John Zube
Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans
for Individual Liberty & Rights
against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices
Index - C3
CONSTRAINTS: We do not hasten the progress of truth by constraints." - Charles Dunoyer, JLS, Sum. 77, p.170. – PROGRESS, FREEDOM, COMPULSION, COERCION, FORCE, CONTROLS, LEGISLATION, TRUTH
CONSTRUCTIVENESS: Constructively, non-coercively! - JZ, 1980, 2.2.13..
CONSTRUCTIVENESS: If I have to listen to the opinion of someone else then it must be positively expressed. I have enough problems of my own." - Goethe, Maximen und Reflexionen, I, p.44. – CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM VS. MERE CRITICISM, PROGRAMS
CONSTRUCTIVENESS: It's nice to find something totally constructive in a world hell-bent on destruction!" - StanleyMorgan, The Sewing Machine Man, p.55. – NWT, POSITIVE SIGNS OF THE TIMES, EXTERRITORIALISM VS. TERRITORIALISM
CONSTRUCTIVENESS: Never offer mere destructive criticism - if you cannot show how the things you consider wrong can be corrected, say nothing." - Brudennel White. - Be constructive. – JZ - SILENCE
CONSTRUCTIVENESS: What are the constructive methods? Assuredly they do not include censure, denunciation, or abuse. To the extent that we strive after virtue, it is always a quest for something better - the seeking of light, the finding of which is attended by the kind of joy that accompanies discovery, invention, insight. The virtues so discovered are associated with happiness as they should be. Instead of being 'old hat', they afford an exhilarating glimpse of the Cosmic Scheme. We need only to grasp the simple point that enlightenment - education - can only be educed, never forced. See: "Education, the Libertarian Way", in my The Coming Aristocracy, p 116-127." – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, 95.
CONSTRUCTIVENESS: Whoever wants to be effective must never scold, must never bother about what is wrong but, instead, always do what is right. Decisive is not what is wrecked but that something is constructed that gives pure pleasure to mankind." - Goethe, Mein Praktischer Glaube, p.57. - Does that advice help when the kids have made up another mess in the living room and are hesitant or forgetful about cleaning it up? - Encourage rather than discourage. Raise up rather than put down. - Such advice is often easier to express than to apply. - JZ, 24.6.94. – SCOLDING, CRITICISM, INSULTS, PUT-DOWNS, CURSING
CONSULAR JURISDICTION: Its status in the host countries was often extraterritorial or even exterritorial. Alas, it merely represented another territorial constitution, legal and juridical system for its subjects in other countries. It did not provide them with diplomatic immunity but at least with whatever protection their own States could and were willing to provide them with in foreign countries. These cases are not instances of full exterritorial autonomy but merely of competing territorial jurisdictions provided for some people, the own nationals, in other countries. – The early forms of it were called “capitulations” and were often not imposed by granted by great powers in order to promote their international trade. In the case of China they were imposed through what became called ‘unequal treaties” that did not grant the same rights to Chinese in other countries. If they had been “equal treaties” in this respect then history might have taken another course. Individuals should be free to set up or to choose alternative jurisdictions, laws and administrations for their own affairs – everywhere. – JZ, 6.7.04, 24.3.09. - EXTERRITORIALITY, CAPITULATIONS, EQUAL TREATIES, UNEQUAL TREATIES, FOREIGN CONCESSIONS IN CHINA, EXTRATERRITORIALITY, DIPLOMACY, TRADE RELATIONSHIPS
CONSULAR JURISDICTION: Privileges and immunities of consuls in eastern countries: The consular regulation so (to? for? – JZ) the United States outline the following rights of consuls in non-Christian countries: In non-Christian countries the rights of exterritoriality have been largely preserved, and have generally been confirmed by treaties to consular officers. To a great degree they enjoy immunities of diplomatic representatives, together with certain prerogatives of jurisdiction, the right to worship, and, to some extent, the right of asylum. These immunities extend to exemption from both the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the country to which they are sent, and protect their households and effects covered by the consular residence. Their personal property is exempt from taxation, though it may be otherwise with real estate and movables not connected with the consulate. Generally, they are exempt from all personal impositions that arise from the character or quality of a subject or citizen of the country.” – Raymond Garfield Gettel, Readings in Political Science, Ginn & Co., Boston, New York, Chicago, London, 1911, p. 231. - PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM, JURISDICTION, FOREIGNERS, EXTERRITORIALITY, IMMUNITIES
CONSUMER PROTECTION: Again, our preferences are overruled and we're forced to take what the government has decreed to be 'best' - leaving us without the things we could have had without government intervention. - GOVERNMENT REGULATION ALWAYS OVERRULES THE CONSUMERS. What consumers DON'T want, they don't have to buy; what governments don't want, consumers CAN'T buy. What consumers want (protection, inspection, etc.), they can get; what the government thinks they should have, consumers are FORCED to take and forced to pay for. ..." - Harry Browne, How I Found Freedom, p. 88. – LAWS, REGULATIONS, PROTECTIONISM
CONSUMER PROTECTION: Consumers need more protection from taxes." - National Taxpayers' Union, SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 8/77. - That is not enough. Consumers need full consumer sovereignty towards all tax-based and monopolized services. That means, choice among competitors and freedom to pay only the price they are willing to pay for those services which they do want. - JZ, 24.6.94. – CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY VS. TERRITORIALISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
CONSUMER PROTECTION: Consumers need protection most of all against government disservices like inflation, deflation, stagflation, credit restrictions (due to monetary despotism of governments), taxation, nuclear strength, oppression and regulations and avalanches of laws. They have to become sovereign consumers in these spheres, also. - JZ, 21.8.73 - 4.10.02. – Also individual secessionists & boycotters. – JZ, 21.11.08. - PANARCHISM
CONSUMER PROTECTION: For one thing, we are over-governed. We have done so much to protect consumers that many of them have lost their jobs." - Enterprise Australia, in READER’S DIGEST, 2/77. But we have not yet been and cannot be over-supplied with governance only over volunteers or genuine SELF-governance and SELF-determination, based upon individual sovereignty, individual rights and liberties, including individual secessionism and voluntary associationism for all kinds of societies and communities, free enterprise and free exchange in this sphere as well. – JZ, 2.2.13.
CONSUMER PROTECTION: Historical experience suggests that putting government in charge of protecting the consumer forces us to address another question that is often overlooked: “How do we regulate the regulators?” How do we protect the consumers from the protectors?” - Richard B. McKenzie, Bound to Be Free, Hoover Institute Press, 1982, p. 32. – In the following sections he deals with questions like the cost of protection and: Whose public interest? – JZ, n.d. - CONSUMER PROTECTION BY GOVERNMENTS?
CONSUMER PROTECTION: I want a repeal of all the taxes imposed upon me under the pretence of serving me. - JZ, 17.12.93. – WELFARE STATES, STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM, PUBLIC INTEREST, REPRESENTATION
CONSUMER PROTECTION: If the government acts to protect consumers, it does so by taxing producers. But the consumers depend on the producers. If producers are injured, they are less able to provide what consumers want at a low price. Conversely, if the government acts to protect businessmen, it must injure consumers. But that doesn't help businessmen. You don't help the businessman by injuring his customers on whom he must depend. Remember, there aren't special groups of consumers and producers. We're all the same." – Robert LeFevre, Lift Her Up, Tenderly, p.195/196. – PROTECTIONISM, WELFARE STATE, TAXATION, SUBSIDIES, LOBBIES, SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS, PRESSURE GROUPS, POLITICS, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, MUTUAL PLUNDER BUND, TRANSFER SOCIETY, BUDGET
CONSUMER PROTECTION: Many people want the government to protect the consumer. A much more urgent problem is to protect the consumer from the government. – Milton Friedman, quoted on Facebook, 2.2.13.
CONSUMER PROTECTION: That governments favor tariffs, quotas and other protectionist measures means simply that they are captive to powerful political groups and are seeking to advance interests other than those of the consumers.” – Joseph F. Johnston, Jr., The Limits of Government, Regnery Gateway, Chicago, 1984, p.114. – Let the consumers and the taxpayers opt out of such schemes! – JZ, 2.10.07. - VESTED INTEREST PRESSURE GROUPS, LOBBIES, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM
CONSUMER PROTECTION: the incentive system that rewards the hard-working and the inventive. That system, of course, is the free enterprise system - the only legitimate consumer movement in the whole history of civilisation." - Dr. Phillip Graham, REASON, Aug. 78, p. 38. - I for one appreciate some voluntary and self-financed consumer information services and publications. - JZ, 24.6.94.
CONSUMER PROTECTION: The single best way to protect consumers is to promote competition. – Chris Field, a former chairman of the Australian Consumer Association, now a WA ombudsman, quoted by Prof. Paul Kerin in THE AUSTRALIAN, 11.9.07. - COMPETITION
CONSUMER PROTECTION: There is infinitely more real freedom and power given to a housewife when she can choose between the products of competing firms than she can ever gain from her right to elect indirectly a representative to some impotent consumer council for a nationalised concern. The ability to withdraw custom from a shoe or grocery shop or a particular brand of washing powder, is real power to change the pattern of manufacturing and distribution." – Dr.. Rhodes Boyson, Goodbye to Nationalisation, p. 6.
CONSUMER PROTECTION: War on the consumer." - Subheading in article by David A. Williams, NEW GUARD, June 78. –
CONSUMER PROTECTION: We have heard much the past few years of how the government protects the consumer. A far more urgent problem is to protect the consumer from the government." - Milton Friedman, An Economist's Protest, 1972. – PROTECTIONISM, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENT. STATISM, SECESSION, TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, MONOPOLISM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW.
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: Consumer freedom is a rather prosaic version of our great idea. The unobserving may be pardoned if he fails to recognise the housewife pushing her truck in the supermarket as a present-day incarnation of the goddess of freedom." - Henry C. Wallich, The Cost of Freedom. - It will come close to being a complete freedom once all government services can also be selected from or boycotted on the shelves, or bought over the counter, by those who want them, by being selected or not for one's own shopping basket. - J.Z., 23.4.89, 27.6.94. - Fill your shopping cart only with those governmental or societal services that you want, need and are willing to pay for! - J.Z., 4.10.02.
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: CONSUMER SOCIETY & CONSUMERISM: He talks of consumption as if any society would not be a consumer society." - Hans Habe, Leben fuer den Journalismus, Bd. 4, S. 49. – CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUALISM
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: Consumer sovereignty towards all kinds of “public” services, towards all kinds of groups of the public, all only volunteers, all of them competitively supplied by diverse offices, factories and businesses, all self-chosen by their customers and with none of them having a territorial monopoly. In other words, free enterprise in every sphere, also full freedom of contract and association, i.e. voluntarism – all around, except for the self-defence actions against criminals and aggressors, since whoever infringes or attacks basic rights to any significant extent, does thereby lose some of his rights and liberties, at least temporarily. -– Please, say it better, if you can. – JZ, 19.12.12. - & PANARCHISM
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: CONSUMERISM: The appetite for material well-being is harmless and should not be a source for concern so long as it is not indulged by theft and confiscation.” – Joseph F. Johnston, Jr., The Limits of Government, Regnery Gateway, Chicago, 1984, p.329. E.g. fraud and the secret inclusion of dangerous additives, or presence of poisons in food etc. should now be included in the prohibitions or as acts considered and treated as criminal ones. But the whole justice sphere should also be exposed to competition to finally approach genuine justice much closer than we did so far. – JZ, 2.10.07.
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: Consumers Are Right to be Depressed - - Yes, we are right to be depressed, for we are still compulsory consumers of and payers for governmental public "SERVICES". – JZ, 20.9.11, on Facebook. We are also legally forced to submit to the monetary despotism of the government’s central banking, not only to its financial despotism, imposed upon whole populations. – JZ, 20.9.12.
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: Each individual consumer and each individual seller makes his own decision, and the aggregate of all such decisions is translated by the market into an overall allocation of resources that satisfies consumer demands in the most efficient manner.” – Joseph F. Johnston, Jr., The Limits of Government, Regnery Gateway, Chicago, 1984, p.236. - Indeed, and it works so well that it should be applied also to all public services, including constitutions, laws, jurisdictions and various administrative bodies. They all ought to be competitively established and maintained, if possible, by volunteers and their customers or members, combined, if they want to, in their own panarchies or polyarchies, exterritorially quite autonomous, but not allowed to interdict secession from them, like some groups of fundamentalists or fanatics are inclined to do. – J.Z., 2.10.07. - FREE ENTERPRISE & FREE BUSINESS, FREEDOM OF CONTRACTS, FREEDOM TO ASSOCIATE - IN EVERY SPHERE: PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: However, we prefer to regard the battle as between the public's right to buy whatever technology makes possible and the desire of the 'public policy community' to decide what is good for the public." - John McCarthy, defending and extending the freedom to innovate in Pournelle, The Survival of Freedom. - However, if my neighbour or a regime in any country in the world claims the 'freedom" to build and stockpile and target ABC mass murder devices, my life, property and other liberties become threatened & I become entitled to defend myself against such preparations for aggressions and mass murder. I for one do not recognize a "right to produce, purchase, stockpile, sell and use mass murder devices. - J.Z., 27.6.94.
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: In the absence of monopoly - whether by capital or labour - no producer can get his hands on other people's money except by supplying goods and services they want at prices they choose to pay." - Ralph Harris, The End of Government...? p.34. - If that is extended to all governmental and societal services, then consumer sovereignty would, indeed, mean the end of all territorial governments, as we know them now. They could only survive as panarchies that still managed to satisfy their remaining members in their formerly exclusive turfs. Their exclusive protection rackets would be rightfully and efficiently stopped. - J.Z., 4.10.02.
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: It is also self-evident to Mr. Buckley that, in a democracy, the customer (who pays the bills) must have the right to exercise his free choice when he is out shopping in the market place. The autonomy of the customer should hold whether he is buying toothpaste, tennis rackets - or education for his children." - John Chamberlain, in introduction to W. F. Buckley, Jr., God & Man at Yale, liv. - Or any other governmental or societal package deal. - J.Z., 27.6.94.
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: Our economic system - the market economy or capitalism - is a system of consumers' supremacy. The customer is sovereign; he is, says a popular slogan, 'always right'. Businessmen are under the necessity of turning out what the consumers ask for and they must sell their wares at prices which the consumers can afford and are prepared to pay. A business operation is a manifest failure if the proceeds from the sales do not reimburse the businessman for all he has expended in producing the article. Thus the consumers, in buying at a definite price, determine also the height of the wages that are paid to all those engaged in the industries." - Mises, Planning for Freedom, p.150/151. - It is still very far from being such a system, e.g., because it is without monetary freedom and free choice for governmental and societal services. - Why have so many libertarians mental blocks (and of what kind are they) against extending the limited consumer sovereignty into an unlimited one, for all spheres of human activities? - J.Z., 4.10.02.
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: Panarchies extend consumer sovereignty to governmental and societal services. - J.Z., 5.4.89, 27.6.94.
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: Private enterprise = consumer freedom ... If the State owns everywhere (everything? - J.Z.), it decides everything to be produced; so the people get what they are told to have, not necessarily what they would like. That is the true contrast between State monopolies and private enterprises." - Graham Hutton, All Capitalists Now.
CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: The fact is that under the capitalist system the ultimate bosses are the consumers. The sovereign is not the state, it is the people. (*) And the proof that they are the sovereign is born out by the fact that they have THE RIGHT TO BE FOOLISH. (**) This is the privilege of the sovereign. He has the right to make mistakes, no one can prevent him from making them, but of course he has to pay for his mistakes..." – Luwig von Mises, Socialism, Economic Policy, 20/21. - (*) The individual consumer! - (**) Also the right to be wise, for themselves and among themselves. That right is practised by individual secessionism and voluntary associationism on the basis of exterritorial autonomy. - J.Z., 28.6.92, 27.6.94.
CONSUMERS: A government may guarantee minimum standards (*), but the consumer must be able to choose between alternative suppliers and not be treated as a powerless yet irritating pawn by a monopoly national or local government supplier." - Rhodes Boyson, 1985, VII. – (*) ? – JZ – CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY
CONSUMERS: Although producers and advertisers cannot fool them overmuch at the goods and services level, consumers are easily 'taken in' at the theoretical and conceptual level." – Leonard E. Read, Who's Listening? p.61. - Especially when it comes to territorially and monopolistically supplied governmental services and disservices and their imposed charges. Even Leonard E. Read raved merely about his own utopia of "limited" governments (“Government, An Ideal Concept”), which were still to be territorial and would not allow individuals and groups to secede from them and establish for themselves those governments or non-governmental societies which they preferred for themselves. Neither territorial governments nor organized libertarians and anarchists have so far sufficiently explored and publicised all of freedom's alternatives. - JZ, 4.10.02. - TERRITORIALISM
CONSUMERS: As a consumer, I choose freedom." – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.73. - He did not realize, nor did most consumers, that they also need full freedom in the choice between all kinds of "governmental" services, as well as fully freed governmental and societal competition, which would require full exterritorial autonomy for all volunteer communities that want to compete with any of the territorial governments in any of its services or disservices, always at the expense and risk of the participating experimenters. That kind of separate and voluntaristic development would reduce the present territorial governments, by individual and group secessions, to rule their remaining volunteers also only exterritorially - e.g. within the borders of its former exclusive territory – but being no longer and necessarily confined to these artificial barriers. Thus any of the “rump States” or “rump societies” of remaining volunteers could expand, if it wanted to, world-wide, as could all other exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers, without stepping on any rightful claims of any people, anywhere, but rather assisting volunteers anywhere - in their rightful and self-concerned aspirations. No territorial limited government does and can offer its subjects as much consumer sovereignty and free enterprise. - JZ, 4.10.02, 21.11.08. – PANARCHISM, CHOICE, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNMENTS OR GOVERNANCE, COMPETING FREE ENTERPRISE IN EVERY SPHERE, PLURALISM, PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY
CONSUMERS: Choice in currencies and value standards, clearing and credit and finance systems should also be a free consumer option. - JZ, 8.7.94. Also choice among governments and societies. - JZ, 4.10.02. - And, naturally, in both spheres, freedom of contracts, free exchange, freedom to associate, free enterprise and freedom to experiment should also apply. – JZ, 21.11.08. – MONETARY FREEDOM, FREE BANING, FREE MARKET MONIES
CONSUMERS: competition prevents the abuse of powerful producer interests by giving the consumer the final say in determining their fortunes." - Ralph Harris & Arthur Seldon, Not From Benevolence... - Especially when it comes to territorial governmental services and disservices, which have so far outlawed competition against them. - JZ, 4.10.02.
CONSUMERS: Consistent Liberalism considers that the most common interest amongst individuals is their function of being consumers." - George Hardy, PROGRESS, 1/77. - Are they free consumers towards governmental services and disservices? Are these services and disservices competitively supplied? Are they free to refuse to pay for any or all of them? - Why should one self-limit as much one's horizon, decisions and actions? -JZ, 4.10.02.
CONSUMERS: Consumerism is based upon productionism; before there can be consumers there must first be producers. There's no better way to serve consumers than to reward and encourage producers." - J. Kesner Kahn. - As long as those rewards and encouragements come only from free consumers and that for all "governmental" services as well, competitively supplied. - JZ, 24.6.94, 4.10.02. – PANARCHISM, COMPETITION
CONSUMERS: Consumers are much more capable of spending their money for products or services they desire than they are able to go to the polls to vote for a politician who will perform satisfactorily." - Manuel S. Klausner, REASON, Oct. 74. - Let them run their own budget expenditures also towards all the official budget items proposed and offered by competing governments and non-governmental societies, which they joined voluntarily and let them ignore those from which they have seceded. Then most government spending, of the remaining governments, would drop significantly and so would the number of their public "servants". - JZ, 4.10.02. – VOTING, PANARCHISM, BUDGET, SPENDING, PRIVATE VS. GOVERNMENTAL SPENDING
CONSUMERS: Consumers determine prices and income." - Terry Arthur, 95% Is Crap, p.216. - Not yet those of government-granted monopolies and of governmental services and disservices and the taxes, tributes or “revenues’ or “unearned profits” for them. But they should be free to do so. - Almost everywhere one finds selective blindness, dogmatically stated as the truth. - JZ, 4.10.02, 21.11.08. – COMPETITION, FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE CHOICE, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, VS. TERRITORIALISM
CONSUMERS: Consumers determine what is made, how much is made, and at what price it's sold." - Terry Arthur, 95% Is Crap, p.188. - To which item on government budgets does this rule apply? Territorial voting disfranchises the individual voter in this respect. - JZ, 4.10.02. – The suppression of individual and group secessionism and of exterritorial autonomy for volunteers, under personal law, prevents the rightful alternatives from coming into existence. – JZ, 22.7.13.
CONSUMERS: consumers do not have a monolithic common interest. (1) Some consumers may value quality above all else, while others value low prices. The beauty of the market system is that the consumers, through their economic voting power, show the producers which types of products they prefer. Thus, if consumers want low-quality products, these are the ones the market will offer..." - Dennis Bechara, THE FREEMAN, Oct. 77. - I offer freedom writings cheaper than most, but on microfiche only. My low prices, too, not only my chosen medium, deter most bookshops from dealing with my offers. They do not make enough, in their opinion, with each title sold. I have also observed that speciality stores for wood heaters do usually not offer the cheapest models - because they could make only little on each such sale. However, if cheap alternative wood heaters could be freely imported and sold here, this situation might change. - JZ, 24.6.94. - (1) Nor do voters. Let us realize the full range of individual choices for them, considered as sovereign consumers for governmental services and disservices. - Bechara did not indicate that there exists no free enterprise for the supply of governmental and society services. - Unfortunately, even when free enterprise does exist, e.g. for the use of alternative media like microfiche, floppy disks and CDs, for the supply and use of libertarian literature, this does not mean that potential libertarian publishers and readers go for these freedom of expression and information opportunities. On the contrary, they largely manage to ignore them, for decades! - JZ, 4.10.02.
CONSUMERS: Despite the pretensions of the planners, the fact is that it is only from the freedom of choice of the consumer, that real progress comes. This is not only true of industry and commerce. It is true of society as a whole." – (*) Angus Maude, Towards a Responsible Society. - Free consumer choice for all governmental and societal services would finally maximise consumer satisfaction among all kinds of consumers and producer satisfaction among all kinds of competing public service agencies. Consumers would be free to choose among all kinds of private or cooperative enterprises the kind of public services that they do want to hire. - JZ, 6.4.89, 27.6.94. - Freedom of choice for citizens, not merely for political candidates, delegates and representatives, but, directly, for the "governmental" services or budget items that they want, at their expense. Government budgets, of competing governments and societies, would thus be reduced to sales catalogues or to package deal offers of insurance and mutual aid or protection societies. - Not only consumer sovereignty for trivial or basic and obvious survival goods but for all forms of living, association and disassociation, all kinds of protection and ideals, all kinds of refusals and boycotts, segregation and integration, all on a quite voluntary basis. - JZ, 4.10.02. … (*) As if inventors, innovators and reformers had nothing to do with progress. Consumers, like voters, do not always follow the best leads soon, soon enough or at all. Anarchists and libertarians should by now be certain about that, seeing the response of the public to their ideas. – Under full experimental freedom that would not matter. Even a few innovators could at least practise their ideas and benefit from them among themselves and this almost immediately. – Then, gradually, at least some of them might spread to the majority. - JZ, 21.11.08, 2.2.13. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, BUDGET, FULL CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY
CONSUMERS: Each consumer, by spending a dollar on the goods he wants, 'votes' for the production of those goods." - David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.142. - Just extend that to voluntary taxes for or subscriptions to competing "governmental" services. - JZ, 4.10.02. – PANARCHISM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL CHOICE, VOTING, COMPETING OR VOLUNTARY GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES
CONSUMERS: Everything points to a competitive structure as the best means of securing the maximum choice for the consumer, combined with a real consumer's influence over the facilities with which he is provided." - John Hibbs, Transport for Passengers. - So why outlaw it for government services? Competition in all spheres except the imposition of disservices upon involuntary victims. Full freedom of choice for citizens, all only volunteers for any governmental or societal arrangement! "To each the government or non-governmental society of his or her dreams!" - JZ, 4.10.02. – COMPETITION, CHOICE, PANARCHISM, Q.
CONSUMERS: Free and unrestricted voting for all consumers, world-wide, with their money. - JZ, 22.7.85. - and for all kinds of goods and services, governmental and societal ones included - always at their own risk and expense only. - What is obvious in hind-sight is so often ignored even by libertarians, anarchists, utopians and futurists, even when there are many historical precedents for radical freedom alternatives. - JZ 4.10.02. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM IN EVERY SPHERE
CONSUMERS: Government now regards all consumers as idiots who require federal and state bureaucrats to shield them from any possible hazard in commerce. Business, labor, industry, education, science, and all other human endeavors touched by economics now fall under direct or indirect government control." - Tibor R. Machan, NEW GUARD, July/Aug. 78. - They are unobservant if they continue to believe that "the" vote gives them sufficient voting power over territorial governments and over their own affairs. - JZ, 4.10.02. – Territorialism does not and cannot provide all the individual consumer and enterprise choices that individual do prefer fro themselves. – JZ, 2.2.13. – TERRITORIALISM INSTEAD OF EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS, REALLY FREE ENTERPRISE & FULL CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY IN EVERY SPHERE, VOTING, PANARCHISM
CONSUMERS: he advised future economists, '... to treat economic questions always from the consumer's point of view, for the interest of the consumer is identical with that of mankind.'" – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.218. - Let the free consumers vote with their dollars and their labour contributions for the governmental and societal services of their own individual choice. That is the most important right to vote and in this respect territorial governments have disfranchised all of us, even in the "democracies" and "republics". - JZ, 4.10.02. – VOTING, DISFRANCHISEMENT
CONSUMERS: In short, human liberty, in one of its major facets, is consumer choice and direction of productive activity." – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.150. - Also, of supposedly "governmental" activity! - JZ, 4.10.02. – PANARCHISM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY IN EVERY SPHERE
CONSUMERS: In the politico-economic realm of life, all policies- private as well as governmental - that offend consumer interest - injure the public interest; policies that promote consumer interest harmonise and advance the common weal. Consumer interest is the premise from which all economic reasoning should proceed! Because of this similarity of interest among us, it follows that if I can accurately define my own true interest as a consumer, I will, at the same time, identify yours and that of all consumers." – Leonard E.Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.67. – PUBLIC INTEREST VS. CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTYM, VOLUNTARISM, CHOICE, FREEDOM, RIGHTS, REPRESENTATION PRETENCE
CONSUMERS: It is said that four days before Bastiat's death, with his mind still racing to record every possible insight which he could discover, he advised future economists, '... to treat economic questions always from the consumer's point of view, for the interest of the consumer is identical with that of mankind.'" – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.218. - Not only all economic questions but all political and social questions as well. They, too, should become reduced to free-market relationships, including mutual aid, insurance, guarantee and credit arrangements. - JZ, 4.10.02. – PANARCHISM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, FREE MARKET, COMPETITION
CONSUMERS: Its is the role of business to respond to consumer demand by supplying the goods and services people. want." - Edmund A. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 10/75. – Provided they are sufficiently supplied with sound exchange media or clearing options. That supply capacity goes beyond the limitations of the monetary despotism of central banking. – JZ, 21.11.08.
CONSUMERS: Mises' reasoning runs as follows. - Since profit can only be made by serving the consumers, it follows that the consumers direct production by their buying and abstention from buying. If a desired object is in short supply, the price tends to rise. The lure of higher profits will tend to attract capital into the area. The resulting increased production will cause the price to return to its equilibrium level." - Dave Osterfeld, THE FREEMAN, 4/75. – That idea should be applied to competitively supplied governmental as well as societal or community services as well. Limited but still territorial government advocates manage to overlook that. – JZ, 2.2.13. – LIMITED GOVERNMENT? EXTERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS ONLY!
CONSUMERS: Only governments (federal, state and local) have the legal coercive power to act in defiance to the wishes of consumers." - Giles Edwards, Free Enterprise, a pamphlet. - As long as these consumers are not free to secede from them and establish, for themselves, the governments and societies of their dreams. - JZ, 4.10.02. – CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, EVEN TOWARDS GOVERNMENT & SOCIETAL SERVICES & SYSTEMS
CONSUMERS: Private enterprise makes it its business to court the consumer and to satisfy his most urgent demands; government agencies denounce the consumer as a troublesome user of their resources. Only a government, for example, would look fondly upon the prohibition of private cars as a 'solution' for the problem of congested streets." - Murray N. Rothbard. - What applies to territorial governments would not necessarily apply to exterritorial governments and free societies. There consumer sovereignty would be predominant, too and free enterprise for governmental and societal services. As long as the territorial model spooks in most heads, one has to stress the rightful and beneficial alternative to it at every opportunity. - JZ, 4.10.02. – PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY
CONSUMERS: Regulations intended to restrain disservices become in themselves the worst kind of disservice when they restrict the producers' freedoms to serve consumers and the consumers' freedom to be served by the producers." - J. Kesner Kahn, in The Free Man's Almanac. - Let there be full and competitive information supplied on all goods and services, so that consumers can make sufficiently informed choices. If any health hazard ingredients are used, then these should be stated, and references to their potential harmfulness should be made easily and cheaply accessible to all consumers, even though they might prefer to go on ignoring them, as smokers, drinkers and e.g. users of Lauryl Sulphate in shampoos do, quite habitually. Those goods and services that do not supply this information should be habitually ignored or boycotted by consumers. However, if they want to become gradually poisoned, by any of thousands of additives, preservatives, pesticide, colouring agents and genetically modified food items, without wanting to know the details, they should have this choice as well. - JZ, 4.10.02. – REGULATIONS, RULES, LAWS, TERRITORIALISM, CONTROLS, NO SECRECY ON CHEMICAL FOOD ADDITIVES
CONSUMERS: Representative Albert H. Tracy of Buffalo defended traders who sold at lower prices and advocated consumer freedom to buy from whatever source they desired." – Murray N. Rothbard, The Panic of 1819, p. 178. - These sources should include competing governments of voluntary communities, all on the basis of full exterritorial autonomy and individual secessionism. - JZ, 4.10.02. – PANARCHISM
CONSUMERS: Supremacy of the market is tantamount to the supremacy of the consumers. By their buying, and by their abstention from buying, the consumers determine not only the price structure, but no less what should be produced and in what quantity and quality and by whom. They determine each entrepreneur's profit or loss, and thereby who should own the capital and run the plants. They make poor men rich and rich men poor." – Ludwig von Mises, Inflation and Price Control. – Let us apply this experience to the supply and use of whole political, economic and social systems, to maximize consumer satisfaction while, at the same time, enlightening them by their own experiences and the observation of “foreign” systems all around them by other volunteers. – JZ, 12.11.10. - FREE MARKET, PRICING, PANARCHISM
CONSUMERS: Taxes, more than anything else, keep consumers from ever getting their money's worth." - J. Kesner Kahn, in The Free Man's Almanac. - So, turn them into voluntary taxes or subscriptions, for each taxpayer, and each governmental "service" or package deal into one individually chosen and competitively supplied. - JZ, 4.10.02, 12.11.10. – VOLUNTARY TAXATION OR CONTRIBUTION SCHEMES
CONSUMERS: That the interests of the consumer of any commodity whatsoever should always prevail over the interests of the producer." - Molinari, The Production of Security, p.3. - Even consumers do not have the right to enslave producers. Producers and service providers, too, have to remain free to offer or not to offer their goods and services, i.e. to get out of business if the prices they get do not satisfy them sufficiently. - JZ, 24.6.94. - But then the whole thesis Molinari advances in this essay amounts to free enterprise for the production of security - and, naturally, of welfare and insurance services for those who want them and are willing to pay for them. - JZ, 4.10.02. – Unwanted or insufficiently wanted services and goods would also be offered under the free enterprise, freedom to experiment and panarchism, by volunteers, hoping that they would find a sufficient market for what they have to offer. I tried to do that for many years with my Libertarian Microfiche Publishing experiment. – The potential consumers and producers sometimes do not or not fully enough recognize the value of certain opportunities and inventions. – One more reason to establish an Ideas Archive. - JZ, 21.11.08. – As a special free market in which the supply and demand for ideas and talents will, finally, sufficiently meet. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONSUMERS: the consumer... as the key beneficiary in ... (the) laissez-faire system." - William H. Peterson, THE FREEMAN, Aug. 76, referring to a remark by Prof. Robert S. Stobaugh of the Harvard Business School, THE FREEMAN, Aug. 76. - Let us extend the laissez faire system to all governmental and societal services! - JZ, 4.10.02. LAISSEZ FAIRE, GOVERNMENT & PANARCHISM
CONSUMERS: The consumer's free choice must be extended to government services of all kinds and the right of consumer boycotts to all and any government disservices. - JZ, 5.4.89, 21.11.08.
CONSUMERS: the consumer's interests and preferences should be paramount." - V. G. D'Estaing, Towards a New Democracy, 113. - There should also be fully free enterprise to offer what are now territorially monopolised governmental services of all kinds. In this respect we should be free entrepreneurs or producers as well as free consumers. - JZ, 4.10.02. – The basic rights of no group should be ignored, neglected or suppressed. Each group should enjoy the freedom to make itself exterritorially autonomous. – JZ, 21.11.08. - PANARCHISM
CONSUMERS: The consumers by their buying and abstention from buying elect the entrepreneurs in a daily repeated plebiscite as it were. They determine who should own and who not, and how much each owner should own ... The ballot of the market elevates those who in the immediate past have best served the consumers. However, the choice is not unalterable and can daily be corrected. The elected who disappoints the electorate is speedily reduced to the ranks." – Ludwig von Mises, Planning for Freedom, p.113. - The same should happen to political parties and movements, to ideologies and reform attempts and to revolutionary aspirations, to constitutions, bodies of laws, political systems and utopias, all reduced, in essence, to one man consumer or producer choices, thus to one-man reforms, one-man revolutions and voluntary associationism, which can only be achieved under full exterritorial autonomy for volunteer communities under personal laws and introduced via individual secessionism. - JZ, 4.10.02. – FREE MARKET EXTENDED TO PANARCHISM
CONSUMERS: The consumers represent the public interest much better than the producers or governments. Yet they are barely represented and largely enchained by the producers and their lobbyists in parliament. - JZ, 11.1.77, 8.7.94. - Parties, political movements and parliaments and even direct democracies do not sufficiently represent the individual consumers, neither of the remaining and somewhat freely supplied private services nor of the monopolistically supplied or imposed governmental services. Free consumerism must be extended to the latter as well. - JZ, 4.10.02. – Producers tend to try to monopolise their sphere of production. Consumers cannot and do not, since they do depend upon their capital and income. However, governments, as “consumers”, paying with “play” with part of the incomes and capitals of their tax slaves and thus can also largely monopolize their sphere of “consumption”, e.g. by using this wrongful revenue e.g. to “buy” votes, via hand-outs, subsidies and bailouts or more military power for themselves, including mass extermination devices (which are directed rather against the peoples of this world, indirectly against the own territorial subjects, rather than against any foreign territorial governments or leaders). – JZ, 22.7.13.
CONSUMERS: The Profit and Loss system is essentially the consumers' system. Human experience so far has failed to produce any other plan under which the consumer has complete freedom of choice and can command or reject at his sole whim or pleasure. We are all consumers, and if we accept the theory of the greatest good of the greatest number, any economic system controlled by consumers must give us all the benefit of its operations." - Ernest Benn, The Profit System, p. 177. - Let the profit and loss system also be applied to the free enterprise business of competing government systems in a territory. That is the essential checks and balances part which most advocates of limited governments have so far overlooked because they accepted, unquestioningly and as self-evident the territorial system of governments, in the same way, as they had accepted, for all too long, the territorial system for religions. Confined to voluntary members and subjects and confronted by competing governments and non-governmental free societies, they would either have to pull their socks up or go bankrupt. Only those could survive for long, who managed to satisfy their sovereign and voluntary "customers" or members. - We need more than free choice among toys, foods, drinks, clothing and amusements. Free choice among government and societal games, antics and performances especially, always at the own expense and risk. - JZ, 4.10.02. – PROFIT & LOSS, PLANNING, MARKET, FREE ENTERPRISE & PANARCHISM, CHECKS & BALANCES, LIMITING GOVERNMENTS TO EXTERRITORIALITY & VOLUNTARIS
CONSUMERS: The whole economy needs to readjust to the wishes and commands of the millions of sovereign consumers of a free economy." – Dr Hans F. Sennholz, THE FREEMAN, 2/75. - Why thus separate economic services from political and social services? At best the latter are only insurance and mutual aid and guaranty and credit services. And at worst one should certainly become free to leave or resist and overthrow their disservices. The whole system of politics, its theory and practice, needs also to readjust to the wishes and commands of the millions of individually sovereign and thus voluntary members - of freely competing governments and free societies. Then full economic liberty can be freely practised among its supporters and any other isms or systems among their supporters. Full "religious" liberty for the other faithful, the true believers, those of any political, economic and social ideology and experiment and community of volunteers! - Each liberty ought to be expanded to the fullest, for its supporters, even the liberty to choose for oneself any degree of less freedom than the maximum individual liberty. Even voluntary slavery - but limited by free individual secessionism for the slaves! - JZ, 4.10.02. – PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL CHOICE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM
CONSUMERS: There are no perfect arrangements in human affairs, but the fairest distribution of material rewards attainable by imperfect men is to let a man's customers decide how much he should earn; this method will distribute economic goods unequally, but nevertheless equitably." - E. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 7/75. - Apply that to competing governmental and societal services as well and to their payments by satisfied voluntary customers or subscribers of such services. - JZ, 4.10.02, 12.11.10.
CONSUMERS: To regulate consumers by law and limit them to the products of domestic industry is to encroach upon their freedom... is to do them an injustice." - Bastiat, quoted by G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.59. - To limit them to the services of the "own" territorial government, or, as emigrants, to the services of another territorial government, is also doing them a great injustice, one that the advocates of "limited" but still exclusive territorial governments, habitually ignore. - JZ, 4.10.02. – Even most anarchists are not tolerant and wise enough to offer that individual choice to the remaining statists, in their great variety, although these people still constitute the great majority. Consequently, the great majority, that of the various statists, feel threatened by intolerant anarchists and libertarians and thus form the greatest obstacle to the realization of anarchism only among anarchists and of libertarianism only among libertarians. They are afraid that all anarchists and libertarians would impose their systems territorially. The statists also need to observe the peaceful coexistence between a variety of anarchist and libertarian groups, all operating only for volunteers and under full exterritorial autonomy and personal laws, to finally realize that they, the statists, in their great variety, could, likewise, come to realize all their different systems among their believers, at the same time and in the same country and even in the whole world. The quality of the offers of the various exterritorially autonomous communities and the choices of sovereign consumers or voluntary members would come to peacefully determine their market share and all the progress which they will manage to achieve between them. – Each change would not require large and expensive political campaigns and party victories at occasional elections but would come daily, step by step, by individuals choosing for themselves another political, economic or social system, after they were disappointed or dissatisfied with the one they had previously chosen for themselves. – Power would be replaced by choice so that we would get more and more choice systems – and their satisfied users and providers. - JZ, 12.11.10. – FREE TRADE VS. PROTECTIONISM, COMPETING GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES, PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE REQUIRES EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS, MUTUAL TOLERANCE, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM VS. TERRITORIAL VOTIONG, INDIVIDUAL CHOICE VS. TERRITORIALISM & ITS WRONGFUL POWERS
CONSUMERS: Under capitalism the consumer is king. Every time he buys some commodity, whether it be steak or paper clips, he votes with his dollars and, if sufficient numbers vote in the same way, the market responds accordingly by diverting capital from less profitable areas to the ones where the greatest demand exists, in a way that no central authority could ever hope to duplicate." - Vincent H. Miller, OPTION, 2/77. - So why not expand this kind of consumer sovereignty into the sphere of governmental services and disservices? - Are some libertarians afraid of as much freedom? - JZ, 4.10.02. – CAPITALISM, MARKET, PROFIT, PLANNING, PANARCHISM, Q.
CONSUMERS: Very conspicuously in the marketplace, the government, by mandate and edict, is substituting its sovereignty for that of the individual consumer. Government, rather than the buying public, is increasingly determining the kinds of products and services offered for sale, and government regulations are influencing their costs and consequently their prices." - THE FREEMAN, 12/75, p. 713. - To that extent it is no longer a free market place. This applies especially to those services pre-empted by territorial governments as "governmental" services and to their territorially imposed disservices and costs. - JZ, 4.10.02. – GOVERNMENTALISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM VS. VOLUNTARISM, FREE PEOPLE
CONSUMERS: We Are All Consumers." – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.218. - When it comes to governmental and societal services we are victimised consumers, stuffed or starved, regardless of individual preferences and also quite disfranchised. Let us become fully sovereign consumers towards all services and disservices, goods and "poisons". - JZ, 4.10.02. - PANARCHISM
CONSUMERS: When we call a capitalist society a consumers' society, we mean that the power to dispose of the means of production, which belongs to the capitalist and entrepreneurs, can only be acquired by means of the consumers' ballot, held daily in the market place." - Ludwig von Mises. - Let's have the same daily ballot or annual commitment competition for all governmental services or package deals. - Consumers and businessmen to be sovereign in every respect - and haggle out all kinds of services between them. - JZ, 4.10.02. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM RATHER THAN TERRITORIAL “VOTING” & “REPRESENTATION”
CONSUMPTION: a regrettable indulgence, the enjoyment of goods and services by the people who produced them." - I.E.A. - Attacked as "consumerism", mostly by people who "earn" and "waste even more than those people do, whom they criticise for making different individual choices. (Galbraith complaining about "affluence"! ) - Indeed, many people are still somewhat savages, daubing themselves with colours, feathers, masks and costumes and dancing in their magic rituals. But so what. It is their lives they are wasting in their own preferred ways. - Let us rather "raise standards to which the wise and honest can repair", leaving all others to do their things for and to themselves. - JZ, 4.10.02. – CONSUMERISM, WASTE, LUXURIES
CONSUMPTION: Bastiat felt that the most severe errors in economic thinking stem from a failure to recognize that consumption is the end and final cause of all economic phenomena. He pointed out that the consumer becomes richer in proportion as he buys more cheaply, that he buys more cheaply as goods become more abundant, and that abundance is produced by allowing the fullest possible production. Thus all laws designed to interfere with the productive miracle (*) are eventually laws punishing the consumer." - G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p. 218/19. – (*) and the free exchange process – JZ
CONSUMPTION: Conspicuous Consumption, Consumerism, Luxuries: "... betraying enjoyment in spending your own money." - I.E.A.
CONSUMPTION: Consumption alone is the aim and purpose of every production. (1) Thus the interests of the producers should only be considered insofar as they may be required to promote the well-being of the consumers. ... In the mercantilist economic order, on the other hand, the well-being of the consumer is almost completely sacrificed to the interests of the producer and, apparently, production and not consumption is seen as the last aim or objective of all production and trade.” - Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, p. 558, poorly retranslated by me from a German version. - JZ - Here follows, what is obviously the original version: "Consumption is the sole and and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer is attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the consumer. The maxim is so perfectly self-evident, that it would be absurd to attempt to disprove it. But in the mercantile system, the interest of the consumer is almost constantly sacrificed to that of the producer; and it seems to consider production, and not consumption, as the ultimate end and object of all industry and commerce." - Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776. - (1) According to one report, that I read, many years ago, probably in Roscher, there was an incident in Spanish economic history in which spectacle makers succeeded in enforcing the acceptance of their products. Everyone had to wear spectacles, even if, in order to be able to see, they had to knock out the lenses or replace them with plain glass. Consumption of spectacles was the objective, and satisfaction of their producers, not consumer satisfaction. Now we laugh about such real or satirical instances. But should we, seeing the numerous and large as well as costly and widely unwanted disservices, which governments now force upon us as individual "consumers" of and compulsory payers for these services? (They do even include wars, under the decision-making monopoly for them and without governments bothering to declare quite rightful war or peace aims for them – probably, because they do not have any such platform. – JZ., 2.2.13.) Isn't our situation much worse than that of the victims of these manufacturers of spectacles-frames and lenses? - JZ, 4.10.02. PRODUCTION, FREE EXCHANGE
CONSUMPTION: Never before have such extraordinary values been created and distributed so democratically, so extensively, increasing the well-being of all society. Volume is both the source and objective of benefits we enjoy under freedom. Volume of exchange is the only way to derive myriad benefits - the only way to have many sources of benefits. And because it operates on need and through volume, our system is the only one not depleted by consumption but stimulated by it." - Joan Marie Leonard, THE FREEMAN, 3/77.
CONTACTS: All one needs is sufficient contacts, with relevant ideas, facts, interested persons and organizations. With them anything could be achieved in a peaceful and reformist and voluntaristic way, without coercion, merely using freedom of information, freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to act and to experiment autonomously. - JZ, 27.6.94. - IDEAS ARCHIVE, CD-ROM PROJECT, CULTURAL REVOLUTION, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS ETC., DIRECTORY OF LIBERTARIANS ACCORDING TO THEIR SPECIAL INTERESTS, LIBERTARIAN PROJECTS LIST ONLINE, MEETING CALENDARS FOR CITIES
CONTAGION: Truth is its own witness, which is to say, the virtues speak for themselves in a language all their own - loud and clear; their language is exemplary action. In reality, virtues are spread by contagion; they are caught, not taught.” - Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.94. - Is lack of virtue, are lies, myths and prejudices less infectious? The task consists rather in making truths and character virtues as infectious as they can possibly be, e.g. by providing an ideas archive and complete experimental freedom for volunteers. - JZ, 27.6.94 – The virtues of cheap and powerful alternative media have not yet sufficiently spoken for themselves, e.g. by making all libertarian writings cheaply and permanently accessible in them. – JZ, 21.11.08. – All freedom writings, for instance, could and should be offered on a single large external HD, of which the hardware, for a 1 TB one is now offered a prices down to A $ 88! Will that remain, too, for many decades, another missed opportunity for freedom lovers? – JZ, 12.11.10. - MAGNETISM, ATTRACTION, MARKETS, LEADERSHIP, IDEAS, LIGHTHOUSES, PANARCHISM AND THIS SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY COMPILATION
CONTEMPT OF COURT: As if no court, judge, sentence or law were ever contemptible! - JZ, 14.1.91, 27.6.94.
CONTEMPT OF COURT: Contempt of Court is the last “blasphemy crime" still recognized by "our" legislators. - JZ, 8.7.94.
CONTEMPT OF COURT: If judges and courts were under full free market competition for juridical services, "contempt of court" would be less frequently shown and would only very rarely be justified. But this is not a condition most judges strive to attain and their fear of competition does not do their reputation much good. - JZ, 27.6.94. - COURTS, JUSTICE, JURIES
CONTEMPT OF COURT: Judge: 'I hope you are not in contempt of court.' - Clarence Darrow: 'Your Honour can always hope.'" - From the “Monkey Trial.” - JOKES
CONTEMPT OF COURT: Judges are in the habit to charge you with being in contempt of court, as if they and they alone represented a court of justice and the highest representatives of the highest standards of morality, even while they are all too often contemptibly bad servants of the court, of justice, of morality, of the Common Law and of "The Law" in the best sense, while serving to uphold the avalanche of formally legal rubbish and oppressive laws that now generally passes as "positive law". Matter of fact, almost all of them are so much in contempt of justice and of individual rights that they habitually ignore or dismiss all or most bill of rights pleas. Further, they have been legally authorised to meddle in so many affairs on which their knowledge and appreciation is close to zero, thus it is rather surprising that contempt of court is not shown much more frequently. Something like a mystique of courts and judges seems to be still on their side but even the most severe penalties upon "contempt of court" cannot save them forever against the natural responses among their victims and the sympathizers of these victims to the behaviour and decisions of all too many judges. - JZ, 23.3.93, 27.6.94, 21.11.08.
CONTEMPT OF COURT: The attitude of most judges towards the tradition of autonomous juries has revealed them, either as contemptibly ignorant and prejudiced or as arrogant in upholding their own largely usurped or merely legislated privileges. Their attempts to disfranchise jurors, persisting over hundreds of years, do also deserve contempt. - JZ, 27.6.94, 22.7.13.
CONTEMPT OF COURT: You show contempt of court!" - "No, your Honour, I try to hide it!" - Quoted by Michael Greene. - JOKES
CONTEMPT: Sometimes authority begs for contempt." - W. R. Thompson, Outlaw, p.144 in ANALOG, 10/90. – LEADERSHIP, RULERS, POLITICIANS, AUTHORITIES, BUREAUCRACIES, COMMITTEES, BOARDS
CONTEMPT: You show contempt of court!" - "No, your Honour, I try to hide it!" - Quoted by Michael Greene. –
CONTENTMENT: Contented people, like contented cattle led to the slaughter, never improve things. - JZ, 25.5.78. – TERRITORIALISM, WAR, TYRANNY
CONTENTMENT: Contentment is a crime - in our time. - JZ, 28.7.78. - We are all too often complacent accessories to the fact of numerous crimes by our "public servants". - JZ, 27.6.94. – NUCLEAR WAR THREAT
CONTENTMENT: Contentment with things achieved is the first sign of decay." - Sidney Myer (Meyer?), They Made Millions, p.210.
CONTENTMENT: Man is not content with anything but himself. The smaller his brain, the higher his contentment." - Graffiti.
CONTENTMENT: Whoever sits on his laurels wears them on the wrong place." - Sir Robert Menzies.
CONTINUING EDUCATION: Continuing education efforts wrongly assumed that real education already existed, was officially provided and had resulted in significant achievements, so that it should be continued for the rest of our lives rather than being discontinued as an almost total failure and a very expensive one at that, in time lost, in money and manpower invested, an in the catastrophic results of the mis-education it achieved. - JZ, 31.10.91, 27.6.94. - Perhaps the worst effect of compulsory "education" is the widespread aversion against studying and reading it induces by its negative conditioning. - JZ, 8.7.94. – Perhaps “continuing education” could be best initiated, maintained and regulated and most cheaply provided via a guide, online, to all the educational facilities that are either locally or online offered for any special educational interest, e.g. via a city-wide meeting calendar, like I tried once to provide with my “CONTACTS” periodical, at least for periodical meeting. Now, with the Internet much more could be offered and already is, even when it comes to tertiary education. But all these options are not yet sufficiently publicized to achieve maximum continuing education, freely chosen and offered or paid for. – JZ, 2.2.13. – ADULT EDUCATION, ENLIGHTENMENT, SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES
CONTRACTARIANISM: A society based on contract is a society of free and independent men, who form ties without favor or obligation, and co-operate without cringing or intrigue.” - William Graham Sumner [What Social Classes Owe Each Other] – quoted by Sid Non-Vicious LeRoux on Facebook, 23.6.12. – Panarchism offers volunteers a great variety of social contacts or constitutions. It does not impose any of them on the population of any territory. It makes it quite up to the individuals which one they will choose or establish for their own affairs. Nobody can rightly ask for more and no none should ask or strive for less, - JZ, 5.9.12. - SOCIAL CONTRACTS, CHOICE, VOLUNTARY CONSTITUTIONALISM IN STEAD OF COLLECTIVIST, COERCIVE & MONOPOLISTIC TERRITORIALISM FOR WHOLE POPULATIONS, ASSOCIATIONISM
CONTRACTS: A breach of contract is only bad because it creates a breach of property ownership and its control - and only when it produces this effect." - View ascribed to Rothbard, by Moshe Kroy, JLS, Sum.77, p.208. - Hundreds of years of legal discussions of contracts have, I believe, created at least part of a libertarian interpretation of contracts. One does not have to start again, from the beginnings. - JZ, 21.11.82. - Most important is the application of the contract theory to areas now pre-empted by territorial governments. - JZ, 27.6.94. – TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM
CONTRACTS: A contract must be a willing exchange." - Bastiat. - In Don Werkheiser's terms, a contract must establish a “mutual convenience” rather than a “single convenience” relationship. – JZ – VOLUNTARISM, CHOICE
CONTRACTS: A society based on contract is a society of free and independent men, who form ties without favor or obligation, and co-operate without cringing or intrigue." – W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.24. - At least "cringing or intrigue" are reduced to a minimum when the private individual secession option is secured. - JZ, 27.6.94.
CONTRACTS: A society based on contract, therefore, gives the utmost room and chance for individual development, and for all the self-reliance and dignity of a free man." - W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, 24. - Provided the "government contract" is not limited to a contract under a monopolistic, "limited" government that is "territorial" and to that extent exclusive and despotic. - JZ, 27.6.94. - PANARCHISM
CONTRACTS: All political rights are to be based upon contracts only. - JZ 75. – CONTRACTARIANISM, PERSONAL LAW, GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT
CONTRACTS: and that the only social improvements which are now conceivable lie in the direction of more complete realisation of a society of free men united by contract, are points which cannot be controverted." – W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.24. - (Reproduced in PEACE PLANS No. 525. Compare the remarks about “replacing status by contracts”.) - FREE SOCIETY, PANARCHISM, STATUS, VOLUNTARISM
CONTRACTS: And where's our defence of the freedom of grown-up people to come to whatever arrangements they like, by mutual agreement?” - Terry Arthur, 95% Is Crap, p.161, in discussing pimps, prostitutes & their customers.
CONTRACTS: And yet, from that day to this - a period of sixty years, save one - neither bar nor bench, so far as I know, have ever uttered one syllable in vindication of men's natural right to make their own contracts, or to have the only true, real, natural, inherent, intrinsic 'obligation' of their contracts respected by lawmakers or courts. - Can any further proof be needed that all ideas of justice and men's natural rights are absolutely banished from the minds of lawmakers, and from so-called courts of justice? or that absolute and irresponsible lawmaking has usurped their place? - Or can any further proof be needed, of the utter worthlessness of all the constitutions, which these lawmakers and judges swear to support, and profess to be governed by?" - Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, p.48, Works I. - CONSTITUTIONALISM
CONTRACTS: Any coercion by third parties, including the State, distorts the contract, and the free market, leading to very dire, often far-reaching and quite unforeseen circumstances." - Dr H. L. Soper, LIBERTARIAN DIGEST, May 81. - VOLUNTARISM, WILLING EXCHANGE, EXCHANGE, SOCIETY
CONTRACTS: Any imposed contract is invalid, is not a contract. - JZ, n.d., upon reading: "He considers as invalid any enforced contract, even making use of the law to evade it and render it null and void." - B. A., Melbourne, in RED & BLACK, 4/73. - B. A. did not distinguish between the enforcement of freely entered contracts, that are also dissolvable under contracted conditions, and the enforcement of imposed "contracts". Nor did he distinguish between private and contractual contract enforcement and enforcement services and official, governmental enforcement agencies. - JZ, 27.6.94.CONTRACTS: Between individuals the same rule of equity holds as between nations. Only when my contract with my fellow man is considered fair by both of us, will we both do our utmost to fulfil its terms. We would not have contracted did we not think our interest furthered by such procedure; and under free conditions, each knows that the gain must be mutual to make the contract binding. If I enter into an agreement, on an EQUALLY FREE footing with another person - and by equally free I do not mean EQUALLY FORCED, as the Fabians interpret equal freedom, but the CONDITION OF FULLEST FREEDOM required by both of us, in order that the contract shall not be stained by force or fraud over either, or over third parties - then such agreement contains the appeal to the self-interest of each party to fulfil what he has undertaken. Of all contracts that require to be backed by fines and penalties, the freest and therefore most equitable contracts require these threats least of all, if at all. The pity of it is that, nowadays, the vitiating element of force enters into nearly all contracts - a statement I ask your patience while I prove." - Badcock, Slaves to Duty.
CONTRACTS: But that was before we had 87 pages contracts and 3 years of litigation whenever somebody wanted to know whether they wanted to know whether they had to honour their own word.” – James Webb, A Country Such as This, Panther Books, 1983, p. 85, on blood brotherhood.
CONTRACTS: But these judges certainly never will find out what 'the obligation of contracts' is, until they find out that men have the natural right to make their own contracts, and unalterably fix their 'obligation'; and that governments can have no power whatever to make, unmake, alter, or invalidate that 'obligation'. - Still further. Congress has the same power over weights and measures that it has over coins. And the court has no more right or reason to say that congress has power to alter existing contracts, by altering the value of the coins, than it has to say that, after any or all men have, for value received, entered into contracts to deliver so many bushels of wheat or other grain, so many pounds of beef, pork, butter, cheese, cotton, wool, or iron, so many yards of cloth, or so many feet of lumber, Congress has power, by altering these weights and measures, to alter all these existing contracts, so as to convert them into contracts to deliver only half as many, or to deliver twice as many, bushels, pounds, yards, or feet, as the parties agreed upon." - Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, p. 69, Works I. – LEGAL TENDER, MONETARY DESPOTISM, FREE CHOICE OF VALUE STANDARDS, STANDARD OF VALUE, DEVALUATION, INFLATION, DEFLATION, MONETARY FREEDOM
CONTRACTS: Consequently, society was dependent, throughout all its details, on status, and the tie, or bond, was sentimental. In our modern State, and in the United States more than anywhere else, the social structure is based on contract and status is of the least importance. Contract, however, is rational - even rationalistic. It is also realistic, cold, and matter-of-fact. A contract relation is based on a sufficient reason, not on custom or prescription. It is not permanent. It endures only so long as the reason for it endures. In a State based on contract sentiment is out of place in any public or common affairs. It is relegated to the sphere of private and personal relations, where it depends not at all on class types, but on personal acquaintance and personal estimates.” – W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.23.
CONTRACTS: Contract implies a specific agreement for a specific purpose, to which all parties to the contract agree from motives of rational self-interest. It is not to be confused with a law binding upon an indefinite number of cases into infinity." - R. A. Wilson, in review of Proudhon's The General Idea of Revolution in the 19th Century. – LAWS, PERSONAL LAWS
CONTRACTS: CONTRACTING OUT: The City of Detroit found it was spending $ 26 to process a $ 15 traffic ticket. Now, working under a contract, a private clearical firm has reduced that cost to $ 1.80.” - Richard C. Cornuelle, Healing America, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1983, p. 100. – Let all present territorial monopoly government “services” be contractually provided, at free market prices or subscription rates, by private competing contractors and corporations or by exterritorially and autonomously competing communities and societies of volunteers, who should also be free to secede from them and join another such body – or none at all, merely buying wanted services and goods on a free market. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTRACTS: Contracts will be kept, when all idea of their sacredness has disappeared, because it is for the contractors' self-interest to keep them. If any one thinks he can take advantage of a general D.V. unwritten clause in order to repudiate his promises on the strength of his unexpected weakness, he does so at the peril of losing the confidence of others in him, and of being 'left'. Jails are not the most potent enforcers of contracts. The attractions of the benefits which a good reputation confers are greater." - Badcock, Slaves to Duty. - Enforcement of contracts, as well as peaceful ending of contracts, if desired, should be contracted, too. - JZ, 27.6.94.
CONTRACTS: Every rational being has the right to conclude contracts freely, even to contract upon deviations from existing laws, as long as these deviations remain within the framework of the human rights and the natural rights of rational beings. Comment: Rational beings would, e.g., not undertake a real estate business without sufficient documentation and would not regard the requirement of public registration of such contracts as an infringement but rather as a safeguard. People under the influence of alcohol or other disabling drugs are at least temporarily not to be considered as rational." - From the human rights draft in PEACE PLANS No. 4 & 61-63.
CONTRACTS: Failure to fulfil contracts must be considered as theft of the other's property. Thus, when a debtor purchases a good in exchange for a promise of future payment, the good cannot be considered his property until the agreed contract has been fulfilled and payment made. Until then, it remains the creditor's property, and non-payment would be equivalent to theft of the creditor's property." – Murray N. Rothbard, Man, Economy and State, pp. 152-153, quoted in Moshe Kroy, JLS, Sum. 77, p. 211.
CONTRACTS: Fichte... recognises that, given the principle of individual rights, no tradition, however sacred, and no contract, however equitable, can be permanently binding." - C. E. Vaughan, Studies in the History of Political Philosophy before and after Rousseau, p.99.
CONTRACTS: Freedom of contract begins with freedom of choice." - JZ, 1973, on reading Seldes, The Great Quotations, on contracts. – FREE CHOICE, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, VOLUNTARISM
CONTRACTS: From status to contract.” – Maine
CONTRACTS: I agree that the idea of contract being enforced on non-signers is absurd." - Mike Gunderloy, THE CONNECTION 116, p.76. - COLLECTIVE BARGAINING, CONSTITUTIONS, COMPULSORY MEMBERSHIP, INDIVIDUAL SECESSION, PANARCHISM
CONTRACTS: in ... law, a proper contract requires that there has been a meeting of minds. The mind in your government never met the mind of myself. It was not capable of it." - An alien scientist in Poul Anderson, Captive of the Centaurianess, 1951, in ISAAC ASIMOVS'S … , Spring - Summer 1980, p. 87.
CONTRACTS: In place of laws we put contracts. No laws any more, neither through majority decisions nor through unanimity. Each citizen, each community or corporation makes its own law. ... " - Proudhon, quoted in LERNZIEL ANARCHIE, Nr. 4. - "Not through unanimity"? Precisely through individual freedom of choice and voluntary membership, all rules will tend to become unanimously accepted or at least consented to, as part of acceptable package deals. - JZ, 29.6.94. - Unanimous agreement on any rule in any game amounts hardly to an imposed rule or wrongful domination. - JZ, 4.10.02. – PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM
CONTRACTS: It is also an usurpation, on the part of the legislature, to prescribe what right and justice shall be, or to declare what rights accrue, under any contracts whatever." – Lysander Spooner, Constitutional Law Relating to Credit ..., p.8.
CONTRACTS: It is in the generalisation of this principle of contract, in the turning of society into a network of mutual undertakings between individuals, that Proudhon sees the new order of economics as distinct from political organisation. (*) When that order is achieved, there will no longer be any need for (**) government, and, returning to his old serialist doctrine, Proudhon concludes that the end of the series beginning in Authority is Anarchy. In more concrete terms, the change of aspect between the old and the new societies is expressed as follows: 'In place of laws, we will put contracts; no more laws voted by the majority, or even unanimously. Each citizen, each town, each industrial union will make its own laws. (*) In place of political power we will put economic forces ... in place of standing armies, we will put industrial associations. In place of police we will put identity of interests. (***)'" – George Woodcock, Proudhon, p.171. - (*) This would not exclude the conclusion of political service package deals, voluntarily entered and dissolved. But it should exclude the territorial impositions of laws by whole countries or towns or country districts or by exclusive unions covering whole industries or closed shops. Closed shops can be rightful only when they are quite voluntary and not claiming any natural monopolies.) - (**) territorial! - JZ - (***) Identity of interests between criminals and policemen, criminals and their victims? - JZ,27.6.94 .
CONTRACTS: It is the natural right of all men (who are mentally competent to make reasonable contracts) to make such contracts as they please, for buying and selling, borrowing and lending, giving and receiving, property, provided only that there be no fraud or force used, and that the contracts have in them nothing intrinsically criminal or unjust." – Lysander Spooner, Considerations for Bankers, p.56. - That should apply, with competing governments and societies, for their civil rights and liberties within these organisations as well. - JZ, 4.10.02. – Freedom to sign the own kind of social contract for oneself! – JZ, 21.11.08.
CONTRACTS: John Locke says, 'the State is a legal association of the sort that is made by contract.' Adam Smith says that the State ought not to be considered as anything better than a partnership agreement in trade - to be taken up for temporary interest and to be dissolved by the fancy of the parties. This is very true - we do not as a matter of fact act as if the State had only a contractual claim on us; we give it a reality which may issue in the sacrifice even of our lives.'" - F. B. Willmott, A Philosophy of Production, p.44. - STATE, SOCIAL CONTRACT, CONSENT
CONTRACTS: Leave men alone to make their own contracts, and leave contracts alone when they are made." – Murray N. Rothbard, The Panic of 1819, p. 37. - Rothbard dollars for Rothbardians only. Any degree of monetary and financial freedom for those who desire it for themselves! - JZ, 4.10.02. – MONETARY FREEDOM, VOLUNTARY OR COMPETING GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES, PANARCHISM
CONTRACTS: Locke insists that a society is legitimately formed only by means of a contract among the members, i.e. by voluntary and explicit consent of all concerned." (II, 14, 15, 57, 73, 87,89, 95, 106, 112, 122, 171, 211, 243.)" - David B. Suits, JLS, Sum. 77, 203. - I presume, he meant the State, too. Too many do still use the two as if their were equal organisations rather than opposites. - JZ, 27.6.94.
CONTRACTS: Moreover, the keeping of promises is an essential feature of the condition of EQUAL LIBERTY so much desired. If I do not keep my promises to others, they need not keep their promises to me; and I, besides, give them an excuse to treat me as an inferior person altogether. The condition of equal liberty is nothing more than a condition arising out of free contract, when each agrees to respect the liberty of others IN CONSIDERATION of having his own liberty respected." - Badcock, Slaves to Duty, p.24.
CONTRACTS: No society, whether capitalist, socialist, or communist, can survive for ten minutes if it abandons the principle that a contract is sacred." - Rebecca West, The New Meaning of Treason, p.171/172. - Not every contract with everybody and on every subject is sacred. - JZ, 29.6.89. - So we have no societies that deserve the name, never had them either, since none upheld this ideal? We have had only States and societies that often and habitually infringed private contracts. This leads to the question: How lively and strong could a society be and remain and develop or progress if it fully respected private contracts and were based upon them? - JZ, 27.6.94. - PANARCHISM
CONTRACTS: No state shall ... pass any ... law impairing the obligation of contracts." - Constitution of the U.S., Art. I, 1789. - Just look at its monetary and financial (e.g., taxation) legislation! All such laws are greatly infringing freedom of contract in these spheres. - JZ, 4.10.02.
CONTRACTS: not one of these 16 lawyers and judges took the ground that the constitution, in forbidding any State 'to pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts', intended to protect, against the arbitrary legislation of the States, the only true, real, and natural 'obligation of contracts', or the right of the people to enter into all really just, and naturally obligatory contracts. - Is it possible to conceive of a more shameful exhibition, or confession, of the servility, the baseness, or the utter degradation, of both bar and bench, than their refusal to say one word in favor of justice, liberty, men's natural rights, or the natural, and only real, 'obligation' of their contracts?" - Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, p.58, Works I. - Has this situation improved since? - JZ, 27.6.94. – LAWS, LEGISLATION, PARLIAMENTARISM, DEMOCRACY
CONTRACTS: On the other hand, other jurists, particularly those who base their legal theory upon the natural rights philosophical tradition, view contracts as instruments by which rights to things (both present and future alienable goods) are assigned, delineated, transferred or exchanged." - Williamson M. Evers, JLS, Winter 77. - Why exclude all service contracts? - JZ, 27.6.94
CONTRACTS: political rights, therefore, are based upon contract..." - Prof Huxley, summarising Rousseau, NINETEENTH CENTURY, Jan. 1890. - Political rights ARE TO BE based on contract. - JZ, 1/75. - Since none of the present "political rights" are based on contract, we do not have, according to this statement, any political rights but at most government granted privileges and, much more certainly, government-imposed burdens. - JZ, 4.10.02.
CONTRACTS: Rawls, like Kant, sees the contract as essentially a rational decision model for the co-operative adoption of social institutions." - Jeffrie G. Murphy, Kant, The Philosophy of Right, 167.
CONTRACTS: Society By Contract.". - SLL Button 442. - Anarchist slogan quoted in Anarchism & Law, p. 67. – PANARCHISM
CONTRACTS: That a society of free men, co-operating under contract, is by far the strongest society which has ever yet existed; that no such society has every yet developed the full measure of strength of which it is capable." – W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.24. - Only all too few have even theoretically explored the full application of the private contract idea in all spheres, far less had the liberty to apply it in areas pre-empted by territorial governments. Due to ignorance and prejudices this ideas is only fleetingly and almost unconsciously applied even in revolutionary periods, with their competing alternative institutions. As a rule, they consciously strive to attain only territorial rather than exterritorial autonomy. - However, most people do apply it, consciously or unconsciously in their private lives. But numerous popular prejudices, myths and errors prevent them from applying it to their "public lives", in areas and spheres now pre-empted by territorial governments. - JZ, 27.6.94. – PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM, REVOLUTION
CONTRACTS: the anarchist libertarians hold that government is illegitimate unless it has been contracted by those whom it serves." - Libertarian Handbook, 1973, p. 6. - Freedom lovers do, all too often, fail to recognize the rightfulness of non-anarchist and non-libertarian governments that are individually contracted for by those who imagine that the governments of their dreams can serve them and as long as they are remaining under that illusion, i.e., as long as each voluntary subject does not choose to individually secede from the kind of government he or she once opted for. - JZ, 29.6.94. - PANARCHISM
CONTRACTS: The final chapter, 'Absorption of Government by the Economic Organism', deals with the peaceful dissolution of the State into the system of contractual associations. Each such association might, in a sense, be called a small government; but it would be different in essence from traditional political government in that membership is voluntary instead of compulsory. The possibility of tyranny - even of the tyranny of the majority - will become zero. It is important not to misunderstand Proudhon here: don't think of the Shoemaker's Association planning long-range programs to which the individual shoemaker must submit. Contract implies a specific agreement for a specific purpose, to which all parties to the contract agree from motives of rational self-interest. It is not to be confused with a law binding upon an indefinite number of cases unto infinity." ... There simply is no possibility under his system for a man getting trapped into compulsory obedience to a condition he didn't voluntarily accept by signing a contract." - Robert Anton Wilson, in review of Proudhon's "The General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century." - If only he had been as explicitly for voluntarism and and competition when it came to his people’s bank! – JZ, 12.11.10. – Corporations without any legalized territorial privileges but with full exterritorial autonomy for their volunteers! – JZ, 2.2.13. – CORPORALITIONS, ASSOCIATIONBIISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS, COMPETING GOVERNMENTS, SYNDICALISM, ANARCHISM, PANARCHISM, MUTUALISM
CONTRACTS: The first principle of a civilised state is that power is legitimate only when it is under contract. Then it is, as we say, duly constituted." - Walter Lippmann, The Public Philosophy, bk.ii, ch.11, 1955. - It would have been nice if he had drawn the last conclusions from his principle - but then, how many people do? - JZ, 29.6.94. – Even the Soviet Regime had a constitution but certainly not one based upon individual contracts. – As territorial States and governments all of them are uncivilized only some of them even more so. - JZ, 12.11.10. - POWER, LEGITIMACY, CONSENT, PANARCHISM
CONTRACTS: the government acts the part of robber and tyrant in all its legislation on contracts; and ... the whole purpose of all its acts is that the earnings of the many may be put into the pockets of the few." – Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, p.52, Works I. – FREEDOM OF CONTRACT IN ALL SPHERES, VOLUNTARY VS. COMPULSORY TAXATION
CONTRACTS: The law should state that no person may steal from another person or defame or defraud him; no person may force another person to pay a certain wage or to charge a certain price; each person must fulfil his voluntary contracts, whether they be in business, marriage, or elsewhere;..." – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.63. - No divorce, from a marriage partner, union, army, State? - The peaceful dissolution of contracts, in pre-arranged or tacitly assumed ways, is as much a part of the theory of private contracts as the voluntary signing of or assenting to them - JZ, 27.6.94.
CONTRACTS: the legislature has no authority to pass laws forbidding men to enter into obligatory contracts - and that all laws of that kind are unconstitutional, as conflicting with the constitutional right to acquire property...." – Lysander Spooner, Constitutional Law Relating to Credit..., p.9.
CONTRACTS: the movement of the progressive societies has hitherto been a movement FROM STATUS TO CONTRACT." - H. J. S. Maine, Ancient Law, p.100. – STATUS, POWER, FEUDALISM, TERRITORIALISM
CONTRACTS: the natural right of the people to make their own contracts, shall SET LIMITS to the power of their governments." – Lysander Spooner, Constitutional Law Relating to Credit, Currency & Banking, p.15. - Without an individual's contract, with "his" government, it is hardly "his" government. Without it he is, in practice, its subject and property. - JZ, 27.6.94.
CONTRACTS: The notion of contract precludes that of government." - Proudhon, in S. Edwards, Proudhon, p.96. – Only that of territorial governments! The historic orders of Knights were once powerful – and yet merely exterritorial. – Moreover, they were all volunteers. – I believe that it was the Templars who once played a considerable role as traders, commercially utilizing their international contacts. They appeared to be rich so a French King once dissolved them, hoping to find a rare metal treasure. But all his agents found were some clearing claims, like bills of exchange and some stocks of goods for sale. – Just a hint by Ulrich von Beckerath. Perhaps their and clearing and trading role and their exterritorial autonomy has been sufficiently written up or explained, somewhere, online? - JZ, 12.11.10, 2.2.13. - GOVERNMENT, VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS, COMPETING GOVERNMENTS, EXTERRITORIALISM, TOLERANCE, PANARCHISM, ORDERS OF KNIGHTS
CONTRACTS: The obligation of the contract is the constitutional standard, by which the validity of legislation is to be tried; and laws must conform to this standard, and not the standard be brought down to the measure of the laws." - Lysander Spooner, Constitutional Law Relating to Credit, Currency & Banking, p.11. – What is to be the standard for Constitutions, since many of them are rather despotic, especially when it comes to the monetary sphere? – Must all constitutions be territorial? Those of private associations, corporations, societies and clubs, obviously, are not. JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTRACTS: The plea for the ballot, and of the whole electioneering machinery, is to make out a case of free contract between the people and the government. But the case is a miserable failure. Free contract implies free individual consent of all the contracting parties, and that is the one thing never allowed by any kind of government." - Backcock, Slaves to Duty. - Not by any territorial government - but by freely competing and exterritorial governments, all with voluntary members only. - All the historical precedents for this should be sufficiently published and studied. - JZ, 27.6.94, 12.11.10. - MILLET SYSTEM, CAPITULATIONS, PERSONAL LAW AND CONSULAR JURISDICTION, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOTING, CONSENT
CONTRACTS: The real radical thing that they come up with in the 19th century, in fact apparently too radical to stay by very long, was the concept of government by contract." - Poul Anderson, REASON, Oct. 73. - Who else but Herbert Spencer, who once understood and publicised it, has later renounced this idea? Did. e.g., Proudhon ever consistently apply this idea? Did many anarchists? Judging by the cases that did come to my attention, all those who renounced this idea had never fully understood it and applied it to all spheres of action. - JZ, 29.6.94, 4.10.02. - PANARCHISM
CONTRACTS: The right of property is a natural right. The only real right of property that is known to mankind, is the natural right. Men have also a natural right to convey their natural rights of property from one person to another. And there is no means known to mankind, by which this NATURAL right of property can be transferred, or conveyed, by one may to another man, except by such contracts as are NATURALLY obligatory; that is, naturally capable of conveying and binding the right of property. - ALL CONTRACTS WHATSOEVER, THAT ARE NATURALLY CAPABLE, COMPETENT, AND SUFFICIENT TO CONVEY, TRANSFER, AND BIND THE NATURAL RIGHT OF PROPERTY, ARE NATURALLY OBLIGATORY; AND REALLY AND TRULY DO CONVEY, TRANSFER, AND BIND SUCH RIGHTS OF PROPERTY AS THEY PURPORT TO CONVEY, TRANSFER AND BIND. - ALL THE OTHER MODES, BY WHICH ONE MAN HAS EVER ATTEMPTED TO ACQUIRE THE PROPERTY OF ANOTHER, HAVE BEEN THEFTS, ROBBERIES, AND FRAUDS. BUT THESE, OF COURSE, HAVE NEVER CONVEYED ANY REAL RIGHTS OF PROPERTY." (Capitalized, here, by me. - JZ) "To make any contract binding, obligatory, and effectual for conveying and transferring rights of property, these three conditions only are essential, viz. 1, That it be entered into by parties, who are mentally competent to make reasonable contracts. 2. That the contract be a purely voluntary one; that is, that it be entered into without either force or fraud on either side. 3. That the right of property, which the contract purports to convey, be such an one as is naturally capable of being conveyed, or transferred, by one man to another. - Subject to these conditions, all contracts whatsoever, for conveying rights of property - that is, for buying and selling, borrowing and lending, giving and receiving property - are naturally obligatory, and bind such rights of property as they purport to convey." - Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, p. 59/60, Works I.CONTRACTS: The rule of contracts, substituted for the rule of laws, would constitute ... the real sovereignty of the people, the REPUBLIC." - Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century. – PERSONAL LAWS
CONTRACTS: Using the word co-operation in its wide sense, and not in that restricted sense now commonly given to it, we may say that social life must be carried on by either voluntary co-operation or compulsory co-operation; or, to use Sir Henry Maine's words, the system must be that of CONTRACT or that of STATUS; that in which the individual is left to do the best he can by his spontaneous efforts and get success or failure according to his efficiency, and that in which he has his appointed place, works under coercive rule, and has his apportioned share of good, clothing, and shelter." - Herbert Spencer.
CONTRACTS: We believe that the road to peace and plenty for all is via the individual contract, allowing the natural laws of the free market full reign in the advancement of our efforts." - Progress Party Platform, as stated in LIBERTARIAN DIGEST, July 1981. - Quite by the way, this would also assure that "crime does not pay" - in most cases. - Better protection, prevention, indemnification, penal and rehabilitation services would be competitively offered than are now provided by territorial governments. - JZ, 4.10.02. – PEACE, PLENTY, PROSPERITY, NATURAL LAW, FREE MARKET, PROGRESS, CRIME, PROTECTION
CONTRACTS: We believe that the road to peace and plenty is via the individual contract." - LIBERTARIAN DIGEST (Australia), 4/82.
CONTRACTS: We seem almost to have arrived at this formula - little freedom in making contracts, much freedom in breaking them.” - G. J. Goschen, 1885. - Goschen, G.J., "Since 1880", NINETEENTH CENTURY, VOL. 17, 1885, p.723/4. – Especially under territorial governments. – JZ, 2.2.13. - FREEDOM OF CONTRACT, CONTRACTARIANISM, SOCIAL CONTRACTS, COMPETING ONES, FOR SOVEREIGN CONSUMERS OR VOLUNTARY MEMBERS
CONTRACTS: What has to be guarded against is an unreasoning, slavish adherence to WRITTEN agreements, as if the fact of their being IN WRITING made them more honest than otherwise. The important thing is that the contract be EQUITABLE, i.e., honest, - not that it be written in black or red ink, on parchment or straw paper. Do not let us miss the substance. In all cases where breakage of contract is an invasion of another's liberty (injuring, perhaps, those who depended upon fulfilment of the contract ), the injured parties may justly use force to defend themselves. Those who were upholders of equal liberty would be the most punctilious in keeping contracts, i.e. EQUITABLE CONTRACTS, just because equity is the condition of liberty." - Badcock, Slaves to Duty.
CONTRACTS: You to make the contract and only you and the other signers to have its benefits or suffer from it. - JZ, 17.5.75, 22.11.08.
CONTRACTUAL GOVERNMENT: Contractual government” is a term used by Donald J. Boudreaux and Randall G. Holcombe, and is quoted in “The Voluntary City”, edited by David Beito et al, on p. 61. – The term “competing governments” has already led to too many misunderstandings, among people still stuck upon the territorial model and unaware of historical precedents for exterritorial autonomy and personal law communities. (This happened even to minds like that of Ayn Rand and Carl Watner.) “Contractual government” is less provocative of misunderstandings. But still better terms should always be looked for. – JZ, 24.3.09. PANARCHISM, TERMINOLOGY, OTHER TERMS FOR IT, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, EXTERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, CONTRACTS, COMPETING GOVERNMENTS
CONTRADICTIONS: A contradiction cannot exist... No concept man forms is valid unless he integrates it without contradiction into the total sum of his knowledge. To arrive at a contradiction is to confess an error in one's thinking; to maintain a contradiction is to abdicate one's mind and to evict oneself from the realm of reality." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, p.943. - Compare Kant: Antinomies of Pure Reason.
CONTRADICTIONS: Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, p.191.
CONTRADICTIONS: CONTRADICTIONS IN TERMS: Military intelligence. Free government. Fair tax. Honest politician. Hard-working bureaucrat." - Simon Jester. - FREE COUNTRIES. MILITARY COURTS OF JUSTICE, TERRITORIAL REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENTS. - Please, add to this list! – JZ
CONTRARINESS: Some folks are so contrary that if they fell into a river, they'd insist on floating upstream." - Josh Billings, 1818 - 1885. - ANTAGONISM, ANIMOSITY, RED.
CONTROL: 4. REMOVE GOVERNMENT CONTROLS. - "One of the most significant ways in which the Government could aid the poor is by removing its own restrictions and controls on their productive energy. So, minimum wage laws and government privileges to trade unions must disappear. - Licensing laws, the outlawing of gambling and numerous other restrictions prevent the poor from starting their own businesses and creating jobs on their own. One obvious example is the onerous restriction on peddling, ranging from prohibition to heavy license fees. Peddling has been a classic path in Australia by which immigrants, poor and lacking capital, were able to become entrepreneurs and eventually big businessmen. But now this route has been cut off - largely to confer monopoly privileges on the retail stores, who fear loss of profits if faced with the highly mobile competition of street peddlers." - Mike Stanton, FREE ENTERPRISE, June 76.
CONTROL: A free market will always tend towards equilibrium. It is a stable system. A controlled market will only work if it precisely mirrors a free market - in which case it is totally unnecessary. Any form of controlled market merely institutionalises distortions and dislocations which reverberate throughout the economy, creating more and more distortions and dislocations as they go." - John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia, p.33.
CONTROL: A society is socialised by extending, centralising and accelerating the exercise of political power. Socialists may speak of controlled production as their method of operation, but production cannot be controlled except by controlling people. If men as producers are to be controlled, it means that they will be told what jobs they are to work at, where they will work, and how long they will work. This sort of political tyranny is inherent in a socialised society. It is a denial of man's inherent right to be free." – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p. 146.
CONTROL: A successfully processed humanity would lose the little control of its destiny which has always distinguished man from the rest of the world." - E. Reimer, School Is Dead, p.42.
CONTROL: All control of man by man is wrong." - William Godwin's view, according to Bliss' Encyclopaedia of Social Reform, p. 666.
CONTROL: Allegedly well-meaning efforts to protect individuals from the consequences of their choice restrict the opportunities for trade. There is reason to believe that the problems of accurate and sufficient information, the distortions of persuasion and propaganda, are intensified when government makes choices for individuals or constrains the individual's freedom to choose. Under such controls, the individual's incentive to become informed by his own efforts is reduced." - M. Bruce Johnson, Ph.D., Prof of Economics.
CONTROL: And, as a matter of fundamental principle, there is no more warrant for attempting to clamp political controls on a man's energies in his shop than there is to put his energies under political control in his church, his classroom, his editorial office or his study. If freedom is good in any one of these places, which I believe, it is good in every one of these places, - which I also believe." – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, 128/129. - So, why do most of the limited government libertarians and even most of the anarchists, still aim to form a territorial monopoly, even if only a largely decentralized one and one with only "limited" but still exclusive territorial powers? - JZ, 30.6.94.
CONTROL: At least the weather is still not controlled by the government. It may be the only unrestricted thing left. - JZ, 4.11.76.
CONTROL: Bear in mind, further, that governments today are given more to controlling the citizenry than to protecting life and livelihood." – Leonard E. Read, Castles in the Air, p.55. - Were they ever any good at the latter jobs and should they have a monopoly for them? - JZ, 29.6.94.
CONTROL: By substituting the rule of men for the rule of law and for voluntary cooperation in the market-place, the controls threaten the very foundations of a free society." - M. Friedman, An Economist's Protest, 31, October 28, 1971.
CONTROL: compulsory wage and price controls simply repress rather than eliminate inflationary pressure.... The policy is based on neither experience nor analysis but simply on the 'For God's sake, let's do something' syndrome." - M. Friedman, An Economist's Protest, p. 30.
CONTROL: Control government rather than people. - JZ, 15.8.74. - This requires among other things, individual secessionism and exterritorially autonomous associationism, monetary freedom, volunteer militias for the protection of individual rights, voluntary taxation, tyrannicide and other libertarian revolution, resistance and liberation techniques. - JZ, 29.6.94.
CONTROL: Control is the opposite of ... freedom..." - Leonard Franckowiak, THE FREEMAN, 10/72.
CONTROL: control over our own daily lives." - RED & BLACK, No.5. - In our private lives we do control it already, to a large extent. Only to the extent that our private and public lives have become territorially collectivised, municipalised, statised or nationalised, are we not in control. - JZ, 29.6.94, 22.11.08.
CONTROL: Control's real name is bondage. The logical conclusion would be, if giving up some rights produces a better society, then by giving up all our rights we could produce a perfect society. – Citizens' Rule Book - CONTROLS VS. RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
CONTROL: Controlled housing. Controlled prices. Controlled wages. Controlled business. Controlled unions. Controlled money. Controlled banking. Controlled television. Controlled news. CONTROLLED PEOPLE." - W. H. Peterson, THE FREEMAN, 2/75.
CONTROL: Controllers only imagine that they can fully control us. But under territorialism they do, certainly, control us already all too much, not only in tyrannies, dictatorships and totalitarian regimes but already in democracies as well. – JZ, 2.2.13. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENTALISM, STATE SOCIALISM, WELFARE STATES
CONTROL: Controllers, control yourselves! - JZ, 30.5.74. – Exterritorially autonomous communities even for statists! - JZ, 22.11.08. – SELF-CONTROL
CONTROL: controls ... destroy the main foundations of ... prosperity, namely the functioning market." - Hayek, Economic Freedom and Representative Government, p.8. – LEADERSHIP, PLANNING, STATE SOCIALISM, DICTOCRACY, TOTALITARIANISM, LICENSING, PERMITS, PROTECTIONISM, TERRITORIALISM
CONTROL: Controls are simply forcible interferences with individual decision-making, the negation of free choice. We refer to 'governmental price fixing of cotton', for instance. This terminology evades the real issue. It isn't the bale of cotton that suffers the interference; it is the grower, the ginner, the trader, the weaver, the consumer. Interference with personal choice!" – Leonard E. Read, Deeper Than You Think, p.128.
CONTROL: Controls tell lies." – Leonard E. Read, Castles in the Air. - Only territorially centralised government controls or bureaucratic controls do. - JZ & D.Z., n.d. - Controls don't lie but controllers do, e.g., by asserting that territorial, coercive and external controls of peaceful and productive people are efficient. Slavery and other forms of forced labour are the largest and longest instances to prove the inefficiencies of controls. - JZ, 29.6.94.
CONTROL: controls undermine individual morality." - M. Friedman, An Economist's Protest, p.31. – External and imposed controls. Not self-controls, based upon voluntarism and individual sovereignty and individual responsibility and choices. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: Controls, in other words, fail to comprehend the inescapable individualistic nature of human action." - W. H. Peterson, THE FREEMAN, 2/75. – Taxpayers and conscripts and other victims of territorial governments often wish they could easily escape their victimization. – JZ, 22.11.08.
CONTROL: CONTROLS: An Exercise in Futility." - M. Friedman, An Economist's Protest, p.34, May 22, 1972.
CONTROL: Cooperation rather than controls. - JZ, 6.6.92. - Free individual choice, cooperation and competition rather than controls by third parties one has not chosen for oneself. - JZ, 29.6.94.
CONTROL: Corrections of real or imagined faults lead to controls; controls lead to more faults and even more controls. Then, as the controls mount up, the costs and the bureaucracy, which is required to operate the controls, begin to escalate..."- H. R .H., Prince Philip, in QUADRANT, Jan. 78. - I wonder whether Prince Philip hasn't made many more libertarian flavoured remarks, which the press simply failed to report. - JZ, 29.6.94. - Is there a booklet, which compiled all of them? I suppose that Queen Elizabeth II has also made a few such remarks - but only in private. She has less freedom of expression than her husband and most of her subjects. - JZ, 4.10.02. - INTERVENTIONISM, COMMAND ECONOMY, BUREAUCRACY
CONTROL: De-control! - Ayn Rand, Let Us Alone! L.A. TIMES, August 5, 1962. – The largest and most powerful controls, in the negative sense, are the territorial ones. The potentially largest and most powerful controls, in the positive and rightful sense, are the exterritorial autonomy ones. Only they recognize and mobilize all genuine individual rights and liberties – to the extent tha individuals become aware and appreciative of them. - JZ, 12.11.10. - LAISSEZ FAIRE, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE, NON-INTERVENTION, TERRITORIALISM
CONTROL: despite compelling evidence that controls rarely work as intended, often don't work at all and frequently prove quite counter-productive! - In one respect they never fail. Invariably, they inflate the burden of the ever-diminishing proportion of productive taxpayers and worsen the plight of the private sector. Socialists, of course, love them, always imagining that they are there to control someone else; never grasping that they themselves and all their hopes, opportunities and unfathomed potentials, are likewise limited and constrained by them." - Jim Cameron, THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 5.12.78. - Compare L. E. Read's: "Release all creative energies!" – STATE SOCIALISM, PLANNING, LEADERSHIP, RULERS, TERRITORIALISM
CONTROL: each human being controls himself. The only control that causes your arm to move, your fingers to flex, or your brain to ideate, is your own control. I may be able to inspire or terrify others. I may be able to influence them for better or for worse. But when it comes to control, there is only one person on earth I can control. Myself. My relationship to me is personal and direct. My relationship to all others, although it might be personal, is and must be indirect. My body responds instantly to my control of it. (*) Were I to attempt to control you, I would have to make the effort by demanding my body to impose controls on your body. I can make no direct demands upon you. All such demands of necessity are indirect." - LEFEVRE'S JOURNAL, Winter 76. - (*) Do we have full control of our bodies? Try to control your body a) not to have a cold, b) not to have cancer, c) not to have a heart attack, d) not to have a stroke. Our psychosomatic powers are not yet highly enough developed for that. - Just because we do not have push-button control of others, does not mean that we cannot, to some extent, coercively control them in other ways. Slaves and conscripts are not altogether uncontrolled. Neither are school children or tax payers. - JZ, 29.6.94. - We should not use word games to ignore realities but, rather, use words, within their limits, to get a more true impression of realities. - JZ, 4.10.02. – How little we can control others effectively can be effectively demonstrated very simply by e.g. attempting to tell another person, exactly, how to put on or take off a pullover, fully under our command, with the other not being allowed to take any independent action or making any movement that is not ordered by us. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: Economic control is not merely control of a sector of human life which can be separated from the rest; it is the control of the means for all our ends." - F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, p.92. - Economic control is not merely control of a sector of human life which can be separated from the rest; it is the control of the means for all our ends." - Frederick Mayer (When and where? Did he merely copy or remember Hayek’s remark but not its origin? – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: Economic prosperity demanded economic liberty - men must be freed from the deadly hand of government control." – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.20.
CONTROL: Economy is out of control." - Heading in THE AUSTRALIAN, 18.9.73, p.8. - This would be wonderful - if it were true! - JZ, 1973. - Alas, what is meant is that with an avalanche of controls the politicians have "painted themselves into a corner" or incapacitated themselves, obviously, so much, that even they cannot see any chance for inflicting any further controls with any hope to achieve even temporarily any positive result. In other words, they have almost killed "their patient" with one "helpful" operation or medication after the other. If only they could think of any more "quack cure", that might seem to help, they would not hesitate to apply it. Compare their mental bankruptcy when confronted e.g. with the inflation, stagflation and deflation and massive unemployment they have caused or with low and negative growth rates their interventionism has brought about and with lower returns from more and higher taxes. The one positive result is that even state socialists came to advocate privatisation - as long as they can control the flow of the resulting funds into their own empty pockets or those of their "budgets". - JZ, 29.6.94.CONTROL: Every government control is a people control." - Mark Tier, 12.10.74.
CONTROL: Famous for her books, Atlas Shrugged and The Virtue of Selfishness, she preaches that any form of collectivism or State control is anti-life because it enslaves man." – SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, on Ayn Rand, 23.3. 76.
CONTROL: For the more earnestly the King tried to enforce the social order, and a control of production, which his ministers planned, the less his subjects were able to produce. And the Government's attempted control of men's energies constantly consumed more and more of the wealth that they produced, and constantly subtracted more and more energy from the productive energy in the nation." - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.138. - Compare: "I support a wife and 2 bureaucrats." – One should not ignore the fact that the politicians and bureaucrats do control the tax amounts that they coercively extracted from us! – JZ, 22.11.08. – On our own we cannot buy back what we produced between ourselves. – The wrongful territorial modern official and legalized “robber barons” appeared on the market, just like private pocket thieves and bank robbers. – JZ, 12.11.10. - TAXATION.
CONTROL: force can not (*) control human energy; it can only stop the use of human energy." - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.39/40. - If that were quite true, slavery would have ended very fast. Alas, some of the energy of others CAN be usurped or expropriated by others, often for all too long.” - JZ, 30.6.94. – (*) fully and very productively – JZ, 12.11.10. - SLAVERY, TAXATION, MONETARY DESPOTISM, CONSCRIPTION, FORCED LABOUR CAMPS
CONTROL: From the streets of Gdansk to those of Melbourne or Freemantle, the majority of people have only minimal control over their lives, the places they live in, the places they work. Our choices everywhere are limited by massive concentrations of power in governments, state structures, financial and industrial combines." - Mike Payne, 7.7.81, p. 27, Libertarian Politics and Alternative Life Styles, 2nd. Annual Review. - And these controls are territorially imposed upon dissenters. Let them opt out to do their own things to or for themselves, under self-control. - JZ, 4.10.02.
CONTROL: Fulton subscribed to the view that it is the right of every American to enjoy complete freedom from the tyranny of unwanted government control." - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.192, on Edward H. Fulton.
CONTROL: government can scarcely efficiently conduct even now the comparatively limited functions...” - Mr. M. Kidd, Social Revolution.”
CONTROL: Government control or self-control. Which do you want?" - William C. White.
CONTROL: Government controls standardise mistakes, disrupt efficiency, delay progress and prolong suffering. And they are generally demoralising." - Joan Wilke, THE FREEMAN, 7/75, 397.
CONTROL: Government CONTROLS: Get The Hell Out Of The Way!" - Sticker by Objectivist Information Service, REASON, 2/74. – HOW? Without free individual and group secessionism? – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: Government has no right to control the lives of individuals in any way except to prevent them from forcibly (*) interfering with others. All other government control is aggression and is therefore immoral and illegal." – Robert Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p 116. - (*) or fraudulently or indirectly, e.g. through its wrongful legislation. And if government claims a monopoly for a whole territory, over followers and dissenters alike, to practise this control, then and to that extent, it becomes aggressive, too. - JZ, 29.6.94, 2.2.13.
CONTROL: Governments control people, not 'things'. In a totally controlled economy, it is the people, not the economy, that are totally controlled." - From the advertisement for a cassette tape by Dean Russell, Freedom Follows the Free Market.
CONTROL: Have controls ever worked?" - Question put in NEWSWEEK, Sep. 13, 1971. – Have territorial controls ever worked? – Obstructively and by increasing costs – yes. Constructivelyly and productively, reducing costs – no. - JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: Hayek's essay is needed to remind us that it takes a gang of hardened thugs to make control stick." - John Chamberlain, in THE FREEMAN, 10/75, on "The Road to Serfdom". - If you have still illusions on the "controllers", read his chapter: Why the Worst Get On Top. - JZ, 30.6.94. Or consider how effective governments are in preserving the peace or in defeating aggressors and criminals and how they make situations worse e.g. by prohibition or anti-drug-wars. – Even their harshest price control efforts do not stop the inflations the governments themselves cause, through their central banking or legislative sanctioning of monetary despotism, nevertheless, they tried this “control” measure again and again for about 4000 years. – Controls can largely restrict rights and liberties and make matters worse but they can never made to “stick” and become effective as intended by the controllers. – And these “controllers”, “guardians”, “regulators”, “lawmakers” or “protectors” themselves tend to get out of control. - JZ, 22.11.08, 12.11.10. – Who controls the Prime Minister? Who controls his advisors? Who controls his party? Who controls the collectivist territorial voters? – JZ, 12.11.10. – VOTING, DEMOCRACY, REPRESENTATION, CENTRAL BANKING, INFLATION, MONETARY DESPOTISM, MONETARY LEGISLATION, PRICE CONTROL
CONTROL: Helpless in the hands of torturers, a man still controls his thoughts and speech; but he can not act or speak freely." - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.182. – Can one really and fully control one’s thoughts and speech still, quite freely, even when one is under great pain? – JZ, 22.11.08. – Territorial government, with its avalanches of laws and bureaucrats, is an extortion, exploitation and fraud machine, an enormous confidence trickster child molester (compulsory schooling and conscription) and liar, with the power to legitimize and juridically defend all its aggressions and deceptions, even taxing its victims to finance its propaganda budget. – JZ, 12.11.10. - SELF-CONTROL VS. EXTERNAL AND TERRITORIAL CONTROLS, TERRITORIALISM, POLITICIANS, DEMOCRACY, STATISM, GOVERNMENT
CONTROL: How can controlled people learn to control themselves? - JZ, 1/75. – Q.
CONTROL: I am all in favour of every individual controlling his own life, even his own lifespan, his place or travel in the universe, the level of his intelligence and knowledge, all his self-concerned experiments and contracts on Earth. - JZ, 30.6.94. - SELF-CONTROL
CONTROL: I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me." - Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865. - But what if he had spoken up for geographical and individual secessionism? - JZ, 30.6.94. – CIVIL WAR
CONTROL: I have no desire and no intention to control, limit or regulate the productive and/or creative energies of any honest worker." - JAG, 15.2.75.
CONTROL: I know that there are people who should be controlled in this world, but the first thing we've got to do is to get them out of office." - Charles Blackwell, SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 8/76. - Or leave them in their offices - but secede from them! - JZ, 4.10.02. – GOVERNMENTS, CONTROLLERS, RULERS, BUREAUCRATS, POLITICIANS, MINISTERS, PRIME MINISTERS, PRESIDENTS
CONTROL: If another person controls the material results of one's actions, then he controls your whole life ..." - Mark Tier, Murphey's Rights vs. Human Rights. “One’s whole life”? – JZ
CONTROL: If everything's under control, you're going too slow.” - Mario Andretti – As if going, working and creating etc., at one’s own pace, where somehow wrong. – Naturally, one should only be paid by results. When controlled by the speed of a production line one becomes almost part of that machine. – JZ, 13.11.08. - PROGRESS, HIERARCHIES, AUTHORITIES
CONTROL: If I want to be free from any other man's dictation, I must understand that I can have no other man under my control." - W. G. Sumner, The Forgotten Man, 1883. – If I want to become free in my self-chosen society then I must give up all attempts to territorially control the self-chosen societies of others. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: IF I WERE KING. Never assume powers of control you would not freely grant to anyone else; this is one key to limited government." – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.XI. – And to any other society or community that diverse people do wish for themselves. Limited government is certainly not the one and only ideal. It is not even the highest one, although all too many libertarians still subscribe to it as such. – Let each adult and somewhat mature and sane person have his or her way, but always only at the own risk and expense. - JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: If inflation does not rule you then arbitrary government controls will." - either Bob Howard or Bob Cowin, 30.6.75. - Inflation is already the result of arbitrary government controls (note issue monopoly combined with legal tender). Price and wage controls, quotas, rationing etc., are vain attempts by governments to cope with the inflationary effects they have caused. - JZ, 30.6.94.
CONTROL: If the truth were recognized that no living person can coercively control the creative life of another beneficially, the whole dictocratic structure would tumble into a shambles." – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.91.
CONTROL: If you control the economy, you control lives; you have to bring everyone down to the lowest common denominator. You have to weed out the oddballs, stifle the innovators." - F. Paul Wilson, An Enemy of the State, p.185. - ECONOMY, LIFE, PEOPLE, CHOICE, PLANNING, BUREAUCRACY, DECISION
CONTROL: If you wouldn't have others control your life, then never try to control anyone else." - Leonard E. Read, THE FREEMAN, 7/74. – Aggressors and criminals with involuntary victims do need to be controlled, competitively and by free enterprises, much more effectively than any territorial government possibly can. Territorial governments themselves are the greatest aggressors and criminals. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: In 1946 a US war correspondent interviewed a German prisoner of war named Herman Goering. Previously Goering had been the economic overlord of Nazi Germany. He told the correspondent, Henry Taylor, and I quote - "... your America is doing many things in the economic field which we found caused much trouble. You are trying to control people's wages and prices - people's work. If you do that, you must control people's lives. And no country can do that part way; I tried it and failed. Nor can any country do it all the way either. I tried that too, and it failed. You are no better planners than we. I should think your economists would read what happened here. Will it be, as it always has been, that countries will not learn from the mistakes of others?" - Quoted from F. A. Harper's Stand-by Controls, FEE, 1953, p.20 - and here from Viv Forbes: Let's Free Enterprise.
CONTROL: In a world where man can control energy and time, can he learn to control himself?” - Robert B. Marcus, Jr. - Some cannot even control themselves, e.g. the power addicts, and yet, under present territorial conditions, they are allowed to control the lives of millions. The question is: Can these millions learn to liberate and control themselves? - In a world where most are all too limited in the control of their own lives, while a few control millions of others, namely their subjects, these millions cannot learn to control themselves. Freedom for all forms of self-control! - JZ, 24.4.02 & 17.8.02, 12.11.10. - SELF-CONTROL, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, DECISION-MAKING, , FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
CONTROL: In principle, there are only two methods for influencing others. We can promise to reward them if they behave as we wish. Or we can threaten to injure them if they don't. If we controlled others, we would not have to promise or threaten." - LEFEVRE'S JOURNAL, Fall 78. - What's wrong with persuasion attempts, instead or selling them information they want? That is neither rewarding nor threatening them and may be much more influential. - JZ, 29.6.94. – The same applies to freely set better examples, set by volunteers, under full exterritorial autonomy. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: In the first place, I believe economic necessity will eventually induce us to become a nation of lawbreakers in order to survive under a permanent system of wage, price and other controls." - Ben Moreel, THE FREEMAN, 4/75.
CONTROL: In what manner, then, are we identical? IN OUR INABILITY TO CONTROL THE LIFE OF ANOTHER BENEFICIALLY. In this respect, we are all alike in the sense that zeros are identical. To get it into my head that I can run or control your life better than you is nothing less than egomania. This affliction cannot, by the wildest stretch of the imagination, be called a faith; it is a psychosis ...." – Leonard E. Read, Who's Listening? p.120. – POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS, TERRITORIALISM, POLITICAL PARTIES, REFORMERS, POLITICS AS USUAL
CONTROL: Inadvertently or advertently the controllers accept the doctrine of behaviorism - the idea that men react rather than act, that, bluntly, people are sheep." - W. H. Peterson, THE FREEMAN, 2/75.
CONTROL: individual control over ourselves and our own property..." - Auberon Herbert, Mr. Spencer & The Great Machine, p.71. – Also over our association or disassociation with any State or government, any society and association, any service and supply organization. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: Individual error is a fact of life - something we all have to live with. But error that becomes institutionalised through government controls is something we shouldn't have to tolerate. We shouldn't give power to other people's mistakes." - Joan Wilke, THE FREEMAN, 7/75, 395. – We should distinguish between controls that volunteers inflict upon themselves and controls that dictocrats inflict territorially upon whole populations which, inevitably, contain many dissenters & dissatisfied minorities. – JZ, 22.11.08.
CONTROL: It is much better, according to Tucker, to allow people to bumble along in their own inefficient way than to remove the control of their own destiny from their hands." - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.165. – At least some people will not be bumblers and will thus, if free, set good examples to the others. – JZ, 22.11.08.
CONTROL: It is not an intrinsic part of the nature of man to seek to control others, or destroy the world he lives in." - Merilyn Fairskye, FREE ENTERPRISE, 4/76.
CONTROL: it is not possible to plan and control a market so as to improve on the free market, but it is possible to make it a hell of a lot worse. One has only to look at the situation existing today in Australia in the milk and egg industries to see very good illustrations of this principle." – John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia, p.33. – This difficulty become much larger when it comes to the control attempts for whole populations, countries, empires, allies and enemies. – All relationships have to become reduced to voluntary and contractual ones, to tolerantly doing the own things, while letting others do their own things. – On that compromise basically rational and moral beings can, finally, come to agree, regardless of their differences. – In short, we need a free market for whole political, economic and social systems as well. - JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: It is pertinent to recall here the old adage: 'Who so controls our subsistence controls us.' And also, as Professor F. A. Hayek cautioned us: 'Economic control is not merely control of a sector of human life which can be separated from the rest; it is control of the means for all our ends.'" - Admiral Ben Moreell, The Admiral's Log II, p. 35. – We should not neglect the legalized territorial political and social controls, either. There, too, laissez faire, laissez passer should come to prevail: Let people produce and run their alternative political and social systems and “enterprises” or utopias and intentional communities, but let us also uphold voluntary membership and consumer sovereignty and “let the buyer beware!”, to keep them in check and ourselves in control. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: it's always people, not economies, that are controlled. The officials of government can never control and direct THINGS but only people. That's you and me." - Dean Russell, THE FREEMAN, 2/78, p.71. – PEOPLE AS PROPERTY
CONTROL: it's wrong for one person to exercise control (through voting or otherwise) over someone else's life and property." - Harry Brown, quoted in Sy Leon, None of the Above, p.8.
CONTROL: Justice first; no legislation designed to give some an economic advantage at the expense of others, no arbitrary controls which prevent people from being as productive as they choose to be." - Edmund Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 7/75, p.437.
CONTROL: Kropotkin's emphasis upon the necessity of renouncing formal organised control by government and turning instead to the individual as the central focus of social life is the distinguishing characteristic of all anarchist thought and the rationale for proclaiming the philosophy of libertarianism the essential foundation of all anarchist theory." - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.5. – He should have confined that remark to territorially imposed institutions. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: leaves everyone under the dead hand of government control." - Robert G. Anderson, THE FREEMAN, May 74. – Government hands would not be so dead or non-responsive if all of them were confined to their voluntary victims and these, too, were free to secede. – JZ, 12.11.10
CONTROL: Liberty, Benn averred, is a strictly personal possession, which each one can cherish and which brings out the best in the individual. Control, by contrast, is an external arrangement imposed from outside, which sets up a natural reaction, invites even the best to find the means to evade it, and, therefore, tends to bring out the worst in everyone." - Deryck Abel: Ernest Benn, Counsel for Liberty, p.149/50. – Evasion only? Rightful resistance is hardly the worst action or indicates a character flaw. - JZ, 13.6.92, 29.6.94.
CONTROL: Like gamblers who do not go home after a run of losses on small bets, they take past failures as positive evidence that, given a big enough stake, they will win the jackpot. If only the government had total control of the economy we would achieve what could not be achieved by partial interference." - L. Chipman, in QUADRANT, 4/76. - All-over, gambling produces probably far less in losses than do controls. What makes controls much worse than gambling and betting is that the latter are, mostly, a quite voluntary activity, in which the participants only risk their own money. It is transferred from one fool to another. Moreover, some of the winners might be wise enough to invest their winnings productively. Territorial controls permit the controllers to gamble or bet with other people's incomes, property, labour and lives. – They cannot effectively and rightfully “run a country” but oh, how effective and wrongful they are, in most of their “actions”, reforms and regulations, their boards, measures, “programs”, “policies” and “guidelines”, to run it down and impoverish the population! - JZ, 29.6.94, 2.2.13. – STATISM, BUREAUCRACY, POLITICIANS, PUBLIC SERVANTS, TERRITORIALISM, RULERS, GOVERNMENTS, LEGISLATORS, PARLIAMENTS, REPRESENTATIVES
CONTROL: Long experimentation with government controls have shown us that no better economic system could be devised than the free functioning of the marketplace. Without the expenditure of a cent of taxpayers' money, it establishes production levels, prices and wages. Moreover, it does so rapidly, and in response to consumer desires." - Dean Smith, Conservatism, 208. – Alas, we have not yet full free market freedom e.g. as a result of monetary, financial and territorial despotism. – JZ, 22.11.08, 12.11.10. – FREE MARKETS VS. CENTRAL PLANNING, STATE SOCIALISM, MONOPOLIES, PRIVILETES, SUBSIDIES, TAXATION, TERRITORIALISMCONTROL: man's rightful domain of control is his person and property." - Don Franzen, Reply to Peter Crosby, THE PERSONALIST. Date?
CONTROL: Managing one's own life is complex enough; managing the lives of others is impossible. So, leave each to his own choosing so long as he does not infringe upon the rights of his fellow men. This is the whole case for the free market." - Leonard E. Read, Meditations on Freedom, p.22. – Also for panarchism, polyarchism, multiarchism and mutual tolerance for all tolerant actions and institutions. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: Men in government, who imagine that they are controlling a planned economy, MUST prevent economic progress - as, in the past, they have always done. For economic progress is a change in the use of men's productive energy. Only individuals who act against the majority opinion of their time will try to make such a change. And if they are not stopped, they destroy the existing (and majority-approved) government monopoly." - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.31. – As if they had not been able to exploit their law-making, juridical, police, central banking, taxation, war-making and foreign policy and licensing powers, to their own advantage, for all too long. Their system is not rightful, rational and progressive – but certainly powerful in all its wrongful and negative results. – JZ, 22.11.08. – Our flawed used of language misleads us into all kinds or wrongs, mistakes, errors, problems, crises and even catastrophes. – JZ, 2.2.13.
CONTROL: Moreover, under a system of government control of individual decision making, the diversity of human action and the scope of individual choice is minimised; acceptable and permissible behavior becomes that which the group in power currently fancies and approves." - M. Bruce Johnson, Freedom to Choose, World Research.
CONTROL: Most discussion of the wage-price freeze and the coming Phase II controls, has been strictly economic and operational: were they needed, will they work, how will they operate? I have recorded my own opposition to them in three columns in Newsweek. - There has been essentially no discussion of a much more fundamental issue. The controls are deeply and inherently immoral." - M. Friedman, An Economist's Protest, 31, October 28, 1971. – Territorialism does sum them all up into a single word, at least for me. – JZ, 2.2.13.
CONTROL: Most human beings, though in varying degrees, desire to control, not only their own lives but also the lives of others." - Bertrand Russell, Freedom and Government. - The territorial system does not give them any other option. Will this still be the usual desire once panarchism has existed for a few years or generations? - JZ, 6.4.89. - So far we have been conditioned to think and act only in territorial terms and in territorial institutions and relationships in all areas pre-empted by modern governments. That made us rather intolerant and thoughtless in these spheres. That we can leave each other alone is daily proven by our actions in our private lives. - JZ, 29.6.94. - PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE
CONTROL: Most important of all, the controls have significantly eroded your freedom and mine, significantly extended the power of Big Brother over our lives." - M. Friedman, An Economist's Protest, p.35.
CONTROL: Most territorial government controls are anti-social. - JZ, 16.11.82, 12.11.10. – TERRITORIALISM
CONTROL: no individual has any competency whatever to control the lives of others, to arrogate unto himself the freedom of choice that is morally implicit in the right to life of each human being." – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 3/81. - Compare A. Lincoln: "No man is good enough to rule another man without his consent."
CONTROL: No man should be able to control others through fear.” – Lee Bishop, Gunblaze, p.38. – However, the fear of certain, quick and rightful retaliation and of restitution claims, all competitively and efficiently supplied, should be put into the mind of every potential aggressor and criminal with victims! – JZ, 12.11.10. - FEAR, POWER, TERROR, MILITIA, COMPETITIVE JURISDICTIOINS & POLICE FORCES, PERSONAL LAW
CONTROL: No man, no matter how wonderfully prescient he seems when compared to his fellows, possesses the omniscience to control the lives of others." - Ridgway K. Foley, Jr., THE FREEMAN, 4/73. – However, they should be free to have a go to demonstrate their “knowledge, ideas and abilities” to voluntary victims, who, mostly, still need this kind of experience and education. – JZ, 12.11.10. – STATISM, VOLUNTARISM, LEADERSHIP, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, GURUS, PROPHETS, MAN, HUMAN NATURE
CONTROL: No peaceful non- aggressive citizen can be (*) submitted to the control of others, apart from his own consent.” - Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.370. - (*) rightfully! - Alas, up to now coercive and territorial submission and all too much submissiveness to it, has happened all too often and for all too long. - JZ, 29.6.94. – Would they, still, if there were alternative and successful experiments demonstrated all around them, among their volunteers? – JZ, 12.11.10, 2.2.13.
CONTROL: Nothing - not even the famous guinea pig - is as prolific as controls in the hands of political authority, during so-called emergencies." - F. A. Harper, Stand-by Controls, 1953. – First they do legally and stupidly, under numerous prejudices and errors, produce emergency situations. Then they pass dictatorial emergency legislation under the false pretence that it would be suitable to solve the problems they have legally created. – JZ, 12.11.10. - EMERGENCY LEGISLATION, LAWS, REGULATIONS, BUREAUCRACY
CONTROL: Now, State measures always imply more or less positive control; and even where they are not chargeable with actual coercion, they accustom men to look for instruction, guidance, and assistance from without, rather than to rely upon their own expedience." - W. v. Humboldt, in Sprading, Liberty & the Great Libertarians, p.112. - What is positive about controls? - JZ, 30.6.94. - Perhaps only self-control. About the few positive and many negative aspects of leadership see under Leadership. - Even the software controls of computers do not always work. - JZ, 4.10.02. – PLANNING, PRICE CONTROLS, PROTECTIONISM
CONTROL: Obviously, it is not possible for EACH person to control himself by controlling someone else who controls him." – Rose Wilder Lane, ibid, 209. - VOTING, POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATIVES.
CONTROL: One government control - given enough time, will eventually lead to the rest." - Bob Howard, 2/75. – One territorially imposed control … - JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: Or, to put it another way, the issue of liberty can scarcely be thought of as settled when the Great Debate about it becomes the difference between 60% and 70% in taxation, the control of many or just some media, or any other such matter which even in its specification shows that liberty is not at issue anyway - but only some degree or another of state control." - Karl Hess, The Lawless State, p.26. – The truth lies almost always in the details, not in vague generalizations. – JZ, 2.2.13.
CONTROL: Part of our problem centers on the effort to introduce external controls for a system - of systems that should be maintained by internal balancing forces. We are not attempting to recognize and refrain from inhibiting these self-regulating systems in our species upon which species survival depends. We are ignoring our own feedback functions.” – Frank Herbert, The Godmakers, p. 80. – PANARCHISM, MILITIA, NATURAL LAW, NATURAL HARMONY, FEEDBACK, LAISSEZ-FAIRE, VOLUNTARISM, PRICING SYSTEM, SECESSIONISM, INTERNAL BALANCES, SELF-CONTROL VS. EXTERNAL CONTROLS, SELF-REGULATION
CONTROL: People should control governments, not governments people. - JZ, 20.6.74. – Voluntary membership would see to that, in combination with personal law and exterritorial autonomy, as much as is possible for human beings. – JZ, 2.2.13. - VOLUNTARISM, CHOICE, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM
CONTROL: People who say I am urging control by a small group are just upside down. Control by a small group of people (they don't have to be wealthy), just any small group of people - I don't care whether they're socialists or millionaires - either way is just as bad. In a free market other people have an incentive to keep any small group from getting control." - Milton Friedman, SATURDAY EVENING POST, 5.6.77. - Alas, he did not apply this to e.g. central banking or the territorial monopolies of States. - JZ
CONTROL: Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort." - Robert Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long.
CONTROL: Politicians, who cannot even control their own tongues and itchy fingers, or those of their family or party members, imagine that they can effectively control millions of productive and peaceful human beings, under the delusion and pretence that they would thereby provide services rather than disservices to them, save them money rather than cost them money, save lives rather than take them, expand their liberties rather than destroy them. If anyone pretends that he could run a country and seriously attempts to do so, he should immediately be certified as insane and put into a mental asylum. His madness ought to be put under strict controls before he can do any further large wrong or harm. - JZ, 29.6.94. - POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATIVES, PRIME MINISTERS, PRESIDENTS, LEADERSHIP, RULERS, GOVERNMENT, POWER ADDICTION & POWER MADNESS SHOULD BECOME CERTIFIABLE.
CONTROL: Relevant to this thesis is a celebrated cliché which originated in the early thirties: 'The more complex the society, the more government control we need.' What this says, in effect, is that the more diversified our specialisations and the more numerous our exchanges - manifestations of free, creative energy at work - the more must we submit to authoritarian regulation. In short, the more freedom works its wonders, the more coercion we need! Talk about conjuring up contradictions! But such is the nature of the soothsayers' 'laws'." – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p. 70. – No one has the time, energy or interest to read and understand all the territorial control legislation and regulations EVEN ONCE! – It becomes, largely, unread fiction. – However, with the worst of intentions, politicians and bureaucrats apply some of it, selectively. - JZ, 12.11.10. - COMPLEXITY.
CONTROL: Robert Frost... 'stressed the right of the private citizen not to be politically controlled." - Peter J. Stanlis, THE INTERCOLLEGIATE REVIEW, Sum. 73, p. 224. – There are many intellectual supporters of some aspects of panarchism – but, so far, very few consistent ones. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: Robert Heinlein once said that there are really only two kinds of people, those who believe others must be controlled and those who don't." - L. Neil Smith, Lever Action Letter p.16. - Growing-up people, insane and aggressive ones, need to be controlled to some extent, by guardians or, defensively, by their past or potential victims. Those who are otherwise mature, but still believe in controls of peaceful and productive people, should be at liberty to have all the controls they want, but only among themselves. Those who do not believe in controlling creative energies should also be free to abolish all such controls among themselves and to build up very strong controls among themselves against remaining internal and external criminals and aggressors. – JZ, 29.6.94.
CONTROL: So long as we need to control other people, however benign our motives, we are captive to that need. In giving them freedom, we free ourselves. - Marilyn Ferguson – quoted by Anja Hartleb on Facebook, 16.3.12. – Compare: “Every leash has two ends.” - CONTROLLING OTHERS OR TRYING TO, VS. FREEDOM
CONTROL: So-called price controls are economic falsehoods by which people are enslaved." – Leonard E. Read, Castles in the Air. PRICE CONTROL, WAGE CONTROL
CONTROL: So long as we need to control other people, however benign our motives, we are captive to that need. In giving them freedom, we free ourselves. - Marilyn Ferguson – quoted by Anja Hartleb on Facebook, 16.3.12. – Compare: “Every leash has two ends.” - CONTROLLING OTHERS OR TRYING TO, VS. FREEDOM
CONTROL: SOMEBODY has to control the galaxy; otherwise everything would fly apart. Galaxies are reflections of their inhabitants; until everyone and everything can rule himself and itself, some outer control is necessary. Who would do the job if we didn't?" - Robert Sheckley, Dimension of Miracles. - The subjection of matter and energies to the laws of nature and the subjection or control of humans by self-control or by controls through other humans, should be distinguished. Among all controls of rational beings, self-control has at least the potential to work best. Only irrational beings, to the extent that they threaten the basic rights and liberties of others, have to be controlled, to some extent, by others. The 99% of reasonably decent and honest people should be able to control the ca. 1% of private and official criminals and should be able to do this without subjecting themselves to controls. - JZ, 24.6.92, 29.6.94, 2.2.13.
CONTROL: Something has gone wrong. When was the last time you felt you were controlling your own destiny? When was the last time you felt independent, free living and proud? When was the last time you showed little fear of the thriving power of police, IRS agents, city hall and government in general? It is no wonder why few people today proclaim that America is as free as it once was." - Society for Libertarian Life, leaflet, It's A FreeCountry, Ain't It?
CONTROL: Start lifting taxes and removing controls." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, p.1007.
CONTROL: State controls are only efficient in preventing the achievement of their aims. - JZ, 31.7.92, 29.6.94. – GOVERNMENTS, INEFFICIENCY, LONG TERM CONSEQUENCES OPPOSITE TO THEIR INTENTIONS
CONTROL: Surely what is needed is more private control in Canberra and not more public 'control' in the mining industry?" - Viv Forbes, in THE AUSTRALIAN
CONTROL: Take back control of your life." - FREEDOM TODAY, April 76 – It is not yet there for the taking. It still has to be made an individual or minority group option, quite constitutional, legal and juridical – and protected by better institutions than any territorial State can supply. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: That each person owns himself or herself exclusively, and is a slave to no one; That the individual is best served by society when he or she is free from the forcefully imposed controls of others, acting alone or in concert (as a government); ..." - From: LIBERTAS STATEMENT, Society for Libertarian Life.
CONTROL: The 'right to life', standing alone, has little meaning; to have its full significance, the right to life must be coupled to economic freedom. I repeat, IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO OWN A MAN IN ORDER TO CONTROL HIM; MAN IS CONTROLLED BY THOSE WHO CONTROL THE FRUITS OF HIS LABOR, EITHER BY DIRECT EXPROPRIATION, BY UNWARRANTED TAXATION, OR BY ANY OTHER MEANS. - The ideal of a free people, composed of sovereign individuals, was derived from those concepts. Government, relegated to the status of a service agency, was to be strictly limited in function to the protection and preservation of the rights of individuals. The powers of government, obtained by delegation from the citizens, were provisional. They were to be retained only as long as they were exercised within their carefully prescribed limitations." - Admiral Ben Moreell, Log II, p.175. - Alas, right from the beginning a totalitarian TERRITORIAL MONOPOLY was granted to them, which eliminated competing governments and societies. This, together with taxation powers, monetary despotism and protectionism and other concessions to statism, had the inevitable consequences. A service agency can be chosen or rejected by individuals. - JZ, 30.6.94.
CONTROL: The 20th century is the century of massive government control of individual liberty." - George H. Douglas, THE FREEMAN, 12/74. - Externally controlled individual liberty is no longer individual liberty. - JZ, 30.6.94.
CONTROL: the actual control of human energy is individual control,..." – Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, XV. - Maybe it would have been more accurate to have spoken of "full and direct" rather than of "actual" control. - JZ, 30.6.94. -
CONTROL: The answer is not to introduce a second, a third or a fourth set of controls, etc. but to allow normal market forces to provide the wealth of the nation." - Jocelyn Maxwell, TANSTAAFL, 3/76. - Market forces means here: the sum of individual self-controls. - JZ, 30.6.94. - "Release all creative energies!" – Leonard E. Read. They, if e.g. combined via an Ideas Archive could achieve much more than any centralised and coercive controls could. - JZ, 4.10.02. – We need not only a free market for economic actions and organizations but also for political and social ones. Did J. M. ever recognize that? I am not under the impression. I met her, possibly only once, recently, as a friend of Nev Kennard. She lives nearby but I did not get the impression that she is interested in radical freedom ideas that are still new to her. As a defender of free markets in economics she has done much good, I believe. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CONTROL: The communists disdain any free order. The essence of a communist or socialist system is control of people. Ther Iron Curtain, propaganda, controlled press, and purges are all instruments of control over the people." - Charles Heath, The Golden Egg, p.84.
CONTROL: The control of human energy is individual control. An individual's desire to achieve some aim is the stimulus that generates human energy. The individual controls that energy. He always controls it in accordance with his personal view of the desirable, the good." - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, XIII. – How much control over ourselves, our earnings and our property do we have now towards e.g. the tax collectors? – JZ, 22.11.08. – INDIVIDUALISM, TAXATION
CONTROL: The control of the production of wealth is the control of human life itself. –Hilaire Belloc- CONTROLS & HUMAN LIFE
CONTROL: The essence of government is control, or the attempt to control. He who attempts to control another is a governor, an aggressor, an invader; and the nature of such invasion is not changed, whether it is made by one man upon another man, after the manner of the ordinary criminal, or by one man upon all other men, after the manner of an absolute monarch, or by all other men upon one man, after the manner of a modern democracy." - Benjamin R. Tucker, 1893, Relation of the State to the Individual, quoted by Jerome Tuccille, Radical Libertarianism, p.28. – Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. - GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM
CONTROL: the false, counter - revolutionary belief that Government is an Authority controlling men and responsible for their welfare. - More and more, the multitudes who vote are believing this, and demanding that Government be responsible for their living conditions. The fact is that nothing but human energy working productively can produce any of the necessities of human life, any human living conditions. Men in government cannot be responsible for activities which they do not control, and never can control. Police can no more control any man's working than they can control his drinking or his breathing. The whole of history proves this, if common sense does not. Government regulation, government 'control', slows down production, hinders it, prevents it, reduces it, and can not possibly control it." - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.212. - Compare Read's: "Release all creative energies!" – As if slavery and serfdom, police States, totalitarian regimes, conscription and taxation and corresponding coercive exploitation had never existed and had not always existed for all too long. – JZ, 22.11.08. – Taking tax tributes and their revenue for granted, as if it were manna sent from heaven, the pigs do, naturally, crowd the common trough. – JZ, 12.11.10. - STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM, TERRITORIALISM, SLAVE MENTALITY, WELFARE STATE, SUBSIDIES, HAND-OUTS, AUTHORITARIANISM
CONTROL: The fundamental issue in the world today is not communism vs. anti-communism: it is freedom vs. controls, individual rights vs. government invasion." - Mark Tier, FREE ENTERPRISE, 8/74. – Has he made a clear stand as yet against all territorial invasiveness and for all non-territorial self-government and self-management of communities and societies of volunteers? – JZ, 12.11.10. – HUMAN RIGHTS
CONTROL: The government has got itself into an unholy mess by extending its control over so many technical branches of human activity." - Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 12/68. – Not only that. The worst aspect is their territorial monopolization for the practice of all political, economic and social systems. – Meulen rejected panarchism in his correspondence with Ulrich von Beckerath. He also managed to uphold collective responsibility! – However, at least from 1909 to the end of his life, in 1978, he defended his kind of individualism and free banking ideas, largely with a closed mind towards other free banking ideas. - JZ, 22.11.08, 2.2.13. – TERRITORIALISM VS. EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PERSONAL LAWS, PANARCHISM
CONTROL: The government's economic wizards (*) do not state against what targets these so-called weapons are to be directed but since all controls are ultimately disclosed as restrictions on the free acts of people, it is safe to say that in this case, too, the American people will receive the blast." - Ben Moreell, THE FREEMAN, 4/75, p.103. - (*) Why confirm them in their belief that they are "wizards? Why not also qualify this by inserting e.g. "so-called" wizards? - JZ, 30.6.94.
CONTROL: The great danger is that such controls have an in-built tendency to become permanent, even after the last shred of justification for them has disappeared." - Jim Cameron, THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 5.12.78.CONTROL: The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have not such desire. Robert Heinlein – in – GOVERNMENTS VS. THE PEOPLE, CONTROLLERS, LEADERSHIP, SUBJECTS, POWER, VICTIMIZERS & VICTIMS, POLITICS AS USUAL UNDER TERRITORIALISM, RULERS, PRIME MINISTERS, TERRITORIALISM, REPRESENTATIVES, POLITICIANS, STATISM
CONTROL: The longer controls are continued, the more damage they do." - Henry Ford II, quoted in LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION, 15/2.73.
CONTROL: The more control the more that requires control. This is the road to chaos." - Frank Herbert, The Dosadi Experiment, GALAXY 7/77, p 83. - ORDER, HARMONY
CONTROL: the more control, the more that needs control.” – Frank Herbert, The Godmakers, p.108. – The more self-control is allowed to exist and be practised the less external controls are required or justified. – JZ, 22.9.08. – The more one is in control of one’s own life the less one is bothered by having to control others and the less one is being controlled by others. – JZ, 13.11.08, 12.11.10. - SELF-CONTROL, EXTERNAL CONTROLS, SELF-MANAGEMENT, SELF-DIRECTION, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-DETERMINATION, DEFENCE, AGGRESSION
CONTROL: The more controls a government imposes, whether it be a communist or fascist, Labour or Liberal, the less freedom each one of us has." - Mark Tier, FREE ENTERPRISE, 8/74.
CONTROL: The more rigorously the controls are enforced, the more harm they do." - M. Friedman, An Economist's Protest, p.34.
CONTROL: The National Chamber is for limited government, individual freedom, free competitive markets, steady economic progress. Therefore, the Chamber is against increasing government controllism." - Chamber of Commerce of the U.S., n.d.
CONTROL: The objection to government is, not that it controls those who invade the liberty of others, but that it controls the non-invader." - Sprading, Liberty & The Great Libertarians, p.20. - Has the government ever and anywhere effectively controlled invaders and other criminals? - JZ, 29.6.94.
CONTROL: The only control which needs to be increased is self-control. All other kinds of controls ought to be decreased, as far and as fast as is possible or abolished outright, whenever and wherever this is possible. - JZ, n.d. & 29.6.94. – Conventional and nuclear power aggressors as well as ordinary criminals with victims may be the only people that need to be controlled by the others and deprived of all their wrongful powers. – JZ 22.11.08.
CONTROL: The only right controls are those of nature and bureaucracy is unnatural. - D.Z., 25.10.76. - The only right controls are those of nature. - D.Z., 76. - And the market. - JZ, 25.10 76. - The only right controls are those of nature, of the market, of self-control and the defensive controls by peaceful and productive people over criminals and aggressors. - JZ, 29.6.94.
CONTROL: The paradox is that you have tremendous control over your life, but you give up that control when you try to control others. For the only way you can control others is to recognise their natures and do what is necessary to evoke the desired reactions from those natures. Thus, your actions are dictated by the requirements involved when you attempt to control someone else." - Harry Brown, How I Found Freedom... p.26. - Someone else said it much more simply: "Any leash has two ends!"
CONTROL: The political agency envisioned in the Declaration of Independence and set up by the Constitution, was designed to end man's control of men. The goal was a society in which each person would be free to GOVERN HIMSELF, with political INTERVENTION sanctioned only to remove outside INTERFERENCE with this aim." – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log II, p.176/177. - SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-MANAGEMENT
CONTROL: The relative sameness of humans today is due in large part to coercive institutions of the recent past. Just as a one-crop farmer depends on uniformity of plants, so an authoritarian system depends on uniformity of people. A State can control only to the extent that people act and react in similar ways." - VONULIFE 3/73. - Control by the Soviet Regime for decades has "achieved" that about 1/3rd of the people were unable to learn from their experience and want a return to this system even now. - They ought to be given their chance, but among themselves only. That would speed up their learning process. Moreover, they would be surrounded by others living in their own chosen and considerably liberated and thus much more successful systems. - JZ, 30.6.94.
CONTROL: The schemes differ in name and form, but not in substance, for the prime ingredient is government control." - Bernard H. Siegan, THE FREEMAN, 7/74. - TERRITORIALISM
CONTROL: the spectre of total government control, advocated as 'the only solution' to the disaster by those whose insane policies had caused it." - Ernesto E. Blanco, P.E., THE FREEMAN, 6/74.
CONTROL: the sure formula for economic disaster is political control of the economy, which means: Politicians and their appointees controlling the use of someone else's money and property with no financial accountability if anything goes wrong." - Guy W. Riggs. - The worst wrong of present political control is the territorial control of involuntary members and subjects. All kinds of wrongful and harmful schemes could be powerfully practised under exterritorial autonomy - among voluntary victims and supporters. However, really ideal societies could then be established as well! - JZ, 4.10.02, 2.2.13.
CONTROL: The things a person does not control are not his own!" - Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 11/74. - PROPERTY
CONTROL: The time has come to end the usurpation of leadership in society - by priests, by soldiers, by plutocrats, by politicians - from which mankind has suffered and continues to suffer so much.' If man is ever to be free, he must devise a social system in which control over human activities is in the hands of the people themselves rather than officials of government and their legions of bureaucratic underlings." - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.522, quoting Ralph Borsodi. – The system of territorial monopoly is the essence of wrongful leadership - because it always involves large numbers of dissenters, who are, under it, no longer self-controlling or self-governing. - JZ, 4.10.02. - LEADERSHIP, USURPATION, POLITICIANS, OFFICIALS, PUBLIC SERVANTS, BUREAUCRACY, REGULATIONS, LAWS, TERRITORIALISM
CONTROL: The vast majority of 'the others' need not be controlled either. Or: The vast majority of 'the others' need not be controlled any more than you have to be controlled. - JZ, 10/72, 2.2.13.
CONTROL: There is either freedom or there is not. Control in only one or a few places shackles the entire system. It is like a slave shackled by only one foot; he is still a slave, and is not half free to go where he wishes.' – F. A. Harper, Writings, p.56. - Criminals (with victims) and their actions ought to be shackled. - JZ, 29.6.94.
CONTROL: There is little purely economic difference between what are vulgarly (and wrongly) called Communism and Capitalism. The big differences are in control over human beings." - Graham Hutton, All Capitalists Now.
CONTROL: there is no such thing as a successful 'controlled economy'. As in the case of physical laws, the natural laws of economics cannot be managed nor manipulated by parliaments, and any attempt at doing so must produced results quite the opposite of those promised." - Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.64. - PLANNING, ECONOMICS, NATURAL LAW, LAWS, CENTRAL BANKING, ECONOMICS
CONTROL: There is only one person on earth you can control. Yourself. Curiously, the kind of training many receive both at home and in school convinces the individual that he cannot control himself for he is controlled instead by society, business, and parents." - LEFEVRE'S JOURNAL, Sum. 77. - One should distinguish control of e.g., one's body movements and one's thinking from other controls. Sure, even now, under x legal restrictions, we could assume in many ways a higher control over our lives than we usually do. But that does not mean that we are already in full control of our lives, our property, our work, our environment. - JZ, 29.6.94. - With the power of affordable alternative media we could take much more control of the process of libertarian enlightenment than we have bothered to do so far. - JZ, 4.10.02. – But nothing but full freedom for tolerant actions, in the own sphere, at the own risk and expense, under full exterritorial autonomy and personal law, will amount to genuine self-control, self-government and self-determination. – JZ, 12.11.10. – NEW DRAFT manuscript, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM
CONTROL: There's an old proverb to the effect that whoever controls a man's subsistence (*) has acquired a leverage over the man himself, which impairs his freedom of thought, speech, and worship." - Edmund Opitz, in THE FREEMAN, 5/79, p. 291. (*) … has control over his life.
CONTROL: They are coercive impositions by other people .Other people are to run our lives and no we ourselves!" – Leonard E. Read, Who's Listening? p. 23/24. – Obviously, they are not Gods, either. – JZ, 22.11.08.
CONTROL: This was the avowed design of Marx, who also intended that this unlimited power of confiscation would be used as a means of abolishing ALL private property by transferring its control to the bureaucracy! That is the socialist ideal! It is not generally recognized that we have already, under today's tax schedules, travelled one-third the way toward that goal! May I again remind you: IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO OWN A MAN IN ORDER TO CONTROL HIM; MAN IS CONTROLLED BY THOSE WHO CONTROL THE FRUITS OF HIS LABOR." – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, 163.
CONTROL: Those who control the State usually enrich their friends." - Source? – And themselves. – JZ, 2.2.13.
CONTROL: Time and again he emphasises the truth - so neglected in our time - that any principle which sanctions controls on a man's productive or creative activities in office or shop may be invoked to curb liberty in the classroom, the pulpit, or the editorial office." - E. A. Opitz, in introduction to Admiral Ben Moreell's Log II, p. XVI.
CONTROL: To be free is not to be out of control, it is to be under your own control." - Robert LeFevre, COLORADO SPRINGS GAZETTE TELEGRAPH, April 26, 1964, p. 6D. – SELF-CONTROL
CONTROL: To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-ridden, regulated, penned up, indoctrinated, preached at, checked, appraised, seized, censured, commanded, by beings who have neither title, nor knowledge, nor virtue. To be governed is to have every movement noted, registered, counted, rated, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, refused, authorised, endorsed, admonished, prevented, reformed, redressed, corrected." - P. J. Proudhon, 1849.
CONTROL: To control himself, an individual must control the government that controls him." - Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.208, somewhat ridiculing this idea. - "How can all individuals control the government that controls them?" - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.209. - Let all individuals voluntarily join or secede from governments that are thus reduced to exterritorial autonomy only. Let each have the government or non-governmental free society of his or her dreams. That, if nothing else, has a good chance to cure them of their remaining illusions - and does put them into control of their own fate. - JZ, 30.6.94. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM
CONTROL: To control people - to rule over them - it is necessary to establish that those who govern are dignified and respect themselves and that those who are governed are undignified and do not respect themselves. The primary aim of every political ideology - of the imagery underlying every system of human organization - is to articulate that this distinction and division is true and just, ..." – Thomas Szasz, Heresies. - I can manage without dignity and respect as long as I can enjoy all my individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 4.10.02.
CONTROL: To focus on controlling the consensus is as unrealistic as to focus on controlling continental drifts." - Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p. 33. - This overlooks e.g. the effectiveness of some anti-freedom catchwords and slogans. - JZ, 30.6.94.
CONTROL: To live at all, and then to get the values that he wants in living, he must combine his energy with the energies of others. But in doing this, he always encounters an obstacle to the direct use of his energy to achieve his own desires. This obstacle is the problem of CONTROLLING the combined energies. This is a fact of common experience. Everyone knows, too, that the larger the number of individuals, the more difficult the problem. Two persons can solve it in a moment, but just try to get a dozen families started to a picnic! When this problem of control extends to millions of units of varying, unpredictable human energy, obviously no effort to control them all can possibly succeed." – Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, XIII. – If this were true then no government could ever organize a war! – They also manage to extract a vast tribute from the economy to finance their projects. - JZ, 22.11.08. – Voluntarism and sufficient information access does largely solve that problem. – JZ, 2.2.13. - DRUGS, PROHIBITION,
CONTROL: To some men, the power to control the lives of others is an end in itself. While there may be financial benefits to be gained by such power, these are considered mere bonuses by the genuine power seeker. His main objective is always the fulfilment of his insatiable lust for power. Ruling others is the ultimate in ego gratification for him." – R. Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, 40. - POWER, POLITICIANS, GOVERNMENT, LAWS
CONTROL: True, the government can steal from me with impunity. It can intimidate me, influence me, motivate me or kill me. But it cannot control me. - Some have difficulty in grasping this point, so let me try to make it analogously. Some argue, for instance, that parents control their children. Here, I am told, we have absolute, total government of the child by the parents. Not so. The child decides to cry. The parents decide that the child will stop crying. Who wins the argument? - True, the parents are capable of stealing from the child, intimidating, influencing, motivating or killing the child. But they cannot control the child. The child's energy is under his own control. - As a matter of fact, the primary cause of man's inhumanity to man, which appears to be growing rather than diminishing, arises from this inability to control others. Were I capable of controlling my reader, I would simply state something and, by stating it, control the reader's actions. This is nonsense and should be acknowledged as such." - Robert LeFevre, LEFEVRE'S JOURNAL, Fall 78. - It is also nonsense to assert that just because there is no absolute control there is no coercive control occurring at all. Most coercive controls do work to some extent - in a negative sense, or temporarily, until resistance forces overcome them. - JZ, 29.6.94.
CONTROL: We are, in fact, imprisoned by each control of the market ... every one of which reduces our options and exchanges." - Joan Marie Leonard, THE FREEMAN, 3/77.
CONTROL: We have always allowed others to control our struggles and then we find, invariably, that these others control our lives. To have control over our own daily lives requires political awareness, organization and change based in our own daily lives." - RED AND BLACK, No. 4, p.23. - It requires individual sovereignty and secessionism, voluntary membership and exterritorial autonomy under self-chosen personal laws. - JZ, 30.6.94. - PANARCHISM
CONTROL: We have controls through natural law that are much more efficient than any controls man can devise." - C. R. Batten, THE FREEMAN, 3/73. - More importantly, these are the only ones that are rightful. - JZ, 30.6.94.
CONTROL: We have reached the state where the private sector is that part of the economy the government controls and the public sector is the part that nobody controls." - British businessman James Goldsmith, quoted in THE BULLETIN. - The "public sector" might well be defined as: "organized irresponsibility". - JZ, n.d. - Who controls the controllers? - "Who guards the guardians?" - JZ, 29.6.94. – PLANNING, INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, LEADERSHIP, RULERS, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM
CONTROL: We reap as we sow. In trying to control others, we find ourselves controlled.” - Dr Mary J. Ruwart, Healing Our World, introduction. – “Every leash has two ends.” – You cannot hold down someone forever, since this requires too much of an effort for too long. You can either kill or terrorize him or let him get up. – JZ, 2.2.13. - VOTING, DEMOCRACY, PANARCHISM, ALTERNATIVE INSTITUTIONS, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM & TOLERANCE FOR ONESELF & FOR ALL OTHER TOLERANT PEOPLE
CONTROL: We seek control to create peace and prosperity, not realizing that this is the very means by which war and poverty are propagated. In fighting our dream without awareness, we become the instruments of its destruction.” - Dr Mary J. Ruwart, Healing Our World, introduction. – Control over our own lives, our own actions, our own aims and ways of reaching them, is not war- but peace-promoting. – Being controlled by others does indeed promote wars, oppression and exploitation. – It is territorial controls that promote wars, oppression, civil wars and terrorism. Exterritorial autonomy for volunteers promotes their opposites. - JZ, 13.11.08. - WAR, PEACE, POVERTY, PROSPERITY, PROTECTIONISM, WELFARE STATE, PANARCHISM
CONTROL: Were it true that you could be controlled by others outside yourself, then it would follow that you would spend your life controlling others, who in turn would control you. Control would be viewed as something others do to you and something you do to others. This is manifestly ridiculous. We influence each other. We CONTROL ourselves." - LEFEVRE'S JOURNAL, Sum. 77. - This is no more ridiculous than "democratic voting" is, which led to what Bastiat described as the "mutual plunder bund". The inmates of extermination camps were obviously not in full control of their lives. - JZ, 29.6.94. - Nevertheless, in some of them, the survivors rose and liberated themselves: Sobibor, Treblinka and Byalistok. Perhaps in some others, too. Finally, they rose in the Warsaw ghetto. Were there many survivors from this rising? - Lastly and against some threats, one has to be suitably armed, organised and trained to secure control over one's life and to control the coercive controllers. - JZ, 4.10.02, 2.2.13. - MILITIA, SELF-DEFENCE, GUN CONTROL, DISARMAMENT
CONTROL: What is needed is NO controls." - David A. Fyfe, THE FREEMAN, 6/74.
CONTROL: What the State claims to control is not the same as what it does control. YOU will have to investigate and decide for yourself." - Skye D"Aureous & Natalee Hall, LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION 69.
CONTROL: What we need is a technology of behavior. ... Were it not for the unwarranted generalisation that all control is wrong, we should deal with the social environment as simply as we deal with the non-social. - B. F. Skinner. - That is the credo of "social engineering" in a nutshell. - People considered merely as clay in the hands of others, as property of the manipulators! The Skinners, indeed, need to be kept under tight control. (Otherwise they will skin you alive! - JZ, 4.10.02.) They ought never be granted any controls over dissenters but only control over Skinnerites, as long as these have not yet learned their lessons. All IMPOSED controls are wrong, as far as other peaceful people are concerned. But, by all means, impose a governing screw or controller e.g. upon your lawn mover and upon any criminals with victims, especially ruling ones. - JZ, 8.3.84, 29.6.94. – SOCIAL ENGINEERING, PLANNING
CONTROL: When government controls marketing you are working towards communism." - Quoted in PROGRESS, July 75, p. 7.
CONTROL: When the government controls everything, it is irrelevant whether it follows the Moscow or the Peking line, or the Washington line. It makes absolutely no difference to the people in the country concerned." - Mark Tier, FREE ENTERPRISE, 8/74. – The degrees of difference were and still are significant, in spite of all too many resemblances. – JZ, 22.11.08.
CONTROL: Where governments exercise the greatest degree of control over their people, there you will find the lowest standards of living." - Ben Moreell, THE FREEMAN, 4/75.
CONTROL: Who should control your life and your property? You or the government?" - Geoff McNeill, WP candidate for Greenough, W.A., 1975.
CONTROL: Why are we being controlled from the cradle to the grave?" - REPORT ON FREEDOM, Oct. 74.
CONTROL: Why is the government NOT subject to controls on its spending of YOUR money?" - Dr Duncan Yuille, NATIONAL TIMES advertisement, 11.8.75. - Obviously, the parliamentary and senate controls and democratic elections are not enough. They are, rather, part of the problem. - JZ, 4.10.02. – Q.
CONTROL: you are being 'conned' by the government into accepting more and more controls." - THE AUSTRALIAN GP, Sep. 74.
CONTROL: YOU CAN'T CONTROL THE NATURES OF OTHER PEOPLE, BUT YOU CAN CONTROL HOW YOU'LL DEAL WITH THEM. And you can also control the extent and manner in which you'll be involved with them." - Harry Brown, How I Found Freedom..., p.26.
CONTROL: Your tax money buys controls!" – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, Winter 75/76. - Your tax money buys you control of your life by others. - JZ, 30.6.94. – Voluntary vs. compulsory taxation puts control into your hands. – JZ, 2.2.13.CONTROVERSIES: Any genuine concern for the welfare of the community is likely to arouse controversy. Such controversy is not unhealthy. Great aims have never been realised without powerful opposition. Problems cannot be solved by refusing to look at them. In the end, they usually reappear at the worst possible moment. It is much healthier to admit their existence straightaway, even if this should lead to violent controversies." - Otto von Habsburg, The Social Order of Tomorrow. – Many to most can be solved by full experimental freedom for volunteers under exterritorial autonomy. – JZ, 2.2.13.
CONTROVERSIES: Controversy equalises fools and wise men - and the fools know it." - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. - An Encyclopaedia of the best refutations of popular errors, myths and prejudices is needed to give truthful ideas and opinions their best chance. - JZ, 8.7.94. – That is one but certainly not the only motive for fools to accept controversial and flawed to false positions. – JZ, 2.2.13. - , PUBLIC OPINION, POPULAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES
CONTROVERSIES: Controversy: Yes. Prosecution of different views: No. - JZ, 30.6.92.
CONTROVERSIES: Experimental freedom for volunteer communities would reduce controversies to a minimum. - JZ, 30.6.94 – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE
CONTROVERSIES: When a thing ceases to be a subject of controversy, it ceases to be a subject of interest." - William Hazlitt, 1778 - 1830. - When a controversy has been going on for a long time then it also ceases to be of interest to most people. - JZ, 30.6.94. – Maybe with digital “argument mapping” as developed by Paul Monk et all, many of the long-standing controversies could finally become settled. – JZ, 27.11.08.
CONVENTIONS: Between the tyranny of being handled and judged by general laws and statistics at the large end and the tyranny of being handled and judged by gossip and fashion at the small end, there should be room for any real fellow with a little effrontery to take his liberties more or less at ease. ... Deeds that count are liberties taken with the conventions." - Robert Frost, Interviews, July 1954, pp 145/6. - Many "rebels", unable or unwilling to shake off the tyrannies of established laws, confine themselves to merely shake off the tyranny of more or less trivial conventions, e.g. in hair styles, clothing and music. - JZ, 30.6.94.
CONVENTIONS: Nobody can live in society without conventions. The reason why sensible people are as conventional as they can bear to be is that conventionality saves so much time and thought and trouble and social friction of one sort or another that it leaves them much more leisure for freedom than unconventionality does." - G. B. Shaw, 1856 - 1950. - POLITENESS, MANNERS, CIVILISATION, GENTLEMEN, SOCIALISATION OF BEHAVIOUR, CUSTOMS, TRADITIONS
CONVERGENCE: Hess: Not only did Goldwater agree with me but he had a theory of convergence that even I found somewhat radical. Goldwater believed - and probably still believes - that the Soviet Union, through the pressure of its people, would move steadily toward a free society, while the U.S., through the pressure of the liberals and the momentum of the Federal bureaucracy, would become more and more oligarchic. But, unlike many convergence theorists, Goldwater did not believe we would meet and stabilise. He felt we would cross, that they would keep moving toward freedom and we would keep moving toward dictatorship. I believed then and still believe now, that he is wrong - at least about Russia. They seem to be able to slow down the libertarian movement any time they want." - Karl Hess in PLAYBOY 7/76. - All the convergence theorists and those regimes they discussed, seem to have long ago converged upon an agreement that territorial sovereignty ought to be continued, at least if decentralized. Under exterritorial autonomy, volunteer communities could converge, grow apart, progress or reverse in any way they liked. - JZ, 30.6.94. – Compare the development to at least some economic liberty in China. – JZ, 2.2.13. - PANARCHISM
CONVERSATION: A conversation provides a lively and lasting pleasure only when we can talk about ourselves and things with which we are concerned or to which we are somewhat related. Every other conversation is soon boring to us while what interests us does soon bore to death anyone who is forced to listen.” - Leopardi, Gedanken (Thoughts), p.21. - One ought to try to find common interests, like taxes, free trade, competition, war, inflation, rather than merely talk about house and garden, cars, weather, sport etc. But how can one raise the horizons sufficiently for this and avoid common prejudices at the same time? Perhaps someone should start a guide to conversation starters and maintainers with non-libertarians? Leading questions, pre-selected, can be of some help in selecting worthwhile conversation partners. But much more could and should be done in this sphere to awaken minds and open up communication channels. - JZ, 22.7.86, 30.6.94. - QUESTIONS, JOKES, ENLNIGHTENMENT, IDEAS ARCHIVE, LIBERTARIAN PROJECTS LIST ONLINE, CLASSIFICATION SCHEMES, BETS, ELECTRONIC ARGUMENT MAPPING
CONVERSATION: Conversation is one of the greatest pleasures of life. But it wants leisure." - W. Somerset Maugham, The Trembling of a Leaf, 1921. - And some common interests. - JZ, 20.6.92. – Also sufficient contact options easily obtained, e.g. via meeting calendars, directories to people with special interests. Discussions merely of e.g. the weather, fashions, sports the latest territorial leadership struggles, gardening, tours, relatives etc. will hardly fascinate intelligent and informed people for long. – JZ, 2.2.13.
CONVERSATION: Dagoth claimed talk was the greatest human pleasure, even more than sex. Angela teased him, but I think he had a point." - Bill Johnson, Respect, ANALOG, 6/85. - TALKS, DISCUSSIONS, DEBATES, COMMUNICATION
CONVERSATION: Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after." - Anne Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea, 1955.
CONVERSATION: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation." - Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography, 1798.
CONVERSATION: The free conversation of a friend is what I would prefer to any entertainment." - David Hume, Letter to Michael Ramsay, July 5, 1727.
CONVERSATION: The reason why so few people are agreeable in conversation is that each is thinking more about what he intends to say than about what others are saying, and we never listen when we are eager to speak." - La Rochefoucauld, Maxims, 1665. - LISTENING
CONVERSION: So far it was mostly a case of one kind of savages trying to convert another. - JZ, 10.4.94. - MISSIONARIES, RELIGION
CONVERSION: This is as God intended it; that man should fulfil his destiny by conversion, which gains the consent of his will - not by coercion which overrides his will!" – Admiral Ben Moreell, The Admiral's Log II, 28. - EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, TOLERANCE, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIALISM, FREEDOM OF ACTION
CONVERTIBILITY: Convertibility into goods or services that one really and frequently wants, at par with a stated value standard, in which the goods and services are priced, rather than convertibility into physical examples of the value standard itself, which one mostly only wants when one cannot get the former and has come to distrust a means of exchange. - JZ, 29.7.84, 30.6.94. – STANDARD OF VALUE, REDEMPTIONISM
CONVERTIBILITY: Convertibility is a safeguard necessary to impose upon a MONOPOLIST, but unnecessary with COMPETING suppliers who cannot maintain themselves in the business unless they provide money at least as advantageous to the user as anybody else." – F. A. Hayek, Denationalisation of Money, p.84. - Gold Standard, Redemption, Value Standard – Convertibility into or redemption in rare metal currencies is not required to give banknotes a par value with a sound value standard on a free market. – JZ, 2.2.13. - FREE CHOICE OF VALUE STANDARDS, READINESS TO ACCEPT FOUNDATION, CLEARING OR ACCOUNTING GOLD STANDARD, MONETARY FREEDOM.
CONVICTIONS: All the strength and force of man comes from his faith in things unseen. He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions." - James F. Clarke, in Read's The Free Man's Almanac. - To some people facts matter, too. Faith has its weaknesses, as well, and doubt has its strengths. - JZ, 30.6.94. - FAITH, DOUBT
CONVICTIONS: Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies." - Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844 - 1900. - Another version or translation: "Convictions are often the most dangerous enemies of truth." - Only when intolerantly practised upon dissenters. The tolerant practice of false convictions tends to make them self-defeating. - JZ, 30.6.94. - "Convictions are more dangerous to truth than lies." - F. W. Nietzsche, Human All-too-Human, I/1878. - Often, not always. Even false convictions are often necessary to arrive, finally, at any truth. - JZ, 26.9.85. - On all important matters even all important errors ought to be fully explored - for the grains of truths which they might contain. - JZ, 30.6.94. - FANATICISM, IDEOLOGIES, LIES, TRUTH
CONVICTIONS: Convictions are prisons." - Nietzsche. - On the other hand, if you are innocent in prison, e.g. convicted because of your convictions, then they can also sustain you. - JZ, 8.7.94.
CONVICTIONS: Convinced: Very loudly in error.” – Ambrose Bierce. - My translation from the German version. JZ: “Ueberzeugt: aus voller Kehle im Irrtum." – RED.
CONVICTIONS: Every human being charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until convicted. ..." - From Human Rights draft in PEACE PLANS 4 & 61-63. - There are, probably, dozens of older and better formulas of the same idea, the presumption of innocence until convicted. But there is also something like the presumption of guilt. Shall we consider tyrants as innocents until they have been convicted in a court? Hitler never was an innocent, at least not after his 1923 putsch. He got only a short prison sentence for this, in considerable comfort, that gave him the rest required to write his infamous "Mein Kampf". - JZ, 4.10.02. - TYRANNICIDE, RESISTANCE, PROOF OF GUILT, THE BURDEN OF PROOF, PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE
CONVICTIONS: For each as much strength is left to carry out that of which he is convinced.” – Goethe, Sprueche in Prosa. – JZ tr. of: “Es bleibt einem Jeden immer noch so viel Kraft, das auszufuehren, wovon er ueberzeugt ist.” – How I wish that this would always be the case! – JZ, 14.9.08. – , STRENGTH, ENERGY, PROJECTS, SELF-DETERMINATION, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, IDEAS ARCHIVE & TALENT CENTRE
CONVICTIONS: He who says his conviction can never be shaken rarely stands on solid ground." - D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought. - And even then, earthquakes can and do occur. - JZ, 30.6.94.
CONVICTIONS: It is a blessed thing that in every age someone has had the individuality enough and courage enough to stand by his own convictions." - Robert Ingersoll. - Individuals
CONVICTIONS: It is deeply true that our ruling convictions are less the product of ratiocination than of sympathy, imagination, usage, tradition." - John Morley, On Compromise, p.136. - REASON, RATIONALITY, EMOTIONS.
CONVICTIONS: It is immoral not to stand on your convictions. Stand on your convictions. - Free after Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, p 979.
CONVICTIONS: Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction. –Blaise Pascal - FUNDAMENTALISM, FANATICISM, TRUE BELIEVERS, IDEOLOGIES, FAITH, BELIEF & EVIL ACTIONS
CONVICTIONS: Most and the worst evils which man has inflicted upon man did derive from the rock-solid faith in the correctness of false convictions." – Bertrand Russell. (Only in a retranslation from a German version!)
CONVICTIONS: Not your arguments convince, YOU convince." – (Nicht Deine Argumente ueberzeugen; DU überzeugst.") - Charles Tschopp. - The fact of faith and belief is infectious, rather than the particulars and "proofs" of faith and beliefs. Conviction convinces rather than convictions. - JZ, 4.7.92. - Convictions, arguments and opinions have never as yet been exposed to all of the optimum counter arguments, advanced in an optimum way. The necessary reference works and data banks for this or communication channels, have still to be established. - This compilation is just a pilot scheme for one example of them. - JZ, 30.6.94. – Another version: “Die Ueberzeugung des Redners ueberzeugt mehr als hundert Gruende." – “The conviction of the speaker convinces more than 100 arguments do.”) - Charles Tschopp.
CONVICTIONS: One must occasionally repeat the statement of one’s beliefs, what one approves of and what one condemns. One’s opponents certainly do not omit that.” - Goethe, “Sprueche in Prosa”, JZ tr. of: “Man muss sein Glaubensbekenntnis von Zeit zu Zeit wiederholen, aussprechen was man billigt, was man verdammt: der Gegentheil laesst’s ja auch nicht daran fehlen.“ - REPETITIONS
CONVICTIONS: Only a few are convinced by their own political convictions." - Petan. - Only few draw all the rightful and necessary conclusions from their own convictions. - JZ, 8.7.94. - Consistency, Logic, Principles, FREEDOM LOVERS & PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM
CONVICTIONS: Ours, as has been truly said, is 'a time of loud disputes and weak convictions.'" - John Morley, On Compromise, p.129. - See: Principles.
CONVICTIONS: The power to convince consists in the art to explain a matter so one-sidedly that all its other aspects are forgotten." - Ron Kritzfeld. – PROPAGANDA, AGITATION, , RED.
CONVICTIONS: The right to think, to know, and to utter', as John Milton said, is the dearest of all liberties. Without this right, there can be no liberty to any people; with it, there can be no slavery. When you have convinced thinking men that it is right, and humane men that it is just, you will gain your cause. Men always lose half of what is gained by violence. What is gained by argument, is gained forever.” - Wendell Phillips, in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.160. - Convincing others may require experimental freedom. And it makes conviction more certain and secure and lasting. If the whole case for liberty is not at least somewhere assembled and cheaply accessible, including the best refutations, fast enough for most purposes, in at least one medium, it will be less than optimally convincing. - JZ, 30.6.94, 23.11.08. - It took hundreds of years and a popular movement to realize degrees of Free Trade in at least one country, England, and only a few decades of many and much worse arguments to lose these degrees of Free Trade again. Free Trade options should be a matter not for parliaments and majorities to decide but for individuals and minority groups. Only thus do they have a good chance to become finally and permanently adopted by the majority. Even then the dissenting Protectionists should remain free to do their things to themselves. - JZ, 4.10.02. – However, compare: “Each new generation is a new invasion by barbarians.” Unless our education and self-enlightenment systems are much improved, that will continue to be a threat. – JZ, 2.2.13. - VIOLENCE, DESPOTISM, ARGUMENTS, REASON, CHOICE, PANARCHISM, PERSUASION, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION, IDEAS ARCHIVE, SUPER-COMPUTER-PROJECT, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS,
CONVICTIONS: The wicked act with dreadful intensity, while the good lack all conviction." - Yeats. - FAITH, CERTAINTY, KNOWLEDGE
CONVICTIONS: When life and convictions are not one, what is the worth of both?” (“When Leben und Ueberzeugung nicht eins sind - was sind sie beide wert?") – John Henry Mackay, Abrechnung, 50. - Convictions must not only be expressed but lived, as far as possible. - JZ 30.6.94, - INTEGRITY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR VOLUNTEERS
COOLNESS: Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes.” - Walt Whitman. – Do souls have any legs to stand on? Are they cool in a heat-wave or when near or with a sun? Are they “composed”? Out of what and by whom? – Should one remain cool, and calm and prevent any anger even when confronted with the greatest crimes or preparations for them? – JZ, 23.1.08. - UNDISTURBED, CALMNESS
COOLNESS: Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.” – Thomas Jefferson – How does that help us e.g. against the nuclear war threat? Or when we are put into a gas chamber? – JZ, 13.11.08. - STAY CALM, COOL, PATIENT & IN CONTROL OF YOURSELF. "CALM DOWN!", "DON'T LOSE YOUR COOL!"
COOPERATION: A cooperative society commences in persuasion, proceeds by consent, seeks success by common efforts, incurs risks and shares losses, intending that all its members shall proportionally share whatever benefits are secured ... proportionally to work done." - G. J. Holyoake, The History of Cooperation. - And proportionally to their investments in their common enterprise and their innovative contributions. - JZ, 8.7.94.
COOPERATION: A popular word in the slave morality is 'cooperation'. One sees it all the time in those training grounds of slaves, elementary schools. The word, as used in the schools, is simply a euphemism for 'submission'. One 'cooperates' with the authority figure or the majority by giving in to them and doing what they want. ... Yet there is another kind of cooperation, that which is found in sexual intercourse, conversation, and other good things. That is free and voluntary sharing, for the benefit of all participants. When the basic needs are safely satisfied, it is a pleasure to give and to share.” - DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIP, No.10. - There is no reason for letting 'cooperation' be defined only by authoritarians, egalitarians and collectivists. - I for one are more interested in voluntary and business-like productive cooperatives than in consumer cooperatives. - JZ, 17.6.94.
COOPERATION: According to Harman, the salvation of labor lies in the formation of local and national cooperative industries which will serve as a means for returning the fruit of the workingman's efforts to him. Beyond this, workingmen and women must be prepared to follow Robert Ingersoll's advice when he counselled them to 'agitate for the repeal of laws'." - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.305, on Moses Harman. – That could be interpreted as if he meant only municipalized and nationalized enterprises rather than those owned by their workers at ever level, not through confiscation but through purchases. – Whole industries cannot be properly planned and managed by workers, managers, no more so than by politicians and bureaucrats. - JZ, 2.2.13. – FREE ENTERPRISES, IN COOPERATIVE OR SELF-MANAGEMENT FORMSCOOPERATION: Alas, most men are neither ready as yet for cooperative self-management or for anarchism. But some are. Thus these should establish cooperatives and anarchies for themselves, and do so without threatening the archies and hierarchical enterprises still preferred by others. - JZ, 12.7.90, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: Among the numerous forms of productive organization, capitalistic, socialistic, cooperative, many if not most of them, especially when merely traditionally or ideologically predetermined rather than rationally designed and developed or experimentally established and grown, are bound to be less than optimal and some are even likely to be counter-productive to a large extent, as is somewhat indicated by the bankruptcy rates. It was a large error to assume that all forms of organization, ownership, management and self-management are suitable for all kinds of enterprises and all kinds of people. The worst mistakes were to assume that hierarchical controls or collective and egalitarian decision-making work well enough in large enterprises or over-sized work groups and departments. - JZ, 14.9.87, 30.6.94. – Optimal forms & sizes of enterprises, to be achieved through free experimentation & selection of the best precedents. – JZ, 2.2.13.
COOPERATION: An employee who is taking advantage of high fixed wages through incompetence, loafing or low production, will not see the folly and crime of his behaviour. He will not see the wisdom and justice of producing larger profits on a cooperative basis, whereby it is possible to share higher dividends mutually." - G. Szmak, The Four Blind Spots.
COOPERATION: An involuntary cooperative is not likely to be as cooperative as a voluntary one." - Diogenes of Panarchia, LIBERTRIAN CONNECTION, p.92.
COOPERATION: Any city, any free market, is also a kind of 'open cooperative', rewarding everyone according to work and capital input. - JZ, 26.11.81. - Apart from the distortions introduced by taxation and other interventionists legislation. - JZ,17.6.94.
COOPERATION: Any cooperative can be or become so large or egalitarian or committee-ridden that it no longer cooperates and functions as a cooperative. Decentralisation and individual initiative and incentives must also be practised, as far as possible, within cooperatives, otherwise they will become non-competitive. - JZ, 11.10.92, 1.7.94.
COOPERATION: any system based upon the permanence of the division of the producers into MASTER and WORKMEN is incapable of resolving their antagonism. It cannot do so because it organises this antagonism." - Hyacinthe Dubreuil, A Chance for Everybody, Chatto & Windus, London, 1939. – HIERARCHIES, BOSSES, EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP, CLASS WARFARE, INDUSTRIAL WARFARE, SELF-MANAGEMENT VS. MANAGEMENT, CO-OWNERSHIP OF WORKERS VS. ABSENTEE OWNERSHIP BY FINANCIERS, PRODUCTIVE COOPS
COOPERATION: Bastiat never tired of pointing out that the total number of satisfactions for any member of society is always far greater than the number he could secure by his own efforts. He insisted that there was an obvious disproportion between a man's consumption and his labor. This improvement of the condition of the individual was brought about by social cooperation, by the development of a God-given pattern of progress which carried everyone along with it to progressively greater heights unless political intervention entered the scene. He did not feel that the exercise of free will limited society. Indeed, he felt it was the exercise of free will which made society possible." - G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.208. - SOCIETY, DIVISION OF LABOUR, MACHINES, CAPITAL, LABOUR, PRODUCTIVITY
COOPERATION: Before any enterprise may be driven into liquidation (bankruptcy), its employees should be given the option to purchase it on terms, on any just and practicable terms and using any means of payment or securities, which are agreeable to the employees, the owners and the creditors. JZ, 2.5.89. – Including their own industrial or agricultural bonds, guaranteed by all the members of a productive cooperative or other self-management team. – If they add up their annual earnings they will see, as a rule, that within a few years they could purchase the enterprise they work in, with regular instalments, including capital repayment of the bonds they issued and interest rates. – Their greater incentives as co-owners would tend to increase their productivity so much that they could pay off the enterprise with part of the additional earnings, at least in many case, under a sound self-management, propertarians and profit-seeking scheme, not one e.g. influenced by egalitarianism. - JZ, 2.2.13. - Rather than see an enterprise destroyed or stopped, sell it to the employees under mutually acceptable terms. - JZ, 30.6.94. – PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES
COOPERATION: big industrial successes - Schwab, J. J. Hill, John H. Patterson, Ford, Marshall Field, Armour - you will discover that none of them founded success upon technical expertness as much as upon an ability to persuade men to WORK WITH them. The greatest of men cannot do more than develop the cooperation of those with whom they come into contact." - John Leitch, Man to Man, p.199. - That is not only a man to man problem but also an organisational and contractual problem. Hierarchical pressures must be replaced by propertarian and job incentives that would turn everyone, to some extent, into a businessman or capitalist or contractor at his job, to the extent and within the limits of everyone's competency, means and savings potential. - JZ, 17.6.94. – How much more could the great men of industry and commerce have achieved with e.g. optimized productive cooperatives? – JZ, 23.11.08, 2.1.13. - SUCCESS, CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY
COOPERATION: by respecting everybody's sovereignty, you liberate them to cooperate far more cordially than when they're FORCED to get along." - L. Neil Smith, The Nagasaki Vector, p.105. - Unless they are believers in e.g. "might is right" or in the aggressive sovereignty of territorial States and to that extent fail to recognize the sovereignty of others. - JZ, 1.7.94. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, PANARCHISM, PEACE
COOPERATION: Civilisation and civilised behaviour are based on cooperation and cooperation is not based on compulsion." - David Duffy, in AIR discussion, 1970/71.
COOPERATION: Competition and cooperation are twin virtues and when strictly observed they form what might well be called 'The thank you society'. When buying a loaf of bread for 75c, I say 'Thank your' because I want the bread more than the money. The grocer says 'Than you' because he wants the money more than the bread. This is the free market at the bread-and-butter-level!" - Leonard E. Read, How Do We Know? 82.
COOPERATION: Competitive productive cooperation, as far as is possible and desirable, individualized and also quite business-like, working for the market and providing even internally, within an enterprise, a market-like, proprietary and profit-incentive framework for every participant. - JZ, 4.10.92, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: Cooperate with the inevitable'. - 'You're omitting what he meant by cooperate,' ... 'He meant to use the inevitable the way a judo master uses his opponent's attack.'" - Poul Anderson, Orbit Unlimited, p.29. - MILITARY JIU JITSU, DESERTION, OPEN ARMS POLICIES, SEPARATE PEACE TREATIES, LIBERATION, PRISONER OF WAR TREATMENT, GOVERNMENTS IN EXILE, LIBERATION, DEFENCE
COOPERATION: Cooperation among men, he said, would flow naturally from self-interest alone: “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest." - Simon, A Time for Truth, p.21, quoting Adam Smith.
COOPERATION: Cooperation between governments is more like a trust action or collusion between privileged corporations - at the expense of citizens and consumers, than a cooperation in their favour. True cooperation requires full competition and here it requires competing governments. Cooperation between territorial, i.e. coercive and monopolistic governments is not the same as cooperation between free individuals. It is more like cooperation between criminals, official and unofficial ones, to further victimise honest and productive citizens. - JZ, 17.3.91, 9.4.91. - ALLIANCES
COOPERATION: Cooperation in production is not a good preparation for military slaves. It habituates people to think for themselves and to look ahead, responsibly. Thus, to some extent, it would prepare them to become good members of an ideal and voluntary militia force for the protection of individual rights. - JZ,17.6.94. – MILITIA VS. CONVENTIONAL SOLDIERS & OFFICERS
COOPERATION: Cooperation is good, too, but not cooperation between fire and oil tanker." - Rose Wilder Lane, ECONOMIC COUNCIL REVIEW OF BOOKS, June 49.
COOPERATION: Cooperation is impossible without peaceful competition." - Leonard E. Read, Meditations on Freedom, p.23.
COOPERATION: cooperation is only a dream in the absence of competition." - Leonard E. Read, An ABC of Freedom.
COOPERATION: Cooperation works best when gradually developed from the grass roots, at the speed the members are capable of and interested in, rather than imposed from above in a lump or in large segments that exceed the readiness of most employees to understand and accept. But with no automatic and hierarchical decision-making barriers to individual and group initiatives that are responsible or self-financed, internal organisation development, made up of numerous autonomous minor and not so minor steps, all agreed to by the participants, can become very fast, indeed. The creativity of one person in an enterprise cannot easily exceed the release of the creative energies of everyone in an enterprise. Only such a release should be termed a free enterprise, free market and capitalistic or, even "socialistic" effort. - JZ, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: cooperation, not competition, is the backbone of the social organism." - THE MATCH, Editorial, 1/75. - I would at least add: 'and competition is comparable to the cartilage and muscles keeping it in shape.' - JZ, 75. – Competition is a form of cooperation and cooperation is a form of competition. – JZ, 2.2.13.
COOPERATION: cooperation... has evolved as a way of shuffling our resources to productive uses." - Yale Brozen, REASON, 8/79, p.44. - The unstated and wrong assumption here is that cooperation has already fully evolved, while in many spheres it has barely begun. - JZ, 17.6.94.
COOPERATION: Cooperatives... 'beneficient system of the association of free and equal producers.' - Marx, 1866. - Did he realize that as such they would hardly need a Communist Party or a State, far less a Dictatorship of the Proletariat, and any of the despotic measures of the Communist Manifesto? - JZ, 17..6.94.
COOPERATION: Cooperators have the greatest and most widely spread interest in technical progress because they are not employees and additional earnings would benefit them directly and exclusively (if they own all the capital between them). Genuine cooperatives are only those in which the participants own at least a large percentage of the capital and are engaged in using the whole capital by working themselves with it, carrying the whole risk and benefits of their enterprise. Exceptions are work-cooperatives and lease-cooperatives. - JZ
COOPERATION: Enemies of free market relationships and of individualism have little chances for establishing and maintaining long lasting and successful productive cooperative enterprises. - JZ, 9.11.92. - Religiously motivated ones form one large exception. - JZ, 1.7.94.
COOPERATION: Freedom is the indispensable condition of successful cooperation; without it, cooperation is only a fine name for bondage.” - Josiah C. Wedgwood: Freedom Forever, p.177. - For instance, in good marriages and friendships there is also something that might be termed a bondage - but it is a voluntary one, a voluntary bond, based on pleasant and fruitful exchanges. - JZ, 17.6.94. - Compare: Bastiat's: "Society Is Exchange!"
COOPERATION: from competition in individualism to individuality in cooperation..." - Carlyle, quoted by Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.46.
COOPERATION: gentlemen, organise industry as much as you please. But we, for our part, will take care to see that you do not organize ROBBERY." – Frederic Bastiat, in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.249. - EXPROPRIATION, NATIONALIZATION, SOCIALIZATION, PROPERTY, OCCUPATION OF FACTORIES, VOLUNTARISM
COOPERATION: Given sufficient knowledge, it might be that compulsion could be substituted for the incentive of reward, though I doubt that it could, one can shuffle inanimate objects around; one can compel individuals to be at certain places at certain times; but one can hardly compel individuals to put forward their best efforts. Put another way, the substitution of compulsion for co-operation changes the amount of resources available." - Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, 166. - Make a simple experiment. Tell somebody how to put a jumper or pullover on and to take it off - but without undertaking any move on his own - instead, merely and exclusively following your commands. You will find it difficult to impossible to guide him sufficiently by your commands only. His independent "job sense" or cooperation is required, too, to do a good job efficiently. - JZ, 17.6.94.
COOPERATION: Henry Ford the elder was an outstanding exemplar of Johnson's wisdom: 'Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.'" Leonard E. Read, How Do We Know? 79, quoting Samuel Johnson, 1709 - 1884.
COOPERATION: However, if men are compelled by law to serve the interests of others, it is not cooperation, it is slavery." – Richard Grant, The Incredible Bread Machine, p.133/134.
COOPERATION: Hyacinthe Dubreuil, in his several works on labour cooperatives or autonomous group work, recognised much more clearly than most members of the cooperative movement did, that cooperatives give "a chance to everybody" to make much more by their productive effort than just fixed wages. He wanted to motivate the self-interest or profit motive competitively, in everyone, while getting as far as possible away from the old and still prevalent type of hierarchical control and decision-making in the process of production. - He was also one of the few who realised that ownership of the means of production is not necessary for this, although it could add some extra advantages. - JZ, 30.6.93, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: I choose voluntary cooperation, not coercion..." - JAG, 15.2.75.
COOPERATION: I do not believe that an individual should cooperate with criminals, and, for all the same reason, I do not believe that free countries should cooperate with dictatorship."- Ayn Rand, PLAYBOY interview. - But she still expected all freedom lovers to cooperate with the exclusive territorial and to that extent totalitarian monopoly of a "limited" government. - JZ, 17.6.94. – Also on the basis of an exclusive gold standard currency like the old redemptionist one. – Nor did she want to do away with the employer-employee relationship. - JZ, 23.11.08.
COOPERATION: I don't work for them; I work with them because they made me one of them." - Lee Correy, Manna, ANALOG 5/83, p.56.
COOPERATION: I find non-competitive cooperatives worse than useless. Competition is a form of cooperation and cooperation is a form of competition. To see them as irreconcilable opposites is an ideological spleen or a nominalistic error. - JZ, 4.10.92, 8.7.94.
COOPERATION: I would like to see a venture capital firm established that would specialise on providing the capital needed to transform any hierarchical firm into a soundly constructed and motivated productive cooperative, or partnership or share company with very extensive employee shareholding, or for arranging the issue of industrial bonds by the employees of an enterprise, which the members of the enterprise would mutually guarantee, with the aim of a take-over bid by them for the enterprise. - Why don't YOU coin a suitable slogan for such an effort? - JZ, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: If men were actuated by self-interest, which they are not, except in the case of a few saints, the whole human race would co-operate. There would be no more wars, no more armies, no more navies, no more atom bombs." - Bertrand Russell, Human Society in Ethics and Politics. - Just allow individuals to disassociate and associate individually, under exterritorial autonomy and personal laws, and the whole human race, made up only of individuals, would come as close to this universal cooperation as it can come and as it is desirable to come. - Universal Love or Brotherhood or World Government or World Federation are NOT THE solution. - JZ, 30.6.94. – I do not consider those to be “saints”, who are so abnormal that they are not motivated by self-interest. – JZ, 2.2.13.
COOPERATION: If we would become free, he reasoned, we must first place our trust in freedom, convinced that (*) men will act justly and prudently if given the chance. For 'When the attempt is made to establish institutions by a system of COERCIVE COOPERATION, the evil begins, and there is no end to it. Voluntary cooperation,' Morse held, 'is not only the one method consistent with liberty, it is by far the most practical and effective.' It is this strain in his thought that leads us to think of Sidney Morse as an anarchist." - W. O. Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.59. - (*) sufficient to most! JZ
COOPERATION: If you could increase your annual income by honest, hard and intelligent work, as labour saving or automated as possible, e.g. by 20% p.a., how many years would be required, approximately, to multiply your income? Doubling it: 4 years. Five-fold increase: 9 years. 10-fold increase: 13 years. - Such riches, based on honest work, could be attained through rightful and sensible cooperative production, which would "release everyone's creative energies". If you doubt this then compare some of the growth rates in high tech industries. My micrographic agency, for a few years, doubled its output every year. And compare the success of some "mere" suggestion box scheme, which did already achieve every year an average of 350 written improvement suggestions per employee. - JZ, n.d. & 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: In his view, one of the disastrous aspects of modern society is the divorce between ideas and work. Philosophy and the sciences emerge from the working life of man, the idea rises from the action, and the two should not be separated. Philosophy and science must therefore be reintegrated with industry." - George Woodcock, Proudhon, p.210. - The hierarchical employer-employee relationship, which perpetuates a capitalism and profit incentive only for a few and thereby a kind of class warfare ideology and anti-industrial warfare, has become almost as traditional, petrified, customary and habit forming model in most people's minds as once was Confucian Chinese society, the Catholic Church and as the territorial State still is. - JZ, 17.6.94.
COOPERATION: In most enterprises one acts like the State does, on a larger scale." - Siegfried Schwenke, 30.10.84. (Da macht man aus dem Unternehmen was der Staat im Grossen macht.) - HIERARCHIES, CAPITALISM, FREE ENTERPRISE, EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP
COOPERATION: In the end he gave his sympathies to the cooperative movement; he saw in this the culmination of the passage from status to contract in which Sir Henry Maine had found the essence of economic history. 'The regulation of labor becomes less coercive as society assumes a higher type. Here we reach a form in which the coerciveness has diminished to the smallest degree consistent with combined action. Each member is his own master in respect of the work he does; and is subject only to such rules, established by majority of the members, as are needful for maintaining order. The transition from the compulsory co-operation of militancy to the voluntary cooperation of industrialism...' - Will Durant, Herbert Spencer, p.45. – Panarchism realizes voluntary cooperation in another very important sphere, that of organizing the diverse political, economic and social systems that people want for themselves. – JZ, 23.11.08.
COOPERATION: Individualism is the best basis for a cooperative social order." - Anne Wortham, THE FREEMAN, Nov. 85. - It is the only basis. All other forms of cooperation but voluntaristic and contractual ones, based on individualism, are only various degrees of enslavement or subjugation of individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 31.7.92.
COOPERATION: Industrial cooperation - voluntary concert, with equitable control among all concerned in any enterprise." - George Jacob Holyoake, The History of Cooperation.
COOPERATION: Internalising the Invisible Hand." – Richard C. Cornuelle, Demanaging America, ch.12, heading.
COOPERATION: International cooperation embraces e.g. agreements among free men on free trade between themselves, on tyrannicide, asylum, free migration, peace and disarmament negotiations and treaties, directly with suppressed peoples (compare PEACE PLANS, plan 59), declarations of rightful war aims (PEACE PLANS, plan 58), unilateral peace declaration, volunteer militias (PEACE PLANS, Nos. 61-63). - JZ
COOPERATION: It is evident that many great and useful objects can be attained in this world only by cooperation. It is equally evident that there cannot be efficient cooperation if men proceed on the principle that they must not cooperate for one object unless they agree about other objects." - T. B. Macaulay, Gladstone on Church and State, EDINBURGH REVIEW, April, 1839
COOPERATION: it is good that there are those who walk beside us.” - Conclusion of: Walk With Me, by Rob Chilson, in ANALOG, 5/82. - VOLUNTARISMCOOPERATION: it was a fallacy that private enterprise prevented cooperation. (*) The people involved in turning raw material from all over the world into, say, an automobile - miners, rubber growers, oil-drillers, metal smelters, machinists, chemists, ship builders, truckers, packers, accountants, salesmen, store-men, clerks, to name just a few - managed to cooperate very effectively." - James P.Hogan, The Mirror Maze, p.205. - Not during strikes and lock-outs! The employer-employee relationship, in spite of some cooperative features, if and while both sides are sufficiently moral and rational, is, as Hyacinthe Dubreuil pointed out, basically an organized antagonism. This results from the fact that most wage systems, although supposedly designed and supervised and managed towards maximum productivity, still pay the one group for their labours, a largely fixed wage, for which its members try to give, all too often, as little in return as they can get away with, while the employers try to give them as little in wages as they can get away with and try to extract as much productive labour out of them as they can manage to do. So the labourers come to believe, largely, that they do not get what they earn and the employers come to think that their workers are overpaid for what they do. If one can forget about the anti-industrial strife thus caused and the counter-productive labour legislation thus motivated, and the effects of monetary despotism upon both groups, the system works still surprisingly well. Why? Machines, customer demands through the market, division of labour, quality controls, scientific management and accounting, psychology and the wide-spread belief that there are no better alternatives. But these can even make a military machine militarily effective, quite against the will of most involuntary participants. Self-management, in production and in internal politics as well as in international relations is something quite different, although even there some cooperation and autonomous teamwork does indeed occur. - (*) It prevents SOME, not ALL cooperation. - JZ, 30.6.94. –
COOPERATION: labour should employ capital and not ... capital ... employ labour." - View ascribed to Ernest Bader, 1890- 1982. - THE REACTOR. - Alas, his cooperation scheme was a top-down one and it was mixed up with a compulsory charity scheme. - JZ, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: Many people believe that production would increase enormously if the influence of unions would be excluded in all attempts to replace manpower by the power of machines. The entrepreneurs do everywhere complain that the unions, but the unorganised workers, too, resist every attempt to replace labour power by machine power. I believe these complaints to be well justified. The solution would be simple: Replacement of production, as organised now (employers and employees) by cooperative production, In cooperatives the workers have as large an interest in the continuous expansion of the use of machines as they have now an interest (or believe to have an interest) in restricting the use of machinery." - Ulrich von Beckerath, letter to Dr. K. Mann, 16.7.57.
COOPERATION: Many people like war because they find their peacetime occupations either positively humiliating and frustrating or just negatively boring." - A. Huxley, Ends and Means, p.94 & 122/3. - In it he reviews the labour cooperatives or the gang work or autonomous group work recommended by Hyacinthe Dubreuil in his "A Chance for Everybody".
COOPERATION: Merely naming an enterprise a cooperative and giving it the legal form of a cooperative, does not necessarily make it a productive cooperative, in any field. - JZ, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: Most cooperators, by their errors and beliefs and practices have given cooperation a bad name. But even their worst examples could not kill off the idea of rightful and efficient productive cooperatives completely. - JZ, 30.6.94. - One could say the same about the "self-government" and "self-determination" practices of democracies. - JZ, 8.7.94. - PANARCHISM
COOPERATION: Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good. – Mohandas Gandhi – in Strike the Root quotes. - & NON-COOPERATION, DUTY
COOPERATION: Non-hierarchical, self-managing, decentralized and self-responsible forms of production need not be directly associated with various other models and aims in order to be or remain attractive alternatives. But they could, already upon this limited model, become so successful and grow so fast in their business that the original members might become financially so well off that they will want to form a closed bodies, i.e., want to prevent new employees from becoming cooperators, thus relapsing into the old and counter-productive employer-employee relationship, this time with themselves on top. At least under conditions of monetary despotism and many other interventions with the economy, this tendency has been and is likely to remain rather strong. It could be countered e.g. by a movement towards open cooperatives, by making the establishment of new cooperatives as easy as possible, by encouraging more purchases of more firms by their cooperatively organized employees and managers, by introducing monetary freedom and free trade, and by introducing work cooperatives widely, which also implies extensive decentralisation within enterprises. - JZ, 5.12.86, 30.6.94. – The earnings of new members in “open cooperatives” will be determined by their labour and capital input. Thus there will be less or no animosity towards them by the older members. – JZ, 23.11.08.
COOPERATION: Not national service but self-service and service to others through self-managed and profit and loss sharing enterprises, through contracts or capital ownership, involving all members of an enterprise, is the true alternative. - JZ, 16.2.86, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: Not only HARMONY of cooperation in the social state, but also EFFICIENCY of cooperation, is best achieved by conformity to the law of equal freedom." - Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Ethics, par. 330.
COOPERATION: One of the main reasons for the prolonged and repeated failures of the movement for productive cooperatives was its fixture upon certain ideologically pre-determined models, which were supposedly superior to soundly run private enterprises but which ignored sound business principles and practices and individual responsibilities and incentives in some of their features, trying to replace them by socialistic, egalitarian or collectivistic ones, which were counter-productive. Participants should have approached most of their tasks like technicians and scientists would have. Advancing step by step, always on solid foundations and upon proven facts and observations. Otherwise, utopias designed internally for enterprises are no more likely to be successful than most external utopian colonies and intentional communities were. - JZ, 14.9.87, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: One, a Society of Stevedores, is boldly experimenting on the dockside at Grimsby. This society of self-employed persons is neither exploiter nor exploited. Such a society, to a trade union official, must seem as inexplicable as a fish living in an oak tree." - Jack Bailey, National Secretary of the Cooperative Party, in The British Co-operative Movement, Hutchinson's University Library, 1955, p. 73. - Since the cooperative movement has not yet made use of its micrographic (and other) self-publishing options, most of its writings are unpublished or out of print, out of sight and out of reach and its experiments are insufficiently recorded and reviewed - and even most of its writers and movement people seem to be insufficiently informed on all cooperative options. - JZ, 17.6.94. - Would it take many CDs to reproduce ALL writings on productive coops? - JZ, 4.10.02.
COOPERATION: Over 600 companies in Germany and Scandinavia now have contracts in which workers must approve management decisions before they can be implemented." - James Furlong, Labor in the Boardroom, quoted by R. A. Wilson in Right Where You Are Sitting Now. - Self-management or productive cooperation does not consist in the power to veto creative or propertarians actions by others. The power to fetter the creative or enterprising abilities of others is not equal to the unfettered creative and enterprising energies of individuals, once they become aware of them and free to use them. - JZ, 26.7.92. - Rightful internal decision-making should either be based upon independent production group contracts or upon property rights like partnerships, shares or cooperative ownership. What has happened here is rather an expansion of coercive and interventionist unionism, under the slogans of participatory power or industrial democracy. It means in practice: More destructive and obstructive power without responsibility. I would like to see how these 600 companies compared with 600 similar ones, established upon cooperative principles and practices that deserve this name. - JZ, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: People can control their own destinies only by managing their own economic affairs through GENUINE COOPERATIVES and this is the precondition of both freedom and peace." - Conclusions of Murray D. Lincoln, Vice-President in Charge of Revolution, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1960, 342pp.
COOPERATION: Popular prejudices among members of productive cooperatives can be even more counter-productive than the same popular prejudices are among employees and employers. In the latter case an organisational model, which at least somehow works and which people are accustomed to, or which is at least muddling through, puts some limits upon the enactment of popular prejudices. To hand, suddenly, full control over to employees, mostly holding various cooperative spleens, errors and myths to be truthful revelations, would be as absurd as handing over an enterprise to religious fanatics who would try to realize their religious dogmas in it. Thus the best kind of transition would probably occur once enterprises are a) bought by the staff, organized in a cooperative and b) all efficient previous managers are becoming members and are elected as specialists, c) when all subsequent reorganisation steps are very well pondered and compared with prior experiences, failures and successes with them and d) advanced only in a decentralized and self-responsible way by self-selected autonomous work groups, which practice self-management first of all at the level of their competency, at their workplace. - JZ, 30.6.94
COOPERATION: Right wears many aspects according to the bias of men's minds. So does Justice. And so does Liberty. Mr. Follin does well to base his Order on nature, with Herbert Spencer, and, with Herbert Spencer, to draw the sharp distinctions between voluntary cooperation and compulsory cooperation. Disentangled of all the unintentional, and intentional, misrepresentations of the political conflict, this remains the essential distinction which divides Individualists and Socialists. The Individualist recognizes that cooperation is the foundation in nature of man's ascent, and liberty to enter into combination (*) he regards as one of the most valuable rights of man. But he resists the efforts of Socialists and others to force him into their combinations, for their purposes, of which he disapproves." - S. Hutchinson Harris, The Doctrine of Personal Right, p.379. - (*) and to leave all associations, individually, freely! - JZ, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: Save possibly in education effects, cooperation can produce no general results that competition will not produce." - Henry George, Progress and Poverty, VI, 1879. - He, like most others, overlooked that cooperation can be an efficient form of competition, one that maximises individual incentive and teamwork. - JZ, 27.9.85. - Internal competition between autonomous work teams can make the cooperation within the competing teams and the all-over cooperative game, much more cooperative. - Nominalistic distinctions lead us often far away from the realities which they are supposed to describe and clarify. - JZ, 8.7.94. –
COOPERATION: Seek 'cooperation without subordination.'" - David Wiek, in ANARCHY 8.
COOPERATION: Some cooperative truths will finally emerge victorious and will be widely practised - once all the associated sectarian beliefs, dogmas and sects have been defeated by tolerant practice and comprehensive criticism. - JZ, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: Some time ago a noted professor of anthropology at a leading college condemned the market economy on the ground that cooperation was good, competition bad. What a fallacy! Example: When bakers of bread compete, the one who provides the best - highest quality at the lowest price - is the one with whom WE COOPERATE." - L. E. Read, How Do We Know? 82. - And the competitors, often much against their will, strive each, and thus they cooperate, however independently and competitively, to provide the best service they are capable of. And that requires a lot of cooperation within their enterprises, too. All true, and yet it does not cover the objections and rightful objectives and means of those who strive for self-management schemes within enterprises or productive cooperatives. - JZ, 30.6.94. –
COOPERATION: Spencer now points out that anterior to their names, the two political parties (*) at first stood respectively for two opposed types of social organization, and if we use the word 'cooperation' in its widest sense, these two are definable as the system of compulsory cooperation and the system of voluntary cooperation. 'Whiggism began with resistance to Charles II and his cabal, in their efforts to re-establish unchecked monarchical power. The Whigs ‘regarded the monarchy as a civil institution, established by the nation for the benefit of all its members’; while with the Tories ‘the monarch was the delegate of heaven’." - S. Hutchinson Harris: The Doctrine of Personal Right, p.125. - Compulsory cooperation is a contradiction in terms. It adds nothing to cooperation. On the contrary: It demolishes it. – (*) Tories and Whigs. – Herbert Spencer - JZ, 3.7.92.
COOPERATION: That is the true use of cooperation, to act as another competitive force, and thus to improve, not to replace, the competitive forces that are already in existence, whilst it is itself continually improved by them." - Auberon Herbert, The True Line of Deliverance, in A Plea for Liberty, p.405.
COOPERATION: That there are either legal obstacles to or unwarranted favours and privileges for productive cooperatives, at least in Germany, is proven merely by the existence of the following work: Dr jur. Klaus Mueller, Kommentar zum Gesetz betreffend die Erwerbs- und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften, 1976, Verlag Ernst u. Werner Gieseking, Bielefeld, 1148 S., 228 DM, in Dec. 1986. (Commentary to the law on Cooperatives ... – 1148 pages ...)
COOPERATION: The anti-profit, anti-competition, anti-speculation, anti-market, anti-trade, anti-capitalist and egalitarian mentality, beliefs, dogmas and practices, so popular among members of the cooperative movement, prevented them from developing the full potential of productive cooperatives and thus deriving their maximum benefits from them. - JZ, 30.6.93, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: The best productive cooperatives do not even try to be everything to everybody, i.e. a utopia or intentional community at the same time. They do not try to solve all sexual, family, living space, ecological and conservation problems at the same time, and all political ones, too. They simply try to optimize the involvement of capital and labour with each other and their customers. The associated problems are limited and solvable with some thoughtfulness and persistence. They would not provide heaven on earth but a significantly improved environment for production and exchange enterprises. Beyond that, some of them at least ought to become "open cooperatives", as Theodor Hertzka suggested and all of them should become monetarily and financially liberated. Nor should they become or remain subjected to any compulsory taxes, regulations, controls, licensing, quotas etc. They should become free participants in a free market or laissez faire economy - at least among all those in favour of it. - JZ, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: the business of multiplying satisfactions is best pursued by cooperation with his fellow man. Thus arises Society and its techniques: specialisation and exchange, capital accumulations, competition. Society is a labor-saving device, instinctively invented; it is not a contractual arrangement, anymore than the family is, but like the family it germinates in the composition of man." - Frank Chodorov, The Rise & Fall of Society, p.146. - I would like to see ALL societies established, as far as possible, upon explicit or implicit contracts, even while some respectable critics consider this to be impossible. Then I would predict that the most successful contractual societies would be those which left the largest scope to individual initiatives. - JZ, 8.7.94
COOPERATION: The case for industrial cooperatives (productive cooperatives, agricultural cooperatives, work cooperatives, autonomous work groups, partnerships) has greatly suffered by being embraced largely by people with ideological blinkers, who saw in cooperation something opposed to competition and individualism or merely a road towards an imposed egalitarianism. No wonder that most of their experiments turned out to be failures in competition with enterprises of any form without these hang-ups. - JZ, 5.12.83, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: the concept of a non-coercive cooperation, of a society that lets everyone get what he wants." - David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.88. - If he works for it, buys it or invest in it. - JZ, 17.6.94.
COOPERATION: The cooperation between professional mercenaries is not necessarily defensive or constructive. - JZ, 1.7.94.
COOPERATION: The elected and recallable chairman of a cooperative is rather the employee than the employer of the cooperators. More exactly, the introduction of cooperative production does away with the employer-employee relationships and introduces working partnerships. - JZ
COOPERATION: The first necessity of men in society is thus cooperation against aggression, whether from without the nation or within it;..." - S. Hutchinson Harris, The Doctrine of Personal Right, p.380.COOPERATION: The game of football, which is an extreme form of competition, also demonstrates the ultimate in cooperation (teamwork).” - Frank Goble, Beyond Failure, p.117. - If the aim were not so trivial and cooperation were embracing both teams, they could have one goal after the other and no one would suffer any injuries. As it is, they almost provide governmental obstacles and controls against each other, preventing the attainment of their game aims, while keeping themselves out of productive and creative activities. I do not understand the mentality of people who engage in violent war games without being conscripted into them. Their "war aims" of many sports seem to me to be as trivial or ridiculous as those of governments are. - JZ, 30.6.94. - SPORTS, BOXING
COOPERATION: The industrial management expert Professor Seymour Melman of Columbia University has compared the performance of Israeli plants operating under egalitarian cooperative lines within the kibbutzim with that of plants under hierarchical managerial controls outside the kibbutzim... He found that the cooperative enterprises showed 25 % higher productivity of labour, 24 % higher productivity of capital, 115 % larger net profit per production worker, and 13 % lower administrative costs." - L. S. Stavrianos. - Now I would like to see a similar comparison between cooperatives that are based on individualist principles and practices and those which are based on egalitarian ones. - JZ, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: The International Society of Free Space Colonisers is a network of selfish individuals who are cooperating in achieving a goal." - ISFSC leaflet: "Yes!" - SELFISHNESS
COOPERATION: The live-and-let-live system was endemic in trench warfare. It flourished despite the best efforts of senior officers to stop it, despite the passions aroused by combat, despite the military logic of kill or be killed, and despite the ease with which the high command was able to repress any local efforts to arrange a direct truce. This is a case of cooperation emerging despite great antagonism between the players. - Robert Axelrod. The Evolution of Cooperation - Ludwig von Mises Institute – Facebook, 19.10.12. – It is rather the political misleaders who are antagonistic to each other than their victims, in or out of uniforms. – JZ, 2.2.13. - ON THE FRONT, BETWEEN OFFICAL ENEMIES, FRATERNIZATION, DESERTION, WAR & PEACE AIMS DECLARATION BY THE SOLDIERS, PEACE NEGOTIATIONS & PEACE TREATIES BETWEEN THE SOLDIERS & OFFICERS OF ALL FORCES INVOLVED, OVER THE HEADS OF THEIR RULERS! MILITARY INSURRECTIONS AGAINST DICTATORS & TYRANTS, LIBERATING REVOLUTIONS, DESERTION TO A RIGHTFUL GOVERNMENT IN EXILE, LIBERTARIAN TAX STRIKES
COOPERATION: The modern industrial system is a great social cooperation. It is automatic and instinctive in its operation. The adjustments of the organs take place naturally. The parties are held together by impersonal force - supply and demand. They may never see each other; they may be separated by half the circumference of the globe. Their cooperation in the social effort is combined and distributed again by financial machinery, and the rights and interests are measured and satisfied without any special treaty or convention at all. All this goes on so smoothly and naturally that we forget to notice it. We think that it costs nothing - does itself, as it were. The truth is, that this great cooperative effort is one of the great products of civilisation - one of its costliest products and highest refinements, because here, more than anywhere else, intelligence comes in, but intelligence so clear and correct that it does not need expression." - W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.58. - I find it odd that so many, who like Sumner and Mises recognize cooperation in general, in market relationships, have not clearly seen its role within individual enterprises, and its realisation through exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers. - JZ, 17.6.94.
COOPERATION: The more market-like, business-like, pro-property, pro-profit, and pro-contract productive cooperatives are oriented, and the less they are influenced by ideological considerations which do not favour individual liberty, voluntarism, capitalism and free and private enterprise, the more successful they will be. - JZ, 23.9.87, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: The most productive miner - the most advanced creative thinker - who ever lived, could not exist on the fragments mined by himself alone. He and his fellow men have existed - can exist - only by the pooling of their respective fragments, their intellectual and spiritual resources. We all exist by reason of the advantage we take of the UNIQUE resources of each." - Leonard E. Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p.130/31. - Has he ever spelled out what this means for the organisation of productive cooperatives? - JZ, 17.6.94.
COOPERATION: The power of government is lessened, and the power of productive groups within the State increases; there is a passage 'from status to contract', from equality in subordination to freedom in initiative, from compulsory cooperation to cooperation in liberty..." - Herbert Spencer, quoted by Durant, The Philosophy of H. Spencer.
COOPERATION: the social principle that each individual gets a living by co-operating with his fellows becomes degraded into getting a living at the expense of others and government, as Frederic Bastiat said, 'becomes a device whereby everybody tries to get a living at the expense of everybody else.'" - GOOD GOVERNMENT, 4/76.
COOPERATION: The social problem of the future we consider to be, how to unite the greatest possible individual liberty of action with a common ownership in the raw materials of the globe, and an equal participation in all the benefits of combined labour." - J .S. Mill. - OPEN COOPERATIVES
COOPERATION: The social unit is the independent individual; the more individual and independent he is, the more able is he to cooperate, and the stronger the society he creates. Cooperation is possible only amongst independent individuals; among others, there may be regimentation but no creative cooperation. Society is a vast, natural, complex, intentional, and yet largely unconscious cooperation among those able to stand on their own, and, in the exigencies of life, lend a hand." - W. J. Cameron, quoted in Read's The Free Man's Almanac. - Productive cooperatives can be much more consciously organised, reorganised and reformed towards common objectives by their voluntary participants and within the competency of their teamwork circles. - JZ, 8.7.94.
COOPERATION: The ties by which all are held together are those of free cooperation and contract." - W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe to Each Other.
COOPERATION: Three helping one another bear the burden of six."- George Herbert, Jacula Prudentum, 1651. - Provided they organise themselves cooperatively rather than irresponsibly. Under State Socialism a dozen may only assume the burdens and achieve the productivity and income, between them, of only two or three fully under free enterprise and proprietary incentives. - JZ, 30.6.94, 23.11.08.
COOPERATION: Under present working conditions of management and subordination, the word "overlooker" (used by Harriet Martineau) is often a more accurate description of a management function, or rather common mis-management, than "overseer". - JZ, 31.3.87. - But the number of oversights, even of the best managers, is large, too - unless they manage to extract sufficient voluntary cooperation from their subordinates. - JZ, 8.7.94, 22.7.13. - CONTROL, CONSENT, SELF-MANAGEMENT
COOPERATION: Usually only such citizen activities as are presently widely permitted are proposed under the heading of international cooperation, such as student exchange schemes, peace corps activities, travel and research etc. But the sphere of cooperation, presently monopolised by territorial governments, is much larger and much more significant: International negotiations, decisions concerning war and peace, armament and disarmament. The first cooperative act should be to transfer this kind of power from the governments to the people, everywhere, even if this means 'interference' with the 'internal affairs' of a 'country'. (Read: Interference with the despotism of a regime or liberating its victims or protecting its victims against the regime. - JZ, 5.10.02.) Wherever people are not yet free enough to achieve this power, where it could not be constitutionally transferred or achieved by peaceful constitutional changes, the people should begin to act over the heads of their rulers. The relatively free people in the West could, e.g. offer the suppressed people in the East a separate peace treaty, one based on the recognition of their human rights. They could appeal to them to cooperate against their oppressors by a revolution or by fleeing or deserting to the West. The freer people would cooperate by advising them on how to rise successfully (following, among other rules, the exterritorial imperative) and by welcoming refugees and deserters as liberated people (and contributors to an increased standard of living, due to monetary and financial and other economic freedoms). Sending them back or keeping up immigration barriers against them or imposing 'qualifications' for asylum, means cooperation with the common enemy! Cooperation with the oppressed people, our secret allies, or whole captive nations, means, among other things, that the free peoples ought to declare rightful war aims (practically, a liberation programme) in case it should come to war between the own government and a dictatorial regime. (Compare: "Peace to the cottages, war to the palaces!") - Cooperation on the citizen level would, further, mean that they have to agree, explicitly or tacitly, on tyrannicide to rid the world of dictators, who threaten world peace. Economically, cooperation means, among other things, free trade, in consumer goods, not in arms and strategic materials, and also free and secure investments, uncontrolled by governments and not subject to nationalisation and special taxation. Militarily, it would mean, especially, the destruction of genocide devices, even one-sidedly, by the people themselves (organised, trained and armed for this purpose). Local volunteer militias for the protection of human rights would be required and their international federation for the preservation of peace. Political cooperation further means that the free citizens force “their” governments to permit the establishment of rightful and exterritorially fully autonomous governments in exile for the suppressed peoples - including all suppressed minorities. International cooperation could begin by public declarations of free citizens and soldiers that they would disobey their government if they were ever ordered by it to attack and conquer another country and its population. International cooperation would also mean that free citizens could and would set up for themselves, for possible future emergency situations and for presently suppressed people, revolutionary academies teaching not the techniques of terrorism and suppression but of true liberation for all who want liberty for themselves and are willing to concede liberty of choice for governmental and societal systems, even to their ideological opponents. International cooperation would also mean an attempt to end, everywhere, the existing and propagated class warfare - through realising cooperative production (and similar self-management schemes) on a voluntary basis, first internally, to demonstrate its advantages to all, thereby inflicting an immense ideological defeat on international totalitarian communism. - Compare: PEACE PLANS Nos. 16-18 & 61-63. - Why don't you try to express all this and more just in a couple of interconnected slogans? I made several attempts in PP 16-17 to express such a platform as concisely as it was possible for me to do. - Some notes by JZ, ca. 1970, 5.10.02, 2.2.13. - INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AT THE CITIZEN LEVEL
COOPERATION: voluntary cooperation is clearly individualistic." - B. R. Tucker, in W. O. Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.159.
COOPERATION: voluntary cooperation, as the anti-thesis of enforced cooperation or collectivisation failed to be effectively presented." - Bob James, Australian Anarchism, X.
COOPERATION: We are made for cooperation but are ignorant and prejudiced enough to practise aggression and fraud instead, thus forming a "mutual plunderbund". - JZ, 20.12.82. - Just imagine: We still try to get ahead through taxation and government budgets, i.e. through tributes and paying favourites and bribes. - JZ, 30.6.94. – WELFARE STATE, “PROGRESSIVE” SOCIAL POLICIES
COOPERATION: We are made for cooperation, like feet, like hands, like eye-lids, like the rows of the upper and lower teeth. To act against one another is contrary to nature." – Another version: We are born for cooperation, as are the feet, the hands, the eyelids, and the upper and lower jaws." - MarcusAurelius, Meditations, book ii, sec.1. - However, he was an imperialist and militarist, too, rather than a liberator. Also a philosophising militarist, like Frederic II of Prussia, "the Great"! - JZ, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: We have something very tangible to offer, ... something very rational, practical and easy of application. We offer cooperation. We offer non-compulsory organization... We offer every possible method of voluntary social union by which men and women may act together for the furtherance of well-being." - Benjamin R. Tucker. - The history of productive cooperation and the many mistakes made in it, indicate, that its optimum forms are not as easy to achieve as Tucker here assumes. - JZ, 17.6.94.
COOPERATION: we must also progress towards the capital-owning democracy of the future..." - Conservative election manifesto, A Better Tomorrow, 1970, quoted in Dr. Rhodes Boyson, editor, "Down with the Poor”, p. 74.
COOPERATION: We try to establish "cooperation" on the basis of compulsory membership, impositions of laws and of territorial monopolies or exclusive turfs for our preferred gangs. And we do not even permit dissenting individuals to individually secede from the resulting messes and burdens. - JZ, 30.6.94.
COOPERATION: What distinguishes man from animals is the insight into the advantages that can be derived from co-operation under the division of labour. Man curbs his innate instinct of aggression in order to co-operate with other human beings. The more he wants to improve his material well being, the more he must expand the system of the division of labour.” - Ludwig von Mises
COOPERATION: When was ever honey made with one bee in a hive?" - Thomas Hood, The Last Man, 1826.
COOPERATION: Whenever possible, the wage contract should be modified by a partnership contract, whereby the wage earner is made to share in the ownership, the management, or the profits." - Pius XI, Quadragesimo Anno, May 15th, 1931. - Even the Pope's voice was not yet influential enough to introduce productive cooperatives widely among Catholics. Among the reasons for this may be monetary despotism and protectionism, combined with the unionist and State-socialist "religion" that has penetrated even into Catholic minds. - JZ, 17.6.94.
COOPERATION: Why do so many people rather fuck each other up than fuck each other - or leave each other alone? How many opportunities for cooperation and exchange are used compared with opportunities to cheat or rob each other, under some pretence or the other? - JZ, 20.12.82.
COOPERATION: Why do we so often prefer the Zero-Sum-Games to the Win-Win Games? Why is mutual robbery with so many more popular than mutually beneficial and free trade? - JZ, 30.6.94, 23.11.08. – Q.
COOPERATION: Withhold your cooperation from the State. - JZ, rewording a phrase in THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 27.10.73.
COOPERATION: Workers should be under daily, nay constant but self-imposed pressure to do their best to earn their highest. - JZ 74. – Another version: Workers should be under daily, nay hourly but self-imposed pressure or rather incentives to do their best to earn their highest." - JZ, 15.10.74, 30.6.94. - COOPERATIVES, PRODUCTIVE, ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT
COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION: Cooperators filled with trade unionist ideas are almost bound to fail. – JZ, 1.9.97. – And trade unionists will only rarely attempt to establish cooperative productive enterprises, i.e. engage in self-help and self-management actions rather than in class warfare ones. – JZ, 13.11.08. - UNION PREJUDICES, TRADE UNIONISM
COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION: For you, the essence of management is getting the ideas out of the heads of the bosses into the heads of labor. For us the art of management is the art of mobilizing and pulling together the intellectual resources of all the employees in the service of the firm. …” - Konosuke Matsushita, 1985, quoted in Charles Hampden, Turner & Fons, Tropenaars, The Seven Cultures of Capitalism, Value Systems for Creating Wealth in the U.S., Britain, Japan, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands, Piatkus, London, 1999, 417pp, indexed. – Skimming it did not interest me in the rest of the book. But modern management, generally, seems to discover more and more the benefits of self-management which voluntary or cooperative socialism had discovered long ago. – With various forms of internal contracting and employee shareholding and very well developed suggestion box and bonus schemes modern firms tend to develop more and more in this direction. – JZ, 22.9.08. - MANAGEMENT & SELF-MANAGEMENT
COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION: Industrial enterprises must become more of a series of sub-enterprises.” – Ives Guyot, Le Conflits du Travail et Leur Solution, Fasquelle, 1903. - I have never seen that title in a translation. It seems that he, too, was a forerunner of Hyacinthe Dubreuil - in this respect. How come that valuable works like this are out of print and un-translated even 100 years later? – Or is this text already online somewhere, not only in French but in German and English as well? – If we had a complete libertarian bibliography, abstracts and review compilation then it would be easy to find out. As it is, one has to search through all too many URLs and pages for each title. - JZ, 17.9.08. - FREE ENTERPRISE, INTERNAL CONTRACTING, AUTONOMOUS GROUP WORK, LABOR COOPERATIVES, LIBERATION AT WORK
COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION: Productive cooperatives should not dogmatically maximize equality but merely responsibility via proprietary and decision-making interests and powers. – JZ, 7.10.92.
COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION: Share companies and corporations demonstrate the power of associationism under good management of combined productive capital and labor. Potential productive cooperators and other self-management groups have still to apply free associationism widely and enterprising enough themselves. Theoretically the employees of most firms could buy them, within a few years, on terms, in a businesslike way, using the capitalistic capital market. They could do this even when they pay a high price for them and a high interest rate for their remaining debt, expressed e.g. in their self-issued industrial bonds. They could immediately profit from this transformation by higher productivity, and thus higher earnings. I even believe that part of their extra productivity would be enough to pay off their debt within a few years. Such possibilities and calculations should engage employees rather than class warfare notions and practices. – JZ, 23.9.08. – By now a computer program should be offered that would need filling in merely regarding e.g. the number of employees, the capital value of the firm, the time period and interest rates of the industrial bonds used in the take-over bid, to find out how much it would cost each employees over a shorter or longer period, at lower or higher interest rates. Value preserving clauses should be inserted in the bonds, if legally permitted, to make them more attractive and estimates of higher earnings, based on prior experience with work cooperatives, could be added and compared with the costs of the take-over bids. With such a program a blueprint for this kind of take-over for many to most enterprises could be rapidly designed and made accessible to all employees and employers, to start negotiations about it. – According to my own and very limited experience, most employers are more ready for such offers than are most employees. – JZ, 12.11.10. - SELF-MANAGEMENT, LIBERATION AT WORK, PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES
COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION: Sickies, i.e. days taken off under the pretence of being sick, cost Australia A $ 15 (million? Billion?) p.a., and the largest percentage of “sick” days taken is by employees aged between 15 and 24, according to radio news 6.3.97. – Obviously, some dissatisfaction with jobs and with the employer-employee relationship is involved or even class warfare notions which are still promoted by trade unionists. The question is: How much lower would the occurrence of people taking a “sickie” be - if firms became cooperatively owned, e.g. by purchasing them on mutually acceptable terms? Co-owners might simply prefer shorter working hours, fewer working days and lower incomes and more flexible working hours and days. Due to other factors and incentives involved in cooperative ownership, productivity might then still go up in spite of lower average working hours per week. Then sickies could not be taken, supposedly at the expense of the boss, but only at the own expense or that of one’s work-mates and in the latter case their reaction is predictable and would reduce the incidence of sick days taken or reduce the incomes of the sick-players correspondingly. - JZ, 22.9.08, 2.2.13. – EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP, CAPITALISM OF EVERY WORKER VS. CAPITALISM OF A FEW - OR THE DISPERSED & NUMEROUS ABSENTEE OWNERS WITH INSUFFICIENT PERSONAL INTEREST IN JOB PERFORMANCECOOPERATIVE PRODUCTION: to find a way in which capitalism can be made more general, with the bulk of our people participating in individual ownership – not the collective ownership by way of government that is advocated by some and practised in some countries – is necessary.” - Ronald Reagan, p. 105, in “Sincerely, Ronald Reagan”, a collection of his letters, compiled by his secretary Helene von Damm, 1976. - PROPERTY, OWNERSHIP, CAPITALISM, EMPLOYEE-SHAREHOLDING, PARTNERSHIPS, COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION, AUTONOMOUS GROUP WORK
COORDINATION: A free market is the best coordinator. - JZ, 7.6.89. - But a general and quite free market and numerous special ones have to be established still, especially for freedom lovers and their struggles. - JZ, 1.7.94, 23,11.08.
COORDINATION: Hayek restates Smith's concept by saying that the coordination of individual effort in society is the result of an immensely complicated mechanism which exists, works and solves problems but is not the result of deliberate regulation. Or, as he puts it, 'The spontaneous interplay of the actions of individuals may produce something which is not the deliberate object of their actions but an organism in which every part performs a necessary function for the continuance of the whole, without any human mind having devised it’." - John Montgomery, in THE FREEMAN, quoting Hayek from: The Trend in Economic Thinking, ECONOMICA, May 33, p.130. - Faith in the "invisible hand" and in the incomprehensibility of markets to an individual and in their automatic establishment and maintenance, may keep freedom lovers from intentionally establishing the special markets they do need, like a complete bibliography, abstracts compilation, library service, information service, complete libertarian publishing, at least on affordable alternative media, ideas archives, a Slogans for Liberty compilation, a complete alphabetical index to all freedom writings, complete address lists etc. Faith is not a good enough substitute for common sense, here, too. While nobody can understand THE market fully or even any special market fully, anyone can, with some effort, recognize the desirability of at least some special market and work somewhat towards its establishment and maintenance. Without some forethought and systematic action in this direction the libertarian and anarchist movements condemn themselves to further decades, if not centuries of repeated failures. - JZ, 1.7.94. - Design, Spontaneity, Planning, Organism, Knowledge, Market
COORDINATION: there could exist a society which some socialists would call socialist but which I would regard as both capitalist and free. Such a society would be produced by combining the 'socialist' principle of worker control with radical decentralisation and the market structure that such a decentralisation necessitates. There would be no central authority able to impose its will on the individual economic units. Coordination would be by exchange, trade, by a market. Instead of firms, the normal form of organization would be workers cooperatives, controlled by their workers. - As long as individuals are free to own property, produce, buy, and sell as they wish, the fact that most people choose to organise themselves into workers cooperatives is no more a limitation on the society's freedom than is the fact that people in this country presently organise themselves into firms. It would, doubtless, be inconvenient for those who wanted things arranged differently - aspiring capitalists, for instance, who could find no work force because all the workers preferred to work for themselves." - David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.133. - Even productive cooperatives, if universally realized, could not generate all the additional capital they want internally or for each other. They would still welcome capitalist financiers as investors - but not as controllers. - JZ, 1.7.94. – COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION
COPYRIGHTS: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form of by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher." - How are we ever to get together and integrate all human knowledge and ideas as long as such clauses are typical for many to most books? Only reviews, short quotes, bibliographical and index entries are, presumably, permitted in most cases but they can never do full justice to an author. Short extracts would make his points much better and would also help to advertise his work and thought without costs to himself. Thus any author, who wants his observations and ideas more widely known, should express this by a clause almost opposite in contents to the above. In a compromise one might at least achieve something like the following clause: "While, as a whole, this book may not be copied, stored or transmitted by any means, without prior permission by the publisher and or author, any idea or observation or argument or wording in it may be freely copied, reproduced, stored, recorded and retrieved by any means, without special permission, as long as the source is given." - JZ, n.d.
COPYRIGHTS: Another intermediate solution or compromise or, if you will, radical solution, in application of the old American colonial proverbial wisdom: "Root, hog, or die!": All copyrights get lost if any work is kept out of print for more than 12 months. - JZ, 11.9.91.
COPYRIGHTS: Any author, in his own interest and that of his work, should make certain that his work gets never o.o.p., simply by reserving to himself the right to reproduce it, at least on microfiche, floppies or CDs, upon demand, if the publisher would ever let it get o.o.p., even temporarily. Or he should insist that the publisher should make it so available, once he has run out of paper copies and while new paper impressions are not a paying proposition. Alternatively, he could appeal to anyone to offer his works in such alternative formats, while it is not available in the standard paper format. - JZ, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: Any title kept out of print or out of alternative publication media for more than 5 years by the copyrights holders, should automatically lose all copyrights protection. In the interests of science, progress, rights and liberty, the exclusive temporary copyrights claim ought to become combined with an obligation to publish. - JZ, 23.12.92, 1.7.94. – At least in affordable alternative media – and for all but mere entertainment writings. – JZ, 23.11.08.
COPYRIGHTS: Anyone truly interested in bringing his idea to the arena of ordinary life welcomes every chance he gets." - Henry M. Boettinger, Moving Mountains, p.242.
COPYRIGHTS: As a temporary compromise with copyrights advocates, one might come to an agreement to exempt a) e.g. up to 1,000 copies of o.o.p. works, produced to keep them available, while the copyrights holders make no productive use of their copyrights, as well as b) all photocopies, microfiche, floppy disk and CD-ROM reproductions from all off the copyrights restrictions and royalty charges. Only upon larger and printed editions might some standard fee or percentage of the sales price be chargeable or claimable by copyrights holders. In this way their main earnings chance would remain and others would take over the publishing costs and risks in the meantime, with small or alternative media editions. - JZ, 3.9.91, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: As an argument "ad hominem" towards Christians, one might say: God didn't claim copyrights even for "his divine biblical pronouncements." Do you want to claim more rights for your own pronouncements than God claimed for his? - JZ, 7.9.86. – GOD, BIBLE
COPYRIGHTS: Books that have been out of print for years should at least be freely offered online and on disks, freely or cheaply, without copyrights restrictions in this format. Or at most upon payment of a low price to cover these costs and profit the ones who make them so available. As long as the present reading habits remain such a procedure would win them new readers for the printed editions, rather than reduce their number - once a new printed edition appears again. Those, who had come to love the electronic edition will then want to buy the newly printed book as well. The electronic editions could also include much in comments from readers, preferably with their email address and thus get the book still more talked about. Thus through free verbal advertising a book might even become a best seller. Even best-selling printed books have so far reached mostly only a small fraction of their potential readership in the whole world. Attempts by Google and others to offer all texts in full or at least in significant parts, are all part of an effort to make books more widely known, accessible and appreciated much more than they were so far, thus reducing the risk of further printed editions. Once the conventional publishers become aware of this then they will, in their own interest, offer their titles also free online or on disks. Alas, they are mostly all too slow in picking up new opportunities. That was indicated e.g. through the very slow growth of the number of audio-taped or disked books that appeared in the book shops. – JZ, 30.10.07.
COPYRIGHTS: Can one honour an author or innovator more than by freely duplicating and publicising his work? - JZ, 1.7.94.COPYRIGHTS: Contra Copyright, Again." Wendy McElroy argues for free market copyright. I agree. Get the government out of intellectual property. - - COPYRIGHTS -
COPYRIGHTS: Copyrighted books that are not kept in print are like frozen bank accounts, rather useless to anyone, except for the few copies kept in libraries and still available second-hand. – JZ, 16.3.04. – Copyrights should be forfeited when books are out of print for a few years, say 5 to 10 at most, and when they are not offered by the publisher or author in cheap alternative media. Then anybody should be free to offer them in such media. – For any good book or any book at least worth reading, belongs more to mankind than to the author or the first publisher. - JZ, 13.11.08. – BOOKS, COPYRIGHTS, ALTERNATIVE MEDIA PUBLISHING
COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights and printing costs have so far all too often prevented the reproduction of scholarly works, together with all the criticism and comments they caused. - JZ, 31.7.82, 1.7.94. – By now, online reviews of new books are often even formally invited. – JZ, 2.2.13.
COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights benefit mostly only those writers and publishers whose output is already widely known or when it becomes widely known. It does not benefit obscure writers or publishers whose output does not sell well but might contribute much more to the genuine enlightenment of mankind. Piracy, in the latter cases, can, up to a point, help these copyrights holders to become better known, until their titles do finally become quite profitable. Thus, if it were up to me, I would encourage piracy of formally copyrighted titles until they become famous and their writings profitable. - JZ, 4.7.92, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights do not assure that printed matter remains in print but, rather, assure, all too often and for all too long, that it remains out of print, most of the time, in most places and languages, because of lack of financial and other interests of the copyrights holders. - JZ, 18.9.88, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights is a form of censorship by writers, heirs and publishers: "You may not print or otherwise publish that - unless we give you our permission." - JZ, 25.9.84. – By now at least e-books are taken off, mostly at around $ 5 per downloaded copy. – I would still prefer whole special libraries on one CD or HDD, e.g. a complete libertarian library in this form. – There might be no or only minimal returns to their authors per title but their indirect benefits from thus becoming better known might be great. – JZ, 2.2.13.
COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights keep all too many works out of print and out of microfiche, CDs and websites. - JZ, 8.10.92, 23.11.08.
COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights may be the greatest enemy and obstacle for the collection, storage and retrieval of all knowledge. If it were profitable and easy, in the absence of all copyrights, then this job might already have been accomplished. As it is, under copyrights, this job seems to be priced out of our reach or involves too large and costly administrative labours. - JZ, 14.5.92, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights means, in practice: This information is censored – unless you do legally bribe me and my publisher to release it to you. You may not copy or duplicate or scan it in for others without our permission. – Trying to hog ideas or language expressions! – JZ, 8.9.98, 22.9.08.
COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights, combined with the all too wide-spread addiction to print on paper, has, without justification or necessity, shut up many of the most important pro-freedom authors for decades and more or less imprisoned the relatively few titles that were produced of their works, in some more or less inaccessible (to most people, in most of the countries, most of the time) libraries. - JZ, 27.7.93, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: Even the copyrights fanatics do not demand special royalty payments every time a book is “performed” by being read or at least partly memorized by a reader. – JZ, 29.5.95, 22.9.08.
COPYRIGHTS: Every day I am taxed, robbed by inflation, by monopolies and regulations, and so are most others oppressed, exploited and impoverished and subjugated - and you want me to respect a legal copyrights privilege for the few voices raised in protest against such legalized abuses? - JZ, 25.12.88, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: For Sagan himself, it amounts almost to a religion. He is persuaded that older civilisations, whirling around second-or third-generation stars, would possess technologies so advanced that to earth eyes they would appear 'indistinguishable from magic'. Having survived such technology, which inevitably would include weapons for global destruction, they would also have solved their social problems. They would be 'benign', and probably eager to share their secret of survival." – Report on Carl Sagan, in NEWSWEEK, 5.9/77. - I hold that most of the required survival solutions and solutions to social problems can already be found in the PEACE PLANS pages so far produced and cheaply and permanently available on microfiche. - At least as far as they are expressed by myself or Ulrich von Beckerath, they are not under copyrights restrictions! - JZ, 1.7.94. -
COPYRIGHTS: Freedom books, periodicals and articles, to fulfill their main function, working for freedom all the time and as widely as possible, should not be subjected to the risk of becoming out of print or not translated sufficiently, through copyrights restrictions but should, rather, allow their free reproduction in all media (at least in all alternative and cheap ones) by anyone, also their being offered in portable and comprehensive freedom libraries, seeing that a single 1 Tb external HD could already contain over 3 million books or an equivalent number of other libertarian text pages. – JZ, 15.10.95. – What does mankind gain by keeping such books unavailable or offered only in expensive media? – JZ, 13.11.08. – Famous authors might be able to gain more through lectures, interviews, endorsements, selling of autographs etc. than through their royalties. All alternatives to copyrights should be explored, which do not keep their works unavailable to too expensive. – JZ, 13.11.08. COPYRIGHTS FOR FREEDOM BOOKS?
COPYRIGHTS: How long and how often have good books been kept out of print or out of alternative publishing media by copyrights claims? Can we afford that kind of waste and neglect? - JZ, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: How much could good authors and innovators earn without legal copyrights claims - if they just made suitably worded appeals to their readers? They might frankly state how much time, labour and costs they have invested in research and writing efforts and in editing, corrections etc. They might appeal to readers to pay according to their satisfaction. FEE did all right for many years, by asking for donations rather than fixed subscriptions to its journal THE FREEMAN, - at least while it was almost alone in its field. And they might give their address and invite comments, promising perhaps a follow-up work that would include at least some of these and answers by the author, especially if readers and commentators contributed to the costs of the follow-up work. If the follow-up work would only be published on fiche or floppies, the author might even commit himself to their full publication. Particularly in a "tipping" culture like the U.S., the returns from satisfied customers to authors could be considerable. Everyone donating to the author at least $ 2 could be promised at least e.g. one microfiche or floppy filled with comments. For larger donations more such responses could be promised, if asked for. Something like a fan or correspondence club of satisfied readers might follow any significant title - and would act as a sales promotion force for it. A legal privilege is no substitute for all alternative market options. - JZ, 31.7.81, 1.7.94, 5.10.02.
COPYRIGHTS: How much is actually original new thought and discovery in any new title and how much merely a repetition and compilation from previous writings? Should those parts consisting out of quotations and references be rewarded like original work? Should original work be rewarded by any legal privileges? - JZ, 1.7.94. – It is already a mere temporary legalized privilege anyhow. – No genuine right or liberty is similarly time-limited. – JZ, 2.2.13.
COPYRIGHTS: If all authors had to pay for all the knowledge they picked up from others and were paid only for that knowledge which they independently added, how much would they have to pay, in balance, as a rule? - JZ, 8.7.94. – Q.
COPYRIGHTS: If only pro-freedom writers and publishers were not so possessive and exclusive about their writings (as if they contained mainly only their own original thoughts and as if more than a handful made any worthwhile money with them), then the whole freedom literature so far produced might already have been reproduced and become permanently and cheaply accessible, at least on microfiche, floppies and CDs and might, moreover, have become fully bibliographically listed, abstracted, reviewed and indexed. While we have not yet effective and affordable automatic reading, scanning, abstracting and indexing machines, cheaply collecting and "digesting" all these texts, a volunteer army of serious freedom lovers could and should keyboard or scan all this material and thus build up a comprehensive libertarian databank, library and information service. - JZ, 1.1.82, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: If someone accepts an authors description of an idea, i.e. causes the author no further sales costs with regard to it, then, to that extent, does the reader render a service to that author, provided only that the author really has an important message and wants it to spread. If the reader goes further and duplicates and distributes the writings of the author, all at the reader's expense and risk, then the reader's service to the author is all the larger. Authors who recognized this service would rather be inclined to subsidise than outlaw it. - JZ, 5.7.87, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: If you are a true freedom lover, you would want as many others as possible to freely share your own freedom insights and discoveries and would be glad if others helped you, at their expense and risk, to publicise them. - JZ, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: If you are really afraid that I might make some money by infringing your copyrights options and if you want to make some money from your writings, then why don't you try yourself to use cheap, efficient and lasting alternative publishing media like microfiche, floppy disks and CD-ROMs yourself? Or do you really fear that your ideas might be spread in this way and that you might become better known as their author? Either you will find out that you cannot make money in this way or you can. Keeping your writings unpublished or out of print will not help you. By all means, monopolize the mass media options: paper publishing, broadcasting options etc., from which, if you are lucky, you might make some or much money. But do not block alternative media from spreading your messages - or use them yourself. - If you try them, you will find that at least under present conditions they are not profitable yet and thus you would lose nothing, if others reproduced your writings in this format. On the contrary: They might help you a little to become better known. Almost everyone recommends website publishing in one form or the other - but so far only few made any money from this option, either. By all means, use it at least to advertise your printed offers, with reviews, contents lists and extracts or sell downloading options. - JZ, 3.5.01, 30.1.02. – (I admit that by now the number of personal websites, electronic newsletters, blogs etc. is already enormous. – JZ, 12.11.10.) More and more people experience that books offered free online do not reduced but increase the sale of their printed copies – Whoever comes to really love a book will want to obtain it in print as well. - JZ, 13.11.08. - ALTERNATIVE MEDIA, MICROFICHE, FLOPPY DISKS, CD-ROMS, WEBSITE PUBLISHING
COPYRIGHTS: Individual sesessionism, individual sovereignty, voluntarism and exterritorial autonomy, introduced by panarchism or polyarchism, would anyhow tend to do away with copyright in at least some of its personal law systems. They would not recognize these artificial monopoly claims of “positive legislation” and engage in unlimited “piracy”, at least when it comes to titles of some significance for individual rights and liberties. The remaining copyrights fanatics could then continue this kind of legalized monopolism only among their volunteers and at their expense and risk – while exposed through the non-copyrighted editions by many panarchies. They might punish their own members if they acquire such titles free or much more freely but they cannot rightly penalized the members of other societies of volunteers. – Property claims make no sense at all to anything that can be duplicated indefinitely without robbing the first writer or publisher, printer or copier. – JZ, 2.2.13.
COPYRIGHTS: Is there too much freedom in this world? Are there too many freedom writings, libraries, bookshops, information services? Can anyone do much for freedom ideas using only the conventional publishing methods? Can we expect all freedom ideas to become fast, easily, cheaply and soon accessible in print on paper? If not, then we should at least exempt e.g. their microfiche and floppy and CD reproduction from any copyrights restrictions. Perhaps, once all other rights and liberties are fully realized, we should take up copyrights claims as the very last question and problem to be solved? - JZ, 27.7.93, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: Knowledge and ideas, by their very nature, should be publicized, combined, integrated and as widely as possible duplicated and distributed. Any copyrights claims obstruct that. - JZ, 9.3.94.
COPYRIGHTS: Knowledge should not be monopolised in any way but multiplied and duplicated as much and as cheaply as possible, by anyone interested. - JZ, 15.2.94.
COPYRIGHTS: Legal copyrights claims have largely prevented or reduced to obscurity the many alternative reward systems for innovators that have been practised or proposed. Some of them, in free competition, or in combination, may be able to reward them much better than the temporary legal monopoly system does and could do this without acting as a block or brake upon the widest possible circulation and use of the ideas and knowledge or skill involved. - JZ, 1.7.94.COPYRIGHTS: Maybe, with some property worded appeals, and if a contact address is given, authors could get much more in monetary returns, in form of donations or consultation fees or rewards for lectures than they could have got from strictly claiming and enforcing their legal copyrights? - JZ, 21.3.87, 1.7.94. - Writers like Charles Dickens did. - JZ, 5.10.02. – Compare: FREE. The Future of a Radical Price, by Chris Anderson, rh Business Books, 2009, of which a 968 KBs abridged version was at least then offered free online. The book issue had become a bestseller within a short time., ISBN 9881847940445.
COPYRIGHTS: Men who try to monopolise potentially life-saving knowledge, by copyrights laws and claims, while holocaust threatens all of us, are thereby criminals - as accessories to mass murder attempts. - JZ, 31.10.82.
COPYRIGHTS: Moral recognition of authorship is due to anyone - if known as author. But temporary or permanent monopoly royalties for the fragments of new knowledge, ideas and expressions claimed under legal copyrights are morally and economically highly questionable. - JZ, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: No man can establish title to an idea - at most he can only claim possession. The stream of thought that irrigates the mind of each of us is a confluent of the intellectual river that drains the whole of the living universe." - Maurice Valency, introduction to Jean Giraudoux, Four Plays, 1958.
COPYRIGHTS: One of the counter-charges of some infringers of legal copyrights might be: You have kept a book o.o.p. that could possibly have prevented WW I, or WW II or World War III, or some genocide, some great depression with mass unemployment or some great inflation - if only it had been freely and widely reproduced before one of these events. - JZ, 19.5.86, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: One of the most sensible copyrights notices that I have so far found in books, apart from those which are not copyrighted, is the following: “Reproduction of up to 200 words of this work is not prohibited, providing the source, including the name and address of the author, is acknowledged.” – Brian Wilshire, The Fine Print, published by Brian Wilshire, PO Box 209, Round Corner, NSW 2158, Australia., 1992. – JZ, n.d.
COPYRIGHTS: Only one thing is impossible for God: to find any sense in any copyright law on the planet.” – Mark Twain, 1835-1910, Mark Twain in Eruption, 1940. Quoted in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, July 78. - GOD
COPYRIGHTS: Perhaps all copyrights claims should be postponed until we have finally achieved complete and permanent publishing, in at least one medium? Then such claims could perhaps be automatically raised, deducted and paid from a centralised or networked distribution system for all titles? - JZ, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: Physical property is something that you can feel, touch, and take away from someone else. Knowledge has none of those characteristics. So why treat ideas or creative works as property at all?" - Tech Central Station by Arnold Kling, (3/03/03) - - PATENTS, KNOWLEDGE, IDEAS & PROPERTY RIGHTS, Q.
COPYRIGHTS: Pirate printers and publishers became active when original works were produced only in what readers considered to be overpriced editions or when the conventional printing and publishing process caused shortages and delays. Then pirates and black marketeers appeared quickly as alternative and cheaper suppliers. However, if in future and world-wide e.g. the cheap microfiche (floppy disk & CD-ROM) self-publishing options were used by the authors themselves, keeping their titles permanently and competitively priced in print, in at least such media, then there would be no reason or incentive to order their titles from others than the authors themselves or their agents. The profit margin per book might then also be so small that potential pirates would not pirate these titles. Today, the initial capital required to putout a book in print (even in the low “on demand publishing” editions, which are lately made possible, of 100 - 250 copies only), is still so relatively high and the sales risk so large, that a book must have a high retail price to recover all the costs and losses of such publishing from those books which sell well enough. The official publishers do, presumably, pay also all the taxes that are involved, and use quality papers and bindings. Thus "pirates" are encouraged to become cost-cutting competitors to such highly priced editions, especially for so-called best-seller titles. Few would be interested to pirate e.g. the titles which LMP reproduced or originated. If they did, I would only be too pleased. But if the production costs are so greatly reduced, as can be done with microfiche (& floppy disks and CD-ROMs), also the storage and mailing costs, so that production upon demand can be achieved very cheaply, at a minimal capital outlay per title (For microfiche only ca. $ 25 for the average book). Thus such production upon demand can, potentially and largely, replace speculative and much larger editions that have to be warehoused while the sales attempts continue. At the same time, the low profit totals per each micro-fiched title would tend to keep pirates out. Pirates are also prevented from trying to offer cheap microfiche editions of expensive printed book editions, while microfiche editions are as hard to sell as they presently are, with not even one in a million interested in a particular title of this kind. Under wide-spread microfiche or disc self-publishing by authors, titles might then be purchased directly from the authors, or their agents. This might then be widely practised - not because it is legally required but rather because it is considered as morally superior and also good manners. - JZ, 6.6.82, 1.7.94, 2.2.13.
COPYRIGHTS: Share rather than monopolise good ideas. Giving is the precedent to receiving. The more one shares, the more one receives, whether intuitively or from others. This is the nature of intellectual and spiritual energy." - L. E. Read, Meditations on Freedom, p.18. - Every writer and thinker and innovator could benefit more from an archive of ideas and registry of talents than he himself could contribute to it. Nevertheless, they are not all rushing to establish such institutions for themselves. Why not? Perhaps, largely, because they imagine that a fully developed market for ideas and talents does already exist, in the supposedly "free" countries? You cannot teach those who already "know"! - JZ, 8.7.94. - To many speak glibly of "the free market for ideas" without being aware that, in practice, it does not yet exist. - JZ, 5.10.02.
COPYRIGHTS: Should there be copyrights for mere editorial work on classical writers, e.g. Adam Smith, comments on them, comparisons, explanations, and footnotes, that introduce nothing new and merely rearrange and interpret selections from old texts? They are hardly original works and copyrights claims for them amount to legalized parasitism on the classical writers and on their fans. Often these editors were educated at public schools and universities at public expense and may also receive salaries out of tax funds and are expected to write and publish something. Then to pay them extra for their non-original output seems quite wrong to me. But then how much is really original in any of the writings that are published? – JZ, 17.12.05.
COPYRIGHTS: Since no selection of quotes and extracts by reviewers are likely to do any book more justice than such quotes and extracts by the author himself, authors, as far as possible, should add in the appendix such selections of their own, with the invitation to freely include them in any publication by others, as long as the source is mentioned, and also in any databank and retrieval system. - JZ, n.d. - Or they should grant the general permission to reproduce extracts from the book, as long as the source is fully mentioned. - Many authors do this job now for themselves - by publishing extracts of their works on the Internet. - JZ 5.10.02.
COPYRIGHTS: The "Shareware" practice for computer software, indicates that at least some authors and innovators could earn more from follow- up services, individually charged for, once they have interested enough people in some of their basic innovated efforts, which they can buy cheaply and copy freely. - JZ, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: The attempt to spread wisdom by monopolising it. - JZ, 18.11.87.
COPYRIGHTS: The copyrights laws are not laws I made or consented to or contracted for. They are not an outgrowth of natural law, either. They differ too much and are too temporary in their claimed privileges for that. Thus, why should they be imposed upon me? I recognize only a copyright lasting for zero years. - JZ, 17.7.93.
COPYRIGHTS: the enemy of the author is not piracy, but obscurity. – Tim O’Reilly, quoted in FREE, by Chris Anderson, p.134. - PUBLISHING, BOOKS, ESSAYS, ARTICLES, OBSCURITY, WRITERS, AUTHORS & PIRACY
COPYRIGHTS: The more the ideas contents of a work would be freely quoted and referred to and reproduced by others, without imposing any restrictions upon such usage, the more would the author and his work become known, the larger would the sale of the full work likely to be. If a book happened to contain e.g., only a single new idea, then in this way at least there would be some assurance that this idea would not be overlooked in the avalanche of repetitive wordings and ideas that fill most books, articles and papers. - JZ, n.d.
COPYRIGHTS: Thomas Paine gave the copyright to printers in every colony. 'I must make no profit from my political writings', he said. 'They are with me a matter of principle. I cannot desire to derive benefit from them or make them the subject to attain it.'" - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.174.
COPYRIGHTS: To break down the present copyrights restrictions, a general rule like the following should be adopted: To promote discussion of the ideas in any published or unpublished text, any copying and duplicating and distribution should be permitted and welcomed which would, at the same time, add at least 10% to the volume (words, pages, pictures etc.) of the text in question, in form of criticism, references, facts, figures, comments etc. - JZ, 31.7.82, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: To diminish the harmful and cost-inflation effects, a rule should be recognized and realized that while a copyrights holder kept any title out of print, anybody would be free to offer it in any medium. Only while in print should private issues be outlawed - in this kind of compromise. One might compare this to the settlement requirements for undeveloped land. - JZ, 3.9.91, 1.7.94. - Often land clearing of at least a certain fraction of the land was required witin a stated number of years. – JZ, 2.2.13.
COPYRIGHTS: To hell with copyrights concerning the expression of ideas which might help to save mankind from extermination. - JZ, 1966.
COPYRIGHTS: We should be at least as ready to share good ideas for peace, freedom, justice and prosperity on earth, as we are to share e.g. good jokes or recipes. - JZ, 25.7.87.
COPYRIGHTS: What is the legal status of writings which an author has eliminated from his re-published works? Are they abandoned property, in the public domain? Do they become "finder's keeper" values or are they still "secret" property, protected by legal copyrights against publication? According to M. G. this would be comparable to "rough drafts", in which a legally recognized property claim remains. But I am thinking rather of previously published essays or chapters, like Spencer's chapter on The Right to Ignore the State, and G. B. Shaw's articles on anarchism, eliminated from his collected works, upon his wishes, provided only, that these works are still within the legal copyrights periods. - JZ, 19.3.90, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: Whatever is well said by another is mine." - Seneca, A.D. 5 - 65.
COPYRIGHTS: When considering copyrights claims, one should also consider to what extent readers and pirate publishers were already forced to contribute to an author's education and past and current salary earnings, with their taxes and to what extent they were thus forced to finance e.g. the public libraries he has been using and the expensive book publishing method that most academics are in the habit of using, and, possibly, the special grants he may have received for the writing of his title. - JZ,1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: While only the combination and utilisation of all wisdom might suffice to save us, the monopolisation of any little titbit of wisdom by copyrights becomes morally almost unbearable. - JZ, 31.10. 82. - However, I would rather see all out of copyrights and non-copyrighted texts fully and permanently and cheaply reproduced on microfiche, discs and online than simply denying all copyrights claims. Sooner or later all worthwhile facts, ideas, arguments and opinions, discoveries and inventions will then appear in non-copyrighted formats. Then the copyrights claimants can go on claiming what they want but will find no takers - except e.g. for amusement, novelty, erotic etc. writings - JZ, 1.7.94.
COPYRIGHTS: Wisdom in the market: The overall luminosity, the immortal heritage and traditions of mankind, its accumulated wisdom, are largely enchained and buried, in dungeons, like rare and special libraries and by means of copyrights and patents. - JZ, 11.11.82, 1.7.94.
CORPORATIONS: A limited liability corporation is a convenient way for holding individuals responsible up to the limited guaranties they gave. - JZ, 3.12.82.
CORPORATIONS: A proper defense of corporations must stress that they are created and sustained by freedom of association and contract, that the source of freedom is not a governmental permission but individual rights, and that these rights are not suddenly forfeited when a business grows beyond some arbitrarily defined size, either in terms of assets, sales, and profits or the number of investors, employees, and customers." - Robert Hessen, In Defense of the Corporation.
CORPORATIONS: According to Professor Peter Drucker, the actual owners of our largest corporations are the pension funds of employees, teachers, and similar groups..." - Dean Russell, THE FREEMAN, 9/78, p. 529. – One might say that to that extent the corporations are “socialized”. – JZ, 2.2.13. - PENSION FUND SOCIALISM
CORPORATIONS: Actually it appears that one of the things the corporations do that most irritates advocates of economic democracy is to cater to the demands of consumers. Despite all the rhetoric against the corporate elite and in favor of democratized, decentralized control over our own lives, and so on, most of these writers reveal a deeply ingrained bias against the actual tastes of the consuming public. - Don Lavoie - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. - & CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY
CORPORATIONS: Admiral Rickover shrewdly noted that America provides socialism for the upper class and free enterprise for the middle and lower classes. He suggested that, in effect, defence contracts subsidise giant corporations with money accrued from ordinary working people - people whose income is in no way subject to such government assistance. Thus, the Government short- changes the individual citizen in the pursuit of its own power-oriented priorities." - Richard Cummings, Proposition 14, p. 18. – GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS
CORPORATIONS: Among all the government privileged corporations the central bank (Reserve Bank, Federal Reserve Bank system, Bank of England) is probably the worst. - Without government privileges it could only be competitive and a rightful and harmless service institution, with a rather limited role, wanted by only some people. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORPORATIONS: As a compromise between their enemies and friends, I would propose limited liability to continue for all shareholders but unlimited liability to be introduced for their directors, with all the property of their parents, wives, children and grandchildren required as guaranties. - JZ, 12.6.87. - That should certainly help to produce some more responsible and better informed decision-making. Then many of these decision-makers might really come to earn the high rewards which now they seem to often unilaterally award to themselves. - JZ, 5.10.02, 12.11.10.
CORPORATIONS: As distinct from States, nobody can be forced to buy their shares and share their losses, work for them, invest with them or buy their goods and services. Thus they do provide at least a basic framework for free societies - and as such they should not be refused full exterritorial autonomy. - JZ, 9/82,1.7.94.
CORPORATIONS: Big corporations don’t want a free market, whatever else their PR people pretend. It disciplines them, and it benefits the public. They want political protection – economic privileges enforced by law. That’s what we’re against. The silly part about all this is that you and I are really on the same side.” – James P. Hogan, Mirror Maze, p.115. – They need privileges and subsidies to cover up that they are already over-sized and thus no longer fully competitive. – JZ, 19.9.08. - BIG BUSINESS, MIXED ECONOMY, MONOPOLY CAPITALISM VS. FREE MARKETS OR LAISSEZ-FAIRE & GENUINE FREE ENTERPRISE & FREE TRADE CAPITALISM
CORPORATIONS: Combining the capital of millions of investors and the talents of millions of workers, giant corporations are a testament to the ability of free men, motivated by self-interest, to engage in sustained, large-scale, peaceful cooperation for their mutual benefit and enrichment." - Robert Hessen, In Defense of the Corporation.
CORPORATIONS: Corporate capitalism is what exists in such countries as the U.S.A. and Australia. In a free market there is a complete separation of the State and the economy, whereas in corporate capitalism there is very close interaction between the two." – John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia, p.57. - In a free market there would be no coercive and territorial monopoly like that of any of the present States, for any service or disservice now perceived to be an exclusive public service or a government function. - JZ, 1.7.94.CORPORATIONS: Corporate Capitalism: Across the bargaining tables of power, the bureaucracies of business and government face one another, and under the tables, their myriad feet are interlocked in wonderfully complex ways." - C. Wright Mills. - Not only big businesses and big governments are also so involved but big unions as well. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CORPORATIONS: corporation in its internal activities is organized in a non-market bureaucracy like fashion, with decision-making by committee and consensus procedures." - Harry G. Johnson, in THE FREEMAN, 12/78. – PRIVATE BUREAUCRACIES
CORPORATIONS: Corporations are, from beginning to end, massive efforts to please people. They aim to get rich by reading the market right, which means, by satisfying other people's desires for goods and services. The market is where people express their desires for pleasure and well-being most forcefully, through the way they spend their money ... Oddly, corporations more than governments treat us as adults. If we want Michael Jackson gloves, we get them. If we want pornographic books, we get them. If we want Disneyland and Disney World, and Pet Rocks and Cabbage Patch Dolls, and Nehru Jackets, and Pacman Software, we get it, usually at a reasonable price. We are the boss, the corporate executive says." - Tibor Machan, Liberty & Business, p.149.
CORPORATIONS: Corporations have one advantage over much smaller and quite honest private enterprises and companies: They can afford larger bribes to the legislators for special favors and tax exemptions for them or even subsidies, all at the expense of the taxpayers and consumers, including their remaining competitors. Naturally, such behaviour earns them objectively only black marks rather than merit certificates and consumer loyalty. – JZ, 2.2.13.
CORPORATIONS: Corporatism is not Capitalism. Corporatism is the destruction of the free market and the creation of corporate monopolies achieved through the regulatory and monopoly powers of strong central government. - Susie Burton shared Capitalism's photo. – Facebook, 16.10.12. - CORPORATISM, CAPITALISM, GOVERNMENT, LAWS, REGULAITONS & MONOPOLIES
CORPORATIONS: Do modern corporations really represent a new kind of feudalism, as many seem to believe? Are they due, rather, to the conditions caused of monetary despotism, protectionism and numerous kinds of interventionism that prevent much competition against them and grant them privileges like copyrights and patents and the advantage of self-insurance made possible by their spread over a number of enterprises embodied by them? Their size certainly permits them to hire the best lawyers for reducing taxation, getting laws passed in their favor, via lobbying, or even to obtain subsidies, under the threat that otherwise they would have to dismiss masses of workers, or at least to get special tax concessions, sometimes even cancellations of social insurance debts incurred by them and the special favors and privileges the territorial governments are granting them in their international business activities. – Without these special advantages granted them by territorial governments their own excessive bureaucracy and over-size would render them inferior in free competition with small but efficiently run companies, so that they would tend to disappear, in bankruptcies, with part of them taken over by other and more efficient companies. – The anti-capitalist mentality has also turned them into its special targets and scapegoats. - JZ, 18.12.92, 21.9.08, 2.2.13.
CORPORATIONS: For many years I thought what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa." - Charles Erwin Wilson, Testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Jan. 1953, after he was nominated by President Eisenhower to be Secretary of Defense. This was one of the most controversial statements of one of the most controversial men in the Eisenhower cabinet, largely because it was misquoted. Wilson, a former officer of General Motors and still a large stockholder in the company, when his name went to the Senate committee for approval, was questioned closely by Senators who feared the possibility of a conflict of interest. He was asked whether he could make a decision in the interest of the United States and adverse to General Motors, if the necessity arose. He replied, 'I could. I cannot conceive of (such a situation) because for many years I thought what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa.' But his critics quoted him as having said, 'What's good for General Motors is good for the country.' Subsequently a transcript of the testimony established the actual words." - Source? Some dictionary of quotations.
CORPORATIONS: huge corporations have begun to challenge the legitimacy of the state." - Gore Vidal. - I deny that any territorial State was ever legitimate. Corporations are interesting as exterritorial power structures. - JZ, 12.7.92. - Or as proprietary communities. Governments should not grant them any monopolies, privileges or subsidies and should even allow them to become exterritorially autonomous competitors to any existing government. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORPORATIONS: I want to live in a society founded on principles of love, peace, understanding. I have searched the world for such a society, and found it nowhere. Since it is just as unlikely here, and I happen to be here, it is my thought to begin building such a society here. I can do nothing about the shadows, the evil, the swords. All I can seem to do is point out that the reason we're here is to love one another, to take care of each other. It isn't much. But it beats the living daylights out of killing children in foreign countries for the profits of soulless corporations. - Jim Davidson on Facebook. – That is hardly the purpose and practice of MOST corporations, many of which do e.g. produced cheap food, clothing and toys for children in the own country and in foreign countries. Animosity to corporations is close to the communist and anti-capitalist religion and ignores the greatest and most wrongful corporations, namely the territorial States and their numerous criminal actions, including the granting of e.g. patent monopolies to large corporations. Without the State expropriating us to a large extent with its tribute levies and inflation, it would have no funds to sponsor the arms industry. Go to the roots of problems rather than attacking symptoms. - Aim ONLY at establishing EXTERRITORIALLY for VOLUNTEERS. Thus you would minimize resistance against the realization of your ideal. To be consistent you should at the same time advocate this kind of autonomy even for your present enemies. In this way you would gain a chance to turn them into allies for this kind of liberation for all, according to individual choices. - John Zube – JZ, 20.2.12. – Too many do still blame rather the market, capitalism or corporations than the State, which indicates their basic statism or even State socialism. – JZ, 22.2.12. – STATE, TERRITORIALISM, SOCIETY, COERCION, TERRITORIALISM, STATE SOCIALISM
CORPORATIONS: Ideologically most corporations have been their own worst enemies. – JZ, 25.1.97. – Just like most businessmen and employers have made all too many compromises with the territorial State or subscribed all too much to paternalism, the anti-capitalist mentality, welfare statism or religious charity notions. – JZ, 22.9.08. – Exterritorial autonomy for all corporations that desire it for themselves. – Watch how they would then oppose compulsory taxation and also protectionism and monetary despotism. – JZ, 13.11.08.
CORPORATIONS: If all existing States were transformed into national and multi-national but non-monopolistic corporations, with voluntary workers, voluntary managers, voluntary investors and voluntary customers and voluntary distributors only, either with limited or unlimited responsibility for their directors and investors, each with full exterritorial autonomy - that would be a very large step towards individual liberty for all, indeed. - As such they would come close, in many instances, to what many people, with different aspirations, would perceive to be their ideal kind of panarchies. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORPORATIONS: If the corporation invests the profits internally, increasing the value of its stocks, the stockholders may avoid ever paying taxes on the increase and will, at the worst, eventually pay at capital gains rates, which are lower. So it pays a corporation to invest internally, increasing its own size, even when the result is economically less efficient than giving the money to its stockholders to invest. This tends to make firms grow larger than the size, which is optimum from the standpoint of producing goods efficiently. The effect would disappear if the tax laws forced corporations to attribute their profits to their stockholders, who would then pay taxes on them as on any other income. That change is probably impossible as long as we have an income tax that is, on paper, steeply graduated; capital gains is too valuable a loophole to be surrendered easily." - David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.60. – TAXATION, CAPITAL GAINS TAX & INCOME TAX
CORPORATIONS: If there were not some which achieve something then many would have nothing to blame." (Gaebe es nicht solche, die etwas leisten, haetten viele nichts zu laestern.) - Emil Baschnonga.
CORPORATIONS: If you believe in corporations with unlimited liability - by all means, set one up, Many people share your faith in them and to your own crowd of believers you would offer what seems to them to be a better deal, a safer investment. What right have you to complain if other people prefer other arrangements for themselves? - JZ, 5.8.91, 1.7.94.
CORPORATIONS: If you think the "one percent" is a group that controls too much wealth, consider the resources Congress controls, says Robert Lawson. That's only 535 people controlling $3.5 trillion – 20 times the income controlled by the 535 wealthiest private individuals. Talk about inequality. (More) - Max Borders - Free To Choose Network - Subject: Ideas Matter - Date: 22.2.12. – & GOVERNMENT REVENUES, TAXATION, WEALTH, RICH, CAPITALISM, WEALTH, RICH, ANTI-CAPITALIST MENTALITY, TAXATION
CORPORATIONS: In the Solar System, on the other hand, the so-called Home Companies have become an unofficial but real component of government. In fact, they've had the most to do with strengthening it, extending its control of everybody's life. And for its part, it protects them from a lot of the competition they used to have, as well as doing them a lot of different favors on request..." - Poul Anderson, Mirkheim, 132. – Big business and big government do have their hands in each other’s pockets as well, not only in our own, through special legislation that favours them. – JZ, 3.2.13.
CORPORATIONS: Insofar as corporations are formed to enjoy limited liability in contractual disputes, there's no reason this can't be achieved without the State. Putting 'Inc' at the end of a signature on a contract would be equivalent to adding a clause that says that recourse, in the event of a dispute arising out of the contract, is limited to those assets that have been designated the property of the corporation. Liability for general damages to third parties is another matter altogether." - Filthy Pierre, THE CONNECTION 101, p.10, 24 Jan. 82. - One should keep apart responsibility of a corporation as a whole, including all its shareholders, from responsibility of its managers for their decisions. The latter should, as a rule, be unlimited. If it is limited then this should be openly declared and would make its shares much less popular. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CORPORATIONS: Instead of continuously blaming corporations we should design, establish or develop better organizational and propertarian types and at least survey and review all of them. - JZ, 1.7.94. - At present irresponsible hierarchies in public and private hierarchies are all too common and the propertarian and creative interests of the lower ranks are all too little appealed to. - JZ, 5.10.02. – HIERARCHIES, BOSSES, LEADERSHIP
CORPORATIONS: It is a truism that the more large corporations come to resemble governments, the less successful they become.” - Newt Gingrich, Window of Opportunity, A Blueprint for the Future, p.202. - Unless the government grants them legal monopolies and tax exemptions or even subsidies. - JZ, 23.1.02. - SIZE, BIG BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT
CORPORATIONS: It is not a question of attacking or defending corporations as such but of confining their activities, like those of all other organizations, to whatever they can achieve by free contracts, instead of subsidising, blocking or restricting them by legislation or continued legislative, bureaucratic or juridical interventions. This means laissez-faire and laissez-passer or fully free competition for and against corporations, by other corporations and anyone else. From quasi-privileged and legalised "States", they ought to become reduced to mere voluntary organisations freely working and competing in the market place. However, if they desire it, for all their voluntaristic activities, they should not be merely allowed more or less restrictive or privileged State charters but, instead, full exterritorial autonomy - if they and their members desire that. With that they could, probably, successfully compete with most of the present States - to the benefit of all consumers and taxpayers. - JZ, 29.10.82, 1.7.94, 3.2.13.
CORPORATIONS: Large corporations finally get blocked and killed of by the "deadwood" they accumulate at the top. However, as distinct from States, nobody can be forced to buy their shares, and share their losses, buy their products or services or work for them or supply them with services or goods. Thus let States, societies and communities become just like any other insurance company, or share company or service agency or corporation, e.g. with voluntary membership, optional goods and services, voluntary investments and subscription schemes and affecting only the members and their voluntary customers, most of all, remove all their legalized territorial monopolies and privileges. - JZ, 8/82, 1.7.94, 5.10.02, 3.2.13.
CORPORATIONS: most corporations and industries are fearful of the free market, seek subsidies, and demand a working alliance with the interventionist state.” – Rousas John Rushdoony, The Roots of Inflation, p. 89. - FREE MARKETCORPORATIONS: Name the corporation which OWNS you and HOW it owns you - except, naturally, for legal privileges, which, naturally, both of us oppose. - JZ, n.d.
CORPORATIONS: One should distinguish on the one side, between limited liability of investors and employees and, on the other hand, limited liability for the top decision-makers in a company, the top managers or directors. What makes sense for investors and employees becomes wrongful and harmful when applied to the top managers, whose decisions, in all too many cases, lead to the failures of corporations, in which investors and ordinary employees suffer most, whilst the top decision-makers get off with large salaries, pension claims and parcels of shares and the other private property they had accumulated - remaining untouched. That opens the way to careless and even criminal decision-making, to large degrees of irresponsibility. I hold that there is a very strong case for unlimited responsibility for the decision-makers, with all or a very large part of their private property. Even cashiers in companies have often to insure their honesty with expensive insurance. The directors of companies should have to engage in self-insurance, with all they owe, even with property nominally ascribed to their wives and children. Only then would they begin to really earn and deserve their high returns, if there are any. Moreover, companies would no longer be burdened with a large overhead of numerous directors and executives, clinging to companies like leeches, without increasing their profitability. If such people were held responsible for their decisions with all they own, they would not be so eager for these positions any longer, unless they are really competent men. - JZ, 25.1.01, 31.1.01. - LIMITED LIABILITY?
CORPORATIONS: Science fiction is filled with stories of 'corporation wars' as almost inevitable in the future. I hold that to be a completely imaginary remnant or rewording of some old anti-capitalist prejudices and premises. Only the mixture of government with business is dangerous and that only because of the governmental part of that mixture. Without government privileges, monopolies and subsidies and if free to assume exterritorial autonomy with their voluntary members, then corporations would become panarchies that would offer their volunteers not only some goods and services but also package deals of services we now consider to be government functions or services. Their voluntaristic and exterritorial status would keep them from engaging in wars, although, naturally, some intrigues and murders would continue. - JZ, 10.5.92, 1.7.94.
CORPORATIONS: Some people use the term "corporation" as much as a swear word as Marxists use "capitalist", "profiteer", "scab" or "bourgeois". It is impossible to discuss corporations sensibly with people suffering this kind of uninformed bias. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORPORATIONS: The difference between corporations and governments is that governments have a monopoly of force. It's a lot easier to vote with your feet or your wallet than it is to change a government with your vote.” - P. J. O'Rourke, interviewed by Jim Slotek, TORONTO SUN, 11 Nov. 1996. - An individual can decide which corporation to support as a consumer, worker or investor and which ones to ignore. He has not yet achieved the same freedom towards all governments. - The difference is so obvious - and, nevertheless, it is so widely ignored. All territorial governments ought to become reduced to mere national or international corporations but without any legal privileges. They would then have only voluntary subjects, customers, members, investors, subscribers and customers and that would render them correspondingly harmless, except in the eyes of some sectarian "true believers", who would be free to set up their own corporations, under whatever misleading names they would like to give them. - JZ, 29.1.02. – They have also a territorial legislation and jurisdiction monopoly. – JZ, 3.2.13. - VOTING, GOVERNMENT, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, MULTINATIONALS, INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIONS, BIG BUSINESS, CAPITALISM
CORPORATIONS: The invention of the stock corporation meant that the nickels and dimes of masses of people could be invested in businesses, and the productiveness of enterprises was greatly multiplied." – Richard C. Cornuelle, Demanaging America, p 41.
CORPORATIONS: The mere separation of the State from the Corporations is not enough. The State itself must be reduced to a mere voluntaristic and only exterritorially autonomous corporation. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORPORATIONS: The necessary coordination was accomplished by regimentation, some people giving orders and others taking them. This primitive method survives in the modern corporation along with its military vocabulary: officers, rank and file, staff, chain of command, and the like.” - Richard Cornuelle, The Power and Poverty of Libertarian Thought, in: David Boaz, ed., The Libertarian Reader, The Free Press, 1997, p.368. – This has happened in spite of a great variety of self-management schemes having already been experimented with or proposed. Most of them remain still all too unknown and unappreciated. Neither at the top nor at the bottom was there sufficient interest and initiative to explore them, experiment with them and give them their best chance. They have not even been published together, with all their pro and con, although the remaining authoritarianism at the work place has caused much of the popular antagonism against free enterprise capitalism. – Not even the option of the purchase of enterprises by their employees, on terms, has been sufficiently explored, discussed and publicized, not even among libertarians and anarchists. - JZ, 4.10.07. - HIERARCHIES, REGIMENTATION, COMMANDS & AUTHORITARIANISM, CENTRALISM, ARMIES VS. SELF-MANAGEMENT SCHEMES
CORPORATIONS: the U.S. is the richest and most powerful nation in the world, ... her great corporations are owned NOT by a tiny minority of very rich families and individuals but by the people themselves." - Louis Bromfield, A New Pattern for a Tired World, p.49.
CORPORATIONS: Their internal exclusion of contract and market relationships and organized suppression of individual and group initiatives is their worst defect. But it is one that can be overcome by rightful and rational organization development. - JZ, 5.9.81, 1.7.94.
CORPORATIONS: There is a corporation we may all dread. That corporation is the Federal Government. From its aggression there can be no safety... Let us be sure we keep it always within its limits. If this great, ambitions, ever-growing corporation becomes oppressive, who shall check it? If it becomes wayward, who shall control it? If it becomes unjust, who shall trust it?… I beseech you, watch and guard with sleepless dread that corporation which can make all property and rights, all states and people, and all liberty and hope, its playthings in an hour and its victims forever." - Georgia Sen. Benjamin Harvey Hill, more than 90 years ago, as quoted by Dean Smith in Conservatism, p.101. - It is inherently oppressive through a) its territorial monopoly, b) its exclusive jurisdiction, constitution, legislation, bureaucracy, c) its numerous institutionalised and legalised monopolies, d) its compulsory membership, e) its suppression of competition from exterritorially autonomous volunteer communities, f) its outlawry of individual secession, g) its imposition of some of its "services", whether wanted or not, and h) its compulsory charges and tributes for them, called taxation. - Does any private, national or international corporation have any such or other unpleasant features that are not granted to it by special legislation by the State? - JZ, 1.7.94. - Why are many of them over-sized? Because they are subsidized directly or via tax exemptions and exemptions from full internal and external competition. - JZ, 8.7.94. – STATES, GOVERNMENTS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, AUTHORITARIANISM , POWER, GOVERNMENTALISM, MONOPOLISM, PRIVILEGES
CORPORATIONS: Today, under present conditions, even banks and corporations, especially the large ones, are largely rackets to gain unearned incomes and pensions for their directors, just like parliaments and governments are largely rackets to gain unearned incomes and pensions for their “representatives” and leading politicians. – JZ, 24.7.05. – They convey no real power and influence to most of their share holders, staff and customers. But at least one is free not to work for them, invest in them or buy from them. We don not have this liberty towards territorial States or not as fully as we should have. – JZ, 30.10.07. - BANKS, SHARE COMPANIES, INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL FIRMS, DIRECTORS, TERRITORIALISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM
CORPORATIONS: Turn all territorial governments into competitive corporations with either limited or unlimited financial responsibilities but, definitely, without an exclusive territory or turf and without compulsory shareholders, contributors, customers, suppliers, members and employees. - JZ, 5.8.91, 1.7.94, 3.2.13.
CORPORATIONS: What big concerns arise in freedom to serve only a wealthy few? In Freedom, big business must produce mainly for factory workers, farmers, stenographers, school teachers, bookkeepers, sales clerks, mechanics, waiters, government employees, carpenters, and plumbers, along with other modestly paid producers and their dependents. These buy mostly of the products of industry because they get most of the total income of this nation." - V. Orval Watts, THE FREEMAN, 4/73.
CORPORATIONS: What wrong and what harm can a private corporation do to me compared with the government corporation that can tax, conscript and otherwise oppress me and even sacrifice my life for its purposes? - JZ, 1/7.94. – Q.
CORPORATIONS: What YOU may consider to be, among present corporations, their worst features, namely the legal recognition of their limited liability contract, is, in effect, one of their few present BENEFICIAL features. To sensibly discuss corporations one must not only accept or reject them upon this sponge-word, with different meanings for everybody, but should detail all their characteristics which one likes or dislikes and then examine these closely. - JZ, n.d. & 1.7.94. - The responsibility of the leading men in a corporation should not be as limited as it is now and has been for all too long a period. One might go on exempting ordinary shareholders from unlimited liability, since they do not have much power in the decision-making process. But the same does not apply to large share-holders and to the decision-making managers. They should have to bear the same responsibility that a businessman has to bear for the enterprise he owns and runs. Moreover, the income and expenditure details of corporations should be fully published, at least in affordable alternative media and those who certify them as correct should also be held responsible in case they have covered up facts and wrongful actions. - Naturally, politicians should be similarly held responsible for their wrongful actions. - JZ, 5.10.02, 3.2.13.
CORPORATIONS: While Rand presents the large corporations and their founders as the great heroes of capitalism and the victims of the modern State, Rothbard finds these people and corporations to be the principal creators and users of the State for nefarious purposes." - Erwin S. Strauss, THE CONNECTION 106, 12.9.82. - Under territorialism, voting and taxes, almost no one can help being victimiser as well as being victim, to some extent. Neither Rand nor Rothbard defended any monopoly or privilege for corporations or asserted that all present corporation directors or presidents are anti-monopolistic and non-statist in their outlook and actions. Are corporations really more statist than the average guy? Naturally, statism is also represented by corporations - but not necessarily so. Powers and monopolies and subsidies should not be so readily provided for anyone and any organization, by any territorial government. Corporations have at least some good and voluntaristic characteristics and potential and even now some creative and productive aspects by which they achieve consumer satisfactions on a large scale. For the employees they are not the most ideal form - but then few forms are recognized and realized as such. - JZ, n.d.
CORPORATIONS: Without government granted privileges and subsidies, no corporation would be long perceived as a threat. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORPORATISM: Corporatism is not Capitalism. Corporatism is the destruction of the free market and the creation of corporate monopolies achieved through the regulatory and monopoly powers of strong central government. - Susie Burton shared Capitalism's photo. – Facebook, 16.10.12. - CAPITALISM, GOVERNMENT, LAWS, REGULAITONS & MONOPOLIES
CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondences are like small clothes before the invention of suspenders: it is impossible to keep them up." - Sydney Smith, Letter to Mrs Crowe, Jan. 31, 1841. – LETTER WRITING
CORRESPONDENCE: Letters miss their marks with most individual recipients, on all too many points. Even when once published, somewhere, and usually very belatedly, they and their ideas tend to become soon inaccessible. All thoughtful letters and their observations, thoughts and ideas, ought to become part of an ever growing and easily accessible and affordable databank. That could start with cheap microfiche or CD editions of the collected letters of many worthy writers. LMP has made a start in that direction but most of the writers or their fans will have to become involved in at least this kind of self-publishing for them. - JZ, 8.7.94, 23.11.08. – At least now, with newspapers being digitized and remaining online, letters to the editor will remain accessible and no longer subject to the old rule of “out of the newspapers, out of the mind.” Perhaps there ought to be a special archive established for any letters, published or unpublished ones, which contain interesting ideas, facts, plans or proposals, unless they are already incorporated e.g. in a digital and online Ideas Archive or in a libertarian projects list that is online. – JZ, 3.2.12. – LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
CORRUPTION: 'Pervasive web of corruption': ICAC council probe - - When some people are allowed to handle other people's money, then they will never handle it as carefully as they do their own. With all taxes and government spending of this “revenue” we do finance corruption. – JZ, 4.10.11, on Facebook. Revised, 3.2.13.
CORRUPTION: A corrupt official tends to do less wrong and harm than an incorruptible one, who can't be bribed out of his wrongful and harmful official and legalized behaviour, the fulfilment of his official "duties". But he does do wrong by remaining in an official position as an obstacle to creative and productive activities and getting a supposedly "honestly" earned salary for this. - With his salary the government bribes him into committing the crimes which the government commands. - JZ, 1.7.94, 3.2.13.
CORRUPTION: A government enquiry into corruption? The corrupt investigating the corrupt! It is like the Mafia investigating crime or the police investigating the police or bureaucrats investigating bureaucrats. "One raven does not hack the eyes out of another." At the worst the guilty get an enforced early retirement - and retain most of their pension fund claims. At best only the tips of the icebergs of corruption become revealed. Full revelation would probably bring politics and bureaucracy as usual - soon to a stop. However, they largely control the degree of revelation and new public criminals gain power by stepping on the bodies and scandals of the old ones. - JZ, 1.7.92, 4.7.94.
CORRUPTION: A particularly nasty kind of corruption is a bribe to induce a bureaucrat or legislator to selectively throw the law-books or reams of regulations against a successful competitor. - JZ, n.d.
CORRUPTION: All government suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they become quickly addicted." - Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse Dune, p.68.
CORRUPTION: ALL who have ever written on government are unanimous, that among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist." - Edmund Burke, quoted in THE FREEMAN, I/76, p. 57. - However, we should be free to buy out all our public servants with golden handshakes. Historically, probably more serfs bought themselves out of serfdom than were privately or legally released from it. Morally, their lords had no right to such a payment. But it was a less bloody and destructive and more certain way than a rebellion would have been, in most cases. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORRUPTION: An honest bureaucrat or politician is almost a contradiction in terms. - JZ, 3.7.94.CORRUPTION: Are bribery and extortion really crimes by themselves or can they sometimes be used to stop crimes or wrongful interferences? - JZ, 29.5.91.
CORRUPTION: Before the 20th century, autocratic regimes were typically corrupt, and this made life in them liveable. The peculiar horror of our age is the incorruptible totalitarian leader. Incorruptibility on the parts of politicians would be desirable only in a society governed perfectly by perfect rules of law. In short, what the bribe is to politics, sacrifice is to religion. The incorruptible politician, like the deity immune to propitiation by sacrifice, is therefore more to be dreaded than desired." - Thomas Szasz, Heresies, 80.
CORRUPTION: Bribes and corruption are, unfortunately, sometimes the only way to obtain permissions for rightful acts or freedom from prosecution for them. The prohibitions involved, which suppress these rightful actions, are the real crime. Circumventing these restrictions and resisting them, as far as is possible, is not an immoral but a moral act. - JZ, 23.5.91, 29.5.91.
CORRUPTION: Bribes are the unofficial "earnings" of bureaucrats and politicians. - JZ, 3.7.94.
CORRUPTION: Bureaucrats and politicians tend to be "double agents", paid by both sides in the contests they cause. - JZ, 3.7.94.
CORRUPTION: Corrupting influence!"? - - "The Sun shineth upon the dunghill and is not corrupted." - John Lyly, 1554 - 1606. - Violence on TV, Drugs, Bad Examples, Censorship
CORRUPTION: Corruption is mostly one of the results of government interference. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORRUPTION: Corruption is the express lift to the higher authorities." - (“Korruption ist der Expresslift zu den hoeheren Instanzen.”) - Helmar Nahr.
CORRUPTION: Corruption is the speed way next to the path to the office. - Or: Corruption is the speedway that shortcuts official channels." (“Korruption ist die Autobahn neben dem Dienstweg.") - Helmar Nahr.
CORRUPTION: Corruption wears infinite disguises." - Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse Dune, p.93.
CORRUPTION: Corruption's not of modern date; It hath been tried in ev'ry state." - John Gay, Fables, II, 1738. - Not only that: Territorial States are the product of corruption and do inevitably produce still more corruption. - JZ, 27.9.85. – POWER ADDICTION & POWER MADNESS, LEADERSHIP, POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATIVES, VOTING
CORRUPTION: Defensive bribery, in fact, performs an important social function throughout the world. For, in many countries, business could not be transacted at all without the lubricant of bribery; in this way, crippling and destructive regulations and exactions can be avoided. A 'corrupt government', then, is not necessarily a bad thing; COMPARED with an 'incorruptible government' whose officials enforce the laws with great severity. 'Corruption' can at least allow a partial flowering of voluntary transactions and actions in a society. Of course, in neither case are either the regulations or prohibitions, or the enforcement of officials themselves, justified, since neither they nor the exactions should be in existence at all." - Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty, p.185.
CORRUPTION: Democracy, with corruption, is better than tyranny without it." - Dagobert D. Runes, Treasury of Thought, p.32.
CORRUPTION: Dishonest policemen are not corrupting an honest system but a monopolistic and interventionist system is corrupting policemen and victims of the system. - JZ, 20.9.88, 1.7.94.
CORRUPTION: Economic power", which is supposed to corrupt, is in reality political power or its results. Instances: inflation, credit restrictions and the Post Office. - JZ, 11.10.74.
CORRUPTION: eliminating the competition of a free market wouldn't eliminate competition. For the command system erected in its place would create new positions of power - to allocate, license, grant approvals, issue permits, vote their own pay rises and other people's taxes - whose favors would be competed for every bit as fiercely - but with a greater guaranty of graft and corruption." - James P. Hogan, The Mirror Maze, p.205.
CORRUPTION: Even the word "corruption" and its practice have been corrupted. - JZ, n.d.
CORRUPTION: Even when bureaucrats "honestly" enforce a wrongful legislation, their salaries "bribe" them into this action. - JZ, n.d. & 3.2.13.
CORRUPTION: Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Menzies said once of all too "liberal" or "socialistic" election promises, that he understands it when a man lets himself be bribed but that he does not understand it if he lets himself be bribed with his own money. - JZ - VOTING, DEMOCRACY, TAXATION & GOVERNMENT SPENDING OR HANDOUTS TO FAVOURITES.
CORRUPTION: God is merciful and men are bribable, and that's how his will is done on earth as it is in Heaven. (Our only hope is corruption. As long as corruption lasts, lenient judgments will continue and even the innocent may get off scot free.)" - Berthold Brecht, 1898 - 1956. - I have the bracketed part also in another translation: "Corruption is our only hope. “As long as there's corruption, there'll be merciful judges and even the innocent may get off." - As if buying security from prosecution would be cheap or "scot free" for the innocents. - JZ, n.d.
CORRUPTION: Governments, with stolen funds, corrupt many of the intelligentsia to serve in their bureaucratic machines, in the governmental protection racket. Governments, like the Mafia, do also claim a monopoly for such rackets and charge their bureaucrats or members with corruption if they use their power and opportunities for their own private benefit. – JZ, n.d. – MAFIA, TURF, TERRITORIALISM, BUREAUCRACY INTELLIGENTSIA, GOVERNMENTS
CORRUPTION: Graft or corruption at work among private individuals is in every way deplorable. It thrives, and must always thrive, in all those things to which restriction, regulation, or planning is applied. It wilts and withers in a free market, for there, and there alone, is it recognized that honesty is the best policy. (*) - Graft or corruption at work among classes, groups, trades, or districts, is still more deplorable. Its moral damage is the greater because it is always defended upon grounds of public policy. Mass bribery through the ballot-box is commonly thought to consist of doles to the unemployed, but has long ago developed the more sinister form of wealth for everybody. - Graft or corruption at work among nations is by far the most serious of collectivist products. Since Governments acquired control of money markets and the machinery of exchange, it has assumed its most disastrous form." - Ernest Benn, Modern Government, p.129. – (*) At least for those depending upon repeat business with the same people. - JZ
CORRUPTION: Graft, n. Grease for the moving parts of a political machine." - Source? Bierce? Rollins?
CORRUPTION: How much corruption are voters willing to vote for? - JZ, 15.10.74.
CORRUPTION: I believe that a man should be allowed to spend as much as he can to be elected. No man rises above his surroundings, and if you put in a man that was elected on nothing but campaign speeches, you are going to have nothing but a wind-bag to represent you." - Will Rogers.
CORRUPTION: I either want less corruption or more chance to participate in it. “- Ashleigh Brilliant - JOKES
CORRUPTION: I think I can say, and say with pride, that we have legislatures that bring higher prices than any in the world." - Mark Twain, Americans and the English, speech, July 4, 1872. - JOKES
CORRUPTION: If this setting produces corruption, we must look to the law, not to the human beings involved, for cause." – Frank Chodorov, The Income Tax.
CORRUPTION: in a free society or free market, the BRIBER is acting legitimately (*), whereas it is the BRIBEE who is defrauding someone (e.g. an employer) and therefore deserves prosecution. What of bribery of government officials? Here a distinction must be made between 'aggressive' and 'defensive' bribery; the first should be considered improper and aggressive, whereas the latter should be considered proper and legitimate. Consider a typical 'aggressive bribe': a Mafia leader bribes police officials to exclude other, competing operators of gambling casinos from a certain territorial area. Here, the Mafioso acts in collaboration with the government to coerce competing gambling proprietors. The Mafioso is, in this case, an initiator, and accessory, to governmental aggression against his competitors. On the other hand, a 'defensive bribe' has a radically different moral status. In such a case, for example, Robinson, seeing that gambling casinos are outlawed in a certain area, bribes policemen to allow his casino to operate - a perfectly legitimate response to an unfortunate situation."(**) - Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty, p.185. – (*) Is it really an honest act when one pays someone to commit a wrongful act? In that case someone who pays a contract killer would be innocent of the murder so committed. – But a society in which that would be possible would not be a free society. – (**) Rather a moral response to legalized wrongful situation. - JZ, 24.11.08.
CORRUPTION: In the first place, one of the great corruptions of power is the conviction by the power wielder that it doesn't corrupt but, in fact, enobles." - Karl Hess, Dear America, p.72. – LEADERSHIP, POWER ADDICTION, POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATIVES, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS
CORRUPTION: In the TV series "The Untouchables", the "untouchables" are not untouched by corruption. They are corrupted by the spleen to enforce all laws, no matter how criminal and senseless they are. - JZ, 2.8.76. - LAWS
CORRUPTION: Lack of power corrupts and absolute lack of power corrupts absolutely." - Pierre Trudeau, quoted in THE BULLETIN, 29.3.75. - By the logic of this argument, every former mere voter, once elected to office or appointed to an office, enters this office already almost completely corrupted. Thus, what happens from then on is rather predictable. Was Trudeau aware of this and went ahead, nevertheless? - JZ, 4.7.94.
CORRUPTION: Laws against prostitution, gambling, drugs and alcohol do breed corruption on a massive scale. - JZ 1.7.94.
CORRUPTION: Leopold (Kohr) announced that 10% of the economy of any country should be corrupt - it oiled the works and everything worked much better." - John Seymour, in Albery/Kinzley, How to Save the World, p.53. - Some Americans think so of tips. I hold that in a really free economy there would be little of corruption - and of tips. - JZ, 13.6.92. - After having recently read some of Kohr's books, I gained the impression that Kohr knew little of libertarian alternatives to "politics as usual" and to "business as usual", apart from his main territorial decentralist thesis. - JZ, 4.7.94.
CORRUPTION: Let us abandon the fallacy that it is the men in (political) office who do the corrupting. It is the office which does the corrupting of men." - Robert LeFevre, quoted by Carl Watner, LeFevre, p.79.
CORRUPTION: Liberty doesn't exist when people are generally corrupt. People can only be corrupted when they hold power over others. Under freedom this corruption incentive does not exist. - JZ, 20.11.76. – Trusted corporate decision-makers could still be bribed to make decisions contrary to the interests of the corporation. – JZ, 12.11.10.
CORRUPTION: New High: 46% Think Most in Congress Are Corrupt - Rasmussen Reports™ - - Territorialism, with its pretence of genuine representation, mandate, consent, free voting and voluntarism does almost inevitably lead to any degree of corruption, which tends to far exceed the corruption in groups and communities of volunteers only. - JZ, 2.8.11, on Facebook. – VOLUNTARISM VS. GOVERNMENTALISM, TERRITORIALISM, CONGRESS, PARLIAMENTS, DEMOCRACY, REPRESENTATIVES, POLITICIANS
CORRUPTION: Nobody in a mutual plunder-bund can claim to be quite honest, uncorrupted and uninvolved. - JZ, 3.7.94. - For instance, via taxes even the opponents of abortion are forced to contribute to government-subsidized abortions and the expenses of governmental gun controls are partly covered by the involuntary taxes of advocates of the right to defend oneself. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CORRUPTION: One of the largely forgotten benefits of monarchism was that it provided only relatively few officials to be bribed, ultimately only one. Republics and democracies have multiplied them. Moreover, when it turned tyrannical, then this dragon had only one head to be chopped off. Our modern governments are more like the Hydra of the legend: For every head you chopped off, it grew two new ones. - JZ, 8.7.94. – And they do multiply even when some them, usually only very few of them, are punished for their misdeeds. – JZ, 24.11.08, 3.2.13.
CORRUPTION: One of the twelve disciples went wrong." - John W. Harreld, senator from Oklahoma, minimising the fact that 875 agents of the government's prohibition enforcement service, one-twelfth of the entire force, had been dismissed for corruption.” - Congressional Record, 69th Congress, 1st session, p.80. - And these were only the ones caught red-handed AND convicted, who could not buy their way out! - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORRUPTION: Only if dissenting victims could freely and individually secede from territorial States and establish competing and exterritorially autonomous alternative communities or services of their own, would bureaucrats and politicians of the latter tend to be honest and have a mandate from those who would remain with them. Otherwise they are corrupt just by staying in monopolistic and powerful territorial offices. - JZ, 30.6.88, 3.7.94, 24.11.08, 3.2.13.
CORRUPTION: Police corruption is hardly surprising, given our laws." - Don Aitken, THE NATIONAL TIMES, 25.10.76.
CORRUPTION: Politicians and bureaucrats don't have to be corrupted by others subjected to their rulings. Their offices are self-corrupting through the wrong premises and illusions they instil and the powers they provide. - JZ, 29.5.91, 24.11.08.
CORRUPTION: Politicians, with excess powers and incomes place many people into powerful bureaucratic positions where they, too, will also do wrong and harm, at the very least to the taxpayers, whether they will let themselves be corrupted or not The best counter-method that I heard of, from Ulrich von Beckerath, for ancient China, was merchants forming local associations which paid the local Mandarin not to rule. But then there existed only one Mandarin for about 20 000 people. As it is, we are taxed to support whole armies of bureaucrats in their unproductive or even counter-productive activities and bribery of all of any of them, when they obstruct or rights and liberties, has become very expensive and risky – for most people. - JZ, n.d. & 19.9.08, 3.2.13. – BRIBERY, CHINA, BUREAUCRACY
CORRUPTION: Politics and bureaucracy without extensive corruption should be a surprise. Politics and bureaucracy with extensive corruption should not be. Most political and bureaucratic corruption can only be abolished with the abolition of territorial "politics and bureaucracy as usual". - JZ, 4.7.89, 4.7.94, 13.2.13.
CORRUPTION: Some public servants deserve at least a medal or a golden hand-shake for having taken the risk of illegally permitting some freedom actions that should not have been outlawed in the first place. While this wrongful outlawry exists, it might be wise to bribe them into staying in offices that otherwise might be filled by "honest" enforcers. - JZ, n.d. & 3.7.94.
CORRUPTION: Statism, or the combination of territorial, monopolistic and coercive politics, bureaucracy and jurisdiction is the largest corrupting influence that exists now. - JZ, n.d., 3.7.94.
CORRUPTION: The "incorruptible" politicians and bureaucrats cause the most wrongs and damages. - JZ, 3.7.94. – Robespierre was a classical example. – JZ, 24.11.08.
CORRUPTION: The counter-economic participation of the bureaucrats is known in official terms as 'corruption'." - NEW LIBERTARIAN WEEKLY 95, Oct. 23, 1977.
CORRUPTION: The history of our own political subdivisions - states and cities - is well splattered with instances of 'corruption'. Our newspaper headlines and our campaign oratory periodically bear witness to the persistence of predatory practices by political management, even in our smaller communities. 'Throw the rascals out' is the standard battle cry in our contests for political preferment, indicating that rascality is the regular order. But, when we dig down to the bottom of the rascality, we find some interventionary law that was ushered in with yards of moral fustian. It is the law itself that stimulates the cupidity of the official and his private accomplice. The policeman would not help himself to a banana from the peddler's pushcart, if there were no law regulating the pushcart business, and schemes to evade taxes, including bribery, are the inevitable consequence of taxation. Interventionism is the stock in trade of every political establishment, and corruption is its corollary." - Frank Chodorov, The Rise & Fall of Society, 135.
CORRUPTION: The honest and the corrupt ought to secede from each other. - JZ, 20.8.86. - We would end up with exterritorially autonomous communities of those who are honest, freely competing with the ones who remained dishonest. In this competition the honest, creative, productive and defensive ones must soon win over the dishonest, obstructive, counterproductive and aggressive ones, because they impose lesser burdens upon their members. Their victory will be gradual and indicated and realised by individuals joining them, one by one. - JZ, 4.7.94.
CORRUPTION: The influence of bureaucrats is most wrongful, harmful and corrupting, for themselves and for their victims, when they "honestly" enforce all the wrongful and harmful laws that they are supposed to enforce. - JZ, 3.7.94.
CORRUPTION: The ingenious entrepreneur, trying to 'beat the rap', will take advantage of the clauses in the law which were intended only to permit him to stay in business, after taxes. With the help of expert accountants, he finds ways of squeezing an extra dollar through the 'loopholes', or discovers a 'loophole' not intended by the lawmakers. But here he may come into conflict with the government's agent, whose opinion on what are legitimate expenses of business may differ from his. Was too much deducted for depreciation? Was the inventory taken at true value, and what is true value? How about those large expense accounts, that costly public - relations program? Are they necessary to the conduct of the business? The agent says this, the taxpayer says that, and thus we have the makings of a costly lawsuit. The natural inclination of the taxpayer is to seek some other way out, and sometimes the agent is quite amenable to 'reason'. THE CORRUPTION IS WRITTEN INTO THE LAW." - Frank Chodorov, The Income Tax, … - CORRUPTION: 67.
CORRUPTION: the mistaken assumption that corrupting power rests with private ownership rather than with the commissariat..." - Perry E. Gresham, THE FREEMAN, 6/73. – Under the employer-employee relationship some bribery would remain: Whenever some corporation officials have decision-making power over property of a corporation and its use. – JZ, 24.11.08.
CORRUPTION: The moment you let people decide with their own money instead of with other people's money, they are no longer corrupt. - JZ, 11/75.
CORRUPTION: The monopoly decision-making powers of bureaucrats and politicians are, inevitably, corrupting powers. Their tribute imposition upon the earnings of others corrupts and so does their power and their disposal over these "revenues". - JZ, 3.7.94.
CORRUPTION: The more corrupt a republic, the more laws.” – (“Corruptissima republica plurimae leges.”) – Tacitus - LAWS
CORRUPTION: The pensions and superannuations of bureaucrats and politicians continue their official corruption even after their retirement from office. - JZ, 3.7.94. – But then they can infringe their rights of their countrymen only through their votes and the taxes paying their pensions. – JZ, 24.11.08.
CORRUPTION: the real crime is that most of the corruption and unethical behaviour is legal." - Ron Paul, in THE OPTIMIST, Sep./Oct. 88.
CORRUPTION: The right to have a vote on the affairs of others, but practically no decisive vote on the own affairs, is one of the most corrupting factors of democracies and republics. - JZ, 5.10.02. - VOTING
CORRUPTION: The small businessman who bribes a building inspector because an incoherent maze of building codes makes it impossible for him to stay in business any other way, is just one among thousands who appreciate how 'CORRUPTION' IN A REPRESSIVE SYSTEM ALLOWS IT TO FUNCTION." - Sy Leon, None of the Above, p.206. - Capitalized by me. - JZ
CORRUPTION: The statist prejudices of their victims, also called the "sanction of the victims", must in the long run corrupt even the best kinds of bureaucrats and politicians, in the same way as the religious prejudices of the masses have corrupted the priesthood and clergy for centuries to thousands of years. - JZ, 3.7.94. - Naturally, as professional conmen, the politicians, bureaucrats and priests have also tried their very best to corrupt the thinking and actions of their victims. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CORRUPTION: The trouble is not so much that there are some obviously corrupt bureaucrats and politicians but that territorial bureaucracy and politics is a system that is inevitably more or less corrupting. - JZ, 30.6.88, 4.7.94.
CORRUPTION: The way ... to eliminate police corruption is simple but effective: abolish the laws against voluntary business activity and against all 'victimless crimes'. Not only would corruption be eliminated, but a large number of police would then be freed to operate against the real criminals, the aggressors against person and property. This, after all, is supposed to be the function of the police in the first place." – Murray N. Rothbard, For a New Liberty, 128. – Some policemen are also bribed by criminals with victims. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORRUPTION: The word 'corruption', in American usage, suggests the use of office for the betterment of the politician. The word has other meanings. The fact that this political meaning comes to mind first, indicates that the practice is common. Is it because the men we put in office are of particularly low character, innately, that political corruption is so common, or is it because the opportunities to better one's circumstances are so inviting in public office? Since in our form of government the officials are not born into it, but are drawn from private life, we must conclude that they are no worse and no better than the rest of us, (*) and that their moral deterioration results from the temptations political power generates. Therefore, the more political power the more corruption. And political power concerned directly with the nation's wealth contains the most corruptive possibilities." – Frank Chodorov, The Income Tax, p.63/64. - (*) I do not find that argument on its own very convincing. Power has its own attractions for some of the worst types. Power, once obtained, corrupts people further but is usually striven for only by people who are already extensively corrupted and be it only by the power urge and the power illusions. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORRUPTION: The worst case of official financial corruption consists in the inflationary, deflationary and stagflationary monetary policies of the government's central bank. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORRUPTION: We have got the best policemen money can buy." - Source?
CORRUPTION: We have had corruption in government since government started.” - LeFevre, Good Government..., p.19.
CORRUPTION: When a politician or bureaucrat voluntarily stays in office, then this already indicates that he has been corrupted by his powers, his tax-paid salary and his perks. - JZ, 3.7.94.
CORRUPTION: When absolutely no accountability exists, we call this state of affairs corruption." - Henry M. Boettinger, Moving Mountains, p.231. – When all too little accountability exists … - JZ
CORRUPTION: Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct.” – Jefferson. - BUREAUCRACY, OFFICIAL POSITIONS, POWER, PUBLIC SERVANTS, CIVIL SERVICE, POLITICIANS, CANDIDATES
CORRUPTION: While we are supposedly taxed for our protection, some government officials let themselves be bribed not to prosecute criminals with victims. That is one kind of government corruption which I do oppose. - JZ, 1.7.94.
CORRUPTION: You can't abolish corruption up high - unless you abolish up high. - JZ, 26.12.75. – BRIBERY, DISHONESTYCOSMOPOLITANISM: the voluntary subjugation of one's racial awareness in the light of the basic unity of sapient kind." - Terry Pratchett, Strata, p.170.
COSMOPOLITANISM: I am not born for one corner; the whole world is my native land." - Seneca (The Younger).
COSMOPOLITANISM: If I knew of any action which would be useful to my country but harmful to Europe, or useful to Europe, but harmful to the human race, I should think it a crime." - Montesquieu. – “Useful for my country” is, usually, a euphemism for “useful for my ruler”, who rules me wrongfully and territorially in the first place, without my individual choice of or consent to his rule over me and even against my opposition to him or her. – JZ, 13.11.10.
COSMOPOLITANISM: My country is the world and my religion is to do good.” - Thomas Paine – PATRIOTISM, RELIGION
COSMOPOLITANISM: My country is the world; my countrymen are mankind." - William Lloyd Garrison, prospectus for THE LIBERTATOR, 1830. - "Our Country is the world, our countrymen are all mankind." - William Lloyd Garrison, in 1838.
COSMOPOLITANISM: the world is a single city. Is there any other common citizenship that can be claimed by all humanity? And it is from this world-polity that mind, reason, and law themselves derive. If not, whence else? – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Penguin Books, abridged edition, 1995, p.19. – I certainly do not agree that any territorial political systems, legislation and institutions have arisen from or led to sound reasoning. Just look at the large gap between all political promises and their actual achievements. Daily survival requirements, when exposed to the forces of nature, which are to be satisfied by the own efforts, together with one’s family members and other voluntary associates, were a much better source for the development of reasoning. Food collection, capture and production, division of labor, trade, peacefulness, rather than “dog eat dog competition”, cooperation and mutual aid were obvious requirements, political institutions were not. They were, rather, wrongfully and territorially imposed. Herbert Spencer reported over 50 primitive societies without a State or political institutions. Individual human rights are natural laws for human beings, truly expressing their natural abilities, territorial and monopolistic political legislation and institutions are unnatural, wrongful and unreasonable, enforced by unreasonable power addicts imposition upon whole populations. – JZ, 23.7.13. - CIVILIZATION, CULTURE, DEVELOPMENT OF REASON, SOCIETIES, STATES, GOVERNMENTS
COSMOPOLITANISM: To be really cosmopolitan a man must be at home even in his own country." - Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry James, Short Studies of American Authors, 1879, 1906. – The local, State and Federal politicians often make it everything but our own home. They interfere with it in thousands of ways, due to their addiction to territorial power. – JZ, 13.11.10. - NATIONALISM, PATRIOTISM
COSMOPOLITANISM: We should live with the conviction: 'I wasn't born for one particular corner: the whole world's my home country.' … As it is, instead of traveling your are rambling and drifting, exchanging one place for another when the thing you are looking for, the good life, is available everywhere.” … - Seneca, Letters, XXVIII, page 76/77. - Well, in some countries you can be somewhat more free than in others, although in none of them can you be quite free, so far. - JZ, 23.1.02, 13.11.10. – COSMOPOLITANISM OR PANARCHISM VS. NATIONALISM & PATRIOTISM, FATHERLAND, MOTHERLAND
COSMOPOLITANISM: Werner Ackermann's "Cosmopolitan Union" statutes, in one page, constitutes the best cosmopolitan program that I know of. It has been several times micro-fiched by LMP. - It is now also available, in several languages, on the - JZ, 8.7.94. –
COSMOS: While a COSMOS or spontaneous order has thus no purpose, every TAXIS (arrangement, organisation) presupposes a particular end, and men forming such an organisation must serve the same purposes. A COSMOS will result from regularities of the behaviour of the elements which it comprises. It is in this sense endogenous, intrinsic or, as the cyberneticians say, a 'self-regulating' or 'self-organising' system ..." - F. A. Hayek, The Confusion of Language in Political Thought, p.12. – Panarchism, as an all-over term for panarchies, is in Hayek’s terms a Cosmos, while each particular panarchy is a Taxis. Since all panarchies, by their nature as voluntary bodies, do have only voluntary taxes or contributions, even when, formally, they are still taxes upon their members, I do not like the term “Taxis” for them. – JZ, 13.11.10.
COSMOS: While we have the terms 'arrangement' or 'organisation' to describe a MADE order, we have no single distinctive word to describe an order which has formed SPONTANEOUSLY. The ancient Greeks were more fortunate in this respect. An arrangement produced by man deliberately putting the elements in their place or assigning them distinctive tasks, they called TAXIS, while an order which existed or formed itself independent of any human will, directed to that end, they called COSMOS. Though they generally confined the latter term to the order of nature, it seems equally appropriate for any spontaneous social order and has often, though never systematically, been used for that purpose. The advantage of possessing an unambiguous term to distinguish this kind of order from a made order should outweigh the hesitation we may feel about endowing a social order which we often do not like, with a name which conveys the sense of admiration and awe with which man regards the cosmos of nature." - F. A. Hayek, The Confusion of Language in Political Thought, p.11. The man-made orders, especially if territorially imposed upon involuntary subjects, do tend to produced disorder rather than order. If practised only experimentally, among volunteers only and at their cost and risk, they would tend to develop into natural order, peace and harmony systems, sooner or later. JZ, 3.2.13. - ORDER, HARMONY, INVISIBLE HAND, MARKET, NATURAL LAW
COST-PUSH INFLATION: To this claim it must be replied emphatically that, in the strict sense, there is simply no such thing as a 'cost-push' inflation. Neither higher wages nor higher prices of oil, or perhaps of imports generally, can drive up the aggregate price of all goods UNLESS THE PURCHASERS ARE GIVEN MORE MONEY TO BUY THEM. What is called a cost-push inflation is merely the effect of increases in the quantity (*) of money (**) which governments feel forced to provide in order to prevent the unemployment resulting from a rise in wages (or other costs), which preceded it and which was conceded in the expectation that governments would increase the quantity of money. They meant thereby to make it possible for all the workers to find employment through a rise in the demand for their products. (***) If government did not increase the quantity of money, such a rise in the wages of a group of workers would not lead to a rise in the general price level but simply to a reduction in sales and therefore to unemployment." (****) – F. A. Hayek, Denationalization of Money, p 75. - (*) legal tender - should have been inserted here by Hayek. – (**) Monopoly money with legal tender power. Under the note issue monopoly we become all dependent upon its legal tender monopoly money and are not free to issue or accept sound alternative monies. – (***) It is not a sound monetary demand, representing ready for sale goods and services. - (****) Under full monetary and financial freedom involuntary mass unemployment would not arise in the first place. Then goods and services, including productive labor, could be easily exchanged for the goods and services, including the productive labor, of others. - JZ, 24.11.08. – INFLATION, UNEMPLOYMENT
COSTS: The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run." - H. D. Thoreau, Walden, 1854. - So the "cost" of even a happy and lasting marriage, 'until death do us part", is a life sentence? - JZ, 4.7.94. – Is each to be a prisoner of the other? If it is done only for an agreed-upon and manageable term, that can be repeated upon mutual consent, it is quite another matter. – JZ, 13.11.10. – MARRIAGES, CONTRACTS, WITHDRAWAL OPTION, TIME LIMITATIONS
COSTS: The cost of production is a good unrelated to its price: once the good has been produced, 'bygones are bygones', and if the good can only command a price which is less than its cost, this shows that the producer miscalculated consumer demand." - Phillip B. Demattais, What Is Libertarianism? 10. - Goods can only "command" a market price once they are already widely introduced. My LMP prices would only cover my costs if I sold at least 50 of each of my fiche. Thus I long continued my PEACE PLANS series - not producing for present but, hopefully, for future demand. - JZ, 1.7.94. – But by 2002 I ended the series for the time being and at my present age, 75, I am unlikely to extend it. Anybody has the option to do so – if the medium will finally take off as an alternative and not remain swamped by the digital alternative media. – JZ, 24.11.08. – By now I would rather like to see all libertarian texts to become digitized and placed on a single large external HD. – JZ, 13.11.10.
COSTS: The vast majority of would-be social reformers think of the 'cost' of something as simply its money cost; and they persistently underrate or dismiss even this because they think of money as something that can be turned out at will by a government printing press. But when economists talk of cost in the broader sense, they mean whatever alternate opportunity must be foregone in order to produce the thing that is made. Everything we make, and everything we do, must be at such a cost." – Henry Hazlitt, THE FREEMAN, 3/76.
COUNCILS: These youths are totally turned off by such creations as 'arts councils' and 'art centers', as these are the antithesis of their spirited belief that every man should be his own 'council' and that wherever he may be at the moment is his 'center'. The music and fashions of these young people are popular, not because of the Establishment's role in making and promoting them, but because the people themselves originated them and because they are so readily accessible to all who want to experience them." - James G. Campaigne, Jr., in Manifesto, p.32. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, GOVERNMENT, BOADS, COMMITTEES, REGULATIONS, LICENSING, INDIVIDUAL CHOICE & INITIATIVE
COUNTERFEITING: Flicked - get your five cents' worth while you can - - One can hardly "counterfeit" one's own money. What is wrong with government money is its monopoly and legal tender status. Without these features governments could not inflate their currencies. We would be free to reject or discount them, issue our own currencies and select value standards that we have reasons to trust. – JZ, 28.6.11, on Facebook. - COUNTERFEIT MONEY OF THE GOVERNMENT?
COUNTERFEITING: if you do it it's illegal." - From WP leaflet: Something's Wrong in Australia. - If you want to engage in counterfeiting legally, join the Central Bank of your country. - JZ, 14.11.73. - Actually, a central bank can hardly counterfeit its own notes. However, it can coercively, legally and monopolistically manipulate, i.e. fraudulently appreciate and depreciate the paper value standard that it uses, by issuing more or less of its forced and exclusive currency. - JZ, 4.7.94, 23.7.13. – CENTRAL BANKING, MONETARY DESPOTISM, MONEY ISSUE MONOPOLY, LEGAL TENDER POWER
COUNTERFEITING: The biggest counterfeiters have been governments." - Jack Allen Horrigan, article "Inflation Island", 10/1971. – Only when they counterfeit the paper currencies of foreign governments. - JZ, 5.10.02.
COUNTERFEITING: When Block discusses counterfeiters, even his economic argument falls apart. His protestation that paper money is already counterfeit is irrelevant. The counterfeiter, whether government or private, is an aggressor, defrauding others of rightful value. The real crime of the counterfeiter is not that he copies worthless (then he would not bother! -JZ) government notes but that he passes on his own worthless (sometimes valuable as works of art. - JZ) notes to innocent victims. To say that government theft justifies private theft is an argument worthy of the New Left, not a self-styled defender of liberty." - Sharon Presley. - Under decentralized note issues counterfeits would be much faster discovered and much easier traced back to the source. They would thus become rather rare. - JZ, 8.7.94. – If full monetary and financial freedom were not a better alternative then forging the notes of tyrannical or despotic regime might be one of the steps rightful and useful to overthrow it. – JZ 24.11.08.
COUNTERVAILING POWER: The concept of 'countervailing power' is defective: big business and big labour can conspire to exploit the consumer. It is also unfounded: the largest concentration of union power may be in industries with little concentration of employer power." - Milton Friedman, From Gailbraith to Economic Freedom, rear cover. - BIG BUSINESS, CORPORATIONS, UNIONS, POWER, CONCENTRATION OF POWER
COUNTRY: Almost everything done in the name of a country tends to destroy that country, by one or the other collectivist and coercive measure or action. - JZ, 4.7.94. - TERRITORIALISM
COUNTRY: Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what your country is doing to you." - Dana Rohrabacher, ca. 1968. - TERRITORIALISM
COUNTRY: Countries cannot become free. Countries cannot be oppressed. Only men can be free or not free." - Anthony Lejeune. - Men can also be partly free and that is all the freedom they should have and deserve and would choose for themselves, if free to do so - until they appreciate some more of the rest. - JZ, 4.7.94. - PANARCHISM.
COUNTRY: Dying for a country? Almost all attempts to live or die for a country do much harm and could, with great benefits, be replaced by attempts to live freely for oneself, together with voluntary associates and on the basis of private and free exchanges with nationals and foreigners. - JZ, 20.11.82.
COUNTRY: I act for my country, not for its government. – J. K. Mayo, The Masterless Men, Pan Books, 1995, p.401. - It should rather be: I act for myself and for like-minded people existing now and for those, who will voluntarily follow or imitate my example, if it should be successful. – JZ, 13.3.12. - PEOPLE, GOVERNMENT, REPRESENTATION, VOLUNTARISM, SETTING AN EXAMPLE
COUNTRY: It is my country only when and to the extent that it is right. - JZ, 30.7.93. – … that genuine individual rights and liberties rule in it. – JZ, 13.11.10, 23.7.13.
COUNTRY: Most countries are over-regulated prisons - for all too many of their peaceful and honest inhabitants. - JZ, 25.2.86. – TERRITORIALISM, NATIONALISM
COUNTRY: My country - always when it is right. Never when it is wrong. - JZ, 26.8.93.
COUNTRY: My country is me and my family." - From film: A Fistful of Dynamite.
COUNTRY: Our country is where we are well off." - Cicero. – A monopolist, extortionist, power-monger or other criminal with victims might say so, too. – JZ, 13.11.10. - FATHERLAND, NATION, NATIONALISM, PATRIOTISM
COUNTRY: The World is my country." - D. A. Andrade, 1886, quoted by Bob James, Australian Anarchism, p.3. - COSMOPOLITANISM
COUNTRY: This is our country, yours and mine. If we're not running it, it's only because we've allowed someone else to do it for us." - Rene Baxter, FREEDOM TODAY, 9/75. - No country can be run by all its inhabitants as a body or by a single body of supposed “representatives”. It can only be “run”, rightly, smoothly and productively, when all inhabitants are left free to run their own lives. - JZ, 4.7.94, 23.7.13. – SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, RULERS, GOVERNMENTALISM, REPRESENTATION, BUREAUCRACY, POLITICIANS
COUNTRY: Times, I realised, were unstable in France too: it had become another country not to live in if you valued your individuality." - Robin Cook, A State of Denmark, p.147. - EMIGRATION, IMMIGRATION, FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM
COUNTRY: We have all one country: the world.” - Gian Pietro de Bellis, in his new, 2002 book manuscript on Polyarchy, 2002. - WORLD, COSMOPOLITANISM, NATIONALISM, PEOPLE
COUNTRY: Your country needs you” they say, - but do you need your country or its territorial government? - JZ – That slogan is, usually, only a misleading propaganda slogan of those, who mis-rule it. – JZ, 10/72. 13.11.10.
COUPS: The coup d'etat is now the most common method of replacing governments world-wide, and has changed more administrations than all revolutions and all elections combined in the past fifteen years." - Edward Luttwak, Coup d'Etat. - So much for: the legitimacy of most governments, for consent, elections, voting, representation and democracy. Democracies could, naturally, also be defined as just different and more camouflaged kinds of coups d'etat. - JZ, 4.7.94, 13.11.10.
COURAGE: A grain of courage in everything is an important wisdom." - Balthasar Gracian, in Schopenhauer: Handorakel. – But not in support of foolish, wrongful, aggressive and criminal actions. – JZ, 13.11.10.
COURAGE: A very popular error: having the courage of one's CONVICTIONS: rather it is a matter of having the courage for an ATTACK on one's convictions!!!" - Nietzsche. - Quoted by Walter Kaufmann, Without Guilt & Justice, p.33. - A third kind of courage is required for attempts to live fully in accordance with one's convictions. - JZ, 4.7.94. – Naturally, they should have been fully criticized first, instead of having been merely all too uncritically adopted. However, even in the latter case, one should be free to practise them - but only at the own risk and expense. – JZ, 13.11.10. - AUDACITY
COURAGE: All those who have given up want to pull down the courageous and seeking ones.” – (“Alle, die aufgegeben haben, wollen die Mutigen und Suchenden erniedrigen....") - Das Constantin Wecker Buch: Zwischenspiel, S. 15. - Courage for what? Seeking what? - JZ, 4.7.94. Nazis, Soviets & other misled fanatics showed courage, too. – JZ, 13.11.10. - EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF ACTION, PANARCHISM, EGALITARIANISM, LEVELLING, BUT ALSO SUBORDINATION & STATISM, SUBMISSIVENESS & ALL TOO MUCH OBEDIENCE.
COURAGE: Anxiety is the unwillingness to play even when you know the odds are for you. Courage is the willingness to play even when you know the odds are against you." - Thomas Szasz. – It all depends upon the type of game, e.g. whether it is a rightful one or a criminal or aggressive one. – JZ,13.11.10.
COURAGE: Courage is a third arm." - Anon. (Mut ist ein dritterArm.)
COURAGE: Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live, taking the form of a readiness to die." - G. K. Chesterton, 1874 - 1936, in READER’S DIGEST, 3/65, p. 89. - No idea not worth living for is worth dying for. - JZ, 4.7.94. - SACRIFICE, SELFISHNESS, ALTRUISM
COURAGE: Courage is not lack of fear but conquest of fear." – Dagobert D. Runes, Handbook of Reason, p.47. - CONFORMISM, INITIATIVE, PRIVATE INITIATIVE, STATISM, OBEDIENCE.
COURAGE: Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” - Ambrose Redmoon
COURAGE: Courage is something you can never totally own or totally lose." - Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminati Papers, p.131.
COURAGE: Fear sinks, courage floats." - From film: The ordeal of Dr. Mudd. - When it comes to military or criminal aggression, I would rather have the culprits fearful and lacking courage - while I would like the peace lovers to rightfully and effectively fight them with as much courage and good sense as they can muster. - JZ, 4.7.94.
COURAGE: Force has made slaves of men but it is courage that makes men of slaves." - But courage is more often used to achieve just another kind of slavery by force rather than being used to set slaves free. - JZ, 10.9.84. - Thoughtless courage can do more harm to life and liberty than thoughtful cowardice. - JZ, 26.7.92. - In modern and close to total wars, even mass murderers of civilians often show all too much "courage". - JZ, 4.7.94. – People who really love freedom should show enough interest in all their liberation options to acquire all the knowledge that would make liberation relatively easy and fast. Mere courage is not enough. They would also need suitable weapons, organization and training and a comprehensive, rightful and rational plan for their liberation campaign. The better, rightful and liberating that program the less actual fighting would be required. – JZ, 24.11.08.
COURAGE: Goodness dies in wishes; as Voltaire said, 'Tis the misfortune of worthy people that they are cowards.' - Emerson, quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.143. - Who said: "All intelligent people are cowards"? - One should also remember that most of them are disarmed and not militarily trained and organised, least of all for the protection of their individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 4.7.94. - MILITIA, WEAPONS, GUN CONTROL, VICTIM DISARMAMENT
COURAGE: I am disappointed but not discouraged." - Tennessie Williams, The Glass Menagerie. - This applies also to my efforts to promote libertarian ideas through libertarian microfiche self-publishing. - JZ, 4.7.94. – Likewise, through publishing all libertarian writings on CDs or even on a single HD. – So far not even floppy disks have been sufficiently used for this purpose. - JZ, 24.11.08.
COURAGE: I am not asking you to be sympathetic. I am asking you to be courageous." - From film, The ordeal of Dr. Mudd. - While courage is needed for many worthwhile efforts, by itself it is non-directional. I would rather have people e.g. sympathetic towards monetary freedom and with the courage and knowledge to engage in a monetary revolution. - JZ, 4.7.94, 24.11.08.
COURAGE: It is curious - curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare." - Mark Twain, Mark Twain in Eruption. - If all the courageous soldiers would have had the courage to actively resist their own warmongers, then this would certainly be a better and peaceful place. - They were too ready to die upon command for the aims of others and rarely fought for their own rightful aims - or had the military and civil courage to state them or develop them, early, clearly and publicly. - JZ, 4.7.94, 5.10.02. - WAR AIMS, DECISION, DESERTION, MILITARY INSURRECTIONS, MILITIA
COURAGE: It is the little man's defensive gesture in the face of the cold comfort of the material world. But however many of these biological virtues we may find in war, their value is obviously relative to the evil, which is called into existence by the same circumstances. No amount of courage and comradeship will avail us if in the end all our brave men are exterminated and our civilisation is destroyed. We must ask ourselves whether the virtues which arise from modern warfare are biologically of more value than the corresponding vices." - Herbert Read, Anarchy & Order, p.112. – WAR & PEACE
COURAGE: More childish valorous than manly wise." - Christopher Marlowe, Tamburlane, Pt. i, act iv, sc. 1. - HEROES, PERSONALITY CULT, LEADERSHIP
COURAGE: squandered his courage in wars with cannons and rifles." - Oriani Fallaci, A Man, p.121. - Amen! - The Germans have a word for the sound alternative: “Zivilkourage” or civil courage as opposed to military courage. - JZ, 4.7.94, 13.11.10. - WAR
COURAGE: The free man is as courageous in timely retreat as in combat." - Spinoza. - "Live to fight another day!" - Source?
COURAGE: The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.” – Thucydides (460-400 B.C.), Greek Historian. – Courage is useful only in the defence of rights and liberties. A thief, a robber and a murderer might be courageous, too. – How much courage has been shown in wars for quite wrongful or flawed aims! – JZ, 3.1.08. – How many courageous people were murdered, put into prisons or concentration camps? – Courage is not a cure-all, if not associated with quite rightful and rational aims and effective resistance and liberation methods. – JZ, 13.11.08. - HAPPINESS & FREEDOM, WAR AIMS
COURAGE: The times call for courage. The times call for hard work. But if the demands are high, it is because the stakes are even higher. They are nothing less than the future of human liberty, which means the future of civilization.” – Henry Hazlitt. - Sound freedom, defence and liberation ideas and practices are even more important. Territorial governments are good in wasting the courage and the hard work of millions, without liberating their victims. – JZ, n.d. - HARD WORK?
COURAGE: Timid men prefer despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty." - Thomas Jefferson. - Despotisms expect and gain too much military and obedient courage from their soldiers and too much obedient courage in putting up with suffering from their other slaves and victims. - Courage in wrongful obedience should be distinguished from e.g. courage in rightful disobedience. - JZ, 4.7.94. – RESISTANCE, LIBERATION, DISOBEDIENCE, SUBMISSIVENESS, RIGHTFUL AIMS
COURAGE: To see what is right and not to do it, is want of courage." - The Wisdom of Confucius, Analects, bk. ii, c. xxiv,v.2. - True, sometimes, but not all repression can be simply countered with courage. - JZ, 4.6.82. - LIBERATION, REVOLUTION, MILITARY INSURRECTION, RESISTANCE, TYRANNICIDE, MILITIA
COURAGE: Valour, destitute of other virtues, cannot render a man worthy of any true esteem... A man may be very valiant, and yet impious and vicious." - Dryden, Aeneid: Dedication.
COURAGE: When courage is lost - all is lost." - German proverb, quoted by Alexander Solzhenitsyn in NATIONAL TIMES, May 3, 1976. - In war, when courage is lost, the battle is, at last, lost, on one side, usually all too late, and at least temporarily and locally a kind of armistice prevails rather than a continuing battle. However, if, in hot pursuit of fleeing forces, no quarter is given, then the slaughter may continue. And if prisoners are taken and treated, as is all too common, then this other kind of slaughter begins. Of German 100,000 German soldiers taken prisoner at Stalingrad only ca. 5,000 survived. Is it surprising that they fought to the last to avoid such a fate? - JZ, 4.7.94. - DESERTION, WAR AIMS, SEPARATE PEACE, DECISION
COURAGE: Who Dares Wins." - film title. - At least sometimes. Much of government power is based on bluff and concerted, powerful and non-violent action, like e.g. an ideal tax strike (See PEACE PLANS 13) or financial take-over bid for all the assets controlled by the bureaucracy (See PEACE PLANS 19C), or a monetary revolution, has a chance to win. - JZ, 21.11.82. - But first the sufficient interest is needed to explore and survey all such options, then the courage, organization, methods, tools and even weapons, to carry out all the required liberation steps by and for those who do want to become liberated. Informed self-interest and a developed moral sense will be more important than mere “courage”. - JZ, 4.7.94, 24.11.08.
COURAGE: You will find many men most unjust, most impious, most intemperate, and most ignorant, yet extremely valorous." - Plato, Protagoras, Sec. 349. - Hitler represented many flawed to criminal ideas and had many character flaws - but he was no coward. - However, prudence made him insist upon a rather disarming salute. - JZ, 4.7.94.COURTS: $ 60,000 damage won. $ 80,000 court costs to be born by victor." - Radio news, Nov. 93.
COURTS: A court is an institution designed to find out which party has the cleverest barrister.” - "Ein Gerichtshof ist eine Koerperschaft mit dem Zwecke, herauszubekommen, welche Partei den geschickteren Anwalt hat." ) - Barrie.
COURTS: A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage." - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, 1906. - JOKES
COURTS: A westerner who has seen a quarrel flare dangerously in an Arab bazaar will never forget it. Once voice, one word, pierces that din of bargaining; the sound shocks the turmoil to utter silence. Out of it comes a mob-roar. 'Brothers! you are brothers! Moslems, remember you are brothers!' With that roar goes a mob-rush. Get out of it, quick. - It is over in a moment. Scores of hands tear the quarrelling men apart, snatch knives from their fists or sashes. An unperturbed din of bargaining rises again, while small crowds of men, who can leave their own affairs, surround the angry men and go with them to the nearest Cadi, who, if he wants to keep his reputation for wisdom, must then and there settle the quarrel in a way that satisfies everyone's sense of justice. - You admire the method, because it works. But it is not law. Actually, it is the way in which men always, everywhere, keep the peace, when no one of them has a recognized right to use force. Then each feels his responsibility..." Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.110. - Alas, we still live in such a barbaric age that the spectators often cheer on the fighting men instead breaking up the fight! - JZ, 5.10.02.
COURTS: Adam Smith, whose remarkable spirit of observation extends to all subjects, remarks that the administration of justice gained much, in England, from the competition between the different courts of law: 'The fees of courts seem originally to have been the principal support of the different courts of justice in England. Each court endeavoured to draw to itself as much business as it could...'." - Molinari, The Production of Security, p.13.
COURTS: Agree, for the law is costly." - William Camden, Remains Concerning Britain, 1605 or 1623. - Since then court costs have rather risen than declined. - JZ, 8.7.94.
COURTS: Allow various court systems to exist and compete. - JZ, n.d., on reading Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty. – PANARCHISM, COMPETING JUSTICE SYSTEMS
COURTS: An unjust court is worse than brigandage." - Derzhavin, in Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, 3, p. 524.
COURTS: And since our courts are more frequently referred to as courts of LAW than as courts of JUSTICE, it figures that they would believe in the idea of the sanctity of law." - Jim Andrews, in FREEDOM TODAY, 10/75. – LEGALISM VS. JUSTICE
COURTS: And where else in the U.S. today, except in a courtroom, can you be prosecuted for blasphemy? Should you blaspheme the judge - should you insult him in some way or use language that offends his sensibilities - you'll end up paying a fine or possibly spending time in jail for 'contempt of court'." - Sy Leon, None of the Above, 88. – CONTEMPT OF COURT, BLASPHEMY
COURTS: As far as Powell is concerned, it is appropriate to observe that it is no more true that all men who are found not guilty are in fact not guilty, than it is true that all men who are found guilty are guilty." - William F. Buckley, Jr., Rumbles Left & Right, p.108, on Adam Powell's case.
COURTS: As you value freedom, // As you appreciate liberty, // As you love home and family and friends and country, // I warn you, watch the courts!" - Joe Labadie, quoted in: Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.323.
COURTS: But even this is not all. The mode of trial, if not as infamous as the trial itself, is at least so utterly false and absurd, as to add a new element of uncertainty to the result of all judicial proceedings. - A trial in one of these courts of injustice is a trial by battle, almost, if not quite, as really was a trial by battle, five hundred or a thousand years ago. - Now, as then, the adverse parties choose their champions, to fight their battles for them. - These champions, trained to such contests, and armed, not only with all the weapons their own skill, cunning, and power can supply, but also with all the iniquitous laws, precedents, and technicalities that lawmakers and supreme courts can give them, for defeating justice, and accomplishing injustice, can - if not always, yet none but themselves know how often - offer their clients such chances of victory - independently of the justice of their causes - as to induce the dishonest to go into court to evade justice, or accomplish injustice, not less often perhaps than the honest go there in the hope to get justice, or avoid injustice. - We have now, I think, some 60,000 of these champions (by now over 1 million! - JZ), who make it the business of their lives to equip themselves for these conflicts, and sell their services for a price. - Is there any one of these men, who studies justice as a science, and regards that alone in all his professional exertions? If there are any such, why do we so seldom, or never, hear of them? Why have they not told us, hundreds of years ago, what are men's natural rights of person and property? And why have they not told us how false, absurd, and tyrannical are all these law-making governments? Why have they not told us what impostors and tyrants all these so-called lawmakers, judges, etc., etc., are? Why are so many of them so ambitious to become lawmakers and judges themselves?" - Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, Works I p. 108/9. – Underlining by me: JZ – LAWYERS, HUMAN RIGHTS
COURTS: Contempt of court may be considered a severe offence precisely because present courts are often contemptible." - JZ, 21.9.79.
COURTS: Contending party: Somebody prepared to sacrifice his skin in the hope to be able to keep his bones." – Ambrose Bierce, re-translated from a German version.
COURTS: Courtroom - A place where Jesus Christ and Judas Icariot would be equals, with the betting odds in favour of Judas.” – M. L. Mencken, 1880-1956, Sententiae, 1916. - JUSTICE, JUDGES, JURISDICTION, LAW, EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW
COURTS: Courts do systematically and quite constitutionally and legally deny justice, as often as a government finds it in its interest for them to do so, in order to uphold the biggest protection racket of them all. - JZ, 1.2.93, 4.7.94.
COURTS: Fancy taking a case of justice to a "court"! - JZ, 8.6.76. - The term "court" probably goes back to the time when the king was the supreme judge. - JZ, 5.10.02.
COURTS: Freedom of speech for witnesses in court. To be confined to "yes" or "no" answers upon trick questions by lawyers does NOT help to bring out the truth. - JZ, 22.11.87. – Truths are not merely black or white. – JZ, 13.11.10.
COURTS: Government courts are not courts of justice but of government laws and regulations. - JZ, 29.11.93.
COURTS: Government courts may abide, to a large degree, by legality. But thereby they do not help to establish a large degree of justice. - JZ, 21.9.91. - On the contrary! - JZ, 4.7.94.
COURTS: Great jurists are made by sacrificing plaintiffs to the Constitution; great physicians, by sacrificing patients to research. The moral: If you value your freedom and health, don't be a test case, either in the courts or in the clinics." - Thomas Szasz, Heresies, 70. - In test cases you gamble with powerful machineries for doing wrong. - JZ, 23.6.92. - Make sure fans of your case will cover the costs. - JZ, 8.7.94.
COURTS: How much more lying - by both sides, goes on IN courts than OUTSIDE of them? - JZ, 19.6.85.
COURTS: I was never ruined but twice: Once when I lost a lawsuit, and once when I won one." - Voltaire, 1694 - 1778. - JOKES
COURTS: If it is true that the supreme courts of almost every country have almost never upheld individual rights but frequently restricted them, we would be better off without them. - JZ, 12.3.86.
COURTS: If the judicial tribunals cannot be expected to do justice, even in those cases where the constitution expressly commands them to do it, and where they have solemnly sworn to do it, it is plain that they have sunk to the lowest depths of servility and corruption, and can be expected to do nothing but serve the purposes of robbers and tyrants." - Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, Works I p.53.
COURTS: If we ever should have courts of justice, it is easy to see what will become of statute books, supreme courts, trial by battle, and all the other machinery of fraud and tyranny, by which the world is now ruled. - If the people of this country knew what crimes are constantly committed by these courts of injustice, they would squelch them, without mercy, as unceremoniously as they would squelch so many gangs of bandits or pirates. In fact, bandits and pirates are highly respectable and honorable villains, compared with the judges of these courts of injustice. Bandits and pirates do not - like these judges - attempt to cheat us out of our common sense, in order to cheat us out of our property, liberty, or life. They do not profess to be anything but such villains as they really are. They do not claim to have received any 'divine' authority for robbing, enslaving, or murdering us at their pleasure. They do not claim immunity for their crimes, upon the ground that they are duly authorised agents of any such invisible, intangible, irresponsible, unimaginable thing as 'society', or 'the State'. They do not insult us that they are only exercising that authority to rob, enslave, and murder us, which we ourselves have delegated to them..." - Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, Works I p.109." – FREE JURIES, JUSTICE, JUDGES, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM
COURTS: If you want justice don’t engage in legal actions before government courts, where a just outcome is no more assured than it was in duels or is in other physical fights. – JZ, 5.4.99, 23.9.08. - JUSTICE, JUDGES
COURTS: In a court one cannot achieve justice but at best merely a judgment.” – ("Vor Gericht kann man keine Gerechtigkeit kriegen sondern bestenfalls ein Urteil.") – Some lecturer in Berlin, n.d., ca. 1980 or 84.
COURTS: It is American practice that the Judiciary justifies every law which trenches on the liberties of people and nullifies every act of the legislature by which the people seek to regain some measure of their freedom." - Voltairine de Cleyre, Anarchism & American Tradition, p.131. - Lawyers are habitually thinking of themselves as the 'guardians' of ignorant and incompetent people and most politicians are lawyers who, correspondingly, look down upon their constituents, as if they knew better what would be good for them and what they would deserve. - Whether that is truly American practice or not, no non-aggressive individual, who thinks like that, should be subjected to a legal system that he dislikes very much. - JZ, 4.7.94.
COURTS: It’s a case of the old court martial saying: ‘Bring in the guilty son-of-a-bitch, we’re going to give him a fair trial!” – Robert R. Siegrist, Rotunda, Condor, N.Y., 1977.p.488. - There is only one thing good about them. They do not waste as much time and money as other governmental courts. – JZ, 13.3.12. - COURTS MARTIAL, MILITARY COURTS, JUSTICE
COURTS: Jefferson understood the dangers presented to his ideas by the COURTS: He wrote that the courts were 'subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly working underground' to undermine the Constitution." - Source? – This is well demonstrated by the way in which judges and courts have, over the centuries, reduced free juries to dependent juries, with very restricted rights. – JZ, 24.11.08.
COURTS: Large trials, with many people testifying, etc., although seemingly more correct, tend to become power struggles with vested interests and partisan spirit, in which justice becomes almost forgotten and each sticks to the side he has originally chosen. - JZ, 19.6.85.
COURTS: Lawsuits are substitutes for combat." - Joseph H. Delaney, Brainchild, in ANALOG 6/82. - If you are fit, fast and well armed, you have a better chance in combat. - JZ, 8.7.94.
COURTS: Lawsuits consume time and money and rest and friends.” – Proverb from 1640
COURTS: Lawyers, barristers and judges are prejudiced against natural justice and individual rights. Thus from them one does at most get constitutionalism, legalism or juridical precedents. - JZ, 17.8.91.
COURTS: Military courts are to justice what military music is to music." - Source?
COURTS: One's life was safer with highwaymen and pirates than with a government court." - Charles Chiveley, to Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, 1886, p. 10.
COURTS: Our legal system - appropriately referred to by one source as 'trial by endurance' - makes it possible for small groups to block, for interminable periods of time, what could be life-saving energy projects." - R. J. Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.201.
COURTS: Poor people have access to the courts in the same sense that the Christians had access to the lions...." - Judge Earl Johnson Jr. - A few years ago powerful people formed a ring of homosexuals in the Wollongong, NSW area and sexually abused many teenagers. When threatened with court proceedings by the families of their victims, they raised the counter threat of expensive libel suits, which could have cost the families involved all their property. Thus the original criminal charges were mostly dropped. - I would not expect enough justice from any territorial State, since none of them has so far declared a sufficiently complete and consistent declaration of individual rights and liberties. But then – how many citizens have demanded it from their government or tried to draft one themselves? – JZ, 5.1.08. – COURTS OF LAW OR OF JUSTICE & POOR PEOPLE
COURTS: Remember, the courts are a part of the government; of the ruling elite. They cannot be expected to have your best interests in mind." - Jim Andrews, in FREEDOM TODAY, 10/75.
COURTS: Several objections may be raised to such free-market courts. The first is that they would 'sell' justice by deciding in favor of the highest bidder. That would be suicidal; unless they maintained a reputation for honesty, they would have no customers - unlike our present judges. Another objection is that it is the business of courts and legislatures to discover laws, not create them; there cannot be two competing laws of gravity, so why should there be two competing laws of property? But there can be two competing theories about the law of gravity or the proper definition of property rights. Discovery is as much a productive activity as creation. If it is obvious what the 'correct' law is, what rules of human interaction follow from the nature of man, then all courts will agree, just as all architects agree about the laws of physics. If it is not obvious, the market will generate research intended to discover 'correct' laws." - David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.163.
COURTS: Solutions to human affairs ought to be worked out in a human atmosphere and not an orators' arena baited with procedural traps." - Jonathan Caplan, in Ivan Illich, The Disabling Professions, p.108.
COURTS: Spooner expected each person could be 'his own judicial or executive' agent, and he explained how conflicts between different individuals could be worked out. One could negotiate a written contract with others to establish: 'An association for the maintenance of justice', which 'should be formed upon the same principle as a mutual fire or insurance company ..." (p.105) An individual who had litigation would have no more expense than one devastated by fire, if he belonged to an association." - Introduction by Charles Chiveley, to Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, 1886, I, p. 55. - Insurance to cover court costs does exist by now. However, since under the present system the court costs can be as unlimited as can indemnification claims adjudicated before courts, such insurance can become too expensive to be affordable to many people, just like medical insurance has now become unaffordable to many doctors. - The risk to be insured again must be an insurable risk, not one of unlimited size and growth. - JZ, 5.10.02.
COURTS: Such a court is often merely an organ for the breaking of justice.” – ("So ein Gericht ist oft auch nur ein Organ der Rechtsbrechung.") - Winfried Thomsen, Radikalauer.
COURTS: the ... court system ('court' not 'justice' system)..." - George Steele, INDIVIDUALIST JOURNAL, No. 5, Aug. 86. - Courts offer only a court-, not a justice system. - JZ, 15.7.87.
COURTS: The bystanders, at these trials, look on amazed, but powerless to defend the right, or prevent the wrong. Human nature has no rights, in the presence of these infernal tribunals." - Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, Works I p.108. – RIGHTS, HUMAN RIGHTS
COURTS: The courts are not interested in truth and justice." - Mrs. Mackay, News, ABC, 13.7.87. - Royal Courts and their dependent courts rarely were. - JZ, 4.7.94.
COURTS: The function of a trial judge is to be quick, courteous and wrong. That is not to say that the Court of Appeal should be slow, rude and right; for that would be to usurp the function of the House of Lords." - Lord Asquith of Bishopsgate. - JOKES
COURTS: The judges of that court have had this question - what is 'the obligation of contracts'? - before them for 70 years, and more. But they have never agreed among themselves - even by so much as a majority - as to what it is. And this disagreement is very good evidence that NONE of them have known what it is; for if any one of them had known what it is, he would doubtless have been able, long ago, to enlighten the rest. - Considering the vital importance of men's contracts, it would evidently be more to the credit of these judges, if they would give their attention to this question of 'the obligation of contracts', until they shall have solved it, than it is to be telling 50 millions of people that they have no right to make any contracts at all, except such as congress has power to invalidate after they shall have been made. Such assertions as this, coming from a court that cannot even tell us what 'the obligation of contracts' is, are not entitled to any serious consideration. On the contrary, they show us what farces and impostures these judicial opinions - or decisions, as they call them - are. They show that these judicial oracles, as men call them, are no better than some of the other so-called oracles, by whom mankind have been duped." – Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, Works I p.69. - Juridical "principles" like "Mark equals Mark" still make a farce of government jurisdiction on matters of money, currency and economics, as the "currency reform" of the latest German unification demonstrated. - JZ,4.7.94. – FREEDOM OF CONTRACT & PANARCHISM, LEGAL TENDER LAWS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, PERSONAL, TERRITORIALISM, LAW
COURTS: The plain man sees plenty of other sorts of law destroyed by the courts; he can't help wondering why the process is so seldom applied to statutes that violate not merely legal apothegms, but the baldest of common sense." - H. L. Mencken, Prejudices, 4th Series, 93.
COURTS: The system of justice we have in Australia is characterised by injustice, indignities, delay and expense." - Mr. Justice Murphy, quoted in THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 21.6.75. - Justice
COURTS: There are still judges in Berlin." – (“Il y a des juges a Berlin." - "Es gibt noch Richter in Berlin.") - Andrieux, Der Mueller von Sanscouci. - With this reference a miller, whose windmill noise annoyed the king, stopped royal arbitrary intervention. However, Frederick II was quite capable of starting a war upon a whim or imprisoning an advocate of free trade for life, without a trial. - JZ, 4.7.94.
COURTS: There clearly must, in the end, be somewhere in the society an ultimate court of appeal." - Cole, quoted in David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.130. - Why should there be just one court avenue and final court of appeal for all? Why not a court system and final appeals option according to individual choice, different in each exterritorially autonomous panarchy or for each contracted-for private enterprise service arrangement? For some the ultimate level may still be decided by a free jury. Others will see in a town meeting or referendum their ultimate decision maker. Still others might see it in the highest elected militia authority or assembly. Others will trust only their preferred international law and court system. Some will only trust some clerical judges or assemblies of their elders. Even tribal negroes in the Congo had up to 5 different court systems to choose from. No justice system will ever suit all people. - Draft and realize your own - and apply it to yourself! - JZ, 4.7.94.
COURTS: There exists a government monopoly bigger and more inefficient than the Post Office. It is a service industry run so inefficiently that customers frequently wait in line for years before receiving any attention and spend years more waiting for the government to finish a job that should require a week or two. It is not surprising that 80 to 90 % of the customers give up, go home, and do the job themselves. - I refer, of course, to the service of arbitrating and enforcing private contracts. This service is now performed primarily by the civil courts. It could be performed better by private institutions. Sometimes it is." - David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.109. - Compare: "Justice delayed is justice denied." - Source? - However, even instantly provided government justice would still in most instances be a denial of justice. For proof study the "justice" provided by rapidly assembled and sentencing military courts. - JZ, 4.7.94. – When it comes to protection: The private security services and their manpower do often already outnumber the official police, although they have to be paid for and the police “services” are offered free of direct charges to the users. – JZ, 13.11.10. – ARBITRATION SERVICES
COURTS: There has been no substantial improvement in the administration of justice for many generations.” – Charles Beardsley, formerly president of the California Bar Association, as reported by Jerry Pournelle, in ANALOG, 9/83, p. 111. - JUSTICE SYSTEM
COURTS: This is a court of law, young man, not a court of justice." - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. - What an admission! - JZ, n.d. - JOKES
COURTS: Through its jurisdictional neglect, it leaves us prey to both controlled and uncontrolled predation." - Joan Mary Leonard, THE FREEMAN, 3/77.
COURTS: Through most of history royal and other courts have been courts of royal edicts and granting or respecting rather than destroying privileges, infringing, rather than establishing justice. Are today's so-called courts of justice so very different? - JZ, 11.6.92, 4.7.94. - Certainly not when they have to abide by avalanches of wrongfully interventionist laws. - JZ, 5.10.02.
COURTS: To go to law is for two persons to kindle a fire, at their own cost, to warm others and singe themselves to cinders." - Owen Felltham, Resolves, c. 1620. - Reminds me of the French saying: "The more things change, the more they remain the same." How many court "reforms" have we had since 1620? - JZ, 4.7.94.
COURTS: We have a population of 50 to 60 millions; AND NOT A SINGLE COURT OF JUSTICE, STATE OR NATIONAL! - But we have everywhere courts of injustice - open and avowed injustice - claiming sole jurisdiction of all cases affecting men's rights of both person and property; and having at their beck brute force enough to compel absolute submission to their decrees, whether just or unjust. - Can a more decisive or infallible condemnation of our governments be conceived of, than the absence of all courts of justice, and the absolute power of their courts of injustice?" - Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, Works I p.106.
COURTS: What is worse, contempt of unjust laws, courts and judges or contempt of justice by unjust legislators, courts and judges? - JZ, 4.3.93, 5.10.02. - CONTEMPT OF COURT, JUSTICE, JUDGES, LAWS, Q.
COURTS: Yes, they lie under still another condemnation, to wit, that their courts are not only courts of injustice, but they are also secret tribunals; adjudicating all causes according to the secret instructions of their masters, the lawmakers, and their authorised interpreters, their supreme courts. - I say SECRET TRIBUNALS, and SECRET INSTRUCTIONS, because, to the great body of the people, whose rights are at stake, they are secret to all practical intents and purposes. They are secret, because their reasons for their decrees are to be found only in great volumes of statutes and supreme court reports, which the mass of the people have neither money to buy, nor time to read; and would not understand, if they were to read them. - These statutes and reports are so far out of reach of the people at large, that the only knowledge a man can ordinarily get of them, when he is summoned before..." - Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, Works I p.106.
COURTS: You cannot indict a million dollars." - American proverb. - Due to inflation it may now be 10 to 50 million dollars. - JZ, 10.4.94. – Under the territorial monopoly systems of justice, rich people as well as influential ones, like politicians, do have a large degree of immunity from prosecution for their wrongful actions. – JZ. 23.7.13.
COURTS: You hold your life in your mouth when you enter the court arena." - Frank Herbert, The Dosadi Experiment, GALAXY, May 77.
COVER-UPS: Politicians feather their nests well - with lies upon lies. - JZ, 4.7.94.
COVER-UPS: Show me a completely smooth operation and I'll show you someone who's covering mistakes. Real boats rock." - Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse Dune, p.131. - Compare: Murphy's Law & "To err is human."
COVER-UPS: Taxation' already has been discussed in detail as a cover-up for theft, and 'conscription' has been exposed as a way of legitimising slavery. 'Loophole' and 'windfall' were pointed out as words, which are used to intimidate people who legally try to protect their assets. And the incredible lie that enshrouds the word 'inflation' was uncovered in detail." - R. J. Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.301.
COVER-UPS: The worst, the most harmful cover-ups are those of certain basic political, economic and social truths, many to most of the individual rights and liberties - under an avalanche of popular prejudices, errors and myths. - JZ, 5.9.92, 23.7.13. - See: ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS.
COVETOUSNESS: for people covet even the smallest things if they are rare or little known, … - Seneca, Letters, 105, page 195. - This does not apply e.g. to freedom ideas. - However, the editor pointed out that the text at this point is corrupted and completed according to the opinions of Buecheler and Madvig. - JZ - VALUABLES, VALUES, IDEAS
COWARDICE: A Coward is a man who won't fight for what the other man believes in.” - Quoted in p. 123 of ASTOUNDING SF, Aug. 56, Brit. Ed. – Only quite rightful war- and peace-aims are worth fighting or struggling for. – JZ, 23.7.13. – DESERTION, COURAGE
COWARDICE: Cowards will save this world." - From film: The Americanisation of Emily. – People show all too much courage and too little sense e.g. in the face of taxation, monetary despotism, territorialism and the nuclear war threat. At the same time, they lack the courage and determination to think enough about these threats to do finally away with them. – JZ, 25.11.08, 13.11.10.
CPI: Consumer Price Index, in Australia: I believe that the CPI is secretly and wrongly determined in the government's favour - so that it can welch on part of all its debts that are indexed by the CPI. If this were not the case, then it would publicly explain how it arrived at the CPI and compare it with all other index options and demonstrate that its CPI is the best, the most honest and comprehensive CPI that it is possible to arrive at. - JZ, 2.10.91, 5.7.94. - Alas, who cares, but myself, among ca. 20 million people in Australia? Whoever does not even protest, when and where he can, deserves what he gets. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CPI: Consumer Price Index, in Australia: One of the worst signs of the time is the bland assertion by the government, of the CPI and its thoughtless acceptance by the people and uncritical repetition by the economists and uncritical publication by the mass media, almost as if it were God's own revealed truth. And yet it is widely known that politicians and bureaucrats juggle figures all the time in their favour. Here they have the greatest interest to do so, on the one side, to cheat their creditors and on the other to make it appear to the electorate that under their rule inflation is less bad than it actually is. Thus when pensions, government bonds or wages are indexed by the CPI, the false impression is given that these claimants thereby get what they deserved - namely what they previously lost through the government-caused inflation. Even if, on indexation day, happening only once a year for state superannuation pensions, they were fully brought up to the inflation rate, they would have lost in all payments during the year up to then adaptation day. Only a fraction of all transactions are thus indexed, and this in a flawed way and the rest of all creditors suffer the full brunt of the government's inflation unmitigated. Hundreds of different ways of determining a consumer price index are possible, all with somewhat different results, even if honestly calculated from the best figures available. Yet no critical voice is raised in public. Maybe this racket will go on as long as monetary and financial despotism continue. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CPI: Consumer Price Index, in Australia: Over the last few years almost every shopping trip indicated to me that the official CPI figure must be wrong, understating the degree of the actual inflation. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CPI: Consumer Price Index, in Australia: The CPI, as determined today, does not represent the experience of the consumer in the market place but the self-serving interests of the politicians and their servants. You can bet your life that the raises of the politicians and of their leading servants are not determined by the CPI. - JZ, 28.5.92.
CPI: Consumer Price Index, in Australia: Years ago I spoke with a public servant who worked in the department where the CPI is determined. He admitted that goods and services whose prices are still under some controls, like milk, standard bread, eggs, electricity and water rates, were given a prominent role in the CPI to keep it artificially down. If all prices were officially controlled, this "index" would never show a change! - JZ, 5.7.94.
CRANKS: A person well informed on a subject in which you are not interested." - CHANGING TIMES. – – Alas, at least most of the monetary cranks and the cranks of the numerous conspiracy theories are not well enough informed. Nor are their listeners and those who refuse to listen to them. - JZ, 13.11.10. – KNOWLEDGE, JUDGMENT, INFORMATION, EDUCATION,
CRANKS: But the truth at which Mill was aiming was that, while four 'cranks' out of five may have nothing of real value in their minds or characters, the fifth may be worth more to humanity than a million normal men. Christ was crucified as a 'crank'. For that reason it would be monstrously foolish to persecute cranks; for though nine may be justly despised and rejected, the tenth may have in him a priceless boon for his fellows. All leaders of thought have been jeered at in their day, and prophets are stoned abroad as well as at home.” - Ivor Brown, English Political Theory, Methuen, London, 1920, 124. - DISSENTERS, QUACKS, IDEAS ARCHIVE, INNOVATORS, REFORMERS, THINKERS
CRANKS: We are indeed cranks who want to crank up the motor of the world: the productive and thinking man, working in freedom. We do get cranky when anyone interferes with our liberties. - JZ, 2/75, 30.7.78.
CRANKS: We do, indeed, get cranky when our basic rights and liberties are denied to us. - JZ, 2/75.
CRAP: 90% of everything is crap.” - Theodore Sturgeon (Terry Arthur published a book with that title, with the only change: 95%. - Before or after this remark by T. S.? – JZ ) – BULLSHIT, NONSENSE, UTOPIA
CRASH PROGRAMS: To repose confidence in crash programs in science is as realistic as advising a woman that she could produce a baby in one month by putting nine men on the job." - Clyde Cameron, THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 26.9.75. - JOKES
CREATION OF CREDIT: If banks could create money and credit out of nothing, I would like to be a banker under these conditions. Why doesn't every banker make use of such "opportunities"? Why do they still bother to ask you for your account and your deposits and savings? - JZ, 5.8.76, 5.7.94. – Why then don’t they simply create credit and money by the trillions of dollars? Legally only the central banks are allowed to engage in such crimes, with their note issue and coinage monopoly and legal tender power, i.e. a forced acceptance and a forced value for this kind of output. An analogy for this wrongful power would be the power granted to any author to offer his fairy tales as if they were truthful and our legalized obligation to accept them as such. – JZ, 4.2.13..
CREATION OF MONEY: But you can't MAKE purchasing power. You can only TRANSFER it." - Terry Arthur, 95% Is Crap, p.209. – True – but only under monetary despotism. E.g. shopping centres, if they were free to do so, could transform much of their ready-for-sale goods and services into SOUND purchasing power, in form of their own shop currency, fully covered by these goods and services and with their value expressed in a self-chosen sound value standard. They would then accept the government’s or central bank money – if at all – only at its market rate against their sound value standard. Otherwise, they, as well as their customers, tradesmen, professionals, blue and white colour workers, would largely refuse it altogether or, at most, would accept it only at its market rate against a sound value standard.– Moreover, there is the clearing option, which is as unlimited as is the number of possible and desired exchanges and not so laborious and difficult to achieve as mutually satisfactory barter transactions are. – It, too, requires only a sound value standard to be quite sound. JZ, 25.11.08, 4.2.13..
CREATION OF MONEY: Nothing comes from nothing." - "De nihilo nihil." - "Aus nichts wird nichts." - Lucretius, On Nature, I., p.149. - See the separate compilation on monetary freedom. - also the later and longer A to Z on Free Banking and the Free Banking bibliography at and the numerous other online references which can not be found on this subject on the Internet. – JZ, 4.2.13.
CREATIONISTS: I am a creationist; I refuse to believe that I could have evolved from humans.” - Slogan from the SPIRITUAL ANARCHY WEBSITE – Only very rarely do average parents have genius-type offspring in the throw of the genetic dice. Even then, environmental influences and their own flawed or false choices may prevent the full development of their inborn talents. – JZ, 4.2.13. JOKES, SELF-MADE MEN, ACHIEVERS, SELF-IMPROVEMENT, AVERAGE MEN, MASS-MEN
CREATIVE ENERGIES: And, as the essential prerequisite to his maximum development, the Founding Fathers held that the individual must be FREE to direct his own CREATIVE energies without restrictive laws, rules and regulations imposed by political masters." – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.153. – Alas, they were still territorialists and did not notice this contradiction at all. – JZ, 13.11.10. – INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, HUMAN RIGHTS
CREATIVE ENERGIES: For it is only when the people are uninhibited by law and formal political authority that the creative energies of human nature may rise to the surface of human society and display themselves." - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.18. - Otherwise, the worst, the scum, rise to the top. - JZ, 5.7.94. – All remaining restrictions and authorities must be self-imposed, by volunteers, upon themselves only. – JZ, 13.11.10. - POWER, AUTHORITY, POLITICS, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, LAW, ANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM
CREATIVE ENERGIES: It is the maximum release of creative energy that assures maximum moral, spiritual, intellectual, economic progress; to me, the point is incontestable." – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.51.
CREATIVE ENERGIES: No man-concocted restraints against the release of creative energy." - Leonard E. Read, Meditations on Freedom, p.11. - "No restraints against the creative actions of anyone." – L. E. Read, where? – Except among volunteers. – JZ, 13.11.10. – “Release all creative energies!" – Leonard E. Read brought it to that short formula, somewhere, I believe. Where? - JZ, 5.7.95. – Expose, resist and destroy all forces and institutions that oppose, suppress or exploit creative energies, e.g. that keep territorial States in power or make them still more powerful. – JZ, 19.10.06, 26.10.07, 13.11.08. - RELEASING CREATIVE ENERGIES, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY
CREATIVE ENERGIES: The executioner, as Maistre said, is the corner-stone of our society. But it is because we refuse to release the creative energies of man." - H. J. Laski, The Pluralistic State, in: David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.155. – Alas, territorialism went on even after the abolition of the death penalty. – JZ, 25.11.08.
CREATIVE ENERGIES: there was established here a society based on certain concepts which had as their ultimate purpose the minimising of that coercive force which inhibits social progress by repressing the creative energies of individuals." - Ben Moreell, The Admiral's Log II, p.9. - PROGRESS, COERCION, SOCIAL PROGRESS, SOCIETY
CREATIVE ENERGIES: Viewed long range, this non-prescriptive way of life is brand new, too recent to have gained a substantial following or even much of an apprehension of its miraculous workings. Libertarianism - then bearing the name of liberalism - had its first significant flowering in England during the century between the Napoleonic Wars and World War I. But, its more widespread acceptance and practice has been in these United States. This country, with less organised force standing against the individual than ever before in history, witnessed the greatest release of creative energy known to mankind. Genius developed in the most unsuspected persons; millions of people began to realize their potentialities." – Leonard E. Read, The Coming Aristocracy, p.118.
CREATIVE ENERGIES: When liberty prevails, there are in the U.S.A. not less than 130,000,000 adults free to release their greatly varied and UNIQUE creative energies. The aggregate of these energies - the bringing into combination of THINGS and PERSONS - is beyond the power of anyone to even imagine, let alone measure." – Leonard E. Read, THE FREEMAN, 3/75, p.147.
CREATIVE WISDOM: Creative Wisdom functions only in freedom. To avoid another disastrous decline and fall, we must not only know that freedom IS essential but must try to know WHY it is essential..." – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.24. - While Read and his FEE organisation published much on liberty, and FEE still does, they did not and still do not attempt to gather at least references to all freedom ideas and talents in their library and in their publications, but instead, with largely open but also somewhat closed minds, they do also pursue only a kind of "party line", rather than a market-like approach to liberty. - For instance, I was so far unable to persuade FEE to acquire a microfiche reader for its library, to collect freedom fiche and to produce them, covering at least all of their o.o.p. writings. They seem to think that it is enough to delegate the filming of THE FREEMAN to University Microfilms, which takes no special interest in promoting freedom writings and sells all its output at outrageously high prices. - His "Creative Wisdom" has not yet embraced its micrographic options. - JZ, 5.7.94. – Only for a short time did FEE experiment with gramophone disks. By now much, if not all its texts may have been scanned in by others. But they are, to my knowledge, still not offered on a single disk. – JZ, 25.11.08. – At least all the issues of THE FREEMAN are now online. – JZ, 13.11.10. – Also some of the books of Leonard E. Read. – JZ, 4.2.13.CREATIVE WISDOM: Man needs freedom because it is the only state of affairs in which Creative Wisdom can flourish, without which man cannot exist. As explained in previous chapters, Creative Wisdom is that coalescence of tiny bits of knowledge - inventions, insights, discoveries, and the like - into an enormous luminosity; it is a body of knowledge that never even remotely exists in any discrete individual. It is Creative Wisdom that accounts for all the man-made gadgetry by which we live and materially prosper - everything from a pencil to a jet plane. Coalescence - the in-gathering of the tiny bits - presupposes their freedom to flow. This Creative Wisdom or 'knowledge in society' is equally a requirement for all social, political, moral, ethical, and spiritual achievements of high order." – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.119 - This SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY handbook is one such coalescence attempt by an individual, stretching over many years. (*) Although it may be the largest collection of pro freedom sayings ever compiled, it is still very far from being complete. It cannot achieve completeness without widespread participation by others and this cannot be obtained without them being not only free but also aware of the usefulness of such a compilation. For a long time we did not have any comprehensive philosophising but merely the collection of "pearls of wisdom" in proverbs and sayings. And the worst of them, examples of ignorance, foolishness, errors, myths and prejudices, still predominate our thinking and actions. Thus it is high time to gather the pro-freedom statements of this kind together, from all old and modern writings and other utterances and the ca. 15,000 compilations of proverbs and quotes. Modern scanning and computer compilation, alphabetization, indexing and retrieving techniques would make this task relatively easy - for the relatively few needed to recognize its importance and realize this aim. This compilation is just as much of a pilot scheme as an individual can provide towards this aim. - JZ, 5.7.94. – (*) The same applies to e.g. an Encyclopaedia of the Best Refutations and also to one Encyclopaedia of all definitions of terms relevant to the freedom struggle, stressing the best among them and criticizing the false and flawed ones. – JZ, 4.2.13. - SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY, IDEAS ARCHIVE, THE FREE MARKET PLACE FOR IDEAS DOES NOT YET FULLY EXIST BUT CAN & SHOULD BE ESTABLISHED A.S.A.P. - DIVISION OF LABOUR, KNOWLEDGE, IGNORANCE, IDEAS, TRADE, EXCHANGE, FREE TRADE, SPECIALIZATION. See my NEW DRAFT, digitized manuscript of 2010. – JZ, 4.2.13.
CREATIVE WISDOM: Nor should we ever limit these observations to things. You and I are less competent to structure another human being than to build an automobile. And still less competent to structure society. All progress stems from Creative Wisdom, none from human masterminding. (*) - The second step - seeing how Creative Wisdom is formed - may be beyond our comprehension. Trillions of knowledge-bits, from moments to aeons apart and originating in persons rarely known to each other, form into a phenomenal, effectively working whole. (*) How can their coalescence be explained?" – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.22/23. - He refers here to the chapter, "Only God Can Make a Tree - Or a Pencil" in ANYTHING THAT'S PEACEFUL, FEE, 1964. He also wrote similar articles, headed, I believe, I Pencil, and: Nobody Can Make a Can of Beans. - Sometimes that Creative Wisdom is embodied in our cells, when they reconstruct a wound or infected area, or in the genes of a fertilised egg, when they begin to construct a complete human being. - (*) Not when it comes to new ideas, so far nowhere fully assembled and made readily accessible to all who might be interested in them. – Only a special market for them can make supply and demand in this sphere sufficiently effective. - JZ, 5.7.94. – IDEAS ARCHIVE, SUPER-COMPUTER PROJECT
CREATIVE WISDOM: Once the enormity of Creative Wisdom - the luminosity - is grasped we see that: The wisdom by which we live is unimaginably greater than can possibly exist in any discrete individual." – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign. - And the Creative Wisdom, by which we do not yet live, because it remains buried in some unknown heads or unknown writings, is unimaginably larger than that limited dispersed and collected wisdom by which we do already live. And that Creative Wisdom could and should be brought to coalesce in the future, if some common sense steps are taken in its favour, is unimaginably larger than that fragment by which we will come to live, if we merely adopt the usual "happy go lucky" attitude towards new ideas and talents, under the wrongful assumption that all valuable ideas and talents will automatically succeed, sooner rather than later and that no creative energies were, are or will be wasted. - JZ, 5.7.94. ENLIGHTENMENT, LIGHT, LUMINOSITY, KNOWLEDGE, IDEAS, IDEAS ARCHIVE
CREATIVE WISDOM: Those of us without such deep understanding are unaware of any impressive alternative to your or my rule. (*) To ever so many people, it's only a question of WHO shall rule: you, someone else, or I? Generally, I am more impressed with my knowledge than yours, and vice versa. Overlooked is the fact that your knowledge or mine is infinitesimal, that not enough knowledge exists in any discrete individual to rule a single person, let alone a society. Also overlooked - and this is my point - is the almost unknown alternative, strikingly impressive, once it is apprehended. That alternative is the aggregate of all the knowledge issuing in literally trillions of tiny bits from all who live, which I refer to as Creative Wisdom." – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.21. - Read overlooked the creative wisdom that would be expressed by competing panarchies or competing governments, established upon individual sovereignty, individual secessionism and exterritorial autonomy. His model of an exclusive territorial limited government, as supposedly ideal, blinded him to this other model, which is a model for all models or a framework for all frameworks. – (*) Or, like Read himself, of the diverse voluntaristic options of exterritorial autonomy. - JZ, 5.7.94. – There is also almost no limit to the creative wisdom that could be accumulated in a world-wide Ideas Archive, starting with one containing all freedom, peace and justice ideas. – JZ, 25.11.08. - TERRITORIALISM VS. EXTERRITORIALISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM OR PANARCHISM, RULERS, KNOWLEDGE, IGNORANCE
CREATIVITY: A creature and a creator! There lies the whole difference between one man and another." - Balzac. – As mere creatures too many are largely merely destroyers. – JZ, 25.11.08. – MAN, HUMAN NATURE, INTELLIGENCE, ETHICS, MORALITY, FREE WILL, RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
CREATIVITY: All men are creative but few are artists." - Paul Goodman, Growing Up Absurd, 1960, 9.3. – They may not be top artists but the combined output of all their little artistic, creative and innovative steps, if they are free to undertake them, is of immense value. – JZ, 25.11.08.
CREATIVITY: all the highly varied creative energies, as they manifest themselves in millions of individuals the world over, fall under this very law, this mysterious attractive force. THESE CREATIVE ENERGIES HAVE AN AFFINITY FOR EACH OTHER AND, IF NOT IMPEDED, THAT IS, IF FREE, WILL AUTOMATICALLY, SPONTANEOUSLY, MIRACULOUSLY CONFIGURATE OR DRAW TOGETHER IN THE MOST UNPREDICTABLE PATTERNS TO FORM THE GOODS AND SERVICES MEN LIVE BY. Think of yourself. Reflect on how helpless you would be were your life dependent on the tiny consciousness which is yours. You would perish. So would anyone else, similarly handicapped. Yet, we all live in relative luxury. What accounts for this? It cannot be explained except in terms of creative energy and creative energy exchanges, except by this mysterious attractive force in operation." - Leonard E. Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p. 29. - Imagine all of this force released a) nationally, b) internationally and c) within the universe. And how close to its universal combination would we come, soon, if a) and b) are realized first and soon? Maybe the increased power output and consumption alone would be noticed by other civilisations in space and we could learn to overcome the time and space barriers, which are anyhow foreign to the very nature of ideas. - JZ, 5.7.94. - Alas, the attractive force between libertarian ideas and talents has not yet been strong enough to achieve an ideas archive and talent registry or “employment agency” or free market for all of them! And this among people who take pride in their knowledge of free markets! - JZ, 5.10.02, 23.7.13.
CREATIVITY: Always: How can this be done better?" – („Allezeit: Wie kann dies besser gemacht werden?") - G. C. Lichtenberg
CREATIVITY: And it seems just as obvious that all creative activities, without exception, should be left to men acting freely, privately, cooperatively, competitively, voluntarily. - We should always keep in mind that all creative action is spiritual, in the sense that ideas, inventions, discoveries, intuitions, insights are spiritual. Thus it is that everything by which we live and prosper has its inception in the spiritual before ever showing forth in the material. Physical force - forcible interferences - can only deaden, never enliven, the spiritual." – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.161. - We live surrounded by the material manifestations of hundreds to thousands of old and new ideas and talents, largely unaware of their origin, taking them for granted, like we would any natural substance or force. - JZ, 5.7.94. – We have churches and temples for the mere spiritual urges, art exhibitions and museums for the creative arts. Where are the equivalent displays and markets for new ideas in the social sciences, ideas on how to solve the remaining social problems, wars, inflation, unemployment, poverty, ignorance, prejudices? – JZ, 25.11.08.
CREATIVITY: Another great radio inventor, the American Lee de Forest, stated that he found it difficult to work 'under conditions short of complete autonomy.'" - Source? - Back in 1960, as a shift-worker, I found it once impossible to sleep in daytime, with 4 radios blaring around me, far less to think and write. After 5 days of this I was close to madness - and we moved to another single room, much quieter and bearable with its noise, although it was next to a major thoroughfare. One can easily switch off the own radio - but not those of one's neighbours. Ever since I have wished for an invention like a small directional broadcasting unit that could be used to disturb and thereby finally quell radios of neighbours that are too noisy. - Has anyone invented such a gadget in the meantime? Since most of the few licenced radio stations concentrate only on appealing to the lowest common denominator, rather than offering special interest programs, as they might under fully freed competition in this sphere, I do not find the invention of the radio to be all that great. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CREATIVITY: As it is, we have creative energy confined and destructive energy on the loose." - Joan Mary Leonard, THE FREEMAN, 3/77. – Let us finally confine all destructive and release all creative energies! – JZ, 25.11.08. – The confinement of all destructive energies starts with freedom to seceded from them! – JZ, 13.11.10. - PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM.
CREATIVITY: Behind every advance in the human race is a germ of creation growing in the mind of some lone individual - an individual whose dreams awaken him in the night while others lie contentedly asleep." - Crawford Greenewalt, quoted in: The Love of Liberty, by Leonard E. Read, p. 25. – How many talents and ideas failed, and how often, because their creators or carriers encountered only multitudes of sleeping or half-awake or disinterested “minds”? – JZ, 25.11.08. - IDEAS ARCHIVE, TALENT CENTRE
CREATIVITY: Coercion is not a creative force. No idea, discovery, invention, insight, intuitive flash ever issued from an edict, however well-intentioned. Creativity is exclusively the outpouring of human energy not in bondage, of men when free to think, to dream, to imagine, to explore the limitless not-yet. Coercion can only inhibit and penalise - nothing more! Testimony? The American experience which witnessed the greatest outburst of creative energy in all history. Why? Human freedom in greater measure than ever before!” - Source? Probably Leonard E. Read, in one of his books, chapter Wizardry, p.63. - Napoleon, out of coercively collected tax funds, rewarded inventors. The first margarine invention was rewarded by one of these prizes. - I do admit that I would prefer other modes of rewards, too. I am even opposed to official patents, which probably originated in Saxony in the fifteenth or sixteenth century, and to officially granted copyrights monopolies. - New and old ideas and talents need not only general freedom but special markets, nurseries and development centres, archives and information centres, accessible to anyone, to reduce the enormous waste of them that does now occur, still, even in the better countries. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CREATIVITY: CONSEQUENCES OF INTERVENTION. Let us now observe what happens to these sources of creative energy when the State regulates and controls them. What are the consequences when organised physical force - government - controls our creativity, our varied and unique potentialities? To accurately observe and appraise these consequences is to discover the errors - moral and economic - which account for the mess we are in. And the task is to free ourselves from these malpractices." – Leonard E. Read, THE FREEMAN, 3/75. - Neither these malpractices, nor the arguments against them, nor the sound alternatives, are as yet fully registered anywhere and easily retrievable from there. Libertarians and anarchists have not yet got their act together although enough of them are free enough to do so. - JZ, 5.7.94. – IDEAS ARCHIVE, TERRITORIALISM VS. EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, BUREAUCRACY, HIERARCHIES, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP, BOSSES, SUBORDINATION
CREATIVITY: Creation is a stone thrown uphill against the downward rush of habit." - Frank Barron, quoted by Regina Hugo in LIBERTARIAN REVIEW, U.S., 3/77.
CREATIVITY: Creative activities? Leave them without exception to men acting freely, competitively, privately, cooperatively, voluntarily; that is, leave these activities to the free and unfettered market, for it is the market that possesses a wisdom unimaginably greater than exists in any discrete individual." – Leonard E. Read, Castles in the Air. - He overlooked, too, that even for libertarian ideas and talents no ideal market has as yet been established, not even by libertarians. - JZ, 5.7.94. – Far less exists there a panarchistic market or framework for all kinds of utopias, all practised only by volunteers without a territorial monopoly for them. – JZ, 25.11.08. – IDEAS ARCHIVE, PANARCHISM
CREATIVITY: Creative imagination. … Creativity! Always dangerous to entrenched power. Always coming up with something new. New things could destroy the grip of authority.” - Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse Dune, p.259. , IDEAS, IMAGINATION & POWER, AUTHORITY, SOMETHING NEW
CREATIVITY: Creativity is exclusively the outpouring of human energy not in bondage, of men when free to think, to dream, to imagine, to explore the limitless not-yet." - Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 11/74. - And free to act, at their own expense and risk, regardless of any constitution, law, regulation or authority! - JZ, 11/74.
CREATIVITY: Creativity requires to a large extent personal contact or 'a mental ping-pong partner' as Piet Hein said." – READER’S DIGEST, 4/67. - Now the personal contact could occur via microfiche, disks or on-line, in a network, or via an electronic databank, not only via a personal and hand-written or typed and mailed letter or through personal meetings. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CREATIVITY: Creativity should also bear interest." („Einfallsreichtum muss auch Zinsen tragen.“) - Gerhard Uhlenbruck. – In a free market, with all of its possible and desirable special free markets, it would be rewarded, as a rule, in one way or the other. – JZ, 23.7.13.
CREATIVITY: Creativity stems exclusively from individuals acting privately, competitively, cooperatively, voluntarily." –Leonard E. Read, Who's Listening? p.153. – It can also be cooperatively practised or by teamworks, by volunteers, under full exterritorial autonomy. – JZ, 13.11.10.
CREATIVITY: Even in these days of the large corporation, the majority of inventions still come, in the first place, from independent inventors." - Gordon Rattray Taylor, in The Inventions that Changed the World, a READER'S DIGEST volume.
CREATIVITY: every moment is new and everything we think and do is new. CREATIVITY IS CONSTANT! - No person on this earth knows what happened - bad or good - during the last minute. Nor does anyone have the slightest idea about what will happen in the next minute. When a person grasps the truth that CREATIVITY IS CONSTANT, that individual is on the right road, TOWARD the ideal. As Cervantes wrote, 'The road is always better than the inn.’ Indeed, there is no inn, no stopping place on the way toward the ideal. The best one can do is travel righteously every day of mortal life!" - Leonard E. Read, How Do We Know? p.76. - People do not get much time for reading, while they are travelling, just like politicians do not get much time for reading, philosophising or genuine discussions, while they are politicking. - The best conditions for creativity and for the results of creativity, its ideas, platforms, programs and blueprints, have not yet been systematically explored and realised. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CREATIVITY: Every normal person on this earth has a bit of unpredictable Edison in him. From whom an idea will burst forth can no more be foreseen than one can know today what tomorrow may bring. Freedom taps this richest of all the world's resources and assures us that society will have the use of all the knowledge there is or ever will be!" – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.20. - Neither "burst" not "taps" are fitting words here for what actually occurs. For without centralised or networked registration and information and publicity opportunities for each idea and talent and in spite of formal freedom, most do not burst out of an environment marked by ignorance, disinterest, prejudices and myths and do not come to the attention of those who would like to develop or tap their wisdom and skills. In other words, a special market for ideas and talents, one that utilises the best of all of them - others merely as deterrent examples - does not exist as yet and should never be simply presumed to exist. There are many economic freedom advocates still unaware that in their model of the free market e.g., full monetary freedom and self-management within enterprises and competing or voluntary governments, societies and communities under personal laws, subject to individual choice, are still significant omissions. The lack of a fully developed ideas and talent market is probably all the less noticed because so many different and limited ideas and talent markets do exist. But to assert that these ideas and talent markets would already exist would be like arguing that because A and B did and do get a chance to freely trade with each other, Free Trade does already exist for all people the world in all spheres. Supply and demand for all ideas and talents have still to be brought together, world-wide, systematically, through special markets. And most of the advocates of the free market and of individualism are still unaware of this and still have to act and cooperate and compete in this direction. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CREATIVITY: explaining the birth of the American miracle: FREEDOM TO ACT CREATIVELY AS WE PLEASE!" - Leonard E. Read, How Do We Know? p.91. – As if that had already been fully realized in America or anywhere else. The USA even fought a civil war – in the usual uncivilized way, to prevent geographical secession and has still not realized individual and minority secessionism. – JZ, 13.11.10, 4.2.13, 23.7.13. - AMERICANISM
CREATIVITY: For years I have contended that no one - past or present - has more than scratched the surface when it comes to making the case for the free society. Friends of freedom exhibit two shortcomings: (1) a scanty understanding of why freedom works its miracles, and (2) an inability to explain clearly enough such understanding as we presently possess. - For the sake of this thesis, assume some knowledge of why authoritarianism is doomed to failure and why only freedom makes creativity possible." – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 3/75. - Even FEE has not published a list of all the writings it has published, the o.o.p. ones included. Nor has FEE managed to abstract all of them and to index them together. But it has taken some steps towards an Encyclopaedia of Freedom Ideas with its Essays on Liberty collection and its THE FREEMAN volumes. - In practice, for most people in most places and most languages and most of the time, most freedom writings are inaccessible. - They are not even fully listed yet. - Thus what chance did the full case for liberty get, with anyone? - JZ, 5.7.94. – At least by now all of THE FREEMAN is online and all its articles are open for comments. – JZ, 4.3.13.
CREATIVITY: Freedom to be one's own man is more conducive to creativity than to be someone else's man or slave;..." – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.40.
CREATIVITY: Fright is no spawning ground for creativity. True, you might accept or embrace an idea of mine but it would not be your idea. And idea of yours stems exclusively from your own complex and unfathomable faculties. We are speaking of insight - seeing from within - an original that cannot be transplanted." – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.40. - But individuals can and willingly do adopt ideas of others, in their sphere of interests. Alas, presently not all such ideas are made readily accessible to them. - JZ, 5.7.94. – IDEAS ARCHIVE, SUPER-COMPUTER PROJECT
CREATIVITY: From all the tens of thousands of millions of men and women who have peopled the earth, only a few thousand - say, 00001 per cent - have had the creative genius to conceive something new and useful." - Gordon Rattray Taylor, The Roots of Invention. - I for one do not trust his figures - in this or anything else. Even patent offices registere more than a few thousand, rather millions. And these are only the innovations that are patentable and actually were patented in spite of the costs, uncertainties and labours involved. Most innovations fall neglected by the wayside - and so do most talents, because as yet there is no ideal market for either in existence as yet, anywhere in the world. Matsushita and later Sony have demonstrated, by mere suggestion box schemes that were well run, how creative the ordinary person can be, at least at the work place, by achieving up to 350 written improvement suggestions per annum per employee! - JZ, 5.7.94. - While some of the employees were, naturally, more creative than others, these figures were not achieved by a few participants only. - JZ,
CREATIVITY: Goods and services flow EXCLUSIVELY from individuals acting creatively and cooperatively as they personally choose. This is a fact of life, however difficult to grasp: FREEDOM AFFORDS THE ONLY WAY TO RELEASE THE CREATIVITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL." – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.71. - While this is true for the FULL release of creativity, we should not forget that coercive criminals, acting privately or out of government offices, managed to extract, for thousands of years, from unwilling victims and their creativity and productivity, much more than these slave masters, taxers and rulers could ever have created and produced by and for themselves. Moreover, we should become finally creative and productive with regard to successful resistance, defence, liberation and revolution systems rather than continuing with the territorialist statists errors, myths and criminal systems in these spheres. - 5.7.94. – One should also distinguish the routine “creativity” in mass-producing already wanted consumer goods and services from the creativity expressed in new ideas, inventions and discoveries. For these there is not yet a ready consumer market, with the exception of some potentially very popular new gadgets or designs. – JZ, 25.11.08.
CREATIVITY: He views the creative process as a mystic happening, but one which requires much hard work as well. 'You must do your groundwork. You must know the field', he says. Knowing too much - or, rather, thinking that you know too much - can be a hindrance to creativity. 'I work according to a principle of being unwise', he says. "It helps to be unwise. But I had to develop sheer stupidity into unwisdom.' - Having done so, he put the whole attitude into 14 words, appropriately one of his most widely known grooks: 'There is one art, no more, no less: to do all things with art-lessness.'" - Piet Hein, READER’S DIGEST, 4/67. - Although you might acquire some sexual knowledge from books, don't make love by the book! - JZ, 5.10.02.
CREATIVITY: History's greatest creative outburst took place in the U.S. of America where freedom - private ownership, freedom in transactions, willing exchange, government limited to keeping the peace - was more nearly approximated than elsewhere or at anytime. The correlation between freedom and creativity appears to be unassailable." – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign. - Ulrich von Beckerath used to assert, repeatedly, that if only monetary freedom, combined with other economic liberties, could be fully applied in a single village, anywhere on Earth, and remain unhindered for a considerable period, then, through its achievements, this freedom could come to conquer the world. Alas, presently no freedom is fully secure from government interventionism, even in a village. One opportunity for such an experiment might occur within a revolution or civil war situation where one area is already relatively secure from governmental despotism and the contending parties are too busy with their struggle to intervene. Other opportunities might be mass unemployment and galloping inflation crises. At one stage he hoped that Berlin might become that example, through his "Berlin Programm". The eyes of the world were on Berlin, he used to say. Alas, the contest there remained merely a contest between Western territorial governmentalism and Eastern territorial Governmentalism and it was not even possible for him and his friends to get this short programme for monetary freedom, stable currency and full employment published, not even at a time when every third Berlin employee was unemployed. Good ideas do not automatically "burst" forward and are automatically "on tap". I reproduced this programme in PEACE PLANS 41 and over the last 16 years have not even sold 50 copies of the original 100 yet. Most of the copies that were distributed were among my give-aways! - JZ, 5.7.94, 4.2.13.
CREATIVITY: How fertile is the smallest circle - if it is well cared for." – Friedrich Schiller – Schiller thought of friendship circles of like-minded creative people, not of appointed officials with some decision-making power over the affairs of others. – JZ, 27.11.08. - Compare: COMMITTEES.
CREATIVITY: Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively-maladjusted." - Martin Luther King, Jr., Strength to Love, 1963, 23. – Alas, in the absence of an Ideas Archive and Talent Centre, i.e., of special free markets for such offers, combined with full experimental freedom, under exterritorial autonomy for volunteers, it is not yet in the hands of the creatively-maladjusted, but remains, all too much, in the hands of territorial power addicts, who are largely inaccessible for rightful and rational ideas and genuine talents. – And the “creatively maladjusted” have not yet established, as a self-help project, the proper markets for themselves and have not even clearly realized the need for them, in spite of all the difficulties that they do daily experience when their try to individually market their ideas or talents. – And this in face of the fact that a single and cheap HD of 1 TB could come to offer their combined treasures to the extent of the pages contained in ca. 3 million books! By establishing such a critical mass of what they have to offer, they could initiate a creative chain reaction, the most significant information explosion ever. – And everyone interested in ideas and talents could have it on his desk, book sized, probably for less than $ 200. - JZ, 25.11.08. - INDIVIDUALS, MALADJUSTMENT
CREATIVITY: Hurry kills creativity." - P. K. Shaw.
CREATIVITY: If there were any control over me and my work every idea would stop." - S. G. Brown, American-born holder of 235 patents.
CREATIVITY: Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire; you will what you imagine; and at last you create what you will." - G. B. Shaw in Back to Methuselah. - IMAGINATION
CREATIVITY: It did not apply here, precisely because American Government was weak. The opportunity to exercise human rights (*) released a terrific human energy. No one expected what happened; no one could possibly have planned it. - When individuals are not prevented from acting freely, they create the unprecedented. Americans acted in ways that good subjects never dreamed of. Americans still seem to Europeans the most lawless of peoples." - Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.218. - How much more unprecedented would this example have been e.g. if, in it, full monetary freedom and fully free trading and voluntary taxation and competing governments had also been realized? The remaining wrongs and mistakes allowed Anti-Americanism to grow and grow. – (*) Even now, all individual human rights are not yet recognized and declared there or anywhere else on Earth, in a single idea declaration of them – to my knowledge. Do you know of such a declaration? Are you interested in helping compile it? - JZ, 5.7.94, 25.11.08.
CREATIVITY: It is a juvenile notion that a society needs a lofty purpose and a shining vision to achieve much. Both in the marketplace and on the battlefield men who set their hearts on toys have often displayed unequal initiative and drive. And one must be ignorant of the creative process to look for a close correspondence between motive and achievement in the world of thought and imagination.” - Eric Hoffer – But having rightful, rational and practicable aims sure does help in the struggles to achieve them. – JZ 26.12.07. - AIMS, PURPOSES, VISIONS, MORALE, MOTIVATION
CREATIVITY: It is said that one machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine, however, can do the work of one extraordinary man." - Tehyi Hsieh, Chinese Epigrams Inside Out and Proverbs, 1948, 470. – Allow people, who are not geniuses, to tinker, utilizing their limited creative talents, too, and they will advance machines like the first primitive cars, planes and computers to their present-day stage of development. And that process of utilizing all creative energies could and should be further accelerated. – JZ, 25.11.08.
CREATIVITY: It is the essence of being human, being creative."- Stephen Robinson, The Man Responsible, ANALOG, 1/77, p.50. – If people were sufficiently creative they would have, long ago, established an Ideas Archive for their ideas and a Talent Centre for their talents. – JZ, 25.11.08.
CREATIVITY: It is too easy to destroy... The really difficult and worthwhile thing is to create!" - Michael G. Coney, in IF, Jan./Feb. 71.
CREATIVITY: Kings - those with the sovereign mentality - concern themselves only secondarily, if at all, with inhibiting destructive actions. They are primarily concerned with the control and direction of creative actions. But this is precisely what no king can ever do; he can only suppress, deaden, destroy such actions. Creative actions can never be ruled, BUT ONLY RULED OUT! If this be accepted, then it follows that a king, whenever he exercises his kingly or dictatorial role, can never do right; he must always do wrong - and without exception!" – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.38. - It was a King, Alexander the Great, who provided the first great library in Alexandria, which other "kings", afterwards, destroyed and which is now being reconstructed on video tapes and on microfiche. Read should also have paid attention to the systematic and extensive governmental promotion of technical and natural science studies and creative activities, in these limited spheres, under the Soviet Regime, which accounted for many if not most advances occurring there, even while otherwise the system restricted and impoverished people, enslaved or murdered innocents, and suppressed creative alternatives to totalitarian communism. A close study of that promotion might have led to a private corporation or large cooperative to provide the same kind of service and more in all spheres, in the West, without the dead hand of bureaucratic planning, budgets, direction and intervention. - Furthermore, he might have pondered, why freedom lovers have not yet provided comprehensive library, information, encyclopaedia, ideas archive, publishing, bibliographical, abstracting, indexing and directory services for themselves, even though most of them could at least afford e.g., microfiche or CD self-publishing. - The list of omissions of creative and creativity promoting private activities is all too long, even now. - Creative people should take more interest in institutions, processes, methods, handbooks and tools that can and would promote creativity. - JZ, 5.7.94. – TERRITORIALISM VS. CREATIVITY, INNOVATION, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY: PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM
CREATIVITY: Kings' keep others from being themselves, can do no more. Each man's right to be himself creatively." – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, VIII. - "To each the government - or the non-governmental free society of his or her choice!" - RIGHTS, SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-MANAGEMENT, FREEDOM OF ACTION, FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, GOVERNMENTALISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, BUREAUCRACY
CREATIVITY: Laws tend to be temporary over the long haul, ... There is no such thing as rule-governed creativity." - Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune, p.69. - The rules that creativity and talents need are, among others: freedom of expression and information and experimentation, together with the special institutions to realize them as opportunities for anyone. If the network of liberties and opportunities is well constructed, it will "catch" or attract and pass on every idea, every talent, and allow them to become fully developed, ending the enormous waste that occurred and still occurs in this sphere and releasing creative energies that were so far largely undreamed of. However, even such freedoms and opportunities would require a) monetary and financial freedom and b) the peace, security and prosperity that can only be attained through panarchism: the exterritorial autonomy for all volunteer communities, combined with volunteer militias for nothing but the protection of individual rights. - JZ, 5.7.94. – As if all repressive laws and institutions were quite ineffective! – JZ, 25.11.08. – LAWS, RULERS, TERRITORIALISM
CREATIVITY: Leave all creative activities - without exception, education or whatever - to citizens acting freely, cooperatively, competitively, voluntarily, privately." - L. E. Read, How Do We Know? p.28. – Extend that even to the practice of whole political, economic and social systems, all only for volunteers under personal laws and without any territorial monopoly. – JZ, 25.11.08. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM UNDER EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY
CREATIVITY: Let your imagination run freely - and then do not rest until the result is technically useful. – (Lass Deiner Phantasie freien Lauf - und dann ruhe nicht eher bis das Ergebnis technisch brauchbar ist.) - JZ, n.d. – Compare: BRAINSTORMING.
CREATIVITY: Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.” - Charles Mingus – Are we already free to apply creativity in spheres that territorial governments have pre-empted and monopolized for themselves, at our expense and risk? – JZ, 8.8.08. - PANARCHISM
CREATIVITY: man is an integral, small, but significant part of a universe that is creative at all levels." - Quoted by Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 11/76. - One should not overlook that it is also destructive at all levels. - JZ, 5.7.94. – TERRITORIALISM IS LEAST CREATIVE. – JZ, 13.11.10.CREATIVITY: Man is free to act creatively or productively as he pleases. Here we have the absence of any and all political restraints on creative action, in short, total freedom from governmental interference in this area." – Leonard E. Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p.24/25. - When and where? - JZ, 5.7.94. – Did L. E. Read anywhere envision full exterritorial autonomy for volunteers, competing even with his supposedly ideal but still territorial “limited” government? – JZ, 27.11.08.
CREATIVITY: man should never, under any circumstances, individually or collectively, through government or any other agency, inhibit the flow of creative energies or creative energy exchanges." - Leonard E. Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p.31.
CREATIVITY: never use force to achieve a creative end, be it housing, power and light, education, medicine, welfare, security, prosperity, charity. Leave those desirable achievements to the creativity which can flourish among men only when they are free!" – Leonard E. Read, The Coming Aristocracy, p.61. - Free even to provide the wanted defence, protection and juridical services! - JZ, 5.7.94. – The individually preferred political, economic & social systems. To each his own utopia, together with like-minded people! – JZ, 25.11.08. - PANARCHISM
CREATIVITY: No violation of the right to the fruits of one's own labor or the right to act creatively as one chooses." – Leonard E. Read, ABCs of Freedom. – Has this small brochure and his “The Free Man’s Almanac” published already all the slogans in Read’s private collection? – JZ, 27.11.08.
CREATIVITY: Nonstop creativity! - JZ, 8.6.82, comment to Not a single stop sign to any creative action!" – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 1/79. – But only for and among volunteers! – JZ, 25.11.08. – What about the “creation” of a “perfect” “doomsday” “weapon”? Or of a central bank for the whole world population with a single and supposedly ideal currency for the whole world? – Patent- and copyrights laws also “created” something – more troubles than these legislative “creators” could envision. - .JZ, 25.11.08. - PANARCHISM
CREATIVITY: Not only "resist the beginnings" of evils but also recognise and promote the beginnings of anything creative. - JZ, 26.6.82.
CREATIVITY: Only when destructive energies are held in check can stability develop, and the release of creativity be achieved." - A. E. Dyson, in Dr. Rhodes Boyson, editor, RIGHT TURN, p.155.
CREATIVITY: OUR UNIQUE ENDOWMENT. These observations rest on two propositions: (1) the right of a person to be his creative self and, (2) a creative action is not a transplant possibility." - Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p. 38. - Surely, with the latter remark he did not want to assert that no one is able to learn from the creative actions of others! - JZ, 5.10.02.
CREATIVITY: people work most creatively and efficiently when not compelled to." - Peter Marshall, Demanding the Impossible, p.647. - COMPULSION, COERCION, FORCE
CREATIVITY: That each of us should do his little creative thing and let everyone else - no exceptions - do theirs. These trillions times trillions of little things are, indeed, the seeds of all human progress and are founded on liberty for one and all." - Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 11/79. - And yet he wanted to achieve everything only via educational efforts towards a limited government framework, which in his view was an ideal concept, although it retained the territorial monopoly for the exercise of force and the practice of reforms and continued, by its very nature, the threat of wars and revolutions and terrorism, since many to most people subscribe to other ideals and also and quite wrongly assume that they could and should become territorially realized. - JZ, 5.7.94, 25.11.08.
CREATIVITY: the coercive prohibition of creative action is evil." - Leonard E. Read, How Do We Know? p.76. - LAWS
CREATIVITY: The creative urge, implanted by God in all normal human beings, thrives under liberty. Liberty is possibly only when individuals are self-reliant and so conduct themselves toward each other that there is a MUTUAL respect for, and encouragement of, those qualities and forces in human nature which stimulate growth and development of the best of which man is capable." - Admiral Ben Moreell, The Admiral's Log II.
CREATIVITY: The less interference with the creative powers of individuals, the greater will the total creativity be." - Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.38. - It is not only a matter of freedom but also of opportunity. E.g., I can publish many libertarian microfiche but I cannot as yet sell many - because a market for them does not exist as yet. Many libertarians seem to think: Rather do without many libertarian ideas than resort to them on microfiche. (*) As great is their love of liberty! Not to speak of the lack of love of liberty in most other people. I would be satisfied already if I could reach one in a million people with this medium. Between them and with this medium they could do the rest. - JZ, 5.7.94. – (*) Or discs! – JZ, 25.11.08. – Not even the full potential of the floppy discs was so far utilized, to duplicate, very cheaply, up to 6 books, far less the potential of the present 1 to 3 TBs discs, also offered at very affordable prices. – JZ. 4.3.13.
CREATIVITY: THE LIMITATIONS OF FORCE: The proposition that a creative action is not a transplant possibility need not be laboured." - Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.40. – “Be belaboured”? - But creative actions and ideas can be endlessly duplicated by those interested in them, free and able to inform themselves about them, to express and duplicate them and free to practise them. This requires only that they can easily hear of or read about or see them. Where and how can they, now and in the past??? I wish that creative actions and ideas would be much more frequently and systematically collected, published, copied, transplanted, and applied, voluntarily, by willing givers or sellers and willing takers and buyers. - JZ, 5.7.94, 25.11.08. – COPYRIGHTS, PATENTS, IDEAS ARCHIVE
CREATIVITY: The most striking fact is that the creative potentialities in any individual is unknown. We only know that the aggregate potentialities among all who live is enormous; that creation manifests itself in strange ways and through persons we have no manner of guessing. For instance, about a century ago, there was a twelve-year-old lad of humble origin, a railroad newsboy, whom a trainman picked up by the ears and pulled into the baggage car. Who could have guessed that this boy would become the world's greatest inventor? Little did that trainman know that he was dealing with Thomas Alva Edison through whom Creative Energy was to flow with practical consequences rarely if ever equalled." – Leonard E. Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p.27. - How many potential Edisons did not make it to success, under past and present conditions? - JZ, 5.7.94.
CREATIVITY: The only true revolt is creation - the revolt against nothingness." - THE FREE MAN'S ALMANAC. - It is not so much a revolt against "nothingness" - for that would be easy and soon accomplished, but against negative, destructive, parasitic, monopolistic, despotic and aggressive forces and against wide-spread ignorance, apathy, myths, errors and prejudices, that makes the revolt all too difficult. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CREATIVITY: The peculiar characteristic of creativity is that a man, given false clues, two misconceptions and eighty percent erroneous data, comes up with a brand-new right answer.” - Howard L. Myers, Misinformation, p.76 in ANALOG, 4/72. - GOOD IDEAS
CREATIVITY: The reason that creativity and social felicity can flourish only in an essentially free society is an enormous wisdom or knowledge that cannot otherwise be tapped." – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p. 17/18. - Creativity can flourish only in a free society. Without a free society an enormous amount of wisdom, knowledge and talents cannot be tapped. We never had a fully free society yet. Thus creative energies were never yet fully released. - JZ, 5.7.94. – We have never had a complete world library, not even a complete freedom, peace and justice library, not even a complete and ever growing libertarian encyclopaedia, bibliography, abstracts and review collection, far less an archive of all libertarian ideas. – Can human beings be otherwise rightfully and efficiently “tapped” for what they know? – One general encyclopaedia, assembled like the WIKIPEDIA & its first few competitors, is obviously not yet enough. - JZ, 25.11.08.
CREATIVITY: There are so few opportunities left now for creativity in jobs and social relations that many people resorted to handicrafts, gardening and similar hobbies in order to fulfil their creative urges somehow. - JZ, 10.11.76.
CREATIVITY: There is only one solution to 'the mess we are in' and that is to repeal all laws that restrain or prohibit creative activity." - Quoted from newsletter of Masters Grain Co., K. C., Board of Trade. - LAWS
CREATIVITY: There is so much talk about creativity and creativity training. But what is meant is only a toy-land freedom of dealing with paper, putty, paints and chips etc. What would count is a general freedom for creative activities. Anything creative, anything peaceful, anything constructive, should in no way be obstructed. This should go as far as to permit e.g., competitive private postal and transport services. It would imply full consumer freedom to choose the services one likes best for oneself among many competing alternatives even to governments, communities and societies. It would mean experimental freedom for all tolerant experiments in every sphere. It would mean freedom to choose even alternative judiciary and protection and political and economic services and institutions for oneself - at one's own expense and risk. With this minimum of social agreement achieved, one could otherwise remain ignorant, prejudiced and suppressed and could, nevertheless, be basically considered as a free man, because whosoever remained even a slave under this condition, he would do so voluntarily, perhaps out of mental laziness or fear of responsibility. - JZ, some old notes, slightly revised 5.7.94, 25.11.08. – To some extent creativity was released in the sphere of computer technology – with astonishing and rapid progress as a consequence. – JZ, 4.2.13.
CREATIVITY: To hamper Creative Energy, in any manner, as it attempts to manifest itself in mankind, is to thwart Creation. Standing against Creation is no role for little, fallible man!" - Leonard E. Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p. 31,
CREATIVITY: Utilizing creative energies, as fully as possible, that is what all my efforts aim at, e.g. with discussion centres, centres for second hand books, open air speaking centres, CONTACTS (a meeting, lecture and discussion calendar), directories, bibliographies, PEACE PLANS, Ideas Archive, Super Computer Club, Libertarian Microfiche Publishing, Encyclopaedia of the Best Refutations so far found, of all the popular myths, errors and prejudices that are obstacles to progress, individual secessionism, panarchism, Slogans for Liberty, bibliography of freedom writings, Handbook of "Redensarten" (RED.) or the best ways to express an idea or opinion, combined indexes to at least all freedom books, abstracts of all freedom writings, review compilations on all freedom writings, flow-chart discussions (best expressed in the electronic “argument mapping” of Paul Monk et al.), with the whole programme for a genuinely cultural revolution. - JZ, 5.7.94m 25.11.08.
CREATIVITY: Visionary ecstasy releases energies which are like the energies of sex - uncaring for anything except creation." - Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune, 398. - And yet legal and illegal interventionism can destroy or waste or misdirect most of them. - JZ, 5.7.94. – And the vision of a re-conquered “Holy Land” led to the mass murder of the crusades, just like the “vision” of absurdly powerful nuclear weapons may lead to the general nuclear holocaust. – JZ, 25.11.08.
CREATIVITY: We created it by talking about it." - R. A. Wilson, Right Where You Are Sitting Now, p.151.
CREATIVITY: We had to resolve these problems... in such a way as to leave any initiative, any creative effort, the chance of competing with us. We endeavoured to conquer the world by the inner strength of our cause and our organisation, by the technical superiority of our organising principle, not by smashing in the face of anyone who thought otherwise." – Review of Ivan Kremnev: The Journey of my brother Alexei to the land of Peasant Utopia, in FREEDOM, 25.11.78. - PANARCHISM, PLURALISM, ANARCHISM, TOLERANCE
CREATIVITY: When no one can restrain anyone else in his creative actions, then knowledge, ideas, insights are free to emerge from many millions of potential sources." – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.20. – Is there any law or institution that prevents the flow of all freedom, peace and justice ideas and facts into a single reference work, that might fit into a single 1 TB external H.D.? If not, then why has this knowledge not yet been assembled and duplicated in this way? – JZ, 25.11.08.
CREATIVITY: When the soul knows this about the self, it must, to be logical, know this about others. It must know that in each person there is an enormous potentiality, an unimaginable creativity, working to manifest itself, evolving, emerging. What human being, with any such awareness, could possibly suggest that his relatively ignorant little will should be imposed on others, substituted for this Creative Force? What person, thus humble, would attempt forcibly to direct or control what another shall invent, discover, create, where and at what he shall work, what the hours of his labor shall be, what wage he shall receive, what and with whom (*) he shall exchange, or what thoughts he shall entertain?" - Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p.98. – (*) and with what exchange medium and value standard! - JZ)
CREATIVITY: when we express ourselves creatively, in whatever field, we best fulfil our nature." - Quoted by L. E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 11/76. – Stalin, Hitler, Mao etc. also saw themselves are “creators” of new and supposedly ideal empires innovators and tried to fulfil their natures as power addicts! The means matter, too, not only the “ideals” or “utopias”. To each his own system, rather than territorial rule over dissenters. – JZ, 25.11.08. – PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, TOLERANCE
CREATIVITY: While, as Leonard E. Read said, "no man is qualified or entitled to play the role of THE creator", everyone has the right to be A creator. - JZ, 75/76. - Seeing the size of the remaining problems, no spouse, parent, child or grandparents, brother or sister can say that he really loves his family members, or even himself, while he does not recognize his duty to do something about these problems and acts on it, as far as he can. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CREATIVITY: You DON'T give a child everything he wants without also giving him boredom." - Frank Clark, Register and Tribune Syndicate. - See: Education.
CREATORS: The parasite's concern is the conquest of man, the creator's concern is the conquest of nature." - Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead, quoted by Mrs. Young, paper on A. R., page 7 & appendix 3.
CREATORS: To organise the creator class into a world movement against the parasitic culture of altruist - collectivism and the politics of coercive bureaucratic statism." - Point 1 of the objectives of the ISFSC on Terra, QUEST, October 75. - They should have started with an archive of libertarian ideas and references on microfiche and discs. Using only a 500 year old technology or expensive hi-tech, they almost had to fail. - JZ, 5.7.94.CREDIBILITY GAP: For every credibility gap there is a gullibility fill." - Richard Clapton. – Alas, the gullibility for good ideas is all too limited with most people. – JZ, 25.11.08. So far neither the good ideas are properly archived and marketed nor are all the faulty and flawed ideas and popular errors, prejudices etc. systematically and as completely as possible collected and encyclopaedically refuted, although this could be relatively easily and cheaply done now with digital media. – JZ, 23.7.13. – IDEAS ARCHIVE, REFUTATIONS ENCYCLOPEDIA, ENLIGHTENMENT, NEW DRAFT
CREDIBILITY GAP: The credibility gap is so wide that our suspicions are confirmed by any official denial." - Laurence J. Peter. - DENIALS
CREDIBILITY GAP: with few exceptions the U.S. has been governed by men of good will and good intentions. But since WW II something has gone terribly wrong in the government's 'dialogue with its citizens and with its audience in foreign countries. What was once a small 'credibility gap' has widened into a chasm. The angry rejection of the 'new Left' at home is matched by suspicion and distrust abroad. The international credibility rating of public pronouncements by the U.S. government has sunk to a par with that of the USSR, and the end is nowhere in sight."- Paul W. Blackstock, in W. J. Barnds: The Right to Know, p.64. - One wrong premise is indicated in the first part of this statement. It was high time to check all our premises on territorial governments and to distrust all their promises and statements. And this distrust has by far not gone far enough. The governmentalist and statist illusions and deceptions still predominate and guide all too many of our wrong and harmful actions. The credibility gap will disappear with territorially enforced governments, i.e. when they are replaced by exterritorially autonomous volunteer communities, societies and governance systems, all peacefully competing with each other for converts. - JZ, 5.7.94, 23.7.13.
CREDIT CONTROL: Credit control by governments? The sheer impertinence of it: A robber organisation setting itself up as controller over something as voluntary as credit. - JZ, 12/74.
CREDIT CONTROL: Credit control is in principle as much an interference with individual liberty as sex control would be. - JZ, 30.5.75.
CREDIT CONTROL: I would like to control the credit of governments - and to have the right to control my own credit and to accept the private credit arrangements I like. - JZ, 12.74.
CREDIT CREATION: All such notions ignore that the central bank’s monopoly cash notes and coins still play a considerable role and non-cash payments are ultimately redeemable in such cash and credits, when used, are largely payable in such cash. Thus credits and non-cash payments cannot be expanded quite independently from such an exclusive cash provision. Moreover, the practice of clearing, however limited it still is, is often misinterpreted as an additional creation of purchasing power. Here one should keep in mind that clearing, if quite free and general, would merely arrange for the cash-less exchange of all goods, properties, services, and labor, with no physical exchange media being required at all. So mediated exchanges can be multiplied and grow in total almost indefinitely, together with the quantities of goods, service and labor values produced and offered for exchange and actually exchanged, without any sound value standards thereby becoming depreciated merely by the increase in the number and the total value of all free clearing transactions. The competitively supplied exchange media and clearing avenues would merely mean a greater and easier turnover and this would often even lead to price reductions rather than price increases. At least before computerized cash-less money transfers (for which, alas, still all too much seems to be charged in fees, especially in international transactions) there was still a considerable time delay involved, for cheques, three to 5 days, so that, temporarily, the circulation was rather reduced than increased. This does not take place in cash transactions, in which money goes from hand to hand. And for each non-cash transaction there is a debit and a credit, so that the total remains actually unchanged. – Too many muddled notions, prejudices and convictions exist in this sphere, little or even unrelated to the realities and to freedom options. – JZ, 2.9.09, 21.10.07. – CREDIT CREATION THROUGH BANKS? NON-CASH PAYMENTS AS ADDITIONAL MEANS OF PAYMENT, INFLATIONARY ONES?
CREDIT CREATION: What is usually called 'credit creation' is nothing but a misinterpretation, pretence, fraud or robbery. - JZ, 5/73, 5.7.94. - Usually it is just a misunderstanding of the clearing principles and practices that are involved, e.g. in the discounting of short term payment obligations with private and competitive banknotes, which do not need any other cover than this pre-arranged reflux, due to sound commercial bills or their equivalents. - The whole topic is so involved and complicated by errors and myths about it, that I do hope to get around to tackle it in a monograph. - CREATION OF MONEY, CREATION OF CREDIT. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CREDIT EXPANSION: Credit expansion by a centralized monopoly bank with legal tender power for its "money" should be distinguished from credit expansion via competing currencies and capital assets. None of them would have legal tender power or a "backing" by tax slaves. Read, supplement & correct my Free Banking A to Z on - until we have finally something like an alphabetized and useful handbook on the subject. – JZ on Facebook, 2011, responding to: Some Additional Reflections on the Economic Crisis and the Theory of the Cycle -
CREDIT RESTRICTIONS: The best answer to credit restrictions is to provide your own credit institutions, legally or illegally. - The answer to an artificial reduction of the circulation of Australian Notes (issued by the Reserve Bank) would not be an attempt to forge them. Fraudulent acts should be left to governments, as long as they can get away with them. Rather a private issue of one's own notes should be tried. The own notes ought to be suitable at least for local circulation. That means that they would have to have a sound acceptance foundation with local suppliers of essential goods and services. These main acceptors must be under a contractual obligation to accept them at par. This acceptance obligation would be in their interest as associated issuers, as debtors of the issuing center of their association and as traders who want to turn over their goods and services using their private means of exchange. But for other people, in general circulation, these notes need not and should not have the "legal tender quality". The possibility of a discount of the notes in general circulation, as well as an occasional small discount of the notes, at least in large denominations and among merchants, would be necessary to keep them generally and for a long time at par with their expressed value standards. - These private notes would possess what Prof. Rittershausen called "shop foundation". Even gold and silver coins would be widely refused or depreciate if they did not have this foundation. - JZ file: Unemployment incomplete comb of old files - SHOP FOUNDATION MONEY
CREDIT SQUEEZE: A credit squeeze, I repeat for the hundredth time, reduces our ability to PRODUCE, as well as reducing our consumption." - Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, Aug. 76, p.39.
CREDIT SQUEEZE: the hopeless unemployment that results from the now universal credit squeeze which lames all enterprise and destroys the market for goods." - Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 12/77, p.64.
CREDIT SQUEEZE: The INDIVIDUALIST has for many years insisted that a credit squeeze is a suicidal method of correcting an adverse trade balance: we need to produce and export as much as the unions will allow." - Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 8/75. - And much more! - JZ, 5.7.94.
CREDIT: Borrow: alienate." - "When I lend I am a friend, when I ask I am a foe." - Proverb, 16th Century. - When you lend in depreciating government money and ask for it being paid back, at its nominal value, you may be a fool, too. Lending and repaying under monetary despotism are very different from lending and repaying under monetary freedom. When I am free to lend you money issued by myself, upon my goods and services, it will rapidly stream back to me in purchases and orders from my customers and when the loan is due to be repaid, I can again issue the corresponding amount, which you will tend to ask for in the market, with your goods and services, and then through you, these notes will come back to me in payment of your debt. Alternatively, you might pay me with other notes, or your own, if they are acceptable to me. And these notes will be ultimately and soon redeemable in your own goods and services. Using your own notes will be easier for you than acquiring some monopoly money first. - JZ, 5.7.94. - Exclusive gold- and silver currencies did never spread widely enough to introduce a complete monetary economy everywhere and to get away, everywhere, from emergency sales prices for goods, services and labour. - Under monopoly paper currencies of governments the common complaints are either inflation, deflation or stagflation caused by that forced and exclusive currency. Exchanges under this "scientific" money management are still not complete, free, easy and honest enough. - JZ, 5.10.02. – MONETARY FREEDOM
CREDIT: Credit is extended only to 90 year olds who come accompanied by their grandparents." - Cash register note. - The attitude would be very different if the potential creditor could grant the credit in his own notes and if the credit could be repaid in his own notes or in acceptable notes of others, competitively issued. - JZ, 5.7.94. – MONETARY FREEDOM
CREDIT: No man's credit is as good as his money." - Ed. Howe, 1853 - 1937. - A man's credit may be much better than the government's depreciating paper money he is forced to use. - A man or an enterprise would, indeed, be often much better off, if he did not depend upon his credit, expressed and granted in money issued and managed and mismanaged by others, especially the government or its central bank, but, instead, if he were free to issue his own money, based on his immediate readiness to accept it for his own goods and services. If the railway, bus companies, taxi cabs, petrol stations, electricity works etc. were free to issue their own currencies, they would not so much depend upon credit from others. They could even grant short-term credit to others with their own means of payment, to the extent of their ability to provide wanted goods and services. Credit and money lead to very different thoughts under monetary freedom than under monetary despotism. - JZ, 5.7.94. – MONEY, MONETARY FREEDOM, CENTRAL BANKING, MONETARY DESPOTISM
CREDIT: One Shopkeeper's philosophy regarding CREDIT: 'You ask for credit, we don't give it to you - you get mad. We give you credit, you don't pay - we get mad. Better you get mad." - A. S., in READER’S DIGEST, 6/85. – If only shops and shopping centres were free to grant short-term credits, in form of their own shop currencies, with shop foundation, to employers, mainly to pay wages and salaries with! Thus involuntary unemployment could, mostly, be ended very rapidly. – Thus and otherwise any unsound governmental currency, issued by its central bank, could be replaced by sound private currencies. – JZ, 25.11.08, 23.7.13.
CREDIT: You should not be surprised when not getting credit in this world: Credit is monopolised. - JZ, 22.8.76. - Largely by the monopolisation of the exchange medium and of clearing facilities, processes and institutions. - JZ, 5.7.94. - Moreover, while there is no freedom in the choice of value standards, we should not expect creditors to be very ready to lend their savings when they can be legally repaid with depreciated currency. - JZ, 5.10.02, 23.7.13.
CREDITORS: Creditors have better memories than debtors." - Howell, 1659. - If they did, they would refuse to deal with the government's monopoly money and rather issue and accept their own. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CREDITORS: in modern society the most important and numerous class of creditors are the wage and salary earners and the small savers, and the representative groups of debtors, who profit in the first instance, are the enterprises and credit institutions." - F. A. Hayek, Can We Still Avoid Inflation? in: The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays, p. 36. – In answer to his title question: Not as long as we uphold legal tender and the money issue monopoly! – JZ, 25.11.08. - WAGE EARNERS, WORKERS
CREDITORS: The legal authority of a creditor to demand a particular exclusive means of payment from a debtor is as pernicious as the authority for a debtor to pay in a particular coercive and exclusive exchange medium, at its face value. - JZ, 30.8.74, 5.7.94. - Any debtor can pay best with assignments upon his goods and services. He should be authorised to clear in this way, at mutually agreeable terms, rather than being driven into bankruptcy by demands for a scarce, exclusive and forced currency. - JZ, 21.4.94. - EXCLUSIVE CURRENCY, MONEY MONOPOLY, DEBT PAYMENTS, CLEARING, LEGAL TENDER
CREEDS: As men's prayers are a disease of the will, so are their creeds a disease of the intellect." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Representative Men, and Self-Reliance, 1841. – FAITHS, RELIGION, BELIEFS
CRIME: [When a victimless criminal] is treated as an enemy of society, he almost necessarily becomes one. Forced into criminal acts, immersed in underworld-related supply networks, and ever conscious of the need to evade the police, his outlooks as well as behavior become more and more anti-social. – Edwin M. Schur – in - VICTIMLESS & REAL CRIMES
CRIME: 90% of murders and 80% of serious assaults in Australia are by husbands against their wives." - Asserted on radio interview, ABC, PM Report, 16.7.93. - If that is true, then the notion of possessing other people as property is still too widely spread and the options of separation and divorce are not yet sufficiently liberated. - JZ, 6.7.94.
CRIME: A crime is a violation of the rights of another either through force or fraud." - Glen G. Cooper, Contemporary Realism, p.13.
CRIME: A Criminal is a person with predatory instincts without sufficient capital to form a corporation.” - Clarence Darrow – As if all corporations were operating under legally sanctioned monopolies, rather than as competitive enterprises. – JZ, 8.8.08. – , JOKES, CORPORATIONS
CRIME: A criminal is anyone who initiates violence against another man and his property: anyone who uses the coercive 'political means' for the acquisition of goods and services." – Murray N. Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty, p.51. - As if non-violent theft and fraud were no crimes. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CRIME: A free society will no doubt have no laws against behavior which harms only the person concerned. (*) But a good society will certainly have strong conventions against certain types of behavior, and its members will highly prize self-restraint as a governor of their behavior." - Arthur Shenfield, REASON, 8/76. - (*) The acting person. – JZ
CRIME: a good deal of criminal activity is motivated not by aggression (*), but by a desire to relieve boredom, to create excitement, to call attention to oneself, to achieve at least temporary fame and glory and success." - Thomas Szasz, Heresies, p.66. – (*) aggressiveness? – These are rather odd kinds of "fame, glory and success"! - JZ - Yet, the mass media are prepared to pay high prices even for the stories of major criminals. Only now is there some legal consideration to confiscate such earnings for the benefit of their victims. - Alas, under any bureaucratic system the Australian forfeiture laws may lead to as many wrongs as such laws brought about in e.g. the U.S., where mere suspicion that large cash amounts may be the returns from crime, has led to their confiscation without easy, fast, cheap and certain recovery options for the victims of such confiscations. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CRIME: a government has ... no authority to punish unless such authority has been delegated to it by a particular criminal's victim." - Adam V. Reed, REASON, Jan. 73. - What if this particular victim is a believer in absolute non-violence and non-punishment for even violent criminals? Does that give others a feeling of security with regard to that caught criminal? Have they no rights and interests towards that criminal at all? Do they have to wait until they become his victims, too? - JZ, 5.7.94.
CRIME: A libertarian, then, believes that no one has a right to any other person's property, which includes both his body and everything that he owns. Once this concept is understood, it would be proper to say that, in reality, all crime is based on trespassing on the property of an owner." - Ringer, Restoring the American Dream. - As for the legal copyrights claims, that some libertarians make, even for mere quotes from their works: Who among them would really like to be completely excluded in such a compilation as this, which provides unpaid advertisement for them? - JZ, 5.7.94. - Perhaps, as a penalty, all quotes for which copyrights are claimed should be excluded from this collection. Their copyrights holders could produce their own editions. - JZ, 5.10.02. - COPYRIGHTS
CRIME: A man who obtains things by initiating force, either directly or through hired thugs, is properly called a criminal. A criminal is no less a criminal when he lets the taxpayers hire his thugs for him." - Adam Reed, in REASON, 4.5.71.
CRIME: A real crime is committed when an action is initiated that violates the rights of any individual. (This excludes appropriate action taken in self-defence.) It has been argued ... that victimless activities do not violate rights, and thus are not really crimes." - John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia, p. 141.
CRIME: A sign seen by me in Cincinnati, W. Clinton St., on the front door, on 15 June 1990, said: "Never mind the dog. Beware of the Owner." - It was next to the picture of a big gun barrel staring you in the face. - JZ, 5.7.94. - DETERRENCE
CRIME: A wide-spread knowledge and appreciation of all genuine individual rights and liberties would be the best deterrence and prevention measure against all private and official crimes with involuntary victims and it could be best promoted by collaboration between many freedom, justice, morality, peace and security lovers in order to finally express all of them in a common declaration, as clearly as possible. Nevertheless, I know of no systematic effort to do so and would expect it least of all of any territorial legislators, lawyers, constitutionalists, fans of governmental and UN human rights declarations, even of most present anarchists and libertarians. Where is the “remnant”, which would be interested in tackling this job? I have been seeking to find and trying to rouse it, in vain, for decades? The prevailing ignorance, apathy and prejudices in this sphere frighten me. After all, seeing the modern “weapons”, or mass murder devices, in the hands of official power addicts, including the military ones, have threatened even the survival of mankind, already for all too long already. Sooner or later nuclear war will break out, under present conditions, even if only by accident, based upon the habitual ignoring or suppression of many genuine individual rights and liberties,. Everything is prepared to “achieve” this man-made general disaster and nothing that is sufficient to prevent it. The existing “balance” of terror is going to collapse, sooner or later, as long as any such wrongful powers remain in anyone’s hands. Compare my ABC Against Nuclear War, at - also my anthology of over 130 private human rights declaration, ibid, as resources for such efforts. – JZ, 9.10.12. - WAR, TYRANNIES, DESPOTISM, NUCLEAR WEAPONS, NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, ENLIGHTENMENT, MORAL SENSE & AWARNESS, DETERRENCE, HUMAN RIGHTS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
CRIME: According to Amnesty International, torture is used by over 60 national governments today, and is used regularly and systematically as a normal, operating OFFICIAL POLICY by at least a third of them. ... Political power will continue to divert the productive efforts of human beings to its own purposes, to protecting its own privilege by crushing any resistance, until enough people come to realize that they have the strength to stop these 'official' criminals." - Don Lavoi, LIBERTARIAN REVIEW, Sep. 78. – TORTURE, GOVERNMENTS
CRIME: According to the Attorney-General, Mr. Ellicott, Australia's crime bill was $ 1000 million in 1975 ('WEST AUSTRALIAN', Nov. 13, 1976.). ... The national bill to support the police, courts and goals last year was almost $ 600 million. - When the value of goods stolen and property destroyed or damaged by crime was taken into account, the cost of crime to the community was $ 1,000 million. ...(*) 'It has been shown recently that we could keep a prisoner in the Wentworth Hotel more cheaply than in an institution,' Mr. Ellicott stated." - PROGRESS, May 77. - What was the total tax take in that year? - JZ - Compared with the total take of the taxation department, most private robbers are pikers. - JZ, 5.10.02. – The costs of locks, alarms, etc. and that of private security services should be added to the total. (*) In othe words, the governmental protection costs us more than the crimes. – JZ, 4.2.13. - TAXATION, GOVERNMENT PRISONS, INCLUDING PRIVATE PRISONS UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE GOVERNMENT
CRIME: Actually, both poor living conditions and crime are the result, mainly, of idleness. Much of the crime in the U.S. is committed by young people in their teens and twenties. Commonly, those who commit the crimes - crimes of violence and destruction - are unemployed or only occasionally employed. Lacking a work ethic, they are often devoid of all ethics. They have often known nothing of the liberation of work and quite often lose all liberty through being jailed or imprisoned." - Clarence B. Carson, Work & Liberty, THE FREEMAN, Aug. 76. - What about the lack of work ethic among employed coercive unionists, who believe in class struggle and wilful destruction of an employer's property and in repressing the rights of those they consider as "scabs"? They do act criminally not because they are idle but out of fear that they might be laid off and because they wrongly imagine that these jobs belong to them. - JZ 5.7.94. – UNIONS, SCABS, UNEMPLOYMENT
CRIME: Agreement of criminals is not required for their punishment - unless it is their agreement to join a particular judicial system before they committed their crimes. - JZ, 1/75. - If they commit a crime against another protective community, then and thereby, they subject themselves to its laws and jurisdiction, whether they like this or not, under natural law and international treaties between all communities. Those criminals with some sense left will then e.g. avoid victimising members of those communities which are prepared to track them down, get them sentenced, expropriated and executed, all within a few days. - JZ, 5.7.94. - PANARCHISM, CONSENT, AGREEMENT
CRIME: Alas, all too many people define their bosses and any large proprietor as thieves and it is thus almost surprising that only a relatively small number of them thus comes to the conclusion to do a little "private" enterprise thieving themselves. - JZ, 5.7.94. – We should remember that during times of feudalism this view was largely correct. – JZ, 25.11.08.CRIME: All go free when multitudes offend.” - (Quisquid multis peccatur, inultum est.) - Lucan, Pharsalia, v, 65 B.C. - But when a mob inflicts another despotism, "great leader" or tyrant upon a whole country, then not only the minorities will suffer, which the mob like to prosecute, but the mob itself, too. The economic and other policies demanded by mobs and their leaders do carry their own penalties. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CRIME: An armed citizenry is the best crime prevention and crime defeating organization. A handful of armed policemen can never replace it effectively. - JZ, 22.4.92. – GUN CONTROL, VICTIM DISARMAMENT, MILITIA
CRIME: And the obvious duties of a police officer were few in a culture which, created in the first place by a species seldom violent, defined only a single criminal act: failure to obey the judgment of the jury that tried a lawsuit." - Poul Anderson, Fire Time, 107.
CRIME: And the problem is this: whenever a people fall under the belief that they, PERSONALLY, are not expected to maintain the communal peace and order, crime will devour that society from within ... and I'm speaking of theft, assault, and murder. The existence of defence agencies or libertarianated governments is an acceptance of the old pattern handed down by generations of tyrants. It is the expression of the view that society should be composed of three classes, CITIZENS, who surrender the responsibility of their personal security ... - Crime will end only when the entire citizenry, at large, assumes the responsibility of dealing with it - with vigilance and solidarity and courage. No burglar can survive the awakened WRATH OF A NEIGHBOURHOOD. However, most burglars find it relatively easy to elude the conspicuous prowl car." - Mike Dunn, OPTION, 6/78. - While I would like to see much more personal self-defence and self-help, armed and unarmed, preventative and defensive, in this sphere, practised by individuals, their families and friends and neighbours, and also by local militia forces, I for one would be the last to reject out of hand any specialist help, hired and contracted for, of detectives, bounty hunters, competing police and protection services, juridical and penal and rehabilitating and indemnifying services. Only the monopolies in this sphere are quite wrong and they are likely to be quite inefficient and expensive, as experience has shown all too often. - JZ, 6.7.94. – Enlightenment on rights and liberties ought to be spread to widely and become so deep that ultimately nobody would even think of committing a crime against any of these rights and liberties. That would be better than protection and punishment. It would be a fundamental prevention of crime. – JZ, 4.2.13.
CRIME: Anything and anyone prosecuted by the main enemy and criminal, the State, is not, therefore, by itself and by himself good or harmless. If the State did not, at least sometimes and towards some, appear as a protector, or revenging or penal agency, it could not continue its camouflaged roles as an exploiter, oppressor and large scale killer. - JZ, 8.7.82, 6.7.94. – STATE, TERRITORIALISM, PROTECTION
CRIME: As a result of confused priorities in our society we pay more to maintain an offender than a pensioner...." - George Hardy, The Doom of the Welfare Society, p. 2. - Much more! - JZ, 5.10.02. - PRISONS
CRIME: As custodial sentences for armed robbery become longer and longer the difference between that and the so-called life sentence becomes so small that the inducement to shoot your way out at the expense largely of the police becomes that much stronger." - Angus Maude, 1976. - Also the incentive to eliminate civilian witnesses, who are more likely to be there than the police! - JZ, 1976.
CRIME: As Healey notes with respect to the Martha Stewart case, the rich and famous are hardly exempt from the state’s jihad. Just since 1980, the number of acts dubbed federal “crimes” has jumped by one third, to 4,000. It’s a fish net, and we’re the fish.” – LFB review in the catalog of Winter 05, of Gene Healey, Go Directly to Jail. The Criminalization of Almost Everything, 160 pp. - & GOVERNMENT
CRIME: As to the stereotyped argument that government acts as a check on crime and vice, even the makers of law no longer believe it. This country spends millions of dollars for the maintenance of her 'criminals' behind prison bars, yet crime is on the increase. Surely, this state of affairs is not owing to an insufficiency of laws! Ninety per cent of all crimes are property crimes..." - Emma Goldman, What I Believe.
CRIME: At least crimes without victims increase with the number of laws and law enforcers. And people who have become all too shackled in their lives, so that they see no way out, do, in frustration and at least sometimes, strike out in more or less blind violence and destructive acts, thus becoming victimisers themselves. The inefficiencies of bureaucrats in the pursuit of crimes put a premium on crime: it helps to make crimes pay well. - JZ, Dec. 93, 6.7.94.
CRIME: Because we turned the problem of protection over to governments a very long time ago, most of us practice a kind of lump-think. We imagine that defense, retaliation, and punishment protect us. They do not. They are all REACTIONS to a lack of protection. Government has rarely accomplished much in the field of protection, although we often think it has. It is an agency that deals primarily with defense, retaliation, and punishment. Even granting that there may be some slight gain through the criminal's knowledge that if he commits a crime, he may face defense, retaliation, or punishment, such knowledge rarely deters him. Most criminals imagine that they are clever enough to escape defense, retaliation, or punishment. - Nor is the criminal taking an unwarranted position. Statistics establish that fewer than 19% of all crimes are ever solved by the police. Far fewer than this are convicted, and still fewer serve out their sentences. The odds are and always have been favorable to the criminal when the criminal is facing only the government posture in these areas." – Robert LeFevre, The Libertarian, p.41. - And how small is the percentage of victims who are now indemnified by criminals? - JZ, 7.7.94. - PROTECTION
CRIME: Briefly, economists tend to believe that crime, far from being the result of sickness or mental disorder, in most cases is simply a business oriented economic activity which is undertaken for much the same reasons as other types of economic activity. To reduce the frequency of crime, economists generally recommend we raise the costs of crime." - David Meiselman and Gordon Tullock, The Economics of Crime and Punishment, Preface. - Why mention such "minor" details as economic activities being concerned with win-win relationships and business with providing services and making profits only accordingly, while crime provides no service and benefits the criminal at the expense of the victim? - Why could they not simply have stated that crime is largely an attempt to make money at the expense of others, without their consent and without providing them with a service in return? Would even that sound too moralistic to these utilitarian analysts? - JZ, 6.7.94.
CRIME: Can there be a crime if there is no victim?" - LITTLE FREE PRESS, 18.10.72. – VICTIMLESS CRIMES
CRIME: Canberra, the crime centre of Australia. - JZ, 14.11.76. – The centre of crimes committed by its federal officials. – JZ, 26.11.08.
CRIME: Collective Responsibility of Convicted Criminals: Why should any of the victims have to pay in any way for unsolved crimes? Either the particular culprits have to pay, or convicted criminals, who committed similar offences, or the victims. Whenever the culprits cannot be found, I would rather have the convicts pay for their damages than the innocents and victims. Convicts have, by their criminal actions, forfeited most of their rights. Being held responsible for unsolved crimes, they would also get an incentive for helping to solve them. Between them, they do have much inside information - which they could then use to reduce their sentences and financial burdens for indemnifications. - JZ, 2/75, 5.7.94. – COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY
CRIME: Come to think of it, who are the worse criminals? Those who kill, assault or loot a few or those who keep genocide weapons ready for use and whole peoples subjected to uniform and more or less tyrannical laws, while exacting huge tributes for this "service"? - JZ, 5.10.81. Or those who engage in "defensive" wars in which people are killed by the ten-thousands or hundred-thousands? - JZ, 9.7.94.
CRIME: Consider that mercy to the wicked is cruelty to the innocent: and that all your lenity doth but make them the more insolent and presumptuous." - The Petition of Sept. 11th, 1648, in A. L. Morton, Freedom in Arms, p.192/193.
CRIME: Courts, police and gaols today largely assure the survival of the unfittest. - JZ, 24.9.74. - SELF-DEFENCE, GUN CONTROL
CRIME: CRIME AT THE TOP: The big thieves hang the little ones. – Czech proverb - in – RULERS, LAWS, LEADERSHIP – Territorial leaders are not even good in fighting or preventing other crimes than their own. – JZ, 30.3.12.
CRIME: Crime exists mainly because people believe they have a right to satisfy their own requirements at the expense of somebody else’s efforts. I want it, he’s got it, I’ll take it.” - John Laws, Book of Uncommon Sense, PAN, 1995, 70. – Unfortunately, not only ordinary criminals think so but politicians and voters as well. – JZ, 19.9.07. - MORALITY & RIGHTS, THE MORALITY OF LICE, FLEAS & OTHER BLOOD-SUCKERS
CRIME: Crime fighting is too important to be nationalised or statised. - JZ, 3.2.75, 5.7.94.
CRIME: Crime fighting is too important to remain nationalised. -JZ 75, 25.11.08. – POLICE, COURTS, PRISONS, BOUNTY HUNTERS, PRIZE MONEY PUT UP BY INSURANCE COMPANIES
CRIME: Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law." - Louis D. Brandeis, Dissenting, Olmstead v. U.S. 277 U.S. 438 (1928). Perhaps, in the long run, this is the best service it can provide? - JZ, 9.7.94.
CRIME: Crime is never founded on reason." - Livy, History of Rome, XXVIII, c.10. - Tyrannicide is still and all too widely considered to be a crime rather than a heroic act. And it does even have a victim, the tyrant, and this for very good reasons. - JZ, 5.7.94. - TYRANNICIDE
CRIME: Crime is part of the war and peace problem, whether criminals and their victims are aware of that or not. Genuine crimes, with victims, are acts of aggression against individuals and small groups. War is an act of aggression, at least on one side, against individuals and large groups. So most criminals are actually guerrillas or partisans fighting against innocents and when caught they are kept in a POW camp. The rest, those who committed "crimes" without victims should not be prosecuted and imprisoned. A further wrong of these POW camps is that instead of the convicted inmates working hard to indemnify their victims, the victims are highly taxed to support the convicted criminals and aggressors in relative idleness, at a cost between $ 20,000 to $ 80.000 per head p.a. - JZ, 8.8.84, 5.7.94.
CRIME: Crime is the necessary condition for the very existence of the State, and it therefore constitutes the State's exclusive monopoly, from which it follows that the individual who dares commit a crime is guilty in a twofold sense: first, he is guilty against human conscience, and, above all, he is guilty against the State in abrogating to himself one of its most precious privileges." - Michael Bakunin, The Bear of Berne and the Bear of St. Petersburg, 1870. - TERRITORIALISM
CRIME: Crime is today so much like business because business, due to State intervention and privileges, is conducted so much like crime. By ridding ourselves of monopolistic government: the major crime organization, we would release self-help energies against private criminal activities. Then competition against the present privileges. would abolish or at least greatly reduce all three types of criminal activities. - JZ, 12.7.78.
CRIME: Crime stoppers put the finger on crime. Crime stoppers is confidential. You don’t have to give your police your name. They will give you a number. Crime stoppers offer cash rewards up to $ 1,000 for information which leads to the arrest of an offender for any serious crime. – Ring 332 3555 Sydney or (008) 422 199 toll free anywhere in N.S.W.” – Poster seen in a railway station in June 89. – Obviously, policemen and private security forces cannot watch everything, everywhere, all the time. The whole population constitutes a potential watchdog force or neighborhood watch and sees crimes much more frequently than the officials do. However, the official treatment of witnesses and informers was so far often so discouraging and they sometimes risked their lives by coming forward publicly, that very often they keep rather silent than pass such important information on. This alternative, if sufficiently used, might help, considerably, to reduce crime by helping to catching more criminals. – But are they ready to tackle crimes committed by powerful officials, especially not when these have legalized their crimes? – JZ, 25.10.07. - CRIME STOPPERS, POINTING OUT CRIMES & CRIMINALS
CRIME: Crime will not decrease until being a criminal becomes more dangerous than being a victim.” – Donald Windsor, PUBLIC INTEREST, issue 14, March 98. – Also in: READER’S DIGEST,11/76. - And that will not happen while police- and court-services are still largely monopolized and bureaucratically run. – JZ, 24.9.08.
CRIME: Crime without victims is law without justice." - SIL project, mentioned in OUTLOOK, Dec. 72.
CRIME: Crime would not pay if the government ran it." - London Car sticker, quoted in FREE ENTERPRISE, Feb./March 75, BAPTIST New Mexican, SLM 8/77. - The most important crimes it does run - and they do pay - for it! - JZ, 27.3.80, 13.11.10.
CRIME: Crimes are serious infringements of individual human rights. Prisons stop these infringements of the rights of innocent outsiders, at least temporarily and to some extent, apart from the high costs of government run and tax financed prisons. These should be replaced by free enterprises run for profit. - JZ, 10.7.82, 6.7.94.
CRIME: Crimes were committed to punish crimes, and crimes were committed to prevent crimes. The world has been filled with prisons and dungeons, with chains and whips, with crosses and gibbets, with thumb-screws and racks, with hangmen and headsmen - and yet these frightful means and instrumentalities and crimes have accomplished little for the preservation of property or life. It is safe to say that governments have committed far more crimes than they have prevented. As long as society bows and cringes before the great thieves, there will be little ones enough to fill the jails." - Robert G. Ingersoll, quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.288. – Territorial governments set the worst kind of example for all kinds of crimes against innocent and non-consenting victims and they have got away with this, in most cases, for thousands of years. None of them knows and appreciates as well as abides by all genuine individual rights and liberties. With such a father figure or paternalism and “leadership” it is almost surprising that we do not get even more private crimes. – JZ, 4.2.13. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, WELFARE STATE, TAXATION, WARS
CRIME: Crimes with victims are not the monopoly of any race, nation, religion, political, economic or social system. – Most of them have at least some criminal aspects or criminal principles, practices and institutions, especially most territorial ones. – Even the best system is likely to have some criminals among its adherents. - JZ, 30.7.95, 23.9.08.
CRIME: Criminal: An individual who arrogates to himself the prerogatives of the State." - Fritz Perls, in THE DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIP, No. 3.
CRIME: Criminals are human, all too human and also all too immature and irresponsible, just like small children. They grab and hit others, just like little kids do - only they are bigger, more cunning and thus more dangerous. In these respects they have never grown up or have never been sufficiently disciplined. - JZ, 21.4.92, 5.7.94.
CRIME: Criminals are prosecuted by the State a) because they infringe its monopoly to commit crime and fraud and b) because their prosecution can serve as an excuse for the existence of this biggest protection racket of them all. - JZ, 8.7.82, 6.7.94.
CRIME: Criminals are savages who play it short-range and starve when their prey runs out." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, p.986. - Even a habitual criminal will work - if he has to, in order to survive, or to obtain a cover for his criminal activities. But most present prisons are too "humane" to do such an "evil" thing to him. - JZ, 7.7.94. - No food or no water, if they refuse to work, would get them to work. – JZ, 4.2.13.
CRIME: Criminals are the needy or greedy or lazy ones, who forcefully or fraudulently take from the able, productive and honest people, either by political or by "private" enterprise means. - JZ, 9.9.89. - In other words, they are aggressively or fraudulently expropriating communists who act upon their private initiative - at the expense of others. I am all for increasing the risks of their “business” or “enterprise” or “job” to 100%. - JZ, 6.7.94, 4.2.13.
CRIME: Criminals are wards of the State (*) until they are sufficiently grown up not to require external controls any longer. - JZ, 6.1.84. - (*) or of a private enterprise penal and rehabilitating service organization - JZ, 6.7.94.
CRIME: Criminals love licence more than freedom. - JZ, 6.1.84.
CRIME: Criminals should be subsidising the taxpayers while they are serving a sentence, rather than having the taxpayers subsidise the criminals in prisons and in relative idleness there. - JZ, 2.11.79, 4.2.13.
CRIME: Criminals tend to be even more possessive and defensive about the property which their criminally "acquired", and their other property, than are their victims and they do not take note of this contradiction. Instead, they practise, quite thoughtlessly, the "principle" of "might is right" and do get upset when their victims apply it to them. - JZ, 9.5.02. - Their "principle" might also be expressed by the old saying: "What is mine is mine and what is yours - is mine also!" - PROPERTY
CRIME: Deglamorize crime, say I: define the criminal as insane, and he may be less anxious to be a criminal.” - Fay Weldon, Darcy’s Utopia, Collins, London, 1990, 33. – What about all the politicians, who act criminally, against the public interest, against individual rights and liberties, and this under the pretence of taking care of them. Shall we class them, too, as insane, and their voters as well, both as criminals? Or both as criminally insane and dangerous? – JZ, 18.9.07. - CRIME & INSANITY, TERRITORIALISM, POLITICIANS, VOTERS, DEMOCRACY
CRIME: Denying that governments and their laws secure the individual in his private property or personal security, Warren argued that governments 'commit more crimes upon persons and property and contribute more to their insecurity than all criminals put together.'" - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p. 72, on Josiah Warren. – PROPERTY, PROTECTION, GOVERNMENT
CRIME: DISRESPECT OF PROPERTY. Socialism inculcates disrespect for property, not in the abstract, perhaps, but in the concrete. Socialists hold real property owners in contempt and particularly owners of productive equipment. When they are in power, they confiscate property or take effective control over it ...." - Clarence B. Carson, THE FREEMAN, 2/78. - Criminals are merely State-"socialists" on a smaller scale. Today, many socialists parties find that it pays them in money and power to privatise formerly socialised enterprises - i.e., to confiscate the sales proceeds for their nefarious purposes under all kinds of false pretences. - JZ, 6.7.94. – PRIVATIZATION
CRIME: Do not steal. The Government does not like competition." - A bumper sticker I picked up somewhere and have currently on my car. - JZ, 5.7.94. - Alas, both the car and the sticker wore out! - JZ, 5.10.02. - TAXATION
CRIME: Don't Rob: It's a crime to compete with government." - Sticker from NEW HORIZON, CA.
CRIME: Ever since States came into existence, the political world has always been and still continues to be the stage for high knavery and unsurpassed brigandage - brigandage and knavery which are held in high honor, since they are ordained by patriotism, by transcendent morality, and by the supreme interest of the State. This explains to us why all the history of ancient and modern States is nothing more than a series of revolting crimes; why present and past kings and ministers of all times and all countries - statesmen, diplomats, bureaucrats, and warriors - if judged from the point of view of simple morality and human justice, deserve a thousand times the gallows or penal servitude." - Michael Bakunin, Federalism, Socialism, and Anti-Theologism, 1867. – HISTORY, STATES, GOVERNMENTS
CRIME: Few problems receive greater news coverage than crime. Yet the President's Crime Commission - in one of its brief lapses into objectivity - said, 'The personal injury that Americans risk daily from sources other than crime are enormously greater.'" - Charles F. Zimmerman, ANALOG, Feb. 71, p. 173. – How many lives are sacrificed in the pursuit of the government’s foreign policies and as a consequence of its anti-drug laws? – How many lives are the governments prepared to sacrifice with their nuclear strength policy? – Are such mass murder preparations not criminal? - JZ, 26.11.08. – Q.
CRIME: Fight organized crime. Abolish the I.R.S.” - Unknown. - Dangerous Buttons, No. 52. - ORGANIZED CRIME, MAFIA & IRS, TAXATION
CRIME: Fight the Crime in Canberra!" - Hank Zwiers, 26.2.75.
CRIME: For a period, crime will remain a problem, and we must end the disgraceful prevalence of crime without punishment and punishment without crime.” - R. W. C. Ettinger, Man into Superman, 169.
CRIME: For their part, the criminals, by their actions, have forfeited any claim to rights. Because their action, to be a CRIME, involved the initiation of an act which violated someone else's rights, they in effect said, 'We don't recognize your rights.' Well they can't have it both ways. If they don't respect the rights of others, they cannot IN JUSTICE claim that their own be respected. They can only claim fair treatment." – John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia, p.142.
CRIME: FREEDOM FOR CRIMINALS. As the government intrudes on the economy in the creative sector, while neglecting crime in the destructive sector, peaceful and responsible people are rapidly being imprisoned by the predators of society. It is the law-abiding who are increasingly walled-in and watched by security guards - by necessity. We have to chain down our possessions. We are afraid to walk on our streets. We are putting bars on the doors to protect us from marauders. Is this freedom?" - Joan Marie Leonard, THE FREEMAN, 3/77.
CRIME: Freud's remark to the effect that the delusion of one man is neurosis and the delusion of many men is religion, can be generalised: The authoritarianism of one man is crime and the authoritarianism of many men is the State." - Wilson/Shea, Illuminatus III, p. 240. – AUTHORITARIANISM, RELIGION, DELUSIONS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM
CRIME: From getting money through relief to getting money from anybody who might have it, is an easy transition in thought. Thus the groundwork for thuggery, hold-ups and even burglary is laid in 'social' legislation." - Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.20. - The rationalization: "If officials can forcefully or fraudulently, e.g. by inflation, take from 'the rich', to further 'social justice' and to satisfy 'needs', why can't I?" - JZ, 6.7.94. – WELFARE STATE
CRIME: Genuine criminals, i.e. criminals with victims, act like governments do, all too often, although on a much smaller scale. So why should anarchists sympathise with criminals when criminals are, in consequence of their own aggressive or governmental actions, imprisoned by a government that at least in this respect and towards these people does not commit a wrong? - JZ, 23.4.82. - ANARCHISM
CRIME: Government has committed more crimes than it has prevented." - THE MATCH, July/Aug. 72.
CRIME: Government is organized crime." - Anon.
CRIME: Government would cease without 'criminals' to sustain it, and to expect the government to remove its own foundation is idle. - If the cause of crime is removed, it will be by Libertarians and not by Authoritarians. It will be by those who hate it, not by those who profit from it." - Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.24.
CRIME: Governments are organized not to prevent crime but to take vengeance after the crime has occurred. Thus, for governments to continue to justify their existence, there must always be a certain level of crime. You and I are the bait in the trap. We are the undefended cheese that lures the criminal rat. After the rat strikes, and only then, will the government act to punish the rat. Because it doesn't know which creature IS a rat until after the fact. So it presumes that every citizen is a potential rat. But it waits for proof. Meanwhile, the government takes what it likes from all of us, legally committing theft and worse, so that when private illegal theft or worse occurs, it can punish the rat who did it. That puts us in double jeopardy. We are victimized first by the government to get the money, and then later by the private rat, who also takes our money or something else that we value." - LeFevre, Lift Her Up, Tenderly, p.193. - Then we are again taxed to keep the rat in relative luxury and idleness in government prisons, charging us more per inmate than an expensive hotel would. - JZ, 6.7.94.
CRIME: Home Office statistics suggest that the man with the criminal record is less likely to commit another offence (if he has gone ten years without any further convictions) than a person without any convictions." - Terry Arthur, 95% Is Crap, p.133. - Both, a lack of moral convictions and an excess of ideological convictions do, on the other hand, lead to more crimes but not always to more juridical convictions for such crimes. - JZ, 6.7.94.
CRIME: I can see no manner in which a person can then argue that an action they consider moral when done by them on another person could be immoral if done to them. Thus an individual who kills someone else can not argue that it is immoral for someone else to kill them. A person who uses violence towards others cannot claim it is wrong for others to use violence towards him or herself. The same argument applies to robbery and indeed to almost every crime that has a victim in our present criminal law system." - Eric B. Lindsay, GEGENSCHEIN, 34. - What good is it to a rape victim to be permitted to rape the rapist? However, if the rapist were imprisoned together with homosexual rapists and if the latter were given immunity with regard to him, that might be poetic justice. - JZ, 5.7.94. - To each the justice system of his choice - if he can manage to keep all his crimes within his own chosen community. If he offends against the rights of members of other communities, then he would, usually, have to suffer under their penal system. So he should be more careful in the choice of his victims. They might belong to a community that would inflict torture or the death penalty even upon what others consider to be only minor offences or no offence. - JZ, 5.10.02. – PANARCHISM, PENAL SYSTEMS
CRIME: I do not believe that each criminal is caught but that every criminal ought to be caught." - Hans Habe, Leben fuer den Journalismus, Bd. 4, S. 48. - Every criminal with victims! - JZ
CRIME: I fail to see the difference between damages caused by burglars, arsonists, joy riders, hijackers, or self-styled members of some 'Liberation Army' shooting-up and bombing business premises or 'peaceful demonstrators' holding up traffic. ... Make them pay for the damages they cause." - George Hardy (deceased), The Doom of the Welfare Society, p.41. – MARCHES, DEMONSTRATIONS, PROTEST MOVEMENTS
CRIME: I find it extremely difficult to believe that even the most rudimentary system of locks and private guards couldn't suppress looting and murder below the level of the state's taxation and carnage." - Erwin S. Strauss, THE CONNECTION, No. 86, p. 16. - PROTECTION, POLICE, PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATIONS
CRIME: I prefer the term 'coercion' to the term 'crime'." - AKA, in LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION, 15.2.73. – That would not cover non-violent crimes against property rights. – JZ, 26.11.08.
CRIME: I spent all my life under criminal regimes, from totalitarian to “democratic” ones. – JZ, 4.2.13.
CRIME: If "society is to blame", rather than the guilty individuals and since society is made up of guilty, innocent and victimised people, then, according to this doctrine, the innocents and victims are to be blamed for crimes but not the guilty ones, who committed them. Such nonsense can still be daily seen, heard or read in the mass media, in private conversations and in public meetings. - JZ, 5.7.94. –
CRIME: If any pressure group chooses to resort to violence and bodily obstruction, it cannot and indeed it should not expect better treatment from the police than other violent criminals are given." - George Hardy, The Doom of the Welfare Society, p.44. - MARCHING, DEMONSTRATIONS, SIT-DOWNS, NON-VIOLENCE
CRIME: If convicts were compelled to wear an electronic bracelet, that sends a signal of their location to a recording memory, then they could easily be tied in to any further crime committed by them that required their presence at the time and place of it being committed. Thus such a bracelet could act as a strong deterrent. It should be hard to remove and its removal or destruction should trigger an alarm and an arrest warrant. If they placed a bomb, sabotaged a car or inserted some poison, their preparatory act could also tie them in to such crimes. This method might be more effective and also cheaper as a deterrent than incarcerating a convict unnecessarily for many years. – JZ, 8.8.96, 22.9.08.
CRIME: If crime were justified by need it would be the main occupation of the masses." - From TV series, In the Heat of the Night, 21.7.92.
CRIME: If criminals had only to pay indemnification for crimes they are convicted of, instead of having to go to gaol and if the capture, conviction and enforced indemnification rate were 33% then this would be merely like a 33% tax upon their "enterprise" and in two thirds of their crimes they would get off scot free, i.e. crime would pay them very well. Any crime affects and threatens and costs not only the victims. Compare lock-up and other security and insurance and policing costs. Thus some laws, inflicting a penalty of 300-400 % of the direct crime damage did, would make more sense. - JZ, n.d., 5.7.94.
CRIME: If others interfere with our actions it will be their fault, and having infringed our liberty they must not expect us to respect theirs." - D. W. Brookhouse in Bob James, Australian Anarchism, p.10.
CRIME: If people behaved like government, you'd call the cops.” - Kelvin Throop. - , PEOPLE, POLICE, GOVERNMENTCRIME: If poverty is the mother of crimes, want of sense is the father of them." - Jean de La Bruyere, Les Characteres, c. 11.
CRIME: If the government is abolished, that act in itself will end a lot of crime." - Ron Chusid, LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION 56 1/2, 31.2.74.
CRIME: If we really want to stop organized crime, all we have to do is form a government department to run it, then stand back while it is choked to death by red tape." - Robert Linebaugh, in READER’S DIGEST. - The government departments already do run most crimes - and government rather chokes us to death in its red tape, with its taxation and its wars, civil wars, revolutions and economic crises it causes. - JZ, 7.7.94. – I know of no tax department that has choked itself to death. – JZ, 26.11.08.
CRIME: If you have an intelligent child and you want to start it, cheaply, on a university career, teach it to commit a crime first. Then the government does the rest. - JZ, 17.5.75.
CRIME: In “crimes” without victims the law is guilty and the accused is innocent. - JZ, 10. 12.91.
CRIME: In accordance with an old but not outworn tradition, it might now be wise for all to conclude that crime, or even misbehaviour, is the act of an individual, not the predisposition of a class." - John Kenney Galbraith, The Great Crash, 1929. - So G. did, sometimes, make some sense, at least in his early years! I would add, though: "or something that any other class could be rightly and collectively blamed for." - JZ, 6.4.89, 5.7.94. - INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY, SOCIETY
CRIME: In an interview with THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR (8/26/76), Milton Friedman explained that the cause of America's unrest today is that 'we've moved away from individual responsibility to social responsibility. We've shifted the notion of a criminal from someone to be blamed, to the notion that society is to be blamed for producing the criminal. If you take the attitude that the individual is not to blame for what he does, what deterrent does that individual have not to commit crime?'" - INK, 11/76.
CRIME: In existing criminology there are concepts: a criminal man, a criminal profession, a criminal society, - a criminal sect, and a criminal tribe, - but there is no concept of a criminal state, - or a criminal government, or criminal legislation. - Consequently, the biggest crimes actually escape being called crimes." - P. D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) - Source: A New Model of the Universe, 1931. – Quoted by Keith Parsons shared Sad Wookie's status update. Sad Wookie – Facebook, 25.10.12. - & CRIMINAL GOVERNMENTS
CRIME: In fact, it would take a brigade of lawyers several weeks, minutely examining your affairs, to determine if you are a criminal. Certainly, no ordinary citizen has the time or the research facilities to discover if he or she is in violation of one out of the skillions of laws currently on our statute books. In many cases, two lawyers consulted independently, will give opposite opinions about whether or not a given course of action is in violation of the statutes." - R. A. Wilson, The Illuminati Papers, p.124.
CRIME: In order for an act to be a crime, libertarians say, someone must be harmed - there must be a victim. Anything that's peaceful, voluntary, and honest should be tolerated regardless of whether we agree with it. Part of the price of our own freedom is allowing others to be free.” - Scott Banister, - Mutual tolerance for all political, economic and social systems practised only among volunteers. – JZ, 4.1.08. – CRIMES WITHOUT VICTIMS ARE NOT CRIMES. PANARCHIES ALSO FOR ALL THOSE, WHO DISAGREE WITH US
CRIME: In reality, the individual who steals or enslaves is a government and is, therefore, just as wrong as the 'government' which calls its theft and enslavement 'taxation' and 'conscription'." - Jeffrey M. Friedman, OPTION, 6/77.
CRIME: In such a society, there is a tendency for the criminal to be free-lance. The unlicensed delinquent, who has lacked the skill, the luck or the opportunity to express his delinquency within the structure of authority." - Alex Comfort, Authority and Delinquency, p. 20. - This classic work has been all too long o.o.p. - JZ, 7.7.94.
CRIME: In the case of real crimes, such as robbery, breach of contract, murder, fraud, rape or assault, what happens in our courts today? Punishment is meted out, but rarely justice. - Suppose your house was burgled and you lost $ 5,000 worth of goods. The odds are they will not be recovered, so you're down $5,000. What happens when the burglar is caught? He goes to gaol - and if he admits to ALL his burglaries he can serve out the time for them all simultaneously. Who pays for the cost of his capture, his trial, his upkeep in ever-increasing luxury in gaol, and, probably, the upkeep of his family on welfare while he's in there? You do. What do you get back by way of justice? The dubious pleasure of knowing that the burglar is in prison. Big deal. Some idea of justice! You lose all down the line." - John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia.
CRIME: In the libertarian society, the invader of another man's rights gives up his own rights to the same extent." – Murray N. Rothbard, Man, Economy and the State, quoted in Carl Watner: JUSTICE, p.34.
CRIME: In the making of a living OUTSIDE the law - in the criminal world - other 'principles' take form. To the criminal mind, the highest 'good' is the acquisition of other people's property with the least danger of being apprehended. Therefore, the aristocrat in this world is the manager of a mob or syndicate, operating under cover of political protection; though in point of fact he is only an exaggerated pickpocket, he achieves 'big shot' status because of the minimum of risk he takes. Thus, it may be said that the first 'principle' of the criminal world is 'to get away with it.'" - Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.136. - Is that so different from politics as usual? Moreover, doesn't the current crime boss of the officially and legally conducted political crimes also run the risk of being violently or non-violently ousted or eliminated by his "political" opponents? - JZ, 6.7.94, 26.11.08.
CRIME: In the March 1, 1970 issue of the LIBERTARIAN FORUM I suggested that libertarians give serious consideration to the present relative immunity of States and their minions from prosecution for their more notorious common crimes against the lives, and liberties and property of their own subjects and of the inhabitants of other States as well. Though we know that States live by crime, we seldom see any way of punishing the criminal other than by war or revolution. Yet, as I pointed out, the principal deterrent to crime in any society is the criminal's fear of loss of moral and social standing in the community. While States have traditionally used the threat of execution, imprisonment, fine or mutilation to punish criminals, stateless societies have favored monetary compensation to victims, social ostracism, boycott, or exile..." - Joseph R. Peden, LIBERTARIANANALYSIS, Winter 70.
CRIME: In the name of human rights, ... we relax justice to the criminal and refuse it to the victim." - Charley Goodman, "All These Rights", THE FREEMAN, 1/78.
CRIME: Interestingly, early Anglo-Saxon criminal law was actually tort law in nature. That is to say, the State demanded that restitution be made by criminals to those who had suffered at their hands, but itself exacted no punishment. One may wonder whether the contemporary State deprives the victims of crime of a property right when it incarcerates those who have committed offences against their persons or property, thus making restitution difficult or impossible." - George C. Leef, THE FREEMAN, 9/78, p.562. - PRISONS, PUNISHMENT, INDEMNIFICATION, PROPERTY
CRIME: Is crime the product of government or does government produce crime? Both is largely true and difficulties in understanding this are due to our inability to see that they are hardly different except in name and pretence: Government, in reality, is just the collectivist organization of private criminal intentions. Thus crime breeds crime, government breeds government, government breeds crime and crime breeds government. The Mafia doesn't like competition, either and thus 'fights' the crimes of others on its turf. To fight both, the individual as well as the collectivist criminal, we need freedom and the knowledge how to use it best. - JZ, 12.7.78.
CRIME: Is it because liberty in the abstract may be classed among the blessings of mankind, that I am seriously to felicitate a madman, who has escaped from the protecting restraint and wholesome darkness of his cell, on his restoration to the enjoyment of light and liberty? Am I to congratulate a highwayman and murderer, who has broke prison, upon the recovery of his natural rights?" - Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France, 1790, p. 39.
CRIME: It can not even be said that the State has ever shown any disposition to suppress crime, but only to safeguard its own monopoly of crime.” - Albert Jay Nock, CRIMINALS, PROTECTION & STATE MONOPOLY, TERRITORIALISM
CRIME: It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress." - Mark Twain, as quoted by David Friedman, in The Machinery of Freedom. – PARLIAMENTS, CONGRESS, REPRESENTATIVES, DEPUTIES, LEGISLATORS
CRIME: It is none of government's business how or to what extent an individual injures himself. Injury to others is THE societal problem, and this is the business of society's governmental agency. (*) Injury to self, be it drug addiction or suicide, is strictly a personal problem and its remedy is to be achieved solely by self-correction." - Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, 7/73. - I for one think that there is nothing wrong with cooperative or mutual aid and voluntaristic efforts like those provided by "Life-line". – (*) As if in this business it would be acting any better than in any other! - JZ JZ, 5.7.94.
CRIME: It is one thing to be kind to criminals in the hope of rehabilitating them; it is another to make national heroes out of them." - Chad Walsh, From Utopia to Nightmare, p.162. - RULERS, LEADERS, PERSONALITY CULT, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, CHANCELLORS
CRIME: It is ridiculous that criminals are not automatically required to make compensation to their victims." - George Hardy, The Doom of the Welfare Society, p.40. - And it is absurd not to give convicts the chance and obligation to do so while they are serving their sentences. - JZ, 9.7.94. – INDEMNIFICATION, PRISONS
CRIME: It is with a certain note of irony that we mention how some public officials are paid to arrest private individuals for the same actions that many public officials are paid to perform. To be specific, we observe that some officials are paid to run gambling operations, while others are paid to prevent individuals from operating the same type of enterprise." - Paul Streitz, OUTLOOK, 2/73. - That applies to all monopolies legalized by the government. - JZ
CRIME: It would take private criminals thousands to millions of years to catch up with those crimes already committed by governments. - JZ, 24.5.89. - And yet they serve governments well as excuses for the continuance of governments. There should be much more publicity for the total budget burden imposed by criminals compared with the total budget burden imposed by governments. We might then come to think of more effective crime prevention and crime fighting methods than politicians and bureaucrats can. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CRIME: It's a world where only 10% of the violent crimes are solved and, hence, where those punished seem more guilty of bad luck than iniquity." – Richard C. Cornuelle, Demanaging America, p.50. - Hopefully, only according to their own queer "logic". - JZ,6.7.94.
CRIME: It's obvious that organized crime would not exist without government. ... Organized crime exists only to provide goods and services that the government has declared illegal." - Roderick T. Beaman, Liberty for All, (3/30/03). -, - MAFIA & GOVERNMENTS, ORGANIZED CRIME,
CRIME: Just as this free-lance socialist was gathering up their day's receipts,..." - Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love, p.220.
CRIME: LeFevre eloquently presents his case, proving that government protection protects criminals while having little effectiveness on our 'safety'. 'The government rips people off to get together the money to keep people from getting ripped off', indicated LeFevre. He felt that the answer as for private citizens to stop paying 'protection' taxes and invest in their own protection devices to deter and prevent crimes. Locks, burglar alarms, steel bars and even 'a trap door over a hole filled with quick lime', were discussed as efficient methods of protection. But, above all, LeFevre wants to get law and order out from under the auspices of the ineffective governmental philosophies. After all, 'There is bound to be an increase in crime as long as the legislature is still in session', said LeFevre." - SLL leaflet, 1978.
CRIME: Less laws is one of the right ways to protect our society. - JZ, 14.11.81.
CRIME: Let criminals pay for crime. - JZ, 2/75. - Let all convicted criminals pay for all crimes. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CRIME: Liberals have also begun to call for the abolition of 'victimless crimes', which would be splendid if 'victims' were defined with greater precision as victims of aggressive violence." – Murray N. Rothbard, For A New Liberty, 119.
CRIME: Make criminals pay for all crimes. - JZ 75. - Why should any of the victims have to pay in any way for unsolved crimes? Either the culprits have to pay, or convicted criminals who committed similar offences, or the victims. Whenever the culprits cannot be found, I would rather have the convicts pay for the damage than the innocents. Convicts have no rights. Being held collectively responsible for unsolved crimes, they would also get an incentive for helping to solve them. - JZ, 75. – Note that this is one of the very few exceptions where I would uphold the principle of collective responsibility. – JZ, 25.11.08. – COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY
CRIME: Make criminals pay!" - Source?
CRIME: Make the criminals afraid rather than let victims remain or become terrorised by them. - JZ, 22.12.93, 6.7.94. - GUN CONTROL, SELF-DEFENCE
CRIME: Many might go to heaven with half the labour they go to hell, if they would venture their industry the right way." - Ben Jonson, Random Thoughts, Timber, 1640. - Crime, compared with productive labour, costs usually only a very short term labour effort, not a prolonged one, for the same financial result. And most criminals are psychopath, with a distorted time sense. Long-term and likely consequences of their actions are of no interest to them. They want the results NOW, regardless! - JZ, 5.7.94, 5.10.02.
CRIME: Many people see in criminals merely the uneducated. I see in them mainly the miseducated. - JZ, 6.2.84.
CRIME: Modern research indicates that there is a range of somato types which are characterised by 'high energy levels'. If persons who fall within that range can't find satisfying constructive socially acceptable outlets, they may turn to anti-social outlets." - Joe Fulks, THE CONNECTION 112, 30.5.83, p. 35. - Compare: H. Dubreuil's "A Chance for Everybody". Wide-spread cooperative production, based on the internal application of free enterprise principles, property rights and individual and voluntary group responsibilities, and a free market, including monetary freedom, are likely to reduce that crime promoting factor very much. - JZ, 28.6.89. - Exhausting sports are socially acceptable and are, by many, considered constructive, at least in the body-building sense. - JZ, 5.7.94. - But there are criminals even among the body-builders and sportsmen. Only their training in ethics and their moral sense is sorely lacking. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CRIME: More crime is perpetrated within the law than without." - Dagobert D. Runes, Treasury of Thought, p.26.
CRIME: More policemen, taxes and laws are not the right answer to rising crime rates. Their reduction would help more. More policemen would still form only a small minority among the population and reduce rather than increase self-responsibility, self-help, self-defence and self-policing. More taxes do already mean more robberies and would be used to finance more bureaucratic violence. Still more laws would mean that there are still more laws to be broken and that natural morality and harmony are further suppressed rather than released and increased. - JZ, 16.4.82, 6.7.94.
CRIME: Most crimes are offences against property." - Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p. 23. – If self-ownership is considered, then all crimes are crimes against property rights. – JZ, 4.2.13.
CRIME: Must one not expect at least some minor crimes to occur when our so-called leaders have nothing better to do than to rob us, run our lives for us and against our will and even threaten to exterminate us by the hundreds of millions? - JZ, 1.2.82. - - TAXATION, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT
CRIME: No crime is founded upon reason." (Nullum scelus rationem habet.) - Livy, History, Bk. xxviii, sec. 28. - Compare Tyrannicide. Most do, but I do not consider it to be a crime. I can only see good reasons for it - if it is not just an isolated act of resistance but part of a concerted, moral and rational and well prepared effort to overthrow a tyrannical regime. - JZ, 6.7.94.
CRIME: Not the penalty frightens but the certainty of the penalty would. Neither our present police nor our courts CAN achieve that.” – (The police is an unsuitable organ to prevent the potential criminal from committing his crimes. That can be done by the judiciary alone. Not the arrest but the penalty frightens the criminal.") - Hans Habe, 1969, in Leben fuer den Journalismus, Bd. 3, S. 269, tr. JZ, 5.7.94.
CRIME: Not the weather is bad but society, which produced it.” – (Nicht das Wetter ist schlecht, sondern die Gesellschaft, die es gemacht hat.") - Graffiti. - That is about the "logic" of the liberal humanists who try to deny personal responsibility for crimes and want "society" to be blamed for everything, regardless of the fact that we have despotic territorial states rather than freely competing societies. - JZ, 5.7.94. - "Society" consists of criminals and non-criminals. It all were criminals, it could not continue to exist. Everybody could not be e.g., a multiple murderer. Thus if crime is not the crime of the criminal then it must be the crime of the non-criminal. Otherwise, society is not to blame. - JZ, 5.7.92. - But there is a rightful core to all this nonsense: What is wrongly called society, is such an unprincipled, unethical, coercive, privileged, monopolised, exploitative, statist mess, covered by lies, prejudices, myths and false pretences, in which the worst offenders usually get away even with the worst of crimes, so that it sets a very bad example, indeed. The biggest and most successful scoundrels are publicly honoured. When we cannot expect honesty and decency in office, why should we expect it from everyone who is not in office? - 5.7.94. – By now “society” is even blamed for a supposedly deteriorating climate! – JZ, 26.11.08. – Actually, some brawls have been stopped by a downpour. – JZ, 13.11.10. - , SOCIETY
CRIME: occasional illegal robbery does not count in the long run because it cannot compete with the State." - Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, Let's Try Capitalism, p.403.
CRIME: Of all the strange 'crimes' that human beings have legislated out of nothing, 'blasphemy' is the most amazing - with 'obscenity' and 'indecent exposure' fighting it out for second and third place." - Robert Heinlein, Lazarus Long.
CRIME: Of course some of the private defense agencies will become criminal, just as some people become criminal now. But the point is that in a stateless society there would be no regular, LEGALIZED channel for crime and aggression, no government apparatus the control of which provides a secure monopoly for invasion of person and property." – Murray N. Rothbard, Power and the Market, 1970, p.5.
CRIME: One other point should be made. Avery great number of so-called crimes are crimes only because government says they are. There are no victims. Some bit of legislation has been violated but no person or property has been injured. When one considers the number of legal actions taken against people who have not paid their taxes, who have gone through stop lights, over-parked, or possibly purchased some commodity which government doesn't think they should have, the mind boggles. Better than 60% of all 'crime' has produced no victims, unless one presumes that a legislative enactment is a person and so should be protected against trespass. - Government makes no distinction here. The tax evader and the bank robber, to government, are in the same category. Both are thieves. Yet the one has only retained his earnings, while the other has created victims." - Robert LeFevre, The Libertarians, p.50. - VICTIMLESS CRIMES
CRIME: Outside of specific areas - the inner cities - totally created and controlled by left-wing socialist policies, suburban and rural America has less violent crime per capita than England, Japan, or Switzerland.” - L. Neil Smith, in Mingardi interview. - If true, then the figures on this should be much more publicized than has been done so far. For me it was the first hint of this kind that I ever saw. - JZ, 26.1.01. - CITIES
CRIME: Poverty causes crime but it's not material poverty, it's moral poverty." - Edward M. Davis, Police Chief of L.A., quoted in NEWS DIGEST INTERNATIONAL, Sep. 76. – That kind of poverty as a cause is all too often ignored. – JZ, 4.2.13.
CRIME: Poverty, we have discovered at some cost, was not a root cause of crime. The progressive elimination of dire poverty from our society has not (as we once supposed it might) reduced temptation to the offender. On the contrary, it is the relative affluence in our more open societies which poses the larger temptations. The rapid acquisition of wealth by some has persuaded others to seek like rewards by unorthodox (dishonest, rather! - JZ) methods. As J. Kenneth Galbraith pointed out in his "Affluent Society" of 1958, 'AN AUSTERE COMMUNITY IS FREE FROM TEMPTATION. IT CAN BE AUSTERE IN ITS PUBLIC SERVICES. NOT SO A RICH ONE.' In short, the more property a society acquires and displays, the more policemen it has to recruit to protect the property ..." - W. F. Deedes, in Dr. Rhodes Boyson, editor, 1985, p.97. - So most kinds of socialism and most kinds of crime may have the same origin: envy! - Most thieves steal video recorders and other saleable valuables rather than food and clothing. - JZ, 7.7.94. – POVERTY, AFFLUENCE, RICHES
CRIME: Present prisons and the way they are financed, impose a tax-slavery sentence upon innocents, to be served outside. - JZ, 6.7.94.
CRIME: Present prisons turn taxpayers into tax slaves of criminals, supporting criminals in relative idleness while serving their sentences. - JZ, 6.7.94.
CRIME: private crime is, at best, sporadic and uncertain; the parasitism is ephemeral, and the coercive parasitic lifeline can be cut at any time by the resistance of the victims. The State provides a legal, orderly, systematic channel for predation on the property of the producers; it makes certain, secure, and relatively 'peaceful' the lifeline of the parasitic caste in society." - Murray N. Rothbard, For A New Liberty, p.54.
CRIME: Private crimes with individual victims amount only to an inferior competition with governmental activities - and serve as an excuse for the latter. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CRIME: Put out contracts for all professional criminals, a) for evidence and b) for taking them out. Offer as reward half of what it would take to keep them in gaol for the rest of their lives. Offer full amnesty for these executioners in these actions. - JZ, 5.12.76, 5.7.94.
CRIME: raise the cost of crime." - Recommendation by Simon Rottenberg in The Economics of Crime and Punishment, according to Laissez Faire Bookshop comment.
CRIME: Rather disarm all policemen and arm all citizens than arm only the police and disarm the citizens. - JZ, 22.4.92. - GUN CONTROL, VICTIM DISARMAMENT
CRIME: Self-injury is subject to self-correction - none other!"- Leonard E. Read, THE FREEMAN, 1/74. (10/74?) – CRIMES WITHOUT VICTIMS?
CRIME: Similarities between the criminal and the political mind can be adduced aplenty. The bank robber who, when asked why he robbed banks, said 'because that is where the money is', showed the same degree of sagacity as does the congressman who puts a relative on the public payroll, or who wrangles a government contract for a business in which he has an interest; both the bank robber and the congressman get where the getting is good. ..." – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.102/103.
CRIME: Small robbers are put in prison; a great robber becomes a feudal lord;..." Man Kau-teh, in The Texts of Taoism, II, 177.
CRIME: Society did it. Arrest society.” - Helen Darville, THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 1.10.01. – SOCIETY, JOKES
CRIME: Society should economically profit rather than lose from crime - at the expense of criminals, considered as self-made outlaws or serfs. - JZ, 2.11.79, 6.7.94.CRIME: Some anarchists talk and act as if all criminals were freedom fighters - just because they are prosecuted by the State, and, all too often also, because they are obvious enemies of property rights - at least in others. But in these cases these supposed "victims" of the State are prosecuted because they were more or less openly and obviously, more or less violently or covertly, victimising their fellow human beings. In other words, they practised archism rather than anarchism, coercion, theft and fraud, rather than voluntarism. They committed aggression rather than increased harmony. All that should be obvious to any genuine anarchist. - JZ, 8.7.82, 6.7.94. – ANARCHISTS, COMMUNIST ANARCHISM
CRIME: Some criminals seem to think that being loud, lazy, nasty, grouchy and demanding their instant release is all there is to their own rehabilitation. - JZ, 9.5.84. They consider their imprisonment to be the crime, not the infringements of the rights of other, which led to their conviction and imprisonment. To that extent they have the “ethics” of a wild beast of prey. – JZ, 5.2.13.
CRIME: Some libertarians would help a criminal get away - because they consider the State to be the greater criminal. I can understand this regarding victimless crimes, e.g. drug use and illegal immigration, but not regarding e.g. robbery, murder and rape. - JZ, n.d., revised 5.7.94.
CRIME: Some people are revolted about what's being done to criminals. I am revolted about what has been done by criminals to their victims. As for the "suffering" of criminals: In many ways their victims have a harder life. - JZ, 10.7.82. - They certainly have longer working hours, in real jobs. - JZ,7.6.94.
CRIME: South Australian Chief Secretary, Mr. Kneebone, speaking at the opening of the Security Institute seminar in Adelaide, pronounced the cost of burglaries to Australians as $ 40 million; in addition, stealing from shops was currently running at between $ 90 million and $ 95 million a year. - We know another kind of stealing which costs Australians many thousands of times these amounts. This other kind of stealing - taxation - has been with us for so long now that we just don't recognise it for what it really is." - GOOD GOVERNMENT, Oct. 75. - TAXATION
CRIME: Take a good look at it and you will see that government is the greatest invader: more than that, the worst criminal man has ever known of. It fills the world with violence, with fraud and deceit, with oppression and misery... It corrupts everything it touches." - Alexander Berkman, What Is Communist Anarchism? 1928. - And among governments the communist totalitarian governments are the worst, if one counts all their victims. - JZ, 6. 7. 94. Not only those, which they exploited by their kind of taxation and forced labor but also by the millions they murdered. – JZ, 5.2.13.
CRIME: Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class.” - Albert Jay Nock - STATE, CLASS SOCIETY, RULERS & RULED, POWER, EXPLOITATION, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM
CRIME: that great bottom law of human right, that NOTHING BUT CRIME CAN FORFEIT LIBERTY." - Theodore Weld, letter to William Lloyd Garrison, Jan. 2, 1833, quoted in THE FREEMAN, 3/76. – CRIMES WITH VICTIMS, NOT “CRIMES” WITHOUT VICTIMS.
CRIME: the appeal of crime stories and Westerns does not lie in the element of violence, but in the element of moral conflict and moral purpose.” - Ayn Rand, The New Enemies of "The Untouchables", L.A. TIMES, July 8, 1962. - WESTERNS, VIOLENCE & MORALITY, CRIME STORIES
CRIME: The crime bill in Australia is A $ 21 billion a year, according to radio news, 8.8.94. – How does that bill compare with the total of the official robbery of taxation, including the inflation tax? – I do not know the current costs of crime in Australia, either. Nor do I know whether the costs of prisons, policemen, courts and parole officers are included and the costs of the precautions that people have to take in their homes, with special locks, electronic alarms etc. - JZ, 23.9.07.
CRIME: The crime in 'crimes without victims' consists in legally declaring them to be crimes. - JZ, 29.6.91. - “CRIMES” WITHOUT VICTIMS
CRIME: THE CRIMINAL INTENT. It is a maxim of the common law that there can be no crime without a criminal intent. And it is a perfectly clear principle, although one which judges have in a great measure overthrown in practice, that JURORS are to judge of the moral intent of an accused person, and hold him guiltless, whatever his act, unless they find him to have acted with a criminal intent; that is, with a design to do what he knew to be criminal." – Lysander Spooner, Trial by Jury, p.178, Works II.
CRIME: THE CRIMINAL INTENT. It is a maxim of the common law that there can be no crime without a criminal intent. And it is a perfectly clear principle, although one which judges have in a great measure overthrown in practice, that JURORS are to judge of the moral intent of an accused person, and hold him guiltless, whatever his act, unless they find him to have acted with a criminal intent; that is, with a design to do what he knew to be criminal." – Lysander Spooner, Trial by Jury, p.178, Works II.
CRIME: The criminal seeks an unrestrained instinctual satisfaction without regard for the community." - Reiwald, quoted in Alex Comfort, Authority and Delinquency, p.23.
CRIME: The criminals who serve their time in parliaments are better paid than those who serve it in prisons - although very often they have committed much worse crimes and between them have done much more wrong and harm. - JZ, 9.7.94. – PARLIAMENTARIANISM, POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATION, LEGISLATION
CRIME: The difference between government and amateur thieves is that the former has the law on its side, worse yet, it makes the very laws it profits by..." – H. L. Mencken, in the MERCURY.
CRIME: The fact that small criminals are prosecuted by the State does not make the territorial States right any more than the fact that small crooks are prosecuted by organized crime, e.g. by the Mafia, for infringing on its "turf", can be considered as evidence that the Mafia is made up of protective angels. - JZ, 8.7.82, 6.7.94, 26.11.08.
CRIME: The focus of the judicial/legal system should be on the victim. After all, he or she is the innocent party. But today, the victim is increasingly disregarded. Concern to REHABILITATE the criminal competes with the desire to PUNISH the criminal, and above all the State ensures that its authority is not questioned. The victim takes a very distant back seat. - The real aim of justice, once the criminal has been apprehended and given a fair trial, is to determine who is the injured party, and to achieve as nearly as possible, full restitution to that party at the CRIMINAL'S EXPENSE. It should not be at the taxpayer's expense." - John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia. – INDEMNIFICATION SHOULD HAVE THE HIGHEST PRIORITY
CRIME: The government is the real criminal. Examples, for starters: taxation is extortion (tax evasion is only self-defence), inflation is fraud (counterfeiting) on a massive scale, devaluation is robbery, national service is kidnapping and/or slavery; ditto compulsory education. Of course, there are any number of 'practical' arguments against these assertions, but no PRINCIPLED ones." - John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia,p.60. – One can depreciate the own currency if one has an issue monopoly and legal tender for its notes and coins but one cannot forge the own currency. – JZ, 5.2.13.
CRIME: The greatest crimes are caused by surfeit, not by want. Men do not become tyrants in order that they may not suffer cold." - Aristotle, Politics, c. 322 B.C. - Why aren't all the ancient and new refutations of myths, errors and prejudices finally brought together against the ancient and modern myths, errors and prejudices? Why do none of the 128 million computer owners use them for this? - JZ, 5.7.94. – How many computer users are there now? – How many would it take to compile a worthwhile encyclopedia of the best refutations of those prejudices, errors etc. that are obstacles to progress? - JZ, 25.11.08.
CRIME: The greatest of all crimes are the wars that are carried on by governments, to plunder, enslave, and destroy mankind." – Lysander Spooner, Vices Are Not Crimes, XX, p. 133. - Also those wars supposedly in defence of a country or of the world, but carried on with criminal means and methods, mostly based upon the "principle" of collective responsibility. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CRIME: The growing crime rate is also proportional to the growing feeling of individual worthlessness engendered by all too numerous and comprehensive official interventions that ignore and deny individual rights and liberties, choices and initiatives and never give them the chance to fully grow up to the limits of their abilities. Self-responsibility and self-respect are some of the preconditions for respecting the rights of others. - JZ, 30.5.91, 6.7.94.
CRIME: The institutionalised criminals are of many brands: fascists, socialists, democrats, republicans, monarchists, etc. And they quarrel among themselves as robbers and kidnappers are prone to. But all want to coerce you." - El Ray & Dr. Naomi Gatherer, PROTOS, Nov. 70. - POLITICIANS, GOVERNMENTS, TAXATION
CRIME: The key to the theory of liberty is the establishment of the rights or private property, for each individual's justified sphere of free action can only be set forth if his rights of property are analysed and established. 'Crime' can then be defined and property analysed as a violent invasion or aggression against the just property or another individual (including his property in his own person)." – Murray N. Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty, VI. - That would still not cover the crimes of non-violent theft, embezzlement and fraud. - JZ, 5.7.94. - PROPERTY
CRIME: The less government, the less crime. - JZ, 13.6.80.
CRIME: The modern idea is, apparently, that crime is no longer to be punished but to be rewarded. - JZ, 13.5.75. - Well, why should we treat ordinary criminals worse than we treat our great ones, politicians, bureaucrats and generals? - JZ, 5.7.94, 5.2.13.
CRIME: The most absurd apology for authority and law is that they serve to diminish crime. Aside from the fact that the State is itself the greatest criminal, breaking every written and natural law, stealing in the form of taxes, killing in the form of war and capital punishment, it has come to an absolute standstill in coping with crime. It has failed utterly to destroy or even minimize the horrible scourge of its own creation. – Crime is nothing but misdirected energy. So long as every institution of today, economic, political, social, and moral, conspires to misdirect human energy into wrong channels; as long as most people are out of place, doing the things they hate to do, living a life they loathe to live, crime will be inevitable, and all the law on the statutes can only increase, but never do away with crime. …” - Emma Goldman, “Anarchism What It Really Stands For”, 1910, in: Alix Kates Shulman, ed. of Red Emma Speaks, p.71. – Actually, presently, in spite of a growing population and crisis times, there is such a shortage of ordinary criminals that some prisons in Australia have been closed down, at least for some time. – Have police and courts become less efficient in catching and convicting them or has the crime rare really gone down? – JZ, 5.2.13. - STATE, AUTHORITY, LAW & ORDER
CRIME: The notion that people should be free to do whatever pleases them - lands many of them in gaol. They have to think themselves out of this attitude - and many of them have a long way to go. - JZ, 6.1.84. - So have those who commit their crimes against the rights and liberties of others by the ballot box or by voting in parliaments or by "just doing their jobs" as "public servants". - JZ, 7.6.94.
CRIME: the number of 'thieves' is enormous (virtually the entire population, to one degree or another, is using the government to steal something from someone), and the total amount stolen is a sizeable fraction of the national income." - David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.210.
CRIME: The number of malefactors authorises not the crime." - Thomas Fuller, M.D., Gnomologia, 1731, 4687. - MAJORITIES
CRIME: The objection has been made that I have used the world 'criminal' loosely here. I define crime as the use of coercion and force against the peaceable individual. Since coercion and violence constitute the basic recourse of the State for enforcing its will, it necessarily fits onto the category of 'criminal' by this definition. It is naive to allow a criminal organization to define what 'crime' is, when it is a foregone conclusion that it will absolve itself. The person who accepts the good faith of those who would coerce and rob him, and confuses statute law with rational ethic, is indeed a slave indoctrinated to a superstition." - Laurance Labadie, Selected Essays, p.37.
CRIME: The offender never pardons." - George Herbert, Jacula Prudentum.
CRIME: The offenders blame rather all others than themselves and want rights only for themselves - but not for others. - JZ, 6.7.82 - They should thus all run for political office. Then crime would really and regularly pay them. - JZ, 6.7.94. - Then they would even get self-voted and tax-funded high retirement benefits. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CRIME: The only thing that makes a criminal is that he has conceived himself so low and so debased that he now can be criminal. He has lost his honour, he has lost his pride, he has lost himself and so he will injure others because actually he is trying to injure himself." - L. Ron Hubbard, The Auditor, 117. – Does that apply e.g. to our official tax collectors and revenue spenders or do they make a career of the gathering and spending of these tributes? – JZ, 26.11.08.
CRIME: The population of the world is gradually dividing into 2 classes - anarchists and criminals." - A Byington Sticker, No.34. – Alas, those “anarchists”, who do not respect the property rights of others, are also ready to commit crimes with victims – and this with a “good conscience”. – If they committed such crimes only against each other, I would tend to cheer. – Maybe then some would learn something from this experience. – JZ, 5.2.13.
CRIME: The problem is not crime and insanity in the streets so much as crime and insanity in public office." – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 7/79. – How much of crime would remain if we had only diverse societies and communities of volunteers, all doing only their own things among their members? – JZ, 5.2.13. – Q., POLITICIANS, LEADERSHIP, RULERS, BUREAUCRACY, LAWS, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM
CRIME: The protection against common theft that is offered as a rationale for government, has ceased to have meaning in a nation that is robbed of life and substance by its protectors." - I. R. Ybarra & or Fred Woodworth, in THE MATCH, 6/75. - Sometimes the worst hatreds exist not between opposites but between alike competitor, like e.g. between the totalitarian Nazis and Soviets, both of them State socialists, although of a different colour. Here it may be between the political criminals in power over "their" turf and private and relatively small scale crooks and their organizations, competing with the official crooks, ruling territorially. - JZ, n.d. & 6.7.94, 5.2.13.
CRIME: The protection of the individual against the criminal is the first and highest function of government. The failure of government to provide protection is nothing less than the failure of government." - Bill Buckley, NATIONAL REVIEW, July 13, 1965, p 587. - This overlooks that governments have almost always confiscated more in taxes and committed more violent crimes against innocent people than all the private criminals in a country did, in combination. They constitute the biggest Mafia and protection racket. - JZ, 5.7.94. – Territorial governments provide some protective or penalizing services as a kind of excuse or cover-up for the own and much larger crimes. – JZ, 5.2.13.
CRIME: The punishments of society are just like those of God and Nature - they are warnings to the wrong-doer to reform himself." – W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.120/1.
CRIME: The real big-time crooks don't break the laws. ... They make them." - James P. Hogan, Mirror Maze, p,52. - LAWS, LEGISLATION, PARLIAMENT, POLITICIANS
CRIME: The sinner sins against himself; the wrongdoer wrongs himself, becoming the worse by his own action." - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 2nd. c., 9-4, tr. Maxwell Staniforth. - If wrongdoers wronged only themselves, then that would not be so bad but, rather, educational. It would also be very educational if their victims were quite free to fight back. - JZ, 5.7.94. - And also suitably organized, armed and trained for this purpose. - JZ, 5.10.02, 23.7.13. – GUN CONTROL LAWS AMOUNT TO VICTIM DISARMAMENT, MILITIA
CRIME: The source of every crime is some defect of the understanding, or some error in reasoning, or some sudden force of passions." - Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, II, 1651. - The drug-lords and many of their dealers have a very good motive for their drug dealings. In spite of and even because of legal and police prosecution, these dealings are VERY profitable to them, as long as there are all too many willing drug users to be found on the black market. - JZ, 5.7.94. - Legalisation of drug use would put them out of business and they are rarely caught and convicted, so they are all in favour of the continuance of the "war against drugs" and may even be generous, although secret sponsors of those politicians who continue this futile campaign. - JZ,
CRIME: The State calls its own violence law, but that of the individual crime." - Max Stirner. - Alas, with his "principle" that "might is right" Stirner has been one of the greatest crime promoters. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CRIME: the State claims and exercises the monopoly of crime... It forbids private murder, but itself organises murder on a colossal scale. It punishes private theft, but itself lays unscrupulous hands on anything it wants, whether the property of citizen or of alien." - Albert Jay Nock, On Doing the Right Thing, and Other Essays, New York, Harper, 1928, p. 145. – WAR, TAXATION, NATIONALIZATION, CONFISCATION, FORFEITURE ACTS
CRIME: The victim of crime should have rights at least equal to those of the criminal.” - R. Reagan, THE CONNECTION 98 of 13.9.81.
CRIME: The worst criminals are concentrated in government circles and usually they get away with their crimes. They can pay the public's favor with part of their loot. - JZ, 12.8.00. - John Menzies, when Prime Minister, once said regarding labor voters: I can understand that people let themselves be bribed. What I cannot understand is how they can let themselves be bribed with their own money. (That was his meaning, here stated only from my flawed memory. - JZ, 25.1.02.) - POLITICIANS, GOVERNMENT, RULERS
CRIME: There are no devils. There are only sick angels." - Reginald Bretnor on Anthony Boucher, commenting upon Boucher's story "Balaam", in The Spears of Mars, p.171. - To a certain extent this generalisation is true. Beyond it, though, it becomes a dogma for the "humanitarian" protection of violent criminals at the expense of their victims. - JZ, 5.6.89. - Even the worst criminals were once innocent babes. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CRIME: There are not crimes against the State; there are no crimes without victims." – Jack Anderson and Perry Miles, A Constitution for a Moral Government, 1971, p.15. – Is it online as yet or available on disc or as email attachment? – JZ, 27.11.08.
CRIME: There can be no such thing as a crime without a victim. A crime is a violation of someone's rights; those whose rights are violated are victims of crime. It follows that, if there is no victim, then there is no crime." - Paul Lepanto, Return to Reason, p.126. - Since we are all coercively and legally victimised in one way or the other, should we conclude, that there can be only crime? - JZ, 7.7.94. - We are all victims of official and unofficial crimes with victims and we are also all victimised by laws against "crimes" without victims. - JZ, 9. 7.94.
CRIME: There is a single characteristic, which accompanies all crime. The will of an owner is violated in respect to something he owns. This violation can only occur when a boundary is crossed. True, a person who looks at reality inaccurately may imagine that he has been victimised. But for a crime to occur in fact, the victim must have had a boundary crossed and he must also have disapproved of that boundary crossing. While all crossings of boundaries do not include a violation of the will, and while the imaginative may assume a boundary violation where one has not occurred, the only real crime that can occur takes place when both the boundary is crossed and the will of the owner is thwarted in that connection." - Robert LeFevre, The Libertarian, p.39. - Different Panarchies would set different boundaries for their voluntary members and through them. - JZ, 5.7.94.
CRIME: There is bound to be an increase in crime as long as the legislature is still in session." – Robert LeFevre, LIBERTAS REVIEW, Sum. 78. – LAWS, VICTIMLESS CRIMES, LEGISLATION
CRIME: There would be less public sympathy with convicts in gaols if each gaol, with or without mentioning names, published for what kind of offences the present inmates are presently held. They might state, for instance, that among the present number of, let us say 100 inmates, there are 15 murderers, 25 violent robbers, 20 car thieves, 15 rapists, etc. Then they might add the totals of their previous records of convictions, which might indicate that these 100 have between them committed, let us say, 1,000 crimes for which they were convicted and that, according to the clear-up percentages of reported crimes (still only a fraction of the total), they are likely to have committed, between them, rather 5,000 to 10,000 crimes. They should also report, for each prison, how many of the prisoners discharged from it are likely to commit crimes again, during the next 5 - 10 years. Such facts should not be buried in government files. - JZ, 6.7.94.
CRIME: This house is guarded with a shotgun, 3 nights a week. You guess which ones!" - Quoted by Clyde Adams III, of Cincinnati. - JOKES
CRIME: Those who really know and appreciate all individual rights and liberties would rarely ever commit a crime with victims, - except when out of their minds, under the influence of passions, alcoholic drinks or other drugs. – JZ, 9.4.97.
CRIME: Those who want to replace all imprisonments by indemnification claims overlook that this would constitute no deterrence against continuing theft, fraud and robbery. a) At worst the criminals would only have to repay what they took - if and when they are caught and convicted and only for these cases. - b ) They are rarely caught. - c) When caught and guilty, they are, nevertheless, often not convicted. - d) In most of the cases, when not caught or not convicted, they could keep the proceeds of their robberies, tax-free, too. - e) To pay for the indemnification claims in some cases, where they were caught and convicted, they would, most likely, commit further offences, when they cannot immediately pay them out of the proceeds of former robberies, for which they were not caught and convicted. This degree of immunity from deterrent and penal actions would thus act as an encouragement for them to commit further crimes. - JZ, 19.2.84, 5.7.94. – Criminals of the same kind should be held collectively responsible for the crimes of their kind which some of them had committed but were not convicted for. – Otherwise the crime victims have to bear the costs and they are the innocents. – JZ, 5.2.13.
CRIME: Thus modern governments manufacture more crimes than they prevent. In fact, they also commit more crimes than they prevent." - John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia, p.153.
CRIME: To be sure that crime won't pay, the government should run it." - G. Norman Collie, READER’S DIGEST, 8/68. - It does run the worst crimes, legally, and they don't pay - in the balance. Instance: subsidies to dairy farmers, wars, taxes. - JZ, n.d. - But government crimes pay all too well - those who perform them. - JZ, 5.10.02. – “Face it, if crime did not pay, there would be very few criminals.” – Laughton Lewis Burdock, quoted as motto in Steve Perry: Star Wars, Shawdows of the Empire. – Presently criminals have to cope only with officials of territorial governments as crime fighters. Imagine the competitive crime-fighting provided by hundreds to thousands of peacefully competing panarchies! All intent on extracting costs and indemnification out of the “hides” of the criminals with victims. – JZ, 27.11.08. – PANARCHISM,
CRIME: To make crime unprofitable, let the government run it.” – Irene Peter. – It already does so, in its own sphere of politically organized crimes. – And the taxpayers are forced to cover the losses involved in its criminal actions. - JZ, 20.9.09, 9.10.07.
CRIME: To make victimless actions a crime IS a crime, although a legalized one. - JZ, 17.7.82.
CRIME: To speak of a "perfect crime" is to speak of an imperfection. How many of today's official and legalized "solutions" are similarly imperfect? - JZ, 6.3.73, 10/76, 5.7.94, 26.11.08.
CRIME: To the argument that anarchists engage in criminal acts, (Joe ) Labadie retorted that 'no one who commits crime can be an Anarchist, because crime is the doing of injury to another by aggression - the very opposite of Anarchism.'" - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.326, quoting J. L. from "Anarchism ..."
CRIME: to the Libertarian, 'crime' is an act of aggression against a man's property right, either in his own person or his materially owned objects..." – Murray N. Rothbard, For A New Liberty, p.43.
CRIME: To try to diminish crime, they laid off 600 cops." - Will Rogers, on a trip through Chicago, according to Sterlin, p.42. – Sterling? Title? A biography of Will Rogers? - JOKES
CRIME: Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property. Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another. Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward others, and no interference with their persons or property. (*) In vices, the very essence of crime - that is, the design to injure the person or property of another - is wanting. (**)It is a maxim of the law that there can be no crime without criminal intent; that is, without the intent to invade the person or property of another. But no one ever practices a vice with any such criminal intent. He practices his vice for his own happiness solely, and not from any malice toward others. Unless this clear distinction between vices and crimes be made and recognized by the laws, there can be on earth no such thing as individual right, liberty, or property; no such things as the right of one man to the control of his own person and property, and the corresponding and co-equal rights of another man to the control of his own person and property." - Lysander Spooner, 1875. - The Western World is rather characterised by the coexistence of large degrees of individual rights and liberties, with official and unofficial crimes and vices and with a selective prosecution of both, official crimes and vices and unofficial crimes and vices, in some cases. – (*) What about a prostitute who is an AIDS virus carrier? – (**) The infected prostitute is "just doing her job"!? - JZ, 5.7.94. – VICES, HARMING OTHERS VS. HARMING ONLY ONESELF
CRIME: Victimless crimes are rather crimeless crimes." - Bob Howard, 2/75. - "crimeless actions!" - JZ
CRIME: We don't have too many criminals, we have too many laws! - Re-imbursement, not punishment and revenge. Capital punishment is too final. We can do better." - Stormy Mon, A Liberty Book, p.44. - Re-imbursement of all costs and crime-fighting and crime prevention efforts would only suffice if capture and conviction were CERTAIN. And is capital punishment really too final in ALL cases? - Leave details to the different exterritorially autonomous communities and protective associations of volunteers to decide. They will, at least temporarily, come to very different decisions. And these would be right for them - and for aggressors against them. - JZ, 5.7.94. – The certainty of capital punishment if convicted will cause the murder of some witnesses, too. – JZ, 5.2.13. - PANARCHISM
CRIME: We live in an earth of well-dressed gangs." - Edward Dorn, The Biggest Killing, A Controversy of Poets, 1965. – The worst gangs are often the official and national ones, working for in the territorial governments. – JZ, 27.11.08.
CRIME: We're creating the kind of society where the criminal's out of jail before his victim's out of hospital." - Richard J. Needham, OPTION, IV/4.
CRIME: What are all the private crimes compared with the crimes of governments? - JZ, 27.3.93.
CRIME: What greater impetus to crime could there be than an entire system of injustice - what greater deterrent than a just and productive system based on the absence of legalized stealth (*) through political privilege?" - Marie Joan Leonard, THE FREEMAN, 2/77. (*) That should be "stealing" or robbery, I believe. - JZCRIME: What we have is a non-system in which the police don't catch the criminals, the courts don't try them and the prisons don't reform them." - John Burns, V.P., Westinghouse Broadcasting, SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 1/77.
CRIME: What will you do with the criminals?" Firstly, we will no longer elect any of them into political office or positions of bureaucratic power, to rule over us, rob us and kill us. As for the rest, once protection against them is no longer monopolised, by the political Mafia, then a free competition would arise to prevent crimes, to penalise remaining crimes, to indemnify victims and to rehabilitate all those who can be and make an effort to become rehabilitated - and this at their own expense. - JZ, 14.4.93, 26.11.08.
CRIME: When criminals were armed or used special unarmed combat skills when committing their crimes then the penalties for them should be increased, but not so much that thereby these aggressors become induced to much more often kill their victims. – JZ, 24.5.99, 24.9.08. – GUN CONTROL, WEAPONS USE IN CRIMES
CRIME: Wherever there is much government there is much crime. The less government, the less crime - at least because governmental crimes would be less. - JZ, 12.7.78. There would also be no crimes against governments nor laws against crimes without victims. Productive labour would be well rewarded, protection and prosecution would become competitive and public opinion much more in favour of individual rights, especially property rights. See my article on crime reduction in PEACE PLANS 15. - JZ, 5.10.02.
CRIME: Why do so many anarchists ignore the archism expressed in crimes with victims and why do they rather side with these archists than with their victims, who, to that extent, are rather anarchists? - JZ, 11.6.91. – Q., “ANARCHISTS”
CRIME: With so many madmen and criminals in territorial political power and setting bad and very public examples, and also the usual results of governmentally controlled “education”, we should not be surprised about a few ordinary madmen and criminals or just vandals and bullies also doing their things to us. – JZ, 26.5.97, 22.9.08. - POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS, STATISM, MADNESS, GOVERNMENT, POWER
CRIME: With the monstrous laws that are accumulating on the statute books, one may safely say that the man who is not a (*) confirmed criminal is scarcely fit to live among decent people." – Benjamin R. Tucker. (*) I would add at least: "certain type of a criminal or law breaker" - JZ
CRIME: You cannot claim to be ignorant of what crimes such a government will commit. You have had abundant opportunity to know- and if you have kept your eyes open, you do know - what these schemes of robbery have been in the past; and from these you can judge what they will be in the future. - You know that under such a system, every senator and representative - probably without an exception - will come to the congress as the champion of the dominant scoundrelism of his own State or district;..." – Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, p.18, Works I.
CRIME: you doubt that government is the cause of a high crime rate. That's easy enough to show. For example, every time someone receives a pay check out of which taxes have been withheld, a robbery by the State has occurred. The number of such robberies vastly exceeds the number of common street robberies." - Filthy Pierre, THE CONNECTION 83. - GOVERNMENT, TAXATION
CRIME: You Liberals think that goats are just sheep from broken homes." - Malcolm Bradbury and Christopher Bigsby, After Dinner Game (TV play).
CRIME: You mean you are saying that the anarchist society might still have some crime? Isn't this a justification for retaining government?' - Not unless government itself could reduce crime to nothing. The fact of the matter is, government increases all the time, but SO DOES CRIME. If the governmentalists were right, as government increased, crime would decrease. Yet this does not happen; in fact, the opposite happens. It is possible that random, arbitrary crimes will always take place. However, we do know that all of the so-called 'victimless crimes' are not really crimes in any sense, and with the abolition of government, the whole category of crimes occasioned by the existence of government now, including tax evasion, draft resistance, 'sedition', lese majeste, etc., would simply no longer exist. As for the true crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, and so on, these appear to be symptoms of the present cultural disorder perpetuated by government, rather than the justification for government as some people erroneously imagine." - Fred Woodworth, Anarchism, p.10.
CRIME: Your freedom is most threatened not by petty thugs, who would rape you or steal your car, but by the institutionalised criminals: the legislators, bureaucrats, judges and police, who would enslave you (they call it 'selective service' or 'compulsory education'), extort from you (they call it 'taxes'), and dictate what you can or can't make, have, wear, eat, drink, smoke, or make love with." - El Ray & Dr. Naomi Gatherer, PROTOS, Nov. 70.
CRIMINALS,: Criminals obey "gun control" laws in the same manner politicians follow their oaths of office. – Anonymous - GUN LAWS, POLITICIANS & THEIR OATHS
CRIMINALS: Criminals, even the largest ones, are only small scale crooks – compared with politicians and generals. – The latter two are clever enough to let themselves legally authorized and afterwards even praised (by the ignorant and prejudiced) for their crimes. - J.Z, 26.12.94. – This applied even to terrorist mass murderers, whose total toll in victims, cripples and destruction is much less than that caused by wars and civil wars, military uprisings and military dictatorships. – JZ, 22.9.08.
CRIMINALS: How do you tell the freelance criminals from the official ones?” - L. Neil Smith, The Probability Broach, 118. - OFFICIALS, BUREAUCRATS, PUBLIC SERVANTS
CRIMINALS: If we have to kill 12 people to save 1 human life it will have been worth it. – Unknown - Provided the 12 are aggressors against one innocent person. – JZ, 6.4.12. S - & THEIR “RIGHT” TO LIFE, SELF-DEFENCE, DEFENCE OF INNOCENTS AGAINST CRIMINALS, DEATH PENALTY.
CRIMINALS: Once this fact is established we should no longer be concerned about such “crimes” and their “victims”. We should not waste limited police and court resources on them but, rather, use them to protect innocents. – Naturally, this practice should not be extended to “criminals” without victims, i.e. to “criminals” with voluntary customers only, in merely outlawed exchanges, e.g. to drug dealers who might be murdered by their competitors. – In these cases these victimless “crimes” should be extinguished simply by repealing all laws which have, quite wrongfully, turned certain actions into “crimes”. For instance, selling even heroin to an adult should be decriminalized but not selling it to a minor. – In this sphere, too, panarchism could soon lead to a great improvement. – Different communities would have different crimes acts and laws on drugs. – Communities that permitted drug use to their members would still prohibit their members to sell drugs to communities that had outlawed drugs. - JZ, 24.5.99, 24.9.08. – CRIMINALS KILLING CRIMINALS
CRIMINALS: there is the tendency for the criminal to be the freelance, the unlicensed delinquent, who has lacked the skill, the luck or the opportunity to express his delinquency with the structure of authority.” - ALEX COMFORT, “Authority and Delinquency. A study in the psychology of power”, 1950, 1970, page 20, a book largely on the delinquency of authority. – Alas, kept out of print and off the Web for all too long. - JZ, 15.5.06. - AUTHORITIES, OFFICIALS
CRIMINALS: We must make criminals pay back or pay the penalty. We work. So can they.” – SAVE AUSTRALIA ALLIANCE, a newspaper, issue no. 36 (12 01 06 ), p.1.
CRISES: An Introduction to Austrian Business Cycle Theory, provided by Liberty Australia on Facebook: Full sized image: - Decades ago there were already more than 140 different crisis theories. This chart presents only one of them. Most of them are flawed because they do not take FULL monetary and financial freedom and their opposites, monetary and financial despotism, legally imposed, into consideration. – JZ, 8.11.12. - THEORIES DIFFERENT FROM THE AUSTRIAN ONE
CRISES: Australia does not require an additional foreign loan of over 100 billion dollars to its government – although the Australian government might want or need it – because it has largely lost credit with its subjects, the victims of its laws, institutions and taxes, measures and policies. What it does require is mainly the full mobilization of its own internal short-term turnover-credit potential for the payment of additional wages and salaries for newly or fully employed people, while at the same time assuring the sale of the ready for sale goods, services and labor upon which these turn-over credits would be based under fully free banking or full monetary and clearing freedom. Under centralized note issue banking these assets are not fully mobilized and turned over but remain all too much unused or under-used. Moreover, under the resulting turnover difficulties not sufficient savings are accumulated to make available as productive investments and under depreciating governmental currencies and while value preserving clauses are outlawed, sufficient in medium- and long term private loans cannot be raised when confined to their depreciating paper value standard. - Moreover, no government should be allowed to sell investments in its tax slaves to internal or foreign creditors. – JZ, 30.7.98, 6.10.08. – High taxation of investments does also deter savers from investments and reduces the amounts they can save. – JZ, 5.2.13. - ECONOMIC CRISES & FOREIGN CAPITAL LOANS, VALUE PRESERVING CLAUSES, PUBLIC DEBTS
CRISES: Australia's economic crisis has been caused by years of Labour AND Liberal misrule. Neither of those parties will solve the crisis which is their joint creation." – Workers Party, Economic Policy Statement, 1975.
CRISES: Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle - - While the Austrians are correct on many important points, should we automatically assume that their crisis theory, being only one of about 150, is the fully correct one? That would be a rather unscientific approach to a very important subject. All of them, with all their pro and con, should become sufficiently published. That could, possibly, be done on a single CD or DVD - if not on an expensive website. If enough professionals or interested laymen or even mere students of economics participated in this, then this job could be finished fast, like thousands of other libertarians projects could and should be. Alas, they are, so far, not even listed in a common libertarian projects list, apart from my list of ca. 1000, back in PEACE PLANS 20, also offered by me digitized." (Online on a CD reproduced at - JZ, 30.7.11, on Facebook. - THEORIES & HYPOTHESES, AUSTRIAN & CA. 150 OTHERS
CRISES: Crises, as opposed to simple scarcity, result from market disruptions; and the only sector of society which possess the power to disrupt a large market is the government." - Henry G. Manne, REASON, 4/74.
CRISES: Crises' are unknown in an unhampered free market economy." - Dick Sabroff, THE FREEMAN, May 74. – LAISSEZ FAIRE, FREE ENETERPRISE, FREE TRADE & FREE BANKING CAPITALISM
CRISES: Depressions and mass unemployment are not caused by the free market but by government interference in the economy. – Ludwig von Mises – One might also say that they are caused by the mixed economy, the degrees of interventionism and State socialism that are wrongly called capitalism, free market or laissez faire economics. – JZ, 2.4.12. - ECONOMICS, DEPRESSIONS, INFLATIONS, UNEMPLOYMENT
CRISES: During economic crises who can then still afford to travel? Thus the hospitality business is then among those hardest hit, unless an artificially cheapened exchange rate encourages much travel by foreigners. Nevertheless, the people in this business hardly ever ponder cause and cure of deflation and unemployment, neither do most other employers and employees and all the victims of deflation and of inflation. In this respect we are still in the Dark Ages, which are, in these spheres, monetary and financial despotism, legally established and juridically upheld. – JZ, 13.10.05, 19.9.08.
CRISES: Even after the enormous and reported failures of State socialism and of mixed economies and Welfare States, economic crises are in popular opinion still largely seen as market failures or failures of private enterprise capitalism, without bothering the underlying real causes of economic crises, the numerous interventions with free enterprise, free trade, private property, laissez faire capitalism and free markets and, especially, the coercive and monopolistic intervention with the provision of exchange media and value and the effect of immense burdens of imposed taxes and the interventions with free internal and foreign capital. These accusations of guilt and blame are often as thoughtless and untruthful as the assertions between ignorant and contending children. – At least in this respect all too many adults are just children coming in larger models. – And such people have voting powers, use them and have corresponding representatives and legislators. – As already Goethe said: “Nothing is more terrible to behold than ignorance in action!” - JZ, 14.1.98, 29.9.08. - ECONOMIC CRISES, CAPITALISM, MARKET, INTERVENTIONISM, MIXED ECONOMIES
CRISES: freedom from crises brought on by government interference." - Perrry E. Gresham, THE FREEMAN, 9/74.
CRISES: Gary Becker: The Great Recession and Government Failure - - Were markets ever and anywhere allowed to operate quite freely, in every sphere - or were they always interfered with by territorial or intolerant tribal or religious misleaders?" – JZ, 26.9.11, on Facebook. - RECESSIONS, DEPRESSIONS, DEFLATIONS, INFLATIONS, STAGFLATIONS, TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS & THEIR CENTRAL BANKS, TAXATION & REGULATIONS VS. FREE MARKET MONIES, CAPITAL & FINANCING
CRISES: Greek work for judgement or penalty of nature." - Dr. H. G. Pearce.
CRISES: If there is a man in the country that hasn't had a pamphlet printed giving his views on 'How to Solve the Current Situation', it's because there is no more paper to print them." - Will Rogers. - During the Great Depression ca. 100,000 such proposals were made to the German central bank alone. However, where are they all collected and surveyed, criticised and appreciated - and where are the sound conclusions from all of them? - At least the unemployed should show some interest in them. - JZ, 7.7.94. - IDEAS, IDEAS ARCHIVE
CRISES: its symbol for ‘crisis’ was a combination of the symbols denoting ‘danger’ and ‘opportunity’.” – Tom Clancy, Clear and Present Danger, p. 530, on the Chinese language.
CRISES: Many thoughtful people are more and more aware that industrial depressions are caused chiefly by faulty control of money and credit. Most 'reformers', or those who recommend measures to remedy this, turn to government for issue and control of money. It is my purpose here to briefly present an analysis and 'cure' in the light of economic liberty...." - L. Labadie, The Money Problem in the Light of Liberty, THE STORM, 4 & 5,1977. – It is not really “faulty control of money” that is involved but, rather, the very attempt to control money, just like the attempts at price-, wage- and rent-control. Without all attempts to centrally control money, e.g. by central banks or by imposing rare metal redemption for notes, freedom for note issues, freedom to refuse to accept them, freedom to discount money or free market rating for it, will achieve sound value standards, sound monies, sound pricing in sound monies and the good monies would simply drive out the bad monies, just like superior goods and services, at the same prices, do drive out inferior ones. Free issuers would not really “control” their money but the market responses to their money offers (par acceptance, discounts or refusals to accept it) would control their issues. – JZ, 26.11.08, 5.2.13. – MONEY, MONETARY FREEDOM, CENTRAL BANKING, FREE BANKING, FREE PRICING OF MONEY
CRISES: Micro-economic decision-making is the primary device for keeping crises on a micro-level." - Gary North, THE FREEMAN, 2/74. - Especially the micro-economic decisions of full monetary freedom! - JZ, 7.7.94.
CRISES: Such crises will occur again and again as long as people are subjected to territorial regimes or subscribe to nothing better than central banking with its monetary despotism. They should strive for full experimental freedom for volunteers to try out all the self-help measures that they believe in, among themselves, at their own risk and expense – and to their own profit or loss. – Governments should no longer be permitted to confined them to their own territorial experiments, laws, institutions, methods, means and tools. - JZ, 30.7.98, 6.10.08. - DEFLATIONS, INFLATIONS, STAGFLATIONS, INVOLUNTARY MASS UNEMPLOYMENT, MONETARY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM, ECONOMIC CRISES
CRISES: The English word ‘crisis’ is translated by the Vhines by two little characters; one means ‘danger’ and the other means ‘opportunity’. – Anonymous. - PROBLEMS, SOLUTIONS, OPPORTUNITIES
CRISES: The long depression of the 1930s, which led to the revival of Marxism (which would probably have been dead today without it), was wholly due to the mismanagement of money by government – before as well as after the crisis of 1929.” – F. A. Hayek, Denationalization of Money, 1975, p. 79. – DEPRESSIONS, MARXISM, COMMUNISM, UNEMPLOYMENT
CRISES: the only thing more dangerous than financial crises may be our way of responding to them.” – Johan Norberg, author of “In Defence of Global Capitalism” and senior fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C., THE AUSTRALIAN, Oct. 7, 08, p.10. – Why should we uphold the conditions of monetary and financial despotism that do make economic crises possible? – JZ, 7.10.08.
CRISES: There is no more certain recipe for catastrophe that this, to perpetually refuse to face unpleasant facts." - Roy Jenkins, translated from the German version. JZ - NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, MONETARY DESPOTISM, GOVERNMENT, STATE, POLITICIANS, TAXATION, MONOPOLY, COERCION, INFLATION, DEFLATION, UNEMPLOYMENT, STAGFLATION, MONEY ISSUE MONOPOLY, LEGAL TENDER
CRISES: Thus, there developed in him the insistent impression that one of the primary means of maintaining great and steadily expanding power over the lives of its citizens was the capacity of government to generate an atmosphere of crisis." – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.119.
CRISES: To be only allowed to work for, sell for and charge only in a monopolized and centrally issued, coercive and mismanaged national paper currency, and its limited options and capacities, is a recipe for mass unemployment, sales difficulties, and multiple bankruptcies. Enough experience has been gathered about the failures of the large-scale and enforced experiment that it should finally be finished – for all but its remaining voluntary victims. Among them they should be allowed to continue it as long as they can or want to. They deserve this - as a self-imposed penalty. – JZ, 28.1.98, 29.9.08. - MONETARY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM, UNEMPLOYMENT, SALES DIFFICULTIES, BANKRUPTCIES
CRISES: When democratic governments create economic calamity, free markets get the blame. – Jack Kemp - GOVERNMENTS & THE FREE MARKET
CRISES: When written in Chinese the word crisis is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity." - John F. Kennedy, Speech, 12 Apr. 1959. - Unfortunately, all that politicians understand about crises is that they are opportunities for their personal advancement, under false pretences, namely, that they would know solutions and could apply them. - JZ, 20.6.92. - Politicians are unlikely to recognise the crises-producing factors they have caused themselves and are unable to provide the required solutions. - JZ, 7.7.94. – Alas, even anarchists and libertarians have not yet agreed upon on a sound program for a monetary freedom revolution. – Merely criticizing what the governments do is not good enough. – Nor should the best proposals of this kind remain unknown to or ignored by freedom lovers. – Every monetary and financial crisis provides and opportunity for a monetary and a financial revolution. Freedom lovers should be preparing themselves well enough for such situations. - JZ, 26.11.08. - MONETARY REVOLUTION
CRISES: Without governmental monetary and financial despotism and other anti-economic interventions by governments, economic crises would, in most cases, not happen in the first place, excepting, naturally, those due to natural catastrophes. Even for these private insurance, mutual aid, charity and competitive credit systems would be preferable and more effective. - John Zube – Facebook, date?
CRISIS THEORIES & HYPOTHESES, AUSTRIAN & CA. 150 OTHERS: Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle - - While the Austrians are correct on many important points, should we automatically assume that their crisis theory, being only one of about 150, is the fully correct one? That would be a rather unscientific approach to a very important subject. All of them, with all their pro and con, should become sufficiently published. That could, possibly, be done on a single CD or DVD - if not on an expensive website. If enough professionals or interested laymen or even mere students of economics participated in this, this job could be finished fast, like thousands of other libertarians projects could and should be. Alas, they are, so far, not even listed in a common libertarian projects list, apart from my list of ca. 1000, back in PEACE PLANS 20, also offered by me digitized." (On a CD reproduced at - JZ, 30.7.11, on Facebook.
CRISIS THEORIES DIFFERENT FROM THE AUSTRIAN ONE: An Introduction to Austrian Business Cycle Theory, provided by Liberty Australia on Facebook: Full sized image: - Decades ago there were already more than 140 different crisis theories. This chart presents only one of them. Most of them are flawed because they do not take FULL monetary and financial freedom and their opposites, monetary and financial despotism, legally imposed, into consideration. – JZ, 8.11.12.
CRITICISM: To silence criticism is to silence freedom. – Sidney Hook- in & FREEDOM
CRITICISM: There is nothing so easy as denouncing. It don’t take much to see that something is wrong, but it does take some eyesight to see what will put it right again. – Will Rogers, 1879-1935, American humorist and writer. – Don’t find fault. Find a remedy. – Henry Ford, 1863-1947. - PROBLEMS, SOLUTIONS, IDEAS, UNDERSTANDING, FAULTS & REMEDIES, NEGATIVE, INSTEAD OF SEEING OR ACCENTUATING THE POSITIVE ASPECTS OR POSSIBILITIES
CRITICISM: A lot of us would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism." - W.G.P. – Maybe in the short run but hardly in the long run. – JZ, 26.11.08.
CRITICISM: Criticism should neither be uncritically accepted nor uncritically rejected. – JZ, 14.1.97. – It should be welcomed and then sufficiently examined, and either refuted or accepted as a constructive contribution. – Unless it consists merely out of insulting remarks and unproven assertions. – JZ, 23.9.08. - RED.CRITICISM: criticism, like women's skirts, is the creature of fashion." - Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.9. - At least one should distinguish between truthful and erroneous criticism. - JZ, 7.7.94. – It can also change as fast, e.g. from fear of global warming to fear of another ice age. To each the own hypotheses, theories and tolerant practices, in free experimentation among volunteers, just like in fashions today, in which multiple forms, shapes, patterns, colours and materials contend freely for a market share in an almost panarchistic competition with each other. – To each the government, society or system that he or she believes to be fashionable! – No kind of fashion to be outlawed, not even nudity, although there would be house rules about it and rules by transport companies. - JZ, 26.11.08. - PANARCHISM
CRITICISM: Critics are very often people who speak out with the full confidence of ignorance." - Source? Taken from a calendar, which did not mention it. JZ - Since errors are so much more numerous than truths, and also mutually supportative, although not consistently so, and also, usually, so much more plausible to the ignorant and thoughtless, it is no wonder that they are much more popular. So far no encyclopaedia has been provided to systematically fight the worst of them, the ones which are the greatest obstacles to progress, by compiling, together with them, the best refutations so far found. Extensive PC use and networking among libertarians would be ideal for that project. - JZ, 7.7.94. – RED., , PREJUDICES, ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS
CRITICISM: I am utterly hostile to the notion that one must bad-mouth the ENTIRE product of a man's work because there is SOME of it that one does not like." - Dr. James J. Martin, NEW LIBERTARIAN 7, April-June 1980. - DISCRIMINATION, JUDGMENT, GENERALIZATIONS
CRITICISM: I have never found, in a long experience of politics, that criticism is ever inhibited by ignorance." - Harold Macmillan, quoted in ANALOG, Dec. 88, p. 64. - Nor is an over-active government ever so inhibited. - JZ, 7.7.94. – How many of the leaders and of their critics are e.g. aware of the panarchistic, monetary freedom and cooperative production alternatives? – JZ, 26.11.08.
CRITICISM: If a donkey bray at you, don’t bray at him.” – George Herbert - Merely exchanging insults does not represent free exchange sufficiently. - JZ, 26. 11. 06. – Don’t bray back at him? – JZ - RESPONSE TO IT, RED.,
CRITICISM: It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.” – Benjamin Disraeli. – RED.
CRITICISM: No government ought to be without censors; and where the press is free, no one ever will. If virtuous, it need not fear fair operation of attack and defence. Nature has given to man no other means of sifting out the truth, either in religion, law, or politics." - Writings of Thomas Jefferson, ed. Andrew A. Lipscomb. - That is why we need e.g. tools like Archives of Ideas and Encyclopaedias of Refutations, Slogans of Liberty files etc. The most severe censorship and criticism consists in individual secessionism, which also cuts off a governments tax support, taxpayer by taxpayer. - JZ, 7.7.94, 5.2.13. – PRESS, MEDIA, PANARCHISM, PUBLICITY, GOVERNMENT, CENSORSHIP
CRITICISM: One has to approach everything not only with an open mind but also critically an with sufficient judgment. Even all that which at first sight appears to be good or benevolent or at least plausible. One has to come to fully understand it and not only its immediate or desired effects but also its long term side effects, rather than adopting it or subscribing to it, uncritically, as we have done with all too many of our ideas and views on political, economic and social systems. – JZ, 20.2.04, 26.10.07. - REASONING, JUDGMENT, DOUBTS, EXAMINATION
CRITICISM: The fading of the critical sense is a serious menace to the preservation of our civilisation. It makes it easy for quacks to fool the people." - Ludwig von Mises. - Since we are swamped with information and much of it is not true, and since there is no systematic and easily and cheaply accessible supply of truthful information and of refutations or errors, myths and prejudices and since no individual, on his own, can dig himself out of all of them, it is no wonder that most people simply adopt popular prejudices on most problems. - JZ, 7.7.94. – ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS
CRITICISM: The more the merrier. The better the better. – JZ, 23.6.04. – One cannot learn from those, who merely approve. – JZ, 16.10.07. – However, it ought to be CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, i.e. sufficiently INFORMED criticism. Insults, slander, misunderstandings, popular errors and prejudices won’t do. – JZ, 5.2.13.
CRITICISM: The wise man always throws himself on the side of his assailants. It is more his interest than it is theirs to find his weak point." - Emerson, "Compensation", Essays: First Series, 1841. – Perhaps, he should do no more than carefully listen to his critics and to anticipate criticism and to respond to it even before it occurs. – JZ, 26.11.08. –
CRITICISM: There are people concerned about some flaws in their friends. That is not productive. I have always respected the merits of my opponents and that was to my advantage.” - Goethe, “Sprueche in Prosa”, JZ tr. of: “Es gibt Menschen, die auf die Maengel ihrer Freunde sinnen; dabei kommt nichts heraus. Ich habe immer auf die Verdienste meiner Widersache Acht gehabt und davon Vorteil gezogen.” - TOLERANCE FOR FRIENDS & RECOGNITION OF MERITS EVEN IN ENEMIES, CRITICIZING FRIENDS OR PRAISING MERITS IN OPPONENTS?
CRITICISM: There is nothing as easy as denouncing. It don't take much to see that something is wrong, but it does take some eyesight to see what will put it right again." - Will Rogers, 1879-1935, American humorist and writer. – Don’t find fault. Find a remedy. – Henry Ford, 1863-1947. - CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, DENUNCIATIONS, PERSONAL THINKING, CAUSAL THINKING, JUDGMENT
CRITICISM: To silence criticism is to silence freedom. – Sidney Hook- in - & FREEDOM
CRITICISM: Utilise criticism to find your weak points. - JZ, 21.11.85.
CRITICS: There has never been a statue erected to honor a critic.” – Source? – Do there, really, exist no statues to honor e.g. Socrates, Kant and Paine, all very significant critics? – JZ, 5.1.08.
CRITICS: We are accustomed to see men deride what they do not understand, and snarl at the good and beautiful because it lies beyond their sympathies.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - OBJECTORS, RED.
CROWDS: Anyone taken as an individual, is tolerably sensible and reasonable- as a member of a crowd, he at once becomes a blockhead.” - Friedrich von Schiller - MASSES, MOBS VS. INDIVIDUALS, MAJORITIES, DEMOCRACY, LEADERSHIP OF MAJORITIES
CROWDS: Crowds, like bullocks, are most easily directed by loud noises." - Alex Comfort, Authority & Delinquency, p.110. – Directed? In what direction? E.g. loud rock music simply induces them to dance on the spot – and largely eliminates thought or makes it impossible. – JZ, 26.11.08. - AUTHORITY, POLITICIANS, DEMAGOGUES, LEADERSHIP, NATIONALISM, PATRIOTISM
CROWDS: Groups are capable of being as moral and intelligent as the individuals who form them; a crowd is chaotic, has no purpose of its own, and is capable of anything except intelligent action and realistic thinking. Assembled in a crowd, people lose their powers of reasoning and their capacity for moral choice. Their suggestibility is increased to the point where they cease to have any judgment or will of their own. They become very excitable, they lose all sense of individual or collective responsibility..." - Aldoux Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, 319. – MASSES, MOBS, MAJORITIES, CROWDS, MARCHERS, DEMONSTRATORS
CROWDS: Huxley's finest reply to his critics appears in THE DEVILS OF LOUDUN, 1952, that incisive study of human hysteria which is perhaps the greatest and most brilliantly written of all his books: 'The fact of being one of a multitude delivers a man from his consciousness of being an insulated self and carries him down into a less than personal realm, where there are no responsibilities, no right or wrong, no need for thought or judgment or discrimination - only a strong vague sense of togetherness, only a shared excitement, a collective alienation. ... A crowd is the social equivalent of a cancer ... being in a crowd is the best known antidote to independent thought.' - From: Brave New World Revisited, p.441. -. Doesn't that also largely apply to large associations and movements? - JZ, - THOUGHT, MULTITUDES, COMRADESHIP, OBEDIENCE, WAR, MOB PSYCHOLOGY
CROWDS: I never did like a crowd. - Wilbur Smith, The Elephant Song, Pan Books, 1992, p.397. - MASSES, MAJORITIES
CROWDS: Individuals are occasionally guided by reason, crowds never." - Dean W. R. Inge, 1860 - 1954. - In referendums they do at least get a chance to act, all too shortly, and in all too limited a way, like individuals. - JZ, 7.7.94, 26.11.08. – REASON, MOBS, MASSES, MAJORITIES, PUBLIC OPINION
CRUELTY: And then we face the great protagonists of cruelty, the defenders of racial purity, religious orthodoxy, political conformism, the three pillars of hate. - What made the German brewer, appointed by Hitler commander of a Jewish concentration camp (*) throw an infant into a cesspool before the eyes of a desperately kneeling mother and kick the woman to death while the child was still crying? ..." – Dagobert D. Runes, Handbook of Reason, p.51. - Many Nazis were homosexuals and while most homosexuals are not cruel towards men, women or children, those who were, played significant roles in the cruelties of wars. Some of the excess obedience in wars finds here an explanation. Neither should heterosexuals be given power over homosexuals nor homosexuals over heterosexuals. - JZ, 7.7.94. – (*) Was it a Jewish concentration camp or a Nazi concentration camp to exploit, terrorize or murder Jews? – JZ – ATROCITIES, HOMOSEXUALITY, HOMOPHOBIA
CRUELTY: Cruelty against animals and even the lack of sympathy towards their suffering, is in my opinion one or the worst sins of mankind. It is the foundation of human corruption. When man causes so much suffering, what right has he then to complain when he also suffers himself?" - Romain Rolland, An Magnus Schwantje, 8.4.1915. - Cruelty, as a character trait, is likely to be expressed not only towards animals. - JZ, 7.7.94. - ANIMAL RIGHTS
CRUELTY: Cruelty against animals is one of the most characteristic vices of an underdeveloped and ignoble people. Wherever one notices it, it is a certain sign of ignorance and brutality, which cannot be covered up by any signs of riches and ostentation. Cruelty against animals can not persist under true education nor under true scholarship." - A. v. Humboldt. - Whosoever is cruel against animals is also likely to be cruel to people, given the chance. - JZ, 22.7.86. - Love of animals does not necessarily prevent cruelty towards people, as was indicated by some of the leading Nazis. - JZ, 7.7.94.
CRUELTY: For when lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom, the gentlest gamester is the soonest winner." - Shakespeare, Henry V., from memory only! – JZ – WAR-P & PEACE AIMS, RIGHTFUL ONES, SUFFICIENTLY PUBLISHED IN TIME, WARFARE METHODS, DESERTION, PRISONER OF WAR TREATMENT, ATROCITIES, TERRORISM, MASS MURDERS
CRUELTY: If it were absolutely necessary to choose, I would rather be guilty of an immoral act than of a cruel one." - Anatole France, Cranquebille. - A cruel act is an immoral act - and perhaps every genuinely immoral act is also cruel. - JZ, 1975.
CRUELTY: In order to create terror in the minds of their neighbors or enemies, El Cid, for instance, even spread false tales of his atrocities in addition to the ones he really committed. Charlemagne (ordered! - JZ) decapitated in one day 4,500 unarmed Saxons; thenceforth he was accepted as king and master. Attila buried captives up to their necks in dirt and then had his cavalry ride over them. Napoleon (ordered! -JZ) bayoneted to death 1,400 Turkish soldiers in Palestine, who had surrendered to him under the pledge of freedom, first tying them to trees. Caesar cut off the hands of captive Gauls. I do not wish to trouble the reader with further examples; history is full of them. I understand from some chronicles that professional terrorists were in their private lives often tender and considerate. Cruelty with them was a weapon which they employed coldly and calculatingly. - There is another kind of cruelty, that of indifference: Peter of Russia would send company after company into deadly fire in order to overcome a neighbor's position of defense; Stalin or Mao would (give orders to - JZ) kill kulaks and other peasants by the million in order to entrench a dictatorial system among thoroughly uprooted and humbled commune dwellers: Sardanapalus had his favored wives and slaves chained to his pyre as he lay dying." – Dagobert D. Runes, Handbook of Reason, p.51. - Now we have much cheaper and more effective mass murder devices in readiness, the ABC "weapons" of "modern and scientific" warfare. - JZ, 7.7.94. - TERRORISM, ATROCITIES, INDIFFERENCE, GENTLEMEN, WARFARE, NUCLEAR WAR threat
CRUELTY: There is an accumulative cruelty in a number of men, though none in particular are ill-natured." - George Savile, Lord Halifax, 1633 - 1695. - MOB RULE, MAJORITY, CIVIL WAR, WAR, TERRORISM, REVOLUTION, DEMOCRACY, GOVERNMENT
CRUELTY: Whoever has recognized the cruelty of nature and man will endeavor to be careful, even in small things, like stepping on grass.” - Christian Morgenstern, Stufen, 1918. - CARELESSNESS OF NATURE & MAN
CRUSADES: It is almost inconceivable that a truth should be so universally accepted by men of reason that it would justify a crusade to establish it." - Herbert Read, Anarchy and Order, p.116. - No crusade has to be mass murderous. It can be liberating. Lovers of liberty should crusade, at least for full freedom for themselves, while upholding the right of everyone else to select for themselves the degrees of freedom, serfdom and slavery they want for themselves. - JZ, 7.7.94. - PANARCHISM
CRUSADES: The Saracens had held the Holy Land for 500 years, and during all that time, Christians had worshiped unmolested at its Christian shrines. Jerusalem has always been a holy city to Moslems, who have a deep reverence for Abraham, Moses, Gideon, Samuel, and Christ. Christian shrines are also Moslem shrines. – But these facts were evidently unknown to the Crusaders, who were dominated by the spirit of the vigilance committee run amuck.” - Henry Grady Weaver, The Mainspring of Human Progress, revised edition, FEE, 1953, p. 112. – CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM, TOLERANCE, CRUSADES & CRUSADERS, MUSLIMS, ISLAMISM, JIHAD
CULPRITS: Human beings like it all too much to ascribe the failures of their flawed systems to antagonistic other persons. - JZ, 27.11.80. - Naturally, with all territorial systems, imposed upon all inhabitants, they do provoke maximum antagonisms towards their efforts, even if these are rightful and sensible in the oppressors own eyes and also objectively. - JZ, 7.7.94. - GUILT, BLAME, FAILURES, TOLERANCE, SYSTEMS, CONSPIRACIES, PERSONAL THINKING, CAUSAL THINKING, TERRITORIALISM
CULTURAL DIVERSITY: All cultures must be allowed to develop in their own way, so long as they did not positively threaten the free existence of mankind." - Chad Oliver, The Ant and the Eye, ASTOUNDING SF, 4/53, p. 131. - MULTICULTURALISM, PANARCHISM, DIVERSITY, TOLERANCE
CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Cultural diversity, just like religious diversity, both supported by sufficient tolerance, are useful as models or precedents for the diversity which panarchies will make possible in the political, economic and social spheres, opening them up to free individual choice, independent of the territory in which an individual may happen to live. All these diverse systems, communities and societies will attempt to realize the ideal of their voluntary members as far as is humanly possible, under personal laws and full exterritorial autonomy. – JZ, 27.4.95, 22.9.08.
CULTURAL RELATIVISM: I consider cultural relativism patently wrong. I think it is obvious that some cultures do a better job than others of nurturing life, liberty and happiness." - Lawrence E. Harrison, in Who Prospers. How Cultural Values Shape Economic and Political Success. - While this is correct, it still does not constitute a case against full exterritorial autonomy for all cultures among their voluntary members, far less a case to subjecting all of them to one territorial statist system. - JZ, 1.1.93, 7.7.94. – Religious liberty frees all religions – and antireligious beliefs and convictions, multiculturalism frees all the diverse cultures from domination by other cultures - while panarchism or polyarchism frees all kinds of isms, political, economic and social systems from mutual territorial domination attempts. – JZ, 26.11.08. – MULTICULTURALISM, RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM
CULTURAL REVOLUTION: 1.) Several daily opened speakers’ corners. 2.) Archives of ideas, proposals & plans. 3.) A yearbook of associations. 4. Competing postal & broadcasting services. 5.) Registers of innovators & outstanding people. 6.) Pools of potential listeners. 7.) Complete tax exemption of all education efforts, materials and services. 8.) Touring groups of lecturers. 9.) Centres of second-hand bookshops. 10.) Encyclopedia of definitions. 11.) Encyclopedia of refutations of errors, myths & prejudices. 12.) General knowledge information services, 13.) Periodicals publishing only letters to the editor. 14.) Periodicals publishing only reform ideas. 15.) Abolition of all compulsory traits of the present education system. 16.) New forms of written, flow-chart type of discussions. 17.) Information centres for hall for hire. 18.) Meeting centers with several meeting rooms. 19.) Discussion centres, daily opened. 20.) Contacts between book lovers through library catalogues. 21.) Experimental freedom as the necessary counterpart to freedom of expression and as necessary condition for a free & peaceful society. 22.) All kinds of listings and ideas to speed up the process of enlightenment. E.g.: 23.) Directory of Australian minority magazines. 24.) Reviews of past meetings. 25.) Surveys of libraries & their specialties. 26.) Weekend & Summer Schools. 27.) Lists of periodicals similar to Contacts. 28.) Directory of directories to minority groups around the world. - From my “Contacts” publication for Sydney & suburbs, 1970, No.6, i.e. before the electronic information revolution and before my long experiment with microfiche publishing. There and then I offered such ideas in more details and offered a calendar for at least the periodical meetings that become known to me in this area, finally over 1000 of an estimated 3000. I still think that such a publication, now via email or website, could be very useful for every city and that it could be used as a special marketing tool for libertarian ideas as well. – JZ, 23.10.07. - , A GENUINE CULTURAL REVOLUTION - TO SPEED UP THE PROCESS OF ENLIGHTENMENT, NEW DRAFT, a digitized book manuscript of JZ, offered free upon request as email attachment.
CULTURAL REVOLUTION: A new public opinion must be created privately and unobtrusively. The existing one is maintained by the press, by propaganda, by organization, and by financial and other influences which are at its disposal. The unnatural way of spreading ideas must be opposed by the natural one, which goes from man to man and relies solely on the truth of the thoughts and the hearer's receptiveness for new truths." - Albert Schweitzer, from: FREE MAN'S ALMANAC.
CULTURAL REVOLUTION: Cultural Revolution means opening up avenues for a peaceful, harmonious and non-violent transformation of society and diverses societies dominated by territorial States into free, just, wealthy and competing ones, all only for their volunteers and without any territorial autonomy but with full exterritorial autonomy or personal law systems. - JZ, 15.10.74, 7.7.94, 5.2.13.
CULTURAL REVOLUTION: First gather, order, index, cross reference, review and list variously, in abstracts, bibliographies, reviews, and make cheaply, easily and fast enough accessible all the somewhat worthwhile knowledge, ideas, projects, writings on earth, using all affordable and efficient alternative media in their strengths (ultimately that of our galaxy and the universe as well, when we finally get around to it), but starting now with all freedom, justice, peace and prosperity, longevity, intelligence expansion and space exploration ideas, projects & knowledge, - finally turning men into gods - as far as their own affairs are concerned. - JZ, 20.6.01., 2.2.02. - A GENUINE ONE, ENLIGHTENMENT, AUTOMATING OR ASSURING THE PROCESS OF ENLIGHTENMENT. DO NOT EXPECT EVERYTHING TO BE PROVIDED BY THE INTERNET, ONLINE, IDEAS ARCHIVE, MICROFILM, CD-ROMS, WORLD LIBRARY, LIBERTARIAN LIBRARY, KNOWLEDGE, IDEAS, MEN INTO GODS
CULTURAL REVOLUTION: Useful and liberating knowledge could and should now grow and be distributed explosively. The preconditions for this should be established. The rest would be easy. Then this knowledge need only be applied, from one day to the other. - JZ, 27.10.80. - Much of my program for a genuinely cultural revolution can be found in PEACE PLANS 63-65. – which is online at - JZ - NEW DRAFT
CULTURAL REVOLUTION: Without flow-chart discussions (or electronic “argument mapping”), computer conferencing, encyclopaedias for the best refutations, or "Redensarten" (RED.: best ways of wording a case , also of definitions of liberty terms, of slogans for liberty, of improved individual rights codes, of ideas and talent registers, extensive libertarian self-publishing on microfiche and other affordable and effective media, etc., etc., we will sink and die in the morass of prejudices, myths and errors. - JZ, 1.10.85, 7.7.94. - A GENUINELY CULTURAL REVOLUTION, NEW DRAFT digitized JZ manuscript of 2010. – ENLIGHTENMENT, UNDER-SUPPLIED INFORMATION RESOURCES
CULTURE: All great periods of culture are periods of political decline." - F. Nietzsche, SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 3/78. – POLITICS, TERRITORIALISM, POWER
CULTURE: Culture is to know the best that has been said and thought in the world." - Matthew Arnold. - If one would take this literally then, since no one had as yet the chance to learn to know as much, we have not had a culture yet and not even a single cultured individual. - Somewhat more moderately, I would rather say, "being cultured means to know SOME of the best ...” - JZ, 7.7.94. In another version, Matthew Arnold, 1822 - 1888, said: "Culture, the acquainting ourselves with the best that has been known and said in the world, and thus with the history of the human spirit." - Many artists and literati knew much about that - but all too little about human liberties and individual rights. - Culture as above defined has become impossible to acquire for the individual. I rather consider the minimum of culture, morality and rationality that is required is a knowledge of and respect for all individual rights, to the extent that they are claimed, appreciated and practised by others. - Maybe once modern databanks, especially archives of ideas, are fully developed and are within reach of everybody, then everybody can easily reach some knowledge and some appreciation for each aspect of human culture. But the whole, like e.g. the free market, all science and all wisdom, will remain unattainable - at least until we have become like Gods. - JZ, 7.7.94. – Judging by history, from ancient to modern times, the thousands of diverse “gods” men have believed in and obeyed a far as they could or wanted to, did not do a very good job with their “creatures” and “creations” and still don’t. Nor are their holy books good enough ethical guides. The religious people have been as much failures as most of the “social scientists” have been, so far. – JZ, 5.2.13.
CULTURE: Human culture does not even exist yet, Little Man!" – Wilhelm Reich, Listen, Little Man! 100.
CULTURE: The cultured beasts are the worst. - JZ, 14.1.77.
CULTURE: The final purpose of all culture is to make superfluous what we call politics and to make science and art indispensable for mankind." - Arthur Schnitzler.
CULTURE: The great law of culture is: Let each become all that he was created capable of being." - Carlyle, Essays: J. P. F. Richter. - However, if someone's nature is to be another Attila or Hitler, Stalin or Mao, then execute him before he has got very far. - JZ, 7.7.94. - GROWTH, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION, SELF-DEVELOPMENT, LAISSEZ FAIRE, LET, LEAVE ALONE, MAN, HUMAN NATURE
CULTURE: The road to culture leads more and more from unreason to reason, from the senseless to the efficient." - Heinrich Nienkamp, Fuersten ohne Krone, S.79.
CULTURE: The State cannot give culture." - J. G. Fichte. - But he can destroy it or prevent if from coming into existence. - JZ, 7.7.94. - STATE, EDUCATION
CULTURES: no culture is ever comfortable looking at some of the basic assumptions by which it operates.” - Well, most of them would not stand very close examination. – Do they really operate in the meaning of “functioning” or do they merely continue to exist, based upon all too many popular and persisting errors, myths and prejudices? – Fully free competition between them could prove or disprove at least some of them relatively soon. - JZ, 7.10.07. - UNCHECKED PREMISES, PRINCIPLES & DOCTRINES, ASSUMPTIONS, PREJUDICES, ERRORS, MYTHS, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF REFUTATIONS.
CURBING GOVERNMENT: Government should do something to curb itself." – Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.192. – By permitting individual and group secessions and confining itself to its own volunteers and exterritorial autonomy, just like those, who seceded from it. – JZ, 26.11.08. – Does this proposal make any more sense than saying: criminals should curb themselves, bureaucrats should curb themselves, lawyers and politicians should? – JZ, 13.11.10.
CURES: For all too many there appears to be only one cure: the catastrophe." - Morgenstern. - While real cures remain unknown or unappreciated, catastrophic "horse cures" and quackeries are announced and accepted as remedies. - Under panarchism each could opt for a killing or a healing cure for himself only and like-minded people. - JZ, n.d. & 7.7.94. - POWER, STATISM, WAR, TERRITORIALISM,REVOLUTION, DICTATORSHIP
CURIOSITY: And we stagger on in our ignorance, not knowing the answers to any of the big questions." - R. A. Wilson, Schroedinger's Cat, II., The Trick Top Hat. - We are not even "popping" the big questions, for lack of intellectual curiosity. Further, we do not want to know the answers, in most cases, e.g. when more than one sentence is required for them - or when they are provided only on microfiche or on a computer screen. - JZ, 12.7.82, 7.7.94. - There are searching questions and there are idle, bored and superficially curious ones, put forward just for something to say in conversation. - JZ, 12.11.82. – Let those, who do believe that they know any answers, be free to apply them among themselves! – JZ, 26.11.08 - PANARCHISM, Q., KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, INTEREST, DISINTEREST, IGNORANCE, DOUBT, TOLERANCE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM
CURIOSITY: Curiosity is, in great and generous minds, the first passion and the last." - Samuel Johnson.
CURIOSITY: Curiosity may kill cats, but it has always been a good and faithful servant of men." - Keith Laumer, Secret, ANALOG, 10/77. – Yes, if they bothered to use it and to seriously apply it! – JZ, 26.11.08.CURIOSITY: Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the life blood of real civilisation." - George M. Trevelyan, 1876 - 1962. – Instead, we have an enormous disinterest even towards the greatest and most acute problems, threats and crises. Unbelievable as it sounds, most people today are not even curious about the full extent of their individual liberties and rights - but all too prepared to settle for very much less. That would not be so bad if at least the few enlightened and interested ones were free to advance themselves, in their own panarchies. - JZ, 7.7.94, 13.11.10. – Even the real causes of wars, dictatorships, terrorism, violent revolutions, economic crises, mass unemployment, inflation, deflation and stagflation and the voluntary taxation alternatives are not of any serious interest to most people. The result of this indifference is predictable. – JZ, 26.11.08.
CURIOSITY: Seize the moment of excited curiosity on any subject, to solve your doubts; for if you let it pass, the desire may never return, and you may remain in ignorance." - THE FREEMAN'S ALMANAC.
CURRENCY: Any “currency” not immediately redeemable in daily required consumer goods and services will soon depreciate and will be widely discounted or altogether refused – unless it is given a monopoly status and legal tender power (compulsory acceptance and a forced value). This applies especially to “asset-currencies”. – We cannot do most of our shopping with mortgage letters, shares or bonds. - JZ, 16.10.91. – As the term “current” indicates for liquid-flows, it is something that flows easily from one spot to another. – JZ, 23.08. - MONEY, EXCHANGE MEDIA, SHOP-FOUNDATION, READINESS TO ACCEPT FOUNDATION
CURRENCY: Any currency is unsound that is inflatable, deflatable or can lead to a stagflation. Any currency is inflatable that has a) an exclusive or monopolistic currency status and b) that has been given legal tender power, i.e. compulsory acceptance and a force and fictitious value. Any monopolistic or exclusive currency can also cause a deflation – because under that condition sound money cannot be competitively supplied in accordance with the demand for it in a free market. All currencies under monetary despotism, with its issue monopoly and legal tender power are already by these characteristics quite unsound and wrong, even when they are, temporarily, neither inflated, deflated or stagflated. Any currency issued under full monetary freedom – which presupposes only sufficient monetary freedom knowledge – tends to be sound, or becomes sound very soon, because unsound monies are prevented or driven out of circulation under this freedom, largely at the expense and risk of their issuers, who might be put out of business thereby and might also lose all their property as a result of indemnification claims and might remain indebted and obliged to their debtors out of all their future earnings. But I doubt that under full monetary freedom and the publicity associated with it, they would ever be able to over-issue their currencies to that extent. – JZ, 9.9.98, 26.9.08. - SOUND & COMPETING CURRENCIES & VALUE STANDARDS
CURRENCY: Conference on a Stable Dollar: Why We Need It and How to Achieve It - - Why only ONE stable dollar? Rightful and needed are as many sound exchange media, clearing certificates and clearing accounts as well as value standards as would be supplied and accepted under full monetary freedom conditions. All attempts to impose only a single value standard and a single exchange medium or non-cash payment option - as a supposed ideal - have had and will have many drawbacks, as many, perhaps, as attempts to impose a single religion, ideology, form of education, marriage, conducting trade, ownership or production upon all people. Full freedom of contract also in this very important sphere. Even the EXCLUSIVE gold standards, in all their various forms, did have their drawbacks and will have them in the future! – JZ, Facebook, 3.10.11. – By all means, also a stable dollar. But then it would have to be taken out of the manipulation power and interest of territorial governments. – JZ., 8.10.12. – FREE CHOICE OF VALUE STANDARDS AMONG COMPETING VALUE STANDARDS & FOR ALL KINDS OF EXCHANGE MEDIA, CLEARING CERTIFICATES AND ACCOUNTS, AS WELL AS FOR ALL CAPITAL CERTIFICATES, STABILITY, A STABLE DOLLAR
CURRENCY: Fighting to save” a currency does not fight the nonsense involved in this very idea and its practice. A sound value standard does not require a fight to preserve it, no more so than e.g. a kilogram, a liter or a meter require a fight to make them useful as measures and to preserve their quality. An unsound value standard, that has been depreciated, cannot be simply restored to its former value as if it were a sick person who has to be restored to health. The very attempt to do so might to as much wrong and harm as its prior depreciation. What could be easily achieved, though, is the stabilization of such a currency at its present value. For this it need merely be deprived of its monopoly status and its legal tender power. Then its current value standard should be clearly defined at its current market value and its notes and certificates or accounts should be free market rated against it. It should also be exposed to free competition from other monies, clearing certificates and accounts and other value standards as well offered by a variety of issuers. Then, based upon whatever real foundation it has, mostly just tax foundation, it could become and remain a stable currency. – (Not all processes are easily reversible. If one squeezes out e.g. a toothpaste tube and then tries to fill it again with the extruded stuff, one would need special equipment. – An exclusive and forced currency is never sound and cannot be restored to soundness and sufficiency. Once the inflation tax is paid it cannot be sufficiently refunded. Once a deflation has caused mass unemployment the harm caused by that unemployment can no longer be undone.) – The paper money issued by governments and almost continuously over-issued and thus depreciated, was never serving as a sound value standard but was, instead, used to impose what might be called an “inflation tax”, which is especially harmful and does not have the consent of its victims. It is almost never discussed during elections or in parliamentary debates. The central banks, its producers, have miserably failed everywhere in their officially allocated task as guardians of the national currency. They have become inflation machines for slow to galloping inflations. Sound alternative value standards and exchange media were, generally, outlawed and suppressed or only somewhat tolerated in emergency situations. Free choice of value standards and thereby maximum currency stability, combined with full freedom for note issues, was not introduced so far or tolerated anywhere by any government during the last 100 years – to my knowledge. – As for everything else, territorial governments constitute the major problem and are not solution to any problem at all, except that of power addicts, who want to gain power over others. – JZ, 1.9.98, 5.2.13. - VALUE PRESERVATION, VALUE STANDARD, EXCHANGE MEDIA, PURCHASING POWER,
CURRENCY: Government has no more responsibility for an honest money than for an honest yard. It just ought to leave both alone. - JZ – VALUE STANDARD
CURRENCY: He who tampers with the currency robs labor of its bread." - Daniel Webster, 15 Mar 1837. – MONETARY DESPOTISM, MONEY ISSUE MONOPOLY, INFLATION, MANIPULATION, FRAUD, DEPRECIATION, LEGAL TENDER,
CURRENCY: If the currency doesn't work, the country cannot work. The destiny of the currency is, and will be, the destiny of the nation." - Dr. Franz Pick, quoted in L.C., 25.10.73. - If the former Soviet Russia and the other somewhat liberated countries around it, do not finally get rid of their Soviet type currency, originally recommended to them by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, in their Communist Manifesto, then sooner or later the communists may get into power again, endangering further not only Russia and its satellite States but the world. - JZ, 7.7.94. - Monetary Freedom, Inflation, Legal Tender, Central Banking, Money-Monopoly, Monetary Despotism
CURRENCY: If you want a rubber band standard of value - entrust it to the government. - JZ - VALUE STANDARD
CURRENCY: Lack of confidence in a currency is merely a secondary symptom of inflation and not its cause. – JZ, 10.9.98. – A competitively issued private or cooperative currency, market rated and optional, with a sufficient reflux or demand for its issues and a sound enough value standard used in its notes and in the prices of the goods, services and labor offered for these notes, does not require any confidence of the public to maintain its value and acceptability. Any mistrust towards it can be very fast removed by using it as a means of payment in the next shop associated with the issuing centre. The issuers are obliged to accept their own notes, towards them they have a natural and quite just form of “legal tender”. The knowledge of that readiness to accept these notes would act much more positively and effectively than would any existing mere confidence or even wide-spread lack of confidence. Whoever pays the issuer or one of his debtors at par with the mistrusted exchange medium and its value standard, will thereby get rid of his distrust and the exchange medium that he had no confidence in. Whether he had that confidence or not, does not really matter. No more so than for a cinema ticket or a plane or railway ticket. – JZ, 26.9.08. – , CONFIDENCE IN CURRENCY OR LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN IT
CURRENCY: Plummeting currency”. It is a currency when it can “plummet”? Ever heard of a plummeting meter, liter or kilogram? – A similar remark was on ABC news on 7.9.98: “The Ruble took another big hit.” – As if value standards could be shot or hammered into the ground. – What is revealed by such remarks is merely that the “value standards” of managed or rather mismanaged monopoly moneys are not stable but tend to become depreciated. There is a vested interest of governments to do so, simply by “financing” themselves through the printing presses being used or abused for exclusive and forced currencies. Legal tender laws and money issue monopoly laws make that possible. But these factors are hardly ever mentioned in the news, if ever. – In many spheres our careless or thoughtless language use is our worst enemy. - JZ, 7.9.98, 26.9.08, 5.2.13. –
CURRENCY: The attempt to restore its purchasing power to its former value will merely lead to corresponding further and this time deflationary difficulties instead of those of inflation. Thus once the note printing presses are put at rest – during the French Revolution they were finally and quite publicly burnt! – e.g. the current gold weight value of the old inflated notes should be determined and they should then be accepted in payment of taxes or other dues only at that value. By thus extracting the excess of the old inflated notes – and not re-issuing them at all but destroying them, the value of the remaining stock of old notes might be increased. If that should happen then these notes should be accepted at a corresponding higher gold weight value. The government would get no spendable income for itself from the taxes thus paid. Should it go bankrupt as result, so be it. Why should it escape the inflation that it had caused quite unharmed and intact? But even that tax collection should be confined to the remaining volunteers for the old government. Alternative institutions of volunteers could and should largely take the place of the old territorial government. To the extent that volunteers want to reconstitute a new statist society for themselves, they should organize themselves correspondingly. They could then issue new tax foundation money among themselves, in suitably reduced denominations and in correspondence with a certain gold weight unit, only to the extent that further tax anticipation certificates become necessary and are accepted, when issued, at par, to facilitate tax payments within such a voluntary statist community. It should no longer be a monopoly money or legal tender in general circulation. Only its tax offices would have to accept it always at par with its nominal value. The exchange media and clearing certificate supply for all other transactions as well as the choice of value standards should be left to competing issuers and acceptors on a free market including all kinds of alternative societies and communities of volunteers, none of them with any territorial monopoly. In this way a currency reform would not create additional monetary problems. This kind of just, simple and sound currency reform was already described by finance experts early in the nineteenth century, as Ulrich von Beckerath pointed out in his letters. I do not have these letters on hand or the book he referred to. (Jacobs, Finanzwissenschaft?) Once all Beckerath letters and papers are scanned in, and put onto a single disk or website a search for this reference will become easy. But neither the old experts nor U. v. Beckerath described how this reform would work when at the same time the experimental freedom and voluntarism of panarchies is introduced. As far as possible the opportunity should be used to abolish the old tax, inflation and domination system and replace it by societies of volunteers, all doing their own things only for or to their members. Here, too, science fiction writers could provide a useful service. Obviously, we should all become free not only to secede from an inflated, monopolistic an coercive currency but from all enforced territorial collectives and establish among ourselves the kinds of exterritorial autonomy alternative societies that we do prefer. Within them we could issue and use any kind of money with voluntary tax or contribution foundation, just like any protective agency or insurance company. ) – JZ, 4.10.98, 28.9.08. – REFORM FOR THE PAPER MONEY OF A GOVERNMENT, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL & GROUP SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, MONETARY FREEDOM, OPTIONAL STABLE VALUE RECKONING.
CURRENCY: The terrible depredations of the great plagues of medieval times had broken the slavery of the feudal system of Europe. They had reduced human populations to the point where men had scarcity value and could bargain for their labour once again. … When the mass of humanity reached such proportions that human life was cheap [in relation to scarce rare metal coins! – JZ, 29.2.12.], that was the age of opportunity for the great predators to emerge. - Wilbur Smith, The Elephant Song, Pan Books, 1992, p.382. – See:LENIN, STALIN, HITLER, MAO – last century. During their preceding period, mostly inflation, only depreciated money was plentiful, sound money was VERY scarce. And so was deflated monopoly money. – The relationship of the size of population to the quantity of rare metal coins mattered, since price adaption to the limited volume of such exclusive exchange media was never fast and sufficient enough, as is proven by the persistence of barter, long after the invention of this kind of exclusive currency, always in limited supply. – JZ, 29.2.12. – CURRENCY FAMINES, FEUDALISM, SERFDOM, ABILITY TO PAY , FREE BANKING, INFLATION, DEFLATION, MONETARY FREEDOM, VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM, POPULATION, PLAGUES, WAGES, EXCLUSIVE RARE METAL CURRENCIES , FREE BANKING, CURRENCY FAMINES, FEUDALISM, SERFDOM, ABILITY TO PAY
CURRICULUM: No educational programme can guarantee that everyone will learn what he needs to know, much less that he would act upon it." - Everett Reimer, School Is Dead, p.89.
CUSTODIANS: Who is to guard the guardians?” – ("Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?") - Juvenal, Satires, 6, 347. – Nobody has to guard the “guardians” but everyone should be free to opt out from under their “protection” or “guardianship”! – JZ, 26.11.08. - CONTROLS, POWER, REGULATIONS, COMMAND ECONOMY, PLANNING, DIRIGISM, BUREAUCRACY, POLITICIANS, RULERS, LEADERSHIP, PRIME MINISTERS, PRESIDENTS, TYRANNICIDE
CUSTOM DUTIES: A man has to have larceny in his heart, or he wouldn't be a customs guard." - Robert Heinlein, Coventry.
CUSTOM DUTIES: All customs services to be reduced to necessary quarantine services. - JZ, 31.12.92.
CUSTOM DUTIES: Harbour. A place where ships taking shelter from storms are exposed to the fury of the customs." - Ambrose Bierce.
CUSTOM DUTIES: It is beyond the sphere of true governmental power to tax one man to help the business of another. It is taking money from one to give it to another. This is robbery, nothing more nor less." - Frank H. Hurd, Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 18, 1881. - FREE TRADE, PROTECTIONISM, TARIFFS
CUSTOM DUTIES: One of the worst customs – and also one of the most unjustified tariff duties!” – 21.7.04, 24.10.07. - PROTECTIONISM, VS. FREE TRADE
CUSTOM DUTIES: When goods to not cross frontiers, armies will." – Frederic Bastiat.
CUSTOM & LAW: There are two kinds of restrictions of human liberty – the restraint of law and that of custom. No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion. – Carrie Chapman Catt - in - However, some customs, imposed upon unwilling victims, are even more restrictive or wrong than some governmental legislation, e.g. marriages to minors without their consent, ritual sexual mutilations and illegal abortions. – Moreover, not genuine law in the best sense but legislation in the worst sense, has often been the most wrongful restraint. - JZ, 30.3.12.
CUSTOM: There are two kinds of restrictions of human liberty – the restraint of law and that of custom. No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion. – Carrie Chapman Catt - in - However, some customs, imposed upon unwilling victims, are even more restrictive or wrong than some governmental legislation, e.g. marriages to minors without their consent, ritual sexual mutilations and illegal abortions. – Moreover, not genuine law in the best sense but legislation in the worst sense, has often been the most wrongful restraint. - JZ, 30.3.12. – & LAW, , TRADITION
CUSTOM: if one were to bring together all customs considered sacred by some group, and were then to take away all customs considered immoral by some group, nothing would remain." - Will Durant, quoted by R. J. Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.213.
CUSTOM: it is important to give the freest scope possible to uncustomary things, in order that it may in time appear which of them are fit to be converted into customs." - J. S. Mill, quoted in S. Hutchinson Harris, The Doctrine of Personal Right, p.114.
CUSTOM: that monster Custom doth possess the world.” - Ivor Brown, English Political Theory, Methuen, London, 1920, 116, on Robert Owen and Chartism.
CUSTOM: A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept." - Source?
CUSTOM: And yet there is a point to custom, even given that any set of customs is as foolish as any other set. - CUSTOM FREES US FROM HAVING TO TURN EVERY MINISCULE ACT INTO A MATTER FOR DECISION." - Alexei Panshin, Starwell, p.111. - Should one rather speak of individually established habits? The main thing is not to feel or be bound by them. One should be free to go on experimenting. - JZ, 15.5.80, 7.7.94.
CUSTOM: As long as it is done in the customary way, the greatest wrong is quietly accepted by most. Instance: most present international laws and most internal laws. - JZ, 18.9.85, 7.7.94. – TERRITORIALISM, CENTRAL BANKING, THE EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP, NUCLEAR “STRENGTH”
CUSTOM: Check this lying hospitality and lying affection. Live no longer to the expectation of these deceived and deceiving people with whom we converse. Say to them, O father, O mother, O wife, O brother, O friend, I have lived with you after appearances hitherto. Henceforward I am the truth's. Be it known unto you that henceforward I obey no law less than the eternal law. I will have no covenants but proximities. I shall endeavor to nourish my parents, to support my family, to be the chaste husband of one wife, - but these relations I must fill after a new and unprecedented way. I appeal from your customs. I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you cannot, I will seek to deserve that you should. I will not hide my tastes or aversions. I will so trust that what is deep is holy, that I will do strongly before the sun and moon whatever only rejoices me, and the heart appoints. If you are noble, Iwill love you; if you are not, I will not hurt you and myself by hypocritical attentions. If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own. It is alike your interest, and mine, and all men's, however long we have dealt in lies. to live in truth. Does this sound harsh today? You will soon love what is dictated by your nature as well as mine, and, if we follow the truth, it will bring us out safe at last...." - Emerson, quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.147.
CUSTOM: Custom does often reason overrule - And only serves for reason to the fool." - John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, 1647-1680. - Nevertheless, with a few exception, like child sacrifices, the burning of widows, cannibalism, involuntary slavery, etc., customs should never be coercively destroyed among those who love them. – REASON, PANARCHISM. - JZ, 7.7.94.
CUSTOM: Custom is a tyrant." - Der Gebrauch ist Tyrann." - ( “Usus tyrannus." - Horaz, Ars poetica, v. 71 u. 72. - PRACTICE, CUSTOM, TRADITION, MORES
CUSTOM: Custom is the plague of wise men and the idol of fools." - John Ray, English Proverbs. - Freedom to secede from all customs - as far as one's own affairs are concerned! - JZ, 7.7.94.
CUSTOM: Custom without reason is but ancient error." - 16th c. proverb. In Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, No. 1226.
CUSTOM: Custom, that unwritten law, by which the people keep even kings in awe." - Charles D'Avenant, Circe. (Sir William D'Avenant, Circe, Act ii, sc. 3, according to another reference.) - JZ) - Custom is unobjectionable if voluntarily abided by but amounts to totalitarianism if imposed territorially imposed upon dissenters. - JZ, 21. 4. 89. - Were kings really thus kept sufficiently in check? - JZ, 7.7.94.
CUSTOM: Long customs are not easily broken: he that attempts to change the course of his own life very often labours in vain: and how shall we do that for others, which we are seldom able to do for ourselves? - Samuel Johnson, Rasselas, 1750, p.29. - REFORMS, LAWS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, SELF-MANAGEMENT, SELF-HELP, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENT, STATISM, HABITS
CUSTOM: The despotism of custom is everywhere the standing hindrance to human advancement, being in unceasing antagonism to that disposition to aim at something better than customary." - J. S. Mill, On Liberty. - Tradition, Vested Interest, Power, Laws
CUSTOM: THE IMMEMORIAL HERITAGE. What is this controlling force, the consensus? It cannot, in my view, be defined with any precision. The best I can do is to refer to it as the CURRENT condition or state or quality of the over-all luminosity, sometimes called knowledge in society. This is a body of underlying assumptions, of ideas taken for granted and held more or less in common. It is part of a peoples' immemorial heritage, creative wisdom, culture, custom - the knowledge or wisdom, or the lack of it, by which we prosper or perish. 'Custom, therefore, is not the accidental, trivial, and meaningless thing which we sometimes think it to be. It is the imperishable record of the wisdom of the illimitable past reaching back to the infancy of the race, revised, corrected, enlarged, open to all alike, and read and understood by all.' – See: Law, Its Origin, Growth and Function by James Coolidge Carter, N.Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1907, p. 127.” – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.31. – I would rather have seem him try to distinguish between reasonable customs and superstitious ones, open-ended and easily corrected ones and petrified ones. The Jewish Talmud comes perhaps closest to the latter ideal for the development of customs, as close as a single ethnic or religious community or an aggregation of them can come to. In the Jewish tradition there are e.g. hundreds of different versions of the Passover ritual. And some of them do not exclude non-Jews. - JZ, 7.7.94. – POPULAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES
CUSTOM: The perpetual obstacle to human advancement is custom." - J. S. Mill, quoted in L. J. Peter, The Peter Plan, p.87. – Even the murder of unborn children has become all too customary, like the human sacrifices of born human beings once were. – JZ, 5.2.13.
CUSTOM: Too many "Men will sooner surrender their rights than their customs." - Moritz Guedeman. – RIGHTS, LIBERTIES, TRADITION, MORES
CUSTOM: We are the slaves of custom, and we have begun to hug our chains." - Harold Laski. – TERRITORIALISM, CENTRAL BANKING, EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP, STATISM
CUSTOM: We tend to look down upon the primitive customs and taboos of the tribal natives - but how many do we accept ourselves in our social, economic and political lives? We let ourselves be taxed and regulated in almost every respect – with our consent - and just pursue fun and games in the few loopholes and activities left open to us. It's "panem et circenses", still! - JZ, 5/9/81, 7.7.94.
CUSTOMARY LAW: Customary law, on the other hand, comes into being in response to people's desire for ordinary relations with others and promotes social harmony. Legislative law creates disorder, not order. … It benefits the few at the expense of general public order.” - Daniel C. Burton, Libertarian Anarchism, LA Political Notes, No. 168. - LAW & THE PEOPLE, LEGISLATION, DISORDER, ORDER
CUT LOOSE: He saved his money until he had enough to pay for printing a little pamphlet, 40 pages of honest common sense. He wrote the truth as he saw it. He said to the confused Americans: Fight for independence; cut loose from England; set up a government of your own and do what is right in your own eyes. 'There hath not been such an opportunity since the time of Adam. We have it in our power to make a new world.'" - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p. 174, on Thomas Paine. - Independence, Secession, Self-government, Self-help, Opting Out, Panarchism
CYBERNETICS: Only recently has there arisen within the physical sciences under the name of cybernetics a special discipline which is also concerned with what are called self-organizing or self-generating systems.” – F. A. Hayek, Made Orders and Spontaneous Orders. - The spontaneous order of panarchism or polyarchism consists of multiple panarchies or polyarchies, all peacefully coexisting in the same territory or world-wide, but all only for their own volunteers and confined to their own personal laws, under full exterritorial autonomy, thus maximizing individual choice and with it the possibility of tolerance and harmony between very diverse societies, even radically different ones, each with its own ”order” and “justice” system. They will be united only by their common interest to uphold claimed genuine rights and liberties for those volunteers, who claim them for themselves, against any private criminals or other aggressors against these rights. – Peace, order, harmony and tolerance would grow spontaneously among such societies into a general – over-all civilized society, because territorial monopolies are no longer recognized for anyone or any group or community. – E.g., when Catholics and Protestants are fully tolerated they tend to become peaceful towards each other, apart from verbal battles. - JZ, 3.10.07. - PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, TOLERANCE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY VS. TERRITORIAL DOMINATION
CYBER-TRIBES: Regions such as northern Italy, Tel Aviv, Shanghai, South Korea, Beirut and Bangalore are naturally fast and are taking off these days, separating themselves from other parts of their own countries. These regions are the “hot zones”, and they will be incredible engines of growth for their countries. When you take one of these hot zones, equip it with the Internet and connect it with a diaspora community spread out all over the world – such as overseas Chinese, Jews, Italians, Lebanese, Indians or Koreans – you have what I like to call a “cyber-tribe”. These cyber-tribes combine speed, creativity, entrepreneurial talent and global networking in ways that can generate enormous wealth. – In fact, northern Italy today is the richest region of Europe. …” - Thomas Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, p.219, Harper Collins Publishers, ISBN 0 00 655139 4 – PANARCHISM
CYNICISM: A cynic cannot see from here to tomorrow." - Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought.
CYNICISM: A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing." - Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900. - "Or who will laugh at anything so long as it isn't funny." - Laurence J. Peter. - RED., VALUES, RIGHTS, LIBERTIES, ETHICS, MORALITY
CYNICISM: A cynic is not merely one who reads bitter lessons from the past; he is one who is prematurely disappointed in the future." - Sidney J. Harris, ANALOG, 1/90, p. 316. – Seeing the difficulties that territorialism combined with popular prejudices puts into the way of most rightful and rational changes, cynics are rather realistic, - regarding our chances under territorialism. But they wrongly apply their cynicism to the voluntaristic and exterritorial autonomy options as well, although they can see, all around them thousands of different voluntary societies, clubs and sects, doing their own things for or to themselves, quite peacefully – without any territorial power over dissenters. – JZ, 26.11.08. – PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE, FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION & DISASSOCIATION, FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT, PESSIMISM, SKEPTICISM
CYNICISM: A cynic is worse than a fool. The fool lacks insight but has faith; the cynic lacks both, though his cloak of impudence covers this emptiness." – Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought. -
CYNICISM: Cynic: A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be." - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary. - REALISM, IDEALISM, OPTIMISM, PESSIMISM
CYNICISM: Cynicism - the intellectual cripple's substitute for intelligence." - Russell Lynes.
CYNICISM: The cynic who doesn't believe in anything still wants you to believe him." - Laurence J. Peter.
CZARISM: there seems to be little evidence that the repeated failures of socialism have had any effect upon those advocating more and more socialism for the U.S. 'If anything', says Melvin Barger, 'the failures of socialist interventionism seem to provide the basis for new rounds of interventions. The delusion still persists that Government can solve our economic and social problems by appointing a Czar to supervise an ailing industry or by providing funds to support a certain cause. It is still not seen that the effect of this intervention must be to lower output and to inhibit the very market forces that can bring efficiency and order into our economic affairs. ... The price we must pay, in this new world of socialist intervention, is very high in terms of lost liberty and lowered productivity.'" – The Incredible Breadmachine, p.166, quoting : Melvin D. Barger, from THE FREEMAN, 9/63. - STATISM, SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, LEADERSHIP, INTERVENTIONISM, GOVERNMENT, MARKET
CZARISM: Under the Czar, the worker fought for the right to strike, to arbitrate, to demonstrate, to appeal to the law, to change his job, to occupy his own separate home, to organize in his own union. Under the Soviet regime, the worker has none of these. Nor has he even got the Czarist privilege of fighting for them." - Dagobert D. Runes, Handbook of Reason, p.54. – TOTALITARIANISM, SOVIET REGIME