Michael S. Rozeff
Michael S. Rozeff is a retired professor of Finance and a leading exponent of the idea of Panarchy (aterritorial governance).
(2005) Reflections on the State[English]
(2005) Under False Premises [English]
(2006) The State and Moral Chaos [English]
(2008) For the Freedom of Political Association [English]
(2008) A Foundation for Panarchy [English]
(2008) Per la Panarchia [Italiano]
(2008) Everything the Government Touches
... [English]
(2008) Tutto quello che il governo tocca ... [Italiano]
(2009) Why Government Should Be Voluntarily
Chosen [English]
(2009) Per la libera scelta del governo [Italiano]
(2009) Liberty in the Choice of Governance [English]
(2009) Libertà di gestione [Italiano]
(2009) Freiheit in der Wahl der Regierung [Deutsch]
(2009) A Society of Contract and Consent [English]
(2009) Why I Am a Panarchist [English]
(2009) Perché sono un panarchico [Italiano]
(2009) Essentials of Panarchism [English]
(2010) Do You Really Want To Be
a Republican or a Democrat? [English]
(2010) Vuoi davvero essere un repubblicano
o un democratico? [Italiano]
(2011) Personal Secession : The Way
to Freedom [English]
(2011) Secessione individuale : la via
della libertà [Italiano]
External links
Lew Rockwell : Michael Rozeff [English]
von Mises Institute : Michael Rozeff [English]