those rights better secured.” – Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man, 1791, I. – The best organization for this purpose may neither be the territorial State nor society in general but a special organization, for this purpose alone: local militias of volunteers with only one aim: The realization and protection of individual rights and liberties – to the extent that volunteers do want to apply them among themselves. These local militias to be motivated, trained, armed and organized quite in accordance with that purpose only and nationally and internationally federated. When this idea is finally realized, the ultimate sovereignty would rest with it rather than with “the people” as a whole or with any territorial government. – JZ, 23.6.08. – GOVERNMENT, STATE, NATION, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, SOVEREIGNTY, MILITIAS FOR THE PROTECTION OF GENUINE HUMAN RIGHTS NOT MERE WELFARE CLAIMS

SOCIETY: Mankind is not an entity, an organism or a coral bush. It is with the study of man – not the loose aggregate known as a ‘community’ – that any science of the humanities has to begin. … A great deal may be learned about society by studying man; nothing can be learned about man by studying society.” – Ayn Rand, Capitalism The Unknown Ideal, Signet edition, p.15. – A great deal about man can be learnt from studying various societies that either peacefully coexisted and coexist or lived and live in an almost constant struggle with each other. – Those which do not claim any territorial monopoly – like even most advocates of “limited” but still territorial governments do – do have the chance and motives to coexist peacefully But those insisting on a territorial monopoly for themselves will already thereby and quite inevitably clash with numerous other kinds of societies or governments that do also claim a territorial monopoly, especially when these monopoly claims do overlap, as they do, in all too many places in this world. – J.Z, 24.6.08. - MAN, HUMAN NATURE, PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE, TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIEITES, POLYARCHISM

SOCIETY: Mr. Heath, … redeems a word which has been misappropriated by his Marxist enemies. He proves that true sociality is inextricably bound up with the free enterprise system. When the coercion of the State enters the picture, sociality disappears. One cannot be sociable under compulsion. Socialism, so viewed, becomes a contradiction in terms.” – John Chamberlain, in Spencer Heath, Citadel, Market and Altar, p.VII. – STATE SOCIALISM, COMPULSION, TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLISM, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES VS. TERRITORIAL STATISM, MONOPOLISM & COLLECTIVISM

SOCIETY: Mystical references to ‘society’ and its programs to ‘help” may warm the hearts of the gullible but what it really means is putting more power in the hands of bureaucrats. – Thomas Sowell, quoted by Nizam Ahmad sharing Capitalism's photo. – Facebook, 17.2.13, ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. - VS. STATE, GOVERNMENT, BUREAUCRACY, POWER, TERRITORIALISM, UNITY, NATIONALISM, STRENGTH, DEFENCE, PROTECTION, JUSTICE, WELFARE STATE, STATE PROPAGANDA, PROGRAMS,  WELFARE STATE, SOCIAL PROGRAMS, POLITICIANS, POWER, BUREAUCRACY, PUBLIC SERVANTS, “REPRESENTATIVES”, DEMOCRACY

SOCIETY: No involuntary members and subjects can form a genuine society or community. However, criminals and aggressors with victims do have to become restrained - much more so than happens at present. Unless they confine their criminal and aggressive actions to their own voluntary members. Then only could such wrongful actions be ignored by the voluntary members of ethical communities of volunteers. – Who would or should care if thieves only stole from each other and murderers murdered only other murderers? - JZ, n.d. & 23.6.08, 5.3.11. – Or if rapists only raped other rapists? – JZ, 1.3.14.

SOCIETY: No society that places the individual above itself will survive; but neither will any society that places the individual below itself.” - L. E. Modesitt, Gravity Dreams, Orbit, London, 1999, p.149. – The existence of an individual entity is here wrongly assumed for society. Also the status of individuals as potential and rightful human sacrifices for a “society”. Only in self-defence can individual criminals or other aggressors be rightfully killed. I deny the right of 2 or 3 hungry cannibals to try to survive by killing and eating one person. Societies are only justified to the extent that they do serve volunteers and I mean serving them, not as dinner. – JZ, 1.3.14. - & INDIVIDUALS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES ABOVE ALL SOCIETIES & STATES, WHICH CAN BE JUSTIFIED ONLY AS UPHOLDERS OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, NOT AS AGGRESSORS OR OPPRESSORS AGAINST THEM

SOCIETY: Of all social theories, Anarchism alone steadfastly proclaims that society exists for man, not man for society.” – Emma Goldman, The Place of the Individual in Society, 1930’s. - ANARCHISM, MAN

SOCIETY: On the continent, … one likes to speak of the emergence of society from under the state. Either way, the basic idea involves the same departure from an all-embracing system of domination by traditional authority to one in which public authority is confined to certain tasks of regulation, and thus bound to grant and defend the freedom of individuals to express their views. – Ralf Dahrendorf, Liberalism, in: The New Palgrave: The Invisible Hand, ed. By John Eatwell, Murray Milgate & Peter Newman, W. W. Norton, 1987/89, p.184. - This achieves at best only freedom of expression and information, not FULL freedom of action and experimentation. It is the view of limited governments that are still territorial and, to that extent, authoritarian, centralistic and even totalitarian rather than genuinely and effectively limited by individual sovereignty, expressed in individual secessionism and free choice among governance systems, societies and communities, which can only be realized under personal law or full exterritorial autonomy. How could this fact be overlooked for so long and by so many? - JZ, 24.2.12, 17.1.13. – VS. STATE, CLASSICAL LIBERALISM, LIMITED GOVERNMENT

SOCIETY: Only a mad person fits into a mad society. – Only a free, moral and enlightened person would fit into a free, moral and enlightened society. – Thus let the mad ones have their mad systems – harming directly and mainly only themselves. We do not have a right to their rational behavior among themselves and to the further division of labor advantages that such behavior would provide us with. – More important still: let all freedom loving, moral and more or less enlightened people form their own and exterritorially quite autonomous societies under personal law, whereby, in the long run, they would set shiny and appreciated examples that could be followed by all others, once they are ready for them. - JZ, 17.1.86, 23.6.08, 5.3.11. - PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF ACTION & EXPERIMENTATION FOR VOLUNTERS, PERSONAL LAW SOCITIES, PANARCHIES, POLYARCHIES, COMPETING GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS

SOCIETY: Only where the society is natural can natural and social perfection be achieved; economic society for Say is natural, but political society is not natural, and thus inhibits man’s perfection.” – Leonard P. Liggio, in JLS, Sum 77, p.154. – MAN, TERRITORIALISM, POLITICS, NATURAL LAW, NATURAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, VOLUNTARISM & INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, COMPULSORY MEMBERSHIP OR SUBORDINATION

SOCIETY: Our Enemy, The State and On Doing the Right Thing, Albert J. Nock. Classical analysis of the State by one of the finest Old Right libertarians. Develops the thesis that as State power (organized political coercion) increases, Social power (voluntarism) decreases. The more the State does, the less society can or will do for itself. Also includes an historical analysis of the American State. … deals with the detrimental effect of the State on moral autonomy.” – From a review, probably by LFB. – STATE, POWER, VOLUNTARISM

SOCIETY: Our society is imperfect. That’s what we say, and we shrug and let it go at that. Societies change in their own good time, and there isn’t much that individuals can do to cause change or direct it. Most people don’t try. They have a living to make, and whatever energies are left over they know how to put to good use. They leave politics to politicians. – But let’s be honest. Our society is not just imperfect. Our society is in shambles. And leaving politics to politicians is proving to be as dangerous a business as leaving science to scientists, war to generals and profits to profiteers.” (*) - Alexei Panshin, How Can We Sink When We Can Fly? p.333, in Isaac Asimov et al, “the future I”, Fawcett Crest, 1981. – This is their major mistake and they are responsible for the consequences. – JZ, 21.89.05. - (*) And monopolies to legalized monopolists. – JZ, 25.9.07. - All but monopoly profits should be left to those who earned them. - Monopoly profits should be abolished by the abolition of monopolies. - Scientists should run their shows, including the financing of their experiments - but should no longer be allowed to endanger non-scientists by e.g. playing around with mass murder devices and their delivery systems. - Non-territorial politics can be safely left to non-territorial politicians. Territorial politics and its powers, monopolies and coercion cannot be safely left to anyone. - JZ, 5.3.11. - CITIZENS, STATISM, POLITICS LEFT TO POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM

SOCIETY: Panarchies, of whatever kind, through their voluntarism and confinement to exterritorial autonomy would be natural societies – for their kinds of members. – JZ, 12.4.09. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES

SOCIETY: peaceful cooperation of men under the principle of the division of labor.” – Ron Heiner, REASON, March 72.

SOCIETY: Private individuals free to run their own lives in accordance with their own incentives, can build a far happier, healthier and more prosperous community than any government bureaucracy will ever be able to do. We do not want our entire society run with the efficiency of the Post-office and at the cost of the Opera House.” – Workers Party, Australia, 1976, An Introduction.

SOCIETY: Since the social victim has been oppressed by society, he comes to feel that his individual life will be improved more by changes in society than by his own initiative. Without realizing it, he makes society rather than himself the agent of change. The power he finds in his victimization may lead him to collective action against society, but it also encourages passivity within the sphere of his personal life.” - Shelby Steele – States and societies victimize people mainly by not allowing them to secede and to try, as secessionists, together with other volunteers, to improve their conditions. – Usually it is the territorial State that oppresses, not “society”. (*) The two are still all too often mixed up. - JZ, 23.1.08. – (*) But customs and traditions, backed widely by public opinion, although, sometimes, not by State constitutions, laws and jurisdiction, can be very oppressive and exploitative, too. – JZ, 12..4.09. - In some countries clitorectomy, the mutilation of the female sex organ, is still practised, possibly in the hope that these victims will be more faithful to their husbands because they enjoy sex less and divorce is not a customary option for them. - JZ, 6.43.11. - STATES, VICTIMIZATION & REPRESSION OF INDIVIDUALISM & OF EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY

SOCIETY: Social institutions are tools.” – Stanley Schmidt, ANALOG Jan. 86. – While territorial States are more like High Explosives or dangerous poisons. – JZ, 24.6.92, 6.3.11. – MARKETS, FREE EXCHANGE, WARS, WARFARE STATES, TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM. PANARCHIES, POLYSARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES, COMPETING GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS

SOCIETY: Society … depends upon voluntary association, not coerced allegiance to outmoded symbols or irrational codes.” – Ridgway K. Foley Jr., THE FREEMAN, Aug. 77.

SOCIETY: Society … does not need any care over supervision.” – William Graham Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.103. - Not when it is sufficiently enlightened and free. Was it ever that e.g. under slavery or serfdom or monetary despotism and under governmentally controlled education? – JZ, 24.6.08. – Or under the statism and monopolism of territorialism? – JZ, 1.3.14.

SOCIETY: Society and government are different in themselves, and have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness. Society is in every state a blessing; government even in its best state but a necessary evil.” – William Godwin, An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, 1793. – Rather, an unnecessary evil. – JZ

SOCIETY: Society as a whole stems from the freedom of enlightened individuals to pursue their own interests. – A slight rewording of George Charles Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.13.

SOCIETY: Society as such has no ulterior purpose. It is an end in itself. It is a spontaneous self-expression of man as a social being. It is a natural regulation of human relationships so that men can develop ideals of life in cooperation with one another.” – Rudolf Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, p.274. – SOCIAL CONTRACT, HUMAN RIGHTS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

SOCIETY: Society can exist without the State. The State cannot exist without society.” – LERNZIEL ANARCHIE, Nr. 3. - It is a parasite upon society and society's various societies of volunteers. - JZ, 6.3.11.

SOCIETY: Society can go its way so long as it doesn’t get in my way.” – Dr. Franklin E. Nameny, quoted in THE GAY CRUSADERS, by Kay Tobin and Randy Wickert, Paperback Library, 1972. – Criminals with victims might say the same. – Too many people are too careless with their freedom formulas. - JZ, 24.6.08.

SOCIETY: Society does almost everything for itself what is ascribed to government. …. A large part of what has been called government is nothing but deception.” – Thomas Paine, 1737-1809. - Only in a JZ re-translation from the German version: “Die Gesellschaft tut fast alles fuer sich selbst, was man der Regierung zuschreibt. … Ein grosser Teil dessen, was man Regierung nennt, ist nichts als Blendwerk.”

SOCIETY: Society encompasses that realm of social relationships that are largely voluntary, the realm of manners, customs, traditions, morality, voluntary institutions, and ways by which individuals live fruitfully and peacefully with one another. The cultural heritage is activated and carried on largely by society. It is the arena of influence and persuasion rather than of force.” – Clarence B. Carson, THE FREEMAN, 8/77.

SOCIETY: Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs.” – Emerson, quoted in: Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.144. - Apparently, even E. did not distinguish sufficiently between territorial States and free societies. – If we were all shareholders in the territorial States that we live in, then we could sell our shares and thus cease to be members of them, becoming correspondingly independent from them. - JZ, 24.6.08. – He seems to have only custom- and tradition-ridden societies in mind, of all too ignorant and prejudiced people. These, indeed, can also be very oppressive towards enlightened people and do not permit them to secede from them and to practise different and self-chosen or self-developed rules or personal law choices among the secessionists. - JZ, 6.3.11, 1.3.14. - SHAREHOLDERS IN STATES RUN AS BUSINESSES, FOR VOLUNTEERS ONLY, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES FOR VOLUNTEERS ONLY

SOCIETY: Society exists for the benefit of its members – not the members for the benefit of society. – Herbert Spencer - INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, CHOICE, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY IN EVERY SPHERE, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, SELF-OWNERSHIP

SOCIETY: Society exists for the benefit of its members – not the members for the benefit of society.” – Herbert Spencer, Principles of Ethics, Sec. 222. – That ideal will only become realized when individual members and groups of volunteers become free to choose forthemselves the kind of society, association or community or even a whole State apparatus, but without a territorial monopoly, that they want to live in and as long as they do. This would require full exterritorial autonomy and personal laws for all their diverse choices for themselves as well as tolerance for the different choices that other volunteers make for themselves. – JZ, 11.6.08. – INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, CHOICE, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY IN EVERY SPHERE, PANARCHISM OR POLYARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY VS. POLITICAL “MANDATES”

SOCIETY: Society flourishes best when least interfered with.” - Peter Marshall, “Demanding the Impossible”, p.647. – That is true, at least, for somewhat enlightened societies. Not for those, which still practise e.g. human sacrifices, slavery, compulsory mutilations, cannibalism, the burning of widows and "witches" and conduct wars as their kind of sport and do not permit dissenters to secede from them. - JZ, 6.3.11. - INTERFERENCE, LAISSEZ FAIRE, INTERVENTIONISM, CIVILIZATION VS. BARBARISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

SOCIETY: Society has become unmanageable.” – It always was and will be, just like e.g. genuine economics or “science”. It is not something that can be or ought to be managed by a few, not even by the best kinds of people, no more so than e.g. religion, philosophy, language, money, international trade, literature, art, music, paintings and the billions of private contracts that occur almost every day ought to be territorially and centrally managed for all others, regardless of how much they disagree with such "managers" or “representatives”, even when they have been chosen or voted for by a territorial majority. – Society considered as e.g. free association-, communication- and exchange relationships tends to be self-managed and self-repairing, the more free, just and peaceful all such relationships are. Alas, so far it was almost always extensively disturbed by some territorial power-mongers and imposed privileges and monopolies, especially by territorialism and monetary and financial despotism. – JZ, 13.4.92, 23.6.08, 6.3.11. – VOLUNTARISM, “SOCIETY IS EXCHANGE”

SOCIETY: Society has been possessed, oppressed or preempted by territorial governments. It has thus become sickly, weak and helpless. The abolition of territorial governments would allow it to recover fast and to grow towards strength and self-reliance, progress and enlightenment, as well as prosperity for most, who are willing and able to work towards it. – JZ, 21.11.82, 6.3.11. – ANARCHISM, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, STATISM, COMPULSION, MONOPOLISM

SOCIETY: Society has come to be man’s dearest possession. Pure air is good, but no one wants to breathe it alone. Independence is good, but isolation is too heavy a price to pay for it.” – Benjamin R. Tucker, Instead of a Book. - Alas, so far they were mostly still addicted to the caricature of true societies, namely the territorial, monopolistic and coercive State and so ignorant and prejudiced that they were and are afraid of the liberties and rights of free societies, of free people practicing many to all of their natural individual human rights and liberties together with like-minded people in their own societies, while they are leaving the members of other societies to their choices, doing their own things and merely interact with them via tourism, communication and free exchanges for mutual benefit. - JZ, 6.3.11. - INDIVIDUALISM, ISOLATION, INDEPENDENCE, MAN AS A SOCIAL ANIMAL

SOCIETY: Society has no geographical limits; it is as big as its marketplace, its area of exchanges. The Malaysian and the American are automatically enrolled in the same society by the exchange of rubber for a jukebox, and even the difficulties of language are overcome when a New Yorker confronts a Chinese menu. South American music became the idiom of the North American dance floor because automobiles are swapped for coffee and bananas. Society is the organization of people who do business with one another. – The law of association – the supreme law of society – is self-operating; it needs no enforcement agency. Its motor force is in the nature of man. His insatiable appetite for material, cultural, and spiritual desires [services? – JZ] drives him to join up. …” - Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.122/23. - Or, rather, do his own things, together with like-minded people, while not intervening with those, who, likewise, do only their own things among themselves. - JZ, 6.3.11. - PANARCHISM, BORDERS, FRONTIERS, FREE EXCHANGE, FREE TRADE, COMMERCE, ASSOCIATIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, MAN, HUMAN NATURE

SOCIETY: Society in every State is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.” – Thomas Paine, Common Sense. – Quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.81. - Even the best territorial State is still an unnecessary evil. – JZ, 4.6.08. – Society does not exist or not freely exist in any territorial States. Mostly it is extensively suppressed, in favor of political, bureaucratic and military power addicts. – JZ, 4.6.08. – “Society, in every state, is a blessing, but government, even in its best State, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.” - THOMAS PAINE, with punctuation and capitals changed by me. – JZ - VS. TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS, STATES, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLISM, COERCION, CENTRALIZATION

SOCIETY: Society is ‘all of us’; the majority is ‘some of us’.” – Victor Yarros, LIBERTY, 340, 30.5.1896, p.2 - Are aggressors and other criminals with involuntary victims really part of society or merely part of primitivism and barbarism that is still practised by some "humans" in a quite inhumane way, against their victims? - JZ, 6.3.11. - MAJORITIES, VOTING, DEMOCRACY

SOCIETY: Society is all-of-us, whereas government is only some-of-us.” – Edmund Opitz, THE FREEMAN, Jan. 77, also in THE FREEMAN, 12/75. – Are criminals and aggressors really members of society, or rather it natural enemies? – And can there be only one society, for the whole Earth, and not as many and different ones as individuals want for themselves and organize themselves in? – JZ, 23.6.08. - STATE, GOVERNMENT, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES, COMPETING GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS, VOLUNTARISM.

SOCIETY: Society is always static (*), only in the individual can there be a radical revolution. – J. Krisha Murti, THE INDIAN LIBERTARIAN, Dec. 79. – (*) Rather: changing only slowly, individual by individual and group by group. – Society will only be radically changed once millions or hundreds of millions of individuals are radically changed. That, usually, does not take place overnight. However, once individuals and groups of dissenters are free to secede and to do their own things, changes can also occur much more rather rapidly on the social level. Because then attractive new precedents can be set by the first pioneers, so attractive that others will follow their examples. Compare the spread of new fashions, dances, kinds of music, sports and games, which seem to spread, sometimes, almost explosively - but always only among volunteers. - JZ, 24.6.08, 6.3.11. – INDIVIDUALISM, REVOLUTIONS, CHANGE, PROGRESS, RADICALISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PROGRESS, COMPETITION

SOCIETY: Society Is Exchange.” - Bastiat - Territorial States on the other hand, block, regulate or tax free exchanges, under the pretence that this would always "protect" people. They ignore or suppress self-protection and self-help options and even prevent sufficient and voluntary mass-enlightenment by their compulsory and "free" of charge education system. - JZ, 6.3.11.

SOCIETY: society is healthiest when the individual is as free as possible from restraints and sanctions other than those self-imposed.” (*) – Stuart Fowler, on Ayn Rand, in RADIX, 3/75. - (*) And those required to protect the individual rights and liberties of others! – JZ, 24.6.08. - INDIVIDUALISM, FREEDOM

SOCIETY: Society is kept together, according to Konkin III, not by the community but by the market.” – Ulrike Heider, Die Narren der Freiheit, p.147. (“Die Gesellschaft wird laut Konkin III nicht von der Kommune, sondern vom Markt zusammengehalten.“) – All too many people pass through years of government schools and universities without comprehending basic facts about the market and society, the main factors for their very survival. – JZ, 4.6.08. – On the other hand in a quite free market for diverse communities and societies for volunteers, all only exterritorially autonomous, this kind of market keeps these kinds of groups as much apart regarding all their internal affairs, as their members want to keep them apart. Well known examples are families, friendship circles, clubs, monasteries, nunneries and religious orders. This kind of freedom and voluntary separatism ought also to be achieved for the great variety of political, economic and social systems, in a quite free market for them, possible under different personal law systems for all of them. - JZ, 6.3.11. - MARKET, SCHOOLS, EDUCATION, UNIVERSITIES, MARKET

SOCIETY: Society is not a person or a thing, but a relation, and a relation can have not rights.” – Benjamin R. Tucker - But the members of diverse and exterritorially autonomous communities do have individual rights and liberties and, between them they must be free to practise these as little or as fully as they wish to, in accordance with their degrees of enlightenment and personal preferences. - JZ, 6.3.11.

SOCIETY: Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices.” - Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776. – Another version: Society is produced by our wants; government by our wickedness.  - Thomas Paine  - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. - Especially when "the" society is so free that it allows individuals to choose quite different forms of society for themselves. - JZ, 6.3.11. - & PANARCHIES OR POLYARCHISM OR PERSONAL LAW SYSTEMS VS. TERRITORIALISM & ITS STATISM & GOVERNMENTALISM



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