John Zube
Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans
for Individual Liberty & Rights
against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices
Index - P4
(2013 - 2014)
PEACE: Peace can be brought about not by meetings, subscriptions and conferences, but only by a radical revolution in ideas and customs.” - R. V. Sampson: The Discovery of Peace, p.97, on Proudhon. - True for meetings etc. between territorial governments. - JZ, 25.1.11. - But meetings between soldiers of opposing armies might help! And if citizens subscribed rather to their own just peace aims than let themselves be taxed and conscripted for the war aims and efforts of their governments and if citizen groups on both sides and between them had worthwhile, timely and public conferences on just war and peace aims ... - JZ, 26.4.83, 14.12.13. – MASS FRATERNIZATION, PEACE CONFERENCES, SUMMIT CONFERENCES BETWEEN TERRITORIAL LEADERS OR THE DIVERSE PEOPLES, ON ALL SIDES? THEY WOULD HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE OR SACRIFICE BUT THEIR TERRITORIALIST ERRORS, PREJUDICES & FALSE PRETENCES
PEACE: Peace cannot be based on ABC "weapons" or territorial governments. It requires their abolition. - Be peaceful or be gone - might be a motto for mankind now. We can no longer afford wars, which might escalate into a nuclear war. – However, to achieve a lasting peace, we must have justice and complete individual liberty for every non-aggressive and sufficiently rational being or, in other words, full realization of all individual human rights and all rights of rational beings. There is no other way to peace than through the full realization of all these rights and liberties. - The record shows that territorial governments are unwilling and unable to realize this aim. On the contrary, they are the greatest single threat to individual rights and liberties and thereby to peace. - DICTATORSHIPS, FREEDOM, GOVERNMENT, HUMAN RIGHTS, INDIVIDUALISM, JUSTICE, LIBERTY, LIBERATION, LIBERTARIANISM, MILITIA, POLICE ACTIONS, POWER, RULERS, SELF-HELP, SOVEREIGNTY, TOLERANCE, VOLUNTARISM, WAR AIMS, WELFARE STATE. . – JZ, An ABC Against Nuclear War, in PEACE PLANS Nos. 16 & 17, on - Rev.: 14.12.13.
PEACE: Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be kept by understanding.” - Albert Einstein, Notes on Pacifism. – That understanding was certainly lacking in Einstein when he proposed nuclear ‘weapons”. – He was also opposed to exterritorial autonomy for volunteers. – JZ, 21.4.08. – Would “understanding” totalitarian regimes lead really to peace with them? – The ones who are to be recognized and understood are the victims of these regimes. With carpet bombing and nuclear war threats we drive them into the arms of their oppressors. – JZ, 25.3.08. – Einstein, too, was a classical instance for the barbarism of the specialists. - JZ, 25.1.11. - AIR RAIDS, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY, PACIFISM, NWT, PANARCHISM, EINSTEIN, UNDERSTANDING, TOTALITARIANISM, RECOGNITION, PEOPLE TO PEOPLE NEGOTIATIONS, APPEALS, PEACE OFFERS, EVEN UNILATERAL ONES
PEACE: Peace cannot rest comfortably and for long on nuclear weapon tips any better than on the points of bayonets. - JZ, 74. - NWT
PEACE: Peace comes to those who've developed the sense to perceive it.” - Frank Herbert, The Godmakers, p.175, 221. – And to establish it. So where are they? For they have certainly not yet established it. – JZ, 21.4.08. - The possibility of peace must not only be perceived or conceived but peace must also be established upon sound principles, actions and institutions. - Compare the results of my peace questionnaire, in PEACE PLANS 650, which are microfilmed and are also offered by me digitized as an email attachment, until they appear online somewhere or on a disc offered by someone. – The variety of views on this subject and the predominance of errors, prejudices, myths, false assumptions and conclusions in this sphere is still astonishing. - JZ, 6.10.01, 7.3.09. – Nowhere are they as yet, to my knowledge, systematically listed and refuted. – JZ, 14.12.13. - UNDERSTANDING OF IT, DEFINITION, SOUND PEACE PROGRAMS ARE STILL LARGELY ABSENT & TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS, BY THEIR VERY NATURE, CANNOT SUPPLY THEM, BECAUSE THEY ARE WARFARE STATES IN MOST CASES.
PEACE: Peace does not have to be made. It is a natural condition. It consists of producing goods, rendering services and thinking up ideas, when goods, services and ideas flow freely from place to place, from people to people, you have peace, when political coercion blocks this natural tendency, you have war; the bloodshed will come in due time.” - Frank Chodorov. – Let people opt out of everything that makes for war and opt for everything for themselves that makes for peace. – JZ, 21.4.08. – PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, MINORITY AUTONOMY ON THE BASIS OF EXTERRITORIALISM & PERSONAL LAWS VS. TERRITORIALISM & ITS WARFARE STATES
PEACE: Peace does not rest in charters and covenants alone. It lies in the hearts and minds of the people. And if it is cast out there, then no act, no pact, no treaty or organization can ever hope to preserve it. So let us not rest all our hopes for peace on parchment and paper - let us strive also to build peace in the hearts and minds of our people.” - J. F. Kennedy, Address, UN, 20.9.1963. – He only knew how to double the nuclear arsenal of the USA. – JZ, n.d. - Did he liberate or enlighten even a single person? - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: Peace doesn't happen. It's something you make and keep." – David Drake, Northworld Trilogy, Baen books, ebooks, free online, story Vengeance, ch.1.
PEACE: Peace has as many victories as has war, but far less monuments.” – Kim Hubbard. (JZ re-translation attempt of the German version: “Der Friede hat ebensoviele Siege aufzuweisen wie der Krieg, aber weit weniger Denkmaeler.“) – Alas, peace as a permanent condition and world-wide has not yet won a single victory and it would need only one. It may begin with the general introduction of panarchism. – JZ, 23.2.08. – MEMORIALS, MONUMENTS, VICTORIES
PEACE: Peace has her victories no less renowned than war.” – John Milton, Sonnet 16, to Cromwell, May, 1652. - But there are not many about who would recognize all of them as such. – JZ, 26.4.83. – How many are aware by now that e.g. the introduction of an ideal militia for the protection of individual rights and liberties, full monetary freedom and panarchism would be very significant steps towards a lasting peace, based upon freedom and justice? – JZ, 18.4.08. – Q.
PEACE: Peace has to be fought for on the battlefield of ideas - not with marching feet, shooting guns, hungry stomachs, empty slogans, military slavery or mass murder devices. – JZ, 9.9.66. - Thus the most important peace-promoting institutions might be an Ideas Archive and an Encyclopedia of the best refutations of popular errors, myths, prejudices etc. - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: Peace is a blessing, and like most blessings, it must be earned.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower, "Let's be Honest with Ourselves’"; THE READER'S DIGEST, Dec., 1963.
PEACE: Peace is a condition allowing everybody to enjoy his natural and contractual rights undisturbed. - JZ
PEACE: Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. And however undramatic the pursuit of peace, that pursuit must go on.” – John F. Kennedy, address to United Nations General Assembly Sept. 20, 1963. – Pursuits of peace by territorial governments must all end up in dead end roads. – JZ, 26.4.83. - How many of those officials, speaking up for peace and of the members of the various peace movements, are prepared to eliminate territorialism, monetary despotism and taxation - as three of the main roots of war - or have even recognized them as such? – J. F. K. was certainly not one of them. – He and his predecessors and successors stockpiled mass murder devices and reserved to themselves the “right” to use them! - JZ, 25.3.08. – RULERS, PRESIDENTS, NWT
PEACE: Peace is a natural effect of trade.” - de Montesquieu. – Territorialism is an even greater obstacle to peace than is protectionism. Protectionism is just one aspect of territorialism. – JZ, 7.3.09. - TRADE, FREE TRADE, WAR, PROTECTIONISM, TERRITORIALISM,
PEACE: Peace is a nursing-mother to the land.” – Hesiod, Works and Days, c. 700 B.C.
PEACE: Peace is achieved liberty, liberty and at the same time truth. – Aldous Leonard Huxley. – Only my retranslation from: “Friede is erlangte Freiheit. Freiheit und zugleich Wahrheit.” – JZ
PEACE: Peace is an armistice in a war that is continuously going on.” - Thucydides. - Yes, while territorial States or Warfare States are tolerated. - JZ, 27.11.02. -
PEACE: Peace is an order established upon rights. There is no other definition that one can imagine. Each other concept of peace is a pure utopia.” – Reves – Retranslated by JZ from: “Friede ist die auf Recht gegruendete Ordnung. Es gibt keine andere vorstellbare Definition. Jede andere Auffassung ueber den Frieden ist reine Utopie.”
PEACE: Peace is better than war, because in peace the sons bury their fathers, but in war the fathers bury their sons.” - Croesus to Cambyses, Bacon: Apothegms, No.149.
PEACE: Peace is indivisible.” - Maxim Litvinov, speech at Geneva, 1936. – As if e.g. separate peace treaties were impossible or undesirable. – I would class only separate peace treaties with dictators, rather than with their victims, as undesirable. - JZ, 21.4.08. - Oh, all the wrongs and nonsense that are proclaimed in the name of liberty, justice, peace, progress, education! - We never had a genuine and lasting peace! - Always territorial politicians and rulers got in the way of it. At most we had some temporary armistices, still crippled by preparations for the next war. - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: Peace is liberty in tranquility.” – Cicero, Philippicae, 44-43 B.C., No. ii, sec. 44. – („Friede ist Freiheit in Ruhe.”) - By that definition the slaves of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, under the "Pax Romana", had no peace. – JZ, 14.4.08. – Are today’s tax slaves, education slaves and military slaves and the slaves of territorialism and its monetary and financial despotism - in peace and liberty? – JZ, 15.3.09.
PEACE: Peace is more difficult than war. It takes two to make a peace and only one to make a war.” F. A. Praisal, quoted in The Peter Plan, by L.J. Peter, p. 147. - Both overlook the possibilities of one-sided peace declarations and of rightful revolutionary warfare against dictatorial regimes while liberating their victims. – JZ, 28.5.83, 21.4.08. – They did also overlook, among many other things, e.g. the possibility to abolish the decision-making monopoly on war and peace. – JZ, 15.3.09, 14.12.13.
PEACE: Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice.” - Benedict Spinoza. – That disposition did not protect e.g. the Hopis, the Eskimos and peaceful monks and nuns or intentional community or utopian colony people or all States that wanted to remain neutral, like e.g. Belgium in WW I. – If the aggressors had this state of mind, disposition to benevolence, justice and tolerance, then they would not be aggressors. But they don’t. – They are armed, organized and aggressive, perhaps even warlike or fanatic ideologues or religious zealots or, at least, as conscripts and under military discipline, prepared to follow the orders of their wrongful territorial governments – or other gurus. – Fundamental moral and institutional changes are required for peace. – Good intentions and good will alone are not enough. - In my second peace book, I listed, mostly alphabetically, about 500 such points. - JZ, 7.3.09. - - JUSTICE, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES & WAR, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, SECESSIONISM
PEACE: Peace is not an impossible task. It is only impossible to achieve and maintain a lasting and just peace on a territorial basis. – JZ, 7.10.93. – Even those, who managed to keep themselves out of direct participation in both world wars, did suffer under them, economically. – The examples they set, e.g. Switzerland and Sweden, were still not good enough. - JZ, 15.2.08. - TERRITORIALISM
PEACE: Peace is not won by giving in to totalitarian demands. - JZ – Or by totalitarian methods. – JZ, 8.4.08.
PEACE: Peace is possible.” - Dangerous Buttons, No. 474. – Not only that: It’s obligatory to work for it – for every moral and rational being. – JZ, 5.7.86. – But it is not possible for long on a territorial basis. – JZ, 15.3.09. - TERRITORIALISM
PEACE: Peace is seldom denied to the peaceful.” – J. C. F. Schiller, Wilhelm Tell, I, 1804. – I deny, just like Schiller did in his Wilhelm Tell drama, that territorial domination is a peaceful and peace-promoting occupation. – JZ, 25.3.08.
PEACE: Peace is the business of society. Society is a cooperative effort, springing spontaneously from man's urge to improve on his circumstances. It is voluntary, completely free of force. It comes because man has learned that the task of life is easier of accomplishment through the exchange of goods, services, and ideas. The greater the volume and the fluidity of such exchanges, the richer and fuller the life of every member of society. That is the law of Association; it is also the law of peace.” - Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.122. – As if no individual rights and duties were involved in this. – JZ, 21.4.08. - A consistently developed form of associationism and voluntarism is required, one that includes all exterritorial autonomy options for individuals and minorities as well as majorities and their voluntary associations and the competitive supply and subscription to "public" or "State" "services". - So far we never had a quite free society, made up of numerous free societies. - JZ, 25.1.11, 14.12.13.
PEACE: Peace is the fruit and the pleasure of a community that cherishes and defends the full dignity and freedom of every human being everywhere.” - From revised statement of FOR purpose. PRAJ, 29123. - Can you name even a single one? - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: Peace is the healing and elevating influence in the world and strife is not. - Woodrow Wilson, 1915.
PEACE: Peace is the natural state of man, war the temporary repeal of reason and virtue.” - Hans F. Sennholz. - ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. – It all depends on the type of peace and of war that one is considering. Even Stalin’s regime, that of Mussolini, of Hitler and Mao were not always at war – apart from the internal war against their opponents, often leading to more mass murders than in wars against other Warfare States. The main wrong and irrationality involved consists in territorialism, and its compulsory uniformity, which is still considered to be a virtue rather than a vice. – JZ, 10.1.08, 25.1.11, 14.12.13. – Here I should rather have used "justice or “morality”, than “virtue” because of the sexual connotations involved in the term “virtue”. – I hold that the highest ethics would be expressed in an ideal and complete declaration of all the genuine individual rights and liberties that have so far become known to at least a few people and that their realization, to the extent that people want to use them, i.e. panarchistically, among volunteers only, would be the best guaranty for peace. – A basic requirement for this would be the ending of territorialism. - JZ, 7.3.09, 25.1.11. - PEACE & WAR
PEACE: Peace is the shortest distance between two wars.” – Source unknown. – (My translation of: “Der Friede ist die kuerzeste Entferning zwischen zwei Kriegen.“ – JZ) - Peace was so far mostly only an armistice period between two wars conducted between territorial Warfare States. – JZ, n.d. & 23.2.08. – I hold that a genuine peace, based upon complete freedom and justice, would tend to eliminate wars not only between two States or two alliances, but permanently, all over the Earth. – Alas, we are still far from having worked out all the details on how to reach such a peace aim. - JZ, 23.2.08.
PEACE: Peace is to be bought, rather than kept or enforced.” - Groff Conklin in the introduction to one of Poul Anderson's stories on the Galactic Patrol, quoted in "reason", Oct. 73.
PEACE: Peace is too important to be left to the politicians.” - Prof. Linus Pauling. - Territorial politicians. Once we have enough exterritorialist politicians, they might help to achieve it, by allowing free choices to all their subjects, all of them being volunteers only. - Under that condition their jobs might come close to being sinecures. - Most fools can still find many who are still more foolish than they are. - For proof look at the ca. 30,000 religions. At least these exterritorialist institutions do already peacefully coexist in most countries. - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: Peace is tranquil freedom, and is contrary to war, of which it is the end and the destruction.” – Hugo Grotius, De jure belli et pacis, I, 1625. – Where and when have we ever tranquilly enjoyed a peace based on the recognition and realization of all individual liberties and rights? – JZ, 25.3.08.
PEACE: Peace itself is war in masquerade.” – John Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel, I, 1682. – Correct, for what presently passes as peace. – JZ, 8.11.85.
PEACE: Peace lies in diversity and liberty.” - JZ, 74. - Definitely not in the compulsory uniformity or unity of territorialism. - JZ, 25.1.11. – VOLUNTARY DIVERSITY VS. TERRITORIALLY ENFORCED UNIFORMITY
PEACE: Peace makes plenty.” - 15th. century saying. - And plenty makes for peace! - JZ, 26.4.83. - Compare: “Plenty is the child of peace.” – William Rynne, Histrio-Mastix, Act 1, sc. 1. – Alas, that alone has not yet made it self-realizing. We are not even free as yet to peacefully and quite freely produce and exchange. – JZ, 15.3.09, 14.12.13. – ECONOMIC FREEDOM, FREE TRADE, FREE EXCHANGE, FREE MIGRATION, CAPITALISM, LAISSEZ FAIRE, MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM
PEACE: Peace means freedom and freedom means peace. - JZ 73.
PEACE: Peace must be far more than the absence of war. Peace must provide a durable structure of international relationships which inhibits or removes the causes of war.” - Henry Kissinger, quoted in THE INTERCOLLEGIATE REVIEW, Spring 74, p.81. - Did he offer more than mere territorialist proposals? - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: Peace nourishes, war destroys.“ – German proverb. – (Simrock) (“Friede ernaehrt, Unfriede verzehrt.”)
PEACE: Peace on earth - through bad will towards all territorial war mongers. - JZ, 73, 5.11.02, 14.12.13. Towards all war-mongers and all institutions, laws, principles, ideologies and ideas that make for war. – JZ, 8.4.08. - However, the bad will towards them amounts to a genuine good will towards their victims. - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: Peace on earth - to men of goodwill.” - Martha Rofheard: Cry God for Harry, p.213, suggesting, that there exists an old Latin version of this. – Isn’t “Peace on Earth to all men of good will” a common Christian saying, especially around x-mas? – JZ - What does properly define all people of "good will"? - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: Peace on earth so the whole of earth will belong to all humans.” - Kurt Lasswitz, Auf Zwei Planeten, II, S. 510.
PEACE: Peace on Earth starts with you and me.” – Ken Duncan – Only as far as our ideas, opinions and thinking are concerned. - In what ways are we already free enough to act towards peace on Earth? What kinds of freedom of action and association should we strive for to be able to achieve peace? Which are the main causes or factors making for war? What rights and liberties do we need to achieve peace in freedom and justice and to and assure it? Which kind of monopolies and coercion should be abolished on the road to peace? Certainly, much more than merely wishful thinking is involved. – JZ, 17.9.08. – Q.
PEACE: Peace on Earth! But not as a thoughtless wish or prayer but as a thoughtful achievement. – JZ, 24.12.92.
PEACE: Peace requires at least as much living apart as living together – as long as both relationships are voluntary. – JZ, 8.3.93. – VOLUNTARISM, SEPARATISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARY SEGREGATION & VOLUNTARY INTEGRATION ONLY, TERRITORIALISM VS. EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY
PEACE: Peace resting on the point of bayonets is always only an armistice.” - Proudhon, quoted in Lernziel Anarchie Nr.4.
PEACE: Peace rules the day, where reason rules the mind.” - William Collins, Hassan, I, 68. - Persian Eclogues (1742) 2. - Reason must rule the bodies, too, for peace to result. – JZ, 26.4.83. – REASON, MINDS, BODIES
PEACE: Peace should not be so much prayed for and fought for – but, rather, thought for. – JZ, 13.13.93.
PEACE: Peace talks between leaders are useless. Only peace talks between all the different kinds of peoples, who are involved, several in every territory, do have a chance. The latter talks would constitute the only rightful and necessary “summit” conferences. And such “talks” could even begin unilaterally, e.g. by offering the victims of any territorial regime nothing but quite rightful war and peace aims, all directed only against their present authoritarian to tyrannical regimes and offering all the diverse peoples on both sides all the rights and liberties they desire among themselves, to the extent that they desire them, for their own and quite voluntary communities, all without any territorial monopoly. – Obviously, not even territorial and representative or direct democracy should be offered as the only option and with the threat to militarily impose it. – That would only prolong unjustified and unnecessary bloodshed on all sides. Instances: Afghanistan and Iraq. - JZ, 9.5.86, 25.3.08, 14.4.08. – Appeals by a federation of governance systems and societies in exile, recognized as the best possible allies by all democratic governments and constituted only for their present and future volunteers, could become most effective, e.g. by leading to mass desertions, military insurrections and revolutions with a sound common program: Voluntary self-governance for all the diverse groups of volunteers. – JZ, 14.12.13. - LEADERSHIP, SUMMIT CONFERENCES, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY, APPEALS, UNILATERAL PEACE OFFERS, GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES IN EXILE AS ALLIES, LIBERATION, REVOLUTIONS, MILITARY INSURRECTIONS, DESERTIONS, MASS FRATERNIZATION, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, RIGHTFUL WAR- & PEACE AIMS, BELIEVABLY DECLARED IN TIME
PEACE: Peace through defensive war against the meddlers. – JZ, 15.6.66.
PEACE: Peace through individual and group secessionism and all kinds of voluntary associationism: panarchies or polyarchies for volunteers. In other words: “To each the government or non-governmental society of his or her choice.” – JZ, n.d., 14.1.93, 20.2.08.
PEACE: Peace through laissez faire. - JZ, 73.
PEACE: Peace was so far largely only the continuation of war and civil war by other means. – JZ, 12.8.91. – That was assured by territorial statism. – JZ, 16.12.13.
PEACE: Peace will come naturally and without further effort – once we no longer uphold the unnatural, coercive, monopolistic and collectivistic territorial model of the Warfare State. – JZ, 20.5.99, 14.2.08. - WARFARE STATES, TERRITORIALISM
PEACE: Peace will never be won if men reserve for war their greatest efforts. Peace, too, requires well-directed and sustained sacrificial endeavor. Given that, we can, I believe, achieve the great goal of our foreign policy, that of enabling our people to enjoy in peace the blessings of liberty.” - John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, news conference statement, December 31, 1954. — DEPARTMENT OF STATE BULLETIN, January 10, 1955, p.44. - Radical peace options do not require more in sacrifices than those of our errors, myths and prejudices. Otherwise they can be practical and profitable right away. - JZ, 14.10.02. - He was, I believe, one of the dullest of our great territorial misleaders. - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: Peace will remain far away as long as most peace lovers study peace options and possibilities much less than military officers study war options. – JZ, 11.2.86, 14.4.08. – All ideas on peace are still not collected in an ideas archive and properly evaluated. Ignorance, prejudices and myths still prevail all too much, as they do in religion and in the misnamed social sciences, which are still far from being genuine sciences, not to speak of “public opinion”. – JZ, 16.12.13. - PEACE RESEARCH, PEACE MOVEMENTS, SOCIAL SCIENCES, PUBLIC OPINION
PEACE: Peace with a cudgel in hand is war.” – Portuguese proverb. – The armed neutrality of Sweden and Switzerland has, so far, served them well enough. – But it will not help them to avoid the effects of an all-out nuclear war. - JZ, 21.4.08. – They were not spared the direct and indirect losses, which wars cause in peaceful production and exchange, even for those, who do not directly participate in them. – JZ, 16.12.13. - DETERRENCE HYPOTHESIS, ARMS RACE, MILITARY STRENGTH, WAR, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, NEUTRALITY
PEACE: Peace with the devil remains a one-sided arrangement.” - Dagobert D. Runes, A Book of Contemplation, p.100. - Peace with the devil remains always a one-sided arrangement. - Dagobert D. Runes: On the Nature of Man, p.103. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, APPEASEMENT, DICTATORSHIPS, TREATIES, NON-AGGRESSION PACTS
PEACE: Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.” – Thomas Jefferson – Probably the worst alliance of all the diverse peoples and governments is with their intolerant territorialist notions and institutions and the notions and practices of collective responsibility and of monetary and financial despotism. – JZ, 16.12.13. - & ALLIANCES, POWER POLITICS, GEOPOLITICS, REALPOLITIK
PEACE: Peace, in Soviet lips, is also a lie; for peace is only possible between nations at peace within themselves, … - Salvador de Madariaga, The Blowing up of the Parthenon, p. 82. – The same applies, naturally to any other dictatorship or totalitarian regime. – JZ - Even to every territorial regime, except perhaps only the mini-States and some that have been neutral for a long time. - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: Peace, in the last analysis, is a matter of human rights.” – President Kennedy. – Quoted in: Robert Conquest, We & They, Civil & Despotic Cultures, Temple-Smith, London, 1980, p.138. - Alas, there are many individual human rights and liberties that President JFK, too, remained unaware of. – Would he have striven to become President if he had known and appreciated all of them? – JZ, 10.10.08. - HUMAN RIGHTS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, GOING FAR BEYOND THOSE PROCLAIMED E.G. BY THE UN & NOT INCLUDING UNFOUNDED CLAIMS AGAINST OTHERS.
PEACE: Peace, order, harmony and freedom - through anarchy! – JZ, 20.11,78. – But in the long transition period rather through panarchies. – JZ, 19.4.08.
PEACE: Peace, Pot, Pussy.” - counterculture graffiti. - Red and Black, 4/73. – With only such slogans in mind a genuine and lasting peace cannot be established. – JZ, 15.3.09.
PEACE: Peace, prosperity and Freedom. - Heinrich Heine – A short wishing list is not yet an effective peace program. – JZ, 15.3.09.
PEACE: Peace, security, prosperity, cooperation and good will among men, all those things considered socially desirable, are possible only under a system of Individualism, where each man is safe in the exercise of his individual rights and in the knowledge that society is there to protect his rights, not to destroy them. Then each man knows what he may or may not do to his neighbors, and what his neighbors (one or a million of them) may or may not do to him. Then he is free to deal with them as a friend and an equal.” - Ayn Rand, Textbook of Americanism, in: “The Ayn Rand Column”, revised edition, 1998, p 89/90, Second Renaissance Books, New Milford, Connecticut, – She wrongly assumed that this could be achieved territorially. - JZ, 25.1.11. - SECURITY, PROSPERITY, COOPERATION & GOOD WILL AMONG MEN, INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, AMERICANISM – BUT NOT THAT OF NUCLEAR STRENGTH OR OF A POLICEMAN FOR THE WORLD OR THAT OF A “BALANCE” OF TERROR.
PEACE: Peace, the exterritorial, voluntary, individualist, decentralist way! All other attempts lead at best only to temporary armistices but do not cut the roots of international and civil wars. – JZ, 27.1.05. - PANARCHISM
PEACE: Peace, through the replacement of territorial domination by exterritorial autonomy for volunteers. - JZ, 73, 25.1.11. – PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM
PEACE: People talk peace but men give their life’s work to war. It won’t stop till there is as much brain and scientific study put to aid peace as there is to promote war.” – Will Rogers. – It would cost very little to put all peace writings and all criticism of it and all the best ideas that were so far advanced, in all peace writings, and all peace lectures, speeches and discussions, onto a single disk! Just another printed peace book, lecture, discussion, conference or periodical is not good enough. No more so than just another printed prayer book. How many or how few peace ideas are most people aware of so far? Some still merely pray for peace or hope for it! The topic should also lead to numerous well-developed digital “argument maps” as proposed by Paul Monk et al. – JZ, 25.3.08, 14.4.08.
PEACE: People want peace so much that governments had better get out of their way and let them have it.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower. – Well, did President Eisenhower let them have it? – JZ, 21.4.08. - He continued in power, with taxes, territorialism and nuclear "weapons" and did not abolish his decision-making monopoly on war and peace and his position as the top military leader of a huge standing army. Actions speak louder than words. - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: Perhaps nothing else gives less hope for peace than listening to the ignorant, inconsistent and prejudiced discussions between peace demonstrators, peace marchers, peace advocates and peace activists and peace movement members. – JZ, 23.4.89, while listening to Rev. Walker and some of his callers on two-way radio.
PEACE: Perhaps the removal of trade restrictions throughout the world would do more for the cause of universal peace than can any political union of peoples separated by trade barriers. – Frank Chodorov – Alas, he did not expressly include the trade restrictions resulting from monetary and financial despotism as well as from all the other wrongful impositions of territorialism and its statism. – JZ, 16.12.13. - Free Trade means much more than free international trade. It means free exchange and freedom of contract, association and disassociation in every sphere. Fractional Free Trade, the only one usually discussed and demanded, cannot assure peace sufficiently. - JZ, 22. 11. 06. – PEACE & FREE TRADE, IN EVERY SPHERE, ORDINARY FREE TRADE SUPPLEMENTED E.G. BY PANARCHISM, FINANCIAL & MONETARY FREEDOM, FREEDOM FOR INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS & TREATIES (NO LONGER MONOPOLIZED BY TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS), INDIVIDUAL & GROUP SECESSIONISM, IGNORING THE STATE, FREE CHOICE AMONG POLITICAL, ECONOMIC & SOCIAL SYSTEMS, STATISM, PROTECTIONISM, TERRITORIALISM
PEACE: Permanent peace between territorial governments is merely a pipe dream, not a real option. – JZ, 3.11.85,12.7.86.
PEACE: Perpetual peace, then, is the fundamental political duty. For all that is morally valuable rests on the freedom of the individual human being. His freedom can be secured only in a just civil society, and a civil society can be secured only in a world of peace under just law. The advice of this sane man, then, speaks to us today as much as it spoke to his contemporaries: “Now, moral-practical reason within us voices its irresistible veto: There shall be no war, either between them and me in a state of nature or among states, which are still in a lawless condition in their external relations with one another, even though internally they are not. … As a matter of fact, it can be said that the establishment of a universal and enduring peace is not just a part, but rather constitutes the whole of the ultimate purposes of Law within the bounds of pure reason. … This idea should be attempted and carried out through gradual reform according to fixed principles. Only in this way is it possible to approach continually closer to the highest political good – perpetual peace.” - IMMANUEL KANT, Justice, 344-5; Ladd, 128-9. – Jeffrie G. Murphy, Kant, The Philosophy of Right, 148/49, quoting Kant. – Wars may be compared to brawls between drunks, but in this case between territorial governments, all addicted to and drunk with territorial power. – JZ, 15.4.08. – They systematically and territorially suppress all the freedom-, justice and peace experiments of volunteers, which would a lasting peace possible. - JZ, 25.1.11. - WAR, TERRITORIALISM, WARFARE STATES, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY, POWER
PEACE: Planet-wide peace via planet-wide tolerance for diversity and plurality for all tolerant actions and community experiments among volunteers via personal law preferences! – JZ, in Pan AZ, rev. 16.12.13. – TOLERANCE, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM
PEACE: Plenty is the child of peace.” - William Rynne, Histrio-Mastix. Act 1, sc.1. - And peace is also the child of plenty. – JZ, 26.4.83.
PEACE: Positive peace: world harmony and cooperation. Negative peace: Absence of violence.” - J. Galtung.
PEACE: Pufendorf held that peace is what distinguishes man from the beasts.” - Sampson, R. V.: The Discovery of Peace. p.83. - Don't slander the beasts! At least most of the time most of the beasts do keep the peace among themselves. – JZ - 24.3.82 4 28.5.83. - Unless hunger drives them into aggression, they rather avoid or tolerate each other. - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: READINESS, n. Readiness for war, and not for peace.” – L.A. Rollins, Lucifer’s Lexicon. -
PEACE: Real and complete peace can prevent war. But under territorial politics “peace” is merely the continuation of war with other means than open warfare, for a while, and, in at least in some cases, the other means are as wrong, irrational, harmful and murderous as is open warfare, or even more so. Over 200 million victims of totalitarian politics, apart from war victims, during the last century! – JZ, 25.3.08. See the online statistics of Prof. R. Rummel on this. – JZ, 24.9.95, 25.3.08.
PEACE: Release all creative energies.” - Leonard E. Read.
PEACE: Respect for another's rights is the meaning of peace.” - Benito Juarez.
PEACE: Science has brought little peace on earth or to the soul of man, although it has brought many comforts to body and business.” – Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought. – Serious peace studies have not even begun until the exterritorialist alternatives are seriously considered as well, instead of remaining largely ignored. All those, are not really scientists and peace researchers who do ignore these alternative approaches to a lasting peace based upon freedom and justice for all (just as much of either as they want for themselves). – JZ, 26.7.92, 20.2.08. - SCIENCE, SCIENTISTS, PEACE RESEARCH, POLITICAL SCIENCE, PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM
PEACE: See especially my two peace books. Have any other books dealt with the panarchists, monetary freedom and human rights aspects as extensively? If that is the case then I would like to hear about them. – JZ, 8.4.08. & - & - PANARCHISM
PEACE: Seek peace [not alone] in your own dwelling place, but pursue it everywhere.” – Abot d’R. Nathan, 12:26a. - From a collection of Jewish proverbs etc: The Wisdom of Israel, ed. by Lewis Browne, Four Square Book, 1962.
PEACE: Senator Burton Wheeler, an isolationist, gave a speech on NBC Radio. “I firmly believe that the German people want peace just as any people prefer peace to war,” he said, “and the offer of a just, reasonable and generous peace will more quickly and effectively crumble Hitlerism and break the morale of the German people than all the bombers that could be dispatched over Berlin.” – It was December 30, 1940.” - Nicholson Baker, Human Smoke, the Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization, Simon & Schuster, 2008, p.273. - This alternative would have been even more effective if such peace had been offered on panarchistic terms by a variety of German governments in exile, recognized by the Western Allies and allied with them. – Alas, such alternatives are not even sufficiently discussed now! – JZ, 14.9.08. - PEACE AIMS, QUITE JUST ONES, AIR RAIDS, GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES IN EXILE AS THE BEST ALLIES AGAINST DESPOTIC REGIMES, COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY, TERRITORIRALISM
PEACE: show to the people, make it clear to their heart and understanding, that it is liberty alone that can lead us into this blessed path of peace and friendship, that it alone can still the strife and the hatreds; that it alone is the instrument of progress of every kind; that it alone in any true sense can make and hold together and preserve a nation- which, if it rejects liberty, must in the end tear itself to pieces in the great hopeless aimless strife - once show them this supreme truth, feeling it yourself in the very depth of your heart, und so speak to them - and then you will find, as you touch the nobler, more generous part of their nature, that gradually, under the influence of the truer teaching, they will learn to throw aside the false bribes and mischievous attractions to power, and to turn away in disgust from that mad destructive game in which they and we alike have allowed ourselves for a time to be entangled.” - Auberon HERBERT: Mr. Spencer & the Great Machine. – JUSTICE, INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, WAR- & PEACE AIMS, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS VS. TERRITORIAL DOMINATION OF PEACEFUL DISSENTERS
PEACE: Si vis bellum, para bellum.” - A. Huxley – An old Latin proverb. - Vegetius, ca. 400 BC, Epit. rei milit. 3. Prolog. – JZ. - Si vis pace, para pace. – JZ, n.d. – Si vis pace para secessio. – JZ, n.d. - At least the age of this doctrine - and the numerous experiences since it was coined - should rather induce us to doubt its validity. – There was no shortage of arms races. Most ended in wars. - Let him who desires peace prepare for peace - but also for war, if need be and if it is justified. – That means, among other things, quite rightful war and peace aims and so rightfully conducted that it is reduced to a mere police action against the real war criminals, instead of a war against their first victims, their own subjects. - JZ, 4/83, 19.4.08, 16.12.13. – Freedom for dissenting individuals and minorities, also for peace-loving majorities, to secede from any territorial Warfare State or its territorial government. – So far this is almost everywhere suppressed and insufficiently discussed as an alternative to following them into another external or internal policy disaster, like sheep to the slaughter. - JZ, 16.12.13. – INDIVIDUAL & GROUP SECESSIONISM VS. TERRITORIALISM & ITS DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES E.G. ON WAR, PEACE, ARMAMENT, DISARMAMENT & INTERNATIONAL TREATIES, SHEEPLE
PEACE: Since reason condemns war and makes peace an absolute duty; and since peace cannot be effected or guaranteed without a compact among nations, they must form an alliance of a peculiar kind, which may be called a pacific alliance (foedus pacificum), different from a treaty of peace (pactum pacis) inasmuch as it would for ever terminate all wars, whereas the latter ends only one.” – Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace, II, 1795. - It should only be a federation of exterritorially autonomous governance systems, societies and communities of volunteers. (*) Otherwise, this peace, too, would be built upon a foundation of sand. – A federation of local militias for the protection of individual rights and liberties would be even more important. - JZ, 25.3.08, 16.12.13. - (*) The territorialism of the USA led it to the Civil War, two World Wars and numerous other wars. - Territorial and world-wide, i.e. monopolistic federalism, is not good enough. - See League of Nations and UN. - JZ, 25.1.11. - FEDERALISM, TERRITORIALISM, COMPETING WORLD STATES & WORLD FEDERATIONS OF COMMUNITIES, SOCIETIES & GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS, AS WELL AS LOCAL MILITIAS, ALL ONLY WITH VOLUNTARY MEMBERS
PEACE: Since war is the consequence of the preceding peace, one should not speak of war criminals but of peace criminals.” – K. Peltzer, An den Rand geschrieben. („Ein Krieg ist meist die Folge eines vorangehenden Friedens gewesen; man sollte daher nicht von Kriegsverbrechern, sondern von Friedensverbrechern sprechen.“) – The greatest crime continued during the present peace periods, usually no more than temporary armistice agreements, is the continuance of territorial powers, monopolies and their enforcement. – JZ, 16.12.13.
PEACE: Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.” - Author unknown. Preamble to the constitution of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. - U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, UNESCO: Basic Documents, 7th ed., p.9 (1965). The UNESCO office in Washington, D.C., has identified the author of this sentence both as Clement Richard Attlee, Prime Minister of Great Britain, and more recently as Archibald MacLeish, chairman of the American delegation to the London conference to draw up the UNESCO constitution, which was adopted in London on November 16, 1945. - And the worst obstacles to this construction may be the minds of those who imagine that they already know the required blueprints while they really only know the plans for castles in the air. – JZ, 28.5.83. - I do not know of any worthwhile peace ideas that originated from the UN. Do you? – JZ, 25.3.08. – UN, ENLIGHTENMENT, NEW DRAFT, EDUCATION, REFUTATIONS ENCYCLOPEDIA, IDEAS ARCHIVE, LIBERTARIAN DIGITAL COMPREHENSIVE LIBRARY, ABSTRACTS, REVIEWS, BIBLIOGRAPHIES, ARCHIVE OF PEACE IDEAS, PROPOSALS, PLANS, BLUEPRINTS ETC.
PEACE: So long as people continue to regard the State as necessary to the possibility of attaining peace, i.e. to believe sane actions by the State are necessary to solving the problem of war, the attainment of peace is impossible; the problem of war cannot be solved.” - George A. Lear Jr., POLIS, Fall 66. – There are not territorial solutions to the problems caused by territorial governance of all the Warfare States. – JZ, 16.12.13.
PEACE: Society has arisen out of the works of peace; the essence of society is peacemaking. Peace and not war is the father of all things." - Ludwig von Mises quoted by LearnLiberty Nizam Ahmad shared LearnLiberty's status update. - Facebook, 9.11.13, - WAR, PROGRESS, SOCIETY
PEACE: Some points that are still insufficiently pondered and discussed among those loving peace, justice and freedom: 1.) An ideal declaration of individual rights and liberties, 2.) Unilateral free trade, 3.) Unilateral free migration, 4.) Unilateral nuclear disarmament, combined with tyrannicide, certain conditional amnesty offers to foreign despots, and sufficient preparation for military insurrections, popular revolutions and liberation wars against them, not their subjects, going so far that, relying on that knowledge one could even surrender to nuclear blackmail, only to liberate oneself later, together with a regime's armed occupation forces, 5.) Unilateral peace offers not to despotic regimes but to their captives peoples, our secret allies, 6.) Voluntary militias for the protection of all individual rights and liberties, locally organized and internationally federated., 7.) Use of non-violence – but only to the extent that it is practical and efficient, 8.) Full freedom for foreign investments, 9.) Full monetary and financial freedom. – 10) Full freedom for all groups of dissenters to secede and to reorganize themselves under the kind of personal law and personal institutions which they do prefer for themselves. - For some details on these and other related points see my two peace books: - - JZ, 25.3.08, 16.12.13..
PEACE: Territorial “peace” not only makes for war, it already is a kind of war, at least a kind of occupation and despotism with its inherent wrongfulness, coercion, monopolism and collectivism and the instability resulting from them. – JZ, 18.12.92, 19.2.08, 16.12.13. – PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLIS, COLLECTIVISM COERCION, DESPOTISM, CENTRALIZATION OR INSUFFICIENT, BECAUSE STILL MERELY TERRITORIAL DECENTRALIZATION, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAWS, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY
PEACE: Territorial governments prevent many peace, freedom and justice promoting actions by citizens. E.g.: free trade, free markets, individual secessionism, exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers, free migration, tyrannicide, voluntary taxation, separate peace treaties, mass fraternization of troops, military insurrections and revolutions against warlike governments, negotiations and treaties by the people, over the heads of their rulers, decision-making on war and peace, armament and disarmament by the people, quite rightful and self-managed militia forces for the protection of individual rights and liberties, full monetary and financial freedom, declaration of quite rightful war and peace aims by the peoples themselves, rather than their territorial power addicts. – JZ, 20.8.99, 14.2.08, 16.12.13. – TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENTS
PEACE: Territorialists are war mongers, whether they are aware of this or not, who are conducting, almost perpetually, either civil or external wars, at least to some extent, even when these are reduced to what is called „election campaigns“. They do this merely as a result of their territorial organization. Exterritorialists are automatically peace promoters, whether they are aware of this or not, as a result of their diverse forms of voluntaristic and competitive organizations, subject to individual choices. - Exterritorialism promotes peace, justice, freedom, progress, enlightenment and prosperity while territorialism has the opposite effects, sometimes to catastrophic degrees. – JZ, 27.1.05. - WAR, EXTERRITORIALISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, COMPETITION, CHOICE, SELF-OWNERSHIP, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, LAISSEZ FAIRE, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT, EXPERIMENTATION, ASSOCIATION, SECESSION & EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY OR PERSONAL LAW IN EVERY SPHERE
PEACE: The 19th century, relatively speaking, was a peaceful century; the 20th century, so far, has been a century of total war and cold war.” - William H. Peterson, "THE FREEMAN", Aug. 76. - Full laissez faire, not only in the economic but in the political sphere, too, i.e. for all who wanted it or would have come to appreciate it, would have made the 19th and the 20th century almost completely peaceful. No vast opportunities for political criminals would have been left. They would have been reduced to committing some more or less isolated private criminal acts and even these would have become greatly reduced. (See e.g. my article on this in PEACE PLANS 15.) - JZ 1.8.92, 9.1.93. – Future wars should become reduced to rightful policing actions against the main war criminals only, best conducted by ideal militia forces of volunteers for the protection of individual rights and liberties. – Some details on this option are indicated in my two libertarian peace books at - By all means, do point out better peace writings to me – for I have not yet found them, in decades of book hunting. – JZ, - 16.12.13. - LAISSEZ FAIRE
PEACE: The aggressor is always peace-loving; he would prefer to take over our country unopposed.” - Carl von Clausewitz. - PEACEFUL, PEACE-LOVING GOVERNMENTS? AGGRESSORS, TERRITORIALISM, WAR, COMMUNISM
PEACE: The aim of war is to be able to live unhurt in peace.” – Cicero, De officiis, I, 78 B. – This may be the aim but the means employed have usually ensured the opposite, namely the continuation of war. Since conventional and modern warfare has not achieved its objective, something different, something moral and effective ought to be tried. – JZ, 8.11.85, 5.7.86. We should ponder the fact that so far no one has declared only quite rightful war and peace aims and applied only quite rightful warfare, liberation, revolution and military insurrection methods. – JZ, 25.3.08.
PEACE: The Art of Peace” – might be a suitable title for a new peace book, as opposed to the ancient classic, The Art of War. At least to the extent that it has, in theory, already developed to a genuine art. As far as I could, I combined such knowledge in my first two peace books on and - I have started on another one, dealing, like the second one, especially with the nuclear war threat. – JZ, 23.4.09.
PEACE: The case for peace goes no farther than to ask for the abolition of fighting for unworthy ends.” – Ernest Benn, Modern Government, 1936, 233/34. To fight for no cause or to fight for the wrong causes or to be made to fight for them is worse even than the fighting itself. – JZ, 14.4.08.
PEACE: The choice is either a) permanent or all too frequent and temporary, more or less open and violent uncivil war or international war as a consequence of constitutionalizing, legalizing and juridically defending territorialism or b) exterritorial autonomy for all those who want it. - JZ 17.9.87, 1.4.89, 19.9.04. - CIVIL WAR, WAR & PANARCHISM
PEACE: The choice is yours: Perpetual war, finally leading to a general nuclear holocaust, through the perpetuation of territorial rule or perpetual peace through the establishment of exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers, in all the diversity which volunteers would wish for themselves. – If this is not your free choice as yet, make sure it will become your option, a.s.a.p. - JZ, 19.4.89, 25.3.08.
PEACE: The cruelty of war makes for peace.” – Statius, Thebaid, vii, c. 90. – If that were so, then we would have had peace long ago. For cruelty was almost never lacking in wars. – JZ, 5.7.86, 25.3.08. - CRUELTY
PEACE: The fateful error that frustrated all the endeavors to safeguard peace was precisely that people did not grasp the fact that only within a world of pure, perfect, and unhampered capitalism are there no incentives for aggression and conquest.” – Ludwig von Mises: Omnipotent Government, p.5. – It does not have to be an exclusive territorial capitalism under limited governments only. But capitalism for capitalists and socialism for socialists should certainly be among the options for individuals and minorities or even majorities. – There are many paths to peace that are not yet seriously and widely enough considered. - JZ, 21.4.08, 25.1.11. – PERSONAL LAW, CAPITALISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIALISM, SECESSIONISM
PEACE: The first and fundamental law of nature … is to seek peace and follow it.” – Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, I, ch. 14,1651. – It is not merely to be found but to be envisioned and then to be established. – JZ, 15.3.09. – The militarists and war-mongers and war criminals do not merely seek and make war but plan for it, in great detail. They have developed this into a military science and the political science of territorialism. Too many peace lover merely pray, hope, march or demonstrate for it or satisfy themselves with some slogans, popular errors, prejudices and myths. How many of them have so far recognized in territorial statism their main obstacle and in individual rights and liberties their main resources? – JZ, 16.12.13.
PEACE: The first condition for the establishment of perpetual peace is the general adoption of the principles of laissez-faire capitalism.” - Ludwig von Mises. - I would add: - in the sphere of political, economic and social organization, via full autonomy, voluntarism and tolerance on the basis of exterritoriality. - JZ, 14.5.01. - He was one of those great libertarians who opposed that kind of free market, in favor of a "limited" government, and he even opposed it in the monetary sphere, wanting to realize what he considered to be the only rightful, good and honest monetary system - an exclusive one, instead of full monetary freedom for all the diverse schools of thought among the money and currency reformers. - JZ, 11.2.02, 16.12.13. - PANARCHISM, CAPITALISM, LAISSEZ FAIRE, MONETARY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM OF ANY KIND
PEACE: The god of Victory is said to be one-handed, but Peace gives victory to both sides.” – Emerson, Journals, 1867. – To my knowledge no territorial government hs ever declared quite rightful war- and peace aims and as a territorial government it could hardly do so, for that would have meant also its own abolition and confinement to ruling only over its voluntary victims. – Have the war heroes, veterans, conscripts and voluntary soldiers ever demanded a declaration of rightful war and peace aims from their governments or tried to formulate it themselves, when led to the mutual slaughters by their territorial governments? – Do they and their surviving relatives ever remember, e.g. on Remembrance Day, that they failed to do this? – To that extent most of these human sacrifices, voluntary and involuntary ones, were in vain. - JZ, 16.12.13. – VICTORIES, RIGHTFUL WAR AIMS, TERRITORIALISM
PEACE: The government is the institution for making war. Despite all pious wishes it is thus the least suitable institution for making peace. Its very existence prevents peace - by establishing a territorial Warfare State, in permanent non-violent to violent conflicts on many level and subjects with other such States, all falsely pretending that they would really represent all the rights and liberties or the public or common interests of all the diverse peoples within their populations. Internally, their territorial system puts all their diverse groups into a continuous conflict with each other, perpetuated by their territorially imposed laws, jurisdiction, policing, supported by all too many popular errors, prejudices, myths, wrong assumptions and conclusions, e.g. those of collective responsibility. Under the peace-promoting alternative of voluntarism, secessionism, personal law and doing the own things under full exterritorial autonomy, the different groups would automatically and voluntarily sort themselves out and agree on all of them doing only the own things among their own members, which would make peaceful coexistence between them not only possible but likely. - JZ, 1976, 5.11.02, 16.12.13. - TERRITORIALISM, WARFARE STATES, STATISM, VS. VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM
PEACE: the great Libertarians ... have always stood for peace. Liberty leads to peace, while authority necessarily leads to war.” - Charles Sprading: Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.29. - If liberty is incomplete, because it is still largely unknown and undeclared, then we still get all too many wars, as history has proven again and again. The widest possible use of all genuine individual rights and liberties, at least within communities of volunteers, to the extent that they are enlightened about them, is the only relatively safe and sure road to a lasting and comprehensive peace. - JZ, 25.1.11. – TERRITORIALISM, CENTRALIZATION, COMPULSORY STATE MEMBERSHIP OR SUBJUGATION, AUTHORITARIANISM, WARFARE STATES, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES VS. VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, INDVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PEACE: The high contracting parties solemnly declare in the names of their respective peoples that they condemn recourse to war for the solution of international controversies, and renounce it as an instrument of national policy in their relations with one another. The high contracting parties agree that the settlement or solution of all disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may rise among them, shall never be sought except by pacific means.” - The Kellog-Briand Pact, 1928. - How many governments did dissolve their national “defence” forces as a result of this declaration? – JZ, 25.3.08. – Louis Filler’s A Dictionary of American Social Reform, Philosophical Library, N.Y., 1963, commented: - “No machinery implementing this pact outlawing war was sent up. The nations involved [ultimately 63 nations] maintained and developed their military establishments. The pact ignored social, economic, and other factors, which created war situations. Kellog was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1929.” - None of the Nobel Peace Prize winners has brought about peace. Many of their ideas and actions were still all too flawed, just like this one, the League of Nations and the UN & its “universal” declaration of human rights and those of all other territorial governmental “bills of rights”. - JZ, 25.1.11, 16.12.13. – Q,
PEACE: the individual way - is the quicker way to peace.” - Ernest J.P. Benn, Benn's Protest, p.49. – Alas, he did not clarify that this would involve e.g. individual secessionism, desertion from dictatorships, tyrannicide, voluntary membership in States and societies, full monetary freedom and a clear and complete declaration of individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 21.4.08.
PEACE: the just and the strong should unite, und there would be peace, which is the sovereign good. - Pascal
PEACE: the key to peace is the old-fashioned maxim, ‘Mind your own business’." – Sir Ernest Benn, Benn's Protest, p.49. - In every sphere, even in those with Benn did not yet consider! - JZ, 25.1.11. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAWPEACE: The key to peace lies in “as much intercourse as possible between the peoples of the world … as little as possible between the governments of the world.” – Richard Cobden. – The diverse peoples, all only organized as communities of volunteers, could, should and would conclude peace between themselves over the heads of their present territorial rulers. – JZ, 15.3.09. – PANARCHISM, SEPARATE PEACE TREATIES, QUITE RIGHTFUL PEACE AIMS, FREE TRADE & FREE ASSOCIATIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, COMPETITION, SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW OPTIONS IN EVERY SPHERE! NO MORE MONOPOLIES IN DECISION-MAKING ON WAR & PEACE, ARMAMENT & DISARMAMENT, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES & TREATIES
PEACE: The major causes of wars, civil wars, violent revolutions, terrorism and other mass murders, especially the existence of territorial States, with all their wrongful powers, monopolies, institutions and laws, is not even questioned by most members of most peace movements and “peace activists” or “peace lovers”. Thus they, too, are part of the problem rather than part of the solution. – JZ, 19.4.95, 25.3.08. - Compare: ”… the soil of peace is thickly sown with seeds of war and singularly suited to their germination and growth.” – Ambrose Bierce: The Devil’s Dictionary.
PEACE: The majority of the common people loathe war and pray for peace; only a handful of individuals, whose evil joys depend on general misery, desire war.” - Desiderius Erasmus – Quoted by Lew Rockwell - Don Jones shared Lew Rockwell's status update. - Facebook, 11.9.13. – COMMON PEOPLE, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY
PEACE: The members of an Open Society have and can have in common only opinions on values but not a will on concrete ends. In consequence, the possibility of an order of peace based on agreement, especially in a democracy, rests on coercion being confined to the enforcement of abstract rules of just conduct.” – F. A. Hayek: The Confusion of Language in Political Thought, p.27. – According to Kant (Eternal Peace, 1795), even a democracy, in which the government still decides on war and peace, is still only a dictatorship. – Furthermore, it embodies the despotism of majorities, monetary despotism, tax slavery, military slavery and “educational” slavery. - JZ, 19.4.08. - An open and voluntary society would also be open to individual and group secessionism and exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers. - Contrary to what Hayek states here, it would be open to freedom of action or freedom to experiment, as long as both are tolerantly and self-responsibly practised among volunteers only, i.e. under personal law. Alas, Hayek remained a territorialist to his end. - That was part of his remaining few errors, prejudices and confusions. - JZ, 25.1.11.
PEACE: The mere absence of war is not peace.” - John F. Kennedy, State of the Union Message, 14.1.1963. - So far we had only acute or potential or hot or cold wars, never a true and lasting peace. – JZ, 26.4.83. - Alas, under him, too, the nuclear mass murder arsenal of the USA was doubled! – At least to that extent he deserved to be executed – but not more so than e.g. his Soviet counterpart. – JZ, 25.3.08.
PEACE: The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war.” – Desiderius Erasmus, Adagia, 1508. – Since then we have experienced several totalitarian regimes and their “peace” conditions, which have cost even more innocent lives than their military aggressions did. – JZ, 25. 3. 08.
PEACE: The most ridiculous statement I have ever heard is one that was attached to a splinter political party: "Peace and Freedom". You can have peace, or you can have freedom, but you don't get both at once. (Applause. Booing.)” - Robert Heinlein, Requiem, p.278. - Over-simplified bi-polarity "thinking" is not very enlightening and often misleading. You can have as much peace as is possible between human beings - only through realizing or allowing all individual rights and liberties for all who want do want them, to the extent that they want them and that they do respect them in others, who do claim them for themselves! To each the government or non-governmental society of his or her choice! - JZ, 23.1.02, 7.3.09, 16.12.13. - PEACE & FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS DOING THEIR OWN THINGS FOR OR TO THEMSELVES
PEACE: The most significant European experience of “beating swords into plowshares” was the acceptance of religious tolerance. The most significant reversal of this tolerance was the rise of intolerant territorial nationalism. – JZ, 17.9.82. - And the most significant reversal of intolerant territorialism for political, economic and social system will be the introduction of full exterritorial autonomy for all kinds of communities, societies etc. of volunteers, who finally realized and made use of their individual right and liberty to secede. – JZ, 24.3.08, 16.12.13. – PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, PERSONAL LAW VS. LAW & ORDER MONOPOLISM & COERCION
PEACE: The only condition necessary for the growth of society into one worldism is the absence of force in the marketplace; which is another way of saying that politics is a hindrance, and not an aid, to peace. Any intervention in the sphere of voluntary exchanges stunts the growth of society and tends to its disorganization. It is significant that in war, which is the ultimate of politics, every strategic move is aimed at the enemy's means of production and exchange - the disruption of his marketplace.” - Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.123. – TERRITORIALISM, FREE TRADE VS. PROTECTIONISM & MONOPOLISM IN EVERY SPHERE, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY OR PERSONAL LAW FOR VOLUNTEERS
PEACE: The only road towards lasting peace goes through individual rights and liberties, all clearly declared and published together until they are finally sufficiently discussed, understood and applied. - JZ, 73, 16.12.13.
PEACE: The Pax Romana, … ceased to work some centuries ago. The Pax Britannica had an even shorter run, and the Pax Germanica never came off at all. I don’t think we shall see any further attempts in this direction, though I may be wrong. Empire building is now out of favor: it is strange to hear it advocated from the neighborhood of Chicago.” - Arthur C. Clarke, Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! Harper/Collins, 2000, p.27. – Exterritorial, voluntary and competitive world federalism, secessionism, competitive associationism and personal law societies and communities for all the various groups of volunteers have not yet been consistently applied and thus sufficiently tried! – JZ, 25.9.07, 16.12.13. - PAX ROMANA, PAX BRITANNICA, PAX GERMANICA, PAX AMERICANA, STATISM, IMPERIALISM, WORLD DOMINATION, WORLD STATES, WORLD FEDERATIONS – ALL ONLY FOR THEIR VOLUNTEERS, UNDER PERSONAL LAW
PEACE: The peace movements are able to get hundred of thousands of people “marching” or demonstrating for peace, but not to enlighten themselves, sufficiently, about the real causes of wars and the real preconditions for peace. – JZ, 20.10.84, 25.3.08. – PEACE MOVEMENTS, PEACENIKS, PEACE MARCHERS, PEACE DEMONSTRATORS, ENLIGHTENMENT
PEACE: the peace that passeth all understanding" - a Biblical phrase. - I would add: It will never be achieved. Only a peace whose scope and prerequisites are understood can be achieved. That biblical peace remark applies only to the peace inherent in all free market relationships and these relationships are presently understood by only all too few. – JZ, 26.4.83. – (The market as a whole and its free actions, cannot be understood by anyone. But the prerequisites of it, in every sphere, can be understood by normal people, presently still conditioned, to submit, mostly, to territorialism and to take that submission for granted. - JZ, 25.1.11, 16.12.13.) Once we let dissenting individuals and minorities become free to fully practise e.g. a genuine free market capitalism or laissez faire among volunteers – or any other system among their volunteers - then these relationships and their institutions will tend to spread fast and this without causing any economic crises but rather ending fast those, which exist and occur again and again under territorial governmental meddling. – Meddling is to be furthermore tolerated only among meddlers and at their expense and risk! – That kind of self-inflicted pain might teach them – after a while. – However, who knows and understands all individual rights and liberties so far or shows even sufficient interest for them? - JZ, 15.3.09, 16.12.13. – Unlimited free choice for individuals among communities, societies, political, economic and social systems, i.e., experimental freedom, freedom of contract and associations as well as disassociation in this sphere, will also lead to more and more and, finally, to a sufficient understanding of all genuine individual rights and liberties and, thereby, to a lasting peace, to freedom, security, justice, prosperity, progress, even life-extension and the stars. – This will happen even while our knowledge of the details of all such free and rightful actions will remain very small and incomplete, just like a free market achieves large degrees of harmony and satisfaction when fully realized for all. For then it mobilized the disperse knowledge and leads it to productive and creative actions and institutions spreading faster than their coercive and monopolistic territorial opposite statist systems, methods, plans, policies and institutions. Under the rule of all genuine individual rights and liberties they will be sufficiently and automatically coordinated to lead to natural harmonies and peaceful and tolerant coexistence, regardless of the remaining diverse choices and often flowed choices and actions of individuals and minorities, operating freely under full self-responsibility, including personal law choice, jurisdictions and protective agencies. In religions, technology, science and many private life choices we do take this kind of voluntarism, choice and experimentation already for granted. Now it has to become realized in the last three spheres in which it is still monopolized by territorial governments, that of political, economic and social systems. - JZ, 25.1.11, 16.12.13. - UNDERSTANDING, VOLUNTARISM, CHOICE, EXTERRITORIALISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM
PEACE: The peaceful exchange of goods throughout the world paves the way for exchange of ideas and encourages personal travel. These are of the essence of business activity, and they comprise the things which make for peace. So, on the whole, business tends to reduce coercion in human affairs.” - Admiral Ben Moreel, The Admiral’s Log I, p.125. – It is also reduced to free choice, or voluntarism, free competition, freedom of association, freedom of contract and experimentation in every sphere. – JZ, 16.12.13.
PEACE: The people today are as peaceful as they ever will be, but still there are hangmen at the helm of the state. The warmongers of our time do not thunder from shaggy horses – they are doctors of philosophy, like Mao, theologians like Stalin, schoolteachers like Mussolini, painters like Hitler, or jolly organizers like Khrushchev. But they have bled to death more men and women than the malefactors of all the past generations put together.” - Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought. – Most of the people are peaceful enough or they satisfy their violent urges in engaging in or watching contact sports. But most of their territorial, coercive, uniform, centralized and collectivistic political institutions and systems are not inherently peaceful and tolerant. They are also open to takeovers by the worst kinds of people and almost constitute standing invitations to them to do their worst with them. – JZ, 26.7.92, 20.2.08. Just like the Internet today is all too open to the worst kinds of abusers, giving them an opening into almost every home, business and enterprise. Perhaps hundred-thousands of openings by now and not all of them could so far be closed in time. – JZ, 20.2.08. – PANARCHISM, PEOPLE, TERRITORIALISM, DECISION-MAKING ON WAR & PEACE, INTERNET, TOTALITARIANISM
PEACE: The price we pay for modern (*) nation states is PEACE.” – Marc Eric Ely Chaitlin, THE CONNECTION 140, p.74. – (*) territorial! – JZ - NATIONALISM, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, WARFARE STATES
PEACE: The production and exchange of goods and services is a wholly peaceful procedure. A business society tends to be a peaceful society if only because peace maximizes the conditions under which the production and exchange of goods is facilitated. And peace is essential for social progress and individual advancement.” - Admiral Ben Moreel: The Admiral’s Log I, p.125.
PEACE: The purpose of all war is peace.” – St. Augustine, The City of God, xv, 427. – Even if this were the intention of all war makers, it is certainly, peace was and is certainly not the lasting achievement of any and all wars of the past or those of our times. – JZ, 8.11.85, 15.3.09, 25.1.11, 16.12.13. – Always the wrongful territorial and statist warfare aims and methods were used, which are, by their very nature, more or less totalitarian rather than liberating ones. – JZ, 5.7.86, 25.3.08, 16.12.13.
PEACE: The question of war and peace should not be considered as if it were separate of the question of the State and the question of the State should not be considered as if it were separate of the question of territorialism vs. exterritorialism. Neither should exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers or personal law societies be considered as if they were separable from the questions of individual rights and liberties, their realization and protection. – JZ, 6.12.92, 9.12.03, 19.2.08, 16.12.13. - PANARCHISM, STATE, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, HUMAN RIGHTS, FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES & MILITIAS FOR THEIR REALIZATION & PROTECTION, AT LEAST AMONG ALL THOSE, WHO APPRECIATE THEM & WISH TO REALIZE & MAINTAIN THEM, & THIS TO THE EXTENT THAT THEY DO.
PEACE: The reconnaissance satellites (both those of the United States and the late Soviet Union) may well have averted World War III. Together with such ubiquitous communications devices as fax machines and portable satellite telephones, they are the best guarantee of “peace through truths: As President Reagan put it with the hard-won cynicism of the practical politicians: ‘Trust, but verify’.” - Arthur C. Clarke, Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! Harper/Collins, 2000, p.425/26 – As if the problem had only a technological solution. Against territorial States even the highest technology cannot provide a sufficient and lasting security, because it leaves their war-like nature and capacities untouched. – JZ, 25.9.07. – Moreover, at least the risk of accidental nuclear war is not prevented thereby. – JZ, 16.12.13. - & TRUST, BUT VERIFY, HIGH TECHNOLOGY & NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM, SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, ASSOCIATIONISM, CONTRACTARIANISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, SECESSIONISM
PEACE: The right is more precious than peace.” - Woodrow Wilson, War Message to Congress, 2.4.1917. – Unless war causes still more wrong and there are, after all, at least some other methods of struggle for justice than international war. – JZ, 5.6.82, 28.5.83. - How rightful was WW I? – Could not even most of the bloodshed of WW II and of the Nazi regime have been prevented? - I firmly believe that the “right” way and institutions, realizing and embodying all individual rights and liberties in a common or universal declaration, could have prevented WW II. They are precondition for any genuine and lasting peace. – And yet even now there is not sufficient interest in such a declaration of individual rights and liberties! - JZ, 26.4.83, 18.4.08, 16.12.13.
PEACE: The road to peace travels over the burial mound of dictatorship, and as long as we have dictatorship, talk of peace will be no more than that. History has taught us that the more a dictator talks of peace, the closer he is to war.” – Dagobert D. Runes, Treasury of Thought, p.148.
PEACE: the road to war is not the path to peace.” - Eric Frank Russell, Dreadful Sanctuary, p.229, Four Square book, UK, 1967.
PEACE: The second lesson of peace, … is learning not just to disobey orders, but neither to give them nor give a damn about them.” - L. Neil Smith, A Matter of Certainty, Brad Linaweaver & Edward E. Kramer, eds., Tom Doherty Associates Book, New York,, 1998, Free Space, p.272. – Those giving wrongful orders, which might be obeyed by others, should not be left in a position of power, but deprived of it, as fast as possible, even if it means their instant execution – in extreme cases. - JZ, 26.9.07. – For instance, when someone gives the order to destroy a whole city and there is still the risk that some will obey that order. Naturally, if possible, their order should just be generally disobeyed and they should be instantly replaced. No one has a right to give orders for mass murders. – JZ, 11.3.09. – WRONGFUL ORDERS, COMMANDS, GIVING & TAKING THEM, DISOBEDIENCE, RESISTANCE, REPLACEMENT OF WRONGFUL OFFICERS, MILITIA TRAINING
PEACE: the so-called Peace that frittered away the nerves and robbed the taxpayers' pockets for armament that ever more terrified (*) in their complexity and inhumanity of destruction.” - Kenneth Bulmer, The Doomsday Men, IF SF, Nov. 65, p.136. – (*) terrifying? – JZ. – NWT, DETERRENCE HYPOTHESIS, ACCIDENTAL NUCLEAR WAR, ARMISTICES, ARMS RACES, DEFENCE, SUPER-WEAPONS, ABC MASS MURDER DEVICES, NUCLEAR STRENGTH, TOTAL WAR, TOTAL TERROR - BY GOVERNMENTS
PEACE: the soil of peace is thickly sown with seeds of war and singularly suited to their germination and growth.” – Ambrose Bierce: The Devil’s Dictionary.
PEACE: The true peace is not a peace between States. Between States there can be no peace. Not to have recognized this was the mistake of the late Bertha von Suttner and is the mistake of all peace movements that do not, with Tolstoi, conduct the fight against war as a fight against the State. Whosoever gets involved with State policy, be it only in the very least and be it even for revolutionary purposes, must stand with one or the other war party.” - Gustav Landauer, quoted in Lernziel Anarchie. – That is true for territorial and large States but not so true for modern mini-States and some neutral States like Sweden and Switzerland. – Or for those communities of voluntary statists that would be organized only under personal laws and exterritorial autonomy. - JZ, 19.4.08, 25.1.11. – STATE, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, LIMITED GOVERNMENTS, NEUTRALITY
PEACE: The United States can declare peace upon the world, and win it.” - Ely Gulbertson, 1891-1955. – Alas, he did not state the preconditions for this and thus the USA is still only fighting for territorial democracies – and thereby causing or prolonging wars, revolutions and terrorism. – JZ, 21.4.08. – DEMOCRACY, RIGHTFUL WAR- & PEACE AIMS REMAIN UNDECLARED, TERRITORIALISM, WARS, REVOLUTIONS, CIVIL WARS, TERRORISM
PEACE: The various genuine peace plans are mankind's most important and precious possession and also the one it cares least about. - JZ, 1965, 15.3.09. – Even the individual peace lovers and their organizations have so far failed to publish and discuss all of them sufficiently. Or do you know of a comprehensive archive of all peace proposals and their discussions? – JZ, 16.12.13.
PEACE: The welfare state makes people irresponsible even regarding their own affairs and thus still more irresponsible regarding international affairs. - JZ, 1965. – WELFARE STATE
PEACE: The world has finally succeeded in putting peace on a wartime basis.” – Smiles, READERS DIGEST, 6/64. - JOKES
PEACE: there can be no peace, where there is no justice; nor any justice, if the government instituted for the good of a nation be turned to its ruin.” - Algernon Sidney, Discourses concerning Government, 1680. And this is always the case! – JZ
PEACE: There is a peace on. Doesn't anybody care to preserve it? - JZ, 24.12.78. – Only a kind of peace, an all too limited one. That is one of the reasons why so few care about preserving and expanding it into a genuine peace. If enough people really knew all their individual rights and liberties and how peace-, progress- and prosperity-promoting they are, they would tend to be not only interested but enthusiastic about them. But so far no serious and wide-spread attempt is made to provide such a declaration. Why not? Why aren’t you interested to provide e.g. a better declaration than any of the over 130 private human rights declarations that I offer in a digitized anthology to anyone interested. in PEACE PLANS 589/590, revised and enlarged digitized edition. Alas, not yet with an entry option for comments and better drafts. – Is ignorance really bliss? - JZ, 21.4.08.
PEACE: There is also a duty to resist aggression in certain circumstances, rather than to submit to obtain the peace of oppression. – JZ, 26.4.83 & 28.5.83. – Surrender e.g. to a nuclear threat would be advisable, especially if one is well prepared to engage in a liberating military insurrection or revolution, together with the armed forces of the occupying regime – against that regime. So far, to my knowledge, no democratic or republican country is so prepared or even tries to become so prepared. – JZ. 17.12.13. - TYRANNY, TOTALITARIANISM, SURRENDER, LIBERATION, REVOLUTION, MILITARY INSURRECTION AGAINST DESPOTIC & IMPERIALISTIC TERRITORIAL REGIMES, NWT
PEACE: There is even a superficial resemblance between peace and repression – both tend to be quiet – which should put us on our guard.” - Jonathan Schell, The Fate of the Earth, p.135/36. - REPRESSION
PEACE: There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.” – A. J. Muste, quoted in an editorial in THE NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 16, 1967. - Muste certainly did not know the true way to peace and thus was a bad guide to it. – JZ, 25.3.08. I doubt that he could even have properly and comprehensively defined it. He might as well have merely prayed or wished for peace, a peace still left all too undefined, apart from the absence of war. –– A genuine peace condition, realized anywhere on Earth, would, indeed, tend to be peace-promoting, world-wide, rather soon. However, where is it to be found as yet? Certainly not under territorial States, not even in those very small ones, which do not longer plan for aggression and not even the few ones which have kept themselves neutral for over 100 years. – Most States are still organized as territorial warfare States and prepared for war upon command, at any time, by their rulers. – At best there are temporary armistices between them. – JZ, 14.4.08, 15.3.09.
PEACE: There is nothing incompatible between prosperity and justice, between peace and freedom.” - F. Bastiat, Economic Sophisms, p.124.
PEACE: There is only one way to peace and that is through the full realization of all genuine individual human rights. The record shows that territorial governments are unwilling and unable to do this job. On the contrary, they are the greatest single threat to human rights and thereby to peace. – JZ, n.d. & 15.3.09, 25.1.11. – TERRITORIALISM VS. INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PEACE: There is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight.” - Thomas Woodrow WILSON, speech 10.5.1915. – Two years later he had, obviously, discarded his pride. – JZ, 21.4.08.
PEACE: There never was a good war or a bad peace.” - Benjamin Franklin, Letter to Josiah Quincy, 11.9.1783. - Was the Nazi-peace with France a tolerable although bad peace and the defence against the Nazis basically unjustified: not a good war, in any way? Should none of the extermination camp inmates have resisted at all? – JZ, 26.5.83. – At least in Sobibor, Treblinka and Bialystok they rebelled and some got away. – JZ, 21.4.08. -
PEACE: There will be no peace on earth as long as the Communist regime survives in Moscow.” – Max Eastman, Reflections on the Failure of Socialism, p.126. – Correct for territorial communist regimes. (*) Communist regimes that would rule only exterritorially and over volunteers would be relatively harmless to non-members. (Most family lives and those of nuns, monks and communist communes do prove that. - JZ, 25.1.11, 17.12.13. (**) ) - The world was not conquered by monks and nuns living under communism. – JZ, 26.4.83, 19.4.08. – (*) We did not experience world peace since its fall! – JZ, 15.3.09. – (**) But much of the world was conquered by family communism and this in it monogamic form, mostly legally imposed. As far as I know, there is no clear stand for monogamy only in the supposedly holy Christian Bible. Religions acquire and try to practise all kinds of dogmas not contained in their holy books. – JZ, 17.12.13.
PEACE: They cry peace but they prefer the sword.” - Taylor Caldwell: A Pillar of Iron, p.599.
PEACE: They make a desert and call it peace.” (Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appelant.) - Tacitus, Agricola, p.30. – WARFARE, TOTAL WAR, SCORCHED EARTH POLICY, ABC, MASS MURDER DEVICES, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT
PEACE: They want to stop wars – but do not want the decision-making power on war and peace etc. returned to them. Nor do they want arms and suitable armed organizations against war-mongers, or institutions of volunteers, exterritorially autonomous, which are inherently peaceful and just, compared with territorial Warfare States. Some would preach even against the execution of tyrants in tyrannicides. – JZ, 30.1.91, 25.3.08. – As if the death of millions of victims of tyrants would be more acceptable to them than the execution of their murderers! – JZ, 15.3.09. – TYRANNICIDE, MILITIA, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES
PEACE: Those who beat their swords into plough shares shall plough for those who don't.” – Anonymous – Mentioned also on the SPIRITUAL ANARCHY website. - How does one disarm those, who do not love peace? – And this without using weapons against them? – Giving no one a rightful and rational cause for war would be one approach. But then there are people without rightful and rational aims and, nevertheless, prepared to commit intolerant and aggressive actions. Some plan and commit murders even for mere kicks. Some religious sectarians still practise murder of members of other sects, children included, or the stoning of “adulterors”. – I favor a quite rightful militia of volunteers, well trained and armed and motivated to fight only for genuine individual rights and liberties and this with rightful weapons, that can distinguish between combatants and non-combatants, i.e. rather than destroy the populations of whole towns or cities or districts. The WMD’s, the “weapons of mass destruction”, were never genuine weapons. They were not designed to strike only justified targets but, rather, whole population centers, occupied mainly by innocents or non-combatants, also victims of a despotic or authoritarian territorial regime. Still calling them weapons does not turn them into weapons. - JZ, 7.3.09, 17.12.13. - PEACE THROUGH COMPLETE DISARMAMENT OF ALL PEACE-LOVING PEOPLE? NONVIOLENCE? NWT, SECTARIAN INTOLERANCE & MURDERS
PEACE: Those who desire to be defenders of peace and liberty must renounce any initiation of force and uphold man's rights. They must respect EVERY person's right to deal or abstain from dealing with whomever he chooses. In a word, they must advocate individual freedom.” - Duncan Yuille in pamphlet: Freedom versus Socialism. – ZAP, NON-INITIATION OF VIOLENCE
PEACE: Those who Love Peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who Love War. Martin Luther King #Lovelution Viva La Lovelution – Quoted by Scott Molon Labe Twist shared LOVELutionaries's photo. – It is even more important to first THINK about how peace can be established, what its essential pre-conditions and establishment steps are. Otherwise we get more under-informed, even stupid and useless “actions” and organizations, of which there are already an abundance. If you find or develop a better peace program than the one I described in my two peace books at - PLEASE, point it out to me. – - Is there already a handbook on all approaches to a peace based upon freedom and justice?
PEACE: Those who make peaceful change impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” – John F. Kennedy. - Territorialism assures more violence and persistent deception and frauds than does panarchism. It largely prevents sufficient and rapid enlightenment. - JZ, 23. 11. 06. – Actually I cannot imagine how panarchism or any genuine panarchy could cause an aggressive war. It would tend to deprive the temporarily remaining territorial and aggressive governments relatively soon of their wrongful powers, revenues and dissenting subjects, also of most of their soldiers and officers, who would come to accept attractive and unilaterally offered separate peace conditions, assuring them of all the genuine rights and liberties they want for themselves and to the extent that they do want them. – They would not longer be mere puppets and expendable pawns in the hands of their territorial mis-rulers, despots and tyrants. - JZ, n.d. & 25.1.11. - PEACEFUL CHANGES & REFORMS VS. VIOLENT REVOLUTIONS, DESERTION, MILITARY INSURRECTIONS, SEPARATE PEACE TREATIES, FRATERNIZATION, RIGHTFUL WAR & PEACE AIMS
PEACE: Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace. – Dwight D. Eisenhower. – Here he managed to overlook, e.g. voluntarism, exterritorial autonomy, tolerance for the tolerant and that one can cooperate only with cooperative people. Fairness can also be a cover-phrase for egalitarianism, coercive communism and the suppression of individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 7.6.13. - FORCE, JUSTICE, FAIRNESS, CONSIDERATION, COOPERATION, RIGHTFUL WAR & PEACE AIMS, SUFFICIENTLY DECLARED IN TIME
PEACE: Through Exterritorial Institutions and Voluntary Associations, plan 201, pages 23-24, in ON PANARCHY III, in PEACE PLANS 507. - COF or SOF - A kind of early biarchy, not yet a multi-archy, polyarchy or panarchy. – JZ, 15.3.09. - PEACE PROMOTION AMONG THE BERBERS. PANARCHISM, COF OR SOF
PEACE: Through panarchism finally an end to all bloody wars, civil wars, revolutions and terrorism, despotism, tyrannies and totalitarian regimes. It means a new and radically reformed political science and practice. A tolerant framework for all tolerant people that fundamentally promotes peace, justice, prosperity, progress and enlightenment, while strengthening and combining them against the remaining private and official criminals. – JZ, n.d. - PANARCHISM
PEACE: Through Panarchism to Peace and Freedom - JZ, from 1986 draft. - FREEDOM & PEACE THROUGH PANARCHISM
PEACE: to argue that the free market is the only road to peace, prosperity and freedom ought to be a recognized truism. What could be a more obvious statement? It's like saying peace is peaceful or free people are free. That this is not grasped by most people illustrates how far our culture has departed from the liberal thought that characterized the late 18th and 19th centuries.” - Sheldon Richman in THE FREEMAN, 9/78, p.543. - A fully free market would also embrace all the panarchist, monetary and financial freedom as well as the free migration options and also non-territorial and voluntary statism for the great variety of statists, at their own expense and risk. - JZ, 25.1.11. – VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE SYSTEMSPEACE: To combine disarmament with peace is a serious mistake.” – Churchill, retranslated by me from: “Abruestung mit Frieden zu vermengen ist ein schwerer Fehler.” – Nuclear disarmament, even if undertaken unilaterally, would be a peace-promoting step – but it certainly should not be the only one. – JZ, 5.7.92. – Disarmament would not be a mistake once panarchism is realized. However, I hold that an ideal militia force for the protection of individual rights and liberties should remain, after it is finally established, as the one military force that would also be trained in a complete libertarian defence, revolution and liberation program against any old or newly arising totalitarian or dictatorial regime. – JZ, 23.2.08. - Churchill’s Total War through indiscriminate bombing of cities was a serious war crime and also a serious military mistake. Was even one of these bombs aimed at Hitler? Or against his all too obedient generals? I know only of one such attempt against Rommel. – JZ, 21.4.08, 25.1.11. - DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, ARMAMENT, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, EVEN UNILATERALLY
PEACE: To establish peace is not impossible - but merely illegal for most genuine approaches by volunteers towards peace, freedom and justice. Territorial governments still preserve their many wrongful powers that lead to war and prevent peace. - JZ, 75, 25.1.11. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM
PEACE: To establish peace it suffices when the citizens cease to be followers or opponents of this or that government.” - A. Bellegarrigue, Manifesto. – As if it were easy to organize a rightful revolution or military insurrection against any territorial government. – JZ, 21.4.08.
PEACE: To merely want peace is not enough. You must also know and want the things that make for peace. – JZ, 29.10.76. – WISHFUL THINKING, PRAYERS, MARCHES, DEMONSTRATIONS, PROTESTS, LACK OF GOOD ENOUGH IDEAS & PROGRAMS
PEACE: To the extent that peace lovers are still territorialists they do remain war mongers, however unintentionally. – JZ, 29.9.93. - TERRITORIALISM
PEACE: Under exterritorial autonomy for all systems, ideologies, utopias, societies, communities and governance systems, even statism could then be freely practiced by its remaining voluntary victims and no libertarians and anarchists would have any right to complain about this, because then they could then freely enjoy their own choices. Everything could then be freely practiced but always only at the expense and risk of their volunteers. – JZ, 22.2.13, 1.3.13, 17.12.13. - THROUGH THE ENDING OF ALL TERRITORIAL MONOPOLIES & POWERS, LAWS , INSTITUTIONS & REGULATIONS
PEACE: Under the rule of free competition, war between the producers of security entirely loses its justification. - Why would they make war? To conquer consumers? But the consumers would not allow themselves to be conquered. They would be careful not to allow themselves to be protected by men who would unscrupulously attack the persons and property of their rivals. If some audacious conqueror tried to become dictator, they would immediately call to their aid all the free consumers menaced by this aggression, and they would treat him as he deserved. - Just as war is the natural consequence of monopoly, peace is the natural consequence of liberty.” - G. de Molinari: The Production of Security, p.14. – SECURITY, DEFENCE, WAR, MOTIVES FOR WAR, VOLUNTARISM, ALLIANCE & MILITIA AGAINST THE REMAINING OR NEW TOTALITARIANS & AGGRESSORS, LIBERTY, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, SOCIETIES & COMMUNITIES
PEACE: War against the dictators and peace for their subjects. – JZ, n.d.
PEACE: War hawks simply know better how to make war than peace lovers know how to make peace. – JZ, 22.9.93. – The former are willing to learn all about their “art” while the latter largely refuse to do so and mostly satisfy themselves with some ineffective protests, marches, demonstrations, wishful thinking or even mere prayers. – JZ, 17.12.13.
PEACE: War is an invention of the human mind. The human mind can invent peace with justice.” - Norman Cousins, Who Speaks for Man? p.318 (1953). - While democracies are much more peaceful and less murderous towards the own subjects than are dictatorships etc. (See Rudolf Rummel’s numerous web pages), they are still not just and free enough to prevent all wars, civil wars, riots and terrorist acts - until they, too, are reduced to communities of volunteers only, all of them only exterritorially autonomous. These peaceful options have been discovered long ago – partly practised in history - but the main schools of "political science" have still to discover them. - JZ, 27.11.02, 17.12.13. – WAR, POLITICAL SCIENCE, EXTERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PERSONAL LAW
PEACE: War is costly. Peace is priceless.” – Inscription on a button that I have seen offered. – JZ - The price for peace is sufficient interest in it and knowledge of it to seriously try to realized the individual human rights and liberties that are necessary to establish and maintain it. Territorial governments as well as anarchists and libertarians have so far mostly carefully avoided declaring them. I can understand why territorial governments omitted to do this but see no excuse of anarchists and libertarians to follow the example territorial governments have set in this respect. - JZ, 25.1.11. – WAR, DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, KNOWLEDGE OF & INTEREST IN THE OWN MAJOR AFFAIRS, INSTEAD OF LEAVING THEM TO TERRITORIAL WARFARE STATES
PEACE: War makes thieves and peace hangs them.” - George Herbert, Jacula Prudentum. - The "peace" of today also produces some thieves, murderers and terrorists but only in wars are they mass-produced and often even promoted and decorated for their actions. – JZ, 26.4.83, 15.3.09. – TERRITORIALISM, WARFARE STATES, WAR AIMIS
PEACE: War to the castle, peace to the cabin!”- (Guerre aux chateaux, paix aux chaumieres!) - Sebastian Chamfort, mot d'ordre during the French Revolution, promulgated by Cambon. - But even castles are too good to be destroyed. Even if the main occupant would deserve to die - an assassination attempt is preferable to a frontal assault against a palace and its voluntary or involuntary defenders. – The demolition of palaces would treat these inanimate objects as if they were war criminals. – It only made sense to destroy the fortresses of robber barons. – That was finally achieved, largely by the invention of cannons. - JZ, 26.4.83, 28.5.83. – Only the defences, like wall and towers of robber barons and oppressive feudalists, should have be destroyed, not the rest of the buildings. – JZ, 17.12.13.
PEACE: WAR, n. A by-product of the arts of peace.” - Ambrose Bierce, - The Lybertarian Lympoon, p.26. - Indeed, "peaceniks", with their "arts" of peace, do still defend all too many things that make for war, like, e.g., territorialism, government decision on war and peace, monetary despotism, taxation, protectionism, immigration barriers. - Even most libertarians and anarchists have not yet developed a moral, rational and comprehensive peace program but often fell for slogans like "isolationism" or "non-interventionism", or "non-violence", which are not sound enough libertarian responses to totalitarianism and dictators armed or arming themselves with ABC mass murder devices. - JZ, 16.11.02, 25.1.11. – Does “The Lybertarian Lympoon” have to remain the only libertarian joke book – forever? – JZ, 7.3.09. – Any “peace” between territorial governments is often no more than a temporary armistice. – JZ, 13.6.13. - PEACE & WAR, JOKES
PEACE: Wars are justified only if they are reduced to rightful policing actions against the real culprits. – JZ, n.d. – The war mongers among the politicians, still with a territorial monopoly to make such decisions, a monopoly with is largely taken for granted i.e. rarely questioned and criticized. Far less do most people demand its total abolition. It too, would fall with free secessionism and free competition for personal law societies and communities, panarchies, polyarchies etc. – JZ. 17.12.13. – DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, RIGHTFUL POLICING ACTIONS, MILITIA, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, DEFENCE
PEACE: We all agreed that there should be peace on earth, but we all disagree when it comes to evolving the means.” - M. N. Tholat, THE INDIAN LIBERTARIAN, July 15th., 1967. - Thus let everyone go his own way towards peace - as long as he remains tolerant. – JZ – At least the evaluation of all peace ideas, plans and proposals should be systematically and scientifically tackled and recorded. At present there rule as much confusion, prejudices and errors in this sphere as e.g. in religion, philosophy, psychology and economics. – JZ, 15.3.09.
PEACE: we are not prepared to pay the price for peace: to renounce empires, to cease policies of economic nationalism, to order the world anew on the basis of racial equality, freedom and the dedication to a world community. - Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, vice pres. of India, FREISOZIALE PRESSE, x-mas 1957. – Racial inequalities among volunteers only should also be an option. Why only a single world community, instead of as many diverse ones as volunteers want for themselves? Freedom of association, contract, experimentation, laissez faire and competition in every sphere, always only for volunteers. – JZ, 17.12.13.
PEACE: We can have a people’s peace.” – David Lawrence, quoted in Eugene Lyons, Our Secret Allies, p. 364. – There is no other. A peace between territorial governments is merely a temporary armistice. But “the people” must be properly defined and organized, too, as communities of volunteers, under their own personal law systems i.e. with full exterritorial autonomy, not merely as the all too diverse population of whole territories, which are always in party- faction-struggles with each other, if not in civil wars or engaged in revolutions or mutual terrorism. – JZ, 25.3.08, 17.12.13. – PEOPLE, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM
PEACE: We can no longer separate the traditional issue of war and peace from the new global questions of justice, equity and human rights.” - President Carter, THE AUSTRALIAN, 24.5.77. – He raised the question – but did he provide any rightful and useful answers? – JZ, 21.4.08.
PEACE: we cannot make peace with Russia because Russia is at war with the Communist Party that holds her in sway; if we make peace with the Communist government we declare war on the Russian people, and vice versa. The dilemma is inescapable.” - Salvador de Madariaga, The Blowing up of the Parthenon, p.83. -Rather, the Communist Party and its Communist government made war on the Russian people and over 120 other ethnic groups, not to speak of all the other ideological, religious and racial groups. But we could have, in alliance with corresponding governments- and societies-in-exile, offered a diversity of separate peace treaties to every one of the suppressed groups in the Soviet Union, an alliance even with those communists and State Socialists, who were prepared to confine their ideology, their laws and institutions to their own volunteers, conceding to all of them full exterritorial autonomy. Thus all the victims of totalitarian communism could have become effectively combined, allied, by a common platform, against the minority of remaining totalitarian and territorialist communists. The majority of the communist regime’s soldiers and officers could also have been won over in this way - but not while they and all other peoples in Russia were threatened by our governments' nuclear mass murder devices. – The same policies apply to all other dictatorial, tyrannical and totalitarian regimes, which should always be clearly distinguished from their involuntary subjects. - JZ, 1.2.92, 24.2.08, 27.1.11, 17.12.13.
PEACE: We know that where there is no liberty, there can be no peace. And we know that in large parts of the world, there is no liberty. If we must choose, we prefer dying on our feet to living on our knees. But before it is too late we want to do what we can to live for liberty rather than to die in its defence.” - Harold Ickes, somewhere, some-when, in a chapter headed: “Die on your feet or live on your knees.” – Living on one’s knees is hardly a real option beyond a few hours at most. Analogies should fit the facts sufficiently. – JZ, 17.12.13.
PEACE: We look primarily to government to keep the peace – but increasingly there is no peace.” - Richard Cornuelle, Healing America, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1983, p.19. – Why expect territorial Warfare States to be able and willing to provide peace? – JZ, 7.3.09. - Has their history provided enough evidence that they are able and willing to achieve it? They cannot even end unemployment and inflation, which their own legalized policies caused in the first place. - JZ, 27.1.11. - WARFARE STATE, GOVERNMENTS, STATISM
PEACE: We made peace on all sides, since peace is the best form of security. - Harry Harrison, Starworld, Grafton Books edition, 1988, p.98. – Underlining by JZ - & SECURITY
PEACE: We need a peace-through-freedom and right think tank. – JZ, 1974, 17.12.13.
PEACE: We need not a war to end war but a peace so rightful, just, free, attractive, prosperous, and constructive that it will continue to ensure a lasting peace. - It certainly must be more than another mere armistice between territorial Warfare States. - JZ, 75, 5.11.02.
PEACE: We seek peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedom.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower, Second Inaugural Address, 21.1.1957. - And freedom is the climate of peace. – JZ 26/4/83. – Did he, as a territorial ruler, provide enough of a peace, justice and freedom climate? – JZ, 21.4.08.
PEACE: We still get war because prize fools still get peace prizes.” - JZ, 4.5.85. - Wars will continue as long as fools give peace prizes to fools. (*) – JZ, 6.9.86. (Merely a complaint by one of the fools who missed out on a Nobel Prize? Sheer envy speaking?) – (*) There are as yet no experts and scholars on peace because peace is not yet a reality or a developed science that can be studied. – JZ, 86 & 25.3.08, 27.1.11. – Sometimes, as in the case of O. the prize is given even to notorious liars, power-mongers and war-mongers, who, under present conditions, will neither abdicate nor be recalled. They sit all too firmly in the territorial Warfare State saddle, at least for a few years, until the next election. No one should be granted such powers. – JZ, 17.12.13. – DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY ON WAR & PEACE, NWT
PEACE: We will never abolish war until we first remove the causes of war. There can be no peace until the law of justice prevails in all international relationships, especially in trade relationships... - Mr. F. H. Sharley, Hon.Sec. of the Proportional Representation Society of South. Australia, GOOD GOVERNMENT, April 1966. – Too many people wrongly imagine that their favorite small or part-reform step would already be enough to establish peace on Earth. – All reforms only among those, who do want them for themselves, that would be a significant step towards general peace! - JZ, 15.3.09, 27.1.11. - PANARCHISM
PEACE: What are they going to Bosnia for?” – “To pray for peace, I suppose. Worth trying. Nothing else works.” – Geoffrey Archer, Scorpion Trail, Arrow Books edition, 1996, p.60. – None of the correct peace ideas has been seriously tried so far. Only the statists and territorial ones don’t work and they are the only ones that have been tried. – JZ, 1.3.12. - IDEAS, PEACE PLANS, PEACE PROPOSALS, REFORMS TO ACHIEVE PEACE, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES
PEACE: What is currently called "peace is an extension of war by political means." - Robert Heinlein: Lazarus Long.
PEACE: What is Peace? Peace is the period of preparation for war.” - Daumier in Alex Comfort's "Authority and Delinquency”, p.62. – ARMS RACES, PEACE TREATIES, WARFARE STATES, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES ON WAR & PEACE, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, POWER
PEACE: What the world needs today even more than a giant leap into outer space, is a giant stop toward peace.” – President Eisenhower, in a television address on 7 Nov. 1957, quoted on p.188 of: Lt.-Gen. E. L. M. Burns, Megamurder, 1966. - Did either of these two clearly understand what peace means and requires? The misunderstandings on this subject are so large that some still think that peace requires preparations for war, even including readiness for a general nuclear holocaust! - Or total non-violence or non-resistance. - JZ, 27.1.11, 17.12.13. - Problems on Earth are not solved by Space travel and Space settlements. - Compare the replies to my short peace questionnaire, which are also, I believe, on - PEACE PLANS 650 & 869. - SPACE RESEARCH,
PEACE: What we dignify with the name of peace is really only a short truce, in accordance with which the weaker party renounces his claims, whether just or unjust, until such time as he can find an opportunity of asserting them with the sword.” – Vauvenargues, Reflections and Maxims, 1746, p.413, tr. F.G.-Stevens.
PEACE: When I was young, I wanted everything and all at once, until our old Scottish minister explained things this way: One night he dreamt that he saw a new shop in High Street. He went in, and saw an angel behind the counter. Nervously he asked what the shop sold. 'Everything your heart desires', the angel said. 'Then I want peace on earth', cried the minister, 'an end to sorrow, famine and disease...' - 'Just one moment', smiled the angel. 'You haven't quite understood. We don't sell fruits here only seeds! - M. L. Grassick – JOKES, PANARCHISM, PANARCHIST IDEAS AS SEEDS, IDEAS ARCHIVE, PEACE PLANS
PEACE: Who works for liberty, at home or abroad, works also for peace.” – Massimo Salvadori, Liberal Democracy. – LIBERTY, FREEDOM, RIGHTS, JUSTICE
PEACE: Who would desire peace should be prepared for war.” – (Qui desiderat pacem præparet bellum.). - Vegetius: (De Re Mil.) "Rei Militari”, 3, Prolog." – Compare: “If you want peace, prepare for war.” – (Si vis pacem, para bellum.) - Rather, he should thoroughly prepare for internal and external peace. Masses of soldiers and weapons are not good enough substitutes for this. - JZ, 26.3.04. - PEACE & WAR
PEACE: Whosoever wants peace has to remove the State, the organizer of war. International peace cannot be obtained at any lesser price.” - Lernziel Anarchie, Nr. 3. – TERRITORIALISM, WARFARE STATES VS. PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM
PEACE: Why do most people spend more time, money and effort on the "festival of peace" (x-mas), every year, than they contribute towards real peace during their whole lifetime? – JZ, 29.12.75, 26.4.83. – Q.
PEACE: With the territorial model, so far almost exclusively considered by almost all media and book writers, a lasting peace in freedom and justice cannot, obviously (to me) be achieved, although it has been tried over and over again. It is high time to try the opposite, the exterritorialist and voluntaryist approach, in every crisis spot. That is likely to be the win-win option or compromise (an uncompromising one!) that is rightful, possible and acceptable to most, even the radicals, since they could then have their kind of radicalism, too, without having to impose it upon dissenters or without having to fear that dissenters would force anything else upon them. Almost every human action becomes possible under panarchism for those who do like them, except crimes and aggressions or other despotic acts towards non-members. As far as the own voluntary members are concerned, they would have to suffer the abuses they directly or indirectly contracted for, as long as they can stand them, in their self-chosen political etc. sado-masochistic constitutions. However, giving notice and withdrawal periods should be agreed upon and the right to instantly be dismissed or to secede - in case of severe breaches of contracted-for rights and liberties. – JZ, 28.11.93, 12.1.99, 8.9.04, 19.9.04, 17.12.13. – Serious offences should also lead to punishments and indemnification claims. – JZ, 17.12.13. - PEACE IN EVERY TROUBLE-SPOT IN THE WORLD, PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, WARFARE STATES
PEACE: Without freedom no peace.” - Max Frisch, quoted in DINGE DER ZEIT, 7/77. - One might add: Without peace not enough freedom. – JZ, 26.4.83.
PEACE: World Peace is just another slogan people (*) are willing to kill and die for.” – Joe Fischetti, The I of the Beholder, in ANALOG, 10/87, p.11. – With some their thoughts remain merely at the slogan level, never becoming realized by them. – With others their slogans become turned into mass-murderous actions. The rightful peace ideas have not yet been sufficiently published together and the wrongful ones have not yet been collected and confronted with their best refutations. – JZ, 17.12.13. - (*) Some people, not all people! – JZ, 7.5.91.
PEACE: World peace through world trade. - IBM motto. – Personal law societies, communities and governance systems of volunteers would provide a much more extensive freedom of association, contract, free trade, free exchange, laissez faire and competition then merely the trade under the conventional notions of Free Trade. – JZ, 17.12.13. – VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS, FREELY COMPETING ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS, LAWS & INSTITUTIONS, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM
PEACE: Would you end war? Create great Peace. - James Oppenheim, War and Laughter. No.4. - How many know how? – JZ – 26.4.83. – Or care to learn how? – JZ, 18.4.08. – Which ones are the great ideas on this and which ones are the wrong or flawed ones? On such important questions one should offer more details than merely three words or the four words of e.g. “Make love, not war!” – They express no useful thoughts or ideas but rather the avoidance of them. - JZ, 17.12.13.
PEACE: You can't have peace until the captive nations are free.” - Mr. Michael Darby, 9/72. - And also those minorities whom the presently captive nations would hold and treat as captives in "their” new national territories. In other words, peace requires the option of exterritorial autonomy for ALL. – JZ, 26.4.83. – Under territorialism there are captive nations even within the representative or direct democracies based on majority voting. Terrorist acts are just symptoms of this disease and of the prevailing notion of collective responsibility and of monetary and financial despotism. – JZ, 5.3.09. – CAPTIVE NATIONS, TERRITORIALISM – STILL EVERYWHERE WHEN IT COMES TO GOVERNMENTALISM, STATES, STATISM, LIBERATION, SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY
PEACE: You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.” - Malcom X, Malcolm X Speaks, 1965, p.12. - Freedom Quotes // News // Notre Dame Magazine // University of ... - - & FREEDOM – PEACE & FREEDOM
PEACE: You cannot be unaware of the true nature of peace. Peace is not mere quiescence. It is the active enjoyment of liberty and order combined by and under reason. How can you seek peace with those who condemn reason as an ‘objective deviation’, and liberty as a bourgeois prepossession? Real peace is the outcome of free agreement among free parties. You cannot agree (or disagree) with a man who is drunk or in a temper or out of his mind, because he is not at peace with himself. You can only make peace with peace. (*) Now, with whom do you want to make peace? With Moscow or with its victims? You must choose. Since Moscow, either directly or through its puppet governments, is at war with the peoples of half of Europe, you can only make peace with Moscow by declaring war on the peoples of half of Europe. Is that what you mean when you say: “Start making peace”? - Salvador de Madariaga, The Blowing up of the Parthenon, p.11/12. - Territorial governments are not at peace with their own subjects and have also all too often made wrongful territorial claims against other territorial powers, which is one motive for them to go to war with each other. – JZ, 24.2.08. - The term "Moscow" was also an unwarranted generalization. True believers in communism and its power-mongers were always a minority, there, too. - JZ, 26.1.11. - (*) peaceful, moral and somewhat rational people. - JZ, 26.1.11. - LIBERTY, ORDER, TOTALITARIANISM, DESPOTISM, GOVERNMENTS, CAPITIVE PEOPLES, CAPTIVE NATIONS, REASON, VOLUNTARISM, COMMUNISM, TERRITORIALISM, PEOPLES, FREEDOM, AGREEMENT, WAR & PEACE AIMS
PEACE: You cannot bring about peace by promoting war. The means do predetermine the end. - JZ, 75.
PEACE: You cannot save humanity by the sword, nor can you build peace under the aegis of criminals.” - Dagobert D. Runes, Handbook of Reason, p.122.
PEACE: You know what the trouble with peace is? No organization.” - Berthold Brecht in "Mother Courage". – The East German Communists certainly provided organization – but not peace! – JZ, Too much “thinking” gets simply stuck on some superficial and all too general terms, as if they were sufficient keys or steps towards a worthwhile solution of a major problem. – “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, as an old proverb has it, but it would and should certainly not already end with that first step. – JZ, 21.4.08, 15.3.09. -
PEACE: You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can't fool all of the people all the time.” - Attributed to Abraham Lincoln. - Alexander K. McClure, "Abe" Lincoln's Yarns and Stories, p.184 (1904). Many quotation books have also attributed this to Lincoln, and the sources given have varied. According to Roy R Basler ed., The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, vol. 3, p. 81 (1953), "Tradition has come to attribute to the Clinton [Illinois] speeches [September 2, 1858] one of Lincoln's most famous utterances — 'You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.'" But he goes on to say that the epigram and any references to it have not been located in surviving Lincoln documents. - This remark has also been attributed to P. T. Barnum. – When even all documents of a man like Lincoln do not survive then this makes a good argument for finally establishing an ideas archive and talent center - to make these greatest “resources” or assets of mankind accessible to all and give them their best chance for the realization of the best that they do have to offer. – Why have free market advocates so far shied away from this task? Have they really fallen for the popular fallacy that a “free market for ideas and talents” does already exist? - JZ, 15.3.09. - PEOPLE & GOVERNMENTS
PEACE: Your improved peace slogan could "conquer" the world and could help, greatly, to bring peace about - if you can be bothered to put it down and publish it! Isn't such an effort the least that you could do for peace? – JZ, 28.5.83, 19.4.08. – Not separately, but together with all the others and their amendments, corrections and refutations! – Peace lovers haven’t even organized that as yet, although the Internet and CDs would make it easier and cheaper than ever before. – I write this while my PC or connection to the IN have been interrupted by malware for over 2 weeks! – JZ, 15.3.09. – SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY & PEACE, QUOTES, WORDINGS, THE POWER OF WORDS, FIRST PRINCIPLES, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES FULLY & CLEARLY EXPRESSED
PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE: As long as capitalism and socialism exist side by side, we cannot live in peace. Lastly one or the other will win. Either the Soviet republic or world capitalism will receive its obituary." („Solange Kapitalismus und Sozialismus nebeneinander bestehen, koennen wir nicht in Frieden leben. Letzten Endes wird dieser oder jener siegen. Entweder wird man der Sowjetrepublik oder aber dem Weltkapitalismus die Grabrede halten.") - Lenin. - What a muddle-head he was - and also his followers. As if there existed a soviet "republic" or a “genuine capitalism” anywhere in any country, far less in the world. And as if at least, in what he terms capitalistic countries, even under their limited liberties, numerous socialistic and communistic enterprises would not already peacefully coexist with private and cooperative enterprises, all of a great variety and all of them all the better the less they are given any government privileges and support, i.e. the more free-enterprise-capitalistic they are at least in their internal relations. Fully free and peaceful and just coexistence would require exterritorial separatism and autonomy for all volunteer groups and under personal law, regardless of their internally applied ideologies and practices. Territorial and coercive and monopolistic segregation, on the other hand, merely assures a series of hot and cold wars, civil wars and revolutions, for "capitalistic" as well as for "socialistic" governments and all their victims. - JZ 5.7.92, 15.1.93, 10.12.03. - COMMUNISM, CAPITALISM, UTOPIAN COLONIES, LENIN, EXTERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETES, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, I.E. ALL STATES OF THE PRESENT KIND
PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE: Can we peacefully coexist under the monopolism, coercion and collectivism of territorialism, when only exterritorial autonomy for individuals and groups of volunteers offers a peaceful coexistence option that is consensual, contractual, corresponds to freedom of action and freedom of association, as well as to all other genuine individual rights and liberties, to the extent that they are already known and appreciated? Total non-violence is not the optional response to totalitarians and religious fanatics but amounts to surrender towards them. - John Zube - TERRITORIALISM & ITS MONOPOLISM, COERCION & IMPOSED COLLECTIVISM, CONSENT, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM, Q.
PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE: Peaceful coexistence is only possible on the basis of exterritorial autonomy for all kinds of communities of volunteers or, in other words, under full experimental freedom or freedom of action in all spheres, always only at the own risk and expense. – JZ, 19.11.93, 15.2.08.
PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE: There is no other way out under the present conditions There are only two ways: either peaceful coexistence or the most destructive war in history.” – Bulganin, May 14, 1956, quoted in: Fred J. Cook, The Warfare State, Jonathan Cape, 1962, p.226. – For territorial States peaceful coexistence is an unnatural condition. For exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers it is a natural condition. – JZ, 6.10.07. – PANARCHISM & THE NUCLEAR WAR THREAT
PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE: Whether you like your neighbor or not, nothing can be done about it, you have to find some way of getting on with him, for you both live on one and the same planet.” – Khrushchev, in an article in Foreign Affairs, in 1959, quoted in: - Fred J. Cook, The Warfare State, Jonathan Cape, 1962, p.351. – Alas, neither side considered realizing this suggestion for all kinds of voluntary communities under full exterritorial autonomy, with both, e.g. all kinds of capitalism for consenting adults as well as all kinds of socialism for consenting adults. – Fixed and flawed ideas still keep us at the brink of extinction. – JZ, 6.10.07, 17.12.13. - TERRITORIAL OR EXTERRITORIAL? NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, ENDING THE DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY ON WAR & PEACE OF EVERY TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT, LOCAL MILITIAS FOR THE PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, INTERNATIONALLY FEDERATED
PEACEFUL SOCIETY: Have we rejected reason and humanity altogether? Are we so accustomed to living under the mushroom cloud that we no longer believe that a just and peaceful society is possible or even desirable? If we have come to that, we have committed the sin against the Holy Spirit, and we are damned irrevocably to a hell on our own planet!” - Morris West, "Proteus", p.68. - See my ABC Against Nuclear War, on 500 steps away from it, in PEACE PLANS 16-17. For a more systematic treatment see PP 61-63: What has to be changed in the constitutions of all States to make a lasting peace possible and how can these reforms be realized? Both are now accessible from: &
PEACEFUL USE OF ATOMIC ENERGY: To my knowledge, no nuclear power plant has ever been approved in a referendum by free and enlightened people - They would be aware of the radiation hazard associated by these plants and of their role as factories for nuclear bomb material. They would know how uneconomic they are, if all their risks are taken into consideration and that without government guarantees the private insurance companies would not cover all the risks involved. During wars they would become prime targets. - Such abuses should not be allowed to continue. Nor should they be covered up. They make a sham of democracy, By means of referendum, repeated if necessary, among the people living hundreds of miles around such a plant, the people could become aware of their rights, interests and their powers in this respect and would no longer be likely to submit to government plans, institutions, directions and controls for nuclear reactors. Once the voters are also suitably armed and trained, governments could no longer act against the will of the people. -The slogan "peaceful use of atomic energy" has so far disarmed most of the opposition to nuclear weapons. It ignores that most of the reactors are, in effect, potential nuclear bomb factories or at least production centers for radioactive isotopes that could be used in nuclear "weapons". It ignores that most of the nuclear research was of a military nature or sponsored by the military and is likely to be misused for military purposes. It also ignores the longterm radiation pollution hazards of water and air. It is mainly just a cover for nuclear war hawks. - The well-being, freedom, peace and security of people does not depend on the use but on the non-use of nuclear power. - The utopia of unlimited, very cheap and quite safe nuclear power, which some have built up in their minds and have promised to the public, are easily enough refuted. Radioactive ores are even rarer and shorter-lasting than are coal and oil. They are not renewable energy resources, although some isotopes are produced in breeder reactors, usable in power plans or "weapons". - Fusion reactors using hydrogen are not yet practicable and, hopefully, never will be. Imagine hydrogen fusion bombs becoming easy and cheap to construct! - The production costs of electric power amount only to about 1/20th, of the transmission costs. Thus the costs of electric power to the consumers cannot be significantly reduced by nuclear reactors. They might even lead to a greater centralization of power production and thus higher transmission costs. - Moreover, these reactors are indirectly - through the costly extraction and refinement methods used for radioactive ores and reactor fuels - huge consumers of electricity, usually conventionally produced. Thus they are, at least to some extent, mere storage and release systems for electricity produced elsewhere and otherwise. - Once there are any nuclear power plants built, which produce, even if only as a by-product, the raw material for more nuclear devices, and, even if in times of peace their output is not used for this purpose, in wartime these by-products would almost certainly be diverted for nuclear “weapons” production "in order not to render the fatherland defenceless." In reality, these "weapons" would greatly increase our insecurity. - Some activists would feel conscientiously inclined to sabotage or otherwise destroy nuclear reactors. Seeing that acting ignorance in this sphere could initiate large radiation hazards, such attempts by laymen should be discouraged. If the staff of such plants were involved in such efforts, I would not blame but rather praise them and hope that a grateful population would assure their immunity from prosecution and would even offer them rewards. - ARMS RACE, ATOMIC ENERGY, DISARMAMENT, MILITIA, NTH.- POWER PROBLEM, PROGRESS, RADIATION HAZARD, REFERENDUM, RESEARCH, SCIENTISTS, WAR AIMS. – JZ, An ABC Against Nuclear War, in PEACE PLANS Nos. 16 & 17, on - NUCLEAR REACTORS?PEARL HARBOR: Henry Stimson was writing in his diary. He, Knox, Stark, Hull and Marshall had been in the Oval Office with the president, batting around a problem that Roosevelt had brought up. The Japanese were likely to attack soon, perhaps next Monday, the president said. “The question was how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves,” Stimson wrote. “It was a difficult proposition.” It was November 25, 1941.” - Nicholson Baker, Human Smoke, the Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization, Simon & Schuster, 2008, p.433. – LEADERSHIP, DEMOCRATS PLANNING FOR WAR, EVEN IF THIS WOULD COST THE LIVES OF A FEW THOUSAND OF THEIR OWN ARMED MEN, PEARL HARBOR, ROOSEVELTM, WWII
PEARL HARBOR: While it was planned and executed by the Japanese Government, it was made possible by the tacit but active collaboration of the American and British government and some of their military collaborators, who wanted it to appear as a surprise attack to rouse the population in America and get it involved in WW II. They succeeded in preventing a timely alarm being given. - Prior to it, protectionist measures against Japan had made war with it almost inevitable, sooner or later, for a country so much depending on international trade. – Some other “unprovoked strikes” against weak US naval forces had been invited and prepared by Roosevelt. Pearl Harbor was the attack that happened. A similar beginning of the Japan-Russia war was conveniently forgotten. – JZ, 18.3.98. – Ultimately, it was, naturally, caused by protectionist policies towards Japan, a country very much depending, in modern times, on external trade. – JZ, 15.3.09. – All its prior aggressions and occupations were largely based on the assumption that in the absence of Free Trade, i.e. under Protectionism, markets for raw material and the sale of the won products would have to be conquered. Naturally, territorial imperialism also played its role, there and in all other territorial States. – Kurt Schuler is worth reading on that subject: Pearl Harbor and all that (partly off topic) - JZ, 17.12.13. - ATTACK ON & DEFEAT AT PEARL HARBOR, 7.12.1941.
PEDOPHILE RINGS AT GOVERNMENT LEVELS: Another tentacle of the global pedophile ring reaches right into the White House and beyond ... - Elaine Dietrich-Nichols via Shari Peterson on Facebook, 12.5.13. - John Zube : According to Prof. P. Sorokin, the ruling politicians are the professionals with the highest rate of ordinary crimes with victims, i.e. not only guilty of the official and legalized crimes of their "policies". But then even the "Gods" got away with mass murders of "their children". Both the original entry and my comment were removed from FB! – JZ, 12.5.13.
PEDOPHILES: This is, obviously, a very controversial subject still and the following is only my present and quite personal viewpoint: Voluntary communities opposed to such sexual activities (with immature persons, unable to give a truly informed consent) would not accept or retain such people as members. They would also warn their own members and those of other communities of aggressive homosexuals and pedophiles in their neighborhood, by publicizing black lists and hold them responsible for their victimizing actions. They might even systematically warn all potential victims or their guardians of the risk of association with people whose religion prohibits sexual relations but whose sexual nature does, nevertheless become often expressed in wrongful and secret sexual activities, especially those involving minors. For several years the mass media have been full of reports on numerous such crimes with victims, often going back for decades, if not for many generations, as "customary" as e.g. on Pitcairn Island, among a very small population. But adult homosexuals, only doing their things for or to themselves would not be their concern - unless they happen to be AIDS carriers and are also engaged in hetero-sexual activities with people who are not members of the homosexual communities. Then, depending upon how high or low they estimate the risk of non-sexual transmission of AIDS to be, they might engage in quarantine measures against members of homosexual communities. Or they might merely shun them or keep them under close observation, warning their potential victims. Class action suits against them would be considered and might be engaged in. When they consider, that they have suffered too much victimization from such groups then they might consider denying them work and residences in their neighborhood, as they might for e.g. habitual criminals. Even collective responsibility might be considered against those, who appear to be incurable offenders against involuntary victims, under all kinds of excuses or self-rationalizations. They might then consider imprisoning or deporting them. They would certainly not try to keep silent on their presence in a local community or on the remaining other than sexual infection risk, however low it might be or might be considered to be and will not concede to all homosexuals equal rights or non-discrimination among the own members. They would not consider such activities as merely a private affair, subject to secrecy of such involvement for members of other communities. The membership lists of all communities would be open to public scrutiny. The various panarchies would have different rules on the age or degree of maturity required for their children to make their own sexual choices and would not simply accept the opinions and preferences of adult pedophiles and homosexuals and the immature preferences of their minor children in this respect as valid. The natural or adoptive parents, not pedophiles and homosexuals, are the guardians of the rights and interests of their children, no matter how much the pedophiles and homosexuals assert that they would really and truly love particular children. In cases of incest, too, the rights of the victims come before the rights of the victimizers. The pedophiles and homosexuals would have their own rules among themselves. But they would also have to allow their children or victims to secede from them and to join other communities, which frown upon both activities. Victim liberation and victim's choice and indemnification of victims in every sphere! No immunity, equal rights or recognition for victimizers. Masochism and sado-masochism in such voluntary communities would be tolerated - while in other voluntary communities such practices might be outlawed or simply ignored. Some to most libertarian communities would simply ignore homosexual activities, which are not aggressive, as private affairs, regardless of the non-sexual risks involved until these risks, too, do become intolerably large in the eyes of the beholders. Some would do the same even for pedophile activities, at least after the first puberty signs have appeared. Others would tolerate sexual activities among minors, if they are of a non-coercive type. Antagonism between such groups becomes maximized as long as they are forced to live together under the same territorial system, laws and jurisdictions. The people with different attitudes, systems and approaches in this sphere, too, must become free to separate themselves out, according to the preferences of the voluntary participants, allowing, ignoring or shunning those they disagree with and defending themselves against any aggressive actions. If, for instance, the AIDS virus changed and became much more infective, then at least public toilets might have to become separate for AIDS carriers and others. Or other quarantine measures might then be adopted. By now territorial laws and administrations have in many countries rather privileged than restrained AIDS carriers, regardless of the wishes of those they might somehow endanger, even non-sexually (toilet seats, spittle, breath, mosquitoes) all under the excuse of "non-discrimination" or that the otherwise involved costs would be too large, e.g. for different prisons, schools or hospital sections and ignoring the right of individuals, especially of parents, to discriminate in favor of the rights of their children. Maximum tolerance for rightful and harmless actions. Minimum tolerance for wrongful and harmful actions! - Will the pedophiles, homosexuals, Aids victims or fundamentalist Christian or Islamic homophobes now put out a contract on me, as being either too intolerant or not tolerant enough? - PIOT, JZ, 15.10.04, 26.1.11 - HOMOSEXUALS, SADISM, MASOCHISM, DISCRIMINATION, NON-DISCRIMINATION, LIBERTARIANISM & PANARCHISM
PEDOPHILIA: If pedophiles really loved children, they would leave them alone! They really love only their own perverse sexual pleasures and use and abuse children for them. - JZ, 21.8.00.
PEDOPHILIA: The love towards children should always be protective, not sexual, i.e., aggressive, invasive and abusive. - JZ, 21.7.00. - Sex of adults with children can never be a libertarian or mutual convenience and quite consensual relationship (which requires sufficient mental and physical maturity) but merely a single convenience relationship in which the adult, for his or her own convenience, abuses a minor. Only once sexual and sufficient mental maturity has been reached can sexual relations become a matter of free and informed consent. Those who have only very recently sexually matured do still require some protection and guidance for a while and should not be left to the not so tender mercies of those who would merely abuse them as sexual objects. - JZ, 1.2.02. - LOVE, CHILDREN, RIGHTS OF CHILDREN, GUARDIANSHIP, UNFREE LOVE, ONE-SIDED SEXUAL LOVE, ABUSE
PEN VS. SWORD: THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons. – General Douglas MacArthur - FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE · FEB 6th, 2013.
PEN: The pen is mightier than the sword.” – Richelieu, according to Edward George Bulwer-Lytton: Sooner or later. – It could be sooner, if we already had a general ideas archive, acting as a free market for ideas and talents and really bringing demand and supply in these spheres together. - JZ, 26.2.08. – SWORD, POWER, FORCE, COERCION, COMPULSION, PERSUASION, ENLIGHTENMENT, IDEAS ARCHIVE, TALENT CENTER, POWER & INFLUENCE
PENAL SYSTEMS: An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine (1795) - Penalties within communities of volunteers should be distinguished from those within States with compulsory membership and a territorial monopoly. In the latter case e.g. wars against drug users, drug producers and drug traders become possible, with many others becoming their involuntary victims as well. - JZ, 22. 11. 06. - PRISONS, PENALTIES, PUNISHMENT & LIBERTY, INDEMNIFICATION, CRIME, CRIMINALS, LAWS, CORRECTIVE SERVICES
PENSION CLAIMS, LOSS OF THEM: All those remaining obedient to dictatorships, to men with nuclear power, instead of resigning or resisting, should at least be threatened with loss of their pension claims, e. g. claims against the remaining State assets, People who could not be motivated ideologically could often be motivated to do the right thing - through their wallets. - This would apply to military officers, nuclear scientists, nuclear engineers, and also to mere administrators. - The people must come to fully realize the fact that they, with their taxes, losses through the inflations by the central banks of monetary despotism, do pay for the police, the army, the scientists, technicians and the bureaucrats, who are involved with this technology, and that they are thus threatening themselves and the very survival of mankind, of peoples, nations and all kinds of other communities, however indirectly. They pay for the nuclear, biological or chemical annihilation "weapons" which are largely directed against themselves. Why should they, the people, be obliged to pay them their high salaries, pensions and perks for such disservices? Who usually pays the politicians and bureaucrats? Their victims! Deny them "the sanction of the victim"! - The general rule should be that all those convicted of having offended against human rights and natural rights of rational beings, should be recalled and deprived of their pension rights. Whosoever received a salary for oppressing basic rights should, at least, not be rewarded with a pension for this activity. All suppressions of rights, from censorship to military dictatorship, are liable to lead, lastly, to the extreme mass-murderous action: a general nuclear holocaust. - The threat to withdraw pension rights will not be fully effective on its own. It will, however, act, somewhat, as a deterrent. Another effect is perhaps still more important. Every pension withdrawal made public, with the reasons fully stated, would increase among the people the appreciation for human rights, whenever and from whatever countries such cases are reported. The pension withdrawals could be enforced or promoted by special tax strikes. - To make the realization of this system easier, at least the following changes should be undertaken in the pension system: - 1. the payment of pensions is to be undertaken by the productive enterprises themselves and directly. These payments are to be deducted from their social insurance contributions. The employees and the employers of these enterprises will have a close took at 'their" pensioners. This has also the advantage of avoiding payment difficulties in revolutionary times. - 2. Special associations should be established to check the justification of all pensions. To assist them, the addresses of all pensioners, the details of their career and the amount of their pensions should be published, Procedures for the withdrawal are to be developed. Everybody should be free to act as an accuser in these proceedings. - A suggestion by U. v. Beckerath. - Who would deny that the people have a right to refuse paying pensions which were approved by a tyrannical government for services to it? Nobody should be burdened with tributes to the enemies of mankind. To demonstrate the necessity of this step just one instance: Former Nazi henchmen, often under jurisdiction of former Nazi judges, were all, too often, granted pension rights at the expense of their victims. - The revolution which would reorganize communities on a voluntary and exterritorial basis, to prevent nuclear wars as well as other wars, organizations which would establish freedom, justice and self-responsibility, would recognize pension claims only for those, who earned them - by at least recognizing individual rights and liberties and acting, whenever possible, in their favor. At the very least they should now declare themselves publicly in favor of individual human rights. (See: Oaths.) None of those involved in the nuclear arms race can claim to have done this. At most, in special cases, e. g., when they either destroyed or surrendered an ABC mass murder device, they should be granted amnesty, safe conduct and subsistence, and protection in some retreat where they would have to spend the rest of their lives under some other names. - See: Amnesty, Asylum, Outlawry. - JZ, An ABC Against Nuclear War, in PEACE PLANS Nos. 16 & 17, on - Here somewhat revised: JZ, 17.12.13.
PENSION PLANS: The reduction and destruction of pension funds via taxation, inflation, interest rate limitation and Trustee Acts belongs to the more anti-social and anti-economic actions of governments. Upon the unlimited growth of these funds, on long terms and very productively invested, at very high interest rate (as shares in the additional productivity achieved through them) much of the prosperity, development and old age security and invalidity security depends in any country. – JZ, 15.9.87. – It can be shown, by facts and figures that the amounts we are now forced to pay for our mostly quite insufficient old age security, would be sufficient to turn us into multi-millionaires, if we capitalized the old age pensions that we could then receive for the next ca. 20 years to our death. But how does one get the message to the ordinary people that governments keep them from becoming multi-millionaires in their old age and that not in terms of inflated paper money? - Most are as little prepared to consider that possibility as they are to consider the possibility of fairly distributing all remaining government assets among all of them, in form of transferable securities. At least a few years ago this could also have turned every Australian almost instantly into a millionaire. – What government pension would they need then? - JZ, 22.2.08.
PENSIONERS: Australia is a lucky country insofar as even its present pensioners could be millionaires in form of former government assets, soon after a proper libertarian take-over bid. - JZ, 78. - See: PEACE PLANS 19c. It is, probably, still accessible on my old website: in the appendix to my LMP first literature list. – JZ, 17.13.13.
PENSIONERS: Become aware that you have invested in a "company" which is bankrupt. - JZ, 75. – GOVERNMENT “SECURITIES” OR INSECURITIES, PUBLIC DEBTS
PENSIONERS: Ensure your old age pension against devaluation by inflation. Repeal Legal Tender and the issue monopoly of the Central Bank. Without these privileges no one could inflate his currency issues. - JZ, 73.
PENSIONERS: Even pensioners, living below the official poverty line, are still subject to various taxes, local and indirect ones and, naturally, the inflation tax – by governments always claiming to be “socially concerned”. – JZ, 18.2.88, 22.2.08. -TAXATION
PENSIONERS: Just because the government wasted your life-long contributions - presumably with your consent - gives you no rights against present and future tax-payers. - JZ, 75.
PENSIONERS: Let the pensioners get the benefits of whatever investment the government has made in Australia on their behalf - by turning the pensioners into proper share-holders. Do not let them continue to forcefully share their neighbour's earnings. - JZ, 75. – PEACE PLANS 19 C
PENSIONERS: Let's face it. If the government were not robbing the taxpayers then it would be bankrupt and all its assets would go into liquidation to pay its creditors back as much as possible. As it has no right to tax anyone, it is bankrupt and so are the pensioners - its creditors. - JZ, 75. - Thus they should become concerned about the expropriation of the bureaucracy and the distribution of all its real capital assets among its victims. - JZ, 5.11.02. - – PEACE PLANS 19 C
PENSIONERS: Pensioners may soon find out that all their lives they have "invested" in a company: Govco, which is going to be bankrupt soon. - JZ, 75. - They should become concerned about the proper liquidation of the government and all its remaining assets. - JZ, 5.11.02. – PEACE PLANS 19 C
PENSIONERS: The current taxpayers are not owned by the pensioners - and others of the State's "creditors". Both are robbed and defrauded creditors of the government. - JZ, 75. – PUBLIC DEBT
PENSIONERS: The government has set the pensioners up as parasites on their own children and grandchildren. - JZ, 75.
PENSIONERS: Use the government's "own" assets to pay the pensioners. Do not permit any government to rob the new generations for the benefit of the older ones. - JZ, 75. – PEACE PLANS 19 C
PENSIONERS: We have to discontinue the injustice of loading today's pensioners on today's taxpayers. Let them rather be repaid out of the investments they made in Australia - through their government - whatever investments there were made in this way and are still represented in some assets. - JZ, 75.
PENSIONERS: We owe pensioners something? We don't. The government does. - JZ, 75. And not in form of hand-outs out of taxes but in form of shares in the remaining assets of the government. - JZ, 5.11.02.
PENSIONING OFF PUBLIC SERVANTS: The country could afford to support the establishment in idleness, for the sake of getting rid of its services.” – Lysander Spooner, Works, I/24. on the Post Office. – I am convinced that many government departments are even less productive and more counter-productive than the monopoly governmental post office is. – But who makes such calculations except some radicals like Lysander Spooner was? The politicians and bureaucrats certainly don’t and most of the voters don’t care. But people freed to secede would get all the benefits from such changes and would, between them, demonstrate sound alternatives, economically run. – Admittedly, some would even make more mistakes than the government do now, usually, makes. – But they would be at the expense of these volunteers only and their numbers would tend to shrink fast. – The tax burden and the burdens of the bureaucracy will be taken serious by more and more people once they become free to shake it off altogether, as far as their own affairs are concerned. - JZ, 26.2.08.
PENSIONS: a pension being … something that, unhappily, prevented over-aged bureaucrats from the starvation they deserved.” – Laurence M. Janifer, The Musketeer Menace, in ANALOG, 3/89, p.129. - BUREAUCRACY
PENSIONS: An allowance made to any one without an equivalent. In England it is generally understood to mean pay given to a state hireling for treason to his country.” – Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784, Preface, Dictionary of the English Language. – Hyman – Quotations, p.172. – PUBLIC SERVANTS, BUREAUCRACY, CIVIL SERVICE
PENSIONS: But as soon as it is politically feasible – meaning, as soon as production becomes the nation’s highest economic value – the contributions of able-bodied citizens to their own future pensions should be invested by them in far safer commercial institutions, where the sums can earn high interest without being squandered by politicians and bureaucrats.” – Simon, A Time for Truth, p.220. - OLD AGE INSURANCE, HIGH INTEREST RATES
PENSIONS: Congressman Jack Kemp … wrote, “More than 51 million workers have a vital stake – beyond their jobs – in American business. Their retirement funds are invested in stocks and bonds” of our largest industrial corporations. “In addition, more than 380 million life insurance policies depend to a great degree on business investments.” – P. Dean Russell, THE FREEMAN, 2/78. – In Germany, for all too many decades, such investments were not even allowed. According to the Trustee Acts there such funds had largely to be invested in government “securities”, based on further future taxation upon the insured! The Nazis used this opportunity to finance their vast armament effort. Nevertheless this wrongful, irrational and wasteful system was continued after WW II and, possibly still exists there. – JZ, 26.2.08, 26.1.11. – Moreover, stable alternative currencies, optional and market rated, as well as alternative value standards, most of them much better than the forced and exclusive paper value standards of governments, are still everywhere outlawed (e.g. by legal tender laws and central banks) and governments keep interfering with the capital markets as well, not only by taxation and interest rate regulations, foreign exchange controls etc. – The anti-capitalists or, essentially, State socialists or State communists are still all too much in control – everywhere and this not only over voluntary victims but over numerous and diverse dissenters. We need individual secessionism and panarchism against them. – JZ, 15.3.09.
PENSIONS: Employee pension funds now own more than one third of the equity capital of America’s publicly-owned companies … And in the truly big businesses (the top 1000 or so companies). Employee pension funds already hold majority ownership … in most cases.” – Professor Peter Drucker, quoted by P. Dean Russell in THE FREEMAN, February 78. – This development has been called “pension-fund socialism”, with some justification. Alas, the whole system is still largely administered under government taxation, government investment restrictions, government-caused inflations and deflations and xyz government interventions and, lately, all too much administered by trade union representatives, who are least prepared to make sound business decisions. For instance: My trade union in the public service once bragged that it had achieved that the superannuation fund (which it, too, largely administered in our name), had, at very low interest rates, made housing loans available to others than the own members! It had no notion at all that its task was, rather, to either get the highest possible returns for such funds, to which all members had to contribute, or to make low-interest loans for such purposes only available to its own members. But one cannot talk any sense into such “heads” – or even into the heads of their victims, the own members. – JZ, 26.2.08. - CORPORATIONS, BIG BUSINESS, PENSION-FUND SOCIALISM, SUPERANNUATION FUNDS UNDER UNION ADMINISTRATION.
PENSIONS: Ensure your old age pension against devaluation by inflation. Help to repeal legal tender law and the issue monopoly of the central bank (Reserve Bank of Australia.) Without these privileges nobody could inflate his currency issues. – JZ, 5/73. – How many of e.g. Australia’s pensioners have opposed that coercion and that monopoly? – JZ, 8.4.08.
PENSIONS: High old age pensions through high interest-bearing productive investments, as soon as they territorial State is put out of the way in this sphere. Consider the effects of high interest on accumulated premiums, for a fixed aimed at old age pension for an initially assumed very moderate old age pension. The figures were supplied to me by Ulrich von Beckerath, long-time insurance and banking mathematician, 1882-1969 and taken from the Foster/Spitzer Tables, to which he had also make a contribution: A simple and assumed case: If a person insured for an old page pension after 40 years of contributions were to collect an old age pension for 20 years, one of $ 3000 p.a., then he would have to pay in savings or premiums according to the interest rate received for his premiums, with the accumulated premiums all productively invested and in our simple case simply omitting the administration costs. He would have to pay annually: (1.) $ 1500 at 0 % interest; - (2.) $ 1107 at 1 %; - (3.) 812 at 2 %; - (4.) $ 592 at 3 % t; - (5.) $ 429 at 4 %; - (6.) $ 309 at 5 %; - (7.) $ 222 at 6 %; - (8.) $ 159 at 7 %, - (9.) $ 114 at 8 %; - (10.) $ 81 at 9 %; - (11.) $ 58 at 10 %; - (12.) $ 41 at 11 %; - (13.) $ 29 at 12 %, - (14.) $ 21 at 13 %; - (15) $ 14 at 14 %; - (16) $ 11 at 15 %. – Now assume, further, that it would be possible to achieve, in the average, a return of 15 % or even higher, and this without bankrupting the debtor but merely as a share in his return on the borrowed capital. What would or could this mean, then? - All this assumes, naturally, that the government would not regulate the interest rate, would not confiscate such capital or subject it to taxes and that it would not be destroyed via inflation or deflation caused by the government’s monetary despotism, also that credits at such a high return rate could be credit insured. – Then we could take it as a very safe assumption, that the insured would not be satisfied with $ 3000 p.a. at their current purchasing power but would wish for more. Well, at that 15 % interest rate, an annual pension for 20 years, at $ 30 000 p.a., not negligible even in Australian dollars, at this stage, would cost him in premiums just $ 110 per annum! Which working person could not afford to pay as much or as little in somewhat developed countries, p.a.? - And if he would really want to splurge money in his old age, he could tenfold increase his pension to $ 300 000 p.a., merely by increasing his annual premium payment to $ 1100. Now he is probably paying more and what will his annual pension be for that, in the government scheme? The assumed annual pay-out of $ 300 000, for 20 years, capitalized, would already turn him into a multi-millionaire! - A lot of IF’s are involved still. Admitted. – But if this scheme could be realized, then it becomes obvious, that old age pensions, paid for under the levy system would be a high burden for the contributors, even when the resulting pensions are rather low. But under the long-term and secure investment system, at the highest obtainable (if it is obtainable!) interest rate, the burden on the contributor would be low and this for a very high return. Thus, one should conclude, if it is possible to make as high interest rates work thus, for pensioners and this without being a burden on the economy (without interest-slavery, usury, exploitation, debt-slavery etc.) but, rather, promoting the economy with such long-term investments, with the pensions being just a fair share in the additional productivity achieved through capital investments, then such a system would be highly desirable and would solve a problem which governments so far were unable to solve. But governments, certainly, would have to get out of the way. The government, on the one side, would be liberated from the burden of looking after old age pensioners. On the other hand, it would no longer be able to bribe pensioners to vote for it with its, by comparison, miserable pensions. Moreover, to make such high returns on such investments possible, the government would have to free them from any tax burdens. To achieve that does not seem to be impossible, seeing the ever-growing percentage of old people among the population. They could form a powerful voting block (“grey power”) to finally achieve tax exemption for all aspects of their old age security, thus taken care of privately, while, at the same time, freeing their children and grand children from the social insurance tax burden which the levy principle would impose upon them, if all old age pensions were paid still largely paid out of levies, i.e. without the multiplier effect of earned interest rates. To that extent the young could also be induced to vote for such a system, if it is clearly enough explained to them. A high interest rate, at least in this sphere, could be seen as a helper, not as an enemy to working people, all of whom do also at least wish for quite satisfactory old age security. – With the productive capital that could be built up in this way, every worker could be supplied with an enormous productive capital, to make him still more productive, e.g., having thousands of “iron slaves” at his disposal rather than merely dozens to hundreds. Production could be largely automated, and working hours greatly reduced. Productivity could be immensely increased, so that the payout, in form of high interest for old age security investments loans, would be quite bearable. – Here comes in another factor, namely the ancient fear that jobs would be lost to machines or robots, to automation. Overlooked is here that the workers themselves could, in a business-like way, become the owners of these machines, these robots, these automated factories, by purchasing the enterprises they work in, on terms, using industrial bonds as means of payment. If they did, this would also greatly increase the productivity of the equipment that they work with. Not only because then they might work in 3 shifts a day, with the same capital, as is already done in some branches. But as owners they would have proprietary interest in improvements, innovations and changes that would greatly increase their returns. (In practice most could thus acquire most enterprises on terms, with only part of the additional productivity and corresponding earnings thus achieved.) How little most dependent laborer think along those terms was demonstrated by my father, Kurt H. Zube [K.H.Z. Solneman] in his 1977 book The Manifesto for Freedom and Peace (on, in which he pointed out that the small savers in Germany had then in their bank deposits between them six times the amount that would then have been enough to buy up all the shares of all German share companies at their market prices. So, to buy all these firms, they would not even have needed industrial bond issues but just a part of their bank accounts. For the pension plan here proposed such a conversion of firms would be very helpful. In the absence of financial despotism and monetary despotism, they could get higher dividends on these investments than they do presently get for their bank deposits. These employee- or partnership- or coop-owned firms would tend to be much more productive than the existing firms. In them everybody would have a capitalist incentive to make his firm more productive. Thus such firms would also be markets for further investments of funds from pension funds. I doubt that there is a limit to the amount of funds that could be productively invested, with fair and large shares, of the additional productivity achieved, divided between investors and industrial debtors. There are spheres in the economy, where very high annual returns were already common. E.g. irrigation equipment and drainage systems. They had provided already decades ago, often 75 to 150 % annual returns on capital equipment. But the real problem for such agricultural improvements was usually: How to sell the additional output? Under monetary despotism this was often rather difficult and much produce was left un-harvested or was destroyed or stockpiled on long terms and then given away as foreign aid. And there were restrictions imposed on areas that could be put under cultivation. Farmers were paid subsidies not to grow certain things. Under full monetary freedom all of the potential market could be reached and supplied. There would no longer be millions of unemployed, hungry, starving or under-employed people dropping largely out of production and consumption and free exchanges. No more would be produced - but also no less - than the people, world-wide, would be willing to pay for out of their productive labor returns. A survey of returns on investments for all kinds of firms would be very helpful. I read that investors in Hong-Kong, before the hand-over, expected to get their capital repaid in about 3 years! How many such opportunities do exist, e.g. in the computer industry? In firms, which now operate largely digitally, bringing producers and consumers together, without huge stockpiles, in warehouses, display shops etc. They cut out xyz middlemen. I read today a report by Vincent Blake on Kogan Technologies, the company Ruslan Kogan founded in February 06, which turned over close to $ 5 million this financial year. “We have experienced more than 20 per cent monthly growth. It has been pretty crazy”, the 25-year old online operator says. – THE AUSTRALIAN, 26.2.08, page 36, – My micrographic agency in Sydney used to double its turnover every year, for several years. Old age insurance companies allowed to find such investment opportunities and to use them, would. – In this way much higher pensions could be achieved than pensioners today would dare to dream about. And this without being a burden upon their debtors – but, rather, promoting their business further, in partnership with them. – How profitable are e.g. “venture capital” companies? - So far, Governments prevented ordinary workers from thus becoming even millionaires in their old age. This indicates where their anger and their actions should be directed. Early retirement, at a correspondingly reduced pension, would then also become a viable option. The government is our worst enemy, in this sphere as well. – One simple alternative notion: Remove all taxes from working people and thus allow them also to own much larger houses. Then many would and could also keep their parents, in separate rooms of their own, if their parents had no independent income - just to have them around. This kind of traditional family insurance for old age, which induced in China, for many generations, all couples to have as many children as they could, has also been largely destroyed through xyz government interventions. - Naturally, an independent income for retired parents would be preferred, at least by some – but to achieve that is not impossible but merely made very difficult by our political systems. It has largely enforced the more or less isolated mini-family of a couple and a few children, and has thus also lead to a good percentage of marriage breakdowns. Under this proposal, if realized, the different generations could then live together again, to the extent that they wanted to. Or, as some already do. Alternatively, the old couples could almost continuously go camping in their caravans. As some of them already do. - Territorial governments do not solve problems. They create them. – Sorry for the length of this “slogan” entry. But I had to get some of these thoughts and notes down, at least here. – JZ, 10.4.08, 26.1.11. – TERRITORIALISM, REAL OLD AGE SECURITY, INTEREST RATES PRODUCTIVITY, EMPLOYEE SHAREHOLDING, COOPS, PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES BY THEIR EMPLOYEES
PENSIONS: Ideally, all should be able to retire on their own savings and investments or insurance contracts. – Here one should consider also how many people have been impoverished through taxes, tariffs, and the government caused inflations, deflations and periods of unemployment or under-employment, price supports, government monopolies, controls, regulations. The victims should at least see to it that such burdens are no longer put upon their children and grandchildren. All who now can look forward only to a low governmental old age pension should at least be informed of the fact that only various government interventions have prevented them from becoming, through private insurance arrangements, millionaires in their old age, if one capitalized the old age pension they could thus have achieved through sound insurance and insurance fund investment arrangements. That knowledge, sufficiently spread, could topple any existing and largely State socialist or “modern liberal” government. – But they should also be made aware that they let themselves be victimized, “investing” their taxes or social insurance contributions in government schemes that are now largely bankrupt and that they are guilty of never really caring about this “investment” policy by their “representatives”. All these cash funds have largely vanished for other expenditures of governments or as immediate pay-outs to claimants under the levy-finance scheme, i.e. without being multiplied via long-term productive investments. They might be lucky to get one or ten cent back for every dollar they put into such schemes, - unless, of course, their children and grandchildren are also turned into tax slaves partly in their favor. They should have pondered and chosen private or cooperative alternative investment and insurance options and made them safe from governmental raids and controls that would always lower their returns. They are suffering the results of their own neglect of their own affairs for decades, leaving their management to politicians and bureaucrats. – So to some extent their condition of risking the loss of that government provided “security” would be well deserved. - JZ, 26.2.08, 18.12.13.
PENSIONS: If the government were not continuously robbing the taxpayers then it would be bankrupt and all its assets would go into liquidation to pay all its creditors as much as possible. But its still owns huge capital assets. In Australia they came, a few years ago, to over a million dollars per head. If all these assets were privatized and expressed in shares and the shares evenly distributed among Australians, the present pensioners, too, would be relatively rich in capital assets. These assets would come under productive management and thus earn them their living expenditures or they could be sold by pensioners to finance themselves for the rest of their lives, probably leaving much for their heirs still. – JZ, 2/75, 21.2.08. – See PEACE PLANS 19 c, on – JZ, 15.3.09. - BANKRUPTCY FOR GOVERNMENTS, GENERAL PRIVATIZATION OF ALL GOVERNMENT ASSETS FOR THE BENEFITS OF ALL ITS SUBJECTS OR TAX VICTIMS, INCLUDING ITS PENSIONERS
PENSIONS: it was necessary to prevent wealthy people cheating on the pension scheme.” – Prime Minister Hawke, quoted in SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 28.3.93, regarding the new means testing to be introduced for old age pensions. – What a shameful reversal of the facts. The wealthy people have, usually, contributed much more in taxes to such “insurance” schemes than the poor and average people. Yet they are to get nothing out of it officially. And for this they, not the political officials legally introducing and running the scheme, are called cheats! They are legally being cheated out of what is theirs, through the politicians, in the name of the poor. “Compulsory charity!” And what kinds of old age pensions have the M.P.’s and ministers and prime ministers assured for themselves, at the expense of all tax payers? These special contracts for them were certainly not subjected to a referendum. – JZ, 28.3.83, 26.2.08, 18.12.13. - OLD AGE PENSIONS BY GOVERNMENTS
PENSIONS: Just because the government largely wasted their own life-long tax contributions, presumably with their consent, does not give them a right against other present and future tax payers. – JZ, 2/75, 21.2.08. They are only entitled to their share in the remaining real governmental assets. See PEACE PLANS 19C. – TAX VICTIMS, PENSIONERS, PUBLIC DEBT
PENSIONS: Let the pensioners get the benefits of whatever investments the government has made in Australia on their behalf – by turning them into proper shareholders. But do not let them continue to forcefully share their neighbor’s earnings. – JZ, 23.2.75. – The government has set them up as parasites on their own children and grandchildren. – JZ, n.d. – Rather than as investors in productive highly profitable economic activities. – JZ, 21.2.08, 18.12.13.
PENSIONS: lower taxes and prevent inflation so that people may keep, enjoy, invest and retire on their own funds.” – Dr. H. L. Soper, 1980. - What compulsory taxes, and old age insurance contributions, in governmental schemes, rather than in voluntary, private or cooperative insurance contracts, are really justified? - JZ, 27.1.11, 18.12.13.
PENSIONS: Next, younger people (say, those under 40) could be freed from the onerous Social Security payroll tax and encouraged to invest in private retirement plans. Such plans would in most cases provide for greater retirement benefits than are even promised by Social Security (and which cannot be fulfilled, anyway). …” – Roger McBride, A New Dawn, p.46. – How many alternative pension plan proposals are there? If we had already an Ideas Archive operating, we could find out. – JZ, 26.2.08.PENSIONS: One alarming feature, the threat of which is not yet sufficiently appreciated, is the spreading tendency to regard a government pension as the only trustworthy provision for one’s old age, because experience seems to demonstrate that political expedience will force governments to maintain or even increase its real value.” – F. A. Hayek, Denationalization of Money, footnote on p.92. – But only after the government, as is now usual, has further depreciated its monopolized and forced currency, that of its central bank. – JZ, 26.2.08. – Thus the real value increase comes only at the expense of the tax slaves and the large degree of tax slavery hold the development of the economy back and thus increases poverty. – JZ, 18.12.13.
PENSIONS: Only the Workers Party really cares for pensioners – neither robs them any longer nor makes them a burden for their children and grandchildren. – JZ, 2/76. – At least that was its good intention. – It never got into office. - JZ, 26.2.08.
PENSIONS: Pensioners should become aware that as far as earnings go all governments are largely bankrupt. But some governments, like the Australian governments, still have huge capital assets. These could and should be rightfully distributed among their victims in a businesslike way, e.g. in form of shares. Thereby, and quite by the way, the problems of Australian government pensioners would be solved as well. – JZ, 3/75, 21.2.08. – See: PEACE PLANS 19 C.
PENSIONS: Since many to most retired people, at least in Australia, live in their own homes, long paid for, they could take out mortgages on them and live out the rest of their lives comfortably on the proceeds. Or on life-rents, with their homes as security. They do not have to leave their homes debt-free to their children. – JZ, 26.2.08.
PENSIONS: Some further more or less under-developed notions on old age pensions: 1.) Private or cooperative pension plans only, no compulsory insurance with any particular insurance company – unless it is one for members of a panarchy of volunteers. - 2.) Insurance on a stable currency basis, which means free choice of value standards and abolition of the note issue monopoly and legal tender (compulsory acceptance and forced value for its notes) – unless, the volunteers of a panarchy are foolish enough to opt for such a system for themselves. Then they have to suffer the consequences. - 3.) No compulsory investment for any of them in governmental “insecurities”. – Panarchies of statists excepted. - 4.) No government borrowing from or expropriation of pension funds. – Panarchies of statists excepted. - 5.) Let tax payers opt out from being milking cows for pensioners. And let all insured and pensioners opt out of all governmental schemes - but with their remaining and earned entitlements transferable. - 6.) No generation any longer to be free to exploit the next one for its old age pensions, e.g. through the imposition of “insurance” systems for old age on the levy principle, a large burden on current tax payers, without having given them the advantage of large and long-term sound productive investments, increasing productivity. (Statist communities excepted.) Those, who have properly invested their old age insurance funds productively, do not exploit but aid the future generations. Both creditors and debtors benefit from such investments and should share these benefits fairly and will under full financial freedom. - 6.) Let the insured suffer from their bad choices and bad investments. E.g., if they did not insist upon value preserving clauses, credit insurance contracts, the abolition of the legal preconditions for inflations and deflations. - 7.) No pensions at taxpayer’s expense to those who, as politicians or public servants offered the public only coercive disservices. To prove that is relatively easy in many cases. (However, statists in their panarchies should be free to go on with such practices.) - 8.) Retired taxpayers should get their transferable shares in all of the remaining capital assets of all territorial governments within their countries. (Federal, State and local government ones.) They or their consultants will use these assets more profitably than the governments so far did. Some details in PEACE PLANS 19 c. - 9.) It would probably be wise to separate invalidity and accident insurance from old age insurance. – If the whole sphere is thrown open to individual choice and fully free competition among suppliers then many other and perhaps better improvement steps would be likely. - JZ, n.d. & 26.2.08. 27.1.11, 18.12.13.
PENSIONS: The current and future taxpayers are not owned by the pensioners and others of the States’ creditors. Both, the pensioners and the current creditors of the government have also been robbed and defrauded by the government, e.g. via taxation and inflation and the consequences of the central bank’s note issue monopoly, which created up to a million unemployed people in Australia. – JZ, 2/75, 20.2.08.
PENSIONS: The fact that only 5 % of the population are now on government pensions (I did not note down the year. – JZ), that all others are not entitled to the official governmental old age pension or were not willing to accept this handout, shows that the problem is manageably small. Other financial methods might be applicable, rather than financing this expense through further tax robberies. – 1.) How many of the compulsorily retired people would rather have preferred to be permitted to work, as long as they could? They should not be subjected to any income tax in that case. The workforce and the output would be increased and thereby the general standard of living. Their own spending, of what otherwise would be taxed away from them, would anyhow be more useful to the economy than the spending of this revenue through government bodies. – 2.) How many would be able and willing to renounce their government pension claims if, thereby, their children and grandchildren could get a corresponding tax reduction? – 3.) How many of these 5 % could anyhow live in relative comfort without the government pension? How many are really helpless needy persons? How many are already provided for by private arrangements, and be it that they live together with their children or grandchildren, or could, if all those involved wanted this? It was a long tradition that old people were kept by their children and grandchildren and kept them company. To some extent governments have broken up this tradition, e.g. through the housing shortages they caused. – 4.) If they live in their own homes then its value could fully or partly be turned into a pension for the rest of their lives. JZ, 26.2.08 (Transcript of some old notes. Just some thoughts on alternative options to government old age pensions at the expense of tax payers.) – JZ, n.d.
PENSIONS: The government doesn’t save towards anyone’s pension.” – Duncan Yuille. – Perhaps he should have said “invest” instead of “save”. – Nevertheless, it has considerable capital assets that could be sold for the benefit of the pensioners or for which capital securities could be given to them. In Australia every Australian could probably still get an enormous amount of capital from this source, in form of transferable securities, which would be better used when in the hands of Australian citizens, and those investment managers that they trust, than by politicians and bureaucrats. Instead, the Australian government sold some common assets of Australians and kept the proceeds and wasted them as usual. – But then, who cares? Few do in Australia. - JZ, 26.2.08.
PENSIONS: There are several steps that could be taken immediately to facilitate the transition to a private retirement system in America. To begin with we could end inflation (*) (which hits hardest those dependent on fixed incomes) by following those steps outlined earlier in this book. Secondly, all persons over 55 years of age could be exempted from all taxation and all restrictions which place a ceiling on the earnings of older citizens.” - Roger McBride, A New Dawn, p.46. - - (*) Nothing is easier than that: Just end the money issue monopoly and the legal tender coercion, by repealing the relevant laws, and thereby the compulsory acceptance and forced value of the paper dollar of the government. Full monetary freedom would do the rest. Good money, competitively issued, would drive out the bad. – JZ, 26.2.08, 18.12.13.
PENSIONS: There is a great pension plan, assuming anyone is so stupid as to believe that any pension is great in an era of inflation.” – Gary North, reason, 8/78, in a look at the bizarre world of Congressional staffs.
PENSIONS: Under the following conditions relatively low amounts of annual contributions over a working life could suffice to achieve high pensions: a) no inflation risk, b) no restrictions on the interest rare and c) no restrictions on types of investments of the premium funds in productive enterprises, as long as they are credit-insured. Naturally, there should also be not confiscations by governments of such insurance funds or “borrowing” from them, which later taxpayers, including the insured or their offspring, would have to repay. - Those with current pension claims would, under freedom, soon find out that their creditors are bankrupt. – But under full freedom most of them could still earn a living – there being then no compulsory retirement age. - As for the rest, any assistance granted them should come from the proceeds of the sale of State properties. (In Peace Plans 19 C, Let Freedom Pay its Way, I showed how they could get their share in all remaining governmental assets and, at least in Australia and then, could live as rich men, as result. – JZ, 26.2.08. ) - To reduce their number to a minimum, when these proceeds are unlikely to fund their claims, all continuing old age pension payments by governments should then be granted only as private personal loans, to be guaranteed by their next of kin. The remainder would have to depend on voluntary instead of enforced charity, i.e., would have to live on real hand-outs, rather than on the proceeds of official robberies. Not even in order to pay them should tax robberies be continued. – Complainants should ponder why they did not care in time to provide themselves with rightful and sound old age security and why they never thought sufficiently about all its preconditions. - JZ, n.d. & 26.2.08, 18.12.13.
PENSIONS: Use the government’s “own” capital assets to pay the pensioners. Do not permit it to rob the new generation for the benefit of the old. – JZ, 23.2.75.
PENSIONS: We had a brief look in chapter 8 at Brian O’Malley’s defence of Barbara Castle’s new pension proposals, which consists of a tax from us to pay current pensioners, and a large tax in due course from the yet unborn to pay us. (*) Incredible, isn’t it? I would like to save for my pension, so that I’m not dependent on any unborn babes. I don’t see why they should look after me, especially if they’ve never been consulted.” – Terry Arthur, 95 % Is Crap, p.223. - (*) Levy instead of profitable investment principle of insurance. – JZ, n.d.
PENSIONS: We have to discontinue the injustice of loading the expenses of today’s pensioners on today’s taxpayers. Let them be repaid out of the investments they made in Australia – whatever productive investments are made for this purpose. – JZ, 3/75, 18.12.13.
PENSIONS: We owe pensioners something? We don’t. The government does. – JZ, 4.3.75. And the government has not yet privatized all its assets and made shares in them or the proceeds of such sales available to its tax victims. – JZ, 4.3.75. -
PENSIONS: We want all future pensioners to be millionaires! – This could be a Workers Party slogan – if the members knew the full potential of economic freedom for future pensioners. – JZ, 1973. – Australia is a lucky country insofar as even its present pensioners could be millionaires, immediately, in the total value of the returns from their capital assets for the remaining average period of their lives, after a proper libertarian take-over bid of all the assets of all Australian governments and e.g. their per head distribution. – JZ, 31.7.78. – See PEACE PLANS 19 C. Not copyrighted by me! – JZ, 21.1.08, 18.12.13.
PEOPLE & GOVERNMENT: If the people be governors, who shall be governed? - John Cotton - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. – DEMOCRACY, SELF-GOVERNMENT, REPRESENTATION, MAJORITY DESPOTISM, Q.
PEOPLE & POLITICIANS: Many politicians of our times are in the habit of laying it down as a self-evident proposition, that no people ought to be free till they are fit to use their freedom. The maxim is worthy of the fool in the old story, who resolved not to go into the water till he had learned to swim. If men are to wait for liberty till they become wise and good in slavery, they may indeed wait forever. - Thomas Macaulay - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. – How many enlightened, wise and mature politicians and policies are there? Their power addiction and power madness, expressed most in their territorialism, does already on its own make them unfit for genuine leadership. – JZ, 24.3.12. – Actually, one CAN learn to swim from a book and practise most of the required movements without going into the water. – That is even advisable while the water is very cold. - JZ, 15.1.13.
PEOPLE AS PROPERTY: As Diderot complained, ‘the Spaniard, the first to be thrown up by the waves on to the shores of the New World, thought he had no duty to people who did not share his colour, customs or religion. - Frances Wheen, How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World, Harper Perennial, 2004, p.190. – INTOLERANCE, RACISM, RELIGION, SPANISH COLONIALISM, TERRITORIALISM, RESPECT FOR INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PEOPLE AS PROPERTY: But to manipulate men, to propel them toward goals which you – the social reformers – see, but they may not, is to deny their human essence, to treat them as objects without wills of their own, and therefore to degrade them" - Isaiah Berlin – GOVERNMENTS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, DEHUMANIZING MAN, FREE WILL, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY
PEOPLE AS PROPERTY: The people belong to themselves. I am the only man who belongs to me. - Morris West, - The Salamander, 1973, Coronet ed., 1984, p.268. – SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY VS. TERRITORIALSM, GOVERNMENTALISM, STATISM
PEOPLE AS PROPERTY: Those, who treat humans like animals, are worse than the animals. – JZ, 4.12.11, 1.3.12. - SLAVERY, SERFDOM, TAXATION, TERRITORIALISM, CONSCRIPTION, RULERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, POLITICIANS
PEOPLE AS PROPERTY: We don't have the right to subordinate other people to our ends or treat them as objects for our uses, and that is a fundamental kind of equality that I think is at the heart of libertarianism." -Professor Roderick Long – Quoted by LearnLiberty – Facebook, 21.9.13.
PEOPLE SMUGGLERS: Let free migration end people smuggling, just like free trade can end goods smuggling and “protectionism”. – JZ, 19.9.13.
PEOPLE SMUGGLERS: They are not criminals with victims but people who do somewhat uphold the basic right of free migration in the face of strong opposition, legalized by government to suppress this right. They can make a profit in this business only because of the wrongful laws of governments against free migration. The real culprits are these governments and the victims are the smuggled people, who have to pay a very high price and even have to risk their lives to be smuggled into another country. The other and ignored victims are the people in the countries into which these illegal immigrants and asylum seekers are smuggled. They are deprived themselves of the productive capacity and the exchange opportunities which the illegal immigrants have to offer, to the extent that the illegal immigrants are prevented from coming in or are locked up in concentration camps, sometimes for years or deported. – JZ, 29.5.13, 9.6.13. – They are also highly taxed to maintain these migrants and asylum seekers in this wrongful and uneconomic condition. – JZ, 18.12.13. -FREE MIGRATION, IMMIGRATION RESTRICTIONS, DEPORTATION, CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS
PEOPLE: A government for the people must depend for its success on the intelligence, the morality, the justice, and the interest of the people themselves.” - Grover Cleveland - More precisely, upon that of its voluntary members. No others are really part and parcel of "the people" or "the nation" or "the State"! - JZ, 11.10.02. - Many of the doctrines or "principles" of territorial statism are no more moral or rational than are most of the dogmas of churches and sects. - JZ, 24.11.02. – Or those of robbers, thieves and legalized monopolists. – JZ, 18.12.13. - GOVERNMENT, CONSENT, JUSTICE, VOLUNTARISM, SELF-GOVERNMENT, NATIONS, COUNTRIES
PEOPLE: A government of right originates from the people, is founded on compact only, and instituted solely for the good of the whole; and they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their form of government as they may deem expedient.” – Declaration of Rights of Maryland, I, 1867. – The people, considered to be an entity, is merely an unwarranted generalization, an abstraction, a fiction. - Under territorialism not “the people” but only the majority have that right. The others are in fact disfranchised when it comes to public affairs. At most they can only hope to persuade the majority or to become a new majority. – “The people” is a dangerous term, more often misunderstood and abused than clearly seen for what it is, a mixture of very diverse kinds of peoples within the population of a territory. And this in spite of the fact that even the individuals within a family or a friendship circle and within the same occupations are already very different. Even the so-called majorities do contain many different factions. – Compare also the numerous schools which exist in economics, in philosophy, in paintings, in music, in architectures, in psychology, in religions, in ideologies, in politics, in social ideals, all of them somewhat coexisting in most populations or their “peoples”. – When it comes to political, economic and social systems they are all subjugated for the time being to the ones that are territorially imposed by their rulers. The opponents just strive for another kind of territorial imposition. - JZ, 10.7.86, 26.3.08.
PEOPLE: A lift operator wears a button that says: UP WITH PEOPLE.” – Jerome Beatty, in READER’S DIGEST 9/74. - Just like a politician! He did not tell them, that he also takes them down! – Well, at least the lift operator does not tax them. - JZ, 27.2.08.
PEOPLE: A people can be its own tyrant and often has been.” - Boerne. („Es kann auch das Volk sein eigner Tyrann sein – und ist es oft gewesen.“) Those, who do want to tyrannize themselves should be given the chance to do so – without imposing their preferences upon any others. JZ, 4.7.92. - There are e.g. orthodox and fundamentalist churches and sects that impose their own kinds of severe discipline upon their voluntary members. Where these societies go wrong is only when they do not permit their member to secede from them and make other choices for their own lives. To “punish” them for such secessionism amounts to extreme tyranny or despotism and should not be tolerated by any free society. Free societies might also intervene in the case of minors, whose parents refuse them e.g. life-saving blood transfusions or vaccinations. As adults they would have the right to refuse such life-saving methods for themselves, but not for their children. If merely some better chance for health or survival is offered and the method is still debatable, then they should also be free to refuse to subject their children to it. – JZ, 18.2.08. – TYRANNY, PARENTS & CHILDREN’S RIGHTS
PEOPLE: A people incapable (*) of protecting themselves will lose their rights as a free people, becoming either servile dependents of the state or of the criminal predators who are their de facto masters.” – Robert Cottrol, George Washington University law professor. - (*) or unwilling. JZ – PEOPLE FAILING TO PROTECT THEIR RIGHTS WILL BECOME VICTIMIZED BY OFFICIAL OR UNOFFICIAL CRIMINALS
PEOPLE: A people is always a community with rather narrow boundaries. But a nation, as a rule, encompasses a whole array of different peoples and groups of peoples who have by more or less violent means been pressed into the frame of a common state. In fact, in all of Europe there is no state which does not consist of a group of different peoples who were originally of different descent and speech and were forged together into one nation solely by dynastic, economic and political interests. - Even where, influenced by the growth of democratic ideas, the effort toward national unity took the form of a great popular movement, as happened in Italy and Germany, the effort really started from a reactionary germ which could lead to no good outcome. (*) The revolutionary efforts of Mazzini and his adherents for the establishment of a unified nationalistic state could but serve as hindrance to the social liberation of the people, whose real goal was hidden by the national ideology. Between the man Mazzini and the present dictator of Italy yawns a mighty abyss; but the development of the nationalistic system of thought from Mazzini’s political theology to the fascist totalitarian state of Mussolini proceeds in a straight line.” – Rudolf Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, p.201. - (*) Small scale territorialism was turned into large-scale territorialism and even territorial imperialism and totalitarianism. – JZ, 26.3.08.
PEOPLE: A people may prefer a free government, but if by momentary discouragement or temporary panic, or a fit of enthusiasm for an individual, they can be induced to lay their liberties at the feet of even a great man, or trust him with powers to subvert their institutions, in all these cases they are unfit for liberty.” - John Stuart Mill – A similar remark by him: A people may prefer a free government, but if, from indolence, or carelessness, or cowardice, or want of public spirit, they are unequal to the exertions necessary for preserving it ... They are more or less unfit for liberty; and although it may be for their good to have had it even for a short time, they are unlikely long to enjoy it." - John Stuart Mill. – I hold that a “free government” is a contradiction in terms, at least for all territorial governments. – Moreover, one should not judge “people” collectively, since there are all types among them and either to all or to some of the types his characterizations would not apply. All dissenters should become free to do their own things to or for themselves. - JZ, 26.12.07. & FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PERSONAL LAW LIBERTY, STATISM, GREAT MEN, POWERS
PEOPLE: A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” - Dwight David Eisenhower. - PRIVILEGES, CLAIMS, PRINCIPLES, STATISM
PEOPLE: A recent poll taken by the London Sunday People revealed the following disturbing British opinions and habits: 97 % think that all politicians are liars. 75 % think that local government officers are crooks. 30 % think that businessmen are dishonest. 25 % think that journalists twist the news. 67 % admit to cheating on their tax returns. 35 % admit to stealing from their employers. 20 % admit to cheating on fares. 8 % admit to stealing from shops. – TANSTAAFL, 3/76. - I wonder by how much these figures would be changed once all of them would only be volunteers of their chosen panarchy, working in self-managed enterprises and have all become acquainted with an ideal declaration of genuine individual rights and liberties and at last some of them had been members of an ideal militia force for the protection of these rights and liberties. - JZ, 27.1.11. - HONESTY, CORRUPTON
PEOPLE: A self-selected book offers more worthwhile company than most people can offer you. - JZ, 14.3.02. – Often even meeting a writer in person can be disappointing. The best of what they have to offer is mostly expressed already in their writings. – JZ, 7.3.09. - COMPANY, MEN, SOCIALIZING, BOOKS, READING, WRITERS
PEOPLE: A tyranny is a tyranny, whether it is run by a king or a dictator or the great and wonderful people themselves.” - W. T. Quick, Safe to the Liberties of the People, ANALOG, 6/87, p.140. - KINGS, DEMOCRACY, DICTATORSHIPS, AUTHORITARIANISM, TYRANNY
PEOPLE: Against the madness of crowds, Friedrich von Schiller once wrote, the very gods themselves contend in vain. - FRANCIS WHEEN, How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World, A Short History of Modern Delusions, Harper Perennial, London, 2004, p.35. (“Gegen Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens” – according to my flawed memory, probably in “Die Jungfrau von Orleans”. – JZ, 19.2.12.) – To succeed in this fight requires, among many other things, e.g. a complete and cheap digitized freedom library, bibliography, abstracts and review collection, definitions encyclopedia, refutations encyclopedia, ideas archive and handbook on optimal wordings. Without such tools even centuries of enlightenment efforts proceed only all too slowly. Missing still are also e.g. a comprehensive collection of Slogans for Liberty and one of libertarian jokes, songs and poems, as well as of pictures and movies. Only some good starts of such efforts are so far available. Most of such information is insufficiently combined and still spread over thousands of websites and millions of printed books. - See my “NEW DRAFT” digitized book of 2010. – JZ, 15.1.13. – STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE, PREJUDICES, CROWDS, MADNESS
PEOPLE: All parties must remember that people own the government, the government does not own us. – John Grundy, Chiswick, quoted in THETELEGRAPH.COM.AU, 15.3.13, p.95. – If we were individually sovereign already, sovereign consumer and entrepreneurs, even as us users and providers of governmental or public services, then we would also be free to secede from territorial governments and free to exterritorially and peacefully compete with them. Under territorial governments we are, obviously, not as free and sovereign. Ownership means control. We do not have that kind of control of the government, although the government is made up of a few people only, who are far outnumbered by the whole population of the country ruled by it. Everywhere it is really the government, which controls and more or less owns and abuses the whole population, under all kinds of false pretenses and excuses. Unfortunately, most of the population subscribes to popular errors and prejudices and comes to believe that they are represented and thus rule indirectly – even while these “representatives” neither know and declare or respect all their individual rights and liberties. – Even under the best of the present territorial governments it is the governments that control the people, not the people, all of the people, who do control the government. Even when a majority of voters put a government in office, with that government, constituting a small minority, the whole of the population becomes territorially governed, not only those, who voted for it. The voter controls nothing but his or her own vote – and it is powerless as such. – Territorial free elections are no substitute for genuine self-government. Grundy’s statement is loaded with misconceptions. - JZ, 16.4.13. – VOTING, ELECTIIONS, SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-DETERMINATION, SELF-GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, LAISSEZ FAIRE, ASSOCIATIONISM, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT, VOLUNTARISM IN EVERY SPHERE, PANARCHISM, GOVERNMENT, OWNERSHIP, CONTROL, TERRITORIALISM, PARTIES, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY TOWARDS COMPETING GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS, SOCIETIES & COMMUNITIES, REPRESENTATION, VOTING, PEOPLE AS PROPERTY
PEOPLE: All people must be allowed to develop in freedom.” – Down to Earth Movement. – In: A New Society: The Anarchist Alternative. – FREEDOM, DEVELOPMENT, INDEPENDENCE, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, ANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY
PEOPLE: All power is inherent in the people.” – Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Cartwright, 1824. – All power should emanate from individuals and be limited to individual rights and liberties, among which e.g. individual secessionism is essential as well as the freedom to associate under full exterritorial autonomy. – JZ, 3.11.85, 9.7.86, 26.3.08. – I wonder how I would express it in another ten years, if I live that long. – I can only hope that others will improve my wordings or supplement them by better ones. - JZ, 26.3.08. – Under the pretence of serving all of the people the territorial rulers have done almost everything except that. As territorialists they could at best only represent some of the people, namely their voluntary followers plus those, whom they granted privileges. – JZ, 14.4.08, 27.1.11.
PEOPLE: All the laws have had no more real obligation than have the agreements which brigands, bandits, and pirates find it necessary to enter into with each other, for the more successful accomplishment of their crimes, and the more peaceable division of their spoils. - Thus substantially all the legislation of the world has had its origin in the desires of one class of persons to plunder and enslave others, and hold them as property.” – Lysander Spooner: Natural Law. - PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, LAWS, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, PLUNDER, POLITICIANS, RULERS, REPRESENTATIVES, PARLIAMENTS, TAXATION, "MUTUAL PLUNDER BUNDS"
PEOPLE: America is a representative republic. This means that the people, through their elected representatives, really are running this country, for good or ill. What the people demand, they get. Maybe not overnight, but eventually. Our elected representatives dare not ignore us for long.” – René Baxter, FREEDOM TODAY, 9/75. - Obviously, many different parts of “the” people, including the libertarians, can be and are largely ignored for a long time, if they are not effectively organized in powerful pressure groups. And e.g. against governmentally caused inflation, deflation, taxation and bureaucracy and excess powers of governments even the majority of the people are, obviously, not yet effectively informed and organized. – Moreover the non-voters make up often up to half the adult population. – In matters of external policies, war and peace, territorial governments have ignored us for centuries while producing one mess after another, there, too. - JZ, 27.2.08. - REPRESENTATION, GOVERNMENT, , TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: Americanism envisions a proportionate shrinkage of the State as an important factor in the American Social Order. This is the genesis of the American truism that those people are governed best who are governed least. In its converse this statement is likewise true, for certainly those people are best who require least government.” – Clarence Manion, The Key to Peace, p.53. – As long as there are active authoritarians and even totalitarians around us, we do not need a single strong or authoritarian or even totalitarian and territorial government against them but, against these aggressors or potential aggressors, our common enemies, rather, some form of defensive federation of several societies and communities, all only with voluntary members, all formed by decent, honest, freedom loving people, knowing and appreciating many to all of their individual rights and liberties and those of all other human beings, acting correspondingly friendly and tolerant towards them, allying themselves with them in their defensive and liberating efforts, as effectively as possible, well enough informed and trained for such occasions. – JZ, 11/82, 27.1.11. – Only such an organization could turn a defence or a liberation action from a war against whole populations into a quite rightful police action against a few genuine war criminals only, largely together with the police forces and military forces who are supposed to fight for the enemy, a despotic territorial regime and together with this regimes captive peoples, nations, or minorities, who are supposed to work and pay tributes to these war criminals. – JZ, 27.1.11. - AMERICANISM, PANARCHISM, DEFENCE, LIBERATION
PEOPLE: And it occurs to me that when decent people pull together to resist a common threat, they are very nearly an invincible force.” – READER’S DIGEST, 1974, month? In article: Showdown at Alice Springs, p.31. – POWER, RESISTANCE
PEOPLE: And what (*) the people but a herd confus’d, // A miscellaneous rabble, who extol / / Things vulgar?” – Milton, Paradise Regained, Bk. iii, I. 49. – (*) are? – JZ - MASSES, CROWDS, RABBLE, MOBS
PEOPLE: As if freedom could be murdered without the consent of the people, without the cowardice of the people. What does the world ‘people’ mean? Who is the people? I’m the people! It’s the few who struggle and disobey! The others aren’t people! They’re herd, herd, herd!” - Oriana Fallaci, A Man, p.295.
PEOPLE: brush aside those intermediaries and take power back into our own hands.” – David Broder, PENTHOUSE INTERNATIONAL, 2/1979, p.53. – POWER, POPULISM, SELF-GOVERNMENT, REPRESENTATION, DEMOCRACY, POLITICIANS
PEOPLE: But to civilized people, who never bothered to find out what was going on beyond their little bailiwicks, who blandly accepted …” - Poul Anderson, The Best of Poul Anderson, p.185, story: The Fatal Fulfillment, part 5. , APATHY, INDIFFERENCE, ACCEPTANCE, STATISM, OBEDIENCE, LIMITED HORIZON, PRIVATE LIVES
PEOPLE: by the people they mean the crowd that applauds them, …” - Oriana Fallaci, A Man, p.446.
PEOPLE: Can people be very proud to belong to “the people” when, obviously, there are still e.g. so many thieves and litter-bugs among them and so many who still believe in collective responsibility, territorialism and in restrictions on economic rights and liberties? – JZ, 18.7.08, 19.9.08. – NATIONALISM, PATRIOTISM, Q.
PEOPLE: Common natures do not suffice me. Good people, as they are called, won’t serve. I want individuals.” – Charles Lamb: Letter to William Wordsworth, March 20, 1822. – Individuals we have, en masse, whole herds of them, but not yet individualistic individuals, with minds of their own, rather than merely minds filled with the usual popular errors, myths and prejudices (which make them easy prey to territorial rulers.) – JZ, 14.4.08. - INDIVIDUALISM, COMMON MAN, AVERAGE MEN
PEOPLE: Conservatives who will tell the people that the pound has gone and our credit and inheritance have been squandered from a failure to understand that the People keep the State and not the State the People; …” - Sir Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.207. – What they really have failed to understand and still do, is full monetary freedom as opposed to monetary despotism or any exclusive currency system, even if it is not as bad as that of a forced and exclusive state paper currency. – The pound is still there, but only as an exclusive, forced and all too much depreciated paper currency. And State credit is still there, even if enforced through taxation and through compulsory investment in governmental “insecurities”. - JZ, 18.2.08. - STATE, STATISM, WELFARE STATE, GOVERNMENT SPENDING, INFLATION, CENTRAL BANKING, MONETARY DESPOTISM, PUBLIC DEBT
PEOPLE: COUNTRIES & NATIONS, INDIVIDUALISM, PANARCHISM, STATES, PANARCHISM, GOVERNMENTS, DEMOCRACY, VOTING, MINORITIES, MAJORITIES, TERRITORIALISM, SOCIETIES. – All these terms and many related ones are all too often misunderstood by all too many and thus lead to wrong conclusions and actions. – E.g. the current rulers constitute only one of the smallest minorities and yet, under territorialism, they are the most powerful one. - JZ, 19.12.13
PEOPLE: Democracy has proved only that the best way to gain power over people is to assure the people that they are ruling themselves. Once they believe that, they make wonderfully submissive slaves.” – Joseph Sobran in The Myth of ‘Limited Government’ – At least under territorialism democracy is largely only a government fostered delusion rather than a genuine democratic self-rule for all peaceful people. - JZ, 7.3.09, 27.1.11. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” – H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956, A Little Book in C major, 1916. – Alas, he too considered people as a collective body, instead of seeing their variety and demanding that any particular segment of them, with all their volunteers, ought to be free to choose their personal law and institutions themselves, instead of remaining dependent upon the votes of all the others among “the” people. All too great and unjustified generalizations lead, generally, to all too great false conclusions. With minorities getting the option for their own systems, naturally, they would often make many mistakes. But these would be at their own expense only and teach them and outsiders useful lessons. – JZ, 9.9.07. - COMMON PEOPLE, MAJORITY, VOTING, DEMOCRACY, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, SECESSIONISM, INDIVIDUAL, SELF-GOVERNANCE, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, VOLUNTARISM
PEOPLE: Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.” - Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism. - Panarchism means that only like-minded volunteers may bludgeon each other, like boxers in a ring, while other groups of volunteers are at liberty to help or support each other or engage in free exchanges and other collaborations or simply to leave each other alone and merely watch, critically, what they are doing to each other. - - Who is "the people" remains undefined here. Alas, even O. W. abused the term “people”, as if it meant a single entity, rather than millions of individuals, all different, all with different interests, beliefs and convictions. - If as free as they had been for a few decades, e.g. to emigrate, thereby spreading many members of most “peoples” all over the world, but, instead, to “leave their present government” internally - through individual and group secessions, then how many would have stuck with the territorially and statist organized kind of “people” instead of doing their own and different things? Initially, perhaps, most of them. But once the first successes of a few voluntary communities had become widely known, the old territorial systems would have shrunk, probably, rather fast. Especially since then it would not be dangerous to try to leave them, as is it is for people living under territorialism. But even from the territorial systems many escaped, risking their lives or huge penalties for the attempt, if caught. A chain reaction of secessions and of building up new societies of volunteers could easily result. The numbers of these secessionists and panarchists could fast exceed the ca. 50 million people who migrated to the USA. A federation, one of all minorities aspiring to independent panarchies for themselves, could fast become the largest political force in the world. Democracies have little to offer and are still dominated by popular errors and prejudices. Many of the most important individual rights and liberties remain thus unrecognized and unrealized in them. Tyrannies have nothing to offer but coercion and terror, which might enable them, for a while, to avoid this kind of voluntary but tolerant separatism. Against territorial enemies, however, they remain all too strong. However, once they are confronted, even at a considerable distance, by a dozen or several dozens of governments and societies in exile, in other countries, all of them representing all the internal dissenters of tyrannies, through their already existing refugees and defectors, practising full exterritorial autonomy for and among them and holding it up as their ideal for all future members, once they are finally liberated in this form, then and against this defensive, revolutionary and liberating approach, the territorial despotic regimes would be rather helpless. – Even Communism was, in the end, split up into numerous factions. Now only a few totalitarian communist regimes remain, Red China, North Korea, North Vietnam and Cuba, to my knowledge. Would they resist desperately, if they would be assured that they could be continued – exterritorially, for their remaining volunteers? - There are always at least 4 different groups : 1. the bludgeon wielders, 2. their voluntary victims, 3. their involuntary victims and 4. disinterested or even cheering onlookers. - Panarchism would mean that only volunteers would be at liberty to bludgeon each other while other volunteers, at the same time and in the same country, would be at liberty to support each other, in ways they like, or to leave each other alone. - JZ 6.4.89, 8.4.89, 22.2.08, 27.1.11, 19.12.13. – DEMOCRACY, MAJORITIES DESPOTISM, DEMOCRACY, TERRITORIALISM, LIBERATION, WAR AIMS, GOVERNMENTS IN EXILE, VOLLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM VS. TYRANNIES, DICTATORSHIPS, DEFENCE
PEOPLE: Demos, The People, was a fantasy imagined by the ancient Greeks, in their search for The Authority that (they imagined) controlled men. To this fantasy they attached the meaning of God, which always attaches to every form of Authority, and there are still persons who believe that “the voice of The People is the voice of God”. – Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.178. – INDIVIDUALS, DEMOCRACY, AUTHORITY, GOD, GOVERNMENTS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, NATIONALISMPEOPLE: Do only better institutions produce better people or do only better people produce better institutions? An old question, which has appeared in many different wordings. Personally, I believe that much better institutions would produce much better people. But why not allow both methods to freely compete with each other? Allow those, who believe they are better people, to secede and to establish their supposedly better institutions. But allow also those, who believe, that better institutions would produce better people, to secede and to try to produce better people through better institutions. Most principles, except mutual tolerance for tolerant actions, do not have to be practised territorially. Let the various experiences of different experiments decide – or be available to future individual decision-makers. – JZ, 2.10.07. – INSTITUTIONS, ENVIRONMENT, GENETIC INFLUENCE, HUMAN NATURE, TOLERANCE, TERRITORIALISM, ENLIGHTENMENT, EDUCATION, SELF-EDUCATION, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM
PEOPLE: Do you mean that people actually allow themselves to be told?” - Elissa in The Great Escape, by Eric Frank Russell, quoted in LAISSEZ FAIRE CATALOGUE, Summer 75. – STATISM, SUBORDINATION, OBEDIENCE, INDIVIDUALISM, SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY
PEOPLE: Don’t let all people decide all for all people or the whole population in a territory – JZ, 26.6.79, 18.2.08. – But let each individual member of the people or the population decide fully a) on his own affairs and b) on those public affairs that he wants to get involved with. - JZ, 30.3.94, 18.2.08. - DEMOCRACY, MAJORITIES, ELECTIONS, VOTING, DECISION-MAKING, SELF-GOVERNMENT, PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM, COLLECTIVISM, TERRITORIALISM, NATIONALISM
PEOPLE: Each people has the naïve notion of being God’s best creation.” – Theodor Heuss. („Jedes Volk hat die naïve Auffassung, Gottes bester Einfall zu sein.“) - THE MYTH OF THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, NATIONALISM, CHAUVINISM, TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: Enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think.” – Chinese proverb. - Without individual secessionism and exterritorial autonomy for communities of volunteers, this poor response is quite common, especially in the face of the greatest threats, towards which most people at present have good reasons to feel quite helpless, in their present position - under territorial rule. Curiously, they do not even question, criticize or deny extreme powers of a few people over all of them, nor do they demand sufficient freedom of action for themselves rather than for the main troublemakers, the territorial governments. - JZ, 26.11.06, 27.1.11. - Unfree and threatened people tend to rather try to enjoy themselves as much as they still can, rather than attempt to liberate and save themselves, especially when, as presently is generally the case, under territorial regimes, very few doors, exits or opportunities are remaining open to them to liberate and save themselves. – Under territorialism most live under all too well organized and coercively financed helplessness, with all too many of the most important decisions being monopolized in statist organizations by the smallest minorities of all, the territorial rulers. - JZ, 27.1.11, 19.12.13. - NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES VS. SELF-HELP, SUPPRESSION OF SECESSIONISM & EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY WITH THEIR EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM OPTIONS
PEOPLE: Even Machiavelli concedes (Discourses, I, 58) “that the people are more prudent and stable, and have better judgment than a prince.” – B. R. Barber, Superman and Common Men, p.122. – One should not speak about whole populations using such a term. The population of a territory rarely if ever, forms a single entity of fixed characteristics. It is rather a conglomerate, thrown together by chance or coercion, of the most diverse kinds of individuals and groups. Sufficient commonality and sufficient common sense can be found only among those individuals who do share enough knowledge and interests in common, particular common purposes and activities, people with sufficiently similar moral views, so that one can to some extent consider them as a somewhat uniform body of people. A common language and a common history under one government have not sufficiently unified them, as their different parties, factions, ideologies etc. do daily demonstrate. Only once they have all sorted themselves out, individually, in different societies and communities or under competing and voluntary governance systems, in their own kinds of exterritorially autonomous communities and societies, all of their own and diverse individual choices, can one begin to speak, with some justification of “a people”, a genuine community or society, for each of these groups. – JZ, 26.2.08, 27.1.11, 19.12.13.
PEOPLE: Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves therefore are its only safe depositories.” Jefferson, quoted in: Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter: The Light of Other Days, p.149/150. He should have added: “the people” should not be territorially defined but, by their own individual preferences, their own voluntary associations and communities. – JZ, 16.9.07. - VS. GOVERNMENT, PANARCHISM
PEOPLE: For Bastiat, the rule of the people could be best achieved in a system which allowed individuals of society to go their own way without placing restraints upon them. – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p. 193. - Close, but close enough to panarchism or only to individualism? - JZ, 27.1.11. – He still ignored the voluntary association and cooperation options under fully free competition and laissez faire, all with their own kind of personal law restrictions or internal rules subscribed to. – JZ, 19.12.13. - MAJORITY, DEMOCRACY, RULE OF THE PEOPLE, PANARCHISM, SECESSIONISM
PEOPLE: for those demagogues the people is a numerical abstraction, a concept to separate the individual from his identity and his responsibility, whereas the only real fact is the individual, and every individual is responsible for himself and for the others.” - Oriana Fallaci, A Man, p.296. – He exemplifies his notion of responsibility towards others by the manufacture and use of the M 16 bullet: “a bullet that travels almost at the speed of sound, and as it travels it spins, and entering flesh it goes on spinning and breaks and tears and shatters, so that even if you’re wounded only in a muscle you die in a quarter of an hour.” – Apparently a further development of the “dum-dum” bullet of WW I. – Not exactly a weapon to influence people and make friends. Just like it has been said, that one does not find friends in places that have been napalmed or area-bombed or among people intentionally exposed to poisonous gases or chemicals. - He might also have used the example of e.g. land mines, that last almost forever and had been strewed over country-sides by the millions, and, naturally, those mass murder devices, now stockpiled, that can each kill tens of thousands to millions each, almost all of their victims being wrongly and collectively defined as enemies. - JZ, 27.2.08, 19.12.13. – INDIVIDUALISM, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY VS. COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY, TARGETS, ENEMIES
PEOPLE: For we put the power in the people.” - William Penn. - Robert Proud, The History of Pennsylvania in North America, (1797). vol. 1, p.139. - Rather, the politicians rule the people by pretending to have done that, with the farce of collectivistic and territorial voting, on the “principle” of majority rule, by which, usually, only the worst have a chance to get and stay on top. - JZ, 13.10.02, 18.12.13. - PEOPLE POWER, POWER, DEMOCRACY, POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATION, FRANCHISE, VOTING:
PEOPLE: For years now, the most brutal totalitarian regimes in the world have called themselves ‘people’s democracies’ or ‘democratic republics’”. – Dr. Fred Charles Ikle or Daniel P. Moynihan? QUADRANT, 12/78, p.28. – And in the West such terms have, usually, been quite uncritically repeated, for decades, until these totalitarian regimes expired - but for a few like Cuba, Red China, North Vietnam and North Korea. – JZ, 28.2.08, 27.1.11. - PEOPLE’S DEMOCRACIES
PEOPLE: Gigantic cracks can now be seen running throughout the entire social edifice, and unless the people revolt and take back the power illegally. (*) wrested from them, our society and our way of life will not long survive.” – Ron Manners, bookshop notes. - (*) that was illegally or even legally wrested from them! - JZ 0.4.08. - Even in the best democracies one or several parties rule. And these, judging them by their membership, represent only a small fraction of the people and by their votes often still only a minority, rarely a significant and lasting majority. - JZ, 27.1.11, 19.12.13.
PEOPLE: Give government of the people, by the people and for the people back to the people! – Libertarian sticker. – Also a “MAD Sticker”, 1974. - But only to individual people and their voluntary associations, not to whole territorial populations, their governments and statist institutions - as their kinds of collectivistic, centralistic and monopolistic, and only seemingly “self-managed” but really only centrally administered and, largely, mis-ruled country-wide prisons. – JZ, 26.3.08, 19.12.13. – DEMOCRACY, MAJORITIES, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: Give the people what they want and they go away happy.” – TV Channel 7, Comedy: The Persuaders: Chain of Events, 15.3.76. - It is not a matter of giving them what they want but of respecting their right and liberty to make, individually, those choices for themselves, even when it comes to whole political, economic and social systems, which they do prefer for themselves, as long as they allow all other non-criminal and non-aggressive people the same freedom. - JZ, 27.1.11.
PEOPLE: Government armies aren’t the people’s armies. (Even when they are called the “people’s army”.) They fight for the aims of territorial governments, not for the diverse aims of the people in any territory and their diverse groups, communities and societies. Territorial government armed forces have to become transformed into volunteer militias of the diverse peoples, exclusively for the protection of their individual rights and liberties. Territorial governments don’t know all of these rights and liberties and care even less about them. Thus they should not be granted any exclusive and territorial military, legislation, jurisdiction, administration or police powers, except genuine self-government over their remaining own volunteers, all those, who did not prefer to secede from them. – JZ, 7.8.03 & 18.10.07, 19.12.13. – GOVERNMENTS, PEOPLE & GOVERNMENTS, ARMIES, SOLDIERS, PROFESSIONAL SOLDIERS, MERCENARIES, DECISION ON WAR & PEACE, TERRITORIALISM, MILITIA, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS
PEOPLE: Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” – “Yeah. Trouble is, the three classes of people aren’t the same.” - Poul Anderson, The Boat of a Million Years, p/11. A Tom Doherty Associates Book, New York, 1989, p.298. - & GOVERNMENT,
PEOPLE: Government of the people, by the people, for the people, usually ends up as government of the people, by the government, for the government.” – Richard Needham, 1977, quoted in: Ken Schoolland, The Adventure of Jonathan Gullible, Leap Publishing, Cape Town, with Commentaries by Ken Schoolland and Janette Eldridge, 1981 ff, 2004 ed., p.233. - – GOVERNMENT, DEMOCRACY
PEOPLE: Governments fight governments. People don’t fight people.” – Mary Ingram, 24.10.75. –If only that were quite true. The warfare method of territorial governments is not confined to fighting only one or several foreign governments, but, rather their victims, including their conscripts and tax slaves. - They force their territorial subjects to work, pay and fight for them. If territorial governments were only killing each other - then I would not mind this at all. Such "duels" I would welcome and say: good riddance. The sooner and the more, the better, until none of them are left. - I would cheer only for any government or leadership that renounces territorialism and confines itself to exterritorial autonomy for its own volunteers, doing their own things only for or to themselves. - JZ, 27.1.11. - GOVERNMENTS, WAR, DECISION-MAKING, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT
PEOPLE: He who speaks of the people, speaks of a madman, for the people is a monster full of confusion and mistakes; and the opinions of the people are as far removed from the truth as, according to Ptolemy, the Indies are form Spain.” – Francesco Guicciardini, Storia d’Italia, 1564. – Therefore, let them sort themselves out, by individual secessionism and voluntary and non-territorial associationism. – JZ, 10.7.86. - Everyone has the right to live in accordance with his own ignorance, errors, prejudices etc. and his all too limited knowledge and wisdom – at his own risk and expense. – JZ, 26.3.08, 19.12.13.
PEOPLE: Here the people speak, but are not heard. - Morris West, - The Salamander, 1973, Coronet ed., 1984, p.259. - FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, FREE SPEECH, PETITIONS, GOVERNMENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, DEMOCRACY
PEOPLE: How about a chip for everyone, either in their right hand or in their forehead, to make sure no one gets away with anything? Problem is … while "they" are keeping track of us, who will be keeping track of ‘them’?" – Cheryl DeJesus. - That will come, if we let them. So, let us chip them first and publish the full results for each of them. - That might somewhat help to keep them under our control. No privacy at all for them. That would give them too many opportunities to cheat us further. - This should be one of the rightful and necessary burdens of their office. Then their jobs would become less attractive to these power addicts. - JZ, 24. 11. 06. - Naturally, a much better solution would be not to allow anyone any territorial power over dissenters in the first place or any longer. All are to become confined to their voluntary followers. - JZ, 26.1.11, 19.12.13. - PEOPLE TO BE CHIPPED OR RULERS, REPRESENTATIVES & BUREAUCRATS? POWER ADDICTS, POLITICIANS, GOVERNMENTS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, VOLUNTARISM
PEOPLE: I believed that people should and could be free. I hated the State and I believed that the people should be awakened to its murderous rottenness. Now, I'm not so sure about awakening the people, but I hate the State more than ever.” - Tom Godwin, The Greater Thing, ASTOUNDING SF, July 1954, British edition, p.89. - Only individuals can be awakened and enlightened, one by one, not the masses of the people, as a whole, suddenly, by one measure. All alternative approaches must ultimately rest on individual volunteers and their actions, alone or in voluntary association - and quite free, even exterritorially autonomous. - JZ, 7.2.02. - STATE, INDIVIDUALS, MASSES, ENLIGHTENMENT, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM,
PEOPLE: I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of the people. – Isaac Newton – MADNESS, IRRATIONALITY, IGNORANCE, PREJUDICES
PEOPLE: I do not want the voice of the people shut out.” - Senator Huey Long, remarks in the Senate, May 16, 1932, Congressional Record, vol. 75, p.10297. - But, like all politicians, he wanted the free actions of diverse groups among the people controlled by himself and other territorialist politicians, interpreting "self-government" as government by politicians, as the supposed representative of "the" people. - JZ, 13.10.02. – The people is not a single entity and its diverse individuals do not have just one voice, idea or opinion. – JZ, 7.3.09. – POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATION, DEMOCRACY, TERRITORIALISM, VOTING, MAJORITY RULE VS. GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT IN VOLUNTARY COMMUNITIES: PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM
PEOPLE: I know of no safe depositor of the ultimate powers of society, but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it away from them, but to inform their discretion by education.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to W. E. Jarvis, 1820. – “The people” is an all too vague, general and misleading a notion. A better institution for this protection or guardianship would be those, who are interested in and enlightened on individual rights and liberties and also organized, trained, armed and motivated to fight, if necessary, for their defence in accordance with them, in the best forms of militias of volunteers. – JZ, 5.6.82, 27.2.08, 27.1.11. - Likewise, all kinds of people, who would be genuinely represented by any of many diverse and peacefully competing societies, any competing governance system - as long as their members and "subjects" are all volunteers, free to secede and while they only aspire to rule themselves, autonomously and exterritorially, under personal laws as well as they can. - It works in every other sphere but was so far territorially outlawed for alternative political, economic and social systems, all only for their volunteers. - JZ, 14.10.02, 27.1.11. - However: How many such people are there, so far, in the whole world? – JZ, 10.4.08, 27.1.11. - “The people” is a myth, for any country, for any "nation" State. – JZ, 7.3.09, 27.1.11. – MILITIA, POWER, PUBLIC, DEMOCRACY, SOVEREIGNTY, REPUBLICANISM, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM UNDER PERSONAL LAW
PEOPLE: I like to believe that people, in the long run, are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.” - President Dwight D. Eisenhower, radio and television broadcast with Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, London, August 31, 1959. - Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower 1959, p.625. - Both, the people and the government should be better defined than they are here. Each individual should ultimately be free to choose his own enemies, friends, associates and trading partners. That would be more peace-promoting than any efforts by any territorial government. - These organizations are the problem, not the solution. - Just imagine all dissenting individuals and minorities becoming free to secede and rule themselves autonomously, under personal laws, i.e., territorially. What would then remain of most dictatorships and tyrannies? How could such rulers effectively resist their internal and external enemies who agreed and acted upon the platform: Full exterritorial autonomy for all minorities? What could such a platform e.g. achieve, soon, in the Middle East? - For many decades it has not been seriously discussed in any summit conferences or mass media. - The ancient traditions of personal law exterritoriality are largely forgotten, even among the Arabs and Jews. - Visit: - JZ, 26.11.02. - Yes, to E.’s view - once they are freed from territorialist restraints and monopolies to do so, quite freely. – But that would also require that they would first realize what peace really means and requires, instead of the continuance of territorial Warfare States. – And that would require sufficient interest in such questions, which so far was not shown but prevented by numerous popular errors and prejudices. - JZ, 29.9.07, 19.12.13. - & PEACE, GOVERNMENTS, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, PEACE, PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE, MUTUAL TOLERANCE, PERSONAL LAW, COMPETING GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES & COMMUNITIES
PEOPLE: I never cease to be amazed at what people will put up with if it’s presented to them in a pretty package.” (*) – F. Paul Wilson, Wheels within Wheels, p. 54. – Or in a plausible form or wording. – JZ, 19.12.13. - If the “package” were only “opened” and used panarchistically, by volunteers, then at least it would not wrong and harm all those opposed to it in spite of its pretty packaging. – JZ, 6.6.92, 7.1.93. - Moreover, then alternatives to it could be freely practised everywhere and rapidly demonstrate that in some cases only pretty packaging is involved or that their contents leaves very much to be desired. - (*) Or, as in totalitarian or dictatorial regimes, in terrifying ones. – JZ, 20.2.08. - PANARCHISM, OBEDIENCE, SUBORDINATION, STATISM, ADAPTABILITY OF MAN, PROMISES FROM POLITICIANS, THE DELUSIONS OF TERRITORIALISM & DEMOCRACY
PEOPLE: I was told that the Privileged and the People formed Two Nations, governed by different laws, influenced by different manners, with no thoughts or sympathies in common.” - Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield), (1804-1881), Sybil (1845). - All "peoples" or "nations", so far organized in territorial States, are not uniform bodies but constituted out of many more diverse groups than just two classes. All of these diverse groups, by rights, should be free to rule themselves autonomously. Since they are living mixed with others in the same population of the same country, this can be done only with exterritorial autonomy under personal laws. Territorial monopolism should be totally abolished. With it the targets for WMD’s would also disappear. - JZ, 26.11.02, 13.3.09. - PRIVILEGES, CLASSES
PEOPLE: I wish men to be free as much from mobs as kings - from you as me.” - Lord Byron, Don Juan. - MOBS, MASSES, MAJORITY, VOTING
PEOPLE: I’d like to believe that the people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that governments better get out of their way and let them have it.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower. – Territorial governments, that is, which are all too often Warfare States. – JZ, 21.2.08. – I suppose that most people, once they hit upon a thought that appeals to them, do express it in several somewhat different versions. Sometimes merely because their memories, like mine, are still all too imperfect. Their listeners or readers then make their own changes, intentionally or unintentionally. – JZ, 15.3.09. - PEACE, GOVERNMENT
PEOPLE: If a people be well fed and well housed it cares nothing about the form of government under which it lives or the honesty or rottenness of that government.” – Benjamin Decasseres, Fantasia Improptu, 1933. – At least a few discontented people will always exist under any territorial government. Unless they are able to form a powerful lobby they are mostly easily ignored or suppressed by any territorial government. – And yet all progress depends upon those individuals and minorities that are discontent. They should be given their chance to live and run their own affairs as they want to, independent of any territorial government and the “mandate” it may hold from a majority. – I build all my hopes and expectations upon voluntary and exterritorially autonomous schisms and free experiments with alternatives, all based upon free individual secessionism and free and voluntary associationism under personal law. - JZ, 26.3.08. – Google still turns up millions of references to personal law traditions that are remaining. Alas, they are, mostly, all too much infringed by the intolerant religion of statist territorialism. - JZ, 27.1.11. - PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY.
PEOPLE: If I were to attempt to put my political philosophy tonight into a single phrase, it would be this: Trust the people. Trust their good sense, their decency, their fortitude, their faith. Trust them with the facts. Trust them with the great decisions. And fix as our guiding star the passion to create a society where people can fulfill their own best selves - where no American is held down by race or color by worldly condition or social status, from gaining what his character earns him as an American citizen, as a human being and as a child of God.” - Adlai E. Stevenson, speech at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, September 13, 1956. - Stevenson, The New America, ed. Seymour E. Harris, Jr., pp. 13-14 (1971). - Rather, trust free people, i.e., only the voluntary groups among them, to do what is best for them or what they believe to be best for them, if given the right, liberty and opportunity to do so - always at their own expense and risk. Politicians usually can be trusted only to act wrongfully, ignorantly and full of popular errors and prejudices - and to do so at the expense and risk of all other people - and for this they expect to be well paid, frequently re-elected and finally pensioned off in affluence. Even if they were condemned to life imprisonment or death, their punishment could never make up for all the wrongs they inflicted upon their innocent victims, under the pretence of helping them or acting in the interests of the public. - JZ, 13.10.02, 19.12.13. – Belief in “the people” is mostly only a belief in an idealistic spleen or myth. See for instance the “quality” of the election slogans millions of them still fall for. – The denial or restriction of our individual rights and liberties should never be entrusted to their majority votes, although their confirmation, in a referendum, might be. – Neither they nor the politicians get a chance to read and comprehend all the laws that are passed in the name of the people, mostly against their individual rights and liberties and “the people” have so far put up with this condition and have not demanded the right of individuals and of communities of volunteers to secede from and freely compete with the messes territorialism keeps producing. – Obviously, not all individuals of the whole population can be trusted, least of all the politicians. - JZ, 8.3.09. – It is essential only that all the pioneers among the people are set quite free to do their own things for or to themselves, always only at the own risk and expense. Then we would soon see improvements in political, social and economic systems that are comparable to the progress in natural sciences and technology, which is also based upon experimental freedom. - JZ, 27.1.11, 19.12.13. - PANARCHISM, VOTING, MAJORITIES, DEMOCRACY, SECESSIONISM, POLITICIANS, TRUST, PROGRESS, ENLIGHTENMENT, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCE ALTERNATIVES
PEOPLE: If in a democracy “the people” really governed, they certainly would not need a government on top of them, looting, misinforming and misdirecting them. “The people” is, naturally, an illusion, too, one that does not distinguish between the great varieties of peoples in any State or country, including freedom-loving ones and masses of statists and various authoritarians. All the various groups have the right to self-governance or self-determination, no more and no less, but do not get it through territorial democracy. Only exterritorial autonomy for communities of volunteers could provide it. – JZ, 27.4.93, 19.2.08. - DEMOCRACY, GOVERNMENT, SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION
PEOPLE: If mankind is to avoid another slaughter, the people must take the initiative – take policy into their own hands. To trust your leaders to save you is sheer folly.” – Albert Einstein. – GOVERNMENTS, LEADERSHIP, STATISM, SELF-DETERMINATION, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, SELF-RELIANCE VS. TERRITORIALISM, NUCLEAR UNILATERAL DISARMAMENT BY THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES, I.E., THOSE TARGETED BY THOSE “WEAPONS”.
PEOPLE: If the government doesn't trust the people, why doesn't it dissolve them and elect a new people?” - Bert Brecht. - That could be done under panarchy! - JZ17.11.82. - Members of the government could also abdicate and secede, if they wanted to, as a body, being dissatisfied with their citizens. It would not “dissolve” the people but become independent of them, by leaving them alone. They could then offer themselves as an alternative government and lay out subscription lists, thus selecting a new people for themselves, one more to their own liking, perhaps from all over the world. But to be successful, they would have to make better offers than their competitors. - Panarchism requires a total rethinking of political affairs. Most of the old phrases and attitudes do no longer fit it. Only basic human nature corresponds to it. - JZ, 7.4.84. – A more natural way would be for groups of dissenters, all volunteers, thus deserving the term “people” to secede from a territorial government - but without making any territorial monopoly claim and to establish themselves as exterritorially autonomous societies, communities or competing governmental systems under their own personal laws. That cannot be interpreted as aggression. It even helps the remaining rump government by ridding it of all its “troublemakers”. It could then go on working for its remaining voluntary members, based upon their thus and indirectly granted unanimous consent, which would be a real mandate. – If it could not even satisfy these volunteers, then it would suffer further secessions from it, quite deservedly. But if it could satisfy them, then it might turn into a successful international federation, one of several, all with voluntary members only, wherever they may live and work. Just like an insurance company or a protective agency could have members and subscribers all over the world. - JZ, 17.4.08. - GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, JOKES
PEOPLE: If the people were really sovereign then there would no longer be any rulers and any ruled.” - Daniel Guerin, Anarchismus, Begriff und Praxis, edition Suhrkamp, 1967, p.17, on Proudhon. – People can be sovereign only in communities or societies of volunteers. Territorialism and its “representation” deprives them of their individual and voluntary group sovereignty, i.e. of their chance to form genuine societies, communities and self-governing bodies in all spheres territorially monopolized. Where are the genuine successes of territorialism? Certainly not in is wars, inflations, deflations and tax and hand-out policies. – JZ, 11.3.09, 27.1.11. – TERRITORIALISM, NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY, REPRESENTATION, SOVEREIGN PEOPLE, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM
PEOPLE: If the Vietnamese (*) want a Communist Government let them have it. – Mr. Whitlam, 17.7.65. – All notions of “the” people lead to such misjudgments. – JZ, 27.7.92. – (*) With such and similar remarks this former ALP Prime Minister of Australia revealed his enormous ignorance and prejudice, especially when it came to totalitarian communism and its coercive spread. All territorialists are mislead by their territorialist false assumptions and premises and never check them sufficiently against the facts. – JZ, 27.7.92, 26.3.08. – TERRITORIALISM, VIETNAM, GOVERNMENT, COMMUNISM, COERCIVE COLLECTIVISM
PEOPLE: If there is any one feature, which we can distinguish in all Christendom, under different names – trades unions, cooperation, and internationals – under all flags, there is one great movement. It is for the people peaceably to take possession of their own.” – Wendell Phillips, quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.166. - Firstly, “the people” do not really exist and all of the population of a territory or even most of them, do certainly not take care of all their individual rights and liberties. They do not even bother to learn to know them! Nor has any territorial government ever stood up for all of these rights and liberties. On the contrary. But those, who do know and appreciate at least some of their rights, or who do believe that they do, should always be free to practise them, as far as they can or want to, under personal law and full exterritorial autonomy, in their own communities of volunteers, not confined to any territory on earth and always at their own expense and risk. Once that kind of freedom has been realized for a while, then it would be clearly demonstrated that there exists not just one “people" in a territory but dozens or even hundreds of them, all of them previously more or less forced to live under one territorial government. Moreover, what does really belong to the trades-unions, except the labor contracts of the voluntary members? – And what do the Internationalists own, except the utilization of this planet, together with all its other people? – They, too are split into numerous different movement and each has at most only that authority over their own voluntary members which their members conceded to it. - JZ, 27.2.08, 27.1.11.
PEOPLE: If you don’t want to despair about them then you have to learn to laugh about their antics. – JZ, 25.1.99. - Mencken did so but that was not good enough. He should have proposed: All your antics, all your systems, ideologies, faiths, utopias and reforms should only be applied in genuinely "intentional communities", i.e. all of volunteers only, all confined or authorized by full exterritorial autonomy or experimental freedom for all. They might be confined to their members in a village or they might be spread all over the world. - JZ, 27.1.11. – Liberty for the fools, the flawed and the wise. – JZ, 19.12.13. – POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS & THEIR STATISM & GOVERNMENTALISM ONLY FOR VOLUNTARY VICTIMS
PEOPLE: if you want to bring the Movement to the people, you have to start from where the people are at.” – Wilson/Shea, Illuminatus II, p.33. – “The” people, ultimately, are all at different places and most want to got to different places or supposed ideals and this also by different paths. Just like they are and like to do in their shopping, their hobbies, crafts, reading, holiday trips etc. Only panarchism or polyarchism offers them that option for their preferred alternative societies or communities. No territorial political system does. “To each the government or non-governmental society of his or her choice!” – JZ, 27.2.08.
PEOPLE: In a free world no one will be able to possess another person. – LITTLE FREE PRESS, 18.10.72. - PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, SELF-OWNERSHIP, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUALISM
PEOPLE: In a political sense, there is one problem that currently underlies all of the others. That problem is making Government sufficiently responsive to the people. If we don't make government responsive to the people, we don't make it believable. And we must make government believable if we are to have a functioning democracy.” - Representative Gerald R. Ford, address at Robert A. Taft government seminar banquet, Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Florida, December 16, 1971. - Gerald R. Ford, Selected Speeches, ed. Michael V. Doyle, p. 170 (1973). - We make it responsive to its subjects by reducing its membership to voluntary subjects, i.e., allowing all individuals to secede - and to join or form alternative governance systems, societies or communities for themselves, all self-managing under their own personal law and this at their own risk and expense. - Without that radical change NO territorial government will be good enough to continue ruling or can claim to have a mandate by the whole population, which is not sufficiently represented by any temporary majority of voters, who are given all too limited choices. - The existence of "the people" is another unchecked and quite false premise. Only individuals and their voluntary associations have any real existence. All others are mere mental constructs or abstractions. - JZ, 11.10.02, 24.11.02, 12.3.09, 19.12.13. - PEOPLE VS. GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUALS & MINORITIES VS. TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM,
PEOPLE: In all forms of government the people is the true legislator. – Edmund Burke. – That may be true only insofar as the popular errors, spleens and prejudices of the majority of the people will also be largely exist in the heads of their rulers and representatives. Otherwise, they have little direct influence upon legislation, except in direct democracies with their referendum practices. – Anyhow, the notion of “the” people for a whole population is a fiction. The reality consists of diverse individuals and numerous parties, factions, movements, groups and associations, all with different priorities, principles, opinions, beliefs and ideas. All these cannot be represented territorially but only exterritorially. - JZ, 7.6.13. – LEGISLATION, LAWS, PARTIES, FACTIONS, ASSOCIATIONS, IDEOLOGIES, POPULAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES, NATIONS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, MAJORITIES, REPRESENTATION, VOLUNTARISM, SELF-DETERMINATION
PEOPLE: In fact, all the “respectables” would join in proclaiming the movement revolutionary – which indeed it would be; it would be a revolution intended to shift the incidence of power from officialdom to the people. – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.46.
PEOPLE: In the last analysis, my fellow countrymen, as we in America would be the first to claim, a people are responsible for the acts of their government.” - President Woodrow Wilson, address, Columbus, Ohio, September 4, 1919. - The Messages and Papers of Woodrow Wilson, ed. Albert Shaw, vol. 2, p. 728 (1924). - Only if "the" people had enough freedom of expression and information opportunities, as well as enough freedom of action to act quite differently, i.e., to secede and act exterritorially and autonomously, could the remainder, all voluntary supporters of a government and its actions, be held collectively responsible for its actions, as far as the adult voters are concerned. But hardly children and those who did not vote or those who voted against a party or a government. - JZ, 13.10.02. - Even if they had no say or influence upon them and where quite opposed to it, as were and are quite a few groups in almost every country with an inherently all too flawed territorial government? – Could he thus rightly deny responsibility for his own wrongful decisions and orders? - JZ, 7.6.13, 19.12.13. – VOTING, CONSENT, REPRESENTATION, DEMOCRACY, REPUBLICANISM, TERRITORIALISM, CENTRALIZATION, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY, GOVERNMENTS, COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY, PEOPLE, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM
PEOPLE: Individual choices, within the own affairs, characterized by the compilation and publication of a much improved individual human rights code, all free choices undertaken clearly at the own risk and expense (if not, subject to arbitration settlements), should be above and beyond the choice of "the people" and its "representatives". - JZ, 5.2.90, 5.2.93. – POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATIVES & INDIVIDUAL CHOICES, HUMAN RIGHTS
PEOPLE: Isn’t it about time we found Congress in contempt of The People?” – Anonymous - Only voluntary members of societies and communities would, in most cases, not feel contempt for their authorities and representatives and would only rarely have any real reason to do so. If so, they would be free to secede. - JZ, 27.1.11. - CONTEMPT OF THE PEOPLE, IN GOVERNMENT, PARTIES & PARLIAMENTS, CONGRESS
PEOPLE: It is an axiom in my mind that our liberty can never be safe but in the hands of the people themselves. – Thomas Jefferson, Writings, vol. xix, p.24. – Where are those people, who finally take a sufficient interest in providing themselves with a complete, clear and consistent declaration of their individual rights and liberties? I have still to come across them. – JZ, 27.2.08. Compare: MILITIA, HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATIONS,
PEOPLE: It is ridiculously asserted that the voice of the people is the voice of truth and of God; universal consent cannot convert wrong into right.” - Godwin. - However, within communities and societies of volunteers their will, their intentions, their belief, their convictions or ideology, could and should be their supreme guide, as long as they respect or tolerate the different choices other people make within their own communities of volunteers. Only such communities deserve the term "peoples". - JZ, 27.1.11. - CONSENT, WRONG & RIGHT, MAJORITIES, PUBLIC OPINION, POPULAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES, SELF-GOVERNANCE, SELF-MANAGEMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-HELP, TOLERANCE FOR ALL TOLERANT PEOPLE, VOLUNTARISM
PEOPLE: It is the folly of too many to mistake the echo of a London coffee-house for the voice of the kingdom.” – Swift, The Conduct of the Allies. - At least in his times there were such coffee-houses for anyone among the people, who wanted to voice their opinions to a small crowd. And some of the coffee-house voices may have been more representative than those uttered in Parliament. - Later there were some open air speaking and listening opportunities provided, but all still only under all too many government controls and restrictions! – JZ, 27.2.08. – At least now we have numerous personal and group websites, blogs, email options, Facebook, electronic periodicals and special digitized libraries and encyclopedia. Between them the represent most people much better than any territorial government does. - JZ, 27.1.11. – However, in the absence of a local meeting calendar, personal meeting opportunities for people with educational and intellectual interests, like e.g. their special coffee shops in any city, are still missing and all the other special interest groups have difficulties to stay alive. Now such meeting calendars and small group directories could be very cheaply conducted online. – Mere digital contacts are not a sufficient replacement, except with people outside of one’s locality. – At one stage, the coffee-house tradition led to the establishment of many newspapers. – At least for these and printed books and magazines, we do now have many online substitutes. – Broadcasts can also become permanently accessible resources online. The same applies to lectures and discussions. All that is great, but personal contacts are still insufficient. Facebook ones are not a sufficient substitute although they might lead to some. – All mutual enlightenment options that are affordable and would be easily accessible, should become locally established for like-minded people. - JZ, 19.12.13. - COFFEE HOUSES, OPEN AIR SPEAKING CENTERS, DISCUSSION CENTERS, CONTACTS PROJECT, MEETING CALENDAR ONLINE, NEW DRAFT
PEOPLE: It may be true … that "you can't fool all the people all the time", but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country. –Will & Ariel Durant- By now we have at least numerous alternative media to the mass media, which are still all too much controlled by territorial governments. - JZ, 27.1.11. - STATISM, POLITICS & DEMOCRACY, POLITICAL LIES, TERRITORIALISM, POLITICIANS, LEADERSHIP, REPRESENTATIVES
PEOPLE: It was nothing but another way of trying to force people into the very structure that had warped them.” – Poul Anderson, story “The Fatal Fulfillment. - TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, AUTHORITARIANISM, FORCE, COERCION, COMPULSION, STRUCTURES, SYSTEMS, CONTROLS, CENTRAL PLANNING, GOVERNMENTALISM
PEOPLE: it’s always people, not economies, that are controlled. The officials of government can never control and direct things, but only people. That’s you and me.” – R. Dean Russell, THE FREEMAN, 2/78. - PLANNING, ECONOMIES, STATISM, CONTROLS, INTERVENTIONISM
PEOPLE: it’s as easy to defraud with the word “freedom” as with the word “people”. - Oriana Fallaci, A Man, p.304. - And with civil rights - or wrongful claims against others. - JZ, 27.1.11. – DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, LONG OVERDUE, HUMAN RIGHTS, FREEDOM, PROPAGANDA
PEOPLE: It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. – Mark Twain, - quoted by Sid Non-Vicious LeRoux shared Exposing Media Lies's photo.- Facebook, 22.6.12. – PUBLIC OPINION, ENLIGHTENMENT, CHOICE BEWEEN XYZ EXPERIMENTS OF VOLUNTEERS IS NEEDED, IN ALL SPHERES NOW MONPOLIZED BY TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS
PEOPLE: It’s up to the people, not governments.” – Paul Unger, THE RECORDER, Sydney University. Probably in the 70’s. – Alas, some of the most important decisions, which territorial governments almost always decide quite wrongly, are not left up to the people but should be. By this I do not mean the whole population of territories but those people who, if free, would associate in voluntary communities, societies and competing governments, all under personal laws only and under full exterritorial autonomy, i.e., without any territorial monopoly. Then, these volunteers would not only be free to act morally and rationally among themselves, in their own affairs, but should also be free to submit to their favorite guru, dictator or great leader, pope or prophet or whatever ism, faith or creed, as long as they do their own things only for and to themselves. – JZ, 27.2.08, 27.1.11.
PEOPLE: Let me work with the people on Earth. People, not subjects.” - Kevin J. Anderson, Climbing Olympus, HarperCollins Publishers, 1994, p.293. - NOT SUBJECTS
PEOPLE: Let the People serve the People.” – Antony Fisher, The Case for Freedom, p.29. – But not as dinner, or as voting cattle, tax slaves, military slaves etc. – Rather, let different kinds of people, autonomously and voluntarily associated, serve all their different kinds of people in their own ways. - JZ, 26.2.08. – PANARCHISM: LAISSEZ FAIRE EVEN FOR WHOLE POLITICAL, ECONOMIC & SOCIAL SYSTEMS, NOT JUST PRIVATE OR COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS & EXCHANGERS
PEOPLE: Let the people think they govern and they will be governed.” – William Penn, Fruits of Solitude, 1693. – DEMOCRACY, LEADERSHIP, POLITICIANS, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM INSTEAD OF GENUINE SELF-GOVERNANCE OR SELF-MANAGEMENT
PEOPLE: Liberty will not descend to a people, a people must raise themselves to liberty.” – Benjamin Franklin. – They should be given the chance and choice to do so, one by one and group by group. - JZ, 27.1.11, 19.12.13. - LIBERTY, ENLIGHTENMENT
PEOPLE: Many people do know much but from wisdom they are still far removed. Other people are merely a game for you. No one has fully learnt about himself.” – Goethe, Sprueche in Reimen. – JZ tr. of: “Ihrer viele wissen viel, // Von der Weisheit sind sie weit entfernt. // Andre Leute sind euch ein Spiel; // Sich selbst hat niemand ausgelernt.“ - Let each apply his knowledge, errors, wisdom, ideas and system only among like-minded people. That way all will be on the road to enlightenment and progress, much faster than through any territorial monopoly and governmental system. - JZ, 27.1.11. - KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, MERELY PLAYING WITH OTHERS, SELF-KNOWLEDGE IS MISSING, RED., EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM
PEOPLE: Many politicians of our times are in the habit of laying it down as a self-evident proposition, that no people ought to be free till they are fit to use their freedom. The maxim is worthy of the fool in the old story, who resolved not to go into the water till he had learned to swim. If men are to wait for liberty till they become wise and good in slavery, they may indeed wait forever. - Thomas Macaulay - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. – How many enlightened, wise and mature politicians and policies are there? Their power addiction and power madness, expressed most in their territorialism, does already on its own make them unfit for genuine leadership. – JZ, 24.3.12. – Actually, one CAN learn to swim from a book and practise most of the required movements without going into the water. – That is even advisable while the water is still very cold. - JZ, 15.1.13. - & POLITICIANS
PEOPLE: Most people are “all senses” and “no sense”! – JZ, 9.3.07. – Or have not sufficient sense to turn them into sufficiently rational and moral beings. Our mis-education system does certainly not turn them into self-thinkers in all important spheres. – JZ, 17.9.08. – IRRATIONALITY, MORALITY, IGNORANCE, PREJUDICES, EMOTIONS, PASSIONS & FEELINGS – WHERE THEY DO NOT BELONG
PEOPLE: Most people are decent in every country, …” – Orson Scott Card, Shadow of the Hegemony, p.157/58, – While most politicians are more or less indecent power addicts and power-mad. – JZ, 12.9.08. – Ordinary decency is not enough when not combined with a sound knowledge of and appreciation for individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 8.3.09. – But most have still not achieved a sufficient education when it comes to all individual rights and liberties, although that would not require any long schooling. – JZ, 17.4.13. - DECENCY, RACISM, HUMAN BEINGS, EDUCATION, ENLIGHTENMENT, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, KNOWLEDGE, IGNORANCE, PREJUDICES, POLITICIANS
PEOPLE: never ceased to be amazed at the amount of garbage other people would swallow if the sugar coating were laid on thick enough.” – F. Paul Wilson, Wheels Within Wheels, p.120. – RED., POPULAR ERRORS, MYTHS & PREJUDICES
PEOPLE: No European knew that security could be needed or provided for the individual from the (*) collected will of the people. … they made the majority irresistible, and the plébiscite a tyranny.” – Lord Action, Lectures on the French Revolution, ed. by Figgis & Laurence, MacMillan, 1932, p.104. – (*) territorially! – JZ - For instance, a referendum does not lead to a tyranny when it is applied only within a community of volunteers from which each dissenter is free to secede. - JZ, 27.1.11. - TERRITORIALISM, COLLECTIVISM, POPULATIONS, MAJORITY, DEMOCRACY, PLEBISCITE, REFERENDUM, DIRECT DEMOCRACY, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, THEIR PROTECTION, “THE PEOPLE” INSTEAD OF DIVERSE COMMUNITIES OF VOLUNTEERS: PANARCHIES VS. TYRANNIES
PEOPLE: No one in this world, so far as I know - and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me- has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.” - H. L. Mencken. - Alas, he never arrived at the rightful conclusion to let all the fools do their foolish things only to themselves, while all the supposedly wise and enlightened people try to put their best knowledge and ideas into action, also at their own risk and expense. He remained a cynical and amused territorialist instead of becoming a panarchist or polyarchist, favoring experimental freedom and voluntarism in politics, economics and social affairs as well. If he had, his kind of panarchy would, certainly, have been one of the better ones. He never checked his territorialist premise sufficiently. But in this he was and is far from being alone. - JZ, 27.1.11. - POLITICS, INTELLIGENCE, FOOLISHNESS, PUBLIC OPINION, STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE
PEOPLE: No one speaks for the people. Not even you.” – From an old movie on Daniel Boone. – Let all individual speak and choose for themselves, in all spheres. – JZ, 7.3.09. - Let all dissenters secede and thus separate themselves from “the” people, by forming their own kinds of people, all only volunteers and with none of their societies, communities and competing governance systems claiming a territorial monopoly! – JZ, 10.3.09, 19.12.13. - REPRESENTATION, POLITICIANS, CONSENT, DEMOCRACY, PANARCHIES & SECESSIONISM VS. TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: No such association, or organization as “the people of the United States”, having ever been formed by any open, written, authentic, or voluntary contract, there is, on general principles of law and reason, no such association or organization in existence. And all oaths that purport to be given to such an association are necessarily given only to the winds. …” - Lysander Spooner, No Treason, VI/39, in Works I. – VOLUNTARISM, CONSENT, CONSTITUTIONALISM, PERSONAL LAW, CONTRACTARIANISM, COMPETING SOCIAL CONTRACT & PERSONAL LAW SYSTEMS, ASSOCIATIONISM
PEOPLE: Nor should we listen to those who say, ‘The voice of the people is the voice of God’, for the turbulence of the mob is always close to insanity.” – Alcuin, Epistolae, 166-9. - And the basic insanity consists in applying ‘the voice of the people” not only to like-minded volunteers of a certain kind but to all others of the whole population that lives in a certain territory, not matter how much they do disagree with these volunteers. A uniform population that could, quite rightfully, be called a single “people”, is simply a fiction that is useful only for territorial politicians. – JZ, 6.4.89, 22.2.08. – PANARCHISM. TERRITORIALISM, MOBS, MAJORITY DESPOTISM VS. VOLUNTARISM, COMPETITION & FREEDOM OF CONTRACT, ASSOCIATION & EXPERIMENTATION IN EVERY SPHERE
PEOPLE: Not in my name, not with my taxes.” – Slogan from a peace rally, JZ, 16.2.02. – Reminds me of a remark by Ulrich von Beckerath that the unarmed and unorganized voter is merely a comical figure in they eyes of the rulers. – JZ, 21.10.07. 27.1.11. - IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE, MILITIA, GOVERNMENTS, DEMOCRACY, CONSENT, MERE PROTESTS & DEMONSTRATIONS & SLOGAN SHOUTING
PEOPLE: Nothing is in reality less democratic than the people – he used to say, and he did not allow himself the least delusion as regards their slavish love of authority.” – Zenker, on Proudhon, p.74. – STATISM, AUTHORITARIANISM, LEADERSHIP, DEMOCRACY, TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: Now government is a master OVER the people, an oppressor UPON the people, and a destroyer OF THE SPIRIT OF MANKIND.” – Jack Anderson & Perry Miles, A Constitution for a Moral Government, p.41, in PEACE PLANS 589/90, in their human rights draft in this book. I never managed to get their address. – JZ, 19.12.13. – PEOPLE & GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: Nuclear devices are not anti-tyranny but anti-people "weapons". This is rather obvious: They are not designed to destroy only e.g. a dictatorial government, one that is conscripting its subjects, their earnings and property, to fight us, but instead, they are designed to wipe out, en masse, these primary victims of any tyranny, and, by this threat, by our government’s nuclear “weapons”, they do incite the subjects on the other side to fight our citizens in the same way or to give their tacit consent to such a procedure, all this fully accordance with the wrongful principle of collective responsibility. The governmental decision-makers, sitting in the safest shelters, may even survive on both sides, at least for a while. The people - every individual - have the right and duty to destroy these anti-people “weapons: and to take all steps necessary to prevent their reconstruction. - The people cannot longer rely on governments to help them out of this danger. Territorial government established and maintained them for decades. The targeted victiims must help themselves and for this they must become sufficiently enlightened and then also armed, trained and organized with rightful weapons. - In every statist or national territory there exist at present not just one people but a "majority nation" or a dominant minority group, as well as a conglomerate of xyz national and other minorities, a coercively "united" diversity which, by its very nature, creates dissatisfaction and unrest, resorting even to terrorism, resistance and revolutionary and civil war attempts, as well as international wars. Individuals should be free to secede from any of these forced territorial grouping and to join or establish communities, peoples, nations or utopias of their own individual choice, wherever they happen to live. They should also become free to initiate and establish their own kind of panarchy or self-governance. All these communities should be fully autonomous on an exterritorial basis. At present we do not really have "a people" or "a society" but, more or less, only territorial slave States or more or less despotic territorial regimes, in spite of various democratic or republican features and pretences. Their territorial nature renders all of them despotic. Often this is openly revealed only when they establish concentration camps, as the British did in South Africa during the Boer War, the U.S. government, during WW II for American citizens of Japanese descent and the present Australian government for "illegal immigrants". - I can understand it when territorial governments are mad enough to engage in a nuclear arms race. But I cannot fully comprehend the consent of the victims. Did the European Jews approve of the establishment of extermination camps for themselves? That's what the tacit approval of nuclear strength by most citizens amounts to. - Are we, like most dogs, loyal to our masters even when they prepare to shoot us? Do we really want weapons, which are essentially "anti-people weapons"? - Let us put such questions openly and clearly and repeatedly, if necessary - in referendums. On the replies hinges the fate of mankind. - I do hold that the people are inherently peaceful - when reasonably civilized and educated and not misled by governmental mis-education, propaganda, myths and censorship and when they are not organized in an inherently antagonistic way, as they are in territorial organizations, which sets each group against all others. - I believe that at present only the territorial powers of the present governments and their own powerlessness, prejudices and ignorance drive them towards nuclear war and to the brink of it. - At least they are less warlike than their rulers are and this fact could be used by direct democratic methods in order to gradually preserve or establish peace and, rather soon, eliminate the danger of nuclear war. - See: APPEALS AUTONOMY, BROADCASTING, CITIES, COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY, CONSENT, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY, DECLARATIONS, APPEAL, DEFENCE DEMOCRACY, DISARMAMENT, DISOBEDIENCE, ENEMY, EXTERMINATION CAMPS, EXTERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE, GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES IN EXILE, TARGETS, HUMAN RIGHTS, IGNORANCE, LEADERSHIP, LIBERATION, MILITIA, MINORITY AUTONOMY, MYTHS, RATIONALISM, NEGOTIATIONS, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, OBEDIENCE, OPEN AIR SPEAKING, PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY, PEACE DECLARATIONS, POWERLESSNESS, PREJUDICES, PROPERTY CONCEPT OF CITIZENS, PUBLICITY, REFERENDUMS, REPRESENTATION, RESPONSIBILITY, RESISTANCE, RULERS, SECESSION, SELF-DEFENCE, SELF-HELP , SEPARATE PEACE, SOCIAL CONTRACT, STATE, STATISM, SUBORDINATION, TARGETS, TERRITORIALISM, TRUST, TYRANNICIDE, UNILATERAL NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, VOTING, WAR AIMS, WARFARE, WEAPONS, WELFARE STATE. – JZ, An ABC Against Nuclear War, in PEACE PLANS Nos. 16 & 17, on - Somewhat revised: JZ, 27.1.11, 19.12.13. – Why so many links to other entries Almost all truths are somewhat interrelated and so are most popular errors and prejudices. – One-track minds are not good enough for what is needed. - JZ, 19.12.13.
PEOPLE: One distinction Sampson (*) does not make, which I think is especially important in this time of people-power groups (woman power, black power, Indian power, kid power, etc.) is between the struggle for power over one’s own life, and the struggle for power over other people’s lives. …” - Ann Morriset Davidson, WIN, May 16th, 1974. - (*)R.V. Sampson: The Discovery of Peace. - PEOPLE POWER, TERRITORIALISM VS. VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PERSONAL LAW, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR ALL
PEOPLE: One of the worst things for almost all people is that they have one or even several TERRITORIAL governments working “for” them. – JZ, 23.2.97, 13.2.08, 27.1.11. - POLITICIANS, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: Our Constitution is not a body of law to govern the people; it was formulated to govern the government, to make government the servant and not the master of the people.” – William F. Jasper. - For exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers this would work, most likely. But for territorial governments too much in freedom and rights is thereby already given away right from their beginning. - JZ, 26.11.06. - PEOPLE TO GOVERN THE GOVERNMENT VIA THE CONSTITUTION: THE REMAINING SELF-DELUSION OF THE CONSTITUTIONALISTS, TERRITORIALISM VS. PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM
PEOPLE: Over the years, city and country listeners numbering in the hundreds of thousands were invited to nominate, by phone or by letter, any popular initiative taken by a Federal Government, Liberal or Labor, since the end of the Vietnam War. Any initiative that had grassroots, bi-partisan support … Something that we had wanted a government to do, that we couldn’t do for ourselves. - And no-one could think of a single example since the days when the rail gauges were standardized. – No doubt our government had done something worthwhile over the years – it was just that nobody could remember what it was.” – Brian Wilshire, The Fine Print, published by Brian Wilshire, PO Box 209, Round Corner, NSW 2158, Australia., 1992., p. IV & V. - & GOVERNMENT, POPULAR INITIATIVES, STATISM, POLICIES, RULERS, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENT, CENTRALIZATION
PEOPLE: Pandering to “the” people costs individual people their rights and liberties. A “people” that does not permit individuals to secede from it is not any better than the few Islamic fanatics are, who do not permit individual secession from their faith. The territorialist and democratic “people” constitute only a wrongful and harmful pseudo “people”, not a genuine community, just like any intolerant religion constitutes only a pseudo-religion. Neither their ideas nor their practices and institutions ought to be tolerated any longer - when applied to any peaceful dissenters. All dissenters must become free to do their own things. – JZ, 9.1.05, 27.1.11. – INDIVIDUALS, CHOICE, SECESSION, TOLERANCE, RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, SECESSIONISM, FANATIC & INTOLERANT MUSLIMS, A MINORITY BY NOW
PEOPLE: People above any government. – JZ, 23.4.92. – Any peaceful individuals above any territorial governments! – JZ, 26.3.08, 27.1.11.
PEOPLE: People all too often are just like ants, running around in the grass etc., on their daily errands and without awareness of or interest in the larger issues, even if their lives, liberties and rights are severely threatened or restricted by what happens on the larger scale. I saw ants trying to build their nest on a driveway. And people still try to build their future upon the foundation of territorial Warfare States, with all too many of them armed with ABC mass murder devices. – JZ, n.d. & 25.10.07. - MAN, MASSES, MAJORITY, KNOWLEDGE, INTEREST, UNDERSTANDING, INDIFFERENCE, NONCHALANCE, HORIZONS, PUBLIC OPINION, NWT
PEOPLE: People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.” - Lao Tzu, The Way of Lao Tzu, 65. - Only once "the" people - or enough of the people - have enough knowledge will it become too difficult or impossible to dominate them. - JZ, 13.10.02. - Let any segment of "the" people be free to secede and do their things for and to themselves, under full experimental freedom for all. - If experiments remain the monopoly of territorial governments only, then we are likely to proceed, as before, from one disaster to another, because they will be conducted merely upon the consensus of the lowest common denominator, i.e., upon the most popular prejudices, errors and myths, still predominant among the men on the street as well as among the top "experts". - JZ, 26.11.02. - KNOWLEDGE, IGNORANCE, GOVERNMENT, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS AS A PRECONDITION FOR GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT, PANARCHISM, , KNOW-IT-ALLS, GOVERNMENTALISM, STATISM, LEADERSHIP, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS & THEIR PRETENCE OF KNOWLEDGE, EXPERTS, ENLIGHTENMENT
PEOPLE: People are much easier to like if you take ‘em in small doses.” – Dave Owens, THE CONNECTION, 27.1.89, p.70. - We are already free to pick and choose our personal friends and enemies, associating with the former and avoiding the latter. Panarchism would realize that for all kinds of societies, communities and competing governments, all of volunteers only and all without a territorial monopoly. - JZ, 27.1.11. – VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONISM & SEPARATISM
PEOPLE: People are not as stupid as politicians think they are.” – John Curvers, quoted in TANSTAAFL, 3/76. – However, under territorialism they are not free to secede from politicians they no longer trust and do their own things among like-minded volunteers, at their own expense and risk. Since that would also mean voluntary taxation, it could mean, some day in our future, hopefully soon, a rush of secessionists, building up their own kinds of voluntary taxation and other reformed communities, societies and competing governments, all of and for their volunteers only and without a territorial monopoly. Like it happened in some violent revolutions, the former territorial leaders might find themselves almost alone. Unless they still had something to offer to those, who believed in them. With them they could continue their utopia, potentially gaining many new converts but also under the threat to losing all followers if they disappoint them too much, once again. They would be exposed to the same kind of risk that every free enterprise business has. It either satisfies enough voluntary customers or it has to close down. - JZ, 27.1.11. – VOLUNTARISM, COMPETITION FOR GOVERNANCE, SELF-MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, PERSONAL LAW ALTERNATIVES, LAISSEZ-FAIRE FOR ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES & COMMUNITIES DOING THEIR OWN THINGS FOR OR TO THEMSELVES
PEOPLE: People are not property that belongs to one or the other territorial government, whether they like it or not. Historically “peoples” could even be acquired by rulers through marriages or inheritance! Obviously, all such notions and practices are wrong and dictatorial. - All people still believing in authoritarian systems should only be free to choose them for themselves, under personal laws and institutions, but not, with their votes or otherwise, to impose them upon all kinds of non-aggressive and non-criminal dissenters, who would rather do their own things for and to themselves. – The people of whole island States like Taiwan, should also not be considered as mere property of the regime of mainland China. Those who want to live under the Red China’s laws and institutions should be individually free to do so in Taiwan, Those who prefer other systems for themselves, should also be free to do so where they live now, under their own personal laws and, finally, also in China or anywhere else in the world. With that kind of individual choice for all its inhabitants, Taiwan would also set a shiny example for Mainland China and for the rest of the world. Why should we even assume that the people of half a small island, like East Timor, should live under a single territorial government when, obviously, they have also enough dissenters among them to lead to civil unrest and assassinations? Let all kinds of people live in their own ways and systems, under their self-chosen personal laws and institutions – and all frictions will be minimized, as they are in all other spheres where this kind of tolerance is practised. – JZ, 14.2.08. – How many true believers in communism remain within China’s 1.3 billion people? – JZ, n.d. – PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, GOVERNMENTS, PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR ALL DISSENTERS, TAIWAN, CHINA, Q.
PEOPLE: People are not the rightful property of any government and at its constitutional, legal or juridical disposal or control. Nor are any of their property or earnings rightfully subject to tributes to any territorial government nor are any of their other individual human rights or liberties rightfully under the control of any territorial government, regardless of how “democratic” it seems to be or is believed to be. – JZ, 13.4.92, 26.3.08. – PROPERTY, GOVERNMENT, HUMAN RIGHTS, TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: People are people and you can’t do anything about it.” – D.Z., 13.2.75. (With all the “wisdom” of someone at 11 ½! – JZ) – No one should even try to change the nature of man. But should we not try to achieve that all the different kinds of people can peacefully live in accordance with their own natures, interests, abilities and aims, while and allowing all others to do the same for themselves? – JZ, 27.2.08, 27.1.11. – Then their own changes will be even more up to themselves than they are already even today. – JZ, 15.3.09. – PANARCHISM, DIVERSITY, MUTUAL TOLERANCE FOR DIFFERENCES & PREFERENCES, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, VOLUNTARISM, LAISSEZ FAIRE, PRIVACY, SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, VOLUNTARISM, LETTING PEOPLE SORT THEMSELVES OUT, JUST LIKE THEY DO IN THEIR VOLUNTARY SEXUAL RELATIONS
PEOPLE: People are self-propelling, self-actualizing. They somehow arrange themselves so that the necessary work of society is done, as if, as Adam Smith would say, they were guided by invisible hands. …” - Cornuelle, Demanaging America, p.72. - They should be so free. Even the various minorities among them. The list of the jobs they, or, rather, their supposedly representative territorial governments, have left undone would be very long. Let’s start it with ABC mass murder or anti-people “weapons” in the hands of a few, mostly government officials, even in supposedly democratic States. You start your own long list and send it to me. - JZ, 27.2.08.
PEOPLE: People aren’t angels woven of light, but neither are they beasts to be driven into stalls. (*) – Vladimir Korolenko – - (*) Alas, here are a few, but all too many, of the second kind, who, because they do grossly attack some individual rights, cannot rightly claim all individual rights themselves and who can be imprisoned or put down in self-defence or in defending others. E.g. those, who offend against babies, infants and children. – At a much later stage of human development, under much more and almost general enlightenment, we might include those, who intentional abort the unborn children. We do already include all those still practicing human sacrifices, for religions “reason” and thrill-killers and other murderers, but not yet those, who prepare for mass murder with e.g. nuclear “weapons”. - JZ, 19.12.13. - MAN, HUMAN BEINGS, PEDOPHILES, ABORTION, NWT, HUMAN SACRIFICES, MURDERS, ENLIGHTENMENT
PEOPLE: people can be confidently relied upon not to conform to any preconceived pattern.” – Lloyd Biggle Jr., The World Menders, I, p.27 of ANALOG 2/71. – Alas, as territorial statists most of the population of whole territories still conforms all too much to territorialist notions, institutions, laws and practices. And this in spite of all their external differences, not to speak of the numerous internal ones and those of their religions, ideologies and other beliefs and interests. – But then they are not yet free to sort themselves out in accordance with their own individual preferences into their own kinds of voluntary communities. - JZ, 14.4.08. DIVERSITY, MAN, CONFORMISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, OBEDIENCE, CONSENTING VICTIMS, EGALITARIANISM
PEOPLE: People do not lack strength; they lack will.” - Victor Hugo. - Freedom is not only a matter of will but also of opportunities, choices, rights, liberties, laws and institutions. In all too many respects - and even in the "freest" territorial States - many individual liberties are still outlawed and prosecuted or monopolized. E.g. central banking vs. monetary freedom, territorial rule vs. individual secessionism, exterritorial autonomy, decision on war and peace, armament and disarmament, international treaties monopolized by a few people, at the top. All genuine individual rights and liberties are not yet declared by any territorial government, not would any of them welcome ideal militia forces for the protection for these individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 13.10.02, 27.1.11. - Territorial States are simply the worst kind of organization for all people desiring freedom, self-determination, self-rule, self-responsibility, freedom to act, freedom to experiment. - JZ, 27.11.02. – They are also short of the required knowledge, ideas and principles. – JZ, 7.3.09. - Territorial governments do not lack strength and will, but both of them are wrong and do not represent or protect their involuntary victims. - JZ, 27.1.11. - WILL, DEMOCRACY, TERRITORIALISM, STATES,PEOPLE: People grow bigger, too, if one does not cut them down. Cut governments down, not people. Cut government powers, not the powers of individuals over their own affairs, their contracts, their voluntary associations, their use of their individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 14.7.94, 26.3.08. – GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, HUMAN RIGHTS
PEOPLE: People have on thing in common: They are all different.” – Robert Zend. – INDIVIDUALISM, DIVERSITY, UNIQUENESS
PEOPLE: People have the right to be people, individuals, voluntary associates, managing all their own affairs, i.e., they have the right not to be interfered with by any territorial politicians and other criminals. – JZ, 29.8.82, 27.1.11. – POLITICIANS, INTERFERENCE, INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, INDIVIDUAL & GROUP SECESSIONISM, FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT EXTERRITORIALLY
PEOPLE: People have to be what they would like to be.” – Gwyn Dwyer, ABC talk on communism, 22.3.80. - They do not have to but they should be free to try realize their ideas and opinions – at the own expense and risk. Panarchism does not ask for more – but also not for less! – JZ, 26.2.08, 15.3.09, 19.12.12.
PEOPLE: People in large masses may as well be sheep. Their collective intelligence drops to that of the weakest-minded member of the group. They bleat, they panic and are easily herded to safety, or to the slaughter.” – Alan Gunn, quoted in: Michael Z. Williamson, Freehold, p.376. - Let all the dissenters opt out to do their own things, undisturbed, among themselves, at their own risk and expense, thereby enlightening themselves and many outside observers as well. - So far they are the products of territory-wide prisons or kindergartens, conducted by territorial power addicts, which made them largely ignorant, prejudiced and irresponsible. - JZ, 27.1.11. - MASSES, MASS PSYCHOLOGY, PANIC, TERRITORIALISM, COUNTRIES, STATES
PEOPLE: People is a very misleading term. Only volunteers can form “a” people. All coercive associations of individuals are merely large or small empires, authoritarian regimes, dictatorship or totalitarian regimes, even if camouflaged as direct or representative democracies or “people’s democracies”. Either minority- or majority despotism prevails in them, territorially imposed. – JZ, 5.4.95, 26.3.08. – VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL & ASSOCIATIONAL FREEDOM – IN EVERY SPHERE!
PEOPLE: People learn over millennia, not in a few years.” - Robert Sheckley, Potential, ASTOUNDING SF, Nov. 1953, p.78. - Only some individuals and minority groups can learn in much shorter periods. That's why we need experimental freedom, panarchism, polyarchy or exterritorial autonomy and individual secessionism, voluntarism, multi-archies, competing governments and societies. - JZ, 30.1.02. - IDEAS, IDEAS ARCHIVE, KNOWLEDGE, EDUCATION, LEARNING, SECESSIOONISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, PUBLIC OPINION, LIBERTARIANISM, GRADUALISM, CHANGE, PANARCHISM,
PEOPLE: People may outlaw the State.” – Edward Mayers, founder of “NONCONFORMIST” and Richard Hamilton, a reverend. - That’s certainly preferable to people being treated and exploited as the government’s property. – JZ, 7.3.09. – Always only for their own affairs. – When will this view finally become public opinion? - JZ, 19.12.13. - PEOPLE VS. STATE, OUTLAWRY OF THE TERRITORIAL STATE, FOR ALL! ONLY EXTERRITORIAL “STATES” OF VOLUNTEERS ONLY STILL TO BE TOLERATE. ALL KINDS OF ANARCHISM ONLY FOR ANARCHISTS & ALL KINDS OF STATISM ONLY FOR STATISTS, ALL UNDER THEIR PERSONAL LAW CHOICES
PEOPLE: People need defence and secession options - mainly against their own territorial governments. With them they would not longer have to be afraid of most foreign governments but would become able to defend themselves effectively against them as well, together with most of the victimized subjects of foreign despotic governments. The exterritorialist, voluntary and tolerant road to internal and external freedom, peace and justice ought, ought finally, to be taken. – JZ, 7.8.03, 18.10.07. - & GOVERNMENTS, PEACE, DEFENCE, WAR, ENEMIES, MILITIA, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, PEACE, FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, TOLERANCE, JUST WAR & PEACE AIMS, DECLARED IN TIME, MILITIA, INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION, GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES IN EXILE AS THE BEST ALLIES
PEOPLE: People never believe in volcanoes until the lava actually overtakes them.” – George Santayana - They do believe all right in the existence of volcanoes, dictatorships, wars and nuclear weapons but not that they will erupt and threaten them, soon, or that they could or should do something to prevent or reduce these risks. - JZ, 22. 11. 06. – Most of us are, after all, the descendants of slaves and serfs and still enjoy only a fraction of or individual rights and liberties, seeing how they are restricted by thousands of wrongful laws and were never fully and clearly declared. – JZ, 13.3.09. - Also consider, how many people during out history took the emigration road. Not all of them remained "nailed" to the spot. If they could freely secede from local lords, experiment with their own ideas and opinions, they would soon outnumber the emigrants and would not have to leave their family members, friends and associates behind but get rid of local taxes, laws and oppression in the process. - JZ, 27.1.11. – SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, APATHY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, IRRESPONSIBILITY, DISINTERESTED, SHORT-SIGHTED, FULL FREEDOM OF CONTRACT & ASSOCIATION
PEOPLE: People only see what they are prepared to see.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. - RED., UNDERSTANDING, ENLIGHTENMENT, PUBLIC OPINION,
PEOPLE: People want peace so much that governments had better get out of their way and let them have it.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower – I feel certain that this was only written by one of his ghost writers and for propaganda purposes. JZ, n.d. - He did not abdicate, either or demanded the reduction or abolition of the territorial power of all Presidents and other territorial leaders. – JZ, 19.5.08. -– PEACE, GOVERNMENTS, DECISION-MAKING ON WAR & PEACE, INTERNATIONAL TREATIES, INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATIONS, EXTERNAL AFFAIRS
PEOPLE: People want to do more than curtail itself (*) – they want to be the government.” – Karl Hess, PENTHOUSE 2/76. – Only like-minded people can form their own rightful self-government or free societies, as long as they do not claim any territorial monopoly. A “people” or whole population, very diverse or with at least some dissenting minorities, possibly dozens to hundred, can never achieve genuine self-government through a single and “united” or “uniting” territorial government. – (*) ? it? themselves? the government? – JZ, 31.3.94, 18.2.08. - GOVERNMENT, POPULISM, TERRITORIALISM, NATIONALISM, UNITY, NATION-BUILDING, NATIONALISM, PATRIOTISM, DIVERSITY IN ALL POPULATIONS, PANARCHISM
PEOPLE: People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.” - Eric Hoffer. – As long as one’s survival depends upon being fed, without the rights, liberties and opportunities to feed oneself, the survival instinct and self-interest will induce submissiveness but not necessarily gratitude. – JZ, 23.1.08. - WELFARE STATE, STATISM, SUBMISSIVENESS, INGRATITUDE, ANTI-CAPITALISM MENTALITY COMBINED WITH STATISM
PEOPLE: People who put dogmas or ideologies before people are people who hate people. They won’t much care about how wrong and irrational their own motives are and how dysfunctional but merely about how obedient and conformist their victims are. - JZ, after reading: John Barnes, A Million Open Doors, p.134: “People who put principles before people are people who hate people. They won’t much care about how well it works, just about how right it is. …” - Sound principles take care of the rights and liberties of the own kind of people as well as of all other kinds of people. – JZ, 29.9.07, 19.12.13. – False “principles” deceive their upholders and make them intolerant and ready and do “permit” them to terrorize or slay dissenters. How many more proofs for that do we need? – JZ, 10.10.0719.12.13. - INTOLERANCE, TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLISM, DOGMAS, IDEOLOGIES
PEOPLE: People who tolerate compulsory State membership or subordination, the monopolization of exchange media and value standards, the imposition of tributes, State education, State libraries, government transport systems and government decision-making on war and peace, armament and disarmament, even when it comes to ABC anti-people “weapons” or mass murder devices, are already very well conditioned for any further abuses from their territorial governmental “protectors” and care-takers. – JZ, 18.12.93, 15.2.08, 27.1.11. – Under voluntarism and experimental freedom enlightenment and progress would be accelerated most. – JZ, 19.12.13. - IGNORANCE, APATHY, CONDITIONING, STATISM
PEOPLE: People, like sheep, tend to follow a leader - occasionally in the right direction.” - Alexander Chase, quoted in ANALOG, 12/88, p.133. - Luckily, "the people" are rarely if ever a unified and territorial nation. All contain numerous diverse minorities and, usually, millions of people, all of them different. Thus, when each is finally freed to follow his own leaders, but only under exterritorial autonomy for their voluntary communities, then numerous experiments can be undertaken freely, at the same time and in the same country. As a result enlightenment will tend to spread rather rapidly and when it does not, in some of these personal law associations, then the dissenters can freely secede from them and join or establish more successful ones. - In the long run there would be less and less sheep as well as less misleading leaders. - JZ, 28.10.02. - PANARCHY & LEADERSHIP, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM
PEOPLE: People’s democracy or people’s republic: “a place where you do what you are told or get shot.” – Thomas Sowell, 1985.
PEOPLE: People’s Republic: “A system of government in which the people have no choice of leadership.” – M. B. Wellington, GOOD GOVERNMENT, 8/78.
PEOPLE: People’s Republic: One in which the electorate consists of a gun barrel. – Poul Anderson, There Will Be Time, p.31.
PEOPLE: Politicians love to declare that the “people have chosen for themselves at the polls.” But the “people” don’t have a mind; only individuals do. – Harry Browne, How I Found Freedom, p.73. – And individuals are not given their individual choice of alternative governments and societies but merely one territorial and collectivist “free vote” among millions. – JZ, 26.2.08. – INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW CHOICES, PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIAL VOTING, POLITICIANS, & REPRESENTATION, BUREAUCRACY
PEOPLE: Politics always means taking from some and giving to others, says Prof. Tom Di Lorenzo. Only the free market can truly reveal the will of the people.” - FREEDOM NEWS DAILY, 16.12.01. - Only if the free market for competing governments and free societies is included! - JZ, 29.1.01. - WILL OF THE PEOPLE, PUBLIC OPINION, FREE MARKET, POLITICS, PANARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT
PEOPLE: Restore this nation to the people.” – Dr. Paul T. Hendershot, SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 1/77. – But not as a single territorial collective! – JZ, 10.4.08. – As many sovereign “peoples” as there are diverse groups, societies and communities of volunteers in the political, social and economic spheres! – JZ, 15.3.09, 19.12.13.
PEOPLE: Russia: Impotent Populace and Massive State.” – Clarence B. Carson, in THE FREEMAN, Aug. 77, section 8, heading of a series of articles. Here, he, too, mixed up “Russia” with Soviet Russia and did not indicate e.g. the ca. 120 ethnic minorities suppressed under that regime, not to speak of the religious, and ideological ones. – JZ, 26.3.08.
PEOPLE: separating the peoples from the governments …” - Salvador de Madariaga, The Blowing up of the Parthenon, p.59. – Formally, quite openly, as part of well-in-advance and believably declared quite rightful war- and peace aims and as the platforms for all kinds of governments and societies in exile, set up against any single territorial and totalitarian or dictatorial government. Any form of government, society or community – as long as it does not claim any territorial monopoly. All as ideal (in the view of their members) alternatives to the present despotic regimes as the suppressed wish for themselves and all of them only for their volunteers. – All individuals must become free to make their own choices regarding the political, economic and social systems they want to become involved with. – JZ, 1.7.92, 24.2.08, 19.12.13. – PEOPLES, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR ALL WHO WANT IT - AGAINST TERRITORIAL DESPOTISM, RIGHTFUL WAR & PEACE AIMS, GOVERNMENTS IN EXILE – OF ALL KINDS, REALLY REPRESENTING THEIR PRESENT & FUTURE VOLUNTEERS ONLY
PEOPLE: Serve the people.” – Chinese kindergarten slogan. – If everybody serves the people, who will then be able to serve himself? Will others take care of all individuals better than they could? - We would create a perpetual kindergarten – for adults. – With a few authoritarians in charge! – JZ, 21.11.96, 13.2.08. – The best servers of the people are producers and traders. Governments do, primarily only serve themselves. – Neither the Gods not the territorial governments do serve the peoples and all peaceful individuals, in any country. Obviously, they cannot and do not, in any sphere. Governments do serve themselves and those, who support them, - and this at the expense and risk of everyone else.. - JZ, 13.6.13. - SERVE THE PEOPLE? ALTRUISM, , FREE ENTERPRISE, BUSINESSMEN, SERVING THE PEOPLE, TOTALITARIANISM, EGALITARIANISM, COMMUNISM, COERCIVE COLLETIVISM VS. SELF-HELP, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, TERRITORIALISM, STATE SOCIALISM, WELFARE STATE, INSURANCE, PRIVATE & COMPETITIVE
PEOPLE: So far, and in theory, individually and collectively, they almost unanimously agree upon the territorial model, which brought and brings them nothing but problems, while individually and collectively ignoring or condemning the voluntary and exterritorial autonomy model of panarchism, which could offer them all the diverse solutions which at least some of them do really want already. Only to that extent that they do have or get this liberty are they the masters of their fate, the cause of their miseries and the beneficiaries or their rightful and successful actions, as they are today in xyz private affairs which the territorial governments still leave largely alone, with their net incomes after xyz taxes. Most people still have to learn to become masters of their fate, as far as that is possible for humans, individually and in advancing minority groups, by adopting the exterritorial model of individual sovereignty, freedom of action, freedom to experiment, the only model which closes no individual rights and liberty options to them. - JZ 1.7.92, 15.1.93, 19.12.13. - As territorialists all the territorialists do get the territorial governments they do deserve, i.e., inherently totalitarian or despotic ones, often only with those "differences" which existed between e.g. the Hitler regime and that of Stalin. I know that some do provide greater differences - but thistotalitarian foundation is the same for all of them and most anti-totalitarians remain blind to this fact. - JZ, 10.12.03, 8.4.08. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM
PEOPLE: so long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men." - Voltairine de Cleyre, ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. - APATHY, INDIFFERENCE, STATISM & TYRANNY
PEOPLE: So long as we need to control other people, however benign our motives, we are captive to that need. In giving them freedom, we free ourselves.” – Marilyn Ferguson. - Compare the saying: "Every leash has two ends." - PEOPLE CONTROL RESTRICTS THE FREEDOM OF THE CONTROLLERS AS WELL
PEOPLE: So the government is not the people. The people are the rest of us who are not in government. They’re not us. There is just a group of people out there who call themselves “the government”. – Murray N. Rothbard, in PENTHOUSE interview, 10/76. - And "the" people are really only xyz diverse groups of like-minded people, forcefully united and territorially deprived of genuine self-government of what they consider to be their own affairs, under the pretence that they do have "the" right to vote, as one among millions, for "representatives" that would constitute genuine "self-government" for them. Their personal law and panarchy or polyarchy preferences would mostly differ very much from the territorial laws and institutions imposed upon them. - Territorial governments treat and abuse, oppress and exploit them as their property, their subjects, their tax slaves, military slaves etc. and do not allow them to secede and set up genuine self-governments and self-managed societies and communities. - Territorial governments treat people as their property, without many of the most important and genuine individual rights and liberties, which remain even undeclared by governmental bills of rights. - JZ, 27.1.11. - GOVERNMENT, STATISM, LEADERSHIPL, RULERS, TERRITORIALISM, MANDATE, VOTING.
PEOPLE: Sovereignty cannot be represented for the same reason that it cannot be alienated. … The deputies of the people, then, are not and cannot be its representatives; they are only its commissioners and can conclude nothing definitely. Every law which the people in person have not ratified is invalid; it is not a law. (*) The English nation thinks that it is free, but is greatly mistaken, for it is free only during the election of members of Parliament; as soon as they are elected, it is enslaved and counts for nothing. The use which it makes of the brief moment of freedom renders the loss of liberty well-deserved.” – Rousseau, Contrat Social, Book III, chapter XV, trans. Tozer, p.187. - Quoted in: Jacques Maritain, Man & The State, ed. by Richard O’Sullivan, London, Hollis & Carter, 1954, p.42. - (*) The correct ratification must be done through peaceful individual people, as their own sovereigns, selecting for themselves, together with like-minded people, the kind of political, economic and social system that they want for themselves or establishing it for themselves if it does not yet exist. – JZ, 29.9.07, 10.10.07. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, ROUSSEAU’S VIEW, REPRESENTATIVES, DEPUTIES, LAWS, LEGISLATION, VOTING, PARLIAMENTS, POLITICIANS, ELECTIONS, FREEDOM, REFERENDUM, PANARCHISM
PEOPLE: The "people's money" is not the people's money or "our" money but a coercive monopoly money of the State forced upon the people. - In the monetary sphere, too, our popular language is often our own worst enemy. - JZ, 16.3.97. - PEOPLE'S MONEY, LANGUAGE, MONETARY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM
PEOPLE: the absolute necessity for people to take control over their own lives, and the dismantling and final elimination of state authority over the life of man.” – Jerome Tuccille, Radical Libertarianism, p. 35/36. - Former governments could be rightfully continued as agents for their remaining volunteers, confined to them and to exterritorial autonomy. Only thus could they become rightfully competing governments, as one form of self-government or self-management for sovereign people, all of them volunteers, who would still be foolish enough to wish to continue statism. When so confined they would wrong and harm only themselves and, sooner or later, would learn their required lessons from the own costly and risky experiments they chose for themselves contrary to all historical experience with them. - JZ, 27.1.11. – VOLUNTARISM, STATISM
PEOPLE: The American people are the only animal that can be skinned more than once.” - 19th century Western saying, quoted by William E. Simon, A Time for Action, p.77. - The people, collectively, legally and territorially, can be conned again and again, e.g. by price controls, "inflation-fighting measures" of governments, their "protectionism", by compulsory unionism, voting methods, representation systems, and election promises, the pretences of central banking, of defence and police forces, of governmental courts of justice etc., etc. But as autonomous individual consumers of State services and disservices, free to secede and to combine exterritorially with other but like-minded volunteers, they would be almost be bound to learn fast, in most cases, always one by one, from their own mistakes and those of others and that at their own speed. Furthermore, then they could also, immediately or very soon and individually, benefit from their enlightened choices and by their own quite peaceful and tolerant - "one-man revolutions". Only good restaurants are almost always full or even booked in advance. Only the bad ones are almost deserted and soon go bankrupt. This is as it should be, in every sphere. It is the inevitable result of consumer sovereignty in this limited sphere. Let consumer sovereignty be applied to all public services. - Even to whole political, economic and social systems! - JZ 1.7.92, 10.12.03, 13.2.08, 28.1.11. - MOBS, VOTING CATTLE, SHEEPLE, VOTING, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, ONE-MAN REVOLUTIONS, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY VS. TERRITORIAL SOVEREIGNTY, ENLIGHTENMENT, EDUCATION, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, EMANCIPATION
PEOPLE: The animosities of sovereigns are temporary and may be allayed; but those which seize the whole body of a people, and of a people, too, who dictate their own measures, produced calamities of long duration.” – Thomas Jefferson, Letter to C. W. F. Dumas, 1786. – Individuals need protection against “the people” as well as against territorial governments. – JZ, 3.11.85. – At most the majority of the population is involved and a mass of popular errors, myths and prejudices, which tend to last longer than those of individuals, which last, with them, at most for the term of their natural lives. – JZ, 26.3.08. The best protection against the State and the majority that still supports it, would be the freedom to opt out from under them, once they realize that one or several of their genuine rights and liberties are still infringed, and to join or establish alternative societies, all of them without a territorial monopoly but with full exterritorial autonomy. These would tend to set, in many cases, better examples of self-management or self-governance, so that more and more people would join them as sovereign consumers of services formerly monopolized by territorial governments. Their external policies would be different, too. They would ally themselves with all movements that strive only to achieve exterritorial autonomy for their own volunteers and are thus inherently just, tolerant, peaceful and progressive (at their own speed). Thus the numbers of their allies would multiply and those of their enemies would shrink. However, several international alliances might result, e.g. one of predominantly religious communities, another one of secular societies and one of local militias to uphold genuine individual rights and liberties, to the extent that they are claimed by the members of exterritorially autonomous groups of volunteers. - Bad examples set by some of them, may, like fashions and other fads, spread fast for a while but will not persist for long in the face of free competition from much better societies. -JZ, 28.1.11. – COMPETITION & LAISSEZ FAIRE & FREEDOM OF CONTRACT & ASSOCIATION & SECESSIOIN IN EVERY SPHERE, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM
PEOPLE: The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government.” - George Washington. - Panarchism just replaces "the people" by "individuals" (who are not criminals with involuntary victims). - JZ, 14.10.02. – Individuals should also be free to choose among many of the exterritorially autonomous competing governments, societies and communities that would be offered under full freedom in this sphere. – They should not only be free to try to reform the one they are presently members of. Nor should they be confined to establish only new territorial governments. On the contrary, all such governments ought to be discontinued as despotism at least for all their diverse and peaceful dissenters. – JZ, 7.3.09, 28.1.11. - SELF-GOVERNMENT, RIGHTS, CONSTITUTIONALISM, CHOICE OF GOVERNMENT, PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: The common people suffer when the powerful disagree.” – Phaedrus, Famulae Aesopiae, c. 40. - Let the powerful suffer, at least the loss of power over peaceful dissenters, whenever “the people” disagree or minorities and individuals among them do. – JZ, 31.11.85. 10.7.86, 26.3.08. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY VS. TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” – Patrick Henry - Let each of constitution of peaceful volunteers compete freely and exterritorially with those of others. There is no moral or rational reason to impose a single territorial constitution upon all of the diverse peoples that make up the population of every country. They were only established and maintained for the convenience of territorial power addicts, who, unfortunately, found all too many voluntary victims, for all too long. We cannot afford any nuclear powers and any nuclear targets any longer and the continued application of collective responsibility notions to innocent people, who would rather be peaceful secessionists and do their own things among themselves. - JZ, 28.1.11. CONSTITUTIONALISM, GOVERNMENT & POWER, EXTERRITORIAL CONSTITUTIONALISM FOR VOLUNTEERS ONLY.
PEOPLE: The core of the cold war is not capitalist versus socialist, but the question, who is the oppressor of the masses? (*) Whoever believes that the common people have as much right as the elite, and is willing to fight against injustices and indignities to them, will win in the end.” – Lin Yutang, Memorial, READER’S DIGEST, 1976. - (*) Who or what? Three instances, the postal monopoly, monetary despotism and protectionism – do indicate that it is not only a matter of flawed persons but of beliefs, errors, prejudices, laws, systems and institutions. – JZ, 21.2.08. - Let all INDIVIDUAL people become free to choose for themselves the kind of oppressor, exploiter or liberator they wish for themselves. The number of serious dissenters, opponents, revolutionaries and "freedom fighters" as well as terrorists would then be greatly reduced, perhaps even close to zero. - Each party or movement would then be free to rule over all its supporters, as long as it has any. What rightful complaints could they still have then? - They might all become almost as peaceful and tolerant as e.g. spoon collectors are. - JZ, 28.1.11. - ELITE, MASSES, RULERS, OPPRESSION, RIGHTS, LIBERTIES, RIGHTS, INJUSTICE
PEOPLE: The fact is that the people do not really need a government at all.” – GOOD GOVERNMENT. Date? Author? Alas, not noted by me. – Obviously, all States, governments and politicians need people to function, or rather malfunction, as such. – If all of them would be confined to volunteers only and also to personal laws and exterritorial autonomy, they would not be so bad, or wrongful and harmful as they are now under territorialism. - JZ, 27.2.08, 28.1.11.
PEOPLE: the flock that submits and always obeys whoever is in command.” - Oriana Fallaci, A Man, p.134. – Almost always! – JZ – Under territorialism there are, after all, violent revolutions, civil wars, putsches, military uprisings and terrorist acts, because under it there will always be dissenters and dissatisfied people, not only volunteers. - JZ, 28.1.11. - OBEDIENCE, SUBMISSION
PEOPLE: the fun people – walking examples of what survived when minds became victims of infant mortality.” – James P. Hogan, The Two Faces of Tomorrow, p.100.
PEOPLE: The Fundamental Rule Of The English Constitution, … namely that All Law must spring from the people, and be administered by the people.” – J. Toulmin Smith, Local Self-government and Centralization, p. 21. – The “people” is here still meant all too locally and territorially. Consistent voluntary associations and communities, with different methods, aims, personal laws and institutions are not involved, but merely local or geographical ones. But persons conscripted or otherwise forced to join a local government or to become subjected to its laws, whether they agree with them or not, do still not form a genuine “community”, i.e., one of volunteers. As territorialists they are morally and practically inferior to stamp or coin collectors. They might well constitute e.g. a local and dissenting racial, religious, political or ideological dissenting minority, which should also have the right to self-government or full exterritorial autonomy. Forcing them under one local government would also be only a parody of true self-government. People, who are not volunteers, are not “one people”. They can well be several peoples, two, a dozen or even more different ones, with many to most of them wishing to preserve their separate identity, just like e.g. footballers, tennis players and cricketers want to preserve theirs, or members of various nationalities in foreign countries. Last Sunday we had in Mittagong, N.S.W. a festival for local Scotsmen. All kinds of visitors were welcomed – if they paid their way. They had hired a sufficiently large field for their displays. They, just like the already recognized numerous other voluntary associations and organizations, jazz, chess, table tennis and basket ball clubs, do have the right to make their own constitutions, rules and institutions and to have their own judges or referee or arbitration or jury systems. Those, who want to associate on a territorial basis ought to be free, too, do so but not free to claim a territorial monopoly over all local inhabitants but just a united organization for all their volunteers living in a territory. Likewise the various internationalists, federalists and cosmopolitans. They, too, could at most, if that is conceded to them by their voluntary members, claim a collective sovereignty only over these members. Numerous other associations and clubs and organizations manage to do that, without getting into conflicts with each other, as long as they do not, e.g., as some trade unions do, claim a monopoly for certain trades for their members. – JZ, 30.6.92, 18.2.08. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PERSONAL LAW, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, CONSTITUTIONALISM, TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: The Government of the United States (or of France or Russia or any other nation over a significant period of time) will be and do whatever most of the voters want or will tolerate. No mechanistic scheme or written document can ever for long prevent the effective minority (usually called the majority) of a people from doing whatever it is they want to do.” – Dean Russell, THE FREEMAN, 12/73. - As if we had not had and still have some despotic, tyrannical and even totalitarian regimes imposed upon numerous dissenters for all too long. During the last century they murdered over 200 million people. Should we console ourselves with the thought that these victims were merely not "effective" enough? - Any existing wrong or nonsense will find those, who excuse it or simply accept it as inevitable. I regret that even Dean Russel did this, here. - JZ, 28.1.11.
PEOPLE: the greatest good for the greatest number, which ought to be fairly simply to arrange, if people were not so trapped in emotions, religions, governments and other mass delusional systems of that sort.” – Kim Stanley Robinson, Blue Mars, p.85. – Why should only the greatest number in a territory get what they want in the form of political, economic and social systems? As consumers for ordinary consumer goods and services they do already have individual choice. Why not also such free choice for all services now territorially monopolized by Federal, State governments and Local governments and their constitutions, laws and institutions? – Admittedly, presently they are trapped still, by territorialism. - JZ, 11.9.07. 28.1.11. – All the more reason to seriously consider the rightful and rational alternatives to it. – JZ, 19.12.13. - EMOTIONS, RELIGIONS, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENTS, DELUSIONAL SYSTEMS, THE UNIFORMITY SPLEEN, PUBLIC INTEREST, COMMON INTEREST, MAJORITIES, DEMOCRACY, PEOPLE TRAPS
PEOPLE: The insistent requirements of insatiable governments have reduced the people to tenant status that trembles at mention of another rise in their liability.” – I. R. Ybarra, in Fred Woodworth’s THE MATCH, 6/75? 78? 70? – My handwriting! – JZ - The population in any territory vastly outnumbers its feudal landlords and could easily make them tremble, if they wanted to. Instead, they could and should peacefully secede and then each of its diverse groups could peacefully do its own things. They need only revolutionize their knowledge, ideas and opinions. - JZ, 28.1.11. - TENANTS, LANDLORDS, TERRITORIALISM, PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, SERFDOM, FEUDALISM
PEOPLE: The little people have everything to gain and nothing to lose. – They could still lose their lives, limbs, health, family members and friends and the few and limited liberties and rights they still have even now. They have very much to gain by the full realization of all genuine individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 13.2.12. – POVERTY, POOR PEOPLE, LITTLE PEOPLE
PEOPLE: The majority of them were … those who have been obeying since the beginning of the world, the doormats of every power, the tools of all ambition, …” - Oriana Fallaci, A Man, p.310. - It is enough for determined minorities to secede and set attractive examples when doing their own things exterritorially. The majority, with all its remaining factions, is bound to sooner or later follow the best examples set by the first pioneers, always one by one, at their own speed, in accordance with their degree of enlightenment. - JZ, 28.1.11.
PEOPLE: The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.” – U.S. Senator William Borah – As voluntary members of panarchies, free also to secede from them, they would not put up with taxes in their panarchy which they consider to be wrong or excessive. – Diverse forms of voluntary taxation would inevitably result. – JZ, 7.3.09. - TAXES & LAWS, PATIENCE, SUBMISSION, PASSIVITY, STATISM
PEOPLE: The masses of the people resemble a wild beast, which, naturally fierce, and accustomed to live in the woods, has been brought up, as it were, in a prison, and having by accident got its liberty, not being accustomed to search for its good, and not knowing where to conceal itself, easily becomes the prey of the first who seeks to incarcerate it again.” – Nicolò Machiavelli, The Prince, iv, 1513. – Let the few dissenters do their own things among themselves. The others will gradually or even soon learn from their examples. – JZ, 0.7.86, 26.3.08. - REVOLUTIONS, LIBERATION, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: The nations (peoples) do not rebel, they submit. There are only rebellious tyrannies. – C. V. Volney, Die Ruinen, p.73. – (“Die Nationen empoeren sich nicht; es gibt nur rebellische Tyrannen.“) - This is the possible and even likely result under territorialism. But once the first reformers, innovators and pioneers are free to do their own things among themselves, at their own risk and expense, their successful examples will be followed by more and more of the rest of the people. Almost all other progress in every field advances in this way. Let us break the remaining territorial barriers against it. - JZ, 28.1.11. - REVOLUTIONS, REBELLIONS, TYRANNIES, OBEDIENCE, INDIVIDUAL & GROUP SECESSIONISM, TOWARDS EXTERRITORIALLY AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITIES OF VOLUNTEERS.
PEOPLE: The origin of all power is in the people, and … they have an incontestable right to heck (*) the creatures of their own creation.” – Mercy Warren, 1788. –But they have to be organized for this, not only by elections, recalls and referendum, juries and free media – but, also, by a proper militia. – JZ, 28.3.80. – (*) Typo? sack? hack? – JZ - Most importantly, by sorting themselves out, individually, into the kind of societies, communities, systems and institutions, which they do really want for themselves and within which they can practise their beliefs or convictions, voluntarily, tolerantly, peacefully, among themselves, at their own risk and expense, without any territorial monopoly for them. – Only the territorial “suit”, “dress” or “shoe” does not fit the whole population of a territory. – JZ, 27.2.08, 28.1.11. - POWER, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, FREE CHOICE OF INDIVIDUALS FOR THEIR GOVERNMENT OR SOCIETY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF ACTION, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM
PEOPLE: The people - that great beast!” - Alexander Hamilton. - Only when coercively kept in great cages, called nation-states, and treated like a mob, that can effectively act only as a mass, i.e., mindlessly or misled. - Let individuals and their voluntary groups opt out and do their own things for and to themselves - and you will come to see many rightful and sensible actions by them, not only internally wrongful and harmful ones. Only then, voluntarily, autonomously and exterritorially, under personal constitutions, laws, administrations, jurisdictions etc., will the rightful and sensible forms of organization and actions tend to spread widely and fast. - JZ, 13.10.02, 28.1.11. – NATION STATES, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM,
PEOPLE: the people accept or submit or adjust.” - Oriana Fallaci, A Man, p.10. – We can only rely on the few thoughtful, moral and active individuals among them. – And so far these are not free to do their all own things for themselves, under any territorial system. - JZ, 16.9.82, 26.2.08. – PERSONAL LAW, SECESSIONISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM
PEOPLE: The people are a genuine people only when every member, apart from children, madmen and criminals, is a volunteer. – JZ, 30.6. 92. – PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM
PEOPLE: The people are a many-headed beast.” – Alexander Pope: The First Epistle of the First Book of Horace. – Quoted in Seldes. - Territorialism and militarism can, certainly, turn them into beasts. When free to sort themselves out, with each group of volunteers free to do the own things, at the own expense and risk, we would finally see how peaceful, tolerant, civilized and progressive at first some and then more and more people can be. Territorialism preserved all too much authoritarianism, tyranny, monopolism, corruption and exploitation, even barbarism in all too many spheres. - JZ, 28.1.11. – NWT, TERRITORIALISM, TARGETS, COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY, DEMOCIDE, GENOCIDE
PEOPLE: The people are deceived through names, not through things.” – James Harrington. (JZ tr. of: “Das Volk wird durch Namen betrogen, nicht durch Dinge.” - The people require visual and not conceptual truths. – Rivarol ( „Das Volk bedarf anschaulicher und nicht begrifflicher Wahrheiten.“ ) – Let pioneers set practical examples of what liberties and rights can achieve among such volunteers, under full exterritorial autonomy, beginning with their free secessions. The rest will sooner or later follow them, at their own speed. - JZ, 28.1.11. - NAMES, WORDS, TERMS, DEFINITIONS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATIONS OF ALTERNATIVES
PEOPLE: The People are free. It’s the proudest boast. Any of them can tell you that freedom is what makes them People and not fraki. The people are free to roam the Stars, never rooted to any soil. …” - Robert Heinlein, Citizen of the Galaxy, inside cover. – They should be free to migrate and to immigrate, also to settle, anywhere, without expropriating any other reasonable beings, always under their own personal law and exterritorially autonomous institutions. Unless they prefer permanent travel for themselves, like many elderly couples, with their caravans. - JZ, 28.1.11. - FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIALISM, SECESSIONISM, VS. TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: The people are praised while being cheated, conned, robbed and repressed. – JZ, 22.11.78. All is supposedly been done for them and in their name, but always at their expense and risk and this while they are not fully free to help themselves in all too many very important spheres and to make their own choices, rather than to submit to those of their territorial politicians. – JZ, 27.2.08, 28.1.11.
PEOPLE: The people are that part of the state which does not know what it wants.” - G. W. F. Hegel, “Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts”, 1821. – Did not this “great” philosopher realize the great diversity of ideas and wants in a population made up of very different individuals? Did he really imagine “the people” to be one entity? – JZ, 26.3.08. – The rulers dominating the population of a territory know only what they want for themselves. They do not care about the rightful aspirations of their very diverse subjects. Even with the best intentions they could not represent all of them but at most those of their voluntary followers. – JZ, 14.4.08. -
PEOPLE: The people are the very substance, the living and free substance, of the body politic. The people are above the State. The people are not for the State. The State is for the people.” – Jacques Maritain, Man & The State, ed. by Richard O’Sullivan, London, Hollis & Carter, 1954, p.23. - Where are “the people” free? Where are they above the territorial State rather than under it? As involuntary taxpayers or tribute slaves they are the feed of the territorial State as a beast of prey. Where is the territorial State for the people rather than against the people? Moreover, who or what are “the people”? Certainly not simply all the inhabitants of a certain territory. For they are split among themselves in a thousand different ways, not only as members of races, religions, but according to individual physical and mental abilities, interests, inclinations, errors, prejudices, ideas, consumer preferences, hopes and aspirations. Not two of them are quite the same. – Only their voluntary associations and communities should count – for themselves and they would and should be of no interest as a threat to others. With all individual people free to pick and choose their own paths and associations and personal laws - to proceed freely along them, under their own rules, and given no votes at all on the lives of the people in other communities of volunteers, all of them exterritorially autonomous as well, the motives and reasons for arguments and conflicts are minimized. They would peacefully coexist, just like different sports teams or players, all playing their own games, quite independently, placing their own bets. Trying to bring them all together, constitutionally, legally and juridically, under one supposed ideal for all, does merely maximize and multiply internal and external conflicts, as we have seen for centuries e.g. in the sphere of religion, also in politics and in ideological clashes. – Political, social and economic system-mongering and unification attempts aren’t any better than coercive religious unification attempts have been and still are – The territorial State is definitely “for the people” as an unrealistic abstract and propaganda concept, which allows the territorial State to continue with its false representative and consent pretences. However, it is this territorial and “unified” State that is against all or most of the peoples, in all their varieties, living in any of its territories, even against the people of the majority or the fluctuating majorities, since it involves them, quite unnecessarily and without justification, in a permanent and costly struggle with numerous groups of dissenters. Just think of how much the war against drugs and the war against terrorism costs them now and the whole bureaucratic territorial machine. – Even the levying of compulsory taxes costs them enormously, because unanimous consent is missing in their territorial State, which makes compulsory taxes necessary for it. - JZ, 29.9.07. – Territorial States cannot be for ALL the people. Panarchies are and let the diverse people sort themselves out into exterritorially autonomous affinity groups. – JZ, 11.3.09. - DEMOCRACY, STATE, PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM,
PEOPLE: The people can be its own tyrant and often it has been. - Börne, Kritiken: Nouvelles letters provinciales. - („Es kann auch das Volk sein eigener Tyrann sein - und ist es oft gewesen.") - Those who want to tyrannize themselves should always be given the chance to do so, without any of their preferences being imposed upon others. - JZ 4.7.92. - If they were very efficient tyrants, they would thus get rid of themselves and, consequently, altogether liberate us even of their presence. But more likely, after a few bad experiences with tyrannical actions towards themselves, most former theoretical sympathizers with tyranny would secede from tyrannies. - JZ, 15.1.93. - Even under the Nazi- and the Soviet Regimes the genuine totalitarians constituted a minority - alas, a territorially and brutally ruling one. Territorialism made that possible and prolonged their rule and multiplied the number of their victims. - JZ, 19.9.04. - TYRANNY
PEOPLE: The people cannot delegate to government the power to do anything which would be unlawful for them to do themselves.” – John Locke, "A Treatise Concerning Civil Government." - Alas, they did, again and again and still do! Is any territorial government really civil or civilized? - Not too much should be delegated, certainly not the practice of basic individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 24.11.06. - PEOPLE VS. GOVERNMENTS & THEIR POWERS.
PEOPLE: The people give themselves an insane government with insane policies.” - Barry B. Longyear, Sea of Glass, p.306. - Only as long as individuals and minorities are not free to opt out to do their own things and thus set not only worse but also some better examples. - JZ, 22.1.02. - GOVERNMENT, POLICIES, DEMOCRACY, SELF-GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, COLLECTIVISM, COMPULSORY MEMBERSHIP, MAJORITY, VOTING, REPRESENTATION, DECISION-MAKING, STUPIDITY, PANARCHISM, FREE CHOICE OF GOVERNMENTS OR SOCIETIES FOR INDIVIDUALS
PEOPLE: The people is a dangerous fiction – until this term is finally confined to the members of communities of volunteers only. – JZ, 28.9.93. - VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW COMMUNITIES, NATIONS, POPULATIONS, UNITY, STATES
PEOPLE: The people is a great beast.” – Alexander Hamilton. – The same could be said about its territorial leaders or those aspiring to become such leaders. – JZ, 26.3.08, 19.12.13. – Are there worse beasts of prey than territorial governments? – JZ, 14.4.08. – Territorial governments are the largest and most dangerous, murderous and destructive beasts of prey. – JZ, 15.3.09.
PEOPLE: The People is that part of the nation which knows what it wants.” – Hegel, quoted by Edmund Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 12/75, p.732. – But there are only different “parts” or “segments” of “ the” people, ultimately going down to individuals, and all of them want something different for themselves. – JZ, 27.2.08. –
PEOPLE: The people is the enemy for the government.” – Proudhon, 1849. – Quoted in LERNZIEL ANARCHIE, No.4. - Nevertheless, government always pretends to be the people’s friend, helper and protector. Otherwise it could not stay in power over it and in occupation of a whole country and its population. – JZ, - 27.2.08. – GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, POLITICIANS, ENEMIES
PEOPLE: The people let themselves be slaughtered and hold still.” – Lenin – (“Die Voelker lassen sich abschlachten und halten still.”) – Quoted by Solzhenitsyn, in “Lenin in Zuerich”. – It should be easier to attack those officers and commissars, who drive them against machine guns and barbed wire than to carry out such attacks. But the ideas of such disobedience and other good motives for it will first have to be provided, e.g. by quite rightful war and peace-aims, believably declared and also proven by the other side, as could be done, e.g. by a panarchistic liberation program. – JZ, 7.9.85, 27.2.08. – OBEDIENCE, MILITARY DISCIPLINE, MORALE, MILITARY INSURRECTIONS, FRATERNIZATION, SEPARATE PEACE, JUST WAR & PEACE AIMS
PEOPLE: The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion. – Edmund Burke. - One of their main delusions is that they do already sufficiently know all their individual rights and liberties. If they really did, they, as a whole, would not be prepared to give up all of them, although some would be prepared to give up some of them – as long as they could stand this. – JZ, 27.2.08. - THEIR DELUSIONS.
PEOPLE: The people of today are as peaceful as they ever will be, but still there are hangmen at the helm of the state. The warmongers of our time do not thunder from shaggy horses - they are doctors of philosophy like Mao, theologians like Stalin, schoolteachers like Mussolini, painters like Hitler, or jolly organizers like Khrushchev. But they have bled to death more men and women than the malefactors of all the past generations put together.” - D. Runes, "A Dictionary of Thought". - Most of the people are peaceful enough. They have to be conscripted, disciplined, trained and taxed into wars. But most of their territorial, coercive, uniform, monopolistic and centralized or federated political institutions are not inherently peaceful but war promoting. And they are open to and standing invitations to takeovers by the worst kinds of criminals. - JZ, 26.7.92, 8.1.93. - PEACE & TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: The people rule, but they rule in name only - much as the king may be said to rule in a modern constitutional monarchy. - George H. Douglas - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. - DEMOCRACY, MAJORITY RULE, REPRESENTATION, VOTING
PEOPLE: The people vote for those who tell them lies! The people vote for those who make fun of them! The people vote for those who spend billions to get elected with fireworks and pigeons! The people want to be slaves, they like to be slaves, they like it!” - Oriana Fallaci, A Man, p.313. – True for all too many people and for all too long periods. All the more it is important to let all dissenters have full exterritorial autonomy for their kinds of societies and communities, after they seceded from the territorial State. - There are always dissenters - our only hope! - JZ, 28.1.11. - , POLITICIANS, VOTING, DEMOCRACY, LEADERSHIP
PEOPLE: The people who own the country ought to govern it.” - Attributed to John Jay. - Frank Monaghan, John Jay, chapter 15, p. 323 (1935). According to Monaghan, this "was one of his favorite maxims." Unverified in the writings of Jay, although the essence of this is expressed in several passages. - Do "the" people own any country? - JZ, 11.10.02. - Let us privatize and voluntarize "nations", "countries", "peoples" and States! - JZ, 24.11.02. – The individuals in a country can rightfully own and control only their own properties, not the properties of the other owners in the country. Mostly they have different opinions on how their properties are to be used. Politicians can at most only represent their own followers, not the rest of the population. “The people” should become dissolved or replaced by communities of volunteers, all of them without a territorial monopoly. – JZ, 7.3.09. – PANARCHISM, POPULATION, SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, COMPETING SOCIETIES, COUNTRIES, OWNERSHIP, NATIONS, GOVERNMENT, SELF-GOVERNMENT, COLLECTIVISM, NATIONALIZATION, Q.
PEOPLE: The people will not rise to greater height before they have fully realized the depth of their decline.” – French historian Edgar Quinet, quoted by Rudolf Rocker in epilogue to his Nationalism and Culture, p. 554. - "The people" are a myth. Only individuals can improve, remain the same or deteriorate. Let volunteers experiment among themselves with all their spleens but also with their good ideas. Via experimental freedom for all, in the average, progress more liberty will be assured - and also less taxes or no more compulsory ones. - JZ, 28.1.11. -
PEOPLE: The people's government, made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people.” - Daniel Webster. - That is realized, practicable, just and peaceful only through the panarchic, polyarchic or voluntary framework. - JZ, 11.10.02. - Peoples are not a unified territorial entity but self-selected voluntary associations with powers only over their voluntary members. Then they are genuine entities through the power of a common attraction, ideal or ideology. Territorial “peoples” are among the myths of despotism and tyranny. - JZ, 24.11.02. – In all the latter cases one should not speak of the people but, rather, of the population of a country, which usually is very diverse. – JZ, 7.3.09. - & GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM VS. VOLUNTARISM & EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, CHOICE, SELF-DETERMINATION, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSION, PANARCHISM
PEOPLE: The popular saying: “Let my people go!” should rather be re-worded: “Leave my people alone!” – JZ, 6/72. – For even their right to emigrate and immigrate into another country does not yet sufficiently liberate them from all the wrongs and evils of territorialism. For this Israel is a pretty good example. Its territorial independence put it into a state of almost permanent war and terrorism, because other peoples in this area and their governments, have other notions for territorial domination in this area. – Even their own citizens hold quite different ideals and cannot, territorially, realize all of them for themselves. Nor could the Arabs and others people living in this territorial State – or any other such State. The tragic thing about this is that both, Jewish and Arabic people, had prolonged traditions of exterritorial autonomy and voluntarism, which, at least to some extent (limited as these options then still were and as general enlightenment was), assured them some autonomy, at least temporarily. Instead of fully recognizing these traditions and developing them further, they did quite uncritically adopt the territorial nationalism of Europe, which has also turned Europe, for all too many centuries, into an almost permanent war zone, with periods of exhaustion in-between. – JZ, 27.2.08. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, MILLET SYSTEM, DHIMMIES, PERSONAL LAW, ISRAEL, PALESTINE
PEOPLE: The proposition that the people are the best keepers of their own liberties is not true. They are the worst conceivable, they are no keepers at all; they can neither judge, act, think, or will, as a political body.” - John Adams, Defence of the Constitution. - Quoted by W. W. Woodward in his Tom Paine: America's Godfather. - Territorialism and the monopoly for military organization and arms do prevent the various groups among the people from acting freely, responsibly and effectively to realize their rights and liberties and to uphold them against oppressive and exploitative political machines. The latter do not really judge and think rationally and responsibly, either, under present conditions. On the contrary! - We have to establish organizations for crime victims against organized criminals. The official protection rackets do not protect us against them. - JZ, 24.11.02. – Moreover, we have to establish suitable institutions for the protection of our individual rights and liberties against the top criminals, the territorial political leaders and their henchmen and other supporters. At least in some cases the majority of the adult population would make better decisions in a referendum than their territorial government would. But even then the decision of that majority should only be applied exterritorially, to that majority. – JZ, 7.3.09. – PANARCHISM, SECESSIONISM, LIBERTY, MILITIA, POLITICS, TERRITORIALISM, REFERENDUM, DIRECT DEMOCRACY
PEOPLE: The spirit of the people must frequently be roused, in order to curb the ambition of the court, and the dread of rousing this spirit must be employed to prevent that ambition.” – David Hume
PEOPLE: The State assumes ownership of human beings from the moment of birth (which must be registered), through childhood (compulsory education); through the years of young adulthood (conscription); through the years of work (compulsory taxation); and after death (death duties and estate duties). The State collects its dues, and enforces its “right” of ownership in many ways.” – Merilyn Fairsky, FREE ENTERPRISE, last issue 76. – PEOPLE AS PROPERTY OF THE STATE
PEOPLE: the State is taking control and ownership of the people.” – Quoted from OMAHA WORLD HERALD by Admiral Ben Moreell, Log II, p.125. – CONTROL, PROPERTY, STATISM
PEOPLE: The strength of the Constitution, lies in the will of the people to defend it.” – Thomas Edison - Has any territorial constitution as yet been good enough to defend it at the expense of many lives? - JZ, 22. 11. 06. - PEOPLE MUST BE WILLING, ARMED, ORGANIZED & TRAINED TO DEFEND THEIR RIGHTS & LIBERTIES EVEN AGAINST THEIR GOVERNMENTS, Q.
PEOPLE: The supremacy of the people tends to liberty. (Populi imperium juxta libertatem.) – Tacitus, Annals, Bk. vi, sec.42. – Provided those different peoples within “the people” are also supreme regarding their own affairs. – JZ, 4.6.82, 27.2.08. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF ACTION, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM VS. TERRITORIALISM,
PEOPLE: The voice of the people is seldom their own.” – Dagobert D. Runes, Treasury of Thought, p.103. – Also in his: A Dictionary of Thought. – PUBLIC OPINION, PROPAGANDA, VOTING, PARTIES, INTELLECTUALS, DEMAGOGUES, LEADERS, DEMOCRACY
PEOPLE: The will of the people (*) is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object.” – Thomas Jefferson: Letter to Benjamin Waring, March 1801. - (*) The will of individuals and of their voluntary associations, acting within their individual rights and liberties. No territorial government can sufficiently express these diverse wills. Only exterritorially autonomous communities, societies and governments of volunteers can do that and, by their very nature, they will tend to become quite tolerant of each other, merely competing, peacefully, for new converts and members. – JZ, 17.10.85, 26.3.08, 28.1.11. - The people should not be personified or deified, either. Only their voluntary associations count morally and ethically. No others have any just foundation. - JZ, 24.11.02. – There is as a rule no single will among whole populations but, instead, many and very different ideals, beliefs and convictions prevail, which could all be practised at the same time and in the same country only among volunteers. That applies to political, economic and social systems just as much as to fashions, sports, hobbies, reading, music, recreations and all other diverse activities and preferences of individuals. Let all the diverse groups do their own things for or to themselves, to each his or her own choice: Panarchism! – JZ, 8.3.09.
PEOPLE: The worst of all States is the people's State.” - Pierre Corneille (1606-1684), Cinna (1640), Act II. - PEOPLE'S DEMOCRACIES
PEOPLE: There are people in our society who should be separated and discarded. I think it's one of the tendencies of the liberal community to feel that every person in a nation of over 200 million people can be made into a productive citizen. - I'm realist enough to believe this can't be. We're always going to have our prisons, we're always going to have our places of preventive detention for psychopaths, and we're always going to have a certain number of people in our community who have no desire to achieve or who have no desire to even fit in an amicable way with the rest of society. - And these people should be separated from the community, not in a callous way but they should be separated as far as any idea that their opinions shall have any effect on the course we follow.” - Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, comments during interview for European audiences which was recorded in Washington, D.C., then broadcast over British Independent Television on June 30, 1970, as reported by The Washington Post, July 2, 1970, p.A3. - Vice Presidents, too, are presiding over the vice of territorial governments. Their private vices are their least evils. - JZ, 26.11.02. TERRITORIALISM, LEADERSHIP, PRESIDENTS, VICE PRESIDENTS, RULERS ETC.
PEOPLE: There is a popular fallacy that people want to be free. ... Very few people would choose to be absolutely free. Many do not really want to be free at all, but would prefer to live comfortably secure ' like battery hens.” - Anthony Lejeune, Freedom and the Politicians. - But the few who want to be 'absolutely free' have the right to select this option for themselves. And each of the "battery hens" has the right to get the own choice, at her own expense and risk. - JZ, 4.4.89. – FREEDOM, ANARCHISM, LIBERTARIANISM, STATISM, TOLERANCE, CHOICE, PANARCHISM
PEOPLE: There is but one element of government, and that is THE PEOPLE. From this element spring all governments, "For a nation to be free, it is only necessary that she wills it." For a nation to be slave, it is only necessary that she wills it.” - John Adams. - To John Taylor, 1814. - The error lies in the "the". - JZ, 11.10.02. - How could such a vast error, with catastrophic consequences, remain so overlooked by most people, for centuries? - At least now it should be publicized as much as possible, together with the exterritorial and voluntaristic alternative of panarchism or polyarchism or whatever you may come to call it. - JZ, 24.11.02. - INDIVIDUALS, GOVERNMENT & SELF-GOVERNMENT, NATIONAL VS. INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, Q.
PEOPLE: There is no expression, which was more abused during the last year than the term “people”. Everyone understood something different under it, whatever suited his interests, usually just any mass of individuals which he had succeeded to rally to his point of view.” – Otto von Bismarck, quoted in: – Hans Habe, Leben fuer den Journalismus, Band 1, Reportagen und Gespraeche, Knaur, 1976, S.140. – (Es ist kein Ausdruck im letzten Jahre mehr missbraucht worden als das Wort “Volk”. Jeder hat das darunter verstanden, was gerade in seinen Kram passte, gewoehnlich einen beliebigen Haufen von Individuen, die es ihm gelungen war, fuer seine Ansicht zu gewinnen.) - Alas, for each of these groups of “people” exclusive territorial monopoly claims were made, rather than to merely demand for them, for their volunteers, full exterritorial autonomy. On that basis they might have come to an agreement with all of their opponents and could even have formed a federation with them, to uphold this mutual tolerance, freedom of action and experimentation, this panarchism or polyarchism or voluntarism for all of them. But since they were struck with the blindness implied in territorialism, towards the rights and liberties of dissenters, none of them saw this solution for their problems. – JZ, 15.9.07, 10.10.07, 28.1.11. – TERRITORIALISM VS. VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, RIGHTFUL FEDERATION BASED UPON MUTUAL TOLERATION FOR DIVERSE PERSONAL LAW SYSTEMS OF VOLUNTEERS.
PEOPLE: There were other paradoxes that he discovered in the democratic system. For example, he was told that the people were competent to rule, but that they must be vigorously policed. …” - R. Dale Grinder, on Mencken, LIBERTARIAN ANALYSIS, I/3-49. –– If politicians really were the most competent persons that one could find among the people, then what would one have to say about the people? – JZ, 26.2.08. – Are the incompetent competent enough to elect competent rulers, competent in all the social and natural sciences and in all the technologies that they can and do legally meddle with, with their “positive” legislation, or are the less competent only competent enough to select for themselves e.g medical doctors, who can and do really help them, at least by trying out several ones of them and picking the best among them? - DEMOCRACY, RULE, POLITICIANS, COMPETENCE, VOTING, REPRESENTATION, DEPUTIES, Q.
PEOPLE: This country doesn’t belong to the government. This country belongs to the people. (*) We created the government to serve our needs. (**) We were not created to serve it. This is our country, your and mine. If we’re not running it, it’s only because we’ve allowed someone else to do it for us. If our elected representatives and the bureaucrats they hire become arrogant and begin to bite the hand that feeds them, then it’s time for us to reassert our rights and our dominion over our own lives.” – René Baxter, FREEDOM TODAY, 9/75. - (*) No country belongs exclusively to its present population. Only private and cooperative or partnership property is so owned and the whole planet by mankind – until we encounter reasonable aliens. - (**) Was it established by referendum? If so, how about those outvoted and those not permitted to vote, historically the slaves, Red Indians, Negroes, Women and in our times still all of those below an arbitrarily fixed maturity age? And those not accepted as citizens or even declared to be illegal humans, because they are illegal immigrants? - JZ, 27.2.08, 20.12.13. – VOTING, EQUAL RIGHT TO VOTE, HUMANS, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, REPRESENTATIVES, TERRITORIALISM VS. INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PEOPLE: This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.” - Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1965. - This country belongs to nobody. Only individuals and their voluntary associations can possess property - and that is only their own. They are entitled to subscribe to or establish their own institutions and to change them. When free to do so and when dissenters are free to opt out - then no violent revolution is required or a general election for the whole adult population. Their institutions for their volunteers are replaced by peaceful one-man “revolutions” and kept within their rightful limits, among their volunteers by a great variety of voluntary associations, societies and communities competing with them, all doing their own things among their members – without any territorial monopoly claim. - JZ, 14.10.02, 15.3.09, 20.12.13. - GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, COLLECTIVE SOVEREIGNTY, NATIONAL LAND MONOPOLY, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, CONTRACTARIANISM, ASSOCIATIONISM, REVOLUTION, GOVERNMENT, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM
PEOPLE: This idea that government was beholden to the people, that it had no other source of power, is still the newest, most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves." - Ronald Reagan's Speech at the 1964 National Convention: A Time for Choosing. - Tribal collectivism and communism is, actually, a very old idea. My friend Ulrich von Beckerath called it one of the "inherited sins" of man. - JZ, 28.1.11. – Territorial government is the opposite of genuine self-government by individuals and volunteers only. – JZ, 20.12.13. - PEOPLE & GOVERNMENT, SELF-GOVERNMENT, DEMOCRACY, REPUBLICANISM, COMMON INTEREST, PUBLIC INTEREST – ALL TERMS ALL TOO MUCH MISUNDERSTOOD & ABUSED, TERRITORIALISM VS. VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUALISM, RECOGNITION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PEOPLE: this people who always goes where it is told to go, does what it is told to do, thinks what it is told to think, victim of every established authority, of every dogma, every church, every fashion, every ism (*), absolved of all guilt and cowardice by the demagogues who care nothing about it and in absolving it aim only at enslaving it further to exploit it more?” - Oriana Fallaci, A Man, p.296. – Well, they do not volunteer e.g. for taxes and conscription and are driven my many other threats of penalties, too, away from the choices they would make as free individuals. Dissenting peaceful minorities do not feel that they are sufficiently represented by the “representatives” chosen by the majority of voters. These temporary majorities, mostly made up of the most ignorant, stupid and prejudiced people in a population, do certainly not amount to “the people”. It amounts to an abuse of the language to call them that. – JZ, 20.12.13. - (*) Panarchism and Polyarchism, too? – JZ, 27.2.08. – OBEDIENCE, DISOBEDIENCE, VOLUNTARISM, CHOICE, THREATS, PENALTIES. TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: Though the people support the government, the government must not support the people.” - Grover Cleveland. - Nor can it do so. - JZ, n.d. – Taxes minus welfare handouts and public works expenditures and other governmental budget items equals the “profits” or, rather, the “take” or “extortion revenue” to the politicians and the bureaucracy. – JZ, 7.3.09, 20.12.13. –THE VICTIMIZED DISSENTERS VS. COERCIVE VICTIMIZERS: GOVERNMENTS, WELFARE STATES, POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS
PEOPLE: Too many things are done supposedly for the people instead of by the people. – JZ, 15.10.80. – They are really and wrongfully done against the will and preferences of all too may diverse peoples or groups within the population, who all feel as outvoted and victimized peaceful minority group dissenters. – JZ, 20.12.13. - STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, DEMOCRACY, VOTING, VS. GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION, SELF-RELIANCE, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-HELP, INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PEOPLE: Waiting minds are at every point of the compass. They know their own truth. They can manage it. They need no pastor, no divine doctor.” – Sidney H. Morse, quoted in Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, 54. Reichert added: ‘The people can succeed where kings and politicians have failed, Morse proclaimed.” – Experiments among volunteers only are more likely to be successful, cost much less as a rule and would tend to spread rapidly over most of the population, by voluntary acceptance, while territorial rulers tend to repeat their ancient mistakes over and over again, not learning from them and charging their whole costs and risks to their involuntary taxpayers and victims. They do not have to cover the losses they cause and are not held personally responsible for all their wrongful actions and mistakes. – JZ, 20.12.13. – RULERS, GOVERNMENTS, COERCIVE COLLECTIVISM, TAX SLAVERY, POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, VICTIMIZERS VS. VICTIMS, TERRITORIALISM & STAATISM VS. EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR VOLUNTEERS
PEOPLE: We are the people. - What people? - The only people. We have studied you and we know your ways. … We come … to bring you … peace … and contentment - and the joy of … surrender … the joy of nirvana.” - Robert Heinlein, The Puppet Masters, p.70/71, supposedly the voice of the Puppet Masters. - The existence of "the people", as a single organism, is one of the greatest and most wide-spread delusions. - JZ, 10.30.01. This notion will acquire a degree of reality only once States with compulsory membership are replaced by exterritorially autonomous volunteer communities, in which a large degree of unanimity and the aims and means of the community can and will be achieved. - JZ, 26.1.02, 20.12.13. - TERRITORIAL STATES, LIBERATORS, IDEOLOGIES, PANARCHISM
PEOPLE: We hate our employers who pay us but love the government, which takes a third of our money and squanders it. There’s a bias against business. Reporters look at business with great suspicion. And hype Enron and WorldCom as if that’s the norm. … It think reporters cheer on the ignorant politicians.” – John Stossel, on CNN’s Reliable Sources. – Quoted in THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 16.5.06. – REPORTERS, JOURNALISTS, MASS MEDIA, LEFTISM, EMPLOYEE MENTALITY, ANTI-BUSINESS & ANTI-PROFIT & ANTI-CAPITALIST MENTALITY, STATISM, TAXES, WELFARE STATE,
PEOPLE: We must remember that the people do not belong to the government, but that the governments belong to the people.” - Bernard M. Baruch, 1870-1965, - Lore and Maurice Cowan, compilers, The Wit of the Jews, Leslie Frewin, London, 1970, p.106. – Who owns, controls, taxes, legislates, polices and adjudicates over whom? How can one be so blind towards such realities? – JZ, 20.12.13. - With such a loss-making and wasteful as well as extortionist “property” no one can be rich or as rich as he could be or should be without it. - No government should own or manage and mismanage more people than its own volunteers. – No general or specific form of enslavement, serfdom, feudalism, or tribute or tax imposition or general landlordism and machinery for mass-producing laws can lead to general prosperity, freedom, security, justice and progress. – Territorial politicians have so far coercively and monopolistically mismanaged almost everything. As territorialist monopolists they were not and could not be exposed to genuine free market competition from alternative and, potentially, much better alternative providers of public services. As rulers they could also not be held individually responsible for their wrongs and mistakes. At most they get retired after a while, with a huge pension and many privileges. While they lost office and power, that is more like a reward system for large criminals. – What percentage of these top criminals was condemned to death or had to serve prison sentences? - JZ, 13.9.08, 8.3.09, 20.12.13. - GOVERNMENT, SELF-OWNERSHIP, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, MINORITY AUTONOMY, EXTERRITORIALISM VS. TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: We often despise what is most useful to us.” – Aesop – People should be free to despise certain things, actions and institutions and free not acquire them or engage in them but they are not authorized to prohibit others from making use of what they do not despise, i.e., by laying down territorial laws for others who are peaceful and tolerant. – JZ, 23.1.08, 7.3.09. – Too many people still love was is most wrongful and harmful to them, without being aware of this. – JZ, 20.12.13. – LAWS, LIKES & DISLIKES, INDEPENDENCE OF THE DISLIKES OF OTHERS, PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE, PERSONAL LAW, DOING THE OWN THINGS, STATISM, TERRITORILISM, LEADERSHIP & REPRESENTATION SPLEENS, HERO WORSHIP, PERSONALITY CULT, TOLERANCE TOWARDS THE TOLERANT, INTOLERANCE ONLY TOWARDS THE INTOLERANT, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM
PEOPLE: We often forgive those who bore us, but we can not forgive those whom we bore.” – F. D. D. L. Rochefoucauld, 1613-1680. – The people, as a mass, are not easily enough enlightened in any significant way. Thus we should rely only on the free initiatives and experiments of those among them, who are already somewhat enlightened or at least prepared to practise their ideas only tolerantly, among their own volunteers. Between them, and gradually to fast, they have the best chance to enlighten the rest by the positive or negative results of their free experiments. – JZ, 27.2.08. - ANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, TOLERANCE, SECESSIONISM, DISINTEREST, INDIFFERENCES, BOREDOM, ENLIGHTENMENT EFFORTS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM & COMPETITION FOR VOLUNTEERS IN ALL SPHERES
PEOPLE: We the people are the rightful master of both congress and the courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” – Abraham Lincoln. - Alas, Abraham Lincoln was one of those: His partly despotic and certainly centralistic regime was not overthrown but, rather, strengthened and this at a huge sacrifice of human beings. Politicians are not the representatives but the enemies of the people, in most cases, and this under the false pretence of being their friends, allies or representatives. – JZ, 26.9.07. - For people to realize all their rights they may have to overthrow or renounce this constitution too, as far as their own rights and liberties are concerned. The remnant should be left to enjoy their constitution, unchanged or changed by them, as long as they can or want to, individually. - If and as long as the people in the USA consider themselves to be the masters and not the subjects, they will never sufficiently liberate themselves, from all the wrongs and evils involved in all territorial domination, systems and institutions, regardless to what extent the original constitution, together with its better amendments, are abided by. - JZ, 23.11.06, 20.12.13. - PEOPLE OF THE USA & ITS CONSTITUTION, CONGRESS & COURTS AS SUBJECTS OR SERVANTS OF SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUALS & COMMUNITIES OF VOLUNTEERS VS. SOVEREIGN TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS, CONSTITUTIONALISM, POWERS OF CONGRESS & COURTS, DEMOCRACY, REPRESENTATION, POLITICIANS, COMPETING CONSTITUTIONS, SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS, SOCIETIES & COMMUNITIES, ALL FOR THEIR VOLUNTEERS ONLY
PEOPLE: What about Democracy as a label for the free society? I would never use the word to describe our ideal. Why not? Simply because – like the world Capitalism – it utterly fails to communicate meaning accurately. Definitions of democracy range all the way from Abraham Lincoln’s “the government of the people, by the people, for the people” to James Russell Lowell’s “the bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the people.” To millions of citizens, Democracy means no more than a system of deciding basic politico-economic principles by counting noses, that is, by majority vote.” – Leonard E. Read, NOTES FROM FEE, March 75. – Are principles, genuine ones, every really submitted to popular votes? Not in my experience or according to my reading. – JZ, 27.2.08. – DEMOCRACY, FREE SOCIETY, DEFINITIONS, MAJORITY DESPOTISM, VOTING, ELECTIONS, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, COMPULSORY COLLECTIVISM
PEOPLE: What can you expect from people who let themselves be taxed and regulated – even conscripted into wars? – JZ, 22.9.99. – From “the” people, as a mass, not much is ever to be expected. But the pioneers and innovators among them - and all kinds of dissenting minorities - ought to be set quite free to set their either shiny or deterrent examples to all others, always only at their own cost and risk and this under full exterritorial autonomy. The last spheres in which this freedom of action or experimental freedom is still to be realized is that of political, economic and social systems, which are now territorially monopolized by States and their governments. Allow all peaceful dissenters to secede and do their own things for or to themselves. – That would, at the same time, end taxes, imposed laws, compulsory territorial subordination and even wars, civil wars, revolutions, terrorism and involuntary poverty. Nevertheless, this approach remains largely out of the public discussion of public affairs, just like religious liberty was, for many centuries. - JZ, 14.2.08. - STATISM VS. INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM & PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR VOLUNTEERS IN ALL SPHERES, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES OF TERRITORIALISM, NWTPEOPLE: What passes for the will of the people is really the will of the politicians and the great interests. They wake while the people sleep; and they alone know the times and methods for gaining their ends – regardless of the public welfare.” – View ascribed to De Lolme, in W. A. Dunning, Political Theories, p.77. - WILL OF THE PEOPLE, SPECIAL INTERESTS, GOVERNMENTS, RULERS, LOBBIES, SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS, POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM
PEOPLE: what people will, they can do, so that if they come to understand what freedom means, and come then to will it, they can enact it.” – David Wiek, on Malatesta, in ANARCHY 8. – FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM & SECESSIONISM, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT & ASSOCIATION & COMPETITION, FREE ENTERPRISE & CONSUMER SOVEREIGHNTY IN EVERY SPHERE, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM
PEOPLE: When do “the people” really speak? A statement by Napoleon is a statement by Napoleon; a statement by the people is, almost always, a statement made in the name of the people – a profound difference.” – John A. Lukacs, The Monstrosity of Government, in Templeton: The Politicization of Society, p.404. – REPRESENTATION, LEADERSHIP, GOVERNMENTALISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, COMPULSORY COLLECTIVISM, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES
PEOPLE: When the people applauded him wildly, he [Phocion] turned to one of his friends and said, ‘Have I said something foolish?’ - Diogenes Laertius. - & POPULARITY
PEOPLE: When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called 'the People's Stick' “ - Mikhail Bakunin – DEMOCRACY, LAWS, POLICE POWERS, REPRESENTATION, PEOPLE’S DEMOCRACIES
PEOPLE: When the people contend for their liberty they seldom get anything by their victory but new masters.” – George Savile, Lord Halifax, Marquess of Halifax, 1633-95, Political, Moral and Miscellaneous Reflections. – Depends on what they see as liberty and how much in accordance with freedom principles they do struggle. – JZ, 12.11.82. – “The people”, as the whole territorial population, can’t be free, it is not really an entity – only individuals can be free or cooperating volunteers. – JZ, 21.4.84, 28.1.11. – To my knowledge “the people” and numerous individuals never struggled to come to an agreement on a complete and consistent declaration of individual rights and liberties. What he said is largely true only for territorial "liberty" - untrue, mostly, for exterritorial autonomous communities of volunteers. - JZ, 13.10.02, 15.3.09. - FREEDOM STRUGGLES, ELECTIONS, VOTING, RESISTANCE, REVOLUTIONS, REBELLIONS, RIOTS
PEOPLE: Whenever people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government. – Jefferson. – Who is “the people”? Can anyone be entrusted with a territorial government, even if, e.g., it is armed with nuclear mass murder devices? – JZ, 27.2.08. – Were any people, anywhere and at any time ever sufficiently informed? Not as a whole but only parts of them were – and when these, too, do get the panarchistic experimental freedom option, then their successful experiments will, gradually, enlighten most of the rest, while their obviously unsuccessful ones will help to overcome those popular prejudices, errors etc. which were in their favor. – JZ, 10.4.08, 15.3.09. – GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT, DEMOCRACY, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, PANARCHISM, ENLIGHTENMENT
PEOPLE: Who can really understand the large crowds of common men? He must be one of them. – Whoever wants to lead or mislead them, must largely share their errors, myths and prejudices or be able to pretend that he does - JZ, 26.3.08. – They do not even understand themselves! – JZ, 15.3.09. - (My first version was, on 5.8.86: Who can understand the bastards? – JZ) – MAN, HUMAN BEINGS, AVERAGE PEOPLE, PUBLIC OPINION, KNOWLEDGE, ENLIGHTENMENT, EDUCATION, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, LEADERSHIP, RULERS, GOVERNMENTS
PEOPLE: Who is the people? Is it a street speaker or is it those who listen to him; is it those who agree with him or those who brandish their cudgels and shout him down? Do you hear shooting over there? Where is the people, your people? Is it shooting or being shot at? Is it attacking or being attacked?” – Hermann Hesse, Zarathustra’s Return, 1919. - QUESTIONS
PEOPLE: Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world?” – Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, 4 March 1861. – The people must be free. They must also be volunteers. The must be interested and motivated. They must know and respect individual rights and liberties and they must be sufficiently enlightened, organized and prepared, also be properly armed, trained and organized, all volunteers, in the best kind of militia for the protection of individual rights and liberties Only then could their various and independent self-government efforts be fruitful in most cases. So far none of these preconditions are sufficiently fulfilled. But then they are not fulfilled for rulers, politicians, representatives and bureaucrats, either, and yet they rule or, rather, misrule us. – JZ, 9.7.82, 27.2.08, 20.12.13. - REFERENDUM, DEMOCRACY, DIRECT DEMOCRACY, JUSTICE, SELF-LIBERATION, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS
PEOPLE: With regard to prudence and stability, I say a people is more prudent, more stable and more just than a prince.” – Niccolo Machiavellli, Discourses on Livy, ca. 1513, 1813 ed., Bk. I, ch. 58. - “This judgment reveals Machiavelli’s real allegiance to republicanism rather than monarchism.” – Alas, it was still only territorial republicanism which can at best only represent its volunteers. – JZ, 20.12.13. VS. PRINCES, RULERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, PREMIERS, DICTATORS, DEMOCRACY, DIVERSE PEOPLES, ACROSS ALL BORDERS, VS. “THE” PEOPLE TERRITORIALLY & COERCIVELY COMBINED
PEOPLE: Without political education the sovereign people is like a child playing with fire and constantly endangering the home.” – Pestalozzi. – Without sufficient knowledge, judgment, wisdom and enlightenment, it is rather the territorial politicians who go on playing with fire and are constantly endangering the home: mankind and life on this planet, now even with nuclear mass murder devices in their power-addiction, power-madness and power struggles. In what country are all adult members of the population, who are not convicted criminals or madmen, themselves free to decide on war and peace, armament and disarmament, international treaties and free trade, on taxes, conscription, nuclear reactors and xyz other things of concern to them? – Where do the enjoy the practice of a comprehensive declaration of all genuine individual rights and liberties, including individual and group secessionism? - JZ, 27.2.08, 29.1.11, 20.12.13. - EDUCATION, PEACE, WAR, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES UNDER TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM
PEOPLE: Woe to the country in which political hypocrisy first calls the people almighty, then teaches that the voice of the people is divine, then pretends to take a mere clamor for the true voice of the people, and lastly gets up the desired clamor.” – Francis Lieber, On Civil Liberty and Self-Government, 1859, quoted by Edmund Opitz, in THE FREEMAN, 1/77, p.39. – POPULAR SUPPORT, MANDATE, CONSENT, VOTING, DEMOCRACY, REPRESENTATION
PEOPLE: You are afraid of the people unrestrained – how ridiculous!” – Marquis de Sade, Grove Press, 1965. – Did he ever observe a riot? – JZ, 10.4.08.
PEOPLE: You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” – Phineas T. Barnum
PEOPLE: You can’t fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country.” – Will and Ariel Durant, historians. – Quoted in Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.16. - POLITICIANS, VOTING, DEMOCRATY, ELECTIONS
PEOPLE: You can’t remake all people, but you can manage to avoid some of them.” – Dagobert D. Runes, A Book of Contemplation, p.100. – Also in his A Dictionary of Thought. - Especially if you let all of them organize themselves into exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers only, under their own personal law. – JZ, 26.3.08. - AVOIDANCE, SELECTIVENESS REGARDING ASSOCIATES & COMPANIONS, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PERSONAL LAW & SEPARATISM AS WELL AS VOLUNTRY INTEGRATION, INDIVIDUALISM, PRIVACY, PANARCHISM, SECESSIONISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS ALSO, FOR THEIR VOLUNTEERS
PEOPLE: You cannot possibly have a broader basis for any government than that which includes all the people, with all their rights in their hands, and with an equal power to maintain their rights.” - William Lloyd Garrison. - The qualification: "all the people" excludes majority rule and implies individual consent or secessionism. - JZ, 24.11.02. - POWER, GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, VS. TERRITORIALISM, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES
PEOPLE: You got to give the people hope.” – From a Bing Crosby musical, “Anything goes”. – In that politicians are all too successful, in spite of all their failures in the past and present. – JZ, n.d. – Luckily for the territorial politicians, most of the people have a short memory and little historical awareness. – JZ, 20.12.13.
PEOPLE: You have a lot to be proud of. But what you have paid for is your unparalleled freedom … is freedom itself. No, I’m not talking riddles. The People are free (*) … at the cost of loss of individual freedom for each of you – and I don’t except the Chief Officer or Captain; they are the least free of any.” - Robert Heinlein, Citizen of the Galaxy, 126. – (*) to engage in arbitrary and wrongful territorial actions, policies and decisions, disregarding individual rights and liberties or all too unaware of many of them ... – JZ, 20.12.13. - FREE PEOPLE, “THE’ PEOPLE, ALL THOSE HERDED WITHIN TERRITORIAL BORDERS & MISLED BY THEIR SUPPOSED REPRESENTATIVES, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, LIBERTIES, RESPONSIBILITY
PEOPLE: Your people, sir, is nothing but a great beast!” - Attributed to Alexander Hamilton, in a political argument with Thomas Jefferson. - David S. Muzzey, An American History, p. 192 (1911). - For similar expressions of this idea going back to Horace, see Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 15th ed., p.108, no.19 and footnotes (1982), and The Home Book of Quotations, ed. Burton Stevenson, 9th ed., p. 1483-84, section 7 (1964). - To see in "the" people only a single entity is, indeed, a beastly view of people and it can only lead to actions and institutions, based upon the lowest common denominators. Allow individuals and dissenting minorities to opt out of these national and territorial statist cages and you will come to see at least some free, rightful and sensible actions and as such attractive educational examples as well as many deterrent ones Only then will it become possible for enlightened people (individuals and their voluntary associations and communities) to act freely and to demonstrate their truths to the others. Territorial nations and States kept them in straightjackets and subdued to all the prejudices, errors and passions of the masses and the "representatives" or "leaders" of these masses. - JZ, 13.10.02.
PERCEPTION: It is one of the commonest of mistakes to consider that the limit of our power of perception is also the limit of all there is to perceive.” - C. W. Leadbeater - RED.
PEREGRINUS, PRAETOR, IN ROME: Somewhat like the xenodikoi in Greece was the Roman magistrate, praetor peregrinus, whose influence on the development of international law is universally recognized. The name of this officer, as it appears in the present form, is, according to Mommsen, an incorrect one, deriving its popularity from mere usage. The full title of the Roman magistrate designated by the abbreviated form praetor peregrinus was, under the Republic, praetor qui inter peregrinos jus dicit, and under the Empire, praetor qui inter cives et peregrinos jus dicit.2 The office was established about 242 B. C, in addition to that of the praetor urbanus, which was already in existence. The competence of the peregrine praetor, as his full title suggests, extended to disputes between peregrines and between them and Roman citizens.1 The connotation of the word peregrini is described by Girard as follows: The peregrines, peregrini, formerly hostes, were not, in developed Roman law, true foreigners. The most ancient of them were certainly foreigners bound to Rome by treaties. But the development of the Roman power made them, like the others, members of the Roman State. They were subjects of Rome, the free inhabitants of the empire, who were neither citizens nor Latins. Outside of the peregrines, the foreigners who did not maintain treaty relations with Rome enjoyed no legal protection and were not amenable to Roman justice.3 It was the peregrines who were placed under the jurisdiction of the praetor peregrinis, and it was to them that he administered the jus gentium, for even the foreigners of allied nationality, who later became subjects of the Roman State, were not amenable to the jus civile, which was applicable to a very restricted number of Roman citizens and Latins.4 With the extension of Roman citizenship to all the provincials of the Empire under Caracalla, in 212 A. D., however, the office of the praetor peregrinus disappeared from the judicial system of Rome.5 - It is true that the praetor peregrinus of Roman times was merely a Roman officer administering the jus gentium, which was municipal law, to foreigners resident in Rome, and that his competence bears little or no resemblance to the modern system of extraterritoriality, under which the consul or other authority invested with the exercise of the jurisdiction, is appointed by the State which he represents and administers his national law. But the fact that the Romans made a discrimination against the subjects of non-treaty Powers and that even those of the treaty Powers were subjected to a special jurisdiction serves to show the extra-legal status of the foreigner in ancient times, out of which most probably extraterritoriality drew its impetus in its early development. - The germs of extraterritoriality were, however, not entirely absent in the Roman Empire. In the first century of the Christian era, Emperor Claudius (41-54, A.D.) accorded to the merchants of Cadiz the privilege of choosing magistrates, who were given the jurisdiction of the tribunals established by Caesar in Baetice.1 Under the rule of Justinian (483-565, A.D.), the Armenians were granted the benefit of the same laws on certain subjects as those by which the Romans were ruled; but questions of marriage, succession to property, and personal status generally, were left to be settled either by the Armenians themselves or by a magistrate named by the Emperor to administer Armenian law.” - Liu, on Exterritoriality. This whole book is now online at - (As I understand or misunderstand it: They sat in judgment over the “foreigners”, applying the laws of the foreigners to them. To be judged as a Roman citizen, under Roman laws, was long considered to be a privilege to be granted, not a right that a foreigner could demand. At the same time, this practice made the Romans much less feared than they would have been otherwise. They did not try to impose their democratic or republican laws and institutions upon foreigners, like the USA attempts to do in Afghanistan and Iraq, with little success and much bloodshed. – JZ, 13.2.08. ) – Liu refers among others to: Mommsen et Marquardt, Manuel des antiquités romaines, (Paris, 1888-1907), vol. iii (Mommsen, Le Droit public romain, vol. iii), p. 225. PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, JURISDICTION
PERFECTIBILITY: Men must be imperfect, or they would already be gods; and yet men must be capable of improvement, unless we are to deny the existence of a higher striving in man.” – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.20. - MAN
PERFECTIBILITY: the operant verbal roadblock is ‘the perfectibility of man’ – or rather the notion, absolutely correct, that such perfection is impossible. It keeps us from inquiring why people have to be perfect in order to be free.” – L. Neil Smith, The Nagasaki Vector, p.105. – Or to be as free or unfree as they want to be, according to their own individual and diverse choices. – JZ, 2.54.08, 20.12.13 . - MAN, FREEDOM, TOLERANCE, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR ALL, UNDER PERSONAL LAWS
PERFECTION: Everything good comes rarely together. Thus it should not be expected. Then one will have less disappointments. – JZ, 19.2.90. – Obviously, we are not perfect ourselves. Thus we should not expect perfection from others but at most strive towards it in ourselves, knowing that we will never quite reach it. – But this fact does not excuse any large and avoidable flaws in our own behavior or in that of others. - JZ, 2.4.08. – GOODNESS, SELF-IMPROVEMENT, SELF-DEVELOPMENT, SELF-ENLIGHTENMENT, SELF-DISCIPLINE, SELF-CONTROL, IDEALISM, TOO HIGH EXPECTATIONS
PERFECTION: Heaven is being perfect.” – Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, p.55. - And as out of reach for human beings as perfection is. – JZ, 27.2.08. – Anyhow, the notions of heaven are very different for all the very different individuals. However, I suppose that many of them would miss, sex, adventures, gourmet food, their preferred fashions, music, sports and entertainment and would find the usually conceived features of heaven rather boring. – Clothing in heaven would hardly be compulsory or necessary but not all are proud and happy nudists. – JZ, 20.12.13. - HEAVEN
PERFECTION: I would say that it is not only reasonable to have perfection in the eye but that it is an absolute necessity. In the absence of such a constant star, we are adrift and without compass, all at sixes and sevens – going every which way! The improvement of society – moving in the direction of the ideal – requires, at the very least, a definition of what the ideal is. This is down-to-earth practicality.” – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.166/67. – DEFINITIONS, IDEALS, AIMS, PURPOSES, IDEALS, PRINCIPLES, CLEARLY & COMPREHENSIVELY DECLARED INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PERFECTION: It is reasonable to have perfection in the eye that we may always advance toward it, though we know it can never be reached.” – Samuel Johnson, quoted by Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.166 and in his The Free Man’s Almanac, for August 8.
PERFECTION: Perfection does not exist, said Alfred de Musset, to expect to possess it is the most dangerous kind of madness.” – Leonard E. Read, Who’s Listening? p.15.
PERFECTION: The imperfection of perfection is that it can never be reached. – JZ, 7.1.77. – At least not by human beings, who are all at least somewhat flawed, although some do believe that they are the creatures or children of a perfect being, namely a God. The contradiction between their own hypotheses and their own experiences with themselves and others does not seem to bother them. – JZ, 20.12.13. – HUMAN NATURE, CREATURE OR CHILDREN OF A PERFECT GOD?
PERFECTION: The most basic inherent constraint is that neither time nor wisdom are free goods available in unlimited quantity. This means that in social processes, as in economic processes, it is not only impossible to attain perfection but irrational to seek perfection- or even to seek the “best possible” result in each separate instance.” - Thomas Sowell – One can be pretty good and as close to perfect as human beings can come in something, like Olympic gold medal winners, but certainly not in many or numerous of the millions of diverse human activities. However, one should be quite free to try, to do one’s best, in any sphere that one wants to be active in, always at the own risk and expense only, unless one finds voluntary sponsors. – JZ. 20.12.13. THE SEARCH FOR PERFECTION
PERFECTION: the perfect is the enemy of the good.” - Joseph R. Garber, in A Perfect State, p.121. – And the good is the enemy of the perfect. – JZ, 26.1.06. - GOODNESS, ENVY
PERFECTION: The perfect is the enemy of the good”, you say? I say that if nobody ever insisted on the perfect, there’d never be any good.” - L. Neil Smith, Lever Action, A Mountain Media Book, 2001,, p.171. - & GOODNESS,
PERFECTION: The world, in every respect, has to reach perfection through freedom, not through coercion and violence.” - (“Die Welt muss ueberhaupt in jeder Richtung durch Freiheit zur Vollendung gelangen, nicht durch Zwang und Gewalt irgendeiner Art.”) – Hilty, Glueck, I. – Each has the right to try to work towards what he or she considers to be perfection in some things. But under present conditions all somewhat rational and moral beings are under the primary obligation to work towards a free, just and therefore peaceful condition between human beings. So far this duty, perhaps most clearly stated by Immanuel Kant, is not generally or widely enough recognized and realized, either. - JZ, 20.12.13. - FREEDOM, COERCION & VIOLENCE, RIGHTS, LIBERTIES, PEACE, JUSTICE
PERFECTION: There are not perfect products or services in the market. None. I’ve never eaten a perfect meal or had a perfect house, or bought a perfect suit. I’ve never had a car that didn’t have something go wrong in it. I’ve never had a tire that wouldn’t go flat. Men in business keep trying to make things better but, thus far, perfection escapes their search.” – Robert LeFevre, Lift Her Up, Tenderly, p.197.
PERFECTIONISM: The most basic inherent constraint is that neither time nor wisdom are free goods available in unlimited quantity. This means that in social processes, as in economic processes, it is not only impossible to attain perfection but irrational to seek perfection or even to seek the possible result in each separate instance.” - Thomas Sowell – MAN & HIS INHERENT LIMITATIONS
PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING: In Scottsdale, Arizona, the fire chief wears a business suit. He probably doesn’t know it, but he is an accidental pioneer of a revolutionary change in the way legislative bodies all over the country are handling the public business. He works under contract to the Scottsdale City Council. - There is, of course, nothing new about governments contracting out some of the work they do. Most cities, in effect, “hire” a fire department to put out fires and a police department to keep the peace. What’s different is that whereas most cities pay a fire department to repeat certain procedures that are assumed to be effective, Scottsdale pays a business to get a result. It doesn’t say how. It is a small difference with enormous consequences. – This technique, which some people are beginning to call “performance contracting”, is becoming the basis of the fastest-growing industry in America. “– Cornuelle, Demanaging America, Chap. 14. – PUBLIC SERVICES, FIRE BRIGADES, COMPETITION, PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING, CONTRACTING OUT, PAYING ONLY FOR RESULTS
PERMISSION: We are fast approaching the stage where the Government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizen can act only by permission.” – Ayn Rand, quoted in THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 23.3.76. - LICENSING, COMPULSORY, CITIZENS VS. GOVERNMENTS, RIGHTS, LIBERTIES, TERRITORIALISM, COMPULSORY PERMITS
PERMISSION: we won’t have to get one permission after another.” – Deborah Wheeler, Jaydium, p.352. – BUREAUCRACY, COMPULSORY LICENSING, CONTROLS, REGULATIONS, LAWS
PERMISSIVE SOCIETY: In Britain during the 1960s, the proper priorities of government were almost reversed. The Government which encouraged permissiveness in education at the expense of authority attacked many of our traditional freedoms with zeal. Jr. Jenkins called the permissive society ‘civilised’, but what did the Labour Government permit? Not personal savings, if tax policy could help it; not hard work, if trade unionists objected; not free choice in education or even education adapted to ability, if Mr. Short had his way. While ‘permission’ for these and many other important traditional freedoms was withdrawn from us, we were bidden instead to rejoice in full frontal nudity. It was a period in which violent young people bent on destroying their society might be paraded as oracles, while any traditionalist might be denounced as a fascist thug.” – A. E. Dyson, Requiem on the Wilson Government, in Down With the Poor, 122, ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson, 1971.
PERMISSIVE SOCIETY: Permissiveness, not regarding sex, but regarding property and other personal rights and liberties, does increase crimes with victims, especially those committed by territorial governments against their subjects. – JZ, 6.11.78, 29.2.08.
PERMISSIVE SOCIETY: The age of permissiveness? What a misnomer. – JZ, 10.12.73. – At most it is an age of permissiveness for territorial governments, not for their subjects and involuntary victims. – JZ, 29.2.08, 20.12.13. – The term is misused - as if sexual relationships were the only or the most important part of our lives. – JZ, 11.4.08. -
PERMISSIVE SOCIETY: The supposedly “permissive” society outlaws individual sovereignty and individual secessionism, panarchies of volunteers, monetary freedom as well as free trade, free migration, voluntary taxation and puts consumers and producers into its kind of regulation straight jackets. - Nor is it really a society, but, rather, a coercive and monopolistic territorial government. – JZ, 15.10.99, 14.2.08. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM
PERMISSIVE SOCIETY: This is not the most permissive but the most over-legislated and over-regulated and over-ruled society – apart from some minor private activities. I would like to see at least some more if not yet full permissiveness for tolerant economics, political and social system activities. We ought to be free to live our own lives undisturbed by lawmakers and bureaucrats, as long as we do not interfere with the rights and liberties of others. – JZ, n.d., 20.12.13.
PERMISSIVE SOCIETY: We may have, in some respects, an increasingly permissive society; but we can scarcely claim to have an increasingly permissive economy.” - Tom Wilson, "The contradiction in our Attitudes to Freedom", NEW SOCIETY, February 15, 1968. - Or a permissive politics. – Or permissive or voluntary and competing social arrangements of all kinds, at least not until panarchism is realized, for those who want it. We do not yet have a GENUINELY permissive social, economic and political arrangements, relations and institutions, all only for their diverse volunteers. - As yet we do not even have a genuine laissez-faire economics or free enterprise and freely competitive capitalism, at least for all those, who would prefer them for themselves. Everywhere we encounter wrongful territorial laws, regulations and institutions instead. – JZ, 5.4.89, 8.4.89, 13.2.08, 20.12.13. – COMPETITION, ECONOMIC FREEDOM, CAPITALISM, FREE SOCIETIES & COMMUNITIES, INDIVIDUALLY CHOSEN FOR THEMSELVES BY VOLUNTEERS, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PERSONAL LAW, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM
PERMITS: Rights do not require permits. - Robert Ross shared Sandra Dressler's photo. – Facebook, 16.10.13.
PERMITS: The right to defy an unconstitutional statute is basic in our scheme. Even when an ordinance requires a permit to make a speech, to deliver a sermon, to picket, to parade, or to assemble, it need not be honored when it's invalid on its face. – Potter Stewart, 1915-1985, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Walker v. Birmingham, 1967.- LICENSING, PERMISSIONS
PERMITS: We are fast approaching the stage of ultimate inversion: the stage where government is free to do as it pleases, while the citizens may only act by permission. – Ayn Rand, quoted by Michael Hurd sharing Liberty Lagniappe's photo. Facebook, 7.7.12. - PERMISSION, LICENSING
PERPETUUM MOBILE: Perpetual motion machines for energy production. Generally, they are held to be impossible. But in atoms we have something like such machines, unless they are radioactive and gradually fall apart. - But so far atomic energy, mixed with territorial government intervention and their special interests, has led only to nuclear weapons and all too polluting energy production from nuclear reactors, all potentially producing material for still more nuclear mass murder devices. Once territorial governments and terrorists are events of the past, we might come to re-examine our nuclear energy options, if there are harmless ones. – JZ, 3.2.93, 18.2.08. – FREE ENERGY MACHINES? NUCLEAR “WEAPONS” & “SAFE” & “PEACEFUL” NUCLEAR REACTORS
PERSECUTION: Abhor every approach, in any kind or degree, to the spirit of persecution, if you cannot reason nor persuade a man into the truth, never attempt to force a man into it. If love will not compel him to come, leave him to God, the judge of all.” – John Wesley, quoted in L. E. Read’s “The Free Man’s Almanac”. – But force him to abstain from aggression and to repay damages he had done. Otherwise, ignore him. JZ, 11/76, 2,12.76. – If you let him make his own mistakes, among like-minded people, then he and they will also serve – as deterrent examples. – JZ, 29.2.08. - REASON, PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE FOR THE TOLERANT, FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT, VOLUNTARISM
PERSECUTION: It is not conclusive proof of a doctrine's correctness that its adversaries use the police, the hangman, and violent mobs to fight it. But it is a proof of the fact that those taking recourse to violent oppression are in their subconsciousness convinced of the untenability of their own doctrines.” - Ludwig von Mises. - OUTLAWRY, COERCION, COMPULSION, MOBS, LEGISLATION, TERRITORIALISM, LEGALIZED BUT WRONGFUL USE OF FORCE
PERSECUTION: The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way. Persecution is used in theology, not in arithmetic.” - Bertrand Russell: Unpopular Essays. An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish. - INTOLERANCE, STRIFE, RELIGION
PERSEVERANCE: A mole-hill every minute is a mountain in the year.” – M. Tupper – Compare: “A steady drop hollows a stone.” – “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
PERSEVERANCE: Big shots are merely small shots that keep on shooting.” – Saunders – POLITICIANS, POWER ADDICTS, RULERS, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM
PERSEVERANCE: By perseverance the snail reached the ark.” – C. H. Spurgeon, Salt-Cellar.
PERSEVERANCE: Genius, that power which dazzles mortal eyes, is oft but perseverance in disguise.” – Henry Austin. – SUCCESS, GENIUS, PERSISTENCE, INDUSTRIOUSNESS, TRAINING
PERSEVERANCE: Have the peddlers of doom not heard of the wisdom of the past: … necessity is the mother of invention … when the going gets tough, the tough get going … they said it couldn’t be done, but he did it. … those who give up liberty to gain temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety … God is with those who persevere … One could go on and on with these proverbs drawn from the life of free men. - This is not to ridicule the wisdom of conservation or the abhorrence of waste, but it is to submit all the facts and conditions and desires and abilities of individuals into the market place and let the market work. Into it (*) will be drawn an infinity of ideas from individual men and women, and from it will emerge tomorrow’s ingenious solutions to today’s unsolvable problems. The only prerequisite for such miracles is that peaceful persons be free from government interference.” (**) – John C. Sparks, in THE FREEMAN, Sept. 77, p. 516. - (*) Ideas and talents require special markets, not just the ordinary markets for goods and services and jobs. - (**) And this means freedom from territorial governments! - JZ, 2.4.08. - PERSISTENCE, IDEAS ARCHIVE, TALENT & GENIUS CENTRE, FREE MARKETS IN EVERY SPHERE, EVEN FOR IDEAS & TALENTS, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY OR PERSONAL LAW CHOICES FOR VOLUNTERS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM & COMPETITION IN EVERY SPHERE
PERSEVERANCE: If nothing else works – try perseverance.” – SETH, “St. John’s Bread”, undated.
PERSEVERANCE: No rock so hard but that a little wave // may beat admission in a thousand years.” – Tennyson, The Princess, pt. iii, I, 138.
PERSEVERANCE: Perseverance is a prime quality in every pursuit … Men fail much oftener from want of perseverance than from want of talent and good disposition.” – Cobbett
PERSEVERANCE: Perseverance is more efficacious than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they stand together, yield themselves up when taken little by little.” – Sertorius - Plutarch, Lives: Sertorius, ch. 16, sec. 4. – GRADUALISM, FABIANISM, PATIENCE
PERSEVERANCE: Persevere and never fear.” – W.G. Benham, Proverbs, p.825.
PERSEVERANCE: Remove, ‘can’t, ‘won’t’ and ‘shouldn’t’ from your vocabulary when they restrict attainment. Persevere if you truly believe your cause is just.” – Danny Villanueva, quoted in PLAYBOY, July 74. – But confine yourself to voluntary collaborators. – JZ, 20.12.13. - PERSISTENCE
PERSEVERANCE: starting power is not necessarily staying power.” – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, 146. – PERSISTENCE, ENTHUSIASM
PERSEVERANCE: T. F. Buxton said: “I hold a doctrine … that with ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.” This idea of setting a goal and then relentlessly pursuing it is a formula that has worked for centuries. (*) Even the great dramatist and poet Shakespeare delineated essentially the same rules for success. He said “see first that the design is wise and just: that ascertained, pursue it resolutely; do not for one repulse forego the purpose that you are resolved to effect.” - The wit, Ambrose Bierce, called perseverance “A lowly virtue whereby mediocrity achieves an inglorious success.” – Harold S. Davis: The Secret Revealed: Success Is Not Easy, in THE FREEMAN, date? p.259. – Why should success have to depend on great sacrifices, prolonged labors and perseverance – when it could be made almost easy for every good idea and talent, by a special market for them or a free enterprise or experimental freedom option for them? Based on sufficient information, e.g. on prior attempts, theories, experiments, resources and talents, every earned success could come to be achieved relatively fast and easy. Mankind has a great interest in achieving that situation, by establishing good enough special markets for them. And also by establishing full experimental freedom, even for alternative political, economic and social systems. – JZ, 30.7.92, 2.4.08, 20.12.13. - (*) If one can rightly discount all its failures. For instance: For how long have e.g. atheism, anarchism and libertarianism so far been advocated and this without having become public opinion? At least centuries in each case. – But all had to operate under territorialism rather than full experimental freedom, personal law and exterritorial autonomy for their members, while e.g. religions, natural sciences and technologies have already centuries of tolerance, voluntarism and experimental freedom behind them. Political, economic and social systems are still territorial monopolies. – JZ, 20.12.13. - SUCCESS, IDEAS ARCHIVE & TALENT CENTRE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM UNDER EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS
PERSEVERANCE: There is nothing which persevering effort and unceasing and diligent care cannot overcome.” - (Nihil est quot non expugnet pertinax opera, et intenta ac diligens cura.) – Seneca, Epistulae ad Lucilium, Epis I, sec. 6. – See my above notes on the quote by T. F. Buxton. – JZ, 20.12.13. At least the 124 Moral Letters to Lucilius, in 3 volumes, are now online with Wikisource, with the links list coming too 839 KBs in my download of today. – I had long looked for them in vain. – JZ, 20.12.13.
PERSISTENCE: Be like a postage stamp – stick to one thing until you get there.” – Josh Billings. – SUCCESS, CONCENTRATION OF EFFORTS, SPECIALIZATION
PERSISTENCE: Even after a bad harvest there must be sowing.” – Seneca, Letters to Lucilius, 1st. c., 81.1, tr. E. Phillips Barker. – Alas, I never came across an edition of these letters. – I only found attractive quotes from them. - JZ, 1.4.08.
PERSISTENCE: Explain and keep on explaining – to all who will listen – until finally your message beings to penetrate other minds and deeply sinks into your own. – JZ, 20.5.80. – But that does not mean that one should not use tools and institutions, e.g. “argument mapping”, an encyclopedia of the best refutations (DIS.), one of best wordings (RED.) one of all relevant definitions, other new reference works, an ideas archive, effective slogans, and experimental freedom under full exterritorial autonomy. – JZ, 29.2.08, 29.1.11.
PERSISTENCE: Keep on going on no matter how hard the going might be.” – From 1977 Collins Desk Calendar. - Provided you are on the right path to rightful aims. – Provided also that there is no easier and yet rightful way towards you ideal. Search for it, too, persistently. – Remember how long mankind persisted with using slaves or simple hand tools rather than machines. In this they were too persistent. - Proverbial wisdom is not always wise enough. - JZ, 8.11.07. - KEEP GOING,
PERSISTENCE: Only that cause is lost which one gives up.” – JZ Tr. of: “Nur die Sache ist verloren, die man aufgibt.” – Feuchtersleben, Aphorismen. – Under full exterritorial autonomy for volunteers one would not have to give up as often as under territorialism. - JZ, 29.1.11. - RESIGNATION
PERSISTENCE: Persist! Success hates a quitter! – JZ, 1.1.77. – SUCCESS
PERSISTENCE: Persistence overcomes everything.” – Proverb (Simrock). – Persistence overcomes almost everything. – JZ, n.d.
PERSISTENCE: Persistent people begin their success where others end in failure.” – Edward Eggleston – SUCCESS
PERSISTENCE: The thing that contributes to anyone’s reaching the goal he wants is simply wanting that goal badly enough.” – From an advertisement in an email. – Source not mentioned. – Do all of us really want freedom, justice and peace badly enough, as much e.g. as wealth, sensual thrills and entertainment? – JZ, 31.10.07. - Then we would strive for full freedom to experiment together with like-minded volunteers. - JZ, 29.1.11. - WANTING, DETERMINATION, IDEAS, IDEALS, AIMS, GOAL, AMBITIONS, REALIZING DREAMS, NEEDS, DEMANDS, CLAIMS, SELF-HELP, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, FREEDOM OF ACTION, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM
PERSISTENCE: There is no finish line anywhere in the race for liberty. It is a relay our ancestors started and our heirs will be running long after.” - Lowell Mason in the conclusion to” The Language of Dissent”. - It takes individual and group secessionism and experimental freedom under personal law to continue in this race and to achieve its aim as fast as possible. Both are blocked by territorialism. - JZ, 29.1.11, 20.12.13.
PERSISTENCE: To each rightful endeavor persistence should be lent.” – Goethe Sprueche in Reimen”. – JZ tr. of: “Jedem redlichen Bemuehn // Sei Beharrlichkeit verliehn.”
PERSISTENCE: We have to cultivate our garden.” – “Il faut cultiver notre jardin.” – Voltaire
PERSONAL FREEDOM: You asked for some ideas. Let me suggest that every government service should be weighed against the cost of that service in loss of personal freedom. We willingly give up our right to drive ninety miles an hour down a city street because we want safety for self and family. By the same token, do we want government to have the right to censor films because some film makers lack good taste?” - Ronald Reagan, p.90, in “Sincerely, Ronald Reagan”, a collection of his letters, compiled by his secretary Helene von Damm, 1976. - VS. GOVERNMENT
PERSONAL GOOD: Let me try NML (Natural Moral Law) again, briefly: Definition: “Personal good” is what an individual deems beneficial or agreeable. Definition: “Personal evil” is what an individual deems harmful or disagreeable. Premise: All humans are morally equal. Conclusion: Acts that affect only oneself cannot be called good (or evil) by others since this would give one authority over another, contradicting equality. Therefore, NML exists since we have just derived a general rule … and in only 5 lines.” – Fred Foldvary, THE CONNECTION 110, 6 March 83, p. 31, in response to Taylor-Radford. - NATURAL MORAL LAW, MORALITY, ETHICS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, EQUALITY OF RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, GOODNESS, EVIL, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, VALUES, SUBJECTIVE VALUE THEORY, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM
PERSONAL GROWTH: It is by becoming increasingly complex that the self might be said to grow.” - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. - INDIVIDUALISM, COMPLEXITY
PERSONAL GROWTH: The more a man acts for himself, the more does he develop himself. In large associations he is too prone to become an instrument merely. A frequent effect of these unions moreover is to allow the symbol to be substituted for the thing, and this always impedes true development. The dead hieroglyphic does not inspire like living nature.” – Wilhelm von Humboldt, quoted in Sprading, p.116/117. - SELF-DEVELOPMENT, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, INITIATIVE, PARTIES, MOVEMENTS, ORGANIZATIONS, ASSOCIATIONS, INDIVIDUALISM
PERSONAL LAW: A person is subject to no other laws than those which he (either alone or jointly with others) gives to himself.” – Immanuel Kant, Introduction to the Metaphysics of Morals, IV, 24, quoted in Jacques Maritain, Man & The State, ed. by Richard O’Sullivan, London, Hollis & Carter, 1954, p.76. - VS. TERRITORIAL LAWS, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, VOLUNTARY COMMUNITIES THAT ARE EXTERRITORIALLY AUTONOMOUS, PANARCHIES, POLYARCHIES
PERSONAL LAW: As the Empire fell to pieces … the Church clung more closely to her unity of faith and discipline, the common bond of all Christian men. (Not women? – JZ) … “Only second in importance to this influence was that which was exercised by the permanence of the old law, and of its creature the municipal organization of the cities. The barbarian invaders retained the customs of their ancestors, characteristic memorials of a rude people, as we see them in the Salic law or in the ordinances of Ini and Alfred. But the subject population and the clergy continued to be governed by that elaborate system which the genius and labour of many generations had raised to be the most lasting monument of Roman greatness. - The civil law had maintained itself in Spain and in Southern Gaul, nor was it utterly forgotten even in the North, in Britain, on the borders of Germany. Revised collections of the Theodosian Code and other Roman law books were issued by the West Gothic and Burgundian princes. - (Footnote h: The Lex Romana Burgundionum, published by the Burgundian kings at the beginning of the sixth century, and the Lex Romana Visigothorum [Breviarium Alaricanum], published in or about A.D. 506, continued to form bodies of written law which were in use for a long time, and became the kernel of the customary law which grew up in South-eastern and Southern Gaul.) - “… Other motives, as well as those of kindness to their subjects, made the new kings favour it; for it exalted their prerogatives, and the submission enjoined by it on one class of their subjects soon came to be demanded from the other, by their own Teutonic customs almost the equals of the prince. - Considering attentively how many of the old institutions continued to subsist, and studying the ideas of that time, as they are faintly preserved in its scanty records, it seems hardly too much to say that in the eighth century the Roman Empire still existed in the West; existed in men’s minds as a power weakened, delegated, suspended, but not destroyed.” - An extract from: James Bryce, The Holy Roman Empire, Macmillan, London, Melbourne, Toronto, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1968, first published 1864, numerous editions, including German, Italian and French translations, 571 pages, indexed, JZL, from pages 31-33. - These remarks should be read in connection with e.g. the description of Edward Gibbons in his chapter 38 on “The Law of the Barbarians”. Roman citizens, for instance, were permitted to adopt the tribal laws of the “barbarians”, if they preferred them. – Even subjects were not automatically subjected to the laws of the conquerors. – The Roman Law, too, was continued as a personal law, by individual choice. - During the Roman Republic and Roman Empire Roman citizenship was for a long time considered to be a privilege that was not readily granted to others than Romans. Subjected peoples were largely left to their own laws and institutions and even in Rome had their own juridical avenue. But, gradually, the rule of Roman Law was extended, as a privilege and favor, to more and more of the subjected people, doing away with their status as second-class citizens. - Neither cared much about the slaves although slave uprisings were feared. Gradually, even the legal position of slaves were improved. After some time, in cases where fathers had, repeatedly, sold their sons, as their sole “property”, into slavery and these victims were released from it, repeatedly, a law was finally passed that after the third release of a son from a thus established slavery a father could not once again sell his son a fourth time. Great progress! - The sale of children into slavery or the capture of them and of women as sexual slaves or prostitutes, has continued even into our times, at least on the black market and neither their “customers” or abusers nor the territorial governments have always and sufficiently stood by these victims. - JZ, 15.12.04. – E.g. Anna Patty, in THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 11.12.13, NEWS, p.5 reported: 83 children known to Community Services died across state last year. … Six of the 83 children who died last year – 7 per cent – had been reported to the department more than 20 times. And a fifth of those who died – 17 children – had been the subject of three to five reports. The total number of deaths of children known to the department has fallen from 139 in 2010 to 110 in 20111 and 83 last year. The child deaths review said a quarter of the 2012 cases had not received any child protection response. … The department has 278 caseworker vacancies despite a government directive in March for all vacancies to be filled. … More than 46,000 children at risk of serious harm are never seen by a case worker because of a lack of resources. – According to another report, that I do not have on hand, it is not the children alone, in the absence of their parents, foster parents or guardians, who are interviewed, but, rather, their tormentors and abusers! It would be more sensible to see these children at school, with a teacher also present. – JZ, 20.12.13. - THE ROMAN LAW, AFTER THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, PERSISTED ONLY AS PERSONAL LAW FOR A LONG TIME, WELFARE STATE, PROTECTION BY THE STATE FOR THE MOST HELPLESS
PERSONAL LAW: Do what thy manhood bids thee do, from none but self expect applause; // He noblest lives and noblest dies who makes and keeps his self-made laws.” - Richard Francis Burton - VS. TERRITORIALLY IMPOSED LAWS, INDIVIDUALISM, VOLUNTARISM & PANARCHISM
PERSONAL LAW: Every caravan has been its own state since the very beginning.” - Kim Stanley Robinson, Blue Mars, p.140. – PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM
PERSONAL LAW: Exterritorial personal laws would beat the existing territorial and uniform laws anytime - in free competition. - JZ, in On Tolerance. Online at
PERSONAL LAW: If a concept of law is to accord with the way anarchists react to existing situations, its promise must be that the only rules, which will be obeyed, are those which people have themselves imposed or with which they have agreed. In Proudhon’s words: “As long as I have not wanted this law, as long as I have not assented to it, voted for it or signed it, it binds me to nothing, it does not exist.” (Idee Generale, p.33.) (*) This does not suggest that all laws are to be rejected. What Proudhon objected to was legislation in the formal sense, but not the regulations (or „contracts“ as Proudhon calls them), which the community makes with the canton and the canton with the départment. – Holterman, Law in Anarchism, p.11. - Kant wrote of obedience towards self-given laws and by this he did not mean the assent given to laws by unenlightened mobs or majorities. He viewed all States in which only the leaders decide on war and peace as dictatorships. - JZ, 11. 12. 03. - Confinement of war and peace decisions to parliaments is not sufficiently better. - JZ, 19.9.04. - (*) Not for me, although it might well exist for and between others. – Neither Holterman nor Proudhon seem to have distinguished between territorial and exterritorial laws. – Both were, at least in these segments, still territorialists. - JZ, 19.2.08.
PERSONAL LAW: In such an anarchist society, who would make the laws? On what basis would the private arbitrator decide what acts were criminal and what their punishments should be? The answer is that systems of law would be produced for profit on the open market, just as books and bras are produced today. There could be competition among different brands of law, … David Friedman The Machinery of Freedom. Quoted by Marnie Khaw on Facebook 5.3.12. - ANARCHISM
PERSONAL LAW: Instead of laws we would have contracts. No laws would be passed, either by majority vote or unanimously. Each citizen, each commune or corporation, would make its own laws. - Instead of political power we would have economic forces. – Proudhon, quoted in C. S. Edwards, Proudhon, p.99. – Perhaps that is as close as he came to panarchism. But here, he remained all too vague, just like he did regarding full monetary freedom. Perhaps he was not aware of the precedents. - JZ, 29.2.08. – LAWS, CONTRACTS, CORPORATIONS, COMMUNITIES, VOLUNTARISM, PROUDHON
PERSONAL LAW: It is noteworthy that under the regime of personal jurisdiction, the law applied was that of the defendant, except in cases of serious crime, in which the law of the injured party or plaintiff prevailed. 5 A connection might be established between this rule and the principle actor sequitur forum rei, one of the basic formulae of modern extraterritorial jurisdiction, under which the plaintiff follows the defendant into his court.” - 5 Savigny, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 167-8. - LIU, Exterritoriality, p.29. – Online at - LAW OF THE DEFENDANT
PERSONAL LAW: Large territorial law associations do still show degrees of personal law traits with regard to the exemptions for diplomats and private law arrangements for foreigners. Small territories, so small that their territories are reduced to private homes, gardens and enterprises, do come close to personal law autonomy of panarchies. However, one has to keep in mind that under the territorial law rule of the larger territories in which they live, they do not take their personal law with them, when they leave their private "castle" homes, but are then subjected to the laws of others. Moreover, if they consistently applied their own chosen small territorial decentralist laws to all visitors, they might go beyond the bounds and limitations of hospitality and good manners and impose their own preferences upon all such victims, instead of recognizing their individual sovereignty and personal law. Instance: Whilst they might insist that their visitors abide by the house rule of not smoking, they may not demand that visitors join them e.g. in meat eating, alcohol or other drug use or share their sexual preferences and practices or sign up for the same political affiliations - although they might pre-select their guests accordingly. - JZ, 1.4.89. I have not heard or read of a single case of such individual and “sovereign” secessionists in which the territorial government did not enforce e.g. its tax laws and anti-drug laws against them. – JZ, 8.4.08. - Moreover, there are now dozens of official inspectors, from different agencies, who are legally authorized to enter private homes. - JZ, 29.1.11, 20.12.13.
PERSONAL LAW: Let everyone be like a gypsy – under his own personal law – just like gypsies are under that of their tribe or king of gypsies. – JZ, 4.10.79, 20.12.13. – GYPSIES, PANARCHISM
PERSONAL LAW: Make your own law for yourself, no matter what anybody else thinks about it. - D.Z., 1975.
PERSONAL LAW: No law makes sense if applied equally to all and no law will ever get the required consent of all. Personal Law, based on individual secession and individualistic re-association, is the answer. - Only personal law can be said to restore individual consent. - JZ, 3.6.84. – VOLUNTARISM, CONSENT, SELF-OWNERSHIP, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT, ASSOCIATION & EXPERIMENTATION
PERSONAL LAW: No one to have the right to lay down the law for others. Everyone to have only the right to lay down or choose the law which would bind him. - JZ 28.6.87. – ONLY FOR VOLUNTEERS, LAWS, LEGISLATION, SELF-GOVERNANCE, SELF-DETERMINATION, PANARCHISM
PERSONAL LAW: Panarchism means personal law systems, individually and freely chosen or established by individuals and volunteer communities, instead of territorial laws and organizations imposed by misrepresenting politicians and bureaucrats. – JZ, n.d.
PERSONAL LAW: Personal law is the only civil and criminal law, which can harmonize the relations between very diverse individuals and groups and their aspirations. However, between the diverse personal laws associations, i.e., for their “foreign affairs”, natural law and individual human rights and a corresponding international law must come to prevail or be upheld at least to the extent that the voluntary members of any exterritorially autonomous community want them upheld and that they can be rightly upheld as individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 17.3.84, 11.4.08. – According to Ulrich von Beckerath, 1812-1969: INTERNOSCIA, JEROME, NEW CODE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, NOUVEAU CODE DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL, NUOVO CODICE DI DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, 1910, 1003pp, 5657 paragraphs, with alphabetical index, tri-lingual private draft, with English, French and Italian text side by side, offered "... in the hope that all will cooperate to bring about the era of universal peace foreshadowed by this code." – should always be consulted, at least until a better international law has been developed. He recommended it highly as a basis for private international arbitration. Deviations from this code should require, according to B., a public justification in each case. 24x, in PEACE PLANS 85-95 (11 microfiche). – JZ, 20.12.13.
PERSONAL LAW: Personal law systems, individually chosen, rather than territorial laws, systems and institutions, territorially imposed. – JZ, 30.7.98, - PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM
PERSONAL LAW: PHILLIPSON, C.: The International Law and Custom of Ancient Greece and Rome, 2 vols., London, 1911. – "The Egyptians often allowed foreign merchants to avail themselves, of local judges of their own nationality in order to regulate questions and settle differences arising out of mercantile transactions, in accordance with their foreign laws and customs; - the Greeks especially enjoyed these privileges on Egyptian territory." - quoted in Liu, Exterritoriality. - This whole book is now online at - On the proxenus or proxenoi, earliest evidence of existence, from the middle of the fifth century, see p.148. Liu states: The office of the proxenus was similar to the modern consulate and is even regarded by some as its earliest prototype. See Phillipson, ibid, vol. 1, p.149 and Miltitz, Manuel des consuls, London and Berlin, 1837-41, vol.1, p.11. – PRECEDENTS, LITERATURE HINTS, PROXENUS, CONSULAR JURISDICTIONS
PERSONAL LAW: Some hints to writings on them in the past and in the present, to counter the notion that it would be something quite utopian and impractical: HOOKER, M. B.: The Personal Laws of Malaysia, an introduction, Kuala Lumpur, N.Y., Oxford U.P., 1976, XXXIV, 276pp, indexed, with bibliography. - JZL. - MINISTRY OF MUSLIM AFFAIRS: Code of Muslims. Personal Laws of the Philippines, Manila, 1983, IX, 57pp, in English and Arabic. - Note by Dr. Ed. Heilfron, plan 154, p.30, in ON PANARCHY II, in PEACE PLANS 506. - Extract from: Edward Gibbon, Par. 38, The Laws of the Barbarians, in “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, on pages 93ff, in ON PANARCHY II, in PP 506. - ROTHENBERG, ROBERT D. & BLUMENKRANTZ, STEVEN J.: Personal law: A practical legal guide, N.Y., J. Wiley, 1986, XII, 475pp, indexed. Probably only accessible in the better libraries. - Many years ago I saw such titles in a Sydney bookshop for legal texts. Their prices deterred me. – JZ, 13.2.08. - Google points out millions of references to personal law! - JZ, 29.1.11. - COMMUNITIES
PERSONAL LAW: still they live by their own laws and walk their own ways!” – Samuel R. Delany, The Star Pit, p.16. - AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW
PERSONAL LAW: sworn to live under our laws.” – Diane Carey, Equinox. Star Trek Voyager, Pocket Books, 1999, p.142. – Has anyone of us sworn to live under any of the all too numerous territorial laws passed, far less all of them? Would we even have the time and energy to merely read all of them at least once? So how could we honestly swear to abide by them? Should we blindly obey any laws passed by those, who, under majority voting, do become our “representatives”? Are truths and justice always on the side of any majority, in or outside of any territorial government, parliament or of voters? When such questions are raised then they do almost answer themselves. – JZ, 13.3.12. – Q.
PERSONAL LAW: The principle of territorial sovereignty as stated in the epoch-making opinion of Chief Justice Marshall in the case of The Schooner Exchange mentioned above was unknown in the ancient world. In fact, during a large part of what we usually term modern history, no such conception was ever entertained. - 1 In the earlier stages of human development, race or nationality rather than territory formed the basis of a community of law. An identity of religious worship seems to have been during this period a necessary condition of a common system of legal rights and obligations. The barbarian was outside the pale of religion, and therefore incapable of amenability to the same jurisdiction to which the natives were subjected. - 2 For this reason, we find that in the ancient world foreigners were either placed under a special jurisdiction or completely exempted from the local jurisdiction. … In these arrangements for the safeguarding of foreign interests we find the earliest traces of extraterritoriality.” – Liu, Exterritoriality, p.22, online at - 1) Maine, Ancient Law (3d Am. ed., New York, 1888), p. 99. Cf, Moore, op. cit., vol.ii, p. 761. - 2) Cf Twiss, Law of Nations (2nd ed, Oxford, 1884), vol.i, p.444. - RELIGIOUS BASIS VS. TERRITORIAL SOVEREIGNTY:
PERSONAL LAW: Voltaire, for instance, expressed the whole spirit of the French Enlightenment when in the article on 'Law' in the great Encyclopaedia he wrote: 'if you want good laws, burn those you have and make yourselves new ones.' - Anthony Flew, The Politics of Procrustes, p.176. - I still do not like the collectivist implications of "yourselves" in stead of "yourself". The latter would more clearly express individual sovereignty. And since we are not all-wise, the laws we would make for ourselves, or individually subscribe to, would only be good in the eyes and minds of the subscribers. Thus they should be merely personal laws, not territorial laws. That would be their major positive and moral characteristic. - JZ 5.1.93, 9.12.03, 13.2.08. - VOLTAIRE, PERSONAL LAW: VS. TERRITORIAL LAWS: See: TERRITORIALISM, EXTERRITORIALITY, LAWS, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY etc.
PERSONAL LAW: We should notice first of all that Locke mentions a standard, as though there ought to be but one. But a single, or even a unified system of laws may not be necessary. Indeed, where there is a variety of judges, there might also be a selection of laws (or legal systems). Even some political societies offer a choice not only regarding the person who is to be the judge, but also regarding the laws by which the judgment is to be made.” – David B. Suits, JLS, Sum 77, p.200. - Indeed, where there is a variety of judges, there might also be a selection of laws (or legal systems).”- David B. Suits, JLS, Sum. 77, p.200. - might be wise to choose instead more easily discontinued arrangements for law making and law enforcement - arrangements, perhaps, along the lines suggested in this paper.” - David B. Suits, ibid, p.203. - PANARCHISM: there are indeed better governments than democracies, namely, private, voluntary institutions which offer their services on a free market, and which may be dictatorial, democratic, fascist, monarchical, and so on, depending on the wishes of their customers. To say that these kinds of organizations could exist as purely voluntary associations is not at all paradoxical; such organizations already exist, usually (but by no means always) in the guise of religious institutions. I suppose this puts me somewhere near the so-called 'agorist’ camp, to borrow Dance's borrowed term.” - David B. Suits, OPTION, 4/78. - A list of all those, who made somewhat panarchistic remarks and are still alive and active, ought to be compiled, on the road to a world-wide panarchist association or federation. Internet searches for them will, mostly, reveal at least their websites. - JZ, 22.1.11. – 2012 publication: New Essays on Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy Paperback - by Wade L. Robison (Author), David B. Suits (Author) – No email address on hand. - JZ, 10.12.13.
PERSONAL LAW: Why do territorial governments resort to nuclear weapons? Their intention is either to impose or defend territorial constitutions, laws, jurisdictions and powers. They know no others. They "think" only in terms of them. Their territorialist traditions and ideas lead inevitably to wars with ABC mass murder devices. They never consider the alternative, the other side of the coin, the opposite to territorial law, namely personal law for all human organizations and relationships. - Personal law, consistently applied to individuals and volunteer communities, and, naturally, to all existing territorial States, causing most of the international and internal troubles, offers a way out, one that is satisfactory to all sides - to the extent that they are not interested in power over others but only in power over their own affairs. It also offers a common platform for all self-responsible, ethical and rational citizens, no matter what their particular volunteer community affiliation is, against all totalitarians, terrorists, warmongers and other aggressors. - It, and the panarchistic forms of organization, and their free competition with each other, is the optimal form for a no longer tacit and enchained majority, largely also made up of numerous factions or minorities, and all other minorities, for people of all kinds who simply want to live their own lives in their own ways, at their own risk and expense. - A defensive federation between all of them could easily overpower all remaining aggressors, especially when it is expressed in an federation or confederation of panarchies and of ideal local volunteer militias for the protection of individual rights and when its members are trained in the techniques of effective resistance and liberation methods. – JZ, n.d. & 29.1.11, 20.12.13. – Compare the ca. 500 points I raised in my A to Z against nuclear war: - JZ, 20.12.13. - MOTIVES, ALTERNATIVE INSTITUTIONS, AUTONOMY, COMPETING GOVERNMENTS, CONSENT, COEXISTENCE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, LAISSEZ FAIRE, EXTERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE, INDIVIDUALISM, NATIONALISM, LIBERTARIANISM, MINORITY AUTONOMY, PARALLEL INSTITUTIONS, PLURALISM, TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, NWT, POLYARCHISM
PERSONAL LIBERTY: The fact throughout history is that whenever government dominates the economic affairs of its citizenry, a free society is eroded, then destroyed, and a minority government ensues. Personal liberty without economic liberty is an absolute contradiction; the one cannot exist without the other.” – William E. Simon – PERSONAL LIBERTY WITHOUT ECONOMIC LIBERTY IS AN ABSOLUTE CONTRADICTION. – However, individuals and groups should be free to submit voluntarily to restrictive systems, gurus, leaders, prophets, ideologues, popes etc., as long as they are willing to put up with them. When no longer their true believers or statists, then they should also be free to secede from them. Many retreatists, monks, nuns, utopian colonists and intentional community people have opted for a simple life without many liberties and opportunities and it is their personal right to do so. No one is morally obliged to maximize his production and consumption of material goods and services or his personal income, by fully utilizing all economic rights and liberties, although everybody should be free to do so, if he or she wants to. – JZ, 8.3.09, 29.1.11, 20.12.13.
PERSONAL PRINCIPLE: The personal principle wants to organize nations not in territorial bodies but in simple association of persons", in Otto Bauer, Social Democracy and the Nationalities Question, 1907. – PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY – Hint by GPdB, 20.3.09 - § 22. Das Personalitätsprinzip - PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY
PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY: If we are to survive, we must accept personal responsibility for war and peace. We cannot afford to delegate these responsibilities to generals, politicians and bureaucrats who persist in the politics of confrontation and in outmoded ways of thinking that have always caused - and never prevented - wars. International disputes must now be settled by reason - not with weapons.” (*) -Dr. Helen Caldicott, Nuclear Madness, Autumn Press, 1978, 83/84. - (*) It would be still better to prevent them by other forms of political organizations, like panarchies or polyarchies, presently outlawed everywhere, together with individual secessionism, the first step towards them. The territorial States are, essentially, Warfare States, warring primarily against the own dissenters and secondarily against other such Warfare States in the other countries. – JZ, 24.9.07. - FOR WAR & PEACE, DECISION ON WAR & PEACE, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM UNDER PERSONAL LAWS & FULL EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY. NO MORE DISSENTERS CONFINED TO TERRITORIALISM & THUS INCLINED TOWARDS REVOLUTIONS OR TERRORISM!
PERSONAL THINKING: Forget other’s faults by remembering your own.” - Source unknown. – What kinds of crimes with victims should be forgotten by that principle – and which ones not at all? – JZ, 29.2.08. - CAUSAL THINKING, SCIENTIFIC THINKING, OBJECTIVE THINKING, LOGICAL THINKING, FAULT-FINDING IN PERSONS, CONSPIRACY HYPOTHESES, ETHICS, MORALITY, FORGIVENESS? FORGETTING? BLAMING OTHERS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PERSONAL THINKING: It’s a pity to shoot the pianist when the piano is out of tune.” – René Coty, quoted in TIME, Jan. 4, 1957. - CAUSAL THINKING, STILL A RARITY
PERSONAL THINKING: One is all too much inclined to blame public servants for laziness and unfriendliness and workers as being work-shy. One makes the professors and their conservatism responsible for the stagnation of the university, the physicians for the incompetence of public health efforts etc. But whoever personalizes the problems in this way has not understood them.“ - Erika Herbst, Alle suchen nach Loesungen – Wir haben sie, S. 114/115. – JZ tr.of: “Man neigt allzu leicht dazu, die Beamten als faul oder unfreundlich zu bekaempfen, den Arbeitern Drueckebergerei vorzuwerfen; man macht die Professoren und ihren Konservatismus fuer die Erstarrung der Universitaet verantwortlich; die Aerzte fuer die Leistungsunfaehigkeit unseres Gesundheitswesens usw. Wer die Probleme in dieser Weise personalisiert, der hat sie nicht verstanden.“
PERSONAL THINKING: Personal thinking asks e.g.: Who does what and why, when and where. Causal thinking asks: What institutions, ideas, principles move people, events and happenings, when and where and why?” – Antisemitism and conspiracy hypotheses, beliefs in Gods and the anti-capitalist mentality are some of the worst examples of personal thinking. – JZ, 21.7.92, 23.2.08. - CAUSAL THINKING, ENVY, FEAR, ANTISEMITISM, CONSPIRACY HYPOTHESESPERSONALITIES RATHER THAN MERE PERSONS: While biologically all people are unequal, mentally all too many are all too much alike, in their ignorance, disinterest, apathy, popular errors, myths, prejudices and mere conformism. If most people, instead, made the most of their inborn capacities and developed themselves into real personalities, instead of remaining mere persons, striving for sensual kicks, this world would be a much better place. – JZ, 7.7.00, 10.3.12. – HUMAN BEINGS, MAN, INDIVIDUALS VS. AVERAGE MEN, MASS MEN, TWO-LEGGED ANIMALS, MENTAL & MORAL DEVELOPMENT – INSTEAD OF MERE SELF-GRATIFICATIONS, INDIVIDUALIZATION, ENLIGHTENMENT, AIMS, PURPOSES, SELF-IMPROVEMENT, SELF-DEVELOPMENT, SELF-EDUCATION
PERSONALITIES: Don’t just be your father’s son or your mother’s daughter but your own person. Everyone is unique and should find or make his or her own place in the world. Panarchism would give them that option much more so than territorial statism possibly could. – JZ, 22.10.87, 22.2.08. - INDIVIDUALISM, UNIQUENESS, SELF-DEVELOPMENT
PERSONALITIES: Genuine personalities are moved only by principles, the popular heroes of the crowd largely only by whims and fancies. – JZ, 9.7.86. - PRINCIPLES
PERSONALITIES: It is personalities, not principles that move the age.” – Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891. – Usually it is just moved by popular errors, prejudices and myths, rarely by sound ideas and principles and also rarely by genuine personalities rather than by political “leaders” or mis-leaders. – JZ, 14.4.08. - PERSONALITY CULT, HERO WORSHIP, LEADERSHIP, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, PREMIERS,
PERSONALITIES: While biologically all people are unequal, mentally all too many are all too much alike, in their ignorance, disinterest, apathy, popular errors, myths, prejudices and mere conformism, especially their statism and territorialism. If most people, instead, made the most of their inborn capacities and developed themselves into real personalities, instead of remaining mere persons, striving for sensual kicks, this world would be a much better place. – JZ, 7.7.00, 10.3.12. – RATHER THAN MERE PERSONS, HUMAN BEINGS, MAN, SELF-DEVELOPMENT, INDIVIDUALS VS. AVERAGE MEN, MASS MEN, TWO-LEGGED ANIMALS, MENTAL & MORAL DEVELOPMENT – INSTEAD OF MERE SELF-GRATIFICATIONS, INDIVIDUALIZATION, ENLIGHTENMENT, AIMS, PURPOSES, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, LACK OF INTEREST IN MANY INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PERSONALITY CULT: He does like the ape”, wrote Bacon of the ambitious tyrants, ‘he does like the ape that, the higher he clymbe, the more he shewes his arse.’ – The hero’s qualities are brilliant, but so is the mandril’s rump.” – Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means, p.88. - HERO-WORSHIP, LEADERSHIP
PERSONALITY CULT: Hero Worship: Has an uncanny tendency to choose scoundrels as the object of adulation.” - Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought. - HERO WORSHIP
PERSONALITY CULT: If you kill one person you are a murderer. If you kill ten people you are a monster. If you kill ten thousand you are a national hero.” – Vassilis Epaminondou, Greek Social Reformer. - FOR MASS MURDERERS, LEADERSHIP, HEROES
PERSONALITY CULT: Personality cult is reverence for power. When the power disappears the personality cult ceases.” – Lothar Schmidt – (“Personenkult ist Machtkult. Schwindet die Macht, hoert der Personenkult auf.”)
PERSONALITY CULT: You should emulate your heroes, but don’t carry it too far. - Especially if they’re dead.” – Anonymous - HEROES
PERSONALITY: Any time you make a person into something other than himself, you make a monster.” – Sylvester Jackson, a convict quoted in TIME, 13.9.82. – But is it really monstrous to try to force, if one can, a criminal with victims to become a self-responsible person, one who does no longer victimize anyone? – JZ, 29.2.08, 20.12.13. - CHARACTER, INDIVIDUALISM, EDUCATION, REHABILITATION, TRAINING, MILITARY DISCIPLINE, OBEDIENCE, SELF-DETERMINATION, CRIMINALS
PERSONALITY: It is this affirmative personality which has led to universal franchise, to religious equality, to the liberty of the Press, to the freedom of teaching, speculation and research.” – G. B. Gooch, Dictatorship in Theory and Practice, p.38. – INDIVIDUALISM
PERSONALITY: Proudhon … Like Godwin, but with greater realism, this Jura peasant genius was convinced that personality must come before government.” – John Bowle, Politics and Opinion in the 19th Century, 167. – Underlining by me. Should it be “before” or “above”? – Personal choices above territorial collectivist choices! - JZ, 23.2.08. - INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, PROUDHON, GOVERNMENT, PERSONAL CHOICE OF GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, MORALITY, FREE EXCHANGE, FRONTIERS, POLITICS, MAJORITIES, TERRITORIALISM, DEMOCRACY, POLYARCHISM
PERSONALITY: The personality is for me the criterion of the social order. The freer, the more independent, the more enterprising the personality is in society, the better for society.” – Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, p.233. - FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE, ENTERPRISE
PERSONARCHY, PANARCHY, POLYARCHY & PERSONARCHY: See under POLYARCHY &, the writings of Gian Piero de Bellis.
PERSUASION VS. FORCE, CIVILIZED SOCIETY: The triumph of persuasion over force is the sign of a civilized society, - Jacob Hornberger –
PERSUASION: A man convinced against his will // Is of the same opinion still.” – Samuel Butler, 1612-1680. - OPINIONS, RED.
PERSUASION: Ammunition beats persuasion when you are looking for freedom.” – Will Rogers. – At least some enemies of freedom can only be persuaded with guns. – JZ, 29.7.92. – But we are still very far from having exhausted all the resources, of knowledge, ideas and persuasion. – JZ, 2.54.08. - AMMUNITION, ARMS, GUNS, WEAPONS, FREEDOM, NEW DRAFT, IDEAS ARCHIVE, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATION, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PERSUASION: Assume to dictate to his judgment, or to command his action … and he will retreat within himself, close all avenues to his head and his heart.” – Abraham Lincoln. – Quoted in L. E. Read’s THE FREE MAN’S ALMANAC, for 31.7. - Let him convince or persuade himself. – Arouse someone’s intellectual or moral curiosity and he will to the rest to enlighten himself, with our without your help. – JZ, 29.2.08. – SELF-EDUCATION, ENLIGHTENMENT, CURIOSITY
PERSUASION: drawing a lesson from one of the finest maxims ever written: “Do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you.” – The lesson is this: Use no method aimed at enhancing the virtues of others that you would not have them use on you. And you would not have them use on you any methods you would not use on yourself.” – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.95. – To each group of volunteers their own personal laws and freedom of action or experimental freedom under full exterritorial autonomy. Their failures as well as their successes would be very educational not only for themselves but also for outside observers. - At most inform or advise but do not meddle and do not tolerate meddlers in your own affairs, either. - However, if you can, do set a better example. - JZ, 29.1.11. - PERSUASION OR TOLERANCE RATHER THAN FORCE, GOLDEN RULE, TOLERANCE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, PANACHISM, POLYARCHISM
PERSUASION: I don’t mean that there’s going to be wholesale violence. We have found better ways. It’s possible, for instance, to talk oneself into anything or out of anything provided one says the right things to the right person at the right time. The waving blade hasn’t half the potency of the wagging tongue. And the tongue isn’t messy.” – Eric Frank Russell, Metamorphosite, p.78 of: The Best of Eric Frank Russell, introduced by Alan Dean Foster. – Should it really be difficult to make the subjects and victims of men like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini etc. much more attractive offers than such leaders can and will make them? – Nevertheless, the knowledge of quite rightful war and peace offers has not yet been sufficiently developed, as the most important “weapon” in our defence arsenal. - JZ 8.9.07. – Representative or direct democracy should have been offered only as two among many options to the diverse people, tribes, factions and groups in Afghanistan and in Iraq and their own choices of other systems should have been full respected and tolerated for themselves. Then resistance would soon have ceased and it would certainly not have escalated. The “invaders” as allies of quite rightful governments in exile, would really have been welcomed as liberators. What more could any of the factions quite rightfully wish for itself than getting the State, society, community, or tribal or sectarian autonomy of its own dreams, under its own personal law system and institutions, for all of its voluntary members? The only thing they would have lost would have been territorial privileges. Trying to impose a foreign ideal upon them had to lead to trouble and fighting. – Shares in all the capital assets of these States should have been distributed to all the factions, according to the numbers of their members. - JZ, 10.10.07, 29.1.11. - AS A WEAPON INSTEAD OF VIOLENCE, PANARCHISM, QUITE RIGHTFUL WAR & PEACE AIMS, UNILATERAL PEACE DECLARATION TOWARDS THE VICTIMS ON THE OTHER SIDE, DISCRIMINATING WARFARE, MAINLY A POLICE ACTION AGAINST THE MAIN WAR CRIMINALS, GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES IN EXILE AS THE MAJOR ALLIES
PERSUASION: It’s easier to scare someone than to persuade him.” – Edwin Feulner, president of The Heritage Foundation. - RATHER THAN THREATS, COERCION, MONOPOLIES & PENALTIES, TERRORISM, FEAR, THE POWER OF ATTRACTION, QUITE RIGHTFUL WAR- & PEACE AIMS, DECLARED IN TIME
PERSUASION: No rational society, no cooperation, no agreement, no discussion are possible among men who proposed to substitute guns for rational persuasion.” – Ayn Rand, For the New Intellectual, p.56/57. – RATIONALITY, COOPERATION, AGREEMENT, CONTRACT, DISCUSSION, NEGOTIATION, COERCION, COMPULSION, FORCE, VIOLENCE
PERSUASION: One fact stands out in bold relief in the history of man's attempts for betterment. When compulsion is used only resentment is aroused, and the end is not gained. Only through moral suasion and appeal to men's reason can a movement succeed.” - Samuel Gompers. – Successful experiments among volunteers and at their expense and risk can be most persuasive and should therefore be always quite free, under personal law, exempted form all territorial legislation. Alternatively, the experimenters should be free to secede from any territorial State. – JZ, 20.12.13. –EXPRIMENTAL FREEDOM, SECESSIONISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMMY, EDUCATION, ENLIGHTENMENT VS. COMPULSION, FORCE, COERCION, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, LAWS, LEGISLATION
PERSUASION: Persuasion, Anderson argues, is not “a universal method. Persuasion is possible only between persons with joint activities, participants in a common organization. It does not work in the case of opposite forms of organisation.” – A. J. Baker, Anderson’s Social Philosophy, 1979, p.13. - Compare: “Communication is only possible between equals.” – But equal premises might be enough. – JZ, 1.4.08. - Most clashes can be avoided it one concedes to one’s opponents all individual rights and liberties. This kind of golden rule or mutual tolerance leads straight to peaceful coexistence but it is still very far from being achieved. – JZ, 20.12.13.
PERSUASION: Sulla proceeded by persuasion, not by force of arms.” – Plutarch, Lives, Lysander and Sulla, ch.2.
PERSUASION: The first step in the reconstruction of a scientific social philosophy, Tucker held, following Proudhon, is to free ourselves of the notion of an all-powerful, unapproachable deity, whether it be in the area of religion or of government. ‘Liberty denies the authority of anybody’s god to bind those who do not accept it through persuasion and natural selection’.” – Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.148. - That a territorial government and an imagined and powerful god are unapproachable is also believed by the anarchists. They do not believe that an imagined god can be powerful nor that any government is really all-powerful, no matter how powerful it is, indirectly is, by all too many obeying it. – JZ, 29.2.08. - LIBERTY, GOD, AUTHORITY, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, INDIVIDUAL VS. COLLECTIVE SOVEREIGNTY, PEOPLE, DEMOCRACY, STATE, STATISM, RULERS, SOCIETY, TERRITORIALISM, ORDER, SELF-CHOSEN OR IMPOSED? SELF-MANAGEMENT OF INDIVIDUALLY CHOSEN RULERS? VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL MINORITY AUTONOMY
PERSUASION: The Heinlein Hypothesis for Rolling Back Big Government: THE IDEA - Have you read Robert Heinlein? In 1966, he wrote a thought-provoking science fiction novel called The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. In Heinlein's book, the moon is a penal colony run with an iron fist by the Authority. - Like American colonists, they finally got fed up and declared their independence. - They won the revolution, but discovered that designing and establishing a small and limited government was harder than they expected. - Professor Bernardo de la Paz, the Thomas Jefferson of their revolution, made one extraordinary proposal for making and keeping government small and limited. - When he heard the framers of their constitution propose a two house Congress, he proposed this: "Instead of following tradition, I suggest one of legislators, another whose single duty it is to repeal laws. Let the legislators pass laws only with a two-thirds majority ... while the repealers are able to cancel any law through a one-third minority. Preposterous? Think about it. If a bill is so poor that it cannot command two-thirds of your consents, is it not likely that it would make a poor law? And if a law is disliked by as many as one-third, is it not likely that you would be better off without it?" - Let the Heinlein Hypothesis sink in. One House needs a two-thirds vote to pass laws and regulations, a two-thirds vote for all government departments, programs, and projects, a two-thirds vote to spend and tax. The other House needs only a one-third vote to repeal laws and regulations, a one-third vote to reduce or remove government departments, programs, and projects, a one-third vote to reduce or remove government spending and taxing. - What if the federal government were set up this way? What if the Senate needed a two-thirds vote to pass legislation and funding and taxes? What if the House of Representatives only needed a one-third vote to repeal? A one-third vote to reduce or remove the legislation and funding and taxes? - What if your state government were set up this way? - If you were a member of the House of Repeal - the re-tasked US House of Representatives - what's the first thing you'd want to repeal? - Which federal law would you try to repeal first? Which federal regulation would you want to get rid of? - Which federal department would you eliminate? Which federal social program? - Which federal economic program? - Which spending would you end? Which tax would you terminate? - What would you seek to repeal or remove first? Why? - If you could only repeal or remove one, which one would you choose? Why? - What would be the immediate and direct benefits of your repeal to American workers and taxpayers? - THE APPLICATION - Want to use the Heinlein Hypothesis to win people over to individual liberty and small government? - Simply email them or tell them everything in the IDEA section above. - Using the Heinlein Hypothesis lets you open other people's minds. It lets you create "a willing suspension of disbelief" - so your listener can receptively and responsively consider the benefits of rolling back Big Government. - It opens their minds to new possibilities. AND it helps them plant a new question in their minds: "Which part of Big Government do I want to repeal and remove?" - Michael Cloud, Persuasion Power Point #237. - Michael Cloud is author of the acclaimed book "Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion" available exclusively from the Advocates: - In 2000, Michael was honored with the Thomas Paine Award as the Most Persuasive Libertarian Communicator in America. - THE LIBERATOR ONLINE 1.11.07. – I still prefer individual and group secessionism from all the existing territorial laws – at one stroke, for those, who seceded. – JZ, 7.11.07. – One does not have to try to persuade those from whom one is free to secede! – JZ, 10.3.09. - SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, LAW REPEAL
PERSUASION: The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” – Plutarch – If a comprehensive Archive of Ideas and Registry of Talents already existed, many more people could and would kindle their own fire and enthusiasm – or extinguish their own flawed ideas with such a helpful institution. – JZ, 23.1.08, 29.1.11. - AGITATION, ENTHUSIASM, PROPAGANDA, SPREADING IDEAS, ENLIGHTENMENT, EDUCATION, IDEAS ARCHIVE
PERSUASION: The moment you buttonhole somebody and begin to convert him it is all over. But when you let him buttonhole you and ask you questions that have been arousing his mind by the superiority of what you have done, or what you do, or what you can do, then you can talk to him … beyond that you cannot go.” – Frank Lloyd Wright. – QUESTIONS, OPINION-MAKERS, ENLIGHTENMENT
PERSUASION: The triumph of persuasion over force is the sign of a civilized society.” – Mark Skousen - Also ascribed to:Jacob Hornberger – - Quite rightful militias for the protection of individual rights and liberties would not confine themselves to enlightenment efforts only, although they would be likely to make much more use of such options and much more successfully, than most military forces have done so far. - JZ, 26.11 06. - VS. FORCE, CIVILIZATION, MILITIAS & GUNS, APPEALS, DECLARATION OF QUITE RIGHTFUL WAR- & PEACE AIMS, UNILATERAL PEACE DECLARATIONS, ALLIANCES WITH GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES IN EXILE, PUBLICATIONS OF EFFECTIVE PROGRAMS FOR RESISTANCE, LIBERATION, REVOLUTIONS & MILITARY UPRISINGS – BROADCAST TO THOSE IN NEED OF THEM
PERSUASION: There is a holy, mistaken zeal in politics, as well as in religion. By persuading others we convince ourselves.” – Junius, 18th century. – RELIGION, POLITICS, ZEAL, BELIEF, FAITH, MISSIONARY OR IMPERIALIST SPIRIT
PERSUASION: To deal with men by force is as impractical as to deal with nature by persuasion.” - Ayn Rand. - One of the facts of reality is that with many to most people force is more effective than is persuasion. Via compulsory schooling most can even be persuaded that territorial coercion is the way to deal with all political, economic and social problems. If persuasion were more powerful, then territorial States could rely on persuasion alone to prevent secession from them and the establishment of competing and only exterritorially autonomous volunteer communities. Then they would be able and willing to persuade every individual to sign up and maintain his membership with them. Under the present system it is, alas, enough, for them, to have persuaded the majority that territorial compulsion is so rightful that the rightful and practicable alternative to it is not worth mentioning or discussing. - JZ, 22.8.02. - VS. FORCE & PANARCHISM
PERU, UNDERGROUND ECONOMY: See: 17, 19, in ON PANARCHY I, in PEACE PLANS 505. De Soto wrote two books on this underground economy, its achievements and its remaining defect, namely its non-recognition, legally and juridically, for its property rights. In other words, this kind of illegal secessionism and self-help has not been fully extended as yet. – Territorial law continues to exert its despotic and monopolistic influence. - JZ, 2.9.04, 13.2.08. – SECESSIONISM, BLACK MARKET, UNDERGROUND ECONOMY, SELF-HELP, BLACK MARKETS, UNDERGROUND ECONOMY & PROPERTY RIGHTS AS WELL AS JUDICIAL AVENUES FOR ITS TRANSACTIONS
PESSIMISM: A pessimist is one who has been intimately acquainted with an optimist.” – Elbert Hubbard, 1856-1915.
PESSIMISM: Does the sun really “go down” or does it only seem to go down? – JZ, 20.6.92, 23.3.08, free after a Berlin proverb, quoted by Hans Habe: “Wenn du denkst, der Mond geht unter, der geht nicht unter, det scheint bloss so.” (“If you think the Moon goes under: the Moon does not go under, it merely seems to go that way.”) – Yesterday I read a recent newspaper article, according to which we know so far of ten super-speed “cannon-ball” suns in our Milky Way universe, that were accelerated to quite unusual speeds and shot off in all directions, by coming in close contact with a super-large black hole in the center of our universe. However, the chance that our solar system might encounter such a sun is very small, because even within this Milky Way, our universe, space is vast and largely empty. We are exposed to such dangers as we are to being struck by lightening, or a meteor or to being bitten by a shark. All these are much more likely, however small their likelihood. Admittedly, that we do live on a “football field” with such vast “balls” moving about, at super-speed, even though only rarely and mostly at a great distance, is not a very comfortable thought and not one that makes for a belief in a benevolent God, but, at most, in one who is capricious or gambles with the lives of his “children”. – JZ, 23.3.08, 20.12.13. – GOD, UNIVERSE, CREATION
PESSIMISM: For the libertarian, the main task of the present epoch is to cast off his needless and debilitating pessimism.” – Murray N. Rothbard. - But libertarians have a very good reason to be pessimistic, as long as they take only a territorial realization of libertarianism into consideration. After all, they are still vastly outnumbered by the statists. As panarchistic libertarians they would have a much better chance and could even ally themselves with all kinds of other minorities, all merely favoring the panarchistic realization of their own ideals for their own voluntary members. – As panarchists they would have good reasons to be optimistic, at least for the long run. Just like the first advocates of religious liberty or religious tolerance were. - JZ, 21.2.08. - LIBERTARIANS & PANARCHISM, OPTIMISM
PESSIMISM: How does pessimism originate? When two optimists encounter each other. – Stanislaw Jerzy Lec – (“Wie entsteht Pessimismus? Wenn zwei Optimisten aufeinanderprallen.”) – On the other hand, one can say that over 1,000 pessimistic conspiracy theories can’t all be right, since they do contradict each other very much. Thus they largely cancel each other out and open a path for optimistic, rightful and rational “conspiracies” to liberate at least ourselves and like-minded people and all others, who are tolerant enough. – JZ, 15.3.09. – JOKES, CONSPIRACY THEORIES, OPTIMISM.
PESSIMISM: It makes out of bankruptcy a world view. Optimism makes a fraudulent book keeping a world view.“ – Krailsheimer – (“Pessimismu: aus dem Bankrott eine Weltanschauung machen; Optimismus: aus der Bilanzverschleierung eine Weltanschauung machen.“) – OPTIMISM
PESSIMISM: My pessimism goes to the point of suspecting the sincerity of the pessimist.” – Jean Rostand, b.1894.
PESSIMISM: Pessimism never won any battles.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower.
PESSIMISM: The worst of this world is that no one gets out of it alive! – JZ, n.d., after reading the summary of Ulrich von Beckerath of Schopenhauer’s view: “Das Beste an dieser Welt is, uns aus ihr hinaus zu fuehren.” – (“The best of this world is, that it conducts us out of it.”) - OPTIMISM, DEATH & THE WORLD
PESSIMISM: There is something good about pessimism. It saves you disappointments, alas only by making disappointment a continuous experience. – JZ, 8/82.
PESTICIDES: All too much is done under the assumption that whatever does not hurt or make us sick right away or in a short period is quite o.k. – JZ, 11.11.80. – MEDICINE, RADIATION HAZARD, FERTILIZERS, POISONS, POLLUTION, LONG-TERM VIEW VS. SHORT TERM VIEW, PREVAILING ALSO IN ECONOMICS, UNWARRANTED OPTIMISMPESTICIDES: Pesticides, too, are pests! – JZ, 17.6.75. A slow poisoning is still a poisoning. – Even when it is achieved through the artificial genetic modification of the very plants that we eat - to make them poisonous for insects. – What is harmful to insects is not necessarily harmless to humans. – Genetic modification e.g. to achieve larger fruits or drought or heat or cold resistance is quite another matter. - JZ, 21.2.08. - GENETIC MODIFICATION.
PESTICIDES: there’s a great demand that the government outlaw pesticides that are supposedly hurting crops. [Or humans. - JZ] The government is being asked to protect us. But it was the U.S. Department of Agriculture that pressured farmers into using pesticides in the first place. The government’s original “solution” to a problem has brought about a new problem. – Even biological controls have to be used with the greatest precautions: The giant cane toad was introduced by the government in 1935 to Queensland to fight a pest on the sugar crop, the cane beetle. Instead, it left the cane beetle alone, sitting high on the cane, where the toads could not reach it, or in fields without ground cover, where the toads did not care to go. Now these toads have become a pest over much of Australia, killing with their poison many other animals and birds, even crocodiles. – GOOD WEEKEND, 26.1.08. - Obviously, territorial government experiments should not be relied upon. Governments proceed almost always unscientifically - and their territorial experiments have always involuntary victims. - JZ, 29.1.11. - FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT - AT THE OWN RISK AND EXPENSE.
PETER PRINCIPLE: The Peter Principle, an explanation of how individuals escalate to their respective levels of incompetence.” – L. J. Peter in The Peter Plan, p.XII. - The Peter Principle: In a hierarchy individuals tend to rise to their level of incompetence.” – Dr. Laurence J. Peter, Why Things Go Wrong or The Peter Principle Revisited, George Allen & Unwin, 1991, p.11. - Corollaries: 1.) The cream rises until it sours. 2.) For every job in the world there is someone, somewhere, who can’t do it. Given enough promotions, that someone will get the job. 3.) A journey of one thousand miles ends with but a single step. 4.) All useful work is done by those who have not yet reached their level of incompetence.” – Ibid, p.41. - Corollary 5.) Competence always contains the seeds of incompetence. – Ibid, p.45. - Corollary 8.) In a hierarchy, accomplishment is inversely proportional to its height. – Ibid p.56. - In his first book, on the Peter Principle, on p.35, he stated: “The apparent exceptions are not exceptions. The Peter Principle applies to all employees in all hierarchies.” - - I would have added: Unless the employee dies before he has reached his level of incompetence or he retires before he reaches it. – JZ, 26.4.06. – I doubt that it would fully apply in a well-run cooperative. With everyone being a co-owner, all would have a vote or say on e.g. an incompetent foremen. The usual hierarchy system would not exist there. It would be checked by the profit motive of every member, who would not want to see his profits reduced by an incompetent officeholder. They would therefore replace him or her. – As a subordinate, instead of a leader, he or she might then become competent again, proud of the own work and profitable to the other members of the coop or cooperative and autonomous work group. - JZ, 21.9.07 & 10.10.07. - The Peter Principle: In every hierarchy, whether it be government or business, each employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence; every post tends to be filled by an employee incompetent to execute its duties. Corollaries: 1. Incompetence knows no barriers of time or place. 2. Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence. 3. If at first you don't succeed, try something else.” – From Monica Cellio homepage.
PETER PRINCIPLE: There have been many efforts to explain Why Nothing Works. Among these are: Parkinson’s Law: Work expands to fill the available time. – The Peter Principle: In any hierarchy, the individual rises until he reaches his level of incompetence.” – DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIP 5. – INCOMPETENCE, BUREAUCRACY
PETER: How should God approve that you rob Peter, and give this robbery to Paul, in the name of Christ?” – John Wycliffe, Works, vol. iii, p. 174. (1383) – TAXATION & OFFICIAL “CHARITY” OR “BENEVOLENCE”, WELFARE STATE
PETER: In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all, // By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul; // But though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy.” – Rudyard Kipling. – Only towards the end of a very fast inflation is that the case. – JZ, 29.2.08. - let us begin to call this practice of “robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul” by its right name: legalized plunder.” – Leonard E. Read, Castle in the Air, p.121. – They rob selected Peter to pay collective Paul. – Leonard E. Read, THE FREEMAN, 8/73. - PLUNDER, LEGALIZED, TAXATION, TRANSFER SOCIETY, WELFARE STATE
PETER: It is not an act of kindness for me to forcibly take from you and then give to the object of my concern. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is unkind to Peter and, certainly, there is nothing kindly in the act of bestowing such loot on Paul.” – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.48.
PETER: No wonder that grandiose programs to help the unfortunate by forcing Peter to pay Paul just cannot get off the ground as a general rule: Peter just won’t make such a good effort if he’s made to pay Paul, Paul wont do well if he can count on someone making Peter pay him, and the person having to do all this regulation or other people’s lives will do even worse, since he won’t have time to attend to his own affairs. It may sound simple, but this can explain a lot of the misery in the world, most of which is used as an excuse to continue the charade.” – Tibor Machan, THE MERCURY, 11/78, p.22. - WELFARE STATE, TRANSFER SOCIETY, TAXATION, HANDHOUTS
PETER: The income tax … The power of confiscation this law conferred on the government led inevitably to the taxing of Peter to quiet Paul, and (*) back again, meanwhile gathering to the political machinery the luxury of unlimited coercion over both.” – Frank Chodorov, Taxation is Robbery, in Fugitive Essays, p.264. – (*) and also Paul, to quiet Peter! – JZ, 29.2.08.
PETER: The Welfare State is one that robs Peter to pay Paul, and its success lies in the fact that Paul is fully aware and grateful for the benefit received while Peter is bewildered over the identity of the robber. He is apt to blame the tradesman over whose counter he pays his shrunken dollars, and thus private enterprise is doubly punished.” – E. C. Riegel, - THE FREEMAN, 2/75. – WELFARE STATE, INFLATION
PETER: To rob Peter, and give it to Paul, it were not alms but great sin.” – Unknown, quoted in Jacob’s Well, 138. (c.1440.)
PETER: Why rob Peter to feed Paul?” – George Kysor, LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION, 15.2.73.
PETITIONS: And will henceforth conclude, that as there is little good to be hoped for from such Parliaments, as need to be Petitioned; so there is none at all to be expected from those that burn such Petitions as these. – By a well-wisher to truth and peace. Printed in the yeere 1647. – Quoted in A. L. Morton, Freedom in Arms, p.118.
PETITIONS: Every human being has the right to authorize and publish petitions, to collect signatures for them and to submit them. – From the human rights draft in PEACE PLANS No. 4. – Do parliaments and representatives have the right to ignore them, leave them unanswered or throw them into rubbish bins? – JZ, 29.2.08.
PETITIONS: Petitions and collectivist majority votes are still the only “initiatives” which most democracies have conceded to their subjects, probably because they are of so little value and can be so easily ignored. However, at least in Switzerland referendum occurs also about taxes. – Individual secession is not recognized as a basic human right by any government as yet. - JZ, 11.4.08.
PETITIONS: Writing to Washington won't help; he's dead!” – Anonymous. And the politicians in Washington have large waste paper baskets. However, they would pay some attention to some petitions subscribed to by hundred-thousands to millions. I for one would prefer it if as many declared their individual or group secessions from them. – JZ, 3.1.08. - APPEALS, STATISM, JOKES, MASS PETITIONS, SECESSIONISM
PETROL TAXES: Petrol taxes and other taxes on transport, like car registrations and licences are, actually, penalties on freedom of movement, and thus infringements of a very important individual human right. – If all of them were only used for road building and road maintenance, then there would be some justification for them. But only a small fraction of all the revenue thus obtained is so used. - JZ, 15.4.89, 2.4.08.
PETS: Only when you have little to say and a small capacity to listen can you be satisfied with the limited responses you can receive from pets. – JZ, 7.11.95. – Pet owners are all too much owned and exploited by their pets. – JZ, 13.6.13.
PETS: Perhaps most pet lovers love their animals because they can’t talk back and, compared with them, they can thus feel very superior and also benevolent? – JZ, 8.4.99, 13.2.08. – Some seem also more interested in the rights of animals than in the rights of children. – JZ, 13.2.08. - DOGS, CATS & OTHER ANIMALS, ABORTIONS
PETS: So long as there is a suffering waif starving in this bitter world it is a sin to cater to a dog.” – Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought, p.85. – DOGS, CATS ETC.
PETTINESS: We are too tightly bound up in our difficulties, almost incapable of separating petty problems from great ones.” – Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse Dune, p.149. – Or even incapable or recognizing the great and urgent problems while being involved with minor ones. – JZ, 23.3.08. - - IGNORING GREAT PROBLEMS WHILE TACKLING ONLY MINOR ONES, RELATIVELY TRIVIAL CONCERNS
PHILANTHROPY: Here I encounter the most popular fallacy of our times. It is not considered sufficient for the law to be just; it must be philanthropic. Nor is it sufficient that the law should guarantee to every citizen the free and inoffensive use of his faculties for physical, intellectual, and moral self-improvement. Instead, it is demanded that the law should directly extend welfare, education, and morality throughout the nation.” – Bastiat, quoted in Russell, Bastiat, p.9. - LAW, WELFARE STATE, POVERTY, PHILOSOPHER-KINGS, SCHOLARS, THEORISTS, EXPERTS, METAPHYSICIANS, IDEOLOGUES, RADICALS, UTOPIANS, LEGALISM, POSITIVE LAWS, STATISM, STATE SOCIALISM BY DEGREES
PHILANTHROPY: Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968. – Injustice is never economic. All legalized restrictions of laissez faire economics, free enterprise, free trade, are not only injust but anti-economic and impoverishing. Philanthropy, charity or the Welfare State are among the least effective means to reduce poverty. The do not add a cent to the gross production. As a typical Christian, he did not even mention economic freedom for all kinds of self-help options, insurance and credit. – JZ, 8.8.08, 20.12.13. - POVERTY, MONOPOLIES, ECONOMIC INTERVENTIONISM AGAINST SELF-HELP OPTIONS, LAISSEZ FAIRE, FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE EXCHANGE, FREE TRADE
PHILOSOPHERS: Among his betes noires were philosophers. “True, I’m not very sympathetic to philosophers because I don’t think their methods have proved to be very useful. They’re just getting more and more sophisticated, without getting any answers.” – Dr. Francis Crick, in THE AUSTRALIAN, 3.5.94. – I would rather say that those philosophers who did arrive at some worthwhile answers are still all too rare. – JZ, 8.4.08.
PHILOSOPHERS: No opinion, however absurd and incredible, can be imagined, which has not been maintained by some one of the philosophers.” - René Descartes, (1596-1650), A Discourse on Method (1637), Part II. - IDEAS, INTELLECTUALS, OPINION-MAKERS
PHILOSOPHY: A philosopher and a theologian argue on which of their disciplines ought to be ranked higher. Mockingly the theologian said: Philosophy is the equivalent to seek a black cat, which does not exist, in a dark room and with bound eyes. Thereupon the philosopher answered: Religion is like someone seeking a black cat, which does not exist, in a dark room and with bound eyes – and then suddenly exclaiming: I found her!” - (Ein Philosoph und ein Theologe streiten sich darum, welcher der beiden von ihnen vertretenen Disziplinen der höhere Rang zukomme. Spöttisch meint der Theologe: "Philosophie ist, als ob jemand in einem dunklen Raum mit verbundenen Augen eine schwarze Katze sucht, die es gar nicht gibt." - - Darauf antwortet der Philosoph: "Theologie ist, als ob jemand in einem dunklen Raum ebenfalls mit verbundenen Augen eine schwarze Katze sucht, die gar nicht da ist und plötzlich ruft: 'Ich hab sie!' ") - VS. THEOLOGY & RELIGION, GOD, JOKES
PHILOSOPHY: Every error in action begins with a fallacy in philosophy.” – E. Merril Root. –– Have most modern philosophers been more useful than the ancient sophists? What do most of them really know and teach about e.g. ethics, economics and alternatives to territorial politics? – JZ, 29.2.08. - ACTION, IDEAS
PHILOSOPHY: If one tries to avert the impending disaster of the Welfare State system DEMOCRATICALLY, then one has to CONVINCE THE ELECTORS OF THE VITAL IMPORTANCE OF THE PHILOSOPHY which holds that individual effort, personal achievement, value for service, are higher values than the nebulous aims of the Welfare Society which promises handouts to everyone.” – George Hardy, The Doom of the Welfare Society, p.93. – The Welfare State reduces total output and wrongly confiscates and redistributes much of what is then still produced and is offered in services. It impoverishes the economy rather than enriches it. – JZ, 20.12.13.
PHILOSOPHY: If there is philosophy in high places, … it is always on a leash.” – Dagobert D. Runes, Handbook of Reason, p.43. – Politicians, rulers, representatives, policemen, judges ministers, prime ministers and presidents are not sufficiently tied down, best to their voluntary victims only. – JZ, 20.12.13. - LEADERSHIP, RULERS, POLITICS OF TERRITORIALISM, REASON, POPULAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES AMONG VOTERS, VICTIMS & OFFICIAL VICTIMIZERS, REPRESENTATIVES, POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS
PHILOSOPHY: if you get absurd results, you’re not a scientist, you’re a philosopher. - Orson Scott Card, Ender in Exile, - p.210 - 2009. – Or a modern “social scientist” or a religious believer. – JZ, 18.4.13. – ABSURDITIES, “SOCIAL SCIENCES”, SCIENCE, RELIGIONS
PHILOSOPHY: If you wish to become a philosopher, you cannot be one of the mob.” – Epictetus. - MOB, MASSES, MAJORITY, DEMOCRACY, AVERAGE MEN
PHILOSOPHY: One cannot conceive anything so strange and so implausible that it has not already been said by one philosopher or another.” - René Descartes, Le Discours de la Methode, II.
PHILOSOPHY: Philosophers constituted a debating club lasting so far about 2,500 years. Nevertheless, most of the current active members have still not arrived at fundamental agreements among themselves. – Not even on what Kant stated to be its essential dignity, namely to examine how a peaceful, free and just society could be established. – JZ, 8.3.09.
PHILOSOPHY: Philosophy can be summed up in two words: ‘abstain and ‘sustain’. – W. G. P. – You might as well say: “don’t” and “do”, or “no” and “yes” or “stop” and “go”. - Without being connected to something the remarks will have no meaning. – JZ, 29.2.08.
PHILOSOPHY: Philosophy consists very largely of one philosopher arguing that all other philosophers are jackasses. He usually proves it, and I should add that he also usually proves that he is one himself.” - H. L. Mencken. - Philosophers practise not philosophy, just like economists and psychologists do not practise as genuine scientists, but only represent diverse and, usually, very flawed schools of thinking in their spheres. Neither have as yet attained the genuine status of a science – with the vast majority of their practitioners. - JZ, 24.11.02. – Religions, too, are far from preaching, teaching and practising a genuine ethics or morality. - JZ, 29.1.11. - ECONOMISTS, PSYCHOLOGISTS, RELIGIONS
PHILOSOPHY: Philosophy deals with man, not books.” – Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought. – Compare Kant’s remark on the dignity of philosophy consisting in dealing with man’s duty to establish peaceful, free and just society. – JZ, n.d. & 28.1.11.
PHILOSOPHY: Philosophy is the art of gong deep and coming up to the surface with the answers. – Ortega y Gasset, What Is Philosophy? – Quoted in Leonard E. Read, The Miracle of the Market, in Champions of Freedom, p. 63. – I would rather say: … reaching up high and coming down with down-to-earth answers. – JZ, 26.12.76. - What useful answers did Ortega y Gasset ever come up with? – JZ, 29.2.08. – What is the useful output of most philosophers? Can we recognize them by their fruits? Have they extended and enriched the “social sciences” or merely muddled them up further? – One of the few whom I respect was Immanuel Kant, who was all too much misunderstood by Ayn Rand, whose economics is much superior to her objectivism and her political philosophy. - JZ, 20.12.13.
PHILOSOPHY: Philosophy rationalizes emotional attitudes.” – Poul Anderson, Orbit Unlimited, p.10. – Obviously, there are more apologists for the territorial State, i.e., statist “philosophers” than libertarian ones, who recognized what kind of a monster the statist “philosophers” serve. – JZ, 29.2.08. – RATIONALIZATIONS, STATE, STATISM
PHILOSOPHY: The society which tolerates shoddiness in philosophy, because it is an exalted activity, and scorns excellence in plumbing because it is a humble activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy.” Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water." - Ayn Rand - SHODDINESS, EXCELLENCE
PHILOSOPHY: There cannot be a philosophy, there cannot even be a decent science, without humanity.” - Jacob Bronowski. - SCIENCE & HUMANITY
PHILOSOPHY: There is no opinion so absurd that some philosopher will not express it. - Marcus Tullius Cicero - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. - There is nothing so ridiculous but some philosopher has said it.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero, De Divinatione, II, 119.
PHILOSOPHY: There is no such person as a philosopher; no one is detached; the observer, like the observed, is in chains.” – E. M. Forster, Two Cheers for Democracy, The Menace to Freedom, 1951.
PHILOSOPHY: There is only one thing a philosopher can be relied on to do, and that is to contradict other philosophers.” - William James.
PHILOSOPHY: Things tend, in fact, to go wrong; part of the blame lies on the teachers of philosophy, who today teach us how to argue instead of how to live, part on their students, who come to the teachers in the first place with a view to developing not their character but their intellect. The result has been the transformation of philosophy, the study of wisdom, into philology, the study of words.” - Seneca, Letters, 108, p.207. - I regret that I was so far able only to acquire the Penguin Classics selections from his letters. Other sources, quoting Seneca, indicated to me that the complete work would be worth perusing. - JZ, 23.1.02. – Today I finally found and downloaded links to his letters in 3 volumes. – JZ, 20.12.13. - & PHILOLOGY
PHILOSOPHY: To have real freedom you must be the slave of philosophy. – Epicurus, Aphorisms, ca. 300 B.C.
PHILOSOPHY: Truth is the object of philosophy, but no always of philosophers.” – John Churton Collins, quoted in Logan Pearsall Smith, Treasury of English Aphorisms, p.102. – It may be the objective but it is certainly not always the achievement. – JZ, 12.9.85. - TRUTH, HONESTY
PHILOSOPHY: Unfortunately, philosophical concepts have influence on conduct and we suffer under many wrong philosophical concepts. – JZ, 1975, after reading: “Fortunately, philosophical concepts have little influence on conduct.” – Malatesta, Pansiero e Volontà, July 1, 1925, in Berman’s Quotations from the Anarchists, p.34.
PHILOSOPHY: We’re facing a crisis and everybody’s talking philosophy”, Dillinger cried out. “This is a time for action.” – “Maybe”, Hagbard said thoughtfully, “all of our problems come from acting, and not philosophizing, when we face a crisis. Joe is right. I’m going to think about all this for a few hours. Or years.” He sat down too.” – Wilson/Shea, Illuminatus III, p.171. - Most “actions” in the sphere of “public affairs” are wrongful ones and result from a false “philosophy”. – JZ, 29.2.08. - Only full freedom to experiment in the public sphere, at the own risk and expense, together with other volunteers, is likely to finally lead to the discovery and realization of some genuine solutions. - JZ, 29.1.11. - ACTION, THINK, THEORIZE, IDEAS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES, VOLUNTARISM
PHILOSOPHY: What is philosophy when one speaks and no one understands?” – Quoted by Jack Grancharoff, publisher of RED & BLACK.
PHILOSOPHY: When philosophers try to be politicians they generally cease to be philosophers.” – Walter Lippman, A Preface to Politics, The Changing Focus, 1914. – BIAS, OBSERVER & OBSERVED, OBJECTIVITY, PHILOSOPHERS, POLITICIANS
PHONE BANKING & PAYMENTS: This practice has spread, at least since 1993, when e.g., jazz performance tickets could be purchased in this way. By now some firms get their bill amounts added to the periodical phone bills and collect from the phone companies. Such payment options were facilitated further through credit cards and could also facilitate private new clearing facilities. A phone clearing bank, like any other pure clearing bank, would not need cash deposits that would then be transferred among the participants. Each could e.g. be given, initially, a credit of the equivalent of present $ 500. - and then these fictitious credits could be freely exchanged between them. Even that would not be required. Each could start from zero and could be debited and credited, according to his spending and earnings through the clearing centre. What the clearing centre would need are customers who do offer goods, services and labour in the desired qualities and quantities and at market prices and are ready at any time to exchange these. Then, to the extent that this readiness to accept clearing credits exists, or, in other words, is backed by their total and immediate service capacity for other participants, they could even be lent short term credits by the clearing centre, which they would have to spend within the short period among the participants and have to pay back, in clearing credits, at the end of this period. The clearing centre would not need any working capital of its own, apart from its computers and communication channels and some office space and employees: it would merely make the ready-for-sale assets of its customers more liquid. Only one thing it could not safely promise, namely to supply any cash upon demand to those who hold credit with it. However, even those, who do want cash could get it indirectly, by transferring their clearing credits into cash, in the open money market, whatever cash they can get for it by the one who supplies them with cash. That does not have to be the clearing centre and should not be. All it can safely offer is a clearing facility. It should avoid any dependency upon any outside cash supplier. However, it could itself issue clearing certificates, in money (currency, value standard) denominations, that, again, are not convertible into cash by it but readily accepted at par in its clearing. Nor would it be necessary to confine one's spending only to customers close to the clearing centre. The clearing centre might exist in another continent. But it might have local customers. With these one could trades, even in person, not only by mail, or via other expensive transport arrangements. Theoretically, one very efficient clearing centre could serve the whole world. But that would not be necessary. This would also require either whole batteries of mobiles, each with an operator or the complete automation of the process, together with redit reference checks. Nor should any clearing centre be granted any world-wide, national or regional or local monopoly. Local clearing centres, also clearing with each other, could clear with regional, these with national, continental and world clearing centres. Special computer cable connections, those for TV channels, those via satellite dishes to satellites, broadcast channels, possibly also special vibrations through the Earth itself, as Tesla seemed to have experimented with, might come to serve for this purpose. For private security and security from governmental snoopers and taxers a secure enough encryption would be valuable to necessary. - JZ, 1.5.97. - However, against powerful decryption methods and efforts of e.g. the taxation department, and the secret services such secrecy attempts might not prevail. Moreover, the very fact that e.g. in e-mail or mobile messages secret codes might be used, could draw the taxers like flies to honey. – The image capacity of modern mobiles could also transmit images of goods offered for sale. A common credit reference center could warn people of dishonest traders. Seeing the wide-spread mobiles of today, this movement seems to have already begun in some of the poorest parts of Africa. The trader does not need a warehouses or has to rent a shop. The transport of the goods could be contracted by buyers and sellers. The clearing center would just act as a mediator, getting a percentage of the turnover he mediates. All that such clearing would need is an agreed-upon value standard. Bitcoin provides secrecy but not a value standard. Its value fluctuates all too much from day to day. Conventional traders and the tax department will try to stop this movement or to interfere with it. The participants would certainly not be enabled thereby to pay any imposed tax tributes in cash but at most in their clearing credits. – My main fear and objection would be the further increase of the “radiation soup” in which we do already live. – Full monetary freedom in the use of paper exchange media and clearing through dial-up phone lines would avoid that risk. – No more personal house to house calls by tradesmen, no more market stalls for this mediator, or travelling with a wagon full of goods, hoping to make sales. The mediator stays on the spot, in his home or office. - JZ, 12.9.02, 21.12.13. - CLEARING HOUSES IN FORM OF MODERN PHONE MOBILES, RADIATION HAZARD.
PHOTOCOPY & PERHAPS COPYRIGHTS CENTRE & LITERARY AGENCY FOR UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS DEALING WITH MONETARY FREEDOM OPTIONS & OTHER FREEDOM WRITINGS: For those not satisfied with microfiche duplicates or not wanting to permit them or floppy disk copies of their issues. They could arrange for the sending of their manuscript to a photocopy centre that would make automatic photocopies, in limited numbers, and pay them some royalties from their sales. Now there are also some print-on-demand options, of which at least some should be publicly listed. – JZ, n.d. – The best option that now exists seems to me to put a manuscript online, for free downloading – but reserving copyrights for printed editions, film and TV rights and their reproduction on disks and to accept advance subscriptions towards their appearance in print and on disks. Instant electronic print-outs, bound, could also be offered for sale. – JZ, 8.4.08. – By now a scanning and disc publishing network would be even better. The scanners Google uses can do one book in 6 minutes. – JZ, 13.6.13. On a HDD we might come to offer a comprehensive freedom library at a very affordable price. But are enough “freedom-lovers” interested in building it up? – JZ, 21.12.13. - MANUSCRIPT CENTRE, LITERARY AGENCY, ESPECIALLY FOR FREEDOM WRITINGS, DIGITAL PUBLISHING OF ALL FREEDOM WRITINGS
PHYSICAL FORM FOR EXCHANGE MEDIA OR AVAILABILITY OF VALUE STANDARDS IN PHYSICAL FORM, FOR EACH TRANSACTION? Obviously, in clearing and other non-cash transactions physical forms of exchange media, paper notes or coins, are not required. Figures on paper or digital impulses are sufficient. Nor is the presence of e.g. 100 ozs of gold required among 2 traders, who want to trade the goods and service equivalent of the value of 100 ozs of metallic gold between them - not in gold but in these goods and services. They might merely use the gold value of 100 ozs of gold on a free gold market as the value standard to measure the goods or services that they do exchange as well as the value of the exchange media or clearing certificates or clearing accounts tht they use for their transactions. No one would deny that a gold cover is not needed for any barter transactions that do not involve metallic gold. Nor, also quite obviously, is it required for the offsetting, canceling or clearing of mutual debts. Furthermore, while government paper money is mostly and considerably being deteriorated by over-issues, made possible by their issue monopoly and the forced nature of their monopoly money with legal tender power, it remains clear that it still does, most of the time, retains SOME value (even if only for the payment of imposed tax tributes: tax foundation) and this value is not established by the availability of gold to the note holder. Nor is it, altogether, only due to its legal tender, its "fiat money" aspect. Much of its remaining value is merely due to the fact that in a developed economy, with a great division of labor and, consequently, a great need for exchange, some form of exchange medium is needed and even a bad and unreliable and constantly or frequently depreciated or deflated one - is better than none, although not as good as they could all be under free competition between potential issuers and acceptors of exchange media and providers or definers and acceptors of value standards. - (Only towards the end of a fast and extensive inflation will such paper money often be refused altogether. - JZ, 29.1.31.) Gold, silver or platinum in metallic form are not required for issuers or acceptors in consumer and seller transactions or in capital value transactions. Nor are "trust" or "confidence" sufficient for sound issues and value reckoning. Trust and confidence are maximized, almost turned into certainty, for e.g."ticket money" or "shop foundation" money. One knows that department stores like Woolworth or Coles/Meyer, or Waltons etc., would be ready to accept their own shop currency in full, in payment for their goods and services. If one or the other branch would go up in smoke, others, among hundreds, would still accept these notes. - JZ, 26.8.02. – TRUST OR CONFIDENCE REQUIRED? GOLD STANDARDS, REDEMPTIONISM, EXCLUSIVE CURRENCIES, PRIVATE COINAGE & RARE METAL CERTIFICATES, FULLY REDEEMABLE, AS ONLY MONETARY FREEDOM OPTIONS? TRUST, CONFIDENCE, FREE CHOICE OF VALUE STANDARDS, CLEARING, USING SOUND VALUE STANDARDS, MONEY-TOKENS, TICKET MONEY, EXCHANGE MEDIA, SHOP CURRENCIES
PHYSIOCRATS: Its initiators were Pierre de Boisguillebert, Marshall Vauban, and, above all, Quesnay, personal physician to Louis XV. They were followed by Vincent Gournay, the elder Mirabeau, and, to some extent, the celebrated statesman Turgot. As its name indicates, this doctrine was founded on the principle that there are natural laws of economic life that operate automatically. The evils of mercantilism come from interference with these laws on the part of the state. Hence, it is advisable to abstain from all regulation of economic activity and to leave it entirely to individual initiative This principle Gournay reduced to the celebrated phrase: Laissez faire, laissez passer. - Faustino Ballvé, Essentials of Economics, 1956 in Mexico, from the English edition, D. Van NostrandCompany Inc., 1963, FEE edition, undated, p.4. – LAISSEZ FAIRE, LAISSEZ PASSER: LET PEOPLE PRODUCE, LET THEM EXCHANGE
PHYSIOCRATS: Physiocrat, n. (Gr., Phisis, nature, and Kratein, to rule) a believer in the economic theory that land and its products are the only true wealth and hence the only logical sources of revenue and that freedom of opportunity and trade and security of person and property are essential to prosperity.” – Webster’s New 20th Century Dictionary - Physiocrat: One of a school founded by F. Quesnay in France in the 18th century, who maintained that society should be governed according to an inherent social order, that the soil is the only source of wealth and the only proper object of taxation, and that security of property and freedom of industry and exchange are essential. So Physiocrcy, government according to natural order.” – Oxford Shorter English Dictionary
PICKETING: Third, make all picketing, and all assembly at or near to the approaches to the plant under dispute, illegal. In the era of nationwide television, radio, and Press cover, there is no need for picketing to inform workers that there is a dispute. The sole purpose of picketing is to menace them. There is no such thing as peaceful picketing, and the very concept makes a mockery of the law as it now stands.” – Arthur Shenfield, in 1985, p.38. - STRIKES, VIOLENCE, THREATS, UNION ACTIONS
PIE IN THE SKY: Only after one is convinced that ‘pie-in-the-sky” schemes do not and cannot work – can you expect that voters will follow realistic policies.” - George Hardy, The Doom of the Welfare Society, p.94. – But until then voters are mis-educated, starting with government-controlled schooling. – JZ, 29.2.08. – VOTING, COMPULSORY SCHOOLING, PUBLIC OPINION
PIE IN THE SKY: There is no pie in the sky. What you get for nothing is worth nothing.” – Harry Harrison, One Step from Earth, p.194, Arrow Books Ltd., 3 Fitzroy Square, London SW 1. – Well, at least some gifts are valuable and appreciated. (Air, rivers, lakes, oceans, sunshine, nice weather, health. - JZ, 29.1.11.) So are also some wins in gambling, betting or in inheritance. – JZ, 11.4.08. - FREE, NOTHING, TANSTAAFL, FREE LUNCH, , SCARCITY
PIG: Person In Government. FREE ENTERPRISE MAGAZINE, No. 2, Nov. 73, p.18. - Should it not also be applied to the hand-out recipients, who are also feeding from the coercively filled common trough? – JZ, 21.12.13.
PIGGERIES – BUT ONLY FOR PIGS: States and governments only for statists, and that only exterritorially, at their own expense and risk. - JZ, in Pan AZ
PIONEERING: I am attracted by that which has so far not been done.” – Konstantin Wecker, Das Konstantin Wecker Buch, p.147. - “Mich lockt das Ungetane.” – INNOVATION, INITIATION
PIONEERING: If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.” – Isaac Newton , GREATNESS, VISIONS, GREAT IDEAS, REFORMERS, DISCOVERERS & INNOVATORS, ORIGINALITY, SELF-AWARENESS
PIONEERING: Let each be either a path-breaking pioneer or stagnate at the status quo level or sink back into even worse conditions – all via individual free choice and always only at the own risk and expense. That would soon put an end to the careers of all too “promising” politicians. For they would have to put up - for their volunteers - or shut up. – JZ, 27.1.05, 21.12.13. – PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM
PIONEERING: Pioneering does not pay.” – Andrew Carnegie, quoted by Hendrik, Life. – It might, under fully free competition, including monetary and financial freedom and easy and cheap access to needed information, which could now be competitively provided. - When one has to fight first, an obstructive territorial government and then an under-informed public opinion, it is, indeed, often a hard and unprofitable job. - JZ, 29.1.11. - IDEAS, SUCCESS, IDEAS ARCHIVE, INNOVATORS, INVENTORS, PATENTS, TALENT CENTER, INTERNET, EXTERRITORIALLY AUTONOMOUS FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT AMONG VOLUNTTARISM
PIONEERING: Pioneers must be free, not subject to bureaucrats and politicians and their territorial laws.” - JZ, 6.4.89. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM
PIONEERING: the private sector is able to pioneer fields which the state cannot or will not enter.” – Hugh Elwell, Insuring for Health, in Dr. Rhodes Boyson, editor: Down With the Poor, p.84. - Or which it has wrongfully entered or even monopolized. - JZ, 9.1.11.
PIONEERING: We can make life great again. Almost anyone can become a pioneer again – if he or she wants to. – JZ, 16.12.90. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES & COMMUNITIES, POLYCENTRIC LAWS
PIONEERS: Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path, and leave a trail.” – Anonymous, ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. - TRAIL-BREAKERS, INNOVATORS
PIONEERS: Pioneering has its prices, and one of these prices is apt to be loneliness.” – Paul Anderson, ANALOG, July 96, p.8. - INNOVATORS, RADICAL REFORMERSPIONEERS: We have to be pioneers. We have to establish a new world in this chaotic, barbaric wilderness, called our civilization and culture - but without chopping it down or setting fire to it.” - JZ, On Tolerance. Now online at
PIPER: He who pays the piper may call the tune. 17th. century proverb. – Apply this to freely chosen and paid-for as well as competitively supplied public services of all kinds. - JZ, 29.1.11. - FINANCE, SUBSIDIES, PAYING ONE’S WAY, PRICING
PIRACY: The Australian Navy seems to tolerate piracy in the waters around Australia – as long as it serves to keep potential illegal Asian immigrants away. – JZ, 26.8.84. – If it is not employed or silently encouraged by the Australian government itself - to keep some illegalized immigrants away. – JZ, 29.2.08, 29.1.11.
PITY: Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.” - Ayn Rand - CRIMINALS, GUILT
PITY: There are moments in which one wants to flee, weeping, from mankind, which has so little pity with itself.” – Karl Kraus. (Es gibt Augenblicke, in denen man schluchzend einer Menschheit entfliehen moechte, die so wenig Mitleid mit sich selbst hat.) - No pity for aggressors! Even pity should be discriminating! – JZ, 24.6.93.
PITY: When you live next to the cemetery, you cannot weep for everyone.” – Russian proverb. – But you should become an immortalist or at least a promoter of life extension. – JZ, 21.11.85, 2.4.08. - SYMPATHY, EMOTIONS
PLANETS: brand new world where one could start his life again, where one would escape from the thousands of years of accumulated mistakes of the present world. I ask you, my friend, what is the history of conference?” - Clifford D. Simak, Ring Around the Sun, p.171. - We should not blame our planet but, rather, the institutions of territorial, exclusive, coercive, centralistic governments and social philosophies or utopias or ideologies! - One of the fundamental mistakes of SF writers is that they tried to explore the universe before they even tried to explore the exterritorialist and voluntaristic alternatives on Earth at all or sufficiently. - JZ, 30.10.02, 29.1.11. – ALIEN OTHER WORLDS, SCIENCE FICTION, SPACE, CHANGE, MISTAKES, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, THE EXTERRITORIAL & VOLUNTARY ALTERNATIVES
PLANNING: A ‘planned economy’ means politicians do the planning.” – McBride, A New Dawn, p.94. – And laws, bureaucrats, courts, policemen and prisons and concentration camps enforce it. – JZ, 3.3.08. - Allow each group to engage in its own planning and actions, in exterritorially autonomous communities and societies of volunteers. Only centrally and territorially imposed planning is wrong and inefficient in most cases. - JZ, 29.1.11. – FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE TRADE, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, COMPETITION, ASSOCIATION, LAISSEZ FAIRE, EXPERIMENTATION & CONTRACTS IN EVERY SPHERE
PLANNING: A “planned economy” destroys Government because when men use force in an attempt to control productive energies, they have no means of knowing real costs and these costs automatically increase at an increasing rate until the people can no longer pay them.” - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.41/42.
PLANNING: A “planned economy” is believed to be a Government’s control of the productive uses of human energy. It is believed that the men in Government can control, for the general good, the men who produce and distribute material goods. – In thousands of years, they have never been able to do it. The actual fact is that a “planned economy” is an absolute monopoly of agriculture, manufacturing, and commerce, held by men in Government and maintained – as far as possible – by police and military force.” - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.30.
PLANNING: A busy executive, hurrying to leave for office, was pestered by his wife to say what time he would be home. “About seven or eight o’clock, or maybe nine”, he muttered vaguely. – “And what”, asked his wife, “is the occasion that leaves you in such doubt about your forward movements?” - - “A meeting of the Society for Long-Range Planning”. – “Observer” in FINANCIAL TIMES, London, quoted in READER’S DIGEST, May 76, under the heading: “Foregone Confusion”. – JOKES, CENTRAL & COERCIVE PLANNING, DIRECTION & CONTROL, DICTOCRATS
PLANNING: A centrally planned economy is bound to monopolize ideas and even to ration them, whereas in a society where competitive markets prevail it is not only trade, but also thoughts and men who are free.” – H. B. Acton, The Morals of Markets. – In territorial politics it is not the ideas that are monopolized but the spheres of action are, in which ideas are put into operation. Moreover, under this “system” the tendency is strong for some of the worst ideas to become exclusively and coercively applied for all too long. Evidence? Most laws and all dictatorships. – JZ, 11.4.08, 21.12.13.
PLANNING: A completely planned economy ensures that when no bacon is delivered, no eggs are delivered at the same time.” – J. L. Frain in SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, London, quoted in TIME & TALE, England, & in READER’S DIGEST, 10/76. - JOKES
PLANNING: A planned economy … is a use of force to prevent the natural use of human energy. This explains the historic fact, at first surprising, that in all history the earnest, sincere, hardworking ruler has done the most harm to his own people. …” - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.32.
PLANNING: All those who are fascinated by the beautiful plans … because they are ‘so orderly, so visible, so easy to understand’, … forget that these plans owe their seeming clarity to the planner’s disregard of all the facts he does not know.” – F. A. Hayek, Law, Legislation and Liberty, p.11-15. – KNOWLEDGE, IGNORANCE, POPULAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES IN ACTION, POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRACY, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, DICTOCRACIES
PLANNING: Although the professed aim of planning would be that man should cease to be a mere means, in fact … the individual would more than ever become a mere means, to be used by the authority in the service of such abstractions as “social welfare” or “the good of the community”. – F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom. – PUBLIC INTEREST & COMMON INTEREST PRETENCE
PLANNING: Americans who have not lived in other countries can only imagine a planned economy, for they are used to living in an economy that individuals plan and control. (*) Whenever an American decides how to earn or how to spend any money, or whether to drive his car or walk, or to get a job or go to college, or to plant corn or alfalfa, or to rent a house or build or buy one, he is planning and controlling the American economy.” - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.22. - (*) While this was never quite the case in the America, either, it was there, formerly, much more the case than elsewhere or than it is now. – JZ, 1.3.08, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: An elephant: A mouse built to government specifications.” – Robert Heinlein: Lazarus Long. – JOKES
PLANNING: Any stray mediocrity rushes into print with plans to control the production of mankind – and whoever agrees or disagrees within his statistics, no one questions his right to enforce his plans by means of a gun.” – Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, p.968. – CONTROLS, COERCION, ENFORCEMENT
PLANNING: anything that smells of government and planning stinks.” – TIME, Feb. 10, 1975, quoted in THE FREEMAN, 3/76, in a review of Faith and Freedom: A Biographical Sketch of a Great American, John Howard Pew, compiled by Mary Sennholz, 1975.
PLANNING: As always happened in the past and always will happen in the future, the plan eluded the planners.” - Gustav Stolper, This Age of Fable, p.93. - Centralized and coercive "economic" planning constitutes just one of the many wrongs and flaws of territorialism. - JZ, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: As Easterly put it, Myrdal’s views on development won the day, and there never was any debate with Hayek’s perspective. Myrdal emphasized the need for economic “experts” in the developed world to work with governments in the Third World to effectively plan the economics of these nations. Hayek, by contrast, favored an approach which would provide liberties to billions of individual “problem solvers” to address the challenges confronting them in their own unique contexts. - JORDAN J. BALLOR on MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2013, Liberty for Me, But Not for Thee, A review of a speech by William Easterley, at last night’s plenary dinner at the Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE) conference, William Easterly of New York University was awarded the association’s highest honor, the Adam Smith Prize. – Facebook hint, red stress by me. JZ 23.4.13. - DEVELOPMENT, EXPERTS, RELEASING ALL CREATIVE ENERGIES, LIBERTIES, RIGHTS
PLANNING: As I have often said, the United States Department of Defence is probably the third largest socially planned economy in the world after the Soviet Union and China. And just the fact that it employs technically independent companies like Lockheed would not make any difference. The two militaries are extraordinarily similar. Capitalism has nothing to do with it. At all. Even the ideological differences are not all that important, because the greatest conflicts are within the ideological camps. One of the greatest dangers of war is between Russia and China. And heavens, the Falkland conflict certainly has nothing to do with capitalism or communism as far as I can see. If it wasn’t so tragic, it would be pure Gilbert and Sullivan.” – Kenneth Boulding, SOCIAL ALTERNATIVES, Oct. 82, p.17. – The common feature is territorialism and its exclusive claims, often overlapping and then leading to military clashes. Or, internally, completely overlapping, leading to civil wars and military insurrections or popular revolutions. At least to many terrorist acts, in combination with the "principle" and practice of collective responsibility. – JZ, 22.2.08, 29.1.11. – DEFENCE, MILITARY FORCES, PEACE, WAR
PLANNING: As Professor von Mises appropriately puts it, the countries that are committed to a program of economic planning are giving their peoples the illusion of prosperity at the price of liquidating their reserves. When these are exhausted, a great catastrophe is inevitable unless the people open their eyes before they fall over the precipice.” - Faustino Ballvé, Essentials of Economics, 1956 in Mexico, from the English edition, D. Van NostrandCompany Inc., 1963, FEE edition, undated, p.93. quoting Human Action, p.847. - CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENTAL PLANNING & DIRECTION OF THE ECONOMY, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENTALISM, STATE SOCIALISM
PLANNING: Authoritarian plans are solidified obstructions to change.” – Joan Marie Leonard, THE FREEMAN, 3/77. - Except for wrongful and irrational changes, also centrally imposed by territorial governments. - JZ, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: Besides tracing the ancestry of this pernicious inspiration, Hayek examines it with soritical thoroughness and concludes that central planning must yield results inferior to the market. This is because any plan, no matter how brilliant its creators nor how extensive their input data, must finally be condensed to a form comprehensible to individual minds. This process necessarily entails the loss of vast amounts of information, most especially, of that knowledge “of the fleeting circumstances of the moment and of local conditions”, which is essential in securing an efficient use of resources. The market, in contrast, integrates this information, which is dispersed among all members of society, into a coherent whole through the price mechanism, and delegates the “particular decisions to those who possess knowledge of their particular situation”. So, the next time you hear of a Five-Year Plan, you will readily recognize it not only as the gulling intellectual fossil it is, but also as securely destined to failure.” – William R. Havender, on Hayek’s “The Counter-Revolution of Science”, in LAISSEZ FAIRE REVIEW, July-August 1977. - It means centralized, coercive, monopolistic planning, imposed upon whole populations, without their individual consent and without the option to secede from it. - JZ, 29.1.11. – VS. FREE MARKETS, & USE OF ALL INFORMATION
PLANNING: Both of our parties are now committed to the same philosophy – and that philosophy is that the federal government asserts the right to plan the economic system to whatever extent it feels wise, to operate as much of it directly as its politicians wish, and to subject the national income, as it has been doing, to a process of socialization, in which the government asserts the authority to take and spend as much as it wishes. …” - John T. Flynn, quoted in Admiral Ben Moreell, Log II, p.114. (164?) - Only communities of volunteers do have the rightful authority to practise their own centralized planning, if they happen to be statists. Any dissenter would be free to secede from them and their State socialist experiments. - JZ, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: business usually must be planned years ahead.” – Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddhin, THE FREEMAN, 11/72. – PRIVATE PLANNING, BUSINESS PLANNING
PLANNING: But all those disparaging anarchic production and advocating planned economy are eager to eliminate the plans of everyone else. One will alone should have the right to will, one plan alone should be realized, namely, the plan which the neurotic approves, the reasonable plan, the only plan. All obstacles should be removed, all other people’s power should be broken, nothing should prevent the wretched neurotic from arranging the world according to his whims. Every means is right if it helps to raise the daydreamer’s reason to the throne.” – Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, p.242. – TERRITORIALISM, COERCIVE & INTOLERANT UTOPISM, STATISM
PLANNING: But I think it is worth pointing out that what they propose never works. At least, not in the way they have predicted. Propheteering is a very dangerous enterprise and has rarely been responsible for the unqualified improvement of life. In fact, where human incompetence, injustice, and misery have actually been reduced, the improvement has usually been the result of ad hoc, piecemeal, sometimes even accidental approaches rather than some well-coordinated comprehensive plan.” - Neil Potsman, Crazy Talk, Stupid Talk, p.110. - Prophesizing says my spelling-checker. - JZ - PROPHECIES, UTOPIAS, IMPROVEMENTS, REFORMS, GRADUALISM
PLANNING: But socialist planning says Mises (Human Action, ch. 26.) is impossible, it poses a paradox in that it cannot plan simply because with public ownership of the means of production there can be no economic calculation, that is, there can be no way of calculating costs and output, there is no possibility of acting on the basis of present knowledge and anticipation to attain some desired end in the future. The vital problem of maintaining and increasing capital remains insoluble. A planned economy is, therefore, no economy in the true sense of the word, but only a system groping in the dark.” – Naomi Moldowski, in 1977 CIS Conference. – BASED ON INSUFFICIENT KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT THE FREE PRICING IN A FREE MARKET
PLANNING: By their buying, and by their abstention from buying, the consumers determine not only the price structure, but no less what should be produced and in what quantity and quality and by whom. They determine each entrepreneur’s profit or loss, and thereby who should own the capital and run the plants. – They make poor men rich and rich men poor. – Ludwig von Mises, Planning for Freedom, p.73. - CONSUMERS, MARKET, PROFIT, LOSS, RICHES & POVERTY
PLANNING: Central planning and direction are two of the essential conditions for inefficiency, apart from their inherent wrongness. – JZ, 4/78, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: Central planning and direction just doesn’t work, as intended. But it does make and wastes much human work, taxes and capital. – JZ, 15.10.74, 1.3.08, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: central planning disorganizes the economy.” – Ralph Harris, in 1985, p.13. – After it was already largely disorganized by all too many interventionist laws. It merely is another large step towards territorial governmental absolutism. – JZ, 3.3.08. – CENTRALIZATIONS, DISORDER, GOVERNMENT, ABSOLUTISM, STATISM
PLANNING: Central planning does not work in business either.” – John Harrison, LA Economic Notes, No. 62: A Corporate Cultural Freedom.
PLANNING: Central planning doesn’t work. A little of it is a drag. A lot is fatal. – Bill Bonner, in
PLANNING: Central planning might be considered as an atavistic survival of monarchical sentiments. Or as a part of the remaining territorial leadership spleen. – JZ, 11.4.08.
PLANNING: Central planning will eventually destroy individual liberty by concentrating all political power in one person or in a committee; furthermore, it will eventually end our prosperity by laying the dead hand of state control on the economy.” – Robert M. Thornton – While careful private planning of the own affairs is important and productive, centralized, monopolistic and coercive planning of the affairs of non-consenting victims is a great and continuing threat to all of our individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 8.3.09. - TERRITORIAL STATISM, STATE SOCIALISM, STATE CAPITALISM, CENTRALIZED & DECENTRALIZED PLANNING & DIRECTION BY TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS, VS. PLANNING THAN BY PRIVATE & FREE INDIVIDUALS, VOLUNTARISM & COMPETITION
PLANNING: CENTRALIZED & COERCIVE: The territorially and centrally planned collectivist defence ended up in the greatest insecurity for all due to its nuclear "strength". In this it is similar to the centrally planned national "economies", which ended up with extreme poverty and even death for millions, State bankruptcies, inflations, deflations, stagflations and prolonged and involuntary mass unemployment, conditions which further promote despotism and wars as well as other violence. - CENTRALIZATION, COMMUNISM, DECENTRALIZATION, DECISION, ECONOMIC FREEDOM, FREEDOM, FREE ENTERPRISE, LAISSEZ FAIRE, MARKET, POWER, MONETARY FREEDOM, SELF-DEFENCE, SELF-HELP, VOLUNTARISM. – JZ, An ABC Against Nuclear War, in PEACE PLANS Nos.16 & 17, on, - Revised: 29.1.11, 21.12.13. - GENUINE SELF-DETERMINATION
PLANNING: Centralized planning, imposed by legal force, suppresses individual experimentation, reduces individual initiative, and denies individual responsibility. Indeed, suppressing individual freedom to experiment is precisely what socialists mean by ‘planned production’.” – V. Orval Watts, THE FREEMAN, 4/73. - All of territorialism amounts to wrongfully and irrationally imposed central planning and direction. It is not only wrongful and irrational in economic matters but in other spheres as well. - JZ, 31.1.11. - INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, INCENTIVES, FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT, INITIATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, COERCION, LAWS, FORCE, COMPULSION, A SYMPTOM OF POWER ADDICTION & POWER MADNESS
PLANNING: Collectivist Economic Planning, edited by F. A. Hayek, $ 12.50. From a review: “One of the most exciting debates in the history of economics was initiated in 1920 by Ludwig von Mises when, in an article in Archiv fuer Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, he argued that a socialist economy (*) lacked the tools necessary for rational economic calculation. Not only is it not the case, Mises showed, that a socialist economy necessarily avoids errors, attributable to the absence of central planning, that may occur under capitalism; quite the reverse is true. In the absence of a market for the means of production, no market prices for these inputs exist, hence the central planners have no clue as to the relative urgency with which different inputs are needed in their various industrial uses; no monetary calculation is possible. And without economic calculation there can be no rational decision-making. We have, Mises wrote, “the spectacle of a socialist economic order floundering in the ocean of possible and conceivable economic combinations without the compass of economic calculation. … There is only groping in the dark. Socialism is the abolition of rational economy.” - - (*) A State socialist economy or any other form of socialism that tries to operate without free market principles and practices, rights and liberties. – JZ, 3.3.08.
PLANNING: Competitive markets are likely to do less harm than centralized economic planning and to give more scope for intellectual and moral excellence. A centrally planned economy is bound to monopolise ideas and even to ration them, whereas in a society where competitive markets prevail it is not only trade, but also thoughts and men that are free.” – H. B. Acton, in R. Harris & A Seldon, Not From Benevolence, p.129. – EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREE INITIATIVE FOR INNOVATIONS & IMPROVEMENTS
PLANNING: Contrary to official dogma, it is the planned and controlled segments of the economy that are most chaotic. The only competition that has been “improved” by regulation is that between the growing number of government agencies and bureaus fighting of jurisdictional authority.” – John Semmens, THE FREEMAN, 2/79. – CHAOS, COMPETITION
PLANNING: Despite lingering doubts some may have about markets in welfare, a moment’s reflection should satisfy all but the most prejudiced that no general system of centrally-planned production or rationing of consumption could conceivably approach the material achievements that capitalism has conferred wherever the discovery procedure of individual enterprise has been free to search out and serve the myriad preferences of consumers.” – Ralph Harris, in Right Turn, ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson, p.17. – And this in spite of the numerous monopolies and restrictions in our still all too mixed economies, e.g. their monetary despotism and huge taxes and other interventions with financial freedom. – JZ, 1.3.08, 21.12.13.
PLANNING: detailed central planning is impossible; don’t even try. Create the tools for users to build their own society. – Howard Rheingold, The Virtual Community, HarperPerennial, 1994, p.190. - CENTRALIZATION, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, VIRTUL COMMUNITIES, ONLINE COMMUNITIES & SYSTEMS
PLANNING: Do you mean, Alfred Marshall used to ask, Government all wise, all just, all powerful; or Government as it now is? – Quoted in Anthony Flew, The Politics of Procrustes, p.165. - GOVERNMENT
PLANNING: Economic dictators do as rarely abdicate as do political dictators or monarchs. – JZ, 31.10.83. – Even after they made numerous and great mistakes. – JZ, 1.3.08.
PLANNING: Economic planning implies the power to regulate the non-economic sectors of life.” – Edmund A. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 5/79, p.292.
PLANNING: Economic planning is nothing more than the forceful superseding of someone else’s planning by the powerful elite.” – Walter Williams, 4/90.
PLANNING: Every centrally planned economy leads to diseconomics and is ultimately a utopia.“ - “Jede zentralistische Planwirtschaft fuehrt zur Fehlwirtschaft, is zuletzt Utopie.“ – Othmar Spann, Haupttheorien der Volkswirtschaftslehre.
PLANNING: Every government plan for industry consists of a number of policies held together by a few patriotic clichés to form an unworkable blue-print which offends no one.” – A cynic, quoted by Lang Hancock: Stopping the Energy Chaos. – It is also a plan, which, to the extent that it can be applied and is applied, wrongs and harms almost everyone. – JZ, 11.4.08.
PLANNING: Every individual life should be planned – by the individual himself, as far as possible. Not by some far-away or close-by bureaucrat. – JZ, 6.4.75, 7.12.76, 21.2.08. - Every individual's life should be planned - by the individual who has to live under the plan, not by some far-away bureaucrat. - JZ, 76.
PLANNING: Every step which leads from capitalism towards planning is necessarily a step nearer to absolutism and dictatorship.” – Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, p.53. – ABSOLUTISM, DICTATORSHIP
PLANNING: experts do not agree. No plan which covers a continent with the infinite variety of America and contains thousands of parts can possibly be agreed upon by experts and certainly not by a majority of the people.” – Walter B. Wriston, THE FREEMAN, 9/75, p.565. - EXPERTS, MAJORITY
PLANNING: Following Smith, von Mises and Hayek have shown that a planned economy leads to planned chaos. – WESTERN WORLD REVIEW, Summer 73.
PLANNING: For the planning and regulation of one area of productivity invariable leads to injustices in other areas. The result: More planning and more regulation. It is like trying to wrap an octopus in tissue paper.” – Dean Smith, Conservatism, p.108. – REGULATIONS, LAWS
PLANNING: Freedom to develop and follow the own blueprints. – JZ, 21.11.92, 21.12.13. – FREEDOM, BLUEPRINTS
PLANNING: From ancient Egypt to modern North Korea, always and everywhere, economic planning and control have caused stagnation; from ancient Phoenicia to modern Vietnam, economic liberation has caused prosperity. In the 1960s, Sir John Cowperthwaite, the financial secretary of Hong Kong, refused all instruction from his LSE-schooled masters in London to plan, regulate and manage the economy of his poor and refugee-overwhelmed island. Set merchants free to do what merchants can, was his philosophy. Today Hong Kong has higher per capita income than Britain." – Hint by Gian Piero de Bellis – Facebook, 7.1.13 -'s-outlook-grim.aspx's-outlook-grim.aspx - CONTROLS, REGULATIONS, LEGISLATION INSTEAD OF LIBERATION, HONG KONG, BRITAIN
PLANNING: Gifts violate the plan.” – Lauchlan Chipman, To Each His Own, in Naomi Moldowski, in 1977 CIS Conference papers p.39.
PLANNING: Government planning is nothing more than action by parasites to control their hosts. – Anderson/Miles, Constitution, 55. – PARASITISM, BUREAUCRACY, PUBLIC SERVANTS, POLITICIANS, GOVERNMENTS
PLANNING: Governments cannot even effectively forecast and plan their own revenues and spending. Far less could they do this for all others. – They are always out with their estimates, partly intentionally and partly unintentionally. - JZ, 26.3.96.
PLANNING: Governor Thomas Dale soon discovered that ‘martial law did not grow corn” in Virginia and Governor ‘Bradford later learned the same lesson in Plymouth.” – Bertel M. Sparks, THE FREEMAN, 10/73. – UTOPIANISM, LAWS, COMMUNISM
PLANNING: grasping the citizen by the scruff of his neck, … it was naively supposed that the only way to manage the economy was by giving orders, subordinating, nationalizing, forbidding, commanding and issuing warrants, in a word, fulfilling the national economic plan by means of pliant performance …” - A. V. Chayanov, pseudonym Ivan Kremnev, 1920, The Journey of my Brother Alexei to the Land of Peasant Utopia, FREEDOM, 25.11.78. – DICTOCRACY, ABSOLUTISM
PLANNING: Have a plan and stick to it. – Quoted in “Lob des Kleinstaats”, published by Herder Buecherei. - Everyone should only have to try to stick with his own plan. No one has the right to plan and direct the lives of others - unless he has been authorized to do so by each of his voluntary victims. - JZ, 29.1.11. - PROGRAM, PERSISTENCE, SELF-DETERMINATION, SELF-RELIANCE, SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-HELP
PLANNING: Having built a 530 mile long pipeline costing $ 670 million, Peru has discovered that there is no oil in the oilfield it was built to serve.” – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 3/77. – JOKES
PLANNING: Henry Hazlitt has an analogy about two men in a room with a fly. One man holds the swatter, the other gives the orders. Central planning has its limits, even at General Motors.” – Gino Marotta, LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION, 8/11/75. – Actually, some central planning is also involved in a single human brain, for the whole human body. Thus a fly can, all too often, escape a hunt for it, at least for a while, although power and size are all on the side of the human. – For it takes a while for observation, conclusion and command to be put into action by human nerves and muscles. The fly’s reaction speed is often much faster. - JZ, 1.3.08.
PLANNING: Here we find repeated the ancient myth of planning, that it is possible to both plan the allocation of resources from the center and also to serve the subjective preference systems of the individuals who make up the society. It is doubtful if the planners are capable of designing programs and processes (even with unlimited funds at their disposal) that will in fact produce the outcomes that they, the planners, desire – to say nothing of the outcomes desired by the other members of the society.” – B. R. Rogge, in THE FREEMAN, 3/1975. – If they operated only among volunteers then their planning would be quite a different matter. It would then merely be their own free enterprise business. – JZ, 3.3.08. – The entire economy is not a single enterprise and in size far beyond the optimum size that a single enterpreneur, a management council or directorate could possibly rightfully and effectively conduct. Even efficient large enterprises would be further improved rather than worsened through good self-management schemes. Abolute monarchs, dictators or tyrants, "representatives" and their bureaucrats, legislation and institutions are never anywhere the best form of self-government or self-management. They are neither advisable in religion, philosophy, science, technology, education, psychology, military matters and least of all in economics and politics. Their own rights and liberties as individuals can never rightfully and effectively replace the genuine individual rights and liberties of all their territorial subjects and victims. All they really know, appreciate and wish to realize is their power addiction and power-mad territorial schemes, which are in ignorance of the real situation and its billions of facts. - When and where was central planning and direction ever quite rightful and effective? - JZ, 29.1.11, 21.12.13.- CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE MARKET, RESOURCE ALLOCATION, FREE PRICING, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT, SELF-INTEREST, PROFIT MOTIVE, CENTRALIZED, COERCIVE PLANNING & DIRECTION, GOVERNMENTALISM, ECONOMIC INTERVENTIONISM, MONETARY & FINANCIAL DESPOTISM, CENTRAL BANKING, MILITARY DESPOTISM, MONOPOLISM
PLANNING: How can they possibly have the gall to want to plan the course of an economy that affects the lives of billions of people?” – F. Paul Wilson, Wheels Within Wheels, p.55.
PLANNING: How What Cannot Be Known Cannot Be Planned.” – F. A. Hayek The Fatal Conceit, heading on p.85. – On this page he also says, among other things: “Even as great a figure as Bertrand Russell defined liberty as the ‘absence of obstacles to the realization of our desires’ (1940:251). At least before the obvious economic failure of Eastern European Socialism, it was widely thought by such rationalists that a centrally planned economy would deliver not only ‘social justice’ (see chapter seven below), but also a more efficient use of economic resources This notion appears eminently sensible at first glance. But it proves to overlook the facts just reviewed: that the totality of resources that one could employ in such a plan is simply not knowable to anybody, and therefore can hardly be centrally controlled.” – F. A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, p.85. – Why should anyone bother to work extra hard and long for the benefit of some central plan rather than for his own profit? – JZ, 21.12.13. - No one did or could rightly predict all computer and other technological and scientific developments, inventions and discoveries and the discovered or invented substitutes for old resources or the effects of miniaturization and automation on cost reductions and material savings, least of all politicians and bureaucrats could do so. – JZ, 18.2.08. - Inflations have been multiplied and almost perpetual since we got central planning, fiscal policies or financial despotism and also monetary despotism through central banking. As “guardians of the currency” almost all of them have been miserable failures. Not to speak of their unreliable supply of needed but monopolized exchange media. – JZ, 14.3.09. - KNOWLEDGE, IGNORANCE, UNDERSTANDING, MONETARY DESPOTISM, CENTRAL BANKING, MONEY MONOPOLY, MACRO-ECONOMICS, KEYNESIANISM, PROGRESS, DISCOVERIES, FUTURISM, RESOURCES, GOVERNMENTS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM
PLANNING: I cannot conceive how any man can have brought himself to that pitch of presumption, to consider his country as nothing but carte blanche, upon which he may scribble whatever he chooses.” – Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France, Everyman, London, 1960 edition, p.153. – If they considered as their people and their country only their own community of like-minded volunteers, under personal law, i.e. exterritorially autonomous, then such attempts would be part of the all-over very useful freedom of experimentation, whether they would fail or succeed. – JZ, 3.3.08, 21.12.13. – RULERS, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, INTERVENTIONISM, LAWS, REGULATIONS, HIERARCHIES
PLANNING: I do not know of a single example of a predominantly collectivist or centrally planned society in which the ordinary citizen has achieved a major or substantial improvement in the condition of his everyday life or a real hope for the future of himself or his children.” – Prof. Milton Friedman, 1976. - COLLECTIVISM, SOCIALISM, TERRITORIALISM, CENTRALIZATION
PLANNING: I have thought that a man of tolerable abilities may work great changes if he first forms a good plan and makes the execution of that same plan his whole study and business. –Benjamin Franklin – When it comes to public affairs, now under official monopolism and compulsion, the best plans of individual and minority groups cannot do them any good unless they achieve freedom of action or experimental freedom first, all for volunteers only and without a territorial monopoly. – JZ, 20.4.13. – PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM, FREEDOM OF ACTION, FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT UNDER EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, AFTER INDIVIDUAL & GROUP SECESSIONISM, PRIVATE PLANS, BLUEPRINTS, THOUGHTFULNESS, GENUINE PLATFORMS, PROGRAMS & BUSINESS PLANS & IDEALS, COMMITMENT TO THEM, AIMS & PURPOSES OF INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS VS. “NATIONAL AIMS” OR THOSE OF TERRITORIAL LEADERS OR MISLEADERS
PLANNING: In a form of Gresham’s Law, bad planning by government drives out good planning by private people.” – George M. Taber, TIME, 21.4.1980. – Here, too, it is coercion (legal tender), which drives the better alternative out. – JZ, 9.6.82. – GRESHAM’S LAW
PLANNING: In an economy, which is directed according to a plan, and for definite national objectives, the official must be superior to the citizen. The citizen is the conscript; in principle his life is dedicated to the State, in practice it is dedicated to the officers who issue his orders to him. – Walter Lippman, The Method of Freedom, quoted in Bachman’s Book of Freedom Quotations, p. 222. – Already the very fact that someone believes that he could better direct millions of others than they could direct themselves, under freedom – proves that he suffers delusions of grandeur, a defect of inferior minds. – JZ, 4.4.89. – The wrongs and harm that such people can do, if given territorial powers, should only earn them a place in a mental asylum. – JZ, 21.2.08. – LEADERSHIP, REPRESENTATIVES, MINISTERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, PREMIERS, CHANCELLORS, REPRESENTATIVES, POLITICIANS, LEGISLATORS
PLANNING: In contemporary politics, the argument is not for or against planning. All human activity involves planning. The question is: how is the planning to be done? By consent or compulsion?” - The Conservative (U.K.) Manifesto, 1964. – Also e.g. by whom and for whom? – Even most marriages used to be planned and arranged by the parents! - JZ, 15.3.09.
PLANNING: In none but the most simple kinds of social order is it conceivable that all activities are governed by a single mind. And certainly nobody has as yet succeeded in deliberately arranging all the activities of a complex society; there is no such a thing as a fully planned society of any degree of complexity. If anyone succeeded in organizing such a society, it would not make use of many minds but would, instead, be altogether dependent on one mind; it would certainly not be complex, but very primitive – and so would soon be those minds whose knowledge and will determines everything. The facts that enter into the design of such an order could be only those that could be perceived and digested by his mind; and as only he could decide on action and thus gain experience, there could not be that interplay of many minds in which a lone mind can grow.” – F. A. Hayek, Kinds of Order in Society, p.12/13. – KNOWLEDGE, ORDER, SOCIETY, COMPLEXITYPLANNING: In the free market each is free to follow his own plan – and will succeed or fail with it, regardless of the plans, failures and successes of other planners. – JZ, 6.6.92. - That rule is also applicable to all territorial governmental services and systems of a political, economic and social kind. - JZ, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: In the new morality, man is the prime experimental animal and is to be used, bred, and moved as the elite planners determine. (25) The growing surrender to the planners is a religious surrender: it is grounded in the popular assumption that the planners can lead man into paradise on earth. To counter this religious surrender, a religious resistance is necessary. – R. J. Rushdoony, The Myth of Overpopulation, p.38, referring to his work “The Mythology of Science”, 1967. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISM
PLANNING: In the United States, where there was a commitment by both political parties to use central economic planning in 1946, there have been six major recessions in which profits decreased by 15 percent and unemployment increased substantially: 1948-49, 1953-54, 1957-58, 1960-61, 1969-70, and 1974-75. Not only have economic fluctuations not been eliminated, then, but they have been frequent under central planning: in 40 percent of the years there have been high unemployment and restricted productivity.” - Donald J. Devine, Does Freedom Work? Caroline House Books, Green Hills Publishers, 1978, p.146. - CENTRAL PLANNING & ECONOMIC CRISES, CENTRAL BANKING, MACRO ECONOMICS, KEYNESIANISM, INFLATIONS, CREDIT RESTRICTIONS, MONETARY & FINANCIAL DESPOTISM INSTEAD OF MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM, UNEMPLOYMENT
PLANNING: It can’t be done. I state that categorically: no one person, and no group of people (short of the three million), and no matter how many computers and paraphernalia they’ve got at their disposal – they will be unable to even approximate what every individual person, no matter how poor, stupid, or mentally retarded, does best for himself. That is: decide what he wants.” – Mark Tier, in QUADRANT, 9/75. – As a simple test of the difficulties of planning and directing the actions of others: Try to tell someone how to put on a pullover and this quite exclusively by following your explicit orders i.e. without any initiative on his own. – JZ, 11.4.08. - SELF-HELP, INITIATIVE, DIRECTION, DECISION-MAKING, CONSUMER-SOVEREIGNTY, MARKET, FREE CHOICE, PRICING, FREE ENTERPRISE
PLANNING: It is a very hard undertaking to seek to please everybody.” - Publilius Syrus, Maxim 675. - So, why try, instead of merely trying to please one's customers, subscribers or fellow ideologues? - JZ, 13.10.02. - PLANS, DIRIGISM, TERRITORIALISM, CENTRALISM, MONOPOLISTIC DECISION-MAKING, COLLECTIVE DECISION-MAKING, CONTROLS, DIRECTION, REGULATION, LEGISLATION, MANAGEMENT
PLANNING: It is assumed that the agents of centralized control are capable of fitting every form of social activity into a general scheme.” – John Anderson, The Servile State, Australian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy, 1943. – SCHEMING BY POWER ADDICTS
PLANNING: it is simple to understand what planned economies are based on: on the assumption that some men think, others don’t, and that the first should rule the second, using ‘the state’ as their magical ‘coat of invisibility’.” - Moshe Kroy, in 1977 CIS Conference papers, p.55.
PLANNING: It makes no more sense to plan the total quantity of sheet metal an economy should produce than it would for a chess team captain to plan to have his team move twenty bishops by an average of three squares. The reason both of these plans are nonsensical is that they treat aggregate summaries of detailed decisions apart from the context of the decisions themselves. - Don Lavoie - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. – WRONGFUL & MISLEADING GENERALIATIONS IN IGNORANCE OF THE REQUIRED DETAILS & FACTS
PLANNING: It makes no more sense to plan the total quantity of sheet metal an economy should produce than it would for a chess team captain to plan to have his team move twenty bishops by an average of three squares. The reason both of these plans are nonsensical is that they treat aggregate summaries of detailed decisions apart from the context of the decisions themselves. - Don Lavoie - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online.
PLANNING: It was the need of the American Colonists, too. They rebelled against taxes and controls by a British King. Read the Declaration of Independence to see the dimensions of their problems when they served notice they would no longer tolerant government interference with their lives and property under a planned economy. …” - REPORT ON FREEDOM, 3/75, by Liberty Amendment Committee. – INTERFERENCE, CONTROLS, INTERVENTIONISM, LAWS, REGULATIONS,FREEDOM, NONINTERVENTION, COMPULSORY TAXATION
PLANNING: It’s not that I distrust the planners here in Washington. It’s just that I have a lot more faith in the private judgments of the American public, whether they’re acting as consumers or producers – whether they consider themselves part of labor or management – whether they are packaging, selling, or buying real estate. In other words, I’d rather see the cost of living controlled by the millions of private decisions that are made every day in the supermarkets of this nation than by some super-authority located in our nation’s Capital. The only true test of whether a product is worth its price, or a company worth its profit, is that ultimate decision that’s made at the point of sale.” – Edgar B. Speer, THE FREEMAN, 3/74. – DECISION-MAKING, CENTRALIZATION, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, CHOICE
PLANNING: Just as the democratic statesman who sets out to plan economic life will soon be confronted with the alternative of either assuming dictatorial powers or abandoning his plans, so the totalitarian dictator would soon have to choose between disregard of ordinary morals and failure. It is for this reason that the unscrupulous and uninhibited are likely to be more successful in a society tending toward totalitarianism.” – F. A. Hayek, quoted by Ben Moreell, Log I, p.147. – MORALITY, TOTALITARIANISM
PLANNING: Just imagine the consumer satisfaction that you would get if the contents of your shopping cart would be just the kinds and quantities of rations that some bureaucrat had planned for you and all others of his subjects, years in advance! – JZ, 21.2.08, 29.1.11. – CONSUMER SATISFACTION THROUGH FREE CHOICE
PLANNING: Let everybody plan his own life. – This means also: Let everybody freely dispose of his own property. – JZ, 12/72. – Let him exchange freely with anyone and let him choose for himself the kind of government, society or community that he wants to belong to, as long as it upholds no territorial monopoly claim. – JZ, 15.3.09. – PANARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES, INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, LIVING THE OWN LIFE
PLANNING: let everyone do their own planning.” – Charles Blackwell, SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 2/80.
PLANNING: Let the free market do the micro-economic rationing efficiently, and we will not need to be burdened with the ghastly inefficiency of state-wide or Federal economic planning.” – Gary North, THE FREEMAN, 2/74.
PLANNING: millions of humans are sacrificed on the altars of Planned Perfection. - V. Orval Watts, THE FREEMAN, 3/73. – And the desired perfection is never achieved, only the human sacrifices are. – JZ, 1.3.08. – HUMAN SACRIFICES, PERFECTIONISM, SOCIALIST PARADISE
PLANNING: Most military air raids are examples for extreme failures of central planning. – But good examples of how murderous and destructive it can be. - JZ, 11.4.08. – AIR RAIDS, MAD: MUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCTION “policy”.
PLANNING: My opposition to political planning in no way implies chaos or disorder. I am against political planning because it forces people to act against their own judgment. I think each person should plan his or her own life. But the politician, in your view, should plan for other people, whether they want it or not.” – Sy Leon, None of the Above, p.196.
PLANNING: My planning includes shortening all coercive planners by one head. – JZ, 5.9.75.
PLANNING: National planlessness in economic matters results in international economic co-ordination.” – Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means, p.37 & 39. – FREE TRADE
PLANNING: Next time you see your best friend, try and predict how he will spend his money, how he will apportion his time, what his preferences will be tomorrow. If you can’t do it for the people you know best, how can you do it for the people you don’t know at all? And more to the point: how can the government planners do it for you? – They can’t. And they don’t. And they don’t even try.” – Mark Tier, in QUADRANT, 9/75.
PLANNING: No central and coercive planner really knows what he is talking, writing, legislating, administrating and deciding about. - JZ, 14.4.02. - Their decisions on economic meddling and wars are prime examples. They repeat the same wrongs and mistakes over and over again, unaware of the frequently catastrophic consequences of their interferences. - JZ, 20.8.02, 29.1.11. - TERRITORIALISM, KNOWLEDGE, CENTRALIZATION, COERCION, COMPULSION, IGNORANCE, PREJUDICES, LAWS, INTERVENTIONISM
PLANNING: No centrally planned economy can help being a centrally planned chaos. – JZ, 16.4.73.
PLANNING: Not governmental social planning, but personal responsibility! The true patriot is the citizen who acts according to his own “free and unbiased judgment”. Not the dictates of government, but individual initiative!” – Rev. Witherspoon, during the War for Independence, quoted by Robert G. Bearce, in THE FREEMAN, May 77, p.304.
PLANNING: Now, I do not deny to any person the right to make any plan he chooses – whether it is a plan to fly to the moon or a plan to create a superior human being. But I do deny to the planner the right to force me, or any other person, to conform to his plan.” – Ben Moreell, Log I, p.68. – FORCE, RIGHTS, CONFORMITY
PLANNING: One kind of meal, centrally planned, prepared and distributed by bureaucrats for millions of people, will never be as satisfactory as millions of different meals are which are planned and made by millions of housewives for their families. - JZ, 75. - Even young infants know already better than parents and professional dieticians which particular food items are most suitable for them, especially when they are sick. - JZ, 5.11.02.
PLANNING: One of the characteristic features of our day is that people use many names for the same thing. (*) One synonym for (**) socialism and (**) communism is “planning”. If people speak of “planning” they mean, of course, central planning, which means one plan made by the government – one plan that prevents planning by anybody except the government.” – Ludwig von Mises, Economic Policy, p.27/28. - (*) Or one name for very different things. –JZ, 20.2.08. - (**) State. - JZ, 29.1.11. - STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, POWER, MONOPOLISM, LEGALIZED COERCION
PLANNING: Only foolish plans have to be forced on people.” - Ken Schoolland, The Adventure of Jonathan Gullible, Leap Publishing, Cape Town, with Commentaries by Ken Schoolland and Janette Eldridge, 1981 ff, 2004 ed., p.33. – If fools choose foolish plans for themselves – let them have them. They will need this experience to change their minds. – JZ, 11.3.09. – PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM & COMPETITION IN EVERY SPHERE
PLANNING: People don’t want their lives planned and regulated to be efficient as if they were parts of machines. They want to feel they’ve done well by their own efforts. They might not have everything or be everything, but they like to be able to say, ‘I did it’.” - James P. Hogan, Mirror Maze, p.393. - In reality, the central territorial planners have neither justifications, consent nor efficiency to offer for their actions. - We need and should get only our individual choices and projects voluntarily subscribed to. - JZ, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: People should not be forced into conformity with any social blueprint; their private plans should not be overridden in the interests of some national plan or social goal. Government, the public power, should never be used for private advantage; it should not be used to protect people from themselves. Well, then, what should the law do to peaceful, innocent citizens? It should let them alone! – And this is precisely what the ZPG people do not intend; they do not intend to let anyone alone!” - Edmund A. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, Oct. 77. - CONFORMISM, OBEDIENCE
PLANNING: Plan your life – not mine! – JZ, 29.7.78.
PLANNING: Plan your work and work your plan.” – Bob Cowin, 6/75. – Underlining by me. – To each his own plan and work - JZ, 1.3.08.
PLANNING: Planned economy – the economy of the Muddle Ages.” – Dr. H. G. Pearce, p.36 of his course material.
PLANNING: Planned economy: Where everything is included in the plans except economy.” – Carey McWilliams. – ECONOMY
PLANNING: Planners should only be free to plan for themselves and their voluntary victims. – JZ, 4.9.87. – PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM
PLANNING: Planning and capitalism are utterly incompatible. Within a system of planning, production is conducted according to the government’s orders, not according to the plans of capitalist entrepreneurs eager to profit by best serving the wants of consumers.” – Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, p.240. - CENTRALIZATION, CAPITALISM & COERCION, FREE ENTERPRISE, CENTRAL PLANNING
PLANNING: Planning by an established authority precludes planning on the part of the individual. – Ludwig von Mises, quoted in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, May 75.
PLANNING: Planning can advance only what can be planned for.” - John Anderson, The Servile State, Australian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy, 1943. - And even in that it is usually an expensive failure. – JZ, 1.3.08. – If undertaken by any territorial government. – JZ, 5.3.09.
PLANNING: Planning except by the Law of Supply and Demand cannot but destroy wealth. – Antony Fisher: The Case for Freedom, p.19.
PLANNING: Planning in the specific sense in which the term is used in contemporary controversy necessarily means central planning – direction of the whole economic system according to one unified plan. Competition on the other hand, means decentralized planning by many separate persons.” – F. A. Hayek, The Use Of Knowledge In Society. - CENTRALIZED & COERCIVE OR PRIVATE, DECENTRALIZED & COMPETITIVE
PLANNING: Planning is a well meaning concept which has been used to justify gross violations of individual rights, particularly property rights, and which more than any other concept is responsible for the conflict and dislocations in the economy and in society. – We have national planning of the economy, state planning of industrial development and local planning of land and buildings. In every area central planning has created more and more problems. Examples are numerous: 1) Confusion in monetary policy. 2) Frequent changes in the tax and tariff policy. 3) Chronic problems in agriculture and manufacturing. 4) Uncertainty in the mining industry. 5) Shortages and high costs in house and land development.” – Progress Party, Australia, platform.
PLANNING: Planning is possible only under a totalitarian regime.” – Carl J. Friedrich, The New Belief in the Common Man, p.216. – And even there its insuperable difficulty in achieving its intended objectives is proper, i.e. free pricing, which does not occur in a single giant State “enterprise”, combined with lack of natural and individual human inclinations and incentives under central direction and controls. – JZ, n.d. & 1.3.08, 29.1.11 – Under totalitarianism central planning delivers its worst results. – JZ, 11.4.08.
PLANNING: Planning means inaction, hold-up, delays.” - Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.171. – It also means monopolism, waste, misdirection, prohibition of competition and free exchanges, and the suppression of private and businesslike planning. – JZ, 18.2.08. - COERCIVE & CENTRALIZED PLANNING.
PLANNING: Planning means replacing chance by errors.“ – (“Planung bedeutet den Zufall durch den Irrtum zu ersetzen.“) – German management wisdom. Seen on a sticker in Freiburg/Br., 1990.
PLANNING: Planning means: let the government alone choose and enforce its rulings by the apparatus of coercion and compulsion.” – Ludwig von Mises, Planning for Freedom, p.45. - TERRITORIALISM VS. EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS
PLANNING: Planning tends to become and remain moral and rational only when it is done at the own expense and risk or that of one’s voluntary members or supporters. – Centrally planning and directing the lives, productions, exchanges and other activities of millions to hundreds of millions of people, none of whom have given their individual consent, was always a great wrong and an absurdity. - JZ, 29.10.92, 19.2.08.
PLANNING: Planning versus market chaos” should be reworded more truthfully: Centrally and coercively planned chaos vs. voluntary market order and cooperation. – Source? –- CENTRALIZATION, DICTOCRACY
PLANNING: Please remember sometimes that, this clay, this land, and this manure which you so arbitrarily dispose of, are men. They are your equals! They are intelligent and free human beings like yourselves! As you have, they too have received from God the faculty to observe, to plan ahead, to think and to judge for themselves.” – Frederic Bastiat, The Law, p.48.
PLANNING: President Brezhnev and his po-faced fellow Politburo members standing atop Lenin’s tomb observing the annual May Day march past in Red Square. As the impressive procession of missiles and weapons roll slowly past Breshnev observes in their midst truck-loads of what appear to be gentlemen in dark suits and bowler hats. Turning to his Defence Minister Brezhnev asks who they are and what they are doing there. – “Well, comrade chairman”, replies the minister, “they are from the Ministry of Economic Planning. They are the most destructive weapon we have ever produced.” – From “Bulletin”. Date? JOKES
PLANNING: Since both political and economic agreement is a virtual impossibility, these decisions have to be delegated to the planner and thus can never represent the will of the majority…” - Walter B. Wriston, THE FREEMAN, 9/75, p.565. – Far less that of all peaceful and productive people. – JZ, 1.3.08.
PLANNING: Since history began, all the people of the Old World have always lived in what is now called “a planned economy”. – When anyone says “a planned economy”, he means, a control of the human energy used in producing and distributing material goods, by an Authority consisting of a few men, and according to a plan made by those men – and enforced by the police.” – Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.22. – CENTRAL PLANNING & DIRECTION INSTEAD OF FREE & PRIVATE PLANNING & DIRECTION
PLANNING: Since the yardstick for judging our plan performance has always been the level of expenditure and not the level of the results achieved, the general pattern of the implementation of all our plan schemes everywhere has been the same.” – S. S. Bankeshwar, in THE INDIAN LIBERTARIAN. – Quoted in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, Oct. 75. - GOVERNMENT BUDGETING, ACCOUNTABILITY, SOCIALISTIC “PRICING”.
PLANNING: social planners centered upon viewing men as incompetent to make their own decisions, yet presuming at the next moment that these same men were capable of deciding the course of society by means of universal suffrage.” – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.227. – VOTING, ELECTIONS, DEMOCRACY, POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS, PUBLIC SERVANTS
PLANNING: Socialist planning versus a market economy, namely forcing the whole of society to pay for the mistakes of a few, rather than let each pay for his own mistakes.” - Naomi Moldowski, in 1977 CIS Conference.
PLANNING: Some people insist that this is a contradiction in terms that nothing could at once be planned and chaotic. Better watch that one! Suppose that I, who know very little about myself, plan the life of you about whom I know nothing and impose my plans by force, leaving you with no freedom of choice – void of free will. Now imagine this same nonsense forcibly imposed on everyone. If such a mass enslavement is not chaos, pray tell, what is! And it is ‘planned’!” – Leonard E. Read, The Love of Liberty, p.12. – CHAOS, DISORDER, SEL-DETERMINATION, SLAVERY, SERFDOM, FEUDALISM, POWER OVER PEOPLE
PLANNING: Start with the idea that society is contrary to Nature; devise contrivances to which humanity can be subjected; lose sight of the fact that humanity has its motive force within itself; consider men as base raw materials; propose to impart to them movement at will, feeling and life; set oneself up apart, immeasurably above the human race – these are the common practices of the social planners. The plans differ; the planners are all alike. …” - Bastiat, in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.147. - MANKIND, HUMANITY, MAN, HUMAN NATURE, HUMAN RACE, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, WELFARE STATE, LAWS, PARLIAMENTS, POLITICIANS, STATESMEN, PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, HUMAN RIGHTS, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, LEADERSHIP, POLITICS
PLANNING: Territorial nationalism, the centrally planned economy and collective responsibility notions have involved us in two world wars. Their remaining wrongs and evils, statism, territorialism and collective responsibility are also threatening us with a general nuclear holocaust. The rightful, reasonable or at least tolerant alternatives to it, arising from freedom for volunteers to organize themselves under full exterritorial autonomy are still not widely seen as opportunities for freedom, peace, justice, progress, tolerance, harmony and prosperity. Will there be time enough left to popularize them and to realize them? – JZ, 24.10.84, 26.3.08, 29.1.11. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, NATIONALISM, TERRITORIALISM
PLANNING: The advocate of any type of planned economy or welfare state must sooner or later, if he is even slightly honest with himself, face the unpleasant reality that he is taking away the people’s right to spend their money in the way they most prefer.” – Dennis H. Mahoney, THE FREEMAN, 4/73. – PEOPLE, PROPERTY, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PLANNING: The alternative to the free market is the rigged, planned, dictatorial, coercive, interventionist, authoritarian market, variously known as the planned economy, the welfare state, omnipotent government – the kind of arrangement into which we in the U.S.A. are rapidly drifting. As contrasted with the free market, this is definitely disruptive and antisocial; it is, by its nature, incapable of rendering justice; it is forever and of necessity forcing ever-changing satisfactions and ever changing aspirations toward a state of disharmony one with the other – shortages of this, surpluses of that, and so on; it stifles and eventually kills human kindness.” – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.43/44.
PLANNING: The American rebellion against England began in 1660, thirty-nine years after the first Pilgrim set foot on the stern and rockbound coast. And until Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown one hundred and twenty-one years later, the American rebellion was one continuous revolt against, precisely, Authority pretending to control a planned economy.” - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.165.
PLANNING: The billions of men and women who have lived and died young during all the centuries of the Old World history, have always lived in a “planned economy”. A planned economy does not waste any material thing, it wastes time, and human energy, and human life.” – Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.22. – It wastes raw materials, products and produce as well, not only in armaments and wars. – JZ, 1.3.08.
PLANNING: The central planning by the few would prevent the decentralized planning by the many. – JZ, 4.4.89.
PLANNING: The computer, the last hope of the planner.” – Source? As with index currency figures and other statistics, the general rule GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out, does still prevail. – Even the computer-using scientists do not check their premises and computer programs sufficiently. (*) – However, even they could benefit if they utilized the digital method of “argument mapping” for all their premises, assumptions and conclusions. – Otherwise, they will tend to get off the right track all too often and all too much and overlook too many facts and objections. (*) E.g. arriving at the false predictions on Global Warming, wrongfully supposed to be caused by human CO2 production. - JZ, 1.3.08, 21.12.13.
PLANNING: the control of the production (*) of wealth is the control of human life itself.” – Hilaire Belloc. - (*) and distribution - Slavemasters planned the lives of the slaves, feudal lords those of their serfs. - JZ, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: The economy is like a bucket of worms. It is turning all the time.” – Bert Kelly, SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, 23.9.73. – How could one possibly plan the turning of the worms, in the bucket or free in the earth, better than the worms do? – JZ, 1.3.08. – The bucket is not turning but the worms in it keep moving, unpredictably and uncontrollably. – JZ, 15.3.09. - The planned bucket that the worms are kept in keeps them from playing their natural role in the ecology. (*) How fertile would our agriculture be without them? - JZ, 29.1.11. – (*) Just like humans confined to national and State-run territories. – JZ, 21.12.13.
PLANNING: The essential quality of a free economy is that it cannot be planned. It leaves the solution of problems to the inspiration of the individuals in the untrammelled population. When something approaching a free economy has existed, it has always worked better than the schemes of any planners. – Thomas H. Barber,quoted by Anja Hartleb on Facebook, 12.2.12. - CENTRAL PLANNING, VS. ECONOMIC FREEDOM
PLANNING: The essential quality of a free economy is that it cannot be planned. It leaves the solution of problems to the inspiration of the individuals in the untrammeled population. When something approaching a free economy has existed, it has always worked better than the schemes of any planners.” – Thomas H. Barber,quoted by Anja Hartleb - Facebook, 12.2.12. - Non-territorial individual and group choices are also more rightful and efficient than legalized commands, systems and institutions when it comes to political and social matters. - JZ, 29.1.11. - But every sound business and enterprise needs free private planning, directions and controls. – JZ, 24.4.13. - FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE ECONOMY, FREE EXCHANGE, PRIVATE PLANNING, INDIVIDUAL INITIATIVES VS. BUREAUCRACY & LEGALIZED INTERVENTIONS & PROHIBITIONS, BUSINESS, SELF-HELP, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, INCLUDING ECONOMIC ONES, VOLUNTARISM, FREE MARKET RELATIONSHIPS, CENTRAL PLANNING, LAWS, & DIRECTION VS. FREEDOM OF CONTRACT & ASSOCIATION, INDIVIDUAL INSPIRATION & EXPERIMENTATION, REGULATIONS, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, PRICE CONTROL, MONETARY & FINANCIAL DESPOTISM, TERRITORIALISM
PLANNING: The fairy-tale need not bother about weaknesses and shortcomings. In the fairy world all is perfect and faultless. The contrast between the ideal plan and reality therefore always favours the fairy world. Or, as Professor D. F. Pegrum puts it, “the concept of a planned economy is anthropomorphic, and belongs in the same category as the paintings of angels and heaven.” - THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, June 1941.” – Gustav Stolper, This Age of Fable, p.68.
PLANNING: the free economy is better for both the individual and the group than the “planned” or the controlled economy.” – John Chamberlain, in introduction to W. F. Buckley, God & Men at Yale. - Free individual and group choices in political and economic matters, laissez faire, laissez passer, or experimental freedom for volunteers or full exterritorial autonomy for them - are also better, the only rightful and efficient solution, when it comes to political and social affairs and systems. - JZ, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: the futile attempt to centrally plan and direct the myriad decisions that make up what is called an economy.” – Robert Poole Jr., in reason, 3/82, p.6. - As well as political and social affairs, choices and systems. - JZ, 29.1.11.PLANNING: the Internet, as it moves into business, is forcing every company to speed up everything it does – from design to production to marketing. ”The word from the Silicon frontier is that you can kiss your five-year plan goodbye. Or for that matter any plan that ends in a year”, reported BUSINESS WEEK (Nov. 1, 1999). …” - Thomas Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, p.218, Harper Collins Publishers, ISBN 0 00 655139 4 - INTERNET, SPEED
PLANNING: The market is the best planner. – JZ, 24.3.74. – It lets everyone practise his own plans – at his own risk and expense. Alas, not yet when it comes to whole political, economic and social systems. – Once this is achieved, progress will advance fast, as fast as is possible for human beings, in all spheres. – JZ, 1.3.08. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, COMPETING GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES & COMMUNITIES.
PLANNING: The market’s planning is the best. – JZ, 24.3.74.
PLANNING: The more the bureaucrats and politicians plan, centrally and exclusively for all the population, the less is achieved. – JZ, 12.5.88, 22.2.08.
PLANNING: The more the state “plans”, the more difficult planning becomes for the individual. – F. A. Hayek, quoted by Asia Barberini on Facebook, 24.3.12.
PLANNING: The only alternative to having a central plan simplify and, therefore, distort reality and inevitably lead to more problems than are anticipated, is to allow individuals – by themselves or in the groups they may freely form – to plan what they wish to do. The choice is not between planning and no planning, then, but between centralized and free planning. …” - Donald J. Devine, Does Freedom Work? Caroline House Books, Green Hills Publishers, 1978, p.46. – The same might be said about centralized, collectivist and territorial governments with involuntary members and subjects and free choice among governance systems and societies and communities for volunteers, all as much under personal law and exterritorial autonomy as they want to be. – JZ, 26.9.07, 21.12.13. - TERRITORIALISM & CENTRALIZED VS. INDIVIDUALIZED PLANNING & CHOICE, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, LAISSEZ FAIRE, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL CHOICE & SECESSIONISM
PLANNING: The paradox of planning is that it cannot plan.” – Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, p.600.
PLANNING: The planned economy a herding maneuver, down the “king’s” lane. - Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.VIII.
PLANNING: The planned economy is simply a well-managed penitentiary.” – Frank Knight, quoted in GOOD GOVERNMENT, October 1972. – State penitentiaries are, as a rule, not all that well managed, either. E.g., they waste a lot of human labor and also of resources. – Territorial States are, essentially, nation- or State-wide prisons. - JZ, 1.3.08. – That analogy explains a lot of their behavior and their results. Neither these prison wardens nor their inmates do know and appreciate individual rights and liberties sufficiently. – JZ, 21.12.13.
PLANNING: The planned economy replaces the profit and wage incentive with force. – Thus, we are told that, by means of taxation and subsidies the President L. B. Johnson farm plan called for the “liquidation” of 2.4 million farmers.” - Rushdoony, Overpopulation, p.36. – Government’s “think” that they could not possibly leave such reductions to market forces, which had already reduced the farmers to a small percentage of the total population. – JZ, 3.3. 08. – PROFITS, WAGES, INCENTIVES, FORCE
PLANNING: The planners are planning for the ‘peasants’.” – Noel Dennettt, 26.5.76. – They do this with the ignorance, mentality and prejudices of the ancient feudal princes and lords. – JZ, 21.12.13.
PLANNING: The plans differ; the planners are all alike …” – Frederic Bastiat, in Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.147. – Particularly in their territorial coercion. If they planned only for their own kind of volunteers it would be quite another matter. – JZ, 3.1.08. - CENTRAL, COERCIVE PLANNING & DIRECTION VS. VOLUNTARISM, FREEDOM & RIGHTS, CENTRALIZED & MONOPOLIZED PLANNING OVER MOST IMPORTANT SPHERES
PLANNING: the power to plan, whoever has it – be he a minister, a civil servant or an elected delegate – is a power to dispossess.” – V. G. D’Estaing, Towards a New Democracy, p.113. – PROPERTY, DEMOCRACY, POWER, MINISTERS, PUBLIC SERVANTS, POLITICIANS, EXPROPRIATION, GOVERNMENT
PLANNING: The problem of the managed economy is like the problem of the waves of the sea. We have identified the forces that cause them, we apprehend the conditions which must be met for a solution of the problem, and we can even reduce it to an equation – but its solution is hopelessly beyond our capacities.” – Jacques Rueff
PLANNING: the question is not between planning or no planning; the question is where the planning will occur – at the level of supposedly ‘omniscient’ bureaucrats or at the level of the real economic actors, who have more reliable economic data with which to act?” – Howard Samson, reason, 9/72.
PLANNING: the real enemy of human freedom: the all-powerful central planners, who would use government to dominate the lives of man.” – Roche III, Bastiat, p.215. – POWER, FREEDOM, GOVERNMENT
PLANNING: The self-appointed planner (is) a totalitarian dictator.” – Carl J. Friedrich, The New Belief in the Common Man, p.213.
PLANNING: The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals, would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could safely be entrusted to no council and senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had the folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it.” – Adam Smith. – Another version runs: The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could be safely trusted, not only to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it.” - ECONOMIC POLICY, STATE SOCIALISM, MIXED ECONOMY, WELFARE STATE
PLANNING: The story of the planners is a fable not only because it moves in an unreal world. Its very assumptions are fictitious. The notion of a capitalist ‘chaos’ has nothing to do with the realities of our time. In fact, capitalism is a miracle of planning and consist of nothing but planning. …” - Gustav Stolper, This Age of Fable, p.69. – Here he meant, naturally, private planning, from the housewife’s shopping list to the budget of big corporations. – An all too real chaos, though, is introduced through centralized, monopolistic and coercive planning and the degree to which its enforcement is possible and legally enforced, e.g. in the sphere of monetary and financial despotism and Protectionism. - JZ, 1.3.08. – CAPITALISM, CHAOS, MONETARY & FINANCIAL DESPOTISM
PLANNING: The trouble with Central Planning, for example, isn’t necessarily that it’s Central, and certainly not that it’s Planning, but that the central Planners have authority (*) to decide how resources (of others! – JZ) will be used without concomitant responsibility for their use and the outcome thereof.” – Pyrrho, THE CONNECTION 120, p. 35. – (*) largely usurped! – JZ
PLANNING: The trouble with the idea of a centrally directed economy was that there was no effective way for buyers through the various levels of the system to tell suppliers what they needed. So the best the planners could deliver instead was what they thought people ought to have. And that tended not to work too well. It has been ruining economies around the world for half a century. The only thing that such systems did provide an effective control over – was people.” (*) – James P. Hogan, Mirror Maze, p.64. – Even individual purchases, by proxy, do often not work very well, as frequent life experience has shown, even when parents buy presents for children or spouses buy something for each other. – JZ, 27.5.91. - The same applies to territorially ruled political and social affairs. - Planning is as misleading a term as are e.g. Protectionism, Social Security and Welfare State, Security and Defence through territorial Warfare States and their Nuclear “Deterrent”, and sound and honest currencies through the forced and exclusive currencies of Central Banking, Taxation instead of Tribute Levies, Government Securities rather than government "insecurities". - JZ, 29.1.11. – (*) Even under the threat of death penalties, forced labor or being sent to an insane asylum, a large degree of black market activities continued to exist. – JZ, 21.12.13.
PLANNING: The true goal of the political planners is – complete control over the people.” – Dr. Dorrity. – POLITICIANS, PEOPLE, CONTROL, POWER
PLANNING: The truth is that the choice is not between a dead mechanism and a rigid automation on the one hand and conscious planning on the other hand. The alternative is not plan or no plan. The question is: whose planning? Should each member of society plan for himself or should the paternal government alone plan for all? The issue is not automation versus conscious action; it is spontaneous action of each individual versus the exclusive action of the government. It is freedom versus government omnipotence.” – Ludwig von Mises, Planning for Freedom, p.45. - Alas, he did not deal with the free enterprise, consumer sovereignty, free market and free trade, freedom of association and freedom of contract and experimental freedom of communities and societies of volunteers only, which are exterritorially quite autonomous. He confined his proposals to "limited" but still territorial governments and to territorial secessionists. He did not even state all genuine individual economic rights and liberties but only those, which he clearly saw. His praxeology was also opposed to thinking and acting in terms of natural or human rights. However, this does not diminish the many great contributions he did make. - JZ, 29.1.11, 21.12.13.
PLANNING: The U.S. Department of Defense is the third largest planned economy in the world – led only by the (former) Soviet Union and China.” - William Niskanan, Cato Institute, ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. - CENTRAL PLANNING & STATE SOCIALISM, DEFENCE
PLANNING: The unplanned and uncontrolled market is something of a misnomer. Actually, the market is a reflection of the continuous give and take of numerous participants, each of which is making its own plans and exercising its own controls. This very multiplicity of plans provides the flexibility that regulation lacks. And this is why unregulated markets (*) consistently exhibit superior performance in meeting the needs and wants of consumers.” – John Semmens, THE FREEMAN, 2/78. - (*) In every sphere, not only in economics, to the extent that they are allowed to operate, rather than remain territorially suppressed. - JZ, 29.1.11. - MARKETS, CONSUMERS, NEEDS & WANTS
PLANNING: The whole idea that we can replace the market by central planning is based on an intellectual error – an intellectual error, which I am afraid is very widespread, and which is shared as much by businessmen as by intellectuals. It is rare to find an exception. But I have just come across a recent public statement by a military commander of all people, and which pleases me enormously: ‘planning is the replacement of accident by error’. (*) But he was a Swiss officer, and they appear to be rather different from servants of government elsewhere.” – F.A. Hayek, Knowledge, Evolution and Society, 1983, p.54. – (*) In stead of “of accident by error”, I would rather say: of self-responsible actions of a multitude through the ignorance, errors, prejudices and irresponsible actions of a few power addicts. – JZ, 21.12.13.
PLANNING: Then, too, people are told that their being subjected to the restrictions of economic planning has been to provide for greater economic stability, increased productivity, and higher standards of living. What feelings of frustration must follow from the fact that such programs have no only failed to prevent, but may well have caused such phenomena as recession, inflation, higher unemployment, scarcity of some goods and services and surpluses of others, balance of payment deficits, and devaluation of the dollar, with proposed “cures” consisting of even tighter economic controls that further restrict and limit the choice people may make, thus interfering with their opportunities to control their own lives and maximize their own well-being. (38) One writer has suggested that this process not only leads to violence, but is violence.” – Butler D. Shaffer, Violence as a Product of Imposed Order. - (38) Murray N. Rothbard, America’s Great Depression, 1963.
PLANNING: There are many people who believe that government planning is necessary because of the complexity of out modern society. They argue that only government can handle the task of coordinating the activities of millions of people in a highly technological environment. – What is overlooked in this argument is that a free market society is not without planning. In a free society individuals plan according to their own willingness and ability to achieve their goals, …” - World Research, The Role of Government, p.3/4. – COMPLEXITY, COORDINATION, FREE MARKET, PRIVATE PLANNING & FREE ACTIONS, USUALLY PAYING THEIR WAY & INCREASING WEALTH & STANDARD OF LIVING
PLANNING: There is no case of government planning not implemented in the end by coercion.” – Walter B. Wriston, THE FREEMAN, 9/75, p.563. – COERCION
PLANNING: There is no one who is competent to make provision for all departments and aspects of social life.” – John Anderson, The Servile State, Australian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy, 1943. – LEADERSHIP, COMMAND ECONOMY, CENTRALIZATION, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY
PLANNING: There is no question that there are shoddy practices in every profession and that market economies produce goods that are often undesirable to some individuals or poorly made. However, the beauty of the free market system is that if the consumer does not want to purchase such products, he has alternatives, and the businesses that produce them will either shift to accommodate consumer desires or they will fail. The fact is that the alternative to free markets, planning by government bureaucracies, also results in the production of shoddy and expensive products (the postal service and automobile modifications, for example). The crucial difference, however, is that the plans pursued by bureaucracies are not subject to the forces of market competition, and therefore there is no way to test their relative efficiency or acceptability.” – D. R. Francis, in THE FREEMAN, October 1975. – At least not until we are as free to shop around for “government systems” or “societal systems” or “public services” as we are now, largely, free to shop around for ordinary consumer goods and services. – JZ, 1.3.08. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY & FREE ENTERPRISE IN EVERY SPHERE
PLANNING: There is one fundamental reason for the inevitable inefficiency of centrally planned economies. They utilize only that small fraction of knowledge of society possessed by the planners. Few others are able to participate in decisions …” - Viv Forbes, FREE MARKET, No.7, 1980, p.18. – Like absolute monarchs they cannot sufficiently know everything and decide properly about everything. Rightfully and rationally running only the own life is already a difficult enough job. – So many decisions are to be made on so many subjects, that many suffer from decidophobia. Agreement has not even been reached on the most healthy kinds of food and the best cures for diseases, far less on the best forms of society, economic, social and political systems. – JZ, 21.12.13.
PLANNING: There is, furthermore, the spurious antithesis “plan or no plan”. Only totalitarian government planning that reduces the citizens to mere pawns in the designs of bureaucracy is called planning. The plans of the individual citizens are simply “no plans”. What semantics! – Ludwig von Mises, Planning for Freedom, p.168.
PLANNING: There must be many scattered individuals who see red when they meet with the word “planning”, which has become little more than a catchword in applying some new form of imbecile interference with the workings of economic principles which are, after all, in the last resort based on human nature.” – E. S. P. Haynes, The Lawyer, 1936, p.314.
PLANNING: There were still social planners on Earth who were unable to think of people in any terms except “groups” and “masses”. – Joseph Green, The Decision Maker, GALAXY, April 65, p.126.
PLANNING: These schools have been led to exclude freedom from their social planning. “Allow us to organize you”, they tell men, “do not take any active part yourselves; do not compare, judge, decide anything by yourselves or for yourselves; we hold laissez-faire in abomination, but we demand that you let yourselves remain passive and that you let us act. …” – Bastiat, in Economic Harmonies, chapter Responsibility. - CENTRALIZED & COERCIVE
PLANNING: This island is almost made of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of both in Great Britain at the same time.” – Aneurin Bevan, Quoted in Vincent Broome, Aneurin Bevan. – Compare the article in THE FREEMAN, called: “Water Shortage on the Hudson”. – CONTROLS, SHORTAGES, BUREAUCRACY, JOKES
PLANNING: Three centuries after Christ was executed, the Roman World Peace was dissolved in the human misery its “planned” economy created, and the Christian Church was an increasing power whose leaders believed that it controlled even the thoughts of men.” - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.81.
PLANNING: To J. Howard Pew, every wanton restraint to individual liberty, whether practised by a dictator or a popular government, was a degree of tyranny. He opposed every form of government intervention with the creative activities of man. With heavy heart he watched the growth of government in Washington and saw its bureaucracy encroach upon the traditional freedoms of Americans. To him central planning and control meant the denial of individual freedom to plan and control. Therefore, in countless speeches, he pleaded the case for individual freedom and the private property order, which to him was “the great American Heritage.” – Mary Sennholz, Faith in Freedom, reviewed in THE FREEMAN, 3/76, by Mack B. Spangler. – Underlined by me: JZ
PLANNING: We (i.e., the British people) are fighting against Hitler and Totalitarianism. Hitler is the arch-planner of history and totalitarian states are planned states. What are we fighting for, if not to avoid planning? How then can we consistently and without hypocrisy advocate an extension of planning in our own country?” – A speaker in the House of Commons, quoted by R. W. Jepson: Clear Thinking, p.89. - On all sides in WW II territorial centralism was predominant, although to different degrees. All these States had all too much in common. That is why it took so long and was so costly to subdue the Hitler regime. – I know of no quite shiny example among them. – All of them failed to proclaim only quite rightful war and peace aims. All of them used wrongful warfare methods, and also wrongful internal policies, although also to different degrees. - JZ, 3.3.08.
PLANNING: We are apparently determined to run the world on a plan which eliminates everything to which anybody objects, although it is not quite clear what the rest of us will be doing when the plan is complete.” - Sir Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.202. – PROTECTIONISM, PUBLIC HEARINGS, INTERVENTIONISM, WELFARE STATE, STATISM, GOVERNMENT, PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY, ECONOMIC POLICIES, TERRITORIALISM VS. FREE CHOICE & SELF-RESPONSIBILITY IN EVERY SPHERE
PLANNING: We are not against planning. The real question is not planning or no planning but who should do the planning, and what sort of planning is most effective. Should a group of bureaucrats enforce their central plan, or is there a more moral and more efficient system? - We believe the only moral system of planning is that done by individuals and organizations who use their own resources to make their own plans within a framework of stable laws which ensure justice and protection of the rights of all individuals. (*) This system also utilizes all the knowledge available to every member of the society, whereas any central plan is based solely on that small fraction of the total knowledge available to the bureaucrat. - On the grounds of both morality and efficiency, central planning is a failure.” (**) – Progress Party, Australia, Platform - (*) Still under the delusion that any territorial government could or would provide that framework. – It is no more than a wet dream! - (**) Among panarchies of statists, in their statist panarchy or utopia, their planners would get their best chance, since they would be operating only among volunteers. They are very likely to fail, nevertheless, which would constitute an even more convincing demonstration of the flaws in their ideals and their practices. – Central plans and central planners only for the adherents to central planning and as long as they are, individually, prepared to put up with them. – Only few would do so for many years. – Territorial central planning for whole populations is fundamentally wrong. Only planning among volunteers can be right – for them, and by its nature it would occur only in a very decentralized way and thus it could do the least damage, if the planning is flawed. But each community of volunteers has the right to make its own mistakes and then to learn, as much as it can or wants to, from its experience. - JZ, 3.3.08. – PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM
PLANNING: We believe the only moral system of planning is the diversified planning done by individuals and voluntary organizations (*), who are free to make their own plans with their own resources. This system is also the most efficient. It uses all the knowledge available to every member of society. (**) Any central plan is based solely on that small fraction of the total knowledge available to the bureaucrat.” – V. R. Forbes, talk: The Resource Crisis, 4.4.77. - (*) Including exterritorially autonomous communities, societies and government of volunteers only! - (**) That is not the case in large and hierarchically organized corporations. They do not even fully utilize the knowledge of their own employees, sufficiently, in most cases. - JZ, 3.3.08. – Much libertarian and much anarchist knowledge remains also neglected by the market for consumer goods and services. Even important technical innovations remain underutilized in some important spheres, e.g., for the cheap reproduction of all anarchist and libertarian texts and new kinds of anarchist and libertarian reference works. – JZ, 11.4.08. – KNOWLEDGE, IDEAS ARCHIVE, LIBERTARIAN PUBLISHING
PLANNING: We make plans so that we may have plans to discard.” (*) – Confucius. – All too often seemingly “new” insights are really ancient ones. – JZ, 1.3.08. (*) And to have the chance to finally discover and realize those plans which do work for us and our aims. – JZ, 21.12.13. – FAILURES & SUCCESS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM
PLANNING: We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason than that only freedom can make security secure.” - Karl Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies. – But who has so far shown sufficient interest for libertarian revolutions, liberating and revolutionary warfare, liberating military insurrections against dictatorships and for quite rightful peace and war aims and quite rightful government in exile, quite rightful citizen forces, national guards or militias? – JZ, 26.12.07. Or for an ideal declaration of all genuine individual rights and liberties? A complete freedom library, bibliography, abstracts and review collection, directory and an ever-growing libertarian digital encyclopedia in English? – Also one of false and correct definitions, one of the best refutations of popular errors, myths and prejudices? - JZ, 29.1.11, 21.12.12. - PLANNING FOR FREEDOM & SECURITY, LIBERTARIANS, LIBERATION, MILITIA, NEW DRAFT
PLANNING: Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.” - Thomas Jefferson, "Autobiography," The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, ed. Paul L. Ford, vol. I, p.113 (1892). – Also in Papers, vol. i. p. 66. - Quoted e.g. in McBride, A New Dawn, p. 36. - GOVERNMENT, INTERVENTIONISM, CONTROLS, LAWS, CENTRALIZATION
PLANNING: What an absurd notion to think that things will get better when plans are laid and paid for out of taxes, by bureaucrats, instead of by those who earned the money and who would reap the benefit or suffer the disadvantages. – JZ, 73 & 3.3.08. - BUREAUCRACY & TAXATION, PROFIT & LOSS, SUCCESS & FAILURE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES VS. COMMAND ECONOMIES & TERRITORIALISM
PLANNING: what grand official would “prioritize” Henry Ford’s mass-production scheme into existence? Importantly, if government planners had intervened to impose a solution based upon their limited knowledge, these incredible advances would have dropped into the file entitled “Might-Have-Beens”. – Thomas W. Hazlett, in THE FREEMAN, Nov. 77, p.679.
PLANNING: What is politically defined as economic “planning” is the forcible superseding of other people’s plans by government officials.” – Thomas Sowell, 1981.
PLANNING: What most socialists will not face up to, however, is that these countries, the U.S.S.R. and Red China, are inevitable end results of any (*) socialist experiments. Under such a centrally planned system, the planning itself generates economic and social problems that require in turn more planning, which in turn generates more problems. The continuous and inevitable trend – as we see here in Australia, and overseas in the U.S.A., Great Britain and India, is for more and more and more controls, regulations, and State expansion. It is a system that feeds of itself, and, in the long run, the logical consequences of it can only be avoided by a reversion to its opposite – a free society. – Within such a free society, the other variety of socialism, voluntary socialism, can function – or at least be tried.” – John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip van Australia, p.234. - (*) State socialist! - JZ, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: What planner would permit a system that didn’t need any planners?” – James P. Hogan, Mirror Maze, p.328. - Or that had planners only through individual free choices? – JZ, 20.2.08. –– Planning within a panarchist framework would permit tolerant planners to do their own thing to and for themselves and their voluntary followers or victims. By rights they can't ask for any more and should not be permitted any more. - JZ, 27.5.91, 13.1.93. - Planning stands here short for centralized planning of the affairs of others and the enforcement of these plans. It has nothing to do with free people engaging in their own planning for their own enterprises or with their customers e.g. planning their own spending. - JZ, 10.12.03. - Or with free societies or communities of volunteers only doing their own things for or to themselves under personal law and full exterritorial autonomy, in peaceful coexistence with other such societies, because of their very nature. - JZ, 29.1.11, 21.12.13. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, TOLERANCE
PLANNING: What the planned economies did, of course, was to prevent the development - of civilization. …” - Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.38. – The rapid, rightful and rational development of real civilization. – E.g. forced labor camps led us back into the worst stages of serfdom and slavery. – JZ, 11.4.08. – We have once again concentration camps, this time for asylum-seekers and migrants declared to be illegal immigrants. – No territorial State has as yet recognized e.g. free migration as an individual human right and liberty. Too many other omissions are in their bills of rights, while too many wrongful claims are included. – JZ, 21.12.13.
PLANNING: When government confines change and choices to the whims of a few planners or for the benefit of certain groups as is the case in all political activity these days, progress diminishes, energy recedes and discovery is denied.” – Joan Marie Leonard, THE FREEMAN, 3/77.
PLANNING: While mere verbally, planning implies rightful, rational and informed planning, when practised by territorial governments it means wrongful, coercive, irrational and prejudiced planning, in great ignorance of all too many facts and rightful options and under numerous popular errors and prejudices. - I just bought another copy of the classical book of John Jewkes, The New Ordeal by Planning, The Experience of the Forties and the Sixties, MCMILLAN & St. Martin's Press, London etc., N.Y., indexed, 240pp. and this for only 10 cents. In other words, all its lessons are already largely forgotten again - by our victimizers and most of their victims. - JZ, 29.1.11.
PLANNING: While the last resort of a competitive economy is the bailiff, the ultimate sanction of a planned economy is the hangman." - Wilhelm Roepke, quoted by Benjamin Richards. –
PLANNING: WHO does the planning, and by what authority?” – Prof. Carl J. Friedrich, The New Belief in the Common Man, p.213. – Ibid: “In short, all these planners for the industrial society failed to face squarely the all-important question: who does the planning, and by what authority?”
PLANNING: Who would imagine that bureaucrats could plan his own affairs better than he could and would, if he were already free to do so? – JZ, 13.6.13. - But on all other people he does, quite wrongly, assume that he could plan better for them than they could. – Q.
PLANNING: Whoever attempts with his followers to realize an economic plan, which he considers to be good, may not be forced, not even by the State, to submit to another plan. – JZ, free after Ulrich von Beckerath, in many remarks. – Whosoever attempts with his followers to realize an economic or other plan, which he considers to be good, may not be forced, not even by the State, to submit to any other plan nor may he force anyone to submit to his. - JZ & U. v. Bth., On Tolerance. Revised: 29.1.11. - PRIVATE & VOLUNTARY OR RIGHTFUL & FREE PLANNING VS. CENTRAL PLANNING, TOLERANCE, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF CHOICE, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-PRESPONSIBILITY, SELF-DETERMINATION, SECESSIONISM
PLANNING: Will the individual produce more abundantly when he is allowed to enjoy the fruits of his own labors, or when he is called upon to produce according to a government-prescribed plan?” – Charles Heath, The Golden Egg, p.59. - QUESTIONS
PLANNING: Wise persons know that nothing ever goes absolutely “according to plan”, for every plan is a bushel basket of assumptions, deductions, and predictions. The elder von Moltke summed it up this way: “No plan can survive contact with the battle.” (Contact with the enemy? – JZ) He also said, before the Austro-Prussian War, “Gentlemen, remember that any instructions which can be misunderstood, will be misunderstood.” (*) – Henry M. Boettinger, Moving Mountains, p.277. - (*) Compare the later formulation of Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” – At least sooner or later and sometimes, for some people, under some conditions. – JZ, 23.3.08.
PLANNING: Yes, there would be production, under government – but who can manage a business best, the man who built the business from the ground up and knows its every detail of production (*), or the employees of government who have produced nothing and come in like savages tearing down a complex piece of machinery, demanding only that they control it? And who has the right to run it but the man whose vision and courage and risk-taking gave it birth and made it develop?” - John Hospers, reason, 9/72. - (*) Even that knowledge does not always exist in every single man, as a manager of a large wire plant once found out, when he enquired how many different kinds of cables his form actually did produce. The reply was: About 200 000! – JZ, 1.3.08. - BUSINESS, CONTROL, MANAGEMENT, DIVERSITY OF PRODUCTS EVEN OF A SINGLE FIRM
PLANNING: You can’t make the world all planned and soft,” … Richard Hofstadler, Social Darwinism in American Thought, p.50, ascribing this view to the absorption of Herbert Spencer’s thought in American thought. – FEATHERBEDDING, MOLLYCODDLING, SECURITY, SAFETY, WELFARE STATE
PLANNING: You can’t satisfy hunger by drawing a cake.” – Chinese Proverb. – Not even if you let them be drawn up for five years in advance by a central committee. – JZ, .1.3.08. – The do all assume something close to omniscience and omnipotence in mere human politicians and bureaucrats, few of them have ever been successful in conducting any business. – JZ, 21.12.13. - FIVE YEAR PLANSPLATFORMS: Platforms are merely to get in on, not to ride on.” - American proverb, quoted by Lewis Jerome JOHNSON, 1915. - POLITICIANS, PROMISES, ELECTION CAMPAIGNS, PLATFORMS, PARTIES
PLAUSIBLE ABSURDITIES: Whoever defends what is false has good cause to act politely and to appear as a gentleman. But whoever has right on his side must uphold it forcefully for a polite right counts for nothing. – Therefore one says quite rightly: Whoever wants to deceive man has first of all to make the absurd plausible.” - Goethe, “Sprueche in Prosa”, in JZ tr. of: “Wer das Falsche verteidigen will, hat alle Ursache leise aufzutreten und sich zu einer feinen Lebensart zu bekennen. Wer das Recht auf seiner Seite fuehlt, muss derb auftreten; ein hoefliches Recht will gar nichts heissen. – Deswegen sagte man ganz richtig: „Wer die Menschen betruegen will, muss vor allen Dingen das Absurde plausible machen.“ - There is much truth in this statement but not the full truth. Demagogues, fanatics and other loudmouths are not always polite and gentlemen and, sometimes, a quiet but factual representation of a truth, or a sensible question, is more effective than shouting and pounding on a desk. – JZ, 15.9.08. - FALSEHOODS, LIES, CONFIDENCE TRICKSTERS, POLITICIANS, LEADERSHIP
PLAY IT YOUR WAY: Every man has to play it the way he sees it. – From a film on “Bomber Command”, seen 9.1.77. – Most militarily planned air raids are examples for extreme failures of central planning. – But good examples of how murderous and destructive it can be. - JZ, 11.4.08. – PLANNING, FREEDOM OF ACTION, MAN, CHOICE, INITIATIVE, SELF-RELIANCE, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, INDEPENDENCE
PLAY-POWER RATHER THAN POLITICAL POWER: Governments to have play-power or game power or performance power only, no more than that, i.e. power only over the volunteer activists and spectators (customers and their business providers) and this, too, only during their performance or individually contracted periods. - JZ, 11.8.91, 13.1.93, 10.12.03. - PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, DOING THE OWN THING
PLAYING GOD: In a reasonable society no man tries to play God for other men. – Ben Moreell, Log I, p. 128. – REASON, SOCIETY, DIVERSITY, CHOICE, RIGHTS, CENTRAL PLANNING & DIRECTION, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM
PLAYING GOD: Playing God with other people’s money is all the more offensive when the money is provided by the beneficiaries.” – Arthur Seldon, in 1985, p. 42/43. – Or the victims. – JZ, 2.3.08. - AUTHORITARIANISM, STATISM, WELFARE STATE, PATERNALISM, GOVERNMENTALISM, BUDGET, GOVERNMENT SPENDING
PLAYING GOD: Teachers, doctors, council housing managers, national insurance officials have played God too long to parents, patients, supplicant tenants and national insurance claimants, without seeming to understand that they are dealing with the paymasters. They should not expect to go on for much longer. The Danish Mogens Glistrup may be a figure of fun to British conservatives (in all parties), but a British Glilstrup would make British politicians (in all parties) rue their conservatism.” – Arthur Seldon, in 1985, p.43.
PLEASE YOURSELF:PLEASE YOURSELF, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR PARTNERS & YOUR CUSTOMERS, OR MEMBERS, YOUR NICHE MARKET, A-TERRITORIALLY & AUTONOMOUSLY, rather than merely the territorial power addicts of any party, parliament, government, court system, bureaucracy or blocks of voters. – JZ, 29.12.04.
PLEASE YOURSELF: The laws of God, the laws of man, // He may keep that will and can; // Not I: let God and man decree // Laws for themselves and not for me; // And if my ways are not as theirs // Let them mind their own affairs. // Their deeds I judge and much condemn, // Yet when did I make laws for them? // Please yourselves, say I, and they // Need only look the other way.” - A.E. Housman, Last Poems, XII. – PERSONAL LAW, SELF-OWNERSHIP, INDIVIDUCAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM UNDER PERSONAL LAW
PLEASING ALL? It is in vain to hope to please all alike. Let a man stand with his face in what direction he will, he must necessarily turn his back on one half of the world.” - George Dennison Prentice – OR FREE CHOICE FOR ALL? DIVERSITY, TOLERANCE, PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM
PLEASING EVERYBODY: You try to please everyone when it can’t be done. – Bryce Courtenay, Tommo & Hawk, Viking edition, 1997, 508. – It is also proverbial wisdom. - While no one can please everybody else, everyone can please himself, to the limits of his knowledge and capacity as well as his rights and liberties do to so, without infringing the rights and liberties of others. Under panarchism or polyarchism, personal law or full exterritorial autonomy for volunteers, all could come to do this for themselves and this among their kind of people. Thus, in balance, the greatest pleasure or satisfaction for all can be achieved, however different their aims and means are for this purpose, as long as they leave others alone to make their own and different choices for themselves. – JZ, n.d. & 21.12.13. - HAPPINESS, PANARCHISM, FREE CHOICE, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION & CONTRACT
PLEASING EVERYBODY? I can not give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure – which is: Try to please everybody.” – H. B. Swope, 1882-1958. – A. Andrews Quotations, p.368. – Be tolerant instead! At least to all tolerant people. That could please almost everybody. – JZ, 21.5.78. – TERRITORIALISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY & CHOICE, SECESSIONISM, TOLERANCE, SUCCESS, FAILURE, COMPROMISES
PLEASING OTHERS: The art of pleasing consists in being pleasing.” – William Hazlitt. – Listen, when somebody has something to say. Praise when praise is due. Criticize only constructively, if possible. At least be polite and considerate. Rudeness makes enemies rather than friends. One knows the wisdom of all such advice – but does one always act upon it or rather react merely emotionally and all too uncontrolled? – JZ, 1.1.77, 3.3.08. - LISTENING, PRAISING, APPRECIATING, POLITENESS
PLEASURE: From a biological viewpoint, pleasure is a means not an end – for a species that thinks otherwise, it may be the end!” – Thomas Wylde, “Get Happy”, GALAXY, 9/77. – HAPPINESS, MEANS, ENDS, UTILITARIANISM
PLEASURE: Men seldom give pleasure when they are not pleased with themselves.” – Samuel Johnson, The Rambler, 1750-52, p.74. – Politicians can hardly be pleased with their job performances, apart from the salaries, fringe benefits and pensions they receive – and illegal takes. No wonder, then, that they distribute so much unpleasantness. – John Menzies, former Australian Liberal Prime Minister, said once: I can understand a man letting himself be bribed but not when he is bribed with his own money. – Naturally, the modern Liberals engaged in this kind of bribery of the voters just as much as the Labor Party politicians did. Sometimes even more so. The present Labor Party has appointed a minister for deregulation! – JZ, 1.4.08. - HAPPINESS, POLITICIANS
PLEASURE: No pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage-ground of truth.” - Francis Bacon, Essays, Of Truth. - It is not very pleasant to remain for years to decades almost the only one who subscribes to a truth, in spite of one's greatest efforts to spread it. - JZ, 13.10.02. - Isn't it high time to finally archive all these sources for possible pleasures and improvements? - JZ, 26.11.02. - TRUTH, FACT, DISCOVERY, INNOVATION, INVENTION, CREATIVITY, IDEAS ARCHIVE
PLEASURE: Permitted is what pleases.” – Spartianus, Antonius Curacalla, ca. 10 A.D. (“Si libet, licet.”) – As long as it is done at the own risk and expense, among like-minded volunteers. – JZ – UTILITARIANISM, PERMISSIVENESS, TOLERANCE FOR TOLERANT ACTIONS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM & FREE COMPETITION IN EVERY SPHERE
PLEASURE: Please yourself! But don’t restrict me! – JZ, 16.5.73.
PLEASURE: Pleasure deprives a man of his faculties quite as much as pain. – Plato.
PLEASURE: The greatest and noblest pleasure which men can have in this world is to discover new truths; and the next is to shake off old prejudices.” - Frederick The Great. - TRUTH, FACT, DISCOVERY, INNOVATION, INVENTION, CREATIVITY, PREJUDICES
PLEASURE: The greatest pleasure in life consists in doing that of which the people say that you can’t do it.” – Bagehot – Only my retranslation from the German version: “Der groesste Genuss im Leben ist, das zu tun, von dem die Leute sagen, dass du es nicht tun kannst.” - PIONEERING, PRIDE, ACHIEVEMENT, DOING THE “IMPOSSIBLE”, INNOVATORS, DISCOVERERS, INVENTORS, SOCIAL REFORMERS, ABILITY, SUCCESS, CHANGE
PLEASURE: Throw moderation to the winds, and the greatest pleasures bring the greatest pains.” – Democritus – Does that also apply e.g. to the pleasures of creativity, of discoveries, of thinking, of reading and listening? – JZ, 23.1.08, 8.3.09. - & MODERATIONPLEASURE: To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations—such is a pleasure beyond compare.” - Yoshida Kenko, Tsurezure-Gusa, Essays in Idleness, READING, BOOKS, LEARNING, STUDY
PLOWSHARE PROJECTS: Nuclear weapons cannot be turned into harmless "plowshares". The excavation projects for which they are to be used do largely ignore the fall-out danger. There is also the danger that anyone possessing such explosives might use them for political or ordinary criminal blackmail or genocide attempts, Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. - See: ATOMIC ENERGY, DISARMAMENT, PEACEFUL USE, POWER, RADIATION HAZARD. - JZ, An ABC Against Nuclear War, in PEACE PLANS Nos. 16 & 17, on
PLUNDER: Both the tariff and the progressive income tax are resorts to the political means. Each is a plunder-bund. The plunder-bund is merely another term for communalization by force, or legal thievery. It is simply the political device by which citizens pool their votes to extort the fruits of the labor of others for the purpose of satisfying the desires of themselves, their group, their community, or their industry. Rent control, parity and support prices of farmers, free education, compulsory social “security”, TVA, public housing, wages by fiat, socialized health insurance, subsidies of all sorts, are but a few in the growing list of plunder-bunds – life by violence.” – Leonard E. Read, Instead of Violence, p.17/18.
PLUNDER: But how is legal plunder to be identified: Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons, to whom it does not belong.” – Bastiat, The Law.
PLUNDER: But if it is proper to plunder from the producer, then it must, a fortiori, be proper to plunder from one who has himself plundered. It must then follow that only might can make right – one may take from another when one has the might, and one may keep only what one has the might to defend.” – “The Incredible Bread Machine”, p.141.
PLUNDER: Cities and states apply political pressure for federal aid to local projects. “Others are doing it”, they claim. An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth! The whole economy is rife with efforts, not to remove economic plunder, but to extend it further.” – Leonard E. Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p. 78. – TAXATION, GOVERNMENT SPENDING, HAND-OUTS, WELFARE STATE, SUBSIDIES
PLUNDER: if production is necessary to life, and you own your life, then what you produce must belong to you, or there is no meaningful right to your own life. As Bayes points out, “a corollary of the right to produce is the right to keep that which one has created. If one may keep this product, it follows that one may consume it, exchange it for goods or services offered by someone else, sell it, or give it away. He may do all these things because the right of the producer is anterior to that of any other person or group. [Emphasis added] To assert that he does not have a primary right is, in effect, to deny him any right whatever. It is to say that he holds his property by sufferance of anyone (including a government) who is stronger than he, and that it is proper to plunder.” – The Incredible Breadmachine, p.140/41.
PLUNDER: Legal plunder can be committed in an infinite number of ways. Thus we have an infinite number of plans for organizing it: tariffs, subsidies, progressive taxation, government schools, guaranteed jobs, guaranteed profits, minimum wages, a right to relief, a right to the tools of labor, free credit, and so on and so on. All these plans together – with their common aim of legal plunder – constitute (*) socialism.” – Bastiat, in Dean Russell, Bastiat, p.8. – State socialism! – There are over 600 definitions of "socialism"! - Not all of them are statist or trade union ones. - JZ, 29.1.11.
PLUNDER: legal plunder is partially based on philanthropy, even though it is a false philanthropy. Now let us examine the origin and the tendency of this popular aspiration that claims to advance the general welfare by general plunder.” - Bastiat, in Dean Russell: Bastiat, p.10. – PUBLIC INTEREST, WELFARE STATE, COMMON GOOD, TAXATION
PLUNDER: Limited legal plunder: This system prevailed when the right to vote was restricted. Some would turn back to this system to prevent the invasion of socialism. (State socialism! – JZ) Universal legal plunder: We have been threatened with this system since the franchise was made universal. The newly enfranchised majority have decided to formulate law on the same principle of legal plunder that was used by their predecessors when the vote was restricted. No legal plunder: This is the principle of justice, peace, order, stability, harmony, and logic. Until the day of my death I shall proclaim this principle with all my strength.” - Bastiat, in Dean Russell: Bastiat, p.8. – JUSTICE, PEACE, ORDER, STABILITY, HARMONY
PLUNDER: notwithstanding the enormously increased productivity since earlier times … None of the moderns seem to have the wit to understand that plundering the other fellow isn’t economical any more. But one of these days some genius may stumble on the idea, if we aren’t blown to bits beforehand.” – Laurance Labadie, Selected Essays, p.53.
PLUNDER: People have to learn, through hard experience, the enormous disadvantage there is in plundering one another.” – Bastiat, quoted in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.131. – According to Ulrich von Beckerath, 1882-1969, it happened even in relatively recent times during earthquakes in Italy that the people of villages around the earthquake zone rushed in - not in order to help the victims but in order to plunder! At least in this respect most people in our times react much more morally and civilized. But we should not forget, either, the plunder that still occurs during riots. – JZ, 11.4.08. - WELFARE STATE, PROPERTY, TAXATION, HANDOUTS, WELFARE STATE
PLUNDER: plunder … has unleashed on our planet wars, slavery, serfdom, feudalism, the exploitation of public ignorance and credulity, privileges, monopolies, trade restrictions, public loans, commercial frauds, excessive taxes, and, lastly, the war against capital and the absurd demand of everyone to live and to develop at the expense of everyone else.” – Bastiat, quoted in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.131. - GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, POLITICS AS USUAL, MONOPOLIES, POWER, RIGHTS FREEDOM
PLUNDER: Plundering is so rampant that everybody is involved more or less – unconsciously participating or hopelessly trapped.” – FEE NOTES, 3/78. – Naturally, all of the tax slaves get back, in balance more than their hand-out entitlements. Some are more lucky or influential in this lottery or coercive re-distributionism, with many of the politicians and bureaucrats on the top of this list, not only some privately rich people and corporations. Compulsory territorial taxation and legislation ought to be stopped. – JZ, 21.12.13. – TERRITORIALISM, TAXATION, HANDOUTS, BUDGET, WELFARE STATE
PLUNDER: Sometimes the law defends plunder and participates in it.” – Bastiat, The Law. – Not only sometimes but all too often! – Natural law and individual human rights and liberties vs. man-made laws! - JZ, 11.4.08.
PLUNDER: The true nature of law is to maintain justice. This is so much the case that, in the minds of most people, law and justice are one and the same thing. There is in all of us a strong disposition to believe that anything lawful is also proper. This belief is so widespread that many persons have erroneously held that things are ‘just’ because law makes them so. Thus, in order to make plunder appear just and sacred to many consciences, it is only necessary for the law to decree and sanction it. – Bastiat, in Dean Russell, Bastiat, p.5. - LAWS, LAW, NATURAL LAW, NATURAL JUSTICE
PLUNDER: There are only two choices in all social affairs: Laissez faire or plunder, or, as Bastiat said: production and plunder.” – Source? – While free exchange is also productive, of benefits to all participants, it does not obviously fall under production. Nor have we ever seen any system that is purely laissez faire or purely plunder. In the latter case there would, soon, be nothing left to plunder. – JZ, 2.3.08.
PLUNDER: There are two kinds of plunder: legal and illegal. I do not think that illegal plunder, such as theft or swindling that the penal code defines and punishes, can be called socialism. It is not this kind of plunder that systematically threatens the foundations of society. Anyway, the war against … illegal plunder has been going on since the beginning of mankind. Long before the Revolution – long before the appearance even of socialism itself – France had provided police, judges, prisons, and scaffolds for the purpose of fighting illegal plunder. The law itself conducts this war, and it is my wish and opinion that the law should always maintain this attitude toward plunder.” – Bastiat, in Dean Russell: Bastiat, p.7. – But should we continue to maintain this kind of territorial law, seeing how inefficient it has almost always been? – JZ, 2.3.08. – STATE SOCIALISM, PERSONAL LAW, SELF-CHOSEN, VS. TERRITORIAL LAW & LEGISLATION
PLUNDER: This question of legal plunder must be settled once and for all, and there are only three ways to settle it: 1 – The few plunder the many. 2 – Everybody plunders everybody. 3 – Nobody plunders anybody. We must make our choice among limited plunder, universal plunder, and no plunder. The law can follow only one of these three.” (*) – Leonard E. Read, Castles in the Air, p.121. Also in THE FREEMAN, April 74. - “The Law” can follow only one of these three principles, and this the right one, no plunder at all. But the territorial “positive” laws by governments do mostly only practise “principles” one and two. – One of the primary principle of all man-made “positive” laws is that they do not have to be logical, ethical and consistent. – JZ, 2.3.08. – He omitted No. 4: The many plunder the few. (“Soak the rich!”) The laws of every State follow, all too much, all 3 of the wrong suggestions and avoid as much as possible the only rightful one. – JZ, 10/74, 2.3.08. – (*) We must make our choice among limited plunder, universal plunder, and no plunder. The law can follow only one of these three.” – Bastiat, in Dean Russell: Bastiat, p.8. - The law may intend only the last of these three: no plunder. But the “positive” laws passed by state legislators do all too “liberally” practise the first two kinds of plunder mentioned here. – JZ, 2.3.08.PLUNDER: When then does plunder stop? It stops when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than labor.” – Bastiat, The Law. – Apart from moral self-restraint. – JZ
PLUNDER: You did not care to allow rewards to be won by successful production – you are now running a race in which rewards are won by successful plunder.” – Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, p.989.
PLUNDERBUNDS: There are people who think that plunder loses all its immorality as soon as it becomes legal. Personally, I cannot imagine a more alarming situation.” – Frédéric Bastiat - LEGALIZATION OF ROBBERY, TAXATION
PLURALISM, ISLAMIC OR GENERAL? Libya: More destruction of Sufi tombs shows Islamists are not defeated by Irfan. Al-Alawi Lapido Media [London] July 25, 2012, Facebook, 26.7.12. – Quoting: of 9.7.12. - Nizam Ahmad - John Zube: The centre should expand its aim from the limited one of Islamic pluralism to the pluralism of exterritorial autonomy for all religions, ideologies and other voluntary groups, their personal laws and institutions, all only for their volunteers. Any sound principle should never be confined in its application but, rather, become extended to its very limits. – PRINCIPLES, TOLERANCE FOR ALL TOLERANT PEOPLE, PERSONAL LAW FOR COMMUNITIES, SOCIETIES & GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS OF VOLUNTEERS, NO MORE TERRITORIAL MONOPOLIES & WRONGFUL IMPOSITIONS & PENALTIES UNDER COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY NOTIONS UPON INNOCENT PEOPLE
PLURALISM: A pluralist integration seems most appropriate for a complex society like the United States. Yet a commitment to pluralist society is also a commitment to allow free choice of ethnic and other group life-styles and, therefore, to limit coercion.” - Donald J. Devine, Does Freedom Work? Caroline House Books, Green Hills Publishers, 1978, (p.912/92? - 91/92?) – Coercion towards peaceful dissenters, who e.g. voluntarily segregated themselves to do their own things, in some spheres or every sphere, should not only be limited but done away with. Not only other life styles but other constitutions, laws and institutions should be allowed to voluntary communities of dissenters. A territorial integration of diverse peoples is neither justified nor rational or necessary. The free market integrates by individual choices, as much as people want to be integrated. See e.g. the globalization tendency even under mere degrees of free trade. But the anti-globalization zealots should be free to restrict and protect their own affairs and deals as much as they like, at their own expense. – JZ, 26.9.07, 21.12.13. - TERRITORIALLY INTEGRATED OR SEGREGATED OR EXTERRITORIALLY INTEGRATED OR SEGREGATED? PANARCHISM, DISSENTERS, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION, CONTRACT, COMPETITION, EXTERRITORIAL SEGREGATION & APARTHEID, SECESSIONISM FOR ALLPLURALISM: A pluralist society would, in my opinion, demand the gradual replacement of sovereign territorial States with involuntary subjects, ruling over certain parts of the Earth's surface and all their inhabitants - by autonomous and exterritorial communities with voluntary members, not confined to any particular territory ... - JZ, n.d. – All quite peacefully and tolerantly, through individual and group secessionism and personal law associationism of volunteers. – JZ, 21.12.13.
PLURALISM: A recent American writer has distinguished between the ‘pluralist’ – “arguing for the autonomy of the private association from the absolutism of the State…” – Clark Kerr, Industrial Relations and the Liberal Pluralist, p.14, quoted in – David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.93. - PANARCHISM
PLURALISM: Anarchists insisted that freedom can be preserved only in small voluntary groups, and that mass participation in the politics of a large state is an impossibility. The pluralists - Figgis, Laski, Cole, Russell - accepted the main contention of the anarchists; they believed that men should in general be left to pursue ends chosen by themselves, in the context of voluntary associations. Yet they argued that the State should remain as the society of societies, responsible for maintaining order among the groups within it. The State should not itself, however, pursue a goal or purpose other than that of maintaining a situation where people are able, as individuals and associated in groups, to follow paths which they choose for themselves.” - David Nicholls: The Pluralist State, The Macmillan Press, 1975, London. - Here described as identical with the Mini-archy or Limited Government of many libertarians or the Meta-utopia of Nozick or the personal law framework or exterritorial autonomy for panarchists or polyarchists of all kinds, with perhaps only a defensive federation or international militia for the protection of individual rights and liberties – to the extent that they are claimed in volunteer societies – as a common organization, league or alliance for them. – JZ, 21.12.13.
PLURALISM: As a pure ideal, pluralism envisions a society in which is 'an assembly of autonomous groups, living in harmony with each other, but offering individuals a wide variety of alternative opportunities for self-expression and self-fulfillment’.” - Maurice Cranston and Sanford A. Lakoff, eds., A Glossary of Political Ideas, New York, Basic Books, Inc. 1969. - Quoted in Lakoff and Rich: Private Government, p.1. - Generally, a territorial overlordship is presumed to continue and thus only limited autonomy is considered, as for churches, corporations or clubs. - JZ, 18.11.02.
PLURALISM: Bertrand Russell agreed with the majority of pluralist writers that the state should (*) act as the coordinator and controller of groups.” (**) – David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.88. – (*) NOT! - - (**) It should just be another group of volunteers under personal laws, doing its own thing, rather than meddling in the affairs of other panarchies. – JZ, n.d. & 21.2.08. – STATE, TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHY, AUTONOMY, COMMON GOOD, STATE, LIMITED GOVERNMENT, META-UTOPIA, PANARCHISM
PLURALISM: But Figgis did not believe that it was the function of the State to achieve some substantive common good for its members; this was to be achieved by those subordinate groups (*) to which all men belong. (**) The State should simply concentrate on maintaining in existence a situation where there should be as much freedom as possible for groups and individuals to pursue ends which they choose.” (***) - David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.105. - Under panarchism this supposed role for the territorial State is replaced by the panarchistic framework itself and its natural safeguards: personal law, voluntary membership, individual human rights and international law based on it, volunteer militias for the protection of human rights, internationally federated, personal laws, chosen arbitration courts, exterritorially autonomous communities. - JZ, 19.9.04. - (*) Why should they have to be territorially subordinated to one State? - E.g. the Kurds would greatly disagree. And they are presently split up and territorially subjected to three territorial States. Alas, they do not seem to have considered their exterritorial autonomy possibilities, either and, rather, seem to aim at a unified Kurdish territorial State – which would then and thus have its suppressed minorities, sharing the former fate of the Kurds. - (**) There are quite a few non-joiners, too, at least as far as formal associations, groups or clubs are concerned. - (***) What is it about men as politicians, bureaucrats, government policemen and government judges that turns them miraculously into beings that could ideally fulfill that role? – I know of no such transformation of personalities, characters, abilities and normal incentives. – False pretences or assumptions are not good enough in this sphere, either. - JZ, 21.2.08, 21.12.13. - PANARCHISM, COMMON GROUND, STATE, AUTONOMY
PLURALISM: economic pluralism is the essential precondition for political pluralism. Destroy the private sector through nationalization, price controls, capital tax and industrial subversion, and eventually you will have destroyed the economic basis for opposition parties and an independent press.” – Robert Moss, in “1985: An Escape from Orwell’s 1984”, p.115/116. (*) – The connection is even more direct: Outlaw laissez-faire in political associations, communities and societies, i.e. freedom to experiment with political, economic and social systems, individual and group secessionism or voluntarism or exterritorial autonomy for communities of volunteers: panarchies or polyarchies, and you arrive directly at a territorial, collectivist and coercive conventional monopoly State even if it still has, more or less as camouflage or cover only, some democratic and welfarist features. – JZ, 3.3.08. – (*) A Conservative Path to Freedom, ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson, Churchill Press, London, 1975,
PLURALISM: Furnivall also claimed that these groups into which plural societies are divided are not natural, organic associations, but are aggregates of individuals – they are crowds and not communities. The capitalist economic system which has been the invariable companion of imperialist expansion (? – JZ) led to the break-up of village life and of traditional ties.” – David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.119. – That is because they have not had full exterritorial autonomy and voluntarism so far, to sort themselves out, into diverse societies, which their voluntary members find suitable for themselves. None of them will have to be purists. They are all grown naturally when membership is voluntary and members remain free to secede from them. So far they were largely forced to use some State powers defensively against territorial competitors. Being allowed to live among themselves, exterritorially separated from all others, as far as they want to be, defensive reactions would be far less often needed. No threatening large territorial powers would remain. All communities would be just like sects or games or sports clubs – among many others. And thus peaceful, all doing only their own things. – No more territorial Warfare States! - JZ, 8.3.88, 20.2.08. - PANARCHISM
PLURALISM: Growth, peace, freedom, justice, harmony, enlightenment, progress and prosperity through the ultimate in pluralism: full exterritorial autonomy for all communities of volunteers, all under their own personal laws and institutions. – JZ, 3.10.07. - PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM
PLURALISM: Harold Laski. When a pluralist, he was most radical in his rejection of monistic sovereignty. (5) But later he adopted the most comprehensive state concept, namely, that implied in all-inclusive state socialism. Laski, it will be recalled, actually made the individual ‘sovereign’. The individual conscience is the only valid source of law. When the claims of various associations conflict, the individual conscience is the final arbiter of where the allegiance lies. In expounding such views, Laski offered a striking juristic application of the American folklore of anarchic democracy; his was a commentary upon Austin in terms of Thoreau, so to speak. Indeed, Laski’s insistence upon the individual conscience as the court of last appeal in matters of political allegiance and obedience is a mere elaboration of the views so eloquently stated in Thoreau’s essay on Civil disobedience.” – Carl J. Friedrich, The New Belief in the Common Man, p.51. (chapter heading: LASKI’S PLURALISM) - LASKI, THOREAU, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, CONSCIENCE
PLURALISM: If groups and parties in the state spent as much energy and money pursuing concrete ends of their choice, as they now spend on trying to persuade governments to pursue these ends on their behalf, the world would be a better place.” - David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, in conclusion, on p.119. - Self-governing communities of volunteers are preferable to pressure groups. They realize self-help rather than territorial government monopolies, privileges and controls. - JZ, 20.9.04, 8.4.08. - LOBBIES, SPECIAL INTEREST, PRESSURE GROUPS & ACTION GROUPS, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, TERRITORIALISM, POLYARCHISM, SELF-HELP
PLURALISM: If men are not allowed to live according to their individual preferences, then they will attempt to dominate others and to thus realize their ideals for themselves, while imposing them on others. The territorial system leaves them no other way. The history of territorial religious hierarchies and their wars and civil wars should be sufficient proof for that. Now the territorially organized dissenters can terrorize each other with nuclear devices and they continue doing so under the wrong assumption that territorial organizations are the only possible and desirable ones, even if adhering to them would kill them all in the long run. - The only way to satisfy all is to let all go their own way. - We do this already daily, in numerous ways, in our private lives. There individual decisions and actions prevail and thus individual satisfactions are maximized. But in the political, economic and social sphere our taboos, traditions and customs, not so ancient, have presently wedded us to territorial States and their rules, so much so that only very few are able to think about alternative forms of organization and rules in these spheres. - Not only should individual voters and several groups have an influence on political, economic and social decisions for the whole but there should be no majority decisions made for all except those few required to uphold the peace between various autonomous and exterritorial bodies. - This requires no more than respect for the basic rights of members of other communities, no matter what they do with their rights at their own expense. - Between the various communities there need only be treaties on whose laws are to apply when members of several communities are involved. Historically, either the law of the accuser, that of the accused or mixed courts were used. - E.g., people who have the right to live in economic freedom, have also the right to impose economic restrictions upon themselves, if that pleases them and as long as it does, to retreat into any kind of communist monastery or nunnery or utopian colony arrangement (on a private or cooperative property or an exterritorial autonomy basis) if and as long as they do prefer this and as long as they do not try to impose their choices on others. - Between these various communities there need only be treaties. e.g., on whose laws are to be applied when members of several communities are involved. - Panarchism is the consistent and ultimate development of pluralism. It is pluralism without its territorialist prejudices, institutions and practices. - SECESSION, ALTERNATIVE INSTITUTIONS, COEXISTENCE, COMMUNISM, COMPETING GOVERNMENTS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, EXTERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE, FREEDOM OF ACTION, INDIVIDUALISM, LAISSEZ FAIRE, MINORITY AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM, PARALLEL INSTITUTIONS, PERSONAL LAW, SOVEREIGNTY, TERRITORIALISM, TOLERANCE, VOLUNTARISM, WAR AIMS. - JZ, An ABC Against Nuclear War, in PEACE PLANS Nos. 16 & 17, online with my other peace book at - - - Here somewhat revised: 29.1.11.
PLURALISM: In a really pluralistic condition there would not be any territorial State left but merely voluntary associations, organizations and communities, perhaps also comprehensive insurance companies. Alas, some libertarians can only envision the latter. – JZ, 20.9.82, 22.2.08.
PLURALISM: In the United States, for example, pluralism commonly refers to multiple interests and party groups, a distribution of authority among levels of government, checks and balances between them, and other means by which areas of legitimate authority are divided up. In Latin cultures the word has little currency but, when used, usually refers to a distribution of authority within a single, hierarchical structure, the source of the power being at the apex of the power pyramid. The presumption, then, is that all power is delegated downward from the top and can be withdrawn at will; the American presumption is of a relative autonomy of many power-generating and power applying centers.” - Silvert, - Man’s Power, p.133. - The panarchist assumption is that of fully autonomous various societies, communities, groups and even competing governments, all only with voluntary members or subjects and confined to exterritorial autonomy under personal laws. Within that framework and always only at their own risk and expense, they are free to apply even any whole political, economic or social system. – JZ, 21.2.08. – EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, FULL EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR ALL, WHICH EXCLUDES BY DEFINITION ANY EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM AT THE EXPENSE & RISK OF OTHERS THAN VOLUNTEERS.
PLURALISM: individual differences among people demand pluralism if real freedom (Berlin’s negative liberty) is to be achieved, …” - J. B. Kizer, Two Concepts of Liberty, THE FREEMAN, 9/76. – Alas, the author seemed to think that pluralism would be sufficiently realized for all the varieties of individuals, if somewhat independent territorial associations varied within a territorial federal State. But territorialism cannot sufficiently realize individual choices and exterritorially fully autonomous pluralist organizations. – JZ, 2.4.08.
PLURALISM: J. S. Furnivall employed the term 'plural society' to describe a type of society which resulted from the European colonisation of tropical lands. A plural society, according to Furnivall, exists when there are a number of distinct groups living side by side, but separately; they meet only in the market-place. Religious, cultural, racial and linguistic divisions reinforce one another so that the groups form quite distinct blocks. The political entity is held together, not by shared values or by common institutions, but by force, which is exercised by an elite of colonial administrators and their local collaborators, who form a small but coherent minority in the society. Furnivall also claimed that these groups, into which plural societies are divided, are not natural, organic associations, but are aggregates of individuals - they are crowds and not communities.” - David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.119. - To some extent that applies also to the internal colonization of all territorial nations. These diverse blocks are crowds and special interest lobbies and not communities because they have not full exterritorial autonomy and are often merely defensively or inconsiderately using territorial State powers against the territorial State powers gathered by others. - JZ, 8.3.88, 14.1.93. - Panarchism is this kind of pluralism but without "force" to hold its panarchies together. They are held together only in a way that participants in a market are held together or participants in a network of juridical arrangements. - JZ, 19.9.04. - NATURAL, ORGANIC ASSOCIATIONS AND TERRITORIALISM, CROWDS & COMMUNITIES, PERSONAL LAW, PARALLEL INSTITUTIONS
PLURALISM: Most pluralists have still a long way to go to reach panarchism and consistent voluntarism, based upon full exterritorial autonomy or experimental freedom and personal laws for volunteers. – JZ, 2.4.08. – “The pluralist writings of Maitland, Figgis, Laski, Cole, Russell, Lindsay and others certainly amounted to a vigorous attack upon the sovereignty of the state, and on the wide claims for the state which were being made in many liberal and socialist circles. Ernest Barker was able to write in 1915 that ‘the State has generally been discredited in England’ (38) It is true that the pluralist theories involved an attack upon certain doctrines of the state. From the preceding discussion, however, it is clearly nonsense to talk of the pluralists’ ‘studied disregard of the state’, as Adam Ulam does. (39) Some of them may well be criticized for an incoherent and shifting view of what the state ought to do, but they certainly did not disregard it. Ulam further assumes that pluralism implies the rejection of state regulation of groups. … - David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, 1975, p.88. - (39) The Philosophical Foundations of English Socialism, p.86. – I have never seen Ulam’s book. His position may be very close to or even identical to panarchism. – JZ, 2.4.08. - A Google search for Adam Ulam + pluralism, brought me today the first page of 1550 hints, but when I tried to access one file of it: Apppreciations The veteran Harvard professor Adam Ulam was a walking encyclopaedia on the ..... tolerance of different religions and ethnic origins, political pluralism. ... - Cached - Similar - Access was forbidden! How? By whom and why? - I am fundamentally opposed to any monopolization of ideas. - JZ, 29.1.11. - PANARCHISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, DECENTRALIZATION, SOVEREIGNTY, STATE
PLURALISM: Nowhere is Proudhon's legal pluralism more pronounced than in his view of ethics. Holding that 'the essence of justice is respect', Proudhon, who had read deeply in Kant's moral philosophy in his younger years, maintained that the basis of any workable system of justice must be derived exclusively from the social sentiments and feelings of the individual as they are experienced firsthand, living and laboring in direct reciprocity with other members of his face-to-face community. 'Turned to myself, the respect for human dignity forms what I call my right', Proudhon held; 'turned to my fellows, it becomes my duty'. Morality, therefore, Proudhon insisted, is nothing less than the application of the principle, 'equal and mutual respect of human dignity in all human relations'; and, accordingly, all pronouncements concerning law or right issued by jurists or legislators were so much gibberish in so far as they extended to acts of persons other than themselves. It was just this sort of rigorous adherence to Kantian ethics that has prompted one political theorist to think of anarchists of the stripe of Proudhon as 'so unrealistic that it is not possible to take them quite seriously', and to hold that the basic assumptions anarchists make regarding human behavior can be applicable only 'for a few saints'.” - W. O. Reichert, in Holterman, Law in Anarchism, p.139. - PROUDHON, JUSTICE, RESPECT, RECIPROCITY, RIGHT, DUTY & MORALITY
PLURALISM: Peaceful Panarchist and Pluralist Practices for Personal Preferences Planet-wide. – JZ, n.d., in Pan AZ. - PANARCHISM
PLURALISM: PETRO, SYLVESTER: The Perversion of Pluralism, Essays on Liberty, vol. XII, FEE, 1965, pp. 141-162, favors voluntary associations but only within the framework of a limited government - a position which also amounts to a perversion of pluralism. - JZ – I hold that this view constitutes also the worst perversion of the essence of pluralism. – JZ, 13.2.08. – It upholds a territorial monopoly, although only one for an otherwise “limited” government. – JZ, 8.4.08. - LIMITED PLURALISM & PANARCHISM
PLURALISM: pluralism admits of the co-existence of many different cultures and viewpoints. Insofar as some of these cultures or religions are international, and nationalism tends to impose an artificial unity, it can be justly said that nationalism and pluralism are ultimately contradictory.” – ABRABANEL. (When and where – I do not know. I never heard of him and capitalized the name merely because it is so unusual. – JZ) - It should also admit all the variety of political, economic and social systems that merely mind the own affairs of their voluntary members, organized for this purpose under personal laws in exterritorially autonomous communities, societies or freely competing governments, none of them with a territorial monopoly. – JZ, 21.2.08. – When searching today for Abrabanel + pluralism, I got the first page of ca. 40,000 results, giving references to Abrabanel, Don Isaac Abrabanel, Avigail Arbarbanel, Martin Abravanel and Roger Abravanel. - I certainly don't have the time and energy to explore them all. - JZ, 29.1.11. - NATIONALISM, INTERNATIONALISM, COSMOPOLITANISM, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM
PLURALISM: Pluralism is indivisable. It extends to the whole of society and affects every aspect of it.” - V. G. D'Estaing: Towards a New Democracy, p.81. - A comprehensive pluralism is infinitely divisible - down to individuals, via individual sovereignty and secessionism and voluntary associationism. It does not offer a single society but a framework for all kinds of societies, all largely independent from each other, although they might extensively or quite freely trade or allow free trade to all their members. - JZ, 18.11.02.
PLURALISM: Pluralism is presently generally only understood as a social condition where many different groups are influential, even powerful, to bring about changes, compromises, that are finally centrally and uniformly applied, on even terms to all. - My concept of pluralism and that of some other individualists, is that of a society permitting a peaceful coexistence of diverse groups of volunteers, each of them deciding only the own affairs, exterritorially quite autonomously. - JZ - Full autonomy for voluntary societies or communities would require exterritoriality and personal law and is as such only rarely considered by those discussing "pluralism". - JZ, 18.11.02.
PLURALISM: Pluralism, he insisted, denies ultimately ‘the sovereignty of anything save right conduct’. – H. J. Laski, according to David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.46. - SOVEREIGNTY, RIGHT CONDUCT, MILITIA, HUMAN RIGHTS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
PLURALISM: Pluralist writers disliked coercive authority, and believed that men should be encouraged to form self-governing associations to pursue the ends which they think valuable, rather than waiting for government to act. They agreed with Proudhon that government is at best a necessary evil. “To be governed”, wrote Proudhon, “is to be kept in sight, inspected, spied on, directed, law driven, numbered, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, estimated, assessed, censored, ordered about, by creatures who have neither the right, nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so.” – David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.10. - STATE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS, PLANNING, DIRECTION, AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM, AUTHORITY, COERCION, SELF-GOVERNMENT, VOLUNTARISM, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM
PLURALISM: Pluralists are merely inconsistent anarchists and panarchists. – JZ, 8.8.92. - Please let me know of any exceptions. One might say the same about libertarian limited government advocates and intolerant anarchists. - JZ, 29.1.11.
PLURALISM: Pluralists would encourage the groups themselves to be more active and creative, and not to spend all their energy persuading the government to do those things, which they could perfectly well do for themselves. Perhaps one of the most significant developments in recent years has been the take-over by a trade union of a number of restaurants. If the men who actually work in the establishments will really have an effective voice in determining how they are run, progress will have been made. The danger is, of course, that the restaurants will be controlled by a trade union bureaucracy in Port of Spain, and not by the workers involved.” – David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.122. – They might not be better off than at present, with the restaurant owned by a foreign holding company, instead of by their former boss. At least with some bosses, in small enterprises, one could talk relatively freely and, sometimes, effectively. – They might act, according to the above description by D. N., rather as lobbies or special interest groups than as independent contractors, partners, cooperators or entrepreneurs. (*) - Pluralists still tend to think only in small terms, not grasping or at least exploring the whole potential of their philosophy. – JZ, 22.2.08. – (*) Generally, all kinds of self-management schemes are opposed tobay trade unionists and never even mentioned, probably because their general realization would make trade unions superfluous. – JZ, 21.12.13. - PANARCHISM
PLURALISM: the American presumption is of a relative autonomy of many power-generating and power-applying centers.” - Silvert: Man's Power, p.133. - And, generally, the unchecked premise remains territorialism. - JZ, 18.11.02. – Moreover, the possibilities of full exterritorial autonomy remain, mostly, unexamined. – JZ, 8.3.09. – Power is not the significant part but freedom and self-management or genuine self-government or voluntarism is. - JZ, 29.1.11. - EXTERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM
PLURALISM: The best that we can expect in the next century is a pluralistic society. In Pluralism there is no truth that is binding upon all. Required is merely the renunciation of mutual domination and thereby a simultaneous side-by side of diverse social-political groups. Anarchism without pluralism is inconceivable.” - Uwe Timm, Gesammelte Schriften, S.206. - ANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIALISM
PLURALISM: The English pluralist writers believed that individual freedom is most likely to be preserved when a large number of associations exist within the state (*), and when the state does not itself pursue some national policy which purports to realize a common good. The state should concern itself with maintaining order and peace, by settling disputes between individuals and groups; …” - David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.10. – As if there had not been many negative experiences with e.g. State laws, State police forces, State military forces and State courts. Wishful thinking and delusions prevail also among the advocates of limited governments. But they should be freed to try to realize their ideals among themselves. - (*) That it has to be within the State is the main delusion of the territorialists. They should be free to exist, as alternative institutions, rather parallel to the State, under full exterritorial autonomy, while the State and its remaining volunteers should also be so reduced in power. That is a conclusion not clearly arrived at by most pluralists, to my knowledge. They almost always seem take the territorial States for granted, as a natural and inevitable phenomenon and ignore its failures in exactly those spheres with which States try to justify themselves. – JZ, 22.2.08. - PANARCHISM, STATE, FREEDOM, TERRITORIALISM, PARALLEL INSTITUTIONS, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIALLY AUTONOMOUS ALTERNATIVE SOCIETIES, COMMUNITIES & GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS, MULTIARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM IN EVERY SPHERE
PLURALISM: The English pluralists believed that the associations, which comprise the state should not endeavour to force the government actively to intervene in the life of the people in order to realise some substantive purpose. These associations should be concerned simply with obtaining freedom to live life in a manner which they prefer, while recognizing the rights of other groups to a similar freedom.” - Pluralism, English type, according to David Nicholls, in The Pluralist State, p.118. - Why should they still continue to constitute a territorial State, rather than seceding from it or ignoring it? - JZ, 19.9.04. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM
PLURALISM: The English pluralists envisaged a situation in which members of the state (*) pursue their chosen ends in life, as individuals and associated in voluntary groups, with as little interference from coercive governmental authorities as is possible (**) in the context of order and peace. (***) Figgis used the term ‘state” to apply to this collectivity; it is the society of societies (****), whose purpose is to maintain some kind of order (*****), and to adjudicate between the claims made by its members. (*** ***) Individual citizens will naturally join groups, for man is a social animal. These groups will develop a life of their own, which cannot be accounted for simply in terms of the actions and ideas of their individual members. The degree of unity attained by the group will depend upon the nature of the purpose pursued, and upon the loyalty manifested by its members. Pluralist writers believed that a permanent association, pursuing a definite purpose upon which its members are in general agreement, manifests a unity, which enables us to treat it in certain respects as a ‘person’. (*** ****) – David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p. 8. - Under panarchism the State of this kind of Pluralism is simply the general human society in the whole world, whose various panarchies are the sub-societies of this general society. The general society forms something like a world market and the various panarchies form special markets and market organizations. - JZ, 19.9.04. - (*) Why should all of them be members of a territorial State and subject to its laws and jurisdiction? The State and society should not be mixed up. - JZ, 21.2.08. - (**) As little as possible equals zero! - JZ, 28.2.88. - (***) The terms “order” and “peace” are greatly abused by territorial governments. Such governments do not really comprehend what they mean and do require and how they can be achieved. – JZ, 28.9.88. - (****) Territorial States and their governments, with coercive and monopolistic powers, have nothing to do with genuine societies, in which voluntarism is a primary requirement and which to not establish territorial monopolies and borders. Politicians, sociologists and writers should distinguish between States and societies. - (*****) Some kind of order was even maintained by Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Fidel Castro and Idi Amin. But their kinds of order were certainly not based upon recognizing all individual rights and liberties. Even the best democratic governments do not do that as yet. - (*** ***) As if governmental courts of justice were the only possible and quite desirable juridical avenues. - (*** ****) Why should they not be allowed to be exterritorially fully autonomous, if their members desire this and if their purpose is to provide a complete alternative society or community for them, not just another football or soccer club? – I am under the impression that pluralists have never quite thought through their ideas and developed them as far as they could be and should be. - JZ, 21.2.08. - ENGLISH TYPE OF PLURALISM
PLURALISM: The measure of a free society would be the degree of eccentricity and deviance it could tolerate. Anarchists are committed to a pluralist society. They encourage variety and experimentation in lifestyles and social forms. To let not just a thousand but as many flowers as possible blossom. In addition, all anarchists have insisted on the individual’s right of private judgment and opposed rigid censorship.” – Peter Marshall, Demanding the Impossible, p.651. - ANARCHISM, FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAWPLURALISM: The pluralism of power guarantees freedom.” – V. G. D’Estaing, Towards a New Democracy, p.97 (or 971?). – One should distinguish between a pluralistic division of power over a single territory and the plurality of power that in each case extends only over volunteers, wherever these might live in a territory or in the world. Most of those who call themselves "pluralists" are only concerned with territorial structures and ignored the possibilities of and experience with exterritorial autonomy for voluntary societies and communities. - JZ, 18.11.02. - If it is a pluralism of territorial powers, all with somewhat clashing exclusive monopoly claims, then it is rather a guaranty for fights and even wars between them. Power confined to the own affairs, as determined by exclusively voluntary members, without claiming any territorial monopoly, is by its nature peaceful and can promote all existing ideals that are tolerant enough, including the very diverse ones of freedom lovers. – JZ, 21.2.08. – FREEDOM
PLURALISM: The pluralist theories of Figgis and his contemporaries could certainly apply to a country like Trinidad. Racial, religious, cultural and economic groups must be recognized by the state (*) and should be left to pursue those ends which they set for themselves, within a framework of order. (**) Pluralists would encourage the groups themselves to be more active and creative, and not to spend all their energy persuading the government to do those things, which they could perfectly well do for themselves. … these cultural groups should not be regarded with suspicion by the state, nor should their exclusiveness necessarily be condemned. Any rigorous effort by the government to impose upon the population a single ‘creole’ culture will be interpreted by minority groups as an attack upon their interests.” - David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, 1975, p.122. - (*) Why should these groups continue to recognize the territorial State? – JZ, 22.2.08. - (**) That need not be a territorial framework, but merely that of recognition of and respect for all genuine individual rights and liberties – to the extent that volunteers claim them for themselves. They need not be under the obligation to recognize and respect all of them within their own personal law societies etc. of volunteers. – JZ, 2.4.08, 21.12.13. – Here he comes close to panarchism but has, obviously, not yet full exterritorial autonomy in mind for all his “cultural groups”. – JZ, 2.4.08. - PANARCHISM
PLURALISM: The pluralist voluntary societies of panarchism are exterritorially quite autonomous, i.e., not subjects of any territorial State. - JZ, 19.9.04. – COMPREHENSIVE PLURALISM & AUTONOMY IN SELF-CHOSEN INSTITUTIONS & PANARCHISM:
PLURALISM: The pluralists – Figgis, Laski, Cole, Russell – accepted the main contention of the anarchists; they believed that men should in general be left to pursue ends chosen by themselves, in the context of voluntary associations. Yet they argued that the state should remain as the society of societies, responsible for maintaining order among the groups within it. The state should not itself, however, pursue a goal or purpose other than that of maintaining a situation where the people are able, as individuals and associated in groups, to follow paths which they choose for themselves.” – David Nicholls, The Pluralist State, p.6. – That was as foolish as entrusting the State with the job of controlling all production and all exchange, or giving it a monopoly on arms and military organization, the power of central banking, the decision on war and peace, armament and disarmament, a police monopoly, a postal monopoly, the power to tax, a jurisdiction and legislation monopoly. The question is: In which of its numerous activities has the territorial State been so successful that one should entrust it with an as important a job as these pluralists were prepared to concede to it? – JZ, 21.2.08. VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS, ANARCHISM, STATE, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM
PLURALISM: The pluralists have not made clear the implications of their criticism of the monistic doctrine. What precisely, in their theory, is to be the position and function of the State in the community? Will they expunge from political theory the principle of compulsory taxation and compulsory citizenship applied to persons by virtue of residence rather than by virtue of voluntary membership? The philosophical anarchist would have membership in any protection-affording association a purely voluntary matter; he says (in criticism of Spencer and other British individualists) that it is no more necessary for the State to assume police and military functions and compel men to accept and pay for such services than for the State to meddle with education, morals, or trade. Here is not merely an opinion as to the expedient scope of State activity, but a clear and courageous repudiation of state sovereignty. Do the pluralists agree with the philosophical anarchist?” – W. A. Dunning, Political Theories, Recent Times, The Attack upon State Sovereignty, p.118. – Pluralists are inconsistent panarchists and so are, alas, even most anarchists and libertarians. - JZ, 3.1.93. - ANARCHISM, INDIVIDUALISM & COMPULSION, PANARCHISM, STATE
PLURALISM: There appears to be an underlying assumption in most pluralist writings that if only an individual or group be released from state control, then we shall have a condition in which spontaneous action, self-expression and initiative, will enjoy free play.” - W. A. Dunning, A History of Political Theories, Recent Times, p.114/5. - Well, at least some pluralists favor full exterritorial autonomy from any of the existing territorial States. - JZ, 19.9.04. - PANARCHISM
PLURALISM: They were ‘not proponents of a monistic outlook, thought or action’, but had a mentality capable of accommodating a pluralistic view of the world, and so believed that life is worthwhile when it permits the full realization of all the possibilities, all the new departures contained in it.” – Review of Ivan KREMNEV, The Journey of My Brother Alexei to the Land of Peasant Utopia, in FREEDOM, 25.11.78. - LIFE, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM VS. MONISM
PLURALISM: Unfortunately, throughout history all too many, who have thought of themselves as legal pluralists, lacking Proudhon's willingness to go straight to the roots of the political problem, have been unwilling to divest the State of its monopoly of force. ... So long as the locus of force remains untouched, political pluralism is hardly more than an assertion of the importance of group authority ... and an appeal for modest deference to those and other authorities on the part of governments. And it is just this kind of philosophical bombast ... as Proudhon so frequently pointed out, that prevents society from overcoming its basic problem in organization.” - W. O. Reichert, in Holterman, Law in Anarchism, p.139. - Panarchism is conventional pluralism but without the coercive and monopolistic territorial State. - JZ, 19.9.04.
PLURALISM: We are often told today that we live in a pluralistic society; we have even been told that one of the major issues of the present Council is how the Church may adapt herself to living in a pluralist society, which in simple words is a society where people, whether you like it or not, hold radically different opinions about life and its purpose and organise themselves in radically different ways, and there is no machinery for bullying them into uniformity.” - Father William Purdy, in THE AUSTRALIAN, 26.8.64.
PLURALISM: We have scarcely begun to draw the maps of the American polity. What we know about institutions is in almost direct proportion to their authoritarian character. We talk increasingly about American pluralism, but we do not know very accurately how pluralistic we are.” – Richard Cornuelle, Demanaging America, p.71. - He brings as examples small businesses of which there are millions. We do not know how most get started. Probably with the help of friends and family members. Banks often to mostly will not give them credit until they are successful. – JZ, 21.2.08. – Pluralism should go far beyond diverse forms of free enterprise in economics. It should include free enterprise also for whole economic, political and social systems. - JZ, 29.1.11. – Also full consumer sovereignty towards them. – JZ, 21.12.13. - AUTHORITARIANISM, VOLUNTARISM & EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM IN EVERY SPHERE.
PLUS FACTORS: All people act in terms of plus factors. They can’t act any other way. The person we call a criminal is guilty of bad selfishness. But when that person goes to work to produce money or goods or services so that he can have more of what he wants and not lose that which he has, that is good selfishness. Each of us has to take care of himself.” – Robert LeFevre, Lift Her Up, Tenderly, p.37. - And almost all people neglect their own affairs, apart from relatively trivial and private ones, all too much - when it comes to conceding to territorial governments all decisions on whole economic, social and political systems. In this sphere they still act largely like slaves, serfs or prisoners, not even questioning their situation, seriously, and the powers victimizing them. - They pursue their self-interest only as far are they are officially permitted to do so by territorial governments, apart from some black market activities and tax evasion attempts and frequently exceeding the speed limits. - JZ, 29.1.11, 21.12.13. - SELF-INTEREST, INTEREST IN ALL ONE'S OWN AFFAIRS, NOT JUST LIMITED PRIVATE ONES.
PLUS FACTORS: Every human being seeks plus factors. His plus factors may be dollars. But they might also be friendship, love, good health, a comfortable bed, a good meal, a rare book, a work of art, a day of leisure, a job, a good bridge game, or anything else his heart, body or mind desires. In this sense, man is a profit-seeker. He seeks to satisfy his desires whatever they may be.” – Robert LeFevre, THE FREEMAN, 4/79, p.197. – But not yet panarchistically in those spheres still monopolized by territorial governments, beyond the trivial choices offered by territorial voting. - JZ, 21.1.11. - PROFIT, DESIRES, SATISFACTIONS, CONSUMERS, SELFISHNESS, INCENTIVES
PLUTOCRACY: A plutocrat differs from one who is rich, or who employs labor, in that he combines wealth with power; political power, and often illegitimate political power. Anyone with a bias for the plutocrats would be supporting the status quo, and the “best government, that money can buy”. – John Harlee, SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 4/79. - MIXED ECONOMY, LEGALIZED PRIVILEGES, CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, MONOPOLIES
PLYMOUTH PIONEERS: THEY FORMED A VOLUNTARY COMMUNITY, INITIALLY COMMUNISTIC THEN, LEARNING FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH IT: PROPERTARIAN & CAPITALISTIC: “But Plymouth was a voluntary community and Americans still cherish the idea of nationality as an act of will.” - “The accent on government by voluntary association, by a contract freely entered into, has been an American hallmark ever since.” - Bradford Smith, “A Dangerous Freedom”, J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia & N.Y., 1952, 1954, page 50. - On page 52 there is a hint that even communism was enforced by a contract with financiers, for 7 years and against opposition from aspiring settlers. - Contrary to this general statement, a territorially centralized nation was established. Some concessions were only made to small utopian colonies of volunteers, of which hundreds existed and by all too limited autonomy grants to the surviving Red Indians on their “reserves”, often limited only to hunting and fishing rights. Full autonomy on an exterritorial basis was, to my knowledge, never granted or even clearly claimed, within the USA, although it was officially claimed, e.g. for Americans in China, in the “foreign concessions” under extraterritorial treaties, the “unequal treaties”, by which corresponding rights to Chinese in the USA – or in other foreign countries, were refused to them. Thus territorial nationalistic opposition was roused, supported by territorial nationalists in other countries, and these treaties were finally repealed, instead of replacing them by “equal rights’ treaties for all the participants. – JZ, n.d., in: Pan AZ. – If the latter had happened then, by now, we might have had e.g. in Australia several flourishing international colonies, equivalent to Hong Kong or even better. – When Hong Kong was handed over to the Communist government of the mainland, in 1999, at the expiry of the lease, an Australian farmer, in the Northern Territory, with many square miles to spare, offered to make his land available for such a free trade and free enterprise settlement, for Chinese and others but to my knowledge the Federal Government of Australia, typical territorialists, wouldn’t listen to his proposal. – One cannot really reason with such governments. Power has gone to their heads and incapacitated them. - JZ, 25.3.09, 29.1.11.
POETRY: A poet’s mind is all too often a confused and confusing mind. Just because something seems to SOUND right does not make it right or sensible. – JZ, 2.1.97. – Is that the reason why there is so little good libertarian and anarchist poetry around? It is difficult enough to express freedom ideas clearly in prose. Trying to express them in verses tends to reduce their clarity and meaning. – JZ, 13.2.08.
POETRY: Careless thinking carefully versified.” – J. R. Lowell, 1819-1891. – A. Andrews Quotations, p. 348. – While such descriptions may not cover all of poetry, in my opinion they cover much to most of poetry.
POETRY: How much enlightenment has ever come through poetry? – JZ, 15.4.98
POETRY: It is just another kind of escapism from all attempts to comprehend reality and to think and act rightly and rationally within in. – JZ 30.4.98. – At least in Science Fiction some ideas are also offered, although, all too often, merely the old prejudices, errors and fallacies, too. – JZ, 1.4.08. SCIENCE FICTION
POETRY: It’s hard enough to express freedom ideas clearly in prose. In poetry it is nearly impossible. So why even try? – JZ, 30.4.96.
POETRY: Perhaps no person can be a poet, or can even enjoy poetry, without a certain unsoundness of mind.” – Lord Macaulay, 1800-1859. – A. Andrews Quotations, p.347.
POETRY: Poetry may not have caused it but certainly expresses and contributes to the confusion in most heads. – JZ, 29.9.93. – Just like most popular slogans do. - JZ, 15.2.08. – And most popular songs. – JZ, 15.3.09.
POETRY: Poets tell many lies.” - Solon. – POETRY & LIES
POETRY: Since at least songs, if not poetry, influence so much of the „thinking“ and „ideas“ of the younger generations, the attempt should be made to shape panarchistic wordings also in these forms and to try to get music set to them – if they are worded well enough. My own and still very crude first attempt in this direction can be found above under LIVING THE OWN LIFE. – JZ, 31.1.05. - It is also somewhere on the – Since then I have not committed any more such “crimes”. – But there are some people who can express themselves in beautiful poetry, mastering their language well enough for this. It they did this for some of the best freedom, justice and peace ideas … - JZ, 15.3.09. - SONG LYRICS
POETRY: To say what can’t be said, that is what poetry is for.” – Heard somewhere, possibly in a film. The Fugitive? – It is more like saying what need not be said and avoiding saying what needs to be said. – I hold that poets, mostly, don’t know what needs saying and could not express it either, properly, in most instances, if they wanted to. – JZ, 25.9.92, 21.12.13. – Even Emerson did not make much sense when he wrote poetry rather than essays. – JZ, 26.9.97. - Need I say that I hardly read any poetry and never went to poetry readings? – JZ, 15.2.08. – By all means, collect, publish and write pro-freedom poetry and song lyrics – but make sure it is more a turn-on than a turn-off! – JZ, 15.3.09.
POETRY: Whispering melody from the faraway shores of man’s pained soul, true poetry is ever melancholy. Plato named it a mania. It that why every fifth one of the great bards lived or died in broken mind?” - Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought.
POLEMICS: Most polemics merely demonstrates all too well the old German proverb: “In eigner Sache kann niemand Richter sein.“ (“In the own case nobody can be the proper judge.”) – Most public debates are not much better. They strive to win rather than to come closer to a truth. (*) – But electronic “argument mapping” as developed by Paul Monk et al and described online would have a good chance on most subjects – if seriously and persistently tried. - JZ tr., 1.4.08. – (*) Among the worst are probably most of those taking place in Parliaments. – Or does anyone read parliamentary debates with pleasure and gains much worthwhile knowledge from it? – JZ, 15.3.09. - JUDGMENT, DEBATES, CONTROVERSIES, PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES
POLICE & MASS MURDERS: In America you are 8 times more likely to be killed by a Cop than by a crazed mass shooter. – Terror is something that is not unfamiliar to Government.” - Dustin Archer Ⓥ shared Victor Bozzo's photo. Facebook, 28.7.12. You are 80 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than a “terrorist”. – Kenneth Leonard, quoted on Facebook 9.2.12. – 8 or 80 times? My bet is on 8 times. – JZ. - TERRORISM – TERRORISM BY GOVERNMENT
POLICE ACTIONS: Now that ABC “weapons” have driven the indiscriminate use of mass murderous and destructive power to the heights of absurdity, it is most urgent to reduce all war actions to their rightful and sensible core: rightful and limited policing actions against a few genuine aggressors: "War … is only proper when the exercise of violence is rigorously limited to the individual criminal" - said Murray N. Rothbard, in: "War, Peace and the State", p.3. - To prevent nuclear war and WW III we do have to reduce wars to mere police actions against the main war- political criminals with involuntary victims. - See: AGGRESSION, AIR RAIDS, BOMBERS, CIVILIANS, COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY, DECISION, DEFENCE, DESERTION, DESTRUCTION, DISCRIMINATION, ENEMY, HUMAN RIGHTS, INDISCRIMINATE WARFARE, LIBERATION WARS, MILITIA, NON-COMBATANTS, OUTLAWRY, PRISONERS OF WAR, REVOLUTIONARY WARFARE, SCORCHED EARTH, TARGETS, TYRANNICIDE, WAR AIMS, WEAPONS. - JZ, An ABC Against Nuclear War, in PEACE PLANS Nos. 16 & 17, on - rev. 22.12.13.
POLICE PROTECTION: According to civil rights attorney Don B. Kates, writing in the Wall Street Journal of January 10, 1986, civilians are attacked three times as often as police officers. Yet civilians are twenty-two percent more likely to succeed in driving off or wounding their attackers, and only one-fifth as likely to injure or kill the wrong person.” - Neil Smith, Lever Action, A Mountain Media Book, 2001,, p.42. – SELF-PROTECTION, SELF-DEFENCE
POLICE PROTECTION: The police can't stop an intruder, mugger, or stalker from hurting you. They can pursue him only after he has hurt or killed you. Protecting yourself from harm is your responsibility, and you are far less likely to be hurt in a neighborhood of gun-owners than in one of disarmed citizens – even if you don't own a gun yourself. – Harry Browne
POLICE STATE: In a police state, the best of people go to prison.” - Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do ‘til the Revolution, Breakout Productions, Port Townsend, Washington, 1999, rev. ed., ISBN 1-89.3626-13-X, p.94. – Actually, the best people saw it coming and fled, if they could, or went underground. Only the second-raters or the unlucky ones were imprisoned. – JZ, 26.9.07. - & PRISONS, CRIMINALS
POLICE STATE: When only cops have guns, it’s called a police state.” – Quoted by: Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do ‘til the Revolution, Breakout Productions, Port Townsend, Washington, 1999, rev. ed., ISBN 1-89.3626-13-X, p.16. - & GUN CONTROL
POLICE: A man who wants protection will fire patrolmen who waste their time harassing minorities. … No private policeman has ever spent many hours at a restroom peephole in hopes of apprehending deviates.” – William Wooldrige, quoted in David Friedman, Machinery of Freedom, p.173.
POLICE: A monopolized and hierarchically organized police force and organized crime have gone and still go hand in hand, to some extent, metaphorically and literally. They wage “permanent war for permanent peace” in their own way, and, mutually, ensure, that their returns from this struggle are attractive enough, always as the expense of the crime victims and the general tax payers. – JZ, 21.12.92. – If today’s police forces could wipe out all crime – would they do so? – JZ, 20.2.08.
POLICE: Above all, let us bear in mind that the police force is but an agency or an instrument of ours, and that ours is the responsibility to keep it a friendly agency of justice rather than a foe of mankind.” - Leonard E. Read, THE FREEMAN, 2/75. – How can we do this under today’s circumstances? That is a bit too hard to do under territorialism, i.e. when we are still forced by taxes to support them and not free to secede from the State, which they do represent. If we were as free, then we would have at least the equivalent of diplomatic immunity towards them. At most we are now free to hire bodyguards against their power abusers – if we can afford them. I never was so well off. – I wonder, whether the police ever abused a Mafia boss, who was surrounded by his bodyguards. Some won’t even grant us freedom of speech and the drug-war seems to authorize them to engage in very abusive and prolonged body searches. – I was lucky and have never been physically abused by any policeman. - JZ, 22.12.13.
POLICE: According to newspaper reports and various commission hearings, the highest percentage of corruption in any profession seems to happen in the highest ranks of police officers, i.e. among police commissioners and their deputies. True or false? Alas, I have never seen a statistic on the frequency of such occurrences. Naturally, only the cases that were found out could be included in such a statistic. – JZ, 4.4.93. – But in a way even these people are victims of the old phenomenon, often observed and publicized, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Too much power should not be granted to any man or woman. And then think of the huge sums of money involved e.g. in black market drug transactions. The same officer, who would indignantly reject a $ 10, 100 or 1000 bribe offer, might get second thoughts when it gets to the tens of thousands or more. We are all human after all. And who knows better than most police officers how ineffective the whole anti-drug legislation is? Drugs cannot even be kept out of prisons and out of the armed forces in war zones. – JZ, 18.2.08, 29.1.11. – POLICE MONOPOLY, POWER ABUSE, CORRUPTION
POLICE: All the policemen in Australia might not be enough merely to investigate all the unofficial crimes of its politicians. – And their official and legalized ones they are not authorized to investigate. – There is not substitute for the freedom to opt out from under territorial systems! - JZ 18.7.83, 15.3.09, 22.12.13. – INDIVIDUAL & GROUP SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM
POLICE: Allow good policemen and organizations to drive out the bad ones. - JZ 20.8.83.
POLICE: An insolent “Move on!” is the watchword of those who although paid as “public servants” consider themselves a privileged caste. The members of the police force probably have the highest incidence of crime and violence of any group of like size in the general populace. (*) This is even evident in published newspaper reports, although naturally only a fraction is ever made public”. – RED & BLACK, 4/73. - (*) Higher even than politicians, with their official and legalized and their unofficial crimes? – JZ, 3.3.08.
POLICE: Anarchism is a game at which the police can beat you.” – George Bernard Shaw, 1956-1950, Misalliance, 1914. – Among the worst misalliances are often those between honest citizens and State policemen and those unofficial ones between criminals and State policemen. – JZ, 120.9.07. - & ANARCHISM
POLICE: And the slogan 'Support your Local Police!' is frequently annotated, 'Bribe a cop today.' - Bill Peach, THE REVIEW, March 18-24, 1972. - Members of private protection agencies do already outnumber official police forces in many countries, like e.g., Australia. If one wants some real protection one has either to provide it oneself - which has largely been outlawed, by our official protectors, intent on disarming us, while not disarming private criminals and official ones, or has to hire a private and competitive security service. - JZ, 16.11.02. - PROTECTION, CORRUPTION, JOKES
POLICE: Any organization that is coercively financed out of taxes is already insofar coercive. - If it can also enforce its own rules or rules imposed by others, it becomes to that extent despotic, despite the best intentions. If it is authorized to suppress competition, it will deteriorate. These and other general rules operate against the police and all the other State organizations. - JZ, 20.7.83, 29.1.11.
POLICE: As long as there are offenders against human rights, committing genuine "crimes", the policing function will be necessary and justified. A monopolistic police force is not. Wrongful actions that harm others need policing, rightful and desired actions don't. - JZ, 20.7.83.
POLICE: Besides, has not experience demonstrated quite recently that Jack the Ripper performed his exploits under the eye of the London police – a most active force – and that he only left off killing when the population of Whitechapel itself began to give chase to him?” – Kropotkin – SELF-HELP, CRIME
POLICE: But for ironclad reasons, the use of force and compulsion are completely unsuitable for social and economic purposes. Compulsion cannot grow our food or build our houses. We wouldn’t hire policemen to straighten our teeth or fix the television set. But the strange thing is, that is exactly what politicians have increasingly done for sixty years or more. They’ve asked for more police headquarters (? - JZ) to educate our children, to run the airlines and railroads, rebuild slums, manage television and radio communications, protect the environment, prevent discrimination, and to undertake countless other non-police chores they manifestly cannot do adequately, or at all.” – McBride, A New Dawn, p.14. - STATE, GOVERNMENT, STATISM, BUREAUCRACY, POLITICIANS, WELFARE STATE
POLICE: But in spite of all the justified and correct criticism that can be raised against the present police system, it is surprising how many honest, intelligent and relatively industrious and conscientious policemen one can still meet. In spite of all the additional temptations they are exposed to. I hold that they still constitute the great majority. - But even if each of them were perfect, under the present system they and they alone could not do a good or even satisfactory policing job. The notion of any exclusive police force being able to do so is as illusory and utopian as the notion of an ideal and limited government. Any effort and money spent in that direction will inevitably be largely wasted. - JZ, 29.7.82, 29.1.11, 22.12.13.
POLICE: Citizens ought to be free to opt out from under even a benevolent police regime, not only an arbitrary, unreliable, excessively expensive and outright criminal one or a police state. – JZ, n.d. & 2.4.08.
POLICE: Consider the actions of all the policemen in the world. How many more times do they act against the rights and liberties of citizens than for their protection? They are not even sworn in to uphold only genuine individual rights and liberties but, rather, to uphold whatever laws are imposed, regardless how unjust and arbitrary they may be. Too often they do not even sufficiently abide by whatever limitations the laws have ordered against arbitrary actions by policemen. Inefficiency and corruption and abuse of power within police forces is still all too wide-spread, from the lowest to the highest ranks. - JZ, 30.1.02. - How can they uphold all genuine individual rights and liberties when they do not even know them? Alas, most of their victims and of wrongful legislation, politics, bureaucratic actions, do not know all of their rights and liberties, either and show quite insufficient interest for them. - JZ, 29.1.11. – INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
POLICE: Crooks do not perform for police audiences. They (the police – JZ) wear distinct uniforms, carry noisemakers and flashing lights.” – Robert LeFevre, to students at Santa College, SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 9/81. – Such visibility warns criminals and gives the public the illusion of being protected, although mostly the police shines only by its absence. – JZ, 22.12.13. - CRIME
POLICE: Crystal Brame was killed by her estranged husband, the police chief of Tacoma, Washington. Here are some facts on cops as batterers. - Domestic violence 2 to 4 times more common in police families than in general population - - Chris Lyspooner shared a link. - Facebook, 6.2.12. – POWER CORRUPTS
POLICE: Each should elect his own local sheriff. – JZ, 8.6.82.
POLICE: External policing does not work well enough. Only self-policing and self-control and self-restraints or individually agreed-upon policing services can have a sufficient degree of success. – JZ, n.d., 2.4.08.
POLICE: For all too many policemen their claimed or even legalized monopoly to fight criminals is more important than fighting criminals. In this they are typical trade unionists but bad policemen. - JZ, 21.7.00.
POLICE: For the enemy of the people is not the police; it is the system of laws (excluding the Constitution) composed by lawyers, who also monopolize all our legislatures and constantly give the police freshly insane jobs to do.” – David Cort, Social Astonishments, p.52. – LAWS
POLICE: Free competition for all honest, just and efficient cops! - JZ, 20.7.83.
POLICE: Good policing is not impossible. It is merely outlawed! – JZ, 20.7.83. - By outlawing quite free competition in this sphere. How often do policemen, judges and the law recognize the right to self-defence, also against abuses by policemen? – JZ, 22.12.13.
POLICE: Government is not quite as bad as it could be, to the extent that we can, unofficially, pay some of its minions not to enforce a wrongful law. Naturally, it would be much better if we had the option of having to pay only for real and wanted services, e.g. the ones of our personal law system and personal choice institutions, rather than for the provision of unwanted services or disservices. Without considerable corruption many regimes would probably have collapsed already long ago – through the enforcement attempts for all or all too many of their wrongful laws. Naturally, if would be nice if all public servants were independent and enlightened enough never to enforce wrongful laws. Alas, sometimes one has to pay them unofficially to make them abstain from enforcing wrongful laws against oneself. On the other hand, it seems that sometimes one has to grease their palms to get them to deliver a service they are salaried to provide. Any institution, which continues such abuses, i.e., keeps such people in office, is inherently corrupt and breeds further corruption. But quite incorruptible public servants, who are strictly enforcing all wrongful laws would be even worse. – Merely selective enforcement, at the discretion of the police is not an acceptable solution either. It does already, unfortunately, happen anyhow, while there is no clear distinction between not enforcing wrongful laws while enforcing only good laws. Are there many of these? There is a term for this: arbitrary rule or arbitrary enforcement or non-enforcement of laws. – Russian absolutism, under the Czars, was once aptly named “despotism mitigated by assassination”. Our system might be named: “bureaucracy, mitigated or worsened by corruption.” – Corruption might be used and morally excusable when used a.) to get a rightful thing done undisturbed and b.) not to get a wrongful thing done to oneself. – JZ, n.d. & 2.4.08, 15.3.09, 29.1.11, 22.12.13. – CORRUPTION
POLICE: Has a policeman ever protected you? - Stefan Blankerts, La Red, p.84.
POLICE: Having police is vital for our safety. Without them, our streets would be full of dangerous people running around with no controls whatever on their behavior – and no uniforms to identify them. – Don Strachan, in BRICK PILLOW # 55, Nov. 87, p.5. - JOKES
POLICE: Here is my conclusion at the outset: When the police serve as an agency of justice, we should in all good conscience regard the agency as a friend. But when the police power becomes an instrument of injustice we should look upon it as a foe; for then it is a political device that contributes toward rather than deters social chaos. – … Above all, let us bear in mind that the police force is but an agency or an instrument of ours, and that ours is the responsibility to keep it a friendly agency of justice rather than a foe of mankind.” - Leonard E. Read, in THE FREEMAN, 2/75. – The latter part is rather hard to realize for the ordinary citizen, once the police has been granted a monopoly and xyz powers quite legally. Here Read did not apply free market thinking, as he usually did. He did not apply it to the governments as a whole, either, blinded by his ideal and delusions about a “limited government”, still a territorial one. – JZ, 22.2.08.
POLICE: Hire a policeman directly - so that you can fire him if necessary. - JZ, 75.
POLICE: How good police service can really be, we would find out only under full competition in this sphere. – The good and best policemen would tend to support that competition and shine in it. - JZ, 15.3.09.POLICE: How much do all the policemen, judges, lawyers, prison officers do cost us, compared with the total cost of all crime damage? – How much could we save via insurance agents, private detective agencies and bounty hunters, by productive and competitive penal institutions for convicts and by competing court and legal systems? – Tax-funded subsidies prevent economics in these spheres as well. - JZ, 21.12.92. – QUESTIONS, CRIME, PROTECTIVE SERVICES
POLICE: I believe that all the police in Australia would not be enough merely to investigate all the crimes - and legalized offences - committed by its politicians. - JZ, 29.7.82.
POLICE: I have never seen a situation so dismal that a policeman couldn’t make it worse. – Brendan Behan (1923-1964). – Quoted Barbara Rowe, A Book of Quotes. – At least in a political sense this does largely apply. – JZ, 14.9.85.
POLICE: I tell you how to find a dirty cop. Pick up the phone and call the police station. Don’t really matter who answers.” – From film: “National Security”. - CORRUPTION, DIRTY COPS, JOKES
POLICE: I’m not against the police; I’m just afraid of them.” – Alfred Hitchcock. - JOKES
POLICE: I’ve seen it suggested that our cities would be less dangerous without policemen. – Steve Witham, THE CONNECTION, 114 p. 54. – Then there would be no policemen to protect offenders against effective self-defence or retaliation. Almost every adult would then also be armed to defend himself and his property. – JZ, 22.2.08. – And more private and competing security service people would be hired then than are hired now. – When visiting the US in 1990/91, I was surprised by the number of private security guards there, visible almost everywhere there, to protect private enterprises. - JZ, 8.4.08, 22.12.13.
POLICE: If policemen were only ever protective and enforced only just laws, would they be as unpopular as they are? – JZ, 13.6.13.
POLICE: If you want police protection – hire it! – JZ, 10.72. – Hire a policeman directly – so that you can fire him, if necessary. – JZ, 17.11.75.
POLICE: In 1970 Cairns went so far as to claim that in effect Australian citizens had a right to set up private police forces. - He was attempting to justify the use of marshals to control protest marches - but the statement itself was not confined to protests. It is not going too far to suggest that an alternative police force was simply one manifestation of Cairns' proposed "alternative system of power". - G. Henderson, QUADRANT, Oct.72.
POLICE: In America you are 8 times more likely to be killed by a Cop than by a crazed mass shooter. – Terror is something that is not unfamiliar to Government.” - Dustin Archer Ⓥ shared Victor Bozzo's photo. Facebook, 28.7.12. You are 80 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than a “terrorist”. – Kenneth Leonard, quoted on Facebook 9.2.12. – 8 or 80 times. My bet is on 8 times. – JZ. - & MASS MURDERS TERRORISM – TERRORISM BY GOVERNMENT
POLICE: In any civilized society, a police force is a necessary evil, but some members of it are more evil than necessary.” – Mr. Ken Buckley, president, Council for Civil Liberties, 8.3.69.
POLICE: In fact, even today, with "free" tax-funded police protection provided by government, the great majority of police protection is provided by the private sector. - According to the National Center for Policy Analysis (using 1990 figures): Private security guards outnumber public law enforcement officers by nearly three to one. - Businesses, communities and individuals spent, on private security, almost twice the amount collected in taxes for government police services. - = So we already have a mixed public-private police system, and the private sector part is the largest, and is growing. - Got questions? Dr. Ruwart has answers! If you'd like answers to YOUR "tough questions" on libertarian issues, email Dr. Ruwart at: “ - PRIVATE POLICE PROTECTION
POLICE: It is not to be forgotten that even now in a great number of countries there are various private security producers alongside the state: private investigators, insurance detectives, and private arbitrators. Their work seems to confirm the thesis that they are more, not less, successful in resolving social conflicts than their public counterparts. – Leonard E. Read, quoted by Nizam Ahmad sharing The Rothbardian's photo. – Facebook, 15.8.13. - PROTECTION & SECURITY SERVICES, PRIVATE
POLICE: It should not be forced to fight "crimes "without victims, but it is. - JZ, 29.7.82.
POLICE: It takes vice to hunt vice. That accounts f’r polisman.” – Peter F. Dunne, Mr. Dooley on Liberty, quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.533. – I read several reports about times, when police appointments were more informal, according to which former criminals. appointed to police positions, made excellent policemen! – JZ, 15.3.09. - JOKES
POLICE: It’s a long time since I met a bad copper and it’s a helluva long time since I met a good criminal.” – Constable Max MacKinnon, THE SUN HERALD, 24.7.83. – It quite depends how one defines “bad cop”: Should one class as such only those, who are themselves acting criminally or in league with criminals or all those, who do uphold laws that are immoral, even criminal and lead to many crimes with victims, like e.g. the anti-drug laws do? – And aren’t policemen protecting the legislators, who do pass such bad laws? – Do all the ordinary private criminals commit as many crimes and do as much damage as the politicians do, when policemen enforce their wrongful laws? Just think of taxation. – They are upholding a territorial State that is based upon such robbery! - And are paid also out of its proceeds. - JZ, 3.3.08.
POLICE: Let me say on behalf of the nation's police force that I think the men hired for this job are some of the finest men you can find. (*) But they have an impossible job. They are supposed to protect everybody from everybody. They have to deal at a societal level, and that is the end of the cord in that direction. It can't be done. - Take the average community of 100,000 people. How many police will be hired to protect that number? Probably at the moment, somewhere between one hundred and seventy-five to two hundred. Let's get carried away. Let's assume that 1,000 are hired as police. There are at least 25,000 homes and 30,000 cars in that town. There are at least 5,000 businesses. And 100,000 people. How could 1,000 well trained, well equipped, totally dedicated men handle that problem? It isn't possible. Anybody can attack anybody at any time. Anyone can be victimized in any way at any time. The police can't be everywhere.” - Robert LeFevre: Lift Her Up, Tenderly, p.199. – Add to this, that they are on duty at most one third of the time, so cut their number at least by three. - (*) Not all of them, but at least some of them and the temptations for them are sometimes very large and often only small but also corrupting. – JZ, 22.2.08.
POLICE: Luckily, policemen are unable and unwilling to strictly enforce all laws – but they still enforce all too many laws against “crimes” without victims while neglecting what they consider to be only minor crimes with victims.” – They seem to make an all-out effort only when a crime has been committed against a ruler or a policeman. - JZ, 2.4.08. – PROTECTION
POLICE: MONOPOLY SERVICES: Like any other monopoly service, this has lead to the deterioration of services, increase of costs and led to much dissatisfaction and distrust against the police in the population. – In the interest of their own reputation and not as trade unionists with a trade union mentality, policemen should push for free competition in their profession. – JZ, 15.3.09.
POLICE: Most custom officers can also be considered as policemen - engaged in a vast and legal conspiracy against profitable trading, free and wealth promoting exchanges. - JZ, 29.7.82. – PROTECTIONISM, CUSTOM DUTIES, SMUGGLING
POLICE: Most people think there are more thugs in the world than cops, This may be one reason they oppose libertarianism. – Mike Gunderloy, THE CONNECTION 133 p.41. – So we need more self-defence options and also more, better, enlightened and competitive police services. Moreover, every honest adult should “cop” (*) some cop authority and responsibility towards thugs. Furthermore, every free, informed and responsible citizens should volunteer for a local militia force to uphold individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 11.8.87, 22.2.08. – (*) Australian slang, meaning: take upon his shoulders or become responsible for. – JZ, 22.12.13. - THUGS, STATISM, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, MILITIA FOR THE PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
POLICE: Mostly, I guess, the cops mean well. But they’re saddled with laws that breed crime worse than Prohibition ever did.” – Poul Anderson, The Boat of a Million Years, p.371. – Too many laws tend to breed not only crimes without victims but also crimes with victims, e.g. by drug addicts, who have to commit crimes in order to maintain their drug habit, made very expensive through laws against drugs. A territorial monopoly for political management and action does not improve e.g. police services, either. – JZ, 6.4.91, 2.4.08, 22.12.13. - COPS, LAWS, CRIME, DRUGS, VICE SQUAD, PROHIBITION, CRIME
POLICE: Murderers, especially mass murderers – and those systematically preparing for mass murders - get more police protection against relatives and friends of their victims or prospective victims than their victims got from the police or their prospective victims will get. Think about it! – JZ, 7.11.96, 13.2.08. – Nuclear weapons are well protected against the people wishing to destroy them but the people are not protected from these “weapons”. – JZ, 15.3.09. - MURDERERS & MASS MURDERERS, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT
POLICE: My conclusion is that when you need a cop, he’ll be hassling someone else, and when you don’t’ need one, he’ll be hassling you.” – Brick Pillow in BRICK PILLOW, # 54, May 87, p.31. – PROTECTION, JOKES
POLICE: No man or group of men has the right to initiate the use of force, fraud or coercion against another man or group of men.” – Common libertarian saying, also directed against monopoly-police forces that act wrongly, because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. A counter-force against all wrongful coercive or monopoly institutions and imposed laws would be an ideal militia of volunteers, one exclusively for the protection of individual rights and liberties. (*) Alas, in the whole world no such force exists as yet, nor does, to my knowledge, a complete and clear enough declaration of individual rights and liberties exist – or even a sufficient interest in providing it as soon as possible. – See PEACE PLANS 589/590 for over 130 private human rights drafts. So far only offered by me on – (*) Such a militia is somewhat discussed in my first peace book. – - JZ, 3.3.08. - ZAP, NON-INITIATION OF FORCE, MILITIA TO UPHOLD INDIVDIUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES
POLICE: Not the police is the primary enemy but many of the laws are, which the policemen are supposed to enforce. – JZ, 12.9.88. – LAWS.
POLICE: NSW has the best police force that money can buy.” – Saying in prison, 1979. – BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, JOKES
POLICE: Numerous other boards have also been given oppressive, not liberating or protecting policing powers. - JZ, 29.7.82.
POLICE: One often gets the impression from the news that the police commissioners - and their deputies in our monopoly police forces - are the main public servants of organized crime. “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – These poor fellows should not be given so much power in the first place. – Then organized crime would, probably, not be as powerful as it is. – JZ. 21.12.92. – But this is all speculation based upon insufficient information. Press reports are notoriously unreliable. – JZ, 19.2.08.
POLICE: Only in a police state is the job of a policeman easy.” – Orson Welles - POLICE STATES, OFFICIAL POLICE FORCES
POLICE: Only when “competing” governments and “competing” police forces become or try to become territorial governments, with an “exclusive turf”, i.e., monopolists, do they fight each other. Otherwise they merely compete for more voluntary customers. – JZ, 15.3.05. – COMPETING POLICE FORCES & COMPETING GOVERNMENTS, AYN RAND’S MISUNDERSTANDING
POLICE: Perhaps all the policemen in Australia would not be enough merely to investigate all the crimes of the politicians. – JZ, 18.7.83. Being educated in governmentally controlled schools, they would not even recognize their legalized crimes as crimes with victims. – JZ, 3.3.08, 29.1.11.
POLICE: Police always observe that criminals prosper. It takes a pretty dull policeman to miss the fact that the position of authority is the most prosperous criminal position available.” – Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune, p.240. – AUTHORITY, OFFICIALS, PUBLIC SERVANTS, CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, DISHONESTY, CRIME
POLICE: Police are a monopoly. Monopoly promotes abuse. To abolish a monopoly is to open up the market to competition. – Brad Spangler, Director of the Center for a Stateless Society, C4SS, On Facebook, 9.2.12. - Brad Spangler on Facebook, 23.2.12. – My automatic sorting system seemed to think that this statement is so important that it repeated it, twice! – JZ, 22.12.13.
POLICE: Police are inevitably corrupted.” - Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune, p.240. - While I would not go so far as to say that freely competing police forces and their members are all incorruptible, the temptation for corruption would be greatly reduced by this competition, never mind Ayn Rand's self-delusions on this subject. - JZ, 6.10.01. - & CORRUPTION
POLICE: Police departments are geared towards apprehending criminals after the crime has occurred - they are largely powerless to prevent crime. - Ross Sutherland in the GOLD COAST BULLETIN.
POLICE: Police inefficiencies, excess costs and corruption are inevitable consequences of a monopolistic police force given the task of enforcing numerous wrongful laws. The police is an armed bureaucracy itself – but one which not only enforces its own crimes but those of the other official bureaucracies as well. – JZ, 16.5.92, 2.4.08, 22.12.13. – LAWS
POLICE: Police now spend at least 80% of their time on non-criminal situations, and are becoming increasingly more militarized and violent.” – Wollstein thought that people should take more responsibility for their own safety by e.g. learning martial arts, or buying and learning the proper use of firearms. Already communities have taken the initiative in this regard via organized neighborhood watches, or the hiring of private security companies, of which there are 13,000 in the US.” - Jarret Wollstein, in talk: “Who Needs Uncle Sam?” - As reviewed in FREEDOM NETWORK NEWS. 12/07, p.18.
POLICE: Police Power: Sovereignty’s Sledgehammer.” – Heading of an article by Ridgway K. Foley, Jr., in THE FREEMAN, 11/75. – It is not the sledgehammer of individual sovereignty but of territorial, collectivist, coercive and monopolistic sovereignty. – JZ, 3.3.08. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, MONOPOLISM, STATE SOCIALISM
POLICE: Police services should not be monopolized. Nor should they have to enforce an obvious excess of territorial laws. They should not be paid out of taxes, either. They should not be subjected to the kind of “controls” that make them ineffective. They should not have the power or opportunity, provided e.g. by anti-drug laws, to receive or refuse large pecuniary advantages for ignoring cases or by enforcing the law selectively. They should be strictly bound by individual rights and liberties. And that requires, in my opinion, that they be at liberty or even under a duty to ignore certain unjust laws that restrict individual rights and liberties of all citizens who desire to practise these rights among themselves. (Naturally, ordinary citizens should also have the right to ignore wrongful laws – and institutions.) But in practice such a police force cannot be achieved in most cases over whole territories but merely through the process of competition that panarchies with their different kinds of police services would provide, in a really free market for all kinds of political, social and economic systems and protective institutions. – JZ, n.d. & 2.4.08. – PANARCHISM, COMPETITION, MARKET SERVICES, PROTECTIVE AGENCIES.
POLICE: policemen – goons with uniforms, that could walk down the street in broad daylight and actually be shown respect.” – Dragon’s Bane, by ??? quoted in NEW LIBERTARIAN 5/6, 78/80, p. 27. – In some States, yes. In others at least some. if not many of them, they do serve somewhat as a deterrent for crimes, often, but not often enough, acting only in retaliation but sometimes even providing protective services. It does not make sense to collectively condemn all of them. The wrongful laws and the legislators behind them are often much more guilty. – JZ, 27.4.89, 23.2.08.
POLICE: Policemen are given too many other jobs than crime fighting. Thus to a large extent they have become the servants of aggressive and invasive laws. While no monopolistic force should be given a free hand, it should not be over-regulated, either, so tied down by lawyers rules, laws and court rulings, that it becomes ineffective. - JZ, 29.7.82.
POLICE: Policemen enforce the law. Who enforces justice?” – David Drake, Nation Without Walls, ANALOG, July 77. - LAWS, JUSTICE
POLICE: Policemen now protect anti-people weapons or mass murder devices like ABC "weapons" - and everything necessary to their manufacture - against the people!!! – Just like policemen were once forced to protect a Hitler and a Stalin and a Mao against assassination. - JZ. 20.7.83.
POLICE: Policemen rather protect their lives and jobs than you. – And if you dare to do some protecting on your own initiative then they do become openly, legally and juridically your enemy rather than your protector and helper. – JZ, 1.8.97 – PROTECTION, SELF-DEFENCE, SELF-HELP, GUN CONTROL
POLICE: Policemen, too, should be elected or hired and subscribed to, rather than appointed by some bureaucratic office. – The private security forces already are and often outnumber the private police forces – How do crime rates compare for areas were there are no private security forces with those, where they do exist? - JZ, 8.6.82, 22.2.08. - Perhaps they were only established wherever official police forces had obviously failed? - JZ, 29.1.11.
POLICE: Sir Mark Young, retired Chief Commissioner of Police in London, has pronounced that the police can no longer keep law and order and that each individual must make his property safe against future civil disturbance, theft and looting.” – Nadia Weiner, LIBERTARIAN OPTIMISM, 11/78. – Why are they revealing such truths mostly only after they are retired? – JZ, 22.2.08.
POLICE: So we take a guy like that – a meat head with no more knowledge of psychology or anthropology or sociology or medicine or history or ethics or logic than he has of nuclear physics – and we give him a gun and a club and a can of Mace and turn him loose, my God, to “police” the rest of us. Insanity. Total insanity.” – Robert Anton Wilson, Schroedinger’s Cat II, p.45. – So you want to leave everything to the “experts”, e.g. the education of your children? That can only be relatively harmless if they are all self-chosen experts only. – JZ, 8.7.82, 3.3.08. – Appreciation of basic individual rights and liberties may actually still be lower among the intellectuals, who have “argued” themselves away from them (apart from freedom of expression and information) than among ordinary people. – JZ, 22.12.13
POLICE: Support your local police – for a more efficient police state.” – Bumper sticker, mentioned in R. A. Wilson, Schroedinger’s Cat III, p.145. – Support your local police! Bribe a cop today!”– Quoted in GEGENSCHEIN. - Members of private protection agencies do already outnumber official police forces in many countries, like e.g., Australia. If one wants some real protection one has either to provide it oneself - which has largely been outlawed, by our official protectors, intent on disarming us, while not disarming private criminals and official ones, or has to hire a private and competitive security service. - JZ, 16.11.02. - It is, probably, the vast number of wrongful laws that has largely contributed to the unpopularity of the police. – I noticed that in particular in the early post WW II years in Germany, with regard to rationing, price controls and the interdiction of private trading to get some more food from the farmers. – The police often confiscated the products gained by such illegal “black market” trading. - JZ, 15.3.09. - PROTECTION, CORRUPTION, JOKES
POLICE: Support your local police!” is frequently annotated, “Bribe a cop today.” – Bill Peach, THE REVIEW, MARCH 12/24, 1972. - JOKES
POLICE: Take great care - the police are everywhere.” - Startrek: “Bread and Circuses.” - Could be anywhere would be more correct. - JZ, 3.4.08. - Also: It can't be everywhere, all the time. – It is certainly not omnipresent, like a God is supposed to be. - JZ, 29.1.11, 22.12.13.
POLICE: The appeal "police your planet!" is an appeal to every citizen to do his duty before it blows up around them or ends in a 1000 year police State, world-wide. - JZ, 20.7.83.
POLICE: The enforcement of certain wrongful laws by policemen does more wrong and harm than all the combined activities of all private criminals with victims do. (*) If we could effectively bribe all policemen to abstaining from enforcing such laws (or the politicians to repeal such laws), we would all be much better off. If we could abolish the police- as well as the legislation monopoly via individual and group secessionism our advantages would be great. – (*) I am thinking here e.g. of the enforcement of monetary despotism, of the outlawry of ideal militia forces for the protection of individual rights and liberties, of the territorial monopoly against alternative institutions like panarchies, of the enforcement of compulsory taxation, to name just some examples. - JZ, n.d., & 2.4.08, 22.12.13.
POLICE: The main political problem is how to prevent the police power from becoming tyrannical. This is the meaning of all the struggles for liberty.” – Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) - Territorial monopoly police and military forces will always tend to become more or less despotic by themselves or can be despotically abused by their territorial rulers, whether these are tyrants, kings, presidents or prime ministers. - JZ, 25.11.06. - Just let us have competing police services, genuine self-defence rights and opportunities and volunteer militias for the protection of individual rights and liberties and most police abuses will soon be ended. – What can one expect from a monopoly police force at the expense of taxpayers? – JZ, 3.1.08. – On Facebook I read recently of a case in which an applicant was refused entry in the police force not because he was not intelligent enough but because he was considered to be too intelligent for it! – JZ, 22.12.13. - & POLITICS
POLICE: The more certain laws are enforced by the police, the more unsatisfactory and wrong does this police service become. E.g. laws against demonstrations, leafleting, late shopping, private gun ownership,. - JZ, 29.7.82. - Not to speak of laws against open-air meetings, private note issues, contracted-for alternative value standards, secessions, exterritorial autonomy for volunteers, tyrannicide, militias for the protection of individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 29.1.11.
POLICE: The police are not our enemies. The criminals are.” - Poul Anderson, The Boat of a Million years, p.371. - What about the secret police forces, like e.g, the Gestapo, the GPU or NKWD, etc.? The legalization of criminal acts committed by governments or their agents, in peace or war, is among the worst crimes. And what about those policemen, who do act criminally? A police monopoly is certainly our enemy. – JZ, 6.4.91. - All governmental and policing services ought to be subjected to individual and sovereign consumer choices and to competition by private and cooperative service providers. Otherwise they may constitute the largest, most bloody and most exploitative protection rackets. - JZ, 6.4.91, 12.1.93, 22.12.13. - E.g. the custom officers, upholding the laws of "protectionism" against free trade. - JZ, 29.1.11. - The criminals within the police forces are our enemies, too. - JZ, 10.12.03. – Even one criminal policeman only in such a force would be one too many. How many criminal policemen are there in the police force of a State? I do not expect an official statistic on that. How many cases were hushed up? Who has great opportunities and motives to do so? – JZ, 13.2.08, 22.12.13. – Consider also how many or how few of the secret service policemen and of the ordinary policemen are genuine defenders of all individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 8.4.08, 20.2.08. – In their ignorance of or non-appreciation of all individual rights and liberties they are certainly not alone and thus all blame for the consequences should certainly not be laid upon them alone. Often they serve just as scapegoats, just like rich people, businessmen and corporations do - for all too many of the left and right. – J, 22.12.13. - PANARCHISM, COMPETITION, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, FREE ENTERPRISE – EVEN FOR POLITICAL, ECONOMIC & SOCIAL SYSTEMS,
POLICE: The police can't stop an intruder, mugger, or stalker from hurting you. They can pursue him only after he has hurt or killed you. Protecting yourself from harm is your responsibility, and you are far less likely to be hurt in a neighborhood of gun-owners than in one of disarmed citizens – even if you don't own a gun yourself. – Harry Browne - PROTECTION
POLICE: The police cannot and will not help you until after you made sure that you survived an attack. Even then you cannot rely on its protection but will, all too often, rather be charged for having used force or a weapon in self-defence. – JZ, 21.10.92, 19.2.08, 22.12.13. – SELF-DEFENCE, CRIME, PROTECTION
POLICE: The police costs us almost as much as the criminals do! – JZ, in comment to figures on US conditions by Lanny Friedlander: The gang that couldn’t shoot straight, an early REASON article. – If one were to include all taxes, lastly enforceable also by the police, and out of which the police and all other officials, politicians and bureaucrats are paid, then their total take would amount to very much more than the take of all private crooks and organized criminals combined. But from governments we never get that kind of accounting. – JZ, 22.2.08. – The question remains unanswered: How much crime to they really stop or prevent, compared with private effective self-defence and private crime prevention methods? – JZ, 22.12.13.
POLICE: The police is good, the police is great. // But when needed, she's always late. – JZ, Nov. 67, after reading in an atheist periodical the following quote from "T. A. B.": “God is good, God is great, // But when needed. He's always late!”
POLICE: The police saves lives – mainly those of criminals – from top politicians down to the street muggers, by monopolizing protective serves, disarming the victims and upholding the “civil rights” of criminals with victims rather than the natural rights of victims. – JZ, 15.6.92.
POLICE: The police will not, as a rule, and cannot, in most instances, protect you. Nevertheless, it does not want you to protect and defend yourself against criminals, considering this job to be their trade unionist monopoly, although, in most cases, it can only offer retaliation, after the crime has been committed. – JZ, 28.4.95. As is demonstrated by the assassinations of political leaders, the police cannot even fully protect such people, even when they attempt this with large numbers of policemen and secret service men. – JZ, 1.4.08. – PROTECTION, CRIME PREVENTION
POLICE: The policeman isn’t there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder.” - Wilson/Shea, Illuminatus III, p.250. – The legalized disorder. - JZ, 29.1.11. - ORDER, CHAOS, LAW, DISORDER, PROHIBITION, WAR ON DRUGS, SECRET POLICE
POLICE: The purpose of the police isn't to create disorder; it's to preserve disorder.” - Mayor Daley at the Democratic National Convention. – A slip of the tongue or an unintended confession? – JZ, 15.3.09. - ORDER, LAW, LAW & ORDER, JOKES
POLICE: The question is not how the wolves ought to be organized or the sheep dogs or the shepherds - but the sheep! - We ought to ponder the rights and the duties of the citizens arising out of prolonged, repeated and almost all-embracing failures and wrongs of police forces, military forces, legislation, administrations, courts, parliaments, commissions etc. Continued obedience to all of them can only lead to more disasters. Complaints and suits are not enough. Rightful resistance actions (and that would excludes most of what passed as such so far) must be pondered and then undertaken to finally establish competing alternative institutions - for all those, who do want them for themselves. - But everyone should remain free to choose to continue living under the old system, at the own expense and risk. - JZ 20.7.83, 22.12.13.
POLICE: The ratio of police to citizen is such that crime is a fairly safe profession. – Dean Lyon, “el Don”, 26.5.78. - the ratio of police to citizens is such that crime is a fairly safe profession.” - Robert LeFevre, SLL leaflet. - As if a monopoly police force ever could or would wipe out all private and official crimes. – JZ, 3.3.08. – CRIME
POLICE: The right to resist oppression should not be and cannot be delegated to a few people only, e.g. to politicians, bureaucrats, presidents, prime ministers, premiers, soldiers, policemen and judges. – JZ, 6/88, 2.4.08. – DELEGATION, RIGHTS, REPRESENTATION, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS OR PARLIAMENTS, POLITICIANS, SOLDIERS, RIGHT TO RESIST OPPRESSION
POLICE: The rookie (policeman) is faced with the situation where it is easier for him to become corrupt than to remain honest.” – Knapp Commission Report. – CORRUPTION
POLICE: The small crooks live at the expense of the taxpayers. The large ones maintain - the police! - JZ 20.7.83. – At the expense and risk of the taxpayers. – JZ, 18.4.08.
POLICE: The tendency here is strong, too: The regulated (here the private criminals with victims, as well as the criminals in parliament) tend to become the regulators, i.e., those running the police force. They might even turn it into the police force of a police State. - How extensive criminality is, in its highest positions, is somewhat indicated by the frequency with which either the top man, the police commissioner or his deputy become revealed as being involved in one or the other scandal. And these cases cover only the discovered and published cases. For these people cover-ups are relatively easy. A statistic on all these cases of dishonesty in the highest positions, in all countries, would be highly illuminating. – Probably the highest percentage of the honest cops would be found in the lower ranks. – This tendency is strong, too, among the politicians and the Generals. Too many of them are prepared to recommend indiscriminate bombing raids and to carry them out, or are prepared to use ABC mass murder devices. During WW I the French General Nivelle was called the “blood drinker” by his soldiers, after he drove them, up to 40 times in a row, into vain attacks against the German lines, sometimes with the own artillery fire also following them, to drive them forward, instead of only preceding them. – That Red Army soldiers were often driven forward by armed Commissars behind them, is well known. – And with all their readiness to commit mass murders, these professional war mongers have not yet been intelligent enough to ponder and proclaim quite just war and peace aims, which might even prevent wars altogether or reduce them to quite rightful police actions against the real war criminals only. - JZ, 21.1.87, 2.4.08. – DEFENCE FORCES, GENERALS, CRUELTY, ATROCITIES, MASS MURDERS, REGULATIONS, LAWS, RIGHTFUL WAR & PEACE AIMS
POLICE: The world needs some kind of policing forces. But the monopolistic and government-run or controlled ones are not sufficiently competitive, morally enlightened and restrained to provide only justified policing services instead of all too many additional offences. To gradually develop close to ideal police forces, free competition should be introduced in this sphere as well. Such forces should also not be funded out of taxes but out of contributions from those who want particular police services and organizations, subscribing to them like they do now to private protection services, which, alas, are still all too wrongfully restrained by territorial laws. Often also insufficiently trained to uphold all individual rights and liberties - even against governmental authorities. Nor do ideal militia forces exist as yet as a model of citizens rightly policing themselves. Official policemen and private security forces and most existing militias have almost as little knowledge and appreciation of genuine individual rights and liberties as have the territorial politicians and bureaucrats and average voters. So one cannot expect very much from them. For this state of ignorance and non-appreciated of individual rights and liberties we can and should blame most anarchists and libertarians, who so far failed to collaborate in the compilation and provision of an as complete and clear declaration of these rights and liberties as could and should be provided by now. - JZ, 11.1.04, 31.10.07, 22.12.13. - POLICE FORCES, PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATIONS, RIGHTFUL MILITIAS, ONLY FOR THE PROTECTION OF GENUINE INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, FINALLY SUFFICIENTLY DECLARED BY ANARCHISTS & LIBERTARIANS
POLICE: There are not pigs everywhere and they are at very few place all the time.” – Skye d’Aureous and Natalie Hall in LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION 69. – Often the very people who, quite wrongly and collectively, call them “pigs”, are the very people who call for their help in an emergency. – JZ, 22.2.08.
POLICE: There are people among the police, national guard, army, and even the politicians, who have never initiated force or fraud.” (*) – J. Edward Du Bois, THE CONNECTION 121, p.36. - But force is used to collect the funds to pay their salaries. – JZ, 1.4.08. – The same would apply to a territorial but otherwise limited government, unless it manages to replace compulsory taxation. – JZ, 15.4.08. – (*) How many of them are there? – JZ, 22.12.13.
POLICE: There is no need for any policemen who have to be bribed to leave people’s individual rights and liberties alone or to give them any serious protection. Nor is there any need for policemen who are practically partners or informers of criminals with victims, or who are criminals themselves. We could get enough useful, honest, efficient and incorruptible protectors of our rights and liberties only through free competition in this sphere as well. The trend towards more and more private security forces is strong. Usually they do already outnumber the official policemen, but they are not yet protecting personal law and communities of volunteers, with the exception of some private and gated communities. – JZ, n.d. & 2.4.08.
POLICE: There is nothing wrong with most police forces that free competition in police services could not cure. – JZ, 18.3.84, 3.3.08.
POLICE: They are, ideally, either just aspects of volunteer communities or special free enterprise services hired by autonomous volunteer communities, in the same way as they might hire any other services via special contracts in what is now called "outsourcing". - JZ, 19.9.04. - PROTECTION & SECURITY FORCES, FREELY COMPETING ONES, PRIVATE & COMPETITIVE POLICE AGENCIES
POLICE: We Americans have no commission from God to police the world.” – Benjamin Harrison. - But hasn't every moral and rational being some kind and degree of duty in this direction? - Are mass-murders beyond the borders of our country of no concern to us at all, nor ready mass murder devices stockpiled within our country or anywhere else? Or factories for them? - JZ, 26.11.06. – Aren’t many to most nuclear reactors at least potential factories for them or suppliers of raw materials for such “weapons”? – JZ, 22.12.13. - POLICEMAN OF THE WORLD? ARMED WITH MASS MURDER DEVICES?
POLICE: We need competing police forces to get clean and efficient police forces. – JZ, 24.5.79.POLICE: What is the percentage of police chiefs who were found guilty of corruption and misconduct among all the police chiefs and their deputies? Remember how often such cases made headlines. Including the percentage of those never found out – because they have many opportunities for cover-ups, the percentage of such people may be close to that among politicians, where it is all too close to 100%. – JZ, 28.4.92. – There is only one Ron Paul in Congress! – JZ, 19.9.08. - POLITICIANS, CORRUPTION, TERRITORIALISM, POWER ABUSES
POLICE: What is to be done in a nutshell? Spread knowledge and appreciation of all human rights. Allow and promote self-protection and self-protection organizations. Allow people to set up or hire all kinds of protective associations and services (for the preservation of human rights) on a business basis. - Form militias for the protection of human rights. Pay only for the police force of your choice. Establish competing law systems, i.e. exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers only. - JZ, 29.7.82, 29.1.11, 22.12.13. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES & COMMUNITIES, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, VOLUNTARISM & FREE COMPETITION IN EVERY SPHERE, STARTING WITH INDIVIDUAL & MINORITY GROUP SECESSIONISM
POLICE: When Sir Robert Peel proposed to organize the police force of London, Englishmen said openly that a dozen throats cut at Whitechapel every year would be a cheap price to pay for keeping such an instrument of potential tyranny out of the state’s hands. – A. J. Nock. – POLICE STATES
POLICE: When the police serve as an agency of justice, we should in all good conscience regard the agency as a friend. But when the police power becomes an instrument of injustice we should look upon it as a foe; ...” - Leonard E. Read, THE FREEMAN, 2/75.
POLICE: Where is the police when you need armed help? - JZ, 18.9.00. - It cannot even provide always sufficient protection to the top political leaders to prevent their assassination! - JZ, 30.1.02. Thus how much protection can the ordinary citizen expect from “his” State police force? – JZ, 22.12.13. - WEAPONS, GUNS, PROTECTION, CRIME
POLICE: Who gets the most police protection? Politicians, bureaucrats and criminals. Their victims are largely and legally disarmed. – JZ, 1.4.00. – PROTECTION, GUN CONTROL OR VICTIM DISARMAMENT, SELF-DEFENCE, MILITIA, VICTIM DISARMAMENT
POLICE: Why are they always putting up those stickers saying, Support Your Local Police"? Ever wonder about that? What's the most important thing to a police state? Isn't it police? And if we got rid of the police, how could we ever have a police state? Think about it, fellow Americans, ...” R. A. Wilson and Shea: Illuminatus II, p.74.
POLICE: Why is the police service presently so unsatisfactory? Could it be otherwise under present conditions? – JZ, 29.3.89 - How could one man police 500 or even several thousand other people? - Most members are "good unionists". The police force is a monopolistic and privileged organization, regardless of how much or how little it is under "public control". - It does not provide incentive pay - no official bounty hunters' positions, only its training and promotion system goes somewhat in this direction. It is a hierarchically and bureaucratically run system. - The law compels it to enforce crime-promoting laws like the anti-drug laws. The law also involves it in vice. From being, perhaps, backed up too much by law and courts in the prosecution of criminals, it has reached the stage where often it is backed-up too little. Power corrupts- and who wants to help a corrupt police force? Power produces violence - and this causes unpopularity and non-cooperation. Their numbers are far to small to do the essential job. The police is also loaded down with all too many non-essential jobs and regulating jobs which should not be its concern: from e.g. shopping hour restrictions to traffic laws. (Lastly only self-policing offers sufficient hope for protection.) Most policemen and most citizens know and appreciate too few of the genuine individual human rights and liberties. They do have this in common with most politicians, bureaucrats and voters. Laws have become too numerous and long to be knowable, applicable and enforceable. Recruits are often taken in rather for body size than for intelligence and unarmed combat skill. I believe most police forces are still plagued by a seniority system. Most policemen do not seem to be organized, trained or willing to invite and encourage sufficient citizen collaboration. They are employed by the worst criminals - judging by their "takings" and the bloodshed and oppression they cause, namely the territorial and professional politicians. They have helped to disarm the victimized citizens while proving themselves unable to disarm criminals. (Gun law enforcement or victim disarmament.) - This enumeration makes no claim at all to completeness, but invites further suggestions, particularly from frustrated policemen who would like to do as good a job as possible. – JZ, 29.7.82, 29.1.11.
POLICE: Would not the persons and the property of the citizens of New York be more secure if entrusted to a private police force? And would not the job be done at less cost to the citizenry?” - Frank Chodorov: Out of Step, p.169. - Why only one State or private police force? Even under the present system numerous private protection and security service have developed and serve, out of sheer necessity. All of them privately and voluntarily paid for. If everything we are forced to contribute as taxpayers for the State police forces could be retained by taxpayers and so used, or if all private protection costs could be fully deducted from the taxes paid, then we might get much better police services. – The best official policemen would then tend to join the private police services. – JZ, 22.2.08. - A monopolistic police franchise is not a genuine solution, either. - JZ, 29.1.11.
POLICE: You can almost certainly depend on the police not being there when a crime is committed against you. – Numerous policemen cannot even prevent assassination attempts against presidents, when they do seriously try to give them protection. – JZ, 1.12.94, 1.4.08.
POLICE: You don’t like Pinkertons? Well, at any rate, they do less discreditable work than the police, and militia, and the army, and they do it cheaper.” – A Byington sticker. - PRIVATE & COMPETITIVE POLICE & PROTECTION SERVICES
POLICIES: A common substitute for good judgment.” – Kelvin Throop III, The Management Dictionary, quoted in ANALOG 1/83.
POLICIES: As Professor Philbrook pointed out in a brilliant article some years ago (*), we must frame our policy convictions on what we believe the best course to be and then try to convince others of this goal, and not include within our policy conclusions estimates of what other people may find acceptable. – Murray N. Rothbard, 100 % Gold Dollar, p.42. – Rothbard did not find acceptable to himself what other advocates of monetary freedom found acceptable and even preferable to his system, among themselves. To that extent he, too, was an intolerant zealot. To my knowledge he remained quite unaware of the one gold standard that is superior (The gold-weight clearing or accounting standard) to the one that he thought to be ideal (The 100 % gold cover and redemption standard), in spite of the fact that this alternative gold standard could be used in many more and quite sound exchange media than he had in his mind, without leading to their inflationary depreciation and while avoiding deflations. - Conclusions and policies, ideals, plans, programs, measures and projects, no matter how good they are believed to be, even by great thinkers like Murray N. Rothbard, should only be applied among convinced volunteers. – The volunteers of panarchies do no longer depend upon having to convince others before they can apply their conclusions and policies among themselves. - JZ, 3.3.08, 11.4.08. - (*) Clarence Philbrook, “’Realism’ in Policy Espousal”, AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, Dec. 1953, pp. 826-859.
POLICIES: But a phenomenon of our age has been that fatalistic sense of personal remoteness from the mechanisms of public policy. – W. F. Buckley, Up from Liberalism, p.107. – He died recently. I did not read the NATIONAL REVIEW, that was started by him, but read and appreciated most of his books. One does not have to agree fully with an author to appreciate much of what he had to say. – JZ, 3.3.08. - CENTRALIZATION, DECISION-MAKING, RESPONSIBILITY
POLICIES: But I believe that a critical dimension of the Third Way is that policies flow from values, not vice versa. With the right policies, market mechanisms are critical to meeting social objectives; entrepreneurial zeal can promote social justice.’ – Tony Blair, quoted in:FRANCIS WHEEN, How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World, A Short History of Modern Delusions, Harper Perennial, London, 2004, p.227. – Did he have the right values, policies and notions of social objectives, social justice and markets or was he just another muddle-head? How many genuine individual rights and liberties did he remain unaware of, just like most men on the street? – JZ, 19.2.12. – TERRITORIALISM INSTEAD OF EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VALUES, SOCIAL JUSTICE, TONY BLAIR, THIRD WAY, COMPULSION INSTEAD OF VOLUNTARISM
POLICIES: economic history is a long record of government policies that failed because they were designed with a bold disregard for the laws of economics.” - Ludwig von Mises. – And the same wrongs and mistakes are repeated over and over again and not systematically criticized by the mass media but, rather, uncritically adopted as if they were self-evident truths. – JZ, 8.3.09. – PREJUDICES, GOVERNMENT & ECONOMICS, HISTORY, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENT
POLICIES: In my own case, the more I learned about the realities of government, the more I realized that I had thought it complicated only because I was accustomed to thinking in rational and logical terms. But logic and rationality are incompatible with government policies, because government policies are based on a hopeless potpourri of contradictions, illogical premises and irrational actions.” - R. J. Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.23. … “But it’s the very facts Simon addresses – the maze of irrational government policies, the restrictions on freedom, the self-destructive regulation, the depressing economic realities – that frustrate me. The problem of Big Government is so big that one seriously doubts whether it can be reduced to comprehensible components in a single book, reduced sufficiently to make the causes and consequences crystal clear to everyone.” - R. J. Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.21. – On discs, even better than on websites, the “Big Book on Territorial Government & Rightful & Rational Alternatives to it” could and should be compiled, by many contributors, and then very cheaply reproduced, combined with a search engine and a comprehensive index. – JZ, 4.3.08. – PANARCHISM, ENLIGHTENMENT, LIBERTARIAN PROPAGANDA
POLICIES: Many bad policies are simply good policies taken too far.” - Thomas Sowell – All territorial policies go too far. And can you remember any or many good ones? I can’t. – JZ, 23.1.08. – TERRITORIALISM
POLICIES: Most obviously true economic policy propositions are false.” – Professor Yale Brozen’s law. (See “The Untruth of the Obvious”, THE FREEMAN, June 1968, p.328.) – Leonard E. Read. Then Truth Will Out, p.106. – TRUTH, BROZEN’S LAW
POLICIES: No country can survive for long if its political and economic policies are directed AGAINST the very men and women who produce the goods and services that everyone of us enjoys.” – An Introduction to the Workers Party, a 1975 leaflet. - WORKERS, CONSUMERS, PRODUCERS, EXCHANGERS, BUSINESSMEN, ENTREPRENEURS, CAPITALISTS
POLICIES: No matter how disastrously some policy has turned out, anyone who criticizes it can expect to hear: “But what would you replace it with?” – When you put out a fire, what do you replace it with?” – Thomas Sowell. – When you execute an attacker, attempting to take your life, in self-defence, then will you need a replacement for him? When you finally managed to get one of many wrongful taxes abolished – will you then need a replacement for it? – When you managed to turn an enemy into a friend. Will you then need another enemy as a replacement? – JZ, 1.11.07. –
POLICIES: No people ever yet grew rich by policies, but it is peace, industry and freedom that bring trade and wealth.” - Dudley North, A Discourse Upon Trade. – Even free trade policies were never fully realized. – Instead, we have numerous territorial and impoverishing “policies”. – JZ, 83.09. - POLITICS, GOVERNMENTS, WEALTH, PEACE, FREEDOM & INDUSTRY, “PROTECTIONISM”
POLICIES: No quarrel ought ever to be converted into a policy.” – David Lloyd George, quoted in George Seldes: The Great Quotation.
POLICIES: Policies, under territorialism, are almost always only wrongful, prejudicial and harmful fantasies of a few imposed upon the many. At best they are supported by poplar prejudices, but that still leaves them wrong for all their involuntary victims. – JZ, 3.9.95.
POLICIES: Public policies, even of the smartest politicians, must often be dumb to be popular with the dumb fellow politicians and with the masses of dumb voters. Only for voluntary and exterritorially autonomous communities can one “raise a standard to which the wise and honest may repair”, said George Washington. Alas, he, too, was not aware of that. Nor did he quite deserve his own reputation as a wise and honest man. – JZ, 18.11.94, 27.3.08. - POLITICIANS, PARTY POLITICS
POLICIES: State policy is the womb in which War is developed, in which its outlines lie hidden in a rudimentary state, like the quality of living creatures in their germs.” – Karl von Clausewitz, On War, p.180, chapter headed “The Revolution”. - Territorial State politics makes for war while panarchist tolerance for diverse and freely competing governance systems, societies and communities of volunteers, all exterritorially autonomous and with their own personal laws, makes for peace. – JZ, 1.12.85, 2.4.08, 22.12.13. – WAR, PEACE, PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM
POLICIES: Such policies not only deny citizens their right and obligation to be responsible for their own actions …” - Peter L. Swan, QUADRANT, 9/79. – All territorial policies do that, at least to some degrees, towards their peaceful and productive dissenters, for they do not allow them to opt out or secede. – JZ, 3.3.08. – INDIVIDUAL & MINORITY GROUP SECESSIONISM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY OR SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, VOLUNTARISM
POLICIES: support responsible and tight-fisted policies.” – George Hardy, The Doom of the Welfare Society, p.94. – I doubt that this can be done by territorial governments. Only communities of volunteers can come as close to their own policy ideals as is humanly possible. – JZ, 3.3.08. – The tight fists of territorial monopoly governments still tighten only around stolen monies, namely their tax tribute “revenues”. – JZ, 22.12.13. - GOVERNMENT SPENDING, BUDGET